HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 078-1912 - Adopting A Sanitary Code For City &Providing A Penalty For The Violation Thereof - 07/15/1912' // e O R D I N A N C E N 0. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SANITARY COIF FOR THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas. 5-- 1; That the following Rules are hereby enaceted as the Sani- tary Code"of the City of Lubbock, adopted for the promotion and protect- ion of the Public health and for the general amelioration of the san- itary and hygienic conditi®n within the City of Lubbock, for the sup- pression and prevention of infectious and contagious diseases, and for the proper enforcement of quarantinem'isolation, and control of such diseases, to -wit: -- QUARANTINE AND ISOLATION. R Rule 1. PHYSICIANS SHALL REPORT CONTAGIOUS, INFECTIOUS AND PESTILENTIAL DISEASES AND DEATHS FROM SAME. Every Physician in the City of Lubbock shall report in writing or byknowledged telephone communication to the City Health Officer, immediately after his first professional visit, each patient he shall have or suspect suffer- ing with any contagion, and he shall report to said Health Officer every death from such disease immediately after it shall have occurred. Rule 2. The Phrase "Contagious disease" as used in these Reg - Rations, shall be held to include the following diseases, whether contagious or infectious, and as such shall be reported to the City health Officers-- Asiatic Cholera, Bubonic Plague, Typhus Fever, Leprosy, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, Typhoid, Measles, Dengue, Cere- bno-Spinal Meningitis, Epidemic Dysentery, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, and Anthrax. Rule 3. Upon notice that Smallpox, Diphtheria, Measles, Scar- let Fever, or other quarantinable disease exists within the City of Lubbock, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, upon instruction of the City Health Officer, to have the house in which said disease prevails placarded by placing a yellow flag or card not less than eight inches wide and twelve inches long with the words "Contagious Disease" printed thereon. Rule 4. After the House is flagged or placarded, all persons except the attending physician or health officer, are forbidden from Sanitary Code---#2. going in or leaving such premises, without the permission of the City Health Officer, and in carrying off or causing to be carried off, any material whereby such disease may be conveyed, is prohibited until after the disease has abated and the premises, dwelling, and clothing have been disinfected and cleaned ad the City Health Officer may direct. Rule 5. It shall be the duty of all persons infected with any contagious disease, or who, from exposure to contagion from such disease may be liable to endanger others who may come in contact with him, to strictly observe such instructions as may be given him by the City Health Officer, in order to prevent the ppread of such contagions disease, and it shall be lawful for the City health Officer to com/- mend any person thus infected, or exposed to infection to rematt within designated premises for such length of time as such authority may deem necessary. Rule 6. No person shall alter, deface, remove, or destroy or tear down any card posted by the City Health Officer or under his di- rectibn. Rule 7. In the management and control of the following Dis- eases,viz:--Smallpox, Diphtheria, and Scarlet Fever, the house must be placarded, premises placed in absolute quarantine, patient in absolute isolation, and a complete disinfection done upon tk death or recovery taking place. Rule 8. Persons suffering from Measles, Whooping Cough, Mumps, German Measles, and Chicken Pox shell be required to be barred from school for twenty-one days, at the discretion of the City Health Officer, from the date of onset of the disease with such additional time as may be deemed necessary by said Officer. Sec.2. Any person who shall violate any of the Rules, Regula- tions or Provisions of the Sanitary Code of the City of Lubbock, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than olO. oo nor more than VlOO. oo. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication qe required by Law. Passed and approved this the 15 th. , day of July, A: D.1912 . Mayor. Attest: t Secret l � a] C r or v ° loft ct o m �. o O O c* tD OR G { C N► w Q tt cis` t� ts t-I iz w o x 3r K ro t� Lam' p4 :3 cr +d ra CD p 0 t-3 tq o s�.ss.ss.ss�a.s AW AV e+ C+ cD m C+ .. 