HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0475 - PO 10026771, With The Playwell Group, Inc - 09/26/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0475 Item No. 5.27 September 26, 2023 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CI"1'Y COUNCTL OT� TIIr CITY Ol� LUBBOCK: TI IAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hcrcby authorired and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order 10026771, in accordance with BuyBoard Contract 679-22 for the purchase of Yark �lmenities, by and betwcen the City of Lubbock and The Playwell Group, Inc., of Dallas, "1'exas, and all related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by thc City Council on Se�tember 26, 2023 . TRAY PAYNE, - - - ATT�ST: Courtney Paz, City Secret APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: - - - - }�—. Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachael Foster, As. '•tant City �lttorney ccdocs I[IRES.PO 10026771 I3uyl3oard 679-22 �'hc Playwell Group, Inc. 9.12.23 �►� c�ty of Lubbock rExas PURCHASE ORDER TO: THE PLAYWELL GROUP INC 4743 IBERIA AVE STE C DALLAS TX 75207 Page - Date - Order Number Branch/Plant 1 9/7/2023 10026771 000 OP 5223 SHIP TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK - CENTRAL SHOP 308 MUN[CIPAL DRIVE LUBBOCK TX 79403 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: MaRa Alvarez, Direct of Purchasing & Contract Management Ordered 9/7/2023 Freight . Requested 9/18/2023 Taken By Delivery PER K ROBINSON REQ 60735 BUYBOARD 679-22 D HEATH I! vou /tave anv 9uestions please {'ee! lree to reach out to Ka/ee Robinson at KRobinsonna�nylubbock.us or 806-775-2672 Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date Richmond Series Recycled 6' S0.000 2,561.2000 EA 128,060.00 9 18 2023 Table - Surface Mount Shipping & Handling Multilevel Charcoal Grill K Series Shipping & Handling Terms NET 30 1.000 12,461.6000 EA 14.000 249.8500 EA 1.000 942.0500 EA Total Order 12,461.60 9/18/2023 3,497.90 9i 1812023 942.05 9! 1812023 144,961.55 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $144,961.55 awarded to The Playwell Group, Inc. of Dallas, TX, on September 26 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote dated September Ol, 2023, from The Playwell Group, Inc. of Dallas, TX, and BuyBoard Contract 679-22. Resolution # 2023-R0475 CITY L CK: � Tr ayne ayor A ST: Cou ney Paz, City Secr Rev. 3/2022 Seller and Buyer agree as follows: PURCHASE ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER. CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. by suoolvmc anv Goods or Sm�ca �ha� the Contractor has read. fullv understands. and will be m PoII comohance with all �em�s and conditions and �he dacriouve material contained hercin and any additional azsociated documenls and Amendments The Ciry disclaims anv lertns and condmons prov�ded bv the Contraaor unless aereed uoon in wri�inc bv �he oartia. In the event of con0ict be�ween the Cnv's terns and conditions and anv Irnns and conditiont orov�ded by �he Comractor. the �emis and conditions orovidcd herein shall orevail. The �ema and conditions orovided herein are the final urtns aereed upon bv the parties. and anv orior conilictine tem�s shall be of no farce or efkct. I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Seller will package goods in accordance wi�h good commercial practice Each shipping container shall be clearly and pe`manently marked az(ollows (a) Seller's name and addras, (b) Cons�gnee's name, addras and purchase order or purchase release number and the supply agreement number if applicable, (c) Containa number and total number of conlamers, ag. hox 1 0( 4 boxa, and (d) the number of the container bearing �he packing slip. Sella shall bear ws� of packaging unl�ss othenvise provided. Goods shall be suitably packed to saure lowal transportauon cos�s and �o conform with requiremems of common carriers a� any applicable specificalions. Buyer's count or weight shall be final and conclusive on shipments not accompanied by packing lisis. 2. SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED Seller is not authoriud to ship the goods unda resrnalion and no tender of a bill of lading w�ll operale as a tender of goods. 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The ti�le and nsk of loss of the goods shall not pacs �o Buyer until Buyxr aaually aceires and taka possession of Ihe goods at the point or points of delivery. 