HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0218 - Reconnaissance Robot Grant Project Agreement with Office of the GovernorResolution No. 2023-RO218 Item No. 6.24 April 25, 2023 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds it to be in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Lubbock ("City") to participate and pursue funding through the State of Texas, Office of the Governor's Reconnaissance Robot Grant Program for FY2023; and WHEREAS, the City agrees to provide applicable matching funds for the said project as required by the Office of the Governor's Reconnaissance Robot Grant Program grant application; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock agrees that in the event of loss or misuse of the Office of the Governor funds, the City assures that the funds will be returned to the Office of the Governor in full; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock designates Jarrett Atkinson, City Manager, as the City's authorized official. The authorized official is given the power to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the applicant agency; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT that the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby approves the submission of the grant application for the Reconnaissance Robot Grant Program for FY2023 to the Office of the Governor, and all related documents. Said Application is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council; and THAT the City Council finds it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Lubbock in order to expedite the performance of city business, to delegate authority to execute any necessary or related documents associated with this grant and application to the City Manager for the City of Lubbock. Passed by the City Council on am. U April 25, 2023 ATTEST: Courtney Paz, APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: V'Z,17.e Floyd kitceil, Chief of Police APPROVED AS TO FORM: i RyA B6oke,' Senior Assistant t RES.LPD Reconnaissance Robot -Office of the Governor Grant Application 3.21.23 3/24/23, 4:15 PM Print This Page eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE!!!) Agency Name: Lubbock, City of Grant/App: 4442101 Start Date: 10/1/2022 End Date: 9/30/2023 Project Title: Reconnaissance Robot Status: Active Grant Eligibility Information Your organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number: 17560005906000 Application Eligibility Certify: Created on:1/10/2022 4:15:44 PM By:Jasper Collins Koenig Profile Informatiion Applicant Agency Name: Lubbock, City of Project Title: Reconnaissance Robot Division or Unit to Administer the Project: Lubbock Police Department SWAT team Address Line 1: 1314 Ave K Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Lubbock Texas 79401-3830 Start Date: 10/1/2022 End Date: 9/30/2023 Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: South Plains Association of Governments Headquarter County: Lubbock Counties within Project's Impact Area: Bailey,Cochran,Crosby,Dickens, Floyd,Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley,Terry,Yoakum Grant Officials: Authorized Official Name: W. Jarrett Atkinson Email: jatkinson@mylubbock.us Address 1: P.O. Box 2000 Address 1: City: Lubbock, Texas 79457 Phone: 806-775-2016 Other Phone: Fax: 806-775-3924 Title: Mr. Salutation: Mr. Position: City Manager Financial Official Name: Amber Aguilar Email: aaguilar@mylubbock.us Address 1: 1625 13th Address 1: City: Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone: 806-775-2149 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Ms. Salutation: Ms. Position: Senior Accountant Project Director Name: Jasper Collins Koenig Email: jkoenig@mylubbock.us Address 1: 1314 Ave K Address 1: City: Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone: 806-775-2912 Other Phone: 806-239-7470 Fax: Title: Mr. https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 1 /16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM Salutation: Lieutenant Position: SWAT Commander eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE III) Grant Writer Name: Jasper Collins Koenig Email: jkoenig@mylubbock.us Address 1: 1314 Ave K Address 1: City: Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone: 806-775-2912 Other Phone Fax: Title: Mr. Salutation: Lieutenant Position: SWAT Commander 806-239-7470 Grant Vendor Information Organization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village) Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security services Applicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): 17560005906000 Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): LXDNEKWRVKJ6 Narrative Informatiion Overview The purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs. The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO's eGrants User Guide to Creating an Application guides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the PSO's Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpagg. Primary Mission and Purpose State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): Supports state, tribal and local preparedness activities that continue to build law enforcement capabilities to prevent terrorist attacks and support critical prevention and protection activities. All LETPA investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR). Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP-LETPA projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, or protecting against acts of terrorism. Eligibility Requirements https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPrintableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 2/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) Cybersecurity Training Requirement Local units of governments must comply with the Cybersecurity Training requirements described in Section 772.012 and Section 2054.5191 of the Texas Government Code. Local governments determined to not be in compliance with the cybersecurity requirements required by Section 2054.5191 of the Texas Government Code are ineligible for OOG grant funds until the second anniversary of the date the local government is determined ineligible. Government entities must annually certify their compliance with the training requirements using the Cybersecurity Training Certification for State and Local Governments. A copy of the Training Certification must be uploaded to your eGrants application. For more information or to access available training programs, visit the Texas Department of Information Resources Statewide Cybersecurity Awareness Training page. Criminal History Reporting Entities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DIPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system. Counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90% of convictions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DIPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas -mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. National Incident Management System (NIMS) Implementation Grantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources. Emergency Management Plans (Intermediate Level) Cities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter -jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at tdem.plans@tdem.texas.gov. Program Income Applicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds. Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project. Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity). Program Requirements https:Hegrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantP6ntableSummary.aspx?PrintCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 3/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE III) Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities 1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal. 2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual -use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism. 3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process. Mission Areas The National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas: • Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism. • Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive. • Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters. • Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident. • Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident. Nationwide Cyber Security Review Grantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/. LETPA Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA) The state is responsible for ensuring that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 607. Grant projects must be consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency�FEMA) Information Bulletin IB) 412 which discusses eligible activities outlined in: a. The National Prevention Framework; b. The National Protection Framework where capabilities are shared with the prevention mission area; c. Section 2006 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended; and d. The FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit. Activities eligible for use of LETPA focused funds include but are not limited to: Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major Urban Area fusion centers, including information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and training/hiring of intelligence analysts. Coordination between fusion centers and other analytical and investigative efforts. Implementation and maintenance of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. Implementation of the "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism -related crime and associated efforts to increase the sharing of information with public and private sector partners. Increased physical security, through law enforcement personnel and other protective measures, by implementing preventative and protective measures at critical infrastructure sites or at -risk nonprofit organizations. Overall Certification Each applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program. X I certify to all of the application content and requirements. https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-67-77-8C&PrintPa... 4,16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE!!!) Project Summary: Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact. The City of Lubbock and the surrounding communities face a number of significant threats to our residents and to our critical infrastructure. These threats require our first responders to be prepared for any critical incidents that may occur in the area. The Lubbock Police Department SWAT team is responsible for and responds to all incidents that exceed the normal capabilities of patrol within our jurisdiction. Incidents including terrorist attacks, hostage situations (including hostage situations stemming from terrorist activities as was the case most recently in Colleyville, TX), barricaded subjects, and mass shooting incidents. Responding to these incidents requires a lot of training, and of course, it also requires a large amount of equipment. The SWAT team must be prepared for such incidents to occur during any time, day or night. Many incidents of this nature transition as they last throughout the day carrying on into the night or vice versa. The success of these operations greatly depend on the intelligence gathering capabilities of our SWAT officers. In order for the SWAT team to make the safest and most effective decisions possible, they rely on the technology of reconnaissance robots. The LPD SWAT team has used a micro "Throwbot" for over 10 years with great success. The throwbot allows the SWAT team to observe a location from inside without having to endanger officers first. This technology has been very beneficial, but it is like all technology that is 10 years old and is now out of date. As such, the LPD SWAT team is requesting $35,000 to purchase two new Reconrobotics Throwbot2 micro robots and associated attachments. This funding will allow the LPD SWAT team to not only continue using the now, new and improved Throwbot2, which now includes the ability to hear inside of a location, but now we will be able to expand our current capabilities by adding another Throwbot for additional intelligence gathering capabilities. This equipment can easily be used by the LPD SWAT team while assisting other regional partner agencies or by allowing other officers from that agency to use the Throwbot during an incident in their area. This piece of equipment would greatly improve the response and intelligence gathering capabilities of law enforcement in the region and we would be better prepared to respond to any terrorist/hostage/barricade incident we encounter. In the event of a large scale disaster, either from terrorism or natural disaster, this equipment can also be used for search and rescue. The Throwbot can be placed in smaller areas where people may not be able to navigate. Problem Statement: Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable. The City of Lubbock and the