HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 366-1927 - Prevention Of Fires, Establishing Fire Limits, Standards Of Construction, ETC. - 03/24/1927) ORDINANCE NO. 3 ~ ~ AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRES, ESTABLISHING PIREl LIMITS, A STANDARD 01.i' CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REMOVAL CY BUILDINGS, PROVIDING FOR A BUILDING INSPECTOR, PERMITS FOR BUILDING AND FEES ll'OR SAME, WITH RESPECT TO ALL CONSTRUCTIONS, REMOVAL AND REPAIRS WITHIN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK TEXAS, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ACCOUNf OF DANGER OF FIRES AND FAULTY CONSTRUCTION; AND FIXING PEN- ALTY FOR VIOLATIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: Seotion l. FIRE LIMITS: The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply te and be coextensive with the territory wt thin boUDdariea now, or hereafter established, as the fire limits of this City, exoept such as are made wtt.h referenoe to the whole of the City by im.istd.on·~to make directly applicable to such fire limits, which limits are hereby de- olared to include the following territory: BlookS 7, 23,24,39,40,56,56.57,71·,72,73,73, '14,87,88,89,90,91, lOO,lOl,102,103,104,105,106,107, 116,117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 100, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 148, 149, l50, 151, 152, 153. 165, 166, and 167, all in the original Plat of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 2. NEW BUILD INGSAN]) BUILDINGS TO BE ALTERED: No wall , structure, building, or part thereof, shall hereafter be constructed within this City, exaept suoh as are in oonformity herewith. No building already erected, or hereafter to be erected, Bhal l be raised, altered, removed or built upon in uy manner that would be a violation of any of the provisions ef this ordinance or of the permit issued thereunder. SECTION 3. PERMITS: Before the erection, oonstruction, or altera- tion or raising of any building, structure or wall, or any part thereof, or any platform, staging or flooring to be used for standing or seating purposes, is commenaed, the owner or lessee, or agent or either, or the architect or builder thereof, shall apply to J;he per- aan exercising the duties of Building Inapeotor for a per.lfl'i:'1 to de sucr,1 work, such application shall be in writing, giving a general out,line thereof, with the con traat price or estimated cost, and shall be aooompanied by a fee of ~2.50, and bO cents addition&l for each room over five, with such application and the building inspector shall issue a permit for such improvement, if the application for such is in oonformity herewith, for a maximum fee of $10.00. Struotures hereafter erected without permit, or not in conform- ity with this ordinance, shall be immediately removed. No building shall be removed from one place to another, or moved into the City, without an application in writing for the permit, and paying the fee above prescribed. No permit shall be issued, which does not give the legal de~ acription of the property upon which the building or structure is to be erected, repaired or moved ontp; nor 'dlioh does not conform in description to such permitted under this ordinance. Ordinu~ repairs of buildings or struoturea may be made without permit provided the Building Inspector be notified and the cost of suoh repairs shall not exceed i 5Q.00. In no case shal 1 such repairs conflict in any way with the following provisions of this ordinanoe. _) SECTION 4. STRUCTURES WITHIN THE FIRE LIMITS: Every building here- after erected or enlarged within the fire limits shall be enclosed on all aides with walls construoted wholly of stone, well burned brick, terra-ootta, concrete or other equivalent incombustible materials, and shall have the roof, including the roof, top, and all sides of all roof-etruotures inclusive of former windows, covered with incombuati- bli material, and all cornices shall be of incombustible material. SECTION. 5, P:EBMISSIELE WOODEN STRUCTURES WITHIN FIR~ LIMITS: Nt frame or wooden structure shall be built within the fire limits as given herein or afterwar~s established exoept: femporary one storr buildings for use of builders upon pemita issued by the building inapeotor, also such temporary structures as platforms, stands and election booths, All roofs placed upon such buildings or structures ah~ll have incombustible covering. Buildings of wooden frame work stuccoed or veneered with briot shall be classed as frame buildings. No buildings in the fire limits shall be alad with sheet metal whether the fram~ work be of iron or wood. Balconies not wider than ten feet. and not extending more tha• 3 feet above the second story beams: same shall not extend beyon, the lot line, or be joined to a similar atruoture on a.nether build- ing, providin·g, that a!Ll awnings shall be covered with incombustible material not exceeding ten feet in width. and have the supports at the street side anchored around an iron pipe, not less th~n one and one half inohes in Diameter, the supports shall not be :turther apart than eight feet, and they shall be tied on the inside of the building to an anohor having not less than 144 square inches contaot with the inner surface ·of the exterior wall and all openings through the awn- ings and wall for supports shall be well cemented and tarred. No awning post shall be permitted. No frame building shall be mov_ed from one point to another -wt thin the fire· limits, and no such building shall be moved into such limits from without. SECTION 6. REPAIRING FRAME BUILDINGS WITHIN THE FIRE LIM! TS: No frame building nor any part thereof such as awninge 9 roof, walls and sheds shall be repaired, whet~er damaged b~ time or casualty or other reason if the repair·s exceed in oost fifty per centum of the building or part of building desiring to be repaired. All repairs to be made within twelve months shall be considered as one oost item and one repair. The cost of foundation shall not be inclu~ed in determining the value of the building. If such building be not repaired within sixty days from the injury it shall° not be repaired, but removed within thirty days if the ·injury renders the building unfi~ fer oaoupanoy. All buildings damaged more than fifty per oentum of the value of the building shall be removed within thirty days from the fire limits • . SECTION 7. NEW BUILDINGS