HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 541-1935 - Levying Cost Of Improving A Portion Of 20Th St. - 12/12/1935Ord. # iiiS -~'age =e. Lu.BBOCK FORM NO. -· 12-lZ-\..935 t2-~-l~3s o\ ~o9-I.9-3S ORDINANCE CLOSHTG H:EniNG AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING A PORTION OF JJ:WESti'IlETif STREET AND WNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS IN THE .CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, Alffi PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS, AND FOR TrlE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDEKCE THEREOF, AND DECLARI~G DT EMERGENCY: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the c.; ity of Lubbock, has heretofore ordered tha t the below mentioned portions of streets and alleys in said City be improved by raising, grading and filling, and by installing concrete curbs and gutters on Units Nos. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 and 97, and paving with triple course asphalt surface treatment (Inverted Penetration Type) on a Six (6) Inch Compacted Caliche Base, together wit h necessary incidentals and appurtenances, all as provided in the specifications prepared by the City ~ngineer, now on file with said City; and arrangement for the making and constru c tion of such improvements was entered into with City of Lubbock, said streets, avenues and alleys being a s follows, to-Wit: Twentieth Street, f f om its intersection with the East Property Line of Adams Avenue, to its intersection with the East Property Lire of Van Buren Avenue, knwon and designated as Unit or District No. 90. Twenty-first Street, from its intersection with the East Property Line of Avenue "X"', to its intersec-tion vr i th the West Property" Line of Jefferson A venue, known and designated as Unit or District No. 91. ~:enty-first Street, from its intersection with the West Property Line of Jefferson Avenue, to ita intersection with the East Property Line of Van Buren Avenue, known and designated as Unit or District No. 92. T~enty-second Street, from its intersection with the East Property Line of Avenue "X"', to its intersection with the West Property Line of Jefferson A venue, known and designated as Unit or District No. 93. College Avenue, from its intersection with the South Property Line of 20th Street, to its intersection with the North Property Line of 21st Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 94. College Avenue, from its intersection with the South Property Line of 21st Street, to its intersection with the North Property Line of 22nd Street, known and designated as Unit or District No. 95. Jackson Avenue, from its intersection with the Center Line of 19th Street, to its intersection with the North Property Line of 20th Street, knovm and designated as Unit or District No. 96. Jackson Avenue, from its intersection with the South Property Line of 20th Street, to its intersection with the North Property Lne of 21st Street, known and designated as Unit or District N0 • 97. and, '· -. WHEREAS, the City Engineer prepared rolls or statements for the improvements in each District or Unit, showing the amounts to be assessed against the various parcels of abutting proper~y, and the owners taereof, and showing other matters and things; and same were examined by the Uity Commission and approved, and a time and place was fixed for a hearing to 1be owners of such abutting property, and to all others in any wise inter- ested, and due and proper notice was given, and such hearing ·was had and he~the time and place fixed there~or, to-wit, on the~ day of ~ , A.D. 193 ~' at I 'J_!' o•clock, £.M., in the Coillil;liSsian =R-o-o~m~i~n~t~h-e~City of Lubbock, Texas, and at such hearing all desiring to be heard were fully and fairly heard, and evidence was received and considered and all protests and objections made were considered, and said hearing was in all respects held in the manner provided and required by the Charter and law in force in this City and b -y the proceedings of the City with reference to such matters, and the following protests were made concerning the improvement in the units indicted, namely: And all objections and protests made were fully considered and said hearing was continued from day to day and from time to time until thia date, and the City vommission having fully and fairly heard all parties making any protest and all parties desiring to be heard, and having fully considered all matters presented for consideration, and having fully considered all of the evidence, and all pertinent and proper matters, is of opinion that the following disposition should be made of such protests and objections, and that assessments should be made as herein ordained: Ord. # &a -~ge s. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED' BY THE CITY CQMMISSION OF THE C ITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: THAT, I. All protests and objections, whether herein specifically mentioned or not, sha·ll be and the same are hereby overruled and the said hearing, with respect to each and all of said Units, is hereby close~ II. The City Commission, from the evidence, finds that the assessments herein levied s~all be made and levied against the respective parcels o! property abutting upon the said portions of streets and alleys, and ~venu e s, and against the owners of such property, and that such a ssess- me nt s are right and proper and established substantial justice and equality and uniformity between the respective owners and respective properties, and between all _parties concerned, considering benefits received and · burdens imposed, and further finds that in each case the abutting property assessed is specialll.y benefited in the enhanced value thereof by means of the improvement in the Unit upon which the particular