4. NO REPLACEMENf OF DEFECTIVE TENDER Every tenda of delivery of goods must (ullycomplywilh all provisions o(this contraa az �o time of delivery, qualny and �he like. If a �rnder is made which does not fully conform, this shall constitute a breach and Sella shall not have the ngh� to substitute a confo�ming tenda, provided, where Ihe time (or performance has not ys� expired, the Sella may reawnably notify Buyer of his intention w cure and may then make a confomiing �ender within the contracl t�me but not aflenvard. 5. INVOICES & PAYMENTS. a S e 1 I e r shall submit separa�e invoica, in duplicate, one wch purchase order or purchase rclease after each delivery. Invoica shall md�cate the purchase order or purchaze rcleau number and Ihe supply agreement number if applicable Invoica shall be i�emiud and transportation charga, if any, shall be listed separalely. A copy of the bill o( lading, and �he Beight waybill when applicable, should be attached to the invoice. Mail To: Accounis Payable, City of Lubbotk, P. O Boz 2000, Lubbock, Texaz 79457. Payment shall not be due until the above inslrumenis are submitted aflerdelivery. 6. GRATUITIES. The Buyer may, by written no�ice to the Sel�er, cancel this conlracl withou� liability to Seller if i� is detmnined by Bu}er that grawi�ies, in the fom� of rntetlammenl, gifts or othernise, were oflered or given by �he Seller, or any agent or representative of Ihe Seller, �o any oRctt or employxe of the City of Lubbock with a view to sauring a contact or sauring (avorabk trw�men� with respect �o the awarding or amending, or �he making of any de�rnninations with rapect to the perPorming of such a contract. In the went this comract is cancelcd by Buyer pursuant to this provision, Buyer shall be entitled, in addi�ion to any o�her rights and remedies, to recover or withhold �he amoum of the cost incurted by Sella in pmviding such gratuities. 7. SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EQUfPMENT. If the pria slated on the face hermf includes the cos� of any special tooling or special �est equipment Fabricated or requ'ved by Sella for �he puryose of filling this older, such special tooling equipment and any process sheets related thereto shall become Ihe propelty o( the Buyer and to the exlent feasible shall be identified by the Seller as such. 8. WARRANTY-PRICE. a. The price to be paid by the Buyer shall be Ihat contained in Seller's bid which Sella wartants lo be no higher Ihan Seller's cmren� process on orders by o�hers for pmducts of ihe kind and speci(wtion covaed by this agrcement for similar quamitia under similar of like condi�ions and methods of purchase. In the evem Seiler brcacha this wairanty, the prica of Ihe items shall be rcduced to the Selkr's current prica on orders by others, or in the altemative. Buyer may cancel Ihis contraa withow liability to Seller for breach or Seller's actual ezpense. b. The Seller warrants �hat no person or selling agency has been employed or mained to solicit or secure �his contraa upon an agreemenl or understanding for commiuion, percrn�age, brokerage, or contingent fee excep�ing bona fide employees of bona fide atablished commercial or xlling agencies mainlained by ihe Seller for the purpou ofucuring business. Far brcach of viciation of th�s wartanty the Buyer shall have the right in addi�ion to any other right of rights to caned this cont2cl without liability and to dedua from �he contrac� price, or othmvise recover without liabilityand lo deduct from the comaa price, orothmvise recover �he full amoum ofsuch co�mnission, percentage, brokerzge or contingem fee. 9. WARRANTY-PRODUCT. Seller shall not limil or exclude any implied wartantia and any attemp� to do m shall render this contract voidable at the option of �he Buyer. Seller warrants that �he goods fumished will confortn to �he specifiwtion, drzwings, and dacrip�ions listed in the bid inv�tal�on, and to the sample(s) fumished by �he Seller, if any. In the event of a wn0ict or be�wmn the specifications, drawmgs, and dacriptions, Ihe specifications shall govem. Nohvititslanding any provisions contained in the contraaual agreement, �he Seller rcpresents and warrants fault-Gee perfolmancea�d Faul�-Beeresul�intheprocessingdateanddaterelatedda�a (including, but not limited to calcula�ing, comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, wfhvare and firmware products delivered and services provided under this Conlact, individually or in combina�ion, az the caze may be from the effective date of Ihis Contract. The obligations contained herein apply lo pmdutls and servica provided by �he Seller, i�s sub- Seller or any �hird party involval in �he creation or development of the produc�s and services to be delivered to Ihe City of Lubbock under Ihis Contrad. Failure �o comply with any of �he obligationc contained herein, may result in the Cily of Lubbock availing itself of any of its rights under �he Imv and under this Contract including, but no� limi�ed ro, its right pertaining to tamina�ion or deFault. The wa�rantia containcd haein are xpara�e and discrete from any othn warrantia speci(ed in �his Conlract, and are no� subjea to any disclaimer of warranry, implicd or expressed, or limitation of Ihe Seller's liability which may be specified in Ihis Contrad, its apprndica, its schedula, i�s annexes or any documrnt incoryorated in Ihis Conlracl by reference. 