HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0482 - PO 31076524, With Frontier Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Of Lubbock, Texas - 09/26/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0482 Item No. 5.31 September 26, 2023 RESOLUTION B�' I'1' R�SOT,VI:D I3Y "I�IIL CITY COtJNCTY, Ol� 1'I Il; CT1'Y Ol� LY]BBOCK: TI IAT thc Mayor of thc City of I,ubbock is hereby authori�ed and directed to executc for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order 31076524 for the purchase of Two (2) Mid-Size SUVs and One (1) Compact SUV, by and between the City of Lubbock and Prontier Dodge Chrysler Jcep, per I1'13 23-17528-SI3 and all rclated documents. Said Purchasc Order is' attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully sct forih hercin and shall be includcd in the minutcs of thc City Council. Passed by the City Council on _ September 26, 2023 ATTEST: Couriney Paz, City Scc APPROVED AS TO CONTI;N"1': � �� Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager ���-�Z�I�I- -CLil�I.�Y�I-OT�)7TE �� j Rachael Fostcr, ssi ant City Attorncy �ccdocs I11RF.S.PO 31076524 I=ronticr Uodgc Chryslcr Jcep 9. I 2.23 �I�� Cityof pURCHASE ORDER Lubbock rExes FRONTIER DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP TO: 5801 SPUR 327 LUBBOCK TX 79424 4548 Page - 1 Date - 9/8/2023 Order Number 31076524 000 OP Branch/Plant 3526 CITY OF LUBBOCK SHIP TO: FLEET SERVICES 206 MUNICIPAL DRIVE LUBBOCK TX 79404 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: Marta A arez, Director of Purchasing 8c Contract Management Ordered 9/8/2023 Freight Requested 10/17/2023 Taken By Delivery PER B RODRIGUEZ REQ 60745 SBALLANCE ITB 23-17528-SB Ifyou have any questions, please contact Breana Rodriguez: BRodriguez@mylubbock.us or 806-775-2374 _ Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM_ Extension Request Date 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee 1.000 44,985.0000 EA 44,985.00 10 1712023 inv-4211 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee inv-631 I 2023 Dodge Durango inv-661 I Terms NET 30 1.000 44,985.0000 EA 44,985.00 10/17/2023 1.000 45,690.0000 EA 45,690.00 10/17/2023 Total Order 135,660.00 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $135,660.00 awarded to Frontier podge Chrysler Jeep of Lubbock, TX, on September 26 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote dated August 29, 2023, from Frontier podge Chrysler Jeep of Lubbock, TX, and ITB 23-17528-SB. Resolution # 2023-R0482 CITY OF . Tray Payne, ayor ATT 'ST: Cou ey Paz, City Sec Rev. 3/2022 Seller and Buyer agree as follows: PURCHASE ORbER TERMS AND CONDITIONS STAIYDARDTERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER� CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. by�ynlvme anv Goods or Smica that �he Contracmr has read. fullv understands. and wili be in full comyliance with all �erms and condi�ions and �he dacriotive material containcd herein and anv additwnal assoc�ated documen�s and Amendments. The Cnv d�sclaims anv tertns and conditions provided bv the Contrzaor unless aereed uoon m wntme bv the oama. In the event of con0�ct between �he ON�s �emis and conditions and anv temu and conditiont orovided bv the Coniraclor. the tems and conditions prov�ded haein shall orcvail. The �ertns and mnditionc orovided herein are �he final �rnns aereed uoon bv the yania. and anv yrior conFlictine trnns shall be of no force or effcet. I. SELLER TO PACKP.GE GOODS. Seller will package goods in accordance wnh good commercial practice. Each shipping comainer shall be clearly and pefmanently marked ac follows (a) Seller�s name and addras, (b) Cons�gnee's name, addras and purchase order or pulchase release number and Ihe supply agreement number if appliwble, (c) Comainer number and taal number of contamers, e g box 1 of 4 boxa, and (d) �he number of the container bearing the packing slip. Seller shall bear cost of packaging unlas othmviu provided. Goods shall be sui�ably packed to secure lowat trantporta�ion cosls and to confo�m wnh requircments of common carriers and any applicable specifications. Buy+er's count or wnght shall be final and conclusive on shipmenis no� accompanied by packing lisis. 2. SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Sella is not authonzed to sh�p the goods under resmation and no tender of a bill of lading a�ll operate az a �endtt ofgoods 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The title and nsk of loss of �he goods shall not pass �o Buyer untJ Buyer aaually receives and taka possession of �he goods at the pomt or pomts of delivery. 4. