HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 546-1936 - Keeping Live Hog Within A Certain Designated Zone. - 01/23/1936" . 0 \-.23 -\93l0 02 -I~-1-9-o(o ORD I NANCE NO . 546 (Hog Zoning Ordinance ) -- AN ORDINAl~CE PER11ITTING THE KEEPING OF LIVE HOG OR HOGS ','riTHIN A CERTAIN DESIGNATED ZONE '.'ITHIN' THE CITY OF LUBBOCK ; REGULATING THE KEEPING THEREOF , AND PROVIDIKG A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIO::;;. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COW!ISSIO F OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK , TEXAS: SECTI ON 1. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person , finn or corporat i on to keep any live hog or hogs within the city limits of the City of Lubbock, Texas , (except in the zone created and defined in Section II hereof) for a longer period than 24 hours . It shall be per111 issible for any person , firm o r corporation to keep any live hog or hogs within the City l i mits of Lubbock, Texas, for a longer period than 24 hours provided they are kept in the following described zone within said city, and the person , firm or corp o ration keeping such live hog or hogs shal l comply wi th all the remain ing ~ections of this Ordinance, regulating the keeping thereof. Sa i d zone is described and defined as follows : SECTION II. Beginning at intersecti on of Avenue 11 C11 and 13th Street; Thence South on Avenue 11 C11 to 16th St reet; Thence East on 1 6th Street to City Limits; Thence North with Ci ty Li mits to a pofnt intersecting 13th St reet; Thence West with 13th Street to the point of be g inning. SECTION III. Any person , firm or corporat i on keeping any l ive hog or hog'S within the zone described in Sec tion II of this Ordinance, for a longer per iod than 24 hours , shall , before he is permitted to keep such l i ve hog or hogs within said zone, and during a ny time that such l i ve hog or hogs may be kept within such zone , comply with the fol lowing re qui r ements at all times : Subsection (A). The floor or floors of all pen or pens , barn or barns, shed or sheds or other place or premises where such live hog or hogs may be kept and/or permitted to run therein and/o r be kept thereon shall be constructed of a good g rade of water-proof cements , and shall be kept in a first class s tat e of repair at all times in such manner as to make such floors securely water-proof . Su bsection (B ). The outer edge or edges of such floor or floors srml l be surrounded by a cement curb or curbs extending to a height of not l ess than 4 inches above the level of such cement floor or floors , and such curb or curbs shall be kept and maintained at all times in a manner to prevent the flow of water and other liquid substance or sub - stances therefrom into the adjoining p remises . Subsection (C). All such cement floor or floors as required in Subsection (A) hereof shall be equipped with one or more connections with the sewer system of the City of Lubbock, Texas , of such size and di mensions as may be sufficient to speedily take care of the drainage f rom said cement floor or floors of all water and other liquid substance that may emit upon or from or onto said floor or floors . Subsection (E). Such sewer connection or connections shall be con- struc ted as follows: The connection to Sewer shall be made through an approved sand trap constructed of concrete with 4 " floor slab 5" wal ls a nd 3/16 u steel partition placed 1' -6 11 from out -let. The sand trap shall be of the following dimensions : four feet deep , three feet six inches wide and five feet four inche s long , outside measurements . ____ ...,.,.. The seal o f sand trap shall not be less than 2 7 11 i n depth , construc t e d of not less than 3~ inside diameter , cast iron pipe and f ittings and placed on outside of trap ~ith waste opening entering trap wi thin six inches of the floor . ·aste line from sand trap t o sewer shall be provided with vent pipe not less than 2 " inside diameter and placed as close to ·trap seal as posai ble . Sand trap shall be provided with substantial r emovable cover , con- structed of either steel or wood . All drain lines or gutters dischar g i ng into sand t r ap shall be provided with perfo r ated covers , constructed of steel or cast iron. '~e re gutters enter trap and screen can be set vertical , hail screen of not over 1/4 " mesh may be used . Subsection {F). All such cement floor or floors shall be washed and thoroughly cleaned of all dung , manure , trash or other substances not less than once each day during the time that any live hog or hog s may be permitted to run , kept or maintained thereon . SECTION I V. ~uch pen or pens , premises , barn or other place ~here a live hog or hogs may be kpet within the zone defined in Section II of this Ordi nance shall be sub j ect at all times to the inspect i on of the police , san i tary and governing authorities of the l:ity of Lubbock , Texas . SECTION v. Any person, firm or corporation viol a ting any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of no t more than ~200 .00; and each day that any provision of this Ordinance shall be violated shall be a onside re d a separate offense . SECTION VI. If any part of this Ordinance shall be found or decla red void for any reason, such void part shall not invalidate the remainder of said Ordinance . Passed and approved first reading , this !}. .3 ~day of ~ , 1936 . 1;!;~' 1936 . -~ Mayor Passed and approved second reading , this