HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 359-1926 - Issuance 6% Interest Bearing Warrants. - 10/28/1926n. CiV eo-1 .. 1on ot ~he Cl'\7 ot Lu)ltoct, !uaa, waa co~ 1n resular aeaalon ln tile C1V Ball, 1JL aald Oit;r, on ~ ~ V d.,-ot ~ . , A. D. li26, Preact,- P1Dk L. Parriah, J. i. Bat1DI,. I w. s. Po••, ) J. o. Jo••• ) A. 'f. W•Yer, ) AD4 r. W. Groce, YEAS& Cosaba1o~~ert Jiazlkint, Poaq, J011e1 &D4 Y•Ter. Dtsa Bone. t:U.Sc Coadtdon•t Bank1nt,. Po1e7, Jonea aD4 WeaTer. liAYSc •one. Kotion oarrled, IUI4 the ord.illaDce n• read 'b7 e&P'1on. lllrt'e4 'liT -ioolOMr ~~ , oec0Jile4 'liT -1oo1oner &._~ tba t the ordilan~ be placed on rd. aD4 fiDal readlDc 'b7 OIIPt 1ont lEAS a Oolllll1tl1onert Ballki.Da, Po111t7, .renee aD4 W•ver. IAlSc Bone. Jlotion carried, &D1 the ord1:aaDDe n• ac&1n read b7 oa~1oa. Moved 'bJ' COIIIID11110Der ~& , teooD4e4 b7 C0-1al1onar #-~ that •h• ord1Danoe be tlualq »&•••• OBDIDBOI 10. -1~c:z AI OBDIB.UCJ .It !'HI CM COllllSSIOJJ OJ !'D CITY or L\DIOC.l, UD.8, PROYIDIJ'G lOll !HI lSSUAI'CB OJ' SIX PD CD!. (6J,) II'!IDS'! Ut.Jl-x•o W.ABBA.I'IS JOR fD PUBPOSE OJ WJDUG CD!'.UJJ VALID OtJilS!AIDim IIDDIBDDSS OJ' TD Cift W WUOCIC, HUSa l&VTIIG A SUITIOIII'l' !AX TO pj.f 5B IIUUS'l AID PBOYIDE A SIIlliG IUD TO JlllliiD WD WARBAftS If! D!UB.lfTs J:ID IBCL.UliiG d JMJl'RCQCr. WBDBAS, the Cit7 Co.1••1oa ot the cs.v ot I.ultlaodt, taa1, !Ia• 4nemlntll the 111M41ate aeoe11iV ot S.etuS.. JOI])IJG W.ADAftS to» the puopo1e ot tu.Dil1JIC oeria1D Y&U4 cn&111t&Dcl1JW S.JI4e1J11eclllell at M14 OS.t,r, here1Dafter aent10Jle4 aD4 4elcr11JI4, all ot aa14 1Dd.ebtedne•• inYolYllls the expen4Uue ot oyer one l\m4rtll Dollar• ttloo.oo) baYSJw been 1aourracl oa a cc.pe111111Ye ba1l1 u cont.aplated Sa the Cit7 ea&nera DIIBIIOBI, U IT OJmliDJ) BY Bl 0111' 01 WDOCit, DDS a 1. !ha11 wara11111 ot aid CU7, to b• called. "Ol!I OJ' LtJWCE JOII)IIO URRABTS, Sllll.IS 3 or 1926", )e :hne4 lUIIler &114 )¥ Y1riue ot the Coaat1tutlon &D4 law1 ot the State of 'l'ezae, tor the pupoae ot tu:a4m. &D eq\1&1 •out ot I.Jid.eMedlw11 ot •a14 os.v, 4uJ.T &D4 lfP11T 1•8U4, aD4 which 11 .a Yal14, nlJ•htlJig u4 •• ou.t- nall41118 oltl:tcatloa acawt la14 Clt7, the olailu tor whioh nre 4ul¥ all11te4 and. allowed 1t7 the cs.v Ooaai111oa prior to the laii\W'lOe ~ereot, aa4 which 1• to be oancele4 and the eY14ace• thereot IUI'radered., a4 the WU'l"&&ltl herel»' authorised tenecl to the holder or