HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0369 - PO 10026558, Galls, LLC For Ballistic Shields - 07/25/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0369
Item No. 5.25
July 25, 2023
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and
on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order ; 0026558, for the purchase of a ballistic
shields for the Lubbock Police Department, as per BuyBoard Contract 670-22, by and between
the City of Lubbock and Galls, LLC of Lexington, Kentucky, and all related documents. Said
Purchase Order is attached hercto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein
and shall be included in the minutes of the City Coun�il.
Passed by the City� Council on July 25, 2023
AT' " 'ST:
Courtney Paz, City Sec ary
- --- �'���7
Floyd Mitchell, Chief of Police
- - - - - ---- .... .... . . .. .
Ryan Br ke, Senior Assistani City Attorne��
RGS.PO 10026558-Gails, LLC Ballistic Shields
��,� Cityof pURCHASE ORDER
Page -
Date -
Order Number
10026558 000 OP
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta A arez, Director of Purchasing 8c Contract Management
Ordered 7/3/2023 Freight
Requested 9/4/2023 Taken By
Delivery PER L PEDERSON REQ 60441
PUR 17462/ BuyBoard 670-22
Ifyou I:ave any questions, please contact Lisa Pederson: LPederson(�ny/ubbock.us or 806-775-2765
Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date
PBE Vanguard Level III 20X30 40.000 6,373.4700 EA 254,938.80 9/4/2023
BP3768 BLK
Ballistic Shield wNiew &Light
Shipping Cost of Shields
Terms NET 30
Total Order
150.00 9!4l2023
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $255,088.80 awarded to Galls LLC of Lexington, KY, on
July 25 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote
23106496 dated July 5, 2023, from Galls LLC of Lexington, KY, and BuyBoard 670-22.
Resolution # 2023-R0369
Tray P , a
Courtney Paz, City Secre ry
1.000 150.0000 EA
Rev. 3R022
Seller and Buyer agree as
CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. by�yylvine anv Goods or Smices tha� �he Contracmr has Iead. fullv
understands. a�d will be in PoII comoliance with all temis a�d w�itions and the d�scriotive material contai�d hercin
and a�y additional associa�cd documents and Amendments. The Ciry disclaims anv �mns and conditions orovidcd bv
the Conlrador unless aereed uoon in writine bv �he oania. In �he event of con0icl between Ihe Citv's tems and
co�i�ions and anv lertns and conditions orovided bv Ihe Coniractor, ihe lemis a� conditions providtd hercin shall
prevail. The tem�s and conditionc movided herein are the final urtns aereed uoon bv the oania. and anv orior
conlliaine Irnnc shall be of no folce or effce�.
I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Seller will package goods in accordance with good commercial praaice.
Each shipping wntainer shall be clearly and pemanently marked as follows (a) Seller's name and addras, (b)
Consignee's narne, addras a� purchaze order or purchate release numlxr and �he supply agreement numher if
applicable, (c) ContaiMr number and total number of containers, ag. box 1 of 4 boxes, and (d) the number of the
container bearing the packing slip. Seller shall bear cos� of packaging unlas othmvise provided. Goods shall be
suitably packed ro secure lowa� transpona�an costs and lo con(orm with rcquirements of comrtan carriers and any
applicable specifications. Buysr's count or wnght shall be final and conclusive on shipments not accompanied by
packing lis�s.
2. SHIPMEM' UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED Seller is nol authoriud �o ship the goods under
raervalion and no te�a o( a bill of lading will ope�ate as a le�a of goods.
3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The lille and nsk of loss of �he gaods shall �rot pass lo Buyef until Buyer actually
receiva and taka possession of the goods az �he pomt or pomts of delivery.
