HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 274-1924 - Repealing ETC. Improvement Of Broadway Street. - 12/11/1924ORDINANCE Jl~.. . -'• ORD.lNAlreE REPEALING• 'cANCELLING AliiD ADVLLDG ALL PROCEEDINGS ImRETO. FORE TAKEB AliD RA.!) '~I'l'H BE!I:EREB'CIC TO THE IMPROVEME NT OF THE HEtmlllBELOW DN'l'IOlmD PORTIONS Olt' BROADWAY STlU~ET .Ulf) J' :ri!OLARING A.N ~GERCT. , ' ... i ' WR.fl.'REAS• the ei ty of' Lubbock baa her.etof'ore order e d th'l t. the hereinbelow mentJ.,om 4 portiona of' Broadway Stree-t.. among other streeta ancl places 1n the said city, be improved by raising~ ~ding, nnd f'illins'ame. and by paving. a nd b-y installing curlls and gutt-ers* and eontract for the making and co nstnct-ion-of' su.ch improvements was made and enteret into wi tll· P a nhandle Construction CmnpaJ27~ and after due notice asseBB• ments were l evied• such portions of Broadway Strent b d .ng a s follows& to-witt Broadway Stre~t~ ~ ita interaeetion with the Ea st prop erty line of Avenue P to its intersection with the Eest pron erty line o£ Avenue U, kno'F'n a nd de s i gna ted as District· or Unit No. 2A .. Broadway Stre P.t, from its intersection with the Eas t propert7 line of Avenue U to its intersection with the East property 11ne of Avenue Y, known and d es i &~~ted as District or Unit No. 3. a nd, WHEREAS, it is i mp ractica ble at this time to preceed with the improvement of the hereinabove specifically mentioned portions o£ ~roadw~· Street upon the plan heretofore ~rovided; and, WHEREAS, before insti t.uting a.nother plaj of' improvement it is necesaa.17 that proceedings heretofore ~ken and bad be cancelled and annulled, and the present condition of such streets endangers health and safety. and such facta constitut0 a nd create an emergency and an urgent public necessit-y requ5.ring th3.t the rules and charter provisions providing fo~ erdina nces to be read more than onoe 6r at more than one meeting be suspended, and r cquting tha t t h is ordi~ae be p a ssed as an4 t a ke effect as an emerge ncy mea sure; and• WJmREAS,. the said Panhandle Constructip.)l Company has consented to the cancell~tion of the said contf!ac\ in so tar., but only in so tar, aJ same embraces and affects the said spedlfically me nticred portions ot Broadway Street; TKEBEFORE BE IT OHDAilmD BY THE CITY CCIIJ!ISSION OF THE C Ifi OF WBBOCX, it.EXAS: THAT, 1. ~l ordinances, resolution$, and any and all other pr~eedin~ hereto~ fore p a ssed, ado p t e d, o r t uken. b the City of Lubboc~. or its govern• 1ng body, with reference to the improvement of the said portions ot Broadway Stree t, exc ept i n ao tar as s~e may relat e to the construe• t~on of' storm. s ewe r s , b e and the same are hereby. in so f"o:tr, 'but only in so f a r, a s t he:r relate t-o the improvement of th<~ aa.id specifically mentioned p~rti o ns of B ro ~dway Stre et otherwise than by the construction or storm sewe rs, uh c l l b e a nd the same are hereby e~ncelled, repealed and annulled. and particula rly all assessments levied ag{,linst any property abutting t.p on such portions ot said s-tre t:t for the im- provement of such portions. and against the owners of such property~ shall 'be and the s ame ar~ hereby cancelled• and annulled. 11. That the contra ct of Pant.ae.ndle Construetion Company for the making and construction of' improvements on s~id portions of st:reeto is hereby cancelled insofar,. but rJ nly in so ~ar, as same relates to the making and construction of improvements other tha n ntor.m se~ere on said speci• fically mentioned portions of Broadway Street. 111. the facts a bove recited constitute and ere ~te au emergency a nd an imperative p ul>l1c necessity requiring that the rules end charter provi• siona providing for ordinance ~-o be read more than cne time or at more than one m e e tin g ~ suspended. and that this ordinance be Pl&Sed as ad emergency me a sure . and such rules and provisior1a tt :.-e accordingly suspend• e d and this ordina nce iB passed as and shall take effect as _ e.n emergency measure , a n d. shall be in :fUll force and ef'fect itr..rr4ediately f:rom and afte r ita p ~s aage . Passed and approved this 11th day of December, A.D. 1924. Attest& ;r •. R.Germa.ny, City Secreta l"f:R.?riEIIl' Jla yor, City cf Lubbock,Texaa. ·II