HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 472-1930 - Granting Pecos And N Texas Railways Permission To Use Certain Streets - 08/14/1930{~ (/ v/ .• ~ oe -1 L+-t.s 3o CBDINANCE NO.~ to -r 3-1 _9 3 o P~~/-11 • • I p AN ORDINaNCE GRAN"""TING THE PECOS AND NORTEERN TEXAS RAILWAY C0~1PANY, A CORPORATION, .AND ITS LE3 SEE, P.ANE.A1'4"'DLE LTIJ"D .:3A NTA ~E RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORATION, AND I'l'S SUCCESSORS 11 .. ND ASuiGNS PER\iliSSION TO USE CERTAI N STREETS AND ALLEY$ IN 'rlili CI'r Y OF 'JY:. LUBBOCK, AND AUTHOR IL.ING THEM TO CLOSE CERTAll\i STREETS AND ~LLEYS IN SAID CITY. ~~ BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'HE CITY COMI.1ISSION OF 'l'BE CITY OF LUBHOvK:- ARTICL.t. NO. 1. That the Pecos and Northern Texas Railway Company, a cor- poration, and its Lessee, Panhandle anQ Santa Fe Railway Company, a corporation, and its successors and assigns, be and they are hereby given the right, power, and privilege of building, erecting, properly maintaining and operating railroad tracks with the neces- sary turnouts, switch stands and other necessary applicances connected therewith across and along: All that part of Avenue F (formerly Walnut Street) in original Tovms~ of Lubbock! in Lubbock County, Texas {as said Avenue appears on the official plat of said Townsite of record in Vol.' 5, pages 384 and 385, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas) lying between the North line of Tenth {for~erly North S econd) Street and a line parallel with and one hundred (100) feet southwesterly from, rr~asured ,at right ang les to, the center line of the main track of Th e Pecos and Northern Texas Rai~1ay Company,{as said main track is now located and constructed), as designated within the green lines on the plat attached hereto and made a part hereof. That said tracks shall be constructed and maintained as not to interfere with the public use of tlJiS part of said stree~. ARTICLE NO. 2. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY TEE CITY C01..MISSION OF TEE CIT '-OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, that the following described parts of streets and alleys, to-wit:- All of the following parts and portions of streets and alleys lying within and being a part of the Original Townsite of Lubbock, in Lubbocl;: County f 'l'exas (as said streets and alleys appear on the offic~al plat of said Townsite of record in Vol. 5, pages 384 and 385, Deed Records of Lubb.ock County, Texas) to-wit: All that part of Tenth (formerly North Second) Street lying between the east line of F Avenue (formerly Walnut .Street) and the West line produced off the North and South alley in Block No. One Hundred Seven { 107) . Also all that part of E Avenue (formerly Hickory Street j lying between the North line of Eleventh (formerly North First) Street and a line parallel with and two hundred (200) feet southwesterly from, measureq at right angles to, the center line of the main track o~_The. Pecos and NorthelnTexas Railway Company (as sa1a maln track is now located and constructed). 1 Also all of the North and South alley and all of the East and West alley in Block No. One Hundred ana Seven ( 107) ' ,-. the above described parts of streets and alleys being designated in black marks upon the p lat attached hereto and made a part hereof, be and the same are hereby vacated and closed to travel by the public, and set apart and dedicated wholly to the use and occupancy of The Pecos and Northern Texas Railway Company,a corporation, and its Lessee, Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company, a corporation, and its successors and assigns, over and upon which the said The Pecos and Northern Texas Railway Company and its Lessee, Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company, and its successors and. assigns may construct, maintain and operate railroad tracks with the necessary turnouts, switch stands and other necessary appliances connected therewith. Passed and approved by the unanimous vote of the City Commission on the ~~~ay of August, 1930. Passed and approved by the unanimous vote of the City _ -~ Commission at a second reading on the /J a:-day of ~st, ~ 1930. Mayor. ATTEST: City Se9retary . o4lp lb Ok. IP I S� _ mil' \ .�A� SPECIAL• TRIPS ANYWHERE BONDED AND INSURED L· -- MONTGOMERY. TRANSFER & STORAGE STORAGE, TRANSFER AND FORWARDING 702 MAIN STREET To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, of tubbock, T.exas Gent 1 a-men:' PHONE 453 LUBBOCK, TEXAS ac tober 61 , 930 r· wish to make pr~test a g ainst the app 1 ication of the Eanhand, e & Santa Fe Rail way Company to c1 ose lOth St. between Ave. E and F; and, Ave. F between 9th and 10th St.; and, the inter s ecting a11eys between 10th St. and Main St., and Ave. E and Ave. F; also, the a1~eys in that portion of the b 1 ock between Ave. E and Ave. F, and 9th St. and lOth st. 1 own a11 of the property abuttin 0 Ave .. F bet\J e ~:.n lOth St. and Mai n St. If t h ese streets a n d a1~eys are closed, it wi 11 damag e my pro pe rty several t h ous a nd dollars, and the fact th a t I will not have a n e g ress, o r an ingress from the East or the North . Therefore, I pray the Comm issivn to reject tnis pro.posal. Thanking you very kindly for your consider a tion, and protection in this matter, I am, Tours very truly, 'LCM:JM }. A. GD...LIES. Supcrintcnd&nt 0. F. AR.THVR, Dl .. !aio" Engincu u Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company OFFICB OF DIV1SlON SUPBRINTENDRNT Slaton Division Sept. 23rd, 1930 File 751040 SUBJECTl. Purchase of Adcli tional Right-of-~/ay -Pro- posed Team Tracks -LUbbock . To The City Commission, City of Lu.b'bock, Lu.bbock, Texas Gentlemen: In conference with you September 15th, I was informed that at the second reading or the ordinance, granting my company certain privileges A.ven11e "F'' ~nd. the cl Osill8 of certain alleys, and Tenth Avenue, in the vicinity of Block 107, objec- tions had been raised by certain property owners and the final a pproval of the ordinance had been held up by your honorable bo~. It wa s ~ understanding of your position during the conference, tha t you \'tOu.ld be agreeable to complete this docwnent, providing the Panhandle and Santa Fe would g ive you assurance in writing, t~t it D. L. BADGLEY, T ratnmaaltr A.. } • CLEARY, TralnmMtu -2- would. defend su.i ts or claims a.rising out of you.r action in closing these certain streets and alleys as provide~ by the draft of the ordinance above mentioned. Please be advised that the Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company will undertake to defend any suit, or suits arising out of your favorable action in connection with this n:atter. I shall greatly appreciate aavice that you • have completed the passage of the ordinance. Yours truly, u