property abuts, and for whXh assessment is levied, in a sum in ezcess of the assessment levied against same by this ordinance, and further finds that the apportionment of the cost of the improvements is in accordance with the proceedings heretofore taken and had with reference to such improvements and is in all respects valid and regular. III. Tb.a t there shall be and is hereby levied and assessed against the parcels of property hereinbelow mentioned and against the real and true owners thereof, whether such o'Hners be correctly named herein or not, the sums of money below mentioned and itemized shown opposite . the description of the respective parcels of property; ~he descriptions of such property, and several amounts assessed against same, and the owners thereof, being as follows: Copy Engineer's Rolls here. Width 30Ft. North Side PAVING ASSESSME Nr 20th Street Engineer's Rolls or State ment ror Streets & Units Sbc:Nin Fran E. P. L. Adams Avenut Unit No. 90 to the E.P.L. Van Buren Avenue Assessed Curb @ 40¢ Ft. Total OWner Lot Blk.Addition No. Paving Ft. Rate Cost Lin.Ft. Cost Cost 68.84 • 27.54 • 111.05 J.B. Maxey 12 8 El1woo~O $1.6?0184 t 83.51 Chas.B.~alia 11 Kate B Elkins 10 H H Halre11 9 Kate B Elkins 8 Kate B Elkins 7 , Clifton BarrierS 8 8 8 8 8 16"' C E Mi11erman 5 16 H C Glenn,Receiver for Temple Trust Place " If It " tt " " Company 4 _ 16 " Alma W Cal vert 6 1 ~~;~~- E R Quimby ? 1 " Alm W Cal vert 6 1 -w Jl-n Alma W Cal vert 5 1 " E R Quimb) 16. & E. 10 Ft. 50 50 50 50.0 50 55 50 50 50. 50 50. 50 of 1& 2. " 60 Ray H Smith E.20 Ft. of 14 & W. 40' 15 Elk 2 Webb 60. Alma W Calvert 13 & We st 30 Ft of14 2 Webb eo. Alma W Calvert E. 40 Ft. Lot 12 B1k 2 Webb 40 R W Crowder 11 & West 10 Ft. Lot 12 'B1k 2 Webb Alma W Calvert 10 . 2 " Alma W Cal vert 9 ! " Martha & Edward 60 50.0 50.0 H Brown 20 Ruby Lee Brooks 19 Geo .E Benson 1 University Place 50.0 1 " 50.0 at a1 ~q 18 1 Leila Awbford 1? 1 Texas Plains Realty Co 16 1 A E Miller 15 1 Myrtle E Boggs 14 1 MYrtle E Boggs 13 ~ 1 Opal Henderson 12 1 J D Graham 11 1 Rosa Etta Rob ~ bins 10 1 Woodward Robbins 9 . 1 Allen L Carter 20 & E.i 19 B1k 8 V L Daughtie 18 & West i Fred FUnk Geo E Benson Sam C A.rnet t Beo E Benson Geo E Benson 19 Elk 8 1? 8 16 8 15 8 14 8 13 8 12 8 11 8 10 8 9 8 " tt " " " n " " " " n " " " " " " n " ft South Side J C Wagner 1 10 Ellwood J C Wagner 2 10 Kate B Elkins 3 10 Fred Fortenberry-~ 10 Kate B Elkins 5 10 Frances Bledsoe Place " " " " 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50,0 50.0 50.0 ?5.0 ?5.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Conley 6 10 " 50 50.0 ft " " " " " " " " " " "II " tt n ft n ft If " n " # " " " tt " n " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,. n 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 91.86 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 83,51 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 66.84 ?1,..84 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 66.84 100.21 76.84 100.21 60.0 133.61 80.o 66.80 40.0 100.21 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 60.0 50.0 65.34 65.34 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83,51 50.0 83.51 50,0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.50 68.84 125.26 125.26 83.51 83.51 83,51 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 83.51 93.84 ?5.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50,0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 83.51 68.84 63.51 50,0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.51 50.0 83.51 66.84 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 26.?1 28.?4 20.0 0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 26.74 30.74 24.00 32.00 16.00 24.00 20.00 26.13 26.13 20.00 20.00 aJ .oo 20.00 ao.oo 20.00 20.00 20.00 20~00 20.00 27.53 3?.54 30.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 ID .00 20.00 20.00 20.00 ro .oo 2?.54 20.00 20.00 20.00 ro .oo 26.?4 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 110.25 120.60 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 110.25 130.95 124.21 165.61 82.80 124.21 103.51 109.64 109.64 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103 .• 51 103.51 103.51 103 •. 51 103.51 111.03 162.80 155.26 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 111.05 103.51 103.51 103.51 103.51 110.25 ~ \_ Lot Blk. Addition No. Rate Lin Ft. Cost Ft. Cost Total Charles R Bacon 1 & E. 20 Ft. of Ellwood $1.670184 2 16-A Place 75 125.26 91.84 36.74 162.00 L A Howard 3 & W.30' of eo.o L 2 16-A " 80 " 133.61 32.00 165.61 Alma \V. Cal vert 1 4 Webb 50 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Alma w. Calvert 2 4 " 50 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Elsie Crosley 8 4 " 50 " 83.51 50.0 20 .oo 103.51 Elsie Crosley 4 4;. " 50 " 83.51 l56.84 26.73 110.24 J lee Quillen 1 3 " 50 ft 83.51 66.84 26.?3 110.24 F C Benham 2 3 " 50 n 83.51 50 20 .oo 103.51 o v· Adams 3 & East 17 Ft. of 4 3 " 6?.0 " 111.90 67.0 26.80 138.70 s s McKay West 33 ft. of lot ~ & East 33 ft. ot Lot 5 Blk. 3 " 66.0 " 110.23 66.0 26.40 136.63 E L Pitts 6 & West 17 Ft. Lot !5 Blk. 3 " 67.0 ft 111.90 67.0 26.80 138.70 --! ~ ~aii!1an ' ~I, " 58:8 " ~~:g! ~g:g4 ~R:~% !8~:~! .. " University Place 50.0 .. 83.51 65.34 26.14 109.65 L s McClellan 2 2 " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 1.03.51 S B Haynes & N L Peters 3 2 It 50.0 n 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 S B Haynes & N L Peters 4 2 " 50.0 tt 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 A ~ ~ftwich 5 2 .. 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 C E Howard 6 2 " 50.0 .. 