HOUSING CERTAIN OCCUPANCIES WITHIN FIRE LIMITS, ANJ) CHANGES REQUIRED IN EXISTING BUILDINGS WITH SUCH OCCUPAN- CIES: No buildin~ hereafter ereoted within the fire limits shall be used as a pub_lia garage, automobile repair shop or dry cleaning establishment unless it be of fire proof construction; provided, that buildings now used ae public sarages 1 automobile repair shops, or dr, oleaning establishments and situated within ~he fire· limits designated in this ordinance, or hereafter placed therein, shall, within 12 montha from the taking effect hereof, or 12 months from the inclusions within said fire limits of the said property, if new without such limits have each and every floor used as a public gara~e, or for automobile repairs, -2- 1 or for dry eleaning purposes aonstruoted of concrete or other good fire resisting material. and all buildings so occupied and all floors there- in shall be kept thoroughly clean and aooumulations of ~ubbiah, greasy waste or rags. or other inflamable refuse. shall not be i;:ermitted. SECTION 8. L!MITS OF HEIGHT AND AREA: No building hereafter erected or altered shall exceed three stories or 45 feet in height, unless it be of fire-prilf construction, then it shall not exceed teu1•·stories of 125 feet; except as specified in Section 22, no building hereafter erected haVing walls of hollow terra-ootta blocks, or concrete blocks shall ex- ceed two stories or 30 feet in height. The floor area between the fire walls of non-fireproof buildings shall not exceed the following: When the building fronts on one street 6250 square feet; fronting on two streets, 6500 square feet; when fronting on three streets. 7500 square feet; these areas may be increased under the following condi- tions: Nan-fireproof buildings. fully equipped with approved automa- tio sprinklers, 50 per eentum; For fae proof buildings. not exceed- ing 125 feet in height. 50. per aentum; For fire proof buildings, not exceeding 126 feet in height fully equipped with approved automatic sprinklers, 100 per oentum. SECTION 9. WALLS: All exterior or division walls If buildings here- after erected, shall be of sufficient thiokness to supp ort the load to be carried; but in no case shall a briok, unreinforcedmncrete, or hollow blook wall be leas then 12 inches thick, provided that permit may be issued for the erection of buildings with 8" brick walls. where the area is small and the height not more than one story, if in the judgment of the Building Inspector such thickness will provide satisfactory fire resistiveness for the oooupa.ncy involvea. Stone walls shall be 4" thicker than brick, reinforced concrete, or hollow blookwe.11s. All exterior and division or party walls shall extend in full thickness of the top atory to at least two feet above &hi roof sur- facing of the building, as a parapet and be properly cop, d. All such walls shall be laid in cement mortar and coped with stone, terrs ootta, tile or plastered with cement mortar. Fire walls must be con- tinuous from foundation to two feet above roof level and be coped. ,falls, excepting party walls, for all buildings of bther tha.n the dwelling house olaes shall have the upper story not less than 12 inches thick, increasing 4 inches in thickness for each two stories or fraction thereof below. No two story increment shall exoeed 30 feet in height, exclusive of fire wall. ~{alls in skeleton oonstructio.n shall be cf brick:, stone or reinforced concrete, they shall be supported by girders at each siory, shall be laid in Portland cement mortar, and not less than 12 inches thick. In all buildings, except dwellings, frame buildings and skeleton construotion, party walls which serve as bearing walls, on both sides, shall be not less than 16 inches thick in the upper two stories or upper 50 feet, increasing 4 inches in thickness for each two stories or fraction thereof below. Portland ~ement mortar only shall be used in such walls. -3- Reinforced atone or gravel concrete wall with the ateel re- inforcement running both horizontally and weighing not less than one-half pound per square foot of wall, may have a thickness of 4 inches less thM than p~escribed for briok walls. The foundation walls for all buildings over two stories in height shall be 4 inches thicker from footing to grade than re- quired for the remainder of the wall. Hollow blocks or terra-cotta, or concrete when used for bear- ing walls, shall have not more than 50 per aentum of cellular apaoe, Fortland cement only shall be used in the manufacture of .Concrete blocks, the coarse aggregates shall be suitable material graded in size, but in no ~ase shall the maximum dimension exceed one-half of the width of any solid section of the finished block; oonorete blocks shall not be used in construotion until they are 28 days made, aud have developed the strength required herein; all buildings blocks shall be laid in ~ortland ce~ent mortar. The compressive strength of building blocks shall be caloulated upon the gross area of the bedding surfaoe; the average ultimate aompressive strength for terra~cotta blocks laid with cells vertiole shall be not less than 1200 pounds per square inch; the average for concrete blocks with cells, vertical shall be not less than 900 pounds per square inch; oonorete blocks shall not be more tJman 36 days old at the time of test I and the average a.trength ahal!. l be based on ten blocks of average quality. The allowable working stress of hollow. building blocks shall not exceed 100 pounds per square inoh of gross area; for terra-ootta or 75 pounds per square inch for oonorete in gross area; if the cells be laid horizontal, the allowable working stress, shall not exceed 30 ~ounda ~er square .inch of gross area. All wall.ls and partitions in schools, hospitals, and places of public assemblage, over one story high, and all walls and par- titions in theatres. shall be built of brick, stone, hollow or solid blocks, or metal lath and Portland cement plaster, or a metal studding or equivalent as to inoombustibility. SECTION 10. Concrete CONSTRUCTION: Concrete fD~re-inforced oon- struotion shall consist of a wet mixture of 1 part Portland cement to not more than 6 pa.rts o:f aggregate. fine and coarse, in such proportion to produce the greatest density. The quality of the material, design and oonstruction, shall be in accordance with best engineering practice. SECTION 11. PROTECTION OF ENDS OF WOODEN