HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 259-1924 - Letting Contract For Paving And Filing Curb Gutters And Storm Sewers - 05/31/1924.. ORDINANCE NO. 259 ORDINANCE LETTING CONTRACT FOR PAVING FILLING CURB GUTl'ERS AND S'IORM SEWERS AND MAKING PROVISION FOR PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS INCURRED THEREBY, AND DECLARING EMERGENCY ACa:>UNT FOR POOR <XJNDITICfi OF STREE!S. WHEREAS, The City of Lubbock has heretofore ordered that portions of Broadway Street and sundry other streets, avenues, and places in the City of Lubbock be tmproved by raising, grading, and filling same, paving on foundation and installing curbs and gutters, and has also ordered that a stor.m sewer a nd draina ge system be constructed; and, WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the making and construction of such improvements were prepared, filed, and approved, and bids therefor advertised for, and the bid of Panhandle Construction Company to such proceedings and such advertisement, was received on the 17th day of May, 1924; and said bid has been duly considered and is found and determined to be the lowest bid and the best bid and most advantageous bid to the City and the owners of property abutting the proposed improvements; and, WHEREAS, the poor condition of such streets endangers health and creates an emergency; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOC:r, TEXAS, THAT: -I- The said bid of Panhandle Construction Compa ny be, and the same is, hereby accepted, ~nd contract is awarded to Panhandle Construction Company. -II- The form of such contract embraced in the specifications heretofore adopted by the City and approved, and which is already executed by Panhandle Construction Company and dated the 31st day of Ma y, 1924, and the same is here~ in all things approved, and the Mayor and City Sec- retary a re hereby authorized and directed to execute same in the name of the City and to impress thereon the corporate seal. -III- For the purpose of paying the City's part of the cost of raising, grading and filling on the streets to be improved under the said contract, constructing curbs and gutters, and paving with foundation and with appurtenances, as embraced in Section ll of the specifications and in Propos! tion "A" a ttached thereto, there is hereby appropriated out of the funds now on hand and applica ble to that purpose the sum of $225,000.00 a nd so much thereof a s is necessary shall be kept and applied to such purpose and to none other, and any bala nce thereof remain- ing is appropriated for the purpos e of paving and discharging the other sums to be pa i d by the City under the terms of such c on tract; and for the purpose of providing for the payment of such other sums and indebt- edness to be incurred by such contract there is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected for the year 1924 a tax of and at the rate of 20 cents on the $100.00 valua tion of all taxable property in the City of Lubbock, Texas, and said tax at said rate, or so much as shall be necessary, shall be annually levied, assessed, and collected while any of such indebtedness and sums, either principal or interest, is out- standing and unpaid; and the proceeds of such tax shall be kept and held in a sacred fund and applied to such purposes and to none other. The f a ct that the surface of the streets and highways are in such poor condition, a nd that flood waters a re an inconvenience and dangerous to health creates a n emergency and public necessity that the rule of the Charter requiring an ordinance to be read at two several meetings be and the same is suspended, and this Ordinance enacted at the meeting of its introduction, ,and it is so enacted. Passed a nd approved this May 31st, 1924. A'I"''FST: J. R. Germany City Secretary. F.R. Frie!ld Mayor, City of Lubbock, Texas , - -l 1 Or41 nance llo. 259. OFDINAliCE IETTI.NG CONTRACT FOR ~VDG FILLIBG CURB GUTTERS AND STORil SEWERS AliD JlAKIWG PROVISION POR PAYIIEllT OF IBDEBT.EDN.ESS INCURRED THEREBY, AND DECLARING EJIERGENCY ACCOtm1' OF POOR CONDITION OF STREETS. WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock has here~orore ordered th~t portions or Broadway Street and sundry other streets. evenu ~s. and pla ces in the City of Lubbock be improved by raising, grading, ~nd fi l ling same. paving on foundation a nd installing curbs and gutters. a nd has also ordered that a storm sewer and drainage system be constructed; and, WBEimAS, plans an.d specif'ic.ati one for the making a nd construction of such improvements ~e r e prepa re d , filed, a nd approved, and bids there~or advertised for, and the bid of Panha ndle Construction Company ~o such proceedings and such adv e rtisement• was received on the 17th day of Kay• 1924J and said bid has been duly considered a nd is found and determined to b e t he lowe st bid and the best bid a nd most advantageous bid to the Ci~y a nd the owners ot propert7 abutti ng the proposed 1mprovementar an~ · WHEREAs·, the poor condition of. such streets enda nge rs he a lth and creates an emergency.J l"HJI:REFORE, BE IT ORDAI RED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK , TEX AS, THATs / "-I- The said bid o'£ Panhandle Com truc\ion Company be, a.nd the same is• hereby accepted, and contract is awarded to Panhandle Construction Company. The torm of aueh contract embraced in the specifications heretofore adopted by the City a n d a pproved, and which is alrea dy ex ecuted by Panhandle Constructi on Company a nd d a ted the 31st day of" Kq, 1924-. m d the same is hereby in a ll things approved, and the M ~yor a nd ~ity Sec• retaey are hereby a uthorized and directed to execute same in the name of the City and to impresa thereon the corporate s ecl. •III• For the .purpose of p a ying ~he Cityis part of the cos t or raising, g rading a nd filling on the streets to ~e improved under\he said contract, c onstructing cur~s and gu tters, a nd p a ving with founda ti on and with a ppurtenances, a s embraced in Section Al of the apecific·t tions and in Proposition ~A* att a ched t hereto, there is hereby appropriated out of the funds now on h a nd and a pplica ble to thnt purpose the sum of $2~5 9 0oo.oo a nd s o much thereof as is necessary sha ll be kep~ and applied to such purp o se a nd to none other, and any balance thereof remain• ing is appropri a ted for the purpos~f paving and discharging the other suma to be paid b y the City under the terms ot such contra ct; and f or the purpose of providing for the paymen~ of such other sums and indebt• edness to be incurred by such contra ct there i• hereby levied and shall be assessed a nd collected for the year 1924 a ~ax of and at the r~e ot 20 centa on the $10o.oo valua tion ot all taxa ~le property in the Cit7 ot Lubbock-. Texa s, a nd :eat d ~ a t said rate. or so muoh as shall be necesa ~ry, shall b e a nnua lly levied, assessed, and ~eollected while any of' such indebtednes s ?Dd sum·s,. e1the.r principal ...or intere s t. is out- standing and unpa idJ a n d the proceeds of such tax shall be kep~nd held in a aacred·fund and app l ied to such purposes a nd to none ~her. The fact tha t t he ourfa ee of the streets and highwa ys a re in such poor condition, and t~~t flood waters a re an inconvenience and dangerous to health creates a n ~e rgen ey a nd p ublic nece s sity th ~t the rule ot the Charter reguiring a n ordinance to be rea d at two seve ral w. etings be and the same ie auspended1 and this Ordinance enacted at the meeting of its introduction, .and it is ao enacted. Passed and approved this Kay ~1st, 1924. ATTESTa F.R.Friend 3.R. German)' City Secretary. Mayor. \; 1 ty o!' Lubbock, fexaa •,r