HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 533-1935 - Closing Hearing And Levying Assessments Improving Portion Of 18Th St. - 06/25/1935\ OM.lNAWCS NO•· _fJ:_3_3_ Ltm130CX FOil! ---•• nm STAT.a ov TEUS · 1 · LVBBOC! counrr I Oil thlo, tbe 25th &\1 ot July, 1935, tho City Commi no i onera of the City ot ~bb o ck t texa.a , ln the above metJ.one4 oount:r, convened 1n. ne;ul a r J oeaion, in the Regular meetins place tn ea14 oi t Y.t the members tbereof, to-w1 ta ' Rooa ~dwar4s 1 Mayor J~C • Royalty, commtoa1oner .1.B.F r1ce, Commioal onor A.J. N1ohnrdoo n, co~eaioner Geo. E. Benson, Commissi on e r w o s tevenDt Ci ty Secre1a r,r ·s L !!:lett, City Attom&J Absent e w.o. SteTeno, City Seore tar,r belns preaent and paeoed t he followins ordin ance• OR"'llNMlCE CI.OSIN<J Im mrra AND l EV'YlllO ASSRS!.>'UERT.1 Nn A ~ART OF i'H.R ' CO ~T OF IUPROVIJ:O A l'ORTl ~~N '1F 18TH S'l'REBf AND SIDmRY OrnER !l TR~ETS , A.Wm:n.:s AI~;> .t\LLEYS Ill tHE CITY 0 ~ Lt7BDOCK 1 tsX&i, AND P:RO VlDI ~ 0 !t'Ott 'rH3 CO.,I..:~Ol'ION QF vUCH A.i)o355S!~NTJ 1 ANn VOR 'l'Jm ISSUABCS OP ASSIGl•ABLS C1!RTIFIC ,TSS 1~ .EVI.DmiCR Tll!eREOF, l~D DECLAJU!~G AN FWmGENCY • Commisoionor ~=oTe4 tb3t tbe ordinance be placed on '1ta tlr&t ~eadt ns t sec~nde4 Commiaeione r and carried ~ the tollowi~g votor · members vottngAYE . Jrot Carr1edr Ord inanoe p laced on fi rat readtns• Co mlael one r .,; ~'-moved t hnt the ordinance paso flrot re'-dillSJ eeconded by Comm1•e loner · , tmd. c a rried bJ the followins votes ___ membero •oting AYE • .101 Ca~leda Ordlnanoo pBaaed fire t reading~ 'the U&yor t hen declared the ordi nnnco ~inally paaee4. 1~e Ordinance follow•• Ltm'BOCK FOJW :BO • --- OBDINA!fcm t"LOBIJ:O HRA'RING Alm l.i.WYINO A!JSE1t:;l.t~llT5 F \JJl h .. ft.PT ar THE COST OP ItlFltO VIHG A 1?0R'l•I .l1l OJf lll'l'H ~tnm~T Al'l'D SUlnRY >'.t'te..n CTJtt:r;rs, AV'ElTOES ABD ALI3YS IN 'Ill~ CITY OF LUBBOCK , TF..X\G , AHD PRO VIDilTG ltUR fRE COl.lBCfl{.D OF SUCR ASUE6Slnnrrz , .~\l~D r'C? THi l:JSVANC~ CF ASeiUJ:AlH.E C.ERTI PI CAT't.~$ IN EVlDEBCE ftiSREOi' t MJ!J D!CLARING Ali SUSRGi.BCYr l1IlmmAs , the Cl ty Ccmniaolon ot the C! ty of LUbbock, has he retofore . ordend thftt the bolow men tioned port1ono ot ctroete and alleya in aaJf ' Cit,-bo improved by rale1D£h sseadins a nd filling, a.n4 by 1ne t allJ.na concrete curbs an d suttera on untto Boa. 50, 60 • 61, 62 and G! and p t\ving mth triple courtte aepbalt 8\lrfaoe trea tment (lnvertecl Fe netrntion ~e ) on a Six (e) Inch c ompllcte d. Caliche i:saae, tog4thu wt tb neceaa!lry .lnc lclental& an4 appurtenrmoea, all ae 1)rovi ded i.n the epee itt cat1 ~l'lt!l p rep:u•ftc1 by the (Ji ty ~ineer , now on tile witb o a14 ~1 tyt rmd at'l'c.u~aement tor the mak S.ng and donot:ruction ot euch improvtt!C enta ·~ •• entered into with Cttr of lubbock, eaid atnete, avenues and alle,-. betns ae tollowoa to-witt Zishteentb Street from ita 1nter~eotion attb the East propertJ 11De ot Avenue tJ to ita 1Dteneot1on wt th the Mast property line r4 Ayeaue x, kno nand dealanated au Unit or n tatrtet No. 