HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 257-1924 - Paving Ordinance Filed With Other Paving Ordinances - 05/05/1924ORDIIAIICS 10. 2 57 1'HIS ORDDJAIC£ IS A PAVIIG ORDIBABCE AID IS FILED WI1'H THE PAVIIG ORI>lRAHCES. -~ • Ordina.nce lfo. 25'7.} --~ • AB ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ARD DEf.ERKIBING TO IUJROVB PORTIONS 0~ CERTAXI ST:RE:KTS AVKBUES AND HIGHWAYS Ill THE CITY OF LUEB·OCK ABD DECIA RING AN mom .. - GEBCY. WHEREAS. the poo~ condition of the surface of the otreeta a nd high~a herein mentione4 and the accumulation of surface water thereon endangers publ ic health and ea~e ty. and the immediate prese rva ,ion ot public health and safety crea te an emergency • . THEREFORE BE IT ORDAI11m BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCXr !hat the following portions o~ streets. avenues. and highways in the city of LUbbock , Texas, be improved by raising. gra ding and filling same, ~ f\1'. by inet a ~ling cur)s and gutters with all necessnry appurtenances, and by paving same, and by eonstru.cting and providing necess·try s;ystem for dimin- age a nd ato~ sewers, ;he ~id streets. avenues. a nd highways so to be 1mp~~- ve4 being as follows, to-wi t1 ~ -i Broadway Stre et fr om it3 intersection with the West. property line of Avenue X to its interaection with the East property line o~ Avenue K, known and designated as District Or Unit No. 1. Broadway Street troro its in~eraection with the West property line of Avenue K to its intersection with the East property line ot Avenue P, known and designated as Diatric~ or Unit Ho. 2. Bro a dway Street from its intersection with the East property line of Avenue P to its intersection with the East property line of Avenue u. known a nd 4eaignate d aa District or Unit No. ~. Broadway Stree t fr om itu intersection with the Bast property line of Avenue U to ita inter.aection with the East property line of Avenue Y, known and designa t e d as Dietrict or Unit Bo •. 3. Kain Street, from ita 1nt~rsect1on with the Kest property line of Avenue X to its intersection with the East property line of Avenue K• and from its intersection with the West property line of Avenue H to its intersec- tion with the West property lin e of ATenue H9 known a nd designated as District or Unit Bo. 4. Kain Street• from ite intersection with the West property line o~ Avenue W to its interse ction with the Bast property line of Avenue P, known and designated a o District or Unit Bo. 5• Kain Street, fram its intersection with the East prop erty line of Aveuue P to its intersection with the East property line of Avenue u. knowu aR4 designated as District or Unit Ho. e. Jla1 n Street from i -ts intersection with the East proper ty line ot Avenue U to its intersection with the East »roperty line of Avenue ~~own and designated as District Wr Unit 5o. t. Seventh Street. :rrom 1 t.s 1n"erseot1on with the Eaot propei-ty llne ot Avenue K to i·ta intersection wl tb the East property liPe ot Avenue Q~ known and designated as District or Unit No. a. Tenth Street ~om its intersection with the w,at property llne of Avenue I. to its inters ection with the West property line of Avenue X known and d4s1gnated as Diatricl or Unit Bo. 9. Tenth Street from its intersection with the East property line ot Avenue G t .o its intersection ·.rr ith the Ea st property line of Avenue I,. known and designated as District or Unit Xo. 10. Broadway Street, from its intersection with a point 2 fe e t East of the East rail of the East side track of the S a nta Fe Railway to its intersection ~ith a point 280 fe e t Eaot of the Bast property line of Avenue A. known and designa ted a s Bistrict or Unit Wo. 11. Broad~ Street trom its intersection with the West property line of Avenue F to its intersection with a point 2 feet West of the West rail at the West track of the Santa Fe Railway, known and designa ted as District or Unit lfo. ·12. Ordinance llo. 25? -Page 2. ---:=-;. ~ ~ c: •• ~· -<# f V'{ Thirteenth Street. from its intersection with the Bast Rr perty line ot Avenue G to its intersection with the East property ~ e ot Avenue I, known and designated as District or Unl t lfo. 13. ,. lbirteenth Street. from its intersection with the West property line o~ AYenue I to 1 ts intersecti on with the West property line o~ Avpnue L• known a nd designa ted a e District or Unit No. 14. ,__- Thirteenth Street, from its intersection with the Weat property line o~ Avenue L to its intersection with the West property line ot Avenue ·~·. known and designated ae District or 'Unit Bo. 15. Sixteenth Street, from ite intersection with the Weat property line ot Avenue H to ita .intersection with the East property line ot Avenue ,~. lalown a nd designa ted as Dist-rict or Unit Jlo. 16. Sixteenth Street. fr~ its intersection with the Weat property 11De of Avenue U to its intersection with the East property line of Avenue ~. kno~ ~ aa District or Unit No-. 1.,. 1 J Avenue ~. from its intersection with the South prop e rty line of Sixth j Street to ita intersection, ~ith the North property line of ~i~t~eet, ~ and trom its inte rsection with the South property line of Uain Street ~ to its intersection with the Borth property line of Bro~dway Street, known and designated ae Unit or District BQ .. 