hol4en 1a llft. th••t, wh1cm 1&14 ori&lm.l n14mo•• ot 1D4e"eclu•• are u follow•• to-wit a A5420 8 31 26 A5446 8 31 26 45460 9 l 26 A5485 9 4 26 A5490 9 8 26 a5494 9 10 26 A5529 9 14 26 !5530 9 17 26 A5531 9 17 26 !.5563 9 18 26 A5564 9 18 26 A5565 9 18 26 A5566 9 18 26 !5606 9 22 26 A5607 9 22 26 45609 9 22 26 A5638 9 29 26 A56 1 7 9 30 26 A5686 9 30 26 A5687 9 30 26 A5688~~o 26 A5689 9 30 26 A5694 9 30 26 A.-5708 10 2 26 A5709 10 2 26 A5741 10 6 26 A5742 10 6 26 A5745 10 8 26 A5749 10 9 26 A5775 10 11 26 A5779 10 11 26 A5790 10 ll 26 A579l 10 ll 26 A5792 10 11 26 a5796 10 11 26 A5815 10 11 26 A5826 10 14 26 A5869 10 20 26 A5871 10 20 26 A5873 10 23 26 .0.6052 10 2 8 26 TO WHOM ISSUED PURJ?OSE Fairbanks~orse Co Material & Supplies l'lashington Iron Works Material Lubbock Insarance Agency Insurance Jno L Vaughn Postmaster Stationery R F Eayless Agent Freight Kuykendall Chevrolet Co Automobile R F Bayless Agent freight new construction R R Bayless Agent Rreight new construction Citizens National Bank Draft ca~ fuel oil Clowe & Cowan Material & Supplies SW General Electric Co Material new construction Citizens National Bank Draft ear Fuel Oil Citizens National Bank Draft C~r Fuel Oil s·N General Electric Co Material new construction Fai rbanlcs,Horse & Co Material & Su~ plies Western Windmill Co New construction water Kuykendall Chevrolet Co Two cars John Howington Salary Light W H Perkinson Salary general F W Groce Salary general R A Holland Salary general G c Merrill Salary general E L Klett Salary General Col-Tex .Hefining Co Two cars fuel oil R F Bayless Agent Freight fuel oil R F Bayless Agent Freight fuel oil Col Tex Refining Co Two cars fuel oil 1;> liT Leaverton Contract new warehouse Ool Tex Refining Co Fuel Oil The Texas Co Gasoline & Oil Axtell Co Material Washing t on lron Works · Materi a l Southwest Gen. Electric Co Ma terial, light plant ..t!'airban:n.s-r.,o"..:>rv u. Co b. c ::i e.l & vu.t. ... lies Ballinger Oil Co Lubricating o i l, li _:h t Hardwick ~tter Co Ma t erial R F Bo.yless Agent Freig ht Lig ht Dep' t Lub b ock G r~in & Coal Co Ca r of coal Col-Tex Relining Co Dr a ft f u el o i l Col-Tex Refining Co F ue l oil W A Myr i ck-Com):en s a tion & E.xpense • handling wa.1·ran ts AMOUNT $1 022.52 246.08- 680.75 454.80 300.29 671.65 504.0 "~ 259.84 637.85 980.81 4 076.41 520.06 351.28 4 300.00 521.26 3 949.12 1 332.19 100.00 416.66 200.00 200.00 175.00 