HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 464-1930 - Ordering An Election On April 1, 1930 - 02/21/1930l ORDINANCE NO. 4t ~ i 02-t~ -1.930 02-2 t -l..9-'3C I AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ~~ECTI O N IN THE CITY OF .... LUBBOCK. TEXAS, TO BE HELD ON THE ~st DAY OF APRIL. 1930, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK FOR ADOPTION OR RE~ECTIO :J PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING CHARTER OF TI::IE CITY OF LUBBO CK, DESIGN.A:TING THE PLACES AT \ffiiCH SAID ELECTION IS TO BE HELD, AND APPOINTING PRESIDING OFFICERS EHEREOF. 1,'/H2REA.S, on the 23rd day of Janu a ry, 1930, a resolution was duly passed by the Vity Commission of the City of Lubbock. Texas, providing for notice of its intention to pass an ordinance submitting amendmen;s to the existing charter of said city; and, ~'IHEREAS. notice of the int ention to pass such ordi- nance was duly given by public a tion in the manner and for the length of time require d by law; and, WHEREAS, the C.iity Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, deems it proper to submit proposed amendments to the present charter of the City of Lubbock, as is hereafter provid- ed; and, WHEREAS, tbe charter of said city has not been al- tered, changed or amended for more than two years prior to this date; THER E FOREt BE IT ORDAINED BY '.l.'H3 UITY t:ONJMISSION OF THE viTY OF LUBBOCKt TEXAS: SECTION I That a general election be held in the Uity of Lubbockt Texas. on the lst day 'f Ap.ril, 1930, for the purpose of sub- mitting to the qualified voters of s a id city fo~ adoption or re- jection the following proposed amendments to the existing cha~ter of the City of Lubbock: AMENDMENT NO. l : To amend Section 3 of A~ticle 2, Uhapte~ 1 of the City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas, so that same shall hereafter be and read as follows: Sectioc 3. 'tThe style of all ordinances of the Uity of Lubbock shall be: 'Be it ordained. by the Uity Commission of the vity of Lubbock•; but the same may be omitted when pub- lished in book or pamphlet form under authority or by direction of the governing authority of the Vity of Lubbock''• AMENDMENT NO. 2: To amend Section 8 of Article 2, Chapter 1 of the City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Te~as, so that the same shall hereafter be aod read as follows: Section a. "The Yi ty sha 11 not be l.iab le on ace ount of any claim for specific performance • breach of con ta:act or damages ·to the person or to any property, or for any character of tort, unless the person asserting such claim shall give the City written notice of such claim and of the facts upon which it is based within thirty days from the time it is claimed such cause of action arose, and no such suit shall be instituted or maintained on any such claim until the ex piration of ninety days :from the time such notice shall have been given.'' AMENDM~N1' lW. 3: To add Section Four of Article 5, Ubapter 1, of the City Charter of the Uity of Lubbock, as follows: Section 4. uThe City of Lubbock shall have all other remedies for the levy and collection of city taxes as are given by the ~onstitution and Statute of Texas to state and county for the levy and collection of state and county taxes.'' AMENDMENT NO. 4: To amend Section Twenty-four of Article 9. Chapter 1 of the City Charter of the Uity of Lubbock. so that the same , shall hereafter be and read as follows: Section 24. ''No warrant. voucher or check for the payment of any alaim shall be issued by the Uity. unless such claim shall be eviaenaed by an itemized account. filed with the Ui ty Secretary • approved by the Ui ty Manager. and sworn to if required by such Uity Ma nager or the Uity Commission. No time warrants shall be allowed or issued by the t:i.ty Commission in excess of $50,000.00 for any one fiscal year. All warrants shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the person acting as Uity Secratary.r' AMENDMENT NO. 5: To amend Section Twenty-six, Article 9, Chapte~ 1 of the 0ity Cha~te~ of the City of Lubbock, so that the same shall he~eafte~ be and ~ead as follows: Section 26. ''The City Commission shall cause an audit of the books, records and accounts, as well as all t~anaactions pe~taining to the administ~ation of the affai~s of the Uity, at least once each year. embracing each fiscal year, by a competent certified public accountant. 