HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0367 - Civic LBK, Inc, 2023 Cultural Arts Grant Prog., Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund 21-22 - 07/25/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0367
Item No. 5.23
July 25, 2023
THAT the City Council hereby approves the recommendation from the Cultural Arts
Grant Review Committee and the Civic Lubbock, Inc. Board of Directors for the 2023 Cultural
Arts Grant Program using Hotel Occupancy Tax funds allocated for FY 2021-2022.
Passed by the City Council on July 25, 2023
Cou ey Paz, City Secretary
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Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager
Foster, ssi tant City Attorney
RES.Adoption - CAG Program-FY 2021-22
Resolution No. 2023-R0367
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arts . culture . entertainment
June 29, 2023
Lisa Thomason
Lubbock Memorial Civic Center
1501 Mac Davis Ln
Lubbock, Texas 79401
Dear Ms. Thomason:
The Cultural Arts Grant Review Committee and the Civic Lubbock Board of Directors are
presenting the grant award recommendations for the City of Lubbock's Cultural Arts Grant
Program for 2023. All applicants recommended for grant awards are in good standing with the
City of Lubbock and Civic Lubbock, Inc.
The total Hotel Occupancy Tax allocation provided for $544,222.40. From that allocation, the
following amounts were deducted: $54,422.24 for the Public Art Program and $15,600 for the
Airport Arts Program. After the deductions, $474,200.16 was available for the 2023 Cultural
Arts Grant Program. In addition, interest of $13,573.37, declined/unused grant funds of
$49,100.00 and carryover funds of $.09 were available for the 2023 program, making the
amount designated for the 2023 Cultural Arts Grant Program a total of $536,873.62. CLI elected
to absorb any administrative expense in administering this program making the entire allocation
of $536,873.62 available for the 2023 Cultural Arts Grant Program.
The Cultural Arts Grant Review Committee is comprised of five members; three Civic Lubbock,
Inc. Directors assigned by Civic Lubbock, Inc. and two members-at-large appointed by the City
Council. They are as follows:
Kathy Horkey-Wolff, CLI Board of Directors/Chair of the Grant Review Committee
Emily Wilkinson, CLI Board of Directors
Christi Cage, CLI Board of Directors
Paula January, Member-at-Large appointed by City Council
Christena Gonzales, Member-at-Large appointed by City Council
806-775-2242 • FAX 806-775-3240 • WWW.CIVICLUBBOCK.COM
Lisa Thomason
June 29, 2023
Page 2
In reviewing requests and developing funding recommendations for each application, the
Cultural Arts Grants Review Committee followed the approved 2023 Cultural Arts Grant
Guidelines and Procedures. A Grant Workshop was held on May 2, 2023 for first time applicants
wishing to apply for a Cultural Arts Grant. Included among the workshop presenters was a
representative from Visit Lubbock (the Lubbock Convention and Visitors Bureau).
Accompanying this document are the grant award recommendations as approved by the CLI
Board at their June 28, 2023 meeting. Thirty-three applications were received and thirty-three
applications are recommended for full or partial funding. The total amount of funding requested
for the 2023 grant cycle was $738,183.00 of which $536,873.00 is recommended for funding.
The remaining $.62 will be carried over to the 2024 Cultural Arts Grant Program.
The Civic Lubbock, Inc. Board of Directors requests that the City Council consider approval of
the Cultural Arts Grant awards of $536,873.00 as approved by the Civic Lubbock, Inc Board.
Grace Q. Gonzales
Civic Lubbock, Inc.
City of LubbocWCivic Lubbock, Inc. Cultural Arts Grant Program
2023 Cultural Arts Grant Award Recommendations
July 25, 2023
Grant No. Oreanization
2306-001 Tl�e Lubbock Chorale
2306-002 Robert Burns Society of West Texas
2306-003 Lubbock Enterta�nment and Performing Arts Assn
2306-004 Pnde of West Texas Show Chorus
2306-005 Lubbock Live Fesin al
2306-006 Lubbock Chnstian Umvers�ty Thealre
2306-007 Fladand Product�ons, Inc
2306-008 Broad�vay FesUvals,lnc
2306-009 West Texas Watercolor Sceiety
2306-010 Texaz Tech Unrvers�ty-Internat�onal Affaus
2306-011 West Texas Watercolor Sceiety
2306-012 Yowh Art�st Gwld Lubbock
2306-013 Lubbock Arts All�ance, Inc
2306-014 Lubbock Arts Alliance, Inc
2306-015 Lubbock Arts All�ance, Inc
2306-016 Texas Tech Universrty-School of Art/[.andmark Ms
2306-017 Ballet Lubbock
2306-018 Ballet Lubbock
2306-019 Lubbock Symphony Orchestra, Inc
2306-020 Flatlands Dance TheaVe
2306-021 Lubbock Moonlight Musicals, Inc
2306-022 Umversiry Interscholashc League, TTU
2306-023 Universiry Interscholashc League, TTU
2306-024 Unrversity Interscholast�c League, TTU
2306-025 Each One Reach One
