HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 206-1922 - Calling An Election 100,000 For Rebuilding Sewer - 06/01/1922I - c ·-,; t.;, -. 0 .-- 1 Ordi .. e flo. Z o 6; An erctinaaoe calling an al.eotioa whereby the dul~ qgalffied votere of thia Citr -., aeter.mi~e if :Bonds of the Ci t1 of L!lbbock 1uas ~ shall - ht ieaued in the 8UJD of fl.OOIQOO.oo for tla PJU'Po&e of rebuildi»g. a:tenaiM aa iapro'fite the-S«nitau-Sewer a.:rat• of thla Cib' fuil!g the elate oC such BoDia, their rate o£ !ntereat and the SYeral maturit1ea of auoh Boncta~ the elate of the election on such propositio•, the offioera ad the place to holcl the -•, not:~oea for nch election, the manner of votiag; provided, that if such Foposition shall he oarried by a majority of the votes, that a tu shall be ~ 1m•• sufficient to meet the interest and create a sinld• funcl to retire the Boada at their m.aturi t1•, llld deolari»g an ae:rgenq aooolUlt of iaaltfficieP67. of the present Qllt• beiDg claagerous to heillth of tile citi•••· Bt it· OrdaiJttcl by the Ci tr Council of the C1 ty of Lubbock~ fa:.,, Section 1. That aa eleotion shall be held at the office of U!e Cit,r 'jfretar,r of the Citr , of LuJ:.book. Texas • on the day of · JW,. l9::z~·! at the uw houre for hol lD« tleotiou·.: when&y tbe Properly qualified propert~~tez ~i~ Toters of tllie Ci t7 ihall ietemne if BoD4e of the City shall be issued in the amount of $100 ,ooo.oo, for the parpost of rebuilding eztendiag u4 impraviag the Banitarr &wer ~ta of this Cit,. Section 2. ne following perso.-ehall Jlol4 ll said election. ea judges .. W. ~. • ~~Y · Kr ~T, • ~ ~f.f~ ,,t.JJ, ~ ~- and ••• shall be hell in oo'llformity with the ~neral laws of thie state goTend»g electicma; Thon cleairiDg to Tote in faTor of the iaauaDCe of auch bonia shall haft written or pr!Dtecl o». their b$llota "lor tlt.e lsaliiDOt of BODila in th.t sum of ~oo.ooo.oo for the ~·· of rebuildi~, extendi~ aii4 improYiug the SaDitar.r Sewer ~t··~~ ana levi»g a ta to PQ the interest and create a ainldDg fuad to relelm. noll"; those opposed to the Jroposition. shall haye wr1tten or priQited oJt tlleir ballots ".kainat tht lssUDCe of Bo:oda in the llml of ilOO,OOO.oo for the pur.pare of rebuilding. «rtend1~ and improvtqg the Sanitar,r Sewer System aDil lev of a tax to pa, the interest and create a ainld»g fUDCl to redeem. iracll•. Section 3. If a ujori t:v_ of the lenl 'YOtera voti~ at auch election shall vote in favor of the Jaauance of auah BonAa. -• shall be iHUed in the Stml of $1000.oo eaiJl, be dated the first i&J of ~ 192-a hear interest fl'OJB date. payasem:i=pn~i,y not to t:meed aiz »er ceatllll per amua~ and sliiil mature u numeno81 ora.e. '- 2 of ordinance for llection fo~ Sewer Bonds. three Bonds ••b..Jt&r be~rmi~ the fi,.t claY of !Jt"l! 1928;· D\ continue to matan in like er aepenoe fll' a period eM.iDg firat day of it~ 19i , th~.!f! Bonde nut in order shall u re . t clay of q ~f. 1916, the two Dext in order the firSt da:r or e&l~month, 191'1 1' the two Dext in order \he fimt a~ of eatd month iD 1918-~-aD4 one boa e.ah year thereafter oD tbe firat ~ of laid meath thereafter until the remainder have utuncf 1 aD4 a tax C)D all property subject to taxation nthill the City shall bi lenecl eaon year sufficient to pq the inlereat 88 it aocruea and to create a aihlti~ funl to retire such BoDda at the aenral. aatuiitiea. Seotioa 4. Tile Kqor &D4 City Sec:retary of this City ahall gi~e notice of the hold~ of ~U~h eleotioa by cauaiM to be published for the tille ~J!:! Df liW a kli· certified ooP.r of thie • 1a a newapaper publi4ed frlthin the CitJ. Section 5. fte fact that there is not ac1e~te protection to the lt.tth of the poeple of the Ci b becaue of iuuffioiat aewer service enatea aDW ~·~DCY and publio neceeaitJ that t'e rele of fk• Charter whioll ~equirea an O'rdlnuce to be presented at two ••••ral aeetbge before adoption be IIUptDd.ti ~ 8DCl tJaatbthia OrcliUDce be paaa•d at the •et1Dg of ita introduction; aud effective upon ita approTil The State Cit, of of Lubbock ;i !ex••• cretary. Cit of Lubbock. tczae.