HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 4781 - Contract-CB Thompson Construction-LIA North Cargo Apron & Taxiways Improvements - 03_23_1995Resolution No. 4781 March 23, 1995 Item #13 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract and all related documents by and between the City of Lubbock and C.B. Thompson Construction, to furnish and install all materials as bid for the Lubbock International Airport North Cargo Apron and Taxiways Improvements, for the City of Lubbock, which contract is attached hereto, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of March 1995. ATTEST:.. Betty H.-Johnson ity Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Victor an, Purchasing Manager AS TO Y V • • Vl, L 1 Assistant City Attomey dp:ccdocskThompson.Res March 15,1995 CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS FOR LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -NORTH CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S ll"ROVEMENTS BID #13133 7 V.] CITY OFLTUTBBok'n'. Lubbock, Texas CITY OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR NORTH AIR CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF LUBBOCK PROJECT N0, 256.99$2 December 1994 ADDENDUM NO. 3 January 16, 1995 Attention of all Bidders is directed to the following modifications to the referenced Plans and Specifications. SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Pane C-5. "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSAL In BASE BID Proposal Item 13, decrease the quantity of "Item P-501, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement", from 29,250 square yards to 25,450 square yards. This Addendum becomes a part of and shall be attached to the referenced Plans and Specifications. This Addendum shall be acknowledged by the Bidder and shall be attached to the Proposal submitted. PARKHILL, S/ & COOPER, INC. ACKNOWLEDGED: By: By Lawrence 5. (Ly) Valdez, P.E. Addendum No. 3 Page 1 of 1 r a CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR NORTH AIR CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF LUBBOCK PROJECT NO, 256,9982 -- December 1994 ADDENDUM NO.2 January 13, 1995 Attention of all Bidders is directed to the following modifications to the referenced Plans and Specifications. SPECIFICATIONS* 1. Page C-1. "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSAL In BASE BID Proposal Item 2, increase the quantity from 110 square yards to 350 square yards. 2. Pay-ay-2_. SPZCIAL_CONDITIONS ParaeraphSC-4 TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION For clarification- of the construction limits for Construction Phase 1, revise the first sentence of the Construction Phase 1 subparagraph as follows: "Construction Phase 1 is defined as the Taxiway S improvements from the west edge of Runway 17R-35L to at least 200-feet west of the west edge of Runway 17R-35L ..." 3. PaQe SC-3._SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Paragraph SC-4•TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION Add the following sentence to the first subparagraph on this page: "The temporary, elevated outboard runway threshold lights shall be elevated to a level at least eight (8) feet above the existing ground, or as required to provide adequate visibility for pilots operating on the displaced runway." 4. Page SC-3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Paragraph SC-4 TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION Add the following sentence to the second subparagraph on this page: "Temporary wiring and jumpers for the displaced threshold may be r placed on the ground to the displaced threshold lights, provided they are adequately staked to the ground to prevent displacement by jet blast." r w 5. Page SC-3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Paragraph SC-4 TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION Add the following sentence to the fourth subparagraph (Construction Phase Addendum No. 2 Page 1 of 4 r f F2) on this page: "Modification of the existing irrigation wells and irrigation system may be started within either Construction Phase 1 or Construction Phase 2. Work on the existing irrigation wells may not begin before April 1, 1995, without the written approval of the Engineer. The modified irrigation well and associated irrigation improvements shall be completed and ready for operation no later than June 15, 1995, without the written approval of the Engineer." 6. Page SC-12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Paragraph SC-7 CONTRACTOR'S PLANT SITE. STORAGE AND OFFICE AREA(S) Delete the subparagraph numbered "3", and insert the following: "3. If the Contractor elects to locate his plant site, storage and office area(s) on the airport property, the location will be as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer, generally consisting of the uncultivated land south and west of the Airborne Express facility. Clearing and grubbing of the Contractor's plant site, storage and office area(s) shall be as required in subparagraph 4, below. Prior to final approval of the completed project, the area occupied by the Contractor's plant site, storage and office area(s) shall be restored at the Contractor's expense. Restoration of the Contractor's plant site, storage and office area(s) at the Contractor's expense shall include, but not be limited to, complete removal of construction debris or other materials brought onto the site by the Contractor; replacement of topsoil stockpiled during site preparation; regrading the disturbed areas; and repair or replacement of existing pavements deteriorated or damaged during the Contractor's activities. It is anticipated that the Contractor's plant site, storage and office area will not be seeded as a part of the restoration requirements, however, if the Owner elects to reseed the plant site area, the cost of preparation, seeding and fertilizing shall be measured and paid for under Item T-901, SEEDING, of the project specifications. All other items related to the preparation and restoration of the Contractor's plant site, storage and office area(s) shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and will not be measured or paid for separately." 7. Page SC-12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Paragraph SC-7 CONTRACTOR'S PLANT SITE. STORAGE AND OFFICE AREA(S) In the subparagraph numbered "4", add the following: "The entire uncultivated area shown on the plans and designated for the Contractor's plant site, storage and office area(s), consisting of approximately 20 acres, shall be cleared and grubbed. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of the cutting and removing of all trees, brush, stumps and roots, and the removing of old barbed wire Addendum No. 2 Page 2 of 4 r ! fencing, wooden posts and other such material, which in the opinion of the Engineer is unsuitable, from the designated area. Roots and 7 stumps shall be grubbed and removed to a minimum depth of 18-inches below existing ground. All spoil materials and debris resulting from the clearing and grubbing operations shall be removed from the �R airport property and properly disposed of by the Contractor at his expense. No blasting of stumps or burning of debris will be allowed on the airport property. Clearing and grubbing, and hauling and disposing of debris will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, covered under other payment items in the contract, and will not be measured for separate payment." 8. Page SC-12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Paragraph SC-7 CONTRACTOR'S PLANT SITE. STORAGE AND OFFICE AREA(S) Add the following subparagraph: 7. Prior to beginning installation of the Contractor's plant equipment, the Contractor shall prepare and file Federal Aviation Administration Form 7460-1, NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION. Form 7460-1 provides notice to the FAA of the Contractor's intent to erect temporary structures on the airfield, and shall be submitted to the FAA as soon after award of the project as practicable. Written FAA approval of the Contractor's proposed plant site shall be required prior to beginning installation of the plant. The Contractor shall submit three (3) copies of the FAA's approval notification to the Engineer." 9. Paee 150-a. Modifications to ITEM P-150 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT In Modification #1, add the following: "The existing asphalt surface on Taxiway A and Taxiway S is generally approximately 4- to 5-inches thick. Immediately adjacent to Runway 17R-35L is an existing, 10-foot wide buried slab to be removed under this item, consisting of a 4- to 121h-inch thick, reinforced portland cement concrete slab, overlaid with 11h- to 10- inch thick, asphalt surfacing. The asphalt surfacing immediately adjacent to the buried slab is approximately 10-inches thick, and transitions to the general 4- to 5-inch thickness noted above." 10. Page 901-a. Modifications to ITEM T-901 SEEDING In Modification #1, delete the second sentence in the modification and insert the following: "Areas of soil preparation, seeding and fertilizing covered under this item shall include, but not be limited to, unpaved areas within the limits of grading as shown on the plans or as designated by the Engineer, any areas of existing turf disturbed during construction, excavated areas, and Contractor haul routes or travel paths. In Addendum No. 2 Page 3 of 4 s 4. addition, this item shall include soil preparation, seeding and fertilizing the area between the north -south access road to the Airborne Express air cargo facility and the west Interstate Highway 27 right-of-way boundary." PLANS: 11. Sheet 7 of 14. TAXIWAY S JOINTING LAYOUT Add the following note to this sheet: "New portland cement concrete pavement including steel reinforcement is denoted on the layout with an "R". Reinforcing shall consist of #4 bars on 9-inch centers, each way. Reinforcing steel shall be as specified." This Addendum becomes a part of and shall be attached to the referenced Plans and Specifications. This Addendum shall be acknowledged by the Bidder and shall be attached to the Proposal submitted. PARKHILL, S TH & COOPER, INC. By Lawrence J. rry) Valdez, P.E. ACKNOWLEDGED: By: r i Addendum No. 2 r Page 4 of 4 I LARRY HERTEL KERR CONSTRUCTION EVINO PAVERS CITY ENGINEER BOX 888 RT. 10, BOX 103A P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79408 LUBBOCK, TX 79414 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 R.E. JANES GRAVEL CO RONNIE ZAHN PAVING STRONG PAVING BOX 68 RT 10, BOX 820 BOX 3340 r SLATON TX 79364 LUBBOCK, TX 79404 LUBBOCK, TX 79452 E ZEBRA CONSTRUCTION LUBBOCK ASPHALT PRODUCTS VnL TAMS & PETFM RT. 5, BOX 297 B-2 BOX 5336 P. O. BOX 3907 LUBBOCK, TX 79407 2826 CLOVIS ROAD LUBBOCK, TX 79452 LUBBOCK, TX 79417 APPIAN CORP LONE STAR DIRT & PAVING CHARLES CARROLL BOX 1110 7602 AVENUE U FAA HEREFORD, TX 79405 LUBBOCK, TX 79423 DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION FT. WORTH, TX 76193-0650 r ANDERSON CONTRACTORS HUB CITY PAVERS TRANS PECOS MATERIALS BOX 748 4214-B 50TH STREET BOX 6408 LTPTLEFIELD, TX 79339 LUBBOCK, TX 79413 ODESSA, TX 79711 i BOB CRAZE CONSTRUCTION JAR -CON HIGH PLAINS PAVERS 3808 97TH STREET LUBBOCK, TX 79423 BOX 98128 LUBBOCK, TX 79489 2810 N. QUINCY PLAINVIEW TX 79072 ROYAL CONCRETE WEST TEXAS PAVING WESTERN ROCK PRODUCTS BOX 283 P. O. BOX 64187 P. O. BOX 757 I: f LUBBOCK, TX 79408 LUBBOCK, TX 79464 DENTON, TX 76202 T ARMOR ASPHALT MIDWEST CONCRETE GILBERT TEXAS CONSTRUCTION BOX 16498 BOX 3964 800 PALOMA DR., STE. 160 r• i' LUBBOCK, TX 79490 LUBBOCK, TX 79452 ROUND ROCK, TX 78764 DODGE PLAN ROOM DODGE PLAN ROOM DODGE PLAN ROOM f1800 WASHINGTON AVE., 11111 N. STEMMONS FRWY. 4601 50TH ST., STE 216 STE. 202 DALLAS, TX 75229 LUBBOCK, TX 79414 AMARILLO, TX 79102 R' TEXAS CONTRACTORS AGC PLAN ROOM AGC PLAN ROOM " P.O. BOX 551359 P.O. BOX 5365 P.O. BOX 1508 DALLAS, TX 75355-1359 ABILENE, TX 79608 AUSTIN, TX 78767 r k DAVID JONES LIA ROUTE 3 BOX 389 LUBBOCK, TX 79401 MIDWEST CONCRETE BOX 3964 LUBBOCK, TX 79452 7 D & K HUNT ELECTRIC 1312 82ND STREET LUBBOCK, TX 79423 CEMENT & SUPPLY CO 1405 NORTH GARY BOX 5188 LUBBOCK, TX 79417 BARNSCO 2609 WILLOWBROOK DALLAS, TX 75220 CHAMPAGNE WEBBER 14333 CHRISMAN HOUSTON, TX 77039 RUDD-PALMER 80 S. BONHAM AMARILLO, TX 79106 CROUSE-HINDS AIRPORT LIGHTING 7 1200 KENNEDY ROAD WINDSOR, CT 06095 HIGH PLAINS PAVERS P O BOX 398 7 PLAINVIEW, TX 79073-0398 r AGC PLAN ROOM P.O. BOX 6040 LUBBOCK, TX 79493 GILVIN TERRELL P. O. BOX 9027 AMARILLO, TX 79105 ARTEX ELECTRIC 3508 AVENUE J LUBBOCK, TX 79412 TARVER ELECTRIC 1812 4TH STREET LUBBOCK, TX 79415 PRIMATE CONSTRUCTION INC, ATTN: CLAYLON COOPER 1800-1 HUMBLE WESTFIELD RD HOUSTON, TX 77073 LUBBOCK BUILDING PRODUCTS 214 AVENUE M LUBBOCK, TX 79401 KIRKLAND CONSTRUCTION 2101 MAIN RYE, COLORADO 81069 LEE LEWIS CONSTRUCTION 7810 ORLANDO AVENUE LUBBOCK, TX 79423 GILBERT TEXAS CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1236 LUBBOCK TX 79408 ACME ELECTRIC 1115 EAST SLATON ROAD 79404 P. O. BOX 16183 LUBBOCK, TX 79490 PAVEMENT SPECIALIST INC. 265 MARSHALL CREEK RD ROANOKE, TX 76262 AIRPORT MARKINGS OF AMERICA 2442 W. DALLAS ST. GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050-4906 GREER ELECTRIC 2424 QUAKER LUBBOCK, TX 79410 DUININCK BROSE INC. 330 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 GIFFORD ELECTRIC INC. 3801 EAST FIRST STREET FORT WORTH, TX 76111 R.E.MONKS 9355 VOLLMER ROAD P.O.BOX 25579 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80936 SILVERTON CONSTRUCTION 7930 ARTCRAFT RD EL PASO, TX 79932 C` CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS — LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR NORTH AIR CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMPROVEME.NTS CITY OF LUBBOCK PROJECT N0, 256,9982 December 1994 ADDENDUM NO.1 January 5, 1995. Attention of all Bidders is directed to the following modifications to the referenced Plans and Specifications. SPECIFICATIONS: 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT _(pink pages) Portions of the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT were inadvertently r` omitted from the Specifications. Delete the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT !` included in the Specifications, and insert the revised GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT, attached. 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (yellow pages) Portions of the SPECIAL CONDITIONS were inadvertently omitted from the Specifications. Delete the SPECIAL CONDITIONS included in the Specifications, and insert the revised SPECIAL CONDITIONS, attached. 3. Page 501-a. Modifications to ITEM P-501. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT For clarification, add the following sentence to Modification #3: "Coarse aggregates for this item shall be provided and maintained in separate or split stockpiles according to the gradations specified in Table 2." 4. Page 109-a. Modifications to ITEM L-109. INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT IMPROVEMENTS In Modification #1, add the following: "This item shall also consist of removing and replacing the existing electrical cable and the existing circuit breaker serving the existing 1OKW regulator to be replaced. Replacement wiring and circuit breaker shall meet the requirements as herein specified." 5. Page 109-b. Modifications to ITEM L-109. INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT IMPROVEMENTS Add the following new modification item: Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 3 r work done under this contract so that conflicts will be avoided and the construction of the various works being done for the Owner shall be harmonized. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Owner's Representative, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, with dates ai which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. 36. EXTENSION OF TIME 'The Contractor agrees that he has submitted his proposal in full recognition of the time required for the completion of this project, tag into consideration the average climatic range and industrial conditions pnevailing in this locality, and has -considered the liquidated damage provisions of paragraph 33 hereinabove set forth and that he shall not be entitled to, nor willhe request, an extension of time on this contract, except when his work has been deLryed by an act or neglect of the Owner, Owner's Representative, employees of the Owner or other contractors employed by the owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, walkouts, acts of God or the public enemy, •fire or flood. The Gantcactor may apply in writing for an extension of time, submitting therewith all written justification as may be required by DwneXs Representative for such an extension as requested by Contractor. The Owner's Representative within ten (10) days after receipt of a written request for an extension of time by the Contractor supported by all requested documentation shall th4m submit such written request to the City Council of the City of Lubbock for their consideration. Should the Contractor disagree with the action of City Council on granting an extension of time, such disagreement shall be settled by arbitration as hereinafter provided. 37. AND DELAYS In executing the contract agreement, the Contractor agrees that in undertaking to complete the work within the time herein fixed, he has taken into consideration and made allowances for all hindrances and delays incident to such work, whether growing out of delays in securing material or workmen or otherwise. No charge shall be `.made by the Contractor for hindrance or delays from any cause during the progress of any part of the work embraced in this contract except where the work is stopped by order of the Owner or Owner's Representative for the Owner's convenience, in which event, such expense as in the judgment of the Owner's Representative that is caused by such stoppage shall be paid by Owner to Contractor. 39. ` QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed, but the actual measured or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be considered, unless otherwise specifically provitled.In the event this contract is let on a unit price basis, then Owner and Contractor agree that this contract, including the specifications, plans and other contract documents are intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be fiunished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown for the various classes of work to be done and material to tie furnished under this contract, they are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing their proposals offered for the work It is understood and agreed that the actual amount of wort: to be done and the materials to be furnished under this contract may differ somewhat from these estimates, and that when; the basis for payment under this Contract is the unit price method, payment shall be for the actual amount of work done and materials furnished on the pmjocL 39. PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY i r The Contractor shall take proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which may be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and he shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage on h. account of his failure to fully protect all adjacent property. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Owner against any claim or claims for damages due to any injury to any adjacent or adjoining property, arising or growing out of the performance of this contract, but such indemnity shall not apply to any claim of any kind arising out of the existence or character of the work from any loss on account thereof. If the material or process specified or required by Owner is an infringement, the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives written notice to the Owner of such infringement. 32. LAWS AND ORDINANCES The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, which in any manner effect the contract or the work, and shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any claims arising from the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Contractor or his employees. If the Contractor observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Owners' Representative in writing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work - If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, Hiles and regulations, and without such notice to the Owner's Representative, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. The Owner is a municipal corporation of the State of Texas and the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the Owner may enter into contracts, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract to the same effect as though embodied herein. '33. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING The Contractor further agrees that he will retain personal control and will give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract. The Contractor further agrees that subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the Contractor from his full obligations to the Owner, as provided by this contractual agreement. 4 34. TIlOE FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES a'y It is hereby understood and mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and P time for completion as specified in the contract of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed If the Contractor should neglect, fail, or refuse to complete the work within the time herein specified, or any proper ' extension thereof granted by the Owner, then the Contractor does hereby agree as part of the consideration for the awarding of this contract, the Owner may withhold permanently from Contractor's total compensation, the sum of $500.00 (Five Iffundred)PER DAY, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the breach of the contract as herein set forth for each and every calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated for completing the work i It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the completion of the work described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic change and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. The amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty in fixing and ascertaining actual damages the Owner would in such event sustain, and the amount is ragreed to be damages the Owner would sustain and shall be retained by the Owner from current periodical estimates for j ! ! payments or from final payment 9I i It is further agreed and understood between the Contractor and Owner that time is of the essence of this contract. 35. TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION It is the meaning and intent of this contract, unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the Contractor shall be allowed to prosecute his work at such time and sessions, in such order of precedence, and in such manner as shall be most conductive to economy of construction; provided, however, that the order and time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this contract, the plans and specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the proposals; provided, also, that when the Owner is having other work done, either by contract or by his own force, the Owner's Representative may direct the time and manner of constructing (iv) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current ate of coverage ends during the duration of die project; (v) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project: and (2) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (vi) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereat%r; (vii) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified, mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project, and J k (viii) contractually require each other person with whom h contracts, to perform as rewired by paragraphs (A) - ft with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 29. DISABLED E1y -WYEES Contractors having more than 15 employees agree tocomply with the Americans with Disabilities Ad of 1990, and agree not to discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employe compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and pnvinges of employment. ! • 30. PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUBCONTRACTORS. LABORERS. IVIATERIfALMEN. AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES The Contractor agrees that he will indemnify and save the Owner harmless from all claims grooving out of any demands pf subcontractors, laboreta, workmen, mechanics, materialmen and furnishers of machinery and parts thereof; equipment, power tools, all suppliers, including commissary, incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this contract. When Owner so desires, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated , have been paid, discharged or waived. If during the progress of the work, Contractor shall allow my indebtedness to accrue for work furnished by any of those j designated in the preceding paragraph and shall fail to pay and discharge any such indebtedness within five (3) days MOM demand is made, then Owner may, during the period for which such indebtedness shall remain unpaid, withhold from the unpaid portion of this contract, a sum equal to the amount of such unpaid indebtedness or may apply the sum so withheld to discharge any such indebtedness. Any and all communications between any party under this paragraph must be in writing. 31. PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENT INVENTION The contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees, and shall provide for the use of arty' design, device, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the Patentxx or Owner thereof. The j Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyrights and shall indemnify and save the , Owner harmless from any loss on account thereof except that Owner shall defend all such suits and claims and shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, device, material or process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified or required in these contract documents by Owner; provided, however, if choice of alternate design, device, material or process is allowed to the Contractor, then Contractor shall indemnify and save Owner harmless I; (b) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental j ` I t entity prior to beginning work on the project; (c) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and + .4 (ii) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage owing coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of showing extension of + � i coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter, (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; 1 (g) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not saf* other posting requirements imposed by I I ! the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: i i F� 11 i REQUIRED WOREMI COMPENSATIONCOVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this + I aonstruc ion project Hurst be covered by workers' compensation Insurance This Includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment and materials, or providing labor or .0 I ! i+ transportation or other service related to the projec4 regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee" "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 512/440 3789 to receive information ! I ! on the legal requirement for coverage, to ve rYy whether your eanployear has provided the I i I required coverage; or to report an eyrployer's failure to provide coverage" and (h) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: r- (i) Provide coverage based on Proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts ' and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; +! (ii) provide a certificate of coverage to the contractor prior to that person beginning work on I + the Project; (iii) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the language in subsection (e) (3) of this rule; I I ;. (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of overage of any person providing services on the project; and (g) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (1) - (7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 10. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers's compensation coverage for the: duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all. coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, m the case of a self -insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil -- actions. 11.. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. G. Proof of Coverage Before work on this contract is commenced, each Contractor and subcontractor shall submit to the Owner for approval five Certificates of Insurance covering each insurance policy carried and offered as evidence of compliance with the above insurance rquirenients, signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company setting forth: (1) The name and address of the insured. (2) The location of the operations to which the insurance applies. (3) The name of the policy and type or Types of'insurance in force thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. (4) The expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liability thenninder on the date borne by such certificate. (S) A provision that the policy may be canceled only by mailing written notice to the named insured at the Add ress shown in the bid specifications. (6) A'provision that written notice shall be given to the City ten days prior to any change in or cancellation of the policies shown on the certificate. (7) The certificate or certificates shall be on the form (or identical copies thereof) contained in the job specifications. No Mute of nor amendment thereto will be acceptable. (9) Ifpolicy limits are paid, new policy must be secured for new overage to complete project. (9) A Contractor shall: (a) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification odes and payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements; 3. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contras 4. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. S. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the governmental entity. (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons.providing services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 6 The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 7. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 8. The contractor shall past on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas WorkersCompensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report Lick of coverage. 9. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on the project, to: (a) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (b) provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (c) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor- (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereaftw, B. Ownces Protective or Contingent Public Liability Insurance and Property Damage Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall obtain an Owner's Protective or Contingent Public Liability Insurance policy naming the City of Lubbock as insured and the amount of such policy shall be as follows: For bodily injuries, including accidental death and or property damage, $1.000, )00 Combined Single Limit This policy shall be submitted prior to contract execution. C. ComprehensimAutomobile Liability Insurance The Contractor shall have Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of not less than; Bodily Injury/Property Damage, S LOD0,000 Combined Single Limit, to include all owned and nonowned cars including: Employers Nonownership Liability Hired and Nonowned Vehicles. The City is to be named as an additional insured on this policy for this specific job and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. D. Builder's Risk Insurance The Contractor shall obtain a Builder's Risk policy in the amount of 1000% of thy. total contract IRJce (1000/6 of potential loss) naming the City of Lubbock as insured E. Umbrella Liability Insurance The Contractor shall have Umbreella Liability Insurance in the amount of 52.000.000 on all contracts with coverage to correspond with Comprehensive' General Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Liability coverages. F. Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Workers Compensation Insurance covering all employees whether employed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor on the job with Employers Liability of at least $1,000,000 1. Definitions: Certificate of covverrage ("certificate") - A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self - insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC,81, 7WCC-82, 7WCC-93, or 7WCC- 84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services an a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project - includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the oontractoes/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services an the project ("subcontractor" in 0406.096) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person acted directly with the contractor and regardWss of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation,' independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner -operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as Amd/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 2. The contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project 27. PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC The Contractor shall take out and procure a policy or policies of Worlmiea's Compensation Insurance with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, which policy shall comply with the Workmen's Compensation laws of the State of Texas. The Contractor shall at Jill times exercise reasonable precaution for the safety of employees and -- others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of Associated General Contractors of America, except where incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. The Contractor, his sureties and insurance carriers shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the Owner and all of its officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any. character whatsoever, brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons or property, on account of any negligent act or fault of the Contractor or any subcontractor, their agents or employees, in the execution and supervision of said contract, and the project which is the subject matter of this contract, on account of the failure of Contractor or any subcontractor to provide necessary barricades, warning lights, or signs and will be required to pay any judgment with costs which may be obtained against the Owner or any of its officers, agents, or employees including attorney's fees. The safety precautions taken shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, in his sole discretion as an Independent Contractor, inclusion of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well as any notice which may be given by the Owners or the Owner's Representative concerning omissions under this paragraph as the work progresses, are intended as reminders to the Contractor of his duty and shall not be construed as any assumption of duty to supervise safety precautions by either the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. 28. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall procure and carry at his sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specified. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be submitted prior to contract execution. A. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance The contractor shall have Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of S500.000 Combined Single Limit in the aggregate and per occurrence to include: Premises and Operations Explosion & Collapse hazard Underground Damage Hazard Products & Completed Operations Hazard Contractual Liability Independent Contractors Coverage Personal Injury (with exclusion "c" waived) The City is to be named as an additional insured on this policy for this specific job, and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. In the event said extra work be performed and paid for under Method (C), then the provisions of this paragraph shall apply and the "actual field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost of all workmen, such as foremen, timekeepers, mechanics and laborers, materials, supplies, teams, trucks, rentals on machinery and equipment, fair the time actually employed or used on such extra work, plus actual transportation charges necessarily incurred, together with all expenses incurred directly on account of such extra work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits, Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workmen's Compensation and all other insurances as may be required by law or ordinances or directed by the Owner or Owner's Representative, or by them agreed to. Owners Representative may direct the form in which accounts of the actual field cost shall be kept and records of these accounts shall be made available to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative may also specify in writing, before the work commences, the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise, these matters shall be determined by the Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be determined by using 100/a, unless otherwise specified, of the latest Schedule of Equipment and Ownership Expenses adopted by the Associated General Contractors of America Where practical, the tenses and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the written extra work order. The fifteen percent (1501.6) of the actual field cost to be paid to Contractor shall cover and compensate him for his profit, overhead, general superintendence and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the actual field cost as herein defined, save than where the Contractor's Camp or Field Office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra Work, then the cog to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the "actual field cost." No claim for extra work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing by Owner's Representative. In case any orders or instructions appear to the Contractor to involve extra work for which he should receive compensation or an adjustment in the construction time, he shall make written request to the Owner's Repre:cntative for a written order authorizing such extra work. Should a difi'erence of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute extra work or as to the payment therefore, and the Owner's Representative insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep adequate and accurate: account of the actual field cost thereof, as provided under Method (C). The Contractor will thereby preserve the right to submit the matter of payment to arbitration as herein below provided 25. DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS It is further agreed that it is the intent of this contract that all work described in the proposal, the specifications, plans and other contract documents, is to be done for the prices quoted by the Contractor and that such price shall include all appurtenances necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of these contract documents as interpreted by Owner's Representative. If the Contractor finds any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, he should notify the Owners' Representative and obtain a clarification before the bids are received, and if no such request is received by the Owner's Representative prior to the opening of bids, then it shall be considered that the Contractor fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in his proposal to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. It is further understood that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five days prior to the opening of bids. If at any time the methods or equipment used by the Contractor are found to be inadequate to secure the quality of work with the rate of progress required under this contract, the Owner or Owner's Representative may order the Contractor in writing to increase their safety or improve their character and efficiency and the Contractor shall comply with such order. If; at any time, the working force of the Contractor is inadequate for securing the progress herein specified, the Contractor _shall, if so ordered in writing, increase his force or equipment, or both, to such an extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of progress. If any work which is required to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered up without written approval or consent of the Owner or Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by the Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation and testing at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspections, tests and approvals shall be borne by the Contractor unless otherwise provided herein. Any work which fails to meet the requirements of any such tests, inspections or approval, and any work which meets the requirements of any such tests or approval but does not meet the requirements of the contract documents shall be considered defective. Such defective work shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. Neither observations by the Owner or Owner's Representative, nor inspections, tests, or approvals made by Owner, Owner's Representative, or other persons authorized under this agreement to make such inspections, tests, or approvals shall relieve. the Contractor from his obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. 22. ` DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES It is further agreed that if the work or any part thereof; or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shall be deemed by the Owner or Owners' Representative as unsuitable or not in conformity with plans, specification and contrail documents, the Contractor shall, after receipt of written notice thereof from the Owner's Representative, forthwith remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with this contract. It is further agreed that any remedial action contemplated as hereinabove set forth shall be at Contractor's expense. 23. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Contractor further agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the Owner may see fit, in the line, grade, form dimensions, plans or or materials for the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof, either before or after the beginning of the construction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying bond. If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be dispensed with. If they inCrease the amount of work, and the increased work can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase" be paid according to the quantity actually done and at the unit price established for such work under this contract; otherwise such additional work shall be paid for as provided under Extra Work. In case the Owner shall make such changes or alterations as shall make useless any work already done or material already furnished or used in said work, then the Owner shall recompense the Contractor for any material or labor so used, and for any actual loss occasioned by such change, due to actual expenses incurred in preparation for the work as originally planned 24. EXTRA WORK The term "extra work" as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the r-- Owner or Owner's Representative to be done by the Contractor to accomplish any change, alteration or addition to the work as shown on the plans and specifications or contract documents and not covered by Contractor's proposal, except as provided under Changes and Alterations herein. It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform all extra work under the direction of the Owner's Representative when presented with a written work order signed by the Owner's Representative; subject, however, to the right of the Contractor to require written confirmation of such extra work order by the Owner. It is also agreed that the compensation to be paid to the Contractor for performing said extra work shall be determined by the following methods:. Method (A) - By agreed unit prices; or Method (B) - By agreed lump sum; or Method (C) - If neither Method (A) or Method (B) be agreed upon before the extra work is commenced, then the Contractor shall be paid the actual field cast of the work, phis fifteen (15%) per cent. It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the confirmation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, and the general and local conditions, and all other matters which in any way effect the work under this contract. No verbal al;rcement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Owner, either before or after the execution of this contract, shall effect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained... 18. CHARACTBR OF WORKMEN The Contractor agrees to employ only orderly and competent men, skillful in the'perforrmance in the type of work required under this contract, to do the work; and agrees that whenever the Owner's Representative shall inform him in writing that any man or men on the work, are, in his opinion, incompetent, unfaithful, or disorderly, such man or men shall be discharged from the work and shall rot again be employed on the work without the Ow t er's Representative's written consent. The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, machinery and materials necessary in the prosecution and completion of this contract where it is not otherwise specifically provided that Owner shall furnish same, and it is also understood that Owner shall not be held responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, or protection of any materials, tools, equipment or machinery or any part of the work until it is finally completed and accepted. The building of structures for the housing of men or equipment will be permitted only at such places as the Owner's Representative shall direct, and the sanitary conditions of the grounds in or about such structure shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 20. SANITATION Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work site, properly secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and their use shall be strictly enforced. 21. OBSERVATION AND TESTING The Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right at all reasonable times to observe and test the work Contractor shall make necessary arrangements and provide proper facilities and access for such observation and testing at any location wherever work is in preparation or progress. Contractor shall ascertain the scope of any observation which may be contemplated by Owner or Owner's Representative and shall give ample notice as to the time each part of the work will be ready for such observation. Owner or Owner's Representative may reject any work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, regardless of the stage of its completion or the time or place of discovery of such errors and regardless of whether Owner's Observer has previously accepted the work thraugh oversight or otherwise. H any work should be covered without approval or consent of the Owner, it must, if requested by Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for examination at Contractor's expense. In the event that any part of the work is being fabricated or manufactured at a location where it is not convenient for Owner or Owner's Representative to make observations of such work or require testing of said work, then in such event Owner or Owner's Representative may require Contractor to furnish Owner or Owner's Representative certificates of inspection, testing or approval made by persons competent to perform such tasks at the location where that part of the work is being manufactured or fabricated. All such tests will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for TestiJog and Materials or such other applicable organization as may be required by law or the contract documents. 14. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S AUTHORITY AND DITTY ;.Unless otherwise specified, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the Owner's Representative �, 1 shall review all work included herein. He has the authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to I insure the proper execution of the contract. In order to permit delays and disputes and to discourage litigation, it is further ''y r agreed that the Owner's Representative shall, in all ruses, determine the amour s a� quantities of the several kinds of work i which are to be paid for under this contract. He shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof, and shall, in all vises, decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of this contract on the part of said Contractor. The Owner's Representatives's estimates and findings shall be conditions precedent to the right of the ' parties hereto to arbitration or to any action on the contract, and to any rights of the Contractor to receive any money under i this contract; provided, however, that should Owner's Representative render any decision or give any direction, which in the 0 5 .opinion of either party hereto, is not in accordance with the meaning and intent of this contract, either party may file with said Owner's Representative within 30 days his written objection to the decision or direction so rendered, and by such action may reserve the right to submit the questions so raised to arbitration as hercinaftcr provided. It is the intent of this "Agreement that there shall be no delay in the execution of the work, therefore, written decisions or direction of the Owner's Representative as rendered shall be promptly carried out, and any claim arising therefrom shall be thereafter adjusted to arbitration as hereinafter provided The Owner's Representative shall, within a reasonable time, render and deliver to both the Owner and the Contractor a written decision on all claims of the parties hereto and on all questions which may arise relative to the execution of the work or the interpretation of the contract, specifications and plans. Should the Owner's Representative fail to make such decision ' 'within a reasonable time, an appeal to arbitration may be taken as if his decision had been rendered against the party appealing I S. $UPERINTh'IJDENCE AND INSPECTION It is agreed by the Contractor that the Owner's Representative shall be and is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time such subordinate engineers, supervisors, or inspectors as the said Owner's Representative may deem proper to inspect the materials furnished and the work done under this Agreement, and to see that said material is furnished and said work is ' done in accordance with the specifications therefore. The Contractor shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required by the subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors for the proper inspection and examination of the work The r Contractor shall regard and obey the directions and instructions of any subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors so appointed, when such directions and instructions are consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and accompanying plans and specifications provided, however, should the Contractor object to any orders by any subordinate engineer, supervisor or inspector, the Contractor may within six (6) days make written appeal to the Owner's Representative for his decision 11IJ46. ' . =CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE r— i i The Contractor shall give personal attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this contract and shall keep on the i work, during its progress. a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to Owner's a' Representative. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. Adequate supervision by competent and reasonable representatives of the Contractor is essential to the proper performance of the work and lack of such supervision shall be grounds for suspending operations i of the Contractor. q i6 j The work, firm its commencement to completion, shall be under the exclusive charge and control of the Contractor and all risk in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. .l The Owner or Owner's Representatives will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, or any subcontractors, or any of his agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work 8. WORK Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and all water, light, power,fuel, transportation and all other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract documents. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have well known, technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer such recognized standards. All work shall be done and all materials furnished in strict conformity with the contract documents. 9. SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED _ The term 'Substantially Completed" is meant that the structure or project contemplated by the contract documents has been made suitable for use or occupancy or the facility is in a condition to serve its intended purpose, but still may require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. 10. LAYOUT Except as specifically provided herein, the Contractor shall be responsible for laying out all work and shall accomplish this work in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative will check the Contractor's layout of all major structures and any other layout work done by the Contractor at Contractor's request, but this check does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of correctly locating all work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. 11. KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE The Contractor shall be furnished with one copies of all Plans, Profiles and Specifications without expense to him and he shall keep one copy of same consistently accessible on the job site. 12. RIGHT OF ENTRY The Owner's Representative may make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress of quality of the executed work and to determine, in general, K the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. He will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous onsite inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, nor will he be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or the safety precautions incident thereto. His efforts will be directed towards providing assurances for the Owner that the completed pnjcct will conform to the requirements of the contract documents, but he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of his onsite observations, he will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the work and will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor. t -11r Ks 9 All lines and grades shall be furnished by the Owner's Representative whenever necessary for the commencement of the work contemplated by these contract documents or the completion of the work contemplated by these contract documents. Whenever necessary, Contractor shall suspend his work in order to permit Owner's Representative to comply with this requirement, but such suspension will be as brief as practical and Contractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefore. The Contractor shall give the Owner's Representative ample notice of the time and place where lines and grades will be needed. All stakes, marks, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor, and in case of careless destruction or removal by him, his Subcontractors, or his employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be mplaced by the Owner's Representative at Contractor's expense. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT OWNER Whenever the word Owner, or the expression Party of the First Part, or First Parry, are used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to the City of Lubbock, Texas. CONTRACTOR Whenever the word Contractor, or the expression Party of the Second Part, or Second Party, is used, it shall be understood to mean the person, persons, co -partnership or corporation, to -wit:. who has agreed to perform the work embraced in this contract, or to his or their legal representative. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Whenever the word Owner's Representative or representative is used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to DAVID JONES, AIRPORT PROPERTY MANAGER City of Lubbock, under whose supervision these contract documents, including the plans and specifications, were prepared, and who will inspect constructions; or to such other representative, supervisor, or inspector as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular under this agreement. Engineers, supervisor or inspectors will act for the Owner under the direction of Owner's Representative, but shall not directly supervise the Contractor or men acting in behalf of the Contractor. The contract's documents shall consist of the Notice to Bidders, General Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Signed Agreement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Special Conditions of the Agreement (if any), Specifications, Plans, Insurance Certificate, and all other documents made available to Bidder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES Whenever the words "Directed," "Permitted," "Designated," "Required," "Considered Necessary," "Prescribed," or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, Order, designation or prescription of the Owner's Representative is intended; and similarly, the words "Approved," "Acceptable,' "Satisfactory," or words of like import shall mean approved by or acceptable or satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. SUBCONTRACTOR The term Subcontractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. Owner shall have no responsibility to any Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, jbut said Subcontractors will look exclusively to Contractor for arty payments due Subcontractor. 7. WRTTT'EN NOTICE Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent certified mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. GENERAL COMMONS OF THE AGREEMENT "10. Paragraph 109-3.11 POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT. For clarification, insert the following new subparagraph: "The Contractor shall disconnect the existing 10KW regulator serving Airfield Lighting Circuit #8 as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The existing 10KW regulator shall remain the property of the Owner, and the Contractor shall relocate it, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer, for use: by the Owner as a spare: The Contractor shall furnish and install a new, 20KW, FAA Specification L828 regulator, as herein specified, in the location shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing to the Engineer's satisfaction any damage to the existing Transformer Vault, existing wiring, conduit or regulators, or any other existing appurtenances that occurs during the Contractor's activities." r 6. Page 109-b. Modifications to ITEM L-109. INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT IMPROVEMENTS ` Add the following new modification item: "ll. Paragraph 109-3.12 SWITCHGEAR AND PANELS. Insert the following new subparagraph: "The Contractor shall remove, from the existing Load Center Panel, the existing 70amp, 2-pole breaker serving the existing 10KW regulator to be removed. The existing breaker shall be delivered to the Owner. The Contractor shall furnish and install a new, 120amp, 2-pole breaker in the existing Load Center Panel to serve the new 20KW regulator installed under this project. The new breaker shall be General Electric catalogue number TEB2120, with TEDIDPK mounting hardware, or approved equal. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing to the Engineer's satisfaction any damage to the existing Load Center Panel, existing wiring or breakers, or any other existing appurtances that occurs during the Contractor's activities." 7. Page 109-b. Modifications to ITEM L-109, INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT IMPROVEMENTS Add the following new modification item: "12. Paragraph 109-3.15 WIRING AND CONNECTIONS. Insert the following new subparagraph: "The Contractor shall remove, from the existing wireway and conduit, the existing #6 electrical cable serving the Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 3 r• Lubbock International Airport January 5, 1995 North Air Cargo Apron and Taxiway S Improvements existing IOKW regulator to be removed. The removed wiring shall be disposed of off Airport property by the d Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish and install new, ( #2, FAA Specification L824, Type USE-2 electrical cable in the existing wireway and conduit from the new 120amp f" breaker to the new 20KW regulator installed under this project, The Contractor shall be responsible for. repairing to the Engineer's satisfaction any damage.to the �., existing wireway or wiring, or any other existing appurtances that occurs during the Contractor's activities." r This Addendum becomes a part of and shall be attached to the referenced Plans and Specifications. This Addendum shall be acknowledged by the Bidder and r- shall be attached to the Proposal submitted. i PARKHILL, SMI & COOPER, INC. I^ � By Lawrence J. (Lar Valdez, P.E. ACKNOWLEDGED: By: Addendum No. 1 I 'r" Page 3 of 3 r No Text 45. CORRECTION OF WORK BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT FOR WORK Contractor shall promptly remove from Owners' premises all materials condemned by the Owner's Representative on account of failure to conform to the contract, whether actually incorporated in the work or not, and Contractor shall at his own expense promptly replace such condemned materials with other materials conforming to the requirements of the contract. Contractor shall also bear the expense of restoring all work of other contractors damaged by any such removal or replacemcnL If Contractor does not remove and replace any such condemned work within a reasonable time after a written notice by the Owner or the Owner's Representative, Owner may remove and replace it at Contractor's expense. 46, CORRECTION OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT Neither the final payment nor certificate nor any provision in this contract shall -relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. The Owner or the Owner's Representative shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. 47. PAYIyIENT WTTH ELD The Owner may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, withhold or nullify the whole or part of any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to prated himself from loss on account of. (a) Defective work not remedied (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating possible filing of claims. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments promptly to subcontractors or for materials or labor. 1 (d) Damage to another contractor. When the above grounds are removed, or the Contractor provides a surety bond satisfactory to the Owner, which will protect the Owner in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them 48. TWE OF FILING CLAIMS It is further agreed by both parties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the Contractor shall be in writing and filed with the Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) days after the Owner's Representative has given any directions, order or instruction to which the Contractor desires to take exception. The Owners' Representative shall reply to 7 such written exceptions by the Contractor and render his final decision in writing. In case the Contractor should appeal from the decision of the Owner's Representative, any demand for arbitration shall be filed with the Owner's Representative and the Owner in writing within ten (10) days after the date of delivery to Contractor of the final decision of the Owner's Representative. It is further agreed that final acceptance of the work by the Owner and the acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be a bar to any claim by either party, except where noted otherwise in the contract documents. 49. ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR In case the Contractor should abandon and fail or refuse to resume work within ten (10) days after written notification from the Owner or the Owner's Representative, or if the Contractor fails to comply with the orders of the Owner's Representative, when such orders are consistent with this contract, this Agreement, or -the Specifications hereto attached, then the Surety on the bond shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the work and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the Contractor., After receiving said notice of abandonment, the Contractor shall not remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies then on the job, but the same, together with any materials and equipment under the contract for work, may be held for use on the work by the Owner or the Surety of the Contractor, or another contractor, in completion of the work; and the Contractor shall not receive any rental or credit therefore (except when used in connection with Extra Work, where credit shall be allowed as provided for under paragraph 24 of this contract); it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement '== r- PI - orm P. in case the Surety should fail to commence compliance with the notice for completion herembefore provided for within ten (10) days after service of such notice, then the Owner may provide for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: (a) The Owner may employ such force of then and use of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies as said Owner may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of och labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said Contractor, and the expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the Owner out of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this Agreement. In arse such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall receive the difference.. In case such expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or his Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the Owner, or (b) The Owner, under sealed bids, after notice published as required by law, at 1=Lst twice in a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of location of the work, may let the contract for the completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case of any increase in cost to the Owner under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under this contract, such increase shall be charged to the Contractor and the Surety shall be and remain bound therefore. However, should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than that which would have been the cost to complete the work under this contract, the Contractor or his Surety shall be credited therewith. When the work shall have been substantially completed, the Contractor and his Surety shall be so notified and certificates of completion and acceptance, as provided in paragraph 42 hereinabave set forth, shall be issued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by Owner's Representative as being correct shall then be prepared and delivered to Contractor and his Surety, whereon the Contractor or his Surety, or the Owner as the case may be, shall pay the balance due as reflected by said statement within 30 days after the date of certificate of completion. In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the Owner had the work been completed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract, or when the Contractor and/or his Surety shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies kft on the site of the work shall be turned over to the Contractor and/or his Surety. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the Contractor and/or his Surety fail to pay the amount due the Owner within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials shall be mailed to the Contractor and his Surety at the respective addresses designated in this contract; provided, however, that actual written. notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety subject only to the duty of the Owner to exercise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) days from the date of said notice the Owner may sell such machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the Contractor and his Surety. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the Owner may elect. The Owner shall release any machinery, equipment, tools, materials, or supplies which remain on the •jobsite and belong to persons other than the Contractor or his Surety, to their proper owners. r s •"I'MAN In case the Owner shall fail to comply with the terms of this contract, and should fail or refuse to comply with said terms within ten (10) days after written notification by the Contractor, then the Contractor may suspend or wholly abandon the work, and may remove therefrom all machinery, tools, and equipment, and all materials on the ground that have not been included in payments to the Contractor and have not been incorporated into the work Thereupon, the Owner's Representative shall make an estimate of the total amount earned by the Contractor, which estimate shall include the value of all work actually completed by said Contractor at the prices stated in the the attached proposal, the value of all partially completed work at a fair and equitable price, and the amount of all Extra Work performed at the prices agreed upon, or provided for by the terms of this contract, and a reasonable sum to cover the cost of any provisions made by the Contractor to carry the whole work to completion, and which cannot be utilized The Owner's Representative shall then make a final statement of the balance due the Contractor by deducting from the above estimate all previous payments by the Owner and all other sums that may be retained by the Owner under the terms of this Agreement, and shall certify same to the Owner who shall pay to the Contractor on or before thirty (30) days after the date of the notification by the Contractor the balance shown by said final statement as due the Contractor, under the terms of this Agreement. 51. BONDS The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a performance bond and payment bond in accordance with Article 5160, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes in the amount of 1000/9 of the total contract price, in the event said contract price exceeds $25,000.00. If the contract price does not exceed $25,000.00, the statutory bonds will not be required. All bonds, if - required, shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Owner, and executed by an approved Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Texas. And it is further agreed that this contract shall not be in effect until such bonds are so. furnished. 52. SPECIAL COMMONS In the event special conditions are contained herein as part of the contract documents and said special conditions conflict with any of the general conditions contained in this contract, then in such event the special conditions shall control. 53. LOSSES FROM NATURAL CAUSES - Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss or damage to the Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance and the prosecution of the same, or from unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. 54. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor is, and shall remain, an independent contractor with full, complete and exclusive power and authority to direct, supervise, and control his own employees and to determine the method of the performance of the work covered hereby. The fact that the Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right to observe Contractor's work during his performance and to carry out the other prerogatives which are expressly reserved to and vested in the Owner or Owner's Representative hereunder, is not intended to and shall not at any time change or effect the status of the Contractor as an independent contractor with respect to either the Owner or Owner's Representative or to the Contractor's own employees or to any other person, firm, or corporation._ 55. CLEANING UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris caused by the work, and at the completion of the work he shall remove all such debris and also his tools, scaffolding, and surplus materials and shall leave the work room clean or its equivalent. The work shall be left in good order and condition. In case of dispute Owner may remove the debris and charge the cost to the Contractor. No Text r- 0" `; Resolution 72502 ` • January 8, 1987 Agenda Item #18 DGV:da RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore established the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workmen or mechanics needed to execute public works contracts for the City of Lubbock :in accordance with the provisions of Vernon's Ann.Civ.St., Art. 5159a; and WHEREAS, such wage rates were established by Resolution No. 719 enacted February 12, 1981, updated by Resolution No. 1590 enacted February 23, 1984; and WHEREAS, such rates need to be updated at the present time in order to reflect the current prevailing rate of per diem wages; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCILOFTHE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the general prevailing rate of per diern wages for public works .,contracts shall be as set forth in the following named exhibits, which exhibits shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes: Exhibit A: Building Constructioh'Trades Exhibit B: Paving and Highway Construction Trades Exhibit C: Electrical Trades Exhibit D: Overtime Rate Exhibit E: Weekend and Holiday Rate Such wage rates are hereby found and declared to be the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in all localities where public works are undertaken on behalf of the City of Lubbock and such wage rates shall be included in all public works contracts as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 8th day of January 1987. '_Ranette,.Boyd, City Secretary APPROVED T� NTENT:- Bi 1 P/yne, 0 rector of Building Services B.C. MCMINN, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: 91 A Do ld G. Vandiver, First Assistant City Attorney 0" .+ EXHIBIT A City of Lubbock Building Construction Trades Prevailing Rates Craft Acoustical Ceiling Installer Air Conditioner Installer Air Conditioner Installer -Helper Bricklayer Bricklayer -Helper Carpenter Carpenter -Helper . Cement Finisher Drywall Hanger Electrician Electrician -Helper Equipment Operator - Heavy Light Floor Installer Glazier Insulator, Piping/Boiler Insulator -Helper Iron Worker Laborer, General Mortar Mixer Painter Plumber Plumber -Helper Roofer Roofer -Helper Sheet Metal Worker Sheet Metal Worker -Helper Welder - Certified Hourly Rate $11.60 8.35 5.50 10.50 5.00 11.00 5.50 7.35 8.70 10.50 5.25 8.00 5.70 8.00 7.50 9.50 5.00 7.30 4.75 5.60 8.75 9.25 6.00 7.65 4.75 8.75 5.50 8.00 r r OW Oft Ao da EXHIBIT 8 Paving and Highway Construction Prevailing Wage Rates Craft Asphalt Heaterman Asphalt Shoveler Concrete Finisher Concrete Finisher -Helper Electrician Flagger Form Setter Form Setter -Helper Laborer, General Laborer, Utility Mechanic Mechanic -Helper POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Asphalt Paving Machine Bulldozer Concrete Paving Machinist Front End Loader Heavy Equipment Operator Light Equipment Operator Motor Grade Operator. Roller Scraper Tractor Truck Driver - Light Heavy Hourly Rate $5.25 4.75 7.35 4.75 10.50 4.75 6.50 5.50 4.75 5.80 6.50 6.00 6.00 5.25 6.50 5.85 6.40 6.40 8.00 5.25 5.25 5.50 5.25 5.25 r� EXHIBIT C Electric Construction Trades P i i W . - revs ing age Rates Craft Hourly Rate Power Line Foreman $11.00 Lineman Journeyman 10.45 Lineman Apprentice Series 8.90 Groundman Series 7.25 EXHIBIT D Prevailing Wage Rates Overtime Rate ' The rate for overtime (3n excess of forty hours per week) is 1 1/2 times base rate. '~ EXHIBIT E Prevailing Wage Rates •' Weekend and Holiday Rate The rate for weekend and holiday is 1 1/2 times base rate. .. z U a TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL CONDITIONS Paragraph 1. Scope of Work SC-1 2. Basis of Contract Award SC-1 3. Contract Documents SC-1 4. Time and Order of Completion SC-2 5. Limitation of Operation SC-4 6. Airport Operations Security SC-6 7. Contractor's Plant Site, Storage and Office Area(s) SC-11 S. Protection of Property 9C-12 9. Electric Power and Natural Gas SC-12 10. Lines and Grades SC-12 11. Water for Construction SC-13 12. Material Tests SC-13 13. Barricades, Signs, and Hazard Markings SC-14 14. Prevention of Air and Water Pollution SC-14 15. Progress Schedule SC-15 16. Public Convenience and Safety SC-15 17. Final Cleaning Up SC-15 18. Insurance SC-16 19. Removal and Disposal of Structures, Utilities and Obstructions SC-16 20. Conformity with Plans and Allowable Deviations SC-16 21. Removal of Defective and Unauthorized -Work SC-16 22. Disputed Claims for Extra Work SC-17 23. Federal Participation SC-17 24. Indemnification SC-17 25. Opening of Section of Airport to Traffic SC-18 26. Contractor's Responsibility for Work SC-18 27. Correction of Faulty Work After Final Payment SC-19 28. Separate Contracts SC-19 29. Shop Drawings SC-19 30. Engineer SC-19 31. Trench Safety SC-19 32. Engineer's Field Office SC-20 33. Progress Meetings SC-20 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC-1 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be accomplished under these specifications, including the plans, consists of construction work for the Lubbock International Airport, including but not limited to, the construction of new portland cement concrete pavement for the North Air Cargo Apron and Taxiway S extension, the construction of bituminous paved shoulders adjacent to the new apron and taxiway pavement, the installation of airfield security fencing improvements, the installation of lighting, signage and marking improvements, the installation of electrical vault equipment, and other related items of work. All labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work called for in these specifications and shown on the plans shall be furnished by the Contractor. Payment for the various items of work will be made as specified under the various payment paragraphs of the technical sections. SC-2 BASIS OF CONTRACT AWARD Award of this contract will be made on the basis of the low, responsive, r` responsible bid, received in accordance with the General Instructions to Bidders, t. including the total BASE -BID and any combination of ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" and/or ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B", based on the availability of funds. SC-3 _CONTRACT DOCUMENTS All work covered by this contract shall be done in accordance with the Contract Documents described in the General Conditions. The drawings included in the documents consist of the plans entitled "City of Lubbock, Texas, Lubbock International Airport, North Air Cargo Apron and Taxiway S Improvements," dated December, 1994. All bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work shown on the drawings or specified. The intent of the plans and specifications is to prescribe a complete work or improvement which the Contractor undertakes to do in full compliance with the plans, the specifications, the special provisions, proposal, and contract. The Contractor shall do all work including such additional, extra, and incidental work as may be considered necessary to complete the project in a satisfactory and acceptable manner, as provided in the plans, proposal, and contract. He shall furnish, unless otherwise provided in the specifications, special provisions, or contract, all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to prosecute the completion of the work. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all. In case of conflict between any of the Contract Documents, priority of interpretation shall be in the following r 2699-94 SC - 1 order: Signed Agreement, Performance Bond, Special Bonds (if any), Proposal, Special Conditions, Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Technical Specifications, Plans, General Provisions and General Conditions of the Agreement. SC-4 TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION The Contractor will be permitted to prosecute certain portions of the work in the order and manner of his own choosing to the best interest of the project. However, the work shall be conducted in such manner and with such materials, equipment and labor as may be required to insure completion in accordance with the plans and specifications within- the time stated in the Proposal and in the Contract. The Contractor shall furnish the -Engineer with his proposed progress schedule and this schedule shall be approved by the Engineer before work is commenced on the project. Other contractors may be performing work for the Owner in the same general area as that covered under this contract. The Contractor shall be expected to coordinate his work with the work of other contractors as may be required to insure that all work can be carried out with the least possible interference with the operation of other contractors or the Owner. The Contractor's coordination with other contractors shall require the approval of the Engineer. The Engineer reserves the right to control and direct the sequence of operations in the areas where others will be working. Provision shall be made for other contractors to have suitable space to - work and --for storage of materials, as well as access to these areas. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling and implementing the various separate construction operations involved in the construction of the improvements included in this project. Completion shall be within the time frames specified below. The Contractor will prepare and submit for review his recommended phasing/scheduling plan in accordance with the following general guidelines. Liiguidated damages will be assessed for delayed completion in the amount of $500.00 per calendar day for each individual phase or subphase below. Construction phasing shall be accomplished as follows: Construction Phase 1 Construction Phase 1 is defined as the Taxiway S improvements from the west edge of Runway 17R-35L to at least 200-feet west of Runway 17R-35L, including construction of the portland cement concrete pavement (including joint sealing) and the bituminous paved shoulders, installation of lighting, signage and marking improvements. The Runway 17R threshold will be displaced as specified herein to allow construction activities at the runway/taxiway intersection. The work included in Construction Phase 1 shall be completed within 75 calendar dAys. 2699-94 SC - 2 b The Contractor shall furnish and install temporary displaced threshold marking and lighting for Runway 17R, as specified herein or as directed by the Engineer. The threshold shall be displaced approximately 1,000 feet south of the construction area on Taxiway S, or as directed by the Engineer and Director of Aviation. The temporary displacement will be marked in accordance with FAA AC 150/5340-1F, and paid for under Item P-620, specified herein, except that the paint for temporary threshold marking may consist of diluted, water -based paint of appropriate color to ease obliteration. Temporary marking application rates will be approved by the Engineer. Temporary, elevated outboard runway. threshold lights and elevated Runway End Identified Lights (REIL) shall be furnished, installed and connected to the runway lighting circuit by the Contractor, and paid for under Item L-125, specified herein. Lights shall be elevated by mounting the fixtures on barrels or staffs, securely tethered to the ground. The Contractor shall maintain the temporary lighting during the + displacement period. During the threshold displacement period, the existing runway edge t lights on Runway 17R-35L north of the displaced threshold shall be ` taken out of service by the Contractor. This may be accomplished by removing the light bulbs from the affected runway edge lights. A The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing any damage done to the existing lights during these activities. The remaining runway lights south of the displaced threshold shall remain operational at all times. The Contractor shall provide temporary - wiring, jumpers and connections required to maintains operation of the existing runway lights south of the displaced threshold and the temporary displaced threshold lights. After completion of Construction Phase 1, displaced threshold marking and lighting shall be removed and the runway returned to its original condition. Temporary marking shall be obliterated as specified, and marking which is to remain shall be touched up in accordance with Item P-620, herein. Payment for related provisions of this paragraph not specifically addressed and covered under other items in these specifications will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and no separate payment will be made. Operations at Lubbock International Airport will be severely affected by the construction operations in Construction Phase 1. The Contractor shall be required to work double shifts, longer hours and/or at night to complete Construction Phase 1 within the time constraints provided. Construction Construction Phase 2 Construction Phase 2 is defined as the remainder of the project. During Phase 2, the full length of Runway 17R-35L will be open and active. The Contractor's activities will be restricted to areas outside the Runway 17R-35L safety area, and other active areas on the airport. Construction on Phase 2 may begin any time after the date of the notice -to -proceed with the project. However, the fi... 2699-94 SC 3 Contractor will be required to diligently pursue completion of Construction Phase 1 within the time frame allowed. The construction of the work included in Construction Phase 1 and Construction Phase 2 shall be completed within 315 calendar days of the notice - to -proceed with the project. It is anticipated that construction of the Federal Express cargo handling facility will be concurrent with the construction of this project. The Contractor will be required to coordinate his construction activities with other . contractors working in this general area, particularly at the west edge of the, cargo apron, adjacent to the Federal Express facility.. Any deviation from the above sequences of construction will require the prior approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall schedule his work well in advance of actual operations and shall keep the Engineer advised of this schedule so that close coordination can be maintained with the Director of Aviation and with other contractors. Portions of the apron, runways and taxiways may be closed as required for proper execution of the work, but at least three (3) days notice will be required before closing any portion of a runway, taxiway or apron. When closing of the main runways, taxiways and apron areas for construction of lighting work is required, the time closed shall be kept to a minimum time. One of the two main runways, including access taxiways, shall be kept open at all times except as otherwise specified. All operations shall be coordinated, through the Engineer, with the Director of Aviation. Before either of the two main runways can be closed, the Engineer shall approve the length of time of closure and the Contractor's work schedule during closure. The Contractor shall be required to provide, install and maintain approved displaced runway threshold or closed runway and/or taxiway markings in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-2C, FAA Southwest Region Order SW5200.5A, FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-4, FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-7, and other applicable FAA regulations. AC 150/5370-2C and SW5200.5A are included in these specifications. No separate measurement or payment shall be made for closed runway or taxiway marking. All operations shall be coordinated through the Engineer. Runways, taxiways and apron areas shall not be closed for construction work until all construction equipment and materials required for that portion of work have been delivered to the site, approved and are ready for installation. SC-5 LIMITATION OF OPERATION Each item of work shall be completed without delay and in no instance shall the Contractor be permitted to transfer his forces from uncompleted work to new work without the permission of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be required to submit a schedule of operations to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall not commence new work to the prejudice of work already started. 2699-94 SC - 4 tThe Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to insure the safety of operating aircraft and their passengers as well as that of his own equipment and personnel. Special considerations shall be given to flight schedules and other aircraft operations. The Contractor shall obey all instructions as to routes to be taken by equipment traveling within the airport area. The Contractor shall provide all such equipment with a flag on a staff so attached to the equipment that the flag will be readily visible. The flag shall be not ` less than 'three feet square consisting of a checkered pattern of international orange and white squares of not less than one foot on each side. During nighttime work, the Contractor shall provide such equipment with. approved.' flashing lights so attached to the equipment that the lights will be readily visible. The Contractor shall make his own estimate of all difficulties to be' encountered. Equipment not actually in operation shall be kept clear of landing areas; personnel shall not enter areas of the airport where aircraft are operating without specific permission. All operations shall be coordinated, through the Engineer, with the Director of Aviation, to the end that no interference with aircraft traffic on active runways, taxiways or aprons will result from the operations of the Contractor. Construction activities will not be allowed within the safety areas of any active runway or taxiway. The taxiway safety area is defined as the area within 131 feet of the centerline of any taxiway or taxilane. The runway safety area is defined as the area within 250 feet of the centerline of any runway when aircraft are operating under Visual Flight Rule (VFR, clear weather) conditions, or within 570 feet of the centerline of any runway when aircraft are operating under Instrument Flight Rule (IFR, inclement weather) conditions. VFR or IFR conditions shall be determined by the Lubbock Air Traffic Control Tower personnel. The Contractor shall maintain flagmen, as may be required, to direct his construction traffic if it becomes necessary for such traffic to cross or travel along any active taxiway or runway. Traffic shall be directed away from these facilities whenever possible and no traffic shall ever cross an active runway or taxiway without having proper clearance from the control tower. Trenches and manhole excavations within the limits of the safety area of any airfield paving shall be backfilled as outlined in these specifications by the end of the work day or work period. Excavations outside the safety areas of any active airfield paving shall be barricaded as outlined in these specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer by the end of each work day or work period. All excavations shall be backfilled as soon as practicable. No open excavations shall be allowed within the safety area of any active airfield pavement. The FAA considers any deviation of more than 3-inches above or below the existing grade to be a hazard to aircraft operations. The FAA may issue warnings or fine the Airport for these violations. Such fines as may be handed out by the FAA as a result of the Contractor's activities shall be considered the Contractor's resuonsib li_ty—and-shall be Promptly vaid be the Contractor. at his oie expense The Contractor shall schedule his work well in advance of actual operations and shall keep the Engineer advised of this schedule so that close coordination can be maintained with the Director of Aviation. Aprons, runways 2699-94 SC - 5 I l' and taxiways will be closed as required for proper execution of the work as provided in above paragraphs. The Contractor shall exert every effort to maintain the safety of aircraft traffic and shall acquaint himself with the rules and regulations concerning aircraft traffic safety. Violations of the safety rules by the Contractor's workmen shall result in the discharge of such men in accordance with the General Conditions. Continued violations of safety rules and regulations by the Contractor, after having been notified of such violations by the Engineer, shall constitute grounds for suspending the Contractor's operations until steps are taken that will insure a safe operation. The Contractor shall be required to equip vehicles used by his project superintendent and project foremen on the project with radio receiver/transmit- ters for maintaining direct communication with the FAA control tower at Lubbock International Airport. The Contractor will provide a minimum of two (2) radios, as specified below. At the completion of the project. the Contractor shall transfer ownership of the two (2) specified radios, chargers and attachments to the Owner. The radios shall be delivered to the Owner in good working condition. The cost of the two (2) radios, chargers and attachments will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under this project, and.no separate, direct payment will be made. The radios to be provided shall consist of the following: Two (2) Communications Specialists, Model TR-720, Aircraft Band Portable Transceiver, with AC charger, DC charger, carrying case, flexible antenna, earphone, drop -in desk charger, rapid charger, and two (2) 750ma heavy-duty batteries for each radio or approved equal. Communication will be required at a frequency of 121.9 MHz for Lubbock ground control. Radio contact shall be required when construction operations are in the vicinity of, or when crossing any active runway,, taxiway, or apron, or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall have be required to provide number of radios to maintain communication in all areas of work. The Contractor shall provide an area for parking all equipment not being used for construction purposes, and for parking of employee vehicles. This area shall be. located away from the operational area of the airport in an area approved by the Engineer and the Director of Aviation. No employee or other unauthorized vehicles will be allowed within the operational area of the airport. Hauling routes shall not be along or across any paved airport street, road, apron, taxiway or runway without specific written authorization from the Engineer and the Director of Aviation. Any damage incurred by the Contractor's equipment shall be repaired by and at the expense of the Contractor, and as required by the Engineer and the Director of Aviation. The Contractor shall not permit water to stand in any excavation adjacent to existing pavements. To insure compliance with this requirement the 2699-94 SC 6 r"' t Contractor shall maintain at the site not less than two dewater#ng pumps in good working condition at all times that any excavation adjacent to existing pavements r is open. No work other than dewatering operations will be permitted on the project at any time water is standing in open excavations. The Contractor shall maintain the pavement surfaces of runways, taxiways and aprons, which are allowed to be used as hauling routes, in a clean condition, suitable for use by aircraft, as determined by the Director of Aviation. The successful Bidder shall be subject to a pre -award review by the Office of Compliance and Security, Equal Opportunity Division, Federal Aviation Administration, to determine previous compliance status of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be subject to a pre -construction conference to discuss phasing and project safety control after award of contract. SC-6 AIRPORT OPERATIONS SECURITY SC-6.1 General Airport security is a vital part of the Contractor's responsibilities during the course of this project. Airport security, nation- wide, has come under close scrutiny in the last few years. The following security guidelines and the rules and regulations of the Lubbock International Airport Police Department (LIAPD) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shall be followed by the Contractor and the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers and representatives at all times during the execution of this project. The Contractor shall be directly responsible for any and all fines or penalties levied against the Airport as a result of any breach of security or safety caused by the Contractor or the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives. SC-6.2 Airport fterations Area (AOA) The Airport operations area (AOA) shall be defined as any portion of the Airport property normally secured against unauthorized entry. The AOA includes all areas specifically reserved for the operations of aircraft and aircraft support equipment and personnel. Generally, the AOA is defined by the Airport's outer security fencing and other security measures at the Airport terminal building. SC-6.3 LIAPD-Issued Security Badges The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a photo - identification security badge issued by the LIAPD for each supervisor or foreman of each work crew working within the AOA. The Contractor shall obtain LIAPD security badges for at least one member of each work crew working in separate areas of the AOA. It is the intent of these specifications that -all -individuals responsible to the Contractor. including the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives. either obtain and display an LIAPD security badge. or obtain and display a Contractor -issued identification badge, as specified below. AND be escorted or directly supervised. by an individual displaying a current LIAPD security badge. F2699-94 SC 7 r The Contractor my obtain LIAPD security badges from the Lubbock International Airport Police Department at the Lubbock International Airport. The LIAPD reserves the right to limit the number of security badges issued to the -Contractor. The LIAPD will charge the Contractor a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee for each security badge issued. An additional fee will be charged, as noted -later in this section, for lost or destroyed badges. The LIAPD security badges shall be worn in an easily visible location on the person issued the badge at all times while working within the AOA. The badge holder shall be familiar with and shall obey all security and safety rules and regulations. The LIAPD security badge may be confiscated and all security rights revoked by the LIAPD upon the breach of any security or safety regulations at the discretion of the LIAPD. The holder of an LIAPD security badge shall surrender the badge at the completion of this project, upon transfer or terminationofemployment, or at any other time at the request of the LIAPD. The Contractor shall conduct a background check of each applicant for an LIAPD security badge utilizing standard background check forms provided by the LIAPD. The Contractor shall be responsible for completing the required forms, and for submitting the for to the LIAPD for their review as early in the project as possible to avoid any construction delays. Forms for completing the required background check shall be available through the Director of Aviation's office after award of the project. The background check shall show proof of a minimum five (5) year employment record and will be reviewed by the LIAPD. The LIAPD shall be responsible for reviewing the background checks. Only persons whose application is approved by the LIAPD shall be issued security badges. The LIAPD reserves the right to bar from the AOA any individuals found by the background check to be, in the opinion of the LIAPD, a risk to AOA security or safety. At the completion of this project, the Contractor shall return all LIAPD-issued security badges to the LIAPD. The LIAPD will charge an additional one hundred dollar ($100.00) fee for each lost or destroyed LIAPD- issued security badge. All LIAPD-issued security badges must be accounted for and surrendered at the completion of this project. Failure to account for and surrender all LIAPD-issued security badges will constitute grounds for withholding retainage from the final pay estimate amount. SC-6.4 Contractor -Issued Identification Badges The Contractor shall be responsible for the identification of each of the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers and representatives while these individuals operate within the AOA. The Contractor shall be responsible for issuing identification badges to each of the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliersand representatives operating within the AOA. The Contractor shall maintain a record of all persons issued a Contractor's identification badge. This record shall include the home address and telephone number of each person issued a badge. The Contractor's record of all employees issued an identification badge shall be made available upon the request of the LIAPD, the Director of Aviation or the Engineer. 2699-94 SC - 8 i I P F d qu The format and content of the Contractor -issued identification badge shall be approved by the LIAPD prior to issuing. The identification badge shall display the Contractor's company name, the employee's name, and the badge's j effective and expiration dates, and shall be plastic -laminated. with a clip -on or pin -on method of attaching the badge to the holder's outer clothing. The identification badge shall be worn in an easily visible location on the person r issued the badge at all times while operating within the AOA. Contractor -issued identification badge shall not be transferable from individual to individual, but shall be issued to and carried t by the specific employee, subcontractor, supplier or representative, issued the badge. The Contractor -issued identification badges shall be renewed,by the Contractor every.thirty (30) days during the project construction period. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractor -issued identification badges. All expired identification badges or badges invalidated by termination of the holder's employment, completion of construction activities, or other reasons, shall be confiscated by the Contractor and retained by the Contractor until the end of the project. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to record and account for all Contractor -issued identification badges. All identification badges issued by the Contractor during the project and the records of said badges shall be transferred to the possession of the LIAPD at the completion of the project. The Contractor -issued identification badge does not allow unlimited access to all areas within the AOA, but will permit -only escorted or directly supervised access to only those portions of the AOA under construction by the Contractor. Every individual operating within the AOA shall display either an LIAPD-issued security badge or a Contractor -issued identification badge at all times. All individual employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives, or groups of employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives, must be escorted or directly supervised by an individual bearing a valid LIAPD-issued security badge at all times while within the AOA. Persons within the AOA not possessing a valid LIAPD-issued security badge, or escorted or directly supervised by an individual possessing a valid LIAPD-issued security badge, shall be considered in violation of LIAPD security requirements and shall be subject to immediate removal from the AOA and any other disciplinary actions necessitated by LIAPD security arrangements. SC-6.5 Contractor's Entrance Gate The Contractor shall provide an entrance gate to the AOA for the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers and representatives at a location directed by the Engineer. This entrance gate shall be provided, installed, and, at the end of all construction activities, shall be removed, and the existing fence reinstalled to the satisfaction of the: Engineer, by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. Adjacent to the Contractor's entrance gate, outside the AOA, the Contractor shall provide a parking area for the Contractor's employee's personal automobiles. The: limits of this parking/storage area shall be as directed by the Engineer. At the completion of this project, any damage done by the Contractor to this area shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. Repairs shall include, but not be limited to, regrading and reseeding or repaving any damaged areas. 