HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 5333 - Contract - Carter & Burgess Inc-Comprehesive Parks, Rec & Open Space Master Plan - 11_07_1996RESOLUTION NO.5333
Item #16
November 7, 1996
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to
execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract for authorization for professional
services, attached herewith, by and between the City of Lubbock and Carter & Burgess, Inc.,
for Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan and any associated
documents, which Contract shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and. as spread
upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully
copied herein in detail.
Passed by the City Council this 7 th day of
Darnell, City Secretary
Aliamus, DirlcOr
Leisure Services
lefiald G. Va
City Attorney
DG V:gs/ccdocs/CompPks.res
October 22, 1996
November , 1996.
Item #16
November 7, 1996
Carter n Burgess
Consultants in Engineering, Architecture, AUTHORIZATION FOR
Planning and the Environment PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
PROJECT Comprehensive Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan, PROJECT
NAME Lubbock, Texas NUMBER 961524000
CLIENT City of Lubbock
ADDRESS P. O. Box 2000
Lubbock, Texas 79457
hereby requests and authorizes Carter & Burgess, Inc. to perform the following services:
SCOPE See attached Proposal for Professional Services dated 10/10/96.
COMPENSATION to be on a basis of See attached Proposal for Professional Services dated 10/10/96
If technical or professional services are fumished by an outside source, an additional 15% shall be added to
the cost of the services for Carter & Burgess, Inc.'s administrative costs.
Approved f::z
Title: _Mayor Pro Tem. City of Lubbock
Date: November 7, 1996
Accepted for CARTER 8, BURGESS, INC.
Fred H. Evans, P.E.
Title: Vice President
Date: October 14, 1996
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rL n �cily r1tt ne Kavth Darnell, City Secretary
tarttr & Burgess, Inc. 3880 Hulen StreeU Fort Worth, Texas 76107-7254
Mailing address: PO Box 985006 Fort Worth, Texas 76185-5006 (817) 735-6000 Metro 429-0170 Fax (817) 735-6148
Signing this form shag be construed as authorization by CLIENT
for C&B, Inc. to proceed with the work, unless otherwise
provided for in the authorization.
C&B, Inc.'s Labor Costs shall be the amount of salaries paid
C&B, Inc.'semployees for work performed on CLIENT' Project
plus a stipulated percentage of such salaries to cover all payroll -
related taxes, payments, premiums, and benefits.
C&B, Inc.'s Direct Expenses shall be those costs incurred on or
directly for the CLIENT'S Project, including but not limited to
necessary transportation costs including mileage at C&B, Inc.'s
current rate when its automobiles are used, meals and lodging,
laboratory tests and analyses, computer services, word
processing services, telephone, printing and binding charges.
Reimbursement for these EXPENSES shall be on the basis of
actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on
the basis of usual commercial charges when furnished by C&B,
When technical or professional services are furnished by an
outside source, when approved by CLIENT, an additional
amount shall be added to the cost of these services for C&B,
Inc.'s administrative costs, as provided on the reverse side of
this agreement
Any cost estimates provided by C&B, Inc. will be on a basis of
experience and judgement, but since it has no control over
market conditions or bidding procedures C&B, Inc. cannot
warrant that bids or ultimate construction costs will not vary from
these cost estimates.
C&B, Inc. shall be responsible, to the level of competency
presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers
in the same type of work in CLIENTS community, for the
professional and technical soundness, accuracy, and adequacy
of all design, drawings, specifications, and other work and
materials furnished under this Authorization. C&B, Inc. makes
no other warranty, expressed or implied.
Either CLIENT or C&B, Inc. may terminate this authorization by
giving 30 days' written notice to the other party. In such event
CLIENT shall forthwith pay C&B, Inc. in full for all work
previously authorized and performed prior to effective date of
termination. If no notice of termination is given, relationships
and obligations created by this Authorization shall be terminated
upon completion of all applicable requirements of this
AA claims, disputes, and other matters in est on arising out of,
or relating to, this Authorization cr breach thereof may be
decided by arbitration in accprdance with the rules of the
American Arbitration Assododi then obtaining. Either CLIENT
or C&B, Inc. may inptf a request for such arbitration, but
consent of the er party to such procedure shall be
mandatory. arbitration arising out of, or relating to this
Authority ' may include, by consolidation, joinder, or in any
other Kanner, any additional 1 pa of a party to this
A rization. ofii<W
In the event legal action is brought by CLIENT or C&B, Inc.
against the other to enforce any of the obligations hereunder or
arising out of any dispute concerning the terms and conditions
hereby created, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party
such reasonable amounts for fees, costs and expenses as may
be set by the court
Monthly invoices will be issued by C&B, Inc. for all work
performed under the terms of this agreement Invoices are due
and payable on receipt Interest at the rate of 1'A% per month
will be charged on all past -due amounts, unless not permitted
by law, in which case, interest will be charged at the highest
amount permitted by law.
