HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 267-1924 - Contract Between Fairbanks, Morse And CO. For Electrical Plant. - 10/17/1924ORDINANCE NO. 267 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CON'mAc.T ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF LUBBOCIC, TEXAS, AND FAIRBANKS, M:>RSE & cO., CONTRA<Jl'OR, FOR THE FURN- ISIDNG OF AN ADDITIONAL UNIT FOR THE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT IN AND FOR SAID CITY: AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS IN PAYMENT THEREFOR: LEVYING THE NECESSAR TAX TO PAY THE INTEREST AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND . TO RETIRE SAID WARRAN'IS AT MATURITY: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, has heretofore detennined the necessity for the installation of an additional unit for the electric light plant in and for said City, and, in accordance with the provisio of Section 27, Article IX, of the Special Charter of said City, caused to be published in the Lubbock Avalanche an advertisement calling for bids for the furnishing of said unit; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission received and canvassed bids and found that the bids of Fairbanks, Morse & Co. was the best bid received, and in consequenc thereof entered into a contract with said Fairbanks, Morse & Co. on the 13th da of October, 1924, which contract is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said contract has been by this Commission duly considered and understood: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: 1. That said co~tract be and the same is hereby ratified, approved, confi and adopted as the act and contract of said City, and the same shall be recorde upon the Minutes of this Commission, and said sum of $24,600.00 is hereby made and declared to be the lawful debt of said City of Lubbock, Texas. 2. That, in accordance with said contract, warrants of the City of Lubboc to be called "CITY OF LUBBOCK ELECTRIC UGHT PLANT \'/ARRANTS , SERIES 1924", be issued in the sum of Twenty four Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($24,600.00), evidencing the contract price to be paid Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Contractor,by said City for the furnishing of said unit in accordance with said contract. 3. That said warrants shall be numbered from one (1) to twenty five (25), inclusive, and shall be in denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) ea except Warrant No. 1 shall be for Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00), aggregating the sum of Twenty Four Thousand Six Hundred Dollars($24,600.00). 4. That they shall be dated October 20th, 1924, and shall become due and payable serially as follows: WARRANT NOS. 1, 2 & 3, 4 & 5, 6 & 71 MATURITY DATES February 1st, 1929, February 1st, 1930 February 1st, 1931 February 1st, 1932 AM:>UNTS. $600.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 .. 8 & 9, February lst, 1933, 2,000.00 10 & 11, February 1st, 1934, 2,000.00 12 & 13, February lst, 1935, 2,000.00 14 & 15, February lst, 1936, 2,000.00 16, 17 & 18, February 1st, 1937, 3,000.00 19, 20 & 21, February 1st, 1938, 3,000.00 22, 23, 24 & 25, February lst, 1939, 4,000.00 s. That said warrants shall bear interest from date until paid at the rate of six per centum (6~) per annum, payable October 20th, 1925, February 1st, 1926, and semi-annually thereafter on the 1st day of August and the 1st day of February of each year, which interest is a part of the contract price agreed to and shall be evidenced by coupons attached to each of said warrants. Past due interest shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum (6%} per annum from maturity until paid. 6. Principal and interest of said warrants shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of warrant or proper coupons at the Continental & Commercial National Bank, Chicago, lllino s. Said warrants shall provide that in the event of default in the payment of principal or interest, and the same is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, or if collected by suit, or by legal proceedings of any kind, an additional amount of ten per centum(lO~} on the principal and interest then due shall be added as attorney's fees. 7. Said warrants shall be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the City Secretary and registered by the City Treasurer, and the seal of the City shall be impressed upon each of said warrants. Fac simile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary may be lithographed upon the interest coupons. 