2699-94 SC - 9 rk 'tl The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall control all movement through the Contractor's entrance gate.: Only authorized personnel and vehicles shall be allowed to enter the AOA through this gate. When not in immediate use by the Contractor, the gate shall be securely locked by the Contractor to prevent entrance by unauthorized persons or vehicles. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide the Director of Aviation and the LIAPD with duplicate keys (for key locks) or combinations (for combination locks) to the lock or locks used to secure the Contractor's entrance gate to the AOA. If construction activities, such as hauling materials, require that the Contractor's entrance gate to the AOA remain open for long 'Periodsof time, the Contractor may, upon approval from the. Engineer, leave the gate open and provide a full-time watchguard at the gate. The watchguard shall be approved for and shall possess an LIAPD-issued security badge. If this security arrangement is desired and approved, the gate shall be manned by the watchguard as long as the gate remains open. The watchguard shall -be the Contractor's representative and shall be responsible for all movement through the gate. Again, only authorized persons and vehicles shall be allowed by the Contractor's watchguard to enter the AOA. At the Contractor's option, and upon approval of the Engineer, an automatic gate operator may be installed in lieu of providing a watchguard. SC-6.6 Vehicle Escorts All vehicles responsible to the Contractor, such as supplier's vehicles, entering the AOA shall be escorted by an approved Contractor escort vehicle from the point of AOA entry to the construction site. The escort vehicle shall be clearly identified with standard FAA markings and/or FAA flags. In addition, the escort vehicle shall be marked with the Contractor's name. The escort vehicle will be responsible for leading supply, delivery or other vehicles across the active airfield. To facilitate safe movement of the escort vehicle and the escorted vehicles, the driver of the escort vehicle shall be approved for, shall be issued, and shall display an LIAPD security badge. Further, the escort vehicle driver shall be familiar with airport security and safety procedures. The escort vehicle shall be equipped with an FAA radio, as specified herein, and thedriverof the escort vehicle shall be familiar with the FAA radio and its operation, and shall obey all -instructions from the Air Traffic Control Tower. SC-6.7 Challengine Unauthorized Personnel or Vehicles The Contractor and the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers, and representatives who have been issued an LIAPD security badge shall be responsible for challenging any person or vehicle found on the AOA or other non-public areas who is not displaying a valid LIAPD security badge, or who cannot produce a valid LIAPD security badge, or who is not under escort or under the direct supervision of a person possessing a valid LIAPD security badge. The challenge shall consist of notifying the person that he is within a restricted area, and informing the person of an appropriate exit route. Should the unauthorized person refuse to exit the restricted area, 'the LIAPDshallbe immediately notified for further action, and the unauthorized person shall be kept under surveillance until the LIAPD arrive. 2699-94 SC 10 Y t Any expired or altered badge, or any badge bearing a photograph not matching the bearer, shall be brought to the attention of the LIAPD and shall r be immediately confiscated by the LIAPD or the Director of Aviation. SC-6.8 Cranes or Hoists _ Any construction activity utilizing a crane or any other hoisting device shall have the prior, written approval of the: Federal Aviation Administration. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing the prescribed forms for airspace clearance in accordance with Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Applications for airspace clearance must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of construction activities. To avoid construction delays, the Contractor is urged to file -the prescribed forms in a timely manner. Airspace clearance from the FAA must be approved prior to the erection of the crane or other hoisting device. When requesting approval for the use of a crane or other hoisting device, the following information is required: 1. Exact location of construction activities utilizing a crane or other hoisting device. 2. Maximum extendable height of crane or other hoisting device. 3. Duration of construction activities utilizing a crane or other hoisting device. 4. Daily hours of crane or other hoisting device operation. The top of the crane or other hoisting device shall be marked with a 3-foot by 3-foot safety -orange and white checkered flag. The crane or other hoisting device shall be lowered at night or at the conclusion of construction activities, or during periods of poor visibility (ILS conditions) as directed by the Director of Aviation or the Engineer, or at any other time at the direction of the Director of Aviation or the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer neer and Director of Aviation at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to actual erection of the crane or other hoisting_ device. SC-7 CONTRACTOR'S PLANT SITE, STORAGE AND OFFICE AREA(S) The Contractor shall make his own provisions for plant site, storage and office areas. If the Contractor desires to utilize an on -airport location, arrangements must be made with the Director of Aviation. The following specific requirements apply to on -airport plant site, storage and office areas. 1. The Contractor will be held completely responsible for any damage or deterioration in areas allowed for Contractor's use. The Contractor will also be responsible for maintenance of areas and dust control for the duration of the project. r 2699-94 SC - 11 i 7 2. Direct negotiation may be conducted with -the Director of Aviation for any areas desired. Areas used by the Contractor may be subject to rental rates and fees as identified by the Director of Aviation. 3. Any areas occupied by the Contractor and his forces will be required to be completely restored by the Contractor, at his expense, including but not limited to regrading disturbed areas; complete removal of debris or any other material brought onto the site by the Contractor; complete replacement of topsoil, turf, asphalt pavement, concrete slabs or drives, etc.,that is worn, deteriorated or damaged during the period the Contractor and his forces occupy the area. All restoration shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Aviation. 4. Prior to moving into an unpaved area, the Contractor shall clear and grub the area, and remove and stockpile a minimum of 6-inches of existing topsoil. After completion of the project and after clearing the site of materials, equipment and debris, the Contractor shall replace, spread and grade the salvaged topsoil, followed by seeding and fertilizing. 5. All restoration activities shall be accomplished in accordance with applicable technical specifications of these documents including but not limited to Items P-152, P-401, T-901 and T- 904. 6. No direct payment will be made to the Contractor for preparing or restoring plant site, storage or office areas. SC-8 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY The Contractor shall exercise care to prevent damage to all structures, either above or below ground, including buildings, fences, pipelines, utilities, roads, etc., whether publicly or privately owned and including work performed by others. The Contractor shall be responsible :for: locating all underground facilities that might be damaged by the proposed construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage done to either public or private property during the course of -construction except as specifically provided otherwise in these specifications. Various existing underground utilities and structures are shown on the plans. Their locations are believed to be reasonably accurate but are not guaranteed. Though an effort has been made to locate and mark, on the plans, all underground utilities, the Contractor is herein warned that unmarked utilities may exist within the construction area. Prior to construction, the Contractor shall coordinate his activities with FAA Facilities at Lubbock International Airport. 2699-94 SC - 12 Certain runway and taxiway lights and signs and electrical cables are not scheduled to be removed or abandoned under this contract. The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to protect these existing facilities during construction to assure continuous operation of lights for runways and taxiways which will be open for night operations. SC-9 ELECTRIC POWER AND NATURAL GAS The Contractor shall make his own provisions for his electrical, natural gas and other fuel requirements and shall pay for electricity, gas or fuel consumed during the construction of the project. The Contractor shall construct his own service lines and such construction shall be in strict accordance with all applicable codes and laws. SC-10 LINES AND GRADES The Contractor will be responsible for laying out the work from existing paving and structures. The Engineer will check grade control and major layouts at his discretion, but this check will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility of correctly locating line and grade in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Engineer will take all measurements necessary for the determination of the amount of work performed under the various items for which payment is w provided. Whenever necessary, work will be suspended to permit this work, but such, suspension will be as brief as practicable and the Contractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefor. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to theaccuracy of all measurements before constructing any permanent structure and shall not take advantage of any errors which may have been made in laying out the work. Such stakes and markings as the Engineer may set for either his own or the Contractor's guidance shall be scrupulously preserved by the Contractor. In case of negligence on the part of the Contractor or his employees, resulting in the destruction of such stakes or markings, an amount equal to the cost of replacing same may be deducted from subsequent estimates due the Contractor, at the discretion of the Engineer. SC-11 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION r The Contractor shall make his own provisions for his water requirements 6 . and shall pay for all water consumed during the construction of the project. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for connections to existing water r- mains and fire hydrants and piping or hauling the water to the point where the water is required, all at his own expense. Arrangements for the location of water sources and for payment for water consumed by the Contractor during construction shall be made directly with the City of Lubbock's water utility department, Lubbock Power and Light and Water. 7 2699-94 SC - 13 r c SC-12 MATERIAL TESTS Various tests on materials of construction are required in the specifications. In general, the Contractor shall bear the cost of all material tests required before approval of a material source or mix design. The City will bear the cost of all passing commercial laboratory tests required during construction and the Contractor shall bear the cost of all failing construction tests. The following,is a summary of tests required of the Contractor. Aggregates -Tests required, prior to use, for approval of source. Asphalt -Certifications on asphalt material used. Hot Mix -Mix design for all surface and base materials proposed, as required in the technical specifications Cement -Certifications on cement material used. Portland Cement Concrete -Mix design for all materials proposed, as required in the technical specifications. Where only small amounts of any material are used or --where compliance with the specifications can be determined by visual inspection, no tests are required. Certificates of compliance shall be required on all materials not tested. All materials proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparation and use. If, after trial, it is found that sources of supply which have been approved do not furnish a product of uniform quality or if the product from any source proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall furnish approved material from another source. SC-13 BARRICADES, SIGNS, AND HAZARD MARKINGS The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain all necessary barricades, signs, danger signals, and lights for the protection of the work and the safety of the public for both land and air traffic. Before closing existing apron, runways or taxiways, warning signs for air traffic shall be placed at such locations and shall be visible day and night. A runway closed because of construction or other activities or hazards shall have appropriate FAA standard markings. Any movement of Contractor's vehicles or equipment on or across landing areas shall carry FAA standard markings or flags. Movement of other vehicles responsible to the Contractor shall be under escort, as specified in Paragraph SC-6, AIRPORT OPERATIONS SECURITY. Taxiways closed to traffic shall be protected by effective barricades. Spacing of barricades shall be as directed by the Engineer. Barricades for aprons closed to traffic shall consist of heavy duty barricades constructed of railroad ties. Each tie shall have reflective striping and a flashing light on 2699-94 SC - 14 OR each end. Barricades shall be spaced with no more than 3' clearance between the ends. Suitable warning signs illuminated at night by acceptable light units, shall be provided for closed runways, apron, taxiways and roadways. Obstructions shall be illuminated at night. The proper illumination of obstructions is - critical to the safe operation of aircraft on the Airport. All warning lights shall be equipped with photocell controls to automatically turn on the lights at night and turn them off at daytime. The lights shall be checked daily by the Contractor to assure that batteries or vower cells are in working order. In addition. the lights shall be checked by the Contractor at night on a daily r' basis. Any lights found to be out of order, flashing weakly or in otherwise less than acceptable operating condition shall be immediately replaced or repaired.. The Engineer may suspend work on the project if the Contractor's warning lights rw are not maintained in an acceptable manner. A twenty-five dollar (S25.00) charge will be assessed the Contractor for each light, per day, found to be inoperative by Owner's personnel or representatives. SC-14 PREVENTION OF AIR AND WATER POLLUTION The Contractor shall use suitable precaution to minimize air and water r-pollution during the progress of work. The Contractor shall comply with directives given by theEngineerin implementation of the letter and intent of - FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-10, Item P-156 entitled "Temporary Air and Water Pollution Soil Erosion, and Siltation Control". Item P-156, Entitled "Temporary r� Air and Water Pollution Soil Erosion, and Siltation Control," is included as Section 11 of the technical specifications for this project. �^ SC-15 PROGRESS SCHEDULE Within thirty (30) days after award of the contract, the Contractor shall submit a progress schedule for the project.The progress schedule shall be prepared in a form suitable to the Engineer and shall show the proposed starting and completion dates for each phase of construction' and each item of work within each phase. The progress schedule shall include a "Percent Complete Curve", with the monthly amount, cumulative amount and cumulative percent. The progress schedule, when submitted in suitable form and provided the schedule indicates certain completion of the project within the time specified, will be approved in writing by the Engineer. Revision or changes in the approved progress schedule may be made only rewith approval of the Engineer. SC-16 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY •" Materials stored on the airport shall be so placed and the work shall, at all times, be so conducted as to cause no greater obstruction to the air and ground traffic than is considered necessary by the Engineer. In protecting operational areas, the minimum clearances maintained for runways shall be in agreement with Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. During construction of the project, the Contractor shall also maintain operational safety on the Airport in accordance with FAA's Advisory Circular 150/5370-2C, "Operational Safety on Airports During Construction," included in the Appendix of these .. 2699-94 SC - 15 SC-23 FEDERAL PARTICIPATION The attention of the Contractor is invited to the fact that pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress known as the Airport Improvement Program of 1982, the United States Government may pay a portion of the cost of these improvements. The above Act of Congress provides that the construction work and labor in each state shall be done in accordance with the laws of that state subject to the inspection and approval of the FAA and in accordance with the rules and regulations made pursuant to said Act. The construction work, therefore, will be subject to such inspection by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration or his agents as may be deemed necessary to meet with the above requirements when Federal funds, are used, but such inspection will in no sense make the Federal Government a party to this contract and will in no way interfere with the rights of either party to the contract. SC-24 INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Owner, Engineer and all of the Owner's officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions, claims, damages, personal injuries, losses, property damage and expenses of any character whatsoever, including attorney's fees, brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons or property, on account of any negligent act of the Contractor, their agents or employees, or any subcontractor, in the execution, supervision and operations growing out of or in any way connected with the performance of this contract, and the Contractor will be required to pay ;any judgment with costs which may be obtained against the Owner, Engineer or any of its officer, agents or employees, including attorney's fees. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Owner, Engineer and all of the Owner's officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions, claims, damages, personal injuries, property damage, losses and expenses of any character whatsoever, including attorney's fees, brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons or property, on account of any claimed negligent act of the Owner, Engineer, the Owner's officers, agents and employees, whether such negligent act was the sole proximate cause of the injury or damage or a proximate cause jointly and concurrently with the Contractor or the Contractor's employees, agents or subcontractors negligence, in the execution, supervision and operations growing out of or in any way connected with the performance of this contract, and the Contractor will be required to pay any judgment with costs which may be obtained against the Owner, Engineer or any of its officers, agents or employees, including attorney's fees. The Contractor agrees that he will indemnify and save the Owner and Engineer harmless from all claims growing out of any demands of subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen, and furnishers of machinery and parts _ thereof, equipment, power tools, all supplies, including commissary incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this contract. When the Owner so desires, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged or waived. 2699-94 SC - 18 SC-25 OPENING OF SECTION 'OF 'AIkPdlit i0'TRkttiC — Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, apron, runway or taxiway is in an acceptable condition, it may be opened to traffic upon the written order of the Engineer. The opening of any section of the work will be held as an acceptance of said section but shall not be considered as a waiver of any of the provisions of these specifications or contract. Pending final completion and acceptance of the work, all necessary repairs and renewals on any section opened, due to defective material or work, to natural causes other than ordinary wear and tear, or to the operations of the Contractor, shall be performed by and at the expense of the Contractor. SC-26 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK Until acceptance by the Engineer of any part or all of: the construction, as provided for in these specifications, it shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary precaution against injury or damage to any part of the work by the action of the elements or from any other cause whatsoever, whether arising from the execution or from the non -execution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damage to any portion of the work occasioned by any of the above causes before its completion and acceptance. r SC-27 CORRECTION OF FAULTY WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT The making of the final payment by the Owner to the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall promptly replace any such defects discovered within one year from the date of written acceptance of the work. The Performance Bond shall remain in effect until one year after the date of the written acceptance of the work to insure compliance by the Contractor with the requirements of this paragraph. r SC-28 SEPARATE CONTRACTS The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with or in the vicinity of the project. The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall coordinate his work and theirs. The Contractor's coordination with other contractors shall require the approval of the Engineer. See Paragraph SC-3 for additional requirements concerning separate contracts. SC-29 SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer with such promptness as to ,cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, six copies unless otherwise specified, of all shop and/or setting drawings and schedules required for thework of the various trades, and the Engineer shall pass upon them with reasonable promptness, making required corrections. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Engineer, file with him the corrected F, 2699-94 SC - 19 copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. If the Contractor and/or the Manufacturer desires additional approved sets, the number of final copies submitted shall be the four copies for the Engineer plus the copies desired by the Contractor and/or Manufacturer. The Engineer's approval of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications, unless he has in writing called the Engineer's attention to such deviations at the time of submission nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. SC-30 , ENGINEER Whenever the word Engineer is used in this contract it shall be understood as referring to Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Lubbock, Midland, and E1 Paso, Texas, Engineer of the Owner, or such other Engineer, Supervisor or Inspector as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular. SC-31 TRENCH SAFETY The Contractor shall strictly comply with all requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Manual, Chapter XVII, Subpart P - EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND SHORING for all trenching and excavation operations. If depths of trenches are encountered which are over five (5) feet, the Contractor shall cut the trench walls to the angle of repose of the soils encountered, or shall submit alternate shoring details to the Engineer for approval.- SC-32 ENGINEER'S FIELD OFFICE The Contractor shall furnish an office at the site of the work for use by the Engineer. The building shall be provided immediately after work on the project is begun and shall remain in place until the project is accepted as complete, unless its earlier removal is authorized by the Engineer. It shall be floored and roofed, weather -tight, insulated and constructed in a workmanlike manner. All windows shall be screened and a screen door provided in addition to the regular door. It is contemplated that the building will be constructed of the same kind of material as that used by the Contractor for his office and job buildings. It shall be an independent unit, detached from any office, storage or warehouse building occupied by the Contractor, and shall be at a minimum clear distance of 50 feet from any such building. The building shall be for the sole use of the Engineer and the resident force. Should the building be destroyed or damaged in any manner, except through causes due to negligence of the occupying engineering force, the Contractor shall immediately restore it to its original state. Upon the completion of the project the building will become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project site. 2699-94 SC 20 -- j� i. is The building shall not be less than 150 square feet in floor area and shall have not less than two (2) glass windows and one (1) door. A table not less than 3' wide and 6' long, a desk and two chairs, and a filing cabinet shall f� be provided. A minimum of four duplex electrical outlets shall be provided. E The Contractor shall provide a suitable heater fired by either natural or LP gas. The Contractor shall also provide a suitable refrigerated air cooler. All fuel and electrical power for the building shall be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall have a private line telephone: installed in the . Engineer's field office for exclusive use of the Owner and Engineer.. . The Engineer will be .responsible for subsequent monthly use charges. ` SC-33 PROGRESS MEETINGS A regularly scheduled progress meeting will be held not less than every two weeks and at other times as required by the progress of the work. The Contractor, Owner, Engineer and all Subcontractors active on the site shall be represented. The Contractor shall coordinate and preside at the meetings and provide for keeping and distributing minutes of the meetings. The purpose of the meetings shall be to review the progress of the work, maintain coordination of efforts, discuss scheduling and resolve any problems relating to the work. r2699-94 SC - 21 7 7 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO: The City of Lubbock, having considered the proposals submitted and opened on the day of 199 for work to be done and materials to be furnished in and for as set forth in detail in the Specifications, Flans, and Contract Documents for such work for the City of Lubbock; it appearing that your proposal is fair, equitable and to the best interest of said City, please take notice that said proposal was accepted by the City Council of the City of Lubbock on the day of 199 at the bid price contained therein, subject to the execution of and furnishing of all oontrad documents, bonds, certificates of insurance, and all other documents specified and required to be maned and fa nished under the contract documents. It will be necessary for you to execute and furnish to the City of Lubbock all such documents within ten (10) days from your receipt of this Notice. The five percent (S%) bid security, submitted with your proposal, will be returned upon the execution of such contract documents and bonds within the above specified ten (10) day period In the event you should fail to execute and furnish such contract documents and bonds within the time limit specified, said bid security will retained by the City of Lubbock. CITY OF LUBBOCK Owner's Representative i i i OM M CITY OF LUBBOCK REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR TITLE: LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -NORTH CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMI'ROVEMENTS r ADDRESS: LUBBOCK, TEXAS i r BID NUMBER: 13133 PROJECT NUMBER 256.9982 f r• 4 i CONTRACT PREPARED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT r r NOTICE TO BIDDERS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BID PROPOSAL - BID FOR LUMP SUM CONTRACTS PAYMENT BOND PERFORMANCE BOND CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACT GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT CURRENT WAGE DETERM NATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE ��: �.e-.�: � �.�_ �_. _ � -. � �.� � �:.s �.....� �: � r.:.._:.: �:_.-_: � Wiz_: �; � �.� �.: NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID 013133 Sealed bids addressed to Ron Shuffield, Senior Buyer, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received at the office of the Purchasing Manager, Municipal Bldg., 1625 13th St., Room L-04, Lubbock, Texas, 79401, until 2:00 O'clock p.m. on the 19th day of January,1995, or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction cd the following described prey: LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -NORTH CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAYS IIdPROVEMENTS After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed bids will be opened by the Buyer at his office and publicly read aloud. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to insure that his bid is actually in the office of Purchasing Manager for the City of Lubbock, prior to the expiration of the date above first written. The City of Lubbock will consider the bids on the 9tb day of February, 1995, at the Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably convenient, subject to the right to reject any or all bids and waive any formalities. The suul bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and payment bond in accordance with Article 5160, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., in the amount of 100•io of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $25,000.00. Said statutory bonds should be issued by a company carrying a current Best Rating of P or superior• as the rating of the bond company is a factor that will be considered in determination of the lowest M=nmible bidder. ff the contract price; does not exceed $25,000.00 the said statutory bonds will not be required Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a proposal bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within 10 days after notice of award of the contract to him. It shall be each bidders sole responsibility to inspect the site of the work and to inform himself regarding all local conditions under which the work is to be done. It shall be understood and agreed that all such factors have been thoroughly investigated and considered in the preparation of the bid submitted. The plans, specifications, proposal forms and contract documents may be examined at the office of Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, 4010 Avenue R, Lubbock, Texas 79412, (806) 747-0161. Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Lubbock, which document is specifically referred to in this notice to bidders. Each bidder's attention is further directed to provision of Article 5159a, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., and the requirements contained therein concerning the above wage scale and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by owner in said wage scale. l' p The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, or national origin in consideration for an award There will be a pre -bid conference on filth day of January,1"S. at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Blue Room, Lubbock International Airport, Lubbock, Texas. The City of Lubbock does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. City of Lubbock pre -bid meetings and bid openings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you would like bid information made available in a more accessible format or if you require assistance, please contact the Purchasing Department at (806) 767-2167 (Monday -Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.)` or 1625.13th Street Room L-04 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. AF 4 PER F. r ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BID # 13133 Sealed bids addressed to Ron Shuffield, Senior Buyer, Purchasing Department, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office, Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street, Room L-04, Lubbock, Texas, 79401 until 2:00 o'clock a.m. on the 19th day of January,1995, or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction of the following described project: LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -NORTH CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAYS EUPROVENMM After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed bids will be opened in the office of the Buyer and publicly read aloud. The plans, specifications, bid forms and contract documents may be v=Aned at the office of Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc., 4010 Avenue R, Lubbock, Texas 79412, (806) 747-0161. Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the Schedule of General Prevailing Rate of Per Diem Wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Lubbock, Texas. Each bidder's attention is further directed to the provisions of Article 5159a, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., and the requirements contained therein concerning such wage scales and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by the City of Lubbock. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to submit bids in response to this imitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, or national origin in consideration for an award. There will be a prebid conference on the I1th day of January,1995, at 10:00 a.m., in the Blue Room, Lubbock International Airport, Lubbock, Texas. The City of Lubbock does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. City of Lubbock pre -bid meetings and bid openings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you would like bid information made available in a more accessible format or if you require assistance, please contact the Purchasing Department at (8(?6) 767-2167 (Monday -Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.) or 1625 13th Street, Room L-04 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. i.! OF LUB .�• i • • SENIORBUYER r No Text r VI 4. f 5. 6. FA GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS — SCOPE OF WORK The contractor shall furnish all labor, superintendence, machinery, equipment and all materials necessary to complete this pmjcct in accordance with contract documents for the Lubbock International Airport -North Cargo Apron and Taziway S Improvements. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS All work covered by this contract shall be done in accordance with contract documents described in the General Conditions. All bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the requirements set forth on the contract documents for the construction of this project and shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work contemplated by said contract documents. PLANS FOR USE BY BIDDERS It is the intent of the City of Lubbock that all parties with an interest in submitting a bid o:a the project covered by the contract documents be given a reasonable opportunity to examine the documents and prepare a bid without charge of forfeiture of deposit The contract documents, may be examined without charge as noted in the Notice to Bidders. DIME AND ORDER FOR COMPLETION The construction covered by the contract documents shall be fully completed within 315 (Three Hundred Fifteen) consecutive calendar days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed issued by the City of Lubbock to the successful bidder. The Contractor will be permitted to prosecute the work in the order of his own choosing, provided, however, the City reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit a progress schedule of the work contemplated by the contract documents. In the event the City requires a progress schedule to be submitted, and it is de-termined by the City that the progress of the work is not in accordance with the progress schedule so submitted, the City may direct the Contractor to take such action as the City deems necessary to insure completion of the project within the time specified. All payments due to Contractor shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the contract documents. AFFIDAVITS OF BILLS PAID The City of Lubbock reserves the right, prior to final acceptance of this project to require the Contractor to execute an affidavit that all bills for labor, materials and incidentals incurred in the construction of the improvements contemplated by the contract documents have been paid in full and that there are no claims pending, of which the Contractor has been -- notified. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The intent of these contract documents is that only materials and workmanship of the best quality and grade will be furnished. The fad that the specifications may fail to be sufficiently complete in some dctail will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for providing materials of high quality and for protecting them adequately until incorporated into the project The presence or absence of a representative of the City on the site will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility of complying with this provision The specifications for materials and methods set forth in the contrail documents provide minimum standards of quality which the Owner believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. F ' 8. GUARANTEES All equipment and materials incorporated in the project and all construction shall be guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, a written general guarantee which shall provide that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work, and pay for any and all damages of any nature whatsoever resulting in such defects, when such defects appear within ONE year from date of final acceptance of the work as a result of defective materials or workmanship, at no cost to the Owner (City of Lubbock). 9. PLANS FOR THE CONTRACTOR E. The contractor will be furnished one set of plans and specifications, and related contract documents for his use during - construction. Plans and specifications for use during construction will only be furnished directly to the Contractor. The 1" Contractor shall then distribute copies of plans and specifications to suppliers, subcontractors or others, as required for proper prosecution of the work contemplated by the Contractor. 10. PROTECTION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, and all means of construction, and any and all parts of the work whether the Contractor has been paid, partially paid, or not paid for such work, until the date the City issues its certificate of completion to Contractor. The City reserves the right, after the bids have be= opened and before the contract has been awarded, to require of a bidder the following information: (a) The experience record of the bidder showing completed jobs of a similar nature to the one covered by the proposed contract and all work in progress with bond amounts and percentage completed. (b) A sworn statement of the current financial condition of the bidder. (c) Equipment schedule. 11. TEXAS STATE SALES TAX This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption provisions pursuant to provisions of Article 20.04 of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. The Contractor must obtain a limited sales, excise and use tax permit which shall enable him to buy the materials to be incorporated into the work without paying the tax at the time of purchase. 12. PROTECTION OF SUBSURFACE LINES AND STRUCTURES It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prosecute the work contemplated by the contract documents in such a way as to exercise due care to locate and prevent damage to all underground pipelines, utility lines„ conduits or other underground structures which might or could be damaged by Contractor during the construction of the; project contemplated by these contract documents. The City of Lubbock agrees that it will furnish Contractor the location of all such underground lines and utilities of which it has knowledge. However, such fact shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities aforementioned All such underground lines or structures cut or damaged by Contractor during the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract shall be repaired immediately by Contractor to the satisfaction of the City of Lubbock, Texas, at Contractors expense. 13. BARRICADES AND SAFETY MEASURES c The contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the work as may be necessary. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by Contractor at his own cost r 4 d". and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to Contractor of City�s certificate of acceptance of the project 14. EXPLOSIVES The use of explosives will not be permitted unless written permission to do so is obtained by the Contractor from the City. In all cases where written permission is obtained for the use of explosives, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all damage which may occur as a direct or indirect result of the blasting. In addition, in all cases where explosives are authorized to be used, the Contractor shall use utmost care so as not to endanger life or property and the Contractor shall further use only such methods as, are currently utilized by persons, firms, or corporations engaged in similar type of construction activity. Explosive materials shall not be stored or kept at the construction site by the Contractor. In all cases where explosives are to be used during the construction of the pmject contemplated by this contract, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify each utility company having structures (above or below the ground) in proximity to the site of the work of Contractor's intention to use explosives, and such notice shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable the companies to take such steps as they may deem necessary to protect their property from injury. Such notice, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any damage resulting from his blasting operations. 15. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The successful bidder shall be required to have a responsible local representative available at all times while the work is in progress under ibis contract. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish the name, address and telephone number where such local representative may be reached during the time that the work contemplated by this contract is in progress. 16. INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be furnished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies shall contain an agreement on the part of the insurer waiving the right to subrogation. The insurance certificates furnished shall name the City as an additional insured and shall further state that all subcontractors are named as additional insureds, or in the alternative, shall be accompanied by a statement from the Contractor to the effect that no work on this particular project shall be subcontracted. 17. LABOR AND WORKING HOURS Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. The wage rate which must be paid on this project shall not be less than specified in the schedule of general prevailing rates of per diem wages as above mentioned. The bidders' attention is further directed to the requirements of Article 5159a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes providing for the payment of the wage schedules above mentioned and the bidder's obligations thereunder. The inclusion of the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages in these contract documents does not release the Contractor from compliance with any wage law that may be applicable. Construction work under this contract requiring an inspector will not be performed on weekends or holidays unless the following conditions exist: (1) The project being constructed is essential to the City of Lubbock's ability to provide the necessary service to its citizens. (2) Delays in construction are due to factors outside the control of the Contractor. The Contractor is approaching the penalty provisions of the contract and Contractor can show he has made a diligmt effort to complete the contract within the allotted time. Before construction work requiring an inspector is to be performed on weekends or holidays, the Contractor must notify the r Owner's Representative not less than three full working days prior to the weekend or holiday he desires to do work and obtain written permission from the Owner's Representative to do such work The final decision on whether to allow construction work requiring an inspector on weekends or holidays will be made by the Owner's Representative. In any event, if a condition should occur or arise at the site of this project or from the work being done under this contract -- which is hazardous or dangerous to property or life, the Contractor shall immediately commence work, regardless of the day of the week or the time of day, to correct or alleviate such condition so that it is no longer dangerous to property or life. 18. PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES AND FILING OF PAYROLLS The contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this contract in full (less mandatory legal deductions) in cash, or by check readily cashable without discount, not less often than once each week The Contractor and each of his subcontractors engaged at the site of the work shall not later than the seventh day following the payment of wages, file with the Owner's Representative, or Engineer, a certified, sworn, legible copy of such payroll. This shall contain the name of each employee, his classification, the number of hours worked on each day, rate of pay, and net pay. The affidavit shall state that the copy is a true and correct copy of such payroll, that no rebates or deductions (except as shown) have been made, or will in the future be made from the wages paid as shown thereon. The Contractor must classify employees according to one of the classifications set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages, which schedule is included in the contract documents. The Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City of Lubbock on whose behalf this contract is made, ten dollars for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day, or portion thereof; such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the wages assigned to his particular classification as set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. 19. PROVISIONS CONCERNING ESCALATOR CLAUSES Proposals submitted containing any conditions which provide for changes in the stated bid price due to increases or decreases in the cost of materials, labor or other items required for the project will be rejeaed and returned to the bidder without being considered. 20. PREPARATION FOR PROPOSAL The bidder shall submit his proposal on forms famished by the City. All blank spaces in the form shall be correctly filled in and the bidder shall state the price both in words and numerals, for which he proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish the materials required. Such prices shall be written in ink, distinctly and legibly, or typewritten In case of discrepancy between the price written in words and the price written in figures, the price written in words shall govern. If the proposal is submitted by an individual, his name must be signed by him or his duly authorized agent. If a proposal is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given and the proposal signed by a member of the firm, association or partnership, or person duty authorized If the proposal is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the proposal signed by an official or duly authorized agent. Powers of attorney authorizing agents or others to sign proposals must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the proposal. The proposal shall be executed in ink Each proposal shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed as specified in the Notice to Bidders, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope in the following manner (a) Bidder's name (b) Proposal for (description of the project). r Bid proposals may be withdrawn and resubmitted at any time prior to the time set for opening of the bids, but no proposal may be withdrawn or altered thereafter. 21. BOUND COPY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by bidder shall be bound and include the following (a) Notice to Bidders. (b) General Instructions to Bidders. (c) Bidder's Proposal. (d) Statutory. Bond (if required). (e) Contract Agreement (f) General Conditions. (g) Special Conditions (if any). (h) Specifications. (i) Insurance Certificates. (j) All other documents made available to bidder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. If Plans and Specifications are too bulky or cumbersome to be physically bound, they are to be considered incorporated by reference into the aforementioned contract documents. E*l BID PROPOSAL BID FOR UNIT PRICE PLACE: City of Lubbock DATE: January 19, 1995 PROJECT NO: 13133 - LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -NORTH CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY 5 EUROVEMENTS- T Proposal of C.B. Thompson Inc. (hereinafter called Bidder") To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lubbock, Texas (hereinafter called "Owner') Gentlemen: The Bidder in compliance with your invitation forbids for North Air C a r g r) Apron having carefully examined the plans, specifications, instructions to bidders, notice to bidders and all other related r contract documents and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies; and to construct the project in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, within the time set forth therein and at the prices stated in Exhibit W. �•. The Bidder binds himself on acceptance of his proposal to execute a contract and any required bonds, according to the accompanying forms, for performing and completing the said work within the time stated and for the prices stated in Exhibit "A" of this proposal. Bidder hereby agrees to commence the work on the above project on or before a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" of the Owner and to fully complete the project within 3,15 (Three Hundred Fifteen] consecutive calendar days thereafter as stipulated in the specifications and other contract documents. Bidder hereby further agrees to pay the owner as liquidated damages the sum of S500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) for each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time set forth hereinabove for completion of this project, all as more fully set forth in the general conditions of the contract. Bidder understands and agrees that this bid proposal shall be completed and submitted in accordance with of the General Instructions to Bidder. Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formality in the bidding. The bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of tidrty (30) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site of the work and has carefully examined the plans, specifications, and contract documents pertaining to the work covered by this bid, and he further agrees to commence work on or before the date specified in the written notice to proceed, and to substantially complete the work on which he has bid; as provided in the contract documents. r Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a ccashices ehecdc or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a proposal bond fivni a reliable surety �- company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than five percent (5016) of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within 10 days after notice of award of the contract to him. 7 Enclosed with this proposal is a Cashices Check or Certified Check for Dollars (S ) or a Proposal Bond in the sum OM% 'of largest �� 5� ) which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in the event the proposal. is r" accepted by the Owner and the undersigned fails to execute the necessary contract documents and the required bond (if any) with the Owner within ten (10) days after the date of receipt of written notification of acceptance of said proposal; otherwise said check or bond shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by Bidder shall be bound and include all contract documents made available to him for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. r- (Seal if Bidder is a Corporation) d ATTEST: :t I C. B. Thompson Const. Co. I)ze�4— t r Ter Thompson, President r 4' "EXHIBIT A" PROPOSAL CITY OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NORTH AIR CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMPROVEMENTS ( January 19, 1995 Item Quantity No & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount r■ BASE BID 1. 6,250 Item P-150, Remove and Dispose of Exist- S.Y. ing Asphalt Surfacing and Base Course !^ Material on Taxiway A, Taxiway S and the Service Road, complete, per square yard: One Dollars and sixty Cents ($ 1.60 ) $10,,000.00 The total amount for Item 1 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 10 0000 .00 2. 350 1101 Item P-150, Remove and Dispose of Exist- S.Y. ing Asphalt Surfacing Material, Portland Cement Concrete Buried Slab Material and Base Course Material, per square yard: Feu teen Dollars and th,�r ttyf i vP Cents ($ 14. q 5 ) $5029 _ 50 The total amount for Item 2 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 5,022.50 C - 1 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 3. 25,750 Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and S.Y. Subgrade Preparation Under Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, complete, per square yard: ` F; vP Dollars and fourteen Cents ($ 5. 14 ) $132 , 355 .00 The total amount for Item 3 consists of: MATERIALS : .$ -0 - LABOR: $ 132,355.00 4. 9,500 Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and S.Y. Subgrade Preparation Under Bituminous Pavement, complete, per square yard: —One Dollars and a; ghj-)z_qazex Cents ($ 1_R7 ) $1 7 0 765 _00 The total amount for Item 4 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - n - LABOR: $ 17,765.00 5. 35,000 Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and S.Y. Topsoiling in Unpaved Areas, complete, per square yard: One Dollars and seventyeiQhtCents ($ 1.78 ,) $ 62,300.00 The total amount for Item 5 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 62,300.00 C - 2 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 6. 35,250 Item P-155, Lime -Treated Subgrade, S.Y. excluding lime, minimum 6-inch thick - tress, complete, per square yard: One Dollars and fi ftv n;�Cents ($1„ 59 ) $ Sfi,Q47 _ SO The total amount for Item 6 consists of: MATERIALS: $ -n- LABOR: $ 56., 047 : 50 7. 550 Item P-155, Lime Used in Lime -Treated Ton Subgrade, per ton: Ninety threp Dollars and f i f ty LWD Cents ($ 9 35) $ 51 , 416 _ n n The total amount for Item 7 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 51 , 416 _0 0 LABOR: $ _n _ 8. 1 Item P-156, Temporary Air and Water. L.S. Pollution, Soil Erosion, and Siltation Control, per lump sum rwpnty n� thousand two hundrad fifty f i vP Dollars and 7.arn Cents ($ 91 , 955 . 00 $ 91 , 95,; - On The total amount for Item 8 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 21 , 9 S 5_ o n C - 3 r r Item Quantity No. & Unit DescriRtion of _Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 9. 25,750 Item P-304, 8-inch Cement Treated S.Y. Base Course,,excluding cement, complete in place, per square yard: Th it teen Dollars and thirty threeCents ($ 13.33 ) $343,247.50 The total amount for Item 9 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 2 0 3, 0 0 0.0 0 LABOR: $140 , 47 5-. 50_ 10. 14,250 Item P-304, Cement Used in Cement Treated Cwt. Base Course, per hundredweight: Dollars ands ixtV Plghr Cents ($ 4.68 ) $ 660690_00 The total amount for Item 10 consists of: MATERIALS: 696 9 ()_ 0 0 LABOR: $ -0 - 11. 3,500 TxDOT Item 345, 6-inch Asphalt Stabilized Ton Base Course, complete, per ton: Forty four Dollars and „yenty_ _f_i ye Cents ($i44, 75 ) $ 156, 625.00 The total amount for Item 11 consists of: MATERIALS: $1151500.00 LABOR: $ 12 5 -. 0 0 C - 4 7 r., Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 12. 1,050 Item P-401, Bituminous Surface Course, Ton complete in place, per ton: _ -Forty five Dollars and fey __Cents ($ 4 5 Q_) $ 47,775.00 The total amount for Item 12 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 3 6, 7 5 0.0 0 LABOR: $ 11,025.00 25.450 13. ]0 41 M Item P-501, 14-inch Portland Cement S.Y. Concrete Pavement, complete in place, per square yard: Th i r ry two Dollars and f_; fry GPVAnCents ($ 19 _ 57 The total amount for Item 13 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 51 6, 7 5_ n n LABOR: $ 119,411 _ 5 0 14. 280 Item P-501, Buried Slabs, complete in S.Y. place, per square yard: _ Th i r r y Dollars and zPrn Cents ($30.00 ) $ R0400.00 The total amount for Item 14 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 60000.00 LABOR: $ 2 04 0.00 C - 5 ! Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 15. 2,850 Item P-602, Bituminous Prime Coat, r Gal. including herbicidal treatment, per gallon• _ 4 Two Dollars ' and th it teen Cents ($ 2.13 $6, 070.50 The total amount for Item 15 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 3.070.50 i .. LABOR: $ 3,000.00 16. 1,000 Item P-603, Bituminous Tack Coat, per Gal. gallon• _ Two Dollars and thirteen cents ($ 2.13 ) $ 2,130.00 The total amount for Item 16 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 1. 130.00 LABOR: $ 1.000.00 17. 3,500 Item P-605, Joint Sealing for Joints L.F. Between Portland Cement Concrete 7 Pavement and Bituminous Pavement Shoulders, complete in place, per linear foot: r Three Dollars and nineteen Cents ($ 3.19 ,) $11,165.00 Y The total amount for Item 17 consists of: 7 MATERIALS: $5 , 200.00 LABOR: $ 5.965.00 C - 6 r N oft Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE_BID (Continued) 18. 3,000 Item P-620, Obliterate Existing or r S.F. Temporary Runway and Taxiway Painting, per square foot: _ !" One Dollars - andtwenty eight Cents ($ 1.28 ) $ 3,840.00 The total amount for Item 18 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 3 , 840.00 19. 7,500 Item P-620, Runway and Taxiway Painting S.F, for Temporary and/or Permanent Marking, complete, per square foot: One Dollars and ninety one Cents ($1.91 _) $ 14,325.00 The total amount for Item 19 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 9,000.00 ,., LABOR: $ 5,325.0 0 20. 200 Item D-701, Single Barrel, 21x5' L.F. Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert, complete in place, per linear foot: One hundred eighty two Dollars and seventy fiveCents ($182.75 ) $ 36,550.00 The total amount for Item 20 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 15,300.00 LABOR: $ 21,250.00 C - 7 u Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount r BASE BID (Continued) r. 21. 2 Item D-752, Reinforced Concrete Each Headwall for 2'x5' Box Culvert, complete in place, per each: Three thousand r' seven hundred nineteen Dollars and fifty Cents ($3719.50.) $ 7,439.00 ti The total amount for Item 21 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 3,000.00 LABOR: $ 4 , 439.00 22. 125 Item D-752, Reinforced Concrete S.Y. Drainage Apron, complete in place, per square yard• _ For tv Dollars and thirty t hCents ($40.38 ) $ 5,047.50 The total amount for Item 22 consists of: MATERIALS: $1 . 5 0 0.0 0 LABOR: $ 3,547.50 23. 7 Item P-901, Soil Preparation, Seeding Acre and Fertilizing, complete, per acre: Four thousand seven hundred eighty two 'Dollars and f if ty Cents 04782.50) $ 33,477.50 The total amount for Item 23 consists of: MATERIALS: $18 , 000.00 LABOR: $ 15,477.50 it C - 8 t F r r" Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount f, BASE BID (Continued) �., 24. 500 Item P-904, Soil Preparation, Sodding S.Y. and Fertilizing, per square yard: Six Dollars seventy 6.78 3 390.00 and eigb�nts ($ ) $ , �- The total amount for Item 24 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 1,390.00 r LABOR: $ 2.000 , 00 25. 6,500 Item L-108, Underground Electrical L.F. Cable, 1/c, #8 AWG, 5KV, per linear foot: Zero Dollars and eighty Cents ($ .80 ) $ 5,200.00 The total amount for Item 25 consists of: MATERIALS: $2,200.00 LABOR: $ 3. 000.00 26. 5,000 Item L-108, Counterpoise Wire, #8 L.F. AWG, including grounding rods, per �j linear foot: I - Zero Dollars P" F andfifty five Cents ($ .55 ) $ 2,750.00 r, The total amount for Item 26 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 800.00 LABOR: $1, 950.00 C - 9 I i 7 Item Quantity No. Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 27. 1 Item L-109, Installation of Airport L.S. Transformer Vault Improvements, complete, per lump sum: Ten thousand three hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($10300.00) $10, 300.00 The total amount for Item 27 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 7,500.00 LABOR: $ 2,800.00 r 28. 220 Item L-110, 4-way, 4-inch Underground L.F. Electrical Duct, concrete encased, including trenching and backfilling, per linear foot: twenty seven Dollars andseventy five Cents ($27.75 ) $6,105.00 �. The total amount for Item 28 consists of: i4ATERLALs : $ 2,700.00 LABOR: $ 3 , 40 5.00 29. 5,000 Item L-110, 1-way, 2-inch Underground L.F. Electrical Conduit, including trenching and backfilling, per linear foot: Three Dollars and ents ($3.75 ) $ 18 , 750.00 The total amount for Item 29 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 8 , 000.00 LABOR: $_10 , 750.00 C-10 r- r r r Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 30. 1 Item L-125, Furnish, Install and L.S. Maintain Temporary Displaced Threshold Lighting, including elevated threshold lights, REIL lights and temporary wiring and connections, complete, per lump sum: Eleven thousand Dollars and zero Cents ($11000.00j $ 11, 000.00 The total amount for Item 30 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 6,000.00 LABOR: $5 , 000.00 31. 1 Item L-125, Remove and Salvage Existing Each Semi -flush, High Intensity Runway Edge Light, including fixture and transformer, complete, per each: One hundred Dollars and zero Cents ($100.00 ) $ 100.00 The total amount for Item 31 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 100.00 32. 12 Item L-125, Remove and Salvage Existing Each Base -Mounted Taxiway Edge Light, including base, fixture and transformer, complete, per each: Forty eight Dollars andzero Cents ($48.00 ) $ 576.00 The total amount for Item 32 consists of: MATERIALS: $ -0 - LABOR: $576.00 C - 11 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total mount BASE BID (Continued) 33. 200 Item L-125, Remove and Dispose of Existing L.F. Concrete Encased Duct, per linear foot: 34. 2 Each 35. 1 Each Nineteen Twenty one Dollars and twenty five cents ($ 21.25 ) $4,250.00. The total amount for Item 33 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 4 , 250.00 Item L-125, Remove and Dispose of Existing Electrical Manhole, per each: One thousand three hundred Dollars and zero cents ($ 1300.00) $ 2, 600.00 The total amount for Item 34 consists of: MATERIALS: $ -0- LABOR: $ 2,600.00 Item L-125, Remove and Relocate Existing Base -Mounted, Internally Lighted Sign, including new sign base and concrete slab, complete, per each: hundred twenty five Dollars and zero Cents ($1925.00 ) $1, 925.00 The total amount for Item 35 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 650, 00 LABOR: $1, 275.00 C - 12 r" Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) r.. 36. 1 Item L-125, High Intensity Runway f Each Edge Light, 360• clear lens, complete, per each: Five hundred Dollars and zero Cents ($ 500.00 ) $ 500.00 The total amount for Item 36 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 300.00 LABOR: $ 200.00 37. 54 Item L-125, Medium Intensity Taxiway Each Edge Light with quartz fixtures, base - mounted, 360' blue lens, complete, per each: Four hundred forty five Dollars and zero Cents 0445.00 ) $246030.00 The total amount for Item 37 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 14,000.00 LABOR: $10 , 030.00 38. 4 Item L-125, 41x4' Reinforced Concrete Each Electrical Manhole, complete, per each: Three thousand seven hundred twenty five Dollars andzero Cents 03725.00 ) $ 14,900_00 The total amount for Item 38 consists'of: MATERIALS: $ 5 , 000.00 LABOR: $ 9 , 400.00 C - 13 r Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount r-• BASE BID (Continued) '.. 39. 1 Item L-125, 3- and 4-Character Inter - Each nally Lighted Sign, including new base mounting and concrete slab, complete, per each: Three thousand fifty Dollars PW and zero Cents ($3050.00 } $ 3, 050.00 The total amount for Item 39 consists of: I t MATERIALS: $ 1,550.00 LABOR: $ 2, 000.00 4 40. 2 Item L-125, 5- and 6-Character Inter - Each nally Lighted Sign, including new base r• mounting and concrete slab, complete, per each: Four thousand _ three hundred Dollars i and zero Cents ($4300.00 ) $ 8,600.00 The total amount for Item 40 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 4.500.00 LABOR: $ 4 ,100.00 "` 41. 1 Item L-125, Replace Existing Internally Each Lighted Sign Face, complete, per each: P" Three hundred fifty Dollars 4 ' and zero Cents ($350.00 } $ 350.00 The total amount for Item 41 consists of: MATERIALS: $200.00 i LABOR: $150.00 C - 14 Item No. Quantity & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 42. 1,800 Item F-162, Remove and Salvage Existing L.F. Fencing, including delivering the fencing to the Owner's place of storage, per linear foot: Three Dollars and twenty Cents ($3.20 ) $ 5,760.00 The total amount for Item 42 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 5 , 760.00 43. 1,200 Item F-162, Chain Link Fencing, L.F. complete, per linear foot: Nine Dollars and sixty Cents ($9.60 , ) $ 11,520.00 The total amount for Item 43 consists of: MATERIALS :$ 6,800.00 LABOR: $ 4,720.00 44. 1 Item F-162, 16-foot Single -Panel GEite, Each complete, per each: One thousand eight hundred fifteen Dollars and zero Cents ($1815.00 ) $_ 1,815.00 The total amount for Item 44 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 1 , 10 0 - 0 0 LABOR: $ 715.00 _ C - 15 I r 1 r i Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 45. 10 Each 46. 30 Each Item MC, Aircraft Grounding Rods, complete, per each: Seventy five Dollars and zero Cents ($ 75.00 ) $ 750.00 The total amount for Item 45 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 400.00 LABOR: $ 350.00 Item MC, Aircraft Tie -Down Anchor Rods, complete, per each: Seventy five Dollars andzero Cents ($75.00 ) $ 2 , 250.00 The total amount for Item 46 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 1 , 2 5 0.0 0 LABOR: $ 1,000,00 47. 1 Item IW, Remove, Salvage and Reinstall L.S. Existing Vertical Turbine Type Deep Well Pump Unit, including bowl assembly, pump column, natural gas -driven motor, and base plate, complete, per lump sum: Eleven thousand two hundred twenty five Dollars and zero Cents ($11 25.Og $ 11, 225. 00 The total amount for Item 47 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 9,402.00 LABOR: $ 1,823.00 C - 16 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 48. 1 Item IV, Concrete Pump Foundation and L.S. Protective Concrete Slab at Modified Irrigation Well, complete, per lump sum: Nine hundred fifty Dollars and zero Cents ($ 950.00 ) $ 950.00 The total amount for Item 48 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 132.00 LABOR: $ 818.00 49. 1 Item IW, Cap and Abandon Existing L.S. Irrigation Well, as specified, per lump sum: Seven thousand _ seven hundred twenty.!_ Dollars and zero Cents ($ . 720.OQ) $ 7 , 790 - 00 The total amount for Item 49 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 5,741.00 LABOR: $ 1,979.00 50. 1 Item IW, ADDITIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT Each for Additional 10-foot Long Sections of Complete Pump Discharge Assembly, as specified, per each 10-foot long; section: _ Four hundred ninety Dollars and zero Cents ($4 0.00 ) $490.00 The total amount for Item 50 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 4 3 3.0 0 _ LABOR: $ 57.00 C - 17 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount EASE BID (Continued) 51. 1 Item IW, DEDUCTIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT Each for Omitting 10-foot Long Sections of Complete Pump Discharge Assembly, as specified, per each 10-foot long section: Four hundred ninety Dollars and zero Cents ($ 490.00_) $<490.00 > The total amount for Item 51 consists of: MATERIALS: $ [490.001 LABOR: $ [57.001 52. 1 Item IW, ADDITIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT Each for Adding a Complete Pump Stage, as specified, per each pump stage: _ Four hundred twenty five Dollars andzero Cents ($425.00 ) $ 425.00 The total amount for Item 52 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 355.00 LABOR: $70.00 53. 1 Item IW, DEDUCTIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT Each for Omitting a Complete Pump Stage, as specified, per each pump stage: Four hundred twenty five Dollars and zero Cents (S425.00 ) $< 425.00 > The total amount for Item 53 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 1355,001 LABOR: $f 70.001 C - is Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total. Amount BASE BID (Continued) 54. 4 Item IW, Cleaning and/or Baling Hour Irrigation Well Hole, including fur- nishing and operating the necessary equipment prior to setting the pumping unit, complete, per hour: One hundred thirty five Dollars and zero Cents ($135.00 ) $ 540.00 The total amount for Item 54 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR: $ 540.00 55. 1 Item IP, 8-inch Steel Irrigation Well L.S. Discharge Piping, including standpipe and valves, furnished and installed, complete, per lump sum: Five thousand six hundred fiftpollars and zero Cents ($ 5650.00) $ 5,650.00 The total amount for Item 55 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 2,750.00 LABOR: $ 2 , 900.00 56. 1 Item IP, Standpipe and Air Release L.S. Valve, furnished and installed, complete, per lump sum: Seven thousand eight hundred fifDalars and zero Cents ($ 7850.00) $ 7.850.00 The total amount for Item 56 consists of: MATERIALS: $, 4,000.00 LABOR: $ 3 850.00 C - 19 7 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount BASE BID (Continued) 60. 3 Item IP, 12-inch Alfalfa Valve, fur - Each nished and installed, complete, per each: One thousand three hundred seventy five Dollars and zero Cents ($ 1375.00) $ 4,125.00 The total amount for Item 60 consists of: xATERIALs : $ 2 , 0 0 0.0 0 LABOR: $ 2.12 5.0 0 SUBTOTAL BASE BID (Items 1 through 60, Inclusive) $ 2,136,275.50 C - 21 Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item and Unit Prices Total Amount r ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" A-1 18,500 Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and S.Y. Subgrade Preparation Under Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, complete, per square yard: Three Dollars r andeighty two Cents ($3.82 ) $ 70,670.00 The total amount for Item A-1 consists of: MATERIALS: $ - 0 - LABOR :$ 70,670.00 A-2 18,500 Item P-155, 6-inch Lime Treated Sub- S.Y. grade, excluding lime, minimum 6-inch �- thickness, complete, per square yard: One Dollars andsixty Cents ($ 1.60 ) $ 29,600.00 The total amount for Item A-2 consists of: n MATERIALS: $ - 0 - r� LABOR: $ 29,600.00 A-3 275 Item P-155, Lime Used in Lime Treated h Ton Subgrade, per ton: r ninety three Dollars and f i f ty two Cents ($93.52 ) $ 25 718.00 The total amount for Item A-3 consists of: MATERIALS: $ 2 5 . 718.0 0 e LABOR: $ -0- C-22 1 CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NORTH AIR CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMPROVEMENN S BID SUMMARY SUBTOTAL BASE BID (Items 1 through 60, Inclusive) SUBTOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" BID (Items A-1 through A-6, Inclusive) SUBTOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B" BID (Items A-1 through B-6, Inclusive) TOTAL BASE BID + ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" + ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B" (Items 1 through B-6, Inclusive) C-26 $2,136,275.50 $ 934,688.50 $ 98,404.10 Bond No. GtF1'1T AMIMM INSUMACE COMIPAW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, C. B. Thompson Const. Co. as principal, and the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, having its Administrative Office at 580 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto, The City of Lubbock, Texas in Lubbock Coun�V, Texas as obligee, in the penal sum of 5% of Largest Possible Bid DOLLARS ($ '% ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this WHEREAS, the said principal is 19th day of January 19 95 herewith submitting a proposal for Lubbock In6arnational Airport North Cargo Apron and Taxiway S Improvements NOW, THEREFORE, the conditiop of this obligation is such that, if the said principal shall be awarded the said contract, and shall within ten ( 10 ) days after receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the liability hereunder exceed the penal sum hereof. Terj�botnpsbf Aresidenik Principal GREAT AMERICAN INSseU--RANCE COMPANY By "''G�jZ/► A ttomey-in-Fact F.9116K—(3/a2) (810 FORM) ,-_ P -a.^ _ C CZEr'►T M ERI(AN INSURANCE COMP1r'1 W 680 WALNUT STREET • CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202.613-369-6000 • FAX 613-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by r` this power of attorney is not more than No. 0 15624 CM POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Ohio, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint the person or persons named below its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, for it and in its name, place and stead to execute in behalf of the said Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof; provided that the liability of the said Company on any . such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. Flo Name Address Limit of Power CLUZM COXCN LUBBOCK, TEXAS UN10 = This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued in behalf of the attorney(s)-in-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 3rd day of March , 1994 Attest GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF HAMILTON — ss: On this . 3rd . day of March, 1994 , before me personally appeared GARY T. DUNBAR, to me known, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, that he is the President of the Bond Division of Great American Insurance Company, the Company described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal; that it was so affixed by authority . of his office under the By -Laws of said Company, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. This Power of Attorney is granted by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of Great American Insurance Company by unanimous written consent dated March 1, 1993. RESOLVED: That the Division President, the several Division Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents, or any one ofthem, be and hereby is authorized, from time to time, to appoint one ormore Attorneys -In -Fact to execute on behalf of the Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof to prescribe their respective duties and the respective limits of their authority, and to revoke any such appointment at any time. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Company seal and the signature of any of the aforesaid officers and any Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certificate of tither given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, contract orsuretyship, orother written obligation in the nature thereof, such signaturcand seal when so used beingherebyadopted by the Company as the original signature ofsuch officer and the original seal of the Company, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. CERTIFICATION I, RONALD C. HAYES, Assistant Secretary of Great American Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney and the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of March 1, 1993 have not been revoked and are now in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 19th day of January . 19 95 --------------- .- LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS • I. Midwest Concrete,Inc 2 S.& G. Construction 3.Hi-Plains Drilling 4 Tarver Electric r t S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ro 4 C rs" Minority Owned Yes No x x x x BOND CHECK BEST RATING LICENSED IN TEXAS DATE'C:d-,-��BY F AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Bond No. TEXAS STATUTORY PAYMENT BOND (PUBLIC WORK) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that C. B. Thompson Construction Company (hereinafter called the Principal(s)), as Principal(s), and AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, with its principal office in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio (hereinafter called the Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount of Three million, one hundred sixty—nine thousand, three hundred sixty-eight dollars and ten cents Dollars (s 3,169, 368.10 ) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the 23rd day of March ,1995 ,to Construct North Cargo & Taxiways Improvements at Lubbock International Airport which contract is hereby referred to and made a pan hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and material to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, then, this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal(s) and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument this . ✓ 6 day of April , 19 95 /!t Ter Thompson, President mrincipav (Principal) COUNTERSIGNED: AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY By By Curtis Coxon Attorney -in -Fact S-1115A (ANF) (12/89) n AMERICAN N A] IONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY New York, New York Administrative Office: 680 WALNUT STREET • CINCINNATI. OHIO 45202 a 613-369-6000 • FAX 613-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by FIR this power of attorney is not more than No. 0 15624 ONE POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint the person or persons named below its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, for it and in its name, place and stead to execute in behalf of the said Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof; provided that the liability of the said Company on any such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. Name Address Limit of Power CURTIS COXON LUBBOCK, TEXAS UNLIMITED This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued in behalf of the attomey(s)-in-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 3rd day of March , 19 94 Attest AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY a. STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF HAMILTON — ss: On this 3rd day of March, 1994 before me personally appeared GARY T. DUNBAR, to me known, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, that he is the President of the Bond Division of American National Fire Insurance Company, the Company described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the By -Laws of said Company, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. This Power of Attorney is granted by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of American National Fire Insurance Company by unanimous written consent dated March 1, 1993. RESOLVED: That the Division President, the several Division Via Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents, or any one of them, be and herebyis authorized, from time to time, to appoint one ormore Attorneys -In -Fact to execute on behalfofthe Company, as surety, anyand all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof, • to prescribe their respective duties and the respective limits of their authority, and to revoke any such appointment at any time. RESOL VED FURTHER: That the Company seal and the signature of any of the aforesaid officers and any Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certificate of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, contract orsuretyship, orother written obligation in the nature thereof, such signature and seal When so used beingherebyadopted by the Company as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. CERTIFICATION FM I, RONALD C. HAYES, Assistant Secretary of American National Fire Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney and the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of March 1, 1993 have not been revoked and are now in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this r� f F S 1030L (5193) 6th day of April , 1995 PERFORMANCE BOND BOND CHECK BEST RATING. LICENSED IN TEXAS DAT5�f.ly AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK, NEW YORK Bond No. TEXAS STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND (PUBLIC WORK) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that C. B. Thompson Construction Company (hereinafter called the Principal(s)), as Principal(s), and AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter called the Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount of Three million, one hundred sixty—nine thousand, three hundred sixty—eight dollars and ten cents Dollars (S 3,169, 368.10 ► for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the 23rd day of March .19 95,to Construct North Cargo & Taxiways Improvements at Lubbock International Airport which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal(s) and Surety have signed and sealed this, instrument this 6th day of April , 19 .95 TerrComps, , P eident I rincipalj - (Principal) (Principal) r COUNTERSIGNED: AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY l By By Resident Agent CUFTis Coxon Attorney -in -Fact k S-1114B(ANFx12/89) r- ARIERICAN 'NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY New York, New York Administrative Office: 680 WALNUT STREET • CINCINNATI, OHIO 46202.613-369-6000 • FAX 613-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by this power of attorney is not more than No. 0 15624 ONE POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint the person or persons named below its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, for it and in its name, place and stead to execute in behalf of the said Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof; provided that the liability of the said Company on any such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. I. r.. Name Address Limit of Power CURTIS OOXON LUBBOCK, TEXAS ==TED This Power of Attorney revokes all previous powers issued in behalf of the attomey(s)-in-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 3rd day of March 19 94 Attest AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF HAMILTON — ss: On this 3rd day of March, 1994 , before me personally appeared GARY T. DUNBAR, to me known, being duly sworn, deposes and,says that he resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, that he is the President of the Bond Division of American National Fire Insurance Company, the Company described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the By -Laws of said Company, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. .o This Power of Attorney is granted by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the: Board of Directors of American National Fire Insurance Company by unanimous written consent dated March 1, 1993. RESOLVED. That the Division President, the several Division Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents, or anyone of them, be and hereby is authorized, from time to time, to appoint one or more Attorneys -In -Fact to execute on behalforthe Company, as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in the nature thereof; to prescribe their respective duties and the respective limits of their authority, and to revoke any such appointment at any time. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Company seal and the signature of any of the aforesaid officers and any Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certificate of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, contractor suretyship, orother written obligation in the nature thereof, such signature and seal when so used being hereby adopted by the Company as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. CERTIFICATION I, RONALD C. HAYES, Assistant Secretary of American National Fire Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney and the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of March 1, 1993 have not been revoked and arc now in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 6th day of April , 19 95 r r- S 1030L (5/93) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE .: W ..A......v...I,... r.r....'....�......: - ". .. ....... . . :::. . ...... .. I f..✓..:.�....>G:.-G:�: :.�..arm,..:::.:-:.,�,}n...:•::.:�::...................................$..,..:............ .............,.:....................... ,. ::. .::.:.:::DATE ..�...{.-:.✓..:..:..-....v.......r✓..,..>..G..:.,•.,2•:3.04 03 95 aRDDucrsi THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS p� MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE oley Featherston Insurance HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOE ;NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P. 0. Drawer 10 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Wichita Falls TX 76307 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE OOMP_ 1 A� RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED COMPANY B ASSOCIATED INTERNATIONAL COMPANY TEXAS WORKERS COMP INS FUND C B THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC P O BOX 6456 LUBBOCK TX 79493 COMPANY DGREAT AMERICAN LLOYDS INS CO ....... r: :. :.✓. .:..: ...... .Un ... .. f:..::i}}::?{:'�::':G::?G}:G:i:}'i}:{{:: }:•: .v 4..: F.....':::"{-:ir.:•}}::{:}}r'.r:•}:i.{{•Si:GY4:::{y:{G'•Y:r-+i'}:.•..::i}:::'-%i :r f......... ...5.:':.:.\r.... r.k ..I...... r.. f. .G ..\ .{.. n....... rl......t .. r...:. ..{.. n}.. f........ f........... ..4 .:. v: •-f•.• .. .... :•%:?-f: .::.•:• •yy:vv w.v...... ..••: }.v....)). ...... .. .... F. ..... ..• •v:n:. .. .vv:{•:.:. : :-1.-:::::: ::v .h vvt{;'::�:-::-v' \t. .v,:.: .r. 'f r...:.. ✓. $. n ... ✓... rJJ.G..n..........:'}�'.\:...... A..vv......:..:......,:.... r. J[: .:.. .: .r ......rv.-. f•fw::: r.}n. ... 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M �.iQ............•.....................4........:...... ,............:...:............ n.... •. .. �...v......v..:{...... fn....G:?-ir::/ .+�..... r :W.i:!:.:'.:�tii ::} ...�............. : ....:. r:.............,........................r........................::r:r:fr:�..•r•SF...........✓..f....... .. r.. ........,... i...... y}.�: :r.$.f:<}:-:r:•}' ..,Y•.:: .:•%x•}.::.:.:.✓. r✓: $.�'`�::: ................:..-.......... r.,�{� r......,.,............:•...........:....... r......,.................:.{....... r.......:.::.....<......: k ri................. r.......... r., r: r:.....................G:.....:.........�.:::.:;•:.::::::t•}}:•>. r.,.............1.t-:+ :::$R:�:{•r: r�.J.4}:•R4:✓r:?......t:t., THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATT HE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECTTO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALLTHE TERMS, OCCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. SIRPOR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LICY EFFECTIVE ATE PILUDDlYY) POLICY aYIDD1Y»N LIMITS OENERAL.LIABILITY GaENERAL,{GGREGATE $ 2 00O 000 PRoDu=s-OOMPA7PAGG s 1 000 000 A X ooMMERC4-GEN6RALuABIuTY QB8562607 06/30/94 06/30/95 aAM MADE ® oc= PERSON&AAavlJ.tM $1 000 000 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 000 000 OWNERS a CONTRACIOR'S PH= FIFE DAMAGE Wv am ere) s 50,000 MM EXP &W am IerwnI $ 5,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LurtT i ANY AUTO B Lywj 0:10F ` ALL OWNEDALI= SCHEDU LM AUTOS rwacddenQ ` HIRED AUTOS NON OWNED AUTOS PROPLT" DAMAGE S kH f,ARAOE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA AOpDENI s OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: ' ANY AUTO EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE i EXCESS LIABILITY EAOH OCCURRENCE $ 2 000 000 AGGREGATE s A 'B X L1MUIiELLAt SPD13692 10/10/94 06/30/95 i OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM C WORIUM COMPENSATION AND sTATUTORY LIMrTS t EMPLOYERS'LIABILrrc EACHACCIDENT $1.000,000 DISEASE-PoucYLJIATf $ 1 000 000 THEPROPRIEMM cm PARTNERSADMOUTIVE OFFICERS ARE RE= TSF104229 10/01/94 10/01/95 DISEASE- EACH ELAPLOYFE s 1000,000 OTHER 'D ALL RISK REPORTING TIN13315363 09/01/94 09/01/95 MAX JOB 2.500.000 FORM BUILDERS RISK TEUISCRIPTIONOF OPERATIONSpOCATONSIYEHICLEMPPECMLLITEMS CAoIMOKp R VBNA6N AL YRaEpTIS REOT E TMfpYE ERON LICAIDSMPAI CIO .r:::. � ..............:.. .� .EiFIC�:.. ...�:•:.„r:::::::--... r:.{G::-}-f.:�:.v:: .c.:r:.._:.,r:::::.:::::.._. .......} .............:: }.::::.: - TT:.......rrJ.rr.�nt•::::}}:i:u$ti:�$:::��:G.. r.:.vv: r: rv�+.•:: x}. •Uriv::.v.w::.:::: v .....v..... n.. :.. .. ��.LA. ...................................:..:::::::::.....�:.:�::::.:�........:;:_............:.r......... -.... ..... :-...v�...■ry.�..............T.4,T�..........................................................,............................................ .... . .. LU BB003 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUIN0 COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MALL 4 CITY OF LUBBOCK P 0 BOX 2000 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CUMFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TOUAL SUCHNOTIWLLLwION CESPOSENOOBEJOATORLIABILITY LUBBOCK TX 79457 OF ANY BOND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIIED REP .. . $C ✓r . ....:..:{I...rvxYj; ... /{.; ..aY...::.-r.•..{........{:{: x:. $�............:i .::.:v+v:.:: .... n.::..:. vv:v.•f.{:f.•:w::x✓:-v:::.v:ty:.•:r.. {..:: :...::: . ......:.:..............x.:....:. ..:...:::........ ::: x.+v •.v.; ::::r:.}}}rr}:•:.G:. 2:{•}}}Y.-.w:: n:v:irf t•}} . .............. n...... u......u.:...v::.v...........- m— :?;✓f.• :•: v:: Y.•£{4.r::..v.: t.:: •r v:{:•.v:4. vv::. rv: 4::::}? .:..: \.... i� {vim :::1{ ;....,.:...:.:..r..:.....r-......r::r.r.....{.... r.... .... s...: }. ...$/...... :. 1 r.nv. ......}....n....r......................{...................t --- ---- r...........-..., r ... r...t .... ..... . jam. i Issue Date (MMlDDfYY1 COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AGENCY Jerry Rose Insurance Agency 4-7-95 Name 7204 Joliet Ave Suite 5 & Lubbock TX 7 9423 This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights Address • upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies shown below. I COMPANIES PROVIDING COVERAGE: ST. 35 DIST. 77 AGENT 305 COMPANY LETTER A TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE " INSURED COMPANY Name C.B. Thompson Construction LETTER B FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE 3412 Joliet COMPANY & Lubbock, TX 79410 LETTER C MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY Address COMPANY LETTER D COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE 1 AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED 1 BY PAID CLAIMS. ILCO. TR. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MMIDDIYY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMIDDIYY) POLICY LIMITS 6ENML LUM>iITY AGGI GATE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COMPIOPS — OCCURRENCE VERSION AGGREGATE $ CONTRACTUAL - INCIDENTAL ONLY PERSONAL & OWNERS & CONTRACTORS PROT, ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Arty one Fire) ,. MEDICAL EXPENSE (Any one person) p A AUTOIMOE UABAM 6916-95-49 7-21-94 7-21-95 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 .: ALL OWNED COMMERCIAL AUTOS BODILY INJURY ` SCHEDULED AUTOS (PER PERSON) $ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY I NON -OWNED AUTOS (PER ACCIDENT) $ iL GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE AGGREGATE $ 0111waLA UkBurT LIMIT $ WORKERS' COMPENSATION STAMORT t EACH ACCIDENT $ s DIf1=ASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ EMPLOYERS' LIAMN,RT DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ OESCRIPTION IF OPERAT10rIS1YENICLSIRESTRICTi01ISISPE= nW: i i North Cargo and taxiways improvements at Lubbock International Airport r f� CERTIFICATE HOLDER & Additional Insured Name ' City of Lubbock & ' PO Box 2000 Address Lubbock, TX 79408 CANCELLATION ' SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABRM OF ANY KIND UPON THE C MPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES 5&2492 ,an i3ODI A TNE Donal Bcey M.E. "Eddie" Huffman, CLU Steve Deal Tom War BOLE — f EATH ERSTON Steve Burleson. CIC �Awl P.O. Drawer 10 • 701 Lamar a Wichita Falls. Texas 76307 Telephone: (817) 723-7111 March 31, 1995 C B THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION P 0 BOX 6456 LUBBOCK, TX 79493 Danny Cary Jim Hawkins. CLU Chuck Dunn Del Lee. CIC David Farabee. LUTCF Garland Martin David Hardee Bob Moore Sammye Hardee Bob Turpin e FAX: (817) 322-9549 Res OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY (OCP) POLICY FORt City of Lubbock Dear Terry Thompson: In reference to the City of Lubbock's requirement that a separate OCP policy be furnished, this is to advise you that your current general liability policy, under the section regarding contractual liability, actually offers the owner this identical coverage at no extra cost. Under the contractual liability section of your general liability policy, the City of Lubbock is afforded the: exact same coverages as if a separate policy written in their name was furnished if the following endorsements are added. 1. City of Lubbock as an additional insured. r" 2. Waiver of Subrogation. t 3. Ten day notice of cancellation. 4. Aggregate policy limits applicable to the project. With the endorsements added to your policy, the City of Lubbock is afforded the same coverage as though you presented them with a separate policy. r If the City of Lubbock or yourself have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at our toll free number (800) 234-1167. AScerely,, t l Steve Deal I yr Wichita Falls, Henrietta, Electra t: Donal ggey DWM Cary Ar Hawkins. CLU M.E. "Eddie" Huffman. CLU Chuck D" Del Lee. CIC Steve Deal David Farabee. LUTCF Gartand Marron Tom Miller Devid Hardee Bob Moore -EATtiERSTQN m Steve Burleson. CIC Samye Hardee Bob Turpin BOLE - f 'jar, _INSURANC�� r P.O. Drawer 10 • 701 Lamar • Wichita Falls, Texas 76307 Telephone: (817) 723-7111 • FAX: (817) 322-9549 i April 261 1995 Mr. Scott Snyder City of Lubbock P O Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 Re: C. B. Thompson Construction Company, Inc. Job: Lubbock International Airport North Cargo & Taxiway's Improvement Dear Mr. Snyder: Per our phone conversation today, I wish to confirm that the t Comprehensive General Liability policy #QB8562607 written through ` Reliance Insurance Company for C. B. Thompson Construction Company, Inc., does include an waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the City of Lubbock, and an endorsement naming City of Lubbock as additional insured. As our previous correspondence advised, if the contractor's liability policy is endorsed with the above, an Owner's and Contractor's Protective policy is not necessary. In fact, Reliance Insurance Company cannot write both the OCP and the additional insured endorsements, as this would be duplicate coverage. In reference to your concern that the aggregate limit of liability could already be obligated to a previous claim, please be advised that there are no outstanding claims for this policy. We do not show that this insured has ever had a general liability claim. Concerning your requirement that Builder's Risk coverage be afforded for the contract amount, I understand that this requirement is no longer necessary for this particular job. As we discussed, .the Builder's Risk coverage is designed for actual structures. Since this job consists of dirt and concrete work, there is not a structure under construction that may be insured under a Builder's Risk policy. ii r I, r Wichita Falls. Henrietta, FJectra Page 2 Thank you for allowing me to go over these items with you. I hope that this information will help document your files concerning the adequacy of Thompson's insurance. We know this contractor to be very thorough in his business, including properly insuring his operations. I we can provide any further information, please let me know. Sincerely, Donna Jackson Commercial CSR cc: Mr. Terry Thompson C. B. Thompson Construction Company, Inc. P. O. Box 6456 Lubbock, Texas 79493 r �r- CONTRACTOR CHECKLIST A CONTRACTOR SHALL: (1) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project,for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements; (2) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; (3) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (A) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (B) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter, (6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; (7) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: i i; REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must (see reverse) be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment and materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an _ employee." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 512l440- 3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." and (8) -contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (A) provide coverage based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project: (B) provide a certificate of coverage to the contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; (C) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the language in subsection (e) (3) of this rule; (D) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (E) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor. (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (ii) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (l) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (G) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (Fn contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (A) - (H), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 0 d No Text f`- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CONTRACT r, THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23rd day of March,1995, by and between the City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas, acting by and through David R. Langston, Mayor, thereunto authorized to do so, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and C. B. THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY of the City of Lubbock County of Lubbock and the State of TEXAS, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WTINESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith (if any) the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with OWNER to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: BID #13133 - LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - NORTH CARGO AND TAXIWAY S 11"ROVEMENTS - $3,169,368.10 and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the contract documents and at his (or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction in accordance with the contract documents as defined in the General Condition of Agreement. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him and to substantially complete same within the time specified in the contract documents. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the performance of the contract in accordance with the proposal submitted therefore, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the contract documents and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this agreement in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas in the year and day first above written. ATTEST: +4 " -, Secr APPROVED AS TOCONTENT: APPROVED -AS• •• ATTEST: tt Corporate Secretary CONTRACTOR: COMPLETE ADDRESS: C.B. THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. BOX 6456 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79413 No Text r•. 'i 'r. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGE Wheneircx the word.Owner, or the expression Party of the Fist Part, or Fist Party, are used in this contract, it shall be padeisrood as teierring to the City of Lubbock, Toros. i . 2, CONTRAG'TOR ;'Whenever the word Contractor, or the expression Party of the Second Part, or Second Party, is used, it shall be understood to mean the person; persons, co -partnership or corporation, to -wit: _ who has agreed to perform the work amlnaoe d:in this coat:act, or to his or their legal representative. 3. 0W)IMIS FPRESENTATIVE . • Whenever tie word Oar's Repnesea�tive or seprGsentative is used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to j"' TAVID ZONES, AMPORT PROPERTY MANAGER City of Lubbock, under whose supervision these contract doe uments, mclttdiag the plans and specifications, were prepared, and who will inspect constructions; or to such other representative, ivpecvisor, or inspector as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular under this agreement 1 Engineers, supervssor or inspectors will act for the Owner under the direction of Owner's Representative, but shall not directiy supervsse tie Contractor or men acing in behalf of the Contractor. 4:' .` CONTRACT DOCUMENTS f 4 The contract's_documents shall consist of the Notice to Bidders, General Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Signed Agmement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Spatial Conditions of the Agreement (if airy). Specfiration5, Plans, Insurance Certificate, and all other documents made available to Bidder for his inspection in acoordance with the Notice to Bidden. 5. INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES i Whenever `;the ivcads ")Directed," "permitted," "Designated, "Required, "Considered Necessary,' "Prescribed," or words of h'ke import are used, it shall be understood that the diremon, requirement, permission, order, designation or prrsaription of the OwiA Ripre'sentative is intended; and similarly, the words "Approved," "Acceptable," "Satisfactory," or words of libo } import Shall Man approved by or acceptable or Saki ry to the Owner's 6. di SUBCONTRACTOR ' The term nttactor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. Owner shall have no respons►bihty to any Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, i -- but said S will look exclusively to Contractor for any payments due Subcontractor. 1"' Z WRTTre4 NOTICE written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an ohicer 6fthe corporation for whom it is intended, or Udelivered at or sent certified mail to the last business address I� known'to yum who gives the notice. �si I f , 1 t Many work which is i+equired to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered lop without written approval or consent of the Owner or Ownet"c it must, if requested by the Owner or Owner's R tat7ve, be uncovered for observation and testing at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspections, tests ard approvals shall be borne by the Contractor unless otherwise provided herein. Amy work whichfails to meet the requirements of any such tests, inspections or approval, and any work which mats the requirements of any such tests or approval but does not meet the requirements of the captiad documents shall be considered defective. Such defective work shall be corrected at the Contractor's eacpense: .. Neither observations hY the Owner or Owner's Rotative, nor inspections, tests. or approvals made by Owner, Owner's ' Representative, oe other persons authorized nuclei this a emcnt to make such inspections, tests, or approvals shall relievd 5 the. Contractor finch his obligation to perform the wo* in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. . 22. DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES agoead, any part thet+eoi; of any material brought on the site of the work for use is the work or R is further diet if the work or selected for die saute, shall be deemed by the Owner or Owners' Representative as unsuitable or not in conformity with plans. specification and contract documents, the Contractor shall. after receipt of written notice thereof from the Owner's Representatrve, remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full forthwith accordance with contract. It is further agreed that any remedial action contemplated as hereinabove set forth shall be at ., Contractor's expeosa.: � 23. CIR"M AND'AL"TERATIONS The Contractor Uther agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the Owner may see fit, in the line, grade, form duntiisions, plans or or materials for the work herein contemplated, or arty peer thera>>y either before or after �a the beginning of the Constriction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying bond. ' I i if out changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for i damages, or anticipated praftts on the work that may be dispensed with. If dM inCrease t1k amount of work, and the increased work can' 6irly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid according to the quantity actually done and at the unit price established for such work under this contract; otherwise such additional work shall be Tompaid for as provided carder Extra Work. Ice case the Owner shall make such changes or sltreations as shall make useless any work already done iiimau=al already Tarnished or used in said work, then the Owner shall recompense the Contractor for �. any material or laborso used, and for any actual loss occasioned by such change, due to actual expenses incurred in preparation for.dhe w�& as originaliY planned _ 246 _WORK ,... MID term "extra Walk' as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all, work that may be required by the Owner or Owiices Representative to bC done by the Contractor to accomplish arty change, alberatioa Or addition to the work I. as shown on the plants and specifications or contract documents and not covered by Cot wctor's proposal, except as R Provided nndtrCliat<ges and Alterations herein. II l�It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform all extra work under the direction of the Owner's Reps when i presented with 4, work order signed by the Owner's Representative•, subject, however, to the right of the Contractor ,— to require written confirmation of such extra work order by the Owner. It is also agreed that the compensation to be paid to the Contractor forperforming said extra work shall be determined by the following methods: j Method (A) By agreed unit prices; or Method (B) By agreed hump sum: or Method (C) • a If neither Method (A) or Method (B) be agreed upon before tic: extra work is commenced, then $ .. the Contractor shall be paid the actual field oast of the work, pins 5fttem (15°Yo) percent. 1 _. No Text 3. ' l +: A I 3 � ; 6 '•, 9. 1 ! i 7 `- a; � i 4 1 � il I� + I N F j� + � � s j i' The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. N the coverage period shown on the contractor's arrest certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmcatal entity showing that coverage has been extended. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the governmenta! enfo- (a) 4. --- a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental enity will have an file certificates of coverage showing age for all pins ping services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the anent certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one Year thereafter. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the pion of coverage ofny pin ping services on the project The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify =usage and report lack of coverage. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it eonincts to provide services on the project, to: (a) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification cotes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory rapirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services an the project, for the duration of the project; (b) provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of wverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employers of the kin providing services on the project,' for the duration of the project; (c) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown our the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor- (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter, (b) provide a cer ificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; (c) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and promzde to the governmental entity. (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (u) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, it new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the durations of the project and for one year thereafter; (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the pr3jec* (g) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The tod for the notices shall be the following text lmNided by the commission on the sample notice, without.any additional words or changes: REQZMUM WORSER4' COMPENSATTON COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation hLwanhx This bwludes persons provl&ng, hauling, or delivering equipment and materials; or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project regardlcct of the tdentaty of their employer or status as an employer." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 511/140.3789 to receive informamion on the legal requlrenent for coverage, to verify whether your a nployer has provided the required ooveVe, or to report an employer's failure to provkk coverage" and (h) ' contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services an a project, to: (1) provide coverage based on p Wa reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (ii) provide a certificate of coverage to the contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; (i) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the language in subsection (e) (3) of this rule; r: .from any loss on account theree If the material or process specified or required by Owner is an infringement, the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives written notice to the Owner of such infra merit Y 32:! 'LAWS AND ORDINANCES The Contractor shall at all timers observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, ? which in any manner effect the contract or the work, and shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any claims arising from the violation of airy such laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Contractor or his employees. If the Contractor -observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Owners' Representative in writing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the co== for than in the work. If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, roles and regulations. and without r such notice to the Owner's Representative, he shall bear all costs arising thercirovL The Owner is a municipal corporation of the State of Texas and the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the Owner may enter into ;contracts, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract to the same el%ct as though embodied herein 33; A;SSIGNME r AND SUBLETITNG The Contractor further agrees that he will retain personal control and will give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract. The Contractor further agrees that subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the Cmanctor from his full obligations to the Owner, as provided by this contractual agreement 34. 3M FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES i, It is hereby understood and mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and time for completion as specified in the contract of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract; and it As further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract shall be commenced on a date to be _. specified in the Notice to Proceed. It. the Contractor should neglect, fat'1, or refuse to complete the work within the time hereirt specified, or any proper extension thereof granted by the Owner, then the Contractor does hereby agree as part of the consideration for the awarding :of this contract, the Owner may withhold permanently from Contractor's total compensation, the sum of $500.00 (Five HundMM PER DAY, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the breach of the contract as herein set forth for each i and every calendar day that the Contractor shall be in defanut after the time stipulated for completing the work. { It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the completion of the ?. wore described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic 1 Change and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. :c The amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty in fixing and ascertaining actual damages the Owner would in such eveto sustain, and the amount is cgreed to be damages the Owner would sustain and shall be retained by the Owner from current periodical estimates for ' payments or firm final payment It is further agreed and understood between the Contractor and Owner that time is of the exscaoe of this contract. 35 7TVIE AND ORDER OF COMPLETION iIt is the meaning and intent of this contract, unless otherwise herein specificaUy provided, that the Contractor shall be :allowed to prosecute his work at such time and sessions, in such order of precedence, and in such manger as shall be most I � - conductive to economy of oamstrhtctioa; Provided, however, that the order and time of prosecution shall be each that the work shall be anbstantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this contract, the plans and specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the proposals; provided, also, that when the Owner is having other work done, either by contract or by his own font, the Owner's Representative may direct the time and manner of constructing f r+ A r -40. MICE FOR WORK In consideration of the furnishing of all necessary labor. equipment and material and the completion of all work by the Contractor, and on the delivery of all materials embraced in this contract in full conformity with the specifications and t'1f stipulations herein contained, the Owner agrees to pay the Contractor the price set forth in the proposal attached hereto, which has been made a part of this contract, and the Contractor hereby agrees to receive such price in full for furnishing all materials and all labor requited for the aforesaid work, also, for all vgoenses incurred by hire and for well and truly performing the same and the whole thereof is the manner and according to this agreement, the attached specifications, plans, contract documents and requirements of Owner's Representative. 41. PAYIyiENTS j No payments made or certificates given shall be considered as conclusive evidence of the peai'ormanoe of the contract, either wholly or in part, nor shall any certificate or payment be considered as acceptance of defective work. Contractor shall at UY time requested during the progress of the work furnish the Owner or Owner's Representative with a verifying ortificate showing the Contractor's total outstanding indebtedness in connection with the work. Before final payment is made, ' Contractor shall satisfy Owner, by affidavit of otherwise, that there are no outstanding liens against Owner's premises by reason of work under the contract. Acceptance by Contractor of final payment of the contract price shall constitute a waiver of all claims against Owner which have not theretofore been timely filed as pravidal in this contract r 42. PARTIAL PAYMENTS - F On or before the tenth day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representative an application for partial payment. Owner's Representative shall review said application for partial payment and the -progress of the work made by e the Contractor and if found to be in order shall prepare a certificate for partial payment shcwing as completely as practical the total value of the work done by the Contractor up to and including the last day of the preceding month; said statement shall also include the value of all sound materials delivered on site of the work that are to be fabricated into the work. The Owner shall then pay the Contractor on or before the fifteenth day of the current month the total amount of the Owner's ;Representative's Certificate of Partial Payment, less S% of the amount thereof which 3% shall be retained until final ' payment, and further, less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by Owner under the terms of this PM ' agreement. It is understood, however, that in case the whole work be sear to completion, and this fact is certified to by Owner's Representative and some uuoq W and some unusual delay occurs due to no Wt or negligence on the part of the Contractor, the Owner may upon written recommendation of Owner's Representative pay it reasonable and equitable portion of the retained percentage due Contractor. 43 FINAL COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE aI Within thirty-one (31) days after the Contractor has given the Owner's Representative written notice that the work has been completed or substantially completed, the Owner's Representative and the Owner shall inspect the work and within said time, if the work be found to be completed or stAstantially completed in accordance with the contract documents, the Owner's Representative shall issue to the Owner and Contractor his certificate of completion, and thereupon it shall be the . duty of the Owner within thirty-0ne (31) days to issue a certificate of acceptance of the work to the Contractor. 44. FINAL PAYIViElVT " Upon the issuance of the certificate of completion, the Owner's Representative shall proceed to make final measurement and prepare a final statement of the value of all work performed and materials furnished under the tams of the agreement, and r, ►F shall certify same to the Owner, who shall pay to the Contractor an or before the 31 st day A= the date of certificate of completion, the balance duce Contractor under the terms of this agreement, provided he has fully performed his entraetuual t obligations under the terms of this contract and said payment shall become due in any event upon said performance by the Contractor. Neither the certificate of acceptance nor the final payment, nor any provisions in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of the obligation for fulfillment of any warranty which may be required in the special conditions (if 3 airy) of this contract or required in the specifications made a part of this contract t� i "i r• In case the Surety should fail to commence compliance with the notice for completion hereinbefore provided for within tea (10) days after service of such notice, then the Owner may provide for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: (a) The Owner may employ such force of men and use of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies as said Owner may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of such Lflm, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said Contractor, and the expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the Owner nut of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this Aptement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under ' this comet, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall receive the difference. In case such expeose is grater than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or his Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the Owner, or r. (b) The Owner, under sealed bids, after notice published as required by law, at least tvd= in a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of location of the work, may let the contract for the completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case of any increase in cost to the Owner under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost vender this contract, such increase shall be charged to the Contractor and the Suety shall be and remain bound therd5ore. However, should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than that which would have been. the cost to complete the work under this contract, the Contractor or his Suety shall be credited therewith. When the work shall have been, substantially completed, the Contractor and his Surety shall be so notified and certificates of completion and acceptance, as provided in paragraph 42 hereinabove set forth, shall be issued A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by Owner's Representative as being correct shall then be prepared and i delivered to Contractor and his Surety, whereon the Contractor or his Surety, or the Owner as the cage may be, shall pay the balance due as reflected by said statement within 30 days after the date of certificate of completion. r� In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the Owner had the work been completed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract, or when the Contractor and/or his Surety shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, r materials or supplies left on the site of the work shall be tuned over to the Contractor anftr his Surety. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the Contractor and/or his Surety fail to pray the amount due the Owner within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice there4 together with an itemized list of such equipment and mateerials shall be mailed to the ` Contractor and his Surety at the respective addresses designated in this contract; provided„ however, that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of arch notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety subject only to the duty of the Owner to c;=cise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) days from the date of said notice the Owner may sell sudi machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the Comactor and his Surety. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the Owner may elect. The Owner shall release any machinery, equipment, tools, materials, or supplies which remain on the *jobsite and belong to persons other than the i Contractor or his Surety, to their proper owners. i 50. ABANDONMbT1T BY OWNER i'. In rase the Owner shall fail to comply with the terms of this contract, and should fail or mfuse to comply with said terms within ten (10) days after written notification by the Contractor, then the Contractor may suspend or wholly abandon the work, and may remove therefrom all machinery, tools, and equipment, and all materials cm the ground that have not been included in payments to the Contractor and have not been incorporated into the work. Tlereupon, the Owner's i' Representative shall make an estimate of the total amount earned by the Contractor, which estimate shall include the value of all work actually completed by said Contractor at the prices stated in the the attached paoposal, the value of all partially completed work at a fair and equitable price, and the amount of all Extra Work performed at the rides P� P age upon, or provided for by the terms of this contract, and a reasonable sum to cover the cost of any provisions made by the Contractor to carry the whole work to completion, and which cannot be utilized The Ownees Representative shall then make a final statement of the balance due the Contractor by deducting from the above estimate all prvorious payments by the Owner and all other sums that may be retained by the Owner under the terms of this Agreement, and shall certify same to the Owner Ii. I� It t t Resolution #2502 January S, 19S7 Agenda Item #18 r PO. r OGV:da RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore established the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workmen or mechanics needed to execute public works contracts for the City of Lubbock An accordance with the provisions of Vernon's Ann.Civ.St., Art. 5159a; and WHEREAS, such wage rates were established by Resolution No. 719 enacted February 12, 1981, updated by Resolution No. 1590 enacted February 23, 1984; and WHEREAS, such rates need to be updated at the present time in order to reflect the current prevailing rate of per diem wages; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for public works ..contracts shall be as set forth in the following named exhibits, which exhibits shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes: = Exhibit A: Building Construction'Trades Exhibit B: Paving and Highway Construction Trades Exhibit C: Electrical Trades Exhibit D: Overtime Rate Exhibit E: Weekend and Holiday Rate Such wage rates are hereby found and declared to be the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in all localities where public works are undertaken on behalf of the City of Lubbock and such wage rates shall be included in all public works contracts as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 8th day of January 1987. T Ranette,.Boyd, City Secretary APPROVED T-- ONTENT: Bi 1 P yne, D rector of Building Services B.C. MCMINN, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Oo Id G. Vandiver, First Assistant City Attorney 1� EXHIBIT A r� — City of Lubbock Building Construction Trades ,. Prevailing Rates Craft Hourly Rate Acoustical Ceiling Installer $11.60 r Air Conditioner Installer 8.35 Air Conditioner Installer -Helper 5.50 Bricklayer 10.50 Bricklayer -Helper 5.00 Carpenter 11.00 ' Carpenter -Helper 5.50 Cement Finisher 7.35 Drywall Hanger - 8.70 Electrician 10.50 • Electrician -Helper 5.25 r- Equipment Operator - Heavy 8.00 Light 5.70 Floor Installer 8.00 Glazier 7.50 Insulator, Piping/Boiler 9.50 Insulator -Helper 5.00 �- Iron Worker :7.30 Laborer, General 4.75 Mortar Mixer 5.60". ,., Painter 8.75 Plumber 9.25 Plumber -Helper 6.00 Roofer 7.65 Roofer -Helper 4.75 Sheet Metal Worker 8.75 Sheet Metal Worker -Helper 5.50 Welder - Certified 8.00 r- s» EXHIBIT B ., Paving and Highway Construction Prevailing Wage Rates r Craft Asphalt Heaterman Asphalt Shoveler Concrete Finisher Concrete Finisher -Helper Electrician Flagger Form Setter Form Setter -Helper Laborer, General Laborer, Utility ' Mechanic Mechanic -Helper POWER EOUIPMENT OPERATORS w• Asphalt Paving Machine Bulldozer Concrete Paving Machinist Front End Loader Heavy Equipment Operator Light Equipment Operator Motor Grade Operator. Roller i Scraper Tractor Truck Driver - r" Light Heavy r i' r Hourly Rate $5.25 4.75 7.35 4.75 10.50 4.75 6.50 5.50 4.75 5.80 6.50 6.00 6.00 5.25 6.50 5.85 6.40 6.40 8.00 5.25 5.25 5.50 5.25 5.25 r• rn EXHIBIT C Electric Construction Trades - Prevailing Wage Rates •..Craft -- Hourly Rate Power Line Foreman M .00 Lineman Journeyman 10.45 Lineman Apprentice Series 8.90 Groundman Series 7.25 e4 EXHIBIT Prevailing Wage Rates Overtime Rate ' The rate for overtime (in excess of forty hours per week) is 1 1/2 times base rate. , rEXHIBIT E- •- Prevailing Wage Rates Weekend and Holiday Rate The rate for weekend and holiday is.l 1/2 times base: rate. Poo i �. �. ter:; i_.._ C_ [ :` _ �t ._ � : _� [ .:. �4 [..�_.� �_._. t.__, �.�. �..._: ly�.� L_—r i��.. i`.;LL : t�_ _. r SPECIAL CONDITIONS Paragraph 1. Scope of Work SC-1 2. Basis of Contract Award SC-1 3. Contract Documents SC-1 4. Time and Order of Completion SC-2 5. Limitation of Operation SC-4 6. Airport Operations Security SC-6 7. Contractor's Plant Site, Storage and Office Area(s) SC-11 8. Protection of Property SC-12 9. Electric Power and Natural Gas SC-12 10. Lines and Grades SC-12 11. Water for Construction SC-13 12. Material Tests SC-13 13. Barricades, Signs, and Hazard Markings SC-14 14. Prevention of Air and Water Pollution SC-14 15. Progress Schedule SC-15 16. Public Convenience and Safety SC-15 17. Final Cleaning Up SC-15 18. Insurance SC-16 19. Removal and Disposal of Structures, Utilities and Obstructions SC-16 20. Conformity with Plans and Allowable Deviations SC-16 21. Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work SC-16 22. - Disputed Claims for Extra Work SC-17 23. Federal Participation SC-17 24. Indemnification SC-17 25. Opening of Section of Airport to Traffic SC-18 26. Contractor's Responsibility for Work SC-18 27. Correction of Faulty.Work After Final Payment SC-19 28. Separate Contracts SC-19 29. Shop Drawings SC-19 30. Engineer SC-19 31. Trench Safety SC-19 32. Engineer's Field Office SC-20 33. Progress Meetings SC-20 r f r. SPECIAL CONDITIONS SC-1 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be accomplished under these specifications, including the plans, consists of construction work for the Lubbock International Airport, including but not limited to, the construction of new portland cement concrete pavement for the North Air Cargo Apron and Taxiway S extension, the construction of bituminous paved shoulders adjacent to the new apron and taxiway pavement, the installation of airfield security fencing improvements, the installation of lighting, signage and marking improvements. the installation of electrical vault equipment, and other related items of work. All labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work called for in these specifications and shown on the plans shall be furnished by the Contractor. r^ Payment for the various items of work will be made as specified under the various payment paragraphs of the technical sections. SC-2 BASIS OF CONTRACT AWARD Award of this contract will be made on the basis of the low, responsive, responsible bid, received in accordance with the General Instructions to Bidders, including the total BASE BID and any combination of ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" and/or ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B", based on the availability of funds. SC-3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS All work covered by this contract shall be done in accordance with the Contract Documents described in the General Conditions. The drawings included in the documents consist of the plans entitled "City of Lubbock, Texas, Lubbock International Airport, North Air Cargo Apron and Taxiway S Improvements," dated December, 1994. All bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work shown on the drawings or specified. The intent of the plans and specifications is to prescribe a complete work or improvement which the Contractor undertakes to do in full compliance with the plans, the specifications, the special provisions, proposal, and contract. The Contractor shall do all work including such additional, extra, and incidental work as may be considered necessary to complete the project in a satisfactory and acceptable manner, as provided in the plans, proposal, and contract. He shall furnish, unless otherwise provided in the specifications, special provisions, or contract, all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to prosecute the completion of the work. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all. In case of conflict between any of the Contract Documents, priority of interpretation shall be in the following 2699-94 SC - 1 r- r04 The Contractor shall furnish and install temporary displaced threshold marking and lighting for Runway 17R, as specified herein or as directed by the Engineer. The threshold shall be displaced approximately 1,000 feet south of the construction area on Taxiway S, or as directed by the Engineer and Director of Aviation. The temporary displacement will be marked in accordance with FAA AC 150/5340-lF, and paid for under Item P-620, specified herein, except that the paint for temporary threshold marking may consist of diluted, water -based paint of appropriate color to ease obliteration. Temporary marking application rates" will be approved by the Engineer. Temporary, elevated outboard runway" threshold lights and elevated Runway End Identified Lights (REIL) shall be furnished, installed and connected to the runway lighting circuit by the Contractor, and paid for under Item L-125, specified herein. Lights shall be elevated by mounting the fixtures on barrels or staffs, securely tethered to the ground. The Contractor shall maintain the temporary lighting during the displacement period. During the threshold displacement period, the existing runway edge lights on Runway 17R-35L north of the displaced threshold shall be taken out of service by the Contractor. This may be accomplished by removing the light bulbs from the affected runway edge lights. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing any damage done ` to the existing lights during these activities. The remaining runway lights south of the displaced threshold shall remain i^' operational at all times. The Contractor shall provide temporary wiring, jumpers and connections required to maintains operation of the existing runway lights south of the displaced threshold and �• the temporary displaced threshold lights. After completion of Construction Phase 1, displaced threshold marking and lighting shall be removed and the runway returned to its original condition. Temporary marking shall be obliterated as specified, and marking which is to remain shall be touched up in accordance with Item P-620, herein. Payment for"relatedl provisions of this paragraph not specifically addressed and covered under other items in these specifications will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and no separate payment will be made. ',.. Operations at Lubbock International Airport will be severely affected by the construction operations in Construction Phase 1. The Contractor shall be required to work double shifts, longer hours and/or at night to complete Construction Phase 1 within the time constraints provided. Construction Phase 2 Construction Phase 2 is defined as the remainder of the project. During Phase 2, the full length of Runway 17R-35L will be open and active. The Contractor's activities will be restricted to areas outside the Runway 17R-35L safety area, and other active areas on the airport. Construction on Phase 2 may begin any time after the date of the notice -to -proceed with the project. However, the 2699-94 SC - 3 d The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to insure the safety of operating aircraft and their passengers as well as that of his own equipment and personnel. Special considerations shall be given to flight schedules and other aircraft operations. The Contractor shall obey all instructions as to routes to be taken by equipment traveling within the airport area. The r Contractor shall provide all such equipment with a flag on a staff so attached to the equipment that the flag will be readily visible. The flag shall be not ' less than three feet square consisting of a checkered pattern of international orange and white squares of not less than one foot on each side, During nighttime work, the Contractor shall provide such equipment with approved flashing lights so attached to the equipment that the lights will be readily visible. The Contractor shall make his own estimate of all difficulties to be r� encountered. Equipment not actually in operation shall be kept clear of landing areas; personnel shall not enter areas of the airport where aircraft are operating without specific permission. All operations shall be coordinated, through the Engineer, with the Director of Aviation, to the end that no interference with aircraft traffic on active runways, taxiways or aprons will result from the operations of the r" Contractor. Construction activities will not be allowed within the safety areas of any active runway or taxiway. The taxiway safety area is in as the area within 131 feet of the centerline of any taxiway or taxilane. The runway safety area is defined as the area within 250 feet of the centerline of any runway when aircraft are operating under Visual Flight Rule (VFR, clear weather) conditions, or within 570 feet of the centerline of any runway when aircraft are operating under Instrument Flight Rule (IFR, inclement weather) conditions. VFR or IFR r' conditions shall be determined by the Lubbock Air Traffic Control Tower ;4 personnel. r•. The Contractor shall maintain flagmen, as may be required, to direct his construction traffic if it becomes necessary for such traffic to cross or travel along any active taxiway or runway. Traffic shall be directed away from these facilities whenever possible and no traffic shall ever cross an active runway or taxiway without having proper clearance from the control tower. Trenches and manhole excavations within the limits of the safety area r of any airfield paving shall be backfilled as outlined in these specifications by the end of the work day or work period. Excavations outside the safety areas of any active airfield paving shall be barricaded as outlined in these specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer by the end of each work day or work period. All excavations shall be backfilled as soon as practicable. No open excavations shall be allowed within the safety area of any active airfield pavement. The FAA considers any deviation of more than 3-inches above or below the existing grade to be a hazard to aircraft operations. The FAA may issue warnings or fine the Airport for these violations. Such fines as may be handed out by the FAA as a result of the Contractor's activities shall be considered the Contractor's responsibility. and shall be promptly Paid be the Contractor, at his sole exgense. The Contractor shall schedule his work well in advance of actual operations and shall keep the Engineer advised of this schedule so that close coordination can be maintained with the Director of Aviation. Aprons, runways ^ 2699-94 Sc - 5 r— i 0- PM Contractor shall maintain at the site not less than two dewatexing pumps in good working condition at all times that any excavation adjacent to existing pavements is open. No work other than dewatering operations will be permitted on the project at any time water is standing in open excavations. The Contractor shall maintain the pavement surfaces of runways, taxiways and aprons, which are allowed to be used as hauling routes, in a clean condition, suitable for use by aircraft, as determined by the Director of Aviation. The successful Bidder shall be subject to a pre -award review by the Office of Compliance -and Security, Equal Opportunity Division, Federal Aviation. Administration, to determine previous compliance status of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be subject to a pre -construction conference to discuss phasing and project safety control after award of contract. SC-6 AIRPORT OPERATIONS SECURITY SC-6.1 General Airport security is a vital part of the Contractor's responsibilities during the course of this project. Airport security, nation- wide, has come under close scrutiny in the last few years. The following security guidelines and the rules and regulations of the Lubbock International Airport Police Department (LIAPD) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shall be followed by the Contractor and the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers and representatives at all times during the execution of this project. The Contractor shall be directly -responsible for any and all fines or penalties levied against the Airport as a result of any breach of security or safety caused by the Contractor or the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives. SC-6.2 4irvort Operations Area (AOA) The Airport operations area (AOA) shall be defined as any portion of the Airport property normally secured against unauthorized entry. The AOA includes all areas specifically reserved for the operations of aircraft and aircraft support equipment and personnel. Generally, the AOA is defined by the r^ Airport's outer security fencing and other security measures at the Airport terminal building. SC-6.3 LIAPD-Issued Security Badges The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a photo - identification security badge issued by the LIAPD for each supervisor or foreman of each work crew working within the AOA. The Contractor shall obtain LIAPD security badges for at least one member of each work crew working in separate areas of the AOA. It is the intent of these specifications that all individuals responsible to the Contractor. including the Contractor's employees, subcontractors. suppliers or representatives. either obtain and display an LIAPD security badge. or obtain and display a Contractor -issued identification badge, as specified below. AND be escorted or directly supervised by an individual displaying a current LIAPD security badge. 2699-94 SC - 7 V. The format and content of the Contractor -issued identification badge shall be approved by the LIAPD prior to issuing. The identification badge shall display the Contractor's company name, the employee's name, and the badge's effective and expiration dates, and shall be plastic -laminated with a clip -on or pin -on method of attaching the badge to the holder's outer clothing. The identification badge shall be worn in an easily visible location on the person issued the bade at all times while operating within the AOA. Contractor -issued identification badge: shall not be transferable from individual to individual, but shall be issued to and carried by the specific employee, subcontractor, supplier.or representative, issued the badge. The Contractor -issued identification badges 'shall be renewed by the Contractor every thirty (30) days during the project construction period. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractor -issued identification badges. All expired identification badges or badges invalidated by termination of the holder's employment, completion of construction activities, or other reasons, shall be confiscated by the Contractor and retained by the Contractor until the end of.the project. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to record and account for all Contractor -issued identification badges. All identification badges issued by the Contractor during the project and the records of said badges shall be transferred to the possession of the LIAPD at the completion of the project. The Contractor -issued identification badge does not allow unlimited access to all -areas within the AOA, but will permit only escorted or directly supervised access to only those portions of the AOA under construction by the Contractor. EveXy individual operating within the AOA shall display either an LIAPD-issued security, badge or a Contractor -issued identification badge at all times. All individual employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives, or groups of employees, subcontractors, suppliers or representatives, must be escorted or directly supervised by an individual bearing a valid LIAPD-issued security badge at all times while within the AOA. Persons within the AOA not possessing a valid LIAPD-issued security badge, or escorted or directly supervised by an individual possessing a valid LIAPD-issued security badge, shall be: considered in violation of LIAPD security requirements and shall be subject to immediate removal from the AOA and any other disciplinary actions necessitated by LIAPD security arrangements. SC-6.5 Contractor's Entrance Gat r. The Contractor shall provide an entrance gate to the AOA for the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers and representatives at a location directed by the Engineer. This entrance gate shall be provided, installed, and, at the end of all construction activities, shall be removed, and r the existing fence reinstalled to the satisfaction of the Engineer, by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. Adjacent to the Contractor's entrance gate, outside the AOA, the Contractor shall provide a parking area for the Contractor's employee's personal automobiles. The limits of this parking/storage area shall be as directed by the. Engineer. At the completion of i this project, any damage done by the Contractor to this area shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. Repairs shall include, but not be limited to, regrading and reseeding or repaving any damaged areas. r' 2699-94 SC - 9 OM Any expired or altered badge, or any badge bearing a photograph not matching the bearer, shall be brought to the attention of the LIAPD and shall be immediately confiscated by the LIAPD or the Director of Aviation. _ SC-6.8 Cranes or Hoists .-� Any construction activity utilizing a crane or any other hoisting device shall have the prior, written approval of the Federal Aviation Administration. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing the prescribed forms for airspace clearance in accordance with Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Applications for airspace clearance must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of construction activities. To avoid construction delays, the.Contractor is urged to file the prescribed forms in a r^ timely manner. Airspace clearance from the FAA must be approved prior to the erection of the crane or other hoisting device. When requesting approval for the use of a crane or other hoisting device, the following information is required: 1. Exact location of construction activities utilizing a crane or other hoisting device. 2. Maximum extendable height of crane or other hoisting r. device. 3. Duration of construction activities utilizing a crane or other hoisting device. 4. Daily hours of crane or other hoisting device operation. The top of the crane or other hoisting device shall be marked with a 3-foot by 3-foot safety -orange and white checkered flag. The crane or other hoisting device shall be lowered at night or at the conclusion of construction activities, or during periods of poor visibility (IIS conditions) as directed by the Director of Aviation or the Engineer, or at any other time at the direction of the Director of Aviation or the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer- and Director of Aviation at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to actual erection of the crane or other hoisting -device. SC-7 CONTRACTOR'S PLANT SITE, STORAGE AND OFFICE AREAS) The Contractor shall make his own provisions for plant site, storage and r" office areas. If the Contractor desires to utilize an on -airport location, arrangements must be made with the Director of Aviation. The following specific requirements apply to on -airport plant site, storage and office areas. 2699-94 1. The Contractor will be held completely responsible for any damage or deterioration in areas allowed for Contractor's use. The Contractor will also be responsible for maintenance of areas and dust control for the duration of: the project. SC - 11 Certain runway and taxiway lights and signs and electrical cables are not scheduled to be removed or abandoned under this contract. The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to protect these existing facilities during construction to assure continuous operation of lights for runways and taxiways which will be open for night operations. SC-9 ELECTRIC POWER AND NATURAL GAS The Contractor shall make his own provisions for his electrical, natural gas and other fuel requirements and shall pay for electricity. gas or fuel consumed during the construction of the project. The Contractor shall construct. his own service lines and such construction shall be in strict accordance with all applicable codes and laws. SC-10 LINES AND GRADES The Contractor will be responsible for laying out the work from existing paving and structures. The Engineer will check grade control and major layouts at his discretion, but this check will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility of correctly locating line and grade in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Engineer will take all measurements necessary for the determination C of the amount of work performed under the various items for which payment is provided. Whenever necessary, work will be suspended to permit this work, but such suspension will be as brief as practicable and the Contractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefor. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of all .•• measurements before constructing any permanent structure and shall not take advantage of any errors which may have been made in laying out the work. Such stakes and markings as the Engineer may set for either his own or the Contractor's guidance shall be scrupulously preserved by the Contractor. In case of negligence on the part of the Contractor -or his employees, resulting in the destruction of such stakes or markings, an amount equal to the cost of replacing same may be deducted from subsequent estimates due the Contractor, at the discretion of the Engineer. SC-11 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall make his own provisions for his water requirements and shall pay for all water consumed during the construction of the project. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for connections to existing water mains and fire hydrants and piping or hauling the water to the point where the water is required, all at his own expense. .- Arrangements for the location of water sources and for payment for water consumed by the Contractor during construction shall be made directly with the City of Lubbock's water utility department, Lubbock Power and Light and Water. ►- 2699-94 SC - 13 PM r r" each end. Barricades shall be spaced with no more than 3' clearance between the ends. Suitable warning signs illuminated at night by acceptable light units, shall be provided for closed runways, apron, taxiways and roadways. Obstructions shall be illuminated at night. The proper illumination of obstructions is critical to the safe operation of aircraft on the Airport. All warning lights shall be equipped with photocell controls to automatically turn on the lights at night and turn them off at daytime. The lights shall be checked daily by the Contractor to assure that batteries or power cells are in working order. In addition, the lights shall be checked by the Contractor at night on a daily basis. Any lights found to be out of -order, flashing_ weakly or in otherwise less. than acceptable operating condition shall -be -immediately replaced or repaired,. The Engineer may susvend work on the project if the Contractor's warning lights r- are not maintained in an acceptable manner. A twenty-five dollar (S25.00) charge will be assessed the Contractor for each light. per day. found to be inoVerative by owner's personnel or representatives. ow SC-14 PREVENTION OF AIR AND WATER POLLUTION The Contractor shall use suitable precaution to minimize air and water r' pollution during the progress of work. The Contractor shall comply with directives given by the Engineer in implementation of the letter and intent of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-10, Item P-156 entitled "Temporary Air and Water Pollution Soil Erosion, and Siltation Control". Item P-156, entitled "Temporary Air and Water Pollution Soil Erosion, and Siltation Control," is included as Section 11 of the technical specifications for this project. SC-15 PROGRESS SCHEDULE Within thirty (30) days after award of the contract, the Contractor �• shall submit a progress schedule for the project. The progress schedule shall be prepared in a form suitable to the Engineer and shall show the proposed starting and completion dates for each phase of construction and each item of work within each phase. The progress schedule shall include a "Percent Complete r' Curve", with the monthly amount, cumulative amount and cumulative percent. The progress schedule, when submitted in suitable form and provided the schedule indicates certain completion of the project within the time specified, will be approved in writing by the Engineer. Revision or changes in the approved progress schedule may be made only with approval of the Engineer. SC-16 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY Materials stored on the airport shall be so placed and the work shall, at all times, be so conducted as to cause no greater obstruction to the air and ground traffic than is considered necessary by the Engineer. In protecting operational areas, the minimum clearances maintained for runways shall be in agreement with Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. During construction of the project, the Contractor shall also maintain operational safety on the Airport in accordance with FAA's Advisory Circular 150/5370-2C, "Operational Safety on Airports During Construction," included in the Appendix of these 2699-94 SC - 15 r remain the property of the Owner, unless otherwise indicated. All materials and debris specified to be disposed of by the Contractor shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of off the airport property by the Contractor. SC-20 CONFORMITY WITH PLANS AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATIONS Finished surfaces shall conform to the lines, grades, cross sections and dimensions. Any deviation from the plans which may be required by the exigencies of construction shall be determined by the Engineer and authorized by. him in, writing. SC-21 REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND UNAUTHORIZED WORK All work which has been rejected or condemned shall be repaired or, if it cannot be satisfactorily repaired, removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Materials not conforming to the requirements of the specifications shall be removed immediately from the site of the work and replaced with r� satisfactory material by the Contractor at his expense. Work done beyond that shown on the plans, or as given, except as herein provided, work done without proper inspection, or any extra or unclassified work done without written authority and prior agreement in writing as to prices, will be done at the Contractor's risk and will be considered unauthorized and, at the option of the Engineer, may not be measured and paid for -and may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Upon the failure of the Contractor to repair satisfactorily or to remove and replace, if so directed, rejected, unauthorized, or condemned work or r- materials immediately after receiving formal notice from the Engineer, the Owner may recover for such defective work or materials on the Contractor's bond, or by action in a court having proper jurisdiction over such matters, or may employ labor and equipment and satisfactorily repair or remove and replace such work and charge the cost of the same to the Contractor, which cost will be deducted from any money due him. SC-22 DISPUTED CLAIMS FOR EXTRA WORK In case the Contractor deems extra compensation is due him for work on r. materials not clearly covered in the contract, or not ordered by the Engineer as an extra, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of his intention to make claim for such extra compensation before he begins the work on which he bases the claim and shall afford the Engineer every facility for keeping actual cost of the work. Failure on the part of the Contractor to give such notification or to afford the Engineer proper facilities for keeping strict account of actual costs shall constitute a waiver of the claim for such extra 7 compensation. The filing of such notice by the Contractor and the keeping of costs by the Engineer shall not in any be construed to prove validity of the claim. When the work has been completed, the Contractor shall within 10 days file his claim for extra compensation with the Engineer, who will present it to the Owner for consideration. 2699-94 SC - 17 .• SC-25 OPENING OF SECTION OF AIRPORT TO TRAFFIC Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, apron, runway or taxiway is d in an acceptable condition, it may be opened to traffic upon the written order of the Engineer. The opening of any section of the work will be held as an r- acceptance of said section but shall not be considered as a waiver of any of the provisions of these specifications or contract. Pending final completion and acceptance of the work, all necessary repairs and renewals on any section opened, due to defective material or work, to natural causes other than ordinary wear and tear, or to the operations of the Contractor, shall be performed by and at the expense-of.the Contractor. SC-26 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK Until acceptance by the Engineer of any part or all of the construction, as provided for in these specifications, it shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary precaution against injury or damage to any part of the work by the action of the elements or from any other cause whatsoever, whether arising from the execution or from the non -execution of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damage to any portion of the, work occasioned by any of the above causes before its completion and acceptance. SC-27 CORRECTION OF FAULTY WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT The making of the final payment by the Owner to the. Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall promptly replace any such defects discovered within one year from the date of written acceptance of the work. The Performance Bond shall remain in effect until one year after the date of the written acceptance of the work to insure compliance by the Contractor .. with the requirements of this paragraph. SC-28 SEPARATE CONTRACTS d- The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with or in the vicinity of the project. The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall coordinate his work and theirs. The Contractor's coordination with other contractors shall require the approval of the Engineer. See Paragraph SC-3 for additional requirements concerning separate contracts. SC-29 SHOP DRAWINGS r111 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, six copies unless otherwise specified, of all shop and/or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades, and the Engineer shall pass upon them with reasonable promptness, making required corrections. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Engineer, file with him the corrected r 2699-94 SC - 19 a P� The building shall not be less than 150 square feet in floor area and r shall have not less than two (2) glass windows and one (1) door. A table not less than 3' wide and 6' long, a desk and two chairs, and a filing cabinet shall be provided. A minimum of four duplex electrical outlets shall be provided. The Contractor shall provide a suitable heater fired by either natural or LP gas. The Contractor shall also provide a suitable refrigerated air cooler. All fuel and electrical power for the building shall be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall have a private line telephone installed in the Engineer's field office for exclusive use of the Owner and Engineer. The. Engineer will be responsible for subsequent monthly use charges. SC-33 PROGRESS MEETINGS A regularly scheduled progress meeting will be held not less than every two weeks and at other times as required by the progress of the work. The Contractor, Owner, Engineer and all Subcontractors active on the site shall be represented. The Contractor shall coordinate and preside at the meetings and provide for keeping and distributing minutes of the meetings. The purpose of the meetings shall be to review the progress of the work, maintain coordination of efforts, discuss scheduling and resolve any problems relating to the work. 7 2699-94 SC - 21 r TO: NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE The City of Lubbock, Laving considered the proposals submitted and opened on the day of 199__, for work to be done and materials to be furnished in and for: as set forth in detail in the Specifications, Plans, and Contract Documents for such work for the City of Lubbock; it appearing that your proposal is fair, equitable and to the best interest of said City, please take notice that said proposal was accepted by the City Council of the City of Lubbock on the day of 199 at the bid price contained therein, subject to the execution of and furnishing of all contract documents, bonds, certificates of insurance, and all other documents specified and required to be executed and fimushed under the contract documents. It will be necessary for you to execute and furnish to the City of Lubbock all such documents within ten (10) days from your receipt of this Notice. The five percent (5°/a) bid security, submitted with your proposal, will be returned upon the execution of such contract documents and bonds within the above specified ten (10) day period. In the event you should fail to execute and furnish such contract documents and bonds within the time limit specified, said bid security will be retained by the City of Lubbock. CITY OF LUBBOCK Owner's Representative Technical Specifications for CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NORTH AIR CARGO APRON AND TAXIWAY S IMPROVEMENTS A PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE PROJECT CITY OF LUBBOCK BID NO. 13133 CITY OF LUBBOCK PROJECT NO. 256.9982 DECEMBER 1994 1.? zz-f� Parkhill. Smith & Cooper. Inc. Engineers - Architects - Planners f2J'22-�T TABLE OF • ,M TECHNICAL SP• CATIONS REMOVALITEM • 3 , 's Para r- avh -- Page Modifications 150-a 1. Description 150-1 2. Construction Methods 150-1 3. Method of Measurement 150-2 4. Basis of Payment 150-2 ITEM P-152 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Modifications 152-a 1. Description 152-1 2. Construction Methods 152-1 3. Topsoil 152-7 4. Method of Measurement 152-8 5. Basis of Payment 152-8 ITEM P-155 LIME -TREATED SUBGRADE Modifications 155-a 1. Description 155-1 2. Materials 155-1 3. Equipment 155-7 4. Construction Methods 155-7 5. Method of Measurement 155-10 6. Basis of Payment 155-10 ITEM P-156 RARY AIR AND WATER POLLUTION. SOIL EROSION. AND SILTATION CONTROL Modifications 156-a 1. Description 156-1 2. Materials 156-1 3. Construction Methods 156-2 4. Method of Measurement 156-4 5. Basis of Payment 156-5 r STEM P-304 CEMENT TREATED BASE COURSE Paragraph a e _ Modifications 304-a 1. Description 304-1 2. Materials 304-1 3. Construction Methods 304-5 4. Repairs of Defective Pavement Slabs 304-25 5. Removal and Replacement of Defective Pavement Areas 304-28 6. Tolerance in Pavement Thickness 304-28 7. Method of Measurement 304-28 S. Basis of Payment 304-29 TxDOT ITEM 345 ASPHALT STABILIZED BASE (PLANT MIX) Modifications 345-a ITEM P-401 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Modifications 401-a 1. Description 401-1 2. Concrete 401-1 3. Construction Methods 401-1 4. Method of Measurement 401-4 5. - Basis of Payment 401-4 ITEM P-501 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT Modifications 501-a 1. Description 501-1 2. Concrete 501-1 3. Construction Methods 501-1 4. Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment 501-2 ITEM P-602 BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT Modifications 602-a 1. Description 602-1 2. Material's 602-1 3. Construction Methods 602-1 4. Method of Measurement 602-2 5. Basis of Payment 602-2 r T C ITEM P-603 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT Paragraph Page Modifications 603-a 1. Description 603-1 2. Materials 603-1 3. Construction Methods 603-2 4. Method of Measurement 603-4 5. Basis of Payment 603-5 ITEM P-605 TJOINT SEALING FILLER Modifications 605-a 1. Description 605-1 2. Materials 605-1 3. Construction Methods 605-2 4. Method of Measurement 605-4 5. Basis of Payment 605-5 ITEM P-610 STRUCTURAL PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE Modifications 610-a 1. Description 610-1 2. Materials 610-1 3. Construction Methods 610-3 4. Method of Measurement 610-5 5. Basis of Payment 610-5 ITEM P-620 RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY PAINTING Modifications 620-a 1. Description 620-1 2. Materials 620-1 3. Construction Methods 620-3 4. Method of Measurement 620-5 5. Basis of Payment 620-5 ITEM D-701 PIPE FOR STORM DRAINS AND CULVERTS Modifications 701-a 1. Description 701-1 2. Materials 701-1 3. Construction Methods 701-3 4. Method of Measurement 701-5 5. Basis of Payment 701-5 Para rE avh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ITEM D-752 CONCRETE CULVERTS. HEADWALLS. AND MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Modifications Description Materials Construction Methods Method of Measurement Basis of Payment ITEM T-901 SEEDING Modifications Description Materials Construction Methods Method of Measurement Basis of Payment ITEM T-904 SODDING PaRe 752-a 752-1 752-1 752-3 752-5 752-5 901-a 901-1 901-1 901-3 901-5 901-5 Modifications 901-a 1. Description 901-1 2. Materials __ 901-1 3. Construction Methods 901-3 4. Method of Measurement 901-5 5. Basis of Payment 901-5 ITEM L-108 INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CABLE FOR AIRPORTS Modifications 108-e 1. Description 108-1 2. Materials 108-1 3. Construction Methods 108-3 4. Method of Measurement 108-5 5. Basis of Payment 108-5 ITEM L-109 INSTALIATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT EQUIPMENT Modifications 109-'a 1. Description 109-1 2. Materials 109-1 3. Construction Methods 109-3 4. Method of Measurement 109-5 5. Basis of Payment 109-5 ITEM L-110 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL, DUCT Paragraph Page Modifications 110-a 1. Description 110-1 2. Materials 110-1 3. Construction Methods 110-3 4. Method of Measurement 110-5 5. Basis of Payment 110-5 ITEM L-125 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Modifications 125-a 1. Description 125-1 2. Materials 125-1 3. Construction Methods 125-3 4. Method of Measurement 125-5 5. Basis of Payment 125-5 ITEM F-162 CHAIN LINK FENCES Modifications -- 162-a 1. Description 162-1 2. Materials 162-1 3. Construction Methods 162-3 4. Method of Measurement 162-5 5. Basis of Payment 162-5 ITEM MC MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION Modifications MC -a 1. Scope of Work MC-1 2. Materials and Construction Methods MC-1 3. Method of Measurement MC-1 4. Basis of Payment MC-2 ITEM IW RRIGATION_WELL _MODIFICATIONS Modifications IW-a 1. General IW-1 2. Construction Methods IW-1 3. Method of Measurement IW-4 4, Basis of Payment IW-4 t ITEM IP IRRIGATION WELL MODIFICATIONS CParagraph Page Modifications - IP-a 1. General IP-1 2. Piping Materials IP-1 3. Valve and Standpipe Materials IP-2 4. Construction Methods IP-2 5. Method of Measurement IP-6 6. Basis of -Payment IP-6 ITEM ER TEMPORARY EROSION. SEDIMENTATION AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL Modifications IW-a 1. Description ER-1 2. Materials ER-1 3. Construction Methods ER-2 1 4. Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment ER-5 row is I r I Modifications to ITEM p 150 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT Item P-150, Removal of Existing Pavement, of the project specifications, shall be modified as follows: 1. Paragraph 150-1.2 CLASSIFICATION - Delete the first sentence of this paragraph and insert the following: "Pavement to be removed and disposed of shall consist of existing asphalt surface course and base course material." 2. Paragraph 150-2 CONSTRUCTION METHODS - Delete the second sentence in the second subparagraph. 3. Paragraph 150-2 CONSTRUCTION METHODS - Delete the third and fourth subparagraphs, and insert the following: "All existing materials to be removed and disposed of under this item shall be removed by the Contractor, and shall be disposed of in appropriate disposal areas off the Airfield property. Removal operations shall be accomplished in such a manner to minimize disturbance of existing underlying courses and adjacent- pavement structures or improvements to remain in place. Any underlying courses disturbed during removal operations shall be reworked, recompacted and regraded to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Any damage to adjacent pavement structures or improvements t remain in place shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer." 4. Paragraph 150-4 BASIS OF PAYMENT - Add the following new subparagraph: "Payment will be made under: 2699-94 Item P-150, Remove and Dispose of Existing Asphalt Surfacing and Base Course Material on Taxiway A, Taxiway S and the Service Road, complete, per square yard; and Item P-150, Remove and Dispose of Existing Asphalt Surfacing Material, Portland Cement Concrete Buried Slab Material and Base Course Material, per square yard." 150 - a ITEM P-150 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVF-4ENT 150-1. DESCRIPTION 150-1.1 General a This item shall consist of the excavating, re-o:al and disposal of certain portions of the existing airfield paving in acccr::znce these specifications and in conformity with the dimensions and typical cress sections shown on the plans and with the lines and grades established by'the Engineer. 150-1.2 Classification Pavement to be removed consists of asphaltic concrete or portland cement concrete pavement. No consideration shall be given to differences in thickness of material for each material removed. All pavement of each type to be removed shall be considered as being the same and equal and no consideration shall be given to differences in thickness of material. 150-2 CONSTRUCTION METHODS All lines' separating pavement to be removed from pavement to remain in place shall be cut neatly and in a straight line. The lines shall be cut by means of sawing, or with a wheel type cutting edge attached to a motor grader, or other method approved by the Engineer which will produce a satisfactory pavement edge. In no case shall the line be cut with a motor grader blade. The asphaltic surfacing to be removed shall be scarified and broken up by means of grid roller, scarifiers or other suitable equipment. No method of breaking or removing the existing surface shall be used which, in the opinion of the Engineer, removes an excess amount of existing base material. The Portland cement concrete paving to be removed shall be broken up so that no piece of the paving is more than 30-inches in its greatest dimension, using methods which do not damage adjacent pavement or underlying subbase. All existing asphaltic and concrete pavement removed under this contract shall remain the property of the Owner and shall be stockpiled at locations designated by the Airport Manager. 150-3. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT The quantity of airfield pavement to be removed shall be paid for under this item and shall be the number of square yards of each type, measured by surface area in its original position, completed and accepted. 150-4. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per square yard for the removal of existing airfield pavement of each type. These prices shall be 150 - 1 q ltodificationsito T P 152 EXCAVATION AND EOAtDQ+iEN'T Item P-152, Excavation- and Embanlmaent,` of the project specifications. shall be . modified as follows: 1. Paragraph 1.2, CLASSIFICATION-- Delete paragraphs (b) Rock'Excavation, (c) r : " Muck Excavation, (d) Drainage Excavation,and '(e) Jorrow Excavation. All material excavated under this item i shall be unclassified excavation.: 2. Paragraph 2.1, 0Eh1ERAL - Delete the first paragraph. Clearing iextd grubbing 1`► :'" are not required. 3. Paragraph 2.1, GENERAL - Delete the .pecond,;paragraph and all further references to unsuitable materials, being disposed of in waste areas shown on the plans. All unsuitable material shall:becozae the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of ip.an area outside the Airport property at the Contractor's expense. 4. Paragraph 2.2 ; EXCAVATION Deleteq.lthi second paragraph and insert the ,. following: I "When the volume of the'ezcavation exceeds .that required , -to_._.- construct 'the embankments to' the ,grades 'indicated. tie' excess' • shall become the Contractor's property and shall-be:disposed of .'. off Airport property at the Contractor's expense When the volume of excavation is not sufficient for constructing the fill to ther grades indicated, !the: deficiency `shall: be obtaiined from areas of the project with excess', excavation, or- shall b obtained � from borrow areas located on Ai p ortproperty..In eiiher ,rase, �,, . any, additional. hauling, `''or ; d "p sal expenses shall. be the {f. Contractor's responsibility.! Paragraphs 2.2(a), (b), (c) and (d) - Delete these ;.paragraphs i 6. Paragraph 2.2(e), faction Requirements The first sentence shall be { .. .. revised 'to read: "The subgrade under'areas'.to be'paved'shall be compacted.: to {' the depths and densities shownion the drawings.' i. 7. Paragraph 2.2(e), Compaction Requirements - Add the following sentence to the second paragraph.-.; ... j "The compaction requirements of ASW-. D1557 shall be applicable for all: construction► accomplist►ed for this 6 i project." !' 8. Paragraph 2.2-(e),, Compaction Requirements - Delete all references to blasting. Blasting will �.be permitted in than, construction of this project. 269944 152IOL j - � I. 3 -� I 9. Paragraph 2.3, BORROW EXCAVATION - Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph and insert the following: "Borrow may be obtained from borrow areas located on the Airport property, as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer." 10. Paragraph 2.6, Formation of Embankments - The sixth sentence in the fourth paragraph shall be revised to read: "Samples of all embankment materials for testing, both before and after placement and compaction, will be taken at the. Engineer's' discretion." 11. Paragraph 2.6, Formation of Embankments Delete the fifth paragraph and insert the following: "Rolling operations shall be continued until the embankment is compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum density for noncohesive soils, •and 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive soils, as determined by ASTM D1557." 12. Paragraph 2.10, TOPSOI - In the fourth sentence of the first subparagraph, insert "500" into the first blank provided, and 0250" into the second blank provided. Delete the third and fourth subparagraphs of this paragraph. 13. Paragraph 3, METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Delete this paragraph and insert the following paragraphs. "The quantity of excavation, grading and topsoiling in unpaved areas, and the quantity of excavation, grading and subgrade preparation, to be paid for under this item shall be the number of square yards constructed and accepted. This item shall include, but not be limited to, excavation from borrow areas, hauling to the construction site, placing and construction of embankments, and all subgrade densification, complete, as specified." 14. Paragraph 4, BASIS OF PAYMENT Delete this paragraph and insert the following: "Payment shall be made at the contract unit price bid per square yard, regardless of the materials encountered. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the item. All other forms of excavation and construction of embankments shall be considered subsidiary obligations of the Contractor and -- covered under other contract items'. Payment will be made under: Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and Subgrade Preparation Under Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, complete, per square yard; 152 - b r Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and Subgrade Preparation Under Bituminous Pavement, complete, per square yard; and Ira Item P-152, Excavation, Grading and Topsoiling in Unpaved Areas, complete, per square yard." l lob i I L ;r i '„" 152-c AC 150!537C�-10A 2.'17/89 7 ITEM P-152 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT DESCRIPTION 152-1.1 This item covers excavation. disposal, placement. and compaction of all materials %wit:an t^: itmtts of the work required to construct runway safety areas. runways, taxiways, aprons, and intermediate as well as other areas for drainage, building construction, parking. or other purposes in accordance with these speci- fications and in conformity to the dimensions and typical section shown on the plans. 152-1.2 CLASSIFICATION. All material excavated shall be classified as defined below: St. Unclassified Excavation. Unclassified excavation shall consist of the excavation and disposal of all material, regardless of its nature, which is not otherwise classified and paid for under the following items. . b. Rock Excavation. Rock excavation shall include all solid rock in ledges, in bedded deposits, in un- stratified masses, and conglomerate deposits which are so firmly cemented they cannot be removed without blasting or using rippers. All boulders containing a volume of more than 1/2 cubic yard (0.4 cubic meter) will be classified as "rock excavation." c. Muck Excavation. Muck excavation shall consist of the removal and disposal of deposits of mix- tures of soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation material. Muck shall include matenals which will decay or produce subsidence in the embankment. It may be made up of decaying stumps, roots. logs. humus, or other material not satisfactory for incorporation in the embankment. �.., d. Drainage Excavation. Drainage excavation shall consist of all excavation made for the primary j purpose of drainage and includes drainage ditches, such as intercepting, inlet or outlet; temporary levee con- struction; or any other type as shown on the plans. e. Borrow Excavation. Borrow excavation shall consist of approved material required for the con- struction of embankment or for other portions of the work in excess of the quantity of usable material avail- L able from required excavations. Borrow material shall be obtained from areas within the limits of the airport property but outside the normal limits of necessary grading, or from areas outside the airport. 152-1.3 Unsuitable Excavation. Any material containing vegetable or organic matter, such as muck, peat, organic silt, or sod shall be considered unsuitable for use in embankment construction. Material, when ap- proved by the Engineer as suitable to support vegetation, may be used on the embankment slope. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 152-2.1 General. Before beginning excavation, grading, and embankment operations in any area, the area shall be completely cleared and grubbed in accordance with Item P-151. The suitability of material to be placed in embankments shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. All unsuitable material shall be disposed of in waste areas shown on the plans. All waste areas shall be graded to allow positive drainage of the area and of adjacent areas. The surface elevation of waste areas shall not extend above the surface elevation of adjacent usable areas of the airport, unless specified on the plans or approved by the Engineer. When the Contractor's excavating operations encounter artifacts of,historical or archaeological significance, the operations shall be temporarily discontinued. At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall exca- r 4: 152 - 1 AC 15015370-10A 2117/69 vate the site in such a manner as to preserve the anifacts encountered and allow for their removal. Such excavation will be paid for as extra work. Those areas outside of the pavement areas in which the top layer of soil material has become compacted, by hauling or other activities of the Contractor shall be scarified and disked to a depth of : inches (I DC- mmi, in _ order to loosen and pulverize the soil. If it is necessary to interrupt existing surface drainage. sewers or under -drainage. conduits, utilities. or Simi- lar underground structures the Contractor shall be responsible for and shall take all necessary precautions to preserve them or provide temporary services. When such facilities are encountered. the Contractor steal: notify the Engineer, who shall arrange for their removal if necessary. The Contractor shall. at his " ner aw n expense, satisfactorily repair or pay the cost of all damage to such facilities or structures which may result from any of the Contractor's operations during the period of the contract. 152-2.2 EXCAVATION. No excavation shall be started until the work has been stakes out by the Con. _ tractor and the Engineer has obtained elevations and measurements of the ground surface. All suitable exca- vated material shall be used in the formation of embankment, subgrade, or for other purposes shown on the plans. All unsuitable material shall be disposed of as shown on the plans. When the volume of the excavation exceeds that required to construct the embankments to the grades indi- cated. the excess shall be used to grade the areas of ultimate development or disposed of as directed. When the volume of excavation is not sufficient for constructing the fill to the grades indicated, the deficiency shall be obtained from borrow areas. — The grade shall be maintained so that the surface is well drained at all times. When necessary, temporary drains and drainage ditches shall be installed to intercept or divert surface water which may affect the work. a. Selective Grading. When selective grading is indicated on the plans, the more suitable material as designated by the Engineer shall be used in constructing the embankment or in capping the pavement sub - grade. If, at the time of excavation, it is not possible to place this material in its final location, it shall be stockpiled in approved areas so that it can be measured for payment for rehandling as specified in paragraph 3.3. b. Undercutting. Rock, shale, hardpan, loose rock, boulders, or other material unsatisfactory for runway safety areas, subgrades, roads, shoulders, or any areas intended for turfing shall be excavated to a _ minimum depth of 12 inches (300 mm), or to the depth specified by the Engineer, below the subgrade. Muck. peak, matted roots,' or other yielding material, unsatisfactory for subgrade foundation, shall be re- moved to the depth specified. Unsuitable materials shall be disposed of at locations shown on the plans. This excavated material shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard (per cubic meter) for [ ]. The excavated area shall be refilled with suitable material, obtained from the grading operations or borrow areas and thoroughly compacted by rolling. The necessary refilling will constitute a pan of the em. bankment. Where rock cuts are made and refilled with selected material, any pockets created in the rock surface shall be drained in accordance with the details shown. on the plans. e. Overbreak. Overbreak, including slides, is that portion of any material displaced or loosened beyond the finished work as planned or authorized by the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine if the displacement of such material was unavoidable and his/her decision shall be final. All overbreak shall be graded or removed by the Contractor and disposedofas directed, however, payment will not be made for the removal and disposal of overbreak which the Engineer determines -as avoidable. Unavoidable overbreak will be classified as "Unclassified Excavation." d. Removal of Utilities. The removal of existing structures and utilities required to permit the orderly progress of work will be accomplished by someone other than the Contractor, e.g., the utility unless other- 152 - 2 1 W. AC 1SVE '!'-'Do wise shown on the plans. All existing foundations shall be excavated for at least 2 feet (6 cm) below Me tc7 of subgrade or as indicated on the plans, and the material disposed of as directed. All foundations thus exca- vated shall be backfilled with suitable material and compacted as specified herein. e, Compaction Requirements. The subgrade under areas to be paved shall be compacted to a ce^t ] and to a density of not less than [ ] percent of the ataxnmum censity as determined b} ASTM ( ) Payment for suitable materials removed, manipulated, and replaced in order to obtain the required depth of density will be paid for as unclassified excavation. The in -place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167. Stones or rock fragments larger than 4 inches (100 mm) in their greatest dimension will not be permitted in top 6 k inches (150 trim) of the subgrade. The finished grading operations, conforming to the typical cross section, l shall be completed and maintained at least 1,000 feet (300 m) ahead of the paving operations or as directed by the Engineer. In cuts, all loose or protruding rocks on the back slopes shall be bared loose or otherwise removed to line of finished grade of slope. All cut -and -fill slopes shall be uniformly dressed to the slope, cross section, and alignment shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Blasting will be permitted only when proper precautions are taken for the safety of all persons, the work, and the property. All damage done to the work or property shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. All operations of the Contractor in connection with the transportation, storage, and use of explosives shall conform to all state and local regulations and explosive manufacturers' instructions, with applicable ap- t proved permits reviewed by the Engineer, Any approval given, however, will not relieve the Contractor of his/her responsibility in blasting operations. Where blasting is approved, the Contractor shall employ a vibration consultant, approved by the Engineer, to advise on explosive charge weights per delay and to analyze records from seismograph recordings. The seismograph shall be capable of producing a permanent record of the three components of the motion in terms of particle velocity, and in addition shall be capable of internal dynamic calibration. In each distinct blasting arm where pertinent factors affecting blast vibrations and their effects in the area rem-n the same, the Contractor shall submit a blasting plan of the initial blasts to the Engineer for approv- al. This plan must consist of hole size, depth, spacing, burden, type of explosives, type of delay sequence, maximum amount of explosive on any one delay period, depth of rock, and depth of overburden if any. The maximum explosive charge weights per delay included in the plan shall not be increased without the ap- proval of the engineering. The Contractor shall keep a record of each blast fired —its date, time and location; the amount of explosives used, maximum explosive charge weight per delay period, and, where necessary, seismograph records identi- fied by instrument number and location. 152 - 3 f"" ac 1so!5370-10A 2/17189 These records shall be made available to the Engineer on a monthl, basis or in tabulated form at other times as required. 152-2.3 HORROR' EXCAVATION. Borrow area(s) within the airport property are indicated on the plans. Borrow excavation shall be made only at these designated locations and within the honzonta! any vertical limits as staked or as directed. When borrow sources are outside the boundaries of the airport property, it shall be the Contractor's r- non- sibility to locate and obtain the supply, subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall, nottf% the Engineer, at least 15 days prior to beginning the excavation. so necessary measurements and tests car. be made. All unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. All borrow pits shall be opened up to expose the vertical face of various strata of acceptable material to enable obtaining a uniform product. Borrow pits shall be excavated to regular lines to permit accurate measurements, and they shall be drained and left in a neat, presentable condition with all slopes dressed uniformly. 152-2.4 DRAINAGE EXCAVATION. Drainage excavation shall consist of excavating for drainage ditches such as intercepting, inlet or outlet, for temporary levee construction; or for any other type as de- signed or as shown on the plans. The work shall be performed in the proper sequence with the other con- struction. All satisfactory material shall be placed in fills; unsuitable material shall be placed in waste areas or as directed. Intercepting ditches shall be constructed prior to starting adjacent excavation operations. All necessary work shall be performed to secure a finish true to line, elevation, and cross section. The Contractor shall maintain ditches constructed on the project to the required cross section and shall keep them free of debris or obstructions until the project is accepted. 152-2.5 PREPARATION OF EMBANEMEN"T AREA. Where an embankment is to be constructed to a height of 4 feet (120 m) or less, all sod and vegetable matter shall be removed from the surface upon which the embankment is to be placed, and the cleared surface shall be completely broken up by plowing or scari- fying to a minimum depth of 6 inches (150 mm). This area shall then be compacted as indicated in para- graph 2.6. When the height of fill is greater than 4 feet (120 m), sod not required to be removed shall be thoroughly disked and recompacted to the density 'of the surrounding ground before construction of em. bankment. Where embankments are to be placed on natural slopes steeper than 3 'to 1, horizontal benches shall be constructed as shown on the plans. No direct payment shall be made for the work performed under this section. The necessary clearing and grubbing and the quantity of excavation removed will be paid for under the respective items of work. 152-2.6 FORIMATION OF EMBANKMENTS. Embankments shall be formed `in successive horizontal layers of not more than 8 inches (200 mm) in loose depth for the full width of the cross section, unless otherwise approved to the Engineer. The grading operations shall be conducted, and the various soil strata shall be placed, to produce a soil structure a shown on the typical cross section or as directed. Materials such as brush, hedge, roots, stumps, grass and other organic matter. shall not be incorporated or buried in the embankment. Operations on earthwork shall be suspended at any time when satisfactory results cannot be obtained be- cause of rain, freezing, or other unsatisfactory conditions of the field. The Contractor shall drag, blade, or slope the embankment to provide proper surface drainage. The material in the layer shall be within ±2 percent of optimum moisture content before rolling to obtain the prescribed compaction. In order to achieve a uniform moisture content throughout the layer, wetting or drying of the material and manipulation shall be required when necessary. Should the material be too wet to 152 - 4 A: 15C 5_57: 2'17189 r t permit proper compaction or rolling, all work on all ;of the affected portions of the -embankment shall be delayed until the material has dried to the required moisture content. Sprinkling of dry material to obtain the proper moisture content shall be done with approved equipment that will sufficiently distribute the water. Sufficient equipment to furnish the required water shall be available at al: umes. Sa::uics o: all em- bankment materials for testing, both before and after placement and compaction. wil; be take, f.r ta_` [ ]. Based on these tests, the Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and adius:mcnts Ir meth- ods, materials or moisture content in order to achieve the correct embankment density. Rolling operations shall be continued until the embankment is compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum density for noncohesive soils. and 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive soils as determined by ASTM ( ). Cinder all areas to be paved, the embankments shall be compacted to a depth of [ J and to a density of not less than [ ) percent of the maximum density as determined by ASTM [ ). On all areas outside of the pavement areas, no compaction will be required on the top 4 inches (100 mm). The in -place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167. Compaction areas shall be kept separate, and no layer shall be covered by another until the proper density is obtained. During construction of the embankment, the Contractor shall route .his/her equipment at all times, both when loaded and when empty, over the layers as they are placed and shall distribute the travel evenly over the entire width of the embankment. The equipment shall be operated in such a manner that hardpan, ce- mented gravel, clay, or other chunky soil material will be broken up into small particles and become incor- porated with the other material in the layer. In the construction of embankments, layer placement shall begin in the deepest portion of the fill; as place- ment progresses, layers shall be constructed approximately parallel to the finished pavement grade line. _ When rock and other embankment material are excavated at approximately the same, time, the rock shall be # incorporated into the outer portion of the embankment and the other material shall be incorporated under t the future paved areas. Stones or fragmentary rock larger than 4 inches (100 mm) in their greatest dimen- sions will not be allowed in the top 6 inches (150 mm) of the subgrade. Rockfill shall be brought up in 152-5 k;� AC 150/537d-10A 2117/89 layers as specified or as directed and every effort shall be exerted to fill the voids with the finer material forming a dense, compact mass. Rock or boulders shall not be disposed of outside the excavation or em- bankment areas, except at places and in the manner designated by the Engineer. When the excavated material consists predominantly of rock fragments of such size that the-:ater:al cannot be placed in layers of the prescribed thickness without crushing. pulverizing or further breaking down ire pieces, such material may be placed in the embankment as •directed in layers not exceeding = feet tots cm) in — thickness. Each layer shall be leveled and smoothed with suitable leveling equipment and by distribution of spalls and finer fragments of rock. These type lifts shall not be constructed above an elevation 4 feet (120 cm) below the finished subgrade. Density requirements will not apply to portions of embankments con- structed of materials which cannot be tested in accordance with specified methods. — Frozen material shall not be placed in the embankment nor shall embankment be placed upon frozen material. There will be no separate measurement of payment for compacted embankment, and all costs incidental to placing in layers, compacting, disking, watering, mixing, sloping, and other necessary operations for con. struction of embankments will be included in the contract price for excavation, borrow, or other items. 152-2.7 FAMISHING AND PROTECTION OF SUBGRADE. After the subgrade has been substantially completed the full width shall be conditioned by removing any soft or other unstable material which will not compact properly. The resulting areas and all other low areas, holes or depressions shall be brought to grade with suitable select material. Scarifying, blading, rolling and other methods shall be performed to pro- vide a thoroughly compacted subgrade shaped to the lines and grades shown on the plans. Grading of the subgrade shall be performed so that it will drain readily. The Contractor shall take all pre. cautions necessary to protect the subgrade from damage. He/she shall limit hauling over the finished sub - grade to that which is essential for construction purposes. _ All ruts or rough places that develop in a completed subgrade shall be smoothed and recompacted. No subbase, or surface course shall be placed on the subgrade until the subgrade has been approved by the Engineer. 152-2.8 HAUL. All hauling will be considered a necessary and incidental part of the work. Its cost shall be considered by the Contractor and included in the contract unit price for the pay of items of work in- volved. No payment will be made separately or directly for hauling on any part of the work. 152-2.9 TOLERANCES. In those areas upon which a subbase or base course is to be placed, the top of the subgrade shall be of such smoothness that, when tested with a 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedge applied par- allel and at right angles to the centerline, it shall not show any deviation in excess of 1/2-inch (12 mm), or shall not be more than 0.05-foot (.015 m) from true grade as established by grade hubs or pins. Any devi- ation in excess of these amounts shall be corrected by loosening, adding, or removing materials; reshaping; and recompacting by sprinkling and rolling. — On runway safety areas, intermediate and other designated areas, the surface shall be of such smoothness that it will not vary more than 0.10 foot (0.03 m) from true grade as established by grade hubs. Any devi- ation in excess of this amount shall be corrected by loosening, adding or removing materials, and reshaping. 152-2.10 TOPSOIL When topsoil is specified or required as shown on the plans or under Item T-905, it shall be salvaged from stripping or other grading operations. The topsoil shall meet the requirements of Item T-905. If, at the time of excavation or stripping, the topsoil cannot be placed in its proper and final section of finished construction, the material shall be stockpiled at approved locations. Stockpiles shall not be placed within [ ] feet of runway pavement or [ ] feet of taxiway pavement and shall not be placed 152-6 r A` '1501537,-10A 2!1'/ES r on areas which subsequently will require any excavation or embankment. If, in the judgment of the Engi- neer. it is practical to place the salvaged topsoil at the time of excavation or stripping, the material shall be placed in its final position without stockpiling or further rehandling. Upon completion of grading operations. stockpiled topsoil shall be handled and placed as directed..or as required in Item T-905. r" No direct payment will be made for topsoil as such under Item P-152. The quantity removed and placed directly or stockpiled shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for *'Unclassi- fied Excavation." When stockpiling of topsoil and later rehandling of such material is directed by the Engineer, the material i so rehandled shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for "Topsoiling," as provided in Item T-905. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 152-3.1 The quantity of excavation to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) meas- ured in its original position. Measurement shall not include the quantity of materials excavated without authorization beyond normal slope lines. or the quantity of material used for purposes other than those. directed. 152-3.2 Borrow material shall be paid for on the basis of the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) meas- ured in its original position at the borrow pit. r^ 152-3.3 Stockpiled material shall be paid for on the basis of the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) measured in the stockpiled position as soon as the material has been stockpiled. e 152-3.4 For payment specified by the cubic yard (cubic meter), measurement for all [excavation] [embank- ment] shall be computed by the average end area method. The end area is that bound by the original ground line established by field cross sections and the final theoretical pay line established by [excavation][embankment] cross sections shown on the plans, subject to verification by the Engineer. After completion of all [excavation][embankment] operations and prior to the placing of base or subbase material. the final [excaration][embankment] shall be verified by the Engineer by means of field cross sections taken randomly at intervals not exceeding 500 linear feet (150 meters). Final field cross sections shall be employed if the following changes have been made: a. Plan width of embankments or excavations are changed by more than plus or minus 1.0 foot (0.3 meter); or b. Plan elevations of embankments or excavations are changed by more than plus or minus 0.5 foot (0.15 meter). r 152 - 7 i ac 150/5370-10A BASIS OF PAYMENT 2/:7189 152-4.1 For "Unclassified excavation" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard '- (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials. labor, equipment. tools. and incidentals necessary to complete the item. 152-4.2 For "Rock Excavation" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, and inci- dentals necessary to complete the item. 152-4.3 For "Muck Excavation" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment. tools, and inci denials necessary to complete the item. 152-4.4 For "Drainage Excavation" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, `labor, equipment, tools, and inci- dentals necessary to complete the item. 152-4.5 For "Borrow Excavation" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools. and inci- dentals necessary to complete the item. _ 152-4.6 For "Stockpiled Material" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, and inci- dentals necessary to complete the item. 152-4.7 For "Embankment in Place" payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter). This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools. and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item P-152-4.1 Unclassified Excavation —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-152-4.2 Rock Excavation —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-152-4.3 Muck Excavation —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-152-4.4 Drainage Excavation —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-152-4.5 Borrow Excavation —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-152-4.6 Stockpiled material —per cubic yard (cubic meter) — Item P-152-4.7 Embankment in Place —per cubic yard (cubic meter) 152 - 8 AC '5015370-!CA TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 698 Tests for Moisture -Density Relations of Soil- an� Soi:-Aj:- gregate Mixtures. Using 5.5-pound (_.: kgi Ra.^. mer a c :_- inch (300 mm) Drop ASTM D 1556 Test for Density of Soil In -Place by the Sand Cone Method ASTM D 1557 Tests for Moisture -Density Relations of Sciis and Sei;-Ag- gregate Mixtures. Using 10-pound (4.5 kg) Rammer anc 1-i- inch (45 cm) Drop ASTM D 2167 Test for Density -of Soil In -Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. 152-9 Modifications to r 7'1'F_M P.155 LIME -TREATED SIISGWE Item P-155 Lime -Treated Subgrade of the project specifications shall :be modified j as follows: u 1. Paragraph 155-2.1 HYDR&4T ED LIME. Delete this paragraph and all subsequent references to hydrated lime Only, commercial lime slurry 'shall be used'on ' ` this project. ,. : Lime used in; Commercial lime' slurry shall meet , the requirements of ASTM C207, Type'N or ASTM-C977. _- Poo! 2. Paragraph 155-3.1 LIMEDelete this paragraph and insert the following: "Lime shall be'appl ed at tha rate of SX by weight for the:: depth of :subgrade treatment shown." . P gr, .. t 3. Paragraph 155-5.1 EQUIPMENT aAdd the following to;this paragraph ram. "All.machinery, tools. and equipment shall) be Ion site and approved by the Engineer prior to the beginning of construction :operations and shall be maintained; in a i+ it satisfactory working_ condition throughout the-oonstruction period.", 4. Paragraph155-6.2a. Dry, Placing `Delete this paragraph. Only slurry I r' placing sha11'be allowed on this project.. P 8 P ,.: i 5. Paragraph 155-64'`COMPACTION In the third sentenceof, tthi .:first subparagraph,char a the ` required fielddensity • r m P .. 8, de 95. r-, ces change" 'the controlling percent. In the fourth and; eighth lling specification -from ASTM D,698,;g ASTM D 1557. In -place field density tests shall represent not more than'600 square yards:: 'Pon 6. Paragraph`155-7.2. ''Delete this paragraph and insert the fallowing "The' amount of Rime to be paid for 'shall .be the number''of ' tons (2,000 pounds) . ' of lime (based on the'calculated ,dry - lime` content of the lime ;Blurry) aced as euthorited.• 7. 'Paragraph 155-8.2 Delete the first :sentence and insert the following. "Payment shall be made at 'the contract unit price per ton of: lime.• 8. Paragraph 155-8.2.'Delete the second paragraph and, insert the following: "Payment will;.be made under mob At: 2699-94 :155 a i .. 's �Ii ,r Item P-155, Lime -Treated Subgrade, excluding lime, minimum 6-inch thickness, complete. per square yard; and r Item P-155, Lime Used in Lime -Treated Subgrade, per ton." P0. 9. TESTING REQUIREMENTS: Add the following. i ASTH D 1557 Moisture -Density Relations of Soil and Soil - Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb (4.54-kg) Rammer and IS inch (4.57 mm) Drop. i I; .parr' i i i 4 11;2!90 AC 150!5370-10A CHV. = F ITEM P-10-5 LIME —TREATED SUBGRADE DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of constructing one or more courses of a Mimure of soil, ltrn:, an' wale: in ac- cordance with this specification, and in conionnity with the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical crosz se irons shown on the plans. MATERIALS HYDRATED LIME. Hydrated lime shall. conform to the requirements of ASTM C 977. COMMERCIAL LIME SLURRY. Commercial lime slurry shall be a pumpable suspension of solids in water. The water or liquid portion of the slurry shall not contain dissolved material in sufficient quantity naturally injurious or objectionable for the purpose intended. The solids portion of the mixture, when considered on the basis of "solids content," shall consist principally of hydrated lime of a quality and fineness sufficient to meet the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition and residue. a. Chemical Composition. The "solids content" of the lime slimy shall consist of a minimum of 70% , by weight, of calcium and magnesium oxides. b. Residue. The percent by weight of residue retained in the "solids content" of lime slurry shall conform to the following requirements: Residue retained on a No. 6 (3360 micron) sieve Max. 0.0% Residue retained -on a No. 10 (2000 micron) sieve Max. 1.0% Residue retained on a No. 30 (590 micron) sieve Max. 2.5% c. Grade. Commercial lime slurry shall conform to one of the following two grades: Grade 1. The "dry solids content" shall be at least 31 % by weight, of the slurry. Grade 2. The "dry solids content" shall be at least 35%. by weight, of the slurry. 155-23 WATER. Water used for mixing or curing shall be reasonably clean and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable, or other substances injurious to the finished product Water shall be tested in accordance with and shall meet the suggested requirements of AASHO T 26. Water known to be of potable quality may be used without test 155-2.4 SOIL. The soil for this work shall consist of materials on the site or selected materials from other sources and shall be uniform in quality and gradation, and shall be approved by the Engineer. The soil shall be free of roots, sod, weeds, and stones larger than 2-1/2 inches (60 mm). COMPOSITION 155-3.1 LIME. Lime shall be applied at the rate specified on the plans for the depth of subgrade treatment shown. 155-3.2 TOLERANCES. At final compaction, the lime and water content for each course of subgrade treatment shall conform to the following tolerances: Material Tolerance Lime ................................. + 0.5% Water ................................ + 2%, —0% 155-1 r AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 WEATHER LIMITATIONS I55-4.1 WEATHER LIMITATION. The lime -treated subgrade shall not be mixed while the atmospheric temperature is below 40' F (4' Q or when conditions indicate that temperatures may fall below- 40' F (4' Q within 24 hours, when it is foggy or rainy, or when soil or subgradc is frozen. EQUIPMENT 155-5.1 EQUIPMENT. The equipment required shall include all equipment necessary to mmpletr this item such as: grading and scarifying equipment, a spreader for the lime or lime slurry, mixing or. pulveri3ng equipment, sheepsfoot and pneumatic or vibrating rollers, sprinkling equipment, and trucks. CONSTRUCTION METHODS I55-6.1 GENERAL It is the primary requirement of this specification to secure a completed subgrade containing a uniform lime mixture, free from loose or segregated auras of uniform density and moisture "- content, well bound for its full depth, and with a smooth surface suitable for pbacing subsequent courses. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to regulate the sequence of his/her work, to use the proper amount of lime, maintain the work, and rework the courses as necessary to tercet the above requirements _ Prior to beginning any lime treatment the subgrade shall be constructed and brought to grade as specified in Item P-152 "Excavation and Embankment" and shall be shaped to conform to the typical sections, lines, and grades as shown on the plans. The material to be treated shall then be excavated to the seoondary grade (proposed bottom of lime treatment) and removed or windrowed to expose the secondary grade. Any wet or unstable materials below the secondary grade shall be corrected, as directed by the Engineer, by scarify- ing, adding lima and oompacting until it is of uniform stability. 'Ile excavated material shall then be spread to the desired cross section. If the Contractor elects to use a cutting and pulverizing machine that will remove the subgrade material aocvrately to the secondary grade and pulverize the material at the same time, he will not be required to expose the secondary grade nor windrow the tuatexial. However, the Contractor shall be required to roll the subgrade, as directed by the Engineer, and correct any soft arras that this rolling may reveal before using the pulverizing machine. This method will be permitted only where a machine is provided which will ensure that the material is cut uniformly to the proper depth and which has cutters that will plane the sec, ondary grade to a smooth surface over the entire width of the cut The machine must give visible indication at all times that it is cutting to the proper depth. I55-6.2 APPLICATION. Lime shall be spread only on that area where the first mixing operations can be completed dating the same woriang day: The application and mixing of lime with the soil shall be accom- plished by the methods hereinafter descnbed as "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing." Whey hydrated lime is specified, the Contractor may use either method. a. Dry Placing. The lime shall be spread uniformly over the top of the subgrade by an approved screw type spreader box or other approved spreading equipment. The amount of lime spread shall be the amount required for mixing to the specified depth which will result in the percentage determined in the job mix formula. The lime shall be distributed in such manner that scattering by wind will be minimal. Lime shall not be applied when wind conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, are detrimental to a proper application. A motor grader shall not be used to spread the lime. The material shall be sprinkled, as directed by the Engi- neer, until the proper moisture content has been reached. b. Slurry Placing. The lime shall be mixed with water in trucks with approved distributors and ap- plied as a thin water suspension or slurry.'Commercial lime slurry shall be applied with a lime percentage not less than that applicable for the grade used. 71ic distribution of lime shall be attained by successive passes over a measured section of subgrade until the proper amount of lime has been spread. The amount of 155 - 2 2117/89 AC 150.'537C.-'C: Ip l ic:re s,::ea3 si :i re tine armour.: re�utr a to: ri xtii_ t,5 t e sfie'i:.ce. cep:r « :. n «c:.: 5�:: l age dctermu=cd m the job mist formula. The au ►, trioutc, truesnaii conunualiy alztate th- arum to i r the mixture uniform. 155-6.3 MIXING. The mixing procedure shall be the same for "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing" as �I hereinafter described: _ a. First rn;.rirg. The full depth of the treated subgrade shall be nixed with a: approved raixing ma- chine. Lime shall not be left exposed for more than 6 hours. The mixing machine shall make two coverages Water shall be added to the subgmde during mixing to provide a moisture content above the optimum ma s- ture of the material and to ensure chemical action of the lime and subgrmde. After mixing, the subgraje saal: be lightly rolled to seal the surface and help prevent evaporation of moisture. The water content o: the subgrade mixture shall be maintained at a moisture content above the optimum moisture content for amini-. mum of 48 hours or until the material becomes friable. During the curing period, the material shall be sprin- kled as directed. During the interval of time between application and mixing, lime that has been exposed to r+ the open air for 6 hours or more, or to excessive loss due to washing or blowing will not be accepted fe- payment. b. Final Mixing. After the required curing time, the material shall be uniformly mixed by approved methods. If the mixture contains clods, they shall be reduced in size by glading, discing, harrowing, scarify- ing, or the use of other approved pulverization methods so that the remainder of the clods shall meet the following requirements when tested dry by laboratory sieves: Percent Minimum of clods passing 1 th inch sieve._.__... . . ...... 100 Minimum of clods passing No. 4 sieve ........ ..... ......... _......... 60 1554.4 COMPACTTON. Compaction of the mixture shall begin immediately after final mixing. The ma- terial shall be aerated or sprinkled as necessary to provide optimum moisture. The field density of the com- pacted mixture shall be at least 93 percent of the marimttm density of laboratory specimens prepared from samples taken from the material in place. 'Ile specimens shall be compacted and tested in accordance with ASTM D 698. The in -place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167..Any mixture tha; has not been compacted shall not be left undisturbed for more thaw 30 minutes. The moisture content of the mixture at the start of compaction shall not be below nor more than 2 percent- age points above the optimum moisture content,. The optimum moisture content shall be determined in ac- cordance with ASTM D 699 and shall be less than that amount which will cause the mixture to become unstable during compaction and finishing. ll The material shall be sprinkled and rolled as directed by the Engineer. All irregularities, depressions, or r. weak spots which develop shall be corrected immediately by scarifying the areas affected, adding or remov- ing material as required, and reshaping and recompacting by sprinkling and rolling. The surface of the course shall be maintained in a smooth condition, free from undulations and ruts, until other work is placed thereon or the work is accepted. E In addition to the requirements specified for density, the full depth of the material shown on the plans shall be compacted to the extent necessary to remain firm and stable under construction equipment. After each section is completed, tests will be made by the Engineer. If the material fails to meet the density require. ments, it shall be reworked to meet these requirements. Throughout this entire operation, the shape of the course shall be maintained by bhtding, and the surface upon completion shall be smooth and shall conform with the typical section shown on the plans and to the established lines and grades. Should the material, due to any reason or cause, lose the required stability, density, and fetish before the next course is placed or the work is accepted, it shall be recompacted and refinished at the sole expense of the Contractor. 155-6.5 FINISHING AND CURING. After the final layer or course of lime -treated subgrade has been compacted, it shall be brought to the required lines and grades in accordance with the typical sections. The completed section shall then be finished by rolling, as directed, with a pneumatic or other suitable roller sufficiently light to -prevent hair cracking. The finished surface shall not vary more than 3/8 inch (9 mm) 155 - 3 AC 1501,'5370.10A CHG 2 ' 90 u.`.�n tcst�a ��i� iC-i�t ,;.5 meter; stratchted;c apcited -,amilel with and at rtcrt angles to the paver c::: line. Any variations in excess of this tolerance shall be corrected by the Contractor,- at hiVner own expense, in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The completed section shall be moist -cured for a minimum of 7 days before further courses are add: or any trafft: is permiacd, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Subseauent courses shall be ar^iied wahm 1- ca\'s alter t lim:-treated subcrade is cured. 1=5-6.6 THICKNESS. The thickness of the lime -treated subgrade shall be determined by depth tests er Cores taken at intervals so that each test shall represent no more than 300 square yards (250 square meters), wher the base deficiency is more than 12 inch (12 mm), the Contractor shall correct such areas in a manner satisfactc-y to the Engineer. The Contractor shall replace, at his/her expense, the base material where bonngs are taken fe- test purposes. 1-954.7 MAINTENANCE. The Contractor shall maintain, at his/her own -expense, the entire lime -treated sub. grade in good condition from the start of work until all the work has been completed, cured, and accepted by the Engineer. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 155-7.1 The yardage of lime -treated subgrade to be paid for shall be the number of square yards (square meters) completed and accepted. 155-7.2 The amount of lime to be paid for shall be the number of pounds (kg) of hydrated lime (or the calculated dry -lime content of the lime slurry) used as authorized. BASIS OF PAYMENT 155-8.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per square yard (square meter) for the lime -treated subgrade of the thickness specified. the price shall be full compensation for furnishing all material, except the lime, and for all preparation, delivering, placing and mixing these materials, and all labor, equipment, tools and inciden- tals necessary to complete this item. 155-8.2 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per pound (kg) of lime. This price shall be full compen- sation for furnishing this material; for all delivery, placing and incorporation of this material; and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. Payment will be made under: Item P-155-8.1 Lime -treated subgrade—per square yard (square meter) Item P-1554.2 Lime —per pound (kg) TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 698 Moisture -Density Relations of Soils and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5 lb (2A9 kg) Rammer and 12-in. (305 mm) Drop ASTM D 1556 Density of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method ASTM D 2167 Density of Soil in Place by the Rubber-Ballon Method AASHTO T 26 Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS * ASTM C 977 Quicklime and Hydrated Lime for Soil Stabilization 155 — 4 Modifications to ITEM 'P-156 TEMPORARY ATR AND WATER POLLLUTION, SOIL EROSION. AND SILTATION CONTROL Item P-156 Temporary Air and Water Pollution,. Soil'Erosion and Siltation Control of the project specifications 'shall 'be modified as follows: 1. Paragraph;156-1.1. Insert the following new paragraph: "The specified temporary air and water pollution, soil erosion and:' siltation control shall be -performed in accordance with the requirements. of "this, item and :Item ER, TEMPORARYEROSION, SEDIMENTATION AND WATER. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL, of these specifications." 2. Paragraphs 15674.1 and 156-4.2. Delete these paragraphs and insert the following: �•., "Temporary air andl water pollution, soil erosion and siltation control work required to satisfy this item shall be measured per dump sum." 3. Paragraph 156-5.1. Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following:. • "The performance of this work shall be paid at the contract price bid per lump sum for satisfying the requirements specified herein, and in Item ER, TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENTATION AND WATER' POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL, of these specifications. The 1price shall be full compensation for all necessary: temporary air and water pollution,' soil erosion, and siltation control measures, including maintenance and replacement of said measures as required during the project construction period.'° ! Payment will be ' made under: rand Item P-156, Temporary Air and Water :Pollution, Soil Erosion Siltation Control, per lump sum." 1 7 i 2699-94 156 - a h 2/17/89 AC 150/537C-10A r" ITEM P-156 TEMPORARY AIR AND WATER POLLUTION, SOIL ;. EROSION, AND SILTATION CONTROL DESCRIPTION 156-1.1 This item shall consist of temporary control measures as shown on the plans or as ordered by the Engineer during the life of a contract to control water pollution, soil erosion, and siltation throu:h the use �. of berms, dikes, dams, sediment basins, fiber mats, gravel, mulches, grasses, slope drains, and other erosion control devices or methods. The temporary erosion control measures contained. herein shall be coordinated with the permanent erosion pw control measures specified as part of this contract to the extent practical to assure economical, effective. and continuous erosion control throughout the construction period. Temporary control may include work outside the construction limits such as borrow pit operations, equip- ment and material storage sites, waste areas, and temporary plant sites. MATERIALS 156-2.1 GRASS. Grass which will not compete with the grasses sown later for permanent cover shall be a quick -growing species (such as ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, or cereal grasses) suitable to the area providing a temporary cover. 156-2.2 MULCHES. Mulches may be hay, straw, fiber mats, netting, bark, wood chips, or other suitable material reasonably clean and free of noxious weeds and deleterious materials. 156-2.3 FERTILIZER Fertilizer shall be a standard commercial grade and shall conform to all Federal i and state regulations and to the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 156-2.4 SLOPE DRAINS. Slope drains may be constructed of pipe, fiber mats, rubble, portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, or other materials that will adequately control erosion. 156-2.5 OTHER. All other materials shall meet commercial grade standards and shall be approved by the Engineer before being incorporated into the project. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 156-3.1 GENERAL. In the event of conflict between these requirements and pollution control laws, rules, or regulations of other Federal, state, or local agencies, the more restrictive laws, rules, or regulations shall apply. The Engineer shall be responsible for assuring compliance to the extent that construction practices, con- struction operations, and construction work are involved. 156 - 1 r� AC 1501537a-IOA 2/17189 156-3.2 SCHEDULE. Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall submit schedules for accom- plishment of temporary and permanent erosion control work, as are appiicabie for clearing and grubbing; grading; construction; paving; and structures at watercourses. The Contractor shall also submit a proposed method of erosion and dust control on haul roads and borrow pits and a plan for disposal of waste materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion control schedules and methods of operation for the applicable construction have been accepted by the Engineer. 1 156-33 AUTHORM OF ENGINEER, The Engineer has the authority to limit the surface area of erod- ible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by excavation, borrow and fill operations, and to direct the Contractor to provide immediate per- manent or temporary pollution control measures to minimize contamination of adjacent streams or other watercourses, lakes, ponds, or other areas of water impoundment. 156-3.4 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. The Contractor will be required to incorporate all permanent ero- sion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in the accepted schedule. Except where future construction operations will damage slopes, the Contractor shall perform the perma- nent seeding and mulching and other specified slope protection work in stages, as soon as substantial areas of exposed slopes can be made available. Temporary erosion and pollution control measures will be used to correct conditions that develop during construction that were not foreseen during the design stage; that are needed prior to installation of permanent control features; or that are needed temporarily to control erosion that develops during normal construction practices, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. Where erosion is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations should be scheduled and per- formed so that grading operations and permanent erosion control features can follow immediately thereafter if the project conditions permit; otherwise, temporary erosion control measures may be required between successive construction stages. The Engineer will limit the area of clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow, and embankment operations in progress, commensurate with the Contractor's capability and progress in keeping the finish grading, mulching, seeding, and other such permanent control measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal limitations make such coordination unrealistic, temporary erosion control meas- ures shall be taken immediately to the extent feasible and justified. In the event that temporary erosion and pollution control measures are required due to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent controls as a part of the work as scheduled or are ordered by the Engineer, such work shall be performed by the Contractor at his/her own expense. The Engineer may increase or decrease the area of erodible earth material to be exposed at one time as determined by analysrs of project conditions. 156 - 2 r The erosion control features installed by the Contractor shall be acceptably maintained by the Contractor during the construction period. Whenever construction equipment must cross watercourses at frequent intervals, and such crossings wil: ad- versely affect the sediment levels, temporary structures should be provided. Pollutants such as fuels, lubricants, bitumen, rave sewage, wash water from concrete mixing operations. and other harmful materials shall not be discharged into or near riven, streams, and impoundments or into natu- ral or manmade channels leading thereto. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 156-4.1 Temporary erosion and pollution control work required which is not attributed to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent controls will be performed as scheduled or ordered by the Engineer. Completed and accepted work will be measured as follows: a. Temporary seeding and mulching will be measured by the square yard (square meter). b. Temporary slope drains will be measured by the linear foot (meter). e. Temporary benches, dikes, dams, and sediment basins will be measured by the cubic yard (cubic meter) of excavation performed, including necessary cleaning of sediment basins, and the cubic vard (cubic meter) of embankment placed at the direction of -the Engineer, in excess of plan lines and elevations. d. All fertilizing will be measured by the ton (kilogram). 1564.2 Control work performed for protection of construction areas outside the construction limits, such as borrow and waste areas, haul roads, equipment and material storage sites, and temporary plant sites, will not be measured and paid for directly but shall be considered as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor with costs included in the contract prices bid for the items to which they apply. BASIS OF PAYMENT 156-5.1 Accepted quantities of temporary water pollution, soil erosion, and siltation control work ordered by the Engineer and measured as provided in paragraph 156-4.1 will be paid for under: Item P-156-5.1 Temporary seeding and mulching —per square yard (square meter) Item P-156-5.2 Temporary slope drains —per linear foot (meter) Item P-156-5.3 Temporary benches, dikes, dams and sediment basins --per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-156-5.4 Fertilizing --per ton (kilogram) Where other directed work falls within the specifications for a work item that has a contract price, the units of work shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit price bid for the various items. Temporary control features not covered by contract items that are ordered by the Engineer will be paid for in accordance with Section 90-05. 156 - 3 i _._ ons to Modif;cati ITEM D-304 CEMENT -TREATED BASE COMIK Item P-304 Cement -Treated .Base Course Hof the project specifications shall be modified as follows. 1. Paragraph 304-1.1. Add the following as- the last sentence to this paragraph: "Longitudinal construction joints shall be located a minitmum of five feet from longitudinal: construction joints in the concrete pavement."" 2. Paragraph 304-2.1 PORTLAND CEMENT;' Insert the requiz~emetnts of;ASTM C'150,. Type I in the space provided, 3. Paragraph 304-2.3 'AGGREGATE. Add the followit>tg .;as $ new, third subparagraph: 'The coarse aggregate.(retained an ;the No. 4 sieve) Fha]Ll have a percent'` of wear not more than 45 'at 500, 'revolutions as determined by AASHTO T 96.`Tbe coarse aggregate shall . ,. show no evidence of disintegration nor.show aaotal loss greater than 16Z when subjected ,'to ,5 ;cycles of 'the sodium sulphate accelerated soundness teii:specified Iin AASHTQ T .. ` 104.E 'The amount of the fi"tion!b-t,ibaterlal passing tthe No 200 mesh sieve .shall :not dkeee�l one -half 16 fraction " passing the No. 40 mesh sieve:" ; i•q - 4. Paragraph'304-2.3 AGGREGATE. '`Delete ; the .sieve size a shown in:Table 1 and insert the.following �;. Percentage:by Sieve Size Weight Passing, 1%_ inch 100 ' "y 1-inch 70 - 9,0 3/4-inch 55 - 83. No . 4' , . 30 - 60, No. 40.10 30: No. ` 200 5 - 15 r, 5.' Paragraph 304-3 1 Delete this paragraph ,and insert: the 'following: 'Prior to base course consttuction,..laboratosy ;tests ofr aggregates for.use as base"shah be made to determine ;the, quantity of cement required.'? The costs of a)l pre=: construction tests shall be bowie by'the Cont.ractor.Pre- r 2699-94 304.-s ilia h r construction tests shall be`bome by the Contractor. Pre - construction tests shall include gradation, wear and soundness tests of each source of material and gradation }" tests of the combined materials. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval test certificates from an approved commercial laboratory on ,.. the cement treated base mixes proposed for use on this -- project. Certificates shall include tests made on a minimum of three separate cement contents for each material proposed ,.. for use. Each of the three tests shall include wet -dry and compressive strength tests. The compressive tests shall i include four tests each at 7 and 28 days for a total of eight compressive tests for -each cement content. Two tests r each at 7 and 28 days shall be soaked specimens. Specimens shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM D 558, ASTM D 559 and ASTM D 1633, except that compaction r requirements shall be in accordance with ASTM 1)'1557. Specimens of aggregate, cement and water must develop a compressive strength of at least 750 psi in 7 days. . Specimens are to be subjected to 12 cycles of the wet -dry tests and the maximum weight loss of the specimens shall be less than 14%." 6. Paragraph 304-4.6 COMPACTION. In the first sentence of the.second... subparagraph,_ change the density requirement from 98 percent = 96 percent. Delete the second sentence of the second subparagraph and insert the rfollowing: *The specimens shall be compacted and tested in accordance with ASTM D 558, except that compaction requirements shall ,+o be in accordance with ASTH D 1557. In -place field density tests shall represent not more than 600 square yards.• 7. Paragraph 304 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING OF CEMENT -TREATED BASE COURSE (COMPACTION). Delete this paragraph: S. Paragraph 304.4.7 LAYER THICKNESS. Add the following as a second subparagraph: 'The thickness of the cement -treated base course shall be determined from measurements of cores drilled from the finished base course at intervals so that each test shall represent no more than 300 square yards. The average thickness of the base course constructed during one day shall be within 1/2-inch.of the thickness shown on the plans. Where the average thickness is not within the tolerance given, the Engineer shall evaluate the area and determine if, it shall be reconstructed at the Contractor's ,.. expense or allowed to be left in place without payment being made for the deficient thickness area. The Contractor shall replace, at his expense, the base material where borings are r i 304 - b r 9. Paragraphs 304-5.1 and 104-6.1. Cement -treated base course shall be measured and paid for on a square yard basis. Delete the second paragraph of 304-6.1. p. 10. TESTING REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. Acid the following. "AASHTO T96 Resistance to Abrasion of Small Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine. AASHTO T104 Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate. ASTM D559 Methods for Vetting -and -Drying Tests of Compacted - Soil -Cement Mixtures. ASTM D1557 Test Methods for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-1b (4.54-kg) Rammer and 18 inch (457 mm) Drop." i ?'a F rrr Olk Oft - 304 - c rw F 9/17/B9 AC ts01s370-10A _ 7 ITEM P-304 CEMENT -TREATED BASE COURSE DESCRIPTION 304-u This item shall consist of a base course composed of mineral aggregate and cement uniformly blended and mixed with water. The mixed material shall be spread, shaped, and compacted in accordance with these specifications and in conformity to the lines, grades, dimensions, and typical cross sections shown on the plans. Runway, taxiway, or apron pavements shall be built in a series of parallel lanes usmr, a pian of processing that reduces longitudinal and transverse joints to a minimum. MATERIALS 304-2.1 PORTL AND CEMENT. Portland cement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM [ ]. 304-2.2 WATER Water shall be clean, clear, and free from injurious amounts of sewage, oil, acid, strong alkalies, or vegetable matter, and it shall be free from clay or silt. if the water is of questionable quality, it shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of AASHO T 26. 304-2.3 AGGREGATE. The aggregate shall be select graaular materials meeting the gradation require- ments given in Table 1. The material shall be free of roots, sod, and weeds. The crushed or uncrushed _ aggregate shall consist of hard, durable particles of accepted quality, free from an excess of flat, elongated, soh, or disintegrated pieces, or objectionable matter. The method used in producing the aggregate shall be l such that the finished product shall be as consistent as practicable. All stones and rocks of inferior quality shall be wasted. Aggregates suspected of containing injurious quantities of sulfates shall be examined petrographically in ac- cordance with ASTM C 295. The aggregate shall conform to the gradation shown in Table 1 when tested in accordance with ASTM C I36. 304 - 1 II AC 150/537C-10A 2/17/99 TABLE 1. AGGREGATE C dZNT- TREATED BASE COURSE Pceata¢e by Sieve Size !nr W'M&ht Passing i Sieves 2 in. (50 mm) No. 4 (4.75 min) No. 10 (1.80 min) N 40 (450 micro-m) a No. 80 (210 micro-m) I ' The gradations in the table represent the limits which shall determine suitability of aggregate for use from the sources of supply. The final gradations decided on, within the limits designated in the table, shall be well _ graded from coarse to fine and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on adjacent sieves, or vice versa. The portion of the base aggregate, including any blended material, passing the No. 40 sieve shall have a liquid limit of not more than 25 and a plasticity index of not more than 6 when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4319. All aggregate samples required for testing shall be furnished by the Contractor at the expense of the Con- tractor. Sampling shall be in accordance with AST'M D 75 and will be observed by the Engineer. No aggre- gate shall be used in production of mixtures without prior approval. 304-2.4 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. The types, grades, and controlling specifications and application temperatures for the bituminous material are given in Table 2. — The Engineer shall specify the type and grade of bituminous material to be used. 304 - 2 AC 150!5370-10A 2/17/89 TABLE 2. BITUMrNOUS MATERIAL _ Applieavon Temperature Type and Grade I Specification Deg. F Deg. C Cutback Asphalt RC-70 ASTM D 2028 ( 120-160 50-70 RC-250 I I 160-200 i 70-95 Emulsified Asphalt RS-11 SS-1 ASTM D 977 75-130 25-55 CRS-1 ASTM D 2397 75-130 25-35 CEMENT CONTENT 30".1 Prior to start of work, laboratory tests of materials submitted by the Contractor shall be made to determine the quantity of cement required in the mix. The cement content for construction shall be that at which the mix develops a 7-day compressive strength of at least 750 psi (5 170 kPa). the testing procedure shall be as follows: mold and cure specimens in accordance with ASTM D 560; soak specimens in -water for 4 hours; cap and break specimens in compression in accordance with ASTM D 1633. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 304-4.1 WEATHER LE TTATIONS. The cement -treated base shall not be mixed or placed while the atmospheric temperature is below 40' F (4' C) or when conditions indicate that the temperature may fall below 35' F (2' C) within 24 hours or when the weather is rainy. Cement -treated base shall not be placed on frozen subgrade or mixed when aggregate is frozen. 304-42 OPERATION AT PITS. All work involved in clearing and stripping pits. including handling un- suitable material, shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer sufficient- ly in advance of opening of any designated pit to permit staking of boundaries at the site, to take elevations and measurements of the ground surface before material is produced, to permit the Engineer to take samples of the material for tests to determine its quality and gradation, and to prepare a preliminary design of base mixture. The pits, as utilized, shall be opened immediately to expose vertical faces of the various strata of acceptable material and, unless otherwise directed, the material shall be secured in successive vertical cuts extending through all the exposed strata in order to secure a uniform material. 304 - 3 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 3(u".3 PREPARING UNDERLYING COURSE. The underlying course shall be checked and accepted by the Engineer before placing and spreading operations are started. Any ruts or soft yielding places caused by improper drainage conditions, hauling, or any other cause shall be corrected before the base course is placed thereon. 304-4.4 MIXING. The aggregate shall be proportioned and mixed with cement and water in a central mixing plant. The plant shall be equipped with feeding and metering devices which will introduce the cement, aggregate, and water into the mixer in the quantities specified. Mixing shall continue until a thor- ough and uniform mixture has been obtained. 304-4.5 PLACING. The mixture shall be transported to the job site in suitable vehicles and shall be de- posited on the moistened subbase in uniform layers by means of approved mechanical spreaders. Not more than 60 minutes shall elapse between the start of moist mixing and the start of compaction of the cement - treated mixture on the prepared subgrade. 3044.6 COMPACTION. Immediately upon completion of the spreading operations, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted. The number, type, and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture to the required density. The field density of the compacted mixture shall be at least 98 percent of the maximum density of laborato- ry specimens prepared from samples of the cement -treated base material taken from the material in place. The specimens shall be compacted and tested in accordance with ASTM D 558. The in -place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167. Any mixture that has not been compacted shall not be left undisturbed for more than 30 minutes. The moisture content of the mixture at the start of compaction shall not be below nor more than 2 percentage points above the optimum moisture content. The optimum moisture content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 558 and shall be less than that amount which will cause the mixture to become unstable during compaction and finishing. ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING OF CEMENT -TREATED BASE COURSE (COMPAC. TION). Immediately upon completion of the spreading operations, the mixture shall be thoroughly com- pacted. The number, type, and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture to the required density. The cement -treated base course shall be accepted for density on a lot basis. A lot will consist of [ J and will be divided into four equal sublots. One test shall be made for each sublot. Sampling locations will be determined by the Engineer on a random basis in accordance with statistical procedures contained in ASTM D 3665. Each lot of compacted material will be accepted, with respect to density, when the average field density is equal to or greater than 98 percent of the maximum density of laboratory specimens prepared from samples of cement -treated base course taken from the material in place. The laboratory specimens shall be compacted and tested in accordance with ASTM D 558. The in -place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167. The lot will be accepted without adjustment in payment if the average density, based on four acceptance tests of the lot, is greater than or equal to 98 percent. If the average density does not meet this requirement, the Contractor may elect to leave the lot in place at a reduced unit price determined in accordance with Table 3. 304 - 4 ` 2/17/89 AC 150/537C-10A TABLE 3. SLIDING SCALE PAY FACTORS ` Average Percent Density Recommended Percent Payment rl 98.0 and greater 100 97.0-97.9 95 96.0-96.9 i 9 95.0-95.9 75 +. Less than 95.0 reject Any mixture that has not been compacted shall not be left undistributed for more than 30 minutes. The moisture content of the mixture at the start of compaction shall not be below nor more than 2 percentage points above the optimum moisture content. The optimum moisture content shall be determined in accord- ance with ASTM D 559 and shall be less than that amount which will cause the mixture to become unstabie { during compaction and finishing. 304-4.7 LAYER THICKNESS. The maximum depth of a compacted layer shall be 6 inches (150 mm), except where that total depth of the compacted base course is required to -be greater than 6 inches (150 mm), no layer shall be in excess of 8 inches (200 mm) or less than 4 inches (100 mm) when compacted. In multilayer construction, the surface of the compacted material shall be kept moist until covered with the t next layer. Successive layers shall be placed and compacted so that the required total depth of the base E course is completed the same day. 304-4.8 FINISHING. Finishing operations shall be completed during daylight hours, and the completed base course shall confohn to the required lines, grades, and cross section. If necessary, the surface shall be lightly steed to eliminate any imprints made by the compacting or shaping equipment. The surface shall then be recompacted to the required density. The compaction and finishing operations shall be completed r' within 2 hours of the time water is added to the mixture and shall produce a smooth, dense surface that is free of surface checking, ridges, or loose material. 304-4.9 SURFACE TOLERANCE. The finished surface shall not vary more than 3/9 inch (9 .mm) when tested with a 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedge applied parallel with, or at right angles to, the centerline of the stabilized area. Any deviation in excess of this amount shall be corrected by the Contractor at the Contrac- tor's expense. 304-4.10 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. At the end of each day's construction, a transverse construction joint shall be formed by a header or by cutting back into the compacted material to form a true vertical face free of loose material. Longitudinal joints shall be formed by cutting back into the compacted material to form a true vertical edge. 304-4.11 PROTECTION AND CURING. The completed cement -treated base shall be cured with a bitu- minous curing seal applied as soon as possible, and in no case later than 24 hours after completion of the finishing operations. The surface of the base course shall be kept moist until the bituminous material is ap- plied. Bituminous material shall be uniformly applied at a rate of between 0.10 and 0.25 gallons per square yard (0.47 and 1.20 liters per square meter) of surface. The rate of application shall be approved by the Engineer. 304 - 5 im 150/5370-10A 2117189 The curing seal shall be maintained and protected for 7 days. Finished portions of the base course that are used by equipment in the construction of an adjoining section shall be protected to prevent marring or damaging the completed work. The stabilized area shall be protect. ed from freezing during the curing period. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 304-5.1 The _quantity of cement -treated base to be paid for will be determined by measurement of the number of [square yards (square meters)] [cubic yards (cubic meters)] of base actually constructed and accept- ed by the Engineer as complying with the plans and specifications. 3o4-52 Portland cement will be measured by the hundredweight BASIS OF PAYMENT 304-6.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per [square yard (square meter)] [cubic yard (cubic meter)) for cement -treated base course. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, except pordand cement; for all preparation, manipulation, and placing of these materials; and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Each lot of cement -treated base course will be accepted for density at the full contract unit price when the results of four density tests indicate that the average density is equal to or greater than 98 percent as deter- mined by paragraph 304-4.6. Each lot not meeting this requirement will be accepted at an adjusted contract unit price in accordance with Table 3. 304-6.2 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per hundredweight for portland cement. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing this material; for all delivery, placing, and incorporation of this material; and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under. Item P-304-6.1 Cement -treated base course --per [square yard (square meter)] [cubic yard (cubic meter)) Item P-304-6.2 Portland Cement —per hundredweight TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 136 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ASTM C 295 Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete ASTM D 75 Sampling Aggregates ASTM D 558 Moisture -Density Relations of Soil -Cement Mixtures ASTM D 560 Freezing -and -Thawing Tests of Compacted Soil -Cement Mixtures ASTM D 1556 Density of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method ASTM D 1633 Compressive Strength of Molded Soil -Cement Cylinders 304 - 6 2/1T/89 AC 15015370-IDA ASTM D 2167 Density of Soil in Place by the Rubber -Balloon Method ASTM D 3665 Random Sampling of Paving Materials ASTM D 4318 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit. and Plasticity Index of Soils AASHTO T 26 Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 150 Portland Cement ASTM C 595 Blended Hydmulic Cements ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt ASTM D 2028 Liquid Asphalt (Rapid Curing Type) ASTM D 2397 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 304 - 7 } s Modifications to (" TDOT ITEM 345 ASPHALT STABILIZED BASE fPlANT MIX) The Texas Department of Transportation ;(TxDOT) Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 1993, Item 345, Asphalt Stabilized Base (-Plant Mix). shall be modified as:follows: r-' 1. Paragraph 345.2.(1)(a) Description. ''Delete 'reference to reclaimed agislt, pavement (RAP) in this paragraph. Delete.any reference to RAP `throughout this entire specification. Paragraph 345.2.(2)(a) Asphaltic Stabilized Mixture. Delete the first sentence in this paragraph, and insert the following: "Asphalt for the paving mixture shall be -Viscosity Grade AC-10, in accordance with ASTM D3381.• 3. Paragraph 345.2.(2)(c) Tack Coat. Delete this entire paragraph.Tack �..' coats shall meet the requirements of Item P-603, BITUMINOUS TACKItOAT, of these specifications. 4. Paragraph'345.3.(2) Grades. The gradation of the aggregate material shall oam q conform to Grade-1. 5. Paragraph 345.4.(6) Motor Grader, Delete this entire paragraph. Spreading and/or finishing the asphalt stabilized base course:material I with a motor grader will not be approved. I. 6. Paragraph 345.6.(2) Tack Coat. Delete this entire paragraph. Tack coats shall meet the requirements of Item P- 603, BITUMINOUS . TACK COAT, of 'these specifications. 7. Paragraph 345.6.(6)(a). In -Place Density. Add the following new subparagraph: �7 "The asphalt stabilized base material shall The accepted for density in accordance with the 'requirements' for acceptance 'sampling and testing in Item P-401, PLANT, MIX BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS, of these specifications. ' Table 6, Sliding Scale Pay Fitctors, shall'be revised as follows: Average Percent Density Recommended Percent Payment 96.0 and greater 100 percent _ 95.0 - 95.9 15 percent Less than'95.0 percent Reject !7 2699-94 345 - a ,7 l 8. Paragraph 345.6.(8) Opening to Traffic. The completed asphalt stabilized base course shall not be opened to aircraft traffic. Construction traffic may be allowed on the course, however, the Contractor shall be responsible for protecting the course from damage due to traffic. The Contractor shall repair all areas damaged prior to application of the Item P-401, BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE. 9, Paragraph 345.8.(1) In the second subparagraph, revise reference to payment of tack coat. Tack coat shall be measured and paid for under Item P-603, BITUMINOUS TACK COAT, of these specifications. 10. Paragraph 345.6. Payment. Add the following new subparagraph: "Payment will be made under r Item TxDOT-345, 6-inch Asphalt Stabilized Base Course, complete, ,., per ton." a I 1� l: A _ 2699-94 345 b Modifications to Item P-401 Plant Mix Bituminous Pavements, of the project specifications shall be modified as follows: 1. Paragraph 401-1.1. In the first sentence of this paragraph, insert the word "surface". 2. Paragraph 401-2.1a. Coarse Aggregate. - Delete all references to slag. Slag material shall not be approved for construction of this project. 3. Paragraph 401-2.1a. Coarse Aggregate. Insert 040" into the blank provided in the second sentence of this paragraph. Delete the last sentence in the first subparagraph and insert the following: "The aggregate shall show no signs of disintegration nor shall the sodium sulfate soundness loss exceed 9 percent, after five cycles, when tested in accordance with ASTM C88. If the requirements for sodium sulfate soundness cannot be met, a weighted loss in excess of 9 percent, but not to exceed 14 percent, will be accepted provided the coarse aggregate can be shown to have a satisfactory service record of at least 5 years. duration under similar conditions of service and exposure." .4. Paragraph 401-2.1a. Coarse Aggregate. Insert "70" into the first blank and "85" into the second blank provided in the first: sentence of the second subparagraph. 5. Paragraph 401-2.3 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL - In the first subparagraph, insert "Viscocity Grade AC-10, meeting the requirements of ASTM D3361" into the blank provided. 6. Paragraph 401-3.2 JOB MIX FORMULA - Add the following sentence to the.first subparagraph: "The job mix formula shall be prepared by a commercial laboratory at the Contractor's expense." 7. Paragraph 401-3.2 JOB MIX FORMULA - Inthe fifth subparagraph, insert "30" into the blank provided. S. TABLE 2 - MARSHALL DESIGN CRITERIA - Delete the table shown and insert the following. The design criteria required for aircraft gross weights of 60,000 pounds, or more, or tire pressures of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) shall be utilized in the design of pavements for this project. 2699-94 401 - a TABLE 1. MARSHALL DESIGN CRITERIA Test Property Required Test Value Number of Blows 75 Stability, pounds, minimum 2150 Flow, 0.01 inches 10 - 14 Air Voids, percent 2.8 - 4.2 r" Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate, minimum See Table 2 9. TABLE 3 - AGGREGATE - BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS - Delete the table shown and insert the following: TABLE 3. AGGREGATE - BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS i Percentage by Weight ^. Sieve Size Passing Sieves 3/4-inch 100 1/2-inch 79 - 99 3/8-inch 68 - 88 - ',I No. 4 48 - 68 No. 8 33 - 53 No. 16 20 - 40 No. 30 14 - 30 No: 50 9 - 21 No. 100 6 - 16 .•• No. 200 3 - 6 Asphalt Percent 5.0 - 7.0 10. Paragraph 401-3.3 RECYCLED ASPHALT CONCRETE. Delete this entire paragraph. Recycled asphalt concrete will not be used on this project. - 11. Paragraph 401-3.4 TEST SECTION. - In the second sentence in the first subparagraph, insert 0150-feet" into the first blank and 1112-feet' into the second blank: *' 12. Paragraph 401-4.10 TRANSPORTING, PLACING, AND FINISHING. In the fifth 'e sentence of the fourth subparagraph, insert •12-feet" into the blank provided. 13 Paragraph 401-5.2f(5) Smoothness. In the first sentence, insert "%-inch" a --- _ into the blank provided. In the third sentence., insert "2,000 square yards" into the blank provided. 14. Paragraph 401-5.2f(6) Grade. In the third sentence, insert 02,0000 into the blank provided. r` 2699-94 401 - b f" 15. TABLE 5. ACCEPTANCE LIMITS — STABILITY, FLOW, AIR VOLDS, DENSITY. Use the specification tolerances listed for pavements designed for aircraft gross weights of 60,000 pounds or more, or tire pressure greater than 100 psi. 16. Paragraph 401-5.4 LEVELING COURSE. — Delete this entire paragraph. 17. Paragraph 401-8.1b. Payment. Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "Payment will be made under: Item P-401, Bituminous Surface .Course, complete in place, per ton." 401 - c 0 i, AC 150'537C 10A CHG ITEM P-401 PLANT MIX BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS DESCRIPTION r W 401-1.1 This item shall consist of a I ] course composed of -mineral acgrec3te and bituminous rnmcria.' mixed in a central mixing plant and placed on a prepared course in accordance with these specificauons and sha.'1 conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross sections shown on the plans. Each course shall be con - strutted to the depth, typical section, or elevation required by the plans and shall be rolic.d, ftnshed, and a-. r: v ec before the placement of the next course. MATERIALS 401-2.1 AGGREGATE. Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel, or crushed slag with or with- out sand or other inert finely divided mineral aggregate. The portion of materials retained on the No. 8 sieve is coarse aggregate. The portion passing the No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve is fine aggregate, and the portion passing the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve is mineral filler. a. Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall consist of sound, tough, durable particles, free from adherent films of matter that would prevent thorough coating and bonding with the bituminous material and be free from organic matter and other deleterious substances. The percentage of wear shall not be greater than [ ] percent when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131. The sodium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed [ ] percent. or the magnesium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed [ ] percent, after five cycles, when tested in accord- ance with ASTM C 88. Aggregate shall contain at least [ ] percent by weight of individual pieces having two or more fractured faces and [ ] percent by weight having at least one fractured face. The area of each face shall be equal to at least 75 percent of the smallest midsectional area of the piece. When two fractured faces are contiguous, the angle be- tween the planes of fractures shall be at least 30 degrees to count as two fractured faces. Fractured faces shall be obtained by crushing. The aggregate shall not contain more than 8 percent, by weight, of flat or elongated pieces, when tested in accord. ance with ASTM D 4791. l Slag shall be air—cooled, blast furnace slag, and shall have a compacted weight of not less than 70 pounds per cubic foot (1.12 mg/cubic meter) when tested in accordance with ASTM C 29. r y. 401 — 1 AC 150'5370-10A CHG r' 1 ,29Z °4 b. Fine Aggregate. Fine aggregate shall consist of clean, sound, durable, angular shared particles produced by crushing stone, slag, or gravel that meets the requirements for wear and soundness specified for coarse aggre- gate. The aggregate particles shall be free from coatings of clay, silt, or other objectionable matter and shall contain no clay balls. The fine aggregate, including any blended material for the fine aggregate, shall have a plasticity index of not more than 6 and a liquid Iimit of not more than 25 when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4318: Natural (nonmanufactured) sand may be used to obtain the gradation of the aggregate blend or to improve the work- ability of the mix. The amount of sand to be added will be adjusted to produce mixtures conforming to require- ments of this specification. The fine aggregate shall not contain more than 20 percent natural sand by weight of total aggregates. The aggregate shall have sand equivalent values of 35 or greater when tested in accordance with ASTM D 2419. c. Sampling. ASTM D 75 shall be used in sampling coarse and fine aggregate, and ASTM C 183 shall be used in sampling mineral filler. 401-2.2 MINERAL FILLER. If filler, in addition to that naturally present in the aggregate, is necessary, it shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 242 401-2.3 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. Bituminous material shall conform to the following requirements: I I. 401 — 2 1'25'94 AC 150,5370-10A CHG 6 The Contractor shall furnish vendor's certified test reports for each lot of bituminous material shipped to the project. The vendor's certified test report for the bituminous material can be used for acceptance or tested independently by the Engineer. 401-2.4 PRELIMINARY MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE. Prior to delivery of materials to the job site, the Con- tractor shall submit certified test reports to the Engineer for the following materials: a. Coarse Aggregate. (1) Percent of wear. (2) Soundness. (3) Unit weight of slag. b. Fine Aggregate. (1) Liquid limit. (2) Plastic index. (3) Sand equivalent. c. Mineral Filler. d. Bituminous Material. The certification(s) shall show the appropriate ASTM test(s) for each material, the test results, and a statement that the material meets the specification requirement. The Engineer may request samples for testing, prior to and during production, to verify the quality of the materials and to ensure conformance with the applicable specifications. COMPOSITION 401-3.1 COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE. The bituminous plant mix shall be composed of a mixture of well - graded aggregate, filler if required, and bituminous material. The several aggregate fractions shall be sized, handled in separate size groups, and combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture meets the grading requirements of the job mix formula (JMF). 401-3.2 JOB MIX FORMULA. No bituminous mixture for payment shall be produced until a job mix formula has been approved by the Engineer. The bituminous mixture shall be designed using procedures contained in Chap- ter III, MARSHALL METHOD OF MIX DESIGN, of the Asphalt Institute's Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2), Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete, and shall meet the requirements of Tabies 1 and 2. The design criteria in Table 1 are target values necessary to meet the acceptance requirements contained in para- graph 401-5.2b. The criteria is based on a production process which has a material variability with the following standard deviations: 401 - 3 AC 150`5376-10A CHG 6 1'25'941 Stability (lbs.) = 270 Flow (0.01 inch) = 1.5 Air Voids (%) = 0.65 If material variability exceeds the standard deviations indicated, the job mix formula and subsequen: production targets should be based on a stability greater than shown in Table 1, and the flow and au voids should be targeted close to the mid -range of the criteria -in order meet the acceptance requirements. If the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of the composite mixture, as determined by ASTM D 4867, is less than 75, the aggregates shall be rejected or the asphalt treated with an approved anti -stripping agent. The amount of anu- stripping agent added to the asphalt shall be sufficient to produce a TSR of not less than 75. If an anttstnp agent is required, it will be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost. The job mix formula shall be submitted in writing by the Contractor to the Engineer at least [ ) days prior to the start of paving operations and shall include as a minimum: a. Percent passing each sieve size. b. Percent of asphalt cement. c. Asphalt viscosity or penetration grade. d. Number of blows of hammer compaction per side of molded specimen. e. Mixing temperature. f. Compaction temperature. g. Temperature of mix when discharged from the mixer. h. Temperature -viscosity relationship of the asphalt cement. i. Plot of the combined gradation on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 45 power gradation curve. j. Graphical plots of stability, flow, air voids, voids in the mineral aggregate, and unit weight verses asphalt content. k. Percent natural sand. 1. Percent fractured faces. m. Percent elongated particles. n. Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR). o. Antistrip agent (if required). The Contractor shall submit samples to the Engineer, upon request, for job mix formula verification testing. The job mix formula for each mixture shall be in effect until modified in writing by the Engineer. Should a change in sources of materials be made, a new job mix formula must be approved by the Engineer before the new material is used. 401 - 4 1I25?94 AC 150'5370-10A CHG e TABLE 1. MARSHALL DESIGN CRITERIA 'TEST PROPERTY ' Number of blows Stability, pounds (newtons) minimum Flow, 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) ` Air voids (percent) ` Percent voids in See Table 2 mineral aggregate, minimum TABLE 2. MINIMUM PERCENT VOIDS IN MINERAL AGGREGATE Maximum Particle Size Minimum Voids in Min- eral Aggregate, in. mm penxnt Peront 1/2 12.5 16 3/4 19.0 15 1 25.0 14 1 t/. 31.25 13 The mineral aggregate shall be of such size that the percentage composition by weight, as determined by laboratory screens, will conform to the gradation or gradations specified in Table 3 when tested in accordance with ASTM Standard C 136 and C 117. The gradations in Table 3 represent the limits which shall determine the suitability of aggregate for use from the sources of supply. The aggregate, as selected (and used in the JMF), shall have a gradation within the limits des- ignated in Table 3 and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve, or vice versa, but shall be well graded from coarse to fine. Deviations from the final approved mix design for bitumen content and gradation of aggregates shall be within the action limits for individual measurements as specified in paragraph 401-6.5a. The limits still will apply if they fall outside the master grading band in Table 3. The maximum size aggregate used shall not be more than one-half of the thickness of the course being constructed. 401 - 5 AC 150'5370-10A CHG b TABLE 3. AGGREGATE — BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS Percentage by Weight Sieve Size ?assmc Sieves PA in. (31.25 mm) ' I in. (25.0 mm) 3/nin. (19.0mm) in. (12.5 mm) 3/a in. (9.5 mm) + No. 4 (4.75 mm) + No. 8 (2.36 mm) + No. 16 (1.18 mm) + No. 30 (0.60 mm) + No. 50 (0.30 mm) + No. 100 (0.15 mm) + No. 200 (0.075 mm) + Asphalt percent Stone or gravel + Slag + The aggregate gradations shown are based on aggregates of uniform specific gravity. The percentages passing the various sieves shall be corrected when aggregates of varying specific gravities are used. as indicated in the Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2). Appendix A. 401 — 6 f.. 1;25i94 AC 150'5370-10A CHG E A 401-3.3 RECYCLED ASPHALT CONCRETE. Recycled asphalt concrete shall consist of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler, asphalt cement, and recycling agent, if necessary. Reclaimed asphalt pavement may be used for all courses. The RAP shall be of a consistent gradation and asphalt content. The Contractor may obtain the RAP from the job site or an existing source. All new aggregates used in the recycled mix shall meet the requirements of paragraph 401-2.1. New bituminous material shall meet the requirements of paragraph 401-2.3. Recycling agents shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 4552. The recycled asphalt concrete mix shall be designed using procedures contained in the Asphalt Institute's Manual Series Number 20 (MS-20). Asphalt Hot —Mix Recycling, in conjunction with MS-2 (MS-2). The job mix shall meet the requirements of paragraph 401-3.2. In addition to the requirements of paragraph 401-3.2, the job mix formula shall indicate the percent of reclaimed asphalt pavement, the percent and viscosity grade of new asphalt, the percent and grade of hot —mix recycling agent (if used), and the properties (including viscosity and penetration) of the asphalt blend. The Contractor shall submit documentation to the Engineer, indicating that the mixing equipment proposed for use is adequate to mix the percent of RAP shown in the job mix formula and meet all local and national environmental regulations. 401-3.4 TEST SECTION. Prior to full production, the Contractor shall prepare and place a quantity of bitu- minous mixture according to the job mix formula. The amount of mixture should be sufficient to construct a test section [ J long and [ ] wide placed in two lanes, with a longitudinal cold joint, and shall be of the !' same depth specified for the construction of the course which it represents. The underlying grade or pavement struc- ture upon which the test section is to be constructed shall be the same as the remainder of the course represented by the test section. The equipment used in construction of the test section shall be the same type and weight to be used on the remainder of the course represented by the test section. 401 — 7 �r i AC 150'5370-10A CHG 6 1 " S" Three random samples shall be taken at the plant and tested for stability, flow, and air voids in accordance wi'. paragraph 401-5.1a(2). Two random samples of mixture shall be taken at the plant and tested for aggregate grad tion and asphalt content in accordance with paragraphs 401- 6.3a and 3b and evaluated in accordance with para- graphs 401-6.5a and 5b. Three randomly selected cores shall be taken from the finished pavement ma,_ and three from the longitudinal joint, and tested in accordance with paragraph 401-5.lb(.4). Random sarnplin, s;:a'l be in accordance with procedures contained in ASTM D 3665. Mat density and air voids shall be evaluated in accordance with paragraph 401-5 f(l). Stability and flow shall be evaluated in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2f(2). Joint density shall be evaluated in accordance with Pam - graph 401-5.2f(3). Voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA), for each plant sample, shall be computed in accordance with procedures contained in Chapter III, MARSHALL METHOD OF MIX DESIGN, of the Asphalt Institute's Manual Series To. 2 (MS-2), Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete. The test section shall be considered acceptable if; 1) stability, flow, mat density, air voids, and joint density are 90 percent or more within limits, 2) gradation and asphalt content are within the action limits specified in para- graphs 401-6.5a and 5b, and 3) the voids in the mineral aggregate is within the limits of Table 2. If the initial test section should prove to be unacceptable, the necessary adjustments to the job mix formula, plant operation, placing procedures, and/or rolling procedures shall be made. A second test section shall then be placed. If the second test section also does not meet specification requirements, both sections shall be removed at the Con. tractor's expense. Additional test sections, as required, shall be constructed and evaluated for conformance to the specifications. Any additional sections that are not acceptable shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Full production shall not begin until an acceptable section has been constructed and accepted by the Engineer. The initial test section, whether acceptable or unacceptable, and any subsequent section that meets specification requirements shall be paid for in accordance with paragraph 401-8.1. Job mix control testing shall be performed by the Contractor at the start of plant production and in conjunction with the calibration of the plz-it for the job mix formula. It should be recognized that the aggregates produced by the plant may not satisfy the gradation requirements or produce a mix that exactly meets the JMF. In those instances, it will be necessary to reevaluate and redesign the mix using plant -produced aggregates. Specimens should be prepared and the optimum bitumen content determined in the same manner as for the original design tests. 401-3.5 TESTING LABORATORY. The laboratory used to develop the job mix formula she meet the re- quirements of ASTM D 3666. A certification signed by the manager of the laboratory stating that it meets these requirements shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the start of construction. The certification shall contain as a minimum: a. Qualifications of personnel; laboratory manager, supervising technician, and testing technicians. b. A listing of equipment to be used in developing the job mix. c. A copy of the laboratory's quality control system. d. Evidence of participation.in the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) program CONSTRUCTION METHODS 401-4.1 WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The bituminous mixture shall not be placed upon a wet surface or when the surface temperature of the underlying course is less than specified in Table 4. The temperature requirements may be waived by the Engineer, if requested; however, all other requirements including compaction shall be met. 401 - 8 7 1;25'94 AC 150:'5370-10A C!-IG n TABLE 4. BASE TEMPERATURE LINUTATIONS Mat Thickness Deg, F Dec. C 3 in. (7.5 cm) or greater 40 Greater than 1 in. (2.5 cm) but 45 less than 3 in. (7.5 cm) I in. (2.5 cm) or less 50 10 401-4.2 BITUMINOUS MIXING PLANT. Plants used for the preparation of bituminous mixtures shall con- form to the requirements of ASTM D 995 with the following changes: a. Requirements for All Plants. (1) Truck Scales. The bituminous mixture shall be weighed on approved scales furnished by the Contrac- tor, or on certified public scales at the Contractor's expense. Scales shall be inspected and scaled as often as the Engineer deems necessary to assure their accuracy. Scales shall conform to the requirements of the General Provi- sions, Section 90-01. (2) Testing Facilities. The Contractor shall provide laboratory facilities at the plant for the use of the Engineer's acceptance testing and the Contractor's quality control testing, in accordance with paragraph 401-6.2d. (3) Inspection of Plant. The Engineer, or Engineer's authorized representative, shall have access, at all times, to all area of the plant for checking adequacy of equipment; inspecting operation of the plant verifying weights, proportions, and material properties; and checking the temperatures maintained in the preparation of the mixtures. (4) Storage Bins and Surge Bins. Paragraph 3.9 of ASTM D 995 is deleted. Instead, the following ap- plies. Use of surge bins or storage bins for temporary storage of hot bituminous mixtures will be permitted as follows: - (a) The bituminous mixture may be stored in surge bins for period of time not to exceed 3 hours. (b) The bituminous mixture may be stored in insulated storage bins for a period of time not to exceed 24 hours. The bins shall be such that mix drawn from them meets the same requirements as mix loaded directly into trucks. If the Engineer determines that there is an excessive amount of heat loss, segregation or oxidation of the mixture due to temporary storage, no overnight storage will be allowed. 401- 4.3 HAULING EQUIPMENT. Trucks used for hauling bituminous mixtures shall have tight, clean, and smooth metal beds. To prevent the mixture from adhering to them, the truck beds shall be lightly coated with a minimum amount of paraffin oil, lime solution, or other approved material. Each truck shall have a suitable cover to protect the mixture from adverse weather. When necessary, to ensure that the mixture will be delivered to the site at the specified temperature, truck beds shall be insulated or heated and covers shall be securely fastened. 401-4.4 BITUMINOUS PAVERS. Bituminous pavers shall be self-propelled, with an activated screed, heated as necessary, and shall be capable spreading and finishing courses of bituminous plant mix material which will meet the specified thickness, smoothness, and grade. The paver shall have sufficient power to propel itself and the hauling equipment without adversely affecting the finished surface. The paver shall have a receiving hopper of sufficient capacity to permit a uniform spreading operation. The hopper shall be equipped with a distribution system to place the mixture uniformly in front of the screed without segrega- tion. The screed shall effectively produce a finished surface of the required evenness and texture without tearing, shoving, or gouging the mixture. If an automatic grade control device is used, the paver shall be equipped with a control system capable of automati- cally maintaining the specified screed elevation. The control system shall be automatically actuated from either a reference line and/or through a system of mechanical sensors or sensor -directed mechanisms or devices which will I 401 - 9 i a. A^ rn ce-7n_,nA PIdC] A maintain the paver screed at a predetermined transverse slope and at the proper elevation to o`:ain the required. surface. The transverse slope controller shall be capable of maintaining the screed at the desired slope within plus or minus 0.1 percent. The controls shall be capable of working in conjunction with any of the following attachments: a. Ski -type device of not less than 30 feet (9.14 m) in length. - b. Taut stringline (wire) set to grade. — c. Short ski or shoe. d. Laser control. 401-4.5 ROLLERS. Rollers of the vibratory, steel wheel, and pneumatic -tired type shall be used. They shall be in good condition, capable of operating at slow speeds to avoid displacement of the bituminous mixture. The number, type, and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture to the required density while it is still in a workable condition. The use of equipment which causes excessive crushing of the aggregate will not be permitted. 401-4.6 'PREPARATION OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL.' The bituminous material shall be heated in a man- ner that will avoid local overheating and provide a continuous supply of the bituminous material to the mixer at — a uniform temperature. The temperature of the bituminous material delivered to the mixer shall be sufficient to provide a suitable viscosity for adequate coating of the aggregate particles, but shall not exceed 325 degrees F (160 degrees Q. — 401-4.7 PREPARATION OF MINERAL AGGREGATE. The aggregate for the mixture shall be heated and dried prior to introduction into the mixer. The maximum temperature and rate of heating shall be such that no damage occurs to the aggregates. The temperature of the aggregate and mineral filler shall not exceed 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) when the asphalt is added. Particular care shall be taken that aggregates high in calcium or — magnesium content are not damaged by overheating. The temperature shall not be lower than is required to obtain complete coating and uniform distribution on the aggregate particles and to provide a mixture of satisfactory work- ability. — 401- 4.8 PREPARATION OF BITUMINOUS MIXTURE. The aggregates and the bituminous material shall be weighed or metered and introduced into the mixer in the amount specified by the job mix formula The combined materials shall be mixed until the aggregate obtains a uniform coating of bitumen and is thoroughly distributed throughout the mixture. Wet mixing time shall be the shortest time that will produce a satisfactory mix- ture, but not less than 25 seconds for batch plants. The wet mixing time for all plants shall be established by the Contractor, based on the procedure for determining the percentage of coated particles described in ASTM D — 2489, for each individual plant and for each type of aggregate used. The wet mixing time will be set to achieve 95 percent of coated particles. For continuous mix plants, the minimum mixing time shall be determined by dividing the weight of its contents at operating level by the weight of the mixture delivered per second by the mixer. The moisture content of all bituminous mix upon discharge shall not exceed 0.5 percent. — 401 10 i i V25/94 AC 150!537C--10A CHG 6 7 401-4.9 PREPARATION OF THE UNDERLYING SURFACE. lmmediatei,.• before placing the baurrtnou mixture, the underlying course shall be cleaned of all dust and debris. A prime coat or tack coat stall be appiie in accordance with Item P-602 or P-603, if required by the contract specifications. 401-4.10 TRANSPORTING, PLACING, AND FINISHING. The bituminous mixture shall be tmsnorted from the mixing plant to the site in vehicles conforming to the requirements of paragraph 401—=. Dc�venes sr;': be scheduled so that placing and compacting of mixture is uniform with minimum stopping and starur.c of the paver. Adequate artificial lighting shall be provided night placements. Hauling over freshly placed material shad not be permitted until the material has been compacted, as specified, and allowed to cool to atmospheric tempera - tire. The Contractor may elect to use a material transfer vehicle to deliver mix to the paver. The mix shall be placed and compacted at a temperature suitable for obtaining density, surface smoothness, and l other specified requirements but not less than 250 degrees F (I07 degrees Q. Upon arrival, the mixture shall be placed to the full width by a bituminous paver. It shall be struck off in a uniform l•' layer of such depth that, when the work is completed, it shall have the required thickness and conform to the grade and contour indicated. The speed of the paver shall be regulated to eliminate pulling and tearing of the bituminous mat. Unless otherwise permitted, placement of the mixture shall begin along the centerline of a crowned section or on the high side of area with a one-way slope. The mixture shall be placed in consecutive adjacent snips having a minimum width of [ ] except where edge lanes require less width to complete the area. The longitu- dinal joint in one course shall offset the longitudinal joint in the course immediately below by at least I foot (30 cm); however, the joint in the surface top course shall be at the centerline of the pavement. Transverse joints in ■- one course shall be offset by at least 10 feet (3 m) from transverse joints in the previous course. Transverse joints in adjacent lanes shall be offset a minimum of 10 feet (3 m). On areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical spreading and finishing equip- ment impractical, the mixture may be spread and luted by hand tools. 401-4.11 COMPACTION OF MIXTURE. After placing, the mixture shall be thoroughly and uniformly com- pacted by rolling. The surface shall be compacted as soon as possible when the mixture has attained sufficient stability so that the rolling does not cause undue displacement, cracking or shoving. The sequence of rolling oper- ations and the type of rollers used shall be at the discretion of the Contractor. The speed of the roller shall, at all times, be sufficiently slow to avoid displacement of the hot mixture and be effective in compaction. Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the roller, or from any other cause, shall be corrected at once. Sufficient rollers shall be furnished to handle the output of the plant. Rolling shall continue until the surface is of uniform texture, true to grade and cross section, and the required field density is obtained. To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly moistened (and scrapers used), but excessive water will not be permitted. In areas not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with hand tampers. Any mixture that becomes loose and broken, mixed with dirt, contains check -cracking, or in any way defective shall be removed and replaced with fresh hot mixture and immediately compacted to conform to the surrounding area. This work shall be done at the Contractor's expense. Skin patching shall not be allowed. 401 - 11 AC 4150537D-10A CHG 6 401-4.1: JOINTS. The formation of all joints shall be made in such a manner as to ensure a conunuous bor..' between the courses and obtain the required density. All joints shall have the same texture as other sections of the course and meet the requirements for smoothness and grade. — The roller shall not pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid mixture except when necessar% to fo.T a transverse joint When necessary to form a transverse joint, it shall be made by means of p:aztng a bulkhead or by tapering the course. T}. tapered edge shall be cu_ back to its full depth and width on a straight line to expose a vertical face prior to placing the adjacent lane. In ooth methods all contact surfaces shall be given a tack coat of Ntuminous-material before placing any fresh mixture against the joint. Longitudinal joints which are irregular, damaged, uncompacted, or otherwise defective shall be cut back to expos; a clean, sound surface for the full depth of the course. All contact surfaces shall be given a tack coat of bituminous material prior to placing any fresh mixture against the joint - MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE 401-5.1 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. All acceptance sampling and testing necessary to de. termine conformance with the requirements specified in this_ section will be performed by the Engineer at no cost to the Contractor. Testing organizations performing these tests shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 3666. All equipment in Contractor furnished laboratories shall be calibrated by the testing organization prior to the start of operations. a. Plant —Produced Material. Plant —produced material shall be tested for stability, flow, and air voids on a lot basis. Sampling shall be from material deposited into trucks at the plant or from trucks at the job site. A lot will consist of: - one day's production not to exceed 2,000 tons (1 814 000 kg). or - a half day's production where a day's production is expected to consist of between 2,000 and 4,000 tons (1 814 000 and 3 628 000 kg), or — similar subdivisions for tonnages over 4,000 tons (3 628 000 kg). Where more than one plant is simultaneously producing material for the job, the lot sizes shall apply separately for each plant (1) Sampling. Each lot will consist of four equal sublots. Sufficient material for preparation of test speci. mens will be sampled by the Engineer on a random basis, in accordance with the procedures contained in ASTM D 3665. One set of laboratory compacted specimens will be prepared for each sublot in accordance with ASTM D 1559, paragraph 4.5, at the number of blows required by paragraph 401-3.2. Table 1. Each set of laboratory compacted specimens will consist of theee test portions prepared from the same sample increment The sample of bituminous mixture may be put in a covered metal tin and placed in an oven for not more than 30 minutes to maintain the heat The compaction temperature of the specimens should be as specified in the job mix formula. (2) Testing. Sample specimens shall be tested for stability and flow in accordance with ASTM D 1559, paragraph 5. Air voids will be determined by the Engineer in accordance with ASTM D 3203. Prior to testing, the bulk specific gravity of each test specimen shall be measured by the Engineer in accordance with ASTM D 2726 or D 1188, whichever is applicable, for use in computing air voids and pavement density. For air voids determination. the theoretical maximum specific gravity of the mixture shall be measured twice for each lot in accordance with ASTM D 2041, Type C or D container. Samples shall be taken on a random basis in accordance with ASTM D 3665. The value used in the voids computation for each sublot shall be the average of the two maximum specific gravity measurements for the lot The stability, flow, and air voids for each sublot shall be computed by averaging the results of the tires test speci- mens representing that sublot (3) Acceptance. Acceptance of plant produced material for stability, flow, and air voids shall be deter- mined by the Engineer in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 401-5.2b. 401 — 12 1,25'94 AC 150;537LL10A CHG 6 r b. Field Placed Material.` aterial Material placed in the field shall be tested for mat and joint density on a io: � basis. (1) Mat Density. The lot size shall be the same as that indicated in paragraph 401-5.1.a and shall be divided into four equal sublots. One core of finished, compacted materials shall be taken by the Contractor from each sublot. Core locations will be determined by the Engineer on a random basis in accordance with proce�dW es contained in ASTA1 D 3665. Cores shall not be taken closer than one -foot from a transverse or longitudinal iom:. (2) Joint Density. The lot size shall be the total length of longitudinal joints constructed by a lot of material as defined in paragraph 401-5.1a. The lot shall be divided into four equal sublots. One core of finished, compacted materials shall be taken by the Contractor from each sublot Core locations u i;i be determined by the Engineer on a random basis in accordance with procedures contained in ASTM D 3b6:. (3) Sampling. Samples shall be neatly cut with a core drill. The cutting edge of the core drill bit shall be of hardened steel or other suitable material with diamond chips embedded in the metal cutting edge. The mini- mum diameter of the sample shall be three inches. Samples that are clearly defective, as a result of sampling, shall be discarded and another sample taken. The Contractor shall furnish all tools, labor, and materials for cutting sam. ples and filling the cored pavement. Cored holes shall be filled in a manner acceptable to the Engineer and within one day after sampling. (4) Testing. The bulk specific gravity of each cored sample will be measumd by the Engineer in accord. ance with ASTM D 2726 or D 1188, whichever is applicable. The percent compaction (density) of each sample will be determined by dividing the bulk specific gravity of each sublot sample by the average bulk specific gravity of all laboratory prepared specimens for the lot, as determined in paragraph 401-5.1a(2). (S) Acceptance. Acceptance of field placed material for mat density will be determined by the Engineer in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 401-5.2c. Acceptance for joint density will be determined in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 401-5.2d. c. Partial Lots - Plant -Produced Material. When operational conditions cause a lot to be terminated be- fore the specified number of tests have been made for the lot, the following procedure will be used to adjust the lot size and the number of tests for the lot. The last batch produced where production is unexpectedly halted will be sampled and its properties shall be consid- ered as representative of the particular sublot from which it was taken. Where three sublots are produced, they shall constitute a lot. Where one or two sublots are produced, they shall be incorporated into the next lot and the total number of sublots shall be used in the acceptance plan calculadon. i.e., n = 5 or n = 6, for example. d. Partial Lots - Field Placed Material. The lot size for field placed material shall correspond to that of the plant material, except that in no cases less than (3) cored samples shall be obtained, i.e., n = 3. 401-5.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA. a. General. Acceptance will be based on the following characteristics of the bituminous mixture and com-' r pleted pavement as well as the implementation of the Contractor's Quality Control plan and test results: j' (1) Stability (2) Flow i (3) Air voids (4) Mat density (5) Joint density (6) Thickness (7) Smoothness (8) Grade Stability, flow, and air voids will be evaluated for acceptance in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2b. Mat density will be evaluated for acceptance in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2c. Joint density will be evaluated for accept- ance in accordance with paragraph 401-5.2d. 401 - 13 l a^ -1rn!5't7rLy0A CHG 6 Acceptance for mat density and air voids will be based on the criteria contained in paragraph 40;-5.2f(1). Acccpt- ance for stability and flow wdl be based on the criteria cont3ineo in paragraph 401-5 2f(2). Acceptance for join, density will be based on the criteria contained in paragraph 401-5f(3). Thickness will be evaluated by the Engineer for compliance in accordance with paragraph 401-5.21(4). Acceptance for smoothness will be based on the cr cite contained in paragraph 401-5 2f(5). Acceptance for grade will be based on the criteria contained m paragrap, 401- 5 2f(6). The Engineer may at any time, not withstanding previous plant acceptance, reject and require the Contractor to dispose of any batch of bituminous mixture which is rendered unfit for use due to contamination, segrecaucn, in- complete coating of aggregate, or improper mix temperature. Such rejection may be based on only visual rnspecucn or temperature measurements. In the event of such rejection, the Contractor may take a representative sample of the rejected material in the presence of the Engineer, and if he can demonstrate in the laboratory, in the presence of the Engineer, that such material was 'erroneously rejected, payment will be made for the material at the contract unit price. b. Stability, now, Air Voids. Acceptance of each Iot of plant produced material for stability, flow, and air voids shall be based on the percentage of material within specification limits (PWL). The PWL plan considers the variability (standard deviation) of the material and the testing procedures, as well as the average (mean) value of the test results. If a material with high variability is produced, the production target must be adjusted as outlined in paragraph 401-31 to achieve a PWL of 90 or more. c. Mat Density. Acceptance of each lot of in -place pavement for mat density shall be based on the percent- age of material within specification limits (PWL). If a material with high .variability is produced, then a higher target density must be maintained in order to achieve a PWL of 90 or more. d. Joint Density. Acceptance of each lot of in -place pavement for joint density shall be based on the per- ccnmge of material within specification limits (PWL). If a material with high variability is produced, then a higher target density must be maintained in order to achieve a PWL of 90 or more. e. Percentage of Material Within Specification Limits (PWL). The percentage of material within speci- fication limits (PWL) shall be determined in accordance with procedures specified in Section 110 of the General Provisions. The specification tolerance bmits(L) and (U) are contained in Table 5. f. Acceptance Criteria. (1) Mat Density and Air Voids. If the PWL of the lot equals or exceeds 90 percent, the lot shall be acceptable. If the PWL Is less than 90 percent, payment shall be made in accordance with paragraph 401-8.1a. (2) Stability and Flow. If the PWL of the lot equals or exceeds 90 percent, the lot shall be acceptable. If the PWL is less than 90 percent, the Contractor shall determine the reason and take corrective action. If the PWL is below 80 percent, the Contractor must stop production and make adjustments to the, mix. (3) Joint Density. If the PWL of the lot equals or exceeds 90 percent, the lot shall be acceptable. If the PWL is less than 90 percent, the Contractor shall evaluate the method of compacting joints. If the PWL is below 80 percent, the Contractor shall stop production until the reason for poor compaction can be determined. (4) Thickness. Thickness shall be evaluated for compliance by the Engineer to the requirements shown on the plans. Measurements of thickness shall be made by the Engineer using the cores extracted for each sublot for density measurement. (5) Smoothness. The finished surfaces of the pavement shall not vary move than [ j for the sur• face course. Each lot shall be evaluated with a 12-foot (3.6 m) straightedge. The lot size shall be [ J square yards (square meters). Measurements will be made perpendicular and parallel to the centerline at distances not to exceed 50 feet (15.2 m). When more than 15 percent of all measurements within a lot exceed the specified tolerance, the Contractor shall remove the deficient area and replace with new material. Sufficient material shall be removed to allow at least one inch of asphalt concrete to be placed. Skin patching shall not be permitted. High points may be ground off. 401 - 14 AC 1503370-10A CHG 6 (6y grade. The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary from the gradeline elevations and cross sections shown on the plans by more than 1/2 inch (12.70 mm). The finished grade of each lot will to det=:ae;: by running levels at intervals of 50 feet (152 m) or less longitudinally and transversely to determine the elevation of the completed pavement. The lot size shall be ( ) square yards (square meters). When more than 15 per- cent of all the measurements within a lot are outside the specified tolerance, the: Contractor shall remove the defi- cient area and replace with new material. Sufficient material shall be removed to allow at least one inch of asphalt concrete to be placed. Sldn patching for correcting low area shall not be permitted. High points may be ground off. TABLE S. ACCEPTANCE LIMITS STABILITY, FLOW, AIR VOIDS, DENSITY Pavements Designed for Pavements Designed for Aircraft Gross Weights Aircraft Gross Weight Test Property of 60,000 Lbs. or More Less Than 60,000 Lbs. or Tire Pressure or Tire Pressure Less Greater Than 100 Psi Than 100 Psi Number of Blows 75 50 Specification Tolemnee Specification Tolerance L U L U Stability, mini- 1800 — 1000 — mum pounds Flow,0.01—inch 8 16 8 20 Air voids total 2.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 mix (percent) Density, percent 96.3 — 96.3 — Joint density 93.3 — 93.3 — (percent) 401 — 15 AC 150,'5370-10A CHG 6 1 '25*C-' 401-5.3 RESAMPLING PAVEMENT. a. General. Resampling of a lot of pavement for mat density will be allowed if the Contractor requests, in writing, within 48 hours after receiving the written test results from the Engineer. A retest v ill consist of all the sampling and testing procedures contained in paragraphs 401-:.1b and 401-5.2c Only one resamphng per iot will be permitted. (1) A redefined PWL shall be calculated for the resampled lot. The number of tests used to calculate the redefined PWL shall include the initial tests made for that lot plus the retests. (2) The cost for resampling and retesting shall be borne by the Contractor.. b: Payment for Resampled Lots. The redefined PWL for a resampled lot shall be used to calculate the payment for that lot in accordance with Table 6. c. Outliers. If the tests -within a lot include a very'large or a very small value which appears to be outside _ the normal limits of variation, check for an outlier in accordance with ASTM E 178, at a significance level of 5 percent, to determine if this value should be discarded when computing the PWL. [401-5A LEVELING COURSE. Any course used for truing and leveling shall meet the requirements or r paragraph 401-32 and 5.2b, but shall not be subject to the density requirements of paragraph-401-52c and d. The leveling course shall be compacted with the same effort used to achieve density or the test section. The truing and leveling course shall not exceed a nominal thickness of 1-112 inches (37.5 mm).] CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL 401-6.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall develop a Quality Control Program in accordance with Section 100 of the General Provisions. The program shall address all elements which effect the quality of the pavement includ- ing, but not limited to: a. Mix Design b. Aggregate Grading — c. Quality of Materials d. Stockpile Management e. Proportioning f. Mixing and Transportation g. Placing and Finishing h. Joints i. Compaction j. Surface smoothness 401-6.2 TESTING LABORATORY. The Contractor shall provide a fully equipped asphalt laboratory located at the plant or job site. It shall be available for joint use by the Contractor for quality control testing and by the Engineer for acceptance testing and must have adequate equipment for the performance of the tests required by these specifications. The Engineer shall have priority in use of the equipment necessary for acceptance testing. The effective working area of the laboratory shall be a minimum of 150 square fat (14 square meters) with a ceiling height of not less than 7.5 feet (2.3 meters). Lighting shall be adequate to illuminate all working areas. It shall be equipped with heating and air conditioning units to maintain a temperature of 70 degrees F + 5 degrees (21 degrees C + 2.3 degrees C). 401 - 16 r 1;25.'9d AC 150'537C-10A CHO o r Laboratory facilities shall be kept clean and all equipment shall be maintained in proper working condition. Tc_ Engineer shall be permitted unrestricted access to inspect the Contractor's laboratory facility and witness quaat� control activities. The Engineer will advise the Contractor in writing of any noted deficiencies concerning the lab- oratory facility, equipment, supplies, or testing personnel and procedures. When the deficiencies are serious enough to be adversely affecting test results, the incorporauon of the materials into the: work Sall be suspentec: lip-n:- diately and will not be permitted to resume until the deficiencies are sattsfactorii%, corrected. 401-6.3 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING. The Contractor shall perform all quality control tests necessa-• to control the production and construction processes applicable to these specifications and as set forth :n the Qua'aN Control Program. The testing program shall include, but not necessarily limited to, tEst for the of content, aggregate gradation, temperatures, aggregate moisture, field compaction, and surface smoculness. A Qcai: v Control Testing Plan shall be developed as part of the Quality Control Program. a. Asphalt Content. A minimum of two extraction tests shall be .performed per lot in accordance with ASTM D 2172 for determination of asphalt content. The weight of ash portion of the extraction test, as described in ASTM D 2172, shall be determined as part of the first extraction test performed at the beginning of plant produc- tion; and as part of every tenth extraction test performed thereafter, for the duration of plant production. The last weight of ash value obtained shall be used in the calculation of the asphalt content for the mixture. The use of the nuclear method for determining asphalt content in accordance with ASTM D 4125 is permitted. provided that it is calibrated for the specific mix being used. b. Gradation. Aggregate gradations shall be determined a minimum of twice per lot from mechanical anal- ysis of extracted aggregate in accordance with AASHTO T 30 and ASTM C 136 (Dry Sieve). When asphalt content is determined by the nuclear method, aggregate gradation shall be determined from hot bin samples on batch plants, or from the cold feed on drum mix or continuous mix plants, and tested in accordance with ASTM C 136 (dry sieve) using actual batch weights to determine the combined aggregate gradation of the mixture. c. Moisture Content of Aggregate. The moisture content of aggregate used for production shall be deter- mined a minimum of once per lot in accordance with ASTM C 566. d. Moisture Content of Mixture. The moisture content of the mixture shall be determined once per lot in accordance with ASTM D 1461. e. Temperatures. Temperatures shall be checked, at least four times per lot, at necessary locations to deter- mine the temperatures of the dryer, the bitumen in the storage tank, the mixture at the plant, and the mixture at the job site. f. In —Place Dinsity Monitoring. The Contractor shall conduct any necessary testing to ensure that the specified density is being achieved. A nuclear gauge may be used to monitor the pavement density in accordance with ASTM D 2950. g. Additional Testing. Any additional testing that the Contractor deems necessary to control the process may be performed at the Contractor's option. h. Monitoring. The Engineer reserves the right to monitor any or all of the above testing. 401-6.4 SAMPLING. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall sample and test any material which appears inconsistent with similar material being sampled, unless such material is voluntarily removed and replaced or deficiencies corrected by the Contractor. All sampling shall be in accordance with standard procedures specified. 401-6.5 CONTROL CHARTS. The Contractor shall maintain linear control charts both for individual measure- ments and range (i.e., difference between highest and lowest measurements) for aggregate gradation and asphalt content. Control charts shall be posted in a location satisfactory to the Engineer and shall be kept current. As a minimum, the control charts shall identify the project number, the contract item number, the test number, each test parameter, the Action and Suspension Limits applicable to each test parameter, and the Contractor's test results. The Contractor shall use the control charts as pan of a process control system for identifying potential problems and assignable causes before they occur. If the Contractor's projected data during production indicates a problem and the Contrac- tor is not taking satisfactory corrective action, the Engineer may suspend production or acceptance of the material. a. Individual Measurements. Control charts for individual measurements shall be established to maintain process control within tolerance for aggregate gradation and asphalt content The control charts shall use the job 401 — 17 A'' \r 15C E.a7Ca- 10A C H G E 1 25 c ^ mu formula large: values as indicax:s of cen-.-al t:nderzy fc. tht fcL'o-ir; =: pa=e*:rs w•t:.': assocL3 A_::er: and Suspenmon Limits: CONTROL CHART LI;4TS FOR iNDIN IDUAL %IEASURE%fENTS Sieve ` AcLxn L._Jt ( Surocjim 3/4 inch (19.0 mm) 050 1/2 inch (12.5 mm) =6% -9 3/s inch (9.5 mm) =61% i �= No. 4 (a.75 mm) =6% ;'99c No. 16 (1.18 mm) =5% =7.5 No. 50 (0.30 mm) _3% =4.5% No. 200 (0.075 mm) =3 % Asvnalt Content -0.-15%=-0.70% — b. Range. Control charu for range shall be established to control process variability for the mn pararne:-s and Suspension Limits listed below. The range shall be computed for each lot as the diffe-eace between the two test results for each control parameter. The Suspension Limits specified below are based on a sample size of n = 2. Should the Contractor elect to perform more than two tests per lot, the Suspension L:mrts shall be adjusted by multiplying the Suspension Limit by 1.18 for n = 3 and by 1.27 for n = 4. CONTROL CHART LAiITS BASED ON RANGE (Rued oa is a :) Sire Saspesiao 1mmu .— i/s inch (12.5 mm) 11 patent I/s inch (9.5 mm) 11 percent No. 4 (4.75 nun) 11 percent - No. I6 (1,18 mm) 9 percent No. 50 (0.30 mm) 6 per -cent) No. 200 (0.075 mm) 3.5 percent Asphalt Content 0.8 percent c. Corrective Action. The Quality Control Plan shall indicate diai appropriate action shall be taken when the process is. believed to be out of tolt-rance. The Plan shall contain sets of niks to gauge when a process is out of control and detail what action will be taken to bring the process into control- As a minimum. a process shall be deemed out of control and production stopped and corrective action mkm if: (1) One point falls outside the Suspension Limit line for individual memmments or =ge: or (2) Two points in a row fall outside the Action Limit line for individual rn=ureinents. , 401 - 18 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT . 401-7.1 MEASUREMENT. Plant mix bituminous concrete pavement shall be measured by the number of tons (kg) of bituminous mixture [and the number of tons (kg) of bituminous material] used in the accepted work. Recorded batch weights or truck scale weights will be used to determine the basis for the tonnage. BASIS OF PAYMENT 401-8.1 PAYMENT. Payment for an accepted lot of bituminous concrete pavement shall be made at the con- tract unit price per ton (kg) for bituminous mixture adjusted according to paragraph 401-8.1a. The price shall be compensation for furnishing all materials, for all preparation, mixing, and placing of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. a. Basis of Adjusted Payment. Each lot shall be accepted at the full contract price when the percent within limit (PWL) for mat density and air voids equals or exceeds 90 percent. Each. lot not meeting the 90 percent PWL requirement will be accepted at an adjusted contract unit price in accordance with Table 6. Payment shall be calculated for both mat density and air voids, and payment shall be based on the lower of the two values. C TABLE 6. PRICE ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE Percentage of Material Within the Speci- fication limit (PWL) I percent of Contract Unit Price to be Paid t 90-100 100 80-90 0.5 PWL + 55.0 65-80 2.0 PWL - 65.0 Below 65 t t The lot &hall be removed and replaced. However, the Engineer may decide to accept the deficient log In that use, if the Engineer and Contractor agree in writing. that the lot shall not be removed, and it will be paid for at 50 percent of the contract prig. b. Payment. Payment will be made under. rItem P-401-8.1a Bituminous [Surface] [Base] Course —per ton (kg) TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 29 Unit Weight of Aggregate ASTM C 88 Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magne- sium Sulfate ASTM C 117 Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-um (No.200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing ASTM C 131 Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine ASTM C 136 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates ASTM C 183 Sampling Hydraulic Cement 401 - 19 F AC 150.'5370-10A CHG 6 1'`J'�' ASTM C 566 Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying ASTM D 75 Sampling Aggregates ASTM D 995 Requirements for ;Mixing Plants for Hot —Mixed hot —:aid Bi:u- minous Paving Mixtures ASTM D 118 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Usin_ Paraffin —Coated Specimens ASTM D 1461 Moisture or Volatile Distillates in Bituminous P3%ing Mixtt-es ASTM D 1559 -- Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Mlarshall Apparatus ASTM D 2041 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures ASTM D 2172 Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving hlix- t�ues . ASTM D 2419 - Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate ASTM D 2489 Degree of Particle Coating of Bituminous —Aggregate Mixtures ASTM D 2726 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface —Dry Specimens ASTM D 3203 Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures ASTM D 2950 Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Method ASTM D 3665 Random Sampling of Paving Materials ASTM D 3666 Inspection and Testing Agencies for Bituminous Paving Materials ASTM D 4125 Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Nuclear Method ASTM D 4319 Liquid Limit. Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils ASTM P 4791 Fiat or Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate ASTM D 4867 Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures ASTM E 179 Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations AASHTO T 30 Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate The Asphalt Institute's Manual No. 2 (MS-2) Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete The Asphalt Institute's Manual No. 20 (MS-20) Hot —Mix Recycling MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 242 Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ASTM D 946 Asphalt Cement for Use in Pavement Construction ASTM D 3381 Viscosity —Graded Asphalt Cement for Use in Pavement Construc- tion ASTM D 4552 Classifying Hot —Mix Recycling Agents 401 - 20 *U.S. G.P.0.:1994-301-717:80503 ,. -AMMOMMUMMW Modifications to IT P-501 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT Item P-501 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement of the project specifications shall ` be modified as follows: r 1. `Paragraph 501-1.1. Revise the first portion of the sentence to read as follows: p composed This work shall consist of , avement osed of prtland co o cement concrete, with or without reinforcement as shown on . the plans, constructed.on a prepared base course ...i:." 2. Paragraph 501-1:1. Add the following to the end of this paragraph: "Concrete pavement shall be constructed with the use of conventional stationary forming as specified herein. The slip -form -method of pavement construction will not be allowed." 3. Paragraph 501-2.2 COARSE AGGREGATE. Delete the first two sentences and insert the following: "Coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C33. Aggregate shall meet the limits for deleterious _ substances and physical:.property, requirements listed in - Table 3 of ASTM C33.for Class Designation 4M, except that where the requirements for sodium sulphate soundness cannot ~ be met, a weighted loss in excess 'of.12% butnot to exceed 14% will be accepted provided the coarse aggregate can be shown to have a satisfactory service record of at least '5 r years duration under similar conditions of service and exposure._ Also, the aggregates shall meet the abrasion requirements as modifiedbelow." Gradation for Table 2 shall be selected from either the 2"'to .No. 4 or the 1 1/2"to No. C. 4 gradation." 4. Paragraph 501-2.2 COARSE. AGGREGATE. Revise the first sentence on page 501-3'to read as follows: "The percentage of wear shall be no more than 40 when tested in accordance with'ASTH C131 or ASTM C 535.0' r 5. Paragraph 501.2'.2 COARSE AGGREGATE. Delete the.first sentence in the . second subparagraph on page 501-3 and insert the following: "Aggregates delivered to the .mixer shall consist of gushed stone, crushed gravel, or natural sand. Crushi shall result in a product in which the coarse aggregate shall have at least 95% by weight of particles with ''one or! more fractured faces and 75% of particles with two or more I fractured faces." - 501 a - 6. Paragraph 501-2.3 CEMENT. Revise the first sentence to read as follows: 'Cement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 150, Type I.' 7. Paragraph 501-2.4 CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS. Delete this paragraph and all further references to the use of cementitious materials. These materials are not approved for use in this project. S. Paragraph 501-2.5 PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER. Insert the requirements of ASTM D 175-1-or ASTM D 1752 in the space provided. Delete the second sentence in the paragraph.. 