'rhe duty of the public accountant shall include the certification of all statements l"equired in Section 25 of this article; such statements shall include a general balance sheet, and state- ments, showing income and expenditures and also comparisons, in proper classification, with the last previous audit; such balance sheet and statements shall be published in some news- paper regularly published in the Vity of Lubbock at the time within ten days after the completion and acceptance of the audit at least once each year". AMENDMENT NO. 6: To a44 '3ection 24, Article 2, 0hapter 1 of the City 0harter as follows: Section· 24. 'fSale of Electric .Light System and: Vtater System and Plant to be voted on by people. 'J!he City of Lubbock shall not sell the municipal light system or the mu nicipal water system of the Uity of Lub bock or any real estate owne d by the ~ity unless such sale is authorized by two-thirds vote of the qualified tax paye~s at a general or special election held in accordance with law". AMENDMENT NO. 7: To amend Article 2 of the City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas by adding at the end thereof a new article to be known as Article 2-A, which shall read as follows: · Article 2-A. "Section 1. ~he terms, powers and provisions of an Act relating to street improvements and assessments therefor passed at the First Ualled Session of ·the Fortieth Legislature of the State of 'J:ex a s, and shown as 0hapte~ 106 of the General and Special Laws of said Ses- sion of the Legislature, are hereby ado p ted as and made a part of the Oba~ ter of the vi ty of Lubb oo k. "Section 2. lt is the intention and purp ose hereof to write into and make a part of the Vharter of the City of Lubbock all of the powe~s. terms an d provisions of said Act, and such powers, terms and provisions shall ex- ist, be in fo~ce and may be exercised as altern a tive to, and independently of, other powers, terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of Lubbock with amendments thereto. and of the law in force in the ~ity of Lubbock, and which in anywise relate to the same subject matter. ~he Govern- ing ~ody of the vity of Lubbock may proceed either under and in accordance with said Act or under and in accordance with any other law, Uharter provisi-on or amendment now or at the time in fo~c e ''. ..: SECTION II That the poll pla~es ana presiding officers of said election shall be respectively a s follows: Said election shall be held in the office of the City Recorder on the first floor of the City Hall of Lubbock, Texas, and ·l'l.E. Ballew, c,A. Burrus and H.G. Love are hereby appointed as judges to hold sai a election. S E CTI ON III That said election shall be held under the pro- visionS; of the Statutes of the .::itate of ~exas and the tii ty Chartet• of said Ci t .y of Lubbock, and all persons qualified to vote in s a id aity under the laws of this Sta te regulating genera 1 elections sha 11 be allowed to vote therein. SE CTION IV That the manner o:f holding s ·aid election shall be governed by the general laws of the ~tate of ~exas regul a ting general elections, when not in conflict withtb.e provisions of the law referred to in the last preceding section. SECTION V That the form of ballots to be used in said ele.c- tion shall be resre c ti ve ly as follows: ''Ballot'' .AMENDliBNT NO. 1 Do you vote to amend the present ~ity Ubarter of the Vity of Lubbock, Texas, by amending and changing Se c tion Three of Artio·le 2, Chapter 1 relating to the style of ordi- nances? Answer: YES NO AMENDMENT NO. 2 Do you vote to amend the present City Charter of the ~ity of Lubbock, Tex s, by amending and changing Section Eight of Article 2, ~hapter 1 relating to claims against the City? Answer: YillS NO AMENDMENT NO. 3 Do you vote to amend the present City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas, by adding ~action Four of Arti- cle 5, Chapter 1 relating to the remedies for the levy and collection of city 1axes? Answer: YES NO AMENDM .SNT U 0. 4 Do you vote to amend the present City vbarter of the Uity of Lubbock, Texas, by changing and amend!~ Section Twenty-four of Article 9, Chapter 1 relating to the amount of city warrants that may be issu·ed by tbe C1 ty of Lubbock, Texas, during the fiscal year? Answer: YES NO AMENDME!-TT NO. 6 Do you vote to amend the present City Charter of the vity of Lub b ock, '..l:exas, by changing and amending Sec- tion Twenty-six of Article 9, Chapter 1, relating to audit of tim books, rec or as ana ace ount s of the G.i ty of Lubbock? Answer: YES NO AMENJJ.t3NT NO. 6 Do yoo vote to amend the prese nt City Charter of the ~ity of Lubbock, T exas, requiring the sale of the nu.mici-