C&B, Inc.'s liability to the CLIENT for any cause or combination
of causes is in the aggregate, limited to an amount no greater
than the fee earned under this agreement
Services In addition to those speed In Scope will be provided
by C&B, Inc. if authorized in writing by CLIENT. Additional
services will be paid for by CLIENT as indicated in the Letter of
Proposal, Task Authorization, or such other document as
deemed appropriate by CLIENT and C&B, and which is
referenced under Compensation.
113.. SALES T
In accordant with the State Sales Codes, certain
surveying servtc are taxable. Applicable ales tax ip
inducted in the abov roposed fee. Sales tax n applicable
rate will be indicated o ' voice statements.
In accordance the Professr al
Act of 1989, th ent is informe
surveying services ay be forward
Professional Land S eying, 7701
Austin, Texas 78752, ( ) 452-94
In case any one or more of iT*,pr
Agreement shall be held illega ,
remaining provisions contained hei
Land Surveying Practices
at any complaints about
o the Texas Board of
No Lai!Ar!uite 400,
Dvisions contained in this
the enforceability of the
ei hall not be impaired
REV 09196
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Carter c Burgess
Consultants in Engineering, Architecture,
Planning and the Environment
Comprehensive Parks,
Recreation and Open Space
Master Plan
Lubbock, Texas
October 10, 1996
Carter & Burgess, Inc. will provide professional planning and landscape architectural
design services for the preparation of a Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space
Master Plan for the City of Lubbock. The scope of the work will be performed in two
primary phases with Phase I including the Inventory/Market Analysis and Phase II the
Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. As an additional expertise for the market
research work involved in Phase I, Carter & Burgess, Inc. will retain the services of
National Service Research (NSR) as a subconsultant.
Carter & Burgess, Inc. has prepared this scope of work based upon the meeting with City
Staff on October 7, 1996. The scope of work is based upon the Carter & Burgess
Proposal dated September, 1996, as submitted in response to the City's RFP process for
this project. It is understood that the City of Lubbock would like the Comprehensive Park
Master Plan completed in June, 1997. Carter & Burgess will provide three (3) unbound
masters and ten (10) bound copies of the Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open
Space Master Plan Document at the completion of the project. Carter & Burgess, Inc.
will also provide one (1) original and ten (10) copies of an Executive Summary of the
Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan.
Page 1
Carter & Burgess, Inc. 3880 Hulen Street Fort Worth, Texas 76107-7254
Mailing address: PO Box 985006 Fort Worth, Texas 76185-5006 (817) 735-6000 Metro 429-0170 Fax (817) 735-6148
Obtain from City and utilize existing digital data from City of Lubbock as a database
for preparation of a computer -generated base map. This base map will illustrate base
information such as streets, buildings, topography, drainage ways, etc. It is assumed
that the City will be divided into quadrants as identified by the City Planning
Department. Our base sheet will be formatted in Microstation consistent with the
City of Lubbock's standards.
1. "Kick off Meeting" — Meet with the City staff and Task Force (Executive
Committee) to outline the project, the schedule, and the team effort between
Carter & Burgess and City staff, and confirm the goals and objectives for the
parks, recreational facilities, and open spaces in Lubbock. Agenda shall
include preliminary selection of focus group attendants, discussion of public
meeting format and type of survey to be utilized.
2. Obtain available inventory information from the City. Perform a Supply
Analysis to identify the existing and potential parks and recreation resources,
facilities, and programs provided to the citizens of the community. Inventory
and Analysis will include information gathering and site visits of the following
properties. It is anticipated that four and one-half (4'/2) days of site visits will
be needed, and "Kick off Meeting" will occur during inventory site visits.
a. Public park and recreation areas owned and leased by the City
including a complete facility inventory.
b. Joint use facilities with the City and the Lubbock Independent School
District, Friendship Independent School District, Cooper Independent
School District, and Roosevelt Independent School District.
