HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 355-1926 - Closing And Vacating The St Hunning E And W Between 75 And 59Th St. - 09/23/1926CITY HALL DITY 0~ LUBBOCK, TEXAS. September 23rd, 1926. The City Commission of the Uity of Lubbock, Texas, was convened in regular session in the City Hall, in the City of Lubbock, Texas, on the 23rd day of September 1926, Present -Fink L. Parrish, Mayor, W.S.Poaey, J.H.Hankins, A.V. Weaver and J.O.Jones, Commissioners, W.H. Perkinson, Superintendent of Utilities, and F.W. Groae, City Secretary, and the following proceedings, among others, were had, to-wit: The Hayor offered for consideration and passage by the City Commission Ordinance No. 355, entitled, "AB OliDINABCi CLOSING AND VACATING 'X HE STREET RUNNING EAST ABD WEST BETWEEN BLOCKS 75 ahd 59, ORIGINAL TOWN og LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, ABD THE SOUTH END OF THE ALLEY RUNNING NORTH AID SOUTH THROUGH BLOCK NO. 59, ORIGINAL TOWN OP LUBBOCK, J,UBBOCK COUNT'Y . TEXAS, BETWEBN LOTS 10 and 11 I! BLOCK NO. 59, MENTIONED ABOVE, AlfD DECLARING Alf Bll.ERGENCY." Moved by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Jeaver, that the ordinance be read in full by the UitJ Secretary. Moved by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Weaver, that the Ordi:.nana .e pass fi rs t reading: Yeas: Nays: Commissioners Jona.s and •Weaver. liankins, and Posey, and Mayor Parrish. None. i4otion carried. Moved by Commissioner. Jones, seconded by Commiasioner Weaver that Ordinanae be placed on third and final reading by caption: Yeas: Commissioners Jones, Weaver, Hankins a nd Posey, and Mayor Farrish. ~ays: None. Motion carried: Moved by Commissioner Jones. seconded by Commissioner fle&ver, that the ordinance be finally passe&: Yeas: Commissioners Jone s . ieaver. Hankins and Posey. Bays: None. Motion carried: Mayor Farrish then declared the ordinance finally passed. 0' 0 . ORDU.AIICK 10.~ ,. ... 7 AB ORDIN.AIICB OLOSIBG JJID VAOJ.tiBG THE S!REE! RtJDII'G EJ.S! AI'D WES! BEftltD BLOCXS 96 dD 69, ORIGIJIAL fOWl' OF LUB:BOCX:, LUBBOCK COUll!!', TEXAS, AliD THIC SOUTH ED OF THE ~ RBDiliG WORTH AID SOU!ll THROUGH BLOCX lJO. 69,0RIGIB.AL MD OP LUBBOCX, LUBBOCK COUlf'l'Y, TEXAS, BETWBD LOTS 10 DD 11 Ill BLCOX: 1'0 t59, DNTIOliED J.BOVE, AlfJ) DBCLARIIG All DERGEIICY • Bl IT OR:DJ.IliED BY TRE Cift COMIUSSIOB OF LU!BOCX; HU.S: Seotion 1. !hat in the iaterest of the publ1o welfare, safety and beAefit, the atree' running Eaa~ and West betweea Blooks 76 and 69, original town of Lnbbook, LUb oook Coun t7, Texas, and the a1117 raruling llor th and Sou\h thro~ Blo4k Bo. 69, original town of ~bbook, LRboock Coun,7, Texas that 11ew between the ends ot Lots 10 and ll in said Block No. 69 mentioned abo••• ought to be olosed and ~aoate4. Seot1on 2. That said street runn1ag East and West between Blooka 75 and ~9, original town of Lubbook, :tubbook Oout7, Texas, and that part of the alle7 run- ning llorth and South through Block Bo. 19, oriainal town of LUbbock, ~bbook County, Texae, 171ns between lots 10 and ll in ea1d Blook xo. 69, mentioned above, and more fully described on the map of said town of ~boook, be and the same 1e herebJ abandoned, vacated and oloeed to the publio uae. Seo,ion 3. !he fact that immediate aotion hereon will enable the owner of said propert7 171ng on eaoh aide and ad3aoent to the above deaoribed stree' and part of said alleJ to make improvements u~on said propert7, and to prevent the public froa the exposure of danger, and eliminate an unsafe and undesirable condition, oraatee an emerseno7 and an imperati~e public .a.eoeseity, whioh requires that the rule tor the reading of an ordinanoe on three ee.eral 4&78, be •suspended and said rule ia herebr auapended, and this ordinance ·•-'t shall be i.a. force from and after its paasaqe • ..,)"-.. Wi t.nese aq ofticeial hand this~ da7 ot <2-~ }· ]). li26. r.7 7-~ · Q 6 • ~4 £" t-~· 'l.--'1 ~~-:...-L yor >:• (seal)