HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 454-1929 - Installation, Construction Operation Of Privies In The City Of Lubbock - 09/26/1929.. L __,, ._____...,.... . ,__ . I I PRIVY OB]INA.NCE # 454 ;. ,._ /AN ORDINAUC~ TO :ROVI:O?.: FO~ TH:£ I !~ J'2A1LATION • CONST?.UCTION, REGULATI0N !.1AINTENANtm, INSPECT! ON AND OPERA~IOH OF PRI VI-ZS .UT THE CITY O.E' LUBBOCK ·~ TEX AS, AND A?.EA OF POI.IC.:!: JUJISTIICTION ~H.:BEOF; AN]) TO .;:-ROVID.3 A PZNALTY I'O:Et ·rn~ ~1011.".TI0N OF Sl~ID 03:;)INANCE, OR ANY SECTION ·THEREOF. BE IT ORDAIN~D BY THE CITY COMMIS3ION OF TH3 CI'l1Y OF LUBBOCK, 'ri<:.-X:AS, AS FOLLO ',VS: \_. SECTION l: '.l:hat on and a:fter October l, 1929, it shall be unlawful for any person,firm, or corporation to own, maintain, or operate in the ~ity of Lubbock, Tex&s, or in the area of police jurisdiction thereof, a privy, or dry closet for tbe reception of human excreta, unless said closet ls built, rebuilt, or consttuc·ted as hereinafter provided. 1 ., SECTION 2: It shall be unlawful for any persons, firm or corporation to permit a privy or dry closet of aay kind or description for the re- ception of human excreta, to be maintained or exist upon any p~o f erty in thel::ity of Lubbock, l'exas, or in tbe area of police jurisdiction thereof, where outside line of an;y of said rr orerty is within 100 feet of the public sewer system of said City, and provided, connect,ion is physiaally possible. SECTION 3: It shall be unlawful for any peroo n, firm or corporation to-throw out, dep osit or bury within the City of Lubbock, 'fexas, or in the al:'ea of po lie e jut'iadi cti on th ere of, any excreta from human bodies. so lid or Ii quid, or to dispose of such excreta in any manner other than into a properly sewered closet or a properly con st rue ted sanitary privy. daction 4: lt shall be unlawful for any rersori, firm o~ corporhtion to construct, maintain or permit a privy to exist on any property or p.r operti es under their control whe .re sewer connect ion has not been made, unless said 1:.:rivy is of an improved aani tary type const.1.·ucted as herein- after provided. 3ECTI0N 5: Minimum requirements of an improved sanitary prl vy are that it shall be so ccnstructed, built or rebuilt that: ./ .. \ (a) '.l!h e excreta dep osit ad th ere in shall not fal 1 upon the surface of the ?ro r nd, but ente.r into a ? omp ~rtment or an excavation in the .. gl'ound. I b) The co~nts of said compartment or excavation shall be inaccessable to flies, fowls, or small animals ot all times. t c) rr he compartment shall consist of an exc a vat e d chamber con- forming to the followin~ dimensions: ~Hth inside curbing, not less than 2.½ feet. Length inside curb- lng, not 1 ess than 3½ feet. 4 feet. Depth from ground surface not less than ,i bere necessary to prevent caving the comportment shall be provided with a .box curbin~ extending from the top downward to the first stratum of clay. "I' Id) Over the ~it shall be placed a metal or concrete slab and a fly- ti g-ht metal or concrete riser fitted with a suitable wooden seat and· cover. The :pit shall be ventilated by a metal pipe not less thw 3 inches in diam- eter, extending from the p it to 8 inches above the roof of the building and screened at the top and bottom with 16 mesh screen wire, Approved metal or concrete slabs and risers with standard toilet sectts shall be furnished to the property owners and citizens of the tiity of Lubbock, Texaa, free of cost, except there shall be charged by said City, and paid by the property owner for the installation and use thereof. a tental of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year per single unit payable quarterly in advance, at the Office of the ~ity Secretary. the failure to pay such rental as and when the same shall become due, sball authorize the Om.ie:f of' P olice. the local health and sanitary officer, or any persons under the direction of such officers. or either of them. to seal said privy. on which default in the payment of