HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 687-1942 - Levying An Assessment Cost Of Improving Adams Ave. - 05/28/1942THE STATE OF TEXAS I LUB:OO CK COUNTY l ORDINANCE NO. 687 os:-29-1..94-2 0 (!)-0 =s-l .94-2 OLP-11-1.94-~ On this, the 28th day of May, 1942, the City Commissioners of the City of Lubbock, Texas, in the above mentioned county, convened in Regular Session in the Regu lar Meeting Pface in the City of Lubbock, the members thereof, to-wit! / ~) Mayor )/ Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner \ Commissioner Durwood H. Bradley Lavenia Williams C.E. Slaton W.B. Price W .G. McMillan Hub 1 J"ones Garland Newsom City Attorney City Secretary Absent: Commissioner Garland Newsom and Co!lll!lissioner W.G. McMillan, being present, and passed the follovring ordinance ORDI :iJANCE CLOSING HEARIN G AND LEVYI NG ASSESSJ1E ~--r'S FOR A PART OF THE COST OF I:MPROVING A PORTION OF AD.AI'!S AVENUE AND SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENUES .li..ND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLlECTION OF SUCH .ASSESSMENTS, AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE THEREOF. Commissioner Jones moved that the ordinance be placed on its first reading; seconded by Commissioner Price, and carried by the following vote: All members voting AYE. No: None. Carried: Ordinance placed on first reading. Commissioner J"ones moved 'that the ~ordinance pass first reading; seconded by Commissioner Price, and carried by the follmving vote: All members voting AYE. No: None. Carried: Ordinance passed first reading. ~ -J Q RECESSED REGULfl.R MEETING. Lubbock, Texas, June 5, 1942. On this the 5th day of June, 1942, the City Commission of the vity of Lubbock, Texas, in the above mentioned County, convened in Recessed Regular Session, Recessed from Regular Meeting of May 28, 1942, at the Regular Meeting Place in the City Hall, the following members thereof being present, to-wit: Mayor O.E. Slaton, Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner W.G.McMillan ~b Jones W.B.Price Garland Newsom City Attorney Durwood H. Bradley City Secretary Lavenia Williams Absent: Commissioner Hub Jones, and passed the following ordinance on Second Reading. ORDINANCE NO. 687 ORDIN.lliCE CLOSING HEARING A...'ID LEVYlNG ASSESSMENTS FOR A P.ART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING A PORTION OF ADAMS AVENUE .A...""'D SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVE:t-.TUES AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE mOLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS, AND FOR TEE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATJi':S IN EVIDENCE THEREOF. Commissioner Price moved that the ordinance be placed on its aecond reading; seconded by Commissioner McMillan, and carried by the following vote: All members present voting AYE. No: None. Carried: Ordinance placed on second reading. Commissioner Price moved that the ordinance pass second reading; seconded by Commissioner McMillan, and carried by the following vote: All members present voting AYE. No: None. Carried: Ordinance passed second reading. On this the 11th day of June, 1942, the City Commassion of the Uity of Lubbock, Texas, in the above mentioned county, convened in Regular session at the regular meeting :place in said city, the followinf1' members thereof being present, to-wit: Mayor C.E.Slaton Commissioner Hub Jones Commissioner W.G. McMillan Commissioner Garland Newsom Commissioner W.B. Price City A!torn.ey D:g.rwood H. Bradley City Secretary Lavenia Williams " Absent: Commissioner W.G. McMillan, and passed the following ordinance on third reading. ORDINA.