HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 261-A-1924 - Paving Ordinance Filed With Other Paving Ordinances. - 05/31/1924..
' ORDINAllCB llO• 261 A
WHE'RE.AS• the City of Lubbock bas heretofore by' ordinance ordered that
the hereinbelow mentioned portions ot streets, avenues, and plaoea be
i:ruproved by raising, grr-~ding and tilling same• installi r:g curbs and
gutters. and paving and .otherwise• and specifica tions, pla ns and profiles
i'or such improvements were prepared and tiled by the C 1 ty .l!!ngineers9
Rawley & Roberts, ,.. nd af"ter... examina Uon were by ordi nanoe approved and
adoptedi' said p.ortiotD of streets being as follows, to•wita
Eroadway Street. from its intersection with the West property line o~
Avenue X to its intersection with the East property line of Avenue
•• known and designa ted as District or Unit lfo. 1.
Broadway Street. from its intersection with the West property line ot
Avenue •~ to ita intersection with the East property line ot Avenue
P. known and design ~ted as District or Unit Bo. 2.
Broadway Street, from its intersection w1 th the East property line
of Avenue P to its intersection with the East prop erty l ine o~
Avenue u. known and de s ign":l ted as District or Unit No. 2a.
Broadway Street,. from its-intersection with the East-property line
of Avenue U to its intersection with the East prope :·ty line ot Avenue
Y. known and designated as District or Unit Bo. 3.
~n Street from its intersection with the West property line ot
Av~nue X to its intersection with the East property line ot Avenue
K, and from its inters~ction with the West property line o~ Avenue V
to its intersecti on with the West property line of Avenue x. known and
designated as Distri~t or Unit Bo. 4.
Kain Str?et, rrom its intersection with the West proP3rty line ot
Avenue N to its intersection with the East property line of Avenue
P• known and designa ted as District or Uni·t No. 5.
Kain Street tram its interaection with the East property line ot
~venu~ P to its ' intersec tion with the Eas~ property line o~ Avenue U,
known and designaied as District or Unit Bo. -a.
Kab Street from its intersection with the East property line ot
Avenue V to itn intersection with the East property line of Avenue Y,
known and deaign~ted as District or Unit Bo. ~.
Seven~ Street from its intersection witb the Bas t property line of
Avenue K to its intersection with the Bast prop erty line o~ Avenue Q
known and designated as District or tfnit Bo. a.
Tenth Street from its intersection with the Vleet prope rty line of
Avenue H •. to its intersection w1 th the West property lirH~ of' Avenue x.
known and designated as District or Unlt No. 9.
Tenth Street, from its intersection ~ith the East property lble of Avenue
G to its intersection ~ith the East property line of Avenue I• known ad
de signa ted As District or Unit llo• 10.-
Broadwa;y Stre e t~ from ita intersection w1 th a point 2 feet East of tbe
East rail o~ the Eaet side track of the Santa Fe Railway to its inter sec-
tion with a point 280 ~eet East of the East property line of Avenue A.
known and design ~ted as District or Unit Bo. 11.
l3r.madwa;y Street f'rom its i n tersection with the 'Veat. property line of
Avenue J to its intersecti on . with a point 2 feet West of the West rail
of" the West track of the Santa Fe Railwq. known t ..... nd designa ted as Dis•
trtct or Vnit No. 12.
Thirteenth Street• from its intersection with the East property line
of Avenue G to its intereection with the East prope1 ty line oC Avenue
I, known and designated as District or Unit Xo. 13.
Thirteenth Street, rrom its intersection with the West property line
ot Avenue I to its intersection with the West property line of Avenue L,
known a nd designa ted as District or Unit No. 1.
Ord.. ~ A ... Page 2.
Tbirteen;h ~tl'Jeet. from 1 ta intersection w1 th the West prop~;;=;ine .i
of Avenue Q,. known and designated as District or Unit No. 15.
Sixteenth Street from its intereection with the West property line
of Avenue H to its intersection with the East property line ot Avenue
K, ~own and designated as District or Unit No. 16.
Sixteenth Stre r t, from ita intersection with the ~est property line
of Avenue¥, to its intersection with the Ea st property line ot
Aven ue Q, known a s District or Unit .No •. 1?.
