HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 228-1923 - Amend Section 1 And Section 8 Of Ordinance 204 - 07/26/1923... v An Ordinance to amend Section No. 1, and Section No. 8, of Ordi- nance No~ 204 of the City of Lu Jbock. passed and a pproved April 11, 1922, designati~ fire limit of City of Lubbock and other purposes so as to place wsst half of Block 16? of original plat of City of Lubbock within fire , limits of said Oity and to increase the floor area between the fire walls of buildings within said City, repeali~ ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with and declaring an emergency on account of the' hazards of fire and the faulty con- struction and to conform floor area to size of the lots in the City. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas. ------4 -- Section 1. Fire Limits. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to and be co-extensive with the terr itory with the boundaries now. or hereafter established, as ~the fire limits of this City, ex- cept such as are made 'with reference to the whole of the City by o~ ission to make directly applicable to such fire limits, which fire limite are hereby declared to include the following territory; Blocks 87, 88, south half 101; all 102, 103, 104, 105; west half and south- east one-fourth 106; south half 107; all 117, 118, 118, 120. 121, 122, north half 131; all 132. 133, 134, 135; north half of the following blocks 136, 137, 138, northwest nne-fourth 139; east half 149, and west half 150, and west half of Block 166--all in the original plat of the City of Lubbock. Section 2. Seation 8 hereafter reads aA follows; Limits of Height and Area; No building hereafter erected or altered shall ex- ceed four stories or 55 feet in height. unless it be of fireproff construction. then it shall not exceed ten stories or 126 feet; ex- cept as specified in Section 22. no building hereafter erected hav- ing walls of hollow terra cotta blocks or concrete blocks shall ... ) __ , 0 exceed three stories or 40 feet in heighth. The floor area between fire wall~ of non~fire proof buildings shall not exceed the following; When the buildi~ fronts on one street, ~square feet, fronting on -two streets 9375 square feet, fronting on thre~ streets 12,500 square feet, these areas may be in- creased under the following con~itionsa Non-fire proof buildings fully equipped with a~proved automatic sprinklers, 50 per centum; FOr fire proof buildings not exceeding 125 feet in heighth, 50 per centum; For fire proof buildings, not exceed~ 125 in height fully equipped with approved automatic sprinklers. 100 per centum. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict ' ( herewith are r 'epealed. ' ' . . . Section 4. The fact that buildings of insufficient and non- fire resisting material may be erected under the present ordinance, upon said west half Block 166. increasing the fire hazards and the fact that under the present ordinance the floor area 1S insufficient, creates an emergency and public necessity that the rule of the Char- ter requiring ordinances to be read at two several meetings be, and ~ the same is, hereby suspended and this ordinance be passed and effect- ive from its first introduction, and it is so enacted. Passed and a pproved this ~~1923, by a unanimous vote of the City Commission. .""Mayor, City of Lubbock. ORDINANCE NO. 228. AN ORDINANCE TO AlfEND SECTION NO~ 1, Al'l"D SECTION NO. 8, OF ORDINANCE No. 204 OF T~ CITY OF LUBBOCK, P~SSED AJID APPROVED APRIL 11, 1922, DESIGNATING FIR~ I.:tMIT OF CITY OF LUBBOCK A1"'D OTHER PURPOSES SO AS TO PLACE WEST HALF OF BLOCK 166. OF ORIGINAL PJ.,AT OF CITY OF LUBBOCK YTITHilif FIRE LDHTS OF SAID CITY AliD TO Il\fCREA..SE THE FLOOR AREA BETWEEN THE FIRE WALLS OF BUIJ...DHTGS WITHIN SAID CITY, REPEALING ORDH~ANCES A}i"D PAR'I'S OF ORDIN~HCES IN COliTLICT WITH AND DECLA...'UNG AN EMERGENCY ON ACCOUNT OF THE HAZARDS OF FIR~ A~~ THE FAt~TY CONSTRUCTION AND TO CONFORM FLOOR .A~EA TO SI~ OF THE LOTS IN THE CITY. BE IT ORDAI~~D BY THE CITY COU1TCIT OF THE CITY OF LUB BOCY, TEY ~S: '· SECTION 1. Fire Limits. The provisions of this ordinance shall q pply to and be co-extensive with the territory ith the bound~ri~s nm~, or hereafter established, as the fi;re limits of this G i ty, except ·~ruch as are made with reference to the vrhole of the IJi ty by omission to nt'"l.ke directly ~pplicable to suer fire li'<lits, which fire limits "'re hereby dec 1 ~il.red to incl ude the following territory; Blocks 87, 88, south !-':c'J.l f 101; all 102, 103, 104 , 105; rost half nd southeast one-fourth 106; scuth ha·lf 107; all 117, 118, 119, .120 , 121, 122, north half 131; all 132, 133, 134, 135; north half of the following blocks 1~6, 137, 138, northwe.st one-fourth 139; east ho.lf 149, ami v1est h'1.lf 150, -nd west of Block 166 .--'"~ll ip the original plat of the ~ity of J.Jubbocl<. Section 2. Section 8 hereafter reR.ds as follo·ws; Limits of B.ei_sht and Area; No building hereafter erected or altered sh~ll exceed four stories or 55 feet in height , vnle s it be of fireproof construction, then it ~hall not e. ceed ten stories or 125 feet; except ~s specified in Section 22, no building herea fter erected having ·va-lls of hollo ."