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Resolution - 2002-R0012 - Interagency Agreement To Develop Narcotics Task Force - Gaines County, TX - 01_10_2002
Resolution No. 2002-R0012 January 10, 2002 Item No. 26 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an Interagency Agreement to develop a narcotics task force for law enforcement purposes, by and between the City of Lubbock and Gaines County, Texas, attached hereto, and which Agreement shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of the Council shall constitute and be part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein. Passed by the City Council this loth day of January 52002 . WINDY SIT ON' MAYOR ATTEST: Rebecca Garza, City Secretary APPR ED S TO ONT"T* Claud Jones, Inte ' hief of Police 11-1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: s arold Willard, Asst. City Allorney Task Force 2.res Resolution No. 2002-R0012 January 10, 2002 Item No. 26 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS, County of Lubbock This agreement is entered into by and between the CITY OF LUBBOCK, a Municipal Corporation situated in Lubbock County, Texas and GAINES COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, concerning inter -local cooperation contracts. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY wish to file a joint grant application with the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor, State of Texas, for funding in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($486,289.00) for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force, and WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY have agreed to contribute the total of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($137,281.00) in matching funds if said joint application is approved; and WHEREAS, the source of funds would not normally be used for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY believe it to be in their best interests to join in the application to develop a Narcotics Task Force; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY agree to each accept the responsibility to adhere to all pertinent federal, state, and local laws or regulations. NOW THERFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I PURPOSE 1.01 The purpose of this agreement is to allow the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY to file a joint application for a Texas Narcotic Control Program Grant with the Criminal Justice Division, which creates the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force, which application is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE II TERM 2.01 The term of this agreement is to commence on the execution of this Agreement and to end May 31, 2003. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (Continued) ARTICLE III CONSIDERATION 3.01 As consideration for this agreement, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY agree to contribute a total of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($137,281.00) in matching funds for the enhancement of the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force in the amounts as follows: City of Lubbock $123,794 Gaines County $ 13,487 ARTICLE IV ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 4.01 The specific allocation of the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY fund is set out in the attachments to this agreement, and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE V OWNERSHIP OF EQUIPMENT 5.01 Upon termination of this agreement, ownership of equipment, hardware and other non -expendable items will revert to the applicant for which it was acquired, subject to the approval of the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office. ARTICLE VI AMENDMENTS 6.01 This agreement may be amended by the mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing to be attached to and incorporated into this agreement. ARTICLE VII LEGAL CONSTRUCTION 7.01 In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect such as invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof, and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (Continued) ARTICLE VIII ENTIRE AGREEMENT 8.01 This agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement, or promise relating to the subject matter of this agreement which is not contained herein shall be valid or binding. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS, EACH OF WHICH SHALL HAVE THE FULL F E AND EFFECT OF ORIGINAL, ON THIS THE DAY OF 4mt4 4br- ATTEST (Gra ee Authorized Official) WINDY SITTON, Mayor P".D,e -de.4,. ATTIEST Rebecca Garza City Secretary EXHIBIT 'W' Resolution No. 2002—R0009 GRANT APPLICATION COVER SHEET (page l of 1) 1. Legal name of organization applying: 9. Title of Project: City of Lubbock South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force 2. Division or unit within the applicant organization to administer the project: 10. Application for: Police Department Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) 3. Official applicant organization mailing address: P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 4. Choose the box that best describes the project: 11. County where headquarters are based: Project Description Lubbock ❑ Courts and Prosecution ❑ Domestic Source Reduction ❑ Forensics/DNA ❑ Substance Abuse Treatment 12. Population of the county where the headquarters are based: ❑ Evaluation Projects ❑ Prison Industry Projects 242,628 ❑ Technology Improvements 0 Witness/Juror/Victim Assistance 13, All cities and counties in the service area of the project and the population of ® Narcotics Task Force ❑ Anti -terrorism Project ❑ Gangs ❑ Financial Investigations ❑ Alternatives to Incarceration ❑ Public Correctional Facility Improvement each: BaileyCounty 6,594 Crosby County 7,072 Dawson County 16,000 Dickens County 2,762 Floyd County 7,771 Gaines County 14,600 Hale County 36,602 Kent County 354 Lynn County 6,550 Lubbock County 242,628 ❑ Operational Effectiveness Motley County 1,426 Terry County 12,761 Improvement Levelland 12,866 Littlefield 6,507 Olton 2,288 Sudan 1,039 5. Person who can answer specific questions about this application. Name: Ricky Cross Title: Captain Address: P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 14. Grant Start Date: Telephone Number: 806-775-2868 June 1, 2002 Fax number. 806-775-3094 15. Is this an application for first -year funding? e-mail address: rcross@mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us ❑ Yes ® No 6. Agency's State Payee Identification Number: If "No", complete the following- 1-75-6000590-6 Year of funding for this application (check one): 7. Is the applicant organization delinquent on any state or federal debt? ❑ Yes (If Yes, attach explanation) ® No ❑ Year 2 ❑ Year 3 ❑ Year 4 ❑ Year 5 21 Year 15 Current Grant#: DB-01-13841-03 8. Requested Funds Amount Requested CJD Funds 486,287 Cash Match 162,098 TOTAL 048,385 16. Date and city of application workshop attended: N/A To the best of my knowledge, all information in this application is true and correct 17. If a local application, COG to which a copy of the application was submitted: The application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and agrees to comply with all CJD rules, including the attached assurances, if awarded. South Plains Association of Governments Is this application in response to a local/regional Request for Applications? ❑ Yes ®No 18. If project is statewide, on what date was a copy of the application submitted for TRACS Review: Windy Sitton Is this application in response to a statewide Request for Applications? ❑ Yes ® No Ty name of Authorized Si nature of Auth ed Official 1/ 10 / 0 2$ �C Req` n# @ �V r � ' .,a ;. � i.�t`.n`r'yy1+.. �, A,^ %i/.."'�"'iF" ., : ,'� �ni "✓ u � i .�u �Sx� a Date Signed C pJcafroii`jden . ATTEST: 1 ]:�� C! 1 ecca Garza, City Secret y Texas Narcotics Control Prograin (TNCP) — Page 2 DESIGNATION OF GRANT OFFICIALS (page 1 of 1) LEGAL NAME OF AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force ® Mr. ❑ Ms. Claude T. Jones PROJECT DIRECTOR NAME (Type or Print) Chief of Police Lubbock Police Department Title and Agency P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock 79457 Official Agency Mailing Address City Zip 806-775-2750 806-775-2781 Daytime Telephone Number Fax Number ciones�;mail.ci.l ubbock.tx.us E-Mail Address Mr. ❑ Ms. Perry Stout FINANCIAL OFFICER (Type or Print) Director of Accounting, City of Lubbock Title and Agency P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock 79457 Official Agency Mailing Address City Zip 806-775-2160 806-775-3273 Daytime Telephone Number Fax Number Dstoute.mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us E-Mail Address ❑ Mr. ® Ms. Windv Sitton AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL (Type or Print) Mayor, City of Lubbock Title and Agency P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock 79457 Official Agency Mailing Address City Zip 806-775-2010 806-775-2062 Daytime Telephone Number Fax Number wsitton a),mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us E-Mail Address Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 3 iexas Narcotics Conlrol Progam PROJECT BUDGET SUNINIARY APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: ,Tune 1, 2002 :::.v.v::.:v:::: xs :: i:.;t.v:::.; ::::.v.v .i'i:1'-iiY:. :::: •:::::: :v: :.::::.v:.v: •• -vhv'::.:<.•:: }:i •:i•ki:vi'i•ii.:i..iii::•:....ii'{:!�i\iii'ri:::�:iii:�:i:.:-:::�iii:'•ii'i•i:iii ....1.•... .v:....................nk ... h.. ...........:... ....... .. ........ .. ..\ ...........::vv.,v:..yi;.�;:.;::i:�>i;i::.}:vv.trv:\:^iii:-i:i•>?::•:i �;: ir:v+:: .:..............;..:r.v.:Y:.v�:.v::.i.::::::.vr.!..•.•....::':•:i?iiiT:.: is ii:+•...:::::.v.v.::.:...............:r...v......v h................:.:.vh. ............... ........................... ^"-'F.