4. NO REPLACEMENf OF DEFECTNE TENDER Every tender of delivery of goods must fullycomplywith all
provisionsof �his contract az to time ofdelivery, qualityand �he like. If a trnder is made which does no� fully conform,
this shall conctitute a brcach a� Seller shall not have the ngh� to subs�i�ute a confotming tender, provided, where the
time for perfornunce has nol y+et expircd, Ihe Sella may reawnably notify Buya o( his intrntion ro cure and may
then make a confortning lender within the conlracl time bul not aftenvard.
5. INVOICES � PAYMENTS. a S e I I e r shall submit uparate invoica, in duplica�e, one wch purchase order ar
purehase rclease after each delivery. Invoica shall mdicate the purchase order or purchau rclease number and
the supply agrcement number i( appiicable Invoica shall be ilemiud and transportation charga, if any, shall be
listed separately. A wpy of �he bill of lading, aml Ihe frcight waybill when applicable, should be attached lo �he
invoice. Mail To: Accounts Payable, C0y of Lubbock, P O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457. Paymem shall not
be due umil the ahove instruments are submitted aflerdehvery.
6. GRATUITIES. The Buyer may, by writlen nolice to Ihe Seller, cancel this contrza without liability �o Seller if
it is determined by Buytr that gra[uilia, in Ihe fo�m of rntenauunent, gifts or othenvise, were offaed or given by Ihe
Seller, or any agent or rcprarntative of the Seller, m any oRca or employee of �he City of Lubbock wi�h a view �o
securing a contract or securing Favorable trea�mem with rcspect m �he awarding or amending, or the making of any
detertninations with rapect to the perfortning of such a contrzct. In the event Ihis contratt is wnceled by Buya
pursuant to this provision, Buyer shall be entitled, in addition �o any other rights and rcmedies, to recover or withhoW
�he amount of the cosl incurted by Seller in providing such gratuities.
7. SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EQIJ�MENT. If the price stated on the face hereof includa the cost of any special
looling or special tesl equipment fabricatcd or requ'ved by Seller for the puryose of filling �his order, such special
looling equipment and any procas sheets related thereto slull become the property of the Buyer and to �he extent
feasible shall be idemified by the Seller as such.
8. WARRANTY-PR[CE. a The price to be paid by the Buyzr shall be lhal contained in Seller's bid which
Sella wartants to be no higher than Seller's currrnt pmcas on orders by others for pmducts of the kind and
specifiwtion covered by this agcemem for similar quantitia under similar of like condi�ions and methods of purchase.
In the event Seller brcacha this warranry, the prica of the rtems shall be rcduced to Ihe Selkr's current prices
on orders by o�hers, or in �he altemative. Buyer may cancel Ihis contraa withoul liability lo Seller for brcach
or Seller's actual expense. b. The Seller wartants �hat no pason or ulling agency has been employed or mained lo
solicit or secure this contraa upon an agrmment or unders�anding Por commission, percmtage, brokefage, or comingem
fee excepling bona fide employea of bona fide eslablished commercial or selling agencia maintained by �he Sella for
the p�upou of securing business. For breach of viciation of Ihis wa�ranty the Buyer shall have the right in addilion to
any other right of rights to cancel �his contrsa witlwut liability and m dedua from �he comract price, or othrnvise
recova withow liabili�yand to deduct from �he comrsa price, oro�hmvise rccovn the PoII amoum ofsuch commiuion,
percrntage, brokerage or comingent ke.
9. WARRAM'Y-PRODUCT. Seller shall `rot limi� or exclude any implied warranties and any anempt to do so shall
rrnda this conl2ct voidable al the option of the Buyer. Seller warranls �hat the goods fumished will conform �o �he
specifiwtion, drawings, and dacrip�ions lis�ed in �he bid invita�ion, and to the samplKs) fumished by the Seller, ifany.
