HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0509 - PO 326000024, With Dailey & Wells Communications, Inc. - 10/10/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0509
Item No. 5.29
October 10, 2023
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute
for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order Contract No. 32600024 for an
upgrade of Radio System's Microwave Communications Network, by and between the City of
Lubbock and Dailey Wells Communications, Inc., and related documents. Said Contract is
attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be
included in the minutes of the City Council.
Passed by the City Council on
October 10, 2023
Courtney Paz, City Secre ry
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Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager
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ccdocs IIIRES.Contract-Dailey Wells Communications
October 2, 2023
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Page - 1
Date - 9/28/2023
Order Number 32600024 000 OP
Branch/Plant 92780
530 36TH STREET, SUfTE 200
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Alvare , uector of Purchasing & Contract Management
Ordered 9/28/2023 Freight
Requested 10/25/2023 Taken By
Delivety Per J Zhine / Req # 60787
Quote #2023-26241 Sole Source
I�you have an_y questions please contact JaV Zhine at JZlrine(a�mnil.ci.lubbock.t�us or bv Phone at 806-775-2366
Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date
SIAE AGS20L ASNK Indr Modules 1.000 59,028.0000 EA � 59,028.00 10/25/2023
Pwr,Fan Core # SIAE-D60086
Software keys - AGS20 SW Licn
6GHz & 11GHz Frequency Specifc
Transmission Kit # S[AE-D60313
Frequency+ Sub-band -ASNK
ODU Warranty #ASN-HP-HBT l 103
Aggregator Kit
Warranties - AGS20 & ASN-ODU
2 3Y Warc #AGS20-EXTWAR-36
6& 11 GHz Microwave Antennae
# ANT 1 I GHZ-36-SP
Ancillary Site MaterialslServi
Connectors IceShields, Licn
1.000 40,750.0000 EA
1.000 16,800.0000 EA
1.000 16,096.0000 EA
iL��DD�:���I�I�I�� �l•1
1.000 18,520.0000 EA
1.000 9,624.0000 EA
1.000 36,038.1600 EA
40,750.00 10/25/2023
16,800.00 10/25/2023
16,096.00 10/25/2023
2,040.00 10125 J2023
18,520.00 10/25/2023
9,624.00 l 0i2512023
36,038.16 10l2512023
��►r. ���, of
Page - 2
Date - 9/28/2023
Order Number 32600024 000 OP
Branch/Plant 92780
530 36TH STREET, SUITE 200
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Alvarez, irector of Purchasing & Contract Management
Ordered 9/28/2023
Requested 10/25/2023
Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 60787
Description/Supplier Item
Spares - AGS20-L, ODU ASNK 11
Taken By
Professional Services
Labor - Misc Material
Terms NET 30 DAYS
Total Order
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $390,569.81 awarded to Dailey Wells Communications, Inc. of
San Antonio, TX, on OCtober 10 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by
reference: Quote dated February Ol, 2023, from Dailey Wells Communications, Inc. of San Antonio, TX, and is a Sole Source
Resolution # 2023-R0509
Tray P ne,
Quote #2023-2624 / Sole Source
Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date
1.000 18,1 I 6.0000 EA ' l 8,116.00 10l2512023
1.000 173,557.6500 EA 173,557.65 10/25/2023
A .ST:
Courtney Paz, City Sec tary
��r� ���of
Page -
Date -
Order Number
32600024 000 OP
530 36TH STREET, SUITE 200
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Alvarez, irector of Purchasmg & Contract Management
Ordered 9/28/2023 Freight
Requested 10/25/2023 Taken By
Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 60787
Quote #2023-26241 Sole Source
Commercial General Liabilitv: Workers Comaensation and Emalover Liabilitv:
$1 M occurrence /$2M aggregate (can be combined with an Statutory. If the vendor is an independent contractor with no
Excess Liability to meet requirement). CGL is required in ALL employees and are exempt from providing Workers'
contracts. It is perhaps the most important of all Compensation coverage, they must sign a waiver (obtained
insurance policies in a contractual relationship. It insures the from COL Purchasing) and include a copy of their driver's
Contractor has broad liability coverage for contractual activities license. Employer Liability ($1M) is required with
and for completed operations. Workers Compensation.
Commercial General Liability to include Products — Additional Policies:
Completion/OP, Personal and Advertising Injury, Contractual Cyber Liability Requirements: $1 M of coverage is
Liability, Fire Damage (any one fire), and Medical Expenses needed for Cyber Liability
(any one person).
