HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 697-1943 - Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 603 - 12/13/1943.. 697 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO . 603 AND ORDINANCE NO. 668. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSI Ol-'" OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK , TEXAS : That Ordinance No . 603 and Ordinance No . 668, the same being or dinances providing for registration and tagging of all bicycles in the city of Lubbock , be and the same are hereby in all things repealed . PASSED and approved f.irst reading this 13th day of ~D~e~c -em=b~e~r~--------' A.D. 1943 . PASSED and approved this second reading t he 23rd day of Dec . , A.D., 1943. ____ _. __________ _ 1 ORDINANCE NO. 69'J AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE lfO. &OS 1\llt) .ORDINANCE NO. 6&8. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY Com.tiSSI ON OF 'l!BE CITY OF LUBBOCK• TEXAS: 1'hat 0rd1nenoe No. 603 and Ordinance No. 668, the same baing ora1nancea proY141ng tor registration and tagging of all bicycles in ·the city ot Lubbock, be and the same eire hereby in all things repealed. PASSED and approved tlrst reading this 13th day or De c embe r D l9A~ ----~~~------' A. • ~. PASSED and a~proved this second reading the 23rd day ot _ _.D...,e..,c ........... ____ , A.D., 1943. Mayor T qvcn '1 r.T illi anm / 1.--J. iht (ily of Lubbock * lubbod, ~£xa~ Octobsr 22, 1943 llr.ll. R.Smi th, City Jlanager 1 llr.Smith, we feel that we are not getting the cooperation f'rom the public we should on our bicycle registration. !he registration of bicycle• was eet up to cut down on the the:rt of wheels and we feel that it did help quite a bit for the f"irat two yeara, but seems at preaen t the registration is doing very little good as the theft of wheele is mrming pretty higb. We recaTer most of the bicycle• as they are ridden off some place and left and are later l'eported by some one or loeatl4 by officers. We feel that quite a number of the people have lost intereat in registration of Wheela and undoubtedly feel that it isnt necessary. From previous registration it aeems that the public are becomming lelt.S and less interested due to the fact that the Police Dept. has received only 2491 for this year to dat&. We know that the number of bicycles in Lubbock far exceeds this number. !here te same quiation as to whether or not it is ad'Vi sable to continue theregist.ration of bicycles.