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE TENDER Every lenda of delivery of goods must fullycomplywith all provisions of this contract as ro time ofdelivery, qualityand Ihe like If a trnder �s made wh�ch doa nW fully con(orm, this shall consli�ute a brcach and Seller shall not have ihe nght ro subsnmte a confortning tender, providcd, where the time for perPormance has not ye� expired, �he Selln may rcasonably no�ify Buya of his intrntion ro cure and may Ihen make a confomiing tenda wilhin �he contraa �ime but not aflerward 5. INVOICES & PAYMENTS. a S e I I e r shall submit separale mvoices, in dupl�cate, one wch purchase order or purchase release after wch delivery. Invo�ca shall indicate lhe purchate orda or purchase rclease number and the supply agreement number if applicable Invo�ca shall be i�emized and transponation charges, if any, shall be listed separately. A copy of ihe bill of ladmg, and the @aght waybdl when applicable, should be attached lo �he invoice Ma�l To. Accounts Payable. City o( Lubbock, P. O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texaz 79457. Paymem shall not be due unlil the above inswments are submnted afler delivery 6. GRATUITIES The Buyer may, by writmn notim �o �he Seller, cancel �his comract without liability to Sella if it is delermined by Buyer tha� gratuitia, in �he folm of entMmnment, gifls or othenvise, werc offaed or given by the Seller, or any agent or repraentalive of the Sella, lo any oRcer or employse of the Ciry of Lubbock with a vimv ro securing a contrnct or securing favorable treatment with rapect ro Ihe awarding or amending, or �he making of any detrnninations with rapect to �he perfo�ming of such a comrza. In the event this comran is wnceled by Buya pursuam to this provision. Buyer shall be entitled, in addn�on to any other righis and remedies, to recover or withhold the arnount of the cost mcurted by Sella in prov�ding such grami�ies. 7. SPECIAL TOOLS 8' TEST EQUIPMENT. If the pnce sta�ed on the face hamf includes the cost o( any special tooling or special ta� equipmem fabrica�ed or requ'ved by Seller for the purpose o( filling tha older, such special tooling eqmpmem and any procas shcets rcla�ed �here�o shall become the property of Ihe Buyer and w the ewent feasible shall be idenhfied by Ihe Seller ac such. 8. WARRANTY-PRICE a The price to be paid by �he Buyer shall be �hat comained in Seller's bid which Seller wamanis to be no higha �han Seller's current pmcess on orders by o�hers for pmducts of the kind and specifiwuon covered by this agreement for similar quantilia unda similar of like conditions and methodsof purchase. In the event Seller breacha this wartanly, �he prica of the nems shall be reduced to �he Selkr's current prica on orders by o�hers, vr in the allernalive. Buyer may cancel �his comraa without liabili�y �o Seller for breach or Seller s actual expense. b The Sella warrants tha� no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contraA upon an agreement or understandmg for commission, percemage, brokerage, or contingen� fee excep�ing bona fide employees of bona fide a�ablished commercial or selling agencia maintained by ihe Seller for �he purpose of securing business For breach of viciation of �his warranty the Buyer shall have ihe right in addition lo any other nght of rights to cancel Ihis conlract wittww liabdity and lo deduct from the wntract price, or othmvise recova wrthoul liabililyand to deduct finm the contraM pnce. or othmviu recovathe full amount ofsuch co�mnission, percmtage, brokerage or conungent fee. 9. WARRAMY-PRODUCT Sella shall not limn or exclude any implied warrantiu and any anempt to do so shall render �his contract voidable at �he opuon ot �he Buyer Seller wartants lhat Ihe goods fumished will wnform to �he specification, dra�nngs, and descriptions I�sted m �he b�d mvitation, and to the sample(s) fumished by the Seller, if any. In �he event of a conFlict or between the specficat�on5, dawmgs, and dacriplions, Ihe specifications shall govem Nonvithstandmg any prowsions contamed m the contaaual agreement, �he Seller rcpraents and warrants fauh-Gee perfomwnceand faul�-frce rcsult in Ihe procasing date and da�e rclated da�a (including, but not limited �o calculating, comparing and sequencmg) o( all hardware, solhaare and firmware products delivered and smices provided under this Contract, ind�v�dually or m combination, as �he case may be from the efiective da�e o( this Comract. The obligalions conlained herem apply to producls and smices provided by the Seller, its sub Sella or any third party involved in �he creation or development of �he products and services to be delivered to �he City o( Lubbock undv this Contract. Fadurc to comply wrth any of �he obhgations conroined httein, may rault in the Cily of Lubbock availing itself of any of ns rights under the law and under this Contraa including, but nat limi�ed to, i�s righ� penaining to taminalion or deFault The wartantia contained haem are separate and discrete from any aha warramies specified m �ha Comract, and are not wbjea to any d�scla�mer of warranty, implied or expressed, or limitation of the Seller's liab�lity which may be speafied m �his ContaR, �ts apprndices, ils schedules, its annexes or any document incoryorated m �h�s Contrac� by rckrence. 