2306-02G Undenvood Center for the Arts
2306-027 Undenvood Center for the Arts
2306-028 Underwood CeNer for the Arts
2306-029 Undenvood Centerforthe Ms
2306-030 Lubbock Community Theatre, Inc
2306-031 West Texas Dance Raiderettes Dance Compa�iy
2306-032 Ballet Folklorico/Lubbock Centro Aztlan
2306-033 F�estas del Llano,lnc
Holiday Concerl Home for the Holidays
9th Robert Bums Supper and Cultural Celebrahon
Buddy Holly Songwnters ReVeat and Showcase 2023
Chorus Mnual Show -"Who Let the Dogs Out"
Lubbock Lrve Festrval for the Arts
Lubbock Chrishan University Theatre 2023/2024 Season
Caldwell K�ds Spnng Concert 2024
2024 34th Annual 4[h on Broadway CelebraUon
2023/2024 Wes[ Texas Watercolor Soc�ety Shows
23rd Annual H�gh and Dry Photography Exhibrt
Jeanme McGmre s"Figuratrve Design" Workshop
2023 2024 Perfomung Ms Season
PDA (Public Display of Art) in Lubbock 2024
20232024 Cultural Distnct Marketmg
46th Mnual Lubbock Atts Fesuval
Exhtbi�ion�Symposium Belongmg m Contemporary Native Amencan Ceram�cs
The Nutcracker 2023
Spnng Perfomiance The Four Seasons
LSO 23.24 Mastenvorks, Pops, & H�gh-Profile Guest Artist for Spec�al Concert
Flatlands Dance Theatre I Sth Season
Moonlight Musicals 2023:2024 Season
UIL Summer TheaVe/I'echmcal Camp 2024
UIL Region I 4A and SA One-Act Play Compehuon
UIL One-Act Play D�rectors Workshop
Each One Reach One - Back To The Old T�me Church
First Fnday Art Trad
20th Mnual Flatland F�Im Festrval
Firehouse Presents
Hub C�ty Renaissance Faue
LCT's 2023:2024 Perforn�mg Arts Programmmg
WTDR Dance Company 2023�2024 Season
Vrva Aztlan Festival 2024
Fiestas PaMas 2023
Funding for the 2023 Cultural Arts Grant Program
Ciry of Lubbock Hotel Occupancy Tax allocation
Less 10°Io allocated for R�bhc Art Act/Mamt per Gty CU Agreement
Less fundmg for the Ai�yort Arts Program
Interest eamed on 2019 funds not yet allocated as of 3�31/2023
Interest eamed on 2021 funds not yet allocated as of 3 31-2023
Interest eamed on 2022 funds not yet allocated as of 3r31 2023
Interest eamed on 2023 funds as of 3:31 2023
2022 Hotel Lrve Music Funds not used - Program ehmmated
2022 CAG funds not used - grantee cancelled pro�ect
Carry over from 2022 CAG funds
Total avadable for 2023 CAG Program
S 2,500
I ,000
50 000
I 2,000
I 5,500
$ 2,500
I ,708
I 5,000
S 738,183 S 536,873
S 544,222 40
S (Sd,422 24)
$ (15,60000)
S 406 50
S 768 21
S 4,314 80
S 8,083 86
$ 40,000 00
S 9,100 00
S 0 09
5 536,873 62
Cultural Arts Grant Review Committee
Grant Recommendations
2023 Granting Cycle
2306-001 The Lubbock Chorale
Holiday Concert: Home for the Holidays
Amount Requested: $ 2,500
Amount Recommended: $ 2,500
The Lubbock Chorale requested $2,500 to assist with costs associated with the presentation of their
Holiday Concert: Home for the Holidays. The performance will be held at St. John's United Methodist
Church on December 9, 2023. The concert will feature a collaboration with the West Texas Children's
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan; includes utilizing social media platforms and online
tourism calendars, which have proven to be effective tools to maximum attendance.
• Application indicates a good plan for tracking tourism through zip code data provided from
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($2,500) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Guest ArtistslAccompanistlGraphic Designer) and Promotion/Publicity
2306-002 The Robert Burns Society of West Texas
9te Robert Burns Supper and Cultural Celebration
Amount Requested: $ 7,000
Amount Recommended: $ 7,000
The Robert Burns Society of West Texas requested $7,000 to assist with costs associated with the Robert
Burns Supper and Cultural Celebration to be held on January 27, 2024 at the Texas Tech University
International Cultural Center. This traditional celebration of Scottish heritage and culture focuses on the
literary legacy of Robert Burns, Poet Laureate of Scotland, his songs and poems. In addition to
performances by local bagpipers and a Celtic harpist, past U.S. National Champion Scottish fiddle player
Sean Heely will perform. Mr. Heely has performed and lectured across Europe and South America.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and cultural merit.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan for generating tourism outside the Lubbock area;
applicant plans to reach out other Scottish Societies located in Texas and surrounding regions
such as Oklahoma and New Mexico.
• Application indicates a good method for tracking out of town attendees and room nights
generated using guest registers and zip code tracking through Select-a-Seat.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($7,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Musician Fees and Sound System) and Promotion/Publicity
2306-003 Lubbock Entertainment and Performing Arts Assn.
