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Ordinance - 083-1912 - Regulating The Use Of Sewers. - 09/14/1912
0PDTIAN0F. Na. & » A?Q QR}7T?,jATTC7- FTx3NC AND RrCUT.ATTRG '1'Pfr� UqV OF SMF`RS EY PRIVATE' INDIVID.- UAT.8 AND CORPORATIQN9 IN TFIT' rTTY OP LUBTRMX9 TrXA9. Be it Ordained by the City Council of. the City of Mbbook., Texasi-- i= Section 1. The Sanitary Sewer System of the City of .Lut bock, Texas, consists of main and lateral, aonduitn of salt glazed vitrified earthenware pipe with the necessary awe -3 sorie s. They are designed to carry off all liquid houso wastoo and are known herein as 9'anitary 80yers. The saver,e in the streats or allays pagaing in front of tho various lots are called main or lateral sewers, the severs leading from the mains are lateral aiwers. C 0 X V ? 0 T I QN so Section a. All connections of house severs, drains, or plumb— ing work- with the sewer systorr of the City of Lubbock, Texas, shall be made in anc ordanco with these 'Rules and Regulat ione. ILI SCFNgr.R !I_gya 1!3. Section 3. No person, firm$ or corporation shall lay, alter, or repair any house dr%in, sewer, or plumbing work or make Qny connec— tions whatever wit', any surer or drain b longing j to the Sanitary Sewer System of this City, or do niky kind of work connected with the laying of houae drains or house sewers or plumbing or make any raWrs, raddd-- tions to, or alterations of any drain, sewer, or plumbing connected or designed to be connected with the Sanitary Sower System of this City, unless regularly li scan eed by the City of ,Lubbock, Towas. A P E &.Lg A T I O N F O R T$ CI EEAE. Soc ti an 4. Any }nor uon de Airing to do busirio ad as a plumber in c onnc c tion with the Sanitary Sswor System of thQ Ofty of Lubbock, Texas, shall file In the office of the City Secretary a petition giving the name of the individual or firm and place of business, and aeising to be liseensed as a plumber. Said petition Rust be signed by the applicant for lisoense and by two disinterested responsible citizens of the City of Lubbock, Texas, vouch'in$ for the busine se capacity and reputation r of the applicant, that he is a master of his traAe. and willing; to be governed in all respects by the Rules and Regulations which are or may be adopted by ttis City. P'schapplicant for lisaense shall execute and �a deposit in the: office of the City Seoret%ry., with his applica— tion, a bond with two of more approved sureties (to be "proved by the Mayor and City Snaretaryf in the sum of One Thousand 01,QOO.00y 'Dollars conditioned that he will indemnify and save harml000 the City of L►rb.. book, Texas, from all accidents and damaea Qa.used by negligence. in pro- testing his work, or by any unfeAthful, imperfect or inadequate work done by virtue of his liscenae, and that he will also replace and res- tore any sidewalks pavement, or street sudace over any opening that he may have made to a,t good "+skate and condition as he found it and keep and maintain the name in good order, to the satisfaction of the City for the period of aft monthe next theargafter, that he will pity all fines imposed upon him for violation of any bf these Mules or Regulations, On receiving hts liacense he ehnll have recorded in the office of the Qity Sepretary his actual pl"a of businaee, the name st under ihich ka the busineso is transacted, and shall immediately notify the City 9eeve-- tary of any change In either thereafter, Fo li scense will be L .granted for more than one year and all li svense shall by #gaited to expire on the first day of duly, before any 11 sponse le issued the applicant shall prey to the City Seers terry, to the deposited in the City TraaFury, a li seen se .fee of T©n (*l4. oo) Dollars. L ZEa ZZA. Section 5, 4ppl icationo for permits to connect with the Sower Syetgm or to do plumbing work to be connected therewith, must be made, in writing by the armor of tho property to be drained, or by his au- thorized went, endorsed by the plumber employed to said work, Such application shall gate precis location of the property, the narle of the owner, and this n=e of the person employed to d❑ the work, and shall be made on blanks furnished for the purpose. Ro permit shall be deerrced to authorize anything not stated in the application, and for any a4 srep-- resentation in such application, the• plumber shall be suspended; and if such misrepresentation appears, to he wilful, his liscense shall be ro- yoked, The City Authority will designate the poeition of the "Y" branch In the street as sh9wn by tbs Pecorda in the office of the City, All oonnect3 ons Asde with the sanitary sewers or dralne, and all plumbing connected therewith shall be made under the direction of City Authority, P L A N O F P L U V T3 1N G. Section 6, Before a permit will be 1 ssuad for doing p3 urbin.g work in a building, or before any additions are made, excepting nave a� nary repairs, a dO.9cription of' the