18 .. Avenue ~. trom ita intersection with the .so~tb property line ot Broadway Street to its intersection with the Borth property line of Thirteenth Street• and from its intersection with the South property line ot ihir- teenth street t~ its intersection with the Borth property line of Xine- teenth Stree t, known o.nd. de signa ted a a Di.stri ct or Unit llro. 19. Avenue K, from its intersec tion with the South property line of Seventh Street to ita intersection with the Borth property line of Thirteenth Street, known nnd design~ted as District or Unit Bo. 20. Avenue J:,, from its intersection with the Sou~h property line of Tenth Street to ita intersection with the North property line of ihtrteenth Street, known and deilignated a·s District. or Unit No. 22. Avenue 3, from its 1nteroec t1on with the North property l ine ot ~enth Street to ita intersection with the Borth property line oT Kain Street knoWD and deaign3 t e d as District or Unit Bo. 2~. Avenue J, from its inte r s ection with the ,South property line of Broadway Street to its int e ~sectio n with the Sou~ property line of ih1rteenth Street, known and designa ted as District or Unit Bo. 24. Avenue I, from its inte r neetion wi~h the North property line ot Yourteen- tb Stree t to ita inte rsection with the North property line ot Pitteenth Street~ kbown and designa t e d ae District or Unit fio. 25. Avenue I, tram its intersection ~tb the North property line ot Bifteenth Street to ita intersection with the South property line ot S~th St., known a nd designa ted a& Unit or District Jlo. 26. Anmue H," from ita intersection with a point. 2 feet South of' the rail ot the South track of the Santa Fe Railway to ita intersection with the li'orth property · line of Tenth Street .• known and designa ted aa District or Unit Jlo. 2?. Avenue H. from 1 ts intersection with the South property line of ibirteenth Street to ita intersection with the South property line of Yifteenth Stree~, known a nd designa.te d a s District or· Unit lio .. 28.. Avenue H, from its intersection with the South property l:lne of Fifteenth . Stree t to ita intersection with the Borth property line of liine\~enth Stree~. known and designated a s District or Unit Bo. 29. Ordinance Bo. 25? -Page 3. Avenue G., from 1 ts in~rser.tion with the Borth property line of Tenth r Street to 1 ts intersection wi tb the Borth property line of Ka1 n Stree,, known and designated as District or Vnit Bo. 30. Avenue G.-from 1 ts intor,section with the South property line of Broadwa7 Street, to its intersection with the South property line of Thirteenth Stree t, known a nd design~ted aa.Distriot or ~nit Bo. 31. Avenue u .. from 1 te intersection w1 th the South property line of Kain Street to its intersection with the Borth property line ot Broadway Stree t, known and designated as District or Unit No. 32. Avenue X, f'rom its intereection with the South property line of' lla1 n Street to its intersection with the Borth Property line of Broad~ Street, known a nd designa ted ae District or Unit No. 33. same to be p a ved with on e of the following materia ls or types of pavement.. to .. wita a b c cl e f g h i Verticle Fibre Brick upon foundation or baae of concrete, gravel• water bound macadam, or caliche stonet the ~ype and material to be determined at the option or the City a fter prepa ration of plana tmd specifi cati ons and receipt of bid or bids. Public necessity exists that said improvements be made. -III• The .tir.m of Hawley & Roberts, Engineers. are directed to forthwith prepare plans a nd ~e ci f ic ~tiona tor said improvements. embracing the said different a nd alterna tive materials a nd methodo of construction and to submit aame to the City Commissioh. •IV• The improveme nts in e3.ch District or Unit shall be and constitute a separate and distinct unit of improvement, and 'he improvements in each Unit shall be paid for by assessing against. abutting property and the owners t .h e r e of not exceeding all of the cost o'f' curb in front of the re&pecti~e p a rceln o~ property. and not exceeding threa.f'ourtha of the remaining coat a nd the remaining par\ion of the coat of the improvements shall be lltt.1d for by ~he C1 ty o'f Lubbock, provided t ha t the coat of constructing storm sewers in 'any such Unit shall be paid by the City in addition to the other sums to be paid by 1,. There being no area ~etween rails and tracks or within two teet of the outside o~ rails and b-acks of any railway or str c~et railwq embraced in the said Unit~, no provision is made for-assessments against any railway or street railwa y other \han as against any other a butting property. _..,_ Aaseasments a gai nat abutting properly and the owners thereof' shall be msde in accordance ~ith the prov1a1o~an4 requirements or the law an4 Charter in force in this city.gnd subJect to restrictions aDd conditione thereby impose d, And in no case until af'ter noti<;e o.nd hea ring as provided thereby. -~- By the prortaion herein 'Eor the ccniatruction or system ~f drainage an4 storm sewers ia not meant the actual construction of sto~ sewers in. each Unit~ but the construc tion o~ an adequate syntem of stor.m sewers and drains for the proper drninage of all Units~ a nd the plans and specifieatione for s uch atozm sewers shall provide for the construction thereof and continua tion thereof outside a nd beyond the said Units to provide for proper dio~osal of sto~ and surfa ce water. The facta reoi ted in preamble hereto constitute and ...c.r~ate an emergency requiring th ~ t the rules prnviding tor ordinances to b~'-read at more tle one meeting be suspende d, a nd that t his ordinance be passed as an emergenc7 measure. a nd such rules a re accordingly nusp<9nded and thia ordinance is p &ssed a s an emergency measure .• a nd shall be in force and effect from and afte~ its passage. Pasaed a nd a pproved this 5th day o~ Ka y. A.D. 1924. ATTEST a Z .R. GBl'OlAliY CftY Secretary. F.R. J"riend. Jlayor, City o~ Lubbock~ Texas.