HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 717-1945 - Amending Sec 23 Of Ordinance 564 - 07/12/1945O=t--JZ-l.9li-5 <IU>IIU.ltJB 10. ? 1? o-=~--2 u -1 ..9 rts- AN ORDIJO..tr;E AMENDING Sl\X:TION 23 OF <IIDIIWCE 564 AND OlHER AMENDMEN'I'S TJQ.ETO, ~NDI~ THE PARKING METER ZODS . TO CERTAIN STREETS, JiSTJ.BLISHI!Il PARKIBG JJTGLES AND TIME LIMIT THEREON AND REPEALING ALL CJIDINAI«:IS IN COP FLICT WITH THIS ORDI~E, INSOFAR .&S THE CONFLICts Jli'FmT THE P<JiTIOE OF THE STREETS HEREIN NAMED. WHEREAS, chaJ31ed trattic coaditiou require exteDSion ot tile Par kiD& Meter Zoae in the City ot Lubbock, to i.J:aclude parts ot certain streets, tocether with adjutlllent in the aetllod, aztele aDd time of parkiDg vehicles thereeza, and the Co•ission being ot the ophion aJXl tia:li.Dg tU.t the stated collditions · in Or• diDa.Dce 564 are applicable to, aDd that the pub+io iDterest requires tat, the provisions of said QrdinaD.ce S64 sb.oul4 be u.de applicable to t1lose parts ot the streets aDd avenues hereiD naaed and Section 23 et QrdiDance 564 aaemded tor s'leh purposes, TIJEREFcm:t:, BE IT CIU>AINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION C6 THE CITY CR .LUBBOOX, TEUSI Tlaat Secti•n 2.3 et OrdiDaace 564 is hereb7 aaellded. aad an additional Parld..Dg Meter Zoe is Jaereb7 created &lid established witllin the City ot Lubbock, as an ex• tension to the existiae zone so tbat said z$De shall hereatter bcluie, &Jill the provisiou ot said Ordi.Dance sJaall hereatter embrace aDd appq to the •· thod, JD&Jmer, &llile aDd time ot park1114r velt.icles on that portien ot certaia streets aDd avenues in the CitT ot Lubbock, as tollcnrs& SETION 1. 45 decree parkia,e tor a period ot tille not exceedb& 120 min· utee on. the lase side of Texas AYeaue from the alle,r betweea MaiD Street &ad lOth Street, Borth to loth Street, ~e West side ot Texas Aven .. from Maia Street to loth Street, The last s14e ot AveDDe H tr~• Broadwar to 13tk Street, Tae West side ot Texas Avenue trom a point 78 teet South ot the Soath line of l4ta Street, to 15\k St~eet. 81CTIO.N 2. ADd said ParkiDC Meter Zene is hereby further exteDded •• as te iDCl.Ude parallel parld12g tor a period ot tille aot exceediq 120 ainutes on the tollewiD& streets &Dd aveaues, ~~ T1ae East side ot Avenue J between 13th Street aDd l4tla Street, The East and West sides of Avenue L from Main Street to 13th Street, All ordinances in conflict wita Sections 1 and 2 ot this OrdiDance are hereb,r repealed provided DOthimc herein shall ever be construed as repealiQI ~ part ot Ordinance 564, aDd it is so ordered. Passed a.Dd approved by the Cit7 Co•issioD ot the City of Lubbock, Texas. First readin& this the .2:!, dq of July , 1945. ~used aDd approved secolld and tiDal readinc this ~ dq of July , 1945. / ~-:::!::""" -=-:: :: :: ~ Dlqor