HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 663-1941 - Approving Cooperation Agreement Between Lubbock And Housing Authority - 03/04/1941\ '\
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The following ordinance
who moved its adoptjon :
·.vas introduced by Mro Jones
ORDiiwi.HCE NO~ 663
03-014--J.94 t
03-\ 3-\...9 4-,
~.'l.HEP..EAS, the Housing Authority of the City ot Lubbock~
Texas, proposes to develop and administer a low-rent housing
.t.Jroject or low-rent housing pt'ojects consisting of approximately
one hundred trirty (130) dwelling units; and
·,liill:1EAS 1 tl1ere exists in the City of Lubbock~ Texas·.~
unsafe and insan1 tary dwelling accoill!'1oda tions of a number gres.tly
in excess ot' said one hundred thirty ( 130) dv"elling units which
are occupied by families of low income and which constitute a
menace to the health~ safety, morals ani welfare of the inhabitants
of the City; and
'r:EREAS, there are now families of low income in the City of
LuQbo c kp Texas, of a number greatly in excess of one hundred thirty
(130 ) who are forced to inhabit such unsafe and insanitary dwelling
aocol:!m>dations, because priva·te enterprise has not been able to make
available to such families, safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations
at rentals which such low income families can afford to pay;
NO If , T.'J: REFORE, BE I':' ORDAD"ED BY T"':!: Ccniill iss i oner s of the
CITY OF LU mom~~)) TEX:\S:
Section lo Th3t the City of Lubbock, TexasJ shall ente~ into a
Cooperation Agreement w.ith the Housing Aut.!lori t.y of the Clty of
Lubbock~ ·Texas, in substantially· tbe following form:
CUUJ.J.C::t.~ TIO AG REEJ\JE~""r ---
(1) The Housing Authority of the City of Lubbock, Texas, (hereinafter
called the "Authority"') agrees to undertake, develop and administer
a low-rent housing Pro:,ect or low-rent housing Projects in the City of
Lubbock~ Texas, (hereinafter called, the "Cj ty") and to endeavor
to secure a contract or contracts with the United States Housing
Authority for Federal ar~ual contributions to assist in the adminis-
tration of such Project or lrojectso
(2) In consideration therefor the City agrees that, as a part of
such Project or ProjectB, it will eliminate by demolitionp condemnation
effective closing, or by compulsory repair or improvement, a number of
unsafe or insanitary dwellin units within its ju.risdictional limitsil
at least equal in number to the number of new dwelling units to be
provided in said Project or .t-rojects to be undertaken by the Authority
less the number, if any, of unsafe or insanitary dwelling units which
will be eliminated on the site or sites of the Project or ~rojects by
the Authority during the development thereof, but in no event to
exceed three hundred {300) unsafe or insanitary dwelling units; and
the City further agrees that, with :respe ot to each Project , a number
of such·unsate and unsanitary dwelling units equal to at least the
number of new dwelling units constructed in such Project will be so
eliminated within one year after the date when such Project is sub-
stantially ready in its entirety for occupancyo The City agrees to
eliminate such unsafe or insanitary dwe~ling units in one or the other
of the following ways, or partly in one of these ways and partly in
( c )
By demolishing dwelling ~nits which are on land acquired
by the City by purchase or otherwise, including demolition
of such dwelling units on land purchased for any public
uses; or
By causing the compulsory demolition, effective closing,
repair or improvement of such unsafe and insanitary dwelling
units; or
~' inducing private owners voluntarily to damolish or
effectively close such dwelling unltsc.
