HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 433-1929 - Issuance Of $40,000 Watering Extension Bond. - 01/31/1929f. ' 0 RDINANCE NUMBER 433 ORDIIAJICE AUl'll>UIZUO lSSUAICB 01 f!!>.000.00 lfAT&aWOBKS BUEBSIOB JO?IJ)S. I _)1IB S!A!l'B O.V 'l'UAS) J 01ft' Of LUIBOOX) J OOUB'l'Y 01 WBJOCI() On th11 tile lllt da, ot .J&nll&l'T• A. J>. 1929• '1le OUT Oomlll1•1on ot tile C1V ot Lubbock, Texaa • COllYenecl 111 r•••Nl1 r9811lu ··••loll 1A th• ou., Rall. 1n ,11e OitiT ot Lubbock, fua•, all meuer1 tbereof, to-wits a. D. Wo04•, -.,.or, A. J. WeaYer, J ,1 • ll • ltanld.u • ) J. 1. lSacoa, J C01a11111ioner•, D. B. I,nyenc,n,J and.•• B. R04ger1, ou, 8eor4"a17, b•lna pre•ent, and, .-oaa otAv buln••• IIIU1Mcte4, ,11e tollO'WinB Ord.lance••• paaHdr "I.JI -OROIJfARO. Bt THI O WT 00Ul$S10J1 or !RB Olff OF LUBBOCK, TUAS, AUTHOB- lUIC !U ISSUAl'CB Of :SODS JOR tu PllllC'.D)AL D OJ' t,to,000.00, iOR THll PtmPOSB O:r THB OOBSl'B110'll0:1 OF WA'l'EBWOJl(S &DBHSIOl'lS 1B Am> iOR SA ID OITJs PJiOVIDlltG FOR 'l'HE LEVY, ASSESu.&R'l ADJ) OOLLM!'IOJJ o-, A sumcIUl' i'Al I?() PAT 'l.81 Il'l'BBBS'l' o• SAID JOBI>S /\ID 1'0 OB&A'l'~ .A SlWBG JWfD TO BIDIBJI fKlll AT IUfUltlTt, P BESOlUBllO 'lllB IOmi or DOID1 AID D.SO.LARlIO All m&E.RGm!Ot 01 .AOCoum Oi' 'iHB UBOlUU BlWBSSl"Y 01' 1'A!Blm)m{S Bl'?EIS.lOIS." Comabaloa.u LeaYer11on .,.,94 that 1lhe ol'Cllnanoe be plaoecl on Uu f1nt read• iAas 1ecomect 'b,1 comm1•11oner Juon., am 'O&tt1e4 bl' tbe tollowlua Yo,•1 T&S& Myor Wood.1, Co11111laaionero Vea.v•r• Hanlciu• :Bacan am Le&Yenon. »Ats, lone. Can141d; o.rd.1Danoe placa&l on tint rea41ng. Oomaheloner WeaYer ••114 ,ut the O-rdlaance pua tint Na41ng; ••CAD4e4 b7 Octmmi•a1o•r BankS.m. ·•4 oarrS.e4 b,r t.he followill« Yo,ea ms, Mqor Woo4a, Coaaieato.aer, Weayer. lantln1., laoon and. .Leannoa. BA?Sa Iona. Carr1ec1, o.rtllnuo• pa1H4 t1nt ra41SIG'• Colllllaatontr JlamlA• .,.,.94 uaa11 Ille n.1 .. be aupemed am tba' title omlnam• be place4 on ncond. readinc b.r aap,1oa5 1eoonded. b.J' Oo•h•lo11er Lea'fe rton, ADl carried br the following vote, DAS a ~or Woode• COIIIIIS.aelonera WeaYer, ffanJdne • Daoo.n an4 1.eAYe non. IA'fS1 •~• Oarrled ·• o ldlname plaoe4 on aeconl readi.ac 1'.r capUo.a.. Coml,aloner lacoa IIOTecl tha1J UL• 0l'41rt&ACe pa•-IOOOn4 l'u.d.b,a:a Noand.ed br • Commleeiouer WeaYer, and aur1e4 'bt the tollo•inB' ,o,e, ?