HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 276-1924 - Annuling And Improving All Proceedings Herefore Taken Ave Q - 12/11/1924ORDINANCE Bo. 276. . ' ORDI NA!TCE REPEALING CANCELLING AID AmTULLING ALL PROCEEDINGS HERETOFORE TAKEli AND HAD WITH REFERENCE TO THE D4PROVEMEN'l' OF THE HEREIBBELOW liEllTION- ED POJ;tTI ONS OF AVENUE Q AND DECLARING All EMERGENCY. WHEREAS. the City of Lubbock has heretofore• ordered that the hereinbelow mentioned porti ns of Avenue Q. ~ong other streets and places in the said City. be improved .by raising, grading, and filling same, and by paving., and by installing curbs and gutters, and contract for the making and com truetion of such improvements was made and entered 'lil~'O with Panhandle Construction Ccmpan7 and a£ter due notice assessments were leVied, such portions o~ Avenue Q being as followsa to-wits Avenue Q, from its intersection with the South property line of Sixth Street to its _intersection with the Borth property line of M~ Street, and from its inte rsection with the South property l ine of Main Street to its intersection with the l'ortb property line of Broa dwa y Stre~t, mom a nd designa ted -·as District. or Unit. Bo. 18. Avenue ~' from its intersection with the South prope rty line of Broad~ wa y Street to its intersection vrith the Borth property U.ne of 1'hirteenth Street and from its intersection with the South prop erty line of Thirteenth Street to its intersection with the North property line of Nineteenth Street, known a nd designated AS District or Unit ~o. 19, and• WHEREAS, it is impracticable at this time to proceed with the improve• ment of the hereinabove specifically mentioned portions of Avenue Q, upon the plan here tofore provided; and, WHEREAS, before instituting another plan of tmprovement it is necessary tha t proceedings heretofore taken and had be cancelled. and annulled, a nd the present co ndition o~ such streets endangers health an4 aaretyt a nd such facts constitute and create an emerg8DCT and an urgent public necessity, requiring th~t the rules and charter provisions providing for ordinances to be:..·rea d more than once or at more than Rue meet.1ng be suspended, a nd r e quiring tha t this ord1 nance be passel17and take. effect as a n emergency me a sure; a nd• WHEREAS. the said Panhandle Construction Company has consented to the cancellation of' the sal d contract in ao tar, but onlJ' in so far, as same embraces and affects the said specifically mentioned portions of Avenue ~~ THEREFORE BE IT ORD,UEED BY THE CITY OODISSIO:N OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, 1'EXA.S i mAT·s All ordinances• resolutions, ~nd any and all other proceedings here- tofore pa.sse~ adopted, or taken by the C 1 ty of Lubbock, or 1 ts governing bod7, with refe1·enee to the improvement ot: the said portions of Avenue Q, excep t in so far as smne may relete to the construction of sto~ sewer8, and the same are -hereby in so tar, but only in so far, as they relate to the improvement of the s a14 specifically mentiomt portims of Avenue Q otheruise then by the construction of' storm se~ters, shall be and the same are !w'eby cancelled, repealed, and annulled, tlnd . particuln.rly all assessments levied against any property abutting upon such portions of' said street for the improvement of such porti m a, and against the owners of such propert7, and shall be and the same are hereby cancelled, and annulled. 11 .. That the contrac t of Panhandle Construction Company for the making and construction of improvements on s~d portions ot streets ia hereby c a ncelled in so f':~r, but only in ao to.r, a s same relates to the making a nd com truetion of 1mprovemeds other than storm sewers on said specifi- cally mentioned portions of Avenue Q. 111 •. The facts above recited constitute and create an emergency ~nd an tm- pera tive public necessity requiring that the rules and charter provi- sions providing for ordinances to be read more than one time or a t more than one meeting be suspended, and that this ordina nce be passed as an4 t a ke effect as a n emergency measure, a nd such rules a nd provisions are Ord. I 2?6 -Page 2. accordingly suspended an4 this ordinance is passed as and ah~ll take effect as emergency measure, and shall be in ~ull force and effect immdiately from a nd after its pa ssage. Passed a nd approved this 11t h day of December, A.D. 1924. . ATTEST I J.R. Germany vity Secretary. . ....... ___ ..,._ F.R. Friend Kayor, ~1ty of Lubbock •