8. The form of warrant shall be substantially as follows: No •. __ _ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK $1,000.00 CITY OF LUBBOCIC ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT WARRANT, SERIES U24 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the City of Lubbock, a municipal corporation in the County of Lubbock, and State of Texas, under and by virtue of a valid and subsisting contract, is justly indebted to Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Contractor, its assigns or bearer, in the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America, together with interest thereon, f rom date hereof until paid, at the rate of six per.centum (6%) per annum, inter st payable October 20th, 1925, February 1st, 1926, and semi-annually thereafter on the lst day of August and the 1st day of February of each year; past due interes shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum {6%) per annum from maturity until paid; both principal and interes~ payable at the Continenta l & Commercial National Bank, Chicago, Illinois, upon presentation a nd surrender of warrant or proper coupon; and the City Treasurer of s a id City is hereby a uthorized, ordered and directed to pay to the said Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Contractor, its assigns r bearer, at the said bank, the said sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), on t e 1st day of February, 19 , the date of mdturity of this warrant, in full settlement of the indebtedness hereby evidenced, from the "Special Electric Ligh Plant Warrant Fund, Series 1924", of said City, levied, assessed and created for that purpose. IT IS HEREBY especially agreed that if this warrant, or any interest coupon hereto attached, is not paid at maturity, and the same is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection after maturity thereof, or suit is filed thereon, or collec~ion made by legal proceedings of any kind, an additional amount of ten pe centum (10%) on the principal and interest then due, shall be added as attorney' f• THIS WARRANT is one of a series of twenty five (25) warrants, numbered consecutively from one (1) to twenty five {25), inclusive, in denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, except Warrant No. 1 is for Six Hundred Dollars {$600.00), aggregating the sum of TWenty Four Thousand Six Hundred Dolla s ($24,600.00), issued for the purpose of evidencing the indebtedness of the City of Lubbock to the said Fairbanks, Morse & Co., its assigns or bearer, for the electric light plant in and for said City, in accordance with contract between s id City and said Contractor, under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of State of Texas, and the City Cha -~ter of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and in ·purs nc• of an ordinance duly and legally adopted by the City Commission of said City an recorded in the Minutes of said Commdssion. THE DATE of this warrant, in conformity with the ordinance above mentioned, is October 20th, 1924; and it is hereby certified and recited that all acts, condi on: and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this warrant av· been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said Ci including this warrant and the series which it is a part, does not exceed any constitutional or statute limitation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, h caused the seal of said City to be hereto and this warrant to be signed by the and countersigned by the City Secretary, as of the date last above written. Mayor, City of Lubbock, Texas. OOUNTEESIGNED: REGISTERED, this the day of ___________________ ----__ , 1924. City Secretary, City. of Lubbock, Texas City Treasurer, City of Lubbock, Texas. The form of interest coupon shall be substantailly as follows: NO •. ____ _ ON THE ___ DAY OF -----' 