&Sa -,or Woode, Commlell.oaera Wea·rer, Sanldna, Bacon and. LeAYenozi. L\tsa lone. Oarrlec11 ordinance pa••• aeoom r•a~llli• COmmlatlO•r LeaYel'ton IIIOYe4 ,_, tbe O JtU.aame be plaaecl OD Ulbd arid final rea41ac 1>I oap,1on1 aeoGDd.e4 b7 Commialloner Weav•r. and oarr1e4 br \he fOllowSng 10te1 DASa ~or ·l'oad.1, O..heSoaa1 'iea•,er, Hanlc1A11 1 Bacon a114 1-eaYerton. IAIS1 Soa•• 0&1'rle4s ,he o.z'd.1-ao• wa1 .. &in Nta4 b7 oap,ton. Oomalaaioaer .laoCII& ••• ua, tile ol'dS.m• paa• lJtlrcl u4 final r•41n,1 •eaome4 )7 Cuad11t.ona• 1utlA1, ud oar,1114 bT the •11ow1ne 10te1 IBASt ~r Woad.a, CC1111181lonei-1 YeaYeJ", IINlklaa, B&ooa Ullll Lla••rtoa. aAtsa lom. a.,or •oOll• •h• d.eolarecl •• o,.Urwao• tlmU, JU••• tu ol'Cl~• tollon, OB:DllAICB •o.lf:LL Al OJUJU.UOB Jt tll Ol'ff oo'massto• OJ HU 011ft Of WUOCI, nus, AUROBlZDO 'lBB l.SSUAJIJB o• .c)l])S JOB ftl fBDODAL 8lll or t6<),oo<>.oo, JOB 'l'H8 'PtJRPOSB OJ 'l'IIB CX>IS'D!?UO':rlOI or llAftlffl'OIID UfDSIOIS D AID JOB SAID Olftt PlllVlDllO JCIR \'JII Lffl • .ASSKSSl,IEJff dD OOLI.IOtlO• OP A sum- iJ1Bft fAX ttO P.At 'flll lftlRIS'f 01 SA It> .nom,s Alm !O On&\'fl A SllJUBO iUHJ> TO BJIPIUli fJIEU AT JiaA- "fURlfl's ,usommo '1'111 JOlll OF BOID, AID J>IOLA:R- DIG All mRGscr Olf ACCOURW o, 111{]1 tmGUl' BBOISSI'l1' OJ 1'.&Btm>BKS mr.18101S • '1- WltERS&S, •• an •1eotlon !wl4 111 the Cly ot Lubltock, !au, oa. the ~•b. ~ ot S1pt•ur, .A. D. ua, -. maJor1'1 ot the q;aalif184 voters, •ho are pioper\.r tazpqer1 ot '1l• ou, ot La.bltook, vou-. &' aaicl •l•oU.oxa nata1u4 the JJl'Opod111on ~o l•• •• l»ome of •14 01v 1A the prinolfal 1U ot 4:40,000.00 tor the pur,o•• ot ~ oonatruotloa Whlob. a&J'l"lld. 1q a -Jor1'1 YOtle of •11 lA taYOI" ,u,eot, 'being "108 ,u 188UA11JI OJ IOIDS U fiB SD& or kO ,000.00 JOB t'HB JU.OSJI or 'IDB 0019.rllJO'llOJf 0~ lfJ.Hlffl)JlltS BX- !11810.IS, AID 1'&B Liff 01 A fAI D ?.&DIii! '?HBRBOr; aid, WBBBIAS, 1' a,p,pa.re atflnaatl-Yel/' to t.b• C1'1' Oo..S.11lon that •a14 eleot10Jl wa.1 HSl,llari, or4tre4, ,bat mt1o• t.bereot wu nplarJ..r st·ren tor '11• tiM &DA in the JIIIIUler "• pJOY1414 'b7 law, aJd iha' •14 •lecnloa wae raplarl.7 b•14 &114 ibat. on1-, pl'OJUV tupa.,1QI wot•.r• wo'\ecl a, 1a14 ei.cn1on anO. tbat tb.e return• t.bereot ••re rtClllari, -4• lo tbe Cwala•lo.a. aD4 tba,t •14 _retuma u.•re lHlen clallr aann,1414 an4 tu n,a.1, ot •a.14 •lento.a NCU,lar1-, 4eolan4 SA all ,-e•peot• u prod.484 b7 l• .-$AA\ 1ti ha• Nell fou4 &114 4eolaff4 -., the pzopoeliloa toi-lbe 1•••nc• of •a14 'boD41 •u o&rl'1acl aa4 11lnalnec1 by a maJoiiU1 YOie of tbe prop1n1 ,upa,lns Yotu• "Ot1Qs Ulereo.a, and. ,aa,. therefore, till• Oo•t.