Technology Errors and Omissions Requirements: $lM
Automotive Liabilitv: of coverage is needed
$1 M occurrence is needed.
*The City of Lubbock (including its officials, employees and volunteers) shall be afforded additional insured status on a primary
and non-contributory basis on all liability policies except professional liabilities and workers' comp. *Waivers of Subrogation are
required for CGL, AL, and WC. *To Include Products of Completed Operations endorsement. *Carrier will provide a 30-day
written notice of cancellation, 10-day written notice for non-payment. *Carriers must meet an A.M. Best rating of A- or better.
*Subcontractors must ca same limits as listed above.
Rev. 3/2022
Seller and Buyer agree as
CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. bv suoolvme anv Goods or Srnica that �he Comracror has rcad. fullv
understands. and wJl 6e in PoII comohance with all tertns and condmm�s and the darnytrve matenal contamed herem
and anv addrt�onal associated documen�s and Amendmen�s. The Ciry disclaims anv �mnc and conditions orovided bv
the Contraaor unless a¢rced uoon in �mtm¢ bv Ihe oarties. In �he wrnt of con0�c� between the Otv's tems and
condilions and any tmns and conditions provided bv the Contractor. the temts and condilions orovided herein shall
prcvail. 7Le tern�s and condi�ionc provided herein are the final tmns aereed uoon bv the oarties. and anv orior
conllictine �em�t shall be of rro force or effect.
1. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Sella will package goods in accordance with good commercial praclice.
Each shipping container shall be clearly and pemanently marked as follows (a) Seller's name and addr�ss, (b)
Consignee's name, addras and purchue order or purchase rclease number and the supply agreement number i(
applicable, (c) Containa number and tolal numher of conlainers, e.g. hox 1 of 4 boxa, and (d) the number of the
container bearing Ihe packing slip. Seller shall bear cost of packaging unlas o�hmvix provided. Goods shall be
suitably packed to secure lowat transpona�ion costs and w conform with requiremenis of common camers and any
applicable specifica�ionc. Buyer's count or weigh� shall be final and conclusive on shipmenis not accompanied by
packing lists.
2. SHIPMEM' UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED Seller is not autholized to ship ihe goods under
resmation and no tender o(a bill of lading will operate as a tender ofgoods.
3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The li�le and risk of loss of the goods shall not pazs to Bu�er until Buyer aaually
receives and �akes possession of �he goods at the pom� or pomts of delivery.
4. NO REPLACEMEM' OF DEFECTIVE TENDER Every tender of delivery of goods must fullycomplywith all
provisions of this contrac� az to time of delivery, qualityand ihe like. If a Irnder is made which doa nol fully con(ofm,
this shall conctitme a breach and Seller shall not have �he ngM lo substitute a con(o�ming tenda, provided, whae the
�ime (or per(ormance has not yet ezpircd, the Seller may reasonably no�ify Buyer of his intrn�ian to cure and may
then make a confortning �ender within the comraa �ime but not aftenvard.
5. fNVO10ES 8 PAYMENTS. a S e I I e r shall submn separate invoica, in duplicale, one wch purchase order or
purchase rclease after wch delivery. Invoices shall md�cate Ihe purchase order or purchaze rclease numlxr and
Ihe supply agreement number it applicable. Invoica shall be itemiud and transponation charga, if any, shall be
listed separately. A copy of the bill of lading, and the freight waybill when applicable, should be a��ached to �he
invoice. Mail To: Accounis Payable, City of Lubbock, P. O Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457. Payment shall not
be due until �he above instruments are submiued aRer delivery.
6. GRATUITIES. The Buy+er may, by written notice lo the Seller, cancel �his comract witlwut liability �o Seller if
it is delemtined by Buyer that gratuitia, in �he (orm o( mtenainment, gifls or othenvise, were offered or given by �he
Sella, or any agent or repraentative of the Seller, to any officer or employee of the City of Lubbock with a viav to
securing a contract or securing Favorsbk treatmem with respea to the awarding or amending, or Ihe making of any
delrnninations with rapect to �he performing of such a comraa. In �he evem this contrect is wnceled by Buyer
pursuam to this provisioq Buyer shall be entidcd, in addition to any other rights and rcmedies, ro recover or withhold
the amount of the cost incurted by Seller in providing such gretui�ies.