work to be done, signed by a lis- sensed Plumber on blanks furnished for the purpose, shall be filed in thn office of the City Secretary, and no such work shall be aorwenced until such descriptions shall have been approved by city Authority. All work done under such description shall be subject to the Inspection of the City Authorities, and no alterations shall be made In any description or in any work without a special permit in writing from the said City Ruthority, I P Me Z 0 R. Section 7. The City Authority le to be &,Ivan notice when any Work is ready for Inspection, anq all work must be raft uncovered for examination until inspected and &pproved, Such inspection shill be =do within twenty --four hours +meter such notiflc&tion. If required to do egg the plumber shall apply ither the vOLt ether, pe,varmInt, water, or smoke test, in the presence of the plumbing inspector and the plumber shall repair or remove riny da;fedtive material or Ja6bor w1nen so ordered by the City Authority, STATr, MR T C F fi 0 R X D❑N?. = M C:r = = as =a. to M err *K SM ere M M = " M Oeation S. The Plumber, on the completion of the work, shall file in the office of the City Secretary a correct statem-nt of the work done under the permit, � � Z2 = Section 9. No open gutter, Goss pool, privy vault, or basement shall be connected with any sower or drain. W A E R A N D G A� Section 10, Any personr firm, or oorpora.ti on. desiring to 14 -- pipes for water,ram gas, steam, or any purpose, in ,any street or alley l upon which the severs are 2ald ahall give LLt least twenty -Pour hours � notice to the City Authority befcr'e opening the street or alley, and the manner of excavating for laying and back filling over such pipe shall be subject to the apprgval of the City Authority. All such work shall be planned and executed so that no injury shall occur to any pub - Ito sewer or drain or to any house sewer or drain connected therewith, == ='R= T=="- Section It. The City shall have power to shop and prevent from dia3harging into the Bawer Syst,:m, any private sower or drain through : bich substances are discharged Whiah are 11abla to injure the sewars (Or� or obstruct the flow of the aewage, or which acre liable to injuriotuely affeat or preveat the proper action of the di sponal tank Wh.iah is or may b© connected with the Hower System. L p PP I V A T F DR A I M Sw Section 19,. Before any old private drain shell be connoted with the S.'awer System the owner of the private drain or sower shall p prove to the satisfaction of the City that it is clean and conforms in every respect with theae Rules and Regulationa, M us we M = M' Section 1' . The house se zver tranah ohall be dug en as to meee t the public sewer of the pasitl on of the "Y" branch so loae.ted by the City Authority. The material thrown from tho trench shall be placed so as not to obstrua t and eo as to cause the leabt incenventenco to the publlo. Proper barriers and lights must be maintained on the banks of tho trench to guard the public mgainst ancXdents during the progress of the work, In backfilling the earth shall be carefully romm7d or IP flooded ac ae to keep the pipe in proper position and avoid s6ttling, and no stone shall be used in filling until there #v has been a depth of two feet pf fine earth or gravel placod over the pipe, �RAInT.i9. c sir ma 3 Section 14. Th4 house saws r from a polot th.re4 feet cut lido the house to the ,street sewer shall by of the finest quality salt glazed vitrified earthen pipe, tha interior diameter of Which eahall by four inches, except that hotels, barber shops# reNsaurents, boarding houses, ice plants, laundries, end plaoes where machinery is propellod or operated by steam may, by spec l&l permit In writing from the City Authority, Use six inch pipe hewing all qualities proscribed for four Inch pips. 179 stews or hot water will be allowed to be turned into the sewer, .,. ---4__. ,,. CIF � A Y I N Section 15. The cover on the "Y" branch of the serer shall ba carefully removed so as not to injure the socket or bell. The First l3ngfb of pipo attached to the "YO branch ehell be curved and set, if necessary ao as to give a good fell into the sewer, 410�The p1pp shall he laid on a uniform grade from a point where it joins the metal pipe from the house to the point cfhers it joins the "Y" brs�nch of the sower, tinla ss the mechanical conditions of the prpmi so e to bo sewered will eAmit of a grade of not less than one thnth of ran inch to the .foot, in which event the house sewer may have the 1/lo of an inch grade to a point near the sewer and a preeipitx=aus or quick drop into the sewer. The Oity, by the City Authority, aba:ll have the right to cause provieion to be made for regular and efficient flushing. Curved pipe shall be used for every deflection from a straightZ line of more than six Inches in two feet* The joints of earthenware pipe shall be made with Portland ce- meht of first