In computing the number of unsafe or insanitary dwelling
units eliminated under the terms of this hgreement~ there shall be
included all unsafe or insanitary dwelline., units eliminated under
this Agreement from the date hereof; provided, however~ that all
unsafe or insanitary dwelling units eliminated by the vi ty prbr
to the date of this Agreement and subse~uent to December 28v 1939~
will be counted as elimination under this Agreenent if it is
satisfactorily established that such eliminatio~ was undertaken
in anticipation of the execution of this Agreement or in anticipation
of the development of the Project or Projectso For the purpose of
this At;.reer ent. a dwelling unir. shall be considered unsafe or insanitary
whenever by reason of dila0idation, faulty arrangement or design, lack
of ventilation) light or sanitation facilities, or any combination of
these factors, it is detrimental to safety, health or morals~
{3} The City further agre~s that during the period commencing
with the date of the acquisition of any part of the site or sites
of each f,roject and continuing throughout the useful life of such
Projectp it will not levyp impose or charge any taxes, special
assessments~ service fees p changes or tolls agalnst the Project
or against the Authority for or with respect to the Project and
that it will furnish, without cost or charge to the Authority and
the tenants of each Project, the usual municipal services and facilities
which are or may be furnished without cost or charge to other dwellings
and inhabitants in the City, including but not limited to: fire, police
and health prot-7ction and services, street ma.i ntenance and repair,
garbage, trash and ash collection and disposal» street li~hting on
p1Jblic streets w:tthin.a.ny Project and on the .boundaries thereof, and sewer
servioes~ The term -useful life of suoh Project• as used in this
paragraph, shall mean the period or physical usefulness of the
particular Project for the purpose of providing dwelling acoammodat1ons 9 but in no event less than the number of years during which any of the
bonds issued to aid in financing the development of such Project
or any bonds issued to refund such bonds shall remain outstandingo
(4) '.L'he City further agrees to waive any building l1l1 l ns ction
fees to which the Authority or its Projects might otherwise be or
become. subjecto
(5) The City further agrees to cooperate with the Authority by
planning or replanning, zoning or rezoning to an appropriate site and
neighborhood classification any area in the City within which the
Project shall be located, by vacating without charge to the Authority
any streets, ro ads, roadways, alleys, sidewalks, or other places
{which the Authority finds are necessary in the development ot the
Project) in the area of the Projeot or adjacent thereto, by accepting
for municipal purposes land which may be owned or acquired by the
Authority and which the Authority determines to use for streets and
alleys within the boundaries of the Project for the purpose ot
providing ingress thereto and egress therefrom, and by such other
lawful action or ways as the City and the Authority may find necessary
in connection with the development and construction of the Project
or Projectso
(6) The City and the Authority agree that this contract shall
not be abrogated, changed or modified so long as any bonds issued to
aid in financing the development of any Project or Projects to which
this contract relates or any bonds issued to retund suoh bonds
shall remain outstanding and unpaid and so lenses the title to said
Project or Projects (except for the lien or title conveyed to secure
any bonds or other evidences of indebtedness issued to aid in the
financing of the Project or Projects or to secure any bonds or
other evidences of indebtedness} is held by the Authority or some
other public body or governmental agency authorized by law to engage
in the development or administration or low-rent housing projects;
Provided that this A reement may be abrogated by the City if an
Annual Contribution ~ontract is not made with the United States
Housing Authority with respect to one or more Projects within twelve
months from the date hereofo
and the Housing Authority of the City--of~--~~~~------~
have respectively caused this ~reement to be duly executed in triplicate
as of the __ day of _ __, 194_.
City Secretary:-------
CITY OF ----·----
ey --------~~-----Chairman
,;.) -v-
Section 2.. I'hat the l~:s.yor of tl1e City of Lubbock, Texas~
is hereby authorized and directed to execute in triplicate a cont~act
i '1 substantia12.:· the form set forth in. Jection l hereof on behalf of
the City 9f Lubbock, Texas, md the City Secretary _ of
'tl.e Ci. ty of Lubbock, ':'ex:as J is hereby authorized and directed to
hupres~ thereon the corporate seal of the City of l-ubbock and to
attest the same.
clection 3. T~1is Ordinance shall be in full 'force and effact
from and after its p~-J.ssage ..
The motion to adopt said Ord:i.nance 'Nas seconded by J~r. ;:c11~illJ3.n,
a·1d upon roll call the followlng voted Aye: ComrJiss5.o'1ers Jones:;
l1ci1:i.llan and l·ewsom .. and the followinr~ vr•ted NAY: :""oneo
. Tnereu.;on the 1.:a3'or declared said Ordinance duly adopted a.1d
pa f J O:H~ ::L,
Passed and apprcved l)y the-: Cit.,' Commission this the 4th day of l~7archf.
1941, .:'irst reani 1-';o
Passed and ap~r( yed ")'j" ·~·1e Ci .. 1 Col'l!'':i::-sicn t~ic:; the l3'th dH. • of Karc'll,
1941~ second re di ,.
C E Slaton
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