7. SPECIAI. TOOLS � TEST EQUIPMENT. If the price s�ated on �he Face hamf includes the cost of any special
tooling or special test equipment fabriwled or requ'ued by Seller for the purpou of filling �his order, such special
tooling equipmenl and any process sha�s relaled �herero shall become the property of �he Buyer and w the extrnt
feazible shall be identified by the Sella as such.
8. WARRAMY-PRICE. a The price to be paid by the Buyer shall be �hat contained in Seller's bid which
Seller wartants to be no higher �han Seller's curtrnt p'ocess on orders by others for produds of Ihe kind and
ipecification covercd by this agreemenl for similar quantities unda similar of like conditions and methods of purchate.
In the event Seller breacha this wartanty, the prices of the nems shall be rcduced �o the Selkr's cunent prica
on orders by others, or in the altemative. Buynr may cancel �his comraa without liabiliry ro Seller for breach
or Seller's actual expense. b. The Seller wartants that no person or selling agency has been employed or re�ained �o
solicit or secure �his contraa upon an ageemem or understanding for commission, percrntage, brokerage, or conlingenl
fee excepting bona fide employea of bona fide atablished commercial or selling agencia maintained by �he Seller for
�he puryose of securing businas. For breach o( viciation o(this wartanty �he Bu�er shall have the righ� in addition to
any other right of righ�s w cancel this contract wi�hout liab�hty and to dcduct (rom the coniract price, or othrnvise
recovtt without liabilityand to deduct from �he contrzcl price, or olhrnvae recova Ihe (ull artaunt ofsuch commission,
percentage, brokerage or comingent fee.
9. WARRAM'Y-PRODUCT. Seller slull not limit or exclude any implied warrantia and any attemp� to do so shall
render �his contrac� voidable at Ihe option of Ihe Buyer. Seller warranis that the goods fumished will con(orm to the
specifiw�ion, dmwings, and descriptions listed in �he bid invi�ation, and to Ihe sample(s) fumished by �he Seller, if any.
In the event of a conflict or between the specificalions, dawings, and dacriptions, the specifications shall govem.
Nonvithstanding any provisions contained in lhe contradual agreement, the Seller repr�sents and wartants fault-Gee
perfortnanceand fault-free rault in the procasing date and dalerelated data (i�luding, but not limited to calculaling,
comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, solhvare and fi�mware products delivaed and services pmvided under
this Contracl, individually or in combination, at the case may be finm �he effeaive date of this Contract. The
obligations comained herein apply to pmduas and services provided by the Seller, its sub Sella or any third party
involved in the crealion or development of ihe products and services to be delivered to the City of Lubbock under this
Contracl. Failure to comply wilh any of Ihe obliga�ionc contained herein, may rault in the City of Lubbock
availing i�self of any of its rights under �he law and under this Contraa including, but not limited to, its right pertaining
lo Imnination or deFault. The wartamia comained haein are separate and discrete from any otha wa�ranties
specified in this Contracl, and are not subja� to any disclaimer of warranty, implied or exprared, or limitation of �he
Seller's liabili�y which may be specified in �his Contrsa, its apprndices, ils schedula, its anneza or any document
incorporated in this Contract by reference.
10. SAFEI'Y WARRANTY. Sella warwms Ihal the produa sold lo �he Bu7er shall conform to �he standards
promulga�ed by �he U. S. Depanmrnt of Labor under �he Occupational Sa&ty a�d Healih Act of 1970. In the event �he
producl does not canform �o OSHA standards, Buyer may relum Ihe product for co�rection or replacement al �he
Seller's expense. In the event Sella (ails to make the appropriale wrteclion within a rcasonable time, corteaan
made by Buyer will be at �he Seller's expense.