9. Paragraph 501-2.7 STEEL REINFORCEMENT. Delete this paragraph and insert the following: 'Bar mats for steel reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A184, fabricated with bars conforming to the requirements of ASTM A615, Grade 60. Welded wire fabric for steel reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A497, using deformed wire in both directions. Splices for bars shall be made where required b, lapping the bars in accordance with ACI 318 for compression, bending or, pure tension. and securely wiring them together. Where details of splices are not shown or where unanticipated splices are required, they shall be made in a location approved by the Engineer and the length of lap shall be 30 bar diameters, but not less than 12-inches. Welded wire fabric shall be placed as shown on the drawings. Adequate methods for proper placing of the fabric and for maintalhing proper position during placement of concrete will be required and shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Welded wire fabric shall overlap at splices a distance not less than the spacing of the cross wires plus 2-inches." 10. Paragraph 501-2.8 DOWEL AND TIE BARS. Delete the first sentence in the second subparagraph and insert the following: "Unless otherwise specifically shown an the plans, all dowel bars shall be plain round bars conforming to the requirements of ASTM A615, Grade 60. Dowels shall be fabricated or cut to length at the shop or mill prior to delivery to the site. Dowels shall be free of loose flaky rust and loose scale, and shall be clean and straight. Dowels shall be free of any burring or deforiuLtion.0 11. Paragraph 501-2.8 DOWEL AND TIE BARS. Add the following as a fourth subparagraph: 'Deformed bars shall be used for dowel bars only in the 2699-94 501 - b locations specifically noted on the plans. The deformed bars shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A-615, Grade 60. Deformed bars may be sheared to length." 12. Paragraph 501-3.1 PROPORTIONS. Insert the requirements for flexural strength of 700 psi at 28 days in the space provided. 13. Paragraph 501-3.1 PROPORTIONS. Delete the second and third subparagraphs and insert the following: "Prior to the start of paving operations and after approval of all material to be used in the concrete,. the Contractor - shall submit to the Engineer for approval test certificates, from an approved commercial laboratory, on the concrete mix proposed for use on this project. Certificates shall include tests made on six flexure test specimens. Three specimens for the design shall be tested at 7 days and three at 28 :days. The costs of preconstruction mix design and tests shall be borne by the Contractor. Additional test certificates shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense if the material source is changed or if construction tests indicate marked variations from the original tests. Flexural strength shall be as specified at 28 days using test specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM C31, and - tested in accordance with ASTM C78. The mix determined shall be workable concrete having a slump between l and 2. 1/2 inches as determined by ASTM C143. If high -range water reducing admixtures are used, the initial slump range of 1 to 2 1/2 inches shall not exceed 8 inches after the addition of the high -range water -reducing admixture." 14. Paragraph 501-3.6 PROPORTIONS. In the fourth subparagraph, change the minimum cement content from 500 pounds per cubic yard to 517 pounds per cubic yard, and change the maximum water cement ratio om 0.53 = 0.49. In the sixth subparagraph, insert the requirements of 5 1/2% for air entrainment in the space provided. 15. Paragraph 501-3.1 PROPORTIONS. Delete the fifth subparagraph. 16. Paragraph 501-3.2 CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS. Delete this entire paragraph. 17. Paragraph 501-4.1c(1). Finishing Machine. Add the following to this paragraph: *In lieu of a finishing machine, a vibratory screed, supplemented by hand-held vibrators, will be allowed providedtheContractor can demonstrate that the vibratory screed will thoroughly consolidate the concrete. An adequate number of hand-held vibrators shall be provided to insure consolidation along joints.' 18. Paragraph 501-4.1c(2). Vibrators. Delete the second and third subparagraphs. 2699-94 501 c r 4 i 19. Paragraph 501-4.1e. Forms. Delete this paragraph and insert the following: "Straight side forms shall be made of steel having a thickness of not less than 7/32-inch and shall be furnished in sections not less than 10 feet in length. Forms shall be in one piece for the full depth required except as rhereinafter permitted. Where the drawings require several different thicknesses for the same slab, forms may be built up with metal or wood to provide an increase in depth of not �., more than__25 percent. The required form depth may be obtained by securely bolting or welding to the bottom of the form a tubular metal section of the proper thickness or by securely bolting wood planks to the bottom of the form. The Pi. tubular metal section or wood planks shall completely cover the underside of the base of the form and shall extend beyond the edge of the base a sufficient distance to provide the necessary stability. The base width of the one-piece form, or built-up form, shall be not less than eight -tenths ._ of the vertical height of the form, except that forms 8 inches or less in vertical height shall have a base width r` not less than the vertical height of the form. Flexible or curved forms of proper radius shall be used for curves of 100-foot radius or less. Flexible or curved forms shall be of a design acceptable to the Engineer. Forms shall be provided with adequate devices for secure settings so that. :E when in place they will withstand, without visible spring or -- settlement, the impact and vibration of the consolidating and finishing equipment. Flange braces shall extend outward on the base not less than twoTthirds the height. of the form. Forms with battered top surfaces and bent, twisted, or broken forms shall be removed from the work. Repaired forms shall not be used until inspected and approved. Built-up forms shall not be used, except as approved by the Engineer. The top face of the form shall not vary from a true plane more than 1/8-inch in 10 feet, and the upstanding leg shall not vary more than '1/4-inch. The forms shall contain provisions for locking the ends of abutting sections together tightly for secure setting." 20. Paragraph 501-4.1f. Slip -form Pavers. Delete this paragraph. 21. Paragraph 501-4.3 CONDITIONING OF UNDERLYING COURSE, SLIP -FORM CONSTRUCTION. Delete this paragraph. 22. Paragraph 501-4.7 LIMITATIONS OF MIXING. Add the following to the fourth subparagraph: "A retarder shall be used for concrete deposited in the forms when the temperature of the concrete exceeds 85 degrees F. Concrete shall be placed in the forms continuously and rapidly at a rate adequate to assure finishing of the concrete prior to initial. set of the concrete. The finished surface of the newly laid Pavement 2699-94 501 - d shall be kept damp by applyinr a waterfog or mist with cpproved spraying equipment until the pavement ts covered by the curing medium." 23. Paragraph 501-4.8b Slip -form Method. Delete this paragraph. 24. Paragraph 501-4.10a(3) Dowel Bars. Insert the following after the third sentence: "Dowels shall be placed by the bonded -in -place method. ,. Installation by removing and replacing dowels in preformed .' holes will -not be permitted. Dowels in longitudinal and transverse construction joints shall be held securely in place parallel to the surface as indicated, by means of devices fastened to the form. Dowels in expansion joints and tie bars and dowels installed within the paving lane shall be held securely in place as indicated, by means of rigid metal bars or wires so arranged as to provide rigid support for the dowels throughout the paving operation, with a minimum of four continuous bars or wires extending across the paving lane. The dowels shall be welded to the assembly ,�. or held firmly by mechanical locking arrangements that will prevent the dowels from rising, sliding out, or becoming distorted during paving operations. The dowel assemblies shall be held securely in the proper location by means of suitable pins or anchors. The spacing of dowels in longitudinal construction joints shall be sis indicated ' except that where the planned spacing cannot be maintained because of form length or interference with .form -braces, closer spacing with additional dowels shall be used. Dowels in longitudinal joints shall be omitted when the center of the dowel would be located within a horizontal distance from a transverse joint equal to one-fourth of slab thickness. The methdd used in holding dowels in position shall develop such accuracy that the error in alignment of any dowel from its required position after the pavement has been finished shall be not greater than 1/8-inch per foot. The Contractor - shall furnish an approved template for checking the position. of the dowels." ,r 25. Paragraph 501-4.10a(4) Slip -Form Construction. Delete this paragraph. 26. Paragraph 501-4.10c(1) Construction. Delete the third, fourth and fifth sentences. 27. Paragraph 501-4.10c(2) Contraction or Weakened -Plane Type. Delete this paragraph and insert the following: "The longitudinal groove sawed in the top of the slab shall be installed where indicated on the drawings. The groove shall be sawed with approved equipment in the hardened concrete to the dimensions required. The sawed groove shall be straight and of uniform width and depth. The groove shall be clean cut so that spalling will be avoided at 2699-94 501 - e V:Z am intersections with transverse joints. Tie b9Lrs shall be installed across these joints where indicated on the plans." 28. Paragraph 501-4.10d(2) Contraction. Revise the second sentence to read as follows: "These joints will be installed by sawing a groove into the concrete surface after the concrete has hardened, in the -- same manner as specified in paragraph 501-4.10c(2)." 29. Paragraph 501-4.10d Transverse joints. Add the following: "(4) Buried Slab. Buried slabs shall be installed at the. locations shown on the plans. The joint between the buried slab and concrete pavement shall be equipped with dowels of the size, dimension, spacing and locations indicated on the drawings. The dowels shall be firmly supported in place and accurately aligned parallel to the subgrade and the centerline of the pavement by means of a dowel assembly which will remain in the pavement and which will insure that the dowels are not displaced during construction." 30. Paragraph 501-4.13 SKID RESISTANT SURFACES. Delete this paragraph. 31. Paragraph 501-4.15(a) Impervious Membrane Method. In the third sentence, change the rate of application ,XXm 1 gallon per 150 square feet.= 1 gallon per 75 square feet. 32. Paragraph 501-4.21 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. Delete the first sentence of the second subparagraph and insert the following: "Concrete pavement will be tested for flexural strength on a lot basis. A lot will consist of each day's production. Two sets of beams consisting of four beams each will be made for each lot. Random samples will be taken from the plastic concrete at the site in accordance with accepted statistical procedures. A unit price penalty will be assessed for pavement that fails to meet the required flexural strength." 33. Paragraph 501-4.22 TOLERANCE IN PAVEMENT THICKNESS. Delete this paragraph and insert the following: "The thickness of the pavement shall be determined by average caliper measurement of cores tested in accordance with ASTM C174. The Engineer may elect to measure thickness of concrete pavement prior to placement: based on measurements from a string line stretched across the forms or in the plastic concrete behind the concrete placing operation. Areas found deficient in thickness shall be removed and replaced with concrete of the thickness shown on the plans at the Contractor's expense. Core holes shall be filled with non -shrink grout." 2699-94 501 - f 34. Add the following: '501-4.23 REPAIRS OF DEFECTIVE PAVEMENT SLABS 2699-94 a. General Broken slabs, random cracks, nonworking contraction joints near cracks, and spalls along joints and cracks shall be replaced or repaired as specified hereinafter at no cost to the Owner. b. Broken Slabs Pavement slabs containing multiple cracks through more thanl/4 of the depth of the slab separating the slab into three or more parts and pavement slabs with one or more cracks through more than 1/4 of the depth of the pavement extending diagonally across more than 1/3 of the slab either transversely or longitudinally shall be entirely removed and replaced. Pavement slabs containing a single diagonal crack intersecting the transverse and longitudinal joints within 1/3 of the width and length of the slab from the corner shall be repaired by removing and replacing the smaller portion of the slab. Repairs of broken slabs shall be made in conformance with paragraph 501-3.25. C. Grooving and Repairing Cracks in Pavement Slabs Random cracks penetrating more than 1/4 of the depth of the pavement shall be grooved, the crack filled with epoxy -resin and the groove filled with epoxy -resin grout. The top of.zhe.crack._ shall be grooved to a minimum depth of 3/4-inch and to a width not less than 3/6-inch nor more than 5/8-inch by means of an approved grooving machine. The grooving machine shall be of the vertical rotary -cutting type and shall be: capable of following closely the path of the crack and of widening the top of the crack to the required section without spalling or otherwise damaging the concrete. Random cracks that are tight and that penetrate less than 1/4 of the depth of the pavement shall be filled with epoxy -resin. When necessary, the depth of crack penetration shall be determined by inspection of cores not less than 4 inches in diameter drilled by the Contractor at his expense at locations directed. The core holes shall be -refilled with portland-cement concrete bonded to the pavement -with epoxy resin grout. In addition, when a longitudinal crack is continuous across one or more slabs and penetrates more than 1/4 the depth of pavement, core holes not less than 6 inches in diameter shall be drilled through the full. depth of slab at both ends of the crack. In the operation to drill cores at the longitudinal -crack ends the core bits shall be so positioned that the core removed will include not more than 3 inches of the crack. Sandblasting and high-pressure air jets shall be used to remove any fines near the apparent ends of the crack to permit accurate determination of ends of the crack. All fines, dust, and other loose material on the wall of the cored holes shall be removed by scrubbing with a stiff -bristle brush, followed by washing and dewatering of the core hole. These core holes shall be refilled with epoxy -resin concrete. A prime coat of epoxy - resin binder thinned with 3 parts toluene to 7 parts epoxy 501 g binder, by ktolume, shall be applied and brushed into the vertical wall of the core hole. Placement of the! epoxy -resin concrete shall be delayed until the prime coat: becomes stringy or +� approaches dry to touch. The epoxy-rea:in concrete shall be placed in layers not over 6 inches thick. The time interval between placement of additional layers shall be such that temperature of the epoxy -resin concrete does not exceed 140 degrees F. at any during hardening. d. Nonworking (uncracked) Contraction Joints -- When a transverse random crack termiruLtes in or crosses a transverse contraction joint, the uncracked portion of the joint shall be filled with epoxy -resin mortar or grout and the crack shall be routed and sealed. When•s transverse random crack �.� approximately parallels the planned contraction joint and is within a distance -of 25 percent of the slab length from a contraction joint, the crack shall be routed and sealed, and the joint shall be filled with epoxy -resin grout or mortar. When a transverse random crack is more than 25 percent of a slab 'length from the nearest contraction joint, both the joint and the crack shall be sealed. Joints to be filled with epoxy -resin mortar or grout shall be thoroughly cleaned. Cleaning and sealing of cracks and joints shall be as specified in Item P-605. e. Spalling Along Joints and Cracks +-� Spalls shall be repaired by making a saw cut at least ... L inch . - outside the spelled area and to a minimum depth of 2 inches. When the spelled area abuts a joint, the saw cut shall be made to a depth of 2 inches of 1/6 the slab thickness, whichever is h greater. The concrete between the saw cut and the joint or primary crack shall be thoroughly cleaned with compressed air, sandblasting, or other methods to remove all loose material. A Owl prime coat of epoxy -resin binder thinned with 3 parts toluene to 7.parts epoxy binder, by volume, shall be applied to the dry, cleaned surface of. all sides of the cavity, except the joint or primary crack face. The prime coat shall be applied in a thin 7 coating and scrubbed into the surface with a stiff -bristle brush. Placement of portland-cement concrete or epoxy -resin concrete or mortar shall be delayed until the prime coat becomes stringy or approaches dry to touch. The epoxy concrete shall then be placed { in the cavity in layers not exceeding 2 inches thick. The time interval between placement of additional. layers shall be such that the temperature of the epoxy -resin concrete does not exceed +� 140 degrees F. at any time during hardening. Mechanical plate, screed, float vibrators, or hand tampers shall be used to consolidate the concrete or mortar. Excess mortar or concrete on the adjacent surfaces of the hardened concrete shall be removed. r" before it hardens. After the finishing operations and while the epoxy -resin concrete or mortar is still tacky, a thin coating of portland cement shall be uniformly spread on the surface of the ,., repaired area and lightly brushed into the surface. If the spelled area to be patched abuts a working joint or a working ' crack which penetrates the full depth of a slab, an insert or other bond -breaking medium shall be used to maintain working r 2699-94 501 - h r P r J joints on cracks during the repair work. Surface embedment of a flexible polyethylene or other suitable type hose shall be used ,• for forming a groove along the working crack to be filled with appropriate type of joint -sealing material. The hose shall be removed carefully before the concrete hELrdens'sufficiently to form a high bond. The groove shall be thoroughly cleaned and filled with a sealer as specified in Item P-605." 1- 501-4.24 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE PAVEMENT AREAS Defective pavement areas shall be removed and replaced as specified herein with pavements of the thickness and quality required by these specifications. The defective pavement shall be carefully removed in such manner that the adjacent pavement will not be damaged and the existing keys or dowels -at the joints will be left intact. When a portion of an unfractured slab is to be replaced, a saw cut 2 inches deep shall be made transversely Oft across the slab in the required location, and the concrete shall be removed to provide an essentially vertical face in the remaining portion of the slab. Prior to placement of the fresh concrete, the face of the slab shall be cleaned of debris and ON. loose concrete, and then thoroughly coated with epoxy -resin grout. The epoxy -resin coating shall be approximately 1/16-inch, and shall be applied by scrubbing a thin coat of grout into the surface with a stiff -bristle brush followed by a second " application. Strips of polyethylene sheeting shall be placed.on the vertical faces of adjacent slabs at the juncture -- with -the slab to be patched as a bond -breaking medium. Placement of the fresh portland-cement concrete shall be accomplished while the epoxy -resin is still tacky and in such manner that the grout coating will not be removed. Longitudinal. and transverse joints of the replaced slab or portion thereof shall be constructed as indicated. The 'joints shall be sealed as specified in Item P- 605. The replaced pavements will be paid for at the contract price but no payment will be made for the defective pavements .removed nor for the cost of removing the defective pavements." 35. Paragraph 501-5.1 Delete this paragraph and insert: the following: -- 'The quantity of concrete pavement to be paid for shall be the number of square yards of concrete pavement as specified, in place, completed and accepted, less deductions as hereinafter required for deficient strength.. The quantity of buried slab to be paid for shall be the number of linear feet of concrete buried slab, in place and accepted." 36. Paragraphs 501-6.1 and 501-6.2. Delete these paragraphs and insert the following: TOO a. General The accepted quantities of concrete pavement will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard, which price and payment 2699-94 501 i r-• r r- 2699-94 shall be 'full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including any dowels, steel reinforcement, and texturing. No additional payment over the unit contract bid price shall be made for any pavement which has an average thickness in excess of that shown on the plans. (1) Flexural Strength Price Adjustment. When any pay factor for flexural strength deficiency for a lot of concrete is less than 1.0, payment for the material in that lot shall be made, at a reduced price arrived at by multiplying the contract price per unit of measurement by the appropriate pay factor, in the following -table.' The lot will be accepted without adjustment in payment for flexural strength if the average 28-day flexural strength, based on three beams representing the lot, is greater than or equal to the acceptance limit shown under the 1.00 pay factor in the table below. If the average strength does not meet this limit, the Contractor may elect to leave the lot in place at a reduced unit price determined in accordance with the table. If the average 28-day flexural strength of the lot fails to attain the lower acceptance limit shown for a 0.*75 pay factor, -the Engineer may order the removal and replacement of all the concrete in the lot at the Contractor's expense. PAY FACTOR SCHEDULE FOR FLEXURAL STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS Acceptance Limits Average Flexural. Pay Factor Strength (4 testes 1.00 700 psi or greater 0.95 690 to 699 psi 0.85 685 to 689 psi 0.75 680 to 684 psi Concrete for buried slabs shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot, and shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, including dowels, preparation, excavation and placement of the buried slab. 501 - j 6'15:'90 AC 15C 537�•-10A CHC ' ITEM P-501 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT DESCRIPTION 501-1.1 This work shall consist of pavement composed of ponland cement concrete, J%Nith reinforcement; j--%ith- out reinforcement) constructed on a prepared subgmde or subbase course in accordance with tnesc and shall conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross sections shown on the pans MATERIALS 501-2.1 FINE AGGREGATE. Fine aggregate for concrete shall conform to the requirements o: ASTI\l C :3 and shall meet the requirements of Table 1. TABLE 1. GRADATION FOR FINE AGGREGATE ASfM C 33 Sieve Designation (s<luam openings) 34 in (9.5 mm) Pc=uge by Weight Passing Sieves 100 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 95-100 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 80-100 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 50-85 No. 30 (600 micro-m) 25-60 No. 50 (300 micro-m) 10-30 No. 100 (150 micro-m) 2-10 $01-2.2 COARSE AGGREGATE. Coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 33. Grada- tion shall be in accordance with Table 2. 501 - 1 AC 150'5370-10A CHG 1 TABLE 2. GRADATION FOR COARSE AGGREGATE ASTM C 33 Steve Dengnauons (square opcnmgs) Petociuge by W'nRdc Passing Sieves in. min + • Zi 63 • 2 50.8 • lIli 38.1 25.0 • '/4 I9.0 'h 12.5 9.5 • No. 4 4.75 • No. 8 2.36 Sieve From 2" to No. 4 From VAII to No. 4 Designations (50.8mm - 4.75mm) (38.1mm - 4.75mm) (square openings) Percentage by Weight Passing Sieves in. mm 2"-1" I"-No.4 1%"--Y4" Y4"-NoA 2'A 63 -- 2 50.8 90-100 — 100 M 38.1 35-70 100 90-100 — 1 25.0 0-15 95-100 20-55 100 V4 19.0 — — 0-15 90-100 'i 12.5 0-S 25-60 — — 3A 9.5 -- — 0-5 20-55 No.4 4.75 — 0-10 — 0-10 No.8 236 -- 0-5 — 0—S 501 - 2 From .1" to No. 4 (25.Omm-4.75mm) 1' =No.4 100 95-100 25-60 0-10 0-5 6'", 5'90 POW IM E AC 150'537C 10A CHG I The percentage of wear shall be no more than [ ] when tested in accordance with j I. Aggregates delivered to the mixer shall consist of crushed stone, crushed or uncrushed gravel, air-cooled blast fur- nace slag, or natural sand. The aggregate shall be composed of sound, tough, durable particles and shall meet the requirements for deleterious substances given in ASTM C 33. The aggregate in any size group shall not contain more than 8 percent by weight of flat or elongated pieces when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4791. A flat or elongated particle is one having a ratio between the maximum and the minimum dimensions of a circumscribing rectangular prism exceeding 5 to 1. 501-2.3 CEMENT. Cement shall conform to the requirements of [ ] type ] ]. If, for any reason, cement becomes partially set or contains lumps of caked cement, it shall be rejected. Cement salvaged from discarded or used bags shall not be used. 501-2A CEMENTITOUS MATERIALS. a. Fly Ash. Fly ash shall meet the requirements of ASTM "C 618 with the exception of loss of ignition, where the maximum shall be less than 6 percent. b. Blast Furnace Slag. Ground blast fun= slag shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 989, Grade 120. 501-25 PREMOLDED JOIN' FILLER. Premolded joint filler for expansion joints shall conform to the re- quirements of ASTM ] ] and shall be punched to admit the dowels where called for on the plans. For contraction joints, the filler shall be a resin -impregnated fiberboard conforming to the physical requirements of ASTM D 1752. The filler for each joint shall be furnished in a single piece for the full depth and width required' for the joint, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. When the use of more than one piece is authorized for a joint, the abutting ends shall be fastened securely and held accurately to shape by stapling or other positive fastening means satisfactory to the Engineer. 501-2.6 JOINT SEALER. The joint scaler for the joints in the concrete pavement shall meet the requirements of Item P-605 and shalt be of the type(s) specified in the plans. 501 - 3 AC 150'5370-10A CHG 1 5 5'90 501 2.7 STEEL REINFORCEMENT. Reinforcing shall con.... of l J conforming to the requirement; of [ I SOl-2J DOWEL AND TIE BARS. Tie bars shall be deformed steel bars and conform : the requirements of ASTM A 615. ASTM A 616 or ASTM A 617, except that rail steel bars, grade 50 or 60. shall not be used for tic bars that arc to be bent or restraightened during construction. Tie bars designated as grade 40 in ASTbi A 615 can be used for construction requiring bent bars. Dowel bars shall be plain steel bars conforming to ASTM A 615, ASTM A 616, or ASTM A 617. and shall be free from burring or other deformation restricting slippage in the concrete. Before delivery to the construction site, a minimum of two—thirds of the length of each dowel bar shall be painted with one coat of zinc —chromate. If plastic or epoxy —coated steel dowels are used, no zinc -chromate coating is required, except when specified for a parucular situation on the contract plans. Coated dowels shall conform to the requirements given in AASHTO M 254. The sleeves for dowel bats used in expansion joints shall be metal, of an approved design to cover 2 to 3 inches (50 mm to 75 mm) of the dowel, with a closed end and with a suitable stop to hold the end of the bar at least 1 inch (25 mm) from the closed end of the sleeve. Sleeves shall be of such design that they will not collapse during construction. 501-29 WATER. Water used in mixing or curing shall be as clean and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable. or other substances injurious to the finished product as possible. Wars will be tested in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T 26. Water known to be of potable quality may be used without testing. 501-2.10 COVER MATERIAL FOR CURING. Curing materials shall conform to one of the following specifi- cations: a. Liquid membrane —forming compounds for curing concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 309, Type 2. b. White polyethylene film for curing concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 171. e. White burlap —polyethylene sheeting for curing concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 171. d. Waterproof paper for curing concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 171. SH-2.11 ADMIXTURES. The use of any material added to the concrete mix shall be approved by the Engi- neer. The Contractor shall submit certificates indicating that the material to be furnished meets all of the require- ments indicated below. In addition, the Engineer may require the Contractor to submit complete test data from an approved laboratory showing that the material to be furnished meets all of the requirements of the cited specifica- tions. Subsequent tests will be made of samples taken by the Engineer from the supply of the materia! being fur- nished or proposed for use on the work to determine whether the admixture is uniform in quality with that ap- proved. a. Air —Entraining Admixtures. Air —entraining admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 260 and shall be added to the mixer in the amount necessary to produce the specified air content. The air —entrainment agent and the water reducer admixture shall be compatible. 501 - 4 r f 6'15,^90 AC 150.'5370-10Q C-i- ' b. Chemical Admixtures. Water -reducing. set -retarding. and set-acceic-mung admixtures sttall meet trz r;- r. quirements of ASTM C 494. MIX DESIGN 501-3.1 PROPORTIONS. Proportioning requirements for concrete shall be designed for a ficxural s:renth of I I. Prior to the start of paving operations and after approval of all material to be used in the concrete, the Contractor shall submit' a mix design showing the proportions and actual flexural strength obtained from the concrete. The mix design shall include a complete list of materials including type; brand; source and amount of cement, fly ash or other po=lons, ground slag, and admixtures; and copies of test reports. Production shall not begin until the mu design is approved by the Engineer. Flexural strength shall be as specified at 28 days using test specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM C 31 and tested in accordance with ASTM C 78. The mix determined shall be workable concrete having a slump for side- fotm.concmte between 1 and 2 inches (25 mm and 50 mm) as determined by ASTM C 143. For vibrated slip -form concrete, the slump shall be between 1R inch (12 mm) and 1-1/2 inches (37 mm). The minimum cementitous material (cement plus fly ash) content shall be 500 pounds per cubic yard (296 kg per cubic meter). The ratio of water to cementitous material, including fit surface moisture on the aggregates but not including moisture absorbed by the aggregates shall not be more than 0.53 hy'weight. For slip -form construction, a high degree of uniformity in the plastic concrete is required. Caution should be exer- cised in establishing the air -entrainment pm=ntage, as excessive air entrainment will aggravate edge slumping and insufficient air entrainment will result in poor concrete durability. Some edge slump of the wet concrete behind the side form on the paving machine will occur, even with low slump concrete. This may continue, though very slowly, until initial set has taken places 501-32 CEMENTITOUS MATERIALS. a. Fly Ash. Fly ash may be used in the mix design. When fly ash is used as a partial replacement for cement, the minimum cement contest may be met by considering portland cement plus fly ash as the total cementi- tots materialThe replacement rate shall be determined from laboratory trial mixes, but shall not exceed 25 percent by weight of the total cementitous material. b. Ground Slag. Ground blast -furnace slag may be used in a mix design containing Type I or Type II cement The slag may constitute between 25 to 55 percent of the total cemenutous material. If the concrete is to be used for slipforming ,operations and the air temperature is expected to be lower than 550 F (130 C) the percent slag should not exceed 30 percent 501 - 5 AC 150'5370-10A CHG 1 6'15,90 501-33 ADN=URES. a. Air Entraining. Air -entraining admixture; shall be added in such a manner that will insure uniform dis- tribution of the agent throughout the batch. The air content of freshly mixed air -entrained concrete shall be based upon trial mixes with the materials to be used in the work adjusted to produce concrete of the required plasticity and workability. The percentage of air entrainment in the mix shall be in accordance with Table 3 plus or minus — 1-1/2 percentage points. Air content shall be determined by testing in accordance with ASTM C 231 for gravel and stone coarse aggregate and ASTM C 173 for slag and other highly porous coarse aggregate. ENTRAINED AIR TOLERANCES r Air Content Coarse Aggregate Percent by Volume _ 11A in. (38.1 mm),-2 in. (S1 mm), 51A 2'h in. (63 mm) 3/4 in. (19.1 mm), 1 in. (25.0 mm) 6 in. (9.5 mm), V2 in. (12.S mm) Th, b. Chemical. Water -reducing and set -controlling admixtures shall be added to the mix in the manner rec- ommended by the manufactures and in the amount necessary to comply with the specification requirements. Tests shall be conducted on trial mixes, during the mix design, in accordance with ASTM C 494. 501 3A TESTING LABORATORY. The testing laboratory used to develop the design mix and to perform the tests required by this specification shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1077. A certification it= the laboratory meets these requirements shall be submitted to the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 501-4.1 EQUIPMENT. Equipment and tools necessary for handling materials and performing all parts of the work shall be approved by the Engineer as to design, capacity, and mechanical condition. The equipment shall be at the job site before the start of construction operations for examination and approval a. Batehing Plant and Equipment. (1) GeneraL The hatching plant shall include bins, weighing hoppers, and scales for the fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. If bulk cement is used, a bin, hopper, and separate scale for cement shall be included The weighing hoppers shall be properly sealed and vented to preclude dusting during operation. 501-6 615`90 AC 15:.'Sa7C IOA .^. HO (2) Bins and Hopper. Bins Kith adequate separate compartments for fine aggregate and coarse acerc.atc r shall be provided in the batching plant. Each compartment shall discharge efficiently and freely into the weighing ! hopper. Means of control shall be provided so that. as the quantity desired in the weighing hopper is approached_ the material may be added slowly and shut off with precision. A port or other opening for removir._ an ovcrioad o: any one of the several materials from the hopper shall be provided. weighing hoppers shall be ccnsir.t:tcd to ciim, hate accumulations of materials and to discharge fully. (3) Scales. The scales for weighing aggregates and cement shall be of either the beam or the srrinelcss, dial type. They shall be accurate within OS percent throughout their range of usc. Whcn beam-nT-c scales a.-c tsc; , provisions sucTi as a "telltale" dial shall be made for indicating to the operator that the required load in the wcigh- ing hopper is being approached. A device on the weighing beams shall clearly indicate critical posiuon. Potses shall be designed to be locked in any position and to prevent unauthorized change. The weight beam and "telltale" device shall be in full view of the operator while charging the hopper, acid the operator shall have convenient access to all controls. Scales shall be inspected and sealed as often as the Engineer may seem necessary to assume their continued accura- cy. The Contractor shall have on hand not less than ten 50-pound (23 kg) weights for testing of all scales when directed by the Engineer. b. Mixers. (1) General. Concrete may be mixed at a central plant, or wholly or in part in truck mixers. Each mixer shall have attached in a prominent place a manufacturer's nameplate showing the capacity of the drum in terms of volume of mixed concrete and the speed of rotation of the mixing drum or blades. A device accurate within 3 percent and satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided at the mixer for determining Me amount of air -entraining agent or other admixture to be added to each batch requiring such admixtures. Mixers shall be examined daily for the accumulation of hard concrete or mortar and the wear of blades. (2) Central Plant Mixer. Mixing shall be in an approved mixer capable of combining the aggregates, cement, and water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified mixing period, and of discharg- ing the mixture without segregation. Central plant mixers shall be equipped with an acceptable timing device that �.. will not permit the batch to be discharged until the specified mixing time has elapsed. The water system for a central mixer shall be either a calibrated measuring tank or a meter and shall not necessarily be an integral pan of the mixer. �.., The mixers shall be examined daily for changes in condition due to accumulation of hard concrete or mortar or wear of blades. The pickup and thmwover blades shall be replaced when they have wom down 314 inch (13 mm) or more. The Contractor shall have a copy of the manufacturer's design on hand showing dimensions and arrangement of blades in reference to original height and depth. r Y (3) Truck Mixers and Truck Agitators. Truck mixers used for mixing and hauling concrete and truck agitators used for hauling central mixed concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. (4) NonagItator Trucks. Nonagitating hauling equipment shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. e. Finishing Equipment. (1) Finishing Machine. The finishing machine shall be equipped with one or moue oscillating -type trans- verse screeds. (2) Vibrators. For side -form construction, vibrators may be either the surface pan type for pavements less than 8 inches (200 mm) thick or the internal type with either immersed tube or multiple spuds, for the full width of the concrete slab. They may be attached to the spreader or the finishing machine, or they may be mounted on a separate carriage. They shall not come in contact with the joint, load -transfer devices, subgrade, or side forms. The frequency of the surface vibrators shall not be less than 3400 vibrations per minute, and the frequency of the internal type shall not be less than 7.000 vibrations per minute for spud vibrators. When spud -type internal vibra- tors are used adjacent to the side forms, they shall have a frequency of not less than 3,500 vibrations per minute. Hand vibrators should be used to consolidate the concrete along forms and other isolated areas. r 501 - 7 f AC 150'537D-10A CHu 1 For slip -form construction, the paver shall vibrate the concrete for the full width and depth of the strip of pavement being placed. Vibration shall be accomplished by internal vibrators with a frequency range variable between 7.000 and 12,000 vibrations per minute. The amplitude of vibration shall be between 0.025 (0.6 mm) and 0.06 (11.5 mm) inches. The number, spacing, frequency, and eccentric weights shall be provided as necessar<• to achieve an ac: p:aNc concrete density and finishing quality. Adequate power w operate all vibrators at the weight and frequency required for a satisfactory finish shall be available on the paver. The internal -vibrators may be supplemented by vibraun_ screeds operating on the surface of the concrete. The frequency of surface vibrators shall not be iess than -.I;o vibrations per minute. The Contractor shall furnish a tachometer or other suitable device for measuring the trceucn-, ey of the vibrators. The vibrators and tamping elements shall be automatically controlled so that they shall be stopped as forward motion ceases. Any override switch shall be of the spring -loaded, momentary contact tape: d. Concrete Saw. When sawing of joints is specified, the -Contractor shall provide sawing equipment ade- quate in number of units and power to complete the sawing to the required dimensions and at the required rate. The Contractor shall provide at least one standby saw in good worldng order. An ample supply of saw blades shall be maintained at the site of the work at all times dating sawing operation& The Contractor shall provide adequate artificial lighting facilities for night sawing. All of this equipment shall be on the job both before and at all umes during concrete placement e. Forms. Straight side forms shall be made of steel having a thickness of not less than 7/32 inch (6 mm) and shall be furnished in sections not less than 10 feet (3 m) in length. Forms shall have a depth equal to the prescribed edge thickness of the concrete without horizontal joint, and a base width equal to the depth of the forms. Flexible or curved fortes of proper radius shall be used for curves of 100-foot (30 m) radius or less. Flexible or curved forms shall be of a design acceptable to the Engineer. Forms shall be provided with adequate devices for secure settings so that when in place they will withstand, without visible spring or settlement, the impact and vibra- tion of the consolidating and finishing equipment. Flange braces shall extend outward on the base not less than two-thirds the height of the form. Forms with battered top surfaces and bent; twisted, or broken forms shaII be removed from the work Repaired forms shall not be used until inspected and approved. Built-up forms shall not be used, except as approved by the Engineer. The top face of the form shall not vary from a true plane more than 1/8 inch (3 mm) in 10 feet (3 m), and the upstanding kg shall not vary more than 1/4 inch (6 mm). The forms shall contain provisions for locking the ends of abutting sections together tightly for secure setting. f. Slip -form Pavers. The paver shall be fully energized, self-propelled, and designed for the specific pur- pose of placing, consolidating, and finishing the concrete pavement, true to grade, tolerances, and cross section. It shall be of sufficient weight and power to construct the maximum specified concrete paving lane width as shown in the plans, at adequate forward speed, without transverse, longitudinal or vertical instability or without displacement. The paver should be equipped with electronic or hydraulic horizontal and vertical control devices. 501-4.2 FORM SETTING. Forms shall be set sufficiently in advance of the concrete placement to insure con- tinuous paving operation. After the forms have been set to correct grade, the grade shall be thoroughly tamped, either mechanically or by hand, at both the inside and outside edges of the base of the forms. Forms shall be staked into place with not less than 3 pins for each 10-foot (3 m) section. A pin shall be placed at each side of every joint. Fonts sections shall be tightly locked and shall be free from play or movement in any direction. The forms shall not deviate from true line by more than 1/4 inch (6 mm) at any joint. Forms shall be so set that they will withstand. without visible spring or settlement, the impact and vibration of the consolidating and finishing equipment. Forms shaI be cleaned and oiled prior to the placing of concrete. The alignment and grade elevations of the forms shall be checked and corrections made by the Contractor immedi- ately before placing the concrm. When any form has been disturbed or any grade has become unstable, the form shall be reset and rechecked. 501-43 CONDITIONING OF UNDERLYING COURSE, SLIP -FORM CONSTRUCTION. The compacted subgmde or subbase on which the pavement will be placed shall be widened approximately 3 feet (90 cm) to extend beyond the paving machine track to support the paver without any noticeable displacement After the subgrade or subbase has been placed and compacted to the required density, the areas which will support the paving machine and the area to be paved shall be trimmed to the ptopw elevation and profile by means of a properly designed machine. The grade of the subbase an which the concrete pavement is to be placed shall be controlled automatically 501 - 8 AC'.50'S370-10n CH` k by steel guide wins erected and maintained by the Conractor. If the density of the base is disturecd by the t:trn- r ming operations, it shall be corrected by additional compaction before the concrete is placed except when stabilized subbases are being constructed. If damage occurs on a stabilized subbase. it shall be correctcd full depth b%- the Contractor or the damaged area filled with concrete integral with the p3vemer.t. The cradm: ep::a:tons should be delayed as long as possible and immediately precede paving insofar as practical, particularly if the base course is subjected to haul traffic. If traffic is allowed to use the prepared grade, the grade shall be checked and co rc_tcd immediately before the placement of concrete. 'lire prepared grade shall be well moistened with water. without saturating, immediately ahead of concrete placement to prevent rapid loss of moisture from conzrctc. In ccld %vza.n- er the underlying subbase shall be protected so that it will be entirely free of frost when concrete is placed. *� 501-4A CONDITIONING OF UNDERLYING COURSE, SIDE -FORM CONSTRUCTION. The prepared grade shall be well moistened with water, without saturating, immediately ahead of concrete placement to prevent 1, rapid loss of moisture from the concrete. Ruts or depressions in the subgrade or subbase caused by hauling or usage of other equipment shall be filled as they develop with suitable material (not with concrete or concrete aggregates) r and thoroughly compacted by rolling. If damage occurs to a stabilized subbase, it shall be corrected full depth by ` the Contractor, or the damaged area filled with concrete integral with the pavement. A muluple-pin templet weigh- ing not less than 1,000 pounds (454 kg) per 20 feet (6 m) or other approved templet shall be provided and operated +�+ on the forms immediately in advance of the placing of the concrete. The templet shall be propelled only by hand and not attached to a tractor or other power unit. Templets shall be adjustable: so that they may be set and main- tained at the correct contour of the underlying course. The adjustment and operation of the templet shall be such as will provide an accurate retest of the grade before placing the concrete thereon. All excess material shall be re- moved. Low areas may be filled and compacted to a condition similar to that of the surrounding grade, or filled with concrete integral with the pavement In cold weather, the underlying subbase shall be protected so that it will be entirely free from frost when the concrete is placed. The use of chemicals to eliminate frost in the underlying r• material will not be permitted. The templet shall be maintained in accurate adjustment, at all times by the Contrac-_ tor, and should be checked daily. The work described under the foregoing paragraphs does not constitute a regular subgrading operation, but rather a final accurate check of the underlying course„ �* 501-4.5 HANDLING, MEASURING, AND BATCHING MATERIAL. The batch plant site, layout, equip- ment, and provisions for transporting material shall assure a continuous supply of material to the work. Stockpiles. shall be built up in layers of not more than 3 feet (90 cm) in thickness. Each layer shall be completely in place before beginning the next layer and shall not be allowed to "cone" down over the next lower layer. Aggregates from different sources and of different shall not be fled together. Improperlylaced stoc stockpiles will grading stockpiled g F kP� t not be accepted by the Engineer. Aggregates shall be handled from stockpiles or other sources to the batching plant in such manner to secure the specified grading of the material. Aggregates that have become segregated or mixed with earth or foreign material shall not be used. All aggregates produced or handled by hydraulic methods, and washed aggregates, shall be stock- piled or binned for draining at least 12 hours before being batched. Rail shipments requiring more than 12 hours r will be accepted as adequate binning only if the car bodies permit free drainage. The fine aggregate and coarse ' aggregate shall be separately weighed into hoppers in the respective amounts set by the Engineer in the job mix. Cement shall be measured by weight. Separate scales and hopper, with a device to positively indicate the complete discharge of the batch of cement into the batch box or container, shall be used for weighing the cement. When required by the contract or when permitted, batching plants shall be equipped to proportion aggregates and bulk cement. by weight, automatically using interlocked proportioning devices of an approved type. When bulk cement is used, the Contractor shall use a suitable method of handling the cement from weighing hopper to uans- porting container or into the batch itself for transportation to the mixer, such as a chute, boot, or other approved device, to prevent loss of cement. The device shall be arranged to provide positive assurance of the actual presence in each batch of the entire cement con=t specified. 501 - 9 AG 150.'5370-10A CHG 1 E 15'9D When cement is placed in contact with the aggregates, batches may be rejected unless mixed within 3-1 = hours of such contact Batctung shall be conducted so that the results in the woghts of each material required will be within a tolerance of 1 percent for cement and Z percent for aggregates. Water may be measured either by volume or by weight The accuracy of measuring the water shall be within plus or minus 1 percent of required amounts. Unless the water is to be weighed, the water —measuring equipment snail include an auxiliary tank from which the measuring tank shall be filled. The measuring tank shall be equipped with an outside tap and valve to provide for checking the setting, unless other means are provided for readily and a:cu- rately determining the amount of water in the tank. The volume of the auxiliary tank shall be at least equal to ma: of the measuring tank. Methods and equipment for adding air —entraining agent or other admixtures to the batch. when required. shall be .approved by the Engineer. All admixtures shall be measured .into the mixer with an accuracy of plus or minus 3 . percent 501-4.6 MIXING CONCRETE. The concrete may be mixed at the work site, in a central mix plant or in Duck mixers. The mixer shall be of an approved type and capacity. Mixing time shall be measured from the time all materials, except water, are emptied into the drum. Ready —mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accord- ance with the requirements of ASTM C 94, except that the minimum required revolutions of the mixing speed for transit mixed concrete may be reduced to not less than that recommended by the mixer manufacturer. The number of revolutions recommended by the mixer manufacturer shall be indicated on the manufacturer's serial plate at lathed to the mixer. The Contractor shall furnish test data acceptable to the Engineer verifying that the make and model of the mixer will produce uniform concrete conforming to the provisions of ASTM C 94 at the reduced number of revolutions shown on the serial plate. When mixed at the work site or in a central mixing plant. 'the mixing time shall not be less than 50 seconds nor more than 90 seconds. Mixing time ends when the discharge chute opens. Transfer time in multiple drum mixers is included in mixing time. The contents of an individual mixer drum shall be removed before a succeeding batch is emptied therein. The mixer shall be operated at the drum speed as shown on the manufacturer's nameplate on the approved mixer. Any concrete mixed less than the specified time shall be discarded at the ,Contractor's expense. The volume of concrete mixed per batch shall not exceed the mixer's nominal capacity in cubic feet (cubic meters), as shown on the manufacttaer's standard rating plate on the mixer. An overload up to 10 percent above the mixer's nominal capacity may be permitted provided concrete test data for segregation and uniform consistency are satisfactory, and provided no spillage of concrete takes place. The batch shall be charged into the c1 um so that a portion of the mixing water shall enter in advance of the cement and aggregates. The flow of water shall be uniform, and all water shall be in the drum by the end of the first 15 seconds of the mixing period. The throat of the drum shall be kept free of such accumulations as may restrict the free flow of materials into the drum. Mixed concrete from the antral mixing plant shall be transported in truck mixers, truck agitators, or nonagitating trucks. The time elapsing from the time water is added to the mix until the concrete is deposited in place at the work site shall not exceed 30 minutes when the concrete is hauled in nonagitating trucks, nor 60 minutes when the concrete is hauled in truck mixers or truck agitators. Retempering concrete by adding water or by other means will not be permitted, except when concrete is delivered in transit mixers. With transit mixers additional water may be added to the batch materials and additional mixing performed to increase the slump to meet the specified require- mens, if permitted by the Engineer. All these operations must be performed within 45 minutes after the initial mixing operations and the water --cement ratio must not be exceeded. Admixtures for increasing the workability or for accelerating the set will be permitted only when specified for in the contract SO1-4.7 LIMITATIONS OF M XING. No concrete shall be mixed, placed. or finished when the natural light is insufficient, unless an adequate and approved artificial lighting system is operated. Unless authorized in writing by the Engineer. mixing and concreting operations shall be discontinued when a de- scending air temperature in the shade and away from artificial het reaches 40° F (4' C) and shall not be resumed until an ascending air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat reaches 350 F (20 Q. When concreting is authorized during cold weather, the aggregates may be heated by either steam or dry heat prior to being placed in the mixer. The apparatus used shall heat the mass uniformly and shall be arranged to preclude the possible occurrence of overheated areas which might be detrimental to the materials. Unless otherwise author- 501 - 10 6'15'90 AC 150'537C--10A CHG 1 c. ized, the temperature of the mixed concrete shall not be less than 50° F (10° C) at the time of placement in the r forms. i' If the air temperature is 35° F (C° C) or less at the Lime of placing concrete, the Ertcineer ma- require the wa•�r 1, and/or the aggregates to be heated to not less than 70° F (20° C) nor more than 15100 r (6ff C:. Co: crcte s.^.ali re: be placed on frozen subgmde nor shall frozen aggregates by used in the concrete. i During periods of warm weather when the maximum daily air temperature exceeds 85` F (300 C), the following ` precautions should be taken. The forms and/or the underlying material shall be sprinkled with water, immediatci, before placing the concrete. The concrete shall be placed at the coolest temperature practicable. and in no case s ;al. rthe temperature of the concrete when placed exceed 90° F (33° Q. The aggregates and/or mixing water shall be cooled as necessary to maintain the concrete temperature at or not more than the specified maximum. 501-4.8 PLACING CONCRETE. a. Side -Form Method For the side -form method, the concrete shall be deposited on the moistened grade to require as little rehandling as possible. Unless truck mixers, truck agitators, or nonagitating hauling equipment are equipped with means for discharge of concrete without segregation of the materials, the concrete shall be un- loaded into an approved spreading device and mechanically spread on the grade to prevent segregation of the mate- rials. Placing shall be continuous between transverse joints without the use of intermediate bulkheads. Necessary band spreading shall be done with shovels — not rakes. Workmen shall not be allowed to walk in the freshly mixed concrete with boots or shoes coated with earth or foreign substances. When concrete is to be placed adjoining a previously constructed lane of pavement and when mechanical equipment will be operated upon the existing lane of pavement, the concrete shall be at least 7 days old and at a flexural strength approved by the Engineer. If only finishing equipment is carried on the: existing lane, paving in adjoining lanes may be permitted after 3 days, if approved by the Engineer. Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated against and along the faces of all forms and along the full length and on both sides of all joint assemblies by means of vibrators inserted in the concrete. Vibrators shall not be permitted to come in contact with a joint assembly, the grade, or a side form. In no case shall the vibrator be operated longer than 15 seconds in any one location, nor shall the vibrators be used to move the concrete. Concrete shall be deposited as near to expansion and contraction joints as possible without disturbing them but shall not be dumped from the discharge bucket or hopper onto a joint assembly unless the hopper is well centered on the joint assembly. Should any concrete materials fall on or be worked into the surface of a completed slab, they shall be removed immediately by approved methods. b. Slip -Form Method. For the slip -form method, the concrete shall be placed with an approved crawler - mounted, slip -form paver designed to spread, consolidate, and shape the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass of the machine so that a minimum of hand finishing will be necessary to provide a dense and homogeneous pavement in conformance with requirements of the plans and specifications. The concrete should be placed directly an top of the joint assemblies to prevent them from moving when the paver moves over them. Side forms and finishing screeds shall be adjustable to the extent required to produce the specified pavement edge and surface ' tolerance. The side forms shall be of dimensions, shape, and strength to support the concrete laterally for a suffi- cient length of time so that no appreciable edge slumping will occur. Fatal finishing shall be accomplished while the concrete is still in the plastic state. It is the intent of the specification to produce a high quality, dense, long lasting, and smooth pavement suitable for the high speed operations of roughness -sensitive heavy jet aircraft. This require, that all joints, and particularly all longitudinal joints, meet the specified tolerance throughout their length. The Engineer will designate the paving r lanes in an apron, taxiway, or the outer runway paving lanes to be used for the initial paving operations. In the event that slumping or sloughing occurs behind the raver or if there are any other structural or surface defects which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be corrected within permissible tolerances, the Engineer may halt paving operations until proper adjustment of the equipment or procedures have been made. In the event that satis- factory procedures and pavement arc not achieved after not more than 2,000 linear feet (600 m) of single lane paving, the Contractor shall complete the balance of the work with the use of standard metal forms and the formed method of placing and curing. r i . 501 - 11 7 - i AC 150!537C-10c. CMG , 501-49 STRIKE -OFF OF CONCRETE ANI) PLACKMENT OF REINFORCEMENT. Following the plac- ing of the concrete, it shall be struck off to conform to the cross section shown on the plaits and to an elevauon such that when the concrete is properly consolidated and finished, the surface of the pavement shall be at the cicva- tion shown on the plans. When reinforced concrete pavement is placed in two layers, the bottom lay-,- serail be struck off to such lencth and depth that the sheet of reinforcing steel fabric or bar mat may be laid full lenmh or, the concrete in its final position without further manipulation. The reinforcement shall then be placed directly upon the concrete. after which the top layer of the concrete shall be placed, struck off, and screeded. if any portion of tic bottom laver of concrete has been placed more than 30 minutes without being covered with the top layer e- if initial set has taken place, it shall be removed and replaced with freshly mixed concrete at the Cont.-a:terIs cxpc^.se. When reinforced concrete is placed in one layer. the reinforcement may be positioned in advance of concrete place- ment or it may be placed in plastic concrete by mechanical or vibratory means after spreading. Reinforcing steel, at the time concrete is placed, shall be free of mud, oil, or other organic matter that may adverse• ly affect or reduce bond. Reinforcing steel with rust, mill scale, or a combination of both will be considered sates - factory, provided the minimum dimensions, weight, and tensile properties of a hand wim brushed test specimen are not less than the applicable ASTM specification requirements. 501-4.10 JOINTS. a. General. (1) Longitudinal and Transverse Joints. Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be constructed as indi. cated on the plans and in accordance with these requirements. All joints shall be constructed true to line with their faces perpendicular to the surface of the pavement. Joints shall not vary more than 112 inch (12 mm) from a true line or from their designated position. The vertical surface of the pavement adjacent to all expansion joints shall be finished to a true plane and edged to a radius of 1/4 inch (6 mm) or as shown on the plans. The surface across the joints shall be tested with a 10-foot (3 m) straightedge as the joints are finished and any irregularities in excess of 114 inch (6 mm) shall be corrected before the concrete has hardened. When required, keyways shall be accurately formed with a template of metal or wood. The gauge or thickness of the material in the template shall be such that .the full keyway, as specified, is formed and is in the correct location. Transverse joint shall be at right angles to the centerline of the pavement and shall extend the full width of the slab. The transverse joints in succeeding lanes shall be placed in line with similar joints in the fast lane. All joints shall be so prepared, finished, or cut to provide a groove of the width and depth shown on the plans. (2) Tie Bars. Tie bars shall consist of deformed bars installed principally in longitudinal joints as shown on the plans. Tie bars shall be pl:.ced at right angles to the centerline of the concrete slab and shall be spaced at intervals of 30 inches (76 cm), Curless otherwise specified. They shall be held in position parallel to the pavement surface and midway between the surfaces of the slab. When tie bars extend into an unpaved lane, they may be bent at right angles against the form at longitudinal construction joints, unless threaded bolt or other assembled tie bars are specified. These bars shall not be painted, greased, or enclosed in sleeves. (3) Dowel Bars. Dowel bars or other load -transfer units of an approved type shall be placed across trans- verse or other joints in the manner as specified on the plans. They shall be of the dimensions and spacings as shown and held rigidly in the middle of the slab depth in the proper horizontal and vertical alignment by an ap- proved assembly device to be left permanently in place. The dowel or load -transfer and joint devices shall be rigid enough to permit complete assembly as a unit ready to be lifted and placed into position. A metal, or other type, dowel expansion cap or sleeve shall be furnished for each dowel bar used with expansion joints. These caps shall be substantial enough to prevent collapse and shall be placed on the ends of the dowels as shown on the plans. The caps or sleeves_ shall fit the dowel bar tightly and the closed end shall be watertight The portion of each dowel painted with rust preventative paint, as required Corder Section 501-2.8, shall be thoroughly coated with asphalt MC-70. or an approved lubricant, to prevent the concrete from binding to that portion of the dowel. If free -sliding plastic -coated or epoxy -coated steel dowels are used, a lubrication bond breaker shall be used except when ap- proved pullout tests indicate it is not necessary. In lieu of using dowel assemblies at contraction joints. dowel bars may be placed in the full thickness of pavement by a mechanical device approved by the Engineer. (4) Slip -Form Construction. For slip -form construction, the following shall apply: when keyed con- struction joints are called for, a sheet metal keyway liner shall be required. The liner may remain in place perma- nently and become part of the keyed joint and shall be galvanized, copper clad. or of similar rust -resistant material, of sufficient stiffness to support the upper keyway flange. Two-piece hook bolt may be installed in either the male 501 - 12 1 611590 A1SC'537G-157. � or, female side of the keyed joint providing the installation is made without distorting the keyed dimensions o- causing edge slump. If a bent tie bar installation is used, the tie bars shall be inserted through the sheet metal keyway liner only on the female side of the joint. The bent tie bar installation may cause break-in_ of sc m-- sma:' amount of laitance where the bar goes through the liner when the exposed ponion o`. the ba: is h,-n: te- c�::^.S: -. into the adjacent lane. In no case shall a bent tie bar installation for male keyways be permitted which %%is rcoc:rc ` chipping away of concrete to perform the straightening of the tie bar. Alternate methods of ba: instaliatior. m . t•: approved by the Engineer if the keyway can be formed to a tolerance of I/» inch (6 mm) in any dimcnsion an� without distortion or slumping of the top of the male flange. Transverse Joints with dowels will re.:;a:: r: -:_::i_- care to insure the dowels are accurately placed and not disturbed during concrete placement { require use of an apparatus to firmly hold the dowels perpendicular to the joint and parallel to the slah s:rta:c ( Doting the concrete placement operation, it is advisable to place plastic concrete directly on the dowel a-ssembi% immediately prior to passage of the paver to help maintain dowel alignment In lieu of using dowel assemblies at contraction joints, dowel bars may be placed in the full thickness of pavement by a mechanical dmce approved b� t t. the Engineer. b. Installation. The top of an assembled joint device shall be set at the proper distance below the pave- ment surface and the elevation shall be checked. Such devices shall be set to the required position and line and shall be securely held in place by stakes or other means during the pouring and finishing of the concrete. The premolded joint material shall be placed and held in a vertical position; if constructed in sections, there shall be no offsets between adjacent emits. Dowel bars shall be checked for exact position and alignment as soon as the joint device is staked in place, and the device shall be =red to determine whether it is firmly supported. The maximum permissible tolerance on dowel bar alignment in each plane, horizontal and vertical, shall not exceed 2 percent or I/ 4 inch (6 mm) per foot of a dowel bar. The most effective way to obtain proper alignment is with well -fabricated too dowel baskets and dowel assemblies. In lieu of using dowel assemblies at contraction joints, dowel bars may be i placed in the full thickness of pavement by mechanical device approved by the Engineer. When joints in concrete pavements are sawed, the joints shall be cut as shown on the plans. Equipment shall be as described in section 501-4.1. The circular cutter shall be capable of cutting a groove in a straight line and shall produce a slot at least 1/8 inch (3 mm) wide and to the depth shown on the plans. When shown on the plans or required by the specifications, the top portion of the slot or groove shall be widened by means of a second shal- lower cut or by suitable and approved beveling to provide adequate space for joint sealers. Sawing of the joints �-• shall commence as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit cutting without chipping, spalling, or tearing. Sawing shall be -carried on both during the day and night as required. The joints shall be sawed at the requ iced spacing consecutively in sequence of the concrete placement, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. ^„ c. Longitudinal Joints. (1) Construction. Longitudinal construction joints necessary for lane construction shall be formed against suitable side forms (usually made of steel) with or without keyways, as indicated in the plans. Wooden forms may be used corder special conditions, when approved by the Engineer. When the concrete is placed using slip -form pavers, the keyway shall be formed in the plastic concrete by means of preformed metal keyway liners which are inserted during the slip -form operations to form the female side of the key and which may be left in place. The 'dimensions of the keyway forms shall not vary more than plus or minus 1/4 inch (6 mm) from the dimensions indicated and shall not deviate more than plus or minus 1/4 inch (6 mm) from the mid -depth of the pavement. A male keyway may be used providing the keyway and edge tolerances are met. Where butt -type joints with dowels are designated, the dowels for this type shall be painted and greased. The edges of the joint shall be finished with a grooving tool or edging tool, and a space or slot shall be formed along the joint of the dimensions, as indicated, to receive the joint sealing material. Longitudinal construction joints shall be sawed to provide a groove at the top conforming to the details and dimensions indicated on the plans. Provisions shall be made for the installation of tie bars as noted on the plans. 71, (2) Contraction or weakened -plane type. . The longitudinal groove formed or sawed in the top of the slab shall be installed where indicated on the drawings. The groove shall be formed in the plastic concrete with suitable tools or material to obtain the width and depth specified, or it shall be sawed with approved equipment in the hardened concrete to the dimensions required. When the groove is formed in plastic concrete, it shall be true to line with not more than 1/4-inch (6 mm) variation in 10 feet (3 m); it shall be uniform in width and depth; and the sides of the groove shall be finished even and smooth with an edging tool. If an insert material is used, the installa- dw and edge finish shall be according to the manufacturer's instructions. The sawed groove shall be straight and of 501 - 13 f' AC 150:537C-10A CHG 1 E '5'sC uniform width and depth. In either case, the groove shall be clean cut so that spalling will be avoided at intersec- tions with transverse joints. Tie bars shall be installed across these joints where indicated on the plans. (3) Expansion. Longitudinal expansion joints shall be installed as indica::.d on the plans. Tnc premoldcd filler, of the thickness as shown on the plans, shall extend for the full depth and width of the slap a: the Join:, except for space for sealant at the top of the slab. The filler shall be securely staked or fastened into posiuon perpendicular to the proposed finished surface. A metal cap shall be provided to protect the top edge of the filler and to permit the concrete to be placed and finished. After the concrete has been placed and struck off, the car shall be carefully withdrawn leaving the space over the premolded filler. The edges of the joint shall be finisnc and tooled while the concrete is still plastic. d. Transverse Joints. ,(I) Expansion. Transverse expansion joints shall be installed at the locations and spacing as shown on the plans. The joints shall be installed at right angle: :a the centerline and perpendicular to the surface of the pavement The joints shall be installed and finished to insure complete separation of the slabs. Expansion joints shall be of a premolded type conforming to these specifications and with the plans and shall be the full width of the pavement strip. All concrete shall be cleaned from the top of the joint material. Before the pavement is opened to traffic, this space shall be swept clean and filled with approved joint sealing material. All devices used for the installation of expansion joints shall be approved by the Engineer. They shall be easily removable without disturbing the concrete and held in proper transverse and vertical alignment Immediately after forms are removed, any concrete bridging the joint space at the ends shall be removed for the fall width and depth of the joint When specified, expansion joints shall be equipped with dowels of the dimensions and at the spacing and location indicated on the plans. The dowels shall be firmly supported in place and accurately aligned parallel to the subgrade and the centerline of the pavement by means of a dowel assembly which will remain in the pavement and will ensure that the dowels are not displaced during construction. Other types of load -transfer devices may be used, when approved by the Engineer. (2) Contraction. Transverse contraction joints, weakened -plane joints, or both, shall be installed at the locations and spacing as shown on the plans. These joints will be installed by forming a groove or cleft in the top of the slab while the concrete is still plastic or by sawing a groove into the concrete surface after the concrete has hardened in the same manner as specified in paragraph 501- 4.10c(2). Dowel bar assemblies shall be installed, when required, as shown on the plans. (3) Construction. Transverse construction joints shall be installed at the end of each day's placing oper- ations and at any other points within a paving lane when concrete placement is interrupted for more than 30 min- utes or it appears that the concrete will obtain its initial set before fresh concrete arrives. When the installation of the joint can be planned in advance, it shall be located at a contraction or expansion joint The joint shall not be allowed within 8 feet (240 cm) of a regular spaced transverse joint If the pouring of the concrete has been stopped, causing a joint to fall within this limit, it shall not be installed, and the fresh placed concrete shall be removed back to the 8 foot (240 cm) limit 501-4.11 FINAL STRIKE -OFF, CONSOLIDATION, AND FINISiii2vG. a. Sequence. The sequence of operations shall be the strike -off and consolidation, floating and removal of laitance. straightedging, and final surface finish. The addition of superficial water to the surface of the concrete to assist in finishing operations generally will not be permitted If the application of water to the surface is permitted, it shall be applied as a fog spray by means of approved spray equipment b. Finishing at Joints. The concrete adjacent to joints shall be compacted or firmly placed without voids or segregation against the joint material; it shall be firmly placed without voids or segregation under and around all load -transfer devices, joint assembly units. and other features designed to extend into the pavement. Concrete adja- cent to joints shall be mechanically vibrated as required in section 501-4.8. After the concrete has been placed and vibrated adjacent to the joints, the finishing machine shall be operated in a manner to avoid damage or misalign- ment of joints. If uninterrupted operations of the finishing machine, to, over, and beyond the joints, cause segmga- 501 - 14 r r. 6'15:�J0 AC 150`537C-10A CHG 1 Lion of concrete, damage to, or misalignment of the joints. the finishing machine shall be stopped when the scree: is approximately 8 inches (200 mm) from the joint. Segregated concrete shall be removed from the front of and off the joint, the screed shall be lifted and set directly on top of the joint. and the forward motion of the finishing machine shall be resumed Thereafter, the finishing machine may be run over the joint without lifting the sere; d , provided there is no segregated concrete immediately between the joint and the screed or on top of the joint. r� c. Machine Finishing. The concrete shall be spread as soon as it is placed, and it shall be struck off and screeded-by-an approved finishing machine. The machine shall go over each area as many times and a: such inter- vals as necessary to give the proper consolidation and to leave a surface of uniform texture. Excessive of craven r over a given area shall be avoided. When side forms are used, the tops of the forms shall be kept clean r%_ an effective device attached to the machine, and the travel of the machine on the forms shall be maintained true with, out lift, wobbling, or other variation tending to affect the precision finish. During the first pass of the finishing machine, a uniform ridge of concrete shall be maintained ahead of the front screed for its entire length. When in operation, the screed shall be moved forward with a combined longitudinal and transverse shearing motion, always moving in the direction in which the work is progressing, and so manipulated that neither end is raised from the side forms during the striking -off process If necessary, this shall be repeated until the surface is of uniform texture, rive to grade and cross section, and free from porous areas. d. Hand Finishing. Hand finishing methods will not be permitted, except under the following conditions: in the event of breakdown of the mechanical equipment, hand methods may be used to finish the concrete already deposited on the grade; in areas of narrow widths or of irregular dimensions where operation of the mechanical equipment is impractical. Concrete, as soon as placed, shall be struck off and screeded. An approved portable screed shall be used. A second screed shall be provided for striking off the bottom layer of concrete when rein. forcement is used. The screed for the surface shall be at least 2 feet (6 cm) longer than the maximum width of the slab to be struck off. It shall be of approved design, sufficiently rigid to retain its shape, and shall be constructed either of metal or of other suitable material coveted with metal. Consolidation shall be attained by the use of a suitable vibrator. e. Floating. After the concrete has been snuck off and consolidated, it shall be further smoothed, trued, and consolidated by means of a longitudinal float, using one of the following methods: (1) Hand Method. The hand -operated longitudinal float shall not be less than 12 feet (3.5 m) in length and 6 inches (150 mm) in width, properly stiffened to prevent flexibility and warping. The longitudinal float, oper- ared from foot bridges resting on the side form and spanning but not touching the eonar=. shall be worked with a sawing motion, while held in a floating position parallel to the pavement centerline and; passing gradually from one side of the pavement to the other. Forward movement along the centerline of the pavement shall be in successive advances of not more than one-half the length of the float. Any excess water or soupy material shall be wasted over the pavement edge on each pass. (2) Mechanical Method. The Contractor may use a machine composed of a cutting and smoothing float(s), suspended from and guided by a rigid frame. The frame shall be carried by four or more visible wheels t riding on, and constantly in contact with, the side forms or pavement subgrade. If necessary. long -handled floats having blades not less than 5 feet (150 cm) in length and 6 inches (150 mm) in width may be used to smooth and fill in open -textured area in the pavement. Long handled floats shall not be used to float the entire surface of the pavement in lieu of mechanical methods. When strike -off and consolidation are done by hand and the crown of the pavement will not permit the use of the longitudinal float, the surface shall be floated transversely by means of a long4iandled float Care shall be taken not to work the crown out of the pavement during the operation. After floating, any excess water and laitance shall be removed from the surface of the pavement by,a straightedge 10 feet (3 m) or more in length. Successive drags shall be lapped one-half the length of the blade. f. Straightedge Testing and Surface Correction. After the pavement has been struck off and consolidat- ed and while the concrete is still plastic, it shall be tested for trueness with a 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedge. For this purpose the Contractor shall furnish and use an accurate 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedgz swung from handles 3 feet (90 cm) longer than one-half the width of the slab. The straightedge shall be held in contact with the surface in successive positions parallel to the centerline and the whole area gone over f -c m one side of the slab to the other, as necessary. Advancing shall be in successive stages of not more than one-half the length of the straightedge. Any excess water and laitance shall be removed from the surface of the pavement. Any depressions shall be immediately filled with freshly mixed concrete, struck off, consolidated, and refinished. High areas shall be cut down and refrn- r 501 - is 4 a AC 15O'537C-1OA CHG l 6,415,9C ished. Special attention shall be given to assure that the surface across joints meets the requircmcnLs for smooth- ness. Straightedge testing and surface corrections shall continue until the entire surface is found to be free from observable deparauts from the straightedge and until the slab conforms to the required grade and cross sccuor.. Th: use of long -handled wood flonr_s shall be confined to a minimum: they may be used cniy in cmcrzcncccs ar-1 it areas not accessible to finishing equipment. 501-4.12 SURFACE TEXTURE. The surface of the pavement shall be finished with either a broom cr b=::! drag finish for all newly constructed concrete pavements. a. Brush or Broom Finish. If the pavement surface texture is to be a type of brush or broom be applied when the water sheen has practically disappeared. The equipment shall operate transx•crsek across tn: pavement surface, providing corrugations that are uniform in appearance and approximately 1/16 of an inch (2 mm.� in depth. It is important that the texturing equipment not tear or unduly roughen the pavement surface during the . operation. Any imperfections resulting from the texturing operation shall be corrected_ _ b. Burlap Drag Finish. If a burlap drag is used to texture: the pavement surface, it shall be at Icast 15 ounces per square yard (555 grams per square meter). To obtain a rough -textured surface. the transverse threads of the burlap should be removed approximately I foot (3 cm) from the trailing edge. A heavy buildup of grout on the burlap threads produces the desired wide sweeping longitudinal striations on the pavement s=3ce. The corrugations shall be uniform in appearance and approximately 1/16 of an inch (2 mm) in depth. 501-4.13 SKID RESISTANT SURFACES. A skid resistant surface shall be provided by construction of [ I I. 501 - 16 615.190 AC i. 150!53'-10A CHG 501-4.14 SURFACE TEST. As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the pavement surface shall be tested with a 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedge or other specified device. Areas in a slab showing high spots of more than 1/4 inch (6 mm) but not exceeding 1/2 inch (12 mm) in 16 feet (4.8 m) shall be marked and • immediately ground down with an approved grinding machine to an elevation that will fall within the tolerance of 1/4 inch (6 mm) or less. Where the departure from correct cross section exceeds 1/.'. inch (12 mm), the pavement shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor when so directed by the Engineer. Any area or section so removed shall not be less than 10 feet (3 m) in length nor less than the full width of the lane involved. When it is necessary to remove and replace a section of pavement, any remaining portion of the slab adjacent to the joints that is less than 10 feet (3 m) in length shall also be removed and replaced. 501-4.1S CURING. Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed and marring of the concrete will not occur. the -entire surface of the newly placed concrete shall be cured in accordance with one of the methods below. In all cases in which curing requires the use of water. the curing shall have prior right to all water supply or supplies. Failure to provide sufficient cover material of whatever kind the Contractor may elect to use, or lack of warm to adequately take cart of both curing and other requirements, shall be cause for immediate suspension of concreting operations. The concrete shall not be left exposed for more than 1/2 hour during the curing period. The following are alternate approved methods for curing concrete pavements. a. Impervious Membrane Method. The entire surface of the pavement shall be sprayed uniformly with white pigmented curing compound immediately after the finishing of the surface and before the set of the concrete has taken place. The curing compound shall not be applied during rainfall. Curing compound shall be applied by mechanical sprayers under pressure at the rate of 1 gallon (4 liters) to not more than 150 square feet (14 square meters). The spraying equipment shall be of the fully atomizing type equipped with a tank agitator. At the time of 501 - 17 i AC 150'5370-10A CHG 1 6115,90 use, the compound shall be in a thoroughly mixed condiuon with the pigment uniformly dispersed throughout the vehicle. During application the compound shall be stirred continuously by effective mechanical means. Hand spray- ing of odd widths or shapes and concrete surfaces exposed by the removal of forms will be permitted. Curing compound shall not be applied to the inside faces of joints to be scaled, but approved means shall be used to insure proper curing for 72 hours. The curing compound shall be of such character that the film will harden within 30 minutes after application. Should the film become damaged from any cause within the required curing period, the damaged portions shall be repaired immediately with additional compound. Upon removal of side forms, the sides of the exposed slabs shall be protected immediately to provide a curing treatment equal to that prodded for the surface. b. Polyethylene Films. The top surface and sides of the pavement shall be entirely covered with polyethyl- ene sheeting. The units shall be lapped at least 18 inches (45 cm). The sheeting shall be placed and weighted to cause it to remain in contact with the surface covered. The sheeting shall have dimensions that will extend at least twice the thickness of the pavement beyond the edges of the pavement Unless otherwise specified, the sheeting shall be maintained in place for 72 hours after the concrete has been placed. c. Waterproof Paper. The top surface and sides of the pavement shall be entirely covered with water- proofed paper. The units shall be lapped at least 18 inches (45 cm). The paper shalt be placed and weighted to cause it to remain in contact with the surface covered. The paper shall have dimensions that will extend at least twice the thickness of the pavement beyond the edges of the slab. The surface of the pavement shall be thoroughly wetted prior to placing of the paper. Unless otherwise specified, the paper shall be maintained in place for 72 hours after the concrete has been placed. d. White Burlap -Polyethylene Sheets. The surface of the pavement shall be entirely covered with the sheeting. The sheeting used shall be such length (or width) that it will extend at least twice the thickness of the pavement beyond the edges of the slab. The sheeting shall be placed so that the entire surface and both edges of the slab arc completely covered. The sheeting shall be placed and weighted to remain in contact with the surface cov- ered, and the covering shall be maintained fully wetted and in position for 72 hours after the concrete has been placed. e. Curing in Cold Weather. When the average daily temperature is below 400 F (4° C), curing shall con- sist of covering the newly laid pavement with not less than 12 inches (300 mm) of loose, dry hay or straw, or equivalent protective curing authorized by the Engineer, which shall be retained in place for 10 days. The hay or straw shall be secured to avoid being blovm away. Admixture for curing or temperature control may be used only when authorized by the Engineer. When concrete is being placed and the air temperature may be expected to drop below 35° F (2° C), a sufficient supply of straw, hay, grass, or other suitable blanketing material such as burlap cr polyethylene shall be provided along the work. Any time the temperature may be expected to reach the freezing point during the day or night, the material so provided shall be spread over the pavement to'a sufficient depth to prevent freezing of the concrete. The period of time such protection shall be maintained shall not be less than 10 days. A minimum of 3 days is mouired when high, early strength concrete is used. The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality and strengtt , the concrete placed during cold weather, and any canc rete unfired by frost action shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 501-4.16 REMOVING FORMS. Unless otherwise specified, forms shall not be removed from freshly placed concrete until it has set for at least 12 hours, except where auxiliary forms are used temporarily in widened areas. Forms shall be removed carefully to avoid damage to the pavement After the forms have been removed, the sides of the slab shall be cured as outlined in one of the methods indicated in paragraph 501-4.15. Major honeycombed — areas shall be considered as defective work and shall be removed and replaced Any area or section so removed shall not be less than 10 feet (3 m) in length nor less than the full width of the lane involved. When it is necessary to remove and replace a section of pavement, any remaining portion of the slab adjacent to the joints that is less than 10 feet (3 m) in length shall also be removed and replaced. S01-4-17 SEALING JOINTS. The joints in the pavement shall be sealed in accordance with Item P-W5. 501-4-18 PROTECTION OF PAVEMENT. The Contractor shall protect the pavement and its appurtenances against both public traffic and traffic caused by the Contractor's employees and agents. This shall include watchmen to direct traffic and the erection and maintenance of warning signs. lights, pavement bridges, or crossovers, etc. The 501 - 18 I 615.90 AC 150'537CL1DA CHG 11 plans or special provisions will indicate the location and type of device or facility required to protect the work: and provide adequately for traffic. Any damage to the pavement occurring prior to final acceptance shall be repaired o: the pavement replaced at the Contractor's expense. In order that the concrete be properly protected against the effects of rain before the concrete is sufficiently hardened. the Contractor will be required to have available a: a:: time materials for the protection of the edges and surfaces of the unhardened concrete. Such protective materials shall consist of rolled polyethylene sheeting at least 4 mils (0.1 mm) thick of sufficient length and width to cove: the plastic concrete slab and any edges. The sheeting may be mounted on either the paver or a separate movable bridge from which it can be unrolled without dragging over the plastic concrete surface. When rain appears immi- nent, all paving operations shall stop and all available personnel shall begin covering the surface of the un^ardcnC concrete with the protective covering. 501-4.19 OPENING TO TRAFFIC. The Engineer shall decide when the pavement shall be opened to traffic. The pavement will not be opened to traffic until test specimens molded and cured in accordance with AMI C 31 have attained a flexural strength of 550 pounds per square inch (3792 kPa) when tested in accordance with ASTbi C 78. If such tests are not conducted, the pavement shall not be oper.-d to traffic until 14 days after the concrete was placed. Prior to opening to traffic, the pavement shall be cleaned 501-4.20 SURFACE TOLERANCES. Extreme care must be exercised in all phases of the operation to assure the pavement will pass the specified tolerances. The following tolerances are applicable: a. Lateral deviation from established alignment of the pavement edge shall not exceed plus or minus 0.10 foot (30 mm) in any lane. b. Vertical deviation from established grade shall not exceed plus or minus 0.04 foot (120 cm) at any point. c. Surface smoothness deviations shall not exceed 1/4 inch (6 mm) from a 16-foot (4.8 m) straightedge placed in any direction, including placement along and spanning any pavement joint or edge. 501-4.21 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. Concrete samples shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be taken in the field to determine the consistency, air content, and strength of the concrete. Flexural test beams shall be made each day that the concrete is placed. Each group of test beams shall be molded from the same batch of concrete and shall consist of a sufficient number of specimens to provide two flexural strength tests at each test age. One group of specimens will be made during the first half of each shift, and the other during the last portion of the shift. The.specimens shall be made in accordance with ASTM C 31. However, at the start of paving operations and when the aggregate source, aggregate characteristics, of mix design is changed, additional groups of test beams may be required until the Engineer is satisfied that the concrete mixture being used complies with the strength requirements of these specifications. Test ages will be 7 days and 28 days. The flexural strength of the concrete shall meet the following requirements: (1) the average of any 4 consecutive strength tests, tested at the end of 28 days, shall have an average flexural strength equal to or greater than the specified flexural strength; (2) not more than 20 percent of the beams tested at the end of 28 days shall have a flexural strength less than the specified strength. Specimens which are obviously defective shall not be considered in the determination of the strength When it appears that the test specimens will fail to conform to the require- ments for strength, the Engineer shall have the right to order changes in the concrete sufficient to increase the strength to meet the requirements. When a satisfactory relationship between 7-4ay and 28-day strengths has been established and approved, the 7-day test results may be used as an indication of the 28-day strengths. However, the 7-day test results will not replace the results of the 28-day tests if the 28-play results fall below the requirements. 501 - 19 r AC 150r5370-10A CHG 1 6 5'90 S01-4.22 TOLERANCE IN PAVEMENT THICKNESS. Concrete will be accepted for thickness on a lot basis. A lot will consist of ( j square yards (square meters). One core shall be taken at random by the Engineer in each lot. When the measurement of the care from a lot is not deficient more than 02 inch (5 mm) from the plan thickness, full payment will be made. When such measurement is d6wient more than 02 inch (5 mm) and not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) from the plan thickness, two additional corns shall be taken at random and used in determining the average thickness for that lot. An adjusted unit price, as provided in paragraph 501-52, will be paid for the lot. The thickness of the pavement shall be determined by average caliper measurement of cores tested in accordance with ASTM C 174. In calculating the average thickness of the pavement, measurements which are in excess of the specified thickness by more than 02 inch (5 mm) shall be considered as the specified thickness plus 02 inch (5 mm), and measure- ments which are less than the specified thickness by more than 1.0 inch (25 am) shall not be included in the average. _ When the measurement of any core is less than the specified thickness by more than 1.0 inch (25 mm). the actual thickness of the pavement in this area shall be determined by taking additional torts at not less than 10-foot (3 m) intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the affected location, until in each direction a core is found — which is not deficient by more than 1.0 inch (25 mm). Areas found deficient in thickness by more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) shall be evaluated by the Engineer and, if the deficient areas warrant removal, they shall be removed and replaced with concrete of the thickness shown on the plans. Exploratory cores for deficient thickness will not be used in averages for adjusted unit price. Core holes shall be filled with non -shrink grout. 501 - 20 r� f E 4 6,'1s 90 AC 150.'5370-10A CHC; 1 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 501-5.1 The quantity to be paid for shall be the number of square yards (square meters). of Iplain] ireinforced''. pavement in place, completed and accepted, less deductions as hereinafter required for deficient thickness. BASIS OF PAYMENT 501-6.1 General. The accepted quantities of concrete pavement will be paid for at the contract unit puce per square yard (square meters) which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including any dowels, steel reinforcement and joint material texturing, except for saw -cut grooving, pro- vided, however. that for any pavement found deficient in thickness by mom than 0.2 inch (5 mm), but not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) only the reduced price stipulated below shall be paid. No additional payment over the unit contract bid price shall be made for any pavement which has an average thickness in excess of that shown on the plans. Payment will be made under. Item P-501-6.1 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement —per square yard (per square meter). Item P-501-6.1 - Saw -Cut Grooving —per square foot (per square meter). 501-6.2 Price Adjustment. a. Thickness Adjustment. Where the average thickness of pavement is deficient in thickness by more than 0.2 inch (5 mm) bat not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm), payment will be made at an adjusted price as specified in Table 4. TABLE 3. PAVEMENT DEFICIENCY Defu=cy in Wckmu Determined by Proportional Part of Comrs= Price Cores Allowed (Percent) (Average of 3 tests) inches mm 0.00 to 0.20 0.00 to 5 100 021 to 030 5 to 8 80 031 to 0.40 8 to 10 72 0.41 to 0.50 10 to 13 68 OSl to 0.75 13 to 19 57 0.76 to 1.00 19 to 25 50 When the thickness of pavement is deficient by more than 1 inch (25 mm) and, in the judgment of the Engineer. the area of such deficiency should not be removed and replaced, there shall be no payment for the area retained. 501 - 21 AC 150.'537D-10A .CHG 1 E'' S'sC b. Flexural Strength Adjustment. When any pay factor for a lot of concrete is less than 1.0. pa%^ncr.; io- the material in that lot shall be made at a reduced price arrived at by multiplying the contract price PC- uni: of measurement by the appropriate pay factor. If pay factors for pavement thickness deficiency and flexural strcncth _ deficiency are both used for any given lot, the reduced price will be determined by successively multiplying the contract unit price by both pay factors. TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 31 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens ASTM C 78 Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third —Point Loading) ASTM C 131 Test for Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine ASTM C 138 Test for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete ASTM C 143 Test for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete — ASTM C 172 Sampling Fresh Concrete ASTM C 173 Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumet- ric Method ASTM C 174 Measuring Length of Drilled Concrete Coms ASTM C 231 Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure -- Method ASTM C 311 Sampling and Testing Fly Ash for -Use as an Admixture in Pon. land Cement Concrete ASTM C 535 Test for Resistance to Abrasion of Large Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine ASTM C 1077 Standard Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and criteria for Laboratory Evaluation ASTM D 4791 TestMethod for Flat or Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate AASHTO T 26 Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM A 184 Specification for Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Con- crete Reinforcement ASTM A 185 Specification for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Rein- farcement 501 - 22 r 6"5.90 AC 150'537a-90A "H3 p, ASTM A 497 Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabnc for Con- crete Pavement AST\f A 615 Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet —Steel Bart for Con- crete Reinforcement �^ ASTM A 616 Specification for Rail —Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concr-.tc Reinforcement ASTM A 617 Specification for Axle —Steel Deformed and Plain Bars fx Con- J: crete Reinforcement ASTM A 704 Specification for Welded Steel Plain Bar or Rod Mats for Con- crete Reinforcement' ASTM C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates 4 i ASTM C 94 Specification for Ready -Mixed Concrete ASTM C 150 Specification for Portland Cement ASTM C 171 Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ASTM C 260 Specification for Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete t ASTM C 309 Specification for Liquid Membrane Forming Compounds �., ASTM C 494 Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ASTM C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulu:_ Cements ASTM C 618 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete ASTCM C 989 Specification for Ground Iron Blast -Furnace Slag for Use in Con- crete and Mortars ASTM D 1751 Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ASTM D 1752 Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fullers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction AASHTO M 254 Specification for Coated Dowel Bars w n R: is rY.B.C.►.C.AW- 724-391120481 501 23 e... t t F ;Modifications to IT P 602 BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT Item P-602 Bituminous Prime Coat, of the project specifications shall be modified as follows: 1. Paragraph 602-2.1..BITUMINOUS MATERIALS - Delete the second sentence of the first paragraph. ` 2. Table 1 Bituminous Material - Delete ;all.references to emulsified asphalt • materials. Add the designation MC-30 eieeting ASTM D2027 with application temperature of 70• - 150'> F. EQUIPMENT Del: a :the first and esecond , ub 3. Paragraph 602-3.2. EQUIP - a paragraphs and insert the following, "The equipment used by :the Contractor for applying the bituminous prime coat shall include aself powered pressure bituminous material ~; distributor. The Contractor shall provide equipment f6t'!heating the I bituminous material. The bituminous material distributor,rvhall have pneumatic ;tires of such width and number that the load produced on the surface shall not exceed 650'pounds per inch of iiie;'width, and it: shall4. designed, ' equipped and operated so that bituminous material, ai,an even heat, may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surf1.ace at readily l ( controlled rates from O.OS too .gallons per squarejyard. The material shall be applied within a:pressure ranges of,2t�'to 75 pounds C" per square inch and with sn;allowable variation from any specified rate not to exceed S: percent' Bituminous material'' distributor equipment shall include a :`tachometer, pressure as, volume - measuring devices, and a thermomoer for reading temperatutas of tank contents."si _. 