Buddy Holly Songwriters Retreat and Showcase 2023
Amount Requested: $ 25,000
Amount Recommended: $ 17,500
The Lubbock Entertainment and Perfornung Arts Association (LEPAA) requested $25,000 to assist with
costs associated with the third annual Buddy Holly Songwriters Retreat and Showcase that will be held
September 18-22, 2023. Twenty-one songwriters from around the world are expected to participate. The
songwriters will be paired up in small groups of 2-3 to write original songs. The mentor will be 2016
Nashville Songwriters Hall of Famer, Beth Nielsen Chapman. On September 22, the best of the best
songs composed over the week will be performed in front of an audience at the Buddy Holly Songwriters
Showcase, a ticketed event in the Crickets Theatre at Buddy Holly Hall.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• First-time applicant.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan for promoting the project outside the Lubbock area.
• Application indicates a good history of tourism and room nights generated for the first two
Songwriter RetreatslShowcase.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Application indicates a good plan to market the project on local, national and international media
platforms; participating songwriters will be required to make posts on their social media pages.
• Application indicates corporate and other grant support.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($17,500) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Mentor Fee, Videography, Photography, Production costs), Rental (Music Equipment),
Promotion/Publicity and/or Other (Local Bus Transportation for Songwriters)
2306-004 Pride of West Texas Show Chorus
Chorus Annual Show —"Who Let the Dogs Out"
Amount Requested: $ 1,708
Amount Recommended: $ 1,708
The Pride of West Texas Show Chorus requested $1,708 to assist with costs associated with the
presentation of their annual show entitled "Who Let the Dogs OuY'. The show features barbershop
harmony, a four-part a cappella style of singing, and will be held on September 16, 2023 in the Crickets
Theatre at Buddy Holly Hall. The organization aims to provide opportunities for singers of all ages to
learn music and participate in unique performances complete with scripts and choreography.
Committee Comments:
• Project has good artistic merit.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to promote the show local, regionally and the
surrounding states through a variety of inedia.
• Application indicates a good plan for tracking tourism through the ticketing system used and
through the hotel room block.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Cultural Arts Grant Funds recommended ($1,708) will be used towards to the cost of Professional
Services (Technical Production CrewlFacility OperationslSecurity) and Facility Rental
2306-005 Lubbock Live Festival
Lubbock Live Festival for the Arts
Amount Requested: $ 49,575
Amount Recommended: $ 34,703
Lubbock Live Festival requested $49,575 to assist with the costs associated with the Fourth Annual
Lubbock Live Festival for the Arts to be held in August of 2024 in the Lubbock Arts District. The
purpose of the festival is to showcase new and emerging local artists and to give back to the local arts
community. It is anticipated there will be 40 local artists from a variety of disciplines including music,
dance, theater, and visual arts with the goal in mind of supporting the arts and helping all who attend
know more about what Lubbock has to offer artistically. Music genres will include Rock, EDM, Rap,
Country, Soul, R&B, Americana and Jazz along with various dance styles ranging from fre spinners to
traditional ballet.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• First-time applicant.
• The committee liked that the Festival will include a wide variety of music and dance genres.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan including radio ads, listings on various tourism
websites and, and targeted social media ads.
• Application indicates a good plan to track tourism and room nights generated.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($34,703) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Musician Fees) and/or Promotion/Publicity
2306-006 Lubbock Christian University Theatre
Lubbock Christian University Theatre Season 2023/2024
Amount Requested: $ 38,000
Amount Recommended: $ 26,600
The Lubbock Christian University Theatre requested $38,000 to assist with costume rental and orchestra
musician fees for their 2023/2024 season of musical productions. LCU Theatre will be expanding their
offerings to two full productions for 202312024. The production of The Apple Tree by Harnick and Bock
will be presented in October of 2023 with a student cast of 25 and 16 orchestra musicians. In August of
2024, a production of My Fair Lady will be presented and include a student cast of 50+ and 22 orchestra
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan outside the region to include postings on travel
websites and contacting newspapers in smaller cities in the region as well as in New Mexico.
Area theatre teachers and students will be invited to attend the production.
• The committee was pleased to see that applicant is expanding their productions to include two
musicals. In prior years, one musical was produced in the fall.
• Application indicates a good plan to track tourism.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($26,600) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Orchestra Musicians) and/or Rentals (Costumes)
2306-007 Flatland Productions, Inc.
Caldwell Kids Spring Concert
Amount Requested: $ 20,000
Amount Recommended: $ 14,000
Flatland Productions requested $20,000 to assist with costs associated with the presentation of the
Caldwell Kids Spring Concert to be held on three dates between March 1 and June 1, 2024. The two-hour
and 30-minute production will feature individual singers and group performances from an ensemble cast
of 40-50 students ranging in age from 4-18 years old. The students will have the opportunity to work with
professional musicians who will comprise the core rhythm section for the concerts. Guest artist Richie
McDonald, lead singer of Lonestar, will be brought in to conduct a seminar and perform with the
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Applicant has a good plan for marketing using a variety of inedia platforms.
• Applicant plans to work with Visit Lubbock to block rooms in a local hotel.
• Applicant plans to use ticket sales data, on-site surveys and communication with hotels to track
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($14,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Musicians, Guest Artist, Production Staff, Stage Crew) and/or Facility Rental
2306-008 Broadway Festivals, Inc.
