HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 611-1939 - Accepting Dedication Of Massey Heights An Addition To City Of Lubbock - 03/23/1939_LR 11 mE STATE OF TBXA.S. 03 -23-1~~ COUBTY OF LUBBOCK. -# t II CITY OF WBBOOK. On this the 23rd day of' llarch, A.D. 1939, the City ColiD'Ilission of th& City of Lubbock,Texae, convened 1n regular session in the Commission Room in the City Ball Building, in lubbock,Texae,. all Dl8mbers thereof being present, to-wit: c.E.Sla.ton, Ma.yor and Presiding Officer W.B.Prioe, lV.G .14oJl'1llan, Bub Jones, J~.Fortenberry.. OommissiODers and Ulong other bu.si~~ess transacted, the following ordinance was pe.ssedc AN ORDmA.NCE ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OF "MASSEY BEIGBTit', .All ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS: AND ACCEP1'DlG .AND APPROVING fBE SUB-DIVISION OF BLOCXS BUliBERS twO(~), i'BREE (3 ), FIVE (5 ), EIGHT (8 ), BINE (9 ), THE NORTH 436~1 FEET ) OF BLOCK BlJ)(BER FOUR(4 ), AND fEE SOOTH 46 FD1.' OF BLOOK BUJIBER OlE (1 ), ALL IN THE G. F. COPP A.DDITIOB TO mE Clfi OF LUBBOCK, IN UJBBOCK COUlfTr,BXAS, AS SURVEYED AliD ES!ABLISBED ON TllE GROUJU) Bf mE CI'l'f EBGIIEERDTG DEPARDIENT OF mE Clft OF LUBBOCK. liHBREAS, by instrument of dedication, dated February 2oth,l939• and reoorded in volame 231 at pe.ge 552, et. seq., of the deed records ot LQbbock Cou:a:t,y, Tn:a.s, L.L.Ifassey, John Zour.aa.s • George Zounaas • Lillie Zourm.s, Bay V.Lindsey and Frances K.Lindsey, have sub-dbided Blocks two(2 ), three (3 ), fiTe (5 ), eight (8 ), Dine (9 ), the north 4:36.1 feet of Block four (4 ), and the South 46 feet of Block One (1), all in the G.F.Copp Addition to the Ci'ty of Lubbock, in Lubbock County, Texas aDd ha:ve thereby formed "JJASSEY BEIGBTS", an addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County,Teas, and have by said ' ins'tl"UJJI8nt dedicated to the use of the public the streets and alleys as shon upon th.e o.tfioial map or plat of said "MASSEY HEIGHTS", as surveyed and es-tab- lished on the ground b,y the Oitu Engineering Department of the City of LabbookJ and vmEREAS, the City ColYI!lission of the City of W.bbook finds that the ea.id streets and alleys of said eubd.i vision. are in all respects laid ou-t and established in aooordanoe 'With the existing plans of said City of lnb'book, and suoh dedication of the stree-ts and alleys of said subdivision should be I aocep'bed, approved, ratified and confirmed by said City Commission: Nort, fBEREFCRE BE IT ORDAINED BY 1'1IE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, 'mllS; That the dedi ca. tion of the streets and alleys as shown by the map or plat of ~SSE! BEIGBTSn of record in volume 231 at page 552 of the deed records of Lubbock County,!exas, be and the same is hereby aooep'bed, approwd, oont~ and ratified by the City Commission of the Cit.y of Lubbock,!exaa. That the subdivision of Blocks Two (2 ), Three (3 ),Five (5 }, Eight (8h Nine (9), the north 436.1 feet of Block Four (4h and the Sou-th 46 feet of Block One (1 ), of the G.F.Copp Addition to 'the City ot Lubbock., in Lubbock County, Tezas, a.Dd. the formation 'thereby of UVASSEY HEIGHTS•, an addition to the City of Lubbook, in lubbock County,Tems, be am the same is hereby accepted, approved, ratU'ied 8.Dd confirmed by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, and the o.f'ficial plat thereof as shown of reoord in volume 231 at pa.ge 552 of the Deed Records of Lubbock County,Texa.s, is hereby accepted as the o.f'ficial plat of said addition. The cfahtt tfiAtt ithbeoomes necessary that "MASSEY HEIGHTS", an addition to the City o£ !Albbock and a subdiTiBion. of certain blocks ot the G.F. 1 Copp Addition to the City ct Lubbock, be approved and accepted before the sponsors ot said addition will begin the construction o~ improwments therein, aiid that there ie i:lrmledia.w need for the coliBDBnoement ot the bllilding program in said addition in order to meet the need and demand for houses 1n said City, creates an emeri@DOJ' and public necessity, de:manding that the rule requiring the reading of this ordlnance on moN than one day before final passage, be suspended, and such rule ie hereby suspended, and it is ordained that this ordinance shall take etfeot and be in foroe immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this (CORPORATE SEAL ).