In the event of a conflicl or belwan Ihe specifications, drawings, and dacriptions, the specifications shall govem
Nohvitt�standing any provisions conlained in lhe contraaual agrcement, �he Sella represents and warrants fault-Gee
perfofmancea�fauh-frceresultintheprocasingdateandda�erclatedda�a (i�luding, but no� limited to calculating,
comparing and seque�ing) of all hardware, software and fi�mwarc products delivered a� servica providtd unda
this Conhact, individually or in wmbination, as the cate may be Gom Ihe effeclive dale of this Contract. The
obligations contained herein apply �o pmducts and services provided by �he Seller, its suM Seller or any third pany
involved in the crea�ion or development of the produc�s and services to be delivered to the City of Lubbock unda this
Contraa. Failurc to comply with any o( Ihe obligalions wntained haein, may resull in the Cily of Lubbock
availing itself of any of i�s rights u�er �he law and under this Contraa including, but not limi�ed to, its right penaining
to tamination or defaule The warrantia wntained herein arc separam and discrcte from any aher warranties
specified in this Contract, and are not subja� to any disclaima of warranty, implied or expressed, or limi�ation of the
Selkr's liability which may be specified in �his Comrzct, its appmdices, its uhedules, i�s annexa or any document
incoryorated in this Conhact by relerence.
10. SAFEI'Y WARRANTY. Seller warrants thal Ihe produa sold to Ihe Buyer shall confo�m ro Ihe standards
promulgaud by �he U. S. Departmrnt of Labor unda the Occupational Sa&ty and Health Aa of 1970. In �he event the
produc� doa Iro� conform to OSHA s�ar�dards, Buyer may rc�um �he product for colrMion or rcplacemem at the
Seller's expente. In the evenl Seller hils to make Ihe appropriate comrtion within a reasonable lime, co�reclion
made by Buyer will be at �he Seller's expence.
I 1. NO WARRANfY BY BUYER AGAMST INFRINGEMEM'S. As part of this contraa (or ule Seller agrea
to auMain whe�her goods manufactured in accordance with Ihe specifiwtions attached to this agreement will give
rise lo the rightful claim of any �hird person by way of inGmgement o( �he like. Buyer maka no wartanty thal the
production of goods according to Ihe specifiwtion will not grve rise �o such a claim, and in no evrn� shall Buya be
liable w Sella for indemnification in the event �hat Seller is sued on �he grounds of inGingement of �he like. If Sella
is of the opinion thal an infringement or the like will rault, he will notify Ihe Buyer to Ihis efTect in writing within hvo
wceks after the signing of Ihis agreement. If Buyer does �rol receive notice and is subsequently held liable for
Ihe in6ingement or the like, Seller will save Buyer harmlas. If Sella in good faith ascertains the produclion ot the
goods in acwrdance wilh the specifiwlions will raull in in(nngemene or Ihe like, Ihe conlracc shall be null and void
12. NON APPROPRIATION. All funds for payment by �he Crty under �hic comract are subjcet to the availability of an
annual appropriation for �his pu'pou by the Ci�y. In the evrnt of nonappropriation of Ponds by �he Ciry Council of �he
City of Lubbock for Ihe goods or xrvices provided under the contract, the Ciry will �mninate the contraa, wilhout
termination clwge or olher liabili�y, on Ihe last day of �he thrn-current fival year or when �he appmpriation made for
the �hen-current year for the goods or smica covered by Ihis contraa is spenl, whicheva event occurs firs�. If at any
time funds are not appmpriated for Ihe continuance of this mntract, cancellation shall be accepted by Ihe Sella on
thiny (30) days prior writlrn notice, but Failurc �o give such notice shall be of no eBat and Ihe City shall no� be
obligaled unda �his contract beyond the date oftertnination.
13. RIGHT OF INSPECf10N. Buyer shall have �he right to inspec� the goods at delivery beforc accepting �hem
14. CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have the right to cancel for defaull all or any part o( Ihe undelivercd ponan o(
Ihis order if Seller brcaches any of lhe lemu hereof including warrantia of Sella or if the Sella becoma insolvent or
commits acts of bankruptcy. Such right ofcancellalion is in addilion to and not in lieu ot any other remedies which
Buyer may have in law or equily.