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Vernice Ford 7 '~ •· 2 " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Verni ce Ford 8 2 " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Geo E Benson 9 2 " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 N L Peters et al 10 2 " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 B V Spivey 11 2 " 50.0 tt 83.51 50.0 ao.oo 103.51 N L Peters 12 2 ...... " 50.0 ft 83.51 68.84 27.54 111.05 E Kelley Nail 1 7 " 50.0 " 83.51 68.84 27.54 111.04 E Kelley Nail 2 ? " !50.0 " 83,51 50.0 20.00 103.51 s B Haynes, etal 3 ? " 50.0 .. 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 W C Holden 4 7 " 50,0 11 83.51 50.0 20,00 103.51 W c Holden 5& 7 " ?0.0 ,, 116.91 ?0,0 28.00 144.91 East 20 Ft. of 6 L T Vaughn \\6 st 30 Ft Lot 6 & East 30' of 7 .B]k: 7 " 60.0 " 100.21 60.0 24.00 124.21 Geo E Benson Yest 20 Ft et al Lot ? 7 " 20.0 .. 33.40 20.0 -.:::e~oo 41.40 Geo E Benson et a1 8 ? " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Geo E Benson et a1 9 ? " 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20,00 103.51 ;r R Cox 10 ? " 50,0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103,51 Sam c Arnett ll.) 7 It 50.0 " 83.51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Sam C Arnett 12 7./ ,, 50.0 " 83,51 50.0 20.00 103.51 Totals 4,510.0 ?,532.53 4B».D1§27.65 9450.18 Assessed Rate per Front Foot for Paving -$1.670184 " " " Lin. " rt Curb -0.40 Total Property Owner'sCost -$9,460.18 City's Share 10% 836.95 Total Cost this Unlt ¥10~9?.13 E.P.L. Ave "X" to w·P.L. 21st Street -Unit No. 91 Jefferson Avenue . North Side. Nat'l Loan & Inv. I Company 36 2 Ellwood Pl. 55$1.63896 90.14 71.84 28.74 118.88 R E Lamb 35 2 " 50 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 First Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. 34 2 " 50 " 81.95 20.0 20.00 101.95 Oliver Hufstedler 33 2 " 50 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 J B Skinner 32 2 " 50 " 81.95 50.0 oo.oo 101.95 J L Coleman & Eula Coleman 3l 2 rt 50 ! 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 J L Coleman, etal 30 ! " 50 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 U\te B Elkins 29 2 " 50. " 81.95 50,0 20.00 101.95 Jnited Savings Bank 28 2 " oo.o " 81.95 ~.oo ro .oo 101,95 ... MOrgan N Davidson 27 2 Ellwood 50.0 $1.63896 81.95 50.00 20.00 101.95 Place First Federal lavings 101.95 &. Loan Ass • n as . 2 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 C II Hillman 25 2 " 50.0 H 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Mable Alexander 24 2 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.00 20.00 101.95 N H Payne 23 2 " 50.0 n 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 0 E Turner 22 2 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 S L Jey'nter 21 2 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Burton S Bur:ts 20 2 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Nat'l Loan & Inv Company 19, 2 " 60.0 " 98.33 78.84 31.54 129.87 W G Dingus 23 12 " 72.0 " 118.00 90.94 36.34 154.34 W G Dingus 22 12 tt 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 W G Dingus 21 12 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 W G Dingus 20 12 " 50.0 tt 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Garnett o Reeves 19 12 n 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Alan Long Strout 18 12 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 H F Williams 1? 12 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 R T Ooter 16 12 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 F D Pinkston 15 12 n 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 A L Ferguson 14 12 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 0 P Harlan 13 . 12 -" 50.0 " 81.95 66.84 26.73 108.68 SA Beard ,06 11 " 50.0 " 81.94 66.84 26.73 108.67 Lavenia Williams 35 11 " 50.0 n 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 Clyde G. Tatwn 34 11 " 50.0 " 81.94 5) .o 20.00 101.94 A Carl Stults ;:,3 11 n" 50.0 " 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 Kate B Elkins 32 11 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 ao.oo 101.95 Don Mitchell 31 11 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Kate B Elkins 30 11 •• 50.0 tt 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Solon Johnson 29 11 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 L F Green 28· 11 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 J F Thurman 27 11 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Jack Douglatt 26 11 " 50.0 " 8l.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 John P & Edith T Richmond 25-11 " 50.0 tf 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 J F Womack 24 11 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 m.oo 101.95 Nat'l Loan & Inv Co. 23 ' 11 " 50.0 tt 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Kate B Elkins 22 11 " 63.0 " 103.25 81.84 32.74 135.99 Lydia K Boyd 12 10 " 50.0 " 81.95 68.84 27.54 109.49 'Mrs Lynnie teach 11 10 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Kate B El)dns 10 10 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Kate B Elkins 9 10 " 50.0 " 81.95 so.o 20.00 101.95 Kate B Elkins 8 10 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Kate B Elkins 7 10 " 50.0 " 81.95 66.84 26.73 108.68 Herbert A Street 1 3 3 " 55.0 " 90.14 ?1.84 28.?3 118.87 Glen Burson 2 3 " 50.0 n 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 Edger G Lewi.s 3 3 " 50.0 .. 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 .Roscoe Etter 4. 'J .. 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 D C Riley 5 3 ., 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 G J Robbins 6 3 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 A J4 Leftwich 7 3 .. 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 C V Sandlin & wife 8 3 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 J Lee Royalty Mrs Jessie York 9 3 " 50.0 " 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 Lemley 10 3 " 50.0 " 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 Nat '1 Loan & Inv Co. 11 3 " 50.0 .. 