surrounding communities face a number of significant threats to our residents and to our critical infrastructure. These threats require our first responders to be prepared for any critical incidents that may occur in the area. The Lubbock Police Department SWAT team is responsible for and responds to all incidents that exceed the normal capabilities of patrol within our jurisdiction. Incidents including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, hostage situations, barricaded subjects, mass shooting incidents, and violent crime. Page 6 - South Plains Association of Governments Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) 2021 - Refers to Natural Disasters as it relates to Tornados. The Reconnaissance Robot could potentially be used to search places where people may not be able to enter, or it would be unsafe to do so. Page 10 - South Plains Association of Governments Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) 2021 - Refers to Hazmat Release -Chemical and Radioactive. The Reconnaissance Robot could potentially assist with searching locations. The outdoor/indoor range for the robot is meant for on -site operations so for this type of incident, a person would need to be correctly equipped and capable of being on - site. If the environment was right and it was safe to be there, the robot could assist in a room -by -room search situation if needed. Page it - South Plains Association of Governments Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) 2021 - Refers to Human Caused events, Explosive Devices and Active Shooter specifically. The Reconnaissance Robot could potentially assist with remotely clearing rooms with possible explosives inside. Sending a quick, hand - deployable robot into a room to quickly scan for threats would be invaluable in such a situation. The recon robot would also assist in critical intelligence gathering with what is going on inside of a room, where the threat(s) are located, and where the innocents are located. This quick intelligence gathering capability could be the difference maker when it comes to quickly being able to assess threats and making the best decisions for successful outcomes. Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds. Currently, the LPD SWAT team uses the original version of the Reconnaissance Robot. The LPD SWAT team uses this piece of equipment on nearly all operations. The Throwbot provides an instantaneous visual of the interior of the structure involved. The Throwbot can be deployed from a distance and remotely maneuvered throughout the building to provide locations of subjects that may not otherwise be seen safely. The current Throwbot utilized by the LPD SWAT team is over ten years old and has finally become technologically outdated. During recent operations we have experienced failures in the different capabilities of the Throwbot. We have had battery life issues, both on the robot itself and with the remote CPU. The Throwbot radio frequency is easily interrupted by outside interferences even when it's within the usable range. The Throwbot2 requested in this grant proposal has upgraded all current issues. The Throwbot2 has updated technology in both the robot and the CPU. The Throwbot2 offers extended range audio and video (color) capabilities that are not available on the original model. There are no interference issues and the battery life is upgraded with over ten years of battery technology improvements. Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific hftps:Hegrants.gov.texas.gov/project/GrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PrintCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 5/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR). Page 12 - South Plains Association of Governments Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) 2021 - Refers to Screening, Search, and Detection. Recon Robot was designed to help search and detect threats or persons. Page 22 - South Plains Association of Governments Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) 2021 - Refers to Threats and Hazards Identification. Impact Statement: Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The LPD SWAT team has used the original version of the Recon Throwbot for over 10 years with great success. With the limited capability of only black and white visual feedback and no sound we have used it to its fullest potential. With upgraded visual feedback and now audio, we would be able to gather much more valuable intelligence during high risk situations. If the proposed grant is approved, the ability to deploy two Recon Throwbot2's would not only enhance the region's technological abilities, but would also double the locations that the Throwbots could be used. The capability of two separate Throwbots is a force multiplier. Not only could two Throwbots be used on the same scene to gain more intelligence if needed but they could also be used on two separate scenes in the event of a terrorist attack at multiple locations. The capability gap of being able to deal with multiple scenes/incidents at one time is ever present and the ability to use two different recon robots to the best of our region's abilities makes us that much safer. Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.) 4.1.1 Strengthen the state's regionally focused, multi -discipline, all hazards response system that ensures each region statewide has access to the necessary response teams and resources, to include enhancement of resource request and mutual aid processes. Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project. The Lubbock Police Department and specifically the SWAT team of the Lubbock Police Department as well as the City of Lubbock will be the target population and will benefit from this project. Long -Term Approach: Describe how the applicant agency will maintain the capabilities supported by this project without additional federal or state funds. If sustainment is dependent upon federal or state grants, describe the ongoing need for future grants, as applicable. The Lubbock PD SWAT team will maintain both Throwbot2's as we do our current one. We have trickle charge stations in our equipment trailer. If anything goes wrong with the systems themselves, the LPD SWAT team will use the included warranty to cover the costs or will use budgeted funds to correct the issues. The LPD SWAT team fully expects these units to last another 10+ years. Project Activities Informatiion HSGP Instructions for Project Activity Selection Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) applicants