59. Annue o from tte tntenectton with the ::south Property line of Broadway to 1t3 1nteneot1on with tbe lltorth Property line of 13th Street~ knor.n &nd dea1gnate4 ae ~nit or D1etr1et ao. eo. Avenue 0 from 1 ts 1ntel'8eet1on with the :;)OUth l:'rOpertJ line t1 lSth Jtreet to 1 te 1nteraeot1on w1 th the North property line o t lfSth Street, known :md 4ea1pated aa Unit or Diatrtct lto. Gl. ' Teath utre et tr~ 1tp 1nteraeetion ~th the west property line of Avenue K to 1 ta tnteneotton w1 th the East property line of AYenue I. plus one-ho.lf o1' lOth and Avenue L inte~aection, known ancS cteeisnate4 •• Untt or Dtatrtct xo. Sle · Avenue L from its 1ntereect1on wt th the North Property line ~ Main Street to 1\a 1nteJ'IIect!on with the South property llne of lOth stnet plus one-lalt lOth and A.,..nue L In~el'lleotlon, known and 4ea1snated aa Unit or Dtotrlc' Jo. e~. WHEnt&As• the Ctt7 !'ne1neel' prepared rolle C)r etatemente for the lmprovementa in each Dtatrlct or trnt '• ahowtns the amounta to be aeeeeae4 against the Yn rtoua parcele o~ abutttns property, and the ownera thereof', and ahowtns other matter• and thlnpJ and oame were exul1ne4 by the C1 t~ COl:ml.laeton and a pproftcSl and a tl!.n e and place was fixed tor a beartns t:l tbe ownero of auoh alN tlna prope rty, and to all othera tn an7 wt.ae 1ntereate4, an4 c!\ta llft4 proper notloe •e iilYen, an d eucb llea'f'ina waa ha4 an4 held at the time and place n~•• therefor, to-Yit, on tbe 2&th day of July; A.D. 1035, at lt30 o•eloCk 1 r.-., tn the Uommlaaton Ro• in the CttJ of labl)ook, Texaa, cmd at nob. hearing all deatrtng to be beard were 1\ally and tatrly henr4, and eYictenoe waa reoe1Ted and · cona1dere4 and all proteate and ol»Jectlona made were oonu14end1 and aa14 bearing was in all nepeate held tn the manuer provided and nqu1re4 bJ the Charter act taw 1D force ln thie Vi ty and bJ the proceedtnse of the Ct ty w1 th -ref'erence to aucb matter•• ec! the following pro\eata were made concerning the improvement in the units 1nd1oated, namel71 Ancl all obJect1oraa and pnteat.a made were tully conaictered and aai4 beartas waa continued from dQJ' to cla7 and from time to U me UDtil tbia ciate, and the Ctty CODmtaeicm ba.nng tully and fairly bearcl all pal'\lea aaktns a.n.y l'J"Oteat an4 all pa*'tlea 4eetrtns to be hearcl, an4 baY1as tully cosset4ere4 al.l matters pft&a!l\ed tor oona1dertt1on, and hartna tullJ cona1ctered all of the m~e!'lce• ancl all pertinent Gild proper matter11 ie ot oplnlon that the following 4iapoaltlon abould be made of woh J)roteeta an4 o'bJeot1{)ft8t and that asoeeement.a eboulcl 'b e made •• heNAn ordain edt nf!!lREFORE, 1m If OtmAnnm DY TRE OITY C OUU I SS I ON OF THE CITY OJ' Wl'JllOCK, TEX4St T.HA.ft le All :proteata an4 obJectlona, whethe r herein apecitioally ment.1one4 or not, mall be and the eame an hereby onrruled and the aaicl hearirw1 w1th tvspect to each ancl all of eatd trntte, te hereby cloae4. 