I I. NO WARRAM'Y BY BUYER AGAINST INFRMGEMEMS. As part of �his wntrad for sale Seller agrees
to aseMain whe�her goodc manufaaurcd in accordance with the specifications auached to Ihis agreement will give
rise to Ihe rightful claim of any �hird person by way of inGmgement of the like. Buyer makes no wartanty that the
produc�ion of goods according to the speci�ca�ion will not give rise to such a claim, and in no event shall Buyer be
liable to Sella for indemnification in the event that Seller is sued on ihe gounds of inGingement of Ihe like. If Seller
is of the opinion that an inBingement or the I&e will rault, he will notify the Buyer to �his efTect in writing within two
weeks after Ihe signing of �his agreement. If Buya doa not rcceive no�ice and is subsequently held liable for
�he inGingemenl or �he like, Seller will save Buyer hafmless If Seller in good faith azcenains the production of the
goods in accordance with the specifications will result in infringement or the like, �he wntraa shall be null and void
12. NON APPROPRIATION. All funds for paymem by the Cily unda �his contract are subjecl lo Ihe availability ofan
annual appropriation for �his pwpose by the Ci�y. In �he evrnl of nonappropriation of (unds by Ihe Ciry Council of �he
Ciry of Lubbock for the goods or services provided under the contract, the City will tmninate the contracl, without
�ermination cFwge or other liabilily, on the last day o(the �hm-culrent fiscal year or when the appropriation made (or
�he thrn-curtent year for the gaods or servica covered by this conlrad is spent, whichever event occurs firsl. 1(at any
�ime funds are not appmpria�ed for the continuance of Ihis contract, cancella�ion shall be accepled by Ihe Sella on
lhiNy (30) days prior wrium notice, bw failure ro give such notice shall be of no effect and the Ciry shall not be
obligaled under this contract beyond �he date of tertnina�ion.
13. RIGHT OF MSPECTION. Buysr shall have �he right to inspecl Ihe goods al delivery before accepting them
14. CANCELLATION. Buy+er shall have �he right to cancel for deFault all or any pan of the undelivered ponion of
this orda if Seller breacha any of �he lema hereof including warrantia of Seller or if the Seller becoma insolvenl or
commi�s acts of bankruptcy. Such righ� of cancella�ion is in addition �o and not in lieu of any other remedies which
Buyer may have in law or equity.
I5. TERMMATION. The perfolmance of work under this order may be tertninated in whole, or in part by the Buyer
m accordance wi�h this provisioa Trnnmation of work hereu�der shall be ef%cted by the delrvery o( the Sella of
a"Notice of Tmnmauon" specifying �he eatrnt a which performance of work undn �he order is u�mmated and the
date upon which such termina�ion becomes effecuve Such nght or �rnnma�ion a m addition lo and �rot m heu o(the
rights of Buyer set fotlh in Clause 14, haem
16. FORCE MAIEURE. Neither party shall be held responsible for lossa, rcsulting if the fuifillment of any
temts o( provisions of this comrac� is delayed or prevrn�ed by any cause not wnhin the comml o( the party whose
perfortnance is interfered with, and which by �he exercise of reazonable dilige�e said pany is unable to prerenl
17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No right or intttes� in this contract shall be assigned or delegauon of any
obligation made by Seller wi�hout �he writtrn pefmission of �he Bu�er. Any attempted acsignment or delegauon by
Seller shall be wholly void and totally ine(fective for all purpou unlas made in conformi�ywith �his paragraph
I8. WANER. No claim or right arising om of a breach of ihis coniraa can be dacharged in whole or m pan by a
waiver or renunciation of the claim or righ� unlas �he waiver or rcnuncia�ion is supponed by consideration and is m
wri�ing signed by the aggrieved party.
19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE. Tha writing, plus any spaificauons for bids and performance
provided by Buyer in i�s advenisement for bids, and any other documenis prov�ded by Seller as pan o(his bid.
is intended by Ihe panies as a final exprasion of the'v agreement and intrnded also as a comple�e and ezclusive
statement of �he tmns o(�he'v agrament. Whenever a �erm defined by the Uniform Commercial Code is used m th�s
agreement, the definition contained in the Code is to contml.
20. APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shall be governed by �he Uni(ortn Commrncial Code. Whaever Ihe trnn
"Unifortn Commercial Code" is used, it shall be construed az meaning the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted m
the State of Texaz as ef%ctive and in force on the date of ihis agreement.
? 1. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one party to Ihis conlract in good fanh has reason w quauon the other
party's inrent to pttform he may demand that �he other party give written assurance of his incent to perfortn In the
event that a demand is made and no assurance is given within five (5) days, �he demanding parly may trwt �his
failure as an anticipatory rcpudia�ion of the contract.
