HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 458-1929 - BEST AVAILABLE SCAN- Pecos And N Texas Railway Laying Tracks - 10/24/1929CIIDDTA!TCI BO. u~i
~n Ordinance granting The Pecos and llortbern Texas Bailway Company.
a Texaa Corporation, Ita Lessee T.he ~anhandle and Santa Je Rail-.y
Company, a oorporation, and Ita SUcoesaore and A1aigna, the Ri-1it
and privile;e ot laying track or tracka upon and acro1a certain Ci
Streets and upon and owr certain City Streets. Kaintainin@ and
operating aamea
Be it ordained by the Oity CounOil of The City ot Lubboek,
Section 1. That The Pecos and Northern Texas Raillny
Company, a corporation, and its Lea•••• the Panhandle and Santa
Ye Railway Company, a corporation, and it• Succeaeore and Aaeigne,
be and they are hereby g1Yen the right, power and privilege of
Jmating, building, erecting, conatruct1ng, operating, and properly
maintain ins an industry track w1 th the neoeaeary turnout a, awitcb
atanda, and other neoea•ary appliances, connected therewith upon
and QT•r •econd street at the interaection of •p• Avenue and aero••
and upon the :sast aide of Avenue •p• from Lot l to the south line ot
Lot a, mock 9, of the Richmond Second Addition to the town of
Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texaa.
Section 2 -That this shall become effective from and
after ita paeaage and l(pproval and that Ordinance Iumber 418 ahall
beoome null and void•
:Paaaed and adopted this :l l./-;z;t:_ day ot ~ .a.». 1929.
A.D. 1929.
I LL .z;c----J// .,, ~ ---Approved thie ___ • __ z:_ _____ day ot __ ~---------