••1011 S.• autaaorlae4 to S.IVA Mlcl lloD4a 'J an4 to lft7 a tu 1D p.-en, thenof u4 au• the aame to be ••••••at am •U•ot•• JIO'I, TIIBRUOJll, IB lf OllDlIDJ> Bt lfU Olff 01' LtJUOCK, !UASi SdlOII 1. 'l'llat tu 1NHl4a Of ta14 01y 1 te be all.0. "011ft Of WBB00K W.l'L'.IRWOmtS lll!EDl<m JOIDS, SBRIBS 07 1,2,." H 1,eu4 Ulll•r aDll ,, Ylnu ot the Speo1a1 Charier ot ,u a14 01'7, &40p11el ».oerd)er 2,•, 1917, ,, tote ot ~ qualltle4 wo••• ot ea14 ctt.,, and. ... Ddllat1 t!lento. amt '11• ooanUflU,on &14 l•• of •• lbw of 1-u, tor ~• pupoN gf the ooutn.oUoa ot •terworlt• ateulou IA and. tor al4 01_., iA t.b.e tr1Doip&1 -ot ron., fhouaallA Dollar• ('60,000.00). S.cn1011 2 • tha., Al4 'boll4• lhall ... IIUlll'llle.racl con,nv.tl'ftl., f:loa OJ10 ( 1) M ton, {601, 111a1ut••• aat nr.11 ,. in lhe 4.,.,.~1oa ot oae ftouan4 DDllar1 (t 1,000.00) oacm, ._,..._,as ,11 .... ot lol'II 'IJIDUAll4 J>ollare (f,60,000.00). s.o,1on a. lfhat tu.1 ••11 It• 4&te4 JebJUq 11111, ltst, am ••11 lNND•• ue and. pasal>l• •rial!¥ .. auow,1 1 2 a • 15 • ' 8 • 10 11 l2 la u 16 16 1, 18 11 80 11 22 21 • 25 l6 27 18 29 IO JIA'lUlUff D4'l'BS. ••1tnal'7 11\b., 19:S0, hlmaa17 Uth, 1911, hbru.q lltla, 1912, re,na17 Ulh, ina, hbu.l'J' lltll, 198', lpnar, 11~, 1911, h)na• 11th, 19111 h-l'aq 11th, 1917, re).ra17 11th, l.U8 1 1el>nat7 11th, lftt, l•'bnaq 11.at, lMO• hlana '6 11'11 1 19'1, le)ruq lUh, 19'8, Joltnaq Uta, lMS, Mruq lltll. 19", Je1Jna17 11'11, lNO, Je'Vaaq 11--.., 19'1, leltnaq lltll, 1Mf, ••b1'a,al"7 lltla, 19'1, lelJJ'll&a:, lltb, 1M9, leltrur7 lltb, 1910, Jelmw.17 11 tb, 1901. re-.aq 11~, 1111, Jel»ru q 11'h, 1'U, Jela,-17 lllh, 19M, h'bna17 11th, 1911, Jte'bruq 11 '2l, lff6, ,_ltnaf,T lltJI, 1967, Jebruq 11'1l, 1968, Je)nar, 11,a, 19&9, All>Ul'1'S. 1 1,000.00 t 1,ooo.oo t 1,ooo.oo t 1,ooo.00 t 1,000.0O t i,00O.OO t 1,ooo.oo t i.000.00 t 1,ooo.oo t >.,00O.O0 ti,000.00 t 1,000.oo t 1,ooo.oo t 1,ooo.oo 1 1,000.00 ,1,000.00 t 1,O0O.oo $1,000.00 0 1,000.00 01,000.00 t 1,ooo,oo 1 1,000.00 t 1,ooo.oo t 1,ooo.oo t 1,ooo.oo t i,000.00 t 1,ooo.oo t 1,ooo.oo t i.000.-00 t 1,ooo.oo 31 12 • M II 16 a, 18 19 "° 1 ~ / 11A 'lVBlfT DA!BS. Je'bra&17 11th, 1960, '•'braarJ' 11th, 19&1, 1e'bnar, 11th, 1962, hbnu117 11th, 1913, re,nar, 11th, 1916, '•'l'UZ7 11th, 19615, Jel>l'IIA&7 11th, 198&, re1tna17 11"1, 196'1, ••wa.