HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 630-1939 - Issuance Of City Of Lubbock Light Plant Revenue Warrants - 10/24/1939ORDII~A.NCE NO . {p J 0 ID-24-1~.3~- AUI'HORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF LUBBOCK LIGHT PLANT REVENUE 1vARR.t\NTS IN THE Ali!OUNT OF $1? 5, 000.00, _j BE..A.RING 3% INTEREST, PLEDGJNG THE R~VENUES OF SAID ELECTRIC LIGHT AND PO';VER SYSTEM TO THE PAYLENT OF 'IRE P:.TI\fCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SAl D ··NARRM~ , _'JfD DECIARTI;G AN EiviERGENCY. • "dHEREAS, heretofore on June 6, 1939, the City Oormission of the City of Lubbock adopted a resolution authorizing the publication of notice to bidders for the purchase of a certain engine and equipment to be used in connection with the ounicipal electric light and power plo.nt of s~id Cit,y which resolution and the ninutes pertaining thereto are duly recorded in the minutes of the Citlf Conmission in Book 5, at pa~ 609; and ~N.HEREAS, pursuant to said resolution said notice to bidders was duly published in accordance with law; and 'IJHEREAS, pursuant to said notice the City Conmission did on June 2?, 1939, receive bids for said engine and equipment, the bidders being: and Nordberg Manufacturtng Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Busch-Sulzer Brothers Diesel Engine Company, St. Louis, Mo. General Hachinery Corp orat·ion, H81!1il ton, Ohio; \'THERE.AS, after receiving said bids and after hearing a discussion of said bids by the representatives of se.id bidders the CommissiiDli'l did accept the bid of the Nordberg l•Llanufacturing Company of Hilwaukee, Wisconsin for said engine and equipment and at said meeting did authorize the Mayor to make a contract with said Company pursuant to said bid, all of which is reflected in the Minutes of the Ci~ Commission on page 613, Minute Book 5; and WBERE.4..S, pursuant to tbe authority conferred in said meeting the Mayor executed a contract with said Company in words and figures as follows: Proposal No. MIL-39-34 Milwaukee, •/isconsin, U.S.A., June twenty,1~9. CITY OF LUBBOCK (Hereinafter called the Purchaser) LUBB-OCK, TEX.W Nordberg W~ufacturing Co. (hereinafter called the Company} proposes to furnish the Purchaser, f .o. b. Cars, Milwaukee, 'His., within ---Four (4) Months --- - -from date of approval of this contract, at the Company's office at Milwaukee, ·,/is., and receipt of all information necessary for the work to proce~d without interruption, unless delayed~ strikes, fires, accidents, or manufacturing contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the Company, the hereinafter described machinery, such machinery to be in strict conformity with tfl.e specifice. tions of the Coi!lpany (attached to this proposal and forming ·pe.rt hereof), to-wit: ... J ONE (1} Nordberg ~pe TSG 2ia, 3200 B.H.P., 225 R.P.M. Crosshead Piston Constructed, lfuchanical Injection Convertible Gas Diesel Engine arranged for direct connection to One (1) 2250.K.U., .8 power factor, 3 phase, eO cycle, 2400 volt, 50° c., alternating current flywheel type generator, equipped with motor-operated rheostat and temperature indicating equipment. One (1) -30 K.1.v., 1150 R.P.I111., shunt wound, multi-V-belt driven exciter. The Company will furnish any standard make of generator and exciter which rray be selected by the Purchaser subject to the Company's approval with respect to design, capacity, and effioien·oy. Accessory equipment, spare parts, and auxilia~r equipment will be furnished as listed on Pages?, 8, 9, and 9a. If the Purchaser will fm-nish gas at 40 to eO lbs. pres·sure, {50 lbs. being preferable), to and, will operate this engine as a mechanical in·jection engine wmn operating on fll:el oil, a deduction of ~5,800.00 will be made, making a term p:rice of ~1?9 ,eOO.OO and a :c:ash price of $1?5,018.00. It is understood and agreed that the .City's Sp ... cifications are incorporated in this proposal as though copied in full herein, and it is the intent of this proposal that the City•s Specifications be construed to be an integral part of this proposal •• The Company shall furnish, without additional cost to the Purchaser, the services of a ca:npe tent erecting engineer to supervise the erection and starting of the machinery, and to instruct the Purchaser's operating personnel for a period of seven calendar days after m~chiner,r is erected and ready for commercial operation. The Purchaser shall pay ::n5. 