10. SAFEfY WARRANTY. Seller warrants tha� the product sold ro �he Buyer shall confolm to �he standards promulgated by the U S Depa�tment of Labor unda �he Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. In �he event �he product does not conform ro OSHA standards, Buyer may rcwm the produc� for cortection or rcplacemem at Ihe Seller's expense In the event Seller fails to make the appropriate m`rection within a reasonable lime, cortection made by Buyer will be at the Seller's expense 1 I. NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGA/NST INFR(NGEMENTS. As pan of �his contract for ule Seller agrea to ascertain whe�her goods manufacturcd in accordance wrth the specifications attached to this abTmment will give rise to Ihe rightful cla�m of any third person by way of inGmgement of �he like. Buyer makes no wartanty thal the produc�ion of goods according to the specification wdl not give rise to such a claim, and in no evrn� shall Buytt be liable lo Seller for indemnification in the event tha� Seller is sued on the gnounds of infringement of �he like. If Seller is of the opinion that an infringement or �he like will rault, he will notify �he Buyer to �his eff'ea in writing within hvo weeks afta the signing o(this agreement. If Buyer doa not receive notice and is subsequently held liable for the infringemem or �he like, Seller will save Buyer harmless If Seller in good faith ascMainc the production of the goods in accordance with �he specifica�ions will rcsul� in infiingement or �he like, the contract shall be null and void 12. NON APPROPRIATION. All funds for paymrnt by �he Cily unda �his contrac� are subjcet to the availabiliry ofan annual approprialion for �his pu`pose by lhe City. In the evem of �ronappropriation of funds by �he Ciry Council of Ihe Ciry of Lubhock (or Ihe goods or services provided unda the contract, the City will Irnninate Ihe contrad, wi�how tertnina�ion clwge or othtt liabili�y, on �he last day of Ihe Ihrn-current fiscal year or when Ihe appropria�ion made for the then•current year for Ihe gaods or smices covered by this contract is spent, whichever event occurs firs�. If a� any time funds are not appropriated for the continuance of tha contract, cancellation shall be accepted by �he Seller on thiny (30) days prior writtrn notice, but failurc ro give wch notice shall be of no efleet and �he Ciry shall not be obligated under �his contract beyond �he date of termination. 13. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shall have the rigM to mspec� the goods a� delivery befare accepting �hem 14. CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have the right �o cancel for defaull all or any pan of �he undelivercd port�on of this order if Seller breacha anyof the tem�s hereof including wartantia of Seller or if the Seller becoma inmlvenl or commits acts of bankruptcy. Such right of cancellation is in addi�ion to and no� in lim of any other remedia wh�ch Buyer may have in law or equity. I5. TERMMATION. The pa(ortnance of work unda this order may be Ierminalcd in whole, or in pan by �he Buya in accordance with this prov�s�on. Trnmnauon of work haeu�der shall be effec�ed by the delivery of �he Seller of a"Notice of Trnnmauon" specdymg �he ea�m� �o wh�ch performance o(work unda �he order is tertninated and the date upon which such terminauon becomes eRecirve Such nght or tertnmal�on is in addi�ion to and not in lieu of �he rights of Buyer se� forth in Clause 14, haem 16. FORCE MAJEURE. Nei�her party shall be held responsible for losses, raulting if �he fulfillment of any �emis of pmvisions of ihis coniracl is delayed or prevented by any cause not within �he coniml of �he pany whose performance is interfered with, and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence said party is unable �o prevent. 