19 ___ , $30.00 the City of Lubbock, Texas, will be justly indebted to Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Contractor, its assigns or bearer, in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00), by virtue of a contract between said City and said Contractor; and the City Treasu is authorized, ordered and directed to pay to said Contractor, its assigns or be on said date, at the Continental & Commercial National Bank, Chicago, Illinois, out of the "Special Electric Light Plant Warrant Fund, Series 1924", of said City, said sum, being six months' interest on CITY OF UJBBOCK ELECTRIC LIGHT PL WARRANT, SERIES 1924, No, , dated October 20th, 1924, to which this coupon s attached and is a part thereof. MAYOR CITY SECRETARY. The following assignments shall be printed on the back of each of said war ~IGNMENT. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that Fairbanks, Morse & Co. has received the within pri Electric Light Plant Warrant, and the interest coupons thereto annexed, from th of Lubbock, Texas, and, for value received, hereby transfers, assigns, sells an delivers, without recourse, toW. A. Myrick, all right, title and interest it h i and to the same, and also the proportionate part of said contract price and the due it, with interest thereon, py said City, which is represented by the amount for by this principal warrant and the annexed coupons; and said W. A. Myrick is by subroga ted to al l claims, liens, right or title, whether in law or in equity, which are or may be secured to said Fairbanks, Morse & Co. in said contract and hereby authorizes him to collect the s ame and give full receipt and acquittance e of in its name. F .AIRBANKS MORSE & 00, CONTRACI'OR, BY ____________________ _ I hereby assign, sell and deliver, without recourse, to bearer all right, tl and interest I have in and to the above mentioned warrant and annexed coupons. 9. Said warrants shall be executed and delivered to said Contractor in estimate to be allowed by the City Commission when said machinery has been deli re in said City of Lubbock and accepted by the City Commission. 10. IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that a fund be and the same is hereby made and created and shall be set aside and designated as ·"sPECIAL ELECTRIC LIGHT WARR FUND SERIES 1924 ... which fund when collected shall be used to pay the interest d provide the necessary sinking fund to pay for the said warrants at maturity and or no other purpose; that to create said fund for the purpose of paying the interest on said warrants and providing sufficient sinking fund to pay them at maturity, a tax of an~ at the rate of two and one half cents (2i¢) on the $100.00 valuation of all taxable property in said City shall be annually levied assessed and collected, and said tax is here now levied for the current year, a so much thereof as shall be necessary for each succeeding year while said warra s or any of them, a re outstanding a nd unpaid, and the same shall be annually asses - ed and collected and applied to the purpose named. Ad Valorem Tax levied to pa the interest on said warrants and to provide a sinking fund to redeem them at maturity, all the revenue, or so much thereof as thereof as shall be necessary, derived from the operation of the electric liQht plant of the City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby irrevocably pledged to pay the interest and principal of said ~arrants at their respective maturities. 11. The fact that the City of Lubbock is in urgent need of electric light extensions on account of the rapid growth of the City, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity that the rules requiring ordinances to be rea at more than one meeting of the City Commission be suspended, and it is so ordai ed and this ordinance shall .take effect and be in force from and after its passage nd approval. PASSED, this the 17th day of October, 1924. APPROVED, this the 17th day of October, 1924. F.R. Friend Mayor City of Lubbock, Texas. ATI'EST: J,. R. Germany, City Secretary, City of Lubbock, Texas. I ' Tc)-"blf ·adop t ed bv.