200.00 677.19 245.29 245.32 680.64 8,294.14 342.50 182.59 252.25 263.83 1 745.97 652.81 729.65 334.21 255.37 344.50 337.34 339.27 2 ooo.oo TOTAL $ 40 023.44 2. !bat ea14 t\m4iqr warl'&llte eh&ll be DWDbere4 from OM (1) to tori7 (4.0), laolube, ad tha.11 be in the 4a.ca1Dat1on ot Olle fbwa&D4 Dollar• (tl,oOO.OO) •ch, -ccrecatlas the na ot Jori7 !houi&D.d Dollar• lt&o,ooo.oo). :s. !bat thq llaaU be 4&ted BOY811lber 11-., 1126, alll lh&ll •we &D4 bee•• 4ae u4 pa.yalt1e aeri&ll7 a• to11w•s 1 a. a, 8 .. ... I 6 6, '1 .. •• • .. 10, 11 • 12, l3 .. 14, 16 .. 16, 17 ' 18, 19 • 20, 21 .. 22, 23 .. u, 26. 26, 27. 28, 29 .. 10, 31 .. 82, ss a. M, 36 • sa, If a. se, 89 • 4.0, AJIBJOits. p,ooo.oo tz,ooo.oo t2,ooo.oo t&,ooo.oo E ,ooo.oo ,ooo.oo ,ooo.oo ,000.00 12,ooo.oo t2,ooo.oo ta,ooo.oo t2,ooo.oo t2,ooo.oo ta,ooo.oo la,ooo.oo a,ooo.oo p,ooo.oo t2,000.00 ta,ooo.oo ta,ooo.oo -'• !bat aa14 warraat• ehall bear lntve•t at the n.te ot eil: per cuba (-) pel' Nl1lVII tr• date lUitll paid, ptp'ble ..,. 20.h, lt.tf, &Ad. ••l-&111111all7 there- aftel' oa the 2~11 U, or Bo~.-w ADA tu 2~ll 41t1r ot ~ ot eaoh 7ear, which ln'ereat paid.. &. t-riDoipal aDd. lJReHt ot aa14 waJT&Ata aull be ~ble ill lawfUl ••e.r ot the tJ:aitecl hat" of .&aerloa QO& preemaUon &D4 ftJ'HDiler ot warn.D~I or prOJJ• coupou at tiLe •atlou.l luk of o .. II'Oe, Bn Yolk 01117, •• Tort. 8&14 nrnnt• U&ll pre"f:14e tb' 1B the el'e.t ot utau 1a the pafMIIt ot prlJiolpal or llnereat, m4 the .. 11 placl4 1a tile haalla of a:a attonatr for ool1eotln., or tt oollecnecl lV nit or lT 1•1 prooeecUDC• ot aq ld.D4, u a4tl".oDal aaomt ot tea per cetua (l"') on the oalle4 for recl~lon on M14 elate :aotioo tiloreof a!aall lto £1Tea. 1t7 tho C1V Soorna17 of aaid. CiV to tile hol4eJ"a lV pl'bl1oat1oa lzl mB JOJm BUDB, publ1alle4 at 6? Pearl str .. t, leW Yolk 01t.y, Ifill tolk, at loan thlrV dqe })rlor to the 4ato t1xo4 tor re- 4eJI)tloa, u4 1t ••• aro DOt prea at eel tor re4-.pt10Jl, the7 lh&U ooaao to bear a-.eroat trc. u4 after tho uto •• fizecl tor 1'04-.ptlon. 7. 8&14 ftl'l'&Bta lball 'be •tcu4 1t7 Uo llqor, ooutor1tpe4 1Q" the CiV Seeret&17 aDd rectatore4 )7 tllo 01"¥ !Haftl'el', u4 tile ••1 of the 01V ahall lte lao aatle sSpaturea ot the Kqor aD4 CiV 8eorn&1'7 ~ 'be litk~rapllecl upoa the iatereat cnpou. I. The form Of n.rza.JR Wll be IUltlhnti&lq &I tollOWJa lml!ID S'!ADS OJ' JMIBICJ. ft.AU 0'1 HD8 OOOlfft 0. LUJJOOI Cl!t OW UJIJOCI JOJIDIIG WAil!AI'f • SiBIIS I OJ 1926. tl,ooo.oo miS IS fO ODJ.'lft tu-. tile C1V of Lv.lllto*, a .udcipal otrpOntion 1n -.he oouv ot lc)boak, u4 3\ato of !aaa, ao1raowleqoa ltaolf 1D4elltt4 to and. tor n.b.o J"eoe1Ted.