HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0393 - Revitalization Grant Prog. Facade Exp. Of Market LBK, Inc., Caprock Laundry Ctr - 08/22/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0393 Item No. 6.9 August 22, 2023 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Commercial Revitalization Fa�ade Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to Caprock Laundry Center, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on August 22, 2023 TRAY YAYN '�IAYOR AT EST: Courtney Paz, City c ry APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Brianna Brown, Business Development Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: , elli Leisure, Senior Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES. Market Lubbock CRG f acadc Gxpenditure — caprock laundry 8.4.23 Resolution No. 2023-R0393 RE 23-40 RESOLUTION APPROVING CAPROCK LAUNDRY CENTER AT 261134Tf' STREET COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION FACADE AND PERMITABLE GRANT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of MARKET LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., a Texas nonprofit corporation (MLI), on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, held in conformity with the bylaws, after due notice as therein provided, a quorum being present and acting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, MLI presented to members of the Board the proposal of a possible Economic Development Grant and Contract to Caprock Laundry, LLC, dba Caprock Laundry Center, is renovating its property at 261134ch St, located within the Lubbock Neighborhood Empowerment Zone as designated by the City of Lubbock. Caprock Laundry Center is a family-owned business based in Lubbock, Texas. They work to provide the best laundry experience possible and is a pleasant and easy experience. They are committed to providing a clean, friendly and well- maintained laundromat and proud to be part of the Lubbock community. The scope of permittable work includes new glass windows and doors at $14,390 in permittable expenses and the fa�ade work will include exterior paint, brick repair, and bollards totaling $50,000 in fa�ade expenses and a grand total of $64,390 in expenses. The MLI Board is being asked to consider a Commercial Revitalization Grant Program fa�ade grant for Caprock Laundry, LLC totaling $25,000 and a permittable grant of $1,439 at 2611 34cn St. The terms and conditions of such Economic Development Grant and Contract, other than the norrnal terms and conditions applicable to all such Economic Development Grant and Contracts by the Corporation, are described generally as follows, to wit: Grant a Downtown Facade Grant for Caprock Laundry, LLC , totaling $25,000 and a Permittable Grant totaling $1,439 at 2611 34�' Street, which is in the Lubbock Neighborhood Empowerment Zone as designated by the City of Lubbock, once proof of payment has been submitted. WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of MLI finds that an Economic Development Grant and Contract offering the incentive for providing assistance for renovations to their property, meet and comply with the qualifications and purposes of the Corporation for the granting of such Economic Development Grants and Contracts. Upon Motion by Director, Mr. Chris