&&7 11th, 1968, Jeb1•w.a7 lUll.1 1969, Alil>UllfS. t 1,ooo.oo $1,000~00 t 1,ooo.oo t1,000.oo t 1,ooo.oo t1,000.00 l l,OOOi,00 #1,000.00 t 1,ooo.oo 01,000.00 8'ft1oa ,. I.bat tu1 &ball laear 1At•r•n at \he ra11• ot fl•• per cen,um (6jl per amaum, »a.,a•l• Nm1-amuall., on th• 11\h 4-., ot Aap.lt an4 the 11tb aa, of .fe'bn.u.,. ot each 1-.r. s..-1011 e. 'Iha\ the p.rlacipal an4 lnie.reei ot ea.lei. ••rle1 ot l»ncle aball be pa,yalll• an. pr••••Uoa an4 eurendar ot boacl or proper ooupoa at 6ae KatioQl.1 Jank ot Comer,•• •ew ron Cltl', lew ton• SeotlOA •• Tbal -.oh of ta14 boat• lhall b• •lcnal b,r Ule J5al'Ol', aou.n11er- 1t,ntd ltJ' '11.e 0111,1 Secretaq, AD4 nglneN4 ,,. 1111• 011, Tnaauer, am the m rpora11e •~ ot the Olt, ot La'b'book thall l,e illpl"e1ee4 u,pon nob of 1&14 bond•• secn1o.n 7. na, Ule tao111111e 11p&tv•• ot: th• 1',0r aa4 01117 S.ontarr ..., ~• l1"1q'np.lle4 on •.ti• coapou attacu:l to .. 1, bonu. an4 •ball b&Te '•• ~ etfeO'tl it.Ii it tile¥ ha4 Men I ipe4 '7 t.ba. lo. - s00,1011 e. Ta• tam ot ••S4 boa4I ld:l&ll lHt 1111Ntantlal.\r a• tollow•a UII'l8D .S'! AfiB Of AMIBIOA S'IAftl o:, UXAS COtm'l'T OJ' WIIOOX 01ft or WlHllCI WA'llmtOl:KS IUBISIO• :BOID, SEBlBS OP 1129 •. t 1,ooo.oo 00'1 4J.l, QI It SBSB rRDBHS& that Ule 01t, ot lA&l,book, a aatals,al oor- p0n.,1011. da1-, Snoer»oratecl under th• 1aw1 ot tb • siate ot '9za•, tor n.lu HOel1'e4, aoJmowlldpa 11llelf 1114•'"· to am hueb7 pnmt••· to py to 'bearv, OD tu-11th 4a.r of Jel:lru17, lt ___ , lhe pl'lnc111&1 nm ot OD fHOUSAD l)OWBS tt 1,ooo.oo), lll lawh.1 11Daa7 ot the t1Altecl State, ot Aawioa. wllb. int,n•t tbeeoa troa 4ate hereot at the rate ot the per oeri• (5,C.) per amum, 1Alven ,-.,.)).e -l•a.anaall1!. • I ·••·<"°'" I, -v . .....__ oa the 11'.b 4-, ot AQCUt 11114 the 11 • 4,q ot Jebnar., ot •aa rears prlncip&l. aa4 s.n- te,ee, pya'bl• lll)Oll pNaen•tlon a.n4 evND4•r ot b0.114 or prop• 001&p0n at th• Bat .lonal Jou at Oaaeroe, Jw York CH7. •• tort, am uae Cit., ot Lll'blloct 11 heNb7 held amt 1'1.rml., ••• allO. 1,1 f~lth aD4 o.re411, &114 all r•l an4 per1onal pioperv la aa14 OU71 ~ illtere,, thv•n a, ,atv1'7. 'l'KlS JOD 11 0111 ot a 1ul•• ot ten, (40) boD41 1 numnnd. o•••••t-r,i., 4 tro• ou (1) to toiv (40 J, 1ac)Aa1Ye, ot the d.enomlnaH.oa at One fholll&D4 DDUan lt 1,ooo.oo> -.ob, ._rca U-.g ron, '11muaall4 l>ollar1 Ck(),000,00), 1••uc toz •• J"ll'J>O•• ot tile oonnn.otlon of •tuworke a\et11iou 1D t.114 tor •14 011,, 1ID4el' ul4 1W •S.nu.e qf the can,,1,11.tlon aa4 law• ot •• hate ot faaa, au fill• Ol\,r Chartu ot Uae Git., ot LAblN>at, taaa, am la pllHU&DM ot 1111 od.laa~ da1., am. 1..