C. Land that is targeted or proposed for dedication of parks, recreation,
open space, and storm water drainage as identified in Lubbock's
Master Drainage Plan.
d. Greenbelts and linear parks and open space easements.
e. Existing recreation programs offered by the City, organization
structures and projected growth of programs.
Vmktg\9615400.P02 Page 2
f. Park maintenance standards, practices, responsibility, and
organization structure.
g. Existing Recreation Sports Associations and Organizations:
Number of teams and individual participating in each
association and projected growth.
Facilities utilized by each Association.
h. Inventory of other public and private park and recreation
opportunities in Lubbock.
Obtain demographic information from the City to determine the population
characteristics of the citizenry of the community. The community profile analysis will
1. The completion of a population analysis concentrating on the factors of
growth, distribution, and projected changes.
2. The completion of a demographic analysis concentrating on the factors of
age, income, gender, education, ethnicity and projected changes.
Evaluate the City of Lubbock's current conditions of parks and recreation resources
as compared to the National Recreation and Parks Association's (NRPA) nationally
accepted parks and recreation standards to determine the park, recreation and open
space needs of the community.
Determine park standards and principals which will apply to Lubbock
2. Compare existing facilities to established standards to determine the amounts
of facilities and park acres needed to meet the needs of the citizens of the
community. Determine surplus and deficiencies in standards as compared to
NRPA's standards and appropriate peer cities as provided by the City, as well
as the standards developed for the Lubbock area (Lubbock standards to be
developed by C&B and City Star.
lmktg\9615400.P02 Page 3
3. Examine existing resources of the community for open space, parks, and
recreation facilities, and define how these resources can be better utilized.
4. Examine existing properties, facilities, and programs which do not serve the
needs of the citizens and define methods for divesture.
5. Correlate Lubbock's Master Drainage Plan findings, supplied by the City,
which identify storm water retention areas and recommend which playa lakes
and overflow routes should be proposed for park development.
1. Conduct the public input process and the completion of a community Needs
Assessment to determine random citizen input. The following steps will be
utilized to solicit community input.
a. Conduct Focus Group research -- Focus Group research is designed
to be qualitative in nature. A Focus Group is particularly useful in
testing attitudes toward services, products, and general concepts. It
stimulates ideas relative to major strengths, weaknesses, needs, and
wants of the community, features, and improvements of a service,
concept, or idea. This research is particularly helpful in the
preparation of a citizen survey.
The purpose of the Focus Group session will be to solicit
Lubbock residents' ideas, needs and wants, likes and dislikes
of the current and various proposed park systems within the
City. The Focus Group will assist in providing the City of
Lubbock with detailed park and recreation issues which can
become an integral part of the overall development of the
citizen survey and master plan recommendations.
Develop Respondent Profiles for Focus Group Session —
National Service Research (NSR) will conduct four (4) Focus
Group sessions. It is assumed that two (2) Focus Groups will
occur on two consecutive evenings. NSR suggests a group
profile that blends the following citizens:
(a) Group 1— Lubbock citizens who are involved with
various `user" groups, and associations (equestrian,
adult tennis, biking, running, walking, seniors, etc.).
Citizens will represent active and passive recreation
groups and various age groups within the community.
lmktg\9615400.P02 Page 4
(b) Group 2 — General Lubbock citizens who provide a
demographic cross-section of individuals recruited
(c) Group 3 — Youth Sports — Representatives from
various youth sports including softball, baseball,
soccer, football, etc.
(d) Group 4 — Neighborhood Associations —
Representatives from the various Neighborhood
Recruit Respondents — Once the respondent criteria has been
identified and approved by the client, NSR will recruit respondents by
telephone recruiting. A confirmation letter will be sent to each
respondent. Each participant will be contacted by telephone the day
of the group discussion as a reminder.
Conduct Focus Group — NSR will conduct the Focus Groups on a
pre -approved date, location, and time. The Focus Group sessions will
be videotaped in its entirety for analysis and future observation. City
to provide videotape and audio equipment and personnel. The client
will have the opportunity to observe the Focus Group "live" while the
session is in progress in an adjacent room. The Focus Group sessions
will last approximately two hours each. The Focus Group moderator
will be Andrea Thomas, owner ofNational Service Research. The
group discussions will be held at a City -provided function room
during evening hours. NSR suggests the City provide one or two
volunteers for child-care services while individuals are participating in
the Focus Group.
Prepare Tape Transcripts — NSR will prepare detailed tape
transcripts of the Focus Group session to be included as an appendix
to the final report.
b. Hold an advertised public meeting for the City's entire geographical
area. City to coordinate advertisements. Obtain citizen input and
priorities for parks and recreation facilities.