11• The wtty Co:=toei~nt ham the eridence• findS tbnt the aaaeaaente here- ln lev1od ohall be made and leY1ed apinot the reapect1ve parcel• ot property nbut,tina ~on the ea14 porttona of etreeta and a.lloya, ar~d aveJJ:uea, anct a pi net the ovmero of auob properttt and t b!lt wah Aaaeeamenta "'"' riabt and prope r &ad eatabliebed eubetan,lal Juo ttce and equall \y and unltozmttv between the reapect1Te owners nnd reopect1ve properties, and between all partlea oonoerne~, oon31der1ns benefits ~cetved and bul."dene 1mpose4• aD4 fUrther tlnda th · t in each oaa e the nbuttins pJtOpenr aeseaee4 ta eapectalJ.T benetite4 in the enhanced ftlue thereof b7 me&Da ot the improvement. 1ft the Unit upon which the particular propert y abut.e 1 and f'o.r which aaseaament 1e lene4, tn a aum in exceas of the o.eeaaement lttie4 ap.inct eame 'by t, hJta or41nanco1 and fUrther t1nda thnt the apporllonmen~ or the coat of tbe i11provemen~a 1• in aocoMcmoe with the procee41nae herototore taken tm4 bad wl~h reference t o euch tmprovement.e M4 tn in all reepeoto w.li4 an4 resulu. III• Ths t there ehall be an4 1e he-reby leY1e4 and aeeeeaecl ap1not ~· parcele ot propertr heJ>einbelow men\1one4 tmd apinet tbe real a nd twe owners thereor, whether eueh owners be coft"e ctl7 named herein or not• the GUma of monq below ttentioned an4 1t.mlzed. aho1111 . tppoet te tbe deoorlptton of the reapec\1Te parcel a of propertJ'• the 4eecr1pt1ona ot such property• an4 ee•eml amounts aaaeeoed asalnot eame, and tbe o11'Dera thenot, beins as follows a PAVING AS 3SSSUEXT xv. That the aaaesementa ao levied are tor the lmprnementa in the J)articula i' Unit upon which the property deaonbe4 ab\lta , and the aeaeeementa tor the t~roYemetta tn one Unlt are 1n no wise related to or oonneote4 w1 th tbe impraYemtnta in aJl7 other Unit, and in maklq asaeeamenta and in ho141DC aa14 hearlcs the amounts oo aseeaae4 fo~ improvements in one Unl' hllve bHD in nowiM attectett \7J anJ taot iD a~ wt.ae conneote 4 '"11th tbo lmprOYement•e or the as aesome nta therefor, or an~ other unit• • ~ v. / ThAt the aeveral auma aboye menticmed aeseaaecl aaalnot eaid paroele ot propert7, and aga!net tbe ~al rand· twe 01mera theroor. a nd lntereat thereon at the rate of a1x (6) pe:l" cent per a naum, togethr r ritb reaao,.., able attome7•• tee'e a.ad ooete of oollect1on1 if 1ncurred1 _.re here'b;r decl tu••ed to be an4 made a lien upon the reas:e ct1ve parcela of property asatnot which the aame are aeseaaed, and a p ersonal lia bility an4 cha~ againot the J"Gal and true own e re thereor. i1hethe r or n()t ouch ownero bl!) correctly named hore in, and auch Uena ahall be nnd conotitute the 11. ret enforceable claim acatoa\ the property aooea oed, o.nd oball be a f1rat a nd paramount lle1 au r.er1or to all othe r llene an4 clatma, ex<!ept State, county and mun1o1pal ~ea, an4 the ·~a so coae oaed ohall be payable QS t~llawo• to-wlta In five equal ine tallmenta, the firs t pa:rable on or before wn (10) 4qa a n or the oomplf'tlon and accep tance by the u ai d ci t1 of the 1mprqve- menta ln the unlt upon which the part1oular prop•rt1 -t buta J the .. con4 inotallmellt ctue on or before one )'t ~J" -trom ai• do.te of oomple tl Lln RD4 nccep tanco, the th1r4 lnatallment. 