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 J A Hood 12 3 " 50.0 " 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 l!: B Adcock 13 3 " 50.0 " 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 S: N Roberts lA 3 ,. 50.0 " 81.94 50.0 20.00 101.94 Burton S Burks 15 ~ " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 S L Poynter 16 3 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 2Q.OO 101.95 rrank Harrison 17 3 .. 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 rrank Harrison 18( 3 " 60.0 " 98.33 78.84 31.54 129.87 11 D Grimes 1 13 " 72.0 " 118.00 90.84 36.34 154.34 l V Pardue 2 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 )e Aun Marshall 3 13 " 50.0 1f 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 rune 1b bert s 4 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 m.oo 101.95 Jnited Savings Bank 5 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 101.95 A s s e s s e d Owner wt Blk.Add t n.No. . ,J.la.t a? a v ing Curb @ 40¢ Ft Ft. Rate Cost Lin.Ft. Cost Standard Savings El+wood & Loan Ass'n 6 llh'l'ilaoe u50.0 .$1.63896 81.95 Artie Baker 7 :~ 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 Artie Baker 8 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 Artie Baker 9 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 Floyd C Dodson 10 13 " 50.0 # 81.95 Floyd c Dodson 11 1 13 " 50.0 " 81.95 A B Ounningh~ 1 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 D A Forbess 2 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 W Brundige 3 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 W Brundige 4 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 W Brundige 5 14 n 5 0.0 " 81.95 W N Ulk 6 14 n 50.0 " 81.95 T D Witt 7 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 L H Liston 8 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 W T Read 9 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 W T Read . 10 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 W M Stockwell 11 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 Kate B Elkins 12 14 " 50 .o " 81.95 Kate B Elkins -l3 14 " 50.0 " 81.95 Kate B Elkins 14 14 " 50.0 " 81.94 Joe Boyd et al2 G V Fulton', Nat '1 Loan & Inv Co. 15 14 , " 63.0 " 103.25 1 15 " 50.0 n 81.94 2 15 " 50.0 " 81.94 3 15 50.0 81.94 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 66.84 66.84 50.0 50.0 50.0 . 5.0.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 81.84 68.84 50.0 50.0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 26.73 26.73 20.00 20.00 20 .oo 20.00 20.00 a> .oo 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 32.74 27.54 20.00 20.00 Nat'4, Loan & Inv Co 4 15 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 20.00 R F rrHrown R F Brown 5 15 " 50.0 " 81.95 50.0 g) .00 6 15 " 50.0 " 81.95 66.84 26.74 -...... 5,1oo:~ t8,358.76 5385.44 $2154.18 Assessed Rate per Front Foot for Paving, etc -$1.63896 " " " Lin. " tt Curb -0.40 Total Property OWner's Cost -$10,512.88 Cit,y's Share of 10% -928.?5 Total Cost of this Unit 111,441.63 Total Cost 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 108.68 108.68 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.95 101.94 135.99 109.48 101.94 101.94 101.95 101.95 108.69 $16,512.88 21st Street Unit # 92 From VIe st Property Line Jefferson Avenue to East Property Line Van Buren Ave. Ellwood A L Williams 6 16-A Place 55.0$1.591537 87.53 71.84 28.74 116.27 Kate B Elkins 5 16-A tt 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 ro .oo 99.58 Kate B Elkins 4 16-A " 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 W D Daniels 8 4 Webb 50.0 " ?9.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Alma Vi Cal vert 7 4 n 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Mrs Amelia McKinney 6 4 " 50.0 " ?9.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Alma \1 Calvert 5 . 4 " 50.0 n 79.58 66.84 26.74 106.32 P G ~/ebb &. W: S Webb 16 3 " 50.0 Nattl Loan&. " ?9.58 66.84 26.74 106.3~ Inv Co. 15 3 " 50.0 " ?9.58 50.0 ro .oo ~99 ~Sf A 0 Sessions 14 3 " 50.0 ff 79.58 50.0 "20.00 99.5~ J lN Brophy 13 3 n 50.0 " ?9.58 50.0 20 .oo 99.5~ E L Reed 12 ~ II 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.5~ I.e e R Ragl.a nd ll 3 " 50.0 " ?9.58 50.0 20.00 99.5~ Daniel A Blair 10 3 " 50.00 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.~ Daniel A Blair 9 3 " 50.0 " 79.58 65.34 26.14 105.7~ Mrs T J White 24 University & E. i Lot 23 2 Place 75.0 " 119.36 90.34 36.13 155.4~ AM Ieftwich 22 & ,.. West 1/2 23 2 n ?5.0 " 119.36 75.0 ( 30.00 149.3e Miss Cecile Cloninger 21 2 " 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.5t Geo W James 20 2 " 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.5€ Joe T Salem 19 2 " 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.5~ Nat'l Loan & Inv Co 18 2 " 50.0 n 79.58 ?0.0 20.00 99.5E Nat '1 Loan & Inv Co 17 2 n 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 g) .oo 99.5E ... As s e s s e d Addi-No. Paving Curb @ 40¢ Ft Total Owner Lot Blk. tion Ft. Rate Cost Lin.Ft. Cost Mrs Joe Kellam 16 2 Univer-50.0$1.591537 1~9.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 sity Place Mrs Joe Kellam 15 2 .. 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 W H Leslie 14L 2 " 50.0 " 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 F Copass Bowen 13 2 " 50.0 " 79.57 68.8~ 27.53 10'7.10 J L ~uick~l! rr 2 2~3 7 " ?5.0 .. 119.36 93.84 37. 53 156. 89 J W Samps • 22 &. Vl. i Lot 23 '7 " '75.0 tt 119.36 ?5.0 30.00 149.36 J N Sutton 21 7 tt 50.0 tt 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 J N Sutton 20 7 tt 50 .o tt ?9.5? 50.0 20.00 99.57 Gas G JlkcKinnon 19 ? rt 50.0 tt 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 Jas G McKinnon 18 7 tt 50.0 tt 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 Jas G McKinnon 1? 