10. SAFEfY WARRAN7'Y. Seller warrants tha� �he pmdua sold to the Buyer shall confortn to �he standards promulga�ed by the U. S. Depanmrnt of Labor unda the Occupalional Safety and Heahh Ac� of 1970. In �he event the produa doa irot conform ro OSHA standards, Buyer may relum Ihe product for cortMion or replacemen� at the Seller's expente. In the event Seller (ails lo make the appropria�e cortection wi�hin a reasonable time, conection made by Buyer will be at the Seller's expense. 11. NO WARRANTV BV BUYER AGAINST INFRINGEMEM'S. As part of this contraa !or sale Seller agrees to atcMain whe�her gaods manufactured in accordance with the specifications altached lo Ihis agreement will give rise to Ihe rightful claim o( any third person by way of in6mgement of �he like. Buya makes no warianty that the produc�ion of goods according lo Ihe specificalion will not give rise to such a claim, and in no event shall Buya be liable to Seller for indemnification in the evenl Ihal Seller is sued on the �ounds of inGingement of the like. If Seller is of Ihe opinion that an infringement or the like will rault, he will notify �he Buya to �his effect in writing within hvo weeks aRer the signing of this agreement. If Buyer doa not receive notice a� is subsequenlly held liable (or the inGingement or Ihe like, Seller will save Buyer harmless. If Sellv in good faith ascertaint the production of the goods in accordance wilh Ihe specifiwtions will resuh in infringement or �he like, Ihe comraa shall be null and void. 12. NON APPROPRIATION. All funds for paymem by the City under this contract are subjat �o �he availabili�y of an annual appropriation for this purpose by the Ci�y. In �he event of nonapproprialion of (unds by �he Ciry Council of �he City of Lubbock for Ihe goods or servitts provided under the contract, �he City will tmninate �he wntran, wi�hout termination charge or other liability, on the lut day of �he �hrn•curtent fiscal year ar when the appropriation made for the �hrn-curtent year for �he goods or srnica covered by this conlrad is spem, whichever event occurs firs�. If at any time funds are no� appmpriated (or Ihe continuance of Ihis contract, cancellation shall be accepted by the Selln on thirty (30) days prior writlen notice, but failurc to give such notice shall be of no effec� and the City shall not be obligated under this conlracl beyond the date of �mnina�iaa 13. RIGHT OF MSPECTION. Buyer shall have the right to inspecl the goods at delivery before accepting �hem 14. CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have Ihe right to cancel for deFault all or any pan of the undelivered ponion of this order if Seller breacha any of the trnns haeof including warrantia of Seller or if the Seller becomes insolvem or commits acts of bankrup�cy. Such right of wncella�ion is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies which Buyer may have in law or equity. I5. TERMINATION. The perfomunce of work under this order may Ix le�minated in whole, or in pan by the Buyer in accordance with this provision. Trnnination of work hereunder shall be effected by �he delrvery of the Seller o( a"Nouce of Trnmnauon" specifying Ihe exten� to wh�ch performance o(work under the order is te�mmated and the date upon which such tertnina�ion becomes efTecti�e Such nght or Irnninauon is in addition to and not in lieu ofthe righis of Buyer se� fonh in Clause 14, herein. 