HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 445-1929 - Issuance Of Bonds $90,000 Street Improvements - 06/27/1929,j ... .. ORDINANCE AUTHO::lIZING ISSUANCE OF :~90 1 000. 00 STREET IMPIDV3M: .. ;riT BO!IDS. THE STATE OF TEXAS) CITY OF LUBBOCK ) COUNTY OF LUBBOCK ,/ On this the 27th day of June, A.TI. 1929, the City Commissi0n of the Oity o~ Lubbock, Texas, convened in regular session in the City Hall, in the City of Lubbock, Tex~s, all membe~s thereof. to-wit: H.D. Woods, Mayor, J ,H, Hankins, ) A, V, Wea vet'• ) D.N, Leaverton 1 ) J,F. Bacon 1 ) Otlmmissioners 1 and W.H. R0 dgers. City Sec.reta.ry, being present, and, among other business t~ansacted, the following ordinance was passed: ''AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COMI\HSSION OF TITT CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR. 1HE PRINCIPAL sm~ OF $90,000,00 IrnR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF STP.EET UU'ROV.:!l.l:!l!rrs IN Al1"D ]'OR SAI:D CITY: PROVIDING FOR THE IE:-VY, ASSESfil.l[ElfT A1'!D C OLL3CTIO:{ OF A SUFFICIENT TL-:{ TO ?AY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS ANTI TO CR J:ATE A SINKIBG FUND TO RJD2EM TR3l~ AT MATURITY: :PRESC~IBING THE FORM OF BOND: .AND DECLl..RING AN _"'Jit~G....,NCY ON ACCOUl'rT OF TH3 URG3NT NEC~SSITY OF S·TR ~ET IMPRO ·ma.Jirns." -~ C mmissioner :/eave:r moved that the er dinanc e be placed on i ta first reading; seconded by Commissioner Hankins, and carried by the follow- ing vote: Y-.lAS: Mayor \foods, Commissionet"s ·.reave.r, Hankins. Leave.rton and Bacon, _ NAYS: N ne. , Carried: ordinance placed on°first reading. /y Conmisaione~ Leaverton moved that the ordinance p ass first .reading; seconded by Commissioner Bacon, and carried b y the following vote: YEAS: Mayor Woods, Commissioners Hankins, Wea~er, Bacon a fid Leaverton. NAYS: None. Carried; ordinance passed first reading. Conmissioner Weaver moved that the rules be suspended ani that the ordinance be placed on second rea ~ing by caption; seconded by Commissioner Bacon, and carried by the following vote: \leaver and Hankins. YEAS: Mayot' Woods. Commissioners Leaverton. Bacon 1 ' NAYS: None. Carried: ordinance placed on second reading by caption. Comnissioner Hankins mov ed that the or·dinance pass second reading; seconded by Commissioner Leaverton. and carried by the following vote: and Weaver. YEAS: Ma yo .r ·.1o od s, C ommi ssi one rs Bae on, Ha n kins , Leaver 1l NAYS: None. Ca.tried: ordinance passed second :ceading, Commissioner Leave~ton moved that the ordinance be nlacea on tbi .rd and final .reading by caption; s econded by Commissi om r .leave?'. and carrie d by the following vote: \ . YEAS: Mayol:' ·woods• Commissionel:'s Hankins. Leave.rt on, Bacon and Weaver. NAYS: None. Carried; the ordinance was again read by caption. Commissioner Bacon moved tb.at the ordinance pass third and final l' ea ding; seconded by Oommi ssio ner Weaver, and c art'ied by the .following vot&: YEAS: Mayor Woods, Co!Il'.Ilissionera Hankins, Weaver, Leaverton and Bacon. NAYS: None. Mayor Woods tbeo dealared the ordinance finally passed. Tbe ordinance fol lows: ORDINANCE NO, 445 AN ORDiliA!WE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TH E CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR TH.~ PRINCI:PAL SUM OF $90.000.00, FOR TH E PURPOSi!l OF T!IB OONSTRUC T ION OF S·TREET IMPROVilll.a:NT S IN AND 1!1 0R SAID CITY: PROVIDING FOR TH E L~VY, ASSESSM3 NT AND COLL:ECTION OF A SUFFICIENT T.AX TO "J!AY THE INT3 P.Z ST ON SAID B0.11DS ANil ID CREATE A SINKIUG FUND TO :?.EDEEM TH..aM AT MA TURI TY : PRESC RIB! NG THE ]'OBll.f OF BOND: AND JJECt.A.R- IN G AN ~RGENGY ON ACCOUNT OF THi: URGENT NECESSITY OF STRE .. <i T IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, at an election held in the City of Lubbock, Texas, on 1ibe 24th on the 24th day of Septembe.r, A.D. 1928, a majority of the qualified vote.rs, who ,are :property taxi:e.ye?:s of the City of Lubbock, voting