7 " 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Gee E Benson &. S CArnett 16 ? " 50.0 ff 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Ditto 15 '7 tt 50.0 " '79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Ditto 14. '7 tt 50.0 If 79.58 50.0 20 .oo 99.58 Ditto 13 7 tl 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 South Side Ellwood J F Hardaway 1 16-B Place 56.0 " 87.53 71.84 28.74 116.2'7 Rix Investment " n 50.0 20.00 99.58 Co 2 16-B 50.0 79.58 Arvie E Davi s 3 lo-B " 50.0 tt 79.58 50.0 20.00 99 -;58 Ali!lB. w Cal vert 1 .. & East 17' of Lot 2 5 Webb 67 .o tt 106.63 67.0 26.80 133.43 Mrs Aleen Jackson West 33 Ft of Lot 2 & 5 Webb 66.0 " 105.04 66.0 26.40 131.44 East 33 Ft Lot 3 Ance M English 4 & West 17' of Lot 3 5 Webb 67.0 n 106.63 83.84 33.54 140.1? J J Graham l ') 6 ' " 50.0 " 79.58 66.84 26.74 106.32 Alma VI Cal vert 2 6 " 50;0 tt ?9.58 50.0 20.00 .-99 .. 58 Lear M Jones 3 6 " 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Miss Kate Powell 4 6 " 50.0 n ?9l58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Irma Pryor 5 6 tf 50.0 tt 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Wm C Cole 6 6 tt 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Temple Trust Co( H.C. Glenn Receiver) 7 6 tl 50.0 rt 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Daniel A Blair 8 6 ./ " 50.0 lf 79.58 65.34 25.14 105.72 H F Godeke 1 3 University Plave 50.0 " 79.58 65.34 26.13 105.71 Nat'l Loan & Inv. Co. 2 3 " 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 2) .oo 99.58 V L fuughtie 3 3 tt 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 V L Ik>ughtie 4 3 " 50,0 " 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 V L Doughtie 5 3 tt 50.0 " '79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 V L Doughtie 6 3 n 50.0 " ?9.57 50.0 ro .oo 99.57 N L Peters 7 3 .. 50.0 " 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 N L Peters 8 ) 3 " 50.0 n 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 D N !Baver ton 9 3 " 50;0 " 79.57 50,0 20.00 99 .ffl D N Leaverton 10 3 " 50.0 " 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 Mrs John Wright 11 3 " 50.0 " 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 D N Leaverton 12, 3 " 50.0 " 79.57 68.84 27.53 107.10 J W Mallory 1 6 " 50.0 n 79.58 68.84 27.53 1.07.11 Geo E Benson et al 2 6 n 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 2J .oo 99.58 Mrs T B Smith 3 6 n 50.0 n 79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Mrs T B Smith 4 6 " 50.0 rt 79.58 50.0 ~o.oo 99.58 Mrs T B Smith 5 6 " 50.0 " 79.58 50.0 00 .oo 99.58 Geo E Benson & S CArnett 6 6 " 50.0 "2 79.58 50.0 20.00 99,58 Geo E Benson & S C Arnett 7 6 " 50.0 " 79,58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Ditto 8 6 " 50.0 " '79.58 50.0 20.00 99.58 Ditto 9 6 " 50.0 n 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.57 Ditto 10 6 " 50.0 " 79.57 50.0 2J .oo 99.57 J A McCe 1 vey etal 11 6 n 50.0 .. 79.57 50.0 20.00 99.5'7 J E Steele 12 6 " 50.0 " 79.5'7 50.0 20.00 99,57 3.910.0 $6,222.91 Zl47.'16$l,659.l0 $?,ee2.ol Assessed Rate ~er Front Foot for Paving, etc $1.591537 " fl " Lin. Foot for Curb 0.40 Total Property Owners City's sha~sl1o%> •7 ·~~i:2t rn,..+,_"\ r."""+ +h .. a TT....,...;+ O.U kiJ'S: Z=< 22.nd street Unit # 93 From EPL Avenue "X" to the W.P.L. Jefferson Avenue ASS:ESSED Owner Lot Blk. Addi-No. 2 a a v in g Curb c 40¢ Ft. tion Ft. Rate Cost Lin.Ft. Cost Total Cost North Side United Savings 3 Ellv~od 55.0 $1.644075$90.42 71.84 • 28.74 • 119.16 Bank 36 Place J B Jones 35 3 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Kate B Elkins 34 3 ft 50.0 ft 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Kate B Elkins 33 3 tt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Loyd Thompson 32 3 " 50.0 ft 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Ethel 0 Palnsr 313 3 tt 50.0 " 88.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Ethel 0 Palnsr 30 3 tt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Ethel 0 Palmer 29 3 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.3) W c Wood 28 3 " 50.0 tt 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 R P Reeds 27 3 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 eo.oo 102.20 H A C Brunune tt 25 3 tt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 2JJ. 00 102.20 F L McRee 25 ~ " 50.0 n 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Mary M Merrill 24 3 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Mrs S c Crittenden 23 3 tt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Mrs S C Crittenden 22 3 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 United Savings Bank 21 3 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Wm D Green 20 3 " 50.0 " 82~20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Wm Hurley Carpenter r 19 3 tt 60.0 " 98.65 78.84 31.54 130.19 United Savings Bank 22 13 " 72.00 " 118.37 90.84 36.34 154.71 Fannie May Winegar 21 13 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Geo W Cloyd 20 13 tt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Guy M Witt 19 13 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Foxworth-Galbraith Lbr Co 18 13 jf 650.0 " 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 A M I.ef'twich 17 13 " 50.0 " 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 M L H Baze 16 13 " 50.0 ft 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 Bessie Portwood 15 13 " 50.0 " 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 Bessie Portwood 14 13 " 50.0 tt 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 Bessie Portwood 13 13 " 50.0 " 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21: Bessie Portwood 12, 13 " 50.0 " 82.21 66.84 26.73 108.94 R 0 Harvey 30 14 " 50.0 tt 82.21. 