00 per eight-hour vmrking Clay and regular overtime rates of the Conpany, plus all living and miscellaneous expenses, for e~ecting eneineer services in excess of the t=~bove stated period, unless other- wise specified herein. The Purchaser shall notify the Company "Jhen ready for actual erection to begin. Erection shall be continuous and without delay, and if erecting engineer is delayed b: any cause for ''Vhich the Company is not responsible, the Purchaser shall pay the Companj' for his services in the sum of ~15.00 per eight-hour working day, plus all livinc anc miscellaneous expenses for the period of such delay. If any delay is such that work must be suspended and ·re sur11ed l a ter, the Purchaser shall pay the Company for all additional time, railroad fares, and expenses of Company's erecting engineer in leaving and returning to Purchaser's plant . Adequate unskilledJabor for unloading, moving, and erection of machinery, under the supervision of erecting e~ineer, also pipe fitters J. electricians, welders, or such other skilled labor as l'lay, in the ~Jompany' s judgment, be required, shall be furnished by the Purchaser at Purchaser's expense. The Purchaser shall furnish ~~e necessary tackle and other facilities for moving and lifting of the heavy parts, and necessary bracing or reinforcing of floors, ani such other approved appliances and material necessary for the prompt erection of the machinery. The Purchaser shall unload the equipment fran cars and trs.nsport it to the foundations. The Purchaser shall properly place principal parts on the foundations and place other parts nearby. All openings in buildings for passage of machinery and apparatus necessary for the erection and OJ?eration of said equipment shall be provided b~r the Purchaser at h~s expense, and any such openings as are of a tempo~ary character shall be closed at the expense of the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall e..r range for all necessa ry r i~ht-of-ways, and shall procure such permits as may be re q uired for the transportation from cars and installation of machinery and appurtenances. · J The Purchaser shall furnish all fuel, lubricating oil, water, electric current, etc., required for the operation of the machinery and equipment after erection and during the preliminary operation thereof, together with regular operating personnel under the super- vision of the Company's erecting engineer. The Purchaser agrees to pay all local taxes assessed upon the machinery and shall provide and maintain adequate liability and Indemnity Insurance covering all men in their employ, 'vho may be assisting in the erection of this machinery. ~he ~urchaser shall provide and maintain adequate fire, vw.ter, and tornado insurance for the machinery herein described against loss or damage from the time the same is delivered to the Purchaser, in an amount at least equal to the unpaid purchase price thereof. The policies for such insurance shall be made payable to the Company as its interests may appear. Any insurance received by the Company under such policies shall be applied by it in reduction of the purchase price. Failure to provide insurance shall not relieve the Purchaser from his obligation under this agreement. A suitable place shall be provided by the Purchaser where the machinery, tools, and equipment can be locked up for protection ~gainst theft, and the elements, and, if de:emed necessary by the Company s erecting engineer, a watchman shall be provi dad by the .t'urchaser at the Purchaser's expense. Tbe Purchaser shall furnish suitatile building, or buildings, for permanently housing the equipment, and shall give the Company's erecting force free access to same. The Purchaser shall furnish all foundations according to the C0 mpany's plans, and such sub-foundations (for which the Company neither furnishes plans nor assumes responsibliity) as the conditions require •. When transportation is included in this contract, it is based on the lowest prevailing ra.tes and transportation facilities at the time the contract is executed. In the event of any changes in rates or transportation facilities at the time of shipment, the contract price shall be modified accordingly. It is understood and agreed that the Company retains, and it is hereby recognized by the Purchaser, a mechanic's builder's, and naterialman 's lien on said machinery and all parts thereof, until the purchase price as hereinafter recited shall be fully paid according to its terms, tenure and effect, and an express lien upon, and the superior title to, said machinery is and shall be retained and held by the Company and is hereby recognized by the Purchaser until said purchase price shall be fully p~id. It is understood th~t the said machinery is for erection and use in wha. t is known as City ot Lubbock Electric Light and Power C0 mpany Situated on Block?, Avenue ttJ", and Fifth Street, Original 'l'o1..vn of Lubbock, Texas. The Company shall, under no circurostances., be liable for any consequential or contingent damages or far any delay caused b~r fire, strike, civil or military authority, or by insurrection or riot, nor shall the Company be liable for any cause beyond its control. The Company guarantees, for a period of one year after date of shipment, any and all machinery, equipnent, auxiliaries, accessories, and attachments, if listed in the following specifications, and if manufactured by the Company, to be free from defects in naterial and vKJrkmanship. 