HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 379-1927 - Commission Granting Myrick Investment Co. A Franchise Fuel Oil Pipeline - 06/07/1927'F , I I ORDINANCE NO.~ 31 C\ il ORDllWfOR BY THE Ciff COJ81ISSIOH OF THE CI'l'r OF LUBBOCK, TUAS, G~IBG TO JfflllCJC IBVES~ COlllPANY A FRANCHISE FOR A FUEL OIL PIPE Lilil'E ABD JUEL ,OIL DIS-- TRI::BU'l'IHG SYS!Elb DBFINDIG CER'?AIH RBS'l'RIOUOBS Am> PRESCRIBING CER'l'AI?l DUTIES• 911ffkRK&S, the lf.yrick In·Hetment Compa.D¥, a corporation, bas made application to th• Oi't7 Commiaaion of the City ot Lubbock, Texas, for a tranebise tor a fuel oil pipe line and tuel oil di nribut.ing BJ"Siem, a1 hereinatter more full3 eat out; &lld, WBEBEAS, this City Oommieeion deems it advisable to grant Mid tranchiee: .... BOif, fflEBEFORE, BE Ii' ORDAIHED BY THE CITY OF umBOOK, UXAS, that the Jtvriok Investment Comp&07, a corporation, its succesaora and aa1ign1, be an4 it ia here"b7 granted the right in said Cit7 to ~ and maintain a fu.el oil pipe line a7nam for the transportation and distribution of fuel oil an4 to la,-, iuatall and maintaiJl a ISY'•ttm of pJpe lines an4 4istributi.ng line& along, in and under the streets and alleys ot the CU.r of Lubbock, ~eu.s, in order to serYe with eaid qstem the properties of aaid M,rriok Investment Comp81J¥, the properties or Lubbock Hotel Comp,,.ey, and the properties of the Lubbock Sanitarium, •aid streets and alle,-e being more particular}¥ designated rv as tollowu beginning in the alley on the west side of Block 7, ez:tending •ou.th across 6th Street, through Bloclt 25, serving the !it"riok Inveat;ment Oom.paiv properties int.tat Block, extendiug thence aoroaa 6th Street, through Block 39, thence across 7th Street, through Bloclt 55, thence acrosa 8th Street, throl:18-h Block 71, thence acroea 9th Street, through Block 8?, thence aoroaa 10th Street, through Block 103, thence ac•oae Din Street, through Block 119, thence acrosa :Broad~, through lilock 133, serving the Jqrick Inveat- ment Com.pa.!)¥ properties in tb&t :Block; beginning a.t the interaection. ot the alle,ye in - the center of Block 119 and extending West acroaa AYe. J, thro~h Block 118,thence acroaa Ave k, serving the properties ot Lubbock Hotel Oom.~ in Block 117, thence west to the intereection or the all8T• in Block 117, thence south in the alley 1.u Block 11'1, across Broad~, thence to the intereeotion of the alleys in Block 151, thence west acro11 Ave. L to the properties ot the Lubbock Sanitarium. The Gr..ntee. howeyer. shall la.y said pipe lines and diatribu;ting linea under the direction of the OitJ, Jiranager and the C1t7 Engineer. ._ i'he tull control of such atreet• and alleys ia reeerTed 1n the said Ci\T of Lubbock. ~e franchiae, as well as the rights hereunder, ~ be aeaigned b7 the Grantee,•• wall•• b7 all auoceeding Grantees at their option, or the righta of such Grantee or sv.oceeaora hereunder gq be tra.naterred under torecloaure proo••~ or Judicial sale., or mrq be transferred from one holder to a third pany by the opa-a-, tion or torteiture clause of &I\Y agreement between euoh peraons, in which caae as1ignees shall su.cceed to all of the rights, dutiea and l1abilit1e1 of the Grantee hereunder. A failure upon the pa.rt ot the Grantee, its succeHora or aaeisna, to ob- aerTe the restriction.a and terms of thia ordinance, shall. it continued or persisted in after due notice in writi.llg from the Board of Commiseioner• to the Grantee, its aucceuora or aaaisna~ am due opportunity to obaerye this orcU.nance or to Nmed7 IJ\Y' non-obaerv&r1Ge thereof, be grnnd.e for the forfeiture ot the right• hereunder granted. ~e Grantee shall have au (6) months from and after the paeaing of thie Ord.inance within which to accept this franchise and to begin the coru,truction ot this pipe line e71tem, providing that in case or the non-acceptance or a failure to betin construction within such time, the franchise and rights hereb7 given eball oeaee. The term of thia grant shall be twenty {20} 7eara from thie date, a't the end of which time the rights herein granted shall be forfeited.. PASSED Am> AffROVED, thil the 4f1' d&T of' June, A. D. 1927. »q~Lr£.l!~ (CITY SEAL) /