at said eleation sustaised the proposition to iseue the bonds of said City in the pt:.incipal sum of $225,000.00 fo.r the pu.r:pose of the con- structioo of street improvemeDts in and for said City, by a vote of 437 affirmative votes. and whioh carried by a majority vote of 417 in favor thereof, being ~FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE SUM OF $225,000.00 FOR THE :PURPOSE OF THE OONSTRtr:TIO IT OF STR EE T IMJ?ROV.E:IBNTS, AND THE TEVY OF A T.A.X IN PAYMENT TH3REOF''; and, WH EREAS, it appears affirmatively to the City Commission that said election was regularly orde~ed, that notice thereof was .regularly given for the time and in the manner as provided by law, and that said election was regularly held and that only property taxpaying voters voted at said election and that the returns thereof were regularly made to the aommission and that said re turns have been duly canvassed and the resu 1 t o:f said election regularly declared in all resimcts as provided by law and that it has been found and dee lar ed that the proposition f o.r the issuance o:f said bonds was carried and sustained by a majority vote of the property taxpaying vote.rs voting thereon, and that, therefore. this Commission is authorized to issue said bonds and to la.vy a tax in payment thereof and cause the same to be assessed and aollected; and, WHEREAS, on 31st day of January, A.D. 1929, the City Commission issued $135,000eOO of said total of $225,000.00 of bonds, leaving a bala.nc e o:f $90 ,ooo. 00 o:f bonds authorized to be issued for the purpose of the construction of street improvements. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: Section 1. That th~ bonds of said City to be called "CITY OF LUBBOCK STREET II.u>ROVEMENT BONDS, S~"'RIES B OF 1929", be issued under and by virtue of the Special Charter of the said City, adopted December 27, 1917, by vote of the q_uali:fied voters of said City, and amendments thereto, and the Constitution and laws of the state of Texas. for the purpose of the construction of street improvements in and fo t' said City, in the principal sum of Ninety Thou sand Dollars ($90,000.00) • ... Section 2. That said bonds shat 1 be numbered con- secuti ve ly from one ( l) to ninety ( 90), inclusive, and s hel 1 be in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, aggregating the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,0o~.oo). . . . Section 3. That they shall be dated August 1, 1929, and shall become due and payable. serially as follows: BOND m.1.MEERS-. MATUP.ITY MT.ES. AMOUNTS. 1 , and· 2 Febru~ry 1, 1932 1 2,000.00 3 and 4 February 1. 1933 1 2.000.00 5 and 6 February 1, 1934 2,000.00 7 and 8 February 1, 1935 .;2.000.00 9 and 10 February 1. 1936 ·J 2 .000.00 11 and 12 February 1, 1937 ~2 ,000.00 13 and 14 February 1, 1938 t 2,ooo.oo 15 and 16 February 1, 1939 . 2 1000.00 17 and 18 February 1. 1940 $2.000.00 19 and 20 February 1, 1941 ~$2 ,ooo. 00 21 and 22 February 1. 1942 1 2,000.00 23 and 24 Febt'ua.ry 1, 1943 i 2,ooo.oo -.25 and 26 February l, 1944 ~2.000.00 27 and 28 February 1, 1945 1 2,000.00 29 and 30 February 1. 1946 2,000.00 31 and 32 February 1. 1947 ,;2. 000.00 35 and 34 February 1, 1948 ,)2,000.00 35 and 36 JJ"'ebruary 1, 1949 12,000.00 37 and 38 Febtuai-y l, 1950 { 1 2,000.00 39 and 40 Feb:cua.ry l' 1951 2,000.00 BOND NID.IB3E~, 41 and 42 43 and 44 45 and 46 47 and 48 49 to 51, ina. 52 to 54, inc. 55 to 57, ina. 58 to 60, inc. 61 to 65, ioo. 64 to 66, inc. 67 to 69, inc. 70 to 72, inc. 73 to 75, inc. 76 to 78, inc, 79 to 81, inc. 82 to 84, ina. 85 to 87 1 inc. 88 to 90, ino. Section 4, MATURITY DA TES . February 1, 1952 February l, 1953 F~bruary 1, 1954 Februa1."y 1, 1965 February 1, 1956 February 1, 1957 February 1, 1956 February l, 1959 February 1 1 1960 February l • 19 61 February 1, 1962 February 1, 1963 l!'ebru ar y 1, 1964 E1ebruary 1, 1965 February 1, 1966 Pebruary 1, 1967 February 1, 1968 February 1, 1969 --AMOUN TS. g2,ooo.oo '.i_l'.2,000.00 1}2 ,ooo. 00 .;2,000.00 $3,000.00 if3 ,ooo. 00 :;i;:3,000.00 1 3,000.00 :;p3,ooo.oo $3,000.00 -J3 ,ooo. 00 ~3,000,00 -~3,000.00 .,~3,000,00 *3,000.00 •1P3, 000~ 00 $3,000.00 $5,ooo •. oo That they shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum (&-i) per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of -February and the 1st day of· August of each year. S ection 5. That the principal and interest of said series of bonds shall be payable on presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the National Bank of Commerce, New York City, New York. Section 6. That each of said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the City Searetat-y, and reg istered by the City Treasurer, and the corporate seal of the City of Lubbock shall be impressed upon each of said bonds. Section 7. That the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary may be lithogra phed on the ooupons attached to said bonds, and shall have the same effect as if they had been signed by them. S ection a. as follows: ~he form of said bonds shall be substantially No. ---- UNIT ED STATES OF Atf ER ICA STAT E OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOOX CITY OF LtIBBOOK ST BEET IMPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES B OF 1929. $1,000.00 KNOW ALL IraN BY THE S3 PRES ENTS: That the City of Lubbock:, a munia.i:pal c or:poration duly inaorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, for value received, a~knowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to bearer on the 1st day of February, 19 __ _ the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND .DOLLARS .. ,. ..... / -✓ ' ... ($1.000.00)1 in lawful money of the United States of .Am erica, witb. interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of five per centum (5i ) per annum. interes1, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of .l!'ebruary and the 1st day of August of ea.oh year; principal alild interest payable upon presentation and surrender of oond or proper aoupon at the National Bank of Commerce, New York City, New York, and the City of Lubbock is hereby held and firmly bound, and ita faith and credit, and all real and personal property in said City, sre hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt paJID,ent of the prinoipal of this bond and the interest thereon at maturity. .. THIS BOlID is one of a series o~Ninety (90} bonds, numbered consecutively from one (l) to ninety (90), inclusive, of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars -($1,000.00) e~h. aggregating Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00), issued foi-the pu.rpoae of the c onstrw ti on of street improvements in and for said City, unde.r and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and tbe City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinance duly and legally adopted b7 the City Commission of said City and of record in the Minutes Of said City Commission. THE D.AT :iE of this bond, in conformity with tha ol'dinanoe above mentiooed, is August 1. 1929. AND IT IS' HERBBY ,CER ~IFIED AND RECITED .that the issuanae of tbis bond, and the aeries of wh1oh it is a part. is duly authorized by law and by a vote of the qualified property taxpaying voters of the City of Lubbock, Texas, voting at an election held for that putipose in said City on tbe 24th day of September. A.D. 1928; that all acts. conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in tbe iaauanc e of this sari es of bond a, and of this bond. have been properly done and perfomed and have happened in regular and due time, f~rm and manner as required by law; that sufficient and proper provision for the levy and coll eat ion of taxes has been made which when collected shall be appropl"iated exoluaively to the payment of this bond and of the series of which it is a part, and to the paym~nt of the interest aoapons hereto annexed as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness o~ the said City of Lubbock, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or • statutory limitation. -. IN WITNESS 1,VH3REOF, the City of Lubbock, by i ta City , Commission, has caused its oo~porate seal to be bet'eto affixed, and this oo nd t~ be signed by its Mayor, counteraigned by its City Secretary, and registered by its City Treasure~, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be exeouted by the lithographed facsimile signatures of ti the Mayot' and City Secretary, as of the 1st day of August, A.D. 1929. CO T.JN TER SIGNED : C;tY cleoretary, Clty of Lub book, Texaa • Mayor, City of Lubbock, Texas. REGISTERED : Olty Treasu~er, City of Lubbock, Texas. The form of coupon attached to said bonds shall be substantially as follows: No. __ _ $25.00 ON THE 1st DAY OF ____ , 19 ___ • the City of Lubbock, Texas, will pay to bearer at the National Bank o:f Commero e, New York: City, New York. the sum of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00), in lawful money of the United States of .America, being six - montha' interest due that day on CITY OF LUBBOCK STREET DIPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES B OF 1929, NO. ---• dated August 1, 1929. Mayor. City Se ere ta.ry. The following oerti:ficate shall be printed on the back of eacb of said bonds: OFFICE OF 001!.PTROLLr!B) ) STATE OF TEX.AS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the.re is on fi le and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the ef:fect that this. bond has been examined by him as .required by- law, and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation .. upo n said City of Lubbock. Te x as. and said b o nd has t h is day been registered by ma • tbis the . ,., WIT NES S MY HAND AN!> S3 AL OF OF FI CE, at Austin. Texas, ____ day of-----------• A.-n. 1929. S,e(J ti on 10. Comptroller of Publio Accounts of the State of Texaa. IT IS FlJRTE:ER ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS -, that to pay the interes t on said bonds and create a sink:ing fuod wi. th which to pay the prinaipal as it matures, there shall be and it is hereby ordained that there be levied. assessed and collected in due time, form am manner and at the same time other taxes are levied, assessed and collected in each yeat-in said City. a sufficient tax upon all the taxable property in said City of Luobock to pay the current intereat on said bonds and to pay the prinoipal thereof as the same matures; and t ta pay the interest on said bonds and to area te a sinking fund to pay tbe prinoipsl as it matures, there is hereby levied a tax of three and one-half oents (3½¢) on the ~l00.00 valuation of all taxable property in aaid City for the year 1929 and for each succeeding year while said bonds. or any of them. are outstanding, and same shall be assessed and collected, or so much thereof as may be necessary for said purpos-e, and applied to the purpose named. Section ll. IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the Mayor of said City of Lubbock be and he ia hereby authorized to take and have charge of all necessary records pending investigation by tbe Attorney General and shall take and have abarge aod control of the bonds herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney General and re gis- tration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Seo ti.on 12. The fact that the City of Lubbock, TeX h S, is in urgent need of stree t improvement s in order to serve the be s t interest of its c.itizens, creates ·an emergency and an imperative public neoessity that the rule requiring ordioanoes to be read at mo re than one meeting of the City-Commission before f i nal passage be suspended, and it is ordai ned that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval. , . . .. PASSED, THIS tb.e 27th day of June, A.D. 1929. APPROVED, THIS the 27th. day of June, A..D. 1929. H,D. Woods .Mayor, City o~ tubbock, Texas. ATTEST: (CITY SEAL)