I5. TERMMATION. The perfomunce of work u�da �his order may be �rnninated in whole, or in pan by �he Buyer
in accordance with this provisioa Trnnination of work hereunder shall be eliecled by �he delrvery of �he Seller o
a"Notice of Tmnmahon" specifying the extrnt a which performance of work u�da the order is tertnmated and tlu
date upon which such lefmination becoma effectiva Such right or �rnnmauon a m addiuon ro and not m heu of tlu
rights of Buyer se� fonh in Clause 14, hnein.
16. FORCE MNEURE. Neither pany shall be held raponsible for losses, raulting if the fulfillment of am
�ema of pmvisions of this comract is delayed or prevmted by any cause nol withm the contml of the party whos�
performance is interfered with, arid which by Ihe ezercise of reazonable dil�gence u�d party is unable �o prcvrn�
17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No right or imerat in this comract shall be assigned or delegation of am
obligalion made by Sella without the wrntrn pmnission of �he Buyer. Any at�empted assignment or delegauon b�
Sella shall be wholly void and to�ally inefFative (or all pufpose unlas made in conformilywith this paragraph �
18. WAIV ER. No claim or right arising out of a breach o( this contrad can be discharged in whole or m parl by �
waiver or renunciation of the claim or right unlas lhe waiver or renunciation is suppohed by considerauon and �s u
wri�ing s�gned by lhe aggrieved party.
19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EV[DENCE. This writing, plus any specifications for bids and perfomuna
provided by Buyer in i�s adveniument (or bids, and any other documenis prov�ded by Sella az pan of h�s bid
is intended by the parties as a final exprasion of Ihe'v agreement and intrnded alw as a complde and exclusrvi
statement of the Irnns of the'v agreement. Whenever a �rnn defined by the Unifom� Commercial Code is used in thi
agreement, lhe definition contained in Ihe Code is to contml.
20. APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shall be govemed by �he Uniform Commercial Code. Wherever Ihe tem
"Uniform Commercial Code" is used, it shall be constfued as meaning the Unifortn Commercial Code as adopted u
�he Sta�e of Texas az e(kaive and in force on the date of this agrmment.
21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one party to �his comraa in good fai�h hac reason lo queslion the o�he
party's intent to perfolm he may demand thal Ihe otha party give writtrn assurance of his iment to perfolm. In Ih�
evenl thal a demand is made and no assurance is given within five (5) days, the demanding party may trwt Ihc
failurc as an anlicipa�ory rcpudiation of the conlract.
22. INDEMNffICAT10N. Seller shall indemnify, kcep and save harmlas the Buyer, its agents, oRcials anc
employees, against all injuria, dwthc, loss, damaga, claims, patrnt claims, suits, liabilitia, judgments, costs ane
expenses, which may in an}+vise accme against �he Buyer in consequence of �he granting of this Contraq or whicl
may anyw�se rault �hercfrom, whether or Irot it shall be alleged or dtlertnined that Ihe acl was caused througl
negligence or omission of �he Seller or iLs employees, or of Ihe subSeller or azsigna or its employtes, if any, and �h�
Sella shall, at his own expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attomeys and aIl wsts and o�her expensr,
arising therefi'om of incurted in connection ihemvith, and, if anyjudgment shall be rendered against the Buyer in an;
such aclion, Ihe Seller shall, at its own expenses, ulisfy and discharge �he same Sella exprasly understands anc
agrea Ihat any bond requued by Ihis wntract, or o�hmvise provided by Sella, shall in no way limi� the
«sponsibiliry to indemnify, keep and save hartnlas and defend the Buya as haein provided.
23. TafE. It is hereby expressly agreed and understood that �ime is of the essence for the perf'ofmance of Ihr.
wntraq, and Failure by wntract to meet the lime specifiwtions o( this agreement will cause Seller lo be in defaul
of this agreement.