ATenue Q., from its intersection with the South property line ot
Sixth Stre ~t to its intersection with the Worth property line of Main
Street., and from its intersection wi'tb the South property line of
Kain Street to its intersection with the Borth property line ot ~road•
wa7, Street, .knmvn o.nd designated as Unit or District No. 18.
Avenue Q fro m its i n tersection with the South property line of Broadway
Street to its int~rsection with the Borth property line of fhirteenth
Street, and from its intersection with the South prop erty line of
Th irteenthS treet to lts in~ersection wit_h \the North p roperty line of
Iine,•enth Stre e t, known and designated as District or Unit No. 19.
Avenue ll, f'rom its intersection with the South property line of Seventh
Street to ita intereection with the .North proper ty line of ihirteenth
Street, known and designated as District or Unit No. 20.
Avenue ll• from its intersection with the South property line of Thir•
teenth Stree t to 1 ta intersection with the Nar th property line o'f
Nineteenth Street• known a nd designated as -District or Unit Ho. 21.
Avenue X~ from ita intersection with the South property line of Tenth
Street to its inters ection with the Borth property line of Thirteenth
Street, known and designated -as District or Un1 t No. 22.
A venue~. from its intersection with the North property line of ~en\h
Stree\ to ita intersection with the North property line of Ymn Street•
known a nd designated as District or Unit Bo. 23.
Avenue J. frnm its intersection with the South property line ot Thir-
teenth Street kno\?n and designated as District or Unit No. 24.
Avenue I. from its intersection w1th the North property line of Bourt~
enth Street to 1 ts intersection \Vi th the Borth property line of
Fifteenth Stre e~ knO\rn and designated as District or Unit Jio. 2 6.
Avenue I. from ita intersection with the Borth property line of ~itteen
th Street to its intersection with 'he South property line of Sixteen•
th Street know n a nd de·:!fgnated as Unl t or Di atrict Bo. 26.
Avenu8 B• fro ··' its i n tersection with a point 2 feet South of the South
rail of the South tra c·k o'f the Santa 7e Railway to its Intersection
with the Nort h prope rty line of Tenth Street, kno\7!1 a nd designated as
District or Unit No. 27.
Avenue 11, from its intersection with the South property line ot
rbirteenth Stree t t.o its intersection with the South property line of
FltteenthStreet• known and designated as &istric~ or Unit Bo. 28.
Avenue H. fram its intersection with the South property line ot Fifteen-
th Street~ 1 t s intersection with the North property line ot Nineteenth
Street known and designated as District or tJni t No. 29.
Avenue G, from its intersection with the North property lite o'f Tenth
Street to ita i n tersec tion with the Borth property line of Main Street.
known and designa ted as District or Unit llo •. 30.
Avenue G• ~om its intersection with the ~outh property line of Thir-
teenth Stre et,. kno~~ a nd designa ted as District or Unit No. 31.
Ord. II 261 A .• P.g •. :s.
Avenue u, from ~ta intersection with the South property line ot Kain
Street to 1 ts intersection '\'rl th the North property line of Broadway
Street. known and designated as District or Unit Bo. 32 • .
Avenue X, ~rom its intersection with the South property line o~Kain
Street to ita intersection with the Borth pro~erty line of BToadway
Street• known and design3ted as District or Unit No. 33.
WHEREAS• 1 t is neceaa::: ry to establish a grade on such porti one of
streets. avenues and places and the construction o~ such improvements
ie being dela~d and will be delayed pending the establishment ot such
grade and the t ~king ef:feet of' this ordinance, and the present condi-
tion of such streets, a venu es a nd pla ces endangers public hea lth a nd sate• ~~
~. and it is necessa ry th~t sai4 improvements be procee~e u with while
the weather pe~i~a~ and all such tactu constitute and cre~te an emergency
requiring that the rules ;>roviding ror ordinanceu .• to be read ~ t more
than one meeting b ~f~re being paaal •. be and the B?4ne is hereby suspend-
ed. and these ordinances enacted at te meeting ot thi.s introduction. and
it is so ordered~
Passed and approved by 4 ayes and No xa nos. this 3lot d a y of Ka y,
7 1t:r Secrery.
City ot Lubbock, Texs.e.
IBior:., Ctty of Lubbock,