· aerellr pzooat••• to Jlli:T to ltearor, the pr1nof..pal 1a of (tl,ooo.oo), 1a lawtv.l •UT of the tl'n1te4 ftat• of .-.rtoa, with ildereet th•eoa hom date honof utll })&14, at tile ate of ai:& per ••• (.) p,er ama., iAteren p&J&blo ~ ~h, lft7, &1111 ••1-aDJ'IU.lq thereaftt!'jO• the 2C*h da.r of Io'fem'b~r u4 ~· 2~ dq ot ..., of each rear• put Au lAtii"Oit aball bO&J" tn'\ored at tlle rate It alx })Or octa (&%) per amm• trca MWo1"U7 ail }l&14a both pr1no1pal &Jl4 1nterut ~'bleat the kti-..1 Jut ot eo-roe, lw tem C1tT, Iw tort, 11p0A preectat1on aD4 IUrreDd• of warram or pnpel' ooupona &D4 the 019 freaaver ot eal4 01'7 1a hert'T autborbe4, erd.erc an4 d.ireotc 11o par to 'bauer at the aa14 ltuat, ULe aa14 •• of ~e !houtaD4 nrnzn. ill tull an11l--t of the 1114ob'\ed.Bna herev w14ence4, trca tb.e "Speo1&1 J\m4Srw Wul'Ult faJIA. lerie• a ot 1926". ot aa14 011;', l.r1ecl, •••ean4 and oreate4 tor that pvpoae. 'be called. tor recl~lon aotlce th•eot llaall ~~ 11va the bolder lt7 pv.blloat loa 1D 'lD JOJD) BUtlk, PL'bl181le4 a 6'1 Pearl Stren, •• tom Olt7, • .., To*, at l•n tllirV .,., prior to the 4ate fixed tor recl-.ptloa, AD4 .... U&ll o••• to bear 1llteH8t b-oa AD4 after taicl 4ate. D IS DBDT eapeo1&117 -creed. Qat it 11h1a warl"&U, or aJJ:f later"t oov.poD hereto attached., 1a aot paid. at ... turltT, aDd. the .... 18 placet 1D tae Ma4l ot aa attom.., tor oollenloa after -.tvS.v thereot, or n.lt 1a tiled. thereon, or eolleotion ..U )J' leal pl'Ooeediqrl ot Uf1 tiJid., aa &441t1oD&l aacnurt ot t• per o-n-(1~) on the pi'1M1Jal u4 lnteren then clue ahall 'be acl4e4 a1 attOJ:'DAV'' 1 te•. .. ms 11'.um&l'! 11 OM of a Mrlel of ton7 (60 J anant1 .... lterecl ooueod1Teq from cme (1) to tony (40), 1aolu1Te, 1A 4a.o.W.t1oa of one !h01luzt4 DOllars (tl,OOO.OO ) each, auresat1Jrs the na of J'oJ'V !fh.ov.aall4 Iollar• (f60.ooo.oo), ietu& tor the pvpoae of '-Alag, caaoelbs aD4 in lift of u equal aaOUilt ot iD4eMI6neee ot aai4 C1V", here- tot ore 4u}T aa4 leplq 11n.e4, &D4 which S.a a n.l14, IUtiltllls aDd. DOW outataulliD&' eblf8t.t1oa asatut •14 Cit7, the olaw tbr wh1oh were 411J¥ aucl1te4 ..._ el.lencl "'¥ the CiV 0..1a1loa PJ"lor to tile ian&DOe thel'eof, &114 tor