22. INDEMN[FICATION. Seller shall indemnify, keep and uve hartnlas the Buyer, its agems, o�cials and
employees, againtl all injuria, dwihs, loss, damages, claims, patmt claims, suits, liabilities, judgmems, costs and
ezpenses, which may in anywise accme against Ihe Buyer in wncequence ot Ihe granling of this Contraa or which
may anywise rault thereGom, whether ar �rot it shall be alleged or daertnined �ha� the act �aas caused through
negligence or omission of the Seller or its employea, or of the subSeller or ass�gnee or ns employea, if any, and Ihe
Seller shall, at his own expense, appear, de(end and pay all charges of attomeys and all costs and other expenses
arising therefrom o( incurred in connec�ion themvith, and, if any�udgmem shall be rrndered against the Buyxr in any
such aaion, �he Seller shall, at i�s own expenses, satisfy and discha�e the same Seller ezpressly understands and
agrea �hat any bond required by this wntraa, or othmvise provided by Seller, shall m no way limi� the
responsibility lo indemnify, keep and uve hartnlas and defend the Buyer az haein provided.
?3. TIME. 11 is haeby exprasly agreed and understood that I�me is of ihe essence for the performance of �his
comraa, and Failurc by cantraa to meet the time specifications of th�s asreement wdl cause Seller to be in default
of this agrmmem.
?4. MBE. The City of Lubbock hercby notifies all b�dders that in regard to any contact rntered into pursuant a
this requat, minority and women businas emeryrisa will be afTorded equal opponunitia to submi� bids in raponse
to this invitation and will not be discriminamd agamst on the grounds of racq color, xx o� oalural ongin m
considera�ion for an award.
?5. NON-ARBITRATION. The Ciry rarna Ihe right ro exacae any nghl or rcmcdy lo it by law, contrsc�, equiry, ar
othmvix, including without limilalion, the right to sak any and all forms o( rel�ef m a court of competrn�
jurisdiaioa Funher, the City shall not be subject to any arbitra�ion proces� pnor to exercising i�s unrestricled
righl to seek judicial rcmedy. The remedia set forth hercin are cumulative and not ezcluswe, and may be ezacised
concuvently. To the extent of anyconFlict between thvs provis�on and anothapmv�sion in, or related to, �his document,
this provision shall comml.
?6. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any time during the tem� of �he contraa, or thercafter, the Ciry, or a duly autlwrized
audit reprarntative o( the City or �he S�ate of Texu, at ��s expense and at rcasonable nmes, raerva lhe right to
audit Contractors rceords and books rclevant ro all smices prov�dcd w �he Cityunda �his Contract In the event such
an audit by the City m�eals any arors or overyayments by the City, Conirattor shall rePond the City the full amount
of such overpayments within Ihirty (30) days of such aud�t findmgs, or Ihe Crty, al its ophon, resrnes �he nght to
deducl such amounts owing the Citylrom any payments due Contrador.
?7. The Contraaor shall not assign or suble� the comraa, or any ponion of the contrac�, without writtm mnum Bom
the D'vector of Purchazing and Contrsct Managemrnt.
28. Contracts with Companies Engaged in Businas with Iran, Sudan, or Forcign Tertorisl Olganiza�ion Prohib�lcd.
Pursuant to Section 2252.152 of ihe Texas Govemment Code, plohibits the City (rom entering into a contracl with a
vendor �hat is idemified by The Comp�roller at a company known �o have contracts w�th or provide supplies or service
with Iran, Sudan or a Coreign trnorist organ'va�ion
?9. Texas Govemment Code. Section 2252.908 requ'ves a business entity entamg into cenain contacts wi�h a
govemmental rntity or s�ate agency ro file with �he govemmental rntiry or state agency a disclosure of interated pania
a� �he �ime the businas entity submits the signed contraa �o �he govemmen�al mtity or slale agency. Inthuctions for
completing Fortn 1295 are available ae hny>'wnw.ti.ku0bxi�.[x.us��pam��etna]-
30. No Boycou of Isroel. Pursuant to Section 2271.002 of �he Texas Govemment Code, Rapondrnl eMifies thal
eithtt (i) it meets an exemption ai�eria under Sec�ion 2271.002; or (ii) it doa not hoycolt Israel and will not boycott
Israel during �he tertn of �he contraa resulting Gom �his solicitatioa Rapondenl shall state any facts that make it
exempt &om the boycott cenification in its Response.
31. No Boyco�� of Energy Companies. Pursuant lo Sec�ion 2274 o(ihe Texaz Govemment Code, Respo�rnt
cerlifies Ihat either (i) it meets an ezemption crileria under Section ?274.002; or (ii) it doa not boycott Energy
Companies and will not boycou Energy Companies during the �rnn of the contract resulting from �his solicitation.
Rapondent shall stale any facls that make it exempt Gom Ihe boycott cMification in �ts Response.