BEAMS: The end of all floors, ceiling or roof beams. entering a party or fire wall from opposite sides shall be separsted by at least 8 inches of solid masonry; auoh separation may be obtained by corbeling the wall or staggering the beams; or the beams may be supported by steel wall hangers; no wall shall be corbeled more than two inches for this ~urpose; the ends of all wooden beams entering walls shall be so eut to m~e them self releasing. SECTION 12. PROTECTION OF WALL OPENINGS: No opening in an interior masonry wall shall exceed 8 feet by 10 feet; if the opwning be in a party wall or a ~ire wall, it shall have an approved automatic fire -4- door on each side of the wall; if an opening in a f ire wall is ma d e t o serve as an emergency exit, it shall not exceed 48 square feet in area, and as approved self-closing fire door shall be aubatituted tor one of the automatic fire doors; the total opening in the fire wall shall not exaeed 25 per centum in linear feet of the length of the wall. Every building within the fire limits, except chu~ahes, dwellings, tenements,houses, dormitories, and lodging houses. shall have approved fire doors, shutters, or wired glass in incombustible frames and sash on every exterior opening above the firat story, except when fronting the street not less than 40 feet wide. or where there is no other building within 40 feet; all openings in the side and rear walls of the first story. except show windows, shall be protected 1n lik& manner; all exterior windows more than 75 feet above the ourb, shall have inaombus- tible frames and sashes and glazed with wired glass; oooupants of build- ing shall olose all interior and exterior fire doors shutters and win- dows at the elose of eaoh busineaa day. SECTION 13. STAIRWAY ADD ELEVATOR SHAFTS: In all buildings, hereafter erected, except private dwellings, whieh are .used a@ove the first floor for business purpose or for publii assemblage, or for any purpose what- ever. if over three stories high, the stair shaft. shall be separately and oontinuously enclosed by inoombustible partitions• Elevator shafts in all buildiogs he~eafter· ereoted. shall be enalosed in the same manner. The partitions shall be constructed of briok or other fire-resistive material approved by the Building Inspeotor, and all mortar used in the aonatruation shall be cement mortar. No suah hollow partitions shall be leas than six inohea thick, no briok partitions leas than 8 inches thick. and no other solid partition leas than 4 inahea thick. Except as herein stated, the stair, elevator, or hoist-way shafts in all existing buildings over two stories high, of the olass described in this section, shall be ·aeparately enclosed by incombustible parti- tions. as above specified; or the shafts may be enoloaed by approved hollow or solid partition blocks not less than 3 inohea thick. set in Portland cement mortar; or by 4 inoh stud partition, oovered on eaoh side with not leas than 3/4 inoh of Portland aement plaster or metal lath; orb~ 2 inoh solid metal lath and Fortland oement plaster parti- tions. The metal fram.e work of euoh partitions shall be securely fastened to both floor a.nd oeiling. And all lath used for suoh parti- tions shall be of :· · -1 steel weighing not less than 54 ca.noes per square yard. Wire lath shall not be leas than 20 gage, and sheet metal not less than 24 gauge. All suoh partitions erected in existing build- ings shall be fire-stopped with 1noombuatible material, the full depth of the floor beams at eaoh floor level. All door openings in stair and elevator enclosures shall be pro- tected by approved fire doors mounted with wrought iron or steel hard-ware, and shall be seourely attached to the wall or partition, or to eubatantial incombustible frames anchored thereto. If glass panels be ueed in suoh doors, they shall be of wired glass not exceeding 720 square inahes in area; interior shaft windows shall not be permitted. Doors opening into stairway sha£t ahall swing in the direction Bf exit travel; shall be self-closing, and amll be at laaet 36 inohes wide. The enclosure walls for all elevator shafts, shal.l extend at least 3 feet above th.a roof., and at least 5/4 of the area shal. l be covered with a sky-light oonatruoted as specified in Seotion 14. If, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, it ie necessary to preserve an open elevator or hoistway in an existing building. the floor openings through which it passes shall be equipped with auto- matioally closing taap doors. not less than 1½ inches thick, made of two thioknesaes of matched boards. covered on the underside with tin • the trap doors when olosed shall extend beyond the opening on all sides. Suoh trap doors shall be protected by a substantial guard or gate• which shall be kept closed at all times exoept when in actual use. · SECTION i4.. SKY-LIGHTS OVER STAIRWAY AND ELEVATOR SHAFTS; Where a stairway, elevator or dumb w~iter shaft extends through the roof, and is covered by a sky-light, the sky-light shall be oonstruoted with indombustible frame and sash, glazed with ordinary thin glass and shall be protected by a galsanized steel wire soreen a mesh not exoeed1ng one inah• and the wire not smaller than #12 gauge. Tae aoreen shall have metal supports and shall be placed not less than 6 inohes above the sky light. Instead ot a skylight, a window may be placed in the side of the shafts above the roof which is fartherest removed from the property line. The window shtll have inoombustible frame and sash, and be glazed with thin glass. SECTION 15. FLOOR LIGHTS: Ex:oept in dwellings, all openings hereafter made .in floors for the transmission of light to floors below shall be covered with glass set in metal frames and bars. The glass shall not be less than 3/4 inoh in thiaklless, a.nd if any glass measures more than 16 square inches, there shall be a rigid wire mesh either in the glass or under it. SECTION 16, LIGHT, VE NT AND DUMB-WAITER SHAFTS: In every building hereafter erected or altered, except .frame buildings, all walls, or partitions forming interior light or vent shafts, shall be built in aceordanoe with the requirements for stair· and elevator shafts, in new buildings as specified in Section 13, The walls of dum.b waiter shafts, except those in dwellings. whioh extend only one story above the basement or oellar, shall be of fire-resistive conatruotion, and shall be not le sa than 3 