•i:�: ............:................ n...................v ...............................::::::::•::::.:.iii:::!::•ii:•i:v::::::::::v::::: is i:J:::::•`::�;::..,.. ... :: ii:-::-:ice v+vti4:.::�i?ii:i:+::�?::+.•ii4::{iv+..;.v;.; ;.-�.-:- hvv..............:.: ;.........:.:�:?::: •i>:•i:•i::�:::��: is i:..::�::..i:•:4i`.:.n ................ .........�:v: 1............................. ii:�:::.:�i::':.•i:^iiii - �._. :};:•?:: ii}ii::�i:�iii:�i:C::.: i$i: .: -.xx. 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SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES r`; %//<.#'.,:1�/% GRAND TOTAL 7 486,287.00 S 162,098.00 S 648,385.00 CASH MATCH MUST TOTAL AT LEAST: S 162,096.25 :. ............. v ..5 ........v:::.v:::: r:•qp v:..•.v v::.vn :v: x::J+.v. '•n•............ v. ::. �:::::::::v::: ?•r . h'v .................... ..v ..................... ....... •. :, -. ..... ...... ..........; ......:.. :: �.N •v y•.vv:::.:.: �.:::::::::::: Y: •:.; .., :512.:1'Li i# .'..�. .. xn• :::ln'vri •.vv ..v v::: :•:.v::::::::::::::::: v .. F..h;..:: ::.:� :.:::: v :•::::bh};h\; iii:�ii:�iiiii:::::�:i::y¢¢• : ..:::.v:::•i:::.::::::.v:. v.. ::.:. •: Y.:•%•}}:: i;: •: ii:•?:.?:i>Y.:i: i}:v.�i::! '.".b}f?'.'•i::'i'%:::t<::r:+l:;:; ::•::::i::•'jLY71f"iEt• < • •'•:�i> %SY:•:'+.:';'Li ................. J+ X ERF �E�?ttiS Ci. .......tli �.:.::.......................... ................... .. .. .. .�. �. ''.iiii :;;>i:'r:si::`v$iiij}j:•:?•i i:i.^,<i:i>:i J.F.. yµ•�, ...vn:.:: :':::::::(::�t::::i:<: ::: :;';:j, !: +,:i;i: ... � � :.::I:[��i�i ::i:ltii :!�v.... ....... `'`i�ifCti�"c:.i:::>:>:a::i�::<r: •.":'::,..:,..'':'ic" ?? ti •. �. ...... .: (1) City of Lubbock $ 123,794.00 (11) (2) City of Lamesa $ 11,292.00 (12) (3) Lubbock County $ 13,525.00 (13) (4) Gaines County $ 13,487.00 (14) (5) (15) (6) (16) (7) (17) (8) (18) (9) (19) (10) Total Cash Match $ 162,098.00 o c min, needs tct.6e cepottedipelow. PROGRAM INCOME ON -HAND I $24j 297 I (as of grant application submission) 1 page20 I exas Narcotics Control Program Resolution No. 2002—R0009 PERSONNEL SUMMARY - SCHEDULE "A APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 kyg f" Ng "i,xv'.�� t 'i� ...._� ,,�� ��, ,'� � DIREC?SALARIE5�,, �;.�.....`�.. fvCi"�i.*z`�``c'�"{H,c-`� ;.�3 a _ a R NT P4SiTIONni ��"a�:1'ARENT e 7p4 ;.. fYYro'C '� F r^�'�.�,'�. �3 �x �� �� bG NCY &RANK � mg O /oOF TIME .�. ar , (1) Supervisor Lubbock P.D. Sergeant 100% S 53,304.00 gator (2) InvestiIn Lubbock P.D. Corporal 100% $ 48,791.00 (3) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Officer 100% $ 45,616.00 (4) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Officer 100% $ 45,616.00 (5) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Officer 100% $ 45,616.00 (6) Investigator Lamesa P.D. Officer 100% $ 28,272.00 (7) Investigator Lubbock County D.A. Investigator 100% $ 31,700.00 (8) Investigator Gaines Co. S.O. Deputy 100`%„ $ 32,192.00 (9) $ (10) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ DIRECT SALARIES $ 331,107.00 FRINGE BENEFITS $ 116,064.00 PERSONNEL BUDGET $ 447,171.00 page_OA I Qsas :varcoucs 4on[rol Yroeram Resolution No. 2002—R0009 PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - SCHEDULE "B" APPLICANT AGENCY: City Of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002�. ..... .._p... _,. .. �. "�'P���, "�r' £5 '��C� - ! $ A S x�✓.�';;ka �s"�.`. ���� `yc�'.2..P �1X. ���# � -i `i �' �b'%���"� �5¢�� :'�A ° "'A� :3$3T ..,� ��% �4 3 i'OTAL 1 x q- (1) Drug Analysis $ 800.00 (2) Drug Testing $ 420.00 (3) $ (4) $ (5) $ (6) $ (7) $ (8) $ (9) $ (10) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) Is TOTAL PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 1,220.00 pa-e , i A CNON :'1d11:Ut1l:J k-01111'0I i".'U_I'iliil Resolution No. 2002-R0009 TRAVEL SUMMARY - SCHEDULE °°C" APPLICANT AGENCY: Ci, _ of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: .Tune 1 2002 LOCALfPERSOCVL 1%El-CICLE MILEAG C.yes'➢!£'+>�OSTS' ; X ... °+x POSlTIC3RAVELtIJG i"""' PC�RPOSE 1=0R IUIILEAGET TF gas A£,x�r` .TAL S. 11 a'"?. fie-'f y� ,.. ,.,-.4.4?.a >.db E-`�'ys ¢d > >.S 1' L kY „H., �w�u t, . .� ,# ,.c .,.. nw"t 4 .,. 3, i?s'a.. :sww'. (1) $ (2) $ (3) Is TOTAL COST FOR LOCAL PERSONAL VEHICLE TRAVEL $ - �. �� NON LO CAL TRA�/EL q�: x tgg Y �. Wt CON ENCE OR SCHOOL NE r"% DESTINATION (CITY, STATE)TOTAL $?'t�'i Xz3Y,?6+ .�r, .. �.�y, ;^°-` (1) T.N.C.P. Annual Conference T.B.A. $ 7,530.00 (2) Leadership Conference T.S.A. $ 990.00 (3) Regional Commander's Meeting T.B.A. $ 520.00 (4) Basic Narcotic Inv. School T.B.A. $ 2,560.00 (5) $ (6) $ (7) Is (8) Is (9) $ (11) $ i� 2) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ NON -LOCAL TOTAL Is 11,600.00 TOTAL TRAVEL BUDGET $ 11,600.00 p.1c texas :narcotics Untrol t1ro8rain Resolution No. 2002-R0009 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES - SCHEDULE "D" APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 .. %l,',.�i7'23 :� e a. ;�A am EQUIP C?R DESCRlPTCON /�l�fD QUANTITYa An T�� � . , t .. s= ... .x # .y4W f � s DO NOT LIST NAME BRANDS � .x ��� z� �� TOTAL , 1, z� (2) $ (3) $ (4) $ (5) $ (6) $ (7) $ (8) $ (9) $ (10) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ TOTAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASES $ - Page% 23 i cxaa ,Narcotics wmroi vrogram Resolution No. 2002-R0009 SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES - SCHEDULE 7" APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 DIREC, LY'CNARGED SUPPLIES & } � OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (1) Audio/Video Cassette Tapes $ 1,600.00 (2) Batteries $ 2,000.00 (3) Cellular Service Charge $ 840.00 (4) C.L.E.R.I.S: $ 8,000.00 (5) Clothing Allowance $ 5,000.00 (6) Communication Cost $ 10,860.00 (7) Confidential Funds $ 60,000.00 (8) Copier Rental $ 1,644.00 (9) Costs for Space $ 16,800.00 (10) Drug Trak Software Maintenance $ 400.00 (11) Narcotic Test Kits $ 1,000.00 (12) Office Supplies $ 2,800.00 (13) Vehicle Fuel and Maintenance $ 17,450.00 (14) Vehicle Lease $ 60,000.00 (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ TOTAL SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES $ 188,394.00 page 24 Budget Detail Descriptions and Justifications PERSONNEL Total — $447,171 Salaries — $331,107 Sergeant Corporal Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Lubbock P.D. $53,304 x 100% of time = $53,304 Lubbock P.D. $48,791 x 100% of time = S48,791 Lubbock P.D. $45,616 x 100% of time = $45,616 Lubbock P.D. $45,616 x 100% of time = $45,616 Lubbock P.D. $45,616 x 100% of time = $45,616 Lamesa P.D. $28,272 x 100% of time = $28,272 Lubbock County D.A. S31,700 x 100% of time = S31,700 Gaines County S.O. $32,192 x 100% of time = $32,192 Full time employees will provide the following services: administrative and supervisory duties, law enforcement activities, asset seizure investigation and program development. The Project is anticipating a five percent (5%) across the board increase in salaries for project personnel in the upcoming fiscal year. Therefore, current salary schedules do not reflect this projected increase. Fringe Benefits — $116,064 $116,064 in fringe benefits based on $331,107 in salaries PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Total - $1,220 Drug Analysis, $800 The project maintains a quantity of cocaine to be utilized in "reverse operations". After completion of such operations, the substance must be analyzed for quality and quantity. The project estimates conducting four of these operations per year. Cost is based on $200 per analysis. Drug Testing, $420 The project is required to test 25% of grant -funded and assigned personnel. Those assigned to the project will be randomly tested quarterly for illegal narcotics. Cost is based on $30 per test. TRAVEL AND TRAINING Total - $11,600 In -state travel and training costs, $11,600 Costs will be used to send project staff to training conferences and schools within Texas that teach skills related to narcotics enforcement and administration. Costs will be expended using the grantee agencies' travel policies for per diem and lodging. Additional costs may include fees and tuition, parking fees, and ground transportation. SUPPLIES Total - $188,394 Audio/Video Cassette Tapes, $1,600 Utilized by project to record narcotic transactions conducted by agents and utilized as evidence in court. Batteries, $2,000 All covert audio equipment uses batteries. Batteries are replaced after each use to ensure quality reception, for officer safety and corroborative testimony. Cellular Service Charge, $840 Service charge for cellular phone, audio recording/monitoring device, used by project staff while conducting undercover investigations. C.L.E.R.I.S., $8,000 Service line charge for required participation in system. Clothing Allowance, $5,000 Lubbock Police Department personnel receive a $1,000 per year clothing/equipment allowance to purchase duty related uniform/clothing items. Communication Cost, $10,860 Telephone service for five lines, long distance costs, pager and cellular phone service for eight project personnel. Confidential Funds, $60,000 Provide funds for the purchase of evidence, information and services. This amount is based on expenditures from previous years. Copier Rental, $1,644 Used daily for photocopying confidential funds used in purchasing evidence, case reports, search warrants, and other documents. Costs for Space, $16,800 Rental of warehouse, 6,500 sq. ft., for the secure storage of seized vehicles pending forfeiture. Drug Trak Software Maintenance, $400 Project maintains case file information, intelligence, expenditure, and seizure information utilizing this program. Cost provides support and service advice, supplies new versions of software when available. Narcotic Test Kits, $1,000 Used to field test substances seized or purchased by the project. Office Supplies, $2,800 Costs will include postage, copy paper, envelopes, computer diskettes, paper clips, pens pencils, writing pads, calendars, folders, binders, and other basic consumable supplies used in the administrative functions of the project. Vehicle Fuel and Maintenance, $17,450 To provide costs needed for utilizing project lease vehicles during project operations, surveillance, travel, etc. Vehicle Lease, $60,000 Provide reliable vehicles for project personnel. NARCOTICS GRANT INFORMATION Name Salary FICA TMRS Life Medical Dental LTD Stab/Long Wrkes Como Sgt Van Roy Pierce 53,304 4,078 7,516 27 4,190 368 187 1,012.00 1,542.34 Corp Jimmy Pachall 48,791 3,732 6,879 27 4,190 368 171 528.18 1,542.34 Officer Hutson 45,616 3,490 6,432 27 4,190 368 160 720.45 1,542.34 Officer Reyna 45,616 3,490 6,432 27 4,190 368 160 528.18 1,542.34 Officer Gerber 45,616 3,490 6,432 27 4,190 368 160 532.00 1,542.34 FICA - Salary x 7.65% TMRS - Salary x 14.10% Life/Medical/Dental - FY 01-02 rate LTD - Salary x .0035 - Long - FY 01-02 rate Wrkrs Comp - Budgeted $137,268 for year/# of FTE's in cost center (89) Education Incentive Pay - Verified with Payroll (Currently 57.69 a pay period) AIEP 0.00 0.00 1,499.94 0.00 0.00 CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE PAY SCHEDULE Eff. 10/6101 GRADE CS6 C]❑� C�❑C�_1 a (680} Police TITLE Asst. Chief --� ❑ (H) I {B) {M) STEP A 36.108 2,888.64 6,258.T2 STEP B 39.055 3,124.40 6,769.53 STEP C 42.193 3,375.44 7,313.45 ( STEP D�'`� 1 1, f.