rectal has been made. and the some shall not thereafter be used until all arrears in rentals have been fully paid. it is further provided that the title to said sanitary privies and all materials used in connection therewith sball at all times remain vested in the (Jt ty of Lubbock:. '.i!exas, and the lihief of Police. Health or Sanitc::.ry Officers of said (Jity shall at all times have access to said sanitary privies and to and over the pro party on wbic h aan e may be 1 o ca ted. for any aod a 11 purposes necesaa.ry for the maintenance and opera'tion of the same, or in the .removal of the same therefrom • . --- SECTI 0 !! 6: Permits shall be applied for end issued quarterly on the 1st day of January, April, July and October of euch year hereafter. And where a new privy is erected, a permit shall be issued for the rOOlainder of the quarter, and the fees of such new privy shall be in proportion to the time the quarter is yet to run bears to the entire amount of the quarter. ~uch permits so issued shall be in1Erda and figures substantially as follows: P:3RMIT clanltary Department Aca t. No. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ . . . . . . . . . • • • Lubbock, Texas • • • • • • • • • • \ 19 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • is hereby authorized to keep and maintain a sanitary privy (not ooonected witb the sanitary sewer) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Street of the i..; i ty of Lubbock at l'fo. on Lot on the • • • • • • • • • • Bl oo k • • • • • • • • • • the quarter ending • • • and has paid • • • • • • • • • day of ••••••••• 19 • the anm of •••••••••••••••••••••• Dollars. therefor. City Sscitary uepartment By • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SECTION 7: .Proper sizes and metbods of construction shall conform to the following sizes which will render their ordine noe effective. Pit must be at least 4 f>eet deep, 2½ feet wide, sloping to a width of 2 fee~ at the bottom, with a length of at least 3½ feet. SECTION 8: All sanitary privies in said (.;ity of Lubbook, :rexas, and a.re& of police juriadlotion thereof, shall be kept in a clean ooodition at all times, and lids closed at all times when not in use, and so used that all excreta deposited therein will fall in the pit provided. ~uch pit s ba 11 be us ea only fot the purpose of a privy and no wash water. garvage, or other refuse matter other than human excreta shall be depoal ted ther eln. SECTION 9: ln case tbe pit should cave at any time, it mus.1i be repaired promptly by the ~ity of Lubbook. Texas. All repairs necessary to make the pit fly-proof shall be made whenever oeeded. by the City of Lubbock • ..l'exas. SECTION 10: kll p.rivies existing or maintained in the ~ity of Lubbock, iexas, o~ s~ea of FOliae jurisdiction thereof, aft e r the date .... on which this ordinance takes effect, which do not conform to the requ lrements shall be. and are hereby dee la red a nuisance, dangerous to the public health and the Ci 'ty of Lub bock, Texas, aha 11 proceed to abate such nuisanc.e in accordance with the law, or in accordance with the ordina.ades of said City of Lubbock, 'fexas. SECTION 11: The local health or da nitary officer of the ~ity of Lubbock, lexas, or his duly authorized assistants shall personally inspect all privies in the City of Lubbock, Texas, and area of police jurisdiction thereof. 1 be healtb officer or duly authorized assistant is hereby empowered to enter all premises in the discharg e of his duty at any reasonable hour du.ring d a ylight. SECTION 12: Any person, firm or corporation who violates or refuses er fails to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance in the \..i ty of LJJbboc k, Texas, and a:rea o:f _po lie e j ur isd ic t ion thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ~100.00. S3CTION 13: All ordinances or pa r ts of ordinances in coofliot with this ordinance are hereby repealsd. Passed ,A,,± 2 G..zk , 1929. Approved @(I)/:; lo [d:: /c;> ::l r . ) ~---- ATTEST: I r I