inohea thio k i:f a ons truo te d of br iok • hollow or eo lid pa.rtitiOll blocks, or o~ steel studding and metal lath, with 3/4 inoh of Fortland cement plaster on eaoh aide; or 2-inoh solid metal lath and Portland oement plas6er wall may be permitted, if securely anchored at each floor. The material and method of oonatruotion to be aa spea- 1:fied for stair and elevatoir shafts in existing buildings in Section 13. In frame buildings outside the fire limits. the enclosure parti- tion of all such shafts. may be oonatruoted as provided in Seotiou 13, for stair and elevator shafts in existing buildings. Wheres dumb waiter shaft does not extend through the roof, the top of the shaft shall be of fire resistive oonstruotion of the same thickness as the walls of the shafts. All openings in dumb waiter shaft~ shall be protected by fire doors mounted in inoombuati~le framea seoure~ahored to the walls. The walls of all light and vent shafts, hereinafter eseoted, shall extend not less than 3 feet above the roof level, except that when a shaft is covered by an incombustible ~ventilating skylight, the walls ne•d not extend more than 2 feet above the roof, Masonry walls shall be properly coped. ·. SECTION 17. ROOF OPENINGS: All openings in roofs for the admission or light or air, other than those provided for in Section 14 and 16, shall have the incombustible frames and eaeh glazed with wired glass; or ordi- nary glass may be used. if protected above and below by galvanized ateel wire screens with a mesh not exceeding 1 inch and the wire not smaller than No. 12 gauge. The top screen shall be installed as speoified in Section 14. SECTION 18. EXITS REQUIRED: The term nFloor Area", as used in $hie aeation sh~ll mean the entire floor spaae between exterior walls and fire walls. In every building hereafter ereoted, except in private dvalings -6- ,, each floor area above the first. shall be provided with at least two mea.ne of egress remote from eaoh other. All exits doors in sehools• hospitals, theatres and other plaoes of public assemblag~, sba,ll open outwards. The means of egress to all buildings, three or more stories in height and so occupied as to bring them within the purview of the State of Texas Fire Eaoape Law, shall oonfom to said State Law e.nd the Speaifioations promulgated, and the Building Inspector shall not gran·t a permit, a.a provided in Section 3, of this . Ordinance.., for the erection of any buildings unless the plans and specifications for egress in such building shall conform to the requirements of the State Fire Escape law. SECTION 19. MOVING PICTUBE THEATRES: The building Inspector shall not grant a permit for the ereatton or alteration of any building to be used as a Motion Fioture Theatre, or in which Motion Fiotures are to be exhibited, within the corporation limits, unless the plans and speeifications for the installation and operation of said Motion Fiature Theatre. or for the exhibition of motion pictures, sbaJLl have the booth lined with l/8 inoh sheet asbestos, on which shall be sheet metal not leas than 26 gauge, and the door thereof, remain closed during operation of the machine. The Euilding Inspeotor, shall make weekly inapection ,of each and every motion picture theatre of place where motion pictures are exhibited, for the purpose of asaertain.1.ng if the rules and regula- tions for aafety against fire and panic are being viola.tad. In the event said rules and regulations are not conformed to with resi:eot to the arrangement of the building and the installation of motion piotures, the City Electrician, the Building Inepeotor or the City Pire Marshall, is hereby empowered to cut off all electrical cur- rent from the room or building and the supply of electrioal current shall not be meatored by any one until all of asid rules and regula- tions for safety against fire and panic are oomplied with. SECTION 20. FIRE STOPS: At eaob floor level, in all buildings here- after erqoted, all atu4 walls, partitions, furrings, and spaces between i,oista wkare they rest on division walls or partitions shall be fire4topped with incombustible material in a manner to compl&tely out off oanmunication by fire through concealed apaces, Such fire- stopping shall extend the full depth of the jottts and at least 4 inches above eaoh floor level. Stair carriages, shall be fire-stopped at leaat onoe in the middle portion_ of each run. SECTION 21. ABEA-WAYS: All area.ways shall be guar4ed with suitable railing or be protected by incombustible covers or gratings. If gratings be used they shall have a wire eoreen 0£ not more than t inah •. mesh eeourely attached to the wideraide. Area-ways shall not projeat beyond the building line. SECTION 22. FRAME BUILDINGS: No frame building hereafter erected or altered, in oo~porate limits. shall exceed two stories or 30 feet in height, exoept th~t private dwelling s may be three stories or 40 feet high. No frame building hereafter ereoted for any ocoupanoy other than grain ele:vatore, coal elevators and po0kets 1 ioe houses, and exhibition buildings, shall cover a ground area exceeding the following: One story building 7500 square feet, Two story building. 5000 squa~e feet. In no oaae, shall a frame building be erected within 3 feet of inside lot line, nor within 6 feet of another building, unless the spaoe betwwen the stud4 on auoh side be filled solidly with not -----------------•1•-------~ ' .. leas than 2½ inches of briok work or other ~quivalent incombustible material. f In rows of frame houses, the dividing walls or partitions between houses, shall be built of briok, terra-cotta, concrete or other inaombustible material; or they may build with 4-inoh studs, filled solidly with brick work laid in mortar, or with other inoanbust~-- ble materialt JD:Xttlq:ms;:x:mrttt If lath be used on aueh partitions, it shall be metal lath. Such dividing partitions shall rest on masonry walls and shall extend to underside of roof boards. A flush mortar joint shall be made between the roof ·boards and the wal:.l of partition. In rows of three or more houses, every alternate division wall or partition shall .be constructed of solid brick work not less than 8 inehes in thickness. Buildings with wooden frame work clad with sheet metal, or veneered with briok, shall be classed with frame buildings. Outside the fire limits, when any building is to be erected of briok, stone, hollow block, or ao.ncrete, and could under this ordi- nance be oonstruoted of wood, the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to allow reasonable .modifications of this ordinance, relating to briok ~uildings, in oonsideration of the use of incombustible material instead of wood, Such modifications, however, shall not permit variations, from the requirements of Sections 13, 18, and 25, of this ordinanae. SECTION 23. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS: All electr1a81 installations shall be made in aocordanoe with the rules and regulations adopted by the National Fire Underwrit.ra and Electrical Ordinance No. 285 of City ·of Lubbock, Texas. SECTION 24: OlllMNEY CONSTRUCTION. In any building hereafter erected, altered or repaired, all chimneys shall be built of briok, stone or other inoombusti~le material. fhe walls of all chimneys to whioh this Ordin~ce applies, whether the fuel used be wood• ooal, gas or oil, shall be built of brick, oon- orete, stone. or hollow tile, of such thickness and construction as · is hereafter ai:eoified, but this shall not preclude the use of a metal smoke-stack when looated inside of a vent shaft having walls not less than 8 inches thick, and having an air space between the walls and stack: on all aides. Brick ohim.aa¥S shall be built on solid brick, or may be built of ~erforated radial brick manufactured for the purpose and adapted to withstand high temperatures, but no other hollow brick shall be used. The walls of brick ohi.m.aeys shall be not less than 3¾ inches thick (width of a standard size brick), and shall be lined with fire clay flue lining. Flu~ lining may be omitted in brick chimneys for private dwell- ings provided the walls of the chimneys are not less than 8 inches thick, and that the inner oourse shall be a refractory elay brick haVing a softening point of at least 1922 degrees Fahrenheit (Seger Cone 03), and shall be not less than 7¼ inches in radial thickness, except that when auah chimney is located inside a vent shaft having walls not leas thao 8 inches thick. the thickness of the chimney wall may be determined by engineering design. The brick shall be shaped to the circular and radial lines of the various section of the shaft ao as to form even joints. -a- \ All, brick work shall be laid in spread mortar, with all joints push-filled. Exposed joints both inside and outside ehall be struck smooth. No plaster lining p~rmitted. Oon~rete chimneys oast in place shall be suitably reinforced vertically and horizontally. The walls shall be not lees than 3f inches thick end shall be lined with fire clay flue lining. Flue linings may be omitted 1n reinforced concrete chimneys for private dwellings 9 provided the walls of the chimneys be not less than 6 inches thick, and provided further that quartz gravel shall not be used as the ooarae aggregate. Concrete blocks used in chimney construction shall have walls not leas than 3i-inches thick, and bloaks enclosing more than one flue shall have suitable reinforoement completely enoiraling the blocks and well embedded in them. All concrete block chimneys shall have fi~e clay flue lining. Bubble atone chimneys shall be at least 4 inches thicker than required for corresponding brick chimneys but never lass than 12 inches thick. The walls of ohimneys built of sawed or dressed stone in courses. properly bonded at corners and tied with matal anchors, shall be not less than 3¾ inches thick, All stone chimneys shell have fire clay flue linings. Hollow building tile shall not be used for the walls of: iso- lated or independent ohimneya, but may be used by chimneys built in aonneotion with exterior hollow tile walls of buildings not exceed- ing three ato~ies in height, in which oase the ahimney walls shall be not less than 8 inches thick• The outer 8 inches of a building wall may serve as the outside wall of the chimney. but the remaining chimney walls shall be oonstruoted of two layers of 4 inch tile set with broken Joints; or they may be built of 4 inches of solid brick- work. In ei the1· oa.se the walls of the chimney shall be securely bonded into the walls of the building. No chimney shall be corbeled from a hollow tile wall. All chimneys built of hollow building tile shall have fire clay flue lining. Chimneys shall be built at least 3 feet above flat roofs, and 2 feet above the ridges of peak roofs. and shall be properly capp ed with stone, terra ootta. conorete. oast iron, or other ,pproved material; but no su.oh oap or coping shall decrease the required flue area. Fire ilay flue linings shall be manufactured from suitable refrac- tory clay, either natural or compounded( whioh has a softening point not lower than 1994 degrees b1ahrenhei t Seger Cone 03) • and shall be adapted to withstand high temperatures and flue gases. ~hey shall be of standard commercial thickness. but not less than 3/4 inoh. The flue sections shall be set in mortar of quality hereafter specified and shall have the joints struck smooth on the inside. The masonry shall be built around e.a.oh section of lining as it is placed. and all spaces between masonry and linings shall be completely filled with mortar. No broken flue lining shall be used. Flue linings shall start at least 4 inohes below the bottom of smokepipe intakes of flues, or from the throats of fireplaces; and shall be oontinuous the entire heights of the fluea and project at least 4 inches above chimney top to allow for a 2 inoh wash and B 2 inoh projection of lining. The wash or splay shall be formed of a riah cement mortar. To improve the draft the wash e.ur:faoe should be c onaave wherever praatioal. Instead of the wash, a special obimney oap or ooping may be used. Wherever flue linings are speoified fire briak may be subatit•ted if desired. Chimneys ahall hot rest upon or be carried by wooden floors, beams or brackets, nor be hung from wooden rafters, Iron braaketa or stirrups attached to wooden oonstruotion shall not .be used to support ohimneys. In frame buildings chimneys shall always be built from the ground up, or rest on basement walls. Chimneys shall be built upon oonarete or masonry foundations properly proportioned to carry the weight imposed without danger of settlement or cracking. T_he foundation for an exterior chimney shall start below the frost line. The walls of brick buildings may form part of a chimney, but the walls of the chimney shall be securely bonded into the walla of the