-1J¥ a40ptad 'br tu 01v Ooala1io11 of ..u cu,. 11114 of reooni iA the 111aa••• of aJ4 01\r com1,11on. TIIB l>A'll of th11 lM»m, la eClltoralt.., •UJt the Ol'llllla11M above memloucl, 1, J1)ru17 11th, 1929, A~ 1, IS mmDr OJIUiflBD AID JllCIBD ... , the 1 .. aaaa• ot t!d.a llond.. aD4 ibe ••1-• ot Whloll 1., l• & ,an, 19 4tl.1T autMrla-1 b,y la• aa4 "1 a wte at tb• qull• fle4 pzopen., ,uia.,1116 YOt1r• Of tbe Cf.\, at Labltoelll, , .... , Y01'11tg at an •leotlOA he14 tor tba\ puJOH SA aa14 01,7 on the a,th daJ' ot Sept•lter, A. D. 1ta1 Ulat all aoie, ooDO.l1ilona all4 lhiJlst requ.rtld. k ,. 4o.ae pnoed.em to am ta the iananoe ot t.bia ••1•• ot bonAa, am ot th1a boa, ••• NC pto~r)¥ 4one am p .. to.1'11114 u4 ha•• bappeaell ~A 1'Pl&I' &DI 4u ,s.u, t!3'• aD4 ameit •• requ:lrl4 b7 lawJ that •llffloient &Ad. pJ'Op• pl'OY llS.oa tor t!Mt 1•YT am at lleotlon of taau •• baan 11114• •.bleb. w!aaa colleo\94. ••11 'b• app,opnattd aol.aal,•1.r ,o ilha pa,-aa, of tb.l1 'bo.D4 aat ot the 1u1•• •t• •A1ob U l• • pan, am ~ the ,.,_m ot •• ill11enot ooupone hereto &IIDUN. u lb8 --lball 'biiOIIN 4.ia,-, &at that the total 1Jl4tlneillwl• ot iaht aald 011', ot .LublMtok, lAOla41Jls the emln 1u1•• ot lu1114e ot whSoh thlll 1• oae, 4e• not a:oee4 .,,, 00111,u11uom1 or atah.tos::r 11111'at10A. [ U Wl'llBBS wiumm,. th• Oit, of i,ll'bl>oak, b:, ltl CH,r OOJlldl•lon_ •• cao.114 U• •••• ••1 ,o 1>• urtu ,tt1z.o., am tail.a 1JOZl4 tao 1te •Scul 11:, 1'• -.Or. ao1111'9J"tipe4 br u, cu, S.Ome,, •Ill l'tSiatierell Ir ti, 01'4, ••suier, aa4 '11• 1m .... GhpOIUI her.to attaohlll • be ueade4 'b.1 •• li~ph-rao IUlllt •SC-- tan, ot th• aa,o.r all4 CH:, Seomv,r. a, ot the 11th 4a, ot Jebrur,, A. D. 1911. OOUHBRSl(ll 11> I C1'6 s.oma.,-, on, ot Lultbock, 'fezu. a • tollow•a Ho. -oa 'ID u.,a DAT or , 1, ------· the 01\:, Of Labboa", ... , will pa:, ,o be&nr at the latiloal Juk ot COIIIHl'Ge, ... Tork Cl.'3, 1 .. Tolk 1 the R11 ot fw•V IS.Te Dollar• (-e.oo), 1n la•hl •NT ot •• t1A1teel a, ••• or .Amari.a, b•llll •• month•• lnttr••· du-., da., OB Cl'l't o, LUBDOOK Sectio.a ~. Offl CB or COJG>UOid,BB J ) fllAD or nus > l lf&BSBT omun Ulat th•• 1, oa tll• and. ot nmrd ta 11V' ottlce a oertlfl- oa•• of tile Attoraq General ot tb.e Stat• ot taa. to .iie etteot ~hAt thl1 HD4 haa b._ ... 1.a.14 v .lwD a• ftqllbecl 'bT law, and. tha\ he ttnd.• tbat U hat b._ laned. 