16. FORCE MAIEURE. Neither party shall be held responsible for lossa, resul�ing if �he fulfillmem of any tem�s of pmvisions of �his contact is delayed or prevrnted by any wuse not wnhm �he coniml of the pany whose perfo`mance is interfered with, and which by �he exercise of reasonable diligence sa�d pany is unable to prevent 17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No right or inlaat in this toNracl shall be assigned or delegalion of any obligation made by Seller wi�hout �he wrillrn pem�ission of the Buyer. Any atlempled assignmenl or delegauon by Seller shall be wholly ��oid and totally inef%ctive for aIl purpose unless made in conformitywith �his paragraph 18. WAIV ER. No claim or right arising ow of a breach of this contraa can be disclwged in whole or in part by a waiver or rmunciation of the claim or right unlas the waiver or renuncia�ion is supported by consideration and is m writing signed by the aggrieved pany. 19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVtDENCE. This writing, plus any specifications for bids and performance provided by Buyer in ils advMisement for bids, and any other documents prov�ded by Seller as pan of his bid, is intended by �he parties as a final expression of �he'v agreement and intended also az a complete and exclusrve statement of �he trnns of the'v agreement. Whenever a trnn defined by the Uniform Commercial Code is used in tha abReement, �he definition comained in the Code is to mntml. ?0. APPLICABLE LAW. Thi� agreement shall be govemed by ihe Uni(orm Commercial Code. Wherever the �rnn "Uniform Commercial Code' is used, il shall be constfued az meaning Ihe Uniform Commercial Code as adopted m the State of Texaz u elTeaive and in Porce on the date of �his agreement. 21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one party �o this contraa in good fauh has «ason to qua�ion the other party's mtrnt to perfortn he may demand thal Ihe olher party give written assurance of his intent m perfolm. In the event �ha� a demand is made and no assurance is given within five (5) days, the demanding party may treat this failure az an anticipatory repudiation o(the contract. ?2. INDEMNIFICATION. Seller shall indemnify, keep and save harmlas �he Buya, its agents, o�cials and employees, against all injuria, deaths, lou, damaga, claims, pa�ent claims, suits, liabilitia, judgmenls, costs and expenses, which may in any�vise accn�e against �he Buyzr in consequence of the granting of Ihis Conlratl or which may any�vise rault thereGom, whelher or not it shall be alleged or dMmnined �hat the act waz caused �hrough negligence or omission o( Ihe Seller or its employees, or of the subSeller or assignee or i�s employea, if any, and �he Seller shall, at his own expense, appear, defend and pay all charga of allomeys and all costs and other expenses arising therefrom of incurted in conneclion theravith, and, if any judgment shall be rendered againsl Ihe Buyer in any such aaian, �he Seller shall, at its own expenses, satitfy and discharge Ihe ume Seller expressly underslands and agrees �hat any bond requ'ved by �his contract, or olhmvite provided by Seller, shall in no way limit Ihe raponsibility to indemnify, kecp and save hamdess and defend the Buya az herein provided. 23. TIME. It is hereby expressly agreed and understood that time is of the essence for �he perfortnance of this conirzc�, and failure by wntracl to meet ihe lime specificalions of this agreement will cause Seller to be in default of this agreement. 24. MBE. The Ci�y of Lubbock hereby notifia all bidders �hat in regard to any contract entered into pursuam to this requat, minority and women businas ente�prises will be afforded equal opportuni�ies to submit bids in raponse m this invitation and will not be discrimina�ed agains� on the gmunds of race, color, sex or natural origin in considera�ion for an award. 25. NON-ARBITRATION. The City reserva the right �o exercise any right ar rcmedy ro i� by law, wntract, equity, or olhmvix, including withow limi�ation, �he right to seek any and all forms of rclief in a coun of compe�ent jurtsdictioa Funha, �he City shall no� be subject to any arbilration process prior to exercising its unrestricted right to scek judicial remedy. The remedia set fohh herein are cumulative and no� exclusive, and may be exercised concwrently. To �he extent ofanyconFlicl behveen this provision and ano�her provision in, or rclated �o, this document, �his provision shall conirol. 26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any time during the �e�m of the contraa, or thereafter, the City, or a duly aulhorized audi� repraenta�ive of �he City or the State of Texas, a� its expense and at rcasonable lima, resrnes the right ro audit Contractors records and books rdevam ro all services provided to �he Ci�y undn �his Contraa. In �he event such an audil by Ihe Cityreveals any ertors or ovefpayments by �he City, Contraaor shall rePond �he Ci�y �he full amount of such overpayments within Ihirty (30) days of such audit findings, ar �he City, at its optioq rames the nght to dtducl such amounts owing the City finm any payments due Contractor. 27. The Comraaar shall not assign or subkt Ihe contrad, or any poNion of the contracl, without written consent from �he D'vecwr of Purchasing and Contract Management. 