HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 348-1926 - Municipal Water System Regulating Use Of Water - 07/22/1926jL/rf'
Section 1. That as soon as practicable after tbe passage, ap-
proval and publication of t his Ordinance, all water furnished
by the Oity of Lubbock, Texas, to its uonsumers shall be meas-
ured by meter. !he following meter rates are hereby established
for those who are furnished water by the City of Lubbook,Texas:
For the first 2,000 Gallons 75r/_ per thousand Gal.
" ., next 3,000 " 50'f ,, " " " " " 5,000 " 25¢' '! " " ' ' .
" " " 15,000 " 15¢' '! '! !! '
" " " 25,000 " 13¢. " " rr --' " " " 60,000 " 12¢' " ,, " ' . ., " ' . ,, " ,, 400,000 " 11¢' " ,, " ' ---
Ana for consumers in exoess of 600,000 gallons per month, lOt/
per l.ooo gallons.
All meters of 2 inches and larger must be furnished and repaired
at customers expense. and shall remain hie property, but shall
at all times be under the superVision of the Water Department.
A minimum rate for water charged to consumers on meter rate
shall be~.60 per month, regardless of the amounp 'of water
used. z o c •
Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to have
~he water or lights. or water and lights turned on for use at ~r
premises, shall make application at the office of the ~ity Secretary
for such service and shall be required to make a deposit in the sum
of 15.00 for each residence and 110.00 for each business eo served
and the City Secretary shall issue him ~ aer a receipt therefor.
Said deposit shall remain up with the City of Lubbock until such
time as tbe customer making same shall have ordered such service
discontinued and shall have paid all bills due the City of Lubbock
for water or light service at which time it would be the duty of
the City Secretary to refund such deposit on pr e sentation by the
consumer of his original receipt.
Provided, however, that in oaee of default in payment of any water
or light rental when same becomes due, the uity shall apply as much
as may be necessary to payment of said rental without prejudice to
its ri g hta to cut off such service or ita rights to make the dha rge
for connecting up same again as provided by Ordinan ce.
Section 3. Where there is more than one residence, business or
premises using Git,y water through the same meter the Uity Water
Department shall require payment of a monthly minimum charge for
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It shall be unlawful for any person other than the Water Superinten-t
dent or some person especially empowered by him, or a regular employee ~-
of the ~ire Department of this City, to open any fire hydrant, fountain
or any device or connectioh therewith.
It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully obstruct the access
to any fire hydrant or any connection or water pipe by any means
whatsoever• It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully in~ure
any fire hydrant, fire hose, tools or any property of the water or
sewer system.
It shall be unlawful for any person exeept the Water Superintendent or
some person especially authorized by him, or some member of the regular
employees of the fire department of the Uity of Lubbock, Texas. to open.
operate. close, turn on, turn off, interfere with or attach any pipe
or -hose to or conneot anything with any gate valve, stop cook or fire
hydrant belonging to the City of Lubbock, Texas. whether on private
premises or not.
It shall be unlawful for any person to turn on the water to his prem-
ises after same has been turned off by the Water Superintendent or
any lawful authority. Any person violating any of the provisions of
this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion shall be fined in a sum not leas than $10.00 and not more than
Section 4. lees for tapping water mains shall be as follows:-
Por 5/8" tapf tl7.50; 374" tap. $22.50; and 1 1
' tap $32.50; for ta.}S
larger than 1" consumers shall pay cost of labor and material of
installation,-provided, however, t~at all taps made on paved streets
shall be of lead or copper pipe and the consumer shall pay the actual
coat of labor and material in addition to the tapping fees and shall pay
for tearing up and replacing that portion of the paved street remo~ed.
And it is· further provided that hereafter each residence, business or
prem1aes shall have a separate and indep~ndent curb stop and no tW?
consumers shall be served through the a~ter.
Section 5. Any person desfring to have premises connected with
the water supply of the City of Lubbock, Texas. shall make application
to the Water Superintendent on the form ~ascribed by him, which said
application shall contain the name and description of the lot. block and
addition and official house number of the premises on which water is
desired, and said application shall state the purpose for which said
water is to be used and the number of sinks and hose bi8s, water
closets and faucets on said }remises to be connected with the water
supply. Said application shall also contain a proVision that the signer
thereof consents to all of the provisions of this or any other Ordinance,
rule or regulation relating to the water works of the City of L~bock,
Texas. Said application shall be signed b7 the owner of the premises
to be supplied, or his duly authorized agent.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to connect or
ouase to be connected the water service pipe of hie o.~rr premises to
the water service pipe of any other premises.