'Ihe Com pany agrees that in case any such machinery, ·equipment, auxiliaries, accessories, and atta chments, or any part thereof, be returned to the Company, at its option, v1ith transportation charges prepaid, within twelve months from date of shipment, and pro- vided the Company has been notified in writing of the alleged defect within ten days after its discovery by Purc~ser, and if the Company's examination shall disclose to its satisfaction that said machinery, J .. equipment, or any part there of has been defective in the ·worlcrc.anshis> or maternal:, the Company will deliver to Purchaser without charge, F.O.B. Company's Works, parts of first-class worlcrnanship and material in exchange for any such parts so found to be defective, and the obligation of the Company under. this guarantee is limited to such exchange without cbe.rge. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied relating to defective me-.terials a n d vvorlanahship, and of all other obligations or liabilities of the Company in connection there,•Jith. Any and all machinery, equipment, auxiliaries, accessories, and attachments, if listed in the following specificati o ns, but which are not manufa ctured by the Company, are sold only under the p~rticular man u facturer's regular warranty, copy of '-Nh i ch wi 11 be supplied upon request. 'l'he Company assumes no responsibility for any equipment, auxiliaries, access- ories, and attachments specified by the Purchaser which are n o t manu- factured by the Company. This guarantee does not apply to any nachi nery or equipment or part thereof which shall h a ve been repnired or .J.ltered by others tban tbe Company, in any v'fay so as, in the Compan~,.'s judgnent, to affect the same, nor which has been subject to negligence, accident, or other than normal use and service. 'l'he Company reserves the right to make any change in the design of any or all machinery or equipment without obligation to make such changes in mach inery or equip111ent previ- ously sold. The Company will, at its own eXl)ense, defend a ny suits that :may be instituted by any one against the Purchaser fo.r alleged infringenent of any patent relating to the oa chinery manufactured by the Company under this proposal, provided such alleged infringement shall consist o~ the use of said machinery, or parts thereof, in t he Purchaser's · business for any of the purposes for which the sai!le was sold, and provided the Purchaser '3hall have made all pa yments then due u p on this contract, and shall give to the Company inrJed.iate n o tice in v.1rit ing of the institution of anJr such suit, e.nd transr;1i t to the Co.o pany, imnedi.:ltely upon receipt, all processes and papers served upon the Purchaser, and permit the Company, through its Cmnsel, either in the name of the Purchaser or in the name of the C0 mpany, to defend the same an~ give all needed information, ass~ance, and authority to enable the Company to do so; and in case of a final e.1.vard of damages in such suit, the Company will pay such award but it will not be responsible for any compromise made vli thout i t.s l.'.JTi tten consent, or shall it be bound to defend any suit or to pay any damages when the same shall arise by reason of the use of parts not furnished by the Company under this proposal. In case of any delay in the shipment, erection, or starting of the machinery herein sp ecified, or any part of the same, caused directly or indirectly b~· the act of the Purchas e r, and not through any fault of the Company, such delays ·shall not in anywise affect or postpone the payments herein agreed to' be made b~r the lurchaser, or any of them, and in case of any delay in shipment, the machinery and the various parts thereof, shall be held at Purchaser's risk, and the Purchaser shall pay for storage of the same at the rate of ten cents per square foot per month. If the Purchaser defaults in any payment when due, then all payl!l.ents of the purchase price and all notes or renewals thereof will immediately become due qnd payable on demand and any attorney fees incurred shall be borne by the Purchaser. The foregoing proposal is subject to the approval of an executive officer of t..'i.e Company at the home office at liUlwaukee, ~lisconsin, and is not binding upon the Company until so approved, nor in any event unless accepted by the Purchaser within ---'.l.hirty Days-- fran date of its submission, after which it is subject to change or withdrawal without notice. 