56.84 26.73 108.94 E J Clifford 29 14 tt 50.0 n 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 S T .l.a.wrence 28 14 n 50.0 " 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 Homer L Pharr 27 14 " 50.0 tt 82.21. 50.0 20.00 102.21 RaYJD.ond Sidewall 26 14 tt 650.0 tt 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Elton D Cook 25 14 tt 50.0 tt 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 D Jarrott 24 14 tt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 A E Miller :.23 14 tt 50.0 ff 82.00 50.0 20.00 102.20 Geo .M Garrett 22 14 " 50.0 tt 82.20 50.0 1 20.00 102.20 w H Logan 21 14 n 50.0 ff 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 W M Young 20 14 " 50.0 tt 82.20 50.0 m.oo 102.20 R P Johnson 19 i4 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Kate B Elkins 18 14 " :50.0 tt 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Kate B Elkins 17 14 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 M R Woodruff 16 14 _...... tt 53.0 " 103.58 81.84 32.74 135.32 Boling Robson 12 15 " so.o tt 82.20 68.84 27.54 109.74 United Saving Bk 11 15 tt so.o a ~o .c 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 United Savings Bk JO 15 " 50.0 ff 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 United Savings 9 & Bank East 1/2 8 15 " 75.0 tt 123.31 75.0 30.00 153.31 United Savings ~ & Bank West 1/2 8 15 " 75.0 " 123.31 :: 91.84 35.73 160.04 South Side Nat'l Loan & Inv Co 1 4 tt 5 5.0 tt 90.42 71.84 28.73 119.15 Carl Scoggins 2 4 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Ira Sturdivant 3 4 tt 50.0 n 82.20 50.0 m.oo 102.20 vV R Crankston 4 4 " 50.0 ff 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 W R Crankston 5 4 " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 W o Burchardt 6 4 n 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Temple Trust Co 7 4 " 50.0 " 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.21 ... 22nd street Unit II 93 OWner Lot D D Cross 8 Sam T Hodges 9 N S Fulfer 10 C V Bullen 11 ~ E L Hunt 12 Minnie Grissom 13 M R Adkisson 14 Less Leslie 15 C G Stinson 16 Francis A. Kennedy Addi-Na~i -P I:a. v i Blk .tHm F.t ~n. .Rate Ellwood 4 Place 50.0$1.6440?5 4 " 50.0 " 4 " 50.0 " 4 " 50.0 " 4 It 50.0 " 4 " 50.0 " 4 n 50.0 " 4 " 50.0 " 4 " 50.0 " 17 4 tt 50.0 60.0 ?2.0 50.0 50.0 " ~xank Selan2 18 4 " JMrs Lillie Evans 1 19 n " Geo W Cloyd 2 19 " Geo W Cloyd2 3 19 " A Sansom 4 & E. 16 2/3 Ft. " n g Curb o 40¢ Ft. Cost Lin.• Ft. Cost 82.21 82.21 82.21 82.21 82.21 82.21 82.ZL 82.21 82.21 82.20 98.65 118.3? 82.20 82.20 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 . 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 78.84 90.84 50.0 50.0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 31.54 36.34 a:>. 00 20.00 Lot 5 B]k 19 n 66.6? " 109.60 66.66 26.66 Amos H Howard ~st 33 1/3 Ft. Lot 5 & East 33 11/3 Ft. Lot 6 Blk 19 n 66.6? " 109.60 66.66 26.66 Maude Lewis 7 &. Vlest 16 2/3 Ft. of Lot 6 Blk 19 " 66.6? " W A Jackson 8 & East 16 2/3 Ft. 9, Blk 19 " 66.6? " E Y Freeland West 33 1/3 Ft of Lot 9 & E. 33 1/3 Ft. of Lot 10 B1k.l9 " 66.67 " F P Smith 11 & West 16 2/3 Ft Lot 10 Blk . 19 / 1'/ 66.67 " B H Jones 1 & E. i Lot 2 Blk J8 W L Stangel 3 & w. i 2 Blkl8 J 0 Ellsworth 4 & E. t Lot 5 Blk 18 Walice Bogart 6 & w. t Lot 5 Blk 18 Wm D O'Brien 7 18 R C Goo&vin 8 18 R E Garland 9 18 V L Doughtie 10 18 H G Fehle ison 11 18 W T Gaston 12 18 Miss Kathleen " n n " " " " It ?5.0 75.0 ?5.0 75.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50 .o 50.0 " n " " " " n " " Brown 13 18 " 50.0 " R A Mills 14 & E. 6 Ft. of Lot 15 18 " 56.0 " T C Root West 57 Ft. of 109.61 66.6? 109.61 66.67 109.6111 66. 6? 109.61 83.51 123.31 91.84 123.31 ?5.0 123.31 ?5.0 123.31 8'2.20 82.20 82.20 82.20 82.20 82.20 82.20 ~2.0? ?5.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 00 .o 56.0 26.6? 26.67 26.67 33.40 36.?4 00 .oo 30.00 30 .oo 20.00 20.00 20.00 20 .oo 20.00 ro .oo 20.00 22.40 • Total Cost 102.21 102.21 102.21 102.21 102.21 102.21 102.2D. 102.21. 102.21 102.2D 130.19 154.71 102.2{) 102.20 136.26 136.26 136.28 136.28 136.28 143.01 160 •. 05 153.31 153.31 153.31 102.20 102.20 102.20 102.20 102.20 102.20 102.20 114.4? Lot 15 18 • 57.0 " 93.?2 75.84 30.34 124.06 Kate B Elkins 1 17 " 00 .o " 82.20 68.84 2? .54 109.74 Kate B Elkins 2 1t rt 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 ID • 00 102.20 Temple Trust Co 3 1? " 50.0 n 82.20 50.0 !0.00 102.20 Kate B Elkins 4 1? " 50.0 " 82.20 50.0 20.00 102.20 Kate B Elkins 5 1? " 50.0 n 82.21 50.0 20.00 102.2L R F Brown 6 17 " 50.0 " 82.21 66.84 26.?3 108.~4 Totals 5,ioo.o $8,384.?8 5385.44$2154.18$16,538.96 Assessed Rate per Front Foot for Paving, etc. -$1.6440?5 W " " " Lin " " Curb -0.40 Total Property ~r's Cost - City's Share 10% - Total Co st this Unit -$10,538.96 931.64 $11,4?0.60 College Avenue Unit # 94 Vlidth 36 Ft. From S.P.L. 20th Street to the N P.L. 21st Street • E. Side. Addi- Lot Blk tion No •. Ft. P a v i n g Curb @ 40¢ Ft Rate Cost Lin Ft. Cost Total ·Cost :r.R. Johnson 18 2 Ellwood Place 19 2 tt w. Side Joe Coursey l ::J 6 tt 23 12 h 150.0$1.76936 150.0 " 150.0.J " 150.0 " 500.0 $255.40 265.41 265.40 265.41 $1,061.52 150.0 $60.00 $325.40 148.0 59.20 324.51 150.0 60.00 325.40 148.0 59.20 324.61 596.0 $238.40$1,300.02 Unit # 95 Width 36 Ft. From S.P.L. 21st St. College Avenue to the N.P .L. ·22nd Street East Side. 18 3 Ellwood Place 150.0$1.76716 $ 265.07 19 3 tt 150.0 tt 265.08 West Side 1 13 " 150.0 tt 265.07 22 1~ tt 150.0 tt 255.08 600.0 ~1,060.30 Jackson Avenue East clide. Frm ¢ L9th Street to the E L Banks 8 1 University Place 225.0$1.8885 $ 424.91 Woodward Robbins 9 1 " West Side Mrs Jewel Hall 1 f 8 " Allen L Carter 2,0 &. East 1/2 Lot 19Blk.8 '* \ -- 150.0 tt 225.0 n 150.0 n 750.0 283.28 424.91 283.28 $1,416.38 Width 36 Feet ........__ ....