17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No right or interes� in this contrnct shall be assigned or delegation of any obligalion made by Seller without the written penniuion of the Buyxr. Any attempled assignment or delegation by Seller shall be wholly void and totally ine(fective for all purpose unlas made in confortnitywith this paragraph. I8. WAIV ER. No claim or right arising ow of a breach of �his comraa can be disclwged in wtrole or in pan by a waiver or rmuntiation of the claim or right unlas the waiver or renunciation is supported by considera�ion and is in writing signed by �he a�rieved party. 19. INTHRPRETATION•PAROLE EVIDENCE. Thit writing, plus any specificanons for bids and performance provided by Buyer in ils advenisement for bids, and any other documents provided by Seller as pan of his bid, is in�endcd by the panies az a final expression of thev agreement and intmdcd also az a complete and exclusive sta�ement of the tem�s of the'v agreemem. Whenever a Irnn defined by �he Unifom� Commercial Code is used in this agreertKnt, the defini�ion contained in the Code is to control. 20. APPLICABLE LAW. This agrmment shall be govemed by �he Uni(o`m Commercial Code. Wherever �he �erm "Unifo`m Commercial Code' is used, it shall be contlrued as meaning the Uni(ortn Commercial Code as adop�ed in the Stam of Tezas as efTative and in force on the dace of �his agreemem. 21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one pany to this comract in gaod faith has reason lo qua�ion the other party's intent to perform he may demand �ha� �he other party give wri�trn assurance of his intent to perfo'm. In ihe event Ihat a demand is made and no assurance is given within five (5) days, the demanding parry may irwt this fadure as an anticipatory repudia�ion of �he contaa. 22. INDEMNIFICATION. Seller shall indemnify, keep and save harmlas the Buyer, its agents, officials and employtts, againc� all injuria, dwtht, loss, damaga, claims, patent claims, suits, liabili�ia, judgments, cos�s and expenses, which may in any�vise actrue againtl �he Buyer in consequence of the granting of �his Contratt or which may any�vise rcsult thercfrom, whe�her or not it shall be alleged or ddermined that Ihe act was caused through negligence or omission of the Sella or its employea, or of �he subSeller or atcigna or its emplo}xa, if any, and the Sella shall, at his own expense, appear, defend and pay all charga of anomeys and all costs and o�her expenses arising therefrom of incurred in connation theravith, and, if any judgment shall be rendaed agains� �he Buyer in any such action, �he Seller shall, at its own expenses, ulisfy and discharge the same Seller expressly understands and agrees that any bond required by �his coniract, or othenvise provided by Sella, shall in no way limil Ihe raponcibility to indemni(y, keep and uve harmless and defend �he Buyer as herein provided. 23. TIME. It is haeby expressly agreed and understood tha� time is of the asence for the perfomwnce of this contrad, and failurc by coniract w meet the time specifications o( this agreemrnt will cause Seller to be in default of this agreemrn�. 24. MBE. The Ciry of Lubhock haeby nolifia all bidders Ihat in regard to any contract mtered into pursuant to this requal, minority a� women businas enterprisa will be af%rded equal opportunitia lo submit bids in raponse to �his invitation and will no� be discriminaled against on the grou�s of race, colar, ux or na�uwl origin in consideration for an award. ?5. NON•ARBITRATION. The Cily rarna the right a exacise any right or rcmedy to it by law, comract, equity, or othmvise, including without limitalioq the right to seek any and all Pofms of relmf in a court o( competrnt jurisdiclion. Funher, �he Ciry shall not be subject ro any arbitration process prior to exercising i�s unrestriaed right to seek judicial remedy. The remedia set fonh hercin are cumula�ive and not exclusive, and may be exercised concufrrntly. To the extent of any conFlict between this provision and another provision in, or related to, �his document, this provision shall conuol. 26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any time during �he le�m o( Ihe contrad, or therwfter, the Ciry, or a duly authoriud audit repruentative of �he City or the State of Texu, al its ezpense and at rcasonable times, rames ihe right to audit Comraaors rccords and books rclevant �o all smims provided ro the Ciry undn this Contratt. In the event such an audit by �he City reveals any arors or overpaymems by the Ciry, Contraaor shall refund the City the PoII amount of such overpayments wi�hin thirty (30) daya of such audit findings, or the Ciry, at i�s optioq rama �he right to deduct such amounts owing the City &om any payments due Contraaor. 