4. Insert the following new paragraph; r.. ; "602-3 6 HERBICIDAL TREATMENT. After the:subgrade has ;beencompleted, the Contractor shall,Apply a broad spectrum herbicidaL treatment (soil �., sterilant), such 41 Pramito�V or approved equal, to: -the subgrade surface in.a manner. approved by;,#1 'Engineer. The: trade name, manufacturer•.s: name,. product; s�eiCifications, and;° manufacturer's recommended .application` me't:ho':ands rate, of the wateriA proposed shall be submitted to the Engineers 'for approval not less ,•than _:14 days l prior to the .proposed :use of te'materiel. If approved,: by the Engineer; • the herbis. cidal treatment Maya applied witfii th bituminous w... prime coat, provided, howeverp that the only materialhat,will be permitted to be applied by this :i!methodwill be 9PramitoY. The Contractor shall exorcize care inItha application of Ithe herbicidal treatment to 'minimize contact'vith'existing turf. 4 The herbicidal treatment will.be�Cosidered subs:Ldiary 'to this item, and no separate measurement or payment will be made for herbicidal treatment material or application` ` `. { 2699-94 502i a Oft 4. Paragraph 602-4.1 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT - Bituminous material for prime coat shall be measured by the gallon. References to measurement by any ►"' other basis shall be.deleted. 5. Paragraph 602-5.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT - Payment for bituminous material for prime coat shall be paid for at the contract unit price per gallon. References to payment by any other basis shall be deleted. Delete the second paragraph and add the following: "Payment will be made under: Item P-602, Bituminous Prime Coat; including_ herbicidal . treatment, per gallon." 6. To the list of MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS, add ASTM D2027, Asphalt, Cutback (Medium -Curing Type). Fab F r i 3 oft 2699-94 602 - b r r 2/ 17/89 AC 1S0/S370-10A ITEM P-602 BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT DESCRIPTION - 602-1.1 This item shall consist of an application of bituminous material on the prepared base course in r accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity to the lines shown on the plans. MATERIALS 602-2.1 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. The types. grades, controlling specifications, and application tem- peratures for the bituminous materials are given in Table 1. The Engineer shall designate the specific materi• ral to be used. 9 TABLE 1. BITUMINOUS MATERIAL ' Application C Type and Grade Specification Temperatures ' i I Deg. F ! Deg. C Emulsified Asphalt f � I SS-1, SS-lh- i ASTM D 977 1 70-160 20-70 MS-2, HFMS-1 ASTM D 977 ' 70-160 20-70 CSS-1, CSS-lh 'ASTM D 2397 70-160 20-70 CMS-2 ! ASTM D 2397 70-160 20-70 Cutback Asphalt i RC-30 ASTM D 2029 80+ I 30+ RC-70 ASTM D 2029 120+ 50+ r• RC-250 i ASTM D 2028 165-1- I 7j- ' The maximum temperature for cutback asphalt shall be.that at which fogging occurs. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 602-3.1 WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The prime coat shall be applied only when the existing surface is dry or contains sufficient moisture to get uniform distribution of the bituminous material, when the atmos. pheric temperature is above 60' F (15' C), and when the weather is not foggy or rainy. The temperature requirements may be waived, but only when so directed by the Engineer. 602-3.2 EQUIPMENT. The equipment used by the Contractor shall include a self -powered pressure bi- tuminous material distributor and equipment for heating bituminous material. The distributor shall be designed, equipped, maintained, and operated so that bituminous material at even heat may be applied uniformly, .on variable widths of surface at the specified rate. The allowable variation from the specified rate shall not exceed 10 percent. Distributor equipment shall include a tachometer, pres- sure gages, volume -measuring devices or a calibrated tank, and a thermometer for measuring temperatures of tank contents. The distributor shall be self -powered and shall be equipped with a power unit for the pump and full circulation spray ban adjustable laterally and vertically. A power broom and/or blower shall be provided for any required cleaning of the surface to be treated. 602-3.3 APPLICATION OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. Immediately before applying the prime coat, �►•• the full width of the surface to be primed shall be swept with a power broom to remove all loose dirt and j other objectionable material. 602-1 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 The bituminous material including solvent shall be uniformly applied with a bituminous distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.50 gallons per square yard (1.20 to 2.40 liters per square meter) -depending on the base course surface texture. The type of bituminous material and application rate shall be approved by the Engi- neer prior to application. Following the application, the primed surface shall be allowed to dry not less than 48 hours without being disturbed or for such additional time as may be necessary to permit the drying out of the prime until it will not be picked up by traffic or equipment. This period shall be determined by the Engineer. The surface shall then be maintained by the Contractor until the surfacing has been placed. Suitable precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to protect the primed surface against damage during this interval, including supplying and spreading any sand necessary to blot up excess bituminous material. 602-3.4 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. Samples of the bituminous - materials that the Contractor proposes to use, together with a statement as to their source and character, must be submitted and approved before use of such material begins. The Contractor shall require the manu. — facturer or producer of the bituminous materials to furnish material subject to this and all other pertinent requirements of the contract. Only satisfactory materials. so demonstrated by service tests, shall be accepta- ble. The Contractor shall furnish vendor's certified test reports for each carload, or equivalent, of bituminous material shipped to the project. The report shall be delivered to the Engineer before permission is granted for use of the material. The furnishing of the vendor's certified test report for the bituminous material shall not be interpreted as basis for final acceptance. All such test reports shall be subject to verification by test- ing samples of materials received for use on the project. 602-3.5 FREIGHT AINM WEIGH BILLS. Before the final estimate is allowed, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer receipted bills when railroad shipments are made, and certified weigh bills when materials are received in any other manner, of the bituminous materials actually used in the construction covered by the contract. The Contractor shall not remove bituminous material from the tank car or storage tank until the initial outage and temperature measurements have been taken by the Engineer, nor shall the car or tank be released until the final outage has been taken by the Engineer. Copies of freight balls and weigh bills shall be furnished to the Engineer during the progress of the work METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 602-4.1 The bituminous material for prime coat shall be measured by the [gallon (liter)](tonfkg)). Volume shall be corrected to the volume at 60' F (15' C) in accordance with ASTM D 1250 for cutback asphalt, and Table IV-3 of The Asphalt Institute's Manual MS-6 for emulsified asphalt. BASIS OF PAYMENT 602-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per (gallon (liter)J(ton ft)J for bituminous prime coat. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivering, and applying the materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. Payment will be made under: Item P-602-5.1 Bituminous Prime Coat --per [gallon (liter)](ton (kg)] MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt ASTM D 2029 Asphalt, Cutback (Rapid Curing Grade) ASTM D 2397 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 602 - 2 2/17/89 AC 15015370-10A TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 1250 Petroleum Measurement Tables Asphalt Institute Manual Temperature -Volume Corrections for Emulsified Asphalts MS-6 Table IV-3 - 602 - 3 r 1 Modifications.... , to BEM P-603 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT Item P-603 Bituminous Tack Coat, of the project specifications shall be modified " as follows: {'- 1. Paragraph 2. MATERIALS. Bituminous Materials - Delete -,the second sentence of the first paragraph. , r 2. TABLE 1. BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. Delete all references to tar Add the designation RC-250 meeting the re uirements of ASTM 0208 with:. an application temperature of 125" 180" F. 3. Paragraph' 3.2 Equipment -Delete the'.first and second paragra hs :;and insert P the following: " The equipment used by the 'Contractor for applying the . bituminous tack coat shall -include a self -powered: -pressure :1 bituminous material :dist-ributor.''The ;ContrELCtor shall provide { equipment for heating the bituminous material; ' #� The -bituminous material distributor shall have neumi c. tires of such width and number that the. :load produced on the surface shall IX not exceed 650 pounds "per inch of tire widish, and;; it ,shall be ,, �•• designed, equipped::and operated so that: bituminous'!material 'at an even heat, may :be applied uniformly on viriabje'widths'of surface at reidily;controlle8 rates from 0.05 to 2.01gallons per square yard. The material ,shall. be .applied 'within a;pressure n - range of 25 to 75 pounds'per square inch and with an :allowable -. variation' from `'specified rate: not to exceed S; percent. Bituminous 'material distributor equipment: shall include a �,,' tachometer,: pressure gatiges� volume -measuring devices,: and a thermometer for reading 'temperatures of tal contents .4.. Paragraph 4. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: - iBituminous. material .for •;tack coat ' shall be measured by the gallon References to measurement by,any-other basis shall be deleted. a¢, ,•., .: 5. Paragraph 5. BASIS OF PAYMENT Pa ent for bituminous ;meter ial for tack coat shall be paid for at the contract unit, price per gallon. References to payment by any other basis shall be',eleted. Delete t:he second paragraph and add . the following: "Payment will be made under Item P-603, Bituminous Tack Coat, per gallon." a o{ is 1# f i 2699-94 603' a . p 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-t0A r ITEM P-603 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT DESCRIPTION .W 603-1.1 This item shall consist of preparing and treating a bituminous or concrete surface with bituminous material in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity to the lines shown on the plans. MATERIALS l 603-2.1 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS. The bituminous material shall be either cutback asphalt, emulsi- fied asphalt, or tar and shall conform to the requirements of Table 1. The type, grade, controlling specifica. tion, and application temperature of bituminous material to be used shall be specified by the Engineer. r TABLE 1. BITUMINOUS MATERIAL j Application Temperature Type and Grade Specification f i Deg. F j Deg. C r Emulsified Asphalt SS-1, SS-lh CSS-1, CSS-lh Cutback Asphalt RC-70 Tar RTCB 5,, RTCB 6 ASTM D 977 ASTM D 2397 ASTM D 2028 AASHTO M 52 i l 75-130 i 25-55 75-130 25-55 120-160 ; 50-70 60-120 CONSTRUCTION METHODS 15-50 603-3.1 WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The tack coat shall be applied only when the existing surface is dry and the atmospheric temperature is above 60' F (15' C). The temperature requirements may be waived, but only when so directed by the Engineer. 603-3.2 EQUIPMENT. The Contractor shall provide equipment for heating and applying the bituminous material. The distributor shall be designed, equipped, maintained, and operated so that bituminous material at even heat may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface at the specified rate. The allowable variation from the specified rate shall not exceed 10 percent. Distributor equipment shall include a tachometer. pres- sure gages, volume -measuring devices or a calibrated tank, and a thermometer for measuring temperatures of tank contents. The distributor shall be self -powered and shall be equipped with a power unit for the pump and full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally and vertically. A power broom and/or blower shall be provided for any required cleaning of the surface to be treated. 603-3.3 APPLICATION OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL Immediately before applying the tack coat, the full width of surface to be treated shall be swept with a power broom and/or airblast to remove all loose dirt and other objectionable material. AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 Emulsified asphalt shall be diluted by the addition of water when directed by the Engineer and shall be applied a sufficient time in advance of the paver to ensure that all water has evaporated before any of the overlying mixture is placed on the tacked surface. The bituminous material including vehicle or solvent shall be unifortnly applied with a bituminous distribu- tor at the rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gallons per square yard (0.24 to 0.72 liters per square meter) depending on the condition of the existing surface. The type of bituminous material and application rate shall be approved by the Engineer prior to application. Following the application, the surface shall be allowed to cure without being disturbed for such period of time as may be necessary to permit drying out and setting of the tack coat. This period shall be determined by the Engineer. The surface shall then be maintained by the Contractor until the next course has been placed. Suitable precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to protect the surface against damage during this interval. 603-3.4 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL -CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBE TTY. Samples of the bituminous material that the Contractor proposes to use, together with a statement as to its source and character, must be submitted and approved before use of such material begins. The Contractor shall require the manufactur. er or producer of the bituminous material to furnish material subject to this and all other pertinent require- ments of the contract. Only satisfactory materials so demonstrated by service tests, shall be acceptable. The Contractor shall furnish the vendor's certified test reports for each carload, or equivalent, of bituminous material shipped to the project. The report shall be delivered to the Engineer before permission is granted for use of the material. The furnishing of the vendor's certified test report for the bituminous material shall not be interpreted as a basis for final acceptance. All such test reports shall be subject to verification by testing samples of material received for use on the project. 603-3.5 FREIGHT AND WEIGH- BILIS. Before the final estimate is allowed, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer receipted bills when railroad shipments are made, and certified weigh bills when materials are received in any other manner, of the bituminous materials actually used in the construction covered by the contract. The Contractor shall not remove bituminous material from the tank car or storage tank until the initial outage and temperature measurements have been taken by the Engineer, nor shall the car or tank be released until the final outage has been taken by the Engineer. Copies of freight bills and weigh bills shall be furnished to the Engineer during the progress of the work. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 603-4.1 The bituminous material for tack coat shall be measured ' by the [gallon (liter)] [ton (kg)]. Volume shall be corrected to the volume at 60' F (15' C) in accordance with ASTM D 1250 for cutback asphalt, ASTM D 633 for tar, and Table IV-3 of The Asphalt Institute's Manual MS-6 for emulsified asphalt. Water added to emulsified asphalt will not be measured for payment. BASIS OF PAYMENT 603-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per [gallon (liter)] [ton (kg)] of bituminous materi- al. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials. for all preparation, delivery, and appli- cation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item P-603-5.1 Bituminous Tack Coat --per [gallon (liter)][ton (kg)] MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 633 Volume Correction Table for Road Tar ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt e- r__ 603 2 2/17/89 AC 1S0/S370-10A ASTM D 1250 Petroleum Measurement Tables ASTM D 2028 Liquid Asphalt (Rapid -Curing Type) ASTM D 2397 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt AASHTO M 52 Tar for Use in Road Construction Asphalt Institute Manual Temperature -Volume Corrections for Emulsified Asphalts MS-6 Table IV-3 603 - 3 Modifications to I I ITEM P-605 JOINT SEALING FILLER Item P-605 Joint Sealing Filler of the project`specifications'sha11 be;modified as follows: 1. Paragraph 605-2.1. JOINT SEALERS Delete -the first paragraph and insert; the following: "Joint sealing material shall meet :therequirements: of •one .of the: following: (a) ASTM D 3405 - Joint Sealants, Hot -Poured, for''Concrete, an Asphalt',p Pavements, to be;used :in joints betweenortland clement: . concrete pavement and bituminous pavement shoulders. r (b) fed. Spec SS-S-200 Sealing compounds, Two -Component, l Elastomeric,'Polymer Type, Jet�Fuel-Resistant, Cold Applied,.to` be used for, all other's'jdints in portland cement 'concrete pavement. x'he . jointeaiin material shall: be . e M . machine g ,( application) 'fast curing Type H (hand mixed) joint sealing material wiA not .be $flowed`"::. 2. Paragraph 605_-2 2-_ WBRICA T.- Delete this paragraph. 3. Paragraph 605-3.1 TIME OF APPLICATION Revise the second to°'read ,sentence, as follows: s "The pavement ,temperature 'shall be above 50• F. z at; .the:time of la installation; of the poured joint sealing material." 4. Paragraph 605-3.2 ' PWARATION OF JOINTS; .Delete this paragraph and Insert the following: i r"Immediately before sealing, the joints in new concrete pavement ;shall be thoroughly cleaned of all laic' ince, curing compound,' ,:and ;other foreign 'material .. :Cleaning ;ishal�'be accomplished by ljsandblasting;. The:joints shall�be sandblasted immediately prior tq'' the,; sealing ion. -The Qtilti4hall be d eanedfout OfoPeraty . : an oil free high pressure air ;j'et f After the joints` have been blown } by air, the compressible ft'lier ;shall be: installed n the Joint followed by the installation,o£ the bond breaker; if required. Joints between Portland cement concrete and bituminous .pavement -shoulders shall be sawcut to ithedimensions'shown oni�the drawings. ` The joint 'shall be cleaned out by,'the use of oil -free ;high; pressure j y. the: compressible air jet. Afteralledtin filler shall be i j thve o$nt foil awed bir y nstallation of " the bond breaker,!if required,''" _. - 5. Paragraph 605-3.3 INSTALLATION OF SEALANTS Delete the' subparagraph "Preformed Elastomeric;Joint Seals;" 2699-94 6ba 5 r is II � 6. Paragraph 605-4.1, Delete this paragraph and insert the following: "Joint sealing for joints in new portland cement concrete pavement will not be measured for separate payment but shall be considered subsidiary to the portland cement concrete pavement item. -- Joint sealing for joints between portland cement concrete pavement and bituminous pavement shoulders shall be measured by the linear foot of joints prepared and sealed, measured on the ground in place, complete and accepted." - 7. Paragraph 605-5.1. Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "Payment for joint sealing for joints between portland cement concrete pavement and bituminous pavement shoulders shall be made at the contract unit price per linear foot, complete and .accepted. The price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, preparation of the joint and the materials, delivering and placing the materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Separate payment will not be made for joint sealing in portland cement concrete pavement, but shall be included as subsidiary to the portland cement concrete pavement pay item. Payment will be made under: Item P-605, Joint Sealing for Joints Between Portland Cement Concrete Pavement and Bituminous Pavement Shoulders, complete in place, per linear foot." 2699-94 605 b 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A ITEM P-605 JOINT SEALING FILLER DESCRIPTION 605-1.1 This item shall consist of providing and installing a resilient and adhesive joint sealing filler capa. ble of effectively sealing joints and cracks in pavements. - MATERIALS 605-2.1 JOINT SEALERS. Joint sealing materials shall meet the requirements of Each lot or batch of sealing. compound shall be delivered to the jobsite in the manufacturer's original sealed contained. Each container shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, batch or lot number, and the safe beating temperature and shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's certification stating that the compound meets the requirements of this specification.' Each lot of preformed joint sealer delivered to the jobsite shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's certifi. cation stating that it meets the requirements of this specification. 605-2.2 LUBRICANT. Lubricant for installation of preformed joint seal shall be a one -component po- lychloroprene compound containing only soluble phenolic resins blended together with anti -oxidants and acid acceptors in aromatic hydrocarbon solvent mixture and shall meet the following requirements: 605 - 1 AC 160/5370-10A 2/17/89 Requirements ASTM Average weight per gallon, pounds 7.8 Solids content, percent by weight 22-28 D1644, Method A Film strength, psi * 2,300 min. D412 Elongation, percent 750 min. D412 Each shipment of lubricant shall be delivered to the jobsite in the manufacturer's original sealed container. Each container shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, batch or lot number, and the date of manu- facture and shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's certification stating that the lubricant meets the re- quirements of the specification. This lubricant shall be stored at a temperature between 50' F (10' C) and 80' F (30' C) and shall be used within 270 days of its manufacture. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 605-3.1 TIME OF APPLICATION. Joints shall be. sealed as soon after completion of the curing period as feasible and before the pavement is opened to traffic, including construction equipment. The pavement temperature shall be above [40' F (4' C)][(50' F (10' C)] at the time of installation of the [preformed joint seal][poured joint sealing material]. - 605-3.2 PREPARATION OF JOINTS. Immediately before sealing, the joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of all laitance, curing compound, and other foreign material. Cleaning shall be accomplished by [sandblast- ing] [wire brushing] [high pressure water blast]. Upon completion of cleaning, the joints shall be blown out with compressed air. The joint faces shall be surface dry when the seal is applied. Prior to resealing joints, the existing joint material shall be removed to the depth as shown on the plans. If joint sealer other than that originally used is specified, all existing joint sealer shall be removed. 605-3.3 INSTALLATION OF SEALANTS. Joints shall be inspected for proper width, depth, alignment, and preparation, and shall be approved by the Engineer before sealing is allowed. Sealants shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements: Hot Poured Sealants. 'The joint sealant shall be applied uniformly solid from bottom to top and shall be filled without formation of entrapped air or voids. A backing material shall be placed as shown on the plans and shall be nonadhesive to the concrete or the sealant material. The heating kettle shall be an indirect heating type, 605-2 -- F2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A ! 1 constructed as a double boiler. A positive term periture control and mechanical agitation shall be provided. The l li sealant shall not be heated to more than 20' F (-11' Q below the safe heating temperature. The safe heating temperature can be obtained from the manufacturer's shipping container. A direct connecting pressure type ex- truding device with nozzles shaped for insertion into the joint shall be provided.. Any sealant spilled on the surface of the pavement shall be removed immediately. Cold Applied Sealants. Cold applied joint sealing compound shall be applied by means of pressure equipment r that will force the sealing material to the bottom of the joint and completely fill the joint without spilling the material on the surface of the pavement. A backing material shall be placed as shown on the plans and shall be nonadhesive to the concrete or the sealant material. Sealant which does not bond to the concrete surface of the r joint walls, contains voids, or fails to set to a tack -free condition will be rejected and replaced by the Contrac- �. , for at no additional cost. Before sealing the joints, the Contractor shall demonstrate that the equipment and procedures for preparing, mixing, and placing the sealant will produce a satisfactory joint seal. This shall in- clude the preparation of two small batches and the application of the resulting material. d [Preformed Flastomeric Joint Seals. Preformed joint sealer shall be placed using equipment capable of install- ing the sealer in the upright position, without cutting, nicking, distorting, or otherwise damaging the seal. Lu- bricant shall be applied to the concrete or the preformed seal, or both, and the! seal shall be installed in a substantially compressed condition and at the depth below the surface of the pavement as shown in the plans. The method of installation shall be such that the joint sealer will not be stretched more than 5 percent of the minimum theoretical length, or compressed more than 2 percent. The method of installation shall be checked for stretching or compression, using transverse joint sealer. The check shall consist of installing sealer in five joints of at least 25 feet (7.5 m) in length, removing the sealer immediately after installation, and checking the length. This check may be modified by premarking or precutting the sealer to length prior to installation if this is compatible with the equipment being used. If the measured length of any of these five sealers indicated that the sealer is stretched or compressed beyond these limits, the installation shall be modified to correct the situation. Once satisfactory sealing operations have started, one joint length per every hundred shall be removed and checked. If the limits are exceeded, the joint sealers on either side should be removed until the condition disap- pears. The affected joints shall be resealed in a satisfactory manner at no cost to the owner, and the method of ,,. installation shall be checked again for satisfactory procedure. The seal shall be installed in the longest practica- ble lengths in longitudinal joints and shall be cut at the joint intersections for continuous installation of the seal " in the transverse joints.] METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 605-4.1 Joint sealing material shall be measured by the [gallon (liter)] [pound (kg)] [linear foot (meter)] of sealant in place, complete, and accepted. 605 - 3 r� AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/69 BASIS OF PAYMENT 605-5.1 Payment for joint sealing material shall be made at the contract unit price per [gallon (liter)] [pound ft)] [linear foot (meter)]. The price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, for all prepara- tion, delivering, and placing of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. — Payment will be made under: Item P-605-5.1 Joint Sealing Filler - per gallon (liter) Item P-605-5.2 Joint Sealing Filler - per pound (kg) Item P-605-5.3 Preformed Sealer - per linear foot (meter) _- TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 412 Tests for Rubber Properties in Tension ASTM D 1644 Tests for Nonvolatile Content of Varnishes MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS - ASTM D 1854 Jet -Fuel -Resistant Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot -Poured Elastic Type ASTM D 2628 Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Con- crete Pavements ASTM D 3405 Joint Sealants, Hot -Poured, for Concrete and Asphalt Pave- ments ASTM D 3406 Joint Sealants, Hot -Poured, Elastomeric-Type, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements " ASTM D 3569 Joint Sealant, Hot -Poured, Elastometric, Jet -Fuel -Resistant Type, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements ASTM D 3581 Joint Sealant, Hot -Poured, Jet -Fuel -Resistant Type, for Port- land Cement Concrete and Tar -Concrete Pavements Fed. Spec. SS-S-200 Sealing Compounds, Two Component, Elastomeric, Polymer Type, Jet -Fuel Resistant, Cold Applied 605 - 4 No Text r 9. Paragraph 610-5.1 Delete this paCagiaph and insert the following: "Portland Cement Concrete shall be considered subsidiary to other items in the bid form, and no separate payment shall be made for this item. The cost for portland cement { concrete shall be included in other items -in the bid form. I { ; Oft r ; r* oft_ 1- 2699-94 610 - b ,r 2/17/69 AC 150/5370-10A ITEM P-610 STRUCTURAL PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE DESCRIPTION 610-1.1 This item shall consist of [plain)(reinforced] structural portland cement concrete, prepared and con- structed in accordance with these specifications, at the locations and of the form and dimensions shown on the plans. MATERIALS 610-2.1 GENERAL. Only approved materials, conforming to the requirements of these specifications, shall be used in the work. They may be subjected to inspection and tests at any time during the progress of their preparation or use. The source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by the Engineer r before delivery or use is started. Representative preliminary samples of the materials shall be submitted by I the Contractor, when required, for examination and test. Materials shall be scored and handled to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for use and shall be located to facilitate prompt inspection. All equipment for handling and transporting materials and concrete must be clean before any material or con- crete is placed therein. In no case shall the use of pit -run or naturally mixed aggregates be permitted. Naturally mixed aggregate r� shall be screened and washed, and all fine and coarse aggregates shall be stored separately and kept clean. r The mixing of different kinds of aggregates from different sources in one storage pile or alternating batches t, of different aggregates will not be permitted. 610-2.2 COARSE AGGREGATE. The coarse aggregate for concrete shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 33. Coarse aggregate shall be well graded from coarse to fine and shall meet one of the gradations shown in ! Table 1, using ASTM C 136. ! 610-2.3 FINE AGGREGATE. The fine aggregate for concrete shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 33. The fine aggregate shall be well graded from fine to coarse and shall meet the requirements of Table 2, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 136: TABLE 1. GRADATION FOR COARSE AGGREGATE Percentage by Weight Passing Sieves Sieve Designation (square openings) 2" 1 %" I 1" I %" ins" 3'i" No.4 No. 4 to 3/4 in.(4.75-19.0 mm) 100 90-100 20-55 0-10 No:4 to I in.(4.75-25.0 mm) 100 90-100 25-60 0-10 No. 4 to 11h in.(4.75-38.1 100 95-100 35-70 10-30 0-5 mm) F AC 150/5370-10A 2/ 17/89 TABLE 2. GRADATION FOR FINE AGGREGATE Sieve Designation (square Percentage by Weight Passing openings) I Sieves % inch (9.5-mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) _ No. 30 (0.60 mm) No. 50 (0.30 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) 100 95-100 45-80 25-55 10-30 2-10 Blending will be permitted, if necessary, in order to meet the gradation requirements for fine aggregate. Fine aggregate deficient in the percentage of material passing the No. 50 mesh sieve may be accepted, pro- vided that such deficiency does not exceed 5% and is remedied by the addition of pozzolanic or cementi- tious materials other than portland cement, as specified in 610-2.6 on admixtures, in sufficient quantity to produce the required workability as approved by the Engineer. 610-2.4 CEMENT. Cement shall conform to the requirements of [ ] Type [ The Contractor shall furnish vendors' certified test reports for each carload, or equivalent, of cement shipped to the project. The report shall be delivered to the Engineer before permission to use the cement is granted: All such test reports shall be subject to verification by testing sample materials received for use on the project. 610-2.5 WATER. The water used in concrete shall be free from sewage, oil, acid, strong alkalies, vegeta- ble matter, and clay and loam. If the water is of questionable quality, it shall be tested in accordance with AASHO T 26. 610-2.6 ADMIXTURES. The use of any material added to the concrete mix shall be approved by the Engineer. Before approval of any material, the Contractor shall be required to submit the results of com- plete physical and chemical analyses made by an acceptable testing laboratory. Subsequent tests shall be made of samples taken by the Engineer from the supply of the material being furnished or proposed for use on the work to determine whether the admixture is uniform in quality with that approved. Pozzolanic admixtures shall be fly ash or raw or calcined natural pozzolons meeting the requirements of ASTM C 618. Air -entraining admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 260. Air -entraining admixtures shall be added at the mixer in the amount necessary to produce the specified air content. Water -reducing, set -controlling admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 494, Type A, water - reducing or Type D, water -reducing and retarding. Water -reducing admixtures shall be added at the mixer separately from air -entraining admixtures in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. 610-2.7 PREMOLDED JOINT MATERIAL. Premolded joint material for expansion joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM [ ] 610 - 2 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A r 610-2.8 JOINT FILLER. The filler for joints shall meet the requirements of Item P-605, unless otherwise f specified in the proposal. 610-2.9 STEEL REINFORCEMENT. Reinforcing shall -consist of [ ] conforming to the require- ments of [ ]. I r610-2.10 COVER MATERIALS FOR CURING. Curing materials shall conform to one of the following specifications: Waterproof Paper for Curing Concrete ASTM C 171 _ Polyethylene Sheeting for Curing Concrete ASTM C 171 Liquid Membrane -Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ASTM C 309, Type 2 I _ I� CONSTRUCTION METHODS 610-3.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and services necessary for, and inci- dental to, the completion of all work as shown on the drawings and specified herein. All machinery and equipment owned or controlled by the Contractor, which he proposes to use on the work, shall be of suffi- cient size to meet the requirements of the work, and shall be such as to produce satisfactory work, all work shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Engineer. 610-3.2 CONCRETE COMPOSITION. The concrete shall develop a compressive strength of [ j psi in 28 days as determined by test cylinders made in accordance with ASTM C 31 and tested in accordance with ASTM C 39. The concrete shall contain not less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard (280 kg per cubic meter). The concrete shall contain 5 percent of entrained air, plus or minus 1 percent, as determined by ASTM C 231 and shall have a slump of not more than 4 inches (10 cm) as determined by ASTM C 143. 610-3.3 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. ,Concrete for each structure will be accepted on a the basis of the compressive strength specified in paragraph 3.2. The concrete shall be sampled in accord- ance with ASTM C 172. Compressive strength specimens shall be made in accordance with ASTM C 31 - and tested in accordance with ASTM C 39. Concrete cylindrical test specimens shall be made in accordance with ASTM C 31 and tested in accordance with ASTM C 39. The Contractor shall cure and store the test specimens under such conditions as directed. The Engineer will make the actual tests on the specimens at no expense to the Contractor. r 610 - 3 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 610-3.4 PROPORTIONING AND MEASURING DEVICES. When package cement is used, the quantity for each batch shall be equal to one or more whole sacks of cement. The aggregates shall be measured separately by weight. If aggregates are delivered to the mixer in batch trucks, the exact amount for each mixer charge shall be contained in each batch compartment. Weighing boxes or hoppers shall be approved by the Engineer and shall provide means of regulating the flow of aggregates into the batch box so that the required and exact weight of aggregates can be readily obtained. 610-3.5 CONSISTENCY. The consistency of the concrete shall be checked by the slump test specified in ASTM C 143. 610-3.6 MIXING. Concrete may be mixed at the construction site, at a central point, or wholly or in part in truck mixers. The concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 94. 610-3.7 MIXING CONDITIONS. The concrete shall be mixed only in quantities required for immediate use. Concrete shall not be mixed while the air temperature is below 40' F (4' C) without permission of the Engineer. If permission is granted for mixing under such conditions, aggregates or water, or both, shall be heated and the concrete shall be placed at a temperature not less than 50' (10' C) nor more than 100' F (38' C). The Contractor shall beheld responsible for any defective work, resulting from freezing or injury in any manner during placing and curing, and shall replace such work at his/her expense. Retempering of concrete by adding water or any other material shall not be permitted. The delivery of concrete to the job shall be in such a manner that batches of concrete will be deposited at uninterrupted intervals. 610-3.8 FORMS. Concrete shall not be placed until all the forms and reinforcements have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. Forms shall be of suitable material and shall be of the type, size, shape, quality, and strength to build the structure as designed on the plans. The forms shall be true to line and grade and shall be mortar -tight and sufficiently rigid to prevent displacement and sagging between supports. The Contractor shall bear responsibility for their adequacy. The surfaces of forms shall be smooth and free from irregularities, dents, sags, and holes. for - The internal ties shall be arranged so that, when the forms arc removed, no metal will show in the concrete surface or discolor the surface when exposed to weathering. All forms shall be wetted with water or with a nonstaining mineral oil which shall be applied shortly before the concrete is placed. Forms shall be con- structed so that they can be removed without injuring the concrete or concrete surface. The forms shall not be removed before the expiration of at least 30 hours from vertical faces, walls, slender columns, and similar structures; forms supported by falsework under slabs, beams, girders, arches, and similar construction shall not be removed until tests indicate that at least 60% of the design strength of the concrete has developed. 610-3.9 PLACING REINFORCEMENT. All reinforcement shall be accurately placed, as shown on the plans, and shall be firmly held in position during concreting. Bars shall be fastened together at intersections. The reinforcement shall be supported by approved metal chain. Shop drawings, lists, and bending details shall be supplied by the Contractor when required. 610-3.10 EMBEDDED ITEMS. Before placing concrete, any items that are to be embedded shall be firmly and securely fastened in place as indicated. All such items shall be clean and free from coating, rust, _ scale, oil, or any foreign matter. The embedding of wood shall be avoided. The concrete shall be spaded and consolidated around and against embedded items. 610-3.11 PLACING CONCRETE. All concrete shall be placed during daylight, unless otherwise ap- proved. The concrete shall not be placed until the depth and character of foundation, the adequacy of forms and falsework, and the placing of the steel reinforcing have been approved. Concrete shall be placed as soon as practical after mixing and in no case later than 1 hour after water has been added to the mix. The method _ and manner of placing shall be such to avoid segregation and displacement of the reinforcement. Troughs, pipes, and chutes shall be used as an aid in placing concrete when necessary. Dropping the concrete a dis- tance of more than 5 feet (1.5 m), or depositing a large quantity at one point, will not be permitted. Con- crete shall be placed upon clean, damp surfaces, free from running water, or upon properly consolidated soil. 610 4 �r 2/17/69 AC 150/5370-10A The concrete shall be compacted with'§uitable ti edhinical vibrators operating within the concrete. When necessary, vibrating shall be supplemented by hand spading with suitable tool's to assure proper and ade- quate compaction. Vibrators shall be manipulated so as to work the concrete thoroughly around the rein- forcement and embedded fixtures and into corners and angles of the forms. The vibration at any joint shall be of sufficient duration to accomplish compaction but shall not be prolonged to the point where segrega- tion occurs. Concrete deposited under water shall be carefully placed in a compact mass in its final position by means of a tremie, a closed bottom dump bucket, or other approved method and shall not be disturbed �a. after being deposited. 610-3.12 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. When the placing of concrete is suspended, necessary provisions shall be made for joining future work before the placed concrete takes its initial set. For the proper bonding t of old and new concrete, such provisions shall be made for grooves, steps, keys, dovetails, reinforcing bars or other devices as maybe prescribed. -The work shall be arranged so that a section begun on any day shall be finished during daylight of the same day. Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has hardened, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be cleaned by a heavy steel broom, roughened slightly, wetted, and covered with a neat coating of cement paste or grout. 610-3.13 EXPANSION JOINTS. Expansion joints shall be constructed at such points and of such dimen- sions as may be indicated on the drawings. The premolded filler shall be cut to the same shape as that of the surfaces being joined. The filler shall be fixed firmly against the surface of the concrete already in place in such manner that it will not be displaced when concrete is deposited against it. 610-3.14 DEFECTIVE WORK. Any defective work disclosed after the forms have been removed shall be immediately removed and replaced. If any dimensions are deficient, or if the surface of the concrete is bulged, uneven, or shows honeycomb, which in the opinion of the Engineer cannot be repaired satisfactori- ly, the entire section shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. 610-3.15 SURFACE FINISH. All exposed concrete surfaces shall be true, smooth, free from open or rough spaces, depressions, or projections. The concrete in horizontal plane surfaces shall be brought flush with the finished top surface at the proper elevation and shall be struck -off with a straightedge and floated. Mortar finishing shall not be permitted, nor shall dry cement or sand -cement mortar be spread over the concrete during the finishing of horizontal plane surfaces. When directed, the surface finish of exposed concrete shall be a rubbed finish. If forms can be removed ► while the concrete is still green, the surface shall be pointed and wetted and then rubbed with a wooden float until all irregularities are removed. If the concrete has hardened before being rubbed, a carborundum rstone shall be used to finish the surface. When approved, the finishing can be done with a rubbing machine. 6 I 610-3.16 CURING AND PROTECTION. All concrete shall be properly cured and protected by the Con- tractor. The work shall be protected from the elements, flowing water, and from defacement of any nature i during the building operations. The concrete shall be cured as soon as it has sufficiently hardened by cover 4 ing with an approved material. Water -absorptive coverings shall be thoroughly saturated when placed and kept saturated for a period of at least 3 days. All curing mats or blankets shall be sufficiently weighted or «� tied down to keep the concrete surface covered and to prevent the surface from being exposed to currents of air. Where wooden forms are used, they shall be kept wet at all times until removed to prevent the opening of joints and drying out of the concrete. Traffic shall not be allowed on concrete surfaces for 7 days after the concrete has been placed. 610-3.17 DRAINS OR DUCTS. Drainage pipes, conduits, and ducts that are to be encased in concrete shall be installed by the Contractor before the concrete is placed. The pipe shall be held rigidly so that it will not be displaced or moved during the placing of the concrete. 610-3.18 COLD WEATHER PROTECTION. When concrete is placed at temperatures below 40' F (4' C), the Contractor shall provide satisfactory methods and means to protect the mix from injury by freezing. The aggregates, or water, or both, shall be heated in order to place the concrete at temperatures between 50' and 100' F (10' and 38' Q. Calcium chloride may be incorporated in the mixing water when directed by the Engineer. Not more than 2 pounds (908 grams) of Type 1 nor more than 1.6 pounds (726 grams) of Type 2 shall be added per bag of cement. After the concrete has been placed, the Contractor shall provide sufficient protection such as cover, F 610 - 5 AC 160/6370-10A 2/17/89 canvas, framework, heating apparatus, etc., to enclose and protect the structure and maintain the tempera- ture of the mix at not less than 50' F (10' C) until at ]east 60% of the designed strength has been attained. 610-3.19 FILLING JOINTS. All joints which require filling shall be thoroughly cleaned, and any excess mortar or concrete shall be cut out with proper tools. Joint filling shall not be started until after final curing and shall be done only when the concrete is completely dry. The cleaning and filling shall be carefully done with proper equipment and in a manner to obtain a neat looking joint free from excess filler. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 610-4.1 Portland cement concrete shall be measured by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) of con- crete complete in place and accepted. In computing the yardage of concrete for payment, the dimensions used shall be those shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer. No measurements or other allowances shall be made for forms, faamwork, cofferdams, pumping, bracing, expansion joints, or finishing of the con- crete. No deductions in yardage shall be made for the volumes of reinforcing steel or embedded items. 610-4.2 Reinforcing steel shall be measured by the calculated theoretical number of pounds (kg) placed, as shown on the plans, complete in place and accepted. The unit weight used for deformed bars shall be the weight of plain square or round bars of equal nominal size. If so indicated on the plans, the poundage to be paid for shall include the weight of metal pipes and drains, metal conduits and ducts, or similar materials indicated and included. BASIS OF PAYMENT - 610-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for structural port - land cement concrete and per pound (kg) for reinforcing steel. These prices shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivering and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item P-610-5.1 Structural Portland Cement Concrete —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item P-610-5.1 Steel Reinforcement —per pound (kg) TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 31 Making and Curing Test Specimens in the Field ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens ASTM C 136 Sievc or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ASTM C 138 Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content of Concrete ASTM C 143 Slump of Portland Cement Concrete ASTM C 231 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM A 194 Specification for Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mau for Concrete Reinforcement ASTM A 185 Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement 610 - 6 i l; 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A ASTM A 497 Specification forWelded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Pavement ASTM A 615 Deformed and Plain Billet -Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforce- ment S.- ASTM C 33 Concrete Aggregates ASTM C 94 Ready -Mixed Concrete ASTM C 150 Portland Cement ASTM C 171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ASTM C 260 Air -Entraining Admixtures for Concrete rASTM C 309 Liquid Membrane -Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ASTM C 595 Blend Hydraulic Cements ASTM C 618 Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pouolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete ASTM D 1751 Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Con- crete Paving and Structrual Construction ASTM D 1752 Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expan- sion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structurual Con- struction t i 4 . l 1. 610 - 7 � I ' low Modifications to ITEM P-620 RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY'PAINTING Item P-620 Runway and Taxiway. Painting, of the project specifications shall be . modified as follows: Paragraph 620-1.1 - Add the following sentence" "This item shall alsi consist :of obliterating existing;;or.temporary runway or taxiway,painting." r 2. Paragraph 620-2.1 PAINT - :Runway and taxiway paint shall meet the I requirements of Federal Specification:TT.P-1952. References to Federal Specification TT-P-85 and TT-P-110 shall be deleted. 'Reflective media 3 shall be required and shall be its accordance with Paragiaph'2`.jp.REFLECTIVE MEDIA, of this section. ol 3. Paragraph 620-3.2 EQUIPMENT -Insert the following' paragraph ,.. "The mechanical marker shall a an atomizing spray -type marking . .' machine suitable for the Application of traffic Paint._ It shall i« produce an even and uniform film thickness` at;[thei required coverage and shall be designed ao as. apply mark PP Y_-- ng of..uniform cross sections and` clear-cut edges with running or is spattering." 4. Paragraph 620-3.3 PREPARATION OF SURFACE'- Insert the following immediately_ after the first paragraph: If sin during paint flakes .off or;"comes loose duri the Contractor's guaranty period 'the ;painted ;area hall be re -cleaned and 're- ` painted at the Contractorls expense." I ' 5. Para rah 620-3.5 APPLICATION I� the Paragraph third sentence ..of tiie first , subparagraph, insert 072 hours" into the space provided. 6. Insert the -following new:paragraph: "620-3.7 DEFECTIVE .WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIAL ,,When anyimatexial: not conforming to the requirements .of the specificationi v plans has been delivered to the+roject or'incorporated;n 4the'vork;or- any work performed is of #ferior_quality, such material or.work r shall be considered defective and shall be -corrected 'A's directed by the Engineer, at ihe;dontiactor's expense;* 7. Paragraph 620-4 1 -_.Delete this paragraph and insert..the following: "The quantity,of runway and taxiway painting to be paidfor under;, this item shall be the number offeet of ;painting applied 'and + r,: accepted including. reflective'media, regardless of the ;color, of the l paint. This quantity shall i alsoinclude temporary runway; marking + installed to displace the `Runway il,R threshold,durini'6onstruction. . + 2699-94 ;620 , a ; The quantity of runway and taxiway painting to be paid for under this item shall be the number of square feet of painting obliterated." 8. BASIS OF PAYMENT - Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per square foot for runway and taxiway painting, including reflective media. Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per square foot for obliterating existing or temporary runway and taxiway painting. These prices shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for, all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the .item. Payment will be made under: Item P-620, Obliterate Existing or Temporary Runway and Taxiway Painting, per square foot; and Item P-620, Runway and Taxiway Painting, complete, per square foot." 2699-94 620 - b 2/17/89 AC 15015370-t0A ITEM P-620 RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY PAINTING DESCRIPTION 620-1.1 This item shall consist of the painting of numbers. markings. and stripes on the surface of runways and taxiways applied in accordance with these specifications and at the locations shown on the plans, or as directed by the e_ gineer. j� MATERIALS 620-2.1 PAINT. Paint shall meet the requirements of Fed. Spec.[ 620-2.2 REFLECTIVE MEDIA. Glass spheres shall meet the requirements of Fed. Spec. 77-B-1325, Type III, gradation A. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 620-3.1 WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The painting shall be performed only when the surface is dry, when the atmospheric temperature is above 45' F (7' C), and when the weather is not foggy or windy. 620-3.2 EQUIPMENT. All equipment for the work shall be approved by the engineer and shall include the apparatus necessary to properly clean the existing surface, a mechanical marking machine, and such aux- iliary hand -painting equipment as may be necessary to satisfactorily complete the job. The mechanical marker shall be an atomizing spray -type marking machine suitable for application of traffic r� paint. It shall produce an even and uniform film thickness at the required coverage and shall be designed so . as to apply markings of uniform cross sections and clear-cut edges without running or spattering. 620-3.3 PREPARATION OF SURFACE. Immediately before application of the paint, the surface shall be dry and free from dirt, grease, oil, laitance, or other foreign material which would reduce the bond be- tween the paint and the pavement. The area to be painted shall be cleaned by sweeping and blowing or by other methods as required to remove all dirt, laitance, and loose materials. 'Paint shall not be applied to portland cement concrete pavement until the concrete in the areas to be painted is clean of curing material. Sandblasting or high pressure water shall be used to remove curing material from concrete surfaces. i 620-3.4 LAYOUT OF MARKINGS. On those sections of pavement where no previously applied mark- ings are available to serve as a guide, the proposed markings shall be laid out in advance of the paint appli- cation. C 620 - 1 AC 150/5370-10A - - 2/17/89 620-3.5 APPLICATION. Markings shall be applied at the locations and to the dimensions and spacing _ shown on the plans. Paint shall not be applied until the layout and condition of the surface have been ap. proved by the engineer. The paint shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and applied to the pavement with a marking machine at the rate of 100 to 110 square feet (9 to 10 square meters) per gallon (liter). The addition of thinner will not be permitted. A period of { ] shall elapse between placement of a bitumi- nous surface course or seal coat and application of the paint. The edges of the markings shall not vary from a straight line more than 1/2 inch (12 mm) in 50 feet (15 m), and the dimensions shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus 5 percent. Glass spheres shall be distributed to the surface of the marked area immediately after application of the paint. A dispenser shall be furnished which is properly designed for attachment to the marking machine and suitable for dispensing glass spheres. The spheres shall be applied at the rate of 10 pounds per gallon (1.2 kg per liter) of paint. The contractor shall furnish certified test reports for the materials shipped to the project. The reports shall not be interpreted as a basis for final acceptance. The contractor shall notify the engineer upon arrival of a shipment of paint to the job site All emptied containers shall be returned to the paint storage area for checking by the engineer. The containers shall not be removed from the airport or destroyed until author- izrd by the e-gHeer. 620-3.6 PROTECTION. After application of the paint, all markings shall be protected from damage until the paint is dry. All surfaces shall be protected from disfiguration by spatter, splashes, spillage, or drippings of paint. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 620-4.1 The quantity of runway and taxiway markings to be paid for shall be [the number of square feet (square meters) of painting] [one complete item in place] performed in accordance with the specifications and accepted by the engineer. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per square foot (square meter) [contract lump sum] for runway and taxiway painting. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. — Payment will be made under: Item P-620-5.1 Runway and Taxiway Painting —[per square foot (square — meter)] [lump sum] 620 2 — 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Fed.Spec. TT-P-85 Paint. Traffic, and Airfield Marking, Solvent Base Fed.Spec. TT-P-1952 Paint, Traffic and Airfield Marking, Water Emulsion Base Fed.Spec. TT-P-1 10 Paint. Traffic Black (Nonreflectorized) Fed.Spec. TT-B-1325 Beads (Glass Spheres) Retroreflective 620 - 3 1 , t i Modifications to ITEM D-701 PIPE FOR STORM DRAINS''AN6 CULVERTS r Item D-701 Pipe for Storm Drains and Culverts of the .project .specifications shall be modified as follows 1. Paragraph 701-1.1.', Delete the words "reasonably: close." 2. Paragraph 701-2.2 PIPE. Pipe for storm drains:and culverts shall. conform to the requirements of ASTM C:,789 and ASTM C850, specifications for precast reinforced concrete box sections. Delete all other items in this '.' paragraph. 3. Paragraph 701-2.3 CONCRETE. Delete this paragraph. 4. Paragraph 701-2.4 RUBBER GASKETS Delete 'this.paragraph and insert the following: .; "701-2.4 :PREFORMED BITUMINOUS GASKET .JOINTS. Preformed:.., bituminous gaskets for concrete''nonpressure pipe shall conform to the requirements of"Fed. Spec. $S-S-00210 (qSA FSS) , 'and .shall be Ram•Nek or` approved ' equal. " t 5. Paragraphs 701-2.6 through 701 2 9 Delete',these paragraphs 6. Paragraph 701-3.2a. :Rigid Pipe Pipe bedding shall be Class C Delete requirements for Class .A and Clas,s''$ bedding`. 7. Para ra hs 701-3.2b and 701-3.2c. :Delete these paragraphs 8. Paragraph ' 701-3.3 IAYING PIPE. in the,; first subparagraph. ! ,delete IJ reference to flexible pipes . Delete the. second and third subparagraphs and insert the following: : I "The Engineer shall inspect all;pip� before it is: laid ,;snd .: reject an section that is: dam' ed :b handlin ar is j y �; g r , defective to a degree whichwill; materially affect ,'the function and service of. the pipe The pipe .shall be firmly and accurately set to line and grade so that the invert wih i be smooth and uniform . ;The Contractor shin provide for'!the �j temporary diversion o£ storm water in order to permit'i'the installation of the pipe under dry conditions." j 9. Paragraph 701-3 4.;..JOINING PIPE: Delete:',this ?paragraph and insert the following: r` "701-3.4 JOINING PIPE. Pipe joints fot concrete pipe 'shalZ ', i be of the tongue and groove type i'he joints shall be water tight. Each joint shall; : be, : sealed • with a preformed �. bituminous gasket as .specified The. gasket shall, be installed as recommended by; the pipe manufacturer. 2699-94 701 i I Mortar all be of he desired consistent for caulking and Mort shall t y g filling between the pipe and the drainage structure. Mortar r` that is not used within 45 minutes after water has been added shall be discarded. Retempering of mortar shall not be permitted." r i 10. Paragraph 701-3.5 BACKFILLING. Delete the fifth subparagraph. 11. Paragraphs 701-4.2 and 701-4.3. Delete these paragraphs. 12. Paragraph 701-5.1. In the first subparagraph, delete references to payment ., for pipe cradles and for rock excavation. Delete the third subparagraph . r.. and insert the following: ' "Payment will be made under: r" Item 701, 2' x 5' Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert, complete in place, per linear foot." I t - pro r"k l . _ rob i 2699-94 701 _ b r I 1112/90 AC 15015370-10A CHG 2 F 7 ITEM D-701 PIPE FOR STORM DRAINS AND CULVERTS DESCRIPTION 701-1.1 This item shall consist of the construction of pipe culverts and storm drains in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines and grades shown on the plans. MATERIALS 701-2.1 Materials shall meet the requirements shown on the plans and specified below. 701.2.2 . PIPE. * Metallic Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe (Type I, IR or II) Galvanized Steel Corrugated Structural Plates and Fasteners for Pipe, Pipe —Arches, and Arches Polymer Precoated Corrugated Steel Pipe for Sewers and Drains Post —Coated and Lined (Bituminous or Concrete) Corrugated Steel Sewer and Drainage Pipe * Fiber —Bonded asphalt, Composite Coated, Corrugated Steel Pipe * Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Culvert Pipe Vitrified Clay Pipe Non —Reinforced Concrete Pipe Reinforced Concrete Pipe * Reinforced Concrete D—Load Pipe Reinforced Concrete Arch Pipe Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections Bituminous —Coated Corrugated Metal Pipe and Pipe Arches Bituminous —Coated Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Culvert Pipe Bituminous —Coated Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, and Arches Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe Arch, and Arches Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe ASTM A 760 ASTM A 761 ASTM A 762 ASTM A 849 ASTM A 885 ASTM B 745 ASTM C 700 ASTM C 14 ASTM C 76 ASTM C 655 ASTM C 506 ASTM C 507 ASTM C 789 and C 850 AASHTO M 190 AASHTO M 190 and M 196 AASHTO M 167 and M 243 AASHTO M 219 ASTM D 3034 AASHTO M 252 AASHTO M 294 * 701-2.3 CONCRETE. Concrete for pipe cradles shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2000 psi (13 780 kPa) at 28 days and. conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. 701-2.4 RUBBER GASKETS. Rubber gaskets for rigid pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 443. Rubber gaskets for PVC pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F 477. Rubber gaskets for zinc — coated steel pipe and precoated galvanized pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1056, for the "RE" closed cell grades. 701-25 JOINT MORTAR. Pipe joint mortar shall consist of one part pordand cement and two pare sand. The portland cement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 150, Type I. The sand shall conform to the require- ments of ASTM C 144. I� 701 — 1 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 701-2.6 OAKUM. Oakum for joint in bell and spigot pipe shall be made from hemp (Cannabis Sativa) line, or Benares Sunn fiber, or from a combination of these fibers. The oakum shall be thoroughly corded and finished. 701-2.7 JOINT FILLERS. Poured filler for joint shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1190. 701-2.8 PLASTIC GASKET'S. Plastic gaskets shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 198 (Type B)• 701-29 COMPRESSION JOINTS. Materials for compression joint for vitrified clay pipe shall meet the requirement of ASTM C 425. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 701-.&1 EXCAVATION. The width of the pipe trench shall be anfficient'to p=h-satisfactory jointing of the pipe and thorough tamping of the bedding material under and around the pipe, but it shall not be less than the external diameter of the pipe plus 6 inches (150 mm) on each side. The trench walls shall be ap. proximately vertical Where rock, hardpan. or other unyielding material is encountered, the Contractor shall remove it from below the foundation grade for a depth of at least 12 inches (300 mm) or one-half inch (12 mm) for each foot of fill over the top of the pipe (whichever is greater) but for no more than three-quarters of the nomi- nal diameter of the pipe. The width of the excavation shall be at least 1 foot (30 cm) greater than the hori- zontal outside diameter of the pipe. The excavation below grade shall be backfitled with selected fine com- pressible material, such as silty clay or loam, and lightly compacted is layers not over 6 inches (150 mm) in uncompacted depth to form a uniform but yielding foundation. ` Where a firm foundation is not encountered at the grade established, due to soft, spongy, or other unstable soil, the unstable soil shall be removed and replaced with approved granular material for the full trench width. The Engineer shall determine the depth of removal necessary. The granular material shall be com- pacted to provide adequate support for the pipe. The excavation for pipes that are placed in embankment fill shall not be made until the embanhaent has been completed to a height above the top of the pipe as shown on the plans. 701-U BIDDING. The pipe bedding shall conform to the class specified on the plans. When no bedding class is specified or detailed on the plans, the requirements for Class C bedding shall apply. a. Rigid Pipe. Class A bedding shall consist of a continuous concrete cradle conforming to the plan details. Class B bedding shall consist. of a bed of granular material having a thickness of at least 6 inches (150 mm) below the bottom of the pipe and extending up around the pipe for a depth of not less than 30 percent of the pipe's vertical outside diameter. The layer of bedding material shall be shaped to fit the pipe for at least 10 percent of the pipe's vertical diameter and shall have recesses shaped to receive the bell of bell and spigot pipe. The bedding material shall be sand or selected sandy soil, all of which passes a 3/8 inch (9 mm) sieve and not more than 10 percent of which passes a No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve. Class C bedding shall consist of bedding the pipe in its natural foundation to a depth of not less than 10 percent of the pipe's vertical outside diameter. The bed shall be shaped to fit the pipe and shall ,have recess- es shaped to receive the bell of bell and spigot pipe. 701 - 2 u 2/17189 4 AC 150/5370-10A b. Flexible Pipe. For flexible pipe, the bed shall be roughly shaped to fit the pipe, and a bedding blanket of sand or fine granular material shall be provided as follows: Pipe Corrugation Depth Minimum Bedding Depth in. mm in. mm Y2 12.5 1 25.0 1 25.0 2 50.0 2 50.0 3 75.0 2% 62.5 3% 87.5 c. PVC and Polyethylene Pipe. For PVC and polyethylene pipe, the bedding material shall consist of coarse sands and gravels with a maximum particle size of 3/4-inch (13 mm). For pipes installed under paved areas, no more than 12 percent of the material shall pass the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve. For all other areas, no more than 50 percent of the material shall pass the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve. The bedding shall have a thickness of at least 6 inches (150 mm) below the bottom of the pipe and extend up around the pipe for a depth of not less than 50 percent of the pipe's vertical outside diameter. 701-3.3 LAYING PIPE. The pipe laying shall begin at the lowest point of the trench and proceed up- grade. The lower segment of the pipe shall be in contact with the bedding throughout its full length. Bell or groove ends of rigid pipes and outside circumferential laps of flexible pipes shall be placed facing upgrade. r Paved or partially lined pipe shall be placed so that the longitudinal center line of the paved segment coin- cides with the flow line. Elliptical and elliptically reinforced pipes shall be placed with the _manufacturer's top of pipe mark within five degrees of a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis of the pipe. 701-3.4 JOINING PIPE. Joints shall be made with (1) portland cement mortar, (2) portland cement grout, (3) rubber gaskets, (4) oakum and mortar, (5) oakum and joint compound, or (6) plastic gaskets. Mortar joints shall be made with an excess of mortar to form a continuous bead around the outside of the pipe and shall be finished smooth on the inside. Molds or runners shall be used for grouted joints in order to retain the poured grout. Rubber ring gaskets shall be installed to form a flexible watertight seal. Where oakum is used, the joint shall be caulked with the oakum and then sealed with joint compound or mortar. a. Concrete Pipe. Concrete pipe may be either bell and spigot or tongue and groove. The method of joining pipe sections shall be such that the ends are fully entered and the inner surfaces are reasonably flush: and even. Joints shall be thoroughly wetted before mortar or grout is applied. b. Metal Pipe. Metal pipe shall be firmly joined by form fitting bands conforming to the require- ments of ASTM A 760 for steel pipe and AASHTO M 196 for aluminum pipe. c. PVC and Polyethylene Pipe. Joints for PVC pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 3212. Fittings for polyethylene pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 252. d. Vitrified Clay Pipe. Fittings for vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 700. Materials for compression joints shall conform to. the requirements of ASTM C 425. 701-3.5 BACIMLLING. Pipes shall be inspected before any backfnll is placed; any pipes found to be out of alignment, unduly settled, or damaged shall be removed and relaid or replaced at the Contractor's ex- pense. Material for backfill shall be fine, readily compatible soil, or granular material selected from the excavation or a source of the Contractor's choosing. It shall not contain frozen lumps, stones that would be retained on a 2-inch (50.0 mm) sieve, chunks of highly plastic clay, or other objectionable material. No less than 95 percent of a granular backfill material shall pass through a 1/2 inch (12 mm) sieve, and no less than 95 percent of it shall be retained on a No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve. F 701 - 3 AC 160/5370-10A - 2/17/89 When the top of the pipe is even with or below the top of the trench, the backfill shall be compacted in layers not exceeding 6 inches (150 mm) on both sides of the pipe and shall be brought up one foot (30 cm) above the top of the pipe or to natural ground level, whichever is greater. Care shall be exercised to thor- oughly compact the backfill material under the haunches of the pipe. Material shall be brought up evenly on both sides of the pipe. When the top of the pipe is above the top of the trench, the backfill shall be compacted in layers not ex. ceeding 6 inches (150 mm) and shall be brought up evenly on both sides of the pipe to 1 foot (30 cm) above the top of the pipe. The width of backfill on each side of the pipe for the portion above the top of the trench shall be equal to twice the pipe's diameter of 12 feet (3.5 m), whichever is less. For PVC and polyethylene pipe, the backfill shall be placed in two stages; first to the top of the pipe and then at least 12 inches (300 mm) over the top of the pipe. The backfill material shall meet the requirements of paragraph 701-3.2c. All backfill shall be compacted to the density required under Item P-152. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 7014.1 The length of pipe shall be measured in linear feet (meters) of pipe in place, completed, and ap- proved. It shall be measured along the centerline of the pipe from end or inside face of structure to the end or inside face of structure, whichever is applicable. The several classes, types and size shall be measured separately. All fittings shall be included in the footage as typical pipe sections in the pipe being measured. 7014.2 The volume of concrete for pipe cradles to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) of concrete which is completed in place and accepted. 701-4.3 The volume of rock to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) of rock excavated. No -payment shall be made for the cushion material placed for the bed of the pipe. BASIS OF PAYMENT 701-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price per linear foot (meter) for each kind of pipe of the type and size designated; at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) of concrete for pipe cradles; and at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for rock excavation. These prices shall fully compensate the Contractor for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, exca- vation, and installation of these materials; and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item 701-5.1 [ J inch [ J per linear foot (meter) Item 701-5.2 Concrete for pipe cradles --per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item 701-5.3 Rock excavation --per cubic yard (cubic meter) MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM A 760 Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic -Coated for Sewers and Drains i 701-4 11r2/so AC 150/5370-10A CHG 2 ASTM A 761 Steel Galvanized, Corrugated Structural Plates and Fasteners for Pipe, Pipe -Arches, and Arches ASTM A 762 Precoated (Polymeric) Galvanized Steel Sewer and Drainage Pipe ASTM A 849 Post -Coated and Lined (Bituminous or Concrete) Corrugated Steel Sewer and Drainage Pipe * ASTM A 885 Steel Sheet, Zinc and Aramid Fiber Composite Coated for Corru- gated Steel Sewer, Culvert, and Underdrain Pipe * ASTM B 745 Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Culvert Pipe `i ASTM C 14 Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe r., ASTM C 76 Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ASTM C 94 Ready Mixed Concrete ASTM C 144 Aggregate for Masonry Mortar i ASTM C 150 Portland Cement j ASTM C 425 Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Pipe ASTM C 443 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets ASTM C 506 Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe f ASTM C 507 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe ASTM C 655 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe ASTM C 700 Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength, Standard Strength, and Perfo- rated ASTM C 789 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers t ASTM C 850 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less than 2 feet of Cover ASTM D 1056 Flexible Cellular Materials —Sponge or Expanded Rubber ASTM D 1190 Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot Poured Elastic Type ASTM D 3034 Type PSMPoly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings • ASTM D 3212 Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elasto- meric Seals ASTM F 477 Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe AASHTO M 190 Bituminous -Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe rArches I AASHTO M 198 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe Using Flexi- ble Watertight Gaskets AASHTO M 219 Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe -Arches, and Arches AASHTO M 243 Field Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe -Arches, and Arches 701 - 5 * * AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 AASHTO M 252 Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing AASHTO M 294 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 12- to 24-in. Diameter 701 — 6 Modifications to ITEM D-752 CONCRETE CULVERTS, HEADWALLS. AND MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Item D-752 Concrete Culverts, Headwalls, and,Miscellaneous Drainage Structures, of the project specifications, shall be modified as follows.: 1. Paragraph 752-1 1 '- .In the first sentence, _ insert "reinforced" into the space provided. Add the_'following sentence to this paragraph. " r"This item shall also include s reinforced concrete drainage.apron I along portions of the -main drains a ditch flowline, as 'shown on the:,,! drawings." 2. Paragraph 752-2.1 -'Revise the first sentence to read as follows: " Reinforced;'concrete shall; meet the -requirements of Item .P-610 STRUCTURAL PORTAND CEMENT CONCQETE,'of.these specifications." 3. Paragraph 752-3.3 WEEP HOLES -::Delete ahis entire paragraph.°.` - 4. Paragraph 752-4, METHOD OF iMEASUREMENT - Delete this entire :paragraph and ._ insert the following: "The quantity of reinforced concrete headwalls to be paid for under . this item shall be'.the numberof headwalls constructed and accepted.: The quantity of,reinforced concrete drainage apron to. a paid for under this item :shall; be the number of squzire yards of apron constructed and accepted, measured on the ground in place."." 9. Paragraph 752-5,'BASIS OF PAYMENT - Delete this entire paragraph and insert ' the following: "Payment shall be madeat the contract unit price per each for reinforced concrete headwalls,;complete and in place. Payment shall also be made, at".the contract ;unit price per square.' y and for r; reinforced concrete drainaji;4prons, :complete in place These rites shall be full c ensation for furnishing all materials, p � �; And: 1 for all preparation, excavaackfilling and' "p k6ing , of the ...: materials; furnishing and ;installing of reinforcing j and; anchor: rI bolts; furnishing and installing PP such specials and connections to pipes and other structures as Ana be required to'complete,the item ---as-shown-on•-the-plans or-•as•specifiwed';' and for all labor, equipment,, tools, and incidentals necessary,to complete the items. Payment w e d under•: ym ill b made. Item D452, Reinforced''Conc ete'.Headwall far 2` x :`5' Box 2699-94 ;752 -'a i p. t I �'. No Text F F F r 2/17/69 AC 150/5370-t0A ITEM D-752 CONCRETE CULVERTS, HEADWALLS, AND MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DESCRIPTION 752-1.1 This item shall consist of [ I concrete culverts, headwalls, and miscellaneous drain- age structures constructed in accordance with these specifications, at the specified locations and conforming to the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans or required by the Engineer. MATERIALS 752-2.1 CONCRETE. [ ] concrete shall meet the requirements of Item P-610. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 752-3.1 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION. a. Trenches and foundation pits for structures or structure footings shall be excavated to the lines and grades or elevations shown on the plans. The excavation shall be of sufficient size to permit the placing of the full width and length of the structure or structure footings shown. The elevations of the bottoms of footings, as shown on the plans, shall be considered as approximate only; and the Engineer may order, in writing, changes in dimensions or elevations of footings necessary to secure a satisfactory foundation. b. Boulders, logs, or any other objectionable material encountered in excavation shall be removed. All rock or other hard foundation material shall be cleaned of all loose material and cut to a firm surface either level, stepped, or serrated, as directed by the Engineer. All seams or crevices shall be cleaned out and grouted. All loose and disintegrated rock and thin strata shall be removed. When concrete is to rest on a surface other than rock, special care shall be taken not to disturb the bottom of the excavation, and excava- tion to final grade shall not be made until just before the concrete or reinforcing steel is to be placed. c. The Contractor shall do all bracing, sheathing, or shoring necessary to perform and protect the excavation and the structure as required for safety or conformance to governing laws. The cost of bracing, sheathing, or shoring shall be included in the unit price bid for excavation. d. Unless otherwise provided, bracing, sheathing, or shoring involved therewith shall be removed by the Contractor after the completion of the structure. Removal shall be effected in a manner which will not disturb or mar finished concrete. The cost of removal shall be included in the unit price bid for excavation. e. After each excavation is completed, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to that effect, and con- crete or reinforcing steel shall be placed after the Engineer has approved the depth of the excavation and the character of the foundation material. 752-3.2 BACKFILLING. -- a. After a structure has been completed, backfilling with approved material shall be accomplished by applying the fill in -horizontal layers not to exceed 8 inches (200 mm) in loose depth, and compated. The field density of the compacted material shall be at least 90 percent of the maximum density for cohesive soils and 95 percent of the maximum density for noncohesive soils. The maximum density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 698. The field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2167. b. No backfilling shall be placed against any structure until permission is given by the Engineer. In the case of concrete, such permission shall not be given until the concrete has been in place 7 days, or until tests made by the laboratory under the supervision of the Engineer establish that the concrete has attained suffi- cient strength to provide a factor of safety against damage or strain in withstanding any pressure created by the backfill or the methods used in placing it. 752-1 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 e. Fill placed around concrete culverts shall be deposited on both sides at the same time and to ap- proximately the same elevation. Care shall be taken to prevent any wedging action against the structure, and all slopes bounding or within the areas to be backfilled shall be stepped or serrated to prevent wedge action. d. Backfill will not be measured for direct payment. Performance of this work under the contract is not payable directly but shall be considered as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, covered under the — contract unit price for "unclassified excavation for structures." 752-3.3 WEEP HOLES. Weep holes shall be constructed as shown on the plans. 752-3.4 CLEANING AND RESTORATION OF SITE. After the backfill is completed', the Contractor shall dispose of all surplus material, dirt, and rubbish from the site. Surplus dirt may be deposited in embank- ment, shoulders, or as ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall restore all disturbed areas to their _ original condition. After all work is completed, the Contractor shall remove all tools and equipment, leaving the entire site free, clear, and in good condition. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 752-4.1 The quantity of unclassified excavation for structures to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards (cubic meters), measured in original position, of material excavated in accordance with the plans, or as directed by the Engineer; but in no case shall any yardage be included in the measurement for payment which is outside of a volume bounded by vertical planes 18 inches (4� cm) outside of and parallel to the i.eoL of the footings. 752-4.2 Concrete shall be measured by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) of concrete, complete in place and accepted. In computing the yardage of concrete for payment, the dimensions used shall be those shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer. No measurements or other allowances shall be made for forms, false work, cofferdams, pumping, bracing, expansion joints, or finishing of the concrete. No deduc- tions in yardage shall be made for' the volumes of reinforcing steel or embedded items. 752-4.3 The quantity of reinforcing steel to be paid for shall be the calculated theoretical number of pounds (kilograms)placed as shown on the plans, complete in place and accepted. The unit weight used for deformed bars shall be the weight of plain square or round bars, as the case may be, of equal nominal size. BASIS OF PAYMENT 752-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for unclassified exca- vation for structures; at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for concrete for the structures; and at the contract unit price per pound (kilogram) for reinforcing steel. These prices shall be full compen- sation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, excavation, and placing the materials, and for all labor, ,equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the structure. Payment will be made under: Item D-752-5.1 Unclassified Excavation for Structures —per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item D-752-5.2 Structural Concrete --per cubic yard (cubic meter) Item D-752-5.3 Reinforcing Steel --per pound (kilogram) 752 - 2 2/17/89 AC 1S0/53 70-10A TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 698 Moisture -Density Relations of Soils and Soil -Aggregate Mix. tures Using 5.5 lb (2.49 kg) Rammer and 1-1-in (305 mm) Drop t ASTM D 1556 Density of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method ASTM D 2167 Density of Soil in Place by the R.ubber-Ballon Method 1 4 , 4 e, i' I f {r { y i+ r i a PW i 752 — 3 ' I rr Modification to. ITEM 'T 901 SEEDING Item T-901, Seeding, of the project specifications shall be modified as follows: and the following: `I 1. Paragraphs 901-1.1 - Delete this paragraph`, insert "This" -item shall consist of aoil`.';preparatioa, seeding and fertilizing the areas as directed :by, the' Engineer: in accordance with these','specificationit Area of soil preparation.,,seeding and°.fertilizing under this item shall include, but not be limited to, ;unpaved areas within the limits of grading. as shown onthe.plans;+cr as designated by g the:Engineer, any areas of existing turf disturbed during construction, excavated areas; Contractor haul routes or travel paths, and Contractor, :plant;and:Affice areas, and stockpile areas." 2. Paragraph 901-2.1 SEED - Add this sentencet at the beginning of the first s subparagraph: "Seed shall be labeled and shall meet the requirements of the Texas. seed law." 3. Paragraph 901-2.1 SEED..- Delete -the third :and fourth: subparagraphs. and insert the following: Or "The quantity of "Commercial;; Seed" required to equal ;the quantity of "Pure Live Seed' shalI be computed by ',the following formula: 10,000 Commercial Seed 'µre Live Seed x ' X Purity;x X Germination The quantity of pure live seed and type required are indicated below.' QUR'= OF PURE LIVE.SEED COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME FOR �IIRTURE .Green Sprangletop Leptochloa dubie CO lbs/acre i Sideoats Grama BouAaloua 8.0 lbs/acre (El Reno) curtipendula , -Blue Grama Bouteloua gracE 10 A lbs jacre (Texas Grown) Buffalograss, Buciriee�dacty2oides 6.0 lbs/acre (treated) Common Bermudagrass _ 16;0 lbsjacre .(hulled) Seeding shall be performed II*in$` the period between January. 1's and June 15, inclusive, unless otherwise;#pproved by the Engineer. ` payment will not be made 'for soil.preparation seeding and fertilizing ' 2699-94 401 a r prior to Planting and establishing an acceptable stand of grass." 4. Paragraph 901-2.2 LIME - Delete this paragraph. 5. Paragraph 901-2.3 FERTILIZER - Delete this paragraph and insert the following: "901-2.3 FERTILIZER. All fertilizer shall be delivered in bags or clearly marked containers showing the analysis, name, trademark, and warranty. Fertilizer shall be free flowing and uniform in composition. Fertilizer is subject to testing by the State chemist in accordance with the Texas fertilizer law. Fertilizer shall have an analysis of 16-20-0 or 16-8-8 (representing respective percentages of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash) as determined by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, and shall be spread at a minimum rate of - 0- 400 pounds per acre. Fertilizercomposition and rate of application shall be as recommended by the fertilizer manufacturer for the seed planted and allowing for local soil conditions, and shall be approved by the Engineer prior to application." 6. Paragraph 901-3.2 DRY APPLICATION METHOD - Delete subparagraph (a) LIMING, Application of lime will not be required under this item. 7. Paragraph 901-3.3 WET APPLICATION METHOD - Delete a].1 references to lime application. Application of lime will not be required under this item, Fertilizer shall be uniformly applied at a rate specified in Paragraph it 901-2.3. 0, 8. Paragraph 901-3.4 MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS - Add the following: - i "The Contractor shall be responsible for watering and maintaining „M seeded areas for a minimum period of 45 calendar days after seeding, or until establishing an acceptable stand of grass, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer." - 9. Paragraph 901-4.1 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT - Delete this: entire paragraph and insert the following: . "901-4.1 The quantity of soil preparation, seeding and fertilizing to be paid for under this item shall be the actual number of acres completed and accepted, measured on the ground surface within the limits shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer." 10. Paragraph -901-5:1-- BASIS"OF PAYMENT -"Delete this entire paragraph and gob insert the following: r k. 2699-94 r "901-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per acre for soil preparation, seeding and fertilizing. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment for this item will not be made Prior to planting and establishing an acceptable stand of 901 - b 00... 'grass. Payment will be made under: Item T-901, Soil Preparation, Seeding and Fertilizing, per acre." AC 150/537D-10A 2/17/89 ITEM T -901 SEEDING DESCRIPTION 901-1.1 This item shall consist of soil preparation, seeding ( ] the areas shown on the plans or as directed by the Entincer in accordance with these specifications. MATERIALS 901-2.1 SEED. The species and application rates of grass, legume, and cover -crop seed furnished shall be those stipulated herein. Seed shall conform to the requirements of Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181. Seed shall be furnished separately or in mixtures in standard containers with the seed name, lot number, net weight, percentages of purity and of germination and hard seed, and percentage of maximum weed seed content clearly marked for each kind of seed. I c Contractor shall furnish the Engineer duplicate signed copies of a statement by the vendor certifying that each lot of seed has been tested by a recognized labora- tory for seed testing within 6 months of date of delivery. This statement shall include: name and address of laboratory, date of test, tot number for each kind of seed, and the results of tests as to name, percentages of purity and of germination, and percentage of weed content for each kind of seed furnished, and, in case of a mixture, the proportions of each kind of seed. Seeds shall be applied as follows: Minimum Seed Minimum Seed Purity (Percent) Germination t) (Percent) Seeding shall be performed during the period between [ approved by the Engineer. Rate of Application lb./acre (or lb./1,000 S.F.) j and [ j inclusive. unless otherwise 901-2.2 UNM Lime shall be ground limestone containing not less than 85% of total carbonates, and shall be ground to such fineness that 90% will pass through a No. 20 mesh sieve and 50% will pass through a No. 100 mesh sieve. Coarser material will be acceptable, providing the rates of application are increased to provide not less than the minimum quantities and depth specified in the special provisions on the basis of the two sieve requirements above. Dolomitic lime or a high magnesium lime shall contain at least 1017c of mag- C 901_I AC 150/6370-IOA 2/17/89 nesium oxide. Lime shall be applied at the rate of ( J. All liming materials shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 602. 901-2.3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall be standard commercial fertilizers supplied separately or in mix- tures containing the percentages of total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and water-soluble potash. They shall be applied at the rate and to the depth specified herein, and shall meet the requirements of Fed. Spec. O-F-241 and applicable state laws. They shall be furnished in standard containers with name. weight. and guaranteed analysis of contents clearly marked thereon. No cyanamide compounds or hydrated lime shall be permitted in mixed fertilizers. The fertilizers may be supplied in one of the following forms: a. A dry, free -flowing fertilizer suitable for application by a common fertilizer spreader; b. A finely -ground fertilizer soluble in water. suitable for application by power sprayers; or c. A granular or pellet form suitable for application by blower equipment. Fertilizers shall be ( J commercial fertilizer and shall be spread at the rate of [ J. 901-2.4 SOIL FOR REPAIRS. The soil for fill and topsoiling of areas to be repaired shall be at least of equal quality to that which exists in areas adjacent to the area to be repaired. The soil shall be relatively free from large stones. roots, stumps, or other materials that will interfere with subsequent sowing of seed, com- pacting, and establishing turf, and shall be approved by the Engineer before being placed. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 901-3.1 ADVANCE PREPARATION AND CLEANUP. After grading of areas has been completed and . before applying fertilizer and ground limestone, areas to be seeded shall be raked or otherwise cleared of stones larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in any diameter, sticks. stumps, and other debris which might interfere with sowing of seed, growth of grasses, or subsequent maintenance of grass -covered areas. If any damage by erosion or other causes has occurred after the completion of grading and before beginning the applica. tion of fertilizer and ground limestone, the Contractor shall repair such damage. This may include filling — gullies, smoothing irregularities, and repairing other incidental damage. An area to be seeded shall be considered a satisfactory seedbed without additional treatment if it has recent• ly been thoroughly loosened and worked to a depth of not less than 5 inches (125 mm) as a result of grading — operations and, if immediately prior to seeding, the top 3 inches (75 mm) of soil is loose, friable, reasonably free from large clods; rocks, large roots, or other undesirable matter, and if shaped to the required grade. However, when the area to be seeded is sparsely sodded, weedy, barren and unworked, or packed and hard. any grass and weeds shall first be cut or otherwise satisfactorily disposed of, and the soil then scarified or otherwise loosened to a depth not less than 5 inches (125 mm). Clods shall be broken and the top 3 inches (75 mm) of soil shall be worked into a satisfactory seedbed by discing, or by use of cultipackers, rollers, — drags, harrows. or other appropriate means. 901-3.2 DRY APPLICATION MLXHOD. a. LIMING. Lime shall be applied separately and prior to the application of any fertilizer or seed -' and only on seedbeds which have previously been prepared as described above. The lime shall then be 901 - 2 1 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-t0A worked into the top 3 inches (75 mm) of `soil after which the seedbed shall again be properly graded and dressed to a smooth finish. l b. Fertilizing. Following advance preparations and cleanup fertilizer shall be uniformly spread at the l rate which will provide not less than the minimum quantity stated in paragraph 901-2.3. e. Seeding. Grass seed shall be sown at the rate specified in paragraph 901-2.1 immediately after fer- tilizing, and the fertilizer and seed shall be raked within the depth range stated in the special provisions. ., Seeds of legumes, either alone or in mixtures, shall be inoculated before mixing or sowing, in accordance y with the instructions of the manufacturer of the inoculant. When seeding is required at other than the sea- sons shown on the plans or in the special provisions, a cover crop shall be sown by the same methods required for grass and legume seeding. d. Rolling. After the seed has been properly covered, the seedbed shall be immediately compacted by means of an approved lawnroller, weighing 40 to 65 pounds per foot (60 to 97 kg per meter) of width for clay soil (or any soil having a tendency to pack), and weighing 150 to 200 pounds per foot (223 to 298 kg per meter) of width for sandy or light soils. u 901-3.3 WET APPLICATION METHOD. a. General. The Contractor may elect to apply seed and fertilizer (and lime. if required) by spraying ' them on the previously prepared seedbed in the form of an aqueous mixture and by using the methods and equipment described herein. The rates of application shall be as specified in the special provisions. 9 b. Spraying Equipment. The spraying equipment shall have a container or water tank equipped with a liquid level gauge calibrated to read in increments not larger than 50 gallons (190 liters) over the entire range of the tank capacity mounted so as to be visible to the nozzle operator. The container or u mk shall also be equipped with a mechanical power -driven agitator capable of be all the solids in the mixture in complete suspension at all times until used. The unit shall also be equipped with a pressure pump capable of delivering 100 gallons (380 liters) per minute at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch (690 kPa). The pump shall be mounted in a line which will recirculate the mixture through the tank whenever it is not being sprayed from the nozzle. All pump passages and pipe lines shall be capable of providing clearance for 5/8 inch (15 mm) solids. The power unit for the pump and agitator shall have controls mounted so as to be accessible to the nozzle operator. There shall be an indicating pressure gauge connected and mounted immediately at the back of the nozzle. The nozzle pipe shall be mounted on an elevated supporting stand in such a manner that it can be rotated r through 360 degrees horizontally and inclined vertically from at least 20 degrees below to at least 60 de- grees above the horizontal. There shall be a quick -acting, three-way control valve connecting the recircu- lating line to the nozzle pipe and mounted so that the nozzle operator can control and regulate the amount of flow of mixture delivered to the nozzle. At least three different types of nozzles shall be supplied so that mixtures may be properly sprayed over distance varying from 20 to 100 feet (6 to 30 m). One shall be a close -range ribbon nozzle, one a medium -range ribbon nozzle, and one a long-range jet nozzle. For case of removal and cleaning, all nozzles shall be connected to the nozzle pipe by means of quick -release couplings. In order to reach areas inaccessible to the regular equipment. an extension hose at least 50 feet (15 m) in length shall be provided to which the nozzles may be connected. c. Mixtures. Lime, if required, shall be applied separately, in the quantity specified, prior to the fer- tilizing and seeding operations. Not more than 220 pounds (100 kg) of lime shall be added to and mixed with each 100 gallons (380 liters) of water. Seed and fertilizer shall be mixed together in the relative proportions P„r specified, but not more than a total of 220 pounds (100 kg) of these combined solids shall be added to and mixed with each 100 gallons (380 liters) of water. F. 901 - 3 AC 160/5370-10n _ 2/17/89 All water used shall be obtained from fresh water sources and shall be free from --injurious chemicals and other tonic substances harmful to plant life. Brackish water shall not be used at any time. The Contractor shall identify to the Engineer all • sources of water at least 2 weeks prior to use. The Engineer may take samples of the water at the source or from the tank at any time and have a laboratory test the samples for chemical and saline content. The Contractor shall not use any water from any source which is disapproved by the Engineer following such tests. All mixtures shall be constantly agitated from the time they are mixed until they are finally applied to the seedbed. All such mixtures shall be used within 2 hours from the time they were mixed or they shall be wasted and disposed of at locations acceptable to the Engineer. d. Spraying. Lame. if required, shall be sprayed only upon previously prepared seedbeds. After the applied lime mixture has dried, the lime shall be worked into the top 3 inches (8 cm), after which the seed- bed shall again be properly graded.and dressed to a smooth finish. Mixtures of seed and fertilizer shall only be sprayed upon previously prepared seedbeds on which the lime. if required, shall already have been worked in. The mixtures shall be applied by means of a high-pressure spray which shall always be directed upward into the air so that the mixtures will fall to the ground like rain in a uniform spray. Nozzles or sprays shall never be directed toward the ground in such a manner as might produce erosion or runoff. Particular care shall be exercised to insure that the application is made uniformly and at the prescribed rate and to guard against misses and overlapped areas. Proper predetermined quantities of the mixture in accord- ance with specifications shall be used to cover specified sections of known area. Checks on the rate and uniformity of application may be trade by observing the degree of wetting of the ground or by distributing test sheets of paper or pate over the area at intervals and observing the quantity of material deposited.there- on. On surfaces which are to be mulched as indicated by the plans or designated by the Engineer, seed and fertilizer applied by the spray method need not be raked into the soil or rolled. However, on surfaces on which mulch is not to be used, the raking and rolling operations will be required after the soil has dried. 901.3.4 MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS. The Contractor shall protect seeded areas against traf- fic or other use by warning signs or barricades. as approved by the Engineer. Surfaces gullied or otherwise damaged following seeding shall be repaired by regrading and reseeding as directed. The Contractor shall mow, water as directed, and otherwise maintain seeded areas in a satisfactory condition until final inspection and acceptance of the work. When either the dry or wet application method outlined above is used for work done out of season, it will be required that the Contractor establish a good stand of grass of uniform color and density to the satisfac. tion of the Engineer. If at the time when the contract has been otherwisecompleted it is not possible to make an adequate determination of the color, density, and uniformity of such stand of grass. payment for the unaccepted portions of the areas seeded out of season will be withheld until such time as these requirements have been met. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 901-4.1 The quantity of seeding to be paid for shall be the . number of ' units [1,000 square feet (square meters)][ acres (square meters)] measured on the ground surface, completed and accepted. BASIS OF PAYMENT 901-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per 6.000 square feet (square met ers)][acre (square meters)] or fraction thereof, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all material and for all labor, equipment, tools. and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this item. 901 - 4 2/17/$9 AC 150/5370-t0A Payment will be made under: Item 901-5.1 ASTM C 602 ASTM D 977 Fed. Spec. III-S-18113 Fed. Spec. O-F-241D Seeding --per (1.000 square feet (square meters)][acre (square meters)] MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Agricultural Liming Materials Emulsified Asphalt Agricultural Seeds Commercial Mixed Fertilizer 901 - 5 � Modii€ication to Z ITEM T 904 SODDING Item T-904, Sodding, of the -projects shall be modified as .:follows: . 