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S Co �� and c�t�► - ems. ba rggm1red to be �3 ftr Smaly me &79 at SUM of UO CItY nth Oftfaarw ffa t O &to of an"t of tbek diaamw wJU mwb aA"tlOWj 'UM 0e =' be asawd aaau7 by acid orfloera Sw: rmn rbo MAU mate am of the Rya# C ana OV pravua or tf 4 M i" Code of the juity of Lato at l dated l at r �a a �atioa abou be red la any ava nit labs t3ft WOOO wr Marc, am WOOD* aaz Pw Me ftd1rMw Aar: %On aff`ae't ftvm Md SMr Its lea aad gumaaaa ram by Via* i?aswd and app"r" 018 %be IM day of ZV4.y,# .&1914 ► r Gal) Atte042 CliW t*Mt A, ORDINANCE NO, 78., AN ORDINANCES ADOPTING A SANITARY CODE FOR = CITY OF LUBBOCK' AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF* B , IT ORDAI ar� D BY THC CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF LUBBO CKo TE=: Section 1: That the following Rules are hereby enacted as the Sanitary Code of the City of Lubbock, adopted for the promotion and protection of the public health and for the general amelioration of the sanitary and hygienic condition within the City of Lubbock, for the suppression and prevention of InfootioUs and contagious diseases, and for the proper enforcement of quarantine isolations and control of such diseases, to -wit: AU.ARANTINE AND ISOLM013. Rule 1. MrsICILINS SHALL REPORT CO�1TAGEOUS, IWECTIOUb, AND PESTILENTIAL DISEASES AND DLk-ni�'FROI.' SAPdE. Ever, Physician in the City of Lubbock shall report in writing or by an acknowledged telephone communication to the City Health Officer, immediately after his firat professional visit, each patient he shall have or suspect cuff-ering with any contagion, and he shall report to said Hoalth Officer every death from such disease immediately after it shall have occurred. Rule 2# The phrase "Contagious disease" as used in these Roc ulations shall be held to inoludo the following diseases, whothor contagious or infectioust and as such shall be reported to the City health Officer: - Asiatic Cholera, Bubonio PlaL7ue Typhus Fever, Lepros g br lspinal Foxg Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, Typh od, 1'easlos, Dongu°, Ce P=:eningitis, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, and Anthrax. Rule 3. Upon notice that mall Pox, Diphtheria, Measles, Scarlet Fever, or other quarantinable disease exists within the City of Lubbock, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, upon instruction of the City Health Officer, to have the house in which said diseas prevalla, placarded by placing a yellow flag or card not less than eight inches aide and tvrolve inches long •--ith the words "Contagious Disease" printed thereon. Rule 4. After the house is flawed or placarded, all persons except the attending Physician or health Officer, are forbidden from going; in or leavi g such promises without permission of tho City health Officer, and in carrying oft' or causing to be carried off, any material whereby such diseas ray be conveyed, is prohibited until after the disease has abated %nd the premises dwelling, and clothing have boon disinfected and cleaned as the City Health Officer may direct. Rule S. It shall be the duty of all persons infected with any contagious disease, or whoa fran eanomm' to contagion froe � such disease may be liable to endanger others who may come in contact with him, to strictly observe -s=h instructions as may be given him by the City Health Officer, in order to prevent the spread of such contagious disease, and it shall be lawful for the City Health Officer to command any person thud infected, or exposed to infection to rer.:ain within designated premises for such time as such authority may deem necessary. Rule 6. No person shall alter, deface, re-ove, or destroy or teaiciown any card posted by the City Health Officer or under his direction. Rule 7. In the management and control of tho follov4 ng Diseases, viz: - Smallpox, Diphtheria, and Se-.irlet Fever, the house must be placarded, premises competelaced in disinfectionlute donequpon death ortient reooviryabsolute taking place,tion, and P ORDIhAIME 110. 78 - Page 2. Rule 8. Persons suffering from Measles, Whooping Cough, Mumps, German Measles, and Chioken-Pox shall be required to be barred from school for twenty-one days, at tbo discretion of the Ci.,y health Officer, from the date of onset of the disease ith such additional tires as may be deemed necessary by said Officer. Soo, 2. Any person cvho shall violate any of the Rules, Reguli►tions or Provisions of the Sanitary Code of the City of Lubbook, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be find in any sum not less than $10.00 nor more than 0100,00, Section 3. This Ordim- nee shall take effect from and after its passage and publication as required by iavr. Passed and approved this the 15th day of July, A.D. 1912. (coal) `.E. Wheeloc$, Unyor I Attest - 17,11. Shave, City Secretary.