4Ue OJl or ·before two y~:u'e f':r om aa14 d11 t e o f comp .letion o.r.4 acceptance, the fourth 1ns.tallmop' due ~.on or before thre e ,-en ru fl'Om ea1cl 4a~e ot cc>JQ1et1on . tuld a ccteptanoe, the ftfth inota llm.ent due on 01-betore to\lr yeara from said d"lt.o of comp lot1on an4 aoceptano•• and ouch aeeeaamente ebaU bear 1ntereo\ tl'om the 4at.e o~ such completion and aooepbnce at t.be ra~e ot a per cent per annum, payable annually witb each in tallment, eo tbat upon ccmple tion and noooptaaoe of the improvement• 1D a particular unit aeaea~men.\s against the pzoperty a~ttins upo n such camplete4 an4 aocepte4 unlt eballlbe ad4 become due autt payable 1ft such .1n,etal 1menta• and witb 1DteNG\ Crom .,. ot web completioft nnd acceptance, p rort4e4 that •., 'OWDer shall baYe tbe right. to pa,-orr tbe nt1ro aaoesrmaent. or GD7 .inat.allmem t hereof, betore mo turitJ• ~ p GJIDebt of prlnotpnl and acel"lled 1n terest1 and pro?ided further th ~t tf 4etault aball be made 1n the pa)'m e nt of aq installment prom.ptl7 a.G the same ma tures, theft tbe entire emount ot the &&f!eoemen~ Upon 't.lhioh cu.oh 4etault la made ahall, at tho option of "1t,- of tubbock, or 1 t e a.oetane, be a n d 'beeomo 1mmedia.tel,. 4ue and paJnble, am aball be colleot1ble w1tb ~ona'ble attomey•a teee and costa ot collec-. tion, Sf 1neur~e 4. n. Tb.e Ctty of lubbock &ball not in any marmor be liable f or the P81Dlent of at'l)' aume bere"by '$,88$&aed 881line t any property and the ownc r o there.ot, wt eaid "i ty of lu.bbock abtllllook aolely to aa14 propert7• end the ownon thereof. tor paYJllent of the euma aae eesaed aptnet the reapeeti'f'O parcel• ot propen:va but aaid Cit7 shall esero1ee all ot 1 to lawtul powt!r e to a14 in the enfol'Oemeta~ and oolleat1on ot eaid liena en~ aaseall'!lent•• an4 if default ohall be made in the p ayment of GDJ aBaeoom en'• collection thereof ehall 'be enforced .ttber b 1 •ale ot the pnperty by the tax Colleetor and Aasesao~ of the ~~ t7 of lubbock a a near ae poaalblo 1n the mann er prori.ctetl ror the a ale of property tor the ftfmepa,meni ot ad yalorem tuea , ol', a' the op'lon ot Ci tJ of lubboc•• or 1 t.e aaaisnet paJl!lent ot ea14 •\l'lle ohall be enforced by wit in 8117 courl h a v1na jurietltotlon. -.. - VII. For the pur.-oooe ot endeaof.ng the aeYe:rnl auraa asaeseed ap1not the •14 parcel• ot property, and tbe oWBere thel"8ot, aD d the time and ~·IIU of pa,.ent9 and to atd iD tbe enforcement thereOft aaeignBble certit.lcatea a!llll be issued b;r the Cit:v ot laabboelr upon the completion &ltd aecopt- anoe or the wo~k in each Unit ot lmproTement aa the work in aueh Vft1t fa oaplete4 an4 accepted~ wh1oh oert1f1oateo ehall be executed by the llayor in the fl!UI&t of' the vitJ"t at,ea\ed lJ1 the (}f.t,y ti ecretarJ with the col'porate seal, aDd a¥11 be payable to 01 t7 of lubbock or 1 te aeallftlt and &ball decl are the aa14 amounts and the time and t e ma of p8J!Den\ aDCl t'atct ot 1n\ereet an4 4ate ot completion and. accepbnce of the 1mproT.