32. No Boycou ofa Firca�.n Entity or Fireann Trade Aswciation. Pursuam to Section 2274 of Ihe Texas
Govemment Code, Rapondent cenifies �ha� ei�her (i) it mmts an exemption criteria under Section 2274.00?; or (ii) u
daa no� 6oycott a F'vearm Entity or Fircarm Trsde Associa�ion and will not boycot� a F'vearm Entiry or Fircarm
Trade Association during the tmn of the contraa resulting Gom Ihis wlicilation. Respondent shall swte any Faas �hat
make i� exempt Gom the boycott cehifiwtion in its Raponse.
33 Contrac�s wi�h Companies Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Tefrorist Organvation Prohibited
Pursuant to Smion 225?.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, prohibits the Ciry from entenng mto a conlratl with a
vendor tha� is identified by The Comptroller as a company known to have contracts with or pro�•ide supphes or
service with Iran, Sudan or a(oreign tertorist organization
34. TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT. The rcquircments of Subchapta 1, Chapter 552, Govemment Code,
may apply �o this wntraa and the contmctor or vendor agrca that �he contrad can be �rnninated if the contractor or
vendor knowingly or intenlionally fails lo wmply wilh a requiremenl of ihat subchapter
35 Pursuant to Seaion 552.301(c) of�he Texas Govemment Code, the Cily ofLubbock has da�gna�ed the following
emad addras for which public info�mation requals may be made by an emailed rcquat vrNQmvlubbocl.�s. Pleaze
send Iha request lo this email addras for it to be processed
REV 3'?022
Dailey & Weils Communications, Inc.
3440 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX 78219
Bill To: Ship To:
City of Lubbock, TX City of Lubbock, TX
Accounts Payable Attention: Radio Shop
PO Box 2000 530 36th Street
Lubbock, TX 79457 Suite 200
Lubbock, TX 79404
QuOte Title: Radio System - Microwave Network
.► �
�►► , .
Quote Number: 2023-2624
Terms: Net 30 Days
Quote Date: 02/01 /2023
Valid Until: 10/31/2023
Print Date: 09/25/2023
Sales Person:
Michael Lee Lockwood
+1 (281) 713-0405
SIAE AGS20UASNK Indoor Modules (Redundant Pwr, Fan, Core + 2 LIM modules)
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 6 AGS20-L-IDU AGS20-L Indoor 2RU Wired Sub-Rack, no Modules, $ 830.00 $ 830.00 $ 4,980.00
-48VDC input, 1 year warranty
2 12 SIAE-D�0083 AGS20-L Fan Unit $184.00 $184.00 $ 2,208.00
3 12 SIAE-D60084
4 12 SIAE-D60086
5 12 SIAE-D60305
AGS20-L Power Supply Module, -48VDC
AGS20-L CORE Module
AGS20-L Line Interface Module (LIM), 2x 10Gb + 4x 1 Gb
OPT or 8x 1 Gb OPT
$ 540.00 $ 540.00 $ 6,480.00
$ 2,622.00 $ 2,622.00 $ 31,464.00
$ 943.00 $ 943.00 $ 11,316.00
6 18 SIAE-V60744 AGS20-L Cover for Unequipped RIM/LIM/CORE Slot $15.00 $15.00 $ 270.00
7 12 SIAE-F03686 Power supply cable AGS20-L 2P female-open (3m) $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ 720.00
8 6 SIAE-V42024LC AGS20L Grounding Kit $ 15.00 $15.00 $ 90.00
9 6 Power Supply Power Supply $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 1,500.00
Subtotal: $ 59,028.00
Total: $ 59,028.00
Software Keys
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 4 UPG-AGS20-ACM AGS20 SW License to enable Adaptive Code Modulation $ 227.50 $ 227.50 $ 910.00
2 4 UPG-AGS20-UM-100-750 AGS20 L&M SW License from 100 to 750 Mbps capacity $ 585.00 $ 585.00 $ 2,340.00
(per direction) for 4096QAM capable IDUs
3 12 UPG-AGS20-MPLS AGS20 SW License to enable MPLS transport level to $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 24,000.00
establish L2/L3 VPN services & enables VRF capability
4 12 UPG-AGS20-BGP AGS20 SW License to enable Border Gateway Protocol $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 12,000.00
5 6 UPG-AGS20-RMON AGS20 SW License to enable RMON (Remote Ethernet $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 1,500.00
6 0 UPG-AGS20L-M-2XIF AGS20L-M SW License to enable 2nd IF carrier $ 546.00 $ 546.00 $ 0.00
Subtotal: $ 40,750.00
Total: $ 40,750.00
6GHz and 11 GHz Frequency Specific Transmission Kit
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 8 SIAE-D60313 AGS20 Radio Interface Module (RIM) ARI2 Dual Modem $ 1,970.00 $1,970.00 $ 15,760.00
Card, 2 x IF + 1 x SFP+ port card for use with the Dual
Carrier ASNK ODU and Multiband link with AGS20-L.