27. The CoNrector shall not assign or sublet the contract, or any ponion of Ihe contract, withom wrinen consem finm the D'vector of Purchazing and Contract Management. 28. Contracts with Companies Engaged in Businas with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Tmorist Organization Pmhibrted Pursuam �o Smion 2252.152 o(the Texas Govemment Code, pmhibits �he City from entering into a conlract with a vendor that vs idemified by The Comptroller ac a company known to have contrscts with or provide supplies or smice with Iran, Sudan or a Poreign �mnrisl organiulion 29. Tezaz Govemment Code. Sec�ion 2252.908 requ'ves a business entiry entering into cenain comracts wnh a govemmrntal entily or stale agency w file with �he govemmental rn�iry or stare agency a d'aclosure of interated pania at �he time �he businas entity submi�s �he signed contracl lo the govemmental rntity or state agmcy. Instrvctions (or compleling Form 1295 are available aL hnn:��www.ri.lu6bacic �x,�'¢�p�.p�a�- website�deoartmen Wourchasine/vendor-infomul ion 30. No Boycott of IsraeL Pursuant to Section 2271.002 of Ihe Texas Govemment Code, Rapondmt cMifies Ihat ei�ha (i) it meets an exemption niteria under Seclion 2271.002; or (ii) it doa no� boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel dunng the lerm of the contraa raulling Gam �his solicita�ion. Rapondent shall slate any fac�s tha� make n exempt Bom Ihe boywtt certificalion in its Responu. 31. No Boycott of Energy Companies. Piusuanl to Section 2274 of �he Texu Govemment Code, Respondent cenifies �ha� either (i) it meets an exemption crileria under Section 2274.002; or (ii) it doa not hoycott Energy Compania and will nol boycmt Enagy Companies during the tmn of �he contract raulting 6om this solicitation Rapondem shall state any facts �hat make il exempt Bom Ihe boycotl cenification in its Raponse. 32. No Boycott of a Firearm Emity or Firwrm Trade Association. Pursuant �o Smion 2274 of the Texas Govemment Code, Rapondrnt cenifies that either (i) i� meets an exemp�ion criteria unda Sec�ion ?274.00?; or (ii) it does not laycolt a F'vearm Emity or F'vearm Trade Association and will not boycotl a Foearm Emiry or Fircarm Trade Associa�ion during the lertn of the contratt resulting from this solicita�ion. Respondent shall sWle any facls that make u exempt from the boycott ttrtifiwtion in its Raponse. 33 Contracts wi�h Companies Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Terroris� Organ'vation Prohibited. Pursuam to Smion 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, prohibits the City from emering into a contrncl with a vendor that is identified by The Comptroller as a company known to have comracts with or pmvide supplia or service wnh Iran, Sudan or a foreign te�rist organ'vation 34 TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT. The rcquircments of Subchapter 1, Chapter 552, Govemment Code, may apply lo Iha contracl and the comrsctor or vendor agrea �hat �he contrad can be trnninatcd if the contraaor or vendor knowingly or intentionally fails to comply with a requircment of that subchapter. 35. Pursuant w Smion 552.301(c) of the Texas Government Code, the City of Lubbock has daignated Ihe followmg email addras for which public info`mation requests may be made by an emailed request: p{���,�yc. Please send this request to this email address for il ro be processed REV. 3R022 City of Lubbock, TX Purchasing and Contract Management Vendor Acknowledgement Form In compliance with the Invitation to Bid, the undersigned Bidder having examined the Invitation to Bid, instructions to bidders, General Conditions of the Agreement, Specifications, and being familiar with the conditions to be met, hereby submits the following bid for furnishing the material, equipment, labor and everything necessary for providing the items listed and agrees to deliver said items at the locations and for the prices set forth on the bid form and/or the bid table associated with this bid. A bid will be subject to being considered irregular and may be rejected if it shows omissions, alterations of form, conditional alternate bids, additions or alternates in lieu of the items specified, if the unit prices are obviously unbalanced (either in excess of or below reasonably expected values), or irregularities of any kind. The Invitation to Bid is by reference incorporated in this contract. Where applicable, prices are quoted as: F.O.B. Destination, Freight Pre-Paid and Allowed Where applicable, delivery days are: Days After Receipt of Order (ARO) Unless otherwise speciGed herein, the City may award the bid either item-by—item