-.nta tor whtch the cel"t1 f103te I.e 1saue41 ud eball coDttlin tbe IBID4t of the · OWJfer aa accuratel7' aa poaail)l.e• and the 4eaartptlon of the pJ'Operly by lot and block number, or t.r nt. teet thereot, or such other aeaorlp\ion ac m&J ~tber."fiee 14entlf7 the eamet Bl14 it •he ea14 propert7 aball be owned by an estnte• then to ao .tate tbe description thereof as eo owned ehall be eutt1o1entl or i f the nUUt of tbe own e r be unklloWD, ttum to eo sta.te ehall be n~r. clent. and no erro,f>r mlatake in doecrlbinl MY property• o.r in string the nam,6t G.nJ' o\ihen, ahaU ln any wiae ill'f&lld.at• or lmpalr the aeaeeement levied hereby or the ce·niftcate teaued ln eT14ence thereot. The aai4 cert1t1catea eball further provt4e .ubatBntiallJ th t lf default ahall be made tn th.e paJIIleDt o t &DJ inotallmen\ of principal or intereat when ~"•• then, at, the Option ot "'l.tY ot Lubbock,. or 1 ~ aaaifPllt the whole or tba eaid aeoeoD:nen.t eT14ence·d t.hezoe.b'f ahall a.\ onee· beco%:18 due and payable• and shall -·~ eollect1ble with ~taable at\~rner•• feee and coeto ot eolleotion. tt tnourrect. An4 eaid ce~t111C~tee eball aet forth an4 evidence the personal liability of ihe owneJ"O of .uoh property and the lien Upon wuob propertT1 an4 ehall provide irt etrect 1f d.etault ehall be made in the pa,ment thereof' the eaae may be ezatone4 ·· ei tbe:r by the onle of the :propeny by tht! Tax Collector an.d A•••••o~ or tbe City of I.ubboCkt as aboYe reel teclt or by •ul t ln any ooun haYina Jur1actlct1on. 111e eaid oeri1t1cateo aball ftnhar reci~e in errect that a.ll procee41ns• 1':'1 th rete renee to making said iftlpJ'OTemente han been J'egularl7 bad in coq,lianoe 'T1 th th• ln 111 force and proceeding& of the ~i.ty of ~bbock, and that all pnrequioltctD to thl! t1x1na of the 11en a.nd claim ot · perecmal liab111~1 eviden.ced by euch cer\1t1an\es have 'been nsularly done Elll4 portOftled., wh1cb roc1 talo ehall 'be erlcleace of the matters ao4 tact a ao rec1tecl, ana no 1\a.rtber proof iheroof cshall be requ1 reel 1B aar cwrt. And the ea14 cert1tscatea aay hav• coupon• attached thereto 1n eTldeno• ot enoh or an,-ttt' the eeveral lnatallmenta thereof, or they ma)t haYe coupona for ea~ ot the first four ineto.llmen'•• le lving-the main oertlflaate for the tifth• Said oertlf1catee may f\lrther provide au'bstan,ially th"'t ibe aounte »A7• able the~euncter JDa7 be paid t() tlte Collector of i'axee of the -1 \7t who eball iaoue hie noe1pt then••r• which receipt ahnll be evidence or woh J)&7JI•t upon aray de!MD4 tor the ISOID8• elther by nrtue of ·the eaicS. certltica~e o~ •• contract to pay the came ontered into by the propert7 ovme2'Ct and tha ' the Collectol"' of Taxes will 9 posit Bll suma ao nce1Ye4 by b1m to:rtbwltb wltb the\ttt7 Treaeurer; ~4 upon tho paJIZll!tDt of Nl7 installment w1 tb 1nteroat Upon the eunen4er of the coupon therefor• receipted in fUll by ad4 Co~ttl'Qctor• or other holc1~r of aa1c1 oert1tlcatet tbe City Treasurer ebn.11 pay the 8lllount ao collected and due thereon to enid Oontnctor., or other holder, wbioh coupons so