building, and the flue s.ha.11 be lined the same as an independent chimney. Flues in party walls shall not extend beyo.nj the center of the walls, and their loaation shall be permanently indicated on lhe exposed side of the wall. No wall less than 12 inches thick shall be 'used to support a oorbelled chimney; auoh corbeling shall not project more than 8 inches from the faoe of the wall, and in all auah oases the oorbel- ing shall consist of at least six courses of br1ok. Flues shall be built as nearly vertical as possible, and shall not be set over between ceiling and foof. Not more than tw; flues shall b,e permitted in the same flue space• and the joints of anv l~joining sets of flue linings shall be offset at least 't inobea. When there are more than two flues in a chimney ' at least eaoh third flue shall be separated from the others by a smoke-tight withe or division wall of briok or oonorete at least 3/I inches thiok and bonded into the sidewalta, Eaah flue intended for a heating furnace or boiler oonnection, or for a firepla.oe, shall be separated from other flues by suoh a withe. In hollow tile chim- neys the withe mey be of tile. Wheny any single flue area within chimney walls exceeds 200 square inches, the walls shall be built not less than 8 inches thick and shall have fire clay flue lining a.a previously specified, but when flues become ao large aa to render it impractical to aeoure fire clay flue lining. they shall be lined with fire brick for a distance of at least 26 feet f'ro,m the point of intake. Fire brick shall be laid in fire clay mortar. Connections be·tween chimneys and roofs shall be made with sheet metal ooub.ter or oap flashing (copper recommended}, arranged to overlap roof flashing and allow for movement that mJy ocour between chimneys and roofs. No increase in the wall thickness of ohimneye, nor any projecting masonry, shall be permitted within a distance of 12 inches above or below the rafte~s or roof Joists. Irrespective of whether the :lfiue used be coal, aoke, wood, or oil, the minimum area inside of chimney flue linings for various heating devides aha.ll be ae follow-a: For warm air furnaces, or low pressure stesm or bot water heating boilers, not less than 64 square inches; for fireplaces, not less than one-tenth the area of the fireplace opening, but never less than 75 square inches; for stoves, ranges, and other forms of room heaters, 64 square inches for rectangular flu~a. or an inside diameter of 7 inohea for round flues. In no oaae shall the short cross section dimension of a rectangular flue be less than two-thirds the greater dimension, nor more than two connections al- lowed in any flue. When gas is the fuel used in a heating furnaoe, boiler, or auto- •10 ... ma tic hot water hes. ter , the flues aha 11 be of the s eme a i ze and con- s true ti on as required for s:tovea &nd ranges ueing other fUel. Veut flues where required for other domestic gas burning appliances may be of smaller size, but not less than 10 square inches. Suah flues shall be made of fire clay or its equivalent not less than l inch thick with joints properly designed to effect a permanent. setl'U, and the surrounding masonry walls may be omisted. Metal vent flues are not permitted. Smokepipe intakes to flues shall always enter the chimney through the side ana shall consist of fire clay or metal thimbles seourily set in the chimney wall with mortar, or the intake may be cast in 09ncrete. Such openings shall be at least 18 inohes below wooden lath and plaster or other combustible ceilings. or open Joists. Neither the intake pipe nor tbimlile shall project into the flue. No. woodwork shall be placed within 8 inches of the thimble. The thimble shall be surrounded by metal lath and pla.ater tor a space of at least 2 ·inches, or an open apace o:f that width shall b,e provided on all sides. All mortar used in chimney construction, exoept as specified for fire brick in paragraph 19, shall be cement mortar proportioned as follows: Two bags of Portland Cement. not less than 188 pounds. and one ~ag o:f dry hydrated lime, 50 pounds, thoroughly mixed dry. To this mixture shall be ad4ed three ti~es its volume of clean, sharp sand with sufficient water to produce proper consistency. When dry hydrated lime is not available, l cttbio fool of completely slaked lime putty may be substituted for 50 pounds of dry hydrate. In oaa& of auoh substitution, the mixing of lime and cement shall be very thorough. Dry hydrate should always be used in preference to lime putty. After a chimney has been completed, all flues shall be thoroughly cleaned and left smooth on the inside. All flues to which heating furnancea or boilers are to be oonneoted shall be aubjeated to a smoke teat before ~ptance, but the test shall not be DISi.de until the mortU has thoroughly hardened. The method of teat ia to build a smudge fire at bottom of ·the flue and while the smoke is flowing freely from the flue, olose it tightly at the top. Escape of smoke into other flues or through the ehimney walls indicates openings that shall be made tighty befor.e the chimney is aocpeted. The teat shall be made by the Contraotor in the presence of the Building Inspector or other official having jurisdiction, and of the owner o~~ his represent- ative. SECTION 26. WOODWOBK AROUND CHIM NEYS. No wood6n beams, Joists, or rafters shall be plaoed within 2 inohes of the outside face of ahim- neya, whether the same be for smoke, air or any other purpose. No, woodwork shall be P,l&oed within 4 inahea of the back wall of any fireplaoe. All spaces between ohimermys and wooden joists or be$.Dls shall be ~- filled with loose cinders, loose mortar refuse, gypsum block, or other porous incombustible material to form a firestop. ' . . No wooden studd1ng,·furring, lathing, or plugging shall be plaoei against any chimney~ or in the joints thereof. Wooden construction shall either be sit away ~ram the chimneys, or the plastering shall b~ directly on the masonry or on metal lathing or on inoombuatibl.e furring material. Wood furring strips placed around chimneys to support baBe · or other trim shall be insulated from the masonry by asbestos paper, at least l/8 inah thick, and metal wall plugs or approved incombustible nail holding devioes attached to the wall -11--------------------_________________ ____J .7 surface shall be used for nailing. IJ!he walls of :fireplaces shall never be less than 8 