---From s. P .L. 2oth Street Eastt Side. Jackson Avenue to the N.L. Peters 12 2 University Place 150.0$1.76715 $ 255.07 E. Copass Bo·wen 13 2 West Side E. Kelley Nail 1 / 7 1t J L ~uicksall,Jr. 2.4 & East t Lot 23 Blk 7 tt / ' 150.0 150.0 150.0 600.0 " tf 265.08 . 265.07 265.08 $1,060.30 148.0 $59.20 $324.27 148.0 59.20 324.28 148.0 59.20 324.27 148.0 59.26 324.28 592.0 $236.80$1,297.1Q Unit {; 9~. N.P .L. 20th St. 225.0 $ 90.00 $514.91 148.0 '3 59.20 342.48 225.0 90.00 514.91 148.0 59.20 342.48 "'?46. 0 $298.40$1714.78 Unit # 97 N.P .L. 21st Street 14.8.0 $ 59.20 $324.27 148.0 59.20 324.28 148.0 59.ID 324.27 148.0 59.3) 324.28 592.0 $236.80$1297.10 Ordinance # ~ -~~~ -=#. IV. That the a assessments so levied are for the improvements in the particular Unit upon which the property described abuts, and the assessments for the improvements in one Unit are in nowise related to117 or connected with the improvements in any other Unit,. and in making assessments and in holding said hearing the amounts so assessed for improvements in one Unit have been in nowise affected by any fact in any wise connected with the improvements, or the assessments therefor, or any other unit. v. That the several sums above mentioned assessed against said parcels of property, and against the real and true owners thereof, and interest thereon at the rate ofai.x (6) per cent per annum, together with reason- able attorney's fees and costs of collection, if incurred, are hereby declared to be and made a lien upon the respective parcels of property against which the same are assessed, and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners thereof, whether or not such owners be correctly named herein, and such liens shall be and constitute the first enforceable claim against the property assessed, and shall be a first and paramount lien, superior to all other liens and claims, except State, county and municipal taxes, and the sums so assessed shall be payable as follows, to-wit: In five equal installments, the first payable on 6r_before ten (10) days after the completion and acceptance by the said city of the improvements in the unit upon which the particular property abuts; the second installment due on or before one year from said date of completion and acceptance, the third installment due on or before two years from said date of completion and acceptance, the fourth instal- lment due on or before three years from said date of completion and acceptance, the fifth installment due on or before four years from said date of completion and acceptance; and such assessments shall bear interest from the date of such completion and acceptance at the rate of 6%per annum, payable annually with each installment, so that upon completion and acceptance of the improvements in a particular unit assessments against the propert~r abutting upon such completed and accepted unit shall be and become due and payable in such installments, and with interest from the date of such completion and acceptance, provided that any owner shall have the right to pay off the entire assessment, or any installment thereof, before maturity, by payment of principal and accrued interest, and provided further that if default shall be made in the payment of any installment promptly as the same matures, then the entire amount of the assessment upon which such default is made shall, at the option of City of Lubbock, or its assigns, be and become immediately due and payable, and shall be collectible with reasonable attorney~s fees and costs of collection, 1~ incurred. VI. The City of Lubbock shall not in any manner be liable for the pay- ment of any sums hereby assessed against any property and the owners thereof, but said City of Lubbock shall look solely to said property, and the owners thereof, for payment of the sums assessed against the respective pareels of property; but said City shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enforcement and collection of said liens and assessments, and if default shall be made in the payment of any assessment, collection thereof shall be enforced either by sale of the property by the Tax Collector and Assessor of the eity of Lubbock as near as possible in the manner provide~ for the sale of property for the non~payment of ad valorem taxes, or, at the option of Uity of Lubbock, or its assigns, payment of said sums shall be enforced by suit in any court having jurisdiction. ~.. .· Ordinance No. ==a -~age •· VII. For the purpose of evidencing the several sums assessed against ~he said parcels of property, and the owners thereof, and the time and terms of payment, and to aid in the enforcement thereof, assignable certi- ficates shall be issued by the City of Lubbock upon the completion and ~cceptance of the work in each Unit of improvement as the work in such Unit is completed and accepted, which certificates shall be executed by the Mayor in the name of the City, attested by the City Secretary with the corporate seal, and shall be payable to City of Lubbock or its assigns, and shall declare the said amounts and the time and ter.ms of payment md rate of interest and date of completion and acceptance of the improvements for which the certificate is tssued, and shall contain the name ·of the owner as accurately as possible, and the description of the property by lot and block number, or front feet thereof, or such other description as may otherwise identify the same, and if the said property s h all be owned by an estate, then to so state the description thereof as so owned shall be sufficient, or i f the name o f the owner be unknown, then to so state shall be sufficient, and no error or mistake · in describing any property, or in giving the name of any owners, shall in any wise invalidate or impair the assessment levied hereby or the certificate issued in evidence thereof. The said certificates shall further provide