raceipteci oball be tb.e Treaau~er•e wa.rt"'mt to'r payment. And the aaid certt.tieates ehall f\lrther proTlde in effect. that tbe t:ity ot lubbock ehAll exerc1ae aU ct 1 te lawfUl powers• when requea\ed oo ~o do by the holder of' ea14 cert1t1c ~tee, to A14 1ft •he enforcement an4 collection thereott an4 la14 cer\lttc ~teo may contain other and turthertec1talo ~e r\inen~ an4 app~r1ato tboreto• It ehall not bo neoeeoary thAt .al4 cer,1tio ~tea eball be in tbe exact tom as aboTe set fbfth, bUt the aubetance an4 effect theroof aball euffice. VIII. -.: "i ihe aeaeesmente levied by this ordinance for the !mprovementa 1~uea ch Unit are altogether separate and distinct from assessments ln each and ever7 other unit. The assessments tor improvements in one uni t are in nowise affected by the improvements in or the aese esmenta levied for the improvements tn any other un1 t• and in making and levying assessment s the coste of the improvements 1n each Unit, the benefits by means of the improvements, and all other matters and things w1 threference to the improvements in each Unit, have been considered and determined alto- gethe r without reference to any such matters in any other unit, and the omioaion of the improvements in any unit shall in nowise af~eot or impair the validity ot aaseaements tor the improvements in any other un~t. The omission of improvements in any particular unit in fromt ot any property exempt from the lien of such assessments shall in nowise affect or impair the validity of asaeamnents against other prope r ty in that unit. IX. No mistake, error, invalidity, or i~egularity in the name of any property owner, or the description of any property; or the amount ot any assessment, or in any ~ther matter or thing, shall in any wise invalidate or impair any assessment levied hereby or any ce~t1ticate isau~d, and any such mistake, error, invalidity, or irregularity, whether in suoh assessment or in the certificate issued 1n evidence thereof, may be corrected at any time b y the ~1ty. x. All assess-mente levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the premises described, notwi thetanding such ownera may not be named, or may be incorrectly named. XI• The present eond1t1on of said streets and alleys endangers health and safety, and it ia necessary that said 1mproTemente be proceeded with while the weather will permit, and the oonatruot1on of eaid improvements is being delayed pending the taking effect of t h is ordinance, and such tacta constitute and create an em~rgeney, and an urgent p ublic necessity requiring tbatthe rulee proTiding for ordinances to be read more than one time, or at more than one meeting,. be suspended, and that this ordinance be passed as and take eftect aa ,. an emergency measure, and ouch rules are accordingly suspended ana ~ ordinance is p aeeed as and shall take effect and be in forc e as an emergency measure, and shall be in force and effect immedi a tely from and after its passa ge. PASSim AWD APPROVED TH IS 'l'l!& .;25t/v clay of ~ , A.D. 1935. ayor ATTEST a fi w .o. Sttveos