-Oi ty Commissi on , si~ by Mayor, signed and sealed by Ci~Y Secretary and recol'd.ed in Minutes of CITY HALL Oity of .Tn bboolt., Texas, Ootober~th. 1924. City • Commission. · • I -The Oit1 Commission of the City of Lubboolt., Texas, was convened in regular session in the Oity Hall, in the Oity of Lubbook:, Texas, on the /7th dq of Ootober, 1924., !resent,-F. R • .F:r~en Mazor. Commissioners, £Jr.~'~ ~ .6. {vctl and J. R. Germa.n;y, Oi t y Secreta17,-~ he following proceedings, among others, were had, to-wit: ne Mayor offered foi oonsideration and passage by the City Commission Ordinanoe Bo.~~1 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RATIFY- ING AND OONI!,IRMING CONTRACT ENTER'Ei5' INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE OI TY OF WBBOOK, TEXAS, ADD FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., CONTRACTOR, FOR THE FURNISHING OF AN ADDITIONAL UNIT FOR THE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT IN AND FOR SAID CITY: AUTHORIZING TBE ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS IN PAYMENT THEREFOR: LEVYING THE NECESSARY TAX TO PAY THE INTEREST AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO RETIRE SAID WARRANTS AT MATURITY: AND DEOLARING AN Elli.ERGENOY." /JJloved by 00111Dlise1oner ~ , seoonded by Oommis- sioner ~ • that the ordina ~read in f'ull. Motion carried, and the ordinance was read in full by the City Secretar,v. ";; }J!J!!_djlYI Commissioner lib& , seconded by Commis- sioner Jjr_~ • that the ordina:no:epass first reading: YEAS: Oo111111ssioners lf3.ki:v Y 71"~ . NAYS: Bone. Motion carried. 4-d y Commissioner t/44.£ , seoonded by Oommis-sioner~, that the rules e suspen!ed and the ordinance be place second reading by oapiion: b? _ YEAS: CoiiiJlissioners fr~ fl &~ NAlS: Bone. Motion oarried. oyed by 00111Dliss1oner ~ , aecOR4ed by Commis- sioner , that the ordinano i})aoed on third and final reading y oaption: . Motion oarried. YEAS: Oomm1se1oners ~ J ~ NAYS: None. r?A;,I/'_Z~by Commissioner ~4 ~ , seconded by Commis-sioner~, that the ordinancu~ inall.1' passe~., _ YEAS: Commissioners ~ 7 ~ NAYS: None M~or Friend then declared the ord1nanoe fina~ {' Motion carried. ~\adopted. The ordinance follows: r. i. I B DE x • ••• • • 1. Ordinance oalling bond election - -• --- -- - - - - - 2. Election Notioe - - -• - ----• - -- - - - - - - - - z. Atf14aTit of fostinB Election Bot1oe - - - -• -• --- '· Affidavit of Publication o~ Election Botioe - - - - - - - 5. Eleotion Return & CopJ of !allot • - -• • - -- - --- 6. Order Canvaaaing Returns ... - -• - - -.. -- - --- -- '1. Ordinance authorialng lesuaaoe of Bonds .... - - - - - --.. I-A GE 1. .. 4. '· •• '· 8 to a. Oe:rt1f1oate of D1str1ot Clerk • - - - - - - --.. --18. t. Cert1t1cate ot C1 t7 Seoretar7 -- - - - - - -• .. • -• 19. 10. linanoia l Stat •ment ----------- - - -20. • • • • • 2 • 11. ORDINAHOE BO. ~~~ AN OBDINANOE RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING OOBT.RACT ENTERED INTO BY ·AND BETWEEN THE Cift OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, Alm FAIR'.BABXB • MORSE & 00. , OOBTRAOTOR, FOR THE FUlUliSHING OF A!T ADDl~ONAL UNIT FOR THE ELEOTRIO LIGHT PLANT Ill Am> FOR SAID CITY: AU- TRORIZIBG TltE ISSUAHOE OF WA.BlUa.liTS IB PAYMEN!r THEREFOR: LEVYING THE NECESSARY TAX ro PAY THE IITEREST AND PROVIDE A SIBXIBG FUBD TO RETIRE SAID WARRANTS AT MATURITY: ABD DECLARING AN EMERGENOY. WHEREAS. the 01ty Oomm.1ss1on of the City of Lubbock:, Texas. has heretofore determined the necessity for the 1nstallat.ion of an additional unit for the eleotrio light plant in and for said Cit,-. and. in aoeoTdanoe with the provisions of Section 27, Artiole IX, of the Speoial Ohe.rter of said Oit~, oaused to be published 1n !l'he Lubboclt Avalamhe an a<lvert1.sement calling for bide 1or the furnishing of said tm.it; and .