! terra cotta blocks or concr e te blocks shall exceed t~l!·ee stories or 40 feot in heighth. The floor area between fire walls of non-fire proof buildings shall not exceed the follo,·.ri ng·: When the building fronts on one street, 6250 · sf'u<-re feet, fronting on t "!O str >e ts g375 square feet, fronting on three str:e·ets ) 2, 500 squarr--feet, these areas ·may be incre".sed under the following conditions: Non-fire proof bulidings fully equipped with approved automatic sprinklers, 50 per centum. ~·or fire proof buildings not exceedin g 125 feet in heighth, 50 per centl..ll7t. li':>r fire proof buildings, not exceedtng 125 in height fully equipped ·ri th "pproved e.utomatj_c sprinklers, 100 per centum. S~'>ction 3. All ordinance$ and part s. o"!' ordinances in conflict her ·i th ere repealed. S~ction 4 . 'lhe fact that buildings of insufficient and non-fire resisting mc..terial may be erec .. ed under the present ordinance, up::m Ld ·est half Block 166, incre ~ sing the fir. hazards and the fact tl!ct t un er the present ordinance the floor are ~ is insufficient, creates an emergency and public nece~sity tha.t the rvle of the vharter requiring ordinances to be read 'l.t two severa 1 meetings be, and the same is, hereby suspended ~n d this ordinance be passed ~nd effective from its first introduction, ~nd it is so enacted . P ssed '"~nd ~pproved this July 26th, 1923 , b~ a unanimous vote of the C' ty C ommi;:;sion . Percy .Spencer, Y::tyor, City of Lubbock, J.R. Germ:-ny C it ,.r S p cr<>t ry, City of Tubbock, Texas. ) J July 26th., 1923. City Oommission met in regular session with the ~ollowing present: Mayor, Percy Spencer, Commissioners, W. s. Posey and Geo. c. Wolffarth, R. A. Sowder, City &ttorney and M. s. Ruby, City Mgr. The ~ollowing business With others were had to-wit: The ~ollowing Ordinance was read by unanimous vote. · ' ORDINAl!Cf:O 228. An Ordinance to amend Sec t1~~. 1, and Section No. 8 of Ordinance No. 204 of the City of Lubbock, :passed and approvea April 11, 1922, designating fire limit of City of Lubbock and other purposes so as to place west half of Block 166 of orig inal plat of City of Lubbo~ within fire limits of said City and to increase the floor area between the fire walls of buildings within said City repealing ordinances and parts of ordin~nces in conflict with and declaring an emergency on account of the hazards of fire and the faulty construction and to conform ~loor area to size of the lots in the City. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas. Section 1. Fire Limits. The provisions of this ordina nce shall apply to and be co-extensive with the territory with the bolmdaries now, or hereafter established, a s the fire limits of this City, except such as are m~de with refenence to the whole of the r City by omission to make directly applicable to such fire limits, whi.ch fire limits are hereby declared to include the following territory; Blocks 87, 88, south half 101; all 102, 103, 104, 105; west halt' a.nd southeast one-fourth 106; south h -.i.lf 107; all 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, north half 131; all 132, 133, 134, 135; north half of the following blocks 136, 137, 138, northwest one-fourth 139; east half 149, and west half 150, and west of Block 166 -- all in the original pl~t of the City o~ Lubbock. Section 2. Section 8 hereafter reads as follows: Limits of Height and Area; No building here~fter erected or altered shall exceed four stories ·or 55 feet in hei~ht, unless it be of fire- proof construction, then it shall not exceed ten stories or 125 feet; except as s p ecified in Section 22, no building hereafter erected having walls of hollow terra cotta blocks or concrete blocks shall exceed three stories or 40 feet in hei ~hth. The floor area between fire walls of non-fire proof build- ings shall not exceed the 'follmwing: When the building fronts on one street, 6250 square feet, fronting on two streets 9375 square feet fronting on three streets 12,500 square feet, these areas may be increased under the following conditions: Non-fire proof buildings fully equipped with approved automatic sprinklers, 50 per centum. For fire proof buk ldi ng s not exceeding 125 feet in heighth 50 per centum. For fire proof buildings~ not exceeding 125 in height fully equipped with approved autom ~tic sprinklers, 100 per centum. ( Section 3. All ordinances ~nd parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. J Section 4. The f a ct that buildings of insufficient and non-fire resisting m~terial m~y be erected under the present ord- inance. upon said west half Block 166, incfeasing the fire hazards 1 and the fact that under the present ordinance the floor area is insufficient. creates an emergency and public necessity that the rule of t~e Charter requiring ordinances to be read at two several meetings be, and the same is, hereby suspended and this ordinance be passed and effective from its first introduction, and it is so enacted. Passed and approved this July 26th., 1923, by a unan- imous vote of the City Commission. Percy Spencer, Mayor, Lubbock, Texas J. R. Germany, City Secy, City of Lubbock Texas. ~ ~----------~~~