'I'his proposal as it exists at the date of approval by the Company shall after such approval become and shall be deemed at law to be an agreement betv1een the Company and the Purchaser, and all previous communications between then, either verbal or written, shall tbereupon be, am be deemed to be, abrog:1.ted and withdrawn, and this proposal when duly signed, accepted and approved shall thereupon constitute and become in all respects the sole agreement between the parties hereto e.nd no modification thereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto' or eitber of them, unless such modification shall be in -----~ .. writing , duly executed by the Purchaser and approved ~r an executive officer of the Company. PRICE: f.o.b. Lubbock, Texas, ONE ffiJNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND AHD N0/100 Dollars (~175,000.00) All payments shall be nade for each unit of machinery separately in New York, Chicago, or ltlilwaukee Exchange, free of expense to the Company for collection charges as follows: Fifty Thousand Dollars (~50,000.00) cash when engine is ready for shipment from the factory. Balance u~on completion of erection and acceptance, but not to exceed sixty (60) days after shipment of equipment fron the factory. Any Manufacturer~' or Sales Tax of an~r natum-e whatsoever, appli- cable to this contract must be added to the prices and terms herein contained. NORDBERG 17tililJFACTURirG COMPANY By Chas. B. Trimble This Proposal is hereb~T accepted and agreed to this 27th day of June, 1939. CITY OF LUBBOCK By ----~C __ E_S~l~a ~t~o~n~~--Y.ayo r-- Attest: Lavenia Williams ~ity Secretary . 'l'b.is proposal approved at Lilwaukee , Wisconsin, this 5th day of JulJ', 1939. -NORDBERG MANUF ... \CTORDi G CO. E C Bayerlein V1ce-EreSident:----~- WHEREAS, said contract was executed and delivered in suCh manner that the holder of the obligations isseed thereunder ahall never have the right to demand their pa)'lllent out of funds raised o.r to be raised b7 taxation; · and, WHEREAS~ said NOrdberi Manufacturing Company has complied with that part of tbe contract wherein it agreed to build said engine described in said contract and the same is now ready tor shipment and under the terms of said contract the said Nordberg Manufacturing Company is entitled to receive paJment at this time of the sum of tso,ooo.oo as made and provided in said contract. WHEREAS, said engine has been built and is now ready to be shipped to the City of Lubbock; and, THAT on october , 1939, at a meeting of the City Commission of the City or Lubbock, the engine and equipnent having been built as provided in said Contract, and is now read7 for shipnent, the Mayor of the City or Lubbock was at that ttme authorized to execute Revenue Warrants in pa~ent ot same as more f'ully provided in said Contractt all ot which is shown and reflected in the Minutes of said meeting au1y reflected in Book 6, Page ot the City Commission; and The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay Nordberj Manufacturing Company the sum of $50,000.00 and the balance due Nordberg Manufacturing Company~ under the terms of said Contract, to be paid when the engine has been tully completed, installed and accepted by the City of Lubbock, but the time for the payment of said balance to be paid not to exceed sixty ( 60) days after shipnent of the equipment from th~ ttactory. THRREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: 1. That the Revenue Warrants of said City to be called "City ot Lubbock Ligbt P~ant Revenue Warrants~ Series 1939" be issued under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the charter of said City in the amount ot One Hundred Sevent7 Five Thousand Dollars (fl,s,ooo.oo), said Revenue Warrants shall be numbered trom One (l) to One Hundred Seventr Five (175), both inclusive, of the denomination of One Thousand (tlOOO.OO) Dollars eaCh. . 2. They shall be dated November 1, 1939, a.nd shall become due and payable serially, as follows: 1 5 9 13 17 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 to 4, to 8, to 12, to 16, to 20, to 25, to 30 I to 35, to 40, to 45, to 50, to 55' to 60, to 65, to 70, to 75, to 80, to 85, to 90, to 95, to 100, to 105 1 to 110, to 115, to 120' to 125, to 130, to 135, to 140, to 145, to 150, to 155, to 160, to 165, to 1?0, to 175, both Incl. If ~t " , It II n If " tt " II " " " II tl 11 " " ' If " II II tl II tf If If It 11 II II " " " " " II " " " II " II " " ,, II ,, II " " " n It ·II " " II " II II II II " " " " 1:..\TURITY D_'...TES Dec. 1, Jan. 1, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apri 1 1, ~:ay, 1, June 1, July 1, Aug. 1, Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, Jan. 1 1 Feb. 1, r:Iar. 1, .