Carpenter, and Seconded by Director, Dr. John Opperman. IT WAS R�SOLVED that MLI offer and, if accepted by Recipient, enter into an Economic Grant and Contract with Caprock Laundry, LLC, for improvements to the property at 2611, 34°i Street, Lubbock, Texas. This Economic Development Grant and Contract will be on the normal terms and conditions of such Commercial Revitalization Grant Program and Contract offered by MLI to existing businesses and business prospects and authorize the CEO to enter into and execute all documents related to the Economic Grant and Contract. � John Osborne, President & CEO � Linda avis, Secretary MARKET LIJBgO�GK, INC. CQIVIMERCIAL REVIiALIZATlON GRAt�T PROGRAlIII . _ . _._ _._.�_.3L _ _..,�. _.. _ �_ � � - - -- - - - _ - _ � �� � � 269 9 3�'� St. �Caprock Laundry C�nt�r) TOT/o1L SCOPE OF WORK = $�64�390 TOTAL GRA�ITS = �26,439 TOTAL FA�`,,J�DE SGOPE OF 1MOitK =$5�,000 FI��ADE GRAtVT = $25,QOQ TOTAL PERMITTABLE SCOPE OF WORK =�14,390 PERIWIITTABLE GRAlVT = �1,439 �� � S 1 1 1 / �`� 1 1 �� Camrner�cial Revifialization G�snt �r1ogram �resented bo Mf.J �ard july 26� 2d23 Proje�t 261134� St (Fa�ade) Caprock Laundry, L4G� dba Caprack Laundry Center, is renovating its praperty at 2b11 34x� St., lacated vwithin th� f.ubbock tdeighborhood Emprnvern�eent 2Qne as designated by tt�e Grty of Lubbocl� Caprock Laundry Center is a family-owned business b�sed in �.ubbock, Texa�s. �'hey work to provide the best laun�ry experience passibte and is a pl�easant and easy experienc�e. They are committed ta praviding a dean, friendly and well-maintained laundromat and pmud ta be part oEthe Luhbock rnmmunity. The scope af perrnittable wark includes new glass windows an� daors at $14,390 in permittahte expenses and the Fa�ade �vork witl include exterior pain�, brick mpair, and bollards totaling $SO,OQ4 in fa�ade expenses and a grand total oF $64,390 in expenses. The MLl Baard is being asl�ed to cansider a Cammercial Revitalization Grant Program Ea�ade grant for Caprack Laundry, LLC totaling $25,000 and a perm6ttahle grant oE$1,439 at 2�61134�� St LUBB�CK. Commercial Re�i#�lizatian Grant - Application Tl�� irrJ�rmat�o�n raq�esl�� on fhxs farm w�"1 b� used by M�a�ce! Lu�b�ock, lne. far amaVysls al your �roJ�ct. ML�I G41�TAiCT INfORMATION Jor�e Qulelno - Specfal Proj�cts Phone_ 8062�.824t f�at6cet Lu�bock, Irts. 150� Braa�v+ray, S�xCN Flaas, Lu6boc�c� TX 7�401 Email_ ��mar�lt�►bbadc_odg Oate t�vtia�l AppUcatlon Su�rn�tted (Du,e prior to st�rt a� c�r�struclfon ar perrruts a�stgned y �8��� Pro�e�cted Pro�ec1 S4�rt Date Pro�ect F�ro�,peHy A�dd'ress �ro�erty LCAD F� Cam�pany Phame Slre�t A�ddness �Ityr �tate. 21p Plams Title Phane Na�mbar Emall 09U81123 913 T��cas Ave 8�06-7�'7-1 �! LLC iNFOWIAAT101� ABOUT THE PROJECT Pro,�rty Owujersl�ip: dwn L) G�ant Ty�e (AAa�y cl��ase b�o�h If a,pplccabte�: P�errr�ittabfe j�j Lease ❑ Owv��r Apprav�d ❑ Fa�ade � Detai�ed Projec2 Summaey �fncfuding projected st��t date) and D�sc7i�r�an od Work: Ad.