HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 696-1943 - Creating A City Planning Commission - 10/14/1943\\. >.. ' \' I .. ---... Q l" --r lit ~~t~~ \0-\L-4--ISJ..f-3 \o-"Ze-\..94-3 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A OI'l'Y PLANNmG OO:Mli[[SSION, PROVIDIW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ITS MEMBERS AND PRESCRIBING THEIR Q.UALIFIOATIONS , TERM OF OFFICE .AND THEIR DUTIES o BB IT ORDAINED BY TBE CITY OOMUISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: SBCTION 1: There is hereby oreated a City Planning Oo~saion tor the City ot Lubbock, Texas, to be composed of nine members who shall aerYe without p8J, seven of whom shall be residents in, and real property tax pafers ot • the City o't Lubbock fllld shall have :resided in the City ot Lubbook not less than five years, the other two members shall b~ the City Manager and the City Engineer both ot who ~ shall be ex officio members, acting 1n an advisory oapac!ty and without the power to vote. SECTION 2: The seven appointive members or the City Plannins Commission shall be appointed by the City Oomm!ssion, two shall be appointed tor a term or two years, two for a term of three yearsp end three ror a term or four years 1 they shall serYe their respect1 n terms and until t heir respective successors shall have been appointed. At the expiration ot the terms as outlined above the appointment of members shall be made on the basis ot tour year term. It shall be the duty or the members ~ or the Oity Flanning Commission after their appointment to meet and organize. They shall elect a chairman, a rlce-ohairman, and a secretaryo It shall be the duty 9! the Chairman to call all meetings of said Commissi o~ and to preside at such meetings. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chairman to preside over me&tings and to call meetings as may be necessary in the a~enoe of the chairmano It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a record of all ot the City Planning Go~ssionis meetings and the business transacted at such meetings. The members shall adopt such rules and regu- lations as they may deem best aove:r•ning their actions, proceedings, timep and place ot ~eet1ng; however• suoh rbles and regulat1ons shell not be in oontrovent1on ot any of the laws of the State of Texas or ordinances ot the City of Lubbocko A majority of th$ voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of businetso SECTION 3: The Idembers of the 0lt7 Planning Commission shall be subjeot to remoYal t.rom ottioe by the City Commission ~r any cause deemed by the Citr Commission sutfic1ent tor their remo.al in the interest of public serTioeo An1 vacancy occurring apon said City Planning Co~ssion by death, resisnationl remoTal 9 or otherwise shall be tilled by the City Commission appoint D8 a sui~able person to fill suoh unexpired term. SICTION 4: It shall be the duty of the City Planning Commission to act as an advisory board to the Ott~ Commiss1on 1 or any other Commission, Boardj) or Department of the City Governm.ea' ot the City at Lubbock. It shall be their duty to make reoommendet ions to the C1 ty C onunissi on and other Commissions, Boards~ and Departments of the City of LubbookD relating to all nature of publ:la tm:rrovements, eiyic impra; omonts 1 city plannins11 opening, widening and changing of streets, routing of publlo util1ties 0 controlling an~ reg~a~ing of t~atfio upon the public streets bnd ways ot the City of Lubbook, and ~uch other ~tters r~l~ting to city improve- ments as the City Planning Commission and the Ctty Commission or theCity ot Lubbock may deem beneficial to said City. SBOTION 5: The City Planning Co~ssion is he~eby Yested with power to submit to the City Commission plans together with recommendations gover.atng public i~~vements tor the establishment and ·looation of · additional streets, allersa and b7-ways,-sohoO'ls, parks, playgroundso ~ecreat1on centers, publie !!.!!nlsements~ outdoor theaturs, swimming pools, the creation or new zones or the changing or present zones or any othe~ reaommendationa deemed by the City Planning Oomadssion to come 1mder the heading or ci vlo !.aprovement or ci tr planning. The City .C~asion may thereafter adopt the recommendations made by the OitT Planning Commission or any other plans or methods which may be de~a.tmost advlaable by the Oity Commission~ providtd, howe•ert that .. "& • any public improv~ts undertaken hereunder or otherwise. by the Oity Commission shall never be deemed invalid because the City Plannins Commission has not been consulted or has not furnished any advise or recommendations thereon or beoause the City Commission has failed to submit to the CitY Planning Co~lssion its plans thereon. SECTION 6: It shall be the further duty of th~ City Planning Corumi3sion to examine all proposed division ot lands (division of lands, ls h~reby defined as plan&, plats, replats• additions subdivisions, and re-· subdlv1s1ons, tor subdividing lands) located in ths oorporat$ 11ndts ·ot0 or within five miles ot the corporate limits ot 1 the City of Lub~ock~ to deter.mine if said division ot lands conforms to the general »lan ot salt\ City, its streets, al.leya , parks,. play~ounds• public utillt7 taoil1t1ea. sanitary taa111t1es, drainage taeilittes and any/and all other rac111t1es or the extension of any and/all of the above rao1l1t1es 0 which ha~e been or aay be laid out~ and to determine it such division · of land conforms to such general rules, regulations, o~dinano~ or lawe 0 I if anyt go•erning the d1v{a1on ot land ralling "ithin tho 3ur1ad1ct1on or the Ctty ot Lubbock• its C1tr Commiss1on 1 or the C1t7 Plann1ns Commission which rules, regulations, ard1nanc9s or laW3 are or have be~n adopted or promulgated to promote the health, eatetrt moralsp or general welfare of the oommun1ty 0 and/or the sate, orderly• and henl.th.f'ul development Of S~i1d OO.DlrAU.ilitJo The City Planning Commission is turthe~ authorized to set u~ standards to oover the preAentation ot guch division or land 9 and to establish prooodurG tor a c t i ng ~pon such presen-tations as it may deem advieablep provided sR1d standards and procedures shall not be 1noonsist.nt with the ordinances of the City ot-Lubbonk, the laws or the State of Texas and the constitution or the United States o SICTION 7·: T.b.e City Planning Commi ssion• in addition to the powers an~ author1ty herein granted, shall be anc is hereby vested with all of the ~owers an4 authority oop~orred upon City Planning Commissions by tbe laws of tte St&te of Texas and said Ci ty Ebnning Co~ss1on shallD in addition to the duties herein set forth• perform all ot the dut1$G provided by the laws ot the State or Texas for 01tr Planning Conuniaaions 11 AND IT IS SO ORDEREDo . PASSED Am) APPROVll!D 1"1ret reading thi:l the 14th dt;ty of October. A.D o , l 9 4 3 o PASSED AND APPROVED second reading this the 28th day ot Octobe r , A.D., l 9 4~o Attest: J4iyor -C.E, Slll ton fij{enj; Wtlliam!l -·