~CE CLOSI~TG HEARIID AND LEVYING ASSESSHc,NTS FOR it PART OF Tiru COST OF IMPROVING A PORTION OF ADAMS AVENUE AND SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, .AND PROVID- ING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS A..TID FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE THERE OF. Commissioner Newsom moved that the ordinance be placed on its third reading; seconded by Commissioner Jones, and carried by the following vote: All members present voting AYE. No: None. Carried: Ordinance placed on third reading. Commissioner Newsom moved that the ordinance pass third reading, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and carried by the following vote: All members present voting AYE. No: None. Carried: Ordinance passed third and final reading. The Mayor then declared the Ordinance finally passed. The Ordinance follows: .. -.. -.. • ORDINANCE NO. ~ 81 ORDINA NCE CLOSING HEARING AND LEVYI NG ASSESSMENTS FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVIIG A PORTION OF ADAMS AVEN0E AND SUNDRY OTH ER STR ~ETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TBX ~S, AND PROVIDI NG FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS, AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, has heretofore ordered that the belo w mentioned portions of streets and alleys in said City be improved by raising, grading and filling, and by instal~g concrete curbs and gutters on Unite No. 410, 411,412, 413, 414, 415, 416 and paving with quadru~1e course asphalt surface treatment (Inverted Penetra tion T~pe) on a Six (6) Inch Compacted Caliche base, toge ther with necessary incidentals and appurtenances, all as provided in the spe cificati ons prepared by the City Engineer, now on file with said City; and arrangement for the making and construction of such improvements was entered into with .City of Lubbock, said streets, avenues and alleys being as follows; to-wit: Je,ferson Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 25th Street to ita intersect! n with the North Property Line of 26 th Street, known and designated as Unit or District 410. 26th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Adams Avenue to its intersection with the Bast Property Line of Jefferson Avenue, known and designated as Unit or District. No. 411. 26th Street from its intersectdon with the West Property Line of Jefferson Avenue to its intersection with the West Property Line of Monroe Avenue, known and designated as Unit or District No. 412. Adams Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of known and designated as Unit or District No. 413. Adams Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of known aad desi gnated as Unit or District No. 414. Adams Avenue from its. intersection with the Sou t h Property Stre et to its intersection with the North Property Line of known and designated as Unit or District. No. 41~. Adams Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Street to ita intersection with the North Property Li ne of known and designated as Unit or District No. 416. Line 27th Line 28th Line 29th Line ~Oth of 26th S treet, of 27th Street, of 28th Street, of 29th S t reet, WHEREAS, the City Engineer prepared rolls or statements for the improve- ments on each District or ijnlt, showing the amounts to be assessed against the various parcels of abu tting property, and the owners thereof, and show; ing other matters and things; and s a me were examined by the City Commission and approved, and a time and place was fixed for a hearing to the owners of aueh abutting property, and to all others ~in any wise interested, and due and proper notice was given, and such hearing was had and held at the time and place fixe d therefor, to-wit, on the 28th day of _Ma~y~~~­ A.D. 1942, at 1:30 P 1 M. o'clock in the Commissi on room in the City of Lubbock, Texas, and at such hearing all desiring to be heard were fully and fairly heard, and evidence was received and considered and all pro- tests and objections made were considered, a nd said hearing was in all respects held in the aanner provided and r e quired by the Charter and Law in force in this City and b y the proceedings of the City with reference to such matters, and the following protests were made concerning the improve- ments in the unite indicated, namely: And all objections and protests were fully considered and said hearing was continued from day to day and from time to time until this date, and the City Commission having fully and faily heard all parties making any protest and all parties desiring to be heard, and having fully con- sidered all matters presented for consideratloA, and having fully con- sidered ' all of the evidence, and all pertinent and proper matters, is of opinion that the following disposition should be made of such protests and objections, and that assesaments should be made as herein ordained: THEREFORE,. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS; THAT, ., I. All protests and objections, whether herein specifically mentioned or not. shall be and the same are hereby overruled and the said hearing with re~peet to each and all of said Units, is hereby closed: II. The City Co~ssion, from the evidence, finds that the assessments herein levied shall be made and levied against the respective parcels of pro- pe.rty abutting upon the said portions of streets and avenues and alleys., and against the owners of such property, and that such assessments are right and proper and established substantial justice and equality and uniformity between the respective owners and respective properties, and between all parties concerned, considering benefits received and burdens imposed, and further finds. that in each ease the abutting property ass- essed is specially benefitted in the enhanced value thereof by means of the improvement in the Unit upon which the particular property abuts, and for which assessment is levied, in a sum in excess of the assessment levied against same by this ordinance, and further finds that the appor- tionment of the cost of the improvements is in accordance with the pro- ceedings heretofore taken ·and had with reference to such improvements and is in all respects valid and regular. III. That there shall be and is hereby levied and assessed against the parcels of property herinbelow mentioned and against the real and true owners thereof, whether such owners be correctly named here- in or not, the sums of money below mentioned and itemized shown opposite the description of the respective parcels of property; the descriptions of such prop erty, and several amount& assessed against same, and the owners thereof, being as follows: .· • PAVING ASSESSMENT CITY OF LUBBOOK Unit 1411 A!entr-sixth Street Width .30Ft. From E.P.L. Adams .Avenue to the E.P.L. Jefferson Avenue Owner Lot Block .ldd •n No. PAVING Ft. Rate Cost South Side Robt. E. Maxe7 1 2 Green 300 11.60251 $480.75 Acres North Side Tom Jenkins l2 6 Jjelmar 50 1.60251 80.12 Mrs. B.B. illen 11 6 Del-.r 50 1.60251 80.12 VevaE.Furby 10 6 De~ 50 1.60251 80.12 Mrs. .E. C. Reid 9 6 Delmar 50 1!60251 80.1.3 ••· D. Green 8 6 -DelMr 50 1.60251 80.1.3 Wm. D. Green 7 6 Delllar 50 1.60251 80.13 Totals 600 1.60251 1961.51 Total Propert7 OWners Cost $1218.53 Cit7 1 s 10% 106,8J Total 1325 • .36 Jef'f!£10n 'venue Width .30 Ft. From S.P.L. 25th St. to the N.P.L. 26th St. West Side Lubbock Independ-All of eat School Diet. East Side lkrgaret T. Stain ton 6 William D. Green 7 Total• Total Proper~ Ownere Costs City's 10% Total 5 6 6 fl070.00 92.58 11162.58 Delmar 315 $1.33312 $419.9.3 Delmar 155 1 • .33312 206.6.3 Delmar 155 1..3.3312 206.64 625 $1 • .3.3.312 $83.3.20 Curbat40¢ Ft. Total Lin. Ft. Cost Cost 298.85 $119.55 $600.30 68.85 27.54 107.66 50 20.00 l00.1:C 50 20.00 100.1,; ;o 20.00 100.13 50 20.00 100.1.3 74.85 29.9.3 uo.~ ,..()42. 55 1257.02 1218.;; U'hit #410 296 $118.40 $5.38 • .33 15.3 61.20 267.8.3 14.3 57.20 26.3.84 592 $236.80 1070.00 PAVING ASSESSMENT CITY OF LOBBOOK Unit #413 Adams Avenue Width 36Ft. From S.P.L. 26th St. to the N.P.L. 27th St. O.Uer Lot Block Add 1 n No. PAVING Curb at 40¢ Ft. Total Ft. Rate Coat Lin. Ft. Cost Cost West Side Robt. E. Maxey 1 2 Green 140 $1.58466 $221.85 1.32 $52.80 $274.65 Acres \Green Acres Dev-6 2 Green 140 1.58466 221.85 114 45.60 267..45 elopment Co. Acres East Side S.P. Morrow 1 of Re·sub or 9 Simmons 72.5 1.58466 114.89 70.; 28.20 143.og J.Fe1ton DavieS 4 " • " 9 Simmons )0.0 1.58466 47.54 30.0 12.00 59.5~ S.P. Morrow ; . • • 9 Simmons )0.0 1.58466 47-54 )0.0 12.00 59.5~ S.P. Morrow 6 • • • 9 Simmons 32.5 1.58466 51.50 .32.; 13.00 64.5C S.P. Morrow 7 • It • 9 Simmons 25 1.;8466 .39.62 25. 10.00 49.6~ s.P. Morrow 8 • II • 9 Simm ons 25 1.58466 39.62 25 10.00 49.6~ s.P. t.brrow 9 .. • • 9 SiiDIIlons 25 1.58466 .39.62 25 10.00 49.6~ S.P. Morrow 10 • II • 9 Simmons 2.5 1 • .58466 .39.61 u.s; 16.74 56.35 · Totals 545 $86).64 525.85 $210 • .34 $1073. Total Property Owners Cost $107.3.98 City 1 s 10% 22!96 1 Total 1169.94 Twent~-six~h ~treat Width 40Ft. Unit #412 From W.P.L. Jefferson Avenue to the W.P.L. Monroe Avenue P J.. V I N G . Curb at 40¢ Ft. Total Owner Lot Block .ldd 'n No. Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Coat Ft. North Side Lubbock IndepeDd-ill or Delmar 805 11.61313 $1298.57 828.27 $331.31$1629.2 ent School Dist. South Side Robt. E. Maxey 1 1 Green 120 1.61313 193.56 100 40.00 233.~ Acres Lubtex Homes Inc. 2 1 Green 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24.00 120.? Acres Lubtex Homes Inc. 3 1 • 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24.00 120.'i Lubtex Homes Inc. 4 1 • 60 1.61.313 96.79 60 24.00 120.'i Lubtex Homes Inc. 5 1 • 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24.00 120.'i Lubtex Homes Inc. 6 1 • 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24·00 120.'i Lubte% Homes Inc. 7 1 • 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24-00 120.'i Lubtex B·)mes Inc. 8 1 " 60 1.6131.3 96.79 60 24.00 120. 'i Lubtex Homes Inc. 9 1 • 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24.00 120.? Lubtex Homes Inc. 10 1 • 60 1.6131.3 96.79 60 24.00 120.'; Lubtex Homes Inc. 11 1 • 60 1.61313 96.79 60 24.00 120.'; Lubtex Homes Inc. 12 1 • 70 1.61313 112.92 99.12 39.65 152.~ r Totals 1.5!5 . t2572.95 .;1627.39 $650~96 3223.g total Property O.Oers Cost $3223.91 Cost to City to Widen on School Side 700.91 City's 10~ 28~.88 Total t4210.70 PAVING ASSESSMEIT CITY OF LUBBOCK Unit 1416 Adams Avenut lidth .36 Ft. From S.P.L. 29th St. to the N.P.L. .30th St. Owner Lot Block Add 1n. No. P.AVING Curb at 40¢ Ft. Total Ft. Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Cos West Side Green Acres Dev~ l 7 Green 124.5 $1.4.3126 $178.19 98.5 $.39-40 $217. e1opaent Co. Acres Green Acres DevA 30 7 • 124.5 1.43126 -178.19 98.5 39.40 217. elopment Co. East Side s. P. Morrow 13 7 Simmons 117 1.43126 167.46 53 .54 221. s. P. flt)rrow 14 7 Siaraons 117 1.4.3126 167.46 1.33.85 5.3.54 221. Totals 48.3 1.4)126 $691.)0 464.7 $185.88 .87'7. Total Property Owners Cost $877.18 City's 10~ 76.81 Total 953.99 Ad!!§ Avenu! Width J6 Ft. Unit 1415 Froa S.P.L. 28th St. to the N.P.L. 29th St. lest Side Green Acres Dev• 1 5 Green elopment Co. Acres 124.5 $1.43126 $178.19 98.5 $39-40 $217. Green Acres Dev• 20 5 Green e1opment Co. Acres 124.5 1.43126 178.19 98.5 .39.40 217. Bas'· SJ:de •· '·· i .. S.P. Morrow 1.3 6 Simmons 117 1.43126 167.46 1.33.85 53.54 221. Walter Davies 14 6 Simmons 117 1.43126 167.46 1.33.85 5.3.54 221. Totals 483 $691.30 464.7 185.88 877. Total Property Owners Cost $877.18 City's 10% :Z6.81 Total 953.99 ~s Avenue Width 36 Ft. Unit /1414 From S.P.L. 27th St. to the N.P.L. 28th st. West Side Green Acres Dev-1 3 Green 123 •. 5 $1.44653 $1.78.64 97.5 $.39.00 $2l'fl" ~~me\t Co. en cres Dev• Acres elopment Co. 13 3 Green 12.3.5 1.44653 178.65 97.5 .39.00 217.1 Acres East Side S.P. Morrow 1.3 5 Simmons 116 1.4465.3 167.80 132.85 5.3.14 22o ... s S.P. Morrow 14 5 Simmons 116 1.446.5.3 167.80 132.85 5.3.14 220.~ Totals 479 1.4465.3 692.89 460.2 3 184.28 877 .l T.otal Property Owners Cost $877.17 City's 10% '1.6·22 Total $954.16 IV. That the assessments so levied are for the improvements in the particular Unit upon which the property described abuts, and the assessments for the improvements. in one Unit are in nowise related¥. to or connected with the improvements in any other unit, and in making assessments and in holding said hearing the amounts so assessed for improvements in ·one Unit have been in nowise affeeted by any fact in any wise connected with the improvements, or the assessments therefor, or any other unit. v. That the several sums above mentioned ass·essed against said parcels of property, and against tha real and t~ue owners thereof, and interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, together with reason- able attorney's fees and costs of collection, if incurred, are hereby declared to be and made a lien upon the respective parcels of property against which the same are assessed, and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners thereof, whether or not such owners be correctly named herein, and such liens shall be and constitute the first enforceable claim against the property assessed, and shall be a first and paramount lien, superior to all other liens and claims, except State,· county and munlci~&l taxes, and the sums so assessed shall be payable ~'as followsJ to-wit: In five equal in~tallments, the first payble