Section 6. The City of Lubbock, Texas, shall furnish water to any and
all parsons applying therefor where it has a main in the street in
front of or abutting upon the property toThe served. upon the payment
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All extentions of ·water and sewer mains or laterals in or upon any
street or ally within the oor~orate limits of the City of Lubbock,
Lubbock, Texas, shall be done by the Water Department of the City of
Lubbock, Texas, and no person, firm or corporation shall make a~
such extention except by special permit from the Mayor and City Com-
It shall be unlawfUl for any person except the Water Superintendent or
some one authorized by him to open any cook or stop box. It shall be
unlawfUl for any person except the Water. Superintendent or some person
authorized by him to turn the water on or off at said stop cock or stop
box, and any person violating this section of this Ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in
any sum not less than tlo.oo and not more than floo.oo.
Section 7. All chargee for water service will be charged against the
premises for which service was installed and against the owner thereof
and said premises and said owner shall be liable for the payment of any
and all water furnished. Provided, however, it shall be ~wful for any
owner to contract with his tenant, in addition to the regular rent to
be paid, for the paymeht of suoh water rent and it shall be lawful for
said tenant to pay said water rents; but suoh contract shall not re-
l -i-eve the owner of his property from liability for such rent.
Section e. Wa~e~o bta~e r wtll be due and payable on the first day of
eaoh calendar month for the month preoeeding and same must be paid with•
in ten days thereafter, and should bhe same not be paid ¢he ~-J ioniWDe!l ... ·lJitall
be ·out f off and the water shall not be turned on again until the amount
due shall be paid and the consumer shall pay ,1.00 extra for turning on
the water again. A discount of lo% will be allowed on all water bills
paid before the lOth of the month.-
All water charges and fees proVided to be paid in this Ordinance are
payable at the o£fiae of the City Secretary.
Section 9. Any consumer desiring to discontinue the use of water shall
give notice in writing to the o£fice of City Secretary on or before the
date on which he will discontinue to use same and he shall be liable
for the use of water until such notioe is given.
Section 10. The City of Lubbock, Texas, shall not be liable for any
damage to property by machinery or .any apparatus belonging to or con-
nected with the water works or for damage •aused by stoppage for nec-
essary repairs or for accidents resulting from enginea or variations of
water ~assure. Consumers shall be required to keep all pipes, hoae,
bibs and fixtures in good order and free from leaks at tbair own expense
and must have same repaired promptly and failure to repair same within
two days after notice from the Water Superintendent shall be deemed an
offense and any person found guilty thereof shall be fine411J!n&nf :-'sUilc
not less than $10.00 nor more than tloo.oo.
Section 11. The Water Superintendent and employees of the Water De-
partment of the City of Lubbock, Texas, shall have acoess at all
reasonable hours to all premises supplied with water for the purpose
of seeiDg that the terms of this Ordinance are being observed and for the
purpose of inspecting and reading meters. As s9on as practicable, after
the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance, all consumers
of City water shall be put on separate and independent metees. Where
there is more than one oonsum&r or premises served by the same meter,
it shall be the duty of the property owner to run a separate service
from each premises to a point two feet inside curb line and it shall be
the duty of the Water Superintendent to set a meter thereon.
-• -' I
Section 12. Any person violating any section of this Ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of an offenee and shall be fined in any sum not more than floo.oo.
Section l3. The City Manager shall have authority to decide any ques-
tion which may arise and whioh is not fully oovered by any of the
provisions of this Ordinancai and he shall have the right to fix and
determine any Water ~ate not provided for in this Ordinance and his
decision in such cases shall be final. subject to modification by the
Mayor and City Uommission of the City of Lubbock, Texas.
Section 14. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict here-
with shall be and the same are hereby repealed and all Ordinances and
parts of Ordinances not in conflict with this Ordinance shall remain in
full fore$ an~ effect.
Section 15. Whereas at this time the Gity of Lubbock, Texas. has no
adequate wate~ rates governing the water furnished to the consumers
and the water ts being wasted and thereby additional expense is being
created against the tax payers of said City, and Whereas it is neces-
sary that said City have a uniform water rate.
INTRODU ~n T THE Regular Meeting of the City Commission on the~~
day 9f~~~~-7--~· 1926, and ~ally p~ssed at the Hegular Meeting
of th Commission on the ~ day of ~ • 1926.
iaesei First nead:ift! .lll;Ly aa 1 l~B&.
, l9e6 ...
~m~ Mayor ATT:it.ST:
'*iiretary .
I • ' I
\.. 1
Affidavit of Publisher
COUNTY OF LUBBO CK Before m e, the undersigned author:ty
o n this day personally a p p ear e d James L. Dow, kn~o, being by l(le duly~
deposes and says that he is the publisher of the ---~------------~-----------------
8 newspaper of general cir c ulation published in said oo unty, that said newspaper has been continuously and
r e gularly published in said c ounty for a period of m o re than one year; that copy of the within}~e
g oing notice was published in said newspaper at l east once each week for a period oL __ LP._~v~::..~"--
d ayo befote the tetam d~ed thetein, •uch publication being on the followinKif'
---~~-:t ___ ,~ __ (_f~~---~--q~!rq ___ -1-/'Z~-~: __ _
a nd a newspaper copy of which ia hereto attached.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
~~~'!il'::--~----· 192~ ---'1