24. MBE. The City of Lubbock hereby no�ifia all bidders that in regard to any comract rnured into pursuant tc
this requat, minority and women businas enteryrisa will be afforded equal opportunitia to submil bids in rapons�
to Ihis invitation and will not be discriminatcd against on the grounds of race, color, sex or natural origin ir
tortsideration for an award.
25. NON-ARBITRATION. The City rames �he righ� m ezercise any right or rcmedy to i� by law, contract, equily, oi
athmvix, i�rcluding without limitation, the right �o seek any and all folms of rclief in a court of competen
jurisdiction. Fuhher, �he City shall not be subjal lo any arbitralion process prior lo exercising its unrestric�ec
right to seek judicial remedy. The remedia se� fonh herein are cumulative and �ro� exclusive, and may be e%ncisa
wncurrcmly. To the ex�em of any conflict be�wan this provision and another provision in, or relaled lo, this document
this provision shall contml.
26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any time during the tem� of the contrza, or therwfler, �he City, or a duly awhoriuc
audit reprarnlative of the City or the State of Texas, at its expense and at rcasonable tima, rames �he right tc
audit Contractors records and books rclevant �o all servica provided to �he City under �his Contraq. In Ihe went suct
an audit by the Ciry reveals any errors or overpaymmts by �he City, Contraaor shall rcfund the City the (ull amourt
of such overpaymrnts within �hiny (30) days of such audit findings, or �he Ciry, a� its op�ion, rama the right �c
deduc� such amounls owing the Ciry from any paymems due Contraaor.
27. The Contractor shall not assign or subld the conlraq, or any portion of the contracl, without writlrn conxnl fron
the D'vector of Purchasing and Contract Managemrnt.
28. Contracls with Companies Engaged in Business wi�h Iran, Sudan, or Fareign Tertoris� O�ani�a�ion Prohibi�ed.
Pursuant lo Seclion 2252J 52 of the Texaz Govemmenl Code, pmhibits �he Ciry from entering inro a comraa wi�h a
vendor Ihat is identified by The Comptrolla az a company known lo have contracts with or p�ovide supplia or service
with Iran, Sudan or a foreign lemorisl organaalion
29. Texaz Govemmem Code. Seaion 2?52.908 rcqu'ves a business entity entaing into certain conl2cts wilh t
govemmental entity or stam agenry �o file with �he govemmental rn�ity or slate agmcy a discbsurc of interesled partia
at Ihe lime Ihe businas entily submils Ihe signed conhact lo the govemmental rntity or slale agency. liutnictions foi
wmpleting Fonn 1295 are available at: Lnu�-ww�v.ri.luh�ck.it.us&vmmKoiai
wCGs+fis AcPArt*�cn�cyu� hasing vtnapr-infprr�}[ivn
30. No Boycotl of Israel. Pursuant lo Seclion ??71.002 of Ihe Texat Govemmenl Code, Rapondrn� cenifies that
eitha (i) it meets an exemplion crileria unda Scelion ??71.00?; or (ii) it doa not boycott Israel and will na� boycott
Israel during the �mn of the contraa raulting Gom this solici�ation. Rapondenl shall s�ate any facts that make it
exemp� &om �he 6oycon cmification in i�s Responx.
31. No Boycotl of Energy Companies. P�usuant lo Section ??74 of the Texu Govemment Code, Respondrn�
cMifies thal eilher (i) i1 meets an exemption ttileria u�er Section ??74.002; or (ii) it doa not boycou Enefgy
Compania and will not 6oycou Energy Compania during the tmn of the contract raul�ing from Ihit solicilalion.
Respondenl shall slate any facls that make it ezempt @om �he boycott certification in its Raponse.