on or before ten (10) days after the completion and acc.eptance by the said city of the improvements in the unit upon which the particular property abuts; the second installment due on or before one year from said date of completion and -acceptance , the third installment due on or before two years from said datec of completion and acceptance, the fourth install· ment due on or before three years from said date of completion and acceptance, th~ fifth installment due on or before four years from said date of completion and acceptance; and such assessments shall bear interest from the date of such completion and acceptance at the rate of 6% per annum, payable annually with each installment, so that upon completion and acceptance of the improvements in a partic u lar unit assessments against the property abutting upon such completed and accepted unit shall be and beoome due and payable in such installments, and with interest from the data of such completion and acceptance, provided that any owner shall have the right to pay off the entire assessment, or any installment thereof, before maturity, by pe))lllent of principal and accrued interest, and provided further that if default shall be made in the payment of any instalmment promptly as the same matures, then the entire amount of the assessment upon which such default is made shall, at the option of City of Lubbock. or its assigns, be and become immediately due and payable, and shall be collectible with reasonable attorney's. fees and cost~ of collection, if incurred. VL. The City of Lubbock shall not in any manner be liable for the payment of any sums hereby assessed against any property and the owners thereof, but said City of Lubbock shall look solely to said pr~perty, and the owners thereof, ~or payment of the sums assessed against the respective parcels of property; but said City shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enforcement and collection of said liens and assessments~ and if default shall be made in the payment of any ass~ss­ ment, collection thereof shall be enforced either by sale of the property by the Tax Collector and Assessor of the City of Lubbock as near as possible in the manner provided for the sale of property for the non-payment of ad valorum taxes, or, at the option of City of Lubbock, or its assigns, payment of said sums shall be emforced by suit in any court having jurisdiction. . . VII. ~ -. For the purpose of evidencing the several Bums assessed against the said parcels of propertv1 ~ t h e owners thereof, and the time and ~erms of payment, and to aid in the enforeement thereof, assignable eertificates shall be issued by the City of Lubbock upon the completion and acceptance of the work in each Unit of i mprovement as the work in such Unit is completed and accepted, which certificates shall be executed by the Mayor in the name of the City , atteated by the City Secretary with the corporate seal, and shall be payable to City of Lubbock or its ass.igns, and shall declare the said ...amounts and the 'time and terms of payments and rate of interest and date of completion and acceptance of the improvements for which the certificate is issued, and shall contain the name of the owner as accurately as possible, and the description of the property by lot and block number, or front feet thereof, or such other description as may otherwise identify the same, and if the said property shall be owned by an estate, then to so state the description thereof as so owned shall be sufficient, or if the name of th• owner be unknown, then to so state shill be sufficient, and no error or mistake in aascribing any property, or in giving the name of any owners, shall in any wise invalidate or impair the assessment levied hereby or the certificate issued in evidence thereof. The said certification shall further provide substantially that if default shall be made in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, then at the option of City of Lubbock or its assigns, the whole of the aaid assessment evidenced thereby shall at once become due and payable, and shall be collectible with reasonable a t torney's fees and costs of collection, if incurred, end said certificates shall set forth and evidence the personal liability of the