should only select one project activity. The eGrants system will allow multiple selections, but each HSGP subrecipient project must fit into one and only one of the Investment Categories that are listed as project activities under the "Activity List". Selected Proiect Activities: ACTIVITY PERCENTAGE: DESCRIPTION This project would be supporting first responders through their equipment needs, Support of including the purchase of items specifically designed to protect first responders and First provide them with the resources needed in the prevention, protection and response to Responder 100.00 terrorism, active shooter, or other similar incidents. The Recon Throwbot2 is directly Capabilities in -line with this goal. This equipment would enable the LPD SWAT team to respond to all incidents better equipped and ready to handle any situation and to resolve those situations in a way that is safer for everyone involved. Measures Information Objective Output Measures https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 616 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) OUTPUT MEASURE TARGET LEVEL Number of exercises conducted. 0 Number of First Responder or EMC personnel 30 provided with new or updated equipment. Number of individuals participating in 0 exercises. Number of people trained. 0 Number of Special Response Teams created, 1 maintained or enhanced. Number of trainings conducted. 0 Objective Outcome Measures OUTCOME MEASURE TARGET LEVEL Custom Output Measures CUSTOM OUTPUT MEASURE TARGET LEVEL Custom Outcome Measures CUSTOM OUTCOME MEASURE TARGET LEVEL Resolution from Governing Body Applications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must include a resolution that contains the following: 1. Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to the Public Safety Office (PSO) that clearly identifies the name of the project for which funding is requested; 2. A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds; 3. A designation of the name and/or title of an authorized official who is given the authority to apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update the PSO should the official change during the grant period.); and 4. A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to PSO. hftps://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... T16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) Upon approval from your agency's governing body, upload the approved resolution to eGrants by going to the Upload.Files tab and following the instructions on Uploading eGrants Files. Contract Compliance Will PSO grant funds be used to support any contracts for professional services? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes X No For applicant agencies that selected Yes above, describe how you will monitor the activities of the sub- contractors) for compliance with the contract provisions (including equipment purchases), deliverables, and all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines governing this project. Enter a description for monitoring contract compliance: Lobbying For applicant agencies requesting grant funds in excess of $100,000, have any federally appropriated funds been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes _ No X N/A For applicant agencies that selected either No or N/A above, have any non-federal funds been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress in connection with this federal contract, loan, or cooperative agreement? _ Yes X No _ N/A Fiscal Year Provide the begin and end date for the applicant agency's fiscal year (e.g., 09/01/20xx to 08/31/20xx). Enter the Begin Date [mm/dd/yyyy]: 10/1/2022 Enter the End Date [mm/dd/yyyy]: 9/30/2023 Sources of Financial Support Each applicant must provide the amount of grant funds expended during the most recently completed fiscal year for the following sources: Enter the amount (in Whole Dollars $) of Federal Grant Funds expended: 50388305 Enter the amount (in Whole Dollars $) of State Grant Funds expended: 1286180 Single Audit Applicants who expend less than $750,000 in federal grant funding or less than $750,000 in state grant funding are exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a PSO grant. However, PSO may require a limited scope audit as defined in 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. Has the applicant agency expended federal grant funding of $750,000 or more, or state grant funding of $750,000 or more during the most recently completed fiscal year? Select the appropriate response: X Yes No https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projecttGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PhntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 8/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) Applicant agencies that selected Yes above, provide the date of your organization's last annual single audit, performed by an independent auditor in accordance with the State of Texas Single Audit Circular; or CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements. Enter the date of your last annual single audit: 3/19/2021 Debarment Each applicant agency will certify that it and its principals (as defined in 2 CFR Part 180.995): • Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal Court, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency; • Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; or • Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in the above bullet; and have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. Select the appropriate response: X I Certify _ Unable to Certify Enter the debarment justification: FFATA Certification Certification of Recipient Highly Compensated Officers — The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) requires Prime Recipients (HSGD) to report the names and total compensation of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) of each sub recipient organization for the most recently completed fiscal year preceding the year in which the grant is awarded if the subrecipient answers YES to the FIRST statement but NO to the SECOND statement listed below. In the sub recipient's preceding completed fiscal year, did the sub recipient receive: (1) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements; AND (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements? _ Yes X No Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives through periodic reports filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or Section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986? X Yes No If you answered YES to the FIRST statement and NO to the SECOND statement, please provide the name and total compensation amount of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) within your agency for the current calendar year. If you answered NO to the first statement you are NOT required to provide the name and compensation amounts. NOTE: "Total compensation" means the complete pay package of each of the sub recipient's compensated officers, including all forms of money, benefits, services, and in - kind payments (see SEC Regulations: 17 CCR 229.402). Position 1 - Name: Position 1 - Total Compensation ($): 0 Position 2 - Name: Position 2 - Total Compensation ($): 0 Position 3 - Name: Position 3 - Total Compensation ($): 0 Position 4 - Name: Position 4 - Total Compensation ($): 0 Position 5 - Name: Position 5 - Total Compensation ($): https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintPa... 