• W.HlllEAS • the 01 ty Oommiesion reo.eivGd and canvas·aed bids .and found that the bids of Fairbantts. Morse & Oo. was the best bid reoe1ve4, and in oonsequenoe thereof entered into a oon- t raot with said Fa1rbants, Morse &: Oo. on the 13th day of Ootober, 1924, whi<lh oontraot is hereto attached and made a part hereof; md, WliFBEAS, said contract has been by this Oommisat,on d~ oonsidered and understood: NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT ORDAIBED BY TRE OITY OF LUBBOOK, TEXAS: 1.. !hat said oontra.ot be and the same is hereby ratified, appreved, confirmed and adopted ae the act and contract of said Cit,-, and the same shall be reoorded upon the llinu.tea of this Oommiasion, and said sum of $24,600.00 is hereby made and declared to be ~he lawful debt of eai d C!i ty of Lubboot, 1'exas. 2. That, in accordance with said oontraot, warrants of the City of Lubboolt, to be called "OITY OF LU.BBOOK ELEOTRIO LIGHT PLANT WA'RRANTS. SERIES 1924", be issued in the sum of Twenty Four Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($24,600.00), evidencing the oontraot prioe to be paid Fairbanks, Morse & Oo., Contractor, b7 said City for the fUrnishing of said unit in aooordanoe with said oontraot. s. fhat said warrants shall be numbered :from one (1) to· twenty five (25), inolusivt, and shall be 1n denomination of One ThousB.fld Dollars ($1,000.00) each, ~oept Vl arrant No. 1 shall be for Six Hundr.a Dollars ( $600. 00) • aggregating the sUD of Twent7 ll'our Thousand Six Hundr-ed Dollars { $24,600. 00) • ' 4. That they shall be dated October 20th, 1924, and shall become due and pqable serially as follows: WARRAlfT .B'OS. l, 2 & 3, 4 & 5, 6 & '1, a & 9, 10 .& 11, 12 & 13, 14 & 1i., 16, 17 & 18, 19, 20 & 21, 22 ' 23 • 24 & 26. .MATURITY DATES. Februar.y 1st, 1929, Februar,y 1st, 1930, Februar.y 1st, 1931, Februar7 1st, 1932, Februar,y let, 1938, Pebruar.y 1st, 1934, Pebruar,y let, 1955, Februar.y lst, 1936, February lst, 1937, Februar,y lst, 1958, February let, 1939, AJ4001fTS. • 600.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 a.ooo.oo a,ooo.oo 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,.000. 00 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 ' ~. !hat said warrants shall bear interest from date until paid at 'the rat.e of aix per oentum { 6%) per annum • pqable Ootober 20th, 1926, February lst, 1926, and semi-annually there- after on the let dS:V of August and the lat dfl7 of Febrnaey of eaoh year, whioh interest is a part of the oontraot prioe agreed to and shall be ev1denoed b7 coupons attached to eaoh of said warrants. Past due interest shall bear interest at the rate of six per oentum ( 6~) per annum from maturi t7 until paid. 6. Principal and ~terest of said warrants shall be p~able in lawful money of' the United States of America upon pre- sentation and surrender of warrants or proper ooupons at the Con- tinental & Commercial National Bant, Ohioago, Illinois. Said warrants shall provide that in the event of defaUlt in the pqment of principal or interest. and the same is placed in the hands of an attorney for oolleotion, or if oolleoted b7 suit, or by legal proceedings of any kind, an additional amount of ten per centum Clo%) on the principal and interest then due shall be added as attorney's fees. ' '1. Said warrants shall be signed b7 the Ma,yor, oounter- s1gne4 b7 the Cit7 Seoretar,v and registered qy the Oit,v Treasurer, and the seal of the Ci t7 shall be impressed upon eaoh of said war- rant a. l'ao simile signatures of the Mayor and 01 t7 Seoreta17 m&¥ be lithographed upon the interest ooapons. Bo. __ s. ne form of warrant Bhall be substantially as follows: UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA STATE OF TEXAS OOTmTY OP LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK ELEOTRIO LIGHT PLAllT W.ABRAN'i'' I SERIES 1924.1 t l,OOO.OO THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the 01 t7 of Lubbock:, a nmnioipal oorporation in the Oount7 of Lubboot:, and St.ate of Texas, under ana b7 virtu.e of a valid and subsisting o-on traot., is justly tn4ebte4 to " Palr'banu, Horse & Oo. , Oontraot or, 1 ts asai,gns or bearel', in the priDOipal sum of OBE 'THOUSABD DOLLARS in lawful moner of the UBi ted States of Amerioa, together w1 th in- terest thereon, from date hereof until paid, at the rate of six per oentum ( &%) per annvm, interest pqable October 20th, 1926 • Februar7 let. 1926, and semi-annuall;v thereafter on the 1st day of August and the lst da7 of February of eaoh year; past due interest shall bear interest at the rate o-f six per aentum ( 6%) per annum from matur1t7 until paid; both principal an4 interest pqable at the-Continental & CoDJlleroial lfe.tional