ownera of such property and the lien upon such property, and shell provide in effect if default shall be made in the payment thereof the same may be enforced either by the sale of the property by the Tax Collector and Assessor of the City of Lubbock, as above recited, or by suit in any court having jurisdiction. The said certificates shall further recite in effect that all pro- ceedings with reference to making said improvements have been regularly had in compliance with the law in force and proceedings of the City of Lubbock, and that all prerequisites to the fixing of the lien and claim of personal liability evidenced by such certificates have been rejularly done and performed, which recitals shall be evidence of the matters and facts so recited, and no further proof thereof shall be required in any court. And the said certificates may have coupons atiA1ched therto in evidence of each of any of the several installments thereof, or they Jlay have coupons for each of the first four installments, leaving the main certi- ficate for the fifth. Said e.ertificates may further provhle substantially that the amou n ts payable thereunder may be paid to the collector of taxes of the City who shall issue his receipt therefor, which reeeipt shall be evidenc: of s.uch p~yment upon any demand of the same, either by ~1rtue or the said certif1cate or any contract to pay the same entered into by the property · owners, and the Collector of Taxes will deposit all su~s so received by him forthwith with the City Treasurer, and upon the payment of any installment with interest upon the surrender of the coupon therefor, receipt ed in full by said Contractor, or other holder of said certificate the City Treasurer shall pay the amount so collected and due thereon t~ said Contractor, or other holder, which coupons so receipted shall be the Treasurer's warrant for payment. And the said certificates shall further provide in effect that the City of Lubbock shall exercise all of its lawful powers, when requested so to do by the holder of said certificates, to aid in the enforcement and collection thereof, and said certificates may contain other and further reel tala pertinent and appropriate tberet'"o., .. It shall not be necessary that said certificates shall be in the exac t form as above set forth, but the substance and effect ·thereof shall suffice. VIII. The assessments levied by this ordinance for the improvements in each Unit are altogether separate and distinct from a s sessments in each and every other unit. The assessments for improvements in one unit are in nowise affected by the improvements in or the assessments levied for the improvements in any other unit, and in making and levying assessments the cost of the improvements in eaeh Unit, the benefits by means of·the improvements, and all other matters and things with reference to the improvements in each Unit, have been considered and determined altogether without reference to any such matters in any other unit, and the ommssion of the improvements in any unit shall in nowise affect or impair the validity of assessments for the improvements in any other unit. The omission of improvements in any particular unit in front of any property exempt from the llen of such assessments shall in nowise af~ect ovimpair the validity of assessments against other property in that unit. IX. No mistake, error, invalidity, ~ inregularity in the name of any property owner, or the descriptf.on of any property, or the amount of any assessment. or in any other matter or thing, shall in any wise invalidate or impair any assessment levied hereby or any certificate issued, and any such mistake, error, invalidity, or irregularity, whether in such assessment ~ in the certificate issued in evidence thereof, may be a:orrec:t•d at any time~ the City. x. All as~essmenta levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the premises described, notwithstanding such owners may not be named, or may be incor rectly named. PASSED AND AP PROVED THIS THE 28th day of -----""M=a.._y __ ~,A.D. 1942 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ~5~t=h~ __ day of ----~Jun==e _____ ,A.D.l942 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 11th day of J une ,A.D. 1942 Attest: ~~M..~ City Secretry