2024 34th Annual 4th on Broadway Celebration
Amount Requested: $ 50,000
Amount Recommended: $ 33,000
Broadway Festivals requested $50,000 to assist with costs associated with the 33rd Annual 4th on
Broadway Celebration to be held on July 2-4, 2024. The 2024 event will include a ticketed La Raza on
the Plaza and a Texas Country Concert to kick off the celebration on July 2 and July 3 respectively. The
free-to-the-public activities in MacKenzie Park on July 4th will include 300 singers and musicians
perfornung on six different stages, a massive kid's area, an evening concert and other family friendly
Committee Comments:
• The music components of the project reflect strong artistic merit.
• Application indicates strong tourism and room night numbers in past years.
• Applicant plans to block rooms at a local hotel with the assistance of Visit Lubbock.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to target local, regional and potential national
• Application indicates strong in-kind and corporate support.
• Cultural Arts Grant Funds recommended ($33,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Music Production Contract and Musicians)
2306-009 West Texas Watercolor Society
2023/2024 West Texas Watercolor Society Shows
Amount Requested: $ 4,000
Amount Recommended: $ 4,000
The West Texas Watercolor Society requested $4,000 to assist with costs associated with the presentation
of its 2023 Signature Fall Show and 2024 Spring Show. The Signature Fall Show, scheduled for October
2-30, 2023 at the Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, will feature a national call for entries. The
Spring Show will be held April 1-May 31, 2024 at the Municipal Garden and Arts Center. All scheduled
shows will be on exhibit during the First Friday Art Trail during those months and exhibiting artists will
be encouraged to attend the Art Trail to allow the public to interact with them and view art
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Applicant has a good marketing plan in place; plans to promote the show through various online
tourism websites and calendars.
• Applicant has a good plan in place for tracking tourism and room nights generated.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($4,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (JurorslCafe Call) and Other (Artist Awards)
2306-010 Office of International Affairs, TTU
23rd Annual High and Dry Photography Exhibit
Amount Requested: $ 1,000
Amount Recommended: $ 1,000
The Offce of International Affairs at Texas Tech University requested $1,000 to support the 23rd Annual
High and Dry Photography Exhibit to be on display in the International Cultural Center Galleries from
December 2023 to February 2024. Approximately 85 photographers, about 50°/0 of which are from across
Texas and the US, will submit over 350 photographs from which 70 images will be selected for the
exhibition. Photographers may submit a maximum of five photographs for consideration. A nationally
known photographer from outside the Lubbock area will be selected to serve as juror.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Having a nationally known juror from outside the Lubbock area creates the potential to generate
more entries and even more high quality entries.
• Applicant has a good marketing plan in place for outside the Lubbock area. Event calendar
listings, social media and radio advertising will be used to promote the exhibit.
• Applicant plans to include a link to the Visit Lubbock website on all promotional materials,
which will provide information on local hotels.
• Applicant has a good plan in place for tracking tourism and room nights generated.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($1,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Juror Honorarium), Supplies/Materials (Exhibit Supplies), Promotion/Publicity, and
2306-011 West Texas Watercolor Society
Jeannie McGuire's "Figurative Design" Workshop
Amount Requested: $ 4,400
Amount Recommended: $ 4,400
The West Texas Watercolor Society requested $4,400 to assist with costs associated with the presentation
of a workshop featuring water-media artist Jeannie McGuire from Pittsburgh, PA. The workshop will be
held October 9-12, 2023 at the Ice House on the LHUCA campus. Ms. McGuire's workshops are
designed to combine emotion, movement and artistry in her impressionistic work.
Committee Comments:
• Project has good artistic and educational merit.
• Applicant has a good marketing plan in place; plans to promote the workshop through various
online tourism websites, the artist's website, newsletters and social media.
• Application indicates other grant support, which will provide workshop tuition and supplies for
three area art teachers.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($4,400) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Artist Fees)
2306-012 Youth Artist Guild Lubbock
2023/2024 Performing Arts Season
Amount Requested: $ 15,500
Amount Recommended: $ 10,850
The Youth Artists Guild of Lubbock requested $15,500 to assist in funding performances, classes, and
camps for their 2023/2024 season. The season will include the production of three student-led plays, one
musical production, fall and spring homeschool perfornvng arts classes, fall and spring Shining Stars —
Special Needs classes, perfornvng arts summer camps and community workshops. The activities provide
students with the opportunity to learn theatre, dance and music history, traditions, styles and skills while
participating in expressing, creating, and perfornung pieces that represent multiple cultures and art
Committee Comments:
• Project has good artistic and educational merit.
• First-time applicant.
• Applicant has a good marketing plan in place; plans to promote classes and performances on
various online tourism calendars and on various social media platforms.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($10,850) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (DirectorslChoreographerslInstructors), Rentals (ScriptslPerformance RightslRoyalties),
SupplieslMaterials (CostumeslSet building materials), and/or Promotion and Publicity
2306-013 Lubbock Arts Alliance, Inc.
