HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 484-1931 - Closing Part Of 5Th St. And Ave H - 04/09/1931I - . . o ~ -DCl -I q B I ORDHJAl\JCE NO . 48 4 04-23-l'l?J AN ORDI NANCE CLOSING VACAT I NG AND PERl!!At-.;EN'TLY .ABAND ON I NG A PART At-.ID PORTION OF FIFTH STREET .AND A~Jil\lUE H IN THE ORIGINAL TOr-lN OF LUBBOCK IN LUBB OCK COill~TY TEXAS FR01\~ THE POINT WHERE THE CENT EF. Lil\lE OF FIFTH STREEr INTERSECTS THE WEST BOIDIDARY LINE OF AVENUE H SOUTH TO ~""ERE THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF AVENUE H INT ER SECTS THE NORTH BOUNDAEY LINE OF THE PANHANDLE & SANTA FE RAILWAY COl\:PANY' S RIGHT OF WAY AND SOUTl-':.F.AST- ERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LIN.E TO A POI 1 ~T 1NHERE SAJ,:E I :N"'TERSECTS THE WEST R'ETAI1-r:[NG WALL OF THE T;lfJDERPASS ON AVENUE H AriD NORTH ALONG THE LINE OF SAID WEST RETAINING WALL OF THE IDIDEBPASS TO THE P OI NT VclBERE THE CE:TTER LIKE OF F I FTH STRE'Icr IN TE.?SEC TS, AND ALO NG SAID C~·TTtiJ\ Lil\TE OF FIFTH STREEr TO THE PLACE OF BEGI:t--11H NG F ORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; DECLARING THAT THE PTJBLI C 1TECESSITY Alm COJ\TVENIENCE DEMAND SUCH ACTION AJ\lD TP..AT A FURTHER CONTINUATION OF SAID P l'RTIO N OF SAID STREETS CONSTITUTES A NUISANCE ; PROVIDING THAT THE EFFECT OF THIS ORDI ~TA NCE SHALL OPERATE AS A QUITCLAI M DEED TO THE ABUT TI NG PROPERTY O~TRERS AS TO T.h"E PORTION OF THE STREET CLOSED~ AND PRO VID ING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL Bt!;C O~"E EFFECTIVE I MMEDIATELY .t~:t(C»,! A:t-t"D AFTER I TS DATE OF PASSAGE. Whereas, it appearing to the City Council of the City of Lubb ock Texas that that portion of Fifth Street and of Aven ue H now lying be- tween t h e line of the west retai ni ng wall o f t he underpas s on Av e nu e H and the ~.rest bounda ry line of Avenue H ext e nd i n g from t h e center line of Fifth Street south to the Pa.nha,ndle & Santa Fe Ra.il ~y Company 's north ri ght of v .. ray boun dary l ine , is not now b eing used as .a public thorou gh fare and cannot now ·oe used as such becau s e of t h e obstru ction thereof by numerous railroad tracks, and th.a .t it constitutes a nuisance and that t h e public necessity and c onve n ience demand that s u ch portion of such :V 'ift h ·street and Ave nue H b e close d , a nd said po rtion of said streets being more p a rticularly described a s follows, to wit:· . . Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Fifth Street with tlJ .e we st boundary line of Avenue H; Thence South al ong and with tb e west line of Av enu e H t o the po i n t where t b.e we st line of Avenue H int ers e ct s the no rth b oundary 1 ine of the Panhandl e & Santa. Fe Bail road conrp any • s ri ght of vr'Cl.y; The nce Along a nd with t he no rth lin e o f said right of wa.y in a southeasterly directioh to tb.e p oint in Avenue H wb.ere t h e said right of way intersects th.e west reta ining wall of the underpass on Avenue H; Th e nce North along and with t t.e 1 ine of t he vve s t retaini ng wail of sai d u ntierpas s t o t h e p oin t wher e t he c enter line o f Fifth Street intersects said west reta i n ing wa l l ; Th en ce West a1ong a.nd with t h e cent e r lin e of Fi f t h. Stree t to where ±t intersects t h e west boundary lin e of Avenue H, t h e place of beginning . And, wh.erea s, Swift and Co mpany, I n c o rporated , t h e · only p rou erty 0 orner a but t ing on s a i d portion of said streots above described, has assented in writing to the closing of the s ar1e, and has petitioned the City Council in writing that said portion of said stree ts above described be closed and vacated, and have accepted a. re'fersion of any and all rights in and to said portion of said streets : Texas: -Now therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of Lubbock ~ Section 1: That the following descrioed sections and portions of Fifth Street and of Avenue H within the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock 'lexa.s be and the same are hereby declared to be permanently closed, abandoned and forever vacated for use as a public street, highway or thoroughfare, to wit: · Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Fifth Street with the west line of Avenue H; Thence South along and with the west line of Avenue H to the point where the westJ. line of Avenue H intersects the north boundary line of the Pant.andle & Santa Fe Railway company• s right of way; Thence Along and with the north line of said right of way in a general southeasterly direction to the point an Avenue H where the said right of way line intersects the west retaining wail of the underpass on Avenue H; Thence Harth along and with the line of the west retaining veil of said underpass to the. point wb.ere the center line of Fifth Street intersects said west retaining wall; Thence West along and with the center line of Fifth Street to where it intersects the west boundary line on Avenue H, the place of beginning. Section 2 : That the perma,nent closing, vacating and abandoning of . ~ ~.~. the above described portions of Fifth Street ~is hereby declared to be a public nece~si ty and tl1e continuation thereof as a public bighway or thoroughfare declared to be a public menace or nuisance, and this ordinance shall operate as a quitclaim deed fror:1 the city of Lub ock to the abutting property owners, resigning and discharf.:"in g any a,nd all claims of the city of Lubbock, Texas, to use the same as a public highVtey and thoroughfare . . Section 3: The City reserves unconditionally the right a.t all times to construct, maintain and operate its utility lines , and to grant sL.ilar ri e,hts and fra:J.chises to public utility lines a.i rs ·? q eeq.rnios · :f.e!p-:iHnl:ae~n y t a •s, in, upon , under , over or etc ross said stre ~t , without cost or damage to itself or grantees, or pu~lic f'/1i.'"l.. ~ ,<,ta& •• •, T r-.. ;;; •• .... utility privileges.& J}; Section 4: That this ordinance sh.all beco .. e effective irrlDW.diately from and after its passage . Passed and Approved this the j'Kaay o f April, A. D. 1 931. P~ L~ 'tt-~~~~4t9~/ ~<!>44d~~--=t=> Mayor At t e st:~