�miroum st�xelront wdth 1" cl� Lon�r-E f�su�ed �Pass ud�its. SLnt�le rxaerow styte doar witl� Garrr�om, affset p�v�at hingns. standarti pushlpt�l h�anclles, MS Eadcset, tl�resholA, sw�p� and c6asar. Inct�ude$ 2 ho��s art�d 3 �ndl�►�dual pleces �f gtass p�er win�la�r hay_ Ex�doa pait�tir�g, l�rLcic repa#r, arrd [natal! u shapad bot�atAs_ MLl 5_�3.2� FJna1 bida ��f be ua�ed to c�1tul�at� tlne p�ro�lect co�a! ar�d g�ranr amounti GQlIAPANY 8J4CKGROUND List any persoa� or ent�ry ihat has at le�st 5�b a�amer�[� tn the Appdicar�t Company: Mame �ercent Idame Peroa�nl Is tf�� fdrrm regls�Uer�c1 rn�li� tlye S�creta�r af Sra4�e's Ol�oe !o �o bu�iness in T�xas? Yes � Ana y�au in goad s1�ndJnag w�l� Itie �late o( Texas? Y� • �t �o�u answene9 "tda" la �tfler ad the above tw� Is I�e flrm artid�iar prin�pa� �slJnquer�t an any fe�d�ral, stat� ar lacaf tax obligaUor�s? No � I�a�s tl�e compae�y as p�inci,pals c( the aoe�npany ha,d pr�ar bat�k��tptcia� or lawsuils2 No � It y��u answered 'hfes" to el��r af ti�e �awe twa Is the fdrrn rsaeEv�reg 1ax rsv�n�te fcom any gaM�rnmc�nt at,�n�y.� Mo � APPLICANT''S RES�PONSIBII�TIES �PRI�PERTY QWNER dR L.�ASEE} GQty ot �ubbock �qutrarrra�nta: C[1y of LuDbock - Pta�ning O�partmee�t 806-775-2108 Ccntact Che Clty af L�ubbock to d�tarmfne ihe fo�lor�Ang: j� Soo�e af wark meets East StGeJ341h StIN. l�n3Yets�ty stanQ�a� and g,w�deli�es.? ❑ l�e permit� req,uf��d fae any a�spect af the soope of �w+o�k? ❑ ,4�e publfc Imprrnremerrts �eqa��red? ( f1 Is t�ere a cirrrent CertiF+caCa o( Oaaupancy on flGe (or tt�is prap�rty? Mar�t Lubhack, lnc. {MLI) r�q,uir��rrt�: Manag�F af D�awret�ow�n & Sper�a7 P�rc�ecAs (.�arge Quftir�o} 8D6-�49�500 Applfc�dan Pac�CsL I � Int�af ap�llca�lon {pa,ge one of t�f� document) must b� recelved �y MLI prioa t� Uie statt af co�str�ctlon and/or before pecrr�it$ are ass6gned ,4�f rer�aining docume�ls must be rece�ved and an a�pplicattnn pacflc�t presertiroeA ta tf�e MU 6aard rro more than tf�ree m�ntivs a(t�er Ihe InlNal ap�llcatian � recety�d �y MLI. O�a�e Final D�ocu�nents Rece�ived: �) �PEes o( f�1ry peemtts or Ciiy ap�pnavat (�) CoAy of Curranl Cs�tiflcate af Ooc�tpanGy j�,) QetaLted Congtructlon 81ds or ScheduPe at Values ❑ BeFo�re P�cturm (priosr to cans��oct�an begin:ningl I I �'�tt�ct�.�ra1 PVlans {I( ap�llcab��j � Architetcural Rerr�erings {i( app�lcab�e� Aftar campla�tt�on o% oonstruCtlor�: [, Cerllfi�atie of Occupancy or Sim�tar C�ty Document App�av�ng Ccar�pletion f�Gcar�t re�spans,lb�e lF�rl�nal sco�oe af wrov�k rt�tch�ng a�rovsd sctio��) Proaf af P�yment: C PAID Cnvo6ces {m�t r�farsrtice the apprav�d prc�ect) [; Rroc�gs�d Checks, Bank or C�ed3t C�rd Staternenls matchir�g PAId In�o9c�s (le�gibt�o ao�les) 2 Mli 523.23 Over�lew • An,4�piccant m�st �e a va�id Own�rr o� ienar�t (Lessee� o( the pro�erty r��eding �mpraaaments • Prop��is rroust fa11 wit�[n INe East SIAe, 34th S�, or N. Lt�6ock Me�ghbarhood Ernpow�erms�nt Zan�s • S`ngls-�am�ly restderoces and cCuplexes are e�ccPuded_ • Ar� Applrcana is ellg�b3s !b receive a permmable �rant an�/or fa4ade grant p�r p�operty {LCAD R#t or Oev+a9o�naent Lot), per �nterpNse* per year. Must wa�t one y�ear fram appdova� Ga apply aga�n for Ilhe sam� prop�erty. (Exp�nses used in on� a�pl6calEon cannot be used in anat�rer app�icatlan.) • Applicant rs not elfgtbta for grant pr�eam (ure�ing lf delinqu+ent in prc�perty Iaxes according to LC,4� records - ir�clr��es al] LCAD properties li�ted in the applJcanl's nam;e • AALI �i��u�sements afi� characte:r�,ed as're�mbursa�t� grant$` - Ap�lkant pays exx,penses first • Expen�se� eH�1b�� for reintibitr$em�nnt m�st r�lat� t� reasareaCf� costs