nlu a14 Clv noe1Ye4 tall T&lue 11114 ocnsalden.tioa &114 llere),r aaaowledpe receipt ot ... , u 'bet-s tnown aa4 \Da4er8t001\ tlaat thir wanut, aa well u all ather arl'alltl ot till• aerie•, 11 11nec1 tor tlle aole pvpoae .a4 iatet ot tululilll aa14 outltiDASIII iDl•bttcbleaa tato warna11a a~»rtaed. aat llnecl 1Jl aoatoraU7 with ~~ C0111tltutloa Ul4 law• ot the State of faa• aDd. irlpvnaase ot Ol'diuDGe •o. :3Sf., 4uq aJid. 1..,.111' 14o.pte4 )T the Cit;, Co..S.aeloa ot tu OiV ot Lu)ltoct, Texu, OD the .j£_ ~ ot tJ..-et: , A• D. 1926, &D4 reoo1'4e4 1a look L Pc• t?!Z et aeq •• ot the lliml.tel of _,, ctv Commiltioa. !HI DA!ll ot thb wnuat, 1a oOBtoJ"aiV •"11 tlle or41Da.aae aboTe amloaed., 11 Bo~'b•r let, lt16J u4 it 11 llee)T cen1t1e4, noite4 u4 repneeated., that all acta ,1 ~ oeD41t1ou &n4 th~• uoee1&17 to lte 4ou preoellent to u4 1a the 11naaoe ot the•• nrrant•. in ortv to -*• 'Ul• l~~r&l, n.U4 ~ 'b1J14S., o"bU.ptioaa of 1&14 Cit7, baTe 'beea clone aa4 perto1"1H4 &Ad h&Ye h&pp•e4 1B r-.ular &114 ae tlae, tom &114. •IIIler, u required. b7 lawJ that the llol4er or holder• ot thia na-raat, or the Mriet of whi*. it 11 a part, are &D4 ahall )e nltropte4 to all the ·rkhta u4 J)I'1T11Mea ua.Szult aid. [1 Cl117 U4 and po11e11ec1 )T the llol4el'l of the orlciD&1 1D4eb'\e4MIIJ that the faith &114 credit, &D4 all ot the reacnuoea ot 1&14 01t;r, are herelV' irreYoor.b17 pledee4 tor the prcapt p~at of the pr1JIC111&1 aD4 iatv•t of the1e nrna• at •WI'it7J that cb1e pi'OYlalon laaa "• JU4e tor lWTlDB &114 colleotuaa uamaalJ-7 )T t4.Dtloa an ...a 1\lttlcia.t to pa7 the 1a11el' .. t on tlle1e warl'alltl a1 1t tall• clue, aDd. to pJOYlte a e1Dki.DI tml4 tor the tiDal n4-.PtloD of aaicl nrraat1 at a'h.l'iVI aD4 tU.t the llau of nr~nt• of which thla 11 oM, tocftll• with all other iJaU)tecblela of aa14 C11i7, 11 withla nUT te~ aD4 other limit pr .. ftibecl 1t7 the Ooutitutlon aD4 lawt ot the State of !ezu, uad. )7 the 01 v Charter ot 1&14 Ci t7. U Wl'!DSS WBERBOf, '\be CiV Ca.aillion of the 01V ot Lu)book, !aa1, 11&1 oaue4 the Mal of la14 01V to lte herno atflzecl all4 th11 ftl"l'at to \e eipecl _. the ...,or aD4 onnteraJcucl ~the C1t;T S.crn&17, •• of the tat• laat aboYe wrltte. BBGIS!BRBD• 01 t7 Seont&17, C'1 V Of Lu'bboot, faae. the foa of inter en OOUpOn lball 'oe mltetant 1&117 a• fol1ow•a ' tso.oo ox TD ma :n&I o• -----· lt __ _., the 01V of ~'blto*, !uae, bere"'T pr0111eee to PAT to 'bear,r her .. t, at the latiODal , Jaaak of Coaaerce, BeY l'ol'k 01t7, Jew York, the na of !hirt7 Dollar• {j3o.oo), 1a law- 1\1.1 .aer ot the ualtec1 Siatee of .