C. Meet with staff and Task Force to draft copy of revisions of survey.
It is assumed that meeting with staff and Task Force and public
meeting will occur in one day.
Vmktg\9615400.P02 Page 5
d. Conduct quantitative mail -out survey.
(1) Design Survey — NSR will design a brief, yet concise, survey
document in close coordination with the client based on goals,
objectives, and Focus Group findings. The survey will be
tested prior to implementation and approved by the client.
(2) Distribute Surveys — Prior to distributing the surveys, NSR
and the City will establish the number of households for
questionnaire distribution. NSR will perform the random
computer selection of the households and separate them into
address distribution zones. The written survey document will
be printed to include a business reply in order that citizens can
easily respond to the survey. The business reply permit and
printing will be the responsibility of the City. Various drop
boxes will also be available to citizens who wish to deliver
their completed questionnaires. The drop box locations will
be coordinated by the City of Lubbock Park and Recreation
(3) Computer Survey Processing — As surveys are completed
and reviewed, computer survey processing will be conducted.
For the written survey, NSR will prepare computer survey
processing of up to 1,000 returned completed surveys. NSR
will also prepare computer survey processing of up to 500
youth surveys as provided by the City through efforts with the
local schools. NSR will present one cross -tabulation banner
of the data to provide for detailed survey analysis.
(4) Final Report — NSR will prepare a final report to include the
survey purpose, methodology, summary, conclusion, and
recommendations based on the research conducted. Based on
the findings of the research, the report will identify citizen
needs regarding recreation demand versus available facilities.
Upon the completion of the information gathering and analysis, 15 copies of Phase
One Inventory and Analysis shall be submitted with exhibits for City review and
comment. The document shall consist of the following:
\mktg\9615400.P02 , Page 6
1. A table and graph showing the demographics of the community as a whole.
2. A table and exhibit showing the demographics currently within each of the
3. Maps and tables reflecting current park and recreation locations and
4. A statistical summary of the community needs assessment with a summary
graphic showing needs by location within the City.
5. A table and graph assessing the effectiveness of the City's open space areas in
meeting an assessed open space need both in quality and quantity.
6. Provide information on what surveying took place, dates, times, with whom,
attendance, and data received.
7. Provide information and map that outline effects on existing and future land
8. Provide a brief discussion and report on how recreation, parks, and open
space relate to economic development.
9. Provide general information and recommendations concerning recreation
facilities, i.e. their changing importance and impact on a community,
private -public ventures, revenue producing possibilities, etc.
10. Meet with City Staff and Task Force to present findings of Inventory/Market
1m1dgU615400.P02 Page 7
1. Meet with City Staff to prepare a priority criteria system/chart for specific
order in establishing the action plan recommendations for parks acquisition,
expansion, and development. Priority criteria system shall provide an
assessment of current and future parks and recreation needs as recommended
based on public input, established standards, and existing resources. The
priority criterion system will provide for special emphasis on the priority
ranking of the citizens and allow for the flexibility in addressing the priorities
of citizens of various areas of the city. It is assumed that presentation of
Phase One findings and Priority Criterion meeting will occur on the same day.
The following steps will be included:
a. From Needs Assessment results, the completion of a priority criterion
point system.
b. From Needs Assessment results, priority point system, staff and
consultant recommendations, the completion of a priority ranking
B. Ac w PLAN
Based upon priority criterion recommendations and analysis, provide an
Action Plan to establish a definitive direction for parks and recreation
throughout the City.
a. Develop a definitive program(s) for acquisition, development and/or
divestiture of park land to meet future needs.
b. Identify present and future recreational facility needs of the
community. Identify various types of recreation facilities and needs
for differing age groups. Identify existing properties and facilities for
possible divesture.
C. Develop planning maps coordinated with Lubbock Planning and
Zoning, Economic Development, Parks and Recreation, and overall
City planning.
d. Ordinance evaluation and suggestions to implement the Parks and
Open Space Plan.
\mktg\9615400.P02 Page 8
e. Identify grant resources to implement the Parks and Open Space Plan.
Prepare a summary expenditure analysis presenting a financial budget/cost estimate
based upon the Action Plan recommendations and a suggested time -line.
1. The completion of an expenditure analysis.
2. The completion of a chart for method of funding.
3. Prepare a five-year funding time -line.
1. Master Plan shall comply with the Texas Recreation and Parks Account
Program Procedural Guide.