or ex�eruses_ • Rec�lp�t of an app�)cat(on � nao! a guara�tee of g�ant appraval. Gran�t Types P�rmittabla P�ra�cra • lmprovements req�ire a Clly cf Lc�bbadc perm3t • tm�praveme�ts may De mad� to Ihe ex�r�ior an9i'ar ir�terftae o( Ihs peoperty • Emprovemer�ts rn�rst talal a mintmurn cf S5,b00 • ih� pe�rrnitta�bt� grant rsimb�trses t0�b of app,royed expen�es up to a�50,00� grant • Permittable scopa o� wor� that may be cons�l�ete�d: • hiVAC • Pl�rrt�hdng � El��lrical • Strudura! • Arry olher ►nro�9c re��rring a�ity o( Lub�aeEc permlt Fayad� ProJ�ts • lmprc�vemsnts rr►ay or may nal requ3re a Gl1y at Lu6bc�9c permit • tm�prav�ments rnu�t t�e rna,de to the extsr�dr af the p�rape�ty fadng 11te most prartrinent stre�t •[mprcv�ments must Lotlal a mCni.mum of $1,b00 • Tt�� fara�de grant relmburs�s 5�096 0( ap,pdave�d s�xpenses up to a 9�s,�d0 gra�t • Fa�ade soope o( wrork th�at may he consit6�r�d: • Palnt�reg • PEew win�aws and daors • Signag� � Landscaping • Par�in�g t�ls • +4�nings • A�ny oth�r woetc thal improw�s the appeamoe af t�e fa�ade Signab�re (n,ot required far e7ectronic subm3tta�): Date: MLi �23.23 1i.1?I�E?Itl''I'1C» I�.�1�1� cussaM Hox��s--�.� an o aen ova aws (���+) ��39-�71� {8Q6) 7Q�-��74 Uii�� t� 17� �f��Qt\'1�lf ��a1i. �1 l � f� Etedem�tion Road Custom Mor�es and Ren�vations� LLC R.O. Box 751 Lorenzo, TX 79343 Rhone: {806) 589-8712 Email: lance.rrch@grnail.com Descri�tio� Glass Windows •�" x 412° Dark Bronze anodized aluminurn starefront with 1" clear Low�E ir�sulate� glass units. � 1� 380" x 101" including 30?0 single narrawsEyle daor wvth transam, affset piv�ot hinges. sEa�dar� push/pull handfes, MS lackset, threshold, sww�eeps and daser. � 1• 392" x 101" including 3U70 single narrowstyle dQor wsith transam, off5ei piv�at hing�s, standard push/pull handies, MS lackset, thresholt�, sw�eeps and claser. • Price indudes � horimntals anti 3 indiuidual pieces af gfass per windaw hay. Exterior Painting Pcnnrer Wash �xterior 5trape Areas Where Peeling Paint Brick and Cnde�rblock Exterior Walls Brick Repa�r U Bcallards Price Be�aw is f�ar all Material, Lab4r and Equipment needed to furnish, fabricate and install FIVE (6 foot wide x b' 6" favt talf U Bollards out of S inch Schedule 4U pipe) woth the U Bollard Painted with a hAetal Raint Coating (Furnished by Ownerj. The U Ballard will be 30 inches abave Grade. Price is gaad �or the U Boilard being set in Cor�cr�te ar�d or AspF�alt. All U Bollards are 6 foot wade in Width fea�gths. 3�oles will be f9i led back w�th Cancrete Rre�ared Far Caproek Laundry 3�th z�� i 3�ct, sc Lubaock� nc 7�}�41 a �L��) ! ���TTT Estimate # CAPROCK 34TH 2O23 - 2 Date 06J28l2023 Tatal $37,C8�.Q0 � 11,425.�0 $1,5U�.U0 $13,785.00 P�cy� i of 3 Subtata! $�4,390_00 Tatal 564,390.00 Pag�� 2 of 3 V�fe A�ccept Cash, Chec�, and All Major Credit Cards If You Would L�ke To Ray 11�ith Debft / Credit Card Please �et Me Knaw. In An Effort To Nlaintain Quality Service Without tmpasing Rrice In�reases id6fe W�II Charge A Con�renience Fee af 396 Qn Al) Debit and Credit Card Transactions. Pa�� 3 ot 3 �611 34'� St. — Before Pictures ��� � -�-`�I ��r. . _ . .. ., -w.�.._�`�3+' /,'" F��i� �� � �x 1 � ��'"'. _ ,_._ Jl.,__ _ - - �;; : �= �:,�:.- w...-�.` : � � � ,�. � � � Y Y . 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