inches thick, and if built of stone the minimum thickness 2hall be 12 inches, All fireplaces and chimney ~reasta shall have trimmer arches or other approved fire-resisti~e construction supporting hearths. Tbe arches and hearths shall be at least 20 inches wide measured from the face of the chimney breast. · The arches shall be o'f brick, stone or hollow ti le, not less than 4 inches thick. A flat stone or a reinforced concrete slab may be used to carry the hearth instead of an arch if it be properly sup- ported and ·a suitable fill be provided between it and the hearth. The lenght of trimmer arches and hearths shall be not less than 24 inches longer than the fireplace opening. Hearths shall be of brick, stone, tile, or concrete as may be specified. Wood centering wider a trimmer arch shall be removed before plastering the oeilings beneath. No coal burning hea:IJer shal. 1 be placed in a. fireplBOe which does not conform to the foregoing requirements and have an incombustible mantel. No wooden mantel or other woodwork shall be placed within 8 inches of the side or within 12 inches of the top of Elly open fire- place. ~~ combustible summer pieoe or fire board shall be used. Any person or persons, whether owner, builder or mechanic, who shall build a chimney or flue in violation of any requirem ent of this Ordinance ahal l be deemed gull ty of a mi ademeanor and shall be fined as provided in Section 39 of this Ordinance. SECTION 26. PAPERING 07ER FLUE HOLE: No paper hanger or 8lll!yone else shall paper ol\.,oanvasa closer than two inches to any flue opening. Wall:: ties on B·riok Veneer Buildings. .Wall ties shall be used every fifth oourse on every other brick and securely fastened to building. SECTION 27. HOT-AIR PI~ES AND REGISTERS: All heater pipes from hot air furnanoes where passing through combustible partitions, or floors, must be doubled tin pipes with at least 1-inoh air sp3..t,e between them, Horizontal hot air pipes leading from furnace shall be not leas than 6 inches from any woodwork, unless the woodwork be covered with loose- fitting tin, or the pipe covered with at least 1/2 inch of corrugated asbestos, in"'1ich latter o~ae the distance from the woodwork may be redu.oed to not less th·an 3 inches. No hot air pipe shall be placed in a wooded stud partition or any wooden enclosure unless it be at least 8 feet horizontal dista.noe from the furnace. Hot air pipes contained in combustible partitions ahall be placed inside another pipe arranged to maintain 172 inch air apaoe between the two on all aides, or be securely covered with 1/2 inch of corrugated asbestos. Nei~har the other pip& nor the oovering shall be within 1 inoh of wooden studding and no wooden lath shall be used to cover the portion of the partition in which the hot air pipe is located. Hot air pipes in·oloseta shall be doubh, with & apaoe bwtween them, on all sides. ' /-Every hot air furnace shall have at least one register without / valve or louvres. A register located over a briok furnace shall be supparted by a brick ahaft, built up from the cover of the hot air chamber; aaid -12- J I__ shaft linedwith a metal pipe; and no woodwork sha]l be within 3 inches of the outer face of the shaft. A register bo)r plaoed in the floor over the portable furnace shall have an opening spaoe around it of not less than 4 inches on all sides. and be supported by an incombustible border. Hot air register•• placed in any woodwork or combustible floors shall be surrounded with borders of incombustible material, not less than 2 inches wide, securely set in place. The register boaes shall be of metal, and be double; the distance between the two shall not be less than l inch; or they may be single if covered with asbestos not less than 1/8 inch in thickness, and i~ all woodwork within 2 inobea be covered with tin. Cold air ducts for hot air furnaoes shall be made of incombustible material. SECTION 28. STEAM AND HOT WATER FIFES IN HEATING . SYSTEM: No steam or hot water_ pipe shall be within 1 inoh of any woodwork. Every steam tr hot water pipe passing through _canbustible floors or ceilings. or wooden lath and plaster partitions shall be proteoted by a metal tube 1 inch larger in diameter than the pipe and be provided with a metal cap. All wooden boxes or casings enclosing steam or hot water heating pipes or wooden oovers to recesses in walls in which steam or hot water heating pi:pea are pl.aced. shall be lined with metal. SECTION 29. DRY ROOMS: No combustible material shall be permitted in the o on struo tion o_f any ·dry room hereafter e rec te d • in wb ic h a tem- perature of 125 degrees Fhr. or over•~ exist. If temperature under 125 degrees Fhr. is to be used. the dry room may be constructed of wood, but 1 t ehal l be line·d throughout with l/8 inch asbestos, covered with sheet metal~ If windows are placed in walls or ceiling of dry rooms, they shall be 0£ wired glass set in fixed inoombustible sash and frames. SECTION 30 • FUEL :BUBNING STOVES AND RANGES: No kitchen range or stove in any building shall be placed leas than 2 feet from any woodwork or · wooden lath and plaster partition, unless the woodwork or partition is properly protected by metal shields or asbestos, in which oase, the distance shall be not less than 18 inches. Metal shields shall be loose- ly attached, thus preserving an air space iehind them. Hotel and restaurant ranges shall be provided with a metal hood, placed at least 9 inches below any wooden lath and plaster or wooden ceiling, and have an individual l inch of asbestos covering or its equivalent. Combustible floors under coal ranges and similar appliances, without legs. such as mentioned in Section "91, in which hot fires are maintained, shell be pra'teoted by a sheet of' me;tal or 1/8 inch layer of asbestos building lumber, which shall be covered with not.. less than 4 inches of masonry set in cement mortar. Such masonry shall consist of one course of 4 inch hollow terra-cotta or of two oourses of brick or terra-cotta. at least one of which shall be hol- low, and be laid to preserve a free circulation of air throughout the whole oourse. Concrete may be substituted for a course of solid brick if desired. The masonry work s.ba!ll be covered by sheet metal of not less than No. 26 1 gauge ao arranged aa not to obstruct the ventilating passages beneath. Such hearths shall extend at least 24 inches in front of and 12 inches on the sides