1. Paragraph 904-2.1 SOD. - Delet c : the fifth• and sixth sentences!:. in this paragraph and insert the following: "At least 95Z of .the plants ft the cut sod shill, be composed of ` common beimudagrass, and ,arly vegetation more um6•inches in height shall be mowed to.t height of 3-inches or less before the sod is lifted. Sod, including the toil containing`,, the 'roots :and • the plant growth showing abdve,'shall -be cut to uniform thickness not less than that'iecessary,to provide; live grass..: is; 2. Paragraph 904-2.2 LIME. Delete this; i entire paragraph and all; further references to lime or grou44imestone for soil treatment. 3. Paragraph 904.2.5 SOIL FOR`REPAIRS`.'- Delete this entire paragraph. 4 Paragraph 904-3.1 GENERAL -. Delete the first subparagraph aaizd ionsert the following: `Areas to be solid sod shall be as:directed bythe iEngineer; ;but shall generally consist of the' 33 feet immediately ladjecer .:ta the paved shoulder areas constructed ursderlthis project." 5. Paragraph 904-3.3 APPLYING FERTILIZER AND GROUND LIMESTONE ; Delete ;this rw, entire paragraph and insert the 40116win9: _ ■904-3.3 APPLYING FERTILIZER. Following ground€ isurface preparation, fertilizer hall be uniformly spread at ;the rate specified in Item T 901 SEEDING, 'of these speci:ficatio The ' fertilizer shall be incorporated into the soil to,,a depth .of=not' less than 2-in4hes by di >o,s raking or other approved methods. Any -stones larger than;:2*incheiAli any dimension', 1ar-ge clods, roots and other liter brought to the -surface by► this ;operation shall be removed." 6. Paragraph: 904-5.1 - Deletethis paragraph and ,insert the following: "904-5.1 Payment shall: be made lat the contract unitprice;per' ,.. .-square yard for soil preparat.on� sodding and fertilizg. :This.: ; price shall be full compensa tioa 'for furnishing And placi 'all =materials•-and for:.all-',labor, equipment,I tools. rand Lucidentals rr, necessary to complete >whe ,item Payment for this item 'will not - be made prior to 'olantitCg and "establishing an acceptable 'stand of . .. Ograss,P ,- E Payment sill ' be made under! i e , .. Item T-904, Soil Preparation., Sodding and Fr-rtilizing� per square pow'.. . Yard." 2699-94 ..:. .-.. - o' V :. E w., AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 r F ITEM T-904 SODDING DESCRIPTION _ 904-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing, hauling, and placing approved live sod on prepared areas in accordance with this specification at the locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS 904-2.1 SOD. Sod furnished by the Contractor shall have a good cover of living or growing grass. This shall be interpreted to include grass that is seasonally dormant during the cold or dry seasons and capable of renewing growth after the dormant period. All sod shall be obtained from areas where the soil is reasonably fertile and contains a high percentage of loamy topsoil. Sod shall be cut or stripped from living, thickly matted turf relatively free of weeds or other undesirable foreign plants, large stones, roots, or other materi- als which might be detrimental to the development of the sod or to future maintenance. At least 70% of the plants in the cut sod shall be composed of the species stated in the special provisions, and any vegetation more than 6 inches (150 mm) in height shall be mowed to a height of 3 inches (75 mm) or less before sod is lifted. Sod, including the soil containing the roots and the plant growth showing above, shall be cut uni- formly to a thickness not less than that stated in the special provisions. 904-2.2 LIME. Lime shall conform to the requirements of 901-2.2. 904-2.3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall conform to the requirements of 901-2.3. 904-2.4 WATER. The water shall be sufficiently free from oil, acid, alkali, salt, or other harmful materials that would inhibit the growth of grass. It shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to use. 904-2.5 SOIL FOR REPAIRS. The soil for fill and topsoiling of areas to be repaired shall conform to the requirements of 901-2.4. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 904-3.1 GENERAL. Areas to be solid, strip, or spot sodded shall be shown on the plans. Areas requiring special ground surface preparation such as titling and those areas in a satisfactory condition which are to remain undisturbed shall also be shown on the plans. Suitable equipment necessary for proper preparation of the ground surface and for the handling and placing of all required materials shall be on hand, in good condition, and shall be approved by the Engineer before the various operations are st4rted. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer before starting the var- ious operations that the application of required materials will be made at the specified rates. 904-3.2 PREPARING THE GROUND SURFACE. After grading of areas has been completed and before applying fertilizer and limestone, areas to be sodded shall be raked or otherwise cleared of stones larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in any diameter, sticks, stumps, and other debris which might interfere with sodding, growth of grasses, or subsequent maintenance of grass-covercd areas. If any damage by erosion or other causes occurs after grading of areas and before beginning the application of fertilizer and ground limestone, the Contractor shall repair such damage. This may include filling gullies, smoothing irregularities, and re- pairing other incidental damage. 904-3.3 APPLYING FERTILIZER AND GROUND LIMESTONE. Following ground surface prepara- tion, fertilizer shall be uniformly spread at a rate which will provide not less than the minimum quantity of each fertilizer ingredient, as stated in the special provisions. If use of ground limestone is required, it shall F 904 - 1 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 then be spread at a rate which will provide not less than the minimum quantity stated in the special provi- sions. These materials shall be incorporated into the soil to a depth of not less than 2 inches (50 mm) by discing, raking, or other methods acceptable to the Engineer. Any stones larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in any diameter, large clods, roots, and other litter brought to the surface by this operation shall be removed. 904-3.4 OBTAINING AND DELIVERING SOD. After inspection and approval of the source of sod by the Engineer, the sod shall be cut with approved sod cutters to such a thickness that after it has been trans- ported and placed on -the prepared bed, but before it has been compacted, it shall have a uniform thickness of not less than 2 inches (50 mm). Sod sections or strips shall be cut in uniform widths, not less than 10 inches (250 mm), and in lengths of not less than 19 inches (45 cm), but of such length as may be readily lifted without breaking, tearing, or loss of soil. Where strips are required, the sod must be rolled without damage with the grass folded inside. The Contractor may be required to mow high grass before cutting sod. The sod shall be transplanted within 24 hours from the time it is stripped, unless circumstances beyond the Contractor's control make storing necessary. In such cases, sod shall be stacked, kept moist, and protected from exposure to the air and sun and shall be kept from freezing. Sod shall be cut and moved only when the soil moisture conditions are such that favorable results can be expected. Where the soil is too dry, permis- sion to cut sod may be granted only after it has been watered sufficiently to moisten the soil to the depth the sod is to be cut. 904-3.5 LAYING SOD. Sodding shall be performed only during the seasons when satisfactory results can be expected. Frozen sod shall not be used and sod shall not be placed upon frozen soil. Sod may be trans- planted during periods of drought with the approval of the Engineer, provided the sod bed is watered to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches (100 mm) immediately prior to laying the sod. The sod shall be moist and shall be placed on a moist earth bed. pitch forks shall not be used to handle sod, and dumping from vehicles shall not be permitted. The sod shall be carefully placed by hand, edge to edge and with staggered joints, in rows at right angles to the slopes, commencing at the base of the area to be sodded and working upward. The sod shall immediately be pressed firmly into contact with the sod bed by tamping or rolling with approved equipment to provide a true and even surface, and insure knitting without displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of sodded areas. Where the sod may be displaced during sodding operations, the workmen when replacing it shall work from ladders or treaded planks to prevent further displacement. Screened soil of good quality shall be used to fill all cracks between sods. The quantity of the fill soil shall not cause smothering of the grass. Where the grades are such that the slow of water will be from paved surfaces across sodded areas, the surface of the soil in the sod after compaction shall be set approximately 1 inch (25 mm) below the pavement edge. Where the flow will be over the sodded areas and onto the paved surfaces around manholes and inlets, the surface of the soil in the sod after compaction shall be placed flush with pavement edges. On slopes steeper than 1 vertical to 2-1/2 horizontal and in v-shaped or flat -bottom ditches or gutters, the sod shall be pegged with wooden pegs not less than 12 inches (300 mm) in length and have a cross -sectional area of not less than 3/4 square inch (19 square millimeter). The pegs shall be driven flush with the surface of the soda 904-3.6 WATERING. Adequate water and watering equipment must be on hand before sodding begins, and sod shall be kept moist until it has become established and its continued growth assured. In all cases, watering shall be done in a manner which will avoid erosion from the application of excessive quantities and will avoid damage to the finished surface. 904-3.7 ESTABLISHING TURF. a. General. The Contractor shall provide general care for the sodded areas as soon as the sod has been laid and shall continue until final inspection and acceptance of the work. b. Protection. All sodded areas shall be protected against traffic or other use by warning signs or barricades approved by the Engineer. C. Mowing. The Contractor shall mow the sodded area with approved mowing equipment, depend- ing upon climatic and growth conditions and the needs for mowing specific areas. In the event that weeds or other undesirable vegetation are permitted to grow to such an extent that, either cut or uncut, they 904-2 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A threaten to smother the sodded species, they shall be mowed acid the clippings raked and removed from the area. 904-3.9 Repairing. When the surface has become bullied or otherwise damaged during the period cov. ered by this contract, the affected areas shall be repaired to re-establish the grade and the condition of the soil, as directed by the Engineer, and shall then be sodded as specified in 904-3.5. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 904-4.1 This item shall be measured on the basis of the area in square yards (square meters) of the surface covered with sod and accepted. BASIS OF PAYMENT 904-5.1 This item will be paid for on the basis of the contract unit price per square yard (square meter) for sodding, which price shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, material, staking, and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the items as specified. Payment will be made under: Item T-904-5.1 Sodding —per square yard (square meter) t 904 - 3 M Modificetions to ITEM L-108 INSTALIATION OF t1NDERGROUND CABLE FOR AIRPORTS - Item L-108 Installation of underground Cable for Airports, of the project specifications, shall be modified as follows: 1. Paragraph 108-2.2 CABLE -.Delete the fourth paragraph and insert the , ,.; following: ` "All underground power cable shall be Type C, single conductor, with 600-volt or 5,000 volt cross -linked (8L) roll, -,polyethylene .insulation Type C cable shall be used for 5,000 volt installation. All cable for airport lighting, service .shal , be stranded viz: 600 volt -.7 strand; 5,000 volt - 7 or 19 strand. For power cable, conductor site shall not be smaller than No.8 AWG." . 2. Paragraph 108-2.4 CABLE CONNECTIONS - Delete paragraphs ;(b) and (e). Vulcanized or taped splices -shall not,U used on this.;.projact.. 3. Paragraph 108-2.5 CONCRETE -,'Delete this entire, paragraph. Cable. markers i will not be required under this item 4. Paragraph 108-3.7 CABLE MARKERS .Cable markers will not be'iequired under this item. Delete this -entire paragraph and insert the following "The ;Contractor shall preserveand reinstall existing markers disturbed by any of the construction operations." :. POO 5. Paragraph 108-3.8 SPLICING a.:Delete paragraphs (b) and,, -(a) ;. 6. Paragraph'108-3.9 BARE COUNTERPOISE WIRE INSTALIATION.AND;GROUNDING -FOR LIGHTING PROTECTION. - Installation of bare counterpoise wire and grounding rods is a requirement of 'this project. ' Bare counterpoise wire and grounding rods shall be installed as `:specified heroin. The Contractor , shall note that the.counterpoise'system'grounding rodsaredifferent from !'^ the ground rods as specified atem'MC-which are_for installation in the .. E apron pavement for electrically grounding aircraft and equipment parked on . the completed apron. ri 7. Paragraph 4, METHOD OF MEASUREMENT .1. Delete this out ire: paragraph And insert the following:.:--.,.' "The quantity of undergi; gable to be paid for under this .item shall be the actusl fiumber'of linear feet 'of underground cable installed, `': measured irk ;,plate, completed, ready for operation, and accepted°'as 2699-94 108' a r - y 1; r 9. satisfactory. The quantity of counterpoise wire, including grounding rods, to be paid for under this item shall be the number of linear feet of counterpoise wire installed in trench, measured in place, completed, ready for operation, and accepted as satisfactory. Grounding rods for the -----counterpoise system will not be measured for separate direct payment, but shall be considered subsidiary to the bid item -for counterpoise installation. Trenching and backfilling shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the'Contractor and included in the items specified for conduit placement. No direct measurement shall be made for trenching or backfi.11ing." Paragraph 5, BASI5 OF PAYMENT - Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "Payment shall be made at the contract unit price for underground cable or counterpoise wire, per linear foot, installed, complete and in place. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, and for all preparation and installation of the materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals..... necessary: to complete the items. The cost of grounding rods shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of the counterpoise installation. No separate payment will be made for grounding rods for the counterpoise system. The cost of trenching, backfilling and site restoration shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of conduit installation. No separate payment shall be made for trenching, backfilling or.site restoration: Payment will be made under: Item L-108 Underground Electrical Cable, 1/c, #8 AWG, 5KV,.per linear foot; and 2699-94 Item L-108 Counterpoise Wire ,#8 AWG, including grounding rods, per linear foot." 108 - b 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A ITEM L-108 INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CABLE FOR AIRPORTS DESCRIPTION 108-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing and installing underground cable in accordance with these specifications at the locations shown in the plans. This item shall include the excavation and backfill of the trench and the installation of cable and counterpoise wire in drench. (duct or conduit. It shall include splic- ing, cable marking, and testing of the installation and all incidentals necessary to place the cable in operating condition as a completed unit to the satisfaction of the Engineer. This item shall not include the installation of the duct or conduit. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 108-2.1 GENERAL. I a. Airport lighting equipment and materials covered by Fiederal Aviation Administration (FAA) speci. fications shall have the prior approval of the FAA, and are listed in Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5345-1, Approved Airport Equipment. b. All other equipment and materials covered by other referenced specifications shall be subject to acceptance through manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable specification, when re. quested by the Engineer. 108-2.2 CABLE. Underground cable shall conform to the requirements of AC .150/5345-7, Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits. If telephone control cable is specified, copper shielded, polyethylene insulated and jacketed, No. 19 AWG telephone cable conforming to the United States Department of',Agriuulture, Rural Electrification Adminis- tration (REA) Bulletin 345-14, REA Specification for Fully Color -Coded, Polyethylene Insulated, Double Polyethylene -Jacketed Telephone Cables for Direct Burial, shall be used. Where counterpoise conductors are to be installed and where soil conditions would adversely affect bare copper wire, thermoplastic wire conforming to Fed. Spec. J-C-30, Type TW, 600 volt, may be used. Cable type. size, number of conductors, strand and service voltage'shall be specified in the plans and/or proposal. 108-2.3 - BARE COPPER WIRE (COUNTERPOISE). Bare copper wire for counter -poise installations shall be stranded wire conforming to ASTM Specifications B 3 and B 8. 108-2A CABLE CONNECTIONS. In -line connections of'underground primary cables shall be of the type called for in the plans or in the proposal, and shall be one of the types listed below. When the plans or the proposal permit a choice of connection, the Contractor shall indicate in the bid the type of connection he proposes to furnish. a. Tice Cast Splice. A cast splice, employing a plastic mold and using epoxy resin equal to that manu- factured by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, si" Scotchcast" Kit No. 82--A, or as manufac. tured by Hysol Corporation, "Hyseal Epoxy Splice" Kit No. F_1,135,,for potting the splice is approved. This means of splicing is the only type approved for telephone control cable. b. The Vulcanized Splice. A vulcanized splice employing; Joy'Manufacturing Company's Vulcanizing Kit No. X-1604-8 or equal is approved for field vulcanized spikes. The proper molds for various cable sizes shall be used. c. The Field -attached Plug-in Splice. Figure 3 of AC 150/5345-26. Specification for L-823 Plug and Receptacle, Cable Connectors, employing connector kits, is approved for field attachment to single conduc- tor cable. 108 - 1 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 d. The Factory -Molded Plug -its Splice. Specification for L-823 Connectors, Factory -Molded to Indi- vidual Conductors, are approved. e. The Taped Splice. Taped splices employing field -applied rubber, or synthetic rubber tape covered with plastic tape are approved. The rubber tape should meet the requirements of Mil. Spec. MIL-I-3825 and the plastic tape should comply with Mil. Spec. MIL-I-7798 or Fed. Spec. HH-I-595. In all the above cases, connections of cable conductors shall be made using crimp connectors utilizing a crimping tool de. signed. To make a complete crimp before the tool can be removed. No. 19 AWG telephone control wires may be connected by means of wrapped and soldered splice. 3M Company Moisture Proof UR Type Con. nector, or equal, or by a method approved by the Engineer. 108-2.5 CONCRETE Concrete for cable markers shall conform to Specification Item P-610, "Structural Portland Cement Concrete." CONSTRUCTION METHODS 108-3.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall install the specified cable at the approximate locations indicat- ed in the airport lighting layout plans. The Engineer shall indicate specific locations. Cable connections between lights will be permitted only at the light locations for connecting the under- ground cable to the primary leads of the individual insulating transformers. The Contractor shall be respon- sible for providing cable in continuous lengths for home runs or other long cable runs without connections, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Engineer or shown in the plans. 108-32 INSTALLATION IN DUCT OR CONDUIT. This item includes the installation of the cable in duct or conduit as described below. The maximum number and voltage ratings of cables installed in each single duct or conduit, and the current -carrying capacity of each cable shall be in accordance with the latest National Electric Code, or the code of the local agency having jurisdiction. The Contractor shall make no connections or joints of any kind in cables installed in conduits or ducts. The duct or conduit shall be installed as a separate item in accordance with Item L-110, "Installation of Airport Underground Electrical Duct." The Contractor shall make sure that the duct is open, continuous, and clear of debris before installing cable. The cable shall be installed in a manner to prevent harmful stretching of the conductor, injury to the insulation, or damage to the outer protective covering. The ends of all cables shall be sealed with moisture -seal tape before pulling into the conduit and it shall be left sealed until connections are made. Where more than one cable is to be installed in a duct under the same contract, all cable shall be pulled in the duct at the same time. The pulling of a cable through ducts or conduits may be accomplished by handwinch or power winch with the use of cable grips or pulling eyes. Pulling tensions should be governed by recommended standard practices for straight pulls or bends. A lubricant recommend- ed for the type of cable being installed shall be used where pulling lubricant is required. Duct or conduit markers temporarily removed for excavations shall be replaced as required. 108-33 TRENCHING. Where turf is well established and the sod can be removed, it shall be carefully stripped and properly stored. Trenches for cables may be excavated manually or with mechanical trenching equipment. Walls of trenches shall be essentially vertical so that a minimum of shoulder surface is disturbed. Road patrols or graders shall not be used to excavate the trench with their blades. The bottom surface of trenches shall be essentially smooth and free from coarse aggregate. Unless otherwise specified, cable trenches shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 18 inches (45 cm) below finished grade, except as fol- lows: a. When of the airport or crossing under a roadway or driveway, the minimum depth shall be 36 inches (90 cm) unless otherwise specified. b. Minimum cable depth when crossing under a railroad track, shall be 42 inches (105 cm) unless oth- erwise specified. The Contractor shall excavate all cable trenches to a width not less than 6 inches (150 mm). The trench shall be widened where more than two cables are to be installed parallel in the same trench. Unless other- 108 - 2 I 1 2/17/89 AC 15015370-10A wise specified in the plans, all cables in the same location and running in the same general direction shall be installed in the same trench. When rock excavation is encountered. the rock shall be removed to a depth of at least 3 inches (75 mm) below the required cable depth and it shall be replaced with bedding material of earth or sand containing no mineral aggregate particles that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (6 mm) sieve. The Contractor shall ascer- tain the type of soil or rock to be excavated before bidding. All excavation shall be unclassified. 108-3.4 INSTALLATION IN TRENCHES. The Contractor shall not use a cable plow for installing the cable. Mechanical_ cable -laying equipment may be used in conjunction with a trenching machine if specified ron project plans and specifications; and it should provide for physical inspection of cable prior to.back filling. Sharp bends or kinks in the cable shall not be permitted. Cables shall be unreeled in place alongside or in the trench and shall be carefully placed along the bottom of the trench. The cable shall not be unreeled and pulled into the trench from one: end. Where two or more cables are laid parallel in the same trench, they shall be placed laterally a minimum distance of 3 inches (75 mm) apart. and the trench shall be widened sufficiently to accomplish this. C Cables crossing over each other shall have a minimum of 3-inch (75 mm) vertical displacement with the topmost cable depth at or below the minimum required depth below finished grade. Not less than 1 foot (30 cm) of cable slack shall be left on each side of all connections, insulating transform- ers, light units, and at all other points where cable is connected to field equipment. The slack cable shall be placed in the trench in a series of S curves. Additional slack cable shall be left in runway light bases, hand - holes, manholes, etc., where it is required to bring the cable above ground level to make connections. The r amount of slack cable shall be stipulated by the Engineer, or as shown in the plans and specifications. I 108-3.5 BACKFILLING. After the cable has been installed, the trench shall be 3 inches (75 mm) deep, loose measurement, and shall be either earth or sand containing no mineral aggregate particles that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (6 m) sieve. This layer shall not be compacted. the second layer shall be 5 inches (125 mm) deep, loose measurement, and shall contain no particles that would be retained on a 1-inch (25.0 mm) sieve. The rerm.hider of the backfill shall he excavated or imported mineral and ;h311 not con- tain stone or aggregate larger than 4 inches (100 mm) maximum diameter. The third and subsequent layers I of the backfill shall not exceed 8 inches (200 mm) in maximum depth, loose measurement. The second, and subsequent layers shall be thoroughly tamped and compacted to at least the density of the adjacent undisturbed soil, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If necessary to obtain the desired compac- tion, the backfill material shall be moistened or aerated as required. Trenches shall not be excessively wet and shall not contain pools of water during backfilling operations. The trench shall be completely backfilled and tamped level with the adjacent surface, except that when sod is to be placed over the trench, the back -filling shall be stopped at a depth equal to the thickness of the sod to be used, with proper allowance for settlement. Any excess excavated material shall be removed and dis- posed of in accordance with instructions issued by the Engineer. 108-3.6 RESTORATION. Where sod has been removed, it shall be replaced as soon as possible after the back -filling is completed. All areas disturbed by the trenching, storing of dirt, cable laying, pad construction, and other work shall be restored to its original condition. The restoration shall include any necessary top - soiling, fertilizing, liming, seeding, sodding, sprigging or mulching. All such work shall be performed in i accordance with the FAA standard turfing specifications. the Contractor shall be held responsible for main- taining all disturbed surfaces and replacements until final acceptance. 108-3.7 CABLE MARKERS. The location of runway light circuits shall be marked by a concrete slab marker, 2 feet (60 cm) square and 4 inches (100 mm) thick, extending approximately 1 inch (25 mm) above the surface. Each cable run from the line of runway fights to the equipment vault shall also be marked at approximately every 200 feet (60 m) along the cable run, with an additional marker at each change of direc- tion of cable run. All other cable buried directly in the earth shall be marked in the same manner. The Contractor shall not install slab markers where cable lies in straight lines between obstruction light poles which are spaced 300 feet (90 m) apart, or less. Cable markers shall be installed immediately above the cable. The Contractor shall impress the word "cable" and directional arrows on each cable marking slab. r 108 - 3 AC 160/5370-10A 2/17/89 The letters shall be approximately 4 inches (100 mm) high and 3 inches (75 mm) widc, with width of stroke 1/2 inch (12 min) and 1/4 inch (6 mm) deep. The location of each underground cable connection, except at lighting units or insulating transformers, shall be marked by a concrete marker slab placed above the connection. The Contractor shall impress the word "splice" on each slab. He also shall impress additional circuit identification symbols on each slab if so de- sired by the Engineer. 108-3.8 SPLICING. Connections of the type shown in the plans shall be made by experienced personnel regularly engaged in this type of work and shall be made as follows: a. Cast Splices. These shall be made by using. crimp connectors for jointing conductors. Molds shall be assembled, and the compound shall be mixed and poured in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. b. Vulcanized Splices. These shall be trade by using crimp connectors for joining conductors. The splice shall be made, using compounds furnished by the manufacturer, in accordance with his/her instruc- tions and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. c. Field -attached Plug-in Splices. These shall be assembled in accordance with manufacturer's in- structions. These splices shall be made by plugging directly into mating connectors. In all cases the joint where the connectors come together shall be wrapped with at least one layer of rubber or synthetic rubber tape and one layer of plastic tape, one-half lapped, extending at least 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) on each side of the joint. d. Factory -Molded Plug-in Splices. These shall be made by plugging directly into mating connectors. In all cases, the joint where the connectors come together shall be wrapped with at least one layer of rubber or synthetic rubber tape and one layer of plastic tape, one-half lapped, extending at least 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) on each side of the joint. e. Taped Splices. A taped splice shall -be made in the following manner: Bring the cables to their final position and cut so that the conductors will butt. Remove insulation and jacket allowing for bare conductor of proper length to fit compression sleeve connector with 1/4 inch (6 mm) of bare conductor on each side of the connector. Use a sharp knife to pencil insulation and jacket at approximately the same angle as a pencil point. Care must be taken to avoid nicking or injuring the conduc- tor during removal of insulation or penciling. Do not use emery paper on splicing operation since it contains metallic particles. The copper conductors shall be thoroughly cleaned. Join the conductors by inserting them equidistant into the compression connection sleeve. Crimp conductors firmly in place with crimping tool that requires a complete crimp before tool can be removed. Test the crimped connection by pulling on the cable. Scrape the insulation to assure that the entire surface over which the tape will be applied (plus 3 inches (75 mm) on each end) is clean. After scraping wipe the entire area with a clean lint -free cloth. Do not use solvents. Apply high -voltage rubber tape one-half lapped over bare conductor. This tape should be tensioned as rec- ommended by the manufacturer. Voids in the connector area may be eliminated by highly elongating the tape stretching it just short of its breaking point. Throughout the rest of the 'splice less tension should be used. Always attempt to exactly half -lap to produce a uniform buildup. Continue buildup to 1-1/2 times — cable diameter over the body of the splice with ends tapered a distance of approximately 1 inch (25 mm) over the original jacket. Cover rubber tape with two layers of vinyl pressure -sensitive tape one=half lapped. Do not use glyptol or lacquer over vinyl tape as they react as solvents to the tape. No further cable cover- ing or splice boxes are required. If shielded cable is to be spliced, prepare cable as for a regular taped splice, except that the neoprene jacket shall be removed a distance not less than 5 inches (125 mm) from the beginning of the penciled portion. Carefully unwrap the shielding tape from that portion where jacket has been removed and cut off so that it extends about I inch (25 mm) from end of the jacket. Proceed with the taped splice as described above and tape up to 1/4 inch (6 mm) from the shield on both ends. Build up rubber tape to a thickness equal to the insulation thickness or 5/16 inch (9 mm) over connector. 108 - 4 2/17/89 AC 15015370-10A Next wrap one-half lapped layer of semi -conducting tape (Scotch No. 13 Semi -Conducting Tape, or equal) over splicing tape and 1/4 inch (6 mm) onto the shielding tape. Wrap a fine, flat shielding braid one-half lapped over the splice extending 1/2 inch (12 mm) onto the metallic shielding. Solder ends of braid to metal- lic shielding tape. A bonding wire, (Minimum No. 14 Stranded Copper) equal to the current carrying capac- ity of the metallic shield, should have the individual strands wrapped around the metallic shield at both ends of the splice. These strands should be tack soldered to the shield in several places. The cable sheath should be replaced by wrapping with two one-half lapped layers of vinyl tape extending 2 inches (50 mm) onto the cable jacket. The above described splice is for a straight -through splice with continuity of shielding. 108-39 BARE COUNTERPOISE WIRE INSTALLATION AND GROUNDING FOR LIGHTNING PROTECTION. If shown in the plans or specified is job specifications, astranded bare copper wire. No. 8 AWG minimum size, shall be installed for lightning protection of the underground cables. The bare counter- poise wire shall be installed in the same trench for the entire length of the insulated cables it is designed to protect, and shall be placed at a distance of approximately 4 inches (100 mm) from the insulated cable. The counterpoise wire shall be securely attached to each tight fixture base, or mounting stake. The counterpoise t wire shall also be securely attached to copper or copper -clad ground rods installed not more than 1,000 feet l (300 m) apart around the entire circuit. The ground rods shall be of the length and diameter specified in the plans, but in no case shall they be less than 8-feet (240 cm) long nor less than 5/8 inch (15 mm) in diameter. The counterpoise system shall terminate at the transformer vault or at the power source. It shall be securely attached to the vault or equipment grounding system. The connections shall be made as shown in the project plans and specifications. l 108-3.10 TESTING. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment and appliances for testing the l underground cable circuits after installation. The Contractor shall test and demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer the following: a. That all lighting power and control circuits are continuous and free from short circuits. b. That all circuits are free from unspecified grounds. r` c. That the insulation resistance to ground of all nongrounded series circuits is not less than 50 me. �. gohms. d. That the insulation resistance to ground of all nongrounded conductors of multiple circuits is not rless than 50 megohms. e. That all circuits are properly connected in accordance with applicable wiring diagrams. f. That all circuits are operable. Tests shall be conducted that include operating each control not less than 10 times and the continuous operation of each lighting and power circuit for not less than 1/2 hour. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 108-4.1 Trenching shall be measured by the linear feet (meters) of trench, including the excavation, back - fill, and reconditioning, completed, measured as excavated, and accepted as satisfactory. When specified in the proposal, separate measurement shall be made for trenches of various specified widths. 108-4.2 Cable or counterpoise wire installed in trench shall be measured by the number of linear feet (meters) of cable or counterpoise wire installed in trenches, ready for operation, and accepted as satisfac- rtory. Separate measurement shall be made for each cable or counterpoise wire installed in trench. i 108-4.3 Cable or counterpoise wire installed in duct or conduit shall be measured by the number of linear feet (meters) measured in place, completed, ready for operation, and accepted as satisfactory. Separate measurement shall be made for each cable or counterpoise wire installed in duct or conduit. k 108 - 5 AC 160/5370-10A 2/17/89 BASIS OF PAYMENT log-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price for trenching cable and bare counterpoise wire installed in trench or duct in place by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. Payment will be made under: Item L-108-5.1 - Cable Trench --per linear foot (meter) Item L-108-5.2 Underground Cable, installed in trench -per liner foot (meter) Item L-108-5.3 Underground Cable, installed in duct or conduit —per linear foot (meter) Item L-108-5.4 Bare Counterpoise Wire, installed in trench, including ground rods and ground connectors —per linear foot (meter) Item L-108-5.5 Bare Counterpoise. Wire, installed in duct —per linear foot (meter) MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS AC 150/5345-7 Specification for '"L-824 Underground.. Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits AC 150/5345-26 Specification for L-823 Plug and Receptacle Cable Connec- tors Fed.Spec.3-C-30 Cable and Wire, Electrical Power, Fixed Installation HH-I-595 Insulation Tape, Electrical, Pressure -Sensitive Adhesive, Plas- tic, for Low -Temperature Application ASTM B 3 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire ASTM B 8 Concentric -Lay -Stranded Cooper Conductor, Hard, Medium -Hard, or Soft MIL-I-3825- Insulation Tape, Electrical, Self -Fusing, For Use in Electron- ics, Communications, and Allied Equipment MIL-I-7798 Insulation Tapc, Electrical, Pressure -Sensitive Adhesive, Plas- tic 108 - 6 Modifications to 'l ITEM L-109 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT EQUIPMENT ' Item L-109, Installation of Airport Transformer Vault and Vault Equipment, i of: the .( project specifications, shall be'modified as -follows: F". 1. Para rah109-1.1 -Delete thisentire ara a h 'and i=isert the.following. -109-1.1 This item small consist:of furnishing and insta11 allvault equipment, wiring', cable, `conduit, grounding xystems and incidentals necessary: to complete 'the specified work. This item shall include the':painting of equipment, the',barking and abeling of equipment,-the:labeling or tagging of v res� the testing of the complete installation, and ;the furnishing of all incidentals necessary to,' place the installation 'in, operating condition as a completed unit to the satisfaction of the Engineer. This `item ahall.'.also include the removal qf.... . certain existing electrical equipment in the existini,vaultl" 2. Delete Paragraphs 109-2.2 CONCIRETE,:109-2.3 REINFOR.CING`STEEL, 10,9-2 4 .`. BRICK, 109-2.5 ASBESTOS'CEMENT DUCT,;:.109-2.7 LIGHTING, 109-2 8 OUTLETS, 109-2.9 SWITCHES, 109-2.11 HIM-VOLTAGE.BUS, 109-2,12. BUSS CONNECTORS, w. 109-2.13 BUSS SUPPORTS,.109-2.14.GROUND BUSS, 109-2.15 SQUARE DUCT,.109 2.16 GROUND RODS, 109-2.:17 POTHEADS .and .:109-2.18 :PREFABRICATED'.METAL HOUSING. ' 3.... Delete the, :entire Section entitled, CONSTRUCTION OF.':.,VAULT'! PREFABRICATED METAL HOUSING, including. Paragraphs 109 3:1 GENERAL,'i09-3 2 i� FOUNDATION AND WALLS, 109-3.3 ROOF, 109-3.4 FLOOR, 109 3.5• FLOOR DRAIN, 109-346 CONDUITS IN FLOOR AND FOUNDATION, 109-3.7 DOORS, 109.- .8 PAINTING and 109-3.9 LIGHTS.'AND SWITCHES Nvlpfrcatdm1tsingub, will beconstructedfor this project, 4. Paragraph'109-3.10 GENERAL. Delete the second sentence in the .first subparagraph. r 5.. t 109-3.11 Paragraph POWER. SUPPLY ;EQUIPMENT. Delete':' thi.. second subparagraph in this paragraph 6. Paragraph 109-3.13 DUCT AND CONDUIT. Delete the first subparagraph and the .first sentence in the econd10iAY&ragraph: ' I 7. Paragraph 109-3.14 CABLE ENTRANCE AND HIGH VOLTAGE BUS SYSTEK Delete ' this entire:paregraph. I• i I 2699-94 109�; a .. .. i 11 { 1 ! I I 8. Delete Paragraphs 109-4.1, 109-4.2 and 109-4.3, and insert the following new paragraph: 0109-4.1 The quantity of electrical vault improvements to be paid for under this item shall consist of all equipment furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation and accepted by the Engineer, and shall be measured per lump sum. This lump sum item shall also include removal of certain equipment." 9. Paragraph 109-5.1 - Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: 1109-5.1 _Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per lump sum for furnishing and installing the specified equipment, complete, ready for operation and accepted by the Engineer. This price -shall be full compensation for - furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. This price shall also include removal of certain electrical equipment. Payment will be made -under: Item L-109, Installation of Airport Transformer Vault_ Equipment, complete, per lump sum." 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A ITEM L-109 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT TRANSFORMER VAULT AND VAULT EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 109-1.1 This item shall consist of constructing an airport transformer vault or a prefabricated metal hous- ing these specifications in accordance with the design and dimensions shown in the plans. This work shall also include the installation of conduits in floor and foundation, painting and lighting of the vault or metal �.. housing,. and the furnishing of all incidentals necessary to produce a completed unit. Included as a separate part under this item or as a separate item where an existing vault is to be utilized shall be the furnishing of all vault equipment, wiring, electrical buses, cable, conduit, potheads, and grounding systems. This work shall also include the painting of equipment and conduit; the marking and labeling of equipment and the labeling or tagging of wires; thetestingof the installation; and the furnishing of all incidentals necessary to place it in operating condition as a completed unit to the satisfaction of the Engineer. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 109-2.1 GENERAL. a. Airport lighting equipment and materials covered by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) speci- fications shall have the prior approval of the FAA, and are listed in Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5345-1, Approved Airport Equipment. b. All other equipment and materials covered by other referenced specifications shall be subject to acceptance through manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable specification when re- quested by the Engineer. VAULT AND PREFABRICATED METAL HOUSING 109-2.2 CONCRETE. The concrete for the vault shall be proportioned, placed, and cured in accordance with Item P-610, Structural Portland Cement Concrete, using 3/4-inch-(18 mm) maximum size coarse ag. gregate. 109-2.3 REINFORCING STEEL. Reinforcing steel ban shall be intermediate or structural grade de- formed -type ban and shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 615. �.• 109-2.4 BRICK. Brick shall conform to ASTM C 62, Grade SW. 109-2.5 ASBESTOS CEMENT DUCT. Asbestos cement duct and fittings shall be in accordance with Fed. Spec. W-C-571. 109-2.6 RIGID STEEL CONDUIT. Rigid steel conduit and fittings shall be in accordance with Under- writers Laboratories Standard 6 and 514. 109-2.7 LIGHTING. Vault or metal -housing light fixtures shall be of a vaporproof type. 109-2.8 OUTLETS. Convenience outlets shall be heavy-duty duplex units designed for industrial service. 109-2.9 SWITCHES. Vault or metal -housing light switches shall be single -pole switches. i 109-2.10 PAINT. a. Red lead priming paint for ungalvanized metal surfaces, and the mixing thereof, shall conform to the 97% grade specified in ASTM D 83. The red lead shall be furnished in paste form and delivered to the job in the original unbroken packages bearing the maker's name and brand. b. White paint for body and finish coats on metal and wood surfaces shall be ready -mixed paint con. forming to Fed. Spec. TT-P-102. 109 - 1 AC 150/5370-10A - 2/17/89 c. Priming paint for wood surfaces shall be mixed on the job by thinning the above specified white paint by adding 1/2 pint (0.06 liter) of raw linseed oil to each gallon (liter). d. Paint for the floor, ceiling, and inside walls shall be in accordance with Fed. Spec. TT-E-487. Walls and ceiling shall be light gray and the floor shall be medium gray. e. The roof coating shall be hot asphalt material in accordance with Fed. Spec. SS-A-694. 109-2.11 HIGH -VOLTAGE BUS. High -voltage btu shall be standard weight 3/8-inch (9 mm) IPS copper tubing or it may be insulated copper cable of the size and voltage rating specified. 109-2.12 BUS CONNECTORS. Connectors shall be similar to Burndy Type NT (or equal) for copper tubing. Connectors for insulated bus cable shall be of the proper size and type for the service intended. 109-2.13 BUS SUPPORTS. Bus support shall be similar to Westinghouse No. 527892 (or equal), insulat- ed for 7,500 volts, single clamp type for 2-bolt flat mounting. 109-2.14 GROUND BUS. Ground bus shall be 1/8- x 3/4-inch (3 x 18 mm) copper bus bar. 109-2.15 SQUARE DUCT. Duct shall be square similar to that manufactured by the Square D Company - (or equal), or the Trumbull Electric Manufacturing Company (or equal). The entire front of the duct on _ each section shall consist of hinged or removable cover for ready access to the interior. The cross section of the duct shall be not less than 4 x 4 inches (100 x 100 mm) except where otherwise shown in the plans. 109-2.16 GROUND RODS. Ground rods shall be copper or copper -clad of the length and diameter spec- .. ified in the plans. - t 109-2.17 POTHEADS. Potheads shall be similar to G&W Type N, Shape C (or equal), unless otherwise specified. Potheads shall be furnished with plain insulator bushings and conduit couplings. Potheads shall have a rating not less than the circuit voltage. 109-2.18 PREFABRICATED METAL HOUSING. The prefabricated metal housing shall be a commer. cially available unit. 109-2.19 FAA -APPROVED EQUIPMENT. Certain items of airport lighting equipment installed in vaults are covered by individual FAA equipment specifications. The specifications are listed below: AC 150/5345-3 Specification for L-821 Panels for Remote Control of Airport — Lighting AC 150/5345-5 Circuit Selector Switch _ AC 150/5345-7 Specification for L-924 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits AC 150/5345-10 Specification for Constant Current Regulators and Regulator Monitors AC 150/5345-13 Specification for L-841 Auxiliary Relay Cabinet Assembly for Pilot Control of Airport Lighting Circuits. 109-2.20 OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Constant -current regulators, distribution transformers, oil switches, cutouts, relays, terminal blocks, transfer relays, circuit breakers, and all other regularly used _ commercial items of electrical equipment not covered by FAA equipment specifications shall conform to the applicable rulings and standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers or the National Elec. trical Manufacturers Association. When specified. test reports from a testing laboratory indicating that the equipment meets the specifications shall be supplied. In all cases, equipment shall be new and a first -grade -' product. This equipment shall be supplied in the quantities required for the specific project and shall incor- porate the electrical and mechanical characteristics specified in the proposal and plans. 109-2.21 WIRE. Wire in conduit rated up to 5,OD0 .volts shall conform to AC 150/5345-7. Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cables for Airport Lighting Circuits, for rubber insulated neoprene -cov- ered wire, or Fed. Spec. J-C-30, Type RHW, for rubber insulated fibrous -covered wire. For ratings up to 600 volts, thermoplastic wire conforming to Fed. Spec. J-C-30, Types TW, THW, and THWN, shall be — 109 - 2 N AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 used. The wires shall be of the type, size. number of conductors, and voltage sho%%n in the plans or in the proposal. a. Control Circuits. Wire shall be not less than No. l? AWG and shall be insulated for 600 volts. If Depart - telephone control cable is specified. No. 19 AWG telephone cable conformin¢ to the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Bulletin 3.35-I4 shall be used. b. Power Circuits. (1) 600 volts maximum --Wire shall be No. 6 AWG or largerand insulated for at least 600 volts. (2) 3,000 volts maximum --Wire shall be No. 6 AWG or larger and insulated for at least 3,000 volts. (3) Over 3,000 volts —Wire shall be No. 6 AWG or larger and insulated for at least the circuit - voltage: CONSTRUCTION METHODS CONSTRUCTION OF VAULT AND PREFABRICATED METAL HOUSING 109-3.1 GENERAL. The Contractor shall construct the transformer vault or prefabricated metal housing at the location indicated in the plans. Vault construction shall be reinforced concrete, concrete masonry, or brick wall as specified. The metal housing shall be prefabricated equipment enclosure to be supplied in the size specified. The mounting pad or floor details, installation methods, and equipment placement -are shown in the plans. The Contractor shall clear, grade, and seed the area around the vault or metal housing for a minimum dis- tance of 10 feet (3 m)-on all sides. The slope shall be not less than 1/2-inch per foot (40 mm per m) away from the vault or metal housing in all directions. 109-31 FOUNDATION AND WALLS. a. Reinforced Concrete Construction. The Contractor shall construct the foundation and walls in ac- cordance with the details shown in the plans. Unless otherwise specified, internal ties shall be of the me- chanical type so that when the forms are removed the ends of the ties shall be at least 1-inch (25 mm) beneath the concrete surface; the holes shall be plugged and finished to prevent discoloration. Reinforcing steel shall be placed, as shown in the drawings, and secured in position to prevent displacement during the concrete placement The external surfaces of the concrete shall be thoroughly worked during the placing operation to force all coarse aggregate from the surface. Thoroughly work the mortar against the forms to produce a smooth finish free from air pockets and honeycomb. The surface film of all pointed surfaces shall be removed before setting occurs. As soon as the pointing has set sufficiently, the entire surface inside and outside of the vault shall be thoroughly wet with water and rubbed with a No. 16 carborundum stone, or equal quality abrasive, bringing the surface to a paste. All form marks and projections shall be removed. The surface produced shall be smooth and dense without pits or irregularities. The materials which have been ground into a paste during the rubbing process shall be spread or brushed uniformly over the entire surface (except the interior surfaces that are to be painted shall have all paste removed by washing before painting) and permitted to reset. Final exterior finish shall be obtained by rubbing with No. 30 carborundum stone, or an equal quality abrasive. The surface shall be rubbed until the entire surface is smooth and uniform in color. b. Brick and Concrete Construction. When this type of construction is specified, the foundation shall be concrete conforming to the details shown in the plans. The outer edge of the foundation at the floor level �* shall be beveled 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) at 45 degrees. Brick walls shall be E1 inches (200 cm) thick, laid in running bond with every sixth course a header course. Brick shall be laid in cement mortar (I, part masonry cement and 3 parts sand) with full mortar bed and shoved joints. All joints shall be completely filled with mortar, and facing brick shall be back-parged with mortar as work progre&sm. All joints shall be 3/9 inch (9 mm) thick, exterior joints tooled concave, and interior joints struck flush. Both interior and exterior brick 109 - 3 1. AC 150/5370-10A _ 2/17/89 surfaces shall be cleaned and nail holes, cracks and other defects filled with mortar. When specified, a non. fading mineral pigment mortar coloring shall be added to the mortar. Steel 'reinforcing ban, 3/8-inch (9 mm) in diameter and 12 inches (300 mm) long, shall be set vertically in the center of the brick wall on not more than 2-foot (60 cm) centers to project 2-1/2 (60 mm) inches into the concrete roof slab. Lintels for supporting the brickwork over doors, windows, and louvers shall consist of two 4- x 3- x 3/8-inch (100 x 75 x 9 mm) steel angles. Lintels shall be painted with one coat of red lead before installation, and all exposed parts shall be painted similar to doors and window sash after installation. Window sills may be concrete poured in place or precast concrete_as indicated in the plans. All exposed surfaces shall have a rubbed finish as specified under reinforced concrete construction. After completion, all interior and exterior faces of walls shall be scrubbed with a solution of muriatic acid and water. in the pro- portions of not less than 1 part acid to 10 parts of water. All traces of efflorescence, loose mortar, and mortar stain shall be removed, and the walls washed down with clear water. c. Concrete NlasowT Construction. When this type of construction is specified, the foundation shall be concrete conforming to the details shown in the plans. The concrete masonry units shall be standard sizes and shapes and shall conform to ASTM C 90 and shall include the closures, jambs, and other shapes re- quired by the construction as shown in the plans. Standard construction practice shall be followed for this type of work including mortar, joints, reinforcing steel for extensions into roof slab, etc. Plaster for interior walls, if specified, shall be portland cement plaster. 109-3.3 ROOF. The roof shall be reinforced concrete as shown in the plans. Reinforcing steel shall be placed as shown in the drawing and secured in position to prevent displacement during the pouring of the concrete. The concrete shall be poured monolithically and shall be free of honeycombs and voids. The sur- face shall have a steel-trowled finish and shall be sloped as shown in the drawing. The underside of the roof slab shall be finished in the same manner as specified for walls. One brush or mop coat of hot asphalt roof coating shall be applied to the top surface of the roof slab. The asphalt material shall be heated to within the range specified by the manufacturer and immediately applied to the roof. The finished coat shall be continuous over the roof surface and free from holidays and blisters. Smears and dribbles of asphalt on the roof edges and building walls shall be removed. 109-3.4 FLOOR. The floor shall be reinforced concrete as shown in the drawings. When present, all sod, roots, refuse, and other perishable material shall be removed from the area under the floor to a depth of 8 inches (200 mm), unless a greater depth is specified in the invitation for bids. This area shall be backfilled with materials consisting of sand, cinders, gravel, or stone. Fill shall be placed in layers not to exceed 4 inches (100 mm) and shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping or rolling. A layer of building paper shall be placed over the fill prior to placing concrete. The floor surfaces shall have a steel-trowled finish. the floor shall be level unless a drain is specified, in which case the floor shall be pitched 1/4-inch (6 mm) per foot downward toward the drain. A 1/4-inch (6 mm) asphalt felt expansion joint shall be placed between floor and foundation walls. The floor shall be poured monolithically and shall be free of honeycombs and voids. 109-3.5 FLOOR DRAIN. If shown in the plans, a. floor drain and dry well shall be installed in the center of the floor of the equipment room. The dry well shall be excavated 4 x 4 feet (120 x 120 cm) square and to a depth of 4 feet (120 cm) below the finished floor elevation and shall be backftlled to the elevation of the underside of the floor with gravel - which shall all pass a 2-inch (50 mm) mesh sieve and shall all be re- tained on a 1/4-inch (6 mm) mesh sieve. The gravel backfnll shall be placed in 6-inch (150 mm) maximum layers, and the entire surface of each layer shall be tamped either with a mechanical tamper or with a hand tamper weighing not less than 25 pounds (11 kg) and having a face area of not more than 36 square inches (234 square cm) nor less than 16 square inches (104 square cm). The drain inlet shall be set flush in the concrete floor. The drain shall have a clear opening of not less than 8 inches (200 mm) in diameter. 109-3.6 CONDUITS IN FLOOR AND FOUNDATION. Conduits shall be installed in the floor and through the foundation walls in accordance with the details shown in the plans. All underground conduit shall be painted with a bituminous compound. Conduit shall be installed with a coupling or metal conduit adapter flush with the top of the floor. All incoming conduit shall be closed with a pipe plug to prevent the entrance of foreign material during construction. Space conduit entrances shall be left closed. 109 - 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-t0A 109-3.7 DOORS. Doors shall be metal=Clad firepro6f class 'a doors conforming to requirements of the National Electric Code and local electrical codes. 109-3.8 PAINTING. The floor, ceiling, and inside walls of concrete construction shall first be given a hardening treatment, after which the Contractor shall apply two coats of paint as specified below•, except that interior face brick walls need not be painted. The hardening treatment shall consist of applying tw-o coats of either a commercial floor' hardener or a solution made by dissolving 2 pounds (0.9 ke) of magnesi- um fluosilicate or zinc sulphate crystals in 1 gallon (liter) of water. Each coat shall be allowed to dry at least 48 hours -before the next application. After the second treating coat has dried, the surfaces shall be brushed clean of all crystals and thoroughly washed with clear water. Paint for walls and ceiling shall be a light gray color approved by the Engineer. The floor paint shall be a medium gray color approved by the Engineer. Before painting, the surfaces shall be dry and clean. The first coat shall be thinned by adding 2/3 quart (0.166 liters) of spar varnish and 1/3-quart (0.083 liters) of turpentine to each gallon (liter) of paint. The second coat shall be applied without thinning. All doors, lintels, and windows shall be cleaned to remove any rust or foreign material and shall be given one body and one finish coat of white paint. Bare metal surfaces shall be given a prime coat of red lead prior to the body and finish coats. 109-3.9 LIGHTS AND SWITCHES. The Contractor shall furnish and install a minimum of two duplex convenience outlets in the vault room. Where a control room is specified, at least two duplex outlets shall be installed. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT IN VAULT OR PREFABRICATED METAL HOUSING 109-3.10 GENERAL. The Contractor shall furnish, install, and connect all equipment, equipment accesso- ries, conduit. cables, wires. buses, grounds, and support necessary to insure a complete and operable electri- cal distribution center for the airport lighting system as specified herein and shown in the plans. When speci- fied, an emergency power supply and transfer switch shall be provided and installed. The equipment installation and mounting shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Code and local code agency having jurisdiction. 109-3.11 POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT. Transformers, regulators, booster transformers, and other power supply equipment items shall be furnished and installed at the location shown in the plans or as di- rected by the Engineer. The power supply equipment shall be set on steel "H" sections, "I" beams, chan- nels, or concrete blocks to provide a minimum space of 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) between the equipment and l the floor. The equipment shall be placed so as not to obstruct the oil -sampling plugs of the oil -filled units; and name -plates shall, so far as possible, not be obscured. r If specified in the plans and specifications, equipment for an alternate power source or an emergency power 1 generator shall be furnished and installed. The alternate power supply installation shall include all equip- ment, accessories, an automatic changeover switch, and all necessary wiring and connections. The emergen- cy power generator set shall be the size and type specified. 109-3.12 SWITCHGEAR AND PANELS. Oil switches, fused cutouts, relays, transfer switches, panels, panel boards, and other similar items shall be furnished and installed at the location shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Wall or ceiling -mounted items shall be attached to the wall or ceiling with galva- nized bolts of not less than 3/8-inch (9 mm) diameter engaging metal expansion shields or anchors in mason- ry or concrete vaults. (� 109-3.13 DUCT AND CONDUIT. The Contractor shall furnish and install square -type exposed metallic ` ducts with hinged covers for the control circuits in the vault. These shall be mounted along the walls behind all floor -mounted equipment and immediately below all wall -mounted equipment. The hinged coven shall be placed to open from the front side with the hinges at the front bottom. Wall brackets for square ducts shall be installed at all joints 2 feet (60 cm) or more apart with intermediate brackets as specified. Conduit shall be used between square ducts and equipment or between different items of equipment when the equipment is designed for conduit connection. When the equipment is not designed 109 - 5 AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 for conduit connection, conductors shall enter the square -type control duct through insulating bushings in the duct or on the conduit risers. 109-3.14 CABLE ENTRANCE AND HIGH -VOLTAGE BUS SYSTEM. Incoming underground cable from field circuits and supply circuits will be installed outside the walls of the transformer vault as a sepa- rate item under Item L-108. The Contractor installing the vault equipment shall bring the cables from the trench or duct through the entrance conduits into the vault and make the necessary electrical connections. For the incoming and outgoing high voltage load circuits, the Contractor shall furnish and install rigid me. tallic vi conduit risers, surmounted by potheads, from floor level to the level as shown in the plans. The incoming high -voltage power supply service to the vault shall enter below the floor of the vault and shall rise from the floor level in a rigid metallic conduit riser, surmounted by a pothead, as described above. Using insulated -high-voltage cable. the incoming power service shall be connected from the pothead to the oil -fused cutouts or to the specified disconnecting switch or equipment. From the oil -fused cutouts or dis. connecting device, the insulated service conductors shall be connected to the overhead voltage bus system of the vault. The high -voltage bus system shall utilize the materials specified and shall be mounted and installed in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code or the local code agency having jurisdiction. 109-3.15 ;'IRING AND CONNECTIONS. The Contractor shall make all necessary electrical connec. tions in the vault in accordance with the wiring diagrams furnished and as directed by the Engineer. In wiring to the terminal blocks, the Contractor shall leave sufficient extra length on each control lead to make future changes in connections at the terminal block. This shall be accomplished by running each control lead the longest way around the box to the proper terminal. Leads shall be neatly laced in place. 109-3.16 MARKING AND LABELING. All equipment, control wires, terminal blocks, etc., shall be tagged, marked, or labeled as specified below: a. Wire Identification. The Contractor shall furnish and install self -sticking wire labels or identifying tags on all control wires at the point where they connect to the control equipment or to the terminal blocks. wire labels, if used, shall be of the self -sticking preprinted type and of the manufacturer's recommended size for the wire involved. identification markings designated in the plans shall be followed. Tags, if used, shall be of fiber not less than 3/4-inch. (13 mm) in diameter and not less than 1/32-inch (1 mm) thick. Identifica- tion markings designated in the plans shall be stamped on tags by means of smalltool dies. Each tag shall be securely tied to the proper wire by a nonmetallic cord. b. Labels. The Contractor shall stencil identifying labels on the cases of regulators, breakers, and dis- tribution and control relay cases with white oil paint as designated by the Engineer. The letters and numer- als shall be not less than 1 inch (25 mm) in height and shall be of proportionate width. The Contractor shall also mark the correct circuit designations in accordance with the wiring diagram on the terminal marking strips which are a part of each terminal block. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 109-4.1 The quantity of vaults to be paid for under this item shall consist of the number of vaults con- structed in place and accepted as a complete unit. --109-4.2 The quantity of prefabricated metal housings to be paid for under this item shall consist of the number of housings constructed in place and accepted as a complete unit. 109-4.3 The quantity of vault or prefabricated metal housing equipment to be paid for under this item shall consist of all equipment installed, connected, and accepted as a complete unit ready for operation. BASIS OF PAYMENT 109-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each completed and accepted vault or prefab- ricated metal housing equipment installation. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materi- 109-6 r2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A als and for all preparation, assembly`, and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment. tools. and incidentals necessary to complete the item. rPayment will be made under: Item L-109-5.1 Construction of Airport Transformer Vault to Place --per uni: - Item L-109-5.2 Installation of Airport Transformer Vault Equipment in Place --per unit Item L-109-5.3 Construction of Prefabricated Metal Housing and Foundation �.. in Place --per unit Item L-109-5.4 Installation of Prefabricated Metal Housing Equipment in Place --per unit MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Fed.Spec.J-C-30 Fed.Spec.SS-A-694 Fed. Spec. W-C-571 AC 150/5340-9 AC I50/5345-3 AC 150/5345-5 AC 150/5345-7 AC 150/5345-10 AC 150/5345-13A ASTM A 615 ASTM C 62 ASTM D 83 REA BULLETIN 345-14 Cable and Wire, Electrical (Power, Fixed Installation) Roof -Coating: Asphalt. Brushing -Consistency Conduit and Fittings, Nonmetal, Rigid; (Asbestos -Cement or Fire -Clay Cement), (For EIectrical Purposes) 4 Prefabricated Metal Housing for Electrical Equipment Specification for L-821 Panels for Remote Control of Airport Lighting Circuit Selector Switch Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits Specification for Constant Current Regulators and Regulator Monitors Specification for L-841 Auxiliary Relay Cabinet Assembly for Pilot Control of Airport Lighting Circuits Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement Specification for Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale) Red Lead Pigment REA Specification for Fully Color -Coded, Polyethylene -In- sulated. Double Polyethylene -Jacketed Telephone Cables for Direct Burial 109 - 7 IN I Modifications to i i LTLr-M L—LSV 1_NS"1"ALLATIVN YP- AIKYUKI' U1VU�lC(sKVULYL LLCl.1lC1l,L�L ' uuVl Item L-110 Installation -of iirpor.t Underground Electrical""Duct, of; the ,`projact r specifications, shall be modified as 'follows: 1. Paragraph '110-2.2 BITUMINOUS FIBEE DUCT Delete thisii; aintire :paragraph. Bituminous —fiber duct shall not be weed in this item 2. Paragraph 110-2.3 ASBESTOS' CEMENT ,DUCT - 'Delete this entire,' aWagraph ,. Asbestos cement duct shall not be used in; this item 3. Paragraph 110-2.5 STEEL CONDUIT - Delete this`entire'paragraph' I 4. Paragraph'110-2.7'PLASTIC CONDUIT. Delete paragraph "a." Plastic conduit shall be Type I. ho 5: Paragraph 110-3.4 DUCT MARKERS Delete•Chis paragraph.:;Duct markers will not:be required for this project 6. Add the following new paragraph: j ` , 9110-3.7 MOISTURE MWEB AM: XUBRICANT - E►t ,i ell ' sign.. bases, i unction bows and asket6d!manholes,,the�Contractor.•shall 4 1 a j g PP y silicone moisture barrier -and lubricant equal to ;"4 Electrical Insulating Compound'! meeting MIL'-S 18660 to; each';ma=ihole bolt and gasket. A sufficient , amount Iof lubricant, as,i approved"by the Engineer, shall:be ipplied:io effectively, seal°and lubricate the:.:.: bolt or gasket." : 7. Paragraph 5,1 - Delete :this paragraph and insert the Following "Payment shall be made, at. the :contract. unit price ' -for each type and size of duct nor:conduit installed; per . linear foot. "This price shall die' full: cdmpensation for - furnishing all materials, 'bad 'for all: preparation ..And; installation of the materials, and for all labor, I equipment, tools, and'inci4intils necessary, to complete the item. I' � Payment will be made Hader: Item L-110, 4-way, 4-inch Underground Electrical Duct, concrete encased, including trenching and backfillingI per.iinear foot, and � Item L-110, 1*way, 2-inch' Underground Conduit, ;including trenching and backfilling, ! per' linear foot..4 2699-94 110.;- a I F, AC 150/5370-10A p F r 2/17/89 ITEM L-110 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DUCT DESCRIPTION - no-1.1 This item shall consist of underground electrical ducts installed in accordance with this specifica- tion at the locations and in accordance with the dimensions, designs. and details shown in the plans. This item shall include the installation of all underground electrical ducts or underground conduits. It shall also include all trenching, backfilling, removal, and restoration of any paved areas; manholes, concrete encase- ment, mandreling installation of steel drag wires and duct markers, capping, and the testing of the installa- tion as a completed duct system ready for installation of cables, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 110-2.1 GENERAL. All equipment and materials covered by referenced specifications shall be subject to acceptance through manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable specification when so re- quested by the Engineer. 110-2.2 BITUMINOUS FIBER DUCT. Bituminous fiber duct and fittings shall conform to the require- ments of Underwriters Laboratories Standard 543. a. Type I, for concrete encasement. b. Type II, for direct burial. 110-2.3 ASBESTOS CEMENT DUCT. Asbestos cement duct -and fittings shall conform to the require- ments of Fed. Spec. W-C-571 and shall be one of the following, as specified in the proposal: a. Type I, for concrete encasement. b. Type II, for direct burial. 110-2.5 STEEL CONDUIT. Rigid steel conduit and fittings shall conform to the requirements of Under- writers Laboratories Standard 6, 514, and 1242. 110-2.6 CONCRETE. Concrete shall conform to Item P-610, StructurzJ -Portland Cement Concrete, using 1-inch (25 mm) maximum size coarse aggregate. 110-2.7 PLASTIC CONDUIT. Plastic conduit and fittings shall conform to the requirements of Fed. Spec. W-C-1094 and shall be one of the following, as specified in the proposal: e. Type I - suitable for underground use either directly in the earth or encased in concrete. b. Type II - suitable for either above ground or underground use. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 110-3.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall install underground ducts at the approximate locations indicat- ed in the airport layout plans. The Engineer shall indicate spec locations as the work progresses. Ducts shall be of the size, material, and type indicated in the plans or specification-;. Where no size is indicated in the plans or specifications, the ducts shall be not less than 3 inches (75 mm) inside diameter. All duct lines shall be laid so as to grade toward handholes, manholes and duct ends for drainage. Grades shall be at least 3 inches (75 mm) per 100 feet (30 m). On runs where it is not practicable to maintain the grade all one way, the duct lines shall be graded from the center in both directions toward manholes, handholes, or duct ends. Pockets or traps where moisture may accumulate shall be avoided. AC 150/5370-10A 2/17/89 The Contractor shall mandrel each duct. An iron -shod mandrel, not more than 1/4-inch (6 mm) smaller than the bore of the duct shall be pushed through each duct by means of jointed conduit rods. The mandrel shall have a leather or rubber gasket slightly larger than the duct hole. All ducts installed shall be provided with a No. 10 gauge galvanized iron or steel drag wire for pulling the permanent wiring. Sufficient length shall be left in manholes or hndholes to bend the drag wire back to prevent it from slipping back into the duct. Where spare ducts are installed, as indicated on the plans. the open ends shall be -plugged with removable tapered plugs, designed by the duct manufacturers, or with hardwood plugs conforming accurately to the shape of the duct and having the larger end of the plug at least 1/4-inch (6 mm) greater in diameter than the duct. All duct shall be securely fastened in place during construction and progress of the work and shall be plugged to prevent seepage of grout, water, or dirt. Any duct section having a defective joint shall not be installed. All ducts, except steel conduit, installed under runways, taxiways, aprons, and other paved areas shall be encased in a concrete envelope. Where turf is well established and the sod can be removed, it shall be carefully stripped and properly stored. Trenches for ducts may be excavated manually or with mechanical trenching equipment. Walls of trenches shall be essentially vertical so that a minimum of shoulder surface is disturbed. Blades of road patrols or graders shall not be used to excavate the trench. The Contractor shall ascertain the type of soil or rock to be excavated before bidding. All excavation shall be unclassified. 110-3.2 DUCTS ENCASED IN CONCRETE. Unless otherwise shown in the plans, concrete -encased duct shall be installed so that the top of the concrete envelope is not less than 18 inches (45 cm) below the finished subgrade where installed wader runways, taxiways, aprons, or other paved areas, and not less than 18 inches (45 cm) below finished grade where installed in unpaved areas. Ducts under paved areas shall extend at least 3 feet (90 cm) beyond the edges of the pavement or 3 feet (90 cm) beyond any underdrains which may be installed alongside the paved area. Trenches for concrete -encased duct shall be opened the complete length before concrete is laid so that if any obstructions are encountered, proper provisions can be made to avoid them. All duct for concrete encasements shall be placed on a layer of concrete not less than 3 inches (75 mm) thick prior to its initial set. Where two or more ducts are encased in concrete, the Con. tractor shall space them not less than 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) apart (measured from outside wall to outside wall) using spacers applicable to the type of duct. As the duct laying progresses, concrete not less than 3 inches (75 mm) thick shall be placed around the sides and top of the duct bank. End bells or couplings shall be installed flush with the concrete encasement where required. When specified, the Contractor shall reinforce the bottom side and top of encasements with steel reinforcing mesh or fabric or other approved metal reinforcement. When directed, the Contractor shall supply addition- al supports where the ground is soft and boggy, where duct cross under roadways, or where otherwise shown on the plans. under such conditions, the complete duct structure shall be supported on reinforced concrete footings, piers, or piles located at approximately 51oot (150 cm) intervals. When clay or soapstone ducts are specified, they shall be installed with concrete encasement as described above. Clay conduit shall be of the single -bore type. Where the self -centering socket joint type of single clay duct is used, conduit shall be built up. tier by tier, and separated only by sufficient mortar or fine aggregate concrete to bed the duct evenly and fill all voids between ducts. Single ducts shall be jointed together and the joints grouted with portland cement mortar. A suitable gasket (of rubber or other approved material) shall first be placed in the receptacle end of the duct, prior to the joining operation. in order to exclude all mortar from the duct. Where the 'square bore butt joint type of clay duct, single or multicell, is used, sections shall be aligned with at least four steel dowel pins and joints wrapped with duct tape 6 inches (150 mm) wide and lapped 6 inches (150 mm) . All joints in a bank of single -bore ducts shall be staggered, beginning evenly from the manhole or handhole, by means of short lengths 6. 8, 9, 12. and 15 inches (150, 200, 230, 300, 380 mm) long. Cement mortar shall be trowled around each and every joint. Voids in the duct bank, caused by the external shape of the corners of the conduit, shall also be filled with mortar. The joining and joints of soapstone duct shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 110 - 2 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A ,.. . x 110-3.3 DL:CI-S WtTHOLT CONCRETE ENCASEMEN Trenches for single -duct lines shall be not less than 6 inches (150 mm) nor more than 12 inches (300 mm) wide. and the trench for 2 or more ducts installed at the same level shall be proportionately wider. Trench bottoms for ducts without concrete en- P casement shall be made to conform accurately to grade so as to provide uniform support for the duct along its entire length. A laver of fine earth material. at least 4 inches (100 mm) thick (loose measurement) shall be placed in the ,,.. bottom of the trench as bedding for the duct. The bedding material shall consist of soft dirt, sand or other fine fill, and it shall contain no particles that would be retained on a 1/4-inch (6 mm) sieve. The bedding material shall be tamped until firm. ?' Unless otherwise shown in plans. ducts for direct burial shall be'installed so that the tops of all ducts are at least 18 inches (45 cm) below the finished grade. When two or more ducts are installed in the same trench without concrete encasement, they shall be spaced not less than 2 inches (50 mm) apart (measured from outside wall to outside wall) in a horizontal dir. ction and not less than 6 inches (150 mm) apart in a vertical direction. rTrenches shall be opened the complete length before duct is installed so that if any obstructions are encoun- tered, proper provisions can be made to avoid them. 110-3.4 DUCT MARKERS. The location of the ends of all ducts shall be, marked by a concrete slab ,^ i marker 2 feet (60 cm) square and 4 inches (100 mm) thick extending approximately 1 inch (25 mm) above the surface. The markers shall be located above the ends of all ducts or duct banks, except where ducts terminate in a handhole, manhole, or building. The Contractor shall impress the word "duct" on each marker slab. He shall also impress on the slab the x number and size of ducts beneath the marker. The letters shall be 4 inches (100 mm) high and 3 inches (75 mm) wide with width of stroke 1/2-inch (12 mm) and 1/4-inch (6 mm) deer) or as large as the available space permits. 110-3.5 BACKFILLING. After concrete -encased ducts have been properly installed and the concrete has ,... had time to set, the trench shall be backfdled in at least two layers with excavated material not larger than 4 inches (100 mm) in diameter and thoroughly tamped and compacted to at least the density of the surround- ing undisturbed soil. If necessary to obtain the desired compaction, the backfill material shall be moistened or aerated as required. ! Trenches shall not be excessively wet and shall not contain pools of water during backfilling operations. 4„ The trench shall be completely backfillnd and tamped level with the adjacent surface: except that, when sod is to be placed over, the trench, the backfilling shall be stopped at a depth equal to the thickness of the sod to be used, with proper allowance for settlement. .F• Any excess excavated material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with instructions issued by the Engineer. For ducts without concrete envelope, 8 inches (200 cm) of sand, soft earth, or other fine fill (loose measure- ment) shall be placed around the ducts and carefully tamped around and over them with hand tampers. The remaining trench may be filled with regular run of excavated material and thoroughly tamped as specified above. 110-3.6 RESTORATION. Where sod has been removed, it shall be replaced as soon as possible after the backfilling is completed. All areas disturbed by the trenching; storing of dirt, cable laying, pad construction and other work shall be restored to its original condition. The restoration shall include any necessary top - soiling, fertilizing, liming, seeding, sprigging, or mulching. All such work shall be performed in accordance with the FAA Standard Turfing Specifications. The Contractor shall be held responsible for maintaining all disturbed surfaces and replacements until final acceptance. r 110 — 3 r ,C 150/5370-IOA 2/17/89 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 110-4.1 Underground duct shall be measured by the linear feet (meter) of duct installed, measured in place, - completed, and accepted. Separate measurement shall be made for the various types and sizes. BASIS OF PAYMENT 110-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each type and size of single -way or multi -way duct completed and accepted. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all - preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. Payment will be made under: - - Item L-110-5.1 Single -Way or Multi -Way Electrical Duct --per linear foot (meter) MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Fed.Spec.W-C-571 Conduit and Fittings, Nonmetal, Rigid; (Asbestos -Cement or Fire -Clay Cement), (For Electrical Purposes) Fed.Spec.W-C-1094 Conduit and Fittings; Nonmetallic, Rigid, (Plastic) Underwriters Laboratories Rigid Metal Conduit Standard 6 Underwriters Laboratories - Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes Standard 514 Underwriters Laboratories Impregnated -Fiber Electrical Conduit - - Standard 543 , Underwriters Laboratories Intermediate Metal Conduit Standard 1242 110 - 4 r No ifications t0 ., ITEM L-125 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT LIGHTING ,SYSTEMS -- Item L-125, Installation of Airport Lighting -Systems, of the_ project specifications, shall be modified as follows: 1, Paragraph5-2.3 CONCRETE - Deletethis entire paragraph and.insert•,the following: "125-2.3 CONCRETE Concrete and reinforcing for electrical manholes, sign'slabs and L-667 base :encasement shall 'meeti the requirements of "". Item :P-610 STRUCTURAL PORTLAND.. CEMENT . CONCRETE, ':of these specifications.' Concrete shall not be placed':until'`al'I forms and reinforcement have been insp acted and approved by theEngineer. All, concrete shall be properly cured :and protected, by the Contractor. The Contractor:shall 'be.held responsible for any defective work resulting from freezing ,or injury in any manner „during .concrete. placing and curing, ,'and -shall ;replace such defective wprk at the Contractor's expense." 2. Paragraph 125-2.4 CONDUIT -`Delete ,this entire paragraph and insert the following 4. 125-2 A CONDUIT. - PVC conduit and fittings phall ,+eonform to the . requirements of Item L-110, !NSTALTATION OF AIRPORT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DUCT, of these specifications." 3. Paragraph 125-2.5 -SQUEEZE RS and 'Paragraph : l'�5-2 6 TEES -Del . these entire paragraphs. 4. Add the following new paragraph: r+ .. "1254.5 CABLE. Underground electrical cable and counterpoise wire shall be .furnished and installed in accordance with 'the requirements of Item L-108, :INSTALLATION OF `UNDERGROUND GABLE FOR.AIRPORTS, of these.specifications.' - ... 5. Add the following new paragraph:... » 9125-2.6 'APRON AND TARIWAY'EDGE LIGHTS. New medium intensity apron and ;taxiway edge lights, FAA Designation L-861T, quartz, -shall be ' provided ,and installed at!, locations shown on the; plans and in ! accordancewiththis 'specifica`tioa and the details o' the -;shown plans. Each apron.and taxiway:'edge light shall be. -provided as a.- base �mounted unit. Each installation shall ,include,` but not be limited to, new concrete encased L7867 light base with drainage hole r e and ,1 new 6, b 6. b �' � � L'830:series isolatioa�transformerf new' cable`connectors, ri light lase lid and ` gasket, and new_ frangible coupling. Lenses for new. taxiway 'edge lights shall be 360 gh blue "Consistent with the apron and taxiway 2699-94 25 1 l edge lights on the remainder of the airport, the apron and taxiway edge lights supplied for this project will be Model #SLQ-700BB, as manufactured by National Airport Equipment Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota." 6. Add the following new -paragraph; -"-25-2.7 NEW ELECTRICAL MANHOLES. New reinforced concrete electrical manholes shall be installed at locations shown on the plans and in accordance with this specification and the details shown on the plans. At the Contractor's option, the manholes shall be cast -in -place as detailed on the plans, or shall be precast. The precast manufacturer shall certify that the precast manhole is structurally compatible to the manhole detailed on the plans. The precast manhole shall generally match the dimensions of the manhole detailed in the plans. Precast manhole sections shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C478. Concrete and reinforcing shall be in accordance with the materials herein specified. Manhole frame and cover castings shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 105, and shall be designed to support minimum loadings of 100,000 pound wheel load with 250 psi tire pressure. Certifications from the supplier shall be required for all castings." 7. Add the following new paragraph: 0125-2.8 NEW INTERNALLY -LIGHTED SIGNS. All new internally -lighted signs shall be base mounted. Directional signs shall be Type L- 858Y, Size 1, Style 2, Class 1, with black legends on a yellow background. Mandatory signs shall be Type L-858R, Size 1, Style 2, Class 1, with white legends on a red background.- Location signs _ shall be Type L-858L, Size 1, Style 2, Class:l, with yellow legends and borders on a black background. Consistent with the internally - lighted signs on the airport, the internally -lighted signs supplied for use in this project shall be manufactured by ADB-ALNACO, Inc., Aviation Lighting Systems, Columbus, Ohio, and shall match the existing signs on the airport. All new signs shall be installed at locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and in accordance with this specification and the details shown on the plans.. Legends shall be as shown on the plans. Unless otherwise called for on the plans or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall -provide and install a new concrete encased, L-867 Class 1, Size B base, a new series isolation transformer and new light bulbs for each new sign _installed. New transformers ,light bulbs, liE;ht bars, and other electrical equipment shall be compatible with the existing taxiway lighting.circuit and the equipment provided, and shall be properly sized for the intended installation." 8. Add the following new paragraph: - 0125-2.10 IDENTIFICATION DISKS. A new, non -corrosive metal disk, 2699-94 125 b minimum 2-inches in diameter, with numbers permanently stamped thereon, shall be attached by the Contractor to each new or relocated sign installed, as shown on the plans or as required by the Engineer." --9. Add the following new paragraph: 0125-2.11 NEW REPLACEMENT SIGN FACES. New replacement sign faces shall be provided at existing sign location:; as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. A new replacement sign face shall consist of all sign panels required to modify the existing message to that shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The new sign faces'shall be constructed as recommended by the manufacturer of the existing sign, compatible with the existing sign size. Existing sign faces to be removed under this project shall be removed and salvaged by the Contractor and shall remain the property of the Owner. The Contractor shall deliver the removed sign faces to the owner's place of storage. 10. Add the following new paragraph: "125-2.12 TEMPORARY DISPLACED THRESHOLD LIGHTIM. The Contractor shall be required to furnish, install, maintain, and remove temporary displaced threshold lighting on Runway 17R during Construction Phase 1. The temporary displaced threshold lighting shall include, but not be limited to, outboard. elevated threshold lights (installed on barrels or staffs, as approved), REIL lights, and related items, as specified in Paragraph .SC-4 of the Special Conditions." _ 11. Add the following new paragraph: '5-3.3 PLACING NEW SIGNS. New signs shall be installed at the approximate locations indicated on the plans and in accordance with the details shown on the plans.' The exact locations shall be as directed by the Engineer." 12. Add the following new paragraph "125.3.4 REMOVING AND SALVAGING EDGE LIGHTS AND SIGNS. Existing base -mounted taxiway edge lights and existing base -mounted internally lighted signs, to be removed under this project shall be removed and salvaged by the Contractor, and shall remain the property of the Owner. The Contractor shall remove the existing fixtures dnd transformers and stockpile them in the Owner's place of storage. The Contractor shall exercise care in the removal, handling and stockpiling of the existing materials." 13. Add the following new paragraph: "125-3.5 REMOVING AND SALVAGING SEMI -FLUSH RUNWAY EDGE LIGHTS. Existing semi -flush, high intensity runway edge. lights to be removed 2699-94 125 - c 7 oft I under this project shall be removed and salvaged by the Contractor, and shall remain the property of the Owner. The Contractor shall remove the existing semi -flush fixtures and transformers from the existing light base, and stockpile them in the Owner's place of storage. The Contractor shall exercise care in removing, handling and stockpiling of the existing materials. The existing light base will not be removed but will be reused as the base for a new, elevated, high intensity runway edge light." 14. Add the following new paragraph: RIHc_9 c OCVnnTMM ALTn nTQflnQTLT/± At VVTCTTIJP_ 1"rf"MTPAT MAMUMV0 Existing electrical manholes, as shown on the drawings 'or as directed by the Engineer, to be removed under this project shall be completely excavated and removed from the: airfield by the Contractor. If the Contractor breaks the manhole into pieces prior to removal, no concrete shall remain in the excavation when backfilled. The manhole shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of by the Contractor off the airport property." 15. Add the following new paragraph: "125-3.6 PLACING NEW ELECTRICAL MANHOLES. All excavations for electrical manholes shall be to the lines and grades shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Objectionable materials encountered during excavation shall be removed. All required bracing, sheathing, shoring, benching or sloping of the excavation shall be considered subsidiary -to the cost of the item. After completion of the structure, the excavation shall be backfilled with approved, select material from the excavation in horizontal layers not to exceed 8-inches in loose depth per lift, and compacted to the density of the surrounding soil. Backfill shall not be placed against a newly cast concrete structure for seven days after placing or until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to withstand the pressures of backfilling without damage to the structure. Backfilling shall not be measured for direct payment, but shall.be. considered subsidiary to this item." 16. Paragraphi125-4.1 - Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: 2699-94 "125-4.1 The quantity of existing semi -flush, high intensity runway edge lights removed and salvaged to be paid :for under this item shall be the actual number removed and salvaged, delivered to the Owner's place of storage. The quantity of existing base -mounted, medium intensity taxiway edge lights removed and salvaged to be paid for under this item shall be the actual number removed and salvaged, delivered to the Owner's place of storage. This item shall include, but not be limited to, removing and salvaging the existing concrete -encased light base and lid, light fixture and isolation transformer. 125 - d r A The quantity of new, base -mounted, medium intensity taxiway edge lights to be paid for under this item shall be the actual number installed as completed units, in place, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer, including, but not: limited to, light fixture, concrete -encased L-867 base and lid, series isolation transformer, base gasket, light bulbs and cable connectors. The quantity of existing electrical manholes removed and disposed of to be paid for under this item shall be the actual number removed and disposed of off airport property. The quantity of new electrical manholes to be paid for under this item shall be the actual number installed as completed units, in lr place, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer, including excavation and backfilling. r The quantity of new internally -lighted signs to be paid for under G' this item shall be the actual number installed as completed units of the various sizes specified or shown on the plans, installed, in place, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer, including, but not limited to, sign fixture. concrete -encased L-867 sign base and lid, series isolation transformer, base gasket, light bulbs, wiring connectors, and concrete slab. ... The quantity of new replacement sign faces to be: paid for under this item shall be the actual number of replacement sign faces provided and installed, complete, and accepted by the Engineer. Removal of rthe existing sign face shall not be measured for separate payment but shall be considered subsidiary to the replacement sign face item. Furnishing, installing, maintaining and removing; temporary displaced i threshold lighting to be paid for under this item shall be measured per lump sum. Underground electrical cable and counterpoise wire shall be measured and paid for under Item L-108, INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CABLE FOR AIRPORTS, of these specifications. Underground conduit and, duct shall be measured and paid for under Item L-110, .INSTALLATION OF { AIRPORT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DUCT, of these specifications." 17. Paragraph 125-5.1. - Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "125-5.1. Payment shall be made at the contract unit price for the various items described herein and in the Proposal per each. These ( T prices shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, j except those relocated, and for all preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for all. labor, equipment, +� tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: 2699-94 125 e r Item L-125, Furnish, Install and Maintain. Temporary Displaced Threshold Lighting, including elevated threshold lights, REIL r lights and temporary wiring and connections, complete, per lump sum; Item L-125, Remove and Salvage Existing Semi -flush, High Intensity Runway Edge Light, including fixture and transformer, y - — complete, per each; Item L-_.25, Remove and Salvage Existing Base -Mounted Taxiway Edge Light, including base, fixture and transformer, complete, per each; Item L-125, Remove and Dispose of Existing Concrete Encased Duct, per linear foot; �.. Item L-125, Remove and Dispose of Existing; Electrical Manhole, per each; Item L-125, Remove and Relocate Existing Base -Mounted, gh ted Sign, including new sign base and concrete InternallyLighted slab, complete, per each; r• Item L-125, High Intensity Runway Edge Light, 360' clear lens, i complete, per each; - — Item L-125, Medium Intensity Taxiway Edge Light with quartz r fixtures, base -mounted, 360' blue lens, complete, per each; Item L-125, 4'x4' Reinforced Concrete Electrical Manhole, complete, per each; Item L-125, 3- and 4-Character Internally Lighted Sign, including new base mounting and concrete slab, complete, per each; s Item L-125, 5- and 6-Character Internally Lighted Sign, including new base mounting and concrete slab, complete, per each; and Item L-125, Replace Existing Internally Lighted Sign Face, complete, per each." low r"" :2699-94 125 - f .r+. 0 F AC 150/5j70-10 10/24/74 ITEM L-125 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT LITHTING SYSTEMS Description 125-1.1 This item cancels and replaces the items listed in paragraphs 125-1.2--125-1.8. 12 1.2 Item L-114, Installation of Medium Intensity Runway and Taxiway Lights with Stake Mounting. 125-1.3 Item L-116, Installation of Medium Intensity Runway and Taxiway Lights with Stake Mounting. 12 1.4 Item L-120, Installation of Internally Lighted Taxiway Guidance Signs. 12 1. - Item L-121, Installation of High Intensity Runway Lights. 125-1.6 Item L-122, Installation of Airport Low Intensity Lighting System. 125-1.7 Item L-123, Installation of Touchdown Zone Lights, Inset and Base Mounted. 125-1.8 Item L-124, Installation of Runway Centerline and Taxiway Turnoff Lights. 125-1.9 This item shall consist of airport lighting systems furnished and installed in accordance with this specification, the referenced specification, and the applicable advisory circulars. The systems are installed at the location and in accordance with the dimensions, design, and details shown in the plans. This item shall include the furnishing of all equipment, materials, services, and incidentals necessary to place the systems in operation as completed units to the satisfaction of the engineer. 125-1 F AC 150/5370-10 ITEM L-125 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEMIS 125-1.10 Additional details pertaining to a speci_ic s stem co.e^=_i _.. This iien are contained in the advisory circulars _fisted in para_ra_a _ 125-1.11--125-1.16. 125-1 11 AC 150/534o-4, Installation Details for R,=way Centerl=re and Touchdown own Zone Lighting Systems. 125-1.12 AC-50/534o-13, -1 h Intensity Runway Lighting System. 12' 1.1 AC 150/5340-14, Economy Approach Lighhting Aids. 125-1.14 AC 150/534o-15, Taxiway Edge Lighting System. 25-1.15 AC 150/5340-16, Medium intensity Runway Lights=g Systen. 2;-1.?6 AC 1;0/53-'0- , Taxiway Guidance Sign. System. Equipment and Materials 25-2.1' GENERAL. (a) Airport lighting equipment and materials covered by FAA — specifications shall have the prior approval of the Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Service, Washington, D. C. 20591, and s1hall be listed in Advisory Circular 150/5345-1, Approved Airport Lighting 'Equipment. (b) All other equipment and materials covered by other referenced specifications shall be subject to acceptance through the manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable specifications. (c) Lists of the equipment and materials required for a particular system are contained in the applicable advisory circulars. 125-2 R _c/24/7- AC 150/5370-1c ITEM L-125 INSTALLATION OF ATE' PORT LIGh'TING SYSTE -IS _25-2.2 TAPE. E Rubber and plastic electrical tapes shall be Scotch Electrical Tape 1,hnbers 23 and 88, respectively, as manufactured by the Minnesota Alining and M nufactu-r=ng Company, or an approved equal. 125-2.3 CONC=-z. Concrete for backfili shall be proportioned not leaner than a 1-3-6 mix by volume and shall have a compressive strength of not less than 2,000 PSI. Approved clean aggregate shall be used to produce the concrete. 12� 2.4 CONDUIT. Rigid steel conduit and fittings shall conform to tb.e requirements of Fed. Spec. WkT C-581. 125-2.5 SQUEEZE COWMECTORS. Squeeze connectors, if specified, shall be egi.ial to Crouse -Hinds Company, type CGB cable connector with neoprene rubber bushing. 125-2.6 TIwS. Large radius bend tees, if specified, shall be equal to Crouse -hinds Company No. E_T-43. Construction Methods 125-3.1 GEdEFUL. The installation and testing details for the systems shall be as specified in the applicable advisory circulars. 125-3.2 PLACING LIGHTS. The light fixtures shall be installed at the approximate location indicated in the plans. The exact location shall be as directed by the engineer. Method of Measurement 12 4.1 The quantity of lights to be paid for under this item shall be the number of each type installed as completed units in place, ready for operation, and accepted by the engineer. 125-3 AC 150/5370-10 ITEM L-125 INSTALLP_TION OF AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEMS 10/2=+/74 Basis of Payment 125-5.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each complete _i'�—installed in place by the contractor and accepted by the engineer. This price shall be hill compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. Payment will be made under: Item L-125-5.1 Medium Intensity Runway Lights, Base Mounted in Place --per each. Item L-125-5.1 Taxiway Lights, Base Mounted in Place -- per each. Item L-125-5.1 Medium Intensity Runway Lights, Stake Mounted in Place --per each. Item L-125-5.1 - Taxiway Lights, Stake Mounted in Place --per each. Item L-125-5.1 :sigh Intensity Runway Lights, in Place --per _- each. Item L-125-5.1 Touchdown Zone Lights in Place --per each. Item L-125-5.1 Runway Centerline Lights, in Place --per each. Item L-125-5.1 Medium Intensity Approach Lights, in Place — per each. Item I-125-5.1 Runway End Identification Lights, in Place-- _ per each. Item L-125-5.1 Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator, in Place --per each. Item L-125-5.1 Airport Taxi Guidance Signs, in Place --per unit of like size. 125-4 10/24/74 _ AC 150/5370-10 ITEM L-125 INSTALLATION OF AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEMS Federal Specificatiors Referenced in Item L-125 Number Title WW-C-581 Conduit, Metal, Rigid;.and Coupling, Elbow; and Nipple, j Electrical Conduit: Zinc -Coated. FAA Specifications Referenced in Item L-125 Number Title AC 150/5340-4 Installation Details for Centerline and A, Touchdown Zone Lighting Systems. AC 150/5340-13 High Intensity Runway Lighting System. R" AC 150/5340-14 Economy Approach Lighting Aids. AC 150/5340-15 Taxiway Lighting System. AC 150/5340-16 Medium Intensity Runway Lighting System. AC 150/5340- Taxiway Guidance Sign System. r A L A f 4 - A r* r, 125-5 r Modifications to r TTEH F-162 CHAIN LINK FENCES Item F-162 Chain Link Fence, of the project ,specifications shall be modified as r follows: 1. Paragraph 162-1.1 - Add the 'following: r"This item shall also consist of furnishing and -erecting - s. or installingcantilever gates in the new fence. in . . accordance with these`,specifications and the details shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer., 2.Paragraph 162-2.1 -FABRIC. - Delete the first sentence, and insert the following: r 1 "All chain link fabric shall be 9-gauge, zinc -coated steel 'fabric, and shall conform "to the applicable requirements of ' Fed.' Spec.' RR-F-191/1C. The: fabric shall be zinc -coated after weaving. Minimum weight of zinc shall be 1.8 ounces ,per °square foot." �. 3. Paragraph 162-2.2 BARBED WIRE. - Delete'. the first sentence, and insert the following: -- •- "All barbed wire shall be zinc -coated steel, and shall conform to the applicable requirements of Fed. Spec. RR- F-101/4C. `Barbed wire shall- be 2-strand twisted No 121h gauge wire and 4-point barns' of No. 14 gauge spaced OM at 4- to.6-inches apart. The zinc coated shall have'a minimum weight of 0.80 ounces per>square foot of wire surface on No. ;12 gauge wire I. and 0.60 ounces per r square foot of wire surface on No. 14 gauge barbs." 