substantially that if default sha ll be made in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, then, at the option of City of Lubbock, or its assigns, tm whole of the said assessment evidenced ther e by shall at once become due and payable, and shall be collectible with reasonable attorney's:lhes and costs of colleetion, if incurred. And said certificates shall set forth and evide n ce the personal liability o f the owners of such property and the lien upon such property, and shall provide in effect if default shall be made in the payment thereof the same may be enforced either by the sale of the property by the Tax Collector and Assessor of the ~ity of Lubbock, as above recited, or by suit in any court having jurisdiction. The said certificates shall further recite in effect that all proceedings '1\l'i th reference to making said improvements have been regularly had in co!Ilpliance w·i th the law in force and proceedings of the City of Lubbock, and that all prerequisites to the fixing of the lien and claim of personal liability evidenced by such certificates have been regularly done and performed, which recitals shall be evidence of the matters and facts so recited, and no further proof thereof shall be required in any court. And the said certifica tes may have coupons attached thereto in evidence of each or any of the several installments thereof, or they may have coupons for each of the first four installments, leaving the main certificate for the fifth. Said certificates may fUrther provide substantially that the anounts pay- able thereunder may be paid t o the Collector of Taxesof the City, who shall issue his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be evidence of such payment upon any demand for the srune, either by virtue of the said certificate or any contract to pay the same entered into by the property owners, and that the Collector of Taxes will deposit all sums so received by him forthwith with the City Treasurer, and upon the payment of any installment with interest upon the surrender of the coupon therefor, receipted in full by said Contractor, or other holder of said certificate, the City Treasurer shall pay the amount so collected and due thereon to said Contractor, or other holder, which coupons so receipted shall be the Treasurer's warrant for payment. And the said certificates shall further provide in effect that the City of Lubbock shall exercise all of its lawful powers, when requested so to do by the holder of said certificates, to aid in the enforcement and collection thereof, and said certificates may contain other and further recitals pertinent and ap- propriate thereto. It shall not be necessary that said certificates shall be in the exact form ~s a bove s e t forth, but the substance and effect thereof shall suffice. ,. Ordinance # ~ -~age e-. VIII. The assesaments levied by this ordinance for the improvements in each Unit are altogether separate and distinct from assessments in each and every other unit. The assessments for improvements in one unit are in noWise affected by the improvements in or the assessments levied for the improvements in any other unit, and in making and levying assessments the costs of the improvements in each Unit, the benefits by means of the improvements, and all other matters and things with reference to the improvements in each Unit, have been considered and determined altogether without reference to any such matters in any other unit, and the omission of the improvements in any unit shall in nowise affect or impair the validity of assessments for the improvements in any other unit. 1be omission of improvements in any particular unit in fromt of any property exempt from the lien of such assessments shall in nowise affect or impair the validity of assessments against other property in that unit. IX.. No mistake, error, invalidity, or irregularity in the name of any property owner, or the description of any property, or the amo~nt of any assessment, or in any other matter or thing, shall in any wise invali- date or impair any assessment levied hereby or any certificate issued, and any such mistake, error, invalidity, or irregularity., whether in such assessment or in the certificat e issued in evidence thereof, may be corrected at any time by the City. x. All assessments levied are a pers?nal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the prem~ses described, notwithstanding such owners may not be named, or may be incorrectly named. XI. The present condition of said streets and alleys endangers health and safety, and it is necessary that said improvements be proceeded with while the weather will permit, and the construction of said improvements is being delayed pending the taking effect of this ordinance, and such facts constitute and create an emergency, and an ungent public necessity requiring that the rules providing for ordinances to be read more than one time, or at more than one meeting, be suspended, and that this ordinance be passed as and take effect as an emergency measure, and such rules are accordingly suspended and this ordinance is passed as and shall take effect and be in force as an emergency measure, and shall be in force and effect immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this the (p day of~ PASSED AND APPROVED this the h G PASSED AND APPROVED this the ~~ 1V'b. ;7!~ City Secr~ary. - day , A.D. 1931._. I, Lavenia Williams, City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, Texas, hereby certif,y that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 541, as of record in Ordinance Book 2, Page 88-98, of the records of the City of Lubbock, Texas. In Testimony whereof, witness IlY hand and seal of office, in the City of Lubbock, this Ju;:cllth, 1936. ~ , PL,~ • (Seal) , c Me U /l uv '"4 ity Secretary.