2. Master Plan shall be comprehensive and address the entire jurisdiction of the
City of Lubbock.
3. Plan shall cover no less than a period of five (5) years and no more than ten
(10) years.
4. Preparation of the Preliminary Master Plan shall include:
a. Prepare conceptual illustrative park master plan for items funded
within the five-year action plan.
b. Submit ten (10) copies of the Preliminary Master Plan for City review
and comments.
C. Meet with City staff and Task Force to present Preliminary Master
d. Hold a public meeting to review process and discuss preliminary
results/conclusions. It is assumed that meeting with staff and Task
Force and public meeting will occur on the same day.
\n tg\9615400.PO2 Page 9
Plan contents shall include but not be limited to the following:
a. Proof of Adoption by the City Council of Lubbock.
b. An introduction which includes the unit of government, background
information about socio-economic make-up, current and projected
populations, growth or non -growth patterns, and the City of
Lubbock's role in providing parks and recreation facilities.
C. Goals and Objectives that identify parks and recreation service goals,
specific objectives for each goal, and the time period which the plan is
intended to cover.
d. A plan development process which includes information regarding
who wrote the plan, planning committees utilized, public input
received through hearing and surveys.
e. Area and facility concepts and standards which apply to the City of
f. An inventory of areas and facilities.
g. A needs assessment and identification that is demand, standard and
resource based.
h. A plan implementation and prioritization of needs which is area and/or
facility specific, and ranked according to priority order.
i. A summary of recommendations of existing properties and facilities
for possible divesture.
Illustrations, maps, surveys, etc. which will help communicate the
planning process and efforts and support stated conclusions.
2. Preparation of Final Master Plan shall include:
a. Prepare final narrative and color CADD exhibits/maps for City review
\mktgU615400.P02 Page 10
b. Prepare one (1) color master plan CADD exhibit to be laminated and
mounted for use at City Hall.
C. Provide three (3) master copies of the master plan document and ten
(10) bound copies of Final Master Plan document with color
d. Submit thirty (30) copies and one (1) original of an Executive
Summary document.
Present Final Master Plan to City staff and City Council for final
approval. It is assumed that meeting with City staff and City Council
will occur on the same day.
f. Provide all maps and graphs that show the geographic relationships of
major parks, recreation and open space elements, using color
graphics, in an electronic file supplied on 3.5" computer disks that are
compatible with Intergraph Microstation.
g. Provide all text on 3.5" computer disks compatible with Microsoft
If a telephone survey is used, NSR will again perform a random computer selection of
households. Citizens are called throughout the day and evening. Interviewers will record
responses directly into computer format increasing the efficiency and accuracy of
information received.
Vmktg19615400.P02 Page 11
A. Base Map Preparation ............................................. $2,390.00
B. Inventory/Supply Analysis .......................................... $9,630.00
C. Community Profile Analysis ......................................... $2,770.00
D. Standards Analysis ................................................ $2,900.00
E. Demand Analysis and Needs Assessment .............................. $15,790.00
F. Documentation.................................................. $7,540.00
PHASE I $41,020.00
A. Priority Criterion Analysis .......................................... $2,100.00
B. Action Plan ..................................................... $6,520.00
C. Expenditure Analysis .............................................. $5,250.00
D. Preliminary Master Plan ............................................ $7,940.00
E. Final Master Plan ................................................. $5,210.00
PHASE H $279020.00
Reimbursable Expenses (Not -to -Exceed) ............................... $7,000.00
(Includes all reproduction, plotting,
photography, materials, travel/mileage,
meals, lodging, postage & delivery
expenses incurred during the project)
TOTAL FEE $75,040.00
\mktg\9615400.PO2 Page 12
The project is estimated to take approximately eight months to complete depending upon
scheduling of meetings and reviews. The following outline illustrates the anticipated schedule:
„► ds 1�1 11#T . 'i
• Base Map Preparation (2-3 weeks)
• Inventory / Supply Analysis (3-4 weeks)
• Community Profile Analysis (34 weeks)
• Standards Analysis (2-3 weeks)
• Demand Analysis and Needs Assessment (4-6 weeks)
Phase H - Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan
(February'97 - June 197)
• Priority Criterion Analysis (2 weeks)
• Action Plan (4-5 weeks)
• Expenditure Analysis (4-5 weeks)
• Preliminary Master Plan (4-5 weeks)
• Final Master Plan (4-6 weeks)
\mktg\9615400.P02 Page 13