28. Contracts with Companies Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Terrorist Organization Proh�bi�ed Pursuant to SMion 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, pmhibi�s the Ci�y Gom entering imo a contracl wi�h a vendor tha� is idemified by The Comptrolla as a company kno�m to have contrac�s with or pmvide supplia or smice with Iran, Sudan or a foreign �ertorist organ'na�ion 29. Texas Government Code. Section 2252.908 requ'ves a business entity entering imo cenain contracts wi�h a govemmental entity or state agency to file with Ihe govemmental entity or s�ate agency a disclosure of inttta�ed panies at the time the businas entiry submits the signed contrzct to the govemmemal entiry or s�ate agrncy. Intlrucnons for completing Form 1295 are available ac h�m:�:wx�s..ci.fubbskk.la.us'd�rrratlmtmal- webs isev denartn�e�ru'ourciasu�a� ve�Mor-�afom�atian 30. No Boycou of Israel. Pursuam to Section 2271.002 of the Texas Govemmrnt Code, Rapondent certifies tha� either (i) i� meets an exemp�ion criteria under Sec�ion 2271.002; or (ii) it doa not boycott Israel and will nol boycott Isrzel during �he tmn of the contraa rcsulting Gom Ihis wlicilation. Rapondent shall s�ate any fac�s �ha� make it exempt Gom ihe boycon cenificalion in its Response. 31. No Boycotl of Energy Companies. Pursuant to Sec�ion 2?74 of the Texas Govemment Code, Respondrnt cMifies tha� either (i) it mee�s an ezemption criteria under Section 2274.002; or (ii) it doa no� boycotl Energy Compania and will not boycott Energy Compania during the Irnn of Ihe contracl raulting from Ihis solicitation Rapondenl shall state any facts Ihat make it exempt Gom the boycott cmifiwtion in i�s Raponse. 32. No Boycotl of a Fircarm Entity or Fircarm Trnde Associa�ion. Pursuant to Section 2274 of the Texas Govemment Code, Rapondrnt cenifies �ha� either (i) it mats an exemption criteria unda Sec�ion 2274.002, or (u) it doa not boycott a F'vearm Entiry or F'vearm Trade Associa�ion and will not boycott a F'vearm Entity or F'vearm Trede Associalion during the lerm of Ihe contract resul�ing from �his wlicitation. Rapondent shall sute any facts that make it exempt Gom the boycotl certifiwtion in its Raponse. 33. Contrac�s with Companies Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Terrorist Organ'vation Prohibiled Pursuanl to Seqion 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, prohibits the City from emering imo a contrad wilh a vendor that �s identified by The Comptmller as a company known to have contraas wnh or pmvide supplia or service with Iron, Sudan or a(oreign tercoris� organization 34. TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT. The requircmenls of Subchapta J, Chapler 552, Govemment Code, may apply to this contraa and the contrzcwr or vendor agrea Ihat the contracl can be �mninated if Ihe contractor or vendor knowingly or inlrntionally fails to comply with a requircment of that subchapter. 35. Puisuam to Section 552.301(c) of Ihe TexaS Govemment Code, the Ciy of Lubbock has daignated the Polbwmg email addras for which public info�mation rcquats may be made by an emailed rcquese iurtGtmrluhbuck.us. Please send this rcqual to this email addras for it to be procascd REV. 3/2022 The PlayWell Group, Inc. Toll Free: (800)726-1816 Fax: (505) 296-8900 203A State Highway 46 East Boerne, TX 78006 TERMS AND CONDITIONS INVOICE TERMS Tax funded and bonded projects only, Net 30 days. All other entities required 50% down and balance Net 30. All past due amounts will be subject to a finance charge in accordance with the Texas Prompt Payment Act, Chapter 2251, Texas Govemment Code. De/ay of Installatlon (Jf applicable): If the Customer delays the installation, the stored product will be invoiced with a term of Net 30. OPEN ACCOUNT Credit terms are available to municipalities, govemment agencies, school systems, bonded contractors, and businesses (with prior approved credit). To establish credit your organization must have a satisfactory rating with Dun & Bradstreet and provide three credit references. To establish credit, your initial order must total at least $10,000.00. 