Bant. Ohloago., Illinois, upon presentation and surrender of warrant or proper aoupon; and the Oity Treasurer of said 01ty is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to p~ to the said Fair~ta~ Morse & Oo •• Oantraotor* its assigns or bearer, at tb.e said bant. the said eum of One Thousand Dollars ( $1 ,ooo. 00),. on the let da;v of February, 19 ___ , the date of maturity of this warrant. in full settlement of the 1114ebte4ness hereby evidenoed, from the "Speo1al Eleotria Light Plant Warrant Fund, Series 1924", of said City, levied, assessed and oreated for that purpose. .. ~ . / · IT IS HEREBY espeoial~ agreed that 1 f this warrant , or any interest ooupon hereto attaohe4, is not paid at maturity, aDd the aamo is plaae4 1n the hands of an attome7 for oolleotion after maturity thereo£, or suit is til~ thereon, or collection made by legal proceedings of ~ .tin4, aa a4d1 t1onal amolDlt of ten per oentlDI ( 10'%) on the pr1Do1pal sP4 intertlst then due, shall be added as attoxney's feea. THIS WARRAlfT ia one of a series of twenty f1 ve ( 26} war- rants,. Dlimbere4 conaeoutively from one ( 1) to twent7 five ( 26) , in- ctlusiv•, ill 4enoDI1Dat1on o-f One !housand Dollars Ct l,OOO.OO) eaoh, e:z:oept Warrant No. lis for Six Hundred Dollars Ct &OO.OO), aggre- gatiDg tb.e nm of Twenty Pour !fhoueand Six Hundred Dollars Ct 24,600.00), issued for the purpose of evidencing the 1n4ebtedneaa 1 of the City of Lubbock to the said l!'airbant.a, Morse & Oo., its aaslp or bearer, for the furnishtng of. an add1t1onal unit for the eleotrio light plant in and fo.r said City • 1n aooo:rdanoe w1 th oontraot between said OitT and said Contractor. under aD4 by virtue of the Oonsti~­ tion and lawe of the State of Texas, and the Oi t7 Charter of the 01 t7 of Lab boot. Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinanee du]Jr and legallJ adopted b7 the 01t~ Commission of said 01t7 aDd recorded in the ~ute• of said Oommiaaion. -TBE DATE of this warrant, in oonformi t7 w1 th the ordi- nance above mentioned, ie Ootober 20th, 1924; and 1t is hereb7 certified and reo1ted that-&11 aots, conditions and tbinga required to be doDe precedent to and 1n the issll&me of .thia warrant have been properl7 done and performed and have happened in re@Jllar and due time, form and maJll'ler aa reqUired b7 law, and that the t~tal indebtec1nesa of said Oity, iDoluding this warrant ancl the aeries ·hioh it 1s a part, does not exoee4 aD7 constitutional or eta~ 11m1tat.ion. IB TESTIKOltt WHEREOF, the 01 t7 CoDIIlission of the Oi ty 'ot, Texas, has oaused the seal of said 01t7 to be hereto 1d this warrant to be signed b7 the M~or and countersigned l ... - b7 the Oity Secretary~ as of the date last above written. COUNTERSIGNED : d!ty 8eoretary, Oity of Lubbock, Texas. Uqor, Oiti of Lubbock, Texas. REGISTERED, this the--dq of ------• 19M. ~1~ Treasurer, Ci~ of Lubbock, Texas. The form of interest coupon shall be substantiall.7 as follows: Ho. ___ t3o.oo OB TBE ---DAY OF ------• 19 __ , the City of Lubboot, ~exes, will be 3ustlY indebted to Fairbanks, Morse & Oo., Contractor, ita assigns or bearer, in the sum of Thirty Dollars ( $30.00) , by virtue of e. contract between said 01 t7 and said Contractor; and the City Treasurer is authorized, ordered and directed to pay to said Oontraotor, its assigns or bearer, on said date, at the Continental & Oommeroial Rational Bank, Ohioe.go, Illinois, out of the "Special Eleotrio Light Plant Warrant lhmcl, Series 1924", of said City, said sum, being six months' interest on CITY OF LUBBOCK ELEO~IO LIGHT PLAIT W.ARRAJIT, SERIES 1924, No. ____ , dated October 20th, 1924, to whioh this coupon is attaohe4 and is a part thereof. B1t1 Secretary. The following assignments shall be printed on the baot of eaoh of said warrants: ASSIGNMENT. THIS IS TO Cl'.EB.TIFY that Fairbanks, Morse & Oo. has re- ~,ivad the within principal Eleotrio Light :Plant Warrant, and the erest ooupons thereto annexed, from the Oit7 of Lubbook, !l'exe.s, for value reoeived, hereby transfers, assigns, sells and de- -., withour reoourse, to w. A. Myrick, all right, title and ·• it has in and to the same, and also the proportionate 1d contract price and the debt due it, with interest 1