\pril 1, ~.fay 1, June 1, Ju_ly 1, Aug. 1, Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, De c. 1, Jan. h Feb. 1, Larch 1, April 1, May 1, June, 1, July 1, Aug ,. 1, Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, 1939 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1-940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1941 1941 1941- 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1-94·1 1941 1941. 194<1- 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1?42 1~42 19 __ 42 1~~ P..MOUNTS J4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4, ooo. 00 15,000.00 5, ooo. 00 5,000.00 ·5, ooo.oo 5, 000.00 .... 5,000.0Q 5, 000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~5• OOO.OQ f:5 ,'000. O<t' "~, ooo.oo 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5, ooo.oo_ 5,000.00 5,000.00 a,ooo.o~. \.J?, ooo.ow 5 ,000.0.Q_ 5,000 .00 ·§,000.00 li' 000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 !?, oo,o. 00 That the City Commission officially determines that the maturities set forth as nearly a uniform burden throughout the term of said issue as the financial condition of the City ·will permit. 3. Tb.at said revenue warrants shall bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum, the interest on each revenue warrant being payable on the date fixed for the maturity of s·:l id v~arrant. 4. T.ha t the City reserves the right to redeen any one of or r:J.o r e of said warrants 9.t any time prior to mat urit~r "Jithout notice by paying the principal and accrued interest calculated to said date of p3.yment. 5 . Th"~t each of said revenue warrants shall contain this clause: "The holder b.ereof shall never h eve the rig:.."'lt to demand pa.ynent of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation ." 6 . 'Iha t each of said warrants shall be signed by the :fi.ayor and shall be countersigned by the City Secretary and the corporate seal of the City of Lubbock shall be impressed on each of them . 7 . 1hat the interest to be paid on each of said warrants shall be evidenced by a stipulation contained in the face of the ins~unent itself and shall not be evidenced by attached coupons . 8 . 'Ihe form of said revenue warrants shall be substantially as follows : .. "ANID I".r IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this warrant and the series of which it is a ~.rt have been properly done, have happened and have been performed in the regular and due time forn and Manner as required by the Constitution and Laws of the ~tate of Texas, and the Uharter of said Uity, and that this series of revenue warrants does not exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter limitations ud that provision has been made for the payment of principal and interest of this warrant and tre series of which it is a part by irrevocably pledging the revenues of said electric light and power system of said City of Lubbock, Texas, IN TEsriMONY •. l:HEREOF THE City Commission of the City of lubbock , Texas, has caused the seal of said City to be hereto impressed and this warrant to be signed by the I.Iayor of said City, countersigned by-the City Secretary and registered by the City Treasurer as of November 1, 1939. COUNTERSIGNED: City S ecretary:-tubbock , Texas . ---L ayor: "City of Lubbock , ~xas:-- RJ:G ISTERED: 9. On the filing surface of said warrants t11ere shall be printed substantially the fo1lowi ng: "The interest borne by the ,_-vi thin warrant is not evidenced by coup_ons, the obligation to pay interest being contained in the face of the .,.,arrant itself , both p;rincipal and interest being payable upon the surrender of said warrant at its maturity or on the date fixed for its redemption if called prior to maturity." 10 . The ~~yor is hereby directed to execute each of said warrants and the City Secretary is hereby directed to countersign each of said warrants. 11. More specifically the City hereby pledges a sufficient amoont of the revenues from the ope rat ion of its electric light and pow·er system to pay the principal and interest of said Revenue ·.tarrants as and when they mature. The income of said light and power s~rstem is hereby encumbered under the provisions of Article 1113 Revised Civil Statutes of 1925 and amendments thereto to assure the prompt paynent of the principal and interest of S8.id Revenue i"Varrants. All of said income necessary for the purpose after the payment of the expenses of operation and maintenance, including salaries , labor , I!laterial , interest, repairs and extensions necessary to render efficient service is hereby pledged for the purpose and said warrants shall constitute a first lien and charge against such income after first taking care of said expenses which under ste.tute are supported by a superior lien . 