8 SIAE-F21036
12 SIAE-V42025L
IF Cable, SMA-M to N-M
ODU Grounding Cable
$ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 200.00
$ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ 840.00
CONFIDENTIAL QUOTE Dailey-Wells Main Phone Number: (210) 893-6500 � Website: www.dwcomm.com �� 5
Dailey & Weils Communications, Inc.
3440 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX 78219
i►� , • •
Subtotal: $ 16,800.00
Total: $ 16,800.00
Frequency+ Sub-band Specific ASNK
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 2 ASN-HP-LBT-1103 ODU ASNK11/490 HP S6=3L - Low Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 4,024.00
Sub-Band 3, (1 1 035 - 1121 5 MHz 1 11525 - 11705 MHz),
1 year warranry
2 2 ASN-HP-HBT-1103 ODU ASNK11/490 HP SB=3H - High Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 4,024.00
Sub-Band 3, (11035 - 11215 MHz / 1 1 525 -1 1 705 MHz),
1 year warranty
3 2 ASN-SP-LBT-1801 ODU ASNK18/1560 SP SB=1 L- Low Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 4,024.00
Sub-Band 1, (17700 - 18140 MHz 119260 - 19700 MHz),
1 year warranty
4 2 ASN-SP-HBT-1801 ODU ASNK11/490 HP S6=3L - Low Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 4,024.00
Sub-Band 3, (11035 -11215 MHz / 11525 -11705 MHz),
1 year warranry
Subtotal: $ 16,096.00
Total: $ 16,096.00
Aggregator Kit
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 24 SIAE-01428 1 G Multimode SFP $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ 2,040.00
Subtotal: $ 2,040.00
Total: $ 2,040.00
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 4 AGS20-L-EXTWAR-24 AGS20-L Extended Warranty for two additional years (24 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 4,400.00
2 6 AGS20-EXTWAR-36 AGS20 Extended Warranty for three additional years (36 $ 2,150.00 $ 2,150.00 $ 12,900.00
3 2 ASN-EXTWAR-24 ASN-ODU Extended Warranry for two additional years (24 $ 610.00 $ 610.00 $ 1,220.00
Subtotal: $18,520.00
Total: $ 18,520.00
6& 11 GHz Microwave Antennae
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 4 ANT-11 GHZ-36-SP 11 GHz Antenna, 3ft, Single Pole SIAE Direct $1,393.00 $ 1,393.00 $ 5,572.00
Mount:VHLP3-11 W-SI46
2 ANT-18GHZ-24-SP
2 ANT-18GHZ-36-SP
18 GHz Antenna, 2ft, Single Pole SIAE Direct Mount:
18 GHz Antenna, 3ft, Single Pole SIAE Direct Mount:
$ 633.00 $ 633.00 $1,266.00
$1,393.00 $ 1,393.00
$ 2,786.00
$ 9,624.00
$ 9,624.00
Ancillary Site Materials/Services
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 1,400 12 TrueConnect - 112" Corrugated Copper Coaxial Cable; 50 $ 2.05 $ 2.05 $ 2,870.00
Ohm, White Jacket
2 16 12P-NM TrueConnect - N Male Connector for 112" Outdoor or $ 25.71 $ 25.71 $ 411.36
Plenum Corrugated Cable
CONFIDENTIAL QUOTE Dailey-Wells Main Phone Number: (210) 893-6500 � Website: www.dwcomm.com 2 � 5
Dailey & Wells Communications, Inc.
3440 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX 78219
3 8 12S/NM-NM/36
HE1 U-548-BMS
B-12V-14A at
TrueConnect - Low PIM (-160dBc) 1/2" Superflex Jumper
; N Male Connector to N Male Connector, 3ft.