&merioa, aa14 nm beU.. •lz aonthl' 1Jltereat dlle that ln, 1126, to whldl thle ccnLpon 11 attaohecl &114. ta a parl th•eot. c1 '' Siorna17. I. l'l IS J'U.RriEB Olmll.liD lrT Ml4 CiV tbat aa14 OJ>!aiDal I.JitelJfieclull heret.uet•n •m11M4 aD4. 4eeortbe4 'be aDd. the .... ta herev ill all thiDp •al14ate4 aDd held aa4 deolal'l4 to '• a Yal14, •ub•1•t1mc, b1D41Qs &D4 ~at1atle4 o'blisat1on ........ _ .. __ .. _. -· .. r I'~ () t.md, to be 4eeipate4 "BrBCUL JUGDIG WAIIIAH JUI]), SDim I 0. lt26", lla&ll ._e created am the proceect• fl'• all tae• 1•1e4, a••••••4 and. oollecne4 tor or on aoco\Ult ot thil 1er1e1 or wanaate lball be creclite4 to ea14 tull4 tor the l'UJO•• of PIW'SJ:rc the iatel"at on aDd proY141111 the aHeii&J't •''*1111 hD4 tor ta re4earpt10ll of •14 'HZ'J'Aidl at ~~~atvlv, &D4 1alA tu4 0&1.1 be ued. tor ao ot~ P'U'liOIIJ that to orea" 1&14 tu4 to pa, the ilnereat oa aal4 wanaate Ul4 or•••• a elDidDS tu4 fttfioi- ent to recle• th• at ... turlv, a 1i&t of aD4 at tbe rate of two Ul4 one balf oate lat;} on MOb t lOO.OO Yalu.tlon ot all tua'le pJ:OpeJV 1a t&icl C11i7, U&ll be aamu.lq lnlecl on •a14 propeJ'117 aD4. ammall.,-uee11ed. azul oolleotecl, or 10 .oll tkveot •• all be- neoe•l&l7, or 1n &441t1on 'therno •• M7 be raqu1re4, until ea14 nrru.t1 with 1ntere1t thereon haYe l»e& full¥ pa14a &114 1ibe 1af.4 taz of two &D4 oae Mlf c&tl (~) i1 here DGW leYltcl tor •ll• OU'HIR 7•r, u4 10 IID.Oll ~ereot as lhall b• ~e11&17, or ill 1441t1~. ~ thereto •• ~ be 1"-IQ.1111'ecl, 1• here D.OW lnlecl tor ••· n.ooeecll.ai 7~ar while aa14 war- rant• or ~ ot th• are CJ\1 tn&Dd.U., aD4 the lUll all&ll be amma117 •••••led. ADd. col- 1 eot.cl u4 appU.e4 to tile plU'J)Oie DUled. 11. !rh.e tact that the 01V COIIIII1111on 4e•• u ot Yltal U.tel"eat to 'Ule Clt7' • oredlt to ta.a4 it• oa.tnaa4•nc izl4e)teclu••· oreatel aa 'wecllate u4 iJWeatiYI neoe11l1i7 tllat t.be rule reqiliilll or4JIIanon to be :re&4 at Mre tlwl one ••tiDe ot the C1v C~••iOJL )e •upca4e4, all4 •14 rule 11 herel~T n.~peDlecl, a1111 th1• or41aance 1ht.ll tate etteot ar&cl )e 1n toroe ma aD4 attw 1t• Jl&••-.r• &D4 apprOfal. PASSED, ~11 th• at cliiJ of ~ , A. D. 1~26 • .APPROV'.IJ), tllll the -a{. u,-of &d-, A· D. 1926, r () ~~ or;or ~ O'li., , ..... (Clft SJW,)