12. It shall be the du~ of the officials of the vity charged with such functions under the charter and under applicable ordinances of the City each month to draw a warrant on the Treasurer of the City and to deliver said warrant to First National Bank, Lubbock, Texas, . for the purpose of paying the revenue 'Narrant which matures during that month. The City warrant issued for such purpose shall be delivered to said bank on or by the lOth day of' said month. 13. A special fund is hereby created designated "City of Lubbock Light Plant Revenue Warrant ]\lnd" and there shall be placed in said fund each month so long as said revenue warrants or any ot them are outstanding and unpaid a sum of money to equo.l the amount shown in Paragraph 2 under the heo.ding .,maturity dates". The warrants to pay tbe prl nci pal and interest on said Revenue Warrants shall be drawn against said fund and the balance in said fund shall be carried as reserve to insure against future delinquencies in payrnen t or principal and interest. When all of said Revenue warrants and interest thereon shall have been paid the balance in said fund shall then revert to the regular accounts or said system. The Revenue Warrants authorized by this ordinance shall constitute sue h obligations of the City of Lubbock and are issued under the provisions of Articles 1111 to 1118 of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925 as amended, and under such circumstances that each of said warrants shall contain this quotation "the holder hereof shall never have the right to demand payment of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxatioo." 14. The Mayor, City Secretary, City IfJS.nager and City Treasurer are hereby directed to do any and all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this ordinance. 15. The fact that this ordinance is considered necessary for the usual daily operation of a municipal de~rtment of the Vi ty Government creates an emergency and constitutes this an emergency measure requiring a suspension of the charter provision which prohibits the final p~ssage of an ordinance on the date introduced and it is so ordained. PASSED Al\ID APPROVED this the ~ day of ----~-o~~~r _____ , 1939. Approved as to form ' ORDINANCE NO. 631. t0-2U>-\ 93..9 AN ORDDULNCE IEVYIOO A TAX UPON ALL ffi.OPFRTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION WITHIN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, FOR THE SUPPORT OF 1HE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1939, APPORTIONING SAID LEVY .AMONG THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND ri'EMS FOR VffiiCH REVENUE MOm' BE RAISED, LEVYmG AN OCCUPATION TAX UPON ALL OCCUR.TIOW TAXABLE AND FIXING THE TIME IN WHICH SAID TAXES BE PAID, ASSESSmG mNALTY AND INTEREST P'CE THE NON PAlMENl' OF SOOH TAXES WITHIN ·THE TIME SET, AND DECLARING AN :D4ERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY '1HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: SECTION 1: There shall be levied am assessed upon all property subject to taxation within the City of Lubbock, Texas, for the year 1939, the sum of $1.05 per $100.00 valuation thereof, and the same shall be applied to the various funds in the following manner. Interest and Sinking Fund Board ot Ci -cy Development ]Und General Fund $.72~ $.05¢ $.28¢ SECTION 2. All advalorem taxes shall be paid betore the first day ot February, 1940, and taxes not paid by that date shall have to said taxes added the sum or 10% penalty and bear interest from said date at 6~ and thereafter such tees and costs shall be added as provided tor State and County Taxes. SECTION 3. There is levied upon all occupations taxable one-halt (1/2) the sum clla.rged by the State or Texas tor pursuing such occupation. SECTICN 4. The tact that the time tor the payment of 1939 taxes as provided by law 118.s passed and City Taxes are mw due , and the further tact that tbe tax rate tor the City of Lubbock has not been fixed for the year 1939, and the further fact that many citizens and property owners are now ready to pe.y their taxes, rut are unable to do so because of the failure of the CitY Commission to set said tax rate at an earlier date, and the turther tact that the City of Lubbock is in need at funds with whioh to carry on 1 ts municipal government, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity, which facts mke it imperative that this ordinance be passed as an emergency neasure, and the provisions of tbe City Charter pmhibi ting the passage of an Ordinance on the day it is introduced, is hereby waived, and this Ordinance shall take effect :f'rom and after the date of its passage, and it is so ordered. Passed and approved this tbe 26th A.D. 1939. ot October '