or on an all-or- none basis for any item or group of items shown on the bid. The City of Lubbock is seeking a contract for with one or more contractors. In order to assure adequate coverage, the City may make multiple awards, selecting multiple vendors to provide the products desired, if multiple awards are in the best interest of the City. A decision to make a multiple award of this Bid, 6owever, is an option reserved by the City, based on the needs of the City. PAYMENT TERMS AND DISCOUNTS - Bidder offers a prompt payment discount of G %, net �o calendar days. Discounts will not be considered in determining low bid. Unless otherwise indicated on the Bid Form, payment terms will be NET THIRTY DAYS. The City will pay the successful bidder within thirty days after the receipt of a correct invoice or after the date of acceptance, whichever event occurs later. Discounts for prompt payment requiring payment by the City within a stipulated number of days will be interpreted as applying within the stipulated number of calendar days after the date of receipt by the City of a correct invoice or after the date of acceptance that meets contract requirements, whichever event occurs later. Discounts for payment in less than ten days will not be considered. MOST FAVORED PRICING: The Bidder certifies that the price quoted is not in excess of the lowest price charged anyone else, including its most favored customer, for like quality and quantity of the products/services; does not include an element of profit on the sale in excess of that normal ly obtained by the Bidder on the sale of products/services of like quality and quantity; and does not include any provision for discounts to selling agents. If at any time during the contract period, the supplier should sell or offer for sale to any other customer, an equal or less quantity of similar contract products of like or better quality, at a lower net price(s) than provided herein, supplier agrees to notify the City and sell same product(s) at the lower price(s) on all deliveries made during the period in which such lower price(s) is effective. INTERLOCAL PURCHASING (optional): The City desires to make available to other local governmental entities of the State of Texas, by mutual agreement with the successful bidder, and properly authorized interlocal purchasing agreements as provided for by the Interlocal Cooperation Act (Chapter 791, Government Code), the right to purchase the same services, at the prices quoted, for the period of this contract. Each bidder shall indicate on the Bid Form in the space provided below if he/she will honor Political Subdivision orders in addition to orders from the City of Lubbock. Should these other governmental entities decide to participate in this contract, would you (the bidder) agree that all terms, conditions, specifications, and pricing would apply? The City of Lubbock ITB 23-17528-SB Three (3) Mid-Size SUVs and One (1) Compact SUV Bid Form Quantity # Items (+/-) #0-1 Mid-Size Sport Utility Vehicle, as 1 specified #i1-�— - —:`���e�Spas°t�k�{ity�-VeFric:#e; a4- - --� - — specified #0-3 Mid-Size Sport Utility Vehicle, as 1 specified #0-4 Compact Sport Utility Vehicle, as I specified Total Cost Location UOM EA - �� EA EA Brand Jeep -�-- Dodge Jeep Frontier podge Chrysler Jeep $135,660.00 Lubbock, TX Delivery Unit Days Price ARO TotalCost $44,985.00 IS $44,985.00 - �;�e�s�o- — �� - ��,�40 $45,690.00 15 $45,690.00 $44,985.00 IS $44,985.00 Other governmental entities that might have interests in this contract are Frenship Independent School District, Lubbock Housing Authority, Lubbock County, Lubbock County Hospital District, Lubbock Independent School District, South Plains Association of Governments, City of Texarkana, Texas Tech University, West Texas Municipal Power Agency, Lynn County, and City of Wolfforth. r YES � NO lf you (the bidder) checked YES, the following will apply: Governmental entities utilizing Interlocal Agreements for Cooperative Purchasing with the City of Lubbock will be eligible, but not obligated, to purchase materialslservices under the contract(s) awarded as a result of this solicitation. All purchases by governmental entities other than the City of Lubbock will be billed directly to that governmental entity and paid by that governmental entity. City of Lubbock will not be responsible for another governmental entity's debts. Each governmental entity will order their own materials/service as needed. ADDENDA Bidder acknowledges receipt of addenda issued in regard to this solicitation: Addenda No. �.1 ] � Date, Addenda No. Date. Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS I, the undersigned Bidder certify that the insurance requirements contained in this bid document have been reviewed by me and my Insurance AgendBroker. If I am awarded this contract by the City of Lubbock, I will be able to, within ten (10) business days after being notified of such award by the City of Lubbock, furnish a valid insurance certificate to the City meeting all of the requirements defined in this bid. If the time requirement specified above is not met, the City has the right to reject this proposal and award the contract to another contractor. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please contact the Director of Aurchasing & Contract Management for the City of Lubbock at (806) 775-2572. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION Federal Law (A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110) prohibits non-Federal entities from contracting with or making sub-awards under covered transactions to parties that are suspended or debarred or whose principals are suspended or debarred. Covered transactions include procurement contracts for goods or services equal to or in excess of $25,000 and all non-procurement transactions (e.g., sub-awards to sub- recipients). Contractors receiving individual awards of $25,000 or more and all sub-recipients must certify that their organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. Before an award of $25,000 or more can be made to your firm, you must certify that your organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. I, the undersigned agent for the firm named below, certify that neither this firm nor its principals are suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 2252.152 The undersigned representative of the undersigned company or business, being an adult o� er the age of eighteen (18) years of age, pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2252, Section 2252.1I52, certify that the company named above is not listed on the website of the Comptroller of the State of Texas �Concerning the iisting of companies that are identified under Section 806.051, Section 807.051 or Section 2253.153. I further certify that should the above-named company enter into a contract that is on said listing of companies on the website of the Comptroller of the State of Texas, which do business with Iran, Sudan or any Foreign Terrorist Organization, I will immetliately notify the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Department. TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 2271.002 Company hereby certifies the following: 1. Company dces not boycott Israel; and 2. Company will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The following definitions apply to this state statute: (1) "Boycott Israel" means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but dces not include an action made for ordinary business purposes; and (2) "Company" means an organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited parq�ership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of those entities or business associations that exists to make a profit. This Certification is required from a Company if the Company has 10 or more full-time employees and the contract for goods or services (which includes contracts formed through purchase orders) has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wLolly or partly from public funds of the governmental entity. TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE 2274 By entering into this Agreement, Contractor verifies that: (1) it does not, and will not for the duration of the contract, have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or fireacm trade association or (2) the verification required by Section 2274.002 of the Texas Government Code does not apply to the contrac� If Contractor is a company with 10 or more full-time employees and if this Agreement has a value of at least $100,000 or more, Contractor verifies that, pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2274, it does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. Contractor represents and warrants that: (1) it does not, and will not for the duration of the contract, boycott energy companies or (2) the verification required by Section 2274.002 of the Texas Government Code does not apply to the contract. If Contractor is a company with 10 or more full-time employees and if this Agreement has a value of at least $100,000 or more, Contractor verifies that, pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2274, it does not boycott energy companies; and