1n ocm- tona1y wttll la• Coutittut1on an4 la••t ~ State ot laaa a-. '11• Ct.ti aban•l" of the City of Lub1-ook, feau, am 11at lt ia a Talld. ard blA41DC ol>llptlon upoa a14 C1\y ot Lab'bGot, Wau, u4 M14 ltonl baa •hl• '-, llffn restateNd. lr ••• w1mss MY HAID All) siw. 01 ornOB, at Aut~, taae, \hi• iu __ u, ot ----·-_. .A . J). 1929. Oomptrolle of ?u.l>Uc AcaoWlte of -• Ma,e ct !emu. .. J Sect1on 10. 111 18 lUB'IR.18 OBDa\11.BD Jr RB CI'ff or LUJlll>CX, tBXAS, that to PT tbe ml•n•t oa aa.14 lD.a4• Ul4 oreah a aiakle fWl4 •1th wda ,o pq the p1"1Do1pal u U •'v••• there llh&l.1 N aD4 U ii h_..bJ' otdaSnt4 ,ba\ ,here N l «le. a11•e1a4 UMl aolleottl4 1n 4a.e ,s., tarm allll •••rand. at tile .... tlm• otba.r tun an lenet, u••••ec1 IJlll colleot.S 111 •oh 7•r la ••14 ClV• a •u.ttloient ,a1: Q,IIOA all '1l• taulle proper\, ta •14 Ciy ot .LultbOct to »al Ule OQl"NAt intere11 on uS.11 l,omla an4 to pa, Ille Jl"l= fpaJ. tlaereot •• the tame ma,'1.N,, a.al 'tD pa, tlW lilt __ ,.,,, cm •a14 bo1Ml1 UJ4 ,o o,....,. a •lnkilal tu4 to PAI·-prlaalpal •• 1' Mlllff•, "hV• 1, .b.eN'7 lfflld a ta of ou aa4 '11m q.u.n•r• oc•• (li;) on. t;he t100.oo Yalu\loa ot &11 t~l• pro»ert, IA aa.14 Olt, tor be 7eu 1929 Ul4 tor•• n.ooeetl.aa ,-r while e:l4 bond.a, or-, of tllem, an out;ataQISillfl, and ume eball 'be ••••••eel and. oolleoltl4, or ao muo.b thceot u -, '-• neoe11U7 for •14 pu.rpoH, u4 appU.ell to the purpoee DIUNd. s.o,ton 11. 11 IS IUlrllEB Om>AIIBD tha lh• -.ror ot al.d. Olt,1 ot La'bllo. lHt aa4 he le Jlel'e'b,1 authod•t14 •• take aa4 haYe ob&.rp of all uoe•IU'J reoorct• pccU.ig iAYen1p111oa 'bl' ill• At,oi-Mt Oenen.l &Ill shall tat• an4 .baY• obar .. an4 G) a.vol of '1le boa41 hvelD au.llor1ae4 pen4J.as their a.w••l b7 ~ Attonaa,. hunl u4 NCl .. tr&tlOA b.r ~-COa,pvollW ot PQblio Aoooaa,,. seotloa 12. the tut tba\ the cu-, of kr.bl:lloak, 'Raae, i • ill upd need. ot •••non• uten11one IA oflter to ••"• -. 11••• 1ntere•\, health aa4 welfare of tte oitl•••• o.r••• an. ... rpn07 am an ~pen.ll•• pabllo neo•••1tr '1aat 11.be .rvl• r • qili1JW ol'llinaAo•• 10 lie rN4 at •r• tbaa on• ... tlDe t,t th• C1\,y Oollllll•!on 'b•ton t1m.l pua•ae be l119pen4e4, m4 111 11 ord&lu4 ,hat th1• oitlname allall take ettut u4 be ill toroe Sllle4latei, epoa lt• »u•ase a:n4 ap;pio'fal. PA.SSlU>, '1111 '1\e 3l•i 4a¥ ot Ja,,,.,rr, A. D. 1929. A?Pll)VID, th11 '1l• 81•11 ., ot Ja'IIIJAq, A. ». 1929, ;7~ Ma,or, ob,. ot Labboak, , ..... Af'1EST1 . ~, ..... __ .Lubboe1c • t ex (ClTt' SUL)