HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 420-1928 - Levying A Tax Upon All Property Subject To Taxation - 07/26/1928• ORDINANCE 1m. 420. AN ORDINANOE LE,VYlNG A TAX UPON ALL -;1ROPEBTY SUBJECT TO !J:AXATIOl'l WITHIN THE CiTY OP LUBBOCK. TEXAS• .POR THE SUPPORT 01P THE CITY FOR THE YEAH 1928 APPORTIONING SAI~ L.iWY AM0NG THE VARIOUS .FUNDS AND IT.ilMS FOR WHICH EEYENUE MUST BE RAISED LEVYING AN OOOUPATIOB TAX ON ALL OOCUl?ATIOllS TAXABL~. AND FIi- ING THE TIME WITHINyWHIOH SAID TAXES .BE PAI~~ ASSESSING fE?lALTIES ABD INTEREST FOR UOJ•PAYM&NT OF SUCH TAXES WITHIN THE TIME SR.r Am> !l&.QLARI.t{G AN EMERGENCY ACCOUNT OF Ni'ARNESS OF TH-3 END OF THE r YEAR• •· ,~., .. , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OP THE CITY OF LUl3BQCX • TEXAS: .. ,,,. . , SECTION 1. Thet"e shall be levied and aseeesed upon all property subjeet to tuation with-in the Cl ty of Lubboek/l?exas, for lhe yew:-1928. the sum of $12.60 (!welve 4~llare and fift~ Oents) on eaeb One Thou•and DolJar valuation thereof. and same shall be ap,Plied to the varioua '.funds ln the following manner: Interest an4 linking i'und. Board ot Oity Development General l'und. · 2.00 1.00 SBCTIOB 2. All advalorem ta%es shall be paid before the first day of February 1929. and ta~ea not pala by that date shall have io said tax added the sum of 10~ penalty and bear interest from said date at six pera e~t. And thereafter aucb fees and aoata shall be aadaa as provided for ata,e ana oouoty taxes. SECTION 3. There ls levi~d upGD all oeoupations taxable one-1:14-lf the sum ebarged by the Staie of ~exas for pursuing such •••upation. Passed first reading this 26th day of July A.D.1928. Pasaed second and final ~ead.tng this 9 ~day of c;;J.,uo, A.D.1928. ~ Mayor.