and back of the range or similar heating appliance. All coal stoves or ranges, with -13-legs, shall be aet on inoom- bustible material, whioh shall extend 12 inohes 1n front. SECTION 31. HEATING FURNAJ:CES AND APPLIANCES: Any woodwork,wooden la~h.and plaster partition or ceiling within 4 feet of the sides or back or six feet fromthe fra:nt of any heating boiler, turnaoe, bak- ery, oven, aoffee roaster, fire-heated aandy kettle, laundry stove, or other similar applianoe, shall be aovered with metal to a height of at least 4 feet above the floor. Thia covering shall extend the full length of the boiler, furnaae or heating appliance~ and to at least 5 feet in front of it. Metal shields shall be loosely attaohed thus preserving an air apace behind them. In no case shall suoh oanbus- tible oonstruotion be permitted within -2 feet of the sides of back of ~he heating appliance, or 5 feet 1n fromt of same. ~ , No furnace, boiler, range, or other heating appliance shall be placed against a wall furred with wood • • i Heating boilers shall be encased on &idea and top by an in- oombuetible protective aovering not lees than 1-1/2 inches thick. SECTIO N 32. OpEN PLAME HEATING DBVLmES: ~ All gas. gasoline, oil or aharooal-burning stoves or he~ti.Qg t,viQea, shall be placed on iron stands at least 6 inches above combustible supports, unless the burners are at least 6 incbea above the base, with metal guard plates 4 1Mhes below the burners. No open flame Heating or lighting device shall be used in any room where gasoline or other ~olatile inflammable fluids are stored or han~led. t SECTION 33. GAS CONNECTIONS: All gas installations shall be made in aoaordanoe with _Gas Ordinance No. 360 of the City of Lubboct. SECTION 34. TRASH RECEPTACLES: All reoeptsales for ashes. trash. garbage, and refuse .. shall be Qf J:Ul•a.n1-zed iron or other incombua- ti 'ble material. f SECTION 35. VENT FLUES: Vent flues or ducts, for the r emoval of foul or vitiated air, in whiqh ~he temparature of the air oan not exoeed that of the rooms, shall be oonstruoted of metal or other incombus- tible mate•ia.1, and shall not be placed nearer than l inoh to 811V wood- work, and no such flue shall be used for any other purpose. B$1jION 36. SAFETY OF DESIGN: All parts of every building shall be deaiglled to safely oa~ry the loads to be imposed thereon and shall 1n all reapeots conform to good engineering praotice. SECTION 37. UNSAFE BUILDINGS: Every building. structure, or part thereof, which shall appear to the Building Inspeotor to be dang erous by reaso•n of bad oondt.tion of walls, defective oonstruotion. owrloe.d- l.4r·floors • lack of guards against fire, or other oauses, shall be held to be uneafe. The Building Inspeotor shall immediately notify the owner ~r lessee to oaus e the same to be made safe, aod shall also affix a notioe of the dangerous character of the structure ins oon- epiouous place on the exterior wall of auoh building, and no person shall remove or deface euoh notice so affixed. The owner or pa.rtiy having an interest in such unsafe building or atru.cture,lsia~ notified thereon in wr1t.1ng by the Building Inspector, shall im.media.tely oause the asme to be made safe and seoure, and if the building, or any auhh building, shall be used for any purpose requiring a license therefor, the Mayor may revoke said license on negleot of the owner to comply with the notice served as herein provided; Where the public safety requires immediate action, the Building Inspector may enter upon the premises, with such assistance as may be neoessary and aause the said structure to be made secure on torn down, and removed without delay, at theaK:penae of suoh owner or party interested. The Building In- -14 ... spector is hereby given full power to order the fire department to assist in such work. SECTION 38. DUT.IES OF ENFORCING OF"FICERS: The Building . Inspector is hereby authorized and empoweredf .First, To enforce all ordi- nances relating to the conatruotion. equipment management and condition of all property within said City of Lubbock; and it is hereby made the duty of the departments of police. health and fire to aseiat in the enforoement of this ordinanoe. and each of these departments .shall, so far aa possible, aat in aonneotion with the Building Inspector in such enforoement. · Sa6amq fo supervise the oonstruotion or reconstruction of all buildings. rhird: To report monthly to the Mayor or City Council regarding the co nd 1 ti on of the City, on al 1 matter a pertaining to fire 14 prevention. ~ SECTION 39. PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS: Any and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or fa11·to comply with any order or -regulation made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of wiy detailed statement or specifications or plane sub- mitted and approved thereunder, or any oertifiaate or permit there- under, shall severally for each and every auah violation and non- oomplia.nce, respectively, upon aonvicaion, be punished by a fine of not less than ten or mere than one hundred dollars. The imposi- tion of one penalty for any violation of this Ordinance shall not exouae the violation, or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable ti~e; and when othe~wiee specified eaoh ten days that prohibited conditions are maintained, shall constitute a aepara te of·t ense. The appliance of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions as p:-ovided in Seotion 3 of this ordinance. SECTION 40. CONFLICTING ORDIN.ANCES REFEALED: All ordinances and parts of ordinances inoonsiatent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 41. DATE OF EFFECT: Thia ordinance shall take effect lagal- ly and be in force from and after its passage and legal publication. SECTION 42. EMERGENCY CLAUSE: The fact that there is no ad~quate protection to buildings within the City of Lubbock, to prevent the origin and spread of fires, creates a public necessity and em@rgenoy that this ordinance be passed on the meeting of its introduction, and lih&t the provision of the Charter requiring it to be read at two seve~al meetings before adoption, is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall be in e~feat, ~rom and afiter its passage and pub- lication •. PASSED, ADOJ:lTED AND A];>J.>~OVED, this ¥ day of 22/~/. A, D. , 1927. ~ _· /1 ' f:J-/~~ ATTEST: Mayor.iy of Lubbock. ~11;-?a:e~ , . -~L., r~ t; rJ<~w . ~~ -15-