32. No Boycotl of a Fircam� Entity or Firwrm Trsde Association. Pursuant �o Secuon 2274 of the Texas
Govemment Code, Rapondmt certifies tha� either (i) il meets an ezemption critma under Section 2274.002; or (ii) il
doa not boycott a F'vearm Entiry or F'vearm Trade Aswcialion and will not laycott a Fircami Entity or F'vearm
Trade Association during lhe tmn of �he contraa `esulting from �ha solicita�ion. Rapondent shall sute any Facts �ha�
make it exempt from the boycon cenifica�ion in its Response.
33. Contracts with Compania Engaged in Businas with Iran, Sudan, or Forcign Terrorist Organ'vation Prohibited.
Pursuant a Section 2252.152 ofthe Texas Govemmem Code, prohibits Ihe City from entering imo a wntraa with a
vendor Ihat is identified by The Comptrolltt as a company known to have contracts with or provide supplia or
service with Iran, Sudan or a(oreign Irnorist organ'vation
34. TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT. The rcquircments of Subchapter 1, Chapter 552, Govemment Code,
may apply to this contract and the wntranor or vendor agrca Ihat Ihe contract can be Irnninated if Ihe coNractor or
vendor knowingly or intrnlionally Fails lo comply with a requircment of that wbchapter.
35 Pursuant to SMion 55?301(c) of the Tezaz Govemment Code, the Ci�y of Lubbock has daigna�ed the folbwing
email addras kr which public infolmation requats may be made by an emaded rcquese antumrluLl�uck.w. Please
xnd th�s requat �o Ihis email address for it to be processed
Customer: (5288777) CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE
Date: 07/OS/2023
Page 1 of 1
Quote Number: 23106496
Quote E�cpiration: OB/04/2023
Sold To:
Ship To:
Line Item Descri tion Qt Retail price gxt Tota
1 BP3768 BLK PBE VANGUARD LEVEL III 20X30 BALLISTIC 40 6,373.47 254,938.80
BuyBoard #670-22
Quote is valid for 30 days
Galls is required to collect sales tax on shipments to certain states. Sales tax will
be added where applicable. For tax exempt customers, state laws require us to have
signed tax exemption or resale certificates on file at our office. If you are tax
exempt, please email or fax this information, (including your Galls account number)
to Tax@galls.com or fax 859-268-5946.
Export Restrictions - This may contain commodities restricted in the United States
International Trade Regulations.
1340 Russell Cave Rd
Lexington, KY 90505
Tel: 800-876-4242 Fax:877-914-2557
FORnn 1295
Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY
Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number:
of business. 2023-1042118
Galls, LLC
Lexington, KY United States Date Filed:
2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/05/2023
being filed.
Clty of LUbboCk Date Acknowledged:
3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a
description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract.
Buyboard 670-22
Vanguard Ballistic Vests
4 Nature of interest
Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable)
Controlling Intermediary
5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. �
My �ame �S Tiffany Brewer , and my date of birth is
My aaa�eSs �S 1340 Russell Cave Road Lexington KY 40505 USA
(street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country)
I declare under penalry of pery'ury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in FaYette County, State of Ke1ltuCky , on the 05 day of �U�y 2� 23
(month) (year)
�L7yf�� �Q�2Ut2L
' natu of authorized agent of contracting business entiry
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.a18ea2ca
FORnn 1295
1 of 1
Complete Nos. i- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY
Complete Nos. i, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
1 Name of business entiry filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number:
of business. 2023-1042118
Galls, LLC
Lexington, KY United States �ate Filed:
2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form s 07/05/2023
being filed.
City of Lubbock Date Acknowledged:
g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a
description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract.
Buyboard 670-22
Vanguard Ballistic Vests
4 Nature of interest
Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable)
Controlling Intermediary
5 Check oniy if there is NO Interested Party. ❑
My name is , and my date of birth is
My address is , , ,
(sveet) (city) (state) (zip code) (country)
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in Counry, State of , on the day of , 20
(month) (year)
Signature of authorized agent of cantracting business entiry
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.bc.us Version V3.5.1.a18ea2ca