quality, the joints of the iron pipe shall be made of a oakum and lead if cast iron is - uaed*/or aorewed joints with white lead if wrought geavanized iron is used, The ends of private s©ware not tumediately connected with the plumbing fixtures shall be securely cl000d by water tight imperishable material. Tf lead pipe, the and must be soldered, if east iron pipe a cast iron plug must be caulked in with lead. 2II4 &N G A &=X4, Section 18. All material used must be good quality and free from defectet the work must be executid in a thorou& and workmanlike manner. From a point three fe^t outside the foundation rmll of u butld— ing, no material may be used wi thl� the building and connected with the curer, for soil, waste, or vent pipes, other than cast iron pipes, with sc,ourcly leaded joints, lead pipes with wiped joints.. Cement or put— ty joints, tin, or sheet iron pipes, whether galvanized or not, shall not be used, but the vent pipes may be o4 cast iron or mauchanta gal-- vanizad iron pipe, provided that all toilets shall have not less than four (4) inch cast iron vent pipes We soil or waste pipe need have: a fall of more than one inch In ten feet. ----------- 5---------- kIA. Section 17. All cast iron pipes rust be sound, free from holes or cracks, and of the grade known in Qonmeres as standard, coated with tar or eaphal turn. �W All fittings in connection with such pipe shall correspond wth it in weight and quality, TVhere lean pipe to ueod to connect fixtures with the vortioul s6il or waoto pipes, or to connect traps with vertical vent pipes, it must not be 11�*iter thurt 'light pipe". The arrangement of soil Quit' + usto p tpea roust be as direct as possible. The drain, soil) and waste pipes should, if. praac'tleabl,e, bla exp000tt to view at all tioe a tea+dy for inspection and for convenience in repalrt.ng. N D�?II9T'R PIFRr OP Section 18. A rain waste pipe into which Woad basins, bath tube or kitchen sinks diecherge must be at least one and one-hald inches in diameter with an* and one-"fatgrth i,neh branches. The main pipe from the sewer connections to the house must be at least Pour (4) inc'hos in interior diameter at every point. 1"o XxW trap or any manner of obstruction to the .free flow of nlar ' through the whole course of the house sewer or soil pipe will be ►.lowed, men the cloast sits wore then three feet; from the maln stack, it shall lie re - vented end when two or more olosets are on the main stack, on different floors, the lower closet ahal.l have a revent connected with the main stack not leas than two feet above the highest fixture thereto. Every vertical soil and wnste pipe must be extended at least two feet above the roof or coping. It must be of undiminiahad nixe, without return bend. 'It muat not open near a. window or %Ir abaft which ventilates living roome, 9oili weete, and vent pipes in an extension muat be extended Above thel roof of main buildings, When otherwv i90 the y WQnld open within sixteen (16) feet of the windows of the main house or adjoining house, d 0��T s. Seotion 19. All joints in soil and waste pipes must be so IMs filled with oakum and lead and hand caulked as to make them gas tight. All connections of lead. pipes with east Iron pipes must be made with a bras or lead sleeve or ferule of the steno size as the lead p:1p40 put in the hub of the branch of the cast iron pipe and caulked with lead. The lead pipe must be attw.hed to the ferule by a wiped joint. All o onneo t l on a of lead, vm.sta, and vent pipes shall be made by moans of wiped Joints, NSFF. C T 0 N. Section 20, Before the :Fixtures are plaoed in eonneetiori With the plumbing of any house or building and before the soil pipe i o con- nected with the Oewor, the outlet of the eall pipe and openingo Into it below the top shall ba hor7retically eeraleri, the pipe shall then be filled with' water to its top and every joint carefully examined for lea.ke. Work already in plaoc will by examined by the poppermint or other test,, as the plumbing inspector shall desire. The above toots ah4l1 ftivifys be made whenever the Inspector of Plumbing shall demend it and cell de" fective pipes must be removcd and replaced by sound ones, and all defect - Iva j oiftte made tight, and every pert of tho work be made to conform to the oe Rules and Regulations and sutj e c t to the approval of the In-- spector. In cases Where the plumbing Work has been: completed in a build• Ing before these Rules and Regulations came in .force, if the plumbing ban been done in accordanos tjlth these Rules and Regulations, permits will be granted for making cohnectiona w1 t,h the sewer as in new work, but In oa.oe the plumbing ie not in accordunce with these Rules and Reg- ulatlona, each alterations shall be made me the City Authority shall direct, to rake 41e plumbing sixfe to the pernone residing in the :souse, and such. as to be no souece of injury or atoppago to the sewer. In all