HG-121/2" Lace Up Hoisting Grip
Angle Adapter with 3/4" hole for Snap-In Hangers
SSH-12 Stackable Snap In Hanger For 1!2" Cable
at 5A at 56VDC output
14Ah at 12 vdc
Universal Pipe Mount for 4-1/2" Pipe,Up to 8"OD Leg, No
Ice Shield Kit 3' Square
Galvanized Plain End Pipe, 4-1/2" OD X 84" SCH40
License Modification and Filing - per link
Path engineering and LOS visual survey (4 sites)
Network Management (included)
.► �
�►► , .
$ 34.28
$ 27.14
$ 90.00
$ 899.00
$ 109.00
$ 575.00
$ 17.14
$ 34.28
$ 27.14
$ 90.00
$ 899.00
$ 575.00
$ 137.12
$ 1,234.08
$ 977.04
$ 720.00
$ 3,596.00
$ 1,744.00
$ 4,600.00
$ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 9,200.00
$ 375.00 $ 375.00 $ 3,000.00
$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Subtotal: $ 36,038.16
Total: $ 36,038.16
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 1 AGS20-L-IDU AGS20-L Indoor 2RU Wired Sub-Rack, no Modules, $ 10,068.00 $ 10,068.00 $ 10,068.00
-48VDC input, 1 year warranty
This is a complete spare unit including router.
2 1 ASN-HP-HBT-1103 ODU ASNK11/490 HP SB=3H - High Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00
Sub-Band 3, (11035 -11215 MHz / 1 1525 - 11705 MHz),
1 year warranty
3 1 ASN-HP-LBT-1103 ODU ASNK11/490 HP SB=3L - Low Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00
Sub-Band 3, (11035 -1 1215 MHz / 11525 - 11705 MHz),
1 year warranry
4 1 ASN-SP-HBT-1801 ODU ASNK11/490 HP S6=3L - Low Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00
Sub-Band 3, (1 1 035 -1 121 5 MHz / 11525 - 11705 MHz),
1 year warranty
5 1 ASN-SP-LBT-1801 ODU ASNK18/1560 SP SB=1 L- Low Band ODU, $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00
Sub-Band 1, (17700 -18140 MHz / 19260 - 19700 MHz),
1 year warranty
Subtotal: $ 18,116.00
Total: $ 18,116.00
Professional Services
Line Qty. Part Number Description List Price Unit Price Ext. Price
1 1 PROFESSIONAL Labor - Professional Services $ 160,000.00 $160,000.00 $ 160,000.00
2 1 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Material For Project $ 13,557.65 $ 13,557.65 $ 13,557.65
Subtotal: $ 173,557.65
Total: $ 173,557.65
�uotation Totals
Currency: US Dollar
Subtotal: $ 390,569.81
Total: $ 390,569.81
CONFIDENTIAL QUOTE Dailey-Wells Main Phone Number: (210) 893-6500 � Website: www.dwcomm.com 3 I 5
Dailey & Wells Communications, Inc.
3440 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX 78219
ii � , • •
Sales Person Signature
CONFIDENTIAL QUOTE Dailey-Wells Main Phone Number: (210) 893-6500 � Website: www.dwcomm.com 4 1 5
Dailey & Wells Communications, Inc.
3440 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX 78219
Purchase Order to be issued to:
Dailey 8 Wells Communications, Inc.
3440 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX 78219
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The Purchase Order must include the following re(erences:
- Quote Name
- Contract Name and/or Number; All orders must contain valid model number, quantity, and price for each item
- Frequencies must be supplied with order if applicable
- Requested Delivery Date
- If related to Grant Funding, important to provide Grant name, Agency, deadline and product receipt deadline, when applicable
- Shipping will default to Best Way, 5 day ground, unless otherwise s cific
- Special shippingldelivery instructions {ex. Delivery lift gate required�must be noted if applicable; Non Standard packing will be billed to the customer
- Bill to and Ship to addresses must be included.
This document contains confidential, proprietary, and competitive sensitive in(ormation. All information provided shall not be disclosed nor duplicated (or any purpose other than to
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These items/technical data are controlled by the United States government and shall not be exported from the United States nor shared with a Foreign National without prior approval
trom the United States government. Delivery is dependent upon receipt ot an export license, where applicable.
TOTAL PRICE excludes installation, programming, taxes (if applicable), and shipping (if applicable) unless i) items are itemized herein, ii) otherwise agreed to by both parties in
writing, or iii) the quote is issued under an existing contract noted on quote and purchase order.
CONFIDENTIAL QUOTE Dailey-Wells Main Phone Number: (210) 893-6500 � Website: www.dwcomm.com 5 1 5