9/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) 0 Homeland Security Informatiion FUND SOURCE INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams Capabilities Core Capability: Interdiction and Disruption Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities.: New Capabilities (Build) Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding Project Management Step Involved: Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period. Step: Execute Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out. Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project. Milestones Milestone: Locate and contact vender for equipment.; Completion Date: 10-01-2022 Milestone: Begin procurement process with the purchasing department with the City of Lubbock and obtain a purchase order.; Completion Date: 10-02-2022 Milestone: Receive two Throwbot2 Recon Robots.; Completion Date: 09-30-2023 NIMS Resources _ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Special Weapons and Tactics Team Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 6-508-1245 General Assessment Information Your General Assessment is due on or before: 11/10/2022 1. Does the agency's accounting system: a. identify expenditures separately for each budget cost category shown on your approved OOG budget? X Yes No https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPrintableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 10/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) b. identify the receipts and expenditures of program funds separately for each award you receive? X Yes No 2. In the past five years, has the agency been responsible for managing: a. Federal Funds X Yes No b. State Funds X Yes No c. OOG Funds X Yes No 3. Does the agency have formal written policies and procedures in the following areas: a. Management of Financial and Other Records X Yes No b. Reports for Program Management X Yes No c. Personnel Management X Yes No d. Investigating fraud, waste, abuse and/or illegal activity X_ Yes No 4. Does the agency: a. use a management system that tracks grant spending? https:Hegrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 11 /16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) Always b. use current accounting practices for financial record -keeping and accounting? Always c. use systems to generate reports and/or data for planning and reporting? ---Select One--- d. retrieve programmatic or financial information quickly and efficiently? ---Select One--- 5. How many years has this project been in operation? Note: Include years prior to OOG grant funding, i.e., all years program activities have been performed by the grantee. 0 Years 11 Months The next three (3) questions ask about your grant project's key personnel. Key Personnel is defined as any grant official and/or any other position(s) deemed essential by the grantee to the successful completion of grant activities (both programmatic and financial). 6. As of today, how many key personnel work to support this grant project? 7. How many key personnel that support this grant project have left employment in the past 12 months? The answer for question 5 must equal or exceed 12 months before question 7 is available to answer. 0 X Program has not been in operation for 1 year. 8. How many key personnel that support this grant project have worked within the program for at least two years? The answer for question 5 must equal or exceed 24 months before question 8 is available to answer. 0 X Program has not been in operation for 2 years. Fiscal Capability Information Section 1: Organizational Information *** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY *** Enter the following values in order to submit the application Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0 Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900 Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0 Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0 Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/project/GrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 12/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE III) Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: Section 2: Accounting System The grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour. Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Section 3: Financial Capability Grant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year. Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Section 4: Budgetary Controls Grant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts. Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of: a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? hftps:Hegrants.gov.texas.gov/project/GrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 13/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE!!!) _ Yes No b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award? _ Yes No If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Budgetary Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Section 5: Internal Controls Grant agencies must safeguard cash receipts, disbursements, and ensure a segregation of duties exist. For example, one person should not have authorization to sign checks and make deposits. Are accounting entries supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., purchase orders, vouchers, receipts, invoices)? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No Is there separation of responsibility in the receipt, payment, and recording of costs? Select the appropriate response: _ Yes No If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Internal Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability. Enter your explanation: Budget Details Informatiion Budget Information by Budget Line Item: CATEGORY SUB CATEGORY DESCRIPTION OOG CASH IN - MATCH KIND MATCH GPI TOTAL i UNIT/% Throwbot® 2 Kit with Throwbot® 2 Robot and OCU3 on Channel A.2 x (2 each). Equipment 030E-07-ROBT Robots $15,495.00 each $30,990.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,990.00 2 (Total of $30,990.00) We need two complete robots with accessories to have two sets for the region. Equipment 03SR-05-RBTL AccessoryPack - $2,810.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,810.00 2 Attachments/Tools, Rugged XL Search & Rescue Robot Conversion Kit or Remotely Piloted for Throwbot 2. Vehicle Need two accessory packs to fully outfit two complete Throwbot sets https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projecttGrantPrintableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 14/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) for the region. This will be two total. SearchStick Pole robot accessory x (2 each). 03SR-05-RBTL 600.00 each. Attachments/Tools, Turns robot into Equipment Search & Rescue Robot a pole camera $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 2 or Remotely Piloted for attics and Vehicle crawl spaces where it may not be maneuverable. Source of Match Information Detail Source of Match/GPI: DESCRIPTION MATCH TYPE AMOUNT Summary Source of Match/GPI: Total Report Cash Match In Kind GPI Federal Share GPI State Share $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Summary Information Budget Summary Information by Budget Category: CATEGORY OOG CASH MATCH I IN -KIND MATCH GPI I TOTAL Equipment $35,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 J $35,000.00 Budget Grand Total Information: OOG CASH MATCH IN -KIND MATCH GPI TOTAL $35,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,000.00 Condition Of Fundings Informatiion Condition of Funding / Project Requirement I Date I Date Met I Hold I Hold Created Funds Line hftps:Hegrants.gov.texas.gov/project/GrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-0A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 15/16 3/24/23, 4:15 PM eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE M) Item Funds Resolution: Applications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must submit a resolution electronically using the 'Upload' function in the eGrants system. The resolution must contain the following: • Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to OOG that clearly identifies the name of the project for which 4/26/2022 funding is requested; 1:12:34 Yes No I • A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds; PM • A designation of the name and/or title of an authorized official who is given the authority to apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update OOG should the official change during the grant period.); and • A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to OOG. Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR): SHSP and UASI subrecipients must complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review as outlined in the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and FEMA Information Bulletin 439. For more information about the 4/26/2022 NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/. The NCSR 1:13:50 2/13/2023 Yes No must be completed by the deadline set by the Multi -State Information PM Sharing & Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) in order to remain in compliance with requirements for funding under the HSGP. In order to document compliance, sub -recipients must upload a copy of their NCSR Completion Certification (PDF) from MS-ISAC into the "Upload. Files" tab in this grant record. This grant must be administered by the Police Department, Sheriff's Office, Constable Precinct, or other Law Enforcement Division/Department within 4/26/2022 the grantee organization as submitted in the original application. Deviation 1:14:07 No No from the approved budget or project scope requires prior authorization from PM the Public Safety Office. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in the termination of your grant. Other Condition of Funding. Describe the capability gaps that will be addressed by the project. Please include one or two specific page references - 4/28/2022 to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR), as this is used 2:34:38 Yes No to support your project and not to identify it. The Core Capability supported PM by this progrect is Interdiction and Disruption and should be referenced. You are logged in as User Name: koenigjj https://egrants.gov.texas.gov/projectIGrantPdntableSummary.aspx?PdntCode=O&gh=39-ED-A7-28-0E-95-7E-6A-98-65-01-FF-6A-B7-77-8C&PrintP... 16/ 16 AkRECON ROBOTICS" 5251 W 73rd St, Suite A, Edina, MN 55439 TEL 952-935-5515 FAX 952-935-5508 www.reconroboties.com reconscout-orders@reconrobotics.com MN Tax ID: 9403924 FEIN: 26-2183823 GSA Contract #: GS-07F-0075U BILLING ADDRESS Lubbock Police Department Sgt Ronnie Roan 916 Texas Ave. Lubbock, TX 79410 USA RRoan@mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us Sales Quote Date: 10/27/2022 Sales Quote #: 21-0430H Customer #: NA-C-770-6 SHIPPING ADDRESS � � Same SALES REP TERMS SHIP VIA FOB I ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME Brett Schendel Net30 UPS Ground Destination 4 - 6 weeks from receipt of purchase order rail Drices in US Dollarsl QTY MODEL # ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST I EXTENDED COST 1 RSK-TB2-A Throwbot 2 Base Kit - Channel A.2 with OCU II 16,270.00 $ 16,270.00 1 RSK-TB2-C Throwbot 2 Base Kit - Channel C.2 with OCU II 16,270.00 $ 16,270.00 2 SSP SearchStick Pole 600.00 $ 1,200.00 2 AP-TB2-RXL Accessory Pack - Rugged XL Conversion Kit for Throwbot 2 1,260.00 $ 2,520.00 1 Shipping & Handling 440.00 $ 440.00 = Within the United States, sale of the Recon Scout® or Throwbot® robots to non -Federal and non-military entities is limited to state and local police and firefighters eligible for licensing under 47 C.F.R. § 90.20(a)(1) of the FCC Rules, TOTAL $ 36,700.00 and security personnel in Critical Infrastructure industries as defined in the rw rcwes, ar G.F.R. 9 90.1. uperduun ui this product by non-federal and non-military entities requires an FCC license. These FCC Rules do not apply to sales made outside the United States. v This sales quote is valid for 90 days after the above date. C J R ECON ROBOTICS'