50% deposit is required on all orders from non-tax funded entities. Prepayment may be required for any order at The PlayWell Group, Inc. sole discretion. METHODS OF PAYMENTS CREDIT CARD FEE NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2023, a credit card usage fee of 3.5% will be applied to sales settled by credit card. No fees apply for payment by ACH, check, money order, and wire transfer. Sorry no C.O.D. orders. FEDERAUSTATE GOVERNMENT AND CO-OP'S CONTRACT Available for Federal/State Govemment, Co-Op's and agency accounts on many items. Call your Sales Consultant for information. SALES TAX Will be added to the invoice, except when a tax-exempUresale certificate is fumished, or your entity qualifies in your state as tax exempt. FREIGHT CHARGES/DELIVERY TERMS All shipments are F.O.B factory, except where specifically stated othervvise. Delivery of materials is up to eight weeks from the order date, plus a few days for transit, unless otherwise noted. Every effort is made to comply with scheduled shipping dates: however, The PlayWell Group, Inc. is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of delay in delivery of any of its products due to causes beyond the control of the Company. DAMAGE/SHORTAGE CLAIMS All claims for concealed loss or damage to product must be noted on the Bill of Lading or delivery ticket and repo�ted immediately to our Customer Service Department. All claims for product damage and sho�tage via common carrier must be promptty made by consignee (customer) direct to The PlayWell Group's Customer Service Department. When reporting damage, be sure to hold all containers and packing materials for inspection (claims should be filed within 15 days of receipt of shipment). RETU RN S/CANC ELLATION S No merchandise is to be retumed without first obtaining written authorization from The PlayWell Group, Inc. Please provide invoice number, date and reason for your retum. Any authorized merchandise must be carefully packed and in saleable condition to be accepted for retum. A 25% (of list price) re-stocking charge plus freight to and from the manufacturer applies on all retumed merchandise when error is not the fault of The PlayWell Group. All returned merchandise must be shipped insured and freight prepaid. Orders cancelled prior to shipment will be charged 10% of list price. Once the material has been installed, no refund will be granted. FREIGHT CARRIER INFORMATION All freight is shipped unassembled via common carrier. Made via common carrier to the end user, the customer is responsible for unloading all deliveries. COLOR CHOICES Be sure to speciy color selections when ordering. Please sign attached Color Selection Form (if applicable). INSTALLATION Installation/Prices are not included on this Quotation. A separate installation quotation must be included with your order if installation is required. PLAYGROUND SURFACING WARNING All play equipment must be installed over impact absorbing surface. Go to www.cpsc.qov for more information. PRODUCT WILL BE ORDERED IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN APPROVALS. Please email or fax all pages. Sales Quote #: 2249� Purchase Order #: Signature: Date: Tha PlayyYsll Group, Ina Athletic, Park, and Playground Equipment ServingCobrado.Texae, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansaa sinee 1888 BILL TO: City of Lubbock Accounts Payable PO Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 Phone: (313) 393-0393 www.playwellgroup.com QUOTATION 80�-1Zs-1816 QUOTE # 9/1/2023 22491 505-296-8900 (fax) SHIP TO: City of Lubbock Parks � Recreation Department 308 Municipal Drive Lubbock, TX 79403 Phone: (373) 393-0393 CUST. PO # TERMS SALES REP COUNTY QUOTE EXPIRATION NET 30 CES LUBBOCK 10H/2023 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY LIST PRICE DISC. PRICE TOTAL BUY q879-22 BUYBOARD CONTRACT �{679-22 EXPIRES 09/30/2023 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ULTRASITE P63SM-R6 RICHMOND SERIES RECYCLED 6' TABLE - SURFACE 50 2696.00 2,5B1.20 128,060.00 MOUNT COLOR:GRAY SHIP SHIPPING 8� HANDLING 1 12461.60 12,461.60 12,467.60 PILOT ROCK K-20 B2 MULTILEVEL CHARCOAL GRILL K SERIES-FOUR LEVEL 14 263.00 249.85 3,497.90 ADJUSTABLE COOKING GRATE, GRATE TIPS BACK INSIDE REINFORCED FIREBOX, FULL 360 DEGREE ROTATION OF FIREBOX ON THEFT PROOF BASE ATTACHMENT, STANDARD WITH B2 (3-112" O.D.) EMBEDDED POST BASE COLOR: HIGH TEMP NON-TOXIC BLACK ENAMEL PAINT SHIP SHIPPING $ HANDLING 1 942.05 942.05 942.05 QUOTE VALID FOR 30 DAYS. Product will be ordered upon receipt of written approvals and/or deposit. Please email or fax all pages. PLEASE REMIT YOUR DEPOSIT TO: SUBTOTAL $144,961.55 THE PLAYWELL GROUP, INC. 203A STATE HIGHWAY 46 EAST BOERNE, TX 78006 SALES TAX (0.0%% $0.00 Date Signature CREDIT CARD FEE NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2023, a credit card usage fee of 3.5% wtll be applied to sales settled by credit card. No fees apply to payment by ACH, TOTAL 5144,961.55 check, money order, and wire transfer. Sorry no C.O.D. orders