4. Paragraph 162-2.3 POSTS, RAILS AND BRACES. - Delete the_ second subparagraph, and 'insert the 'following: "Posts, tails and braces shall be of zinc -coated steel, and shall 'conform to the applicable requirements of Fed. Spec. RR-F-191/3C. Chain kink fence posts, top rails and braces shall be of the following types and classes: Type L Postsf Class 1 -Steel Pipe Type II - Top Rails:, r Class I •.Steel Pipe 299 6-94 _ 162 e 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Type III - Braces: — Class 1 - Steel Pipe End, corder and pull posts shall be as specified in Fed. Spec. RR-F-191-3C." Paragraph 162-2.4 GATES. - In the first sentence, delete references to polymer -coated steel pipe and aluminum alloy pipe. Gate frames shall be constructed of galvanized steel pipe. Paragraph 162-2.6 MISCELLANEOUS FITTINGS AND HARDWARE. - The requirements .of miscellaneous fittings and hardware shall apply. Paragraph 162-3.6 ELECTRICAL GROUNDS. - Delete this entire paragraph. Electrical grounding of the new chain link fence will not be required. Paragraph 162-4.1-- Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "The quantity of new chain link fence to be paid for under this item will be measured per linear :foot of fence actually installed _and approved, measured in place. The quantity of new cantilever gates to be paid for under this item will be measured per each gate installed and accepted. The quantity of existing fencing removed and salvaged to be paid for under this item will be measured per linear foot of existing fencing removed, salvaged and delivered to the Owner's place of storage." Paragraph 162-5.1 - Delete this entire paragraph and insert the following: "Payment for the various items specified herein will be made at the contract unit prices bid, and shall include furnishing and installing the specified equipment, complete, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, and for all preparation, removal, erection and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be under: Item F-162, Remove and Salvage Existing Fencing, including delivering the fencing to the Owner's place of storage, per linear foot; Item F-162, Chain Link Fencing, 'complete, per linear foot; and 2699-94 162 - b No Text 7 11/2/90 AC 150/5370-1oA CHc 2 !^ ITEM F-162 CHAIN -LINK FENCES DESCRIPTION 162-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing and erecting a chain link fence in accordance with these specifica- tions and the details shown on the plans and in conformity with the lines and grades shown on the plans or estab- lished by the Engineer. MATERIALS 9—gauge l 162-2.1 FABRIC. The fabric shall be woven with a [galvanized steel wire] [aluminum --coated steel wire] [aluminum alloy] [polyvinyl chloride (PVC) -coated steel] wire in a 2—inch (50 mm) mesh and shall meet �^ the requirements of [ ]. rw� n 162-22 BARBED WIRE. Barbed wire shall be 2--strand 12-1/2 gauge [zinc —coated) [aluminum —coated) wire with 4—point barbs and shall conform to the requirements of [ ]. I ! _. f 162-23 POSTS, RAILS AND BRACES. Posts, rails, and braces furnished for use in conjunction with zinc — coated steel fabric or with aluminum —coated steel fabric shall be of zinc --coated steel or acrylic —coated steel pipe, E and those furnished for use in conjunction with aluminum alloy fabric shall be aluminum alloy. * Line posts, rails, and braces shall be [galvanized steel pipe] [polymer —coated steel pipe] [vinyl —coated steel] [structural shapes] [roll formed] [aluminum alloy] conforming to the requinetnents of [ ]. M I: 6f 162 — 1 AC 15015370.10A CHG 2 1112190 The dimensions of the posts, rails, and braces shall be in accordance with Tables I through VI of Fed. Spec. RR—F- 191/3. * 162-2.4 GATES. Gate frames shall consist of [galvanized steel pipe] [polymer —coated steel pipe] [aluminum alloy pipe] and conform to the specifications for the same material under paragraph 162-2.3. The fabric shall be of. the same type material as used in the -fence. 162-2.5 WIRE TIES AND TENSION WIRES. Wire fabric ties, wire ties, and tension wire for use in conjunc- don with a given type of fabric shall be of the some material identified with the fabric type. The tension wire shall be 7—gauge coiled spring wire coated similarly to the respective wire fabric being used. Wire fabric ties shall be hog rings, aluminum wire, or galvanized steel wire not less than 9 gauge. All material shall conform to Fed. Spec. RR—F-191/4. 162-2.6 MISCELLANEOUS FITTINGS AND HARDWARE. Miscellaneous steel fittings and hardware for use with [zinc —coated] [aluminum —coated] steel fabric shall be of commercial grade steel or better quality, wrought or cast as appropriate to the article, and sufficient in strength to provide a balanced design when used in conjunction with fabric posts, and wires of the quality specified herein. [All steel fittings and hardware shall be protected with a zinc coating applied in conformance with ASTM A 153.] [Miscellaneous aluminum fittings for use with aluminum alloy fabric shall be wrought or cast aluminum alloy.] Barbed wire support arms shall withstand a load of 250 pounds (113 kg) applied vertically to the outermost end of the arm. 162-2.7 CONCRETE. Concrete shall be of a commercial grade with a minimum 28—day compressive strength of 2500 psi (13 700 kPa). 162-2.8 MARKING. Each roll of fabric shall carry a tag showing the kind of base metal (steel, aluminum, or aluminum alloy number), kind of coating, the gage of the wire, the length of fencing in the roll, and the name of the; manufacturer. Posts, wire, and other fittings shall be identified as to manufacturer, kind of base metal: (steel, aluminum, or aluminum alloy number), and kind of coating. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 162-3.1 CLEARING FENCE LINE. All trees, brush, stumps, logs, and other debris which would interfere with the proper construction of the fence in the required location shall be removed a minimum width of 2 feet (60 mm) on each side of the fence centerline before starting fencing operations. The material removed and disposed of shall not constitute a pay item and shall be considered incidental to fence construction. 162-3.2 INSTALLING POSTS. All posts shall be set in concrete at the required dimension and depth and at the spacing shown on the plans. 162 — 2 M. 2/17/89 AC 150/5370-10A The concrete shall be thoroughly compacted around the posts by tamping or vibrating and shall have a smooth fetish slightly higher than the ground and sloped to drain away from the posts. All posts shall be set plumb and to the required grade and alignment. No materials shall be installed on the posts, nor shall the r' posts be disturbed in any manner within 7 days after the individual post footing is completed. Should rock be encountered at a depth less than the planned footing depth, a hole 2 inches (50 mm) larger than the greatest dimension of the posts shall be drilled to a depth of 12 inches (300 mm). After the posts are set, the remainder of the drilled hole shall be filled with grout, composed of one, part portland cement and two parts mortar sand. Any remain;rg space above the rock shall be filled with concrete in the manner described above. In lieu of drilling, the rock may be excavated to the required footing depth No extra compensation shall.be made for rock excavation. f 162--33 INSTALL NG TOP RAIIS. The top rail shall be continuous and shall pass through the post tops. The coupling used to join the top rail lengths shall allow for expansion. 162-3.4 INSTALLING BRACES. Horizontal brace rails, with diagonal truss rods and turnbuckles, shall rbe installed at all terminal posts. 162-33 INSTALUNG FABRIC The wire fabric shall be firmly attached to the posts and braced in the manner shown on the plans. All wire shall be stretched taut and shall be installedto the required elevations. rThe fence shall generally follow the contour of the ground. with the bottom of the fence fabric no less than i inch (25 mm) or more than 4 inches (100 mm) from the ground stuface. Grading shall be performed where �* necessary to provide a neat appearance. At locations of =0 natural swales or drainage ditches and where it is not practical to have the fence conform to the general contour of the ground surfaces longer pasts may be used and multiple strands of barbed wire stretched thereon to span the opening below the fence. The vertical clearance between strands of barbed wire shall be 6 inches (150 mm) or less 162--3.6 ELEMUCAL GROUNDS.. Electrical grounds shall be constructed [where a power line passes over the fence] [at 504-foot (ISO za) internls]. The ground shall be installed directly below the point of crossing. The ground shall be accomplished with a copperclad rod 8 feet (240 em) long and a minimum of 5/8 inch (15 mm) in diameter driven vertically until the top is 6 inches (150 mm) below the ground surface. A No. 6 solid copper conductor shall be clamped to the rod and to the fence in such a manger that each element of the fence is grounded. Installation of ground rods shall not constitute a pay item and shall be considered incidental to fence construction. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 162-4.1 Chain -link fence will be measured for payment by the linear foot (meter). Measurement will be along the top of the fence from center to center of end posts, excluding the length occupied by gate open- ings. r Gates will )Dc measured as complete units. t 4 162 - 3 AC 150/5370-10A CHG 2 11l2/90 BASIS OF PAYMENT 162-5.1 Payment for chain -link fence will be made at the contract unit price per linear foot (meter). Payment for driveway or walkway gates will be made at the contract unit price for each gate. The price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, and for all preparation, erection. and installation of these materials, and for all labor equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under. Item F-162-5.1 Chain -Link Fence —per linear foot (meter) Item F-162-5.2 Driveway Gates --per each Item F-162-5.3 Walkway Gates -per each MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM A 121 Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) Steel Barbed Wire ASTM A 123 Zane (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip ASTM A 153 Zinc Coating (Hot -Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware - ASTM A 392 Zinc -Coated Steel Chain -Link Fence Fabric ASTM A 491 Aluminum -Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric * ASTM A 569 Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent), Hot Rolled Sheet and - Strip Commercial Quality ASTM A 570 Hot -Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip Structural Quality ASTM A 572 High -Strength Low -Alloy Columbium -Vanadium Steels of Struc- rural Quality ASTM A 585 Aluminum -Coated Steel Barbed Wire ASTM B 221 Aluminum -Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire Shapes and Tubes * ASTM F 668 Polyvinyl Chloride)(PVC)-Coated Steel Chain -Link Fenn ASTM F 1083 Pipe, Steel, Hot -dipped Zinc -coated (galvanized) Welded, for Fence Structures * ASTM F 1183 Aluminum Alloy Chain Link Fence Fabric ASTM F 1234 Protective Coatings on Steel Framework for Fences * Fed. Spec. RR-F-191/3 Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal (Chain -Link Fence Posts, Top — Rails and Braces) Fed. Spec. RR-F-191/4 Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal (Chain -Link Fence Accessories) 162-4 No Text ITEM MC MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 1. SCOPE OF WORK This item of the project specifications shall consist of the installation of aircraft tiedown anchor rods and aircraft grounding rods. 2. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS 2-1 General The materials used in this item shall be.as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the following requirements. 2-2 Aircraft Tiedown Anchor Rods and Aircraft Grounding Rods Aircraft tiedown anchor rods and aircraft grounding rods shall be installed in conformity with the deminsions, designs and details shown on the drawings. These items shall include digging or drilling a suitable hole as shown on the drawings to provide for concrete placement and rod installation. The aircraft tiedown anchor rod shall be a continuous steel rod with an eye at the top, formed from material meeting the requirements of ASTM A-36. The eye shall be formed to the dimensions shown on the drawings and securely welded. The entire rod and eye shall be galvanized before installation. The aircraft grounding rod shall be a 5/8-inch diameter rod with an eye having an inside diameter of not less than 1 W - inches . The rod shall be bimetallic copper -covered steel, manufactured in the molten welding process (Copperclad or approved equal). The copper covering shall be continuous and substantially uniform. The copper covering shall be approximately 10% of the total rod cross-section. At the Contractor's option, the tiedown anchor rods and grounding rods may be installed before the portland cement concrete pavement is placed. The concrete surface around the tiedown anchor rods and grounding rods will be finished in accordance with the requirements of Item P-501, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, of these specifications, with an appropriate indention shaped in the surface to access the eye, as shown on the drawings. The exact location of the tiedown anchor rods and grounding rods shall be determined by the apron user prior to installation. The layout shall be approved by the Engineer. In general, the approximate number of tiedown anchor rods and grounding rods will be as included in the proposal. Tiedown anchor rods and grounding rods will not be placed closer than 3-feet from any joint in the new portland cement concrete pavement. 3. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT The quantity of aircraft tiedown anchor rods and aircraft grounding rods to be paid for under this ite shall be the number of each installed and accepted, 2699-94 MC - 1 measured on the ground, in place. 4. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment will be made at the contract unit price for aircraft tiedown -- anchor rods and aircraft grounding rods installed and accepted. These prices shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item MC, Aircraft Tiedown Anchor Rods, complete, per each; -and Item MC, Aircraft Grounding Rods, complete, per each. END OF SECTION- 2699-94 MC _ 2 No Text F SECTION IW IRRIGATION WELL MODIFICATIONS t 1. GENERAL The work to be completed under this section shall include:, but not be limited f to, removing and salvaging the existing irrigation pump, motor and column assembly from an existing irrigation well, abandoning the existing irrigation ,,. well, performing necessary modifications and preparations to another existing irrigation well and reinstalling the salvaged irrigation pump, motor and column at the second well location. ►OO The two existing irrigation wells are located within the approximate project site on Lubbock International Airport property, as shown on the drawings. The well to be abandoned is located immediately west of Taxiway A, approximately R., along the extended centerline of Taxiway S. The well to be modified is located immediately north of the Airborne Express facility. The irrigation well to be modified under this section has recently been cleaned and bailed by the Owner. The well is to be equipped with an existing irrigation pump, motor and column assembly to be removed under this project from an existing irrigation well to be abandoned. Associated improvements at the well to be modified include the construction of a new, concrete pump foundation and surrounding protective concrete slab, and the installation of necessary piping, t t standpipe, and valves -for connection to a new irrigation pipeline as specified in Section IP, IRRIGATION PIPELINE SYSTEM, of these specifications. The Owner will secure all right-of-way for ingress and egress to the well sites and assist in securing permission required for disposition of any waste water from the well during initial testing and developing. 2. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 2-1 Slush Pits A slush pit and drainage ditch were excavated during previous cleaning and bailing operations at the existing well to be modified. After completion of the well modifications, the Contractor shall fill the existing slush pit and drainage ditch with approved material, and all sand, muck and other unsuitable materials shall be removed from the site. The fill material shall be compacted to the approximate density of the surrounding soil. The disturbed area shall be regraded to match and blend with the surrounding terrain, as approved by the Engineer. Material to fill the existing slush pit and drainage ditch may be obtained from excavation for the project. 2-2 Concrete Pump Foundation and Protective Concrete Slab After completion of the well modifications, the Contractor shall construct a concrete pump foundation and protective concrete slab in accordance with the details shown on the drawings, or as approved by the Engineer. The concrete shall be a standard concrete mix produced by a company regularly engaged in the production of ready -mix concrete. The compressive strength of the concrete shall be not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C39. The concrete shall be air -entrained with 2699-94 IW - 1 F", air -entraining mixtures in accordance with ASTM C260, producing an air content of between 3 and 6 percent. Steel reinforcement shall meet the requirements included in Item P-501, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, of these specifications. Concrete shall not be placed until the forms and reinforcement have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. Concrete shall be compacted - - using appropriate mechanical vibrators operating within the concrete. All concrete shall be properly cured and protected by the Contractor. ,, The Contractor shall be responsible for any defective work resulting from freezing, or injury in any manner, during concrete placement and curing, and shall replace such defective work at the Contractor's expense. The top of the pump foundation and protective slab shall be given a smooth, neat finish with a trowel and light brush. Sides of foundation shall be rubbed to give a neat and uniform appearance. 2-3 Mping Unit - Information on the existing well equipment is based on available , data. The Contractor shall field verify all information related to the existing equipment. The existing pumping unit to be salvaged and relocated consists of a vertical turbine type deep well water pump connected to an existing natural gas -driven engine. From available data, the existing pumping unit is equipped with approximately 190 feet of 8-inch column pipe. The capacity of the existing _ pumping unit is about 320 gallons per minute (gpm), as installed in the well to be abandoned. From available data, it is estimated that the well which is to - receive the salvaged pumping unit and column pipe is approximately 190 feet deep, and is cased to a depth of 169 feet with 16-inch diameter casing. Provision is made in the proposal for adding to or deducting from the total length of column pipe to be relocated. Any adjustment in length will be paid for on the price bid per 10-foot section for column length adjustment. The existing well to be modified has recently been cleaned to the bottom of the hole. If it develops that the well has filled in or sanded in between the time of cleaning of the well and the time of installation of the salvaged pumping equipment, the Contractor shall clean the well to sufficient depth to allow a free setting of the equipment. Provision is made in the proposal for any necessary extra cleaning and/or bailing of the hole.' After the salvaged pumping equipment has been reinstalled in the modified well, it shall be checked for proper operation. 2-4 Abandonment of Existing Well The existing well adjacent to Taxiway S shall be abandoned in accordance with the requirements of the Water Well Driller's Board by filling with either a cement grout or a bentonite mud from the bottom of the hole to the ground surface. If a bentonite mud is utilized, the upper ten (10) feet of the well shall be filled with concrete. The above -ground piping connecting the well to the existing irrigation line or standpipe, as well'as existing concrete slabs and splash pads shall be removed from airport property and properly disposed of by the Contractor. Prior to filling the well to be abandoned, the Contractor shall 2699-94 IW - 2 r rremove the existing well casing to the elevation of the top of the subgrade of the new Taxiway S pavement. The casing shall be cleanly cut and removed from r airport property, and properly disposed of by the Contractor. 2-5 Cleaning UR After completion and testing of the well, the Contractor shall remove all debris from the site, fill all slush pits and drainage: ditches, and grade around the site, levelling all materials taken from the well during drilling, so that the area is left in a neat condition. No separate payment will be made for cleaning up the site; the cost of such work shall be included in the bid price for the -work. 3. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT �+► The quantity of existing pumping equipment to be removed, salvaged and 1 reinstalled at an existing irrigation well to be paid for under this item shall l be measured per lump sum, and shall include, but not be limited to, removing, salvaging and reinstalling the existing vertical turbine type deep well pump unit. The existing pumping unit consists of the bowl assembly, pump column, natural gas -driven motor, and base plate. This item shall consist of all equipment salvaged or furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation, and PM accepted by the Engineer. t. The quantity of concrete pump foundation and protective concrete slab to be paid for under this item shall be measured per lump sum. 4. BASIS OF PAYMENT I Payment shall be made at the contract unit price bid for the various items GI specified herein for furnishing and installing the specified equipment, complete, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly and !` installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the items. Payment will be made under: Item IV, Remove, Salvage and Reinstall Existing Vertical Turbine !'! Type Deep Well Pump Unit, including bowl assembly, pump column, natural gas -driven motor, and base plate, complete, per lump sum; Item IW, Concrete Pump Foundation and Protective Concrete Slab at the Modified Irrigation Well, complete, per lump sum; Item IW, Cap and Abandon Existing Irrigation Well, as specified, per lump sum; Item IW, ADDITIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT for Additional 10-foot Long Sections of Complete Pump Discharge Assembly, as specified, per each 10-foot long section; F2699-94 IW - 3 Item IW, DEDUCTIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT for Omitting 10-foot Long Sections of Complete Pump Discharge Assembly, as specified, per each 10-foot long section; Item IW, ADDITIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT for Adding a Complete Pump Stage, as specified, per each pump stage; Item IW, DEDUCTIVE PRICE ADJUSTMENT for Omitting a Complete Pump Stage, as specified, per each pump stage; and Item IW,Cleaning and/or Baling Irrigation Well Hole, including furnishing and operating the necessary equipment .prior -to setting the pumping unit, complete, per hour. END OF SECTION 2699-94 IW - 4 Modifications to ITEM IF IRRIGATION PIPELINE'SYSTEM Item IP, IRRIGATION PIPELINE SYSTEM of the project specifications does not require modifications. r I i two .: a 2699-94 tP g 7 SECTION IP IRRIGATION PIPELINE SYSTEM GENERAL This section of the specifications covers the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necessary to install the irrigation system improvements as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. 2. PIPING MATERIALS 2.1 Quality of Plastic Pipe The compound used in manufacturing the pipe shall meet the requirements of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) as specified in ASTM D 1784 for Type 1, Grade 1, PVC 1120. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free from visible holes, cracks, foreign inclusion or other defects. The pipe shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in color, opacity, density and other physical properties. 2.2 Fine Requirements PVC pipe shall have an internal working water pressure rating of up to 50 feet head of water. PIP (Plastic Irrigation Pipe) - sized pipe shall meet all the applicable dimensional and quality requirements of ASTM D 2241, with the exception of those concerned with outside diameters and wall thicknesses. Outside diameters and wall thicknesses of PIP -sized pipe shall be as follows: Diameter Wall Thickness Tolerance PIP Minimum For Average l Size Inside Diameter Measurements inim Inches Inches Inches Inches 8.000 t 0.040 t 0.080 The pipe shall be adequately marked at intervals of not more than 5 feet. Markings shall include the following: 1. The nominal pipe i e size. J2. The type of plastic pipe material in accordance with the ► designation code. �^ f 3. The pressure rating in psi for water at 73.4 degrees F. 4. The SCS or ASTM specification designation with which the pipe complies for IPS-sized pipe, or the designation PIP for pipe in this size system. 5. The manufacturer's name (or trademark) and code. PM 6 2699-94 IP - 1 i7i 2.3 FittingRequirements PVC fitting shall be manufactured from the same material as the pipe and the pressure rating of fittings shall be not,less than specified for the pipe. 2.4 Jointine Requirements All PVC pipe shall utilize elastomeric gasket joints. All joints shall be made up in the field in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions-. All joints and connections shall be made so as to withstand the design maximum working pressure for the pipeline without leakage and shall leave the inside of the line free of any obstruction that may tend to reduce its capacity below design requirements. 3. VALVE AND STANDPIPE MATERIALS 3-1 Alfalfa Valves All alfalfa valves shall be of cast iron construction and suitable for use with plastic pipe. Valves shall have manganese bronze stems and be of solid arch construction. Valves shall be suitable for use with 12-inch universal hydrants. Necessary fittings for connection to the, 8-inch plastic pipe shall be provided. 3-2 Pressure Relief and Air -Vacuum Release Valves Pressure relief valves and combination air vacuum release valves shall be installed at those locations shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Air -vacuum release valves shall be installed at all summits in the pipeline. Pressure relief valves shall be 3-inch Fresno Model 900 or approved equal. Each valve shall be factory set to open at a pressure of 22 psi, and shall be hydrostatically tested to assure accuracy. Combination air vacuum relief valves shall be 3-inch Fresno Model 35 or approved equal. 3-3 Standpipes Standpipes shall be of steel -cylinder construction and minimum 24-inches diameter. The top of the stand must be a minimum 4 feet above ground surface. 4. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 4-1 Shop DrawiDZs The Contractor shall furnish complete shop drawings for the irrigation system prior to beginning work on the system. The shop drawings shall provide full information on all materials and shall also show the proposed location of all portions of the system. 4-2 -.System Layout The plans are generally diagrammatic; the irrigation system shall be installed and shall be coordinated for the least interference with other underground lines. All equipment shall be located and arranged so that all parts will be accessible for proper maintenance. 2699-94 IP - 2 i 4-3 Connections to Existing Irrigation Lines Connections of new irrigation lines to existing underground irrigation lines shall be made at the locations shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Connections shall be compatible with the type of pipe utilized and shall be made in a neat and workmanlike manner. 4-4 Pipe Installation 4-4-1 General - All pipe and accessories required for the work r..specified herein -shall be_unloaded, handled, laid, jointed and tested for defects l and for leakage in the manner herein specified. 4-4-2 Inspection - The pipe, fittings, valves and accessories shall be inspected upon delivery and during the progress of the work and any material found to be defective will be rejected by the Engineer and the Contractor shall remove such defective material from the site of the work. 4-4-3 Responsibility for _Materials - The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials furnished by him and he shall. replace at his own expense all such material that is found to be defective in. manufacture or has become damaged in handling after delivery, 4-4-4 Handling Pipe and Accessories - All pipe, fittings, valves, and other accessories shall, unless otherwise directed, be unloaded at the point of delivery, hauled and distributed at the site of the work by the Contractor. In loading and unloading, they shall be lifted by hoists or slid, or rolled on skidways in such a manner as to avoid shock or damage to the materials. Under no circumstances shall they be dropped. Pipe handled on skidways must not be skidded or rolled against pipe already on the ground. The pipe, fittings and accessories shall be stored at the site in such a manner as to be kept as free as possible from dirt, sand, mud or foreign matter. 4-4-5 Excavation and TrenchiM - The trench shall be excavated to the lines and grades as required by the drawings or these specifications. The minimum depth of cover for all pipe lines for which grades are not shown shall be thirty-six (36) inches. The minimum width of the trench shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus twelve (12) inches and the maximum width shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus eighteen (18) inches. The trenching equipment shall be maintained on a sufficiently level road bed to provide substantially vertical trench walls. The maximum horizontal offset of the trench wall from bottom of trench to the top of the trench (undercutting) shall be four (4) inches. The trench shall be excavated to an even grade so that the bottom of the pipe will rest on the bottom of trench throughout the entire length of the pipe. In order.to obtain a true even grade, the trench shall be fine graded by hand. On lines that are to be laid to established grades boards shall be set at 50 feet intervals and the trench graded to the Established grade. Any part of the trench excavated below grade shall be corrected by filling with approved material and thoroughly compacting. 7 2699-94 IP - 3 If ledge rock, rock fragments or other unyielding material is encountered in the bottom of the trench, it shall be removed to a depth of three inches below grade, refilled with selected material, and thoroughly compacted. Bell holes of ample dimensions shall be dug at each joint to - permit the jointing of pipe to be made properly, and of sufficient depth to prevent the bell of the pipe from resting on undisturbed materials. Whenever necessary to prevent caving, the trench shall be adequately braced and sheeted. Trench protection is squired in cuts greater than 5 feet. Ladders shall be provided within 25 feet of workers in cuts over 4 feet in depth, and trench material shall be stockpiled a minimum of 2 feet from the edge of the trench. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable regulations of OSHA-2202 regarding these requirements. Trench digging machinery may be used to make trench excavation except in places where operation of same would cause damage to existing structures either above or below ground; in such instances, hand methods shall be employed. The Contractor shall locate all existing underground lines, of which he has been advised whether or not they are shown on the drawings, sufficiently in advance of the trenching to make whatever.provisions necessary to prevent damage thereto. Extreme care shall be used to prevent such damage and the Contractor shall be fully responsible for damage to any such lines. There will be no classification of or extra payment for excavated materials and all materials encountered shall be excavated as required. Adjacent structures shall be protected from damage by construction equipment. All excavated material shall be piled in a manner which will not endanger the work or- existing structures and which will cause the least obstruction to roadways. The Contractor will be required to locate all known utility lines far enough in advance of the trenching to make proper provisions for protecting the lines and to allow for any deviations that may be required from the established lines and grades. 4-4-6 Five -Laying - All pipe shall be laid and maintained to the lines and grades shown on the plans or as required by these specifications. Wherever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line either in a vertical or horizontal plane to avoid obstructions or to plumb valves, or where vertical or horizontal curves are shown or permitted, the degree of deflection at each joint shall not exceed the maximum deflection recommended by the manufacturer of the particular kind of pipe being laid and the degree of deflection shall be approved by the Engineer. After the trench grade has been completed, all bell holes dug and the grade inspected, the pipes and accessories may be placed in the trench. All pipe, fittings, and valves shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of derricks, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment, in such a manner as to prevent damage to the material in any way. Under no circumstances shall pipe or accessories be dropped or dumped into the trench. Before lowering into trench the pipe shall be again inspected for defects. Any defective, damaged or unsound pipe and materials shall be 2699-94 IP - 4 ".I .! rejected. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and from all bells, spigots or parts of the pipe used in forming the joint, before the pipe is lowered into the trench, and it shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. 4-4-7 Anchorage of Bends. Tees and Plugs. Etc. - Reaction or thrust backing shall be applied to all pipe lines at all tees, plugs, caps, and at bends deflecting 11-1/4 degrees or more. Concrete shall be used for backing the pipe and fittings. The backing shall be placed between solid ground and the fittitig to be anchored; the area of bearing on pipe and on the, ground in each instance shall be suitable for the application. The backing shall be placed that the pipe and fitting joints will be accessible for repair. Standard plugs shall be inserted into the bells of all dead end �,.. pipes, tees, or crosses, and spigot ends shall be capped. Plugs or caps shall be jointed to the pipe or fittings in the same manner used in jointing the pipe. 4-4-8 Backfillint Trench - The method to be used in backfilling the trench shall be done by either flooding or jetting except where mechanical I tamping is required. Flooding will not be permitted for trenches in excess of 6 feet deep. Prior to filling the trenches with backfill material where flooding or jetting is to be used, earth dams or waterstops shall be constructed across the trench at a maximum spacing of 500 feet. Where the slope of the original ground is greater than 1.7% the dams shall be spaced so that the vertical rise of the ground between two successive dams does not exceed 4.0 feet. The tops of the dams at the ground surface shall be not less than 3 feet long. The dams shall be constructed by placing backfill material in the trench in approximately 6-inch layers, moistening if necessary, and thoroughly compacting the material. The purpose of the dams being to prevent water from flowing to low points in the trench during jetting or flooding operations. Flooding shall be done by filling the trench with water and depositing the material in water until the fill is within 12 inches of the original ground surface. As soon as all of the water has disappeared, the remaining 12 inches plus a slight excess of material shall be placed in the trench so as to provide a uniform surface. 4-4-9 Air Test - All new piping shall be subjected to an air test. All testing shall be conducted with the project representative or engineer present. The test time limits for different sizes of pipe shall be in accordance with the table below: Time Limits Minimum for Air Test Pipe Size Inches Time Minutes 8 10 The test pressure shall begin at 3.5 psig. The allowable pressure drop shall not exceed 1.0 psig. At the start of the test the line 2699-94 IP - 5 �I should be pressurized to 4.0 psig and the air in the line should be allowed to stabilize. The test should begin after no pressure drop is observed during the stabilizing process. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment required for air testing the piping. 5. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT The quantity of 8-inch steel irrigation well discharge piping at the modified well location,- including standpipe and valves, to be paid for under this item shall be measured per lump sum. This item shall include all materials furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer. The quantity of standpipe and air release valve to be paid for under this item shall be measured per lump sum. This item shall include all materials furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer. The quantity of 8-inch plastic irrigation pipeline (low -head) to be paid for under this item shall be measured per linear foot of pipeline actually installed and accepted. This item shall include all materials furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer, and shall include trenching and backfilling. The quantity of 16-inch steel casing to be to be paid for under this item shall be measured per linear foot of steel casing actually installed and accepted. This item shall include all materials furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation,`and accepted by the Engineer, and shall include trenching and backfilling. The quantity of existing irrigation pipelines removed, including risers and valves, to be paid for under this item shall be measured per lump sum, as accepted by the Engineer. The quantity of existing gas pipelines removed to be paid for under this item shall be measured per lump sum, as accepted by the Engineer. The quantity of 12-inch alfalfa valves to be paid for under this item shall be measured per each valve actually installed and accepted. This item shall include all materials furnished, installed, connected, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer. 6. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made at the contract unit price bid for the various items specified herein for furnishing and installing the specified equipment, complete, ready for operation, and accepted by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the items. Payment will be made under: Item IF, 8-inch Steel .Irrigation Well Discharge Piping, including 2699-94 - IP - 6 standpipe and valves, furnished and installed, complete, per lump sum; Item IP, Standpipe and Air Release Valve, furnished and installed, complete, per lump sum; Item IP, 8-inch Plastic Irrigation Pipeline (low -head), furnished and installed, including trenching and backfilling, complete, per linear foot; Item IP, 16-inch__Steel Casing, furnished and installed, complete, per linear foot; Item IP, Remove Existing Irrigation and Gas Pipelines, including risers and valves, per lump sum; and Item IP, 12-inch Alfalfa Valve, furnished and installed, complete, per each. END OF SECTION 2699-94 IP - 7 No Text r It L c 0 TEMPORARY EROSION. SEDIMENTATION AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL 1. DESCRIPTION This item shall govern the measures necessary to control soil erosion, sedimentation -and water pollution which may degrade receiving waters including rivers, streams, lakes, playas, reservoirs, tidal waters, groundwater and wetlands. The control measures contained herein shall be installed and maintained throughout the construction contract period, including any turf establishment period, and will be coordinated with the permanent or existing temporary pollution control features specified elsewhere in the plans and specifications to provide effective and continuous water pollution control. These control measures shall not be used as a substitute for the permanent pollution control measures unless otherwise directed by the Owner in writing. The controls may include silt fences, dikes, dams, berms, sediment basins, mats, soil retention blankets, temporary seeding, mulch, channel liners, slope drains or other structural or non-structural water pollution controls. 2. MATERIALS 2-1 General The control measure materials will be as herein specified. The Owner may allow other materials and work as the need arises and as approved in writing. All control measure materials will be approved by the Owner prior to use on this proj ect. 2-2 Silt Fence Silt fence materials shall consist of the following: (a) Fabric. The filter fabric shall be of nonwoven polypropylene, polyethylene or polyamide thermoplastic fibers with non -ravelling edges. The fabric shall be nonbiodegradable, inert to most soil chemicals, ultraviolet resistant, unaffected by moisture or other weather conditions, and permeable to water while retaining sediment. The fabric shall be supplied in rolls with minimum width of 36 inches. The filter fabric will have the characteristics: 2699-94 Minimum Weight: Maximum Water Flow Rate: Equivalent Opening Size (VS standard sieve no.): Minimum Burst Strength (ASTM D 3786): Minimum Ultraviolet Resistance; Strength Retention (ASTM D-1682): ER - 1 following physical 4.5 oz./s.y. 40 gal./s.f./minute 40 to 100 300 psi 70 percent (b) Posts. Posts will be painted or galvanized steel Tee or Y-posts with anchor plates, not less than 5 feet in length with a minimum weight of 1.3 pounds per foot and a minimum Brinell hardness of 143. Hangars shall be adequate to secure fence and fabric to posts. Posts and anchor plates will conform to ASTM A 702. C. Wire Fence. Wire fence will be welded wire fabric 2 x 4 - W1.0 x W1.0 and will conform to requirements of ASTM A 82 or A 496. 2-3 Sediment Containment Dikes Sediment containment dikes shall consist of the following: (a) Hay Bales. "Hay Bales" will be free of Johnson grass or other nocuous weeds. The bales will consist of either hay or straw in good condition and be securely tied by wire. Stakes for anchoring bales will be #4 reinforcing bars, 1/2 inch steel pickets or 2 inch x 2 inch wooden stakes. Completed dikes will be at least 18 inches in height and will have sufficient weight and stability to prevent displacement by runoff. Hay bale dikes will not be allowed on paved areas, but may be used in unpaved drainageways. b. Sand Bags.' Fabric used to contain the sand.may be permeable to water, but will be able to completely contain the sand within the bags. The fabric and seams will be of sufficient strength to prevent puncture or rupture when subjected to conditions which may be encountered during placement or when in place. Completed dikes will have sufficient weight and stability to prevent displacement by runoff. Sand bag dikes may be used in paved areas and/or unpaved areas. - Dikes used in concrete drainage aprons or channels shall be constructed to a minimum height of 6-inch, and shall extend the full width of the apron or channel. Dikes used in unpaved drainageways ,shall be constructed to a minimum height of 18-inches. 3. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 3-1 General The Owner's Representative has the authority -to limit the disturbed surface area exposed by construction operations. The Contractor shall provide control measures as required to prevent or minimize impact to receiving waters and/or as directed by the Owner's Representative. The Contractor shall effectively prevent and -control erosion and sedimentation on the site at the earliest practicable time. Control measures, where applicable, will be implemented prior to the commencement of each construction operation or immediately after the area has been disturbed. Control measures will remain in place throughout the construction period and any turf establishment period. Should the control measures fail to function effectively, the Contractor shall act immediately to bring the erosion and sedimentation under control by maintaining existing controls or by providing additional controls as 2699-94 ER - 2 directed by the Owner's Representative. When in the opinion of the Owner's Representative the site is adequately stabilized, the control measures will be removed and properly disposed of by the Contractor. All erosion, sediment and water pollution controls will be maintained - in good working order. The Contractor shall provide a non-freezing rain gauge r" to be located at the project site. Within 24 hours of a rainfall event of 0.5 k: inches or more as measured by the project rain gauge, the Contractor and Owner's Representative will inspect the entire project to determine the condition of the ,�. control measures. Sediment will be removed and devices repaired as soon as practicable but no later than 7 days after the surrounding, exposed. ground has 6 dried sufficiently to prevent further damage from equipment needed for the repair. In the event of continuous rainfall over a 24-hour period, or other circumstances that preclude equipment operation in the area, the Contractor will hand carry and install additional backup devices as determined by the Owner's Representative. The Contractor will remove silt accumulations and deposit the spoils in an area approved by the Owner's Representative as soon as practical. Any corrective action needed for the control measures will be: accomplished in the sequence directed by the Owner's Representative, however areas adjacent to waterbodies shall generally have priority followed by devices protecting storm sewer inlets. The Contractor shall also conform to the following practices and controls: r (a) Disposal areas, stockpiles, and haul roads used for this project, including areas not within the project limits, shall be constructed and maintained in a manner that will minimize and control the amount of sediment that may enter receiving waters. Disposal areas shall not be located in any wetland, waterbody or.streambed. Construction roads may not be located in or cross any waterbody or streambed without prior approval of the Owner's Representative and shall be done in compliance with applicable rules and regulations. (b) Construction operations in rivers, streams, lakes, tidal water wetlands and other waterbodies shall be restricted to those areas where it is necessary to perform the work shown on the plans. Wherever streams are crossed, temporary bridges, timber mats or other structures shall be used. (c) Protected storage for paints, chemicals, solvents, fertilizers and other potentially toxic materials will be provided by the Contractor and the location approved by the Owner's Representative. (d) Construction staging areas and vehicle maintenance areas shall be constructed by the Contractor in a manner to minimize the runoff of pollutants and their location will be approved by the Owner's Representative. The Contractor shall prevent pollution of receiving waters with petroleum products r• or other hazardous or regulated substances. When work areas of material sources are located adjacent to a waterbody, control measures such as dikes, gabions, or rock berms, shall be used to keep sediment and other contaminants from entering 2699-94 ER - 3 F the adjacent waterbody. Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of'such barriers to minimize down -gradient sedimentation. (e) All waterways shall be cleared as soon as practicable of temporary embankment, temporary bridges, matting, falsework, piling, debris or other obstructions placed during construction operations that are not a part of the finished work. (f) Disturbance of vegetation shall be minimized and limited to only what is shown on the construction plans or as directed by the Owner's Representative in writing. (g) Construction entrances shall be stabilized by the use of rock, timber matting or other acceptable techniques when necessary to minimize the off - site vehicle tracking of sediment. The Contractor shall clean paved surfaces as necessary to remove sediment which has accumulated on the roadway. 3-2 Silt Fence The filter fabric will be securely attached to the posts and the wire fence with the bottom 12 inches of filter fabric buried in a trench a minimum of 6 inches keep to prevent sediment from passing under the fence. When the fence is constructed on impervious material, a 12 inch flap of fabric will be extended upstream from the bottom of the silt fence and weighted to limit particulate loss. Vertical joints will be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches with the ends sewn or otherwise securely tied. No horizontal joints will be allowed in the filter fabric. The silt fence will be a minimum of 12 inches high. Posts will be embedded in the ground a minimum of 12 inches and spaced a maximum of 8 feet apart. Posts will be placed on a slight angle toward the anticipated runoff source ' Torn or punctured fabric will be repaired by the placement of a patch consisting of an additional layer of fabric over the damaged area. The patch will overlap the damaged area a minimum of 12 inches in all directions and will be securely attached to the repaired fabric. 3-3 Sediment Containment Dikes The Contractor may select either bales or sand bag materials for the dikes, unless otherwise instructed. Bales or sand bags will be placed with ends tightly abutting. If placed in unpaved areas, the dike will be embedded in the soil a minimum of 4 inches and a maximum of 6 inches. Bales will be securely anchored in place by a minimum of 2 stakes per bale. Stakes will be angled toward the previously placed bale to force the bales together. Stakes will be embedded in the soil a minimum of 18 inches. Bales will not be used when underlying material such as concrete or asphalt prevents anchorage by stakes. If placed on paved surfaces, the dike -will consist of sand bags placed with the ends tightly together. The sand bags will be placed side by side to a 2699-94 ER - 4 71� width as required to minimize sand bag movement or displacement during rainfall occurrences. 4. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT Work performed as specified in this section will be measured and payment will be made under Item P-156, TEMPORARY AIR AND WATER POLLUTION, SOIL EROSION, AND SILTATION CONTROL, of these specifications._ Payment will be full compensation for all work including the furnishing of all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work, including maintaining, servicing or replacing the measures as required to . comply with the requirements of this specification during the construction period. If the Contractor is required to install temporary erosion, sediment and l water pollution control measures due to his negligence, carelessness, lack of maintenance, or failure to install permanent controls as a part of the work as scheduled, and are ordered in writing by the Owner's Representative, such work shall be performed at the Contractor's expense. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to prevent and control soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution which may degrade receiving water, the Owner reserves the right to employ outside assistance or to use Owner's forces to provide the necessary corrective measures. All costs including engineering costs will be deducted from any moneys due or to become due to the Contractor. 2699-94 i F END OF SECTION ER - 5 i -�� ��� YA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDOA! AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Southwest Region Fort Worth, Texas Airport Safety During FAA-Futxded Airport om-s=ction and FAA SUBJ: Facilities Maintenance S.+ 5200.5A o;'$: S= 1. . This Omer establishes airport safety standards for FM -fungi construction and FAA facilities nuintenance. 2. DIMMIBUTIO?d. This order is distributed to the Section level in the Airports and Airway Facilities Divisions, to the Brarkli level in the Flight Standards, Air Traffic, and Civil Aviation Security Divisions, to all Southwest Region field offices and facilities, and to F & E Field Installation/C.onstruction Representatives. 3. CANCQ=QN. Order SW 5200.5, Safety Requirements on Airports During Agency Funded Construction Activity, dated 11/21/75, is cancelled. 4. ECKANK-7ON OF CIiANc' This order revises and updates criteria to be used during construction and iraintenance on airports, consistent with current Advisory Circulars and agency safety regulations. 5. DE=='S . a. Airport Elevation - the highest point on the landing surface of an airport. b. Certificated Airport - an airport which, by law, is safety regulated by the FAA under Part 139 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and which operates under specific safety requirements which apply to raintenance and construction activities on the airport. Certificated airports are listed in Appendix 2. C. Displaced Threshold - a runway landing threshold utiich is located at a Point other than at the beginning of the full-strength pavement. A teTporary displacement may be used to give landing aircraft adequate clearance over oonstzucticn equipment or other objects in the approach area of a runway or adjacent to a runway. d. Obstacle..Free Zone. (OFZ) - - a design standard involving imaginary surfaces in the vicinity of a runway. nway. They are the Fa=#my on, Inner - transitional surface OFZ, and Inner-Approach.OFZ. Distribution: , ;; Initiste0 By A-FDF-O (m3ximtnn) ; A-FAF-10 ASW-550 Sal 5200.5A 6/6/&9 e. obstruction - a structure, natural gro6th, .vehicle or construction raterial which penetrates any airport imaginary surface defined by FAR Fart 77, including primary, transitional., approach, horizontal, and =nical surfaces. f. Relocated -old - a rurrray end which is not located at the ph},sical end of the pavement. If part of a rnway is closed for landing and takeoff beginning at the pavement end, then the threshold has been relocated. (Note: this term*is not used in -the Notice to Airmen system.) g.. Safety Area - the ground. surface next to rurrways, taxiways, and aircraft parking areas which is erected to be graded, drained and free of any hazardous surface variations and nonfrangible objects, and which is to reduce the risk of damage to an aircraft inadvertently leaving airport pavement. h. Small Aircraft - one weighing 12,500 lbs. or less maximmt certificated takeoff weight. i . Large Aircraft aft - one weighing rare than 12,500 lbs . maxim mi. certificated takeoff weight. 6. PROcEDLIRES. Aviation safety is a pr ze y consideration during airport construction and facilities -maintenance. These activities shall be planned and scheduled to minimize disruption of nornal aircraft ground and air traffic. For airports subject to FAR 107, Airport Security, the airport operator's security program standards shall be observed in the areas of access control, and movement and identification of cors`sucticn and FAA personnel and vehicles. a. These standards shall be used to develop specific safety measures which FAA enployees, grantees, and contractors shall adhere to during these activities on all airports in the Soutir«est Region. They provide a reasonable level of safety, but aircraft operations, weather, security, or local airport rules may require use of more stringent safety measures. Use of less stringent measures and charges that itpact security controls is permitted only after coordination between Airports, Air Traffic, Airway Facilities, Flight Standards, and Civil Aviation Security Divisions, airport management, and affected aviation users. b. Bid doggents for on -airport construction or maintenance projects shall include general and specific safety requirements, based on Apperxlix 1 to this Order, so that contractors are aware of the costs and constraints which will apply during the project to maintain a high level of aviation safety. Page 2 Far 5 c. If the clearances and restrictions described in this order canunott be maintained while construction or maintenance is underway, action Will be taken as 'appropriate to: . l (1) close nruays, taxiways, or aprons, (2) relocate or displace rw-*ay thresholds ter-Porarily, ' t dun' iods of minimal (3) perform work at nigh or during per aircraft activity, (4) close affected areas to certain types of aircraft, (5) restrict aircraft use by Weight, wingspan, approach speed, or other characteristic, (6) shut dcF^,n or restrict use of navigational or approach aids. �. d. FAA ermlovees who are responsible for construction or maintenance activities on airports shall coordinate pmject safety and security requirements and =pacts with the airport sponsor as soon as the it acts have been identified but before car-mtments are made with contractors or others to perform work on an airport. Coordination will vary from formal predesign conferences to informal contacts with the airport manager or responsible sponsor official before starting work. 7. SAFETY I?•LflAC'I'S. Potentially hazardous conditions atiieh may occur daring airport construction and maintenance include the following: F a. Excavations, trenches, and stockpiled material on or near runways, taxiways and aprons. b. Construction equipment on aircraft operating areas or in runway approaches or departure areas. c. Inadequate construction area marking or lighting. d. Lack of control over vehicle access to aircraft operating areas, unauthorized entry of personnel, vehicles, or animals. e. Inadequate vehicle marking or lighting. f. Deficient marking and lighting of temporary rummy thresholds. g. Failure to issue, update, or cancel Notices to Airmen co'z aping - airport or runway closures or other ction-related airport conditions. 71� Par 6 -- Sit 5200. SA 6/6/89 h, Failure to mark and identify utilities or. power cables, resulting in loss of airport lighting; navigational, visual, or approach aids; weather reporting service; or ccmm ications . i. Unauthorized vehicle operations in localizes or glide slope critical Areas, resulting in electronic interference or facility shutdown. conductionj. debris (gravel, sand, mud, paving material, etc.) on airport pavements, resulting in aircraft prop, turbine engine, or tire damage. k. Dvxed pavement edges (droPoffs) fzrm runways, taxiways and aprons to adjacent pavement sections or shoulders. 1. Cans&t ucticn activities which hanker aircraft rescue/firefighting axes from fire stations to the run%ay-taxiway system or airport buildings. m. Lack of radio communication with construction and maintenance vehicles in aircraft operating areas. 8. SAFb'TY . Paragraphs a through h below define safety standards and guidelines for FAA -funded construction and FAA maintenance activities on airports. a. obstacle Free Zone (1) Objects, vehicles, and stockyiled raterial normally are nor Permitted to penetrate an ,OFZ. OFZs are sham on Figure 1. (a) Rm7way OFZs are applicable at any tine the runway is open for aircraft use. On precision runways, the inner -approach and inner transitional surface OFZs must be kept free of penetrations only when the weather conditions are below an 800 ft. ceiling or less than 2 miles visibility and aircraft are using ILS approaches. (b) Objects which do rat penetrate an OFZ still may require notice to the FAA tinder FAR Parts 77 or 152 and may be obstructions to air navigation. Zhose objects which exceed FAR Part 77 obstruction standards are to be appropriately obstruction marked and, if used at night, obstruction lighted. Ganes or other equipment of unusual height may require special consideration and coordination with FAA operating elements and airport users. i" 6/6/89 i SW 5200.5A (2) 7 e dimensions of an Obstacle Free Zone are as folla.5: (keyed to Figure 1). (a) k ruay Obstacle Free Zone (See A in Figure 1) extends 200 feet beyond each end of the runway and has the following width for: _ Runways serving small aisrzaft: .1 v precision instrument rurway - 300 feet Other runways - 250 feet. 2 Runways serving lame air=zft: The greater of 400 feet, or 180 feet plus the wingspan of the, host dezanding airplane, plus 20 feet per 1000 feet of airport elevation. (Note: The runway OFZ width for all trmnspoit runways on certificated r airports in the Southwest Region (Appendix 2)is 400 feet.] t (b) Inner -Approach Obstacle Free Zone (See B in Figure 1) 7 1 The Inner -Approach OFZ applies only to rurways ends with an approach lighting system. 7 2 Beginning 200 feet frcm the runway threshold and ending 200 feet beyond the last light unit in an approach lighting system, width same as the Runway OFZ, slope 50:1, beginning at runway end elevation. 71 1,, (c) Inner-i3arLsitional Surface Obstacle Free Zone (See C in Figure 1) F 1 The Inner -Transitional Surface OFZ applies only to precision instniment runways. Slope 3:1 perpendicular to the rimray centerline and extending laterally from the edges of the runny OFZ and approach OFZ to a height of 150 feet above airport elevation. Par 8 Page 5 S.\' S200.5A 6/6/69 _ A C INNER -TRANSITIONAL SURFACE OFZ 1501 ABOVE AIRPORT ELEVATION RUNWAY OFZ \3: 1 3:1 RLti:AY — 3:1 — B I`INER AP?ROArH OF: — I1P.JER-TRANSITIONAL _ SURFACE OFZ RUNWAY OFZ 3 2 �► r r .A Fig. 1 OBSTACLE FREE MINE Page 6 6/6/89 SW 5200. 5 b. Approach Clearance Over Equipment and Material. l (l) Construction activity in a rummy aporoach may result in a need to displace the landing threshold terporarily. If an object penetrates a surface shown in Fig. 2, displace the threshold to a point ubere the surface is not penetrated. (2) Objects which do not nenetrate these•surfastill ray be obstn tions to air navigation and/or may affect standard instrument approach L procedm es. Coordinate these With the Airspace and Procedures Branch, ASS-53C, and the Flight Proc lures Branch, ASW-220, as necessary.- R y l` End i' Rurr.aay r r r C 1 20 Equipment L D , 20:1 Threshold Location Surface Dimensions Stall Aircraft Large Aircraft A 0 200 B 250 400 C 700 1000 D 2250 1500 Fig. 2 P=Iway Thueshold Location Par R SW 5200.5A 6/6/69 (2) When eauiaaent or construction/mainten—w-ce activity must be on a =Tway and a decision is made to keep part of the runway open for aircraft, part of the runway mist be closed as shown in Fig. 3. The dimensions shown are recce mw ded; however, a larger closed area than shown may be necessary depending on aircraft use, level of activity, pilot technique, and equipment height, and a smaller closed area may be passible under same c' . These recaunendatioazs are based on equipnent heights of about 15 feet; higher objects may require special consideration. closed Area USABLE TMmY 500' OR 1000' Equipment END RIIDCATM Tf-'S'MI.D END Use the following' distances from the Construction/maintenance activity to the relocated threshold: Small aircraft (12,500 lbs. or less) - 500 ft. large aircraft (More than 12,500 lbs.) - 1000 ft. ` Fig. 3 Relocated Threshold For Equipment on the Runway _ D2 t- '] 6/6/89 SW 5200.5A c. F=way and Taxiway Safety Areas. t (1) Runway safety areas - construction or maint nance activity is t prohibited in nanny safety areas while the full length of the nrr my is open. Normal FAA maintenance of visual, approach, and navigational aids is permissible within safety areas provided vehicles, material, and excavations do not penetrate a runway OFL and requirements of paragraph 7b for approach clearance over vehicles, equigent and material are met. (2) Run;wav safety area dimensions are shown in Fig. 4. Existing safety areas at a particular airport may be larger or smaller than the standard dimension listed. If =nstruction or maintenance activity must take place within the specified safety area, it is also acceptable to restrict the rurr»ay use to a smaller size of aircraft and use a narrower and/or shorter safety area dimension for the duration of the activity. _a Ib Mway c R�_ _ I Safety Area fdMY MIGN CATMORY SAFi.'IY AREA DngNSIONS (Ft.) a or b (1) c (2) 1. Utility AC 150/5300-4 a. Visual or Nonprecision Design Group I 30 120 200 Design Group II 40 150 300 b. Precision Insttzaaent Design Group I 110 300 600 Design Group II 100 300 600 Design Group Iii 100 300 600 2. Transport AC 150/5300-12 500 (3) 1000 (1) Use dimension a orb, whichever results in the greater distance from the runway centerline. (2) Use dimension c or the existing safety area length, whichever is less, rut no less than 200 feet. (3) Some certificated airports have or permit use of 400-foot wide runway safety areas during oonstrction and maims. Coordinate proposals with the Airports Safety Section, AS4-651. Fig. 4 Rmiway Safety Areas Par 8 SW 5200.5A 6/6/89 (3) Taxiway safety areas/obstacle free areas - see Fig. 5. C=j%tn=tjaVVaintenance activity is permissible in taxiway obstacle free areas and safety areas if the activity is hazard marked and/or lighted and Nmwis are in effect. special consideration mist be given to the height of barricades, flashers and ether Warning devices to clear aircraft wingtips, propellers, engines etc. other actions ray be necessary such as: - Using 1vingw Akers" to guide aircraft past hazards, - Using t q=rary taxiway varking/lighting to detour air=aft clear of the area, - Moving equipwnt and personnel well clear to allow aircraft to Pass safely. C:[i7f.wU ttIM:T1I Ct[ss�i Design Gr up (1) Item I II III IV V Taxiway Safety Area Width 49 79 •118 171 214 Taxiway object Free Area Width 88 130 186 260 320 (1) Typical aircraft in these groans are listed in Appendix 3. Fig. 5 Taxiway Clearances 6/6/69 .71 5200. 5A d. Marking and Lighting (1) T+ertporary disvlaced runway threshold: (a) Mark with yellow arrows and a white threshold stripe- as shown in A.C. 150/5340-1, or ' (b) Use alternate marking which is: r' I Clearly visible to the pilot, H F 2 Not misleading, cm -,fusing, or deceptive, Secured in place to prevent movement, 4 Made of material which will minimize damage to aircraft which c—�e in contact with the marking. (2) Tvrmraiy relocated rummy threshold (partial closure of a nuiway) : (a) Mark with yellow chevrons as shorn in A.C. 150/5340-1, or use alternate marking as described in par. lb above. (b) R=-ay distance renaming signs may need to be covered or removed during the closure. (3) Temporary runny thresholds must be lighted if all or part of a runwray is to be open at night during construction or maintenance. The airport operator may already have tc:porary threshold lighting available, but this should be determined in advance. (a) Use light lens colors and spacing in A.C. 150/5340-24, Rurr-ay and Taxiway Edge Lighting System. (b) Disable edge lights and threshold lights on closed pants of rurr4ays. on same lighting systems, it may be necessary to cover a light rather than removing the lamp or fixture. (c) Disable visual glide slope indicators (VASI, PAPI, PLASI, etc.), REIL, and approach lights which would otherwise give misleading indications to pilots as to the threshold location. Installation of tenp =-azy visual aids may be necessary to provide adequate guidance for pilots on approach to the affected rumray. These may be funded or provided by the FAA or the sponsor. Par 8 SW 5200.SA (4) Closed ru av markira (a) Use yellow "X,, marking as shown in A.C. 150/5340-1. (b) Closed runway marking is nat required on airports with 24-hour Control Towers if the closed runway calunot be mistaken, by pilots for ne y open runways and the airport operator consents to omitting them. In some cases, closed runway marking could interfere with the use of the runway for aircraft taxiing if this is to be allowed while the runway is closed for landings and takeoffs. (c) Closed runway marking is not required on runways which are closed only at night provided that: Runway lighting and visual aids are off, 2 Notams are in effect regarding the closure. (5) Hazard markira (barricades, traffic cones, flashers, etc.) shall be used: (a)' To outline construction/maintenance areas which are accessible to aircraft, persons, or vehicles, (b) To identify isolated hazards such as open manholes, -all areas under repair, stockpiled material, waste areas, etc., (c) To prevent aircraft from taxiing onto a closed runway for takeoff, (d) To identify FAA, airport, and National Weather Service facilities, cables, power lines, ITS critical areas and other sensitive areas, in order to prevent damage, interference, and facility shutdown. e. Navigation Aids and Instrument Approach Procedures (1) The need to shut down navigational, approach, or visual aids shall be determined on a case -by -case basis. Flight Standards, Air Traffic, Airports, and Airway Facilities offices shall be involved in the decision as necessary. (2) Constrwtion on or near runways may severely restrict the use of standard Instrument Approach procechirwa, and ...all phases of the project shall be ODOZ�lnated with the Flight P=cecb Branch, ASW-220, to deteziaine the effects. f. Notices To Airmen (NO►TAM) (1) Res=ysibility for issuing NotanLs shall be before construction or mainteiance begins. Refer to Order 7930.1, National Notice to Airmen System. D,anA 17 Par 7 F 6/6/89 .5 5200.5A (2) Notams on shutdown or irregular operation of FAA-c;�.Tned facilities shall be issued and cancelled only by FAA errplbyees. Notars on airport corrli,tions shall be ism3ed and cancelled only by the airport sponsor. Any person having reason to believe that a Notam is missing, ircxa:plete, or inaccurate shall notify the responsible person. g. Vehicle Identification. FAA employees Who operate vehicles on an airport shall amply with the airport owner's rules for vehicle marking, lighting, and operations, unless FAA requirements are more stringent. Vehicles operated by FAA erployees on active nurways, taxiways, or safety areas shall be marked with orange and white flags or flashing yellow beacons during daylight haws, and with flashing yellow beacons at right. Contractors and suppliers shall be informed of the applicable requisements of the airport sponsor by the FAA or airport sponsor employee responsible for the work. h. Controlling Access To AirZraft Operational Areas (1) Vehicle and oedestrian_accp..ss routes for airport construction and maintenance shall be controlled as necessary to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized entry -of persons, vehicles, and animals. The amount of construction traffic or local security/safety rules nay require use of personnel to control access through gates or fencing, or across aircraft movement areas. Radio =mmmications ray be required between these personnel and a Control Tower if equipment w*d personnel must enter or cross an active Aircraft Movement Area. (2) Vehicle narkira areas for FAA and contractor erployees shall be designated in advance to mininize vehicle traffic in aircraft movement areas while still providing reasonable employee access to the job site. 9. STANDARD SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS. General safety provisions which apply during contract work on airports are contained in the following documents: a. Facilities and Equipment (F & E) Program projects - Additional General Provisions, FAA P-1, Clause No. 75, "Special Precautions for work at Operating Airports " b. Airport Improvement Program (AIP) projects - Advisory Circular 150/5370-10, "Standards for Specifying Carst=uction of Airports," General Provisions 40-05, Maintenance of Traffic; 70-08, Barricades, Warning Signs, and Hazard Marking;-80-04, Limitation -of Operations. r Par 8 SW 5200.5A 6/6/65 10. ' SPB=CGATIONS. Specific safety requirements for a project may be developed using the guide in Appersdix 1 of this Order, or may be written or pzwided in other forms which p=wide similar guidance. The project safety requirements shall -be included in the plans and specifications, as applicable, when an invitation for bids is issued. Don P. Watson Regional Administrator r 6/6/89 SW 5200.SA AWendix 1 1. Gene, Safety Requirements: During performance of this contract, the airport runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking aprons shall remain in use try aircraft to the maxm= extent possible. Aircraft use of areas near the contractor's work will be controlled to minimize disturbance to the contractor's operation. The contractor shall not allay his/her employees, subcontractors, suppliers, or any person over wham he/she has control to ente.= or remain in any part of the airport which would be hazardous to persons or to aircraft operations. h'henever aircraft operations require, the (Contracting officer, Engineer, etc.) may order the contractor to suspend operations, move plant, personnel, equipment, and materials to a safe location and stand by until aircraft use is owpleted. 2. obstacle Free Zone (oFV : Construction activity within an obstacle Free Zone will require closing part or all of the affected runway. See Figure 1. 3. Approach Clearance to Rurnays: R=way landing tiue:sholds shall be located to provide an unobstructed approachh surface with an approach ratio over equipment and raterial as shown on Figure 2. 4. ]�unorav and Taxiwav Safety Areas: Construction activity within a ru:T-my safety area will require closing part or all of the affected runtiay. Construction activity within taxiway safety areas/obstacle free areas is permissible when.the taxiway is open to aircraft traffic if: a. Adequate wingtip/erpennage clearance exists between the aircraft and equipment/material, b. Excavations, trenches, or other conditions are conspicuously marked and lighted. c. Notices to Airmen are in effect concerning the activity, usually 'Tien and equipment adjacent to Taxiway ." Safety area dimensions are shown on Figures 4 and 5. 5. Threshold Markincr and Lighting: a. Tecporary threshold marking is (mod-, not Threshold marking will be furnished by the (airport owner, contractor, etc.). b. Tororasy threshold lighting is (�, not required). Mueshold - lighting will be furnished and maintained by the (airport owner, contractor, etc.) Par 1 6/6/69 SrJ 5200.5A Appendix 2 Appendix 2 M - CERTIFICA7M AIRPORTS IN SaJ'd�"E 'P REGION (As of June 1989) . AR147NSAS , Fayetteville Drake Abilene Municipal Fort Smith. Muni. Amarillo International Hot Springs Memorial Austin Robert Mueller Little Rack Adams Field Beaumont Jefferson Co. Texarkana Regional Brownsville South Padre Is. College Station Easterwvod L XTISIANA Corpus Christi Intl. Dallas/Fort Worth Intl. Alexandria Esler Reg. Dallas Love Baton Rouge Ryan E1 Paso International Lafayette Regional Fort Worth Meacham Lake Charles Regional Galveston Scholes Monroe Regional Harlingen Rio Grannie Valley New Iberia Acadiana Reg. Houston Ellirqton New Gleans International Houston Hobby New Orleans Lakefront Houston Intercontinental Shreveport Regional Laredo International Longview Gregg County NE74 MEXICO Lubbock International McAllen Miller Intl. Alamogordo White Santis Reg. Midland International Albuquerque International Paris Cox Field Farmington Four Corners Reg. San Angelo Mathis Hobbs Lea County Hobbs San Antonio International Las Cruces International Ter.ple Draughon-Miller Los Alamos Tyler Pounds Roswell Industrial Victoria Regional Ruidoso Sierra Blanca Waco Regional Lawton Metropolitan r" Oklahoma City Will Rogers 11 Stillwater Muni. Tulsa International r Page 1 6/6/89 Ste' 5200.5A Appendix 3 Figure 4 of this Order describes runway and taxiway safety area dimensions as a '^ function of airplane "design group" fr•on Advisory Cimilars 150/5300-4,. Utility' Airports, and 150/5300-12, Airport Design Standards, Trwisport Airports. (Ducted to be replaced by A.C. 150/5300-13, Airport Dsign, currently ini r draft.) 'These design groups are based on aircraft wingspan, with typical aircraft in each design group shown below: Design Wingspan �p I Uo to but not including 49 ft. (15m) Piper Navajo, Cessna 421, Fairchild Metro, Beech King Air, Mitsubishi MU-2, Rockwell Sabre 75, Lear 35/36, Hawker•- Siddley HS-125. II 49 ft un to but not includingw 79 ft. (24Mi Cessna 441, Brbraer 120 Brasilia, Saab 340, Rockwell Sabre 65, Cessna Citation II/1II, Beech 1900 Airliner, Gulfstream I/II/III/IV. III 79 ft tm to but not including 118 ft. ,f36m Wlavilland Dash 7, Hoeing 737/727, DC-9 (all) , M-80, Fairchild F-27, Hae-146, Convair 580. IV 118 ft up to but not including 171 ft. (52m) Boeing 707, 757, 767, DC-8, Lockheed Lr1011, DC-10/Mi}-11. `T 171 ft t_m to but no4� i ncl udi rrt 214 ft. I65n Boeing 747' - - F F SW 5200.5A _ 6/6/69 Appendix 2 c. Tenporary visual aids (VASI, PAPI, REIL, etc.) are (41e , not required). The visual aid(s) will be furnished and maintained by the (airport owner, FAA, contractor, etc.) 6. closed Runway Markira/Hazard Marking: a. Closed runway marking is (r od, riot required). closed runway marking shall be (as shown on the plans, furnished by the owner, etc.). b. Hazard marking and lighting shall be as required by the (airport owner, engineer,-ets), and shall be as (described in section f of the specifications, as shown on the plans, etc.). 7. Vehicle Identification and Parkins: a. Contractor vehicles and equipment -shall be identified by (deserkbe marking and lighting). b.• Euployee parking shall be as designated by the engineer, airport manager, +etc,) . 8. Construction Site Access and Haul Roads: Access to the job site shall be via (s eelfie-met, as shown on the plans, designated by the engineer, , airport manager, ems). 9. Radio Cm m unications% Radio c =mjnications are (required between the contractor's representative and the Control Tbwer). ). Page 2 Par 5 N F 0 US.Deoonment or Tronsportot�on Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Subject: OPERATIONAL SAFETY ON AIRPORTS Date: 5/31/84 ACNO: 150/5370-2C DURING CONSTRUCTION Initiated by: AAS-300 Change: 1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC) sets forth guidelines concerning the operational safety on airports during construction, to assist airport operators in complying with Part 139, Certification and Operation: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers, _of the Federal Aviation Regulations_ (FAR), and with the requirements of Federally -funded construction projects. Construction activity is defined as the presence and movement of personnel, equipment, and materials in any location which could infringe upon the movement of aircraft. For noncertificated airports and airports with no grant agreements, application of these provisions will help maintain the desired level of operational safety during periods of construction. 2. CANCELLATION. AC 150/5370-2B, Operational Safety on Airports With Emphasis on Safety During Construction, dated October 9, 1981, is canceled. 3. RELATED READING MATERIAL. All references cited herein are available for inspection in any Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regional office. a. The Federal Aviation Regulations are sold by the Superintendent of Documents (AC-00-44, Status of Federal Aviation Regulations, current edi- tion, contains a price list and ordering instructions). b. AC 150/5370-10, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, is also sold by the Superintendent of Documents (AC 00-22, Advisory Circular Checklist, current edition, contains ordering instructions). 4. BACKGROUND. Various AC's which detail all major elements of safe, efficient airport detign and construction are available. However, opera- tional safety on airports may be degraded by construction hazards or margi- nal conditions that develop after an airport has been opened or approved for operation. This AC addresses that problem. NOTE: Airports which have received Federal assistance (grants, real or personal property) and air- ports certificated under FAR Part 139 have mandatory requirements related to this subject. f AC 150/5370-2C 5. _ GENERAL. a. The airport operator is responsible for full compliance with the require- ments of FAR Part 139 for certificated airports and -with the provisions of Federal grant agreements when applicable. Adherence to the following provisions will materially assist the airport operator in providing the level of safety require . Local FAA Airports offices have technical expertise to assist airport operators in all safety matters on airports. (See AC 150/5000-3, Address List for Regional Airports Divisions and Airports District/Field Offices, current edition.) b. Each bidding document (construction plans and/or specifications) for air- port development work or air navigation facility (NAVAID) installation involving aircraft operational areas should incorporate a section on safety on airports during the construction activity. The section, as a minimum, should contain the appropriate provisions outlined in appendix 1 to this AC. c. The airport operator should pay particular attention to the pullback distances and clearances for any maintenance activities and emergencies that occur on airports. These include activities Which involve maintenance equipment --such as mowing machines, snowplows, lighting equipment —as Well as emergency standbys for firefighting and rescue equipment. d. Where feasible and where operational safety is not affected, the airport operator may choose to keep open operational areas adjacent to construction activity during construction rather than close them to aircraft activity. e. At airports that are undergoing a multi -year major redevelopment, a compre- hensive construction safety plan should be developed. This safety plan may contain deviations from the criteria outlined in appendix l of this AC so long as they are based upon.a commitment by the airport operator and the users to provide the maxi- mum clearances possible between construction activities and aircraft within the limits imposed by local conditions. 6. COORDINATION OF AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. Construction activities on an airport, in proximity to, or affecting aircraft operational areas or navigable airspace, should be coordinated with the FAA and airport users prior to initiating such activities. In addition, basic responsibilities and procedures should be developed and disseminated to instruct construction personnel in airport procedures and for monitoring construction activities for conformance with safety require- ments. These and other safety considerations should be addressed in the earliest stages of project --formulation--and incorporated in the contract, Specifications. Construction areas located Within safety areas requiring special attention by the contractor should be clearly delineated on the project plans. The airport operator should closely monitor construction activity throughout its duration to ensure con- tinual compliance with safety requirements. a. Formal Notification. A formal notification to the FAA is required by regu- lation for certain airport projects. For instance, FAR Part 157, Notice of Construction, Alteration, Activation, and Deactivation of Airports, requires that FAA be notified in Writing whenever a non -Federally funded project involves the r _I 5 /31/3 AC 1150!;370 construction of a new airport; the construction, realigning, altering, activating, or abandoning of a runway, landing strip, or associated taxiway; and the deac- tivating or abandoning of an entire airport. Formal notification is made by sub- mitting FAA Form 7480-1, Notice of Landing Area Proposal, to the nearest FAA district office or FAA regional office. (See AC 70-2, Airspace Utilization r Considerations in the Proposed Construction, Alteration, Activiation and Deactivation of Airports, current edition.) Also, any person proposing any kind c construction or alteration of objects that affect navigable airspace, as defined i FAR Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, is required to notify the FAA. FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, should be used for this purpose. (See AC 70/7460-2, Proposed Construction or Alteration of Objects That May Affect the Navigable Airspace, current edition.) b. Work Scheduling and Accomplishment. Predesign, preconstruction, and prebi conferences provide excellent opportunities to introduce the subject of airport operational safety during construction. All parties involved, including the spon- sor's engineer and contractors, should integrate operational safety requirements into their planning and work schedules as early as practical. Also, responl. 31bilitie3 should be clearly established for continuous monitoring and compliance with the requirements assigned and for vigilance to detect areas needing attention due to oversight or altered construction activity. When construction is being planned on FAR Part 139 certificated airports, the responsible airport safety (certification) inspector should be directly involved at all stages, from pre - design through final inspection. c. Safety Considerations. The following is a partial list of safety con- siderations which experience indicates will need attention during airport construction. (1) Minimum disruption of standard operating procedures for aeronautical activity. (2) Clear routes from firefighting and rescue stations to active airport operations areas and safety areas. (3) Chain of notification and authority to change safety -oriented aspects of the construction plan. (4) Initiation, currency, and cancellation of_Notiae to Airmen (NOTAM's). (5) Suspension or restriction of aircraft activity on airport operations areas. (6) Threshold displacement and appropriate temporary lighting and marking (7) Installation and maintenance of temporary lighting and marking for closed or diverted aircraft routes on airport operations areas. (8) Revised vehicular control procedures or additional equipment and F - - manpower. (9) Marking/lighting of construction equipment.. I' AC 15015370-3C 5f3:lS� (10) Storage of construction equipment and materials when not in use. (11) 'Designation of responsible representatives of all involved parties and -- their availability. (12) Location of construction personnel parking and transportation to and from the work site. (13) Marking/lighting-of construction areas. (14) Location of construction offices. (15) Location of contractor's plants. (16) Designation of waste areas and disposal. (17) Debris cleanup responsibilities and schedule. (18) Identification of construction personnel and equipment. (19) Location.of haul roads. (20) Security control on temporary gates and relocated 'fencing. (21)_ Noise pollution. (22) Blasting regulation and control. (23) Dust control. _ (24) Location of utilities. (25) Provision for temporary utilities and/or immediate repairs in the event of disruption. (26) Location of power and control lines for electronic/visual navigational aids. (27) Additional security measures required if FAR Part 107, Airport Security, is involved. (28) Marking and- lighting•,of -Closed airfield pavement areas. _ (29) Coordination of construction activities during the winter with airport snow removal plan. (30) Phasing of work. (31) Shutdown and/or protection of.airport electronic/visual navigational. aids. 4 Pa 5/31/84 Ac ;p';. - (32) Smoke, steam, and vapor controls. (33) Notify crash/fire/rescue personnel when working on water lines. _. (34) Provide traffic directors/zing walkers, etc., as needed to assure clearance in construction areas. d. Guidelines for Proximity of Construction Activity to Airport Operations Areas. The guidelines contained in appendix 1 are for use in the preparation of r•. plans and specifications when construction activities are to be conducted in loca- tions which may interfere with aircraft operations. They should be adapted to the needs of a particular project and should not be incorporated verbatim into project specifications. . 7. EXAMPLES OF HAZARDOUS AND MARGINAL CONDITIONS. Analyses of past accidents and _ incidents have identified many contributory hazards and conditions. A represen-tative list follows: a. Excavation adjacent to runways, taxiways, and aprons. b. Mounds or stockpiles of earth, construction material, temporary structures, ri and other obstacles in proximity to airport operations areas and approach zones. c. Runway surfacing projects resulting in excessive lips greater than 1"inch (2.54 cm) for runways and 3 inches (7.62 cm) for edges between old and new surfaces at runway edges and ends. d. Heavy equipment, stationary or mobile, operating or idle near airport operations areas or in safety areas. e. Proximity of equipment or material which may degrade radiated signals or impair monitoring of navigational aids. f. Tall but relatively low visibility units such as cranes, drills, and the like in critical areas such as safety areas and approach zones. g. Improper or malfunctioning lights or unlighted airport hazards. h. Holes, obstacles, loose pavement, trash, and other debris on or near air- port operations areas. i. Failure to maintain fencing during construction to deter human and animal intrusions into the airport operation areas. J. Open trenches along side pavement. -- k. Improper marking or lighting of runways, taxiways, and displaced thresholds. 1. Attractions for birds such as trash, grass seeding, or ponded water on or near airports. AC 150/5370-2C 5/31/s.: m. Inadequate or improper methods of marking temporarily closed airport opera- tions areas including improper and unsecured barricades. n. Obliterated markings on active operational areas. NOTE: Safety area encroachments, improper ground vehicle operations, and unmarked or uncovered holes and trenches in the vicinity of aircraft operating sur- faces are -the three most.reeurring threats to safety during construction. S. ASSURING OPERATIONAL SAFETY. The airport operator is responsible for establishing and using procedures for the immediate notification of airport users and the FAA of any conditions adversely affecting operational safety at the air- port. If Construction operations require shutdown of a navigational aid from ser- vice for more than 24 hours or in excess of 4 hours daily on consecutive days, a 45-day minimum notice is 'desirable prior to the facility shutdown. Notification of construction, rough pavement, weather -caused effects, bird hazards, and other con- ditons affecting the use of the airport is usually made by NOTAM issued by Flight Service Stations. FAA Air Traffic.facilities and Airports district/field offices will assist in the notification process. Airmen or other persons engaged in aviation activities are encouraged to report safety -related airport conditions to airport management, the FAA or through the use of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Aviation Safety Reporting System. 9. VEHICLES ON AIRPORTS. Vehicular activity on airport movement areas should be kept to a minimum. Where vehicular traffic on airport operation areas cannot be avoided, it should be carefully controlled. A basic guiding principle is that the aircraft always has the right-of-way. Some aspects of vehicle control and iden- tification are discussed below. It should be recognized, however, that every air- port presents different vehicle requirements and problems and therefore needs individualized solutions so that vehicle traffic does not endanger aircraft operations. . a. Visibility. Vehicles which routinely operate on airport operations areas should be marked/flagged for high daytime visibility and, if appropriate, lighted for nighttime operations. Vehicles which are not marked and lighted should be escorted by one that is equipped with temporary marking and lighting devices. (See AC 150/5210-5, Painting, Marking, and Lighting of Vehicles Used on an Airport, current edition.) b. Identification. It is usually desirable to be able to identify visually specific vehicles from a distance. It is recommended that radio equipped vehicles which routinely operate on -airport operations areas be permanently marked with identifying characters' on* ,the sides and' roof. -(See AC ' 150/5210-5 •) -Vehicles needing intermittent identification could be marked with tape or with magnetically attached markers which are commercially available. -Whenever possible, vehicles should be purchased with the recommended markings and lighting. c. Noticeability. Construction vehicles/equipment should have automatic signalling devices to sound an alarm when moving in reverse. 6 Par 7 5/31/84 d. Movement. The control of vehicular activity on airport operations areas is --of the highest importance. Airport management is responsible for developing proce- Poo dares, procuring equipment, and providing training regarding vehicle operations to ensure aircraft safety during construction. This requires coordination with air- port users and air traffic control. Consideration should be given to the use of two-way, radio, signal lights, traffic signs, flagmen, escorts, or other means suitable for the particular airport. The selection of a frequency for two-way . radio communications between construction contractor vehicles and the air traffic control (ATC) tower must be coordinated -with the ATC tower chief. At nontower-air- ports, two-way radio control between contractor vehicles and fixed -base operators frequencies by It be or other airport users should avoid used aircraft. should remembered that even with the most sophisticated procedures and equipment, systemati+ r' training of vehicle operators is necessary to achieve safety. Special con- sideration should be given to training intermittent operators, such as construction workers, even if escort service is being provided. 10. INSPECTION. Frequent inspections should be made by the airport operator or a representative during critical phases of the work to ensure that the contractor is following the prescribed safety procedures and that there is an effective litter r control program. 11. FAA SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES. FAA Airports engineers and certification inspec- tors have specific responsibilities regarding operational safety on certificated airports -before and during periods of construction activity. Their particular area of concern will be directed towards construction Within safety areas, and they will be involved in the following functions: a. Review of plans to determine limits of work and possible safety problem areas. b. Give special attention to the development of the safety plan which is a part of the plans and specifications. c. Advise FAA elements such as regional Flight Standards, Air Traffic, and Airway Facilities of the construction activities and the safety plan. d. Ensure that users of the facilities have ample warning of the proposed construction so that they may make advanced plans to change their operations.. e. FAA Airports engineers and certification inspectors should participate in the prede31gn and preconstruction conferences if the project involves a complex safety plan. •.Also,..they--should._ participate. in construction inspections and in the inspection of the finished work to determine that there are no safety violations to FAR Part 139. pra e LEONARD E. MtT! Director, Office of Airport Standards r 5/31/84 AC Appendix 1 APPENDIX 1. SPECIAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION 1. RUNWAY ENDS. .Construction equipment normally should not penetrate the 20:1 approach surface. 2. RUNWAY EDGES. Construction activities normally should not be permitted Within 200 feet of the runway centerline. However, construction may be permitted within 200 feet of the runway centerline on a case -by -case basis with approval of the air- port operator, the FAA and the users. 3. TAXIWAYS AND APRONS. Normally, construction activity set -back lines should be located at a distance of 25 feet plus one-half the wingspan of the largest predomi- nant aircraft from the centerline of an active taxiway or apron. However, construction activity may be permitted up to the taxiway and aprons in use provided that the activity is first coordinated with the airport operator, the FAA and the users; NOTAM's are issued; marking and lighting provisions are implemented; and it is determined the height of equipment and materials is safely below any part of the aircraft using the airport operations areas which might overhang those areas. An occasional passage of an aircraft with wingspan greater than 165 feet should be dealt with on a case -by-case basis. 4. EXCAVATION AND TRENCHES. a. Runways' Excavations and open trenches may be permitted up to 200 feet from the centerline of an active runway, provided they are adequately signed, lighted and marked. In addition, excavation and open trenches may be permitted within 200 feet of the runway centerline on a case -by -case basis, i.e., cable trenches, pavement tie-ins, etc., with the approval of the airport operator, the FAA and the Users. b. Taxiways and Aprons. Excavation and open trenches may be permitted up to the edge of structural taxiway and apronpavementsprovided the drop-off is ade- quately signed, lighted and marked. 5. STOCKPILED MATERIAL. Extensive stockpiled materials should not be permitted within the construction activity areas defined in the preceding four sections. 6. MAXIMUM EQUIPMENT HEIGHT. Notice of proposed construction shall be submitted to the appropriate Airports district office for review prior to the placement of construction equipment on airports. The guiding criteria involving FAR Part 139 certificated airports and grant agreement airports is that all construction plans and specifications require direct coordination With the appropriate Airports district, field, or regional office. In addition, airports should file FAA Form 7460-1 when equipment is expected to penetrate any of the surfaces defined above in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3. Airport operators are reminded that FAR Part 157 requires prior notice to construct, realign, alter, or activate any runway/landing area or associated taxiway for any project which is non -Federally funded. 7. PROXIMITY OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY TO NAVIGATIONAL AIDS. Construction activity in the vicinity of navigational aids requires special consideration. The effect of the activity and its permissible distance and direction from the aid must be eval- uated in each instance. A coordinated evaluation by the airport operator and the 7 AC 150/5370-2C Appendix l 5"3_ 'S= FAA.is necessary.. Technical involvement by FAA regional Airports, Air Traffic, Flight Standards, and Airway Facilities Specialists is needed as well as construc- tion engineering and management input. Particular attention needs to be given to stockpiling materials as well as to the movement and parking of equipment which may interfere with line -of -sight from the tower or interfere with electronic emissions. (See AC 150/5300-2D,-Airport Design Standards —Site Requirements for,, Terminal Navigational Facilities, current edition, for critical areas of NAVAIDS.),; B. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE TRAFFIC. With respect to vehicular traffic, aircraft safety during construction is likely to be endangered by four principle causes: increased traffic volume, nonstandard traffic patterns, vehicles without radio com- munication and marking, and operators untrained in the airport's procedures. Because each construction situation differs, airport management must develop and coordinate a construction vehicle traffic plan with airport users, air traffic control and the x.ppropriate construction engineers and .contractors. This plan, when signed by all participants becomes a part of the contract. The airport opera- tor is responsible for coordinating and enforcing the plan. q. LIMITATION ON CONSTRUCTION. a. Open -flame welding or torch -cutting operations should.be prohibited unless adequate fire and safety precautions are provided and have been approved by the airport operator. All vehicles are to be parked and serviced behind the construc- tion restriction line and/or in an area designated by the airport operator. b. Open trenches, excavations, -and stockpiled material at the construction site should be prominently marked with orange flags and lighted with flashing yellow light units (acceptable to the airport operator and the FAA) during hours of restricted visibility and/or darkness. Under no circumstances are flare pots to be near aircraft turning areas. c. Stockpiled material should be constrained in a manner to prevent movement . result of aircraft blast or wind. Material should not be stored near aircraft turning areas or movement areas. 10. MARKING AND LIGHTING OF CLOSED OR HAZARDOUS AREAS ON AIRPORTS. The construc- tion sp*cifications should include a provision requiring the contractor to have a man on call 24 hours per day for emergency maintenance ,of airport hazard lighting and barricades. a. Permanently Closed Runways and Taxiways. For runways and taxiways which have been permanently closed, the lighting circuits should be disconnected. With runways, the threshold markings, runway designation marking, and touchdown zone markings should be obliterated, and crosses should be placed at each end at 1,000-toot (300 m) intervals. With taxiways, a cross is placed at each entrance of the closed taxiway. b. Temporarily Closed Runways and Taxiways. Temporarily closed runways are treated in the same, manner as in paragraph 10a except runway markings are not obli- terated. Rather, crosses are usually of the temporary type (constructed of 2 r 5/31/84 AC Appendix 1 material such -as fabric or plywood), and they are required only at runway ends. The crosses should be located on top of the runway numerals. For temporary marking, the dimensions of the crosses may be reduced to permit use of standard sheets of 4-by-8-foot (1.22 by 2.44 m) plywood. Temporarily closed taxiways are usually treated as an unusable area as explained in paragraph 10d. c. Closed Airports. When all runways are closed temporarily, the run -ways -are marked as in paragraph 10b, and the airport beacon is turned off. When all runways are closed permanently, the runways are marked as in paragraph 10a, the airport beacon is disconnected, and a cross is placed in the segmented circle or a: central location if no segmented circle exists. d. Hazardous Areas. Hazardous areas, in which no part of an aircraft may enter, are indicated by use of barricades with alternate orange and white markings. The barricades are supplemented with orange flags at least 20 by 20 inches (50 by 50 cm) square and made and installed so that they are always in the extended posi- tion and properly oriented. For nighttime use, the barricades are supplemented with flashing yellow lights. The intensity of the lights and spacing for barricades, flags, and lights must be such to delineate adequately the hazardous area. e. Notices to Airmen (NOTAM's). The airport operator should provide infor- mation on closed or hazardous conditons to the local air traffic control facility (control tower, approach control, center, flight service station) so that a NOTAM can be issued. f. Stabilized Areas. Holding bays, aprons, and taxiways are sometimes pro- - vided with shoulder stabilization to prevent blast and water erosion. This stabi- lization may have the appearance of a full strength pavement but is not intended for aircraft use. Usually the taxiway edge marking will define this area, but con- ditions may exist such as stabilized islands or taxiway curves where confusion may exist as to which side of the edge stripe is the full strength pavement. Where such a condition exists, the stabilized area should be marked with 3-foot (1 m) stripes perpendicular to the edge stripes. On straight sections, the marks should be placed at a maximum of 100-foot (30 m) spacing. On curves, the marks should be placed a maximum of 50 feet (15 m) apart between the curve tangents. The stripes should be extended to 5 feet 0.5 m) from the edge of stabilized area or to 25 feet (7.5 m) in length, whichever is less. g. Runway Shoulder Marking. Usually the runway side stripes will indicate the edges of the full strength pavement. However, conditions may exist, such as excep- tionally wide runways, where there is a need to indicate the area not intended for use by aircraft. In such cases, chevrons should be used. 11. TEMPORARY RUNWAY THRESHOLD DISPLACEMENTS. Identification of temporary runway threshold displacements should be located outboard of the runway surface. These could include outboard lights, Runway End Identification Lights (REILS�, and markings. The extent of the marking and lighting should be directly related to the duration of the displacement as well as the type and level of aircraft activity. F. [1