PDA (Public Display of Art) in Lubbock 2024
Amount Requested: $ 13,000
Amount Recommended: $ 9,100
The Lubbock Arts Alliance requested $13,000 to assist with artist fees associated with the "PDA (Public
Display of Art) in Lubbock initiative. This project places large-scale artworks at major intersections
throughout Lubbock. The project takes site-specific large-scale sculptures and displays the pieces for a
period of two years. The project is a collaboration of Texas Department of Transportation, the Tornado
IndustriallArts, and the Lubbock Arts Alliance. The Featured Artist selected is Gloria Hartsfield from
Stella, MO. Ms. Hartfield will be creating four (4) sculptures called "Delightful Fantasy Flowers, for the
project. The project helps enhance roadsides and community gateways and attracts visitors to the area.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Application shows good collaboration/support from other organizations in the community.
• Applicant plans to track visitors that view each piece of public art using open rates on weekly e-
blasts, interactions on social media and online surveys.
• There is a good marketing plan in place to promote the artwork to visitors and potential visitors
through television coverage, newspaper articles, social media campaigns, and press releases to
regionallstatewide media.
• Application indicates strong foundation grant support.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($9,100) will used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Artist Fees)
2306-014 Lubbock Arts Alliance
2023/2024 Cultural District Marketing
Amount Requested: $18,000
Amount Recommended: $ 4,500
The Lubbock Arts Alliance requested $18,000 to continue promotion of Lubbock's Cultural District and
the activities that take place within the District thereby attracting tourism, stimulating the economy and
facilitating growth of the cultural sector. New initiatives will include paid ads on a quarterly basis
featuring promotions unique to the Cultural District, such as "Have Date Night in the DistricY' offering
dinner for two and a concert. Also planned is the creation of unique promotional cards and a door vinyl
cling with a QR code that can be placed at venues in the District. These marketing efforts inform
residents and visitors of the activities and events in the District to help drive attendance, generate ticket
sales, and increase engagement with the arts.
Committee Comments:
• Project promotes the arts, humanities and cultural tourism.
• Application indicates that it will provide additional online marketing for Lubbock arts-related
events and exhibitions produced by organizations in Cultural District to include a dedicated
website, social media, paid ads and weekly e-newsletters.
• Application indicates new initiatives to further promote and market those activities in the Cultural
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($4,500) will be used towards the cost of Professional
2306-015 Lubbock Arts Alliance, Inc.
46th Annual Lubbock Arts Festival
Amount Requested: $ 65,000
Amount Recommended: $ 54,362
The Lubbock Arts Alliance requested $65,000 to assist with costs associated with the 46th Annual
Lubbock Arts Festival to be held on April 13-14, 2024 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. The theme
of the 2024 Arts Festival will be "Colorama" celebrating the bold and vibrant colors, which make the
visual arts a reality. A special visual art exhibit by Jeffie Brewer will provide a multi-media experience
for attendees complete with inflatables, sculptures, illustrations, lights, and sound. Other highlights
include "Festival de Mariachi en Lubbock" - a multi-day event comprised of student workshops and a
student showcase culminating in a concert by Mariachi Los Matadores de Texas Tech along with
Grammy award-winning musical guests Jesus "Chuy" Guzman, Dr. Felicia Rojas, and Dr. Lauryn
Salazar. A performance by classical jazz pianist and finalist in the 2022 Van Cliburn International Piano
Competition Clayton Stephenson will also be offered. Other components of the Festival will include
visual artists from around the nation, demonstrating artists, a Juried Gallery with merit awards, a
Children's Art Area, Young Artist and Writers Competitions, and performance stages.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Applicant continues to bring in innovative and unique exhibits to stimulate interest in the arts and
the Festival each year.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Application indicates a good plan to track tourism and room nights generated.
• Application indicates strong corporate and other grant/foundation support.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($54,362) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (ArtistslPerformers) and/or Promotion/Publicity
2306-016 TTU School of ArdLandmark Arts
E�rhibition/Symposium: Belonging to Contemporary Native American
Amount Requested: $ 5,500
Amount Recommended: $ 5,500
The Texas Tech School of ArtlLandmark Arts requested $5,500 to support the planned art exhibition and
regional ceramic symposium entitled "Belonging to Contemporary Native American Ceramics." The
exhibition will be on display to the public from February 2 through March 23, 2024 at the Underwood
Center for the Arts. The symposium will take place February 23-24, 2024 mostly at the Underwood
Center and the Charles Adams Studio Project (CASP) to maximize attendance for the public lectures. The
symposium will feature world-renowned artists as speakers and workshop leaders. It is anticipated that
75-80 professional ceramics artists and students from throughout Texas and neighboring states will
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan using radio and digital campaigns on Glasstire.com,
Southwest Contemporary, tourism websites and a direct mail campaign specifically targeted to
ceramics professionals in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Applicant has a good plan in place for tracking tourism and room nights generated.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($5,500) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (ArtisdSpeaker Fees)
2306-017 Ballet Lubbock
The Nutcracker 2023
Amount Requested: $ 20,000
Amount Recommended: $ 20,000
Ballet Lubbock requested $20,000 to assist with promotion and publicity of their annual production of
The Nutcracker that will be performed December 2-3 and 7-10, 2023 at Buddy Holly Hall. The
production will feature over 185 local dancers and 65 musicians in the live Nutcracker Symphony
Orchestra. World-renowned guest artists will round out the cast and will serve as mentors and teachers to
the students at the Ballet Lubbock School. Due to demand and increased tourist attendees, the 2023
production is expanding to two weekends and adding a special Sensory- Friendly performance.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• The committee was pleased to see that the number of performances are expanding and the
addition of a Sensory-Friendly performance.