will not boycott energy companies during the term of the Agreement. This verification is not reyuired for an agreement where a governmental entity determines that these requirements are inconsistent with the governmental entity's constitutional or statutory duties related to the issuance, incurrence, or management of debt obligations or the deposit, custody, management, borrowing, or investrnent of funds. INCOMPLETE TNFORMATION Failure to complete or provide any of the information requested in this Request for references, and/or additional information as information as indicated, may results in reason of "non-responsiveness". ling by CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In compliance with this solicitation, the undersigned bidder, having examined the bid documents, instructions to bidders, documents associated with the invitation to bid, and being familiar with the condiNons to be met has reviewed the above information regarding: • Insurance Requirements � Suspension and Debarment Certification • Texas Government Code Section 2252.152 • Texas Government Code Section 227].002 • Texas Government Code 2274 SUBMISSION iNFORMATION An individual authorized to bind the company must s��n the folluwing section, �'ailure to execute this portion may result in bid rejection. THIS BID IS SUBMITTED BY ��o►�T �. R. �JoD4 E �Q.�( S�� i2 �E. E� a corporation organized under the laws of the State of �E X� S , or a partnership consisting of or individual trading as the City of Tax ID No.: � � — �.i �3�� � Address:_TS�Q � _ _ SF�t�2 _ � 2� _., . _ ., ,. _ , City: � v ��o � k State: Zip: � `^'I'� �� . M/WBE Firm: Woman Hisoanic Amcrican Black American Asian Pacific Amcrican complete the information below. I� A - mt�st sign by hund �— Officer Name and Title: ---� E►2. ��� Business Telephone Number ��v — � _ c..� Native AmericAn Other (Saccifv) Date: � 0 �-� �� of F�: �� - �? 9 � - �!5 3� �l j E-mail Address: ]���c-w�-� . �Ai�o�J_S� '�o� T�E��CJ�_c � _. CAw� CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORnn 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested partles. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. l, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the ciry, state and country of the business entity's place Certi�cate Number: of business. 2023-1069866 Frontier podge Chrysler Jeep LUBBOCK, TX United States oate Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 09/11/2023 being filed. CITY OF LUBBOCK Date Acknowledged: 09/11/2023 g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identity the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. PO 31076524 ITB 23-17528-SB SUVs 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Parry City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Meadows, Jeremy Lubbock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is , and my date of birth is My address is , , , (street) (city) (state) (zip code) � (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Counry, State of , on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.99923476 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORnn 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. l- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. �, 2, 3, 5, and 6'rf there are no interested panies. CERTIFICATION OF FILING i Name of business eMity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2023-1069866 Frontier podge Chrysler Jeep LUBBOCK, TX United States �ate Filed: 2 Name o govemmen ent ty or state agency t at s a party to e contrect or w c e orm s 09/1L2023 being filed. CITY OF LUBBOCK Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the idendBcation number used by the govemmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a descripdon of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. PO 31076524 ITB 23-17528-SB SUVs Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Pa Ci State Count lace of business check a Iicable rtY tY� � rY �P ) ( PP ) Controlling Intermediary Meadows, Jeremy Lubbock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Inte�ested Party. � 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ��Eg,�� s�'i-� EADp�-�J .� __ ____, and my date of birth is �� My address is .�� �r ST , ��.,�k . �. ���o� . �s� . (sireet) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalry of pery'ury that the foregoing is uue and correct. Executed in „� V�.r 7�� _____ Counry, State of � Krl 5, on the 1 d day of �,�, 20 �. (month) (year) � " Signature authon ed agent af cantracting business entity (Declaranl) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.99923476