��-.J!I �� ❑�� {A) 75.104.64 81,234.40 87.761.44 �� CSS {660) Police Captain ❑ 31.726 33.440 34.115 ❑C�� 2,538.08 2,675.20 2,729.20 ❑�a 5,499.17 5,796.27 5,913.27 �� �❑C�❑ 65,990.08 69,555.20 70,959.20 �� CS4 (650) uolice e tenant ja 28.369 29.629 30.216 �� C�❑ 10 2,269.52 2,370.32 2,417.28 ���❑ 4,917.29 5,135.69 5,237.44 C C����a 59,007.52 61,628.32 62,849.28 �� CS3 FPo (640) ice Seirgeant ❑ 25.143 25.627 26.1391 f ��❑�I❑ 2,011.44 2,050.16 ���� 4,358.12 4,442.01 4,530.T6 �� ❑L�J� 52.297.44 53,304.16 54,369.12 �� C�DOC�C�C�C�C� CS2 (630) Police Corporal a 23.028 23.457 23.925 �� ����❑ 1,842.24 1,876.56 1,914.D011.��_____ ❑��❑ 3,991.52 4,D65.88 4,147.00 ����� 47,898.24 48,790.56 49,764.00 CS1 (620) Police Officer � 18,208 19.367 20.583 21.931 ��❑��❑ 1,456.64 1,549.36 1,646.64 1,754.48 Progression in each pay grade is based on seniority in that pay grade. Seniority is defined as the last continuous period of service. Employees who successfully complete one (1) year as Probationary Police Officer move to grade CS1. Police Officers then progress through steps in CSI annually. Progress from Step A to Step C in the other grades requires two continuous years of employment in each step. However, if the anniversary date occurs during the last half of the pay period, the increase does not become effective until the beginning of the next pay period. Biweekly rate = Hourly ' 80. Annual rate = Biweekly • 26. Monthly rate = Annual/12. POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPOSED MODIiF1E0 PAY FLAN - CtnTIFIED/POLICE OFFICERS FISCAL YEAR 2001 - 2002` PAY PLAN BY GRADES: Pay Job Grade I Grade 11 Grade III Grade IV Grade Y Group Category BaseMerit Base Meru ase Merit --Base- Merit ase I Patrol Officer Basic (no experience) Entry 1,844 1,899 1,964 2,022, 2,175 2,240 2,351 2,422 2,536 lI Patrol Officer Basic min 1 yr Basic + min 1 yr lnt;, rnl;n 1 yr Adv, min 1 yr Master .(with experience Base in base + 2 yrs in base t 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 1,964 2,022 20784 2,147 2,205 2,271 2,384 2,455 2,567 lr� (Corpora!) Basic min 1 yr irrf, ,min i yr int. + min 1 y► Aov. min 1 yr Master (inactive] + 2 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 1,964 2,022 2,120. 2,183 2,356 2,426 2,547 2,623 2,777 III Cetective Basic min i yr , Basic + min 1 yr Int. min I yr Adv. min 1 yr Master + 1 yr in base + 3 rs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 2,058 2,120 2,239 2,306 2.541 2,617 2,748 2,830 3,022 IV Sergeant Basic + min I yr Int. ' min 1 yr Irit. + rain 1 yr Acv. min 1 yr Master + 2 yrs in base + 2 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 2,266 2,334 2,493 2,568 2,681 2,762 2,900 2,987 3,153 Y Lieutenant Int. min 1 yr Int. + min 1 yr Adv. min 1 yr Adv. + min 1 yr Master + 2 yrs in base + 2 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 2,386 2,457 2,836 2,921 2,978 3,067 3,191 3,286 3,364 VI Captain Int. min 1 yr Adv, min 1 yr Adv. min 1 yr Adv min 1 yr Plaster + 5 yrs in base I in base I I in base I I in base INCl M VE PAY. EdueaBonal Incentive Pay; $ 1.00 per college credit hour earned per rr,onth, up to a maximum of $ 120 00. Additianal Cedfficaf an Pay. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate $ 50.00 per .month TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate $ 100.00 Per month TCLEOSE Master Peace Officer Certificate 3 150.00 per month TCLECSE Instructors Certificate $ 25.00 per month Emergency Care Attendant Certification $ 25.00 per month D A.R.E. Certification & assignment $ 50.00 per month Special Defy Par. E. R T. Certification & Duty $ 25.00 per month Irtoxiiyzer Operator Certification & Duty $ 50.00 per month CITY OF LAMESA POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY $28,272.00 F.I.C.A. 6.20% MEDICARE 1.45% T.M.R.S. 10.85% LIFE INSURANCE $0 HEALTH $275.00 DENTAL $18.00 LONGEVITY 14.76 INCENTIVE PAY $203.00 WORK. COMP. $69.54 WILLIAM C. SOWDER CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY P.O. BOX 10536 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79408-3536 Office of the Criminal District Attorney October 11, 2001 CDA Memo From: George White To: Randy Franklin Re: Brent Rose Salary FY02 Brent Rose is presently classified as a PSO4 Salary and benefits $43,014.00 Salary $31,700 FICA $1,965 Medicare $460 Insurance Health $4,446 Insurance Dental $312 Insurance, Life $42 Unemployment $63 Workmen's Comp $1,173 Retirement $2,853 Lubbock County Courthouse 904 Broadway Second Floor Lubbock, Texas 79401 (806)775-1100 Fax(806)775-1154 FYO: • GRADE PAY RANGE DLERICA. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX CL01 i5 __CO 22.595 Clerk or receptionist. Nan-exempl. 01.02 18 360 29.098 Advance::::erk and cc•rmuriCauon specialist Non-exempt _ CLOO _ ... 31 340 Admknist'a: ,e asslstar1 +8C4'b of wo(k=supervision) or court coordinator Non-exempt CLO4 23 460 33 502 Jfkce marager rsuper.aing 2-3180 ; of work=supervision) Exempt - CLOS 28 560 38.905 _Mce manager (supervsng 4-/809; cf werk=supervision). Exempt TRADES GRADE PAY RANGE OESCRIPTION OF OU71ES MIN MAX TR01 ill 303 22.695 Me^ ar.;c.ma-tenance. tecrn;cars & equpment operators Nan -exempt TR02 18.360 28.098 Advanced mechanic. mainteracce. tecnnlclans & equipment operators Non-exempt. TROS 21.42^ 31.340 CrecerUaled censed trade S technical specialists(>80% of •work=scpervlskon) Non-exempt TR 4 23 46C 33.502 Tea^ !eaders.advanced licensed trade specialists. (>80% of work=super islon) . Non-exempt. TROS 28 !eC 38,905 For?man (supervising 4./80 % Ct xcrk=supervision). Exempt. GRAD E PAY RANGE PUBLIC SAFETY DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX PS01 t5.3CC 22,695 Security. caseworker. corrections, :aw enforcement officers Ncn-exempt. PSJ2 18 36C 28.098 Advanced security. advanced casew orkef, advanced corrections 3 law enforcement officers. `Jon-exemcl. 'Si., 21.420 31.340 Investigatorscredentialea xrrecocr•al S law enforcement officers and caseworkers Non-exempt PSO4 23 460 33.502 Advanced Crecentlaleo correctional & law enforcement officers. specialized caseworkers t>80°> of -Ncrk=sucern8lCn) NW -exempt P505 33 66G 38 905 Sergeants correctional & raw enforcement supervisors (4H80%of work=supervision) Exempt. PS06 34 _•-- G 45.389 � euterants. advanced correctional , aw enforcement super iscrs .80% of work=supervkskem Exempt gRADE PAY RANQE PROFESSIONAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX PRO( 25 36 744 -;udrtOrs network specialists and Cpk.nselcrs Non-exemct "R02 7'2' - 4J ?:? '.atv i_rcci graduatesentry level attcreieys advanced auditors, rerAcrk adm!nstrators risk maray"er '=c•.=rt r=cpr,,s arc '.Masters e',e ' _-- - c _., c! PROS 47.551 y;censed experienced attorneys and Masers !evel creciertialed counselors Exempt PRO-( 36 -:^. 19.712 Licensed advanced attorneys (>8C2; of work=supervision) Exempt - PROS 43 34C 56.196 Licensed ser;cr attorneys (4•i80°b of werk=supervision) Exempt PRO6 -:6 Ci2o 52..4t Ucensao:naiandappetalecniefa cmeys(4-180%ofwork=supervision) Exempt. QRAQE PAY RANGE ADMINISTRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF OU71ES ' MIN MAX AOO1 28 560 36, a4 Cepartmental supervisors. Exempt A002 3 t,520 45.389 First assistant department directors Exempt A003 33.