• Application indicates a strong marketing plan and includes online event calendars, social media
sites and other media platforms.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Application indicates other grantlfoundation support as well as corporate support.
• Applicant has a good plan in place to track tourism.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($20,000) will be used towards the cost of
2306-018 Ballet Lubbock
The Four Seasons
Amount Requested: $ 7,500
Amount Recommended: $ 7,500
Ballet Lubbock requested $7,500 to assist with promotion and publicity associated with the presentation
of their spring production of The Foc�r Seasons to be held on April 13, 2024 at Buddy Holly Hall. The
production will feature a live string orchestra for the first time since 2012 and premiere original
choreography by Ballet Lubbock Assistant Artistic Director Lily Balogh. The Four Seasons will include
Serenade by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and The Foarr Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to include a variety of inedia platforms to reach
potential audiences in eastern New Mexico, Oklahoma and throughout Texas.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Application indicates other grantlfoundation support as well as corporate support.
• Cultural Arts Grant Funds recommended ($7,500) will be used towards to the cost of Promotion
and Publicity
2306-019 Lubbock Symphony Orchestra
2023/2024 Masterworks Season, Pops & Special Concert
Amount Requested: $100,000
Amount Recommended: $ 80,000
The Lubbock Symphony Orchestra requested $100,000 to assist with musician fees and guest artist fees
associated with the presentation of the 2023/2024 Season entitled "Best o£" Performances will be held on
various weekends beginning in September of 2023 through June of 2024. In addition to the five
Masterworks Series concerts and three Pops Concerts, the Symphony will present a Special Concert that
featuring a world-renowned guest artist on June 8, 2024.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Application indicates strong corporate and foundation grant support.
• Application indicates a good marketing strategy to reach potential audiences outside our region.
• Application indicates a good history of generating tourism and room nights.
• Applicant plans to partner with three local hotels.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($80,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Guest Artist FeeslMusician Fees)
2306-020 Flatlands Dance Theatre
Flatland Dance Theatre's 15th Season
Amount Requested: $ 10,000
Amount Recommended: $ 10,000
Flatlands Dance Theatre requested $10,000 to assist with costs associated with the Flatlands Dance
Theatre's 15'�' Season. The season will include two original live productions, the first being "The Book
Club" performed at the Firehouse Theatre at LHUCA in October of 2023. The second production will be
"The Roaring 20s: Glitz, Glam and Mystery of the Jazz Age" which will premiere in April of 2024 at the
Firehouse Theatre. Other activities throughout the year will include performances during First Friday Art
Trail and their popular annual Young Dancers Workshop.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates a marketing plan utilizing social media and other media platforms,
including television and online tourism calendars.
• Application indicates a plan for tracking out of town attendees.
• Application indicates strong foundation grant support.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($10,000) will be used towards the cost of Facility
Rental and Promotion/Publicity
2306-021 Lubbock Moonlight Musicals, Inc.
Moonlight Musicals 2023/2024 Season
Amount Requested: $ 50,000
Amount Recommended: $ 35,000
Lubbock Moonlight Musicals requested $50,000 to assist with the cost of orchestra musician fees,
professional service fees and performance rights for the presentation of its 2023/2024 Season. The season
productions, which include Academy shows and Main Stage productions of Matilda, Big Fish, Aladdin.
Jr. and West Side Story, will be performed at the Moonlight Musical Amphitheatre.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates strong corporate and other grant support.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan in place to reach potential audiences outside the
Lubbock area.
• Application indicates a good plan for tracking tourism.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($35,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (PerformerslDesignerslSecurity) and/or Other Rentals (Performance Rights)
2306-022 University Interscholastic League — TTU
UIL Summer Theatre/Technical Camp 2024
Amount Requested: $ 14,000
Amount Recommended: $ 9,800
The University Interscholastic League-TTU requested $14,000 to assist with costs associated with the
UIL Summer Theatre/Technical Camps scheduled for July 5-15, 2024. The focus of the camps will be on
techniques in acting and technical theatre. The participants will produce eight plays with the final
performances being open to the public. Students attending the camps learn all aspects of producing a play,
including building sets, designing and running lights, creating costumes and publicity package design.
Students from across Texas attend the camp.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates that the final performances by the students should bring in family members
from around the state; good potential for tourism and overnight stays.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to generate tourism/overnight stays; the camps will
be marketed to one-act play theater directors around the state.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($9,800) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Camp DirectorslInstructors) and/or Supplies/Materials (CostumelSet Materials)
2306-023 University Interscholastic League — TTU
Texas Tech UIL Region 14A and SA One-Act Play Contest 2024
Amount Requested: $ 12,000
Amount Recommended: $ 8,400
The University Interscholastic League-TTU requested $12,000 to assist with costs associated with hosting
the UIL Region 1 4A and SA One-Act Play Competitions to be held April 18-20, 2024. The competition
targets student thespians from 500 Texas 4A and SA school districts. UIL expects 1,000 visitors and 350
competitors to come to Lubbock for the competition. The Region 1 area encompasses areas ranging from
the northern Panhandle, east to the DFW area, south to Lampasas, and west to El Paso.