cases the vent pipe ahall paus through and above the roof. Traps are to be vent it r�t,ad, fixturc s trod pipo s clean,, and waste and soil pipo s to have sufficient fall. Section 21, At the bottom of each rain stab thore shall be a "Y" brttrtrh wtth a one eighth bend and' alean out plug, where required by the pl=bing inspector. TRAP S. Section 88. Every wager elooet,, urinal,# aink,wash tray, bath tub, and every tub of not of tubs oust be sepalra.tely and effoctua].ly t trapped, and all bath tabs must be trapped with & 4 by 8 drums. trap. Traps must be places as near the fixtures as practlodble■ In no case shall Rrate r1 f rom a bath tub or o the r f ixturo be o onne cta d with the vats r closet trap. All sinks in packtn3 houses, butcher stops, lard randeri.ng ea. tabl i elements, hotels, restaurants, laundri a w, and +sueb boarding houses and P ri vote re s i dince s as the City Authority shall demand, aball be pro- vided with a. suitable brick or vitrified grease trap, not lose than is twelva (12) inches for residence and boarding houses and twenty --four (034) inchea for the other places named. Wa.dh Grooms, platforara, etc. ft for carriages. shall be provided with proper meane for intereer ting mud and sand. Secticn 20'. Traps must be protected from aiphRnage, or the waste pipe leading from them ventilated by a raped*, air pipe taken out of or nesr the crown of the trap, 3n no ouse leas than two inches in diameter, for water closet trap,, and one Inch and a quarter for other traipse except vjhnre more than: fifteen (15) feet in length, wban ' it idiall not bo lose than ontj raid one-half inches in diameter. The Ver- t4Qa1 vent pipes for trope of water closets must be at least tour inches vast iron, and m.uet extend two Peet above the copinS or roof, and such pipes ehal) be fla*ed with two and ono-hmlf pound chest lead, All vent pipes shall be run as direst as pousible and :forty-five degree L's used at all times when practicahlo,. No trap or vent pipes shall be used as A. waste or sail pipe. No brick, sheet mata14 serthenware, or vh.imney flue shall be used as a sewer ventilator„ nor to ventilate any tra►p,ax drain, soil or waste pipe, VR❑ V Fl ITT TYRTC 9, geo t i on �4. 0"rfl owe from fixtures must in each case be c or* nested with tho inlet side of the trap. WATER qjA 4FTT.2• 'Section 25. 'dater closets must be of an :improved pattern (pan and plunger olosate being abolished and absolutely prohibited) and must be supplied from a epacIal -tank placed over them* in which case the ;:oasts or overflow from the tank must diacha;rge into th• open air of tha baoin Of the closet, and not into the soil pipe directly. Diroot service of .a water closet is prohibited, All interior water closets compartments should be ven,tilatad Into air shafts where poselble. S,T RAIR, R .& Section 26. Exit pipes to all fixtured expept muter closets shall be f U= tabed with ouitmble permanently attached strainc.ra, Seotion P7, 11s person shall place or suffer to be placed aM bubky substance in any sewer opening, or in the house eonnectione, or private drains oonneoting with any public main or la.taral sewer, or any subatanme having a tendency* to obstrumt the free flow of ae.id sewer or to dar(mZe thene in any wary, EMMM .7f TH PR I YF. sr ra = = Seation 98, xt shall be unlawful, fob- the owner or oacup&nt of any building or premlees within this City to use or permit *x any one else to use, any privy or water closet on suc)h premicea that is con— nemted with the sewer S3rstem of the City unlesa the awne shall be used in connection with sufficient water flowing into the sewers to keop the pipes conneoting such privy or water closet with the sewere free from obstruotions and wxy one violating the p.rovisiona of this Section ahall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction 26EaI thereof, shall be fined in any sure not less than five nor more than tan doll&ra; and ezaah day that the provision of this fixation is violated shall constitute a. separate offense. Section 09, Thia Ordinanme shall take effect front and after its pmeoag a and publication as required by Law. Pansod and approved thiv the 19th. *day cad Saptewber, A.,D,1912. Wayor, rR5 o tut bock, exa.e. f CtFL'.-Ay of T.ubl�ock, r Orhe n jtz1, of fi� --1 o^k1 ?Aefori 7e, the undnr�3 i=ed authority, on this clay rerson�I.l,y mr•pe:_red Sax. Z.rcg, ?anon=n to m-- to bev a ared1b1c par,3on, who be#n, duly 37orn, on oath ne3 o sa and 3apos That hey the affiant, to the publIshfir of The tub?,cck Avalmnoho, a newsj, aper publi Qhed weeQsly in the Town of Lubbock, Lubbock (Iounty, Twmg, and th.-It tho forcrrci.ng Qrdimmee, being Ordinanee No.� of WhIob a copy is attached to this affidavit, waa published in the 3%, ld The Lubbock Av*'- lwiche on the Day of A. P. 19140 fubllahor Tba Lubr ca AM unche. Rubserlbad and == a,ic+; n to befcr , rw th,ia the day of A. D.1914 Rotary I'u. lio * Ltit bock Voun ty, Texae.