Committee Comments:
Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
Project has a strong history of generating room nights; application indicates a good plan for
tracking tourism and room nights.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan in place to promote the project to school districts
across Texas.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($8,400) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (JudgeslContest ManagerlStage ManagerlTimers) and/or Facility Rental
2306-024 University Interscholastic League — TTU
2023 UIL One-Act Play Director's Workshop
Amount Requested: $ 6,000
Amount Recommended: $ 6,000
The University Interscholastic League requested $6,000 to assist with costs associated with the UIL One-
Act Play Director's Workshop that will be held October 20-21, 2023. The workshop is designed for
theatre educators. Training will be provided on such topics as selecting scripts, casting parts, designing
setslcostumes and marketing/advertising.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates good potential for generating room nights.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to promote the workshop to over 1,200 directors
throughout Texas; direct mail will be sent to private schools in the region.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($6,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Presenters), Facility Rental and SupplieslMaterials
2306-025 Each One Reach One
Each One Reach One Back to the Old Time Church
Amount Requested: $ 61,000
Amount Recommended: $ 15,000
Each One Reach One requested $61,000 to assist with artist fees associated with a gospel music concert
that will be held on August 11, 2024 at Bethel A.M.E. National recording gospel artists scheduled to
perform are Jarrell Smalls from North Charleston, Tim and the Fellas from Arkansas and Tennessee, and
the Straightway Travelers based out of Dallas and Waco Texas.
Committee Comments:
• The project has good artistic merit.
• The applicant did a better job this year of providing more information on the artistic merit of the
proj ect.
• The application indicates a good marketing plan to include newspaper advertising, PSA's, and
various tourism websites.
• The committee once again questioned the drastic increase in proposed artist fees compared to the
significantly lower fees actually paid or specified in revised budgets in prior years for some of the
same artists. The committee would again suggest that, in future applications, the applicant review
prior actual expenditures for artist fees when developing the funding request.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($15,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Artist Fees)
2306-026 Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts
First Friday Art Trail
Amount Requested: $ 32,000
Amount Recommended: $ 30,000
The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts (LHUCA) requested $32,000 to assist in funding
marketing, artist fees, security, wa�nding, and trolley service for the First Friday Art Trail. The event
will be held monthly from September 2023 through August of 2024 and is a free self-guided art trail
through the Cultural District. The Art Trail presents a family-friendly evening of arts education in visual
art, music, and dance at over 20 different venues.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Project creates great exposure for participating venues and artists.
• Application indicates a good plan for tracking tourism.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan for advertising outside the region and will include, in
conjunction with other media platforms, advertising in "Southwest Contemporary" and "Arts +
Culture" magazines, which serve multiple states.
• Application indicates strong corporate as well as state and local foundation grant support.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($30,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (ArtisdMusician Fees, Security), Supplies/Materials (Wa�nding Kiosk and Signage)
and/or Promotion/ Publicity
2306-027 Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts
Flatland Film Festival
Amount Requested: $ 12,500
Amount Recommended: $ 10,000
The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts (LHUCA) requested $12,500 to fund marketing and
professional stipends associated with the Flatland Film Festival, The Festival will be held September 21-
23, 2023 at in the Firehouse Theatre at LHUCA. The Festival will showcase Texas' dynamic filmmaking
culture by spotlighting regional flmmakers and bringing a greater understanding of the filmmaking arts to
the South Plains. The 2023 films will feature Talk Backs between the flmmakerlproducer and audience
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan for promoting the festival outside the region
including neighboring states.
• Application indicates good corporate funding support.
• Application indicates a good strategy for tracking tourism and room nights generated.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($10,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Screening FeeslFilmmakers HonorariaNideo Production) and/or Promotion and
2306-028 Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts
Firehouse Presents
Amount Requested: $ 15,500
Amount Recommended: $ 10,850
The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts (LHUCA) requested $15,500 to fund marketing,
promotion, and professional fees for the Firehouse Presents program. The programs will take place in the
Firehouse Theatre at LHUCA. The season is expanding from quarterly events to bi-monthly events. The
series will include a live concerts with an established regional bands, the re-production of the screening of
"Metropolis Elektro" paired with a live stage performance of originally scored music by Scott and Amy
Farris, a holiday-themed production, quarterly movie screenings and "Page to Stage with the Wallace
Theatre. Emerging local bands will be featured through the 6`�' Annual Battle of the Bands competition.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic merit.
• The committee was pleased to see that the series is expanding to provide more performances and
activities throughout the year.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to target regional, statewide and neighboring states
using a variety of inedia platforms.
• Application indicates a good plan in place for tracking tourism.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($10,850) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Musician FeeslSound Technician) and/or Promotion/Publicity
2306-029 Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts
Hub City Renaissance Faire
Amount Requested: $ 3,500
Amount Recommended: $ 3,500
The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts (LHUCA) requested $3,500 to fund costs associated
with the inaugural Hub City Renaissance Faire scheduled for September 16, 2023 at various locations on
the LHUCA campus and at CASP. The Faire will include theatrical performances from local directors and
actors, musical acts by local performers and statewide touring bands as well as regional vendors and
artisans. The Faire will also feature interactive demonstrations by the LHUCA Clay Studio and CASP
Metal and Print Labs artists. The Hub City Renaissance Faire will be the first arts-centered Renaissance
Faire in our region.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong cultural and artistic merit.
• This is a new project.
• Application indicates a good marketing plan to target regional, statewide and neighboring states
using a variety of inedia platforms.
• Application indicates collaboration with several other organizations such as Horizons School for
the Arts, Anna Hogan Productions, and the TTU School of Music's Vernacular Music Center.
• Application indicates a good plan in place for tracking tourism.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($3,500) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Musician FeeslSound Technician) and Promotion/Publicity
2306-030 Lubbock Community Theatre, Inc.
LCT's 2023/2024 Performing Arts Programming
Amount Requested: $ 45,000
Amount Recommended: $ 35,000
The Lubbock Community Theatre (LCT) requested $45,000 to assist with marketing, production costs
and artist fees associated with their 2023/2024 Main Season and STAGES arts programming. The Main
Season will include six productions. The STAGES program, now a full education program with student
led productions, will present three musicals and four plays. In addition, a new initiative will be the
presentation of an original Holiday Variety Show where LCT will collaborate with several other local
organizations and showcase singers, actors, dancers and original sketch comedy.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• Application indicates strong grantlfoundation support.
• Application indicates good collaboration with other local organizations in producing one of their
new initiatives.
• Applicant has a good plan in place to track tourism and room nights generated.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($35,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (DirectorslSet and Costume Design/Performers), Rentals (other than facilities),
SupplieslMaterials (Costumes, Props, Set Materials) and/or Promotion/Publicity.
2306-031 West Texas Dancing Raiderettes
WTDR Dance Company's 2023/2024 Season
Amount Requested: $ 7,000
Amount Recommended: $ 7,000
The West Texas Dancing Raiderettes (WTDR) requested $7,000 to assist with costs associated with the
WTDR Dance Company's 2023/2024 Season. WTDR offers dance classes and workshops, taught by
professional instructors, for minority and low-income children aged 4-18 living in the West Texas region.
Various dance styles, such as ballet, jazz, hip-hop and contemporary are included in the program.
Highlights of their season will include the original re-telling of Cinderella, entitled "Tale of Cyndi" and is
what they call a"dansicile." The Christmas Spectacular is another opportunity for students to learn
original dance numbers with full lights, props and costumes. Regional and national touring artists will
come to Lubbock to mentor the students, one of which is a former member of the Dallas Black Dance
Theatre and has performed with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong artistic and educational merit.
• First-time applicant.
• Applicant has a good plan in place to track tourism and room nights generated.
� Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
� Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($7,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (InstructorslChoreographers/Touring Artist Fees), SupplieslMaterials (CostumeslProps)
and Promotion/Publicity
2306-032 Lubbock Centro Aztlan/Ballet Folklorico Aztlan
Viva Aztlan Festival 2024
Amount Requested: $ 13,000
Amount Recommended: $ 9,100
Lubbock Centro Aztlan requested $13,000 to produce the Viva Aztlan Festival that will be held March 8-
9, 2024 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. The Festival consists of Mexican folklore dance groups of
all ages competing and participating in workshops taught by Masters of their feld. Folklorico groups are
invited from all over the nation to compete and display their artistry and traditions of Mexico through
dance and music on a professional stage. An additional attraction in 2024 will be a concert featuring
Ballet Folklorico de Alvaro Munoz from Abilene along with Mariachi Azteca de Americas from San
Antonio to headline the concert. The group will also provide individual Master Classes with each
Mariachi that registers. Past festivals have attracted folklorico and mariachi groups from cities such as
Chicago, Denver, Pueblo, as well as the Texas cities of El Paso, Mission and LaJoya.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong cultural, artistic and educational merit.
• Applicant has a good marketing plan for advertising outside the area. Tourism websites as well
as social media and websites that specifically cater to Folklorico and Mariachi groups will be
utilized to promote the Festival.
• Application indicates a good history of generating tourism and room nights; applicant has a good
plan in place to track tourism and room nights generated.
• Applicant plans to partner with a local hotel.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($9,100) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (Folklorico Judges, Performer Fees, Stagehand Technicians) andlor
2306-033 Fiestas del Llano, Inc.
Fiestas Patrias 2023
Amount Requested: $ 9,000
Amount Recommended: $ 9,000
Fiestas del Llano requested $9,000 to assist with costs associated with Fiestas Patrias 2023 to be held
September 16, 2023 at Buddy Holly Park. The cultural celebration will feature various bands and
folklorico groups performing during the day and the traditional Grito de Dolores ceremony that evening.
One of the goals of Fiestas Patrias is to bring awareness to the rich heritage and traditions of music, dance
and art of the Mexican-Mestizo culture.
Committee Comments:
• Project has strong cultural and artistic components that include music and dance.
• Application indicates a good plan to market the project outside the region using a variety of
media platforms.
• Application indicates a plan to track tourism.
• Cultural Arts Grant funds recommended ($9,000) will be used towards the cost of Professional
Services (PerformerslStagelSound) and Promotion/Publicity
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