-360 49.712 First assistant directors -large dept. department directors(>3 years supervisory experience) Exempt A004 , 36 720 51874 Cepartment directors (3 .5 yrs deparrrent administration or direct supervision experience) Exempt. ADOS 4h 92C 62.041 Oeparmerl directors (any comctraccn of Sc yrs governmental administration and supernsicnl Exemcl. A006 55.080 66 126 Zeoarment directors (any con,binacon of 9- yrs governmental administration and supervision) EExempt. >Jcte t von -exempt status requires overtime compensation. Exempt status does net allow compensation for overtime (-40 worked). >.ote _ Supervision of staff includes training, discipline, evaluations. leave scheduling, suspensions. etc. for F T E•s. 1 PTE = 112 FTE %ite 3 Administration inciudes supervision as well as hmng• termination, budget preparationimanagement, etc. 8r2el200110 08 AM App-die 0 P°nd..9 CJII1Til i...! x Court Avvroval- CERTIFIED COUNTY TREASURER P. O. Box 847 Seminole, Texas 79360 October 29, 2001 Jon, These are only estimates for Joplin salary for June 2002 thru May 2003. Includes no Holiday pay. Holidays have not been set for 20021. Estimates for Caroline Joplin: Salary 32,192.40 S.S. 2,462.72 Ret. 3,331.92 Health Ins. 4,200.00 Dental Ins. 185.28 Life Ins. 78.00 Unemployment 225.40 W. Comp. 188.50 42,864.22 Linda Clark Gaines County Treasurer SALARY SCHEDULE AND OTHER COMPENSATION POLICY--GAINES COUNTY TEXAS (Adopted with 2002 Budget) 2001 2002 Elected Officials (Annual) County Judge 42,180.36 43,867.56 County Commissioners 39,312.00 40,884.48 District Clerk 39,312.00 40,884.48 County Clerk 39,312.00 40,884.48 Tax Assessor -Collector 39,312.00 40,884.48 County Attorney 39,312.00 40,884.48 County Treasurer 39,312.00 40,884.48 Justice of the Peace --Precinct 1 37,698.49 39,206.40 Justice of the Peace --Precinct 2 29,400.00 30,576.00 Sheriff 39,312.00 40,884.48 Employees & Appointees (Monthly) [*indicates eligibility occurs during year for one-year service raise] County Judge Secretary (Pipkin) 2,208.76 2,297.11 District Clerk, Chief Deputy (Phillips) 2,208.76 2,297.11 Deputy (Johnson) 1,999.42 2,079.40 County Clerk Chief Deputy (Reyes) 2,208.76 2,297.11 Deputies (Curtis, Cain, Elias) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Tax Assessor -Deputies (Rosson, Archer, Peddy, Alvarado) 1,999.42 2,079.40 County Attorney Secretary (Macharigui) 1,999.42 2,079.40 (Smith) 1,799.42 *2,079.40 County Treasurer Deputy (Aten—also IHC Clerk 2,208.76 2,297.11 County Auditor & Staff (Salaries As Per Order By District Judge @ 1/1/00) Probation/Chief Juvenile Probabiton Officer (Glass) 828.94 862.10 Juvenile Probation Officer (Dill) (State Reimbursed) 2,643.75 2,749.50 Secretary (Alarcon) 253.83 263.98 Rehabilitation Director (Shackelford) 2,433.35 *2,738.68 Justice of the Peace (Pct 1) Chief Clerk (Clark) 2,208.76 2,297.11 Assistant(Shaw) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Sheriff Secretary (Purcell) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Deputies (Galvan, Haynes, Starsell, Shaw, Rodriquez, Sumrow, Joplin) 2,579.52 2,682.70 Dispatchers (Todd, Scott, Bagwell, James, Wiebe, 2,075.69 2,158.72 Martinez, Smith, Gonzales, Pena) (Espinoza) 1,875.69 *2,158.72 Department of Public Safety Secretary (Vacant) 1,799.42 *2,079.40 Librarian (Molinar) 2,545.81 2,647.64 Assistant (Lambreth, Rodriques, Vasquez) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Assistant (Parker) 1,999.42 *2,079.40 Park Caretaker (Soto) 2,348.88 2,442.84 Golf Course Caretaker (Hammersley) 2,348.88 2,442.84 Livestock & Agriculture County Agent 1,484.31 1,543.68 Home Demonstration Agent 1,147.02 1,192.90 Assistant County Agent 766.23 796.88 Secretary (Kinnison) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Veteran's Service (Opeil) 2,357.78 2,452.09 Seminole Cemetery ( Espinoza, Davila) 2,559.96 2,662.36 Seagraves Cemetery (Bagwell) 2,559.96 2,662.36 Seminole Museum (Thornburg) 1,240.17 1,289.78 Seagraves Museum (Thompson) 1,240.17 1,289.78 Seminole Senior Citizens (Long) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Seagraves Senior Citizens (Martin ($1408 reimbursed)) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Buildings Carpenter (Gressett, Adam, Giesbrecht) 2,692.57 2,800.27 Janitor (Tamez) 2,348.88 2,442.84 **Janitors (Hibbitts) 2,302.76 2,394.87 (wnnHq. Martinez, Flores) 1.7RR.70 1.gF0.25 PROJECT NARRATIVE Section l: Problem Statement and Data The problem to be addressed by the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force is the inability of this area's primarily rural towns and counties' law enforcement agencies to effectively conduct covert narcotics investigations. Of the law enforcement agencies represented in the fourteen county area served by the Task Force, only four agencies have personnel assigned solely to narcotics investigation. Lubbock County Sheriff Office — 2 Plainview Police Department — 1 (Currently vacant) Lamesa Police Department — 1 (Funded through this Grant) Gaines County Sheriff Office — 1 (Funded through this Grant) The remaining agencies' personnel investigate narcotics complaints along with their other assigned criminal cases. Section 2: Goal Statement The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will assist area law enforcement agencies in arresting, and successfully prosecuting those individuals and organizations illegally trafficking in controlled substances, and attempt to identify assets from these offenders for seizure proceedings. Section 3: Target Group The target group for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will include the counties of Bailey, 7,064, Crosby 7,304, Dawson 16,000, Dickens 2,571, Floyd 8,497, Gaines 14,600, Hale 37,300, Kent 354, Lubbock 222,626, Lynn 6,842, Motley 1,532, Terry 12,761. The target group will also include the cities of Levelland 13,986, Littlefield 6,489, Olton 2,116, Sudan 983. Section 4: Project Activities The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force, in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Public Safety Narcotics Service, will target those individuals and groups identified as narcotics traffickers in the South Plains region of the State. The Task Force will infiltrate these organizations through the use of informants, and by utilizing officers in an undercover capacity. Officers will attempt to make undercover purchases of controlled substances from targeted individuals where possible, or officers may use the informant for a controlled purchase. Once a purchase has been made, the PROJECT NARRATIVE (Continued) officer is responsible for the preservation, and lab submission, of any controlled substance evidence. The officer will also prepare necessary reports for documentation of the offense and presentation to prosecutors for the filing of charges, as well as court testimony. In the event of a monetary or property seizure, the officer is also responsible for completing appropriate seizure forms and their submission to prosecutors. Officers will also utilize other investigative means to interrupt narcotics trafficking, such as buy/bust operations, search warrants and knock and talks. In cases initiated in the outlying areas, the Task Force involves the requesting agency in case initiation and development, the targeting of offenders, the recruitment and use of informants, use of surveillance tactics and monitoring equipment, and all other aspects of a narcotics investigation. This provides the requesting agency an active role in the investigation as well as learning narcotic investigation techniques, while the Task Force supplies necessary manpower, technical capabilities and fiscal needs of the investigation. Supervisors are required to be present during any enforcement operation that is undertaken by the Task Force, and assist other officers with surveillance during these activities. Supervisors are responsible for issuing and approving expenditure of confidential funds, approval of reports, approval of operations to be conducted, coordination of Task Force activities, intelligence coordinator, and liaison with outside agencies. The Task Force's K-9 officer will also conduct highway interdiction in another attempt at interrupting the narcotics flow into this region. He coordinates his activities with the activities of the Task Force and outside law enforcement agencies. He is also responsible for maintaining a training regimen and related reports on training, interdiction efforts, and any related offense reports. This officer will also conduct various demonstrations, as well as presentations to this area's schools to assist in demand reduction attempts. Officers of the Task Force are frequently called upon to instruct classes in narcotics law enforcement at the Lubbock Police Department Academy and the South Plains Association of Government's Academy. These classes are for new hires as well as for in-service training. PROJECT NARRATIVE (Continued) Section 5: Project Objectives Output Measures The measures to be utilized by the Task Force for tracking our activity levels will be the following: Cases Initiated by the Task Force Drug Seizures/Purchases Arrests made by the Task Force Asset Seizures/Asset Forfeitures K-9 Demonstrations/School Presentations Narcotics Law Enforcement training conducted a Outcome Measures To measure Task Force success in meeting our goals, a quarterly review will be conducted of project activity to determine the amount of work product expended in assisting area law enforcement agencies in the above listed areas. a Current Data — June 1, 2000 — May 31, 2001 Output Measures Cases Initiated 228 Arrests Felony 172 Misdemeanor 20 Drug Seizures/Purchases Amphetamine/Methamphetamine 734.52g Cocaine 9,254.32g Crack 2,104.87g Marijuana 13,774.69g Asset Seizures Currency $131,248.00 Vehicles 2 Asset Forfeitures Currency $150,129.00 Vehicles 4 K-9 Demo/ School Presentation 3 Training Conducted 2 PROJECT NARRATIVE (Continued) Outcome Measures Cases Initiated 65 Arrests Felony 45 Misdemeanor 1 Drug Seizures/Purchases Amphetamine/Methamphetamine 72.140c, Cocaine 12998.85g Crack 47.41 g Marijuana 740.04g Asset Seizures Currency $4,686.00 Vehicles 0 Asset Forfeitures Currency $577.00 Vehicles 0 K-9 Demo/School Presentation 1 Training Conducted 0 0 Target Levels Output Measures — The project has established a target level of a five percent (5%) increase in the areas of Cases Initiated, Felony Arrests, Drug Seizures/Purchases, and Asset Seizures/Forfeitures. The project also set a target level of conducting one K-9 Demo/School Presentation per quarter, and two training sessions conducted for the grant year. Outcome Measures — The project has established a target level of the Cases Initiated, Felony Arrests, and Drug Seizures/Purchases, through assisting area law enforcement agencies, at fifteen percent (15%) of the project's total work product. PROJECT SUMMARY The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will continue a regional effort among Federal, State, rural and urban law enforcement agencies to enhance area law enforcement capabilities in curbing the narcotics trafficking on the South Plains region of Texas which the Task Force serves. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will provide assistance in narcotics law enforcement to those area law enforcement agencies which are without the fiscal means, manpower, expertise or technical ability to conduct these types of investigations, thereby serving the residents of these counties whose lives are effected by drug traffickers. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will respond to requests for assistance from area law enforcement agencies by devoting manpower and resources toward the interdiction of narcotics trafficking in this region. The Task Force will assist the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of Public Safety Narcotics Service in joint investigations and coordinate our efforts with both agencies for optimum drug enforcement in this area of the state. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force's effectiveness will be determined by our ability to respond to each agency's request for our service, where our assistance would aid area law enforcement agencies in arresting the drug problem each faces, without regard to the level of trafficker being targeted. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS: On the 10' day of December 2001, the Lubbock County Commissioners Court met and unanimously adopted the following resolution: THAT the County Judge of Lubbock County, Texas be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of Lubbock County, Texas a joint application with the City of Lubbock, Texas for grant funding and related documents for the State of Texas, Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for State and Federal assistance for the operation of the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force to combat narcotics and illegal substance trafficking. Lubbock County, Texas has agreed, subject to available funds, to provide a cash match of thirteen thousand, five hundred and twenty five dollars ($13,525.00) to fund 25 percent of Lubbock County's portion of the Project, as required by the State of Texas in order to be eligible to receive such State and Federal funding. RESOLVED THIS 10t` day of December 2001. Tom Head, Lubbock County Judge -L '44 aA2= Kenny Main I Precinct lbert Flores, Precinct 3 REVIEWED: Y B.J. Hemmeline, Civil Chief Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney's Office ATTEST: James�itten, Precinct 2 P,0,C,,,- gq�,� Patti Jones, Precinct Doris Ruff, Lubbock County Clerk RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GAINES COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING AN INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF GAINES AND THE CITY OF LUBBOCK WITH RESPECT TO A JOINT GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR FOR THE SOUTH PLAINS REGIONAL NARCOTICS TASK FORCE AND HEREBY AUTHORIZES THE SHERIFF OF GAINES COUNTY TO ACT AS THE COUNTIES AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE COUNTIES PARTICIPATION IN THE GRANT PROJECT. On this the 26th day of November, 2001 there came on and was held at the regular meeting place, the Gaines County Courthouse, an open meeting of the Commissioners Court of Gaines County, Texas, held pursuant to the provisions of the Texas open Meetings Act; (Local Govt. Code, chapter 551), there being a quorum present and acting throughout the meeting, the following resolution was formally submitted by motion and duly seconded for consideration and action of the meeting, to wit: WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court of Gaines County, Texas, wishes to approve an interagency agreement between the County of Gaines and the city of Lubbock with respect to a joint grant application with the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force and hereby authorizes the Sheriff of Gaines County Texas, to act as the Counties authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the Counties participation in the grant project; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest and welfare that said resolution be passed; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF GAINES COUNTY, TEXAS, that the Commissioners Court of Gaines County, Texas, approves an interagency agreement between the County of Gaines and the City of Lubbock with respect to a joint grant application with the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force to combat narcotics and illegal substances trafficking and hereby authorizes the Sheriff of Gaines County to act as the representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in the grant project. Be it further resolved, Gaines County agrees to their matching fund of 13,487. Upon being put to a vote, the resolution was Passed, Approved, and Adopted this 26th day of Noye er, 2001. Ju y ' , ai Co J ge Robert Wood, Commissioner Terry e ommissioner r,90- ZQ4,�� X�AL Ray G rett, Commissioner Charlie Lopez, Co ssio r COMPREHENSIVE CERTIFICATION (page 1 of 2) This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed with the agency determined to award the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, the agency, in addition to any other remedies available to the federal government, may take available action. If this application is for federal funds in excess of $100,000, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. no federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 2. if any non-federal funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall check here and contact CJD or your local council of governments for the "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," and 3. the undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub - awards at all tiers and that all sub -recipients shall certify accordingly. If this application is for federal funds, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. The applicant certifies that it will provide a drug -free workplace by: A. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition. B. Establishing a drug -free awareness program to inform employees about: 1. the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2. the applicant's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; 3. any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and 4. the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. C. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (A). D. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (A) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will: 1. abide by the terms of the statement, and 2. notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace not later than five days after such conviction. E. Notifying the agency within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (D)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of Stich conviction. F. Taking one of the following actions with respect to any employee who is so convicted: 1. taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or 2. requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency. G. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through the implementation of paragraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 4 CJD Application Kit COMPREHENSIVE CERTIFICATION (This form must be re -submitted each year.) (page 2 of 2) Please read carefully; initial in appropriate spaces. AUDIT CERTIFICATION— ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT Federal 9'thi5obliplication is for federal fiends, I certify (initial the appropriate choice): The applicant agency currently expends combined federal funding of $300,000 or more and, therefore, is required to submit an annual single audit by an endent auditor made in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133. The applicant agency currently expends combined federal funding of less than S300,000 and therefore is exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a CJD grant. I understand, however, that CJD may require a limited scope audit as defined in OMB Circular A-133. State If this application is for state funds, I certify (initial the appropriate choice): The applicant agency currently expends combined state funding of S300,000 or more and, therefore is required to submit an annual single audit by an independent auditor made in accordance with the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS). The applicant agency currently expends combined state funding of less than $300,000 and therefore is exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a CJD grant. I understand, however, that CJD may require a limited scope audit as defined in OMB Circular A-133, adopted by reference in Texas Administrative Code section 3.19 (see also UGMS State Single Audit). EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PLAN (ESOP) CERTIFICATION — ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT Definitions: Type I Entity Educational/medical/non-profit institution/Native American Tribe — certification required (initial below); EEOP NOT required; Tvpe II Entitv All other recipients receiving more than $25,000, but not more than $500,000 — certification required (initial below); organizations must maintain EEOP on file for possible audit if the organization has more than 50 employees; and Tvpe III Entitv For -profit entities and state and local governments receiving S500,000 or more — certification required (initial below); the organization must submit an ESOP to Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for approval. If your organization is a Type 1. 11, or III entity, please initial one of the ollowinz: I certify this organization is a Tvpe I Entity. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in any program or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), is not required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, but will comply with equal employment opportunity program guidelines of the Department of Health and Human Services (28 CFR 42.302). I certify this organization is a Tvpe II Entity that employs less than 50 people. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in }i ogram or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), but is not required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (28 CFR 42.301 et seq.). certify this organization is a Tvpe II Entity that employs 50 or more people. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in an program or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), and has formulated an equal employment opportunity program (28 CFR 42.301 et seq.), that is on file in the office of %�uMAAT.IbO.7-CIS I certify this organization is a Tvpe III Entity. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in any program or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), and has formulated an equal employment opportunity program (28 CFR 42.301 et seq.), that will be submitted to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, for approval upon award of a grant. DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION — ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT i� application is for federal funds in excess of $25,000, I certify that (initial the appropriate choice): `O By submission of this proposal, that neither the applicant agency nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. If I am unable to certify: I am unable to certify the above statement and have attached an explanation to this application. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Resional Narcotics Task Force Project Title K dloq e� - 1 /10 / 02 Signature of the Aut rized Official Date ATTEST: 2�}k^ c 4i o Reb cca Garza, city S creta y Page 5 CJD Application Kit CERTIFIED ASSURANCES (page I Of 3)Applicants must complete this form before they will receive state and/or federal funds. Recipients of state and/or federal funds must fully understand and comply with these requirements. Failure to comply may result in the withholding of funds, termination of the award, or other sanctions. FEDERAL ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies compliance with all federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, including OMB Circulars No. A-21, A-110, A-122, A-128, A-87; Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Regulations; Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR); E.O. 12372 and Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements - 28 CFR, Part 66, Common Rule, that govern the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this project. Also, the Applicant assures and certifies that: 1. LEGAL AUTHORITY — It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all. under -standings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. 2. DISPLACED PERSONS — It will comply with requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions (42 USC §§ 4601 - 4655) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and Federally assisted programs. 3. POLITICAL ACTIVITY — It will comply with provisions of Federal law, which limit certain political activities of employees of a State or local unit of government whose principal employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by Federal grants. (5 USC § 1501, et seq.) 4. FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT — It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (29 USC §§ 201 - 219) if applicable. 5. CONFLICT OF INTEREST — It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is, or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. 6. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS — It will give the sponsoring agency or the Comptroller General, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH REOUIREMENTS — It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Federal sponsoring agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. 8. EPA VIOLATING FACILITIES — It will ensure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the project are not listed in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPAs) list of Violating Facilities, and that it will notify the Federal grantor agency of the receipt of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA. 9. FLOOD INSURANCE — It will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act (Ch. 50 USC § 4001). This section requires, on and after March 2, 1975, the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition purposes for use in any area that had been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. The phrase "Federal financial assistance" includes any form of loan, grant, guaranty, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster assistance loan or grant, or any other form of direct or indirect Federal assistance. 10. HISTORIC PRESERVATION — It will assist the federal grantor agency in its compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 USC § 470), Executive Order 11593, and the Archeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1966, (16 USC § 569a-1, et seq.) by (a) consulting with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) on the conduct of investigations, as necessary, to identify properties listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places that are subject to adverse effects (see 36 CFR Part 800.8) by the activity, and notifying the Federal grantor agency of the existence of any such properties, and by (b) complying with all requirements established by the Federal grantor agency to avoid or mitigate adverse effects upon such properties. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND GUIDES— It will comply, and assure the compliance of all its subgrantees and contractors, with the applicable provisions of Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, or the Victims of Crime Act, as appropriate; the provisions of the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants, M7100.1; and all other applicable Federal laws, orders, circulars, or regulations. Page 6 CJD Application Kit CERTIFIED ASSURANCES (page 2 of 3) 12. COMPLIANCE WITH CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS — It will comply with the provisions of 28 CFR applicable to grants and cooperative agreements including Part 18, Administrative Review Procedure; Part 20, Criminal Justice Information Systems; Part 22, Confidentiality of Identifiable Research and Statistical Information; Part 23, Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies; Part 30, Intergovernmental Revicw of Department of Justice Programs and Activities; Part 42, Nondiscrimination/ Equal Employment Opportunity Policies and Procedures: Part 61, Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act; Part 63, Floodplain Management and Wetland Protection Procedures; and Federal laws or regulations applicable to Federal Assistance Programs. 13. NONDISCRIMINATION — A. It will comply, and all its contractors will comply, with the nondiscrimination requirements of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, (42 USC § 3789(d)), or Victims of Crime Act (as appropriate); Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Subtitle A, Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Department of Justice Non -Discrimination Regulations, 28 CFR Part 42, Subparts C, D, E, and G; and Department of Justice regulations on disability discrimination, 28 CFR Part 35 and Part 39. B. In the event a federal or state court or federal or state administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability against a recipient of funds, the recipient will forward a copy of the finding to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs. C. It will provide an Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP) if required to maintain one, where the application is for S500,000 or more. 14. COASTAL BARRIERS — It will comply with the provisions of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 USC § 3501, et seq.) which prohibits the expenditure of most new Federal funds within the units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System. 15. SUPPLANTING PROHIBITION — It will use funds to supplement existing funds for program activities and may not replace (supplant) non -Federal funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. The Applicant understands that potential supplanting will be the subject of monitoring and audit. Violations can result in a range of penalties, including suspension of future funds under this Program, suspension or debarment from Federal grants, recoupment of monies provided under this grant, and civil and/or criminal penalties. STATE ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies compliance with all state statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements including the Title 1, Chapter 3, of the Texas Administrative Code, and the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of funds for this project. Also, the applicant assures and certifies that: 1. LEGAL AUTHORITY — It possesses legal authority in the State of Texas to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. 2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST — It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or give the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. 3. NONDISCRIMINATION — It will comply with all State and Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. 4. TAXES — It will comply with all State and Federal tax laws and are solely responsible for filing all required State and Federal tax forms. 5. GRANT ADMINISTRATION — It will maintain an appropriate grant administration system to ensure that all terms, conditions and specifications of the grant, including these standard assurances, are met. 6. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS — It will give the sponsoring agency or the Office of the Governor, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. 7. PUBLIC INFORMATION — It will ensure that all information collected, assembled or maintained by the applicant relative to a project will be available to the public during normal business hours in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by law. 8. CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS — It will comply with Section 231.006, Texas Family Code, which prohibits payments to a person who is in arrears on child support payments. Page 7 CJD Application Kit CERTIFIED ASSURANCES (page 3 of 3) 9. SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE —It will comply with the Texas Family Code, Section 261.101 which requires reporting of all suspected cases of child abuse to local law enforcement authorities and to the Texas Department of Child Protective and Regulatory Services. Grantees shall also ensure that all program personnel are properly trained and aware of this requirement. 10. RELATIVES — It will comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 573, by ensuring that no officer, employee, or member of the applicant's governing body or of the applicant's contractor shall vote or confirm the employment of any person related within the second degree of affinity or the third degree of consanguinity to any member of the governing body or to any other officer or employee authorized to employ or supervise such person. This prohibition shall not prohibit the employment of a person who shall have been continuously employed for a period of two years, or such other period stipulated by local law, prior to the election or appointment of the officer, employee, or governing body member related to such person in the prohibited degree. 11. OPEN MEETINGS— If the applicant is a governmental entity, It will comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, which requires all regular, special or called meeting of governmental bodies to be open to the public, except as otherwise provided by law or specifically permitted in the Texas Constitution. 12. HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY — If the applicant is health and human services agency or public safety or law enforcement agency, it will not contract with or issue a' license, certificate or permit to the owner, operator or administrator of a facility if the license, permit or certificate has been revoked by another health and human services agency or public safety or law enforcement agency. 12. LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY —If the applicant is a law enforcement agency regulated by Texas Government Code, Chapter 415, it will comply with all rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 415, or it must provide the Criminal Justice Division with a certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education that the agency is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Project Title i 1 /10 / 02 Signature of the 6 thonzed Official Date ATTEST: k, �� 1 Rebecca Garza, City Secretary Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read and agree to comply with all rules regarding the control and use of confidential funds found in the Office of Justice Programs, Financial Guide, and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 3.717. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Proje Title 1 / 10 / 02 Signature of the Kuthorized Official Date ATTEST: Rebecca Garza, City Secrets y Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 9 CJD Application Kit CERTIFICATION OF DRUG TESTING The applicant assures that 25% of grant funded personnel and those assigned to the project will be randomly tested at least quarterly for illegal narcotics according to applicant policies. This criteria is designed to further provide a drug - free work environment and maintain the integrity of the project. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Project Title r // 1 /10 / 02 Signature of the uthbnzed Official Date ATTEST: Rebecca Garza, City Secret4ry Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 37 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (NEPA) COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION In accordance with NEPA requirements, select all items below that apply by initialing in the space provided next to the respective activity. 1. New construction. 2. Minor renovation or remodeling of a property (not including repairs to existing structures) that either is listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or is located within a 100-year flood plain. 3. A renovation, lease, or any other proposed use of a building or facility that will result in a change in its basic prior use or significantly change its size. 4. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or educational environments. In the event that any of items one through four above are selected, the grantee agency agrees to contact the Texas Narcotics Control Program office immediately for further specific requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act and project eligibility. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Project Title 1 /10 /02 Signature of the Au t orized Official Date ATTEST: 9��t� Rebecca Garza, City Sec tart' Texas Narcotics Control Program (TiVCP) — Page 11 Mitigation, of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks Certification for Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories The grantee agrees to comply with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) relating to clandestine methamphetamine laboratory operations, including the identification, seizure. or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories. The grantee also agrees to comply with any additional federal, state or local environmental, health and safety laws, and regulations applicable to meth lab operations to include the disposal of the chemicals, equipment and wastes resulting from those operations. In addition, the grantee agrees to comply with the following: 1. Provide medical screening of personnel assigned or to be assigned by the grantee to the seizure or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories: 2. Provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required initial and refresher training for law enforcement officials and other personnel assigned by the grantee to either the seizure or the closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories; 3. As determined by their specific duties, equip personnel assigned to the program with OSHA required protective wear and other required safety equipment, 4. Assign properly trained personnel to prepare a comprehensive contamination report on each seized/closed laboratory; 5. Utilize qualified disposal contractors to remove all chemicals and associated glassware, equipment, and contaminated materials and wastes removed from the site(s) of each seized clandestine laboratory; 6. Dispose of the chemicals, equipment and contaminated materials and wastes at properly licensed disposal facilities or, when allowable, at properly licensed recycling facilities; 7. Monitor the transport, disposal, and recycling components of subparagraphs numbered 5 and 6 (immediately above) in order to ensure proper compliance; 8. Develop and/or implement any required written agreements with the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services regarding the safety of any minors located at the clandestine laboratory site. the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, and other entities deemed necessary by the State Administrative Agency. Grantee Acceptance of Special Conditions Applicant's Organization City of Lubbock Project Title South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Name & Titl of hori d O fici - indy Sitton, Mayor Signature: Date: January 10, 2002 ATTEST:�c-, Revised 12-13-2001 Rebecca Garza, City Secr ary Resolution No. 2002-R0012 January 10, 2002 Item No. 26 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an Interagency Agreement to develop a narcotics task force for law enforcement purposes, by and between the City of Lubbock and Gaines County, Texas, attached hereto, and which Agreement shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of the Council shall constitute and be part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein. Passed by the City Council this 10th day of January 12002 . WINDY SIT O , MAYOR ATTEST: Rebecca Garza, City Secretary APPR ED S TO ONTENT — Claud Jones, Inte ' hief of Police APPROVED AS TO FORM: q4t6a k� arold Willard, Asst. City At orney Task Force 2.res Resolution No. 2002-R0012 January 10, 2002 Item No. 26 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS, County of Lubbock This agreement is entered into by and between the CITY OF LUBBOCK, a Municipal Corporation situated in Lubbock County, Texas and GAINES COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, concerning inter -local cooperation contracts. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY wish to file a joint grant application with the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor, State of Texas, for funding in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($486,289.00) for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force, and WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY have agreed to contribute the total of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($137,281.00) in matching funds if said joint application is approved; and WHEREAS, the source of funds would not normally be used for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY believe it to be in their best interests to join in the application to develop a Narcotics Task Force; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY agree to each accept the responsibility to adhere to all pertinent federal, state, and local laws or regulations. NOW THERFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I PURPOSE 1.01 The purpose of this agreement is to allow the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY to file a joint application for a Texas Narcotic Control Program Grant with the Criminal Justice Division, which creates the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force, which application is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE II TERM 2.01 The term of this agreement is to commence on the execution of this Agreement and to end May 31, 2003. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (Continued) ARTICLE III CONSIDERATION 3.01 As consideration for this agreement, the CITY OF LUBBOCK, and GAINES COUNTY agree to contribute a total of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($137,281.00) in matching funds for the enhancement of the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force in the amounts as follows: City of Lubbock $123,794 Gaines County $ 13,487 ARTICLE IV ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 4.01 The specific allocation of the CITY OF LUBBOCK and GAINES COUNTY fund is set out in the attachments to this agreement, and made a part hereof for all purposes. ARTICLE V OWNERSHIP OF EQUIPMENT 5.01 Upon termination of this agreement, ownership of equipment, hardware and other non -expendable items will revert to the applicant for which it was acquired, subject to the approval of the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office. ARTICLE VI AMENDMENTS 6.01 This agreement may be amended by the mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing to be attached to and incorporated into this agreement. ARTICLE VII LEGAL CONSTRUCTION 7.01 In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect such as invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof, and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (Continued) ARTICLE VIII ENTIRE AGREEMENT 8.01 This agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement, or promise relating to the subject matter of this agreement which is not contained herein shall be valid or binding. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS, EACH OF WHICH SHALL HAV THE FULL F E AND EFFECT OF AN ORIGINAL, ON THIS THE DAY OF ,200. ATTEST (Gra ee Authorized Official) WINDY SITTON, Mayor ATTIEST Rebecca Garza City Secretary EXHIBIT "A,• Resolution No. 2002—R0009 GRANT APPLICATION COVER SHEET (page 1 of 1) 1. Legal name of organization applying: 9. Title of Project: City of Lubbock South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force 2. Division or unit within the applicant organization to administer the project: 10. Application for: Police Department Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) 3. Official applicant organization mailing address: P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 4. Choose the box that best describes the project: 11. County where headquarters are based: Project Description Lubbock ❑ Courts and Prosecution ❑ Domestic Source Reduction 12. Population of the county where the headquarters are based: ❑ Forensics/DNA ❑ Substance Abuse Treatment ❑ Evaluation Projects ❑ Prison Industry Projects 242,628 ❑ Technology Improvements ❑ WitnesslJuror/Victim Assistance 13. All cities and counties in the service area of the project and the population of ® Narcotics Task Force ❑ Anti -terrorism Project Gangs Financial Investigations ❑ ❑ ❑ Alternatives to Incarceration ❑ Public Correctional Facility Improvement each: Bailey County 6,594 Crosby County 7,072 Dawson County 16,000 Dickens County 2,762 Floyd County 7,771 Gaines County 14,600 Hale County 36,602 Kent County 354 ❑ Operational Effectiveness Lynn County 6,550 Lubbock County 242,628 Improvement Motley County 1,426 Terry County 12,761 Levelland 12,866 Littlefield 6,507 Olton 2,288 Sudan 1,039 5. Person who can answer specific questions aboutthis application. Name: Ricky Cross Title: Captain Address: P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 14, Grant Start Date: Telephone Number: 806-775-2868 June 1, 2002 Fax number: 806-775-3094 15. Is this an application for first -year funding? e-mail address: rcross@rnai1.ci.1ubbock.tx.us ❑ Yes ® No 6. Agency's State Payee Identification Number: If "No", complete the following. 1-75-6000590-6 Year of funding for this application (check one): 7. Is the applicant organization delinquent on any state or federal debt? ❑ Yes (If Yes, attach explanation) ® No ❑ Year 2 ❑ Year 3 ❑ Year 4 ❑ Year 5 ® Year 15 Current Grant#: DB-01-13841-03 8. Requested Funds Amount Requested CJD Funds 486,287 Cash Match 162,098 TOTAL 648,3 85 16. Date and city of application workshop attended: N/A To the best of my knowledge, all information in this application is true and correct. 17. If a local application, COG to which a copy of the application was submitted: The application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant South Plains Association of Governments and agrees to comply with all CJD rules, including the attached assurances, if awarded. Is this application in response to a local/regional Request for Applications? ❑ Yes ®No 18. If project is statewide, on what date was a copy of the application submitted for TRACS Review: Windy Sitton Is this application in response to a statewide Request for Applications? ❑ Yes ® No Ty name of uthonzed Offs I Signature of Auth ' ed Official 1 / 10/ 02 � P * .; p ostiared(`1� U►.��i3� � ��� a ,. .... uc t1 X, m R{� Date Signed CO '%11ppGcUo" jdener_� ATTEST: ) Texas Narcotics Control Pro grain (TiVCP Page 2 eecca Garza, City Secret y S ' ) — g DESIGNATION OF GRANT OFFICIALS (page 1 of 1) LEGAL NAME OF AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force ® Mr. ❑ Ms. Claude T.Jones PROJECT DIRECTOR NAME (Type or Print) Chief of Police Lubbock Police Department Title and Agency P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock 79457 Official Agency Mailing Address City Zip 806-775-2750 806-775-2781 Daytime Telephone Number Fax Number ci onesCa)mail.ci.l ubbock.tx.us E-Mail Address $I Mr. ❑ Ms. Perry Stout FINANCIAL OFFICER (Type or Print) Director of Accounting, City of Lubbock Title and Agency P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock 79457 Official Agency Mailing Address City Zip 806-775-2160 806-775-3273 Daytime Telephone Number Fax Number ostoutna,mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us E-Mail Address ❑ Mr. ® Ms. Windv Sitton AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL (Type or Print) Mayor, City of Lubbock Title and Agency P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock 79457 Official Agency Mailing Address City Zip 806-775-2010 806-775-2062 Daytime Telephone Number Fax Number wsitton(a,mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us E-Mail Address Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 3 i exas Narcotics Crmrol Progam PROJECT BUDGET SUNINIARY APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 .. .. ............ . . ... . .................................................. . ... .... ..... .... ..M ............ ............. ............ ... . ... ............. ....... ......................... ... ... ... .. .... ..... ..... ....... .... .... ..... .. ....N... .. ........ ............................................................................................ ............ . ...... . ..........I..............I...... ....1. .11....................................• ...... ....... ... .._. ......... ....... .I.... ..... ..................................... ....... .... .. ............ ......... ........ ...... ...... .............. ..... ........... ... .......... .............. . . ... .....I... ............ .... ....UTA ............. . . .......... . ......... .................................... ....... .... ............ .. . .1...... ........................... ...... . ............... . .. ........ ... ...... .......................................................................... ............... :. . .... .. ...... . . ......:: ......... .. ............ ..... DXTC ..... . . .....A ............ ........... .... ......... .. ... ....�.. . ... .. ........................-................__.............. .................. ............... . ....... . M� .... g� S 447,171.00 A.PERSONNEL Xx INZI . . . . . . . B. PROFESSIONAL &CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I' MINI �j MIN S 1220.00 , C.TRAVEL Elf 110 S 11600.00 , D. EQUIPMENT F. SUPPLIES& DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES awffl, gg?; ow. 3,394.00 Ima GRAND TOTAL S 486,287.00 S 162.098.00 S 648.385.00 CASH MATCH MUST TOTAL AT LEAST: S 162,096.25 (t) City of Lubbock $ 123,794.00 j(1l) (2) City of Lamesa $ 11,292.00 (12) (3) Lubbock County $ 13,525.00 (13) (4) Gaines County $ 13,487.00 (14) (5) (6) (16) (7) (9) U (10) Total Cash Nlatch 162,098.00 ....... ..... .. .. .......... ate . .. ........ ...... . ....... d iep ......... F� "'nomwe ?way 130. s�ti4�. On ... pee 5:tx1:. �q 6jfj.&t2 .... ........ . .. ....... : ............. . ... ........... ... .... ..... . .. PROGRAM INCOME ON -HAND (as of grant application submission) $245,297 pagv2f) Texas Narcotics Control Program Resolution No. 2002--R0009 PERSONNEL SUMMARY - SCHEDULE "A" APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 IlRECT SALARIES E t Y<� A�:.,�� �` r GRatT PU IT1QK' o, AM - PARENTAGE CY" °/` o OE TIME� r T x E TOAL .�� . (1) Supervisor Lubbock P.D. Sergeant 100% $ 53,304.00 (2) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Corporal 100% $ 48,791.00 (3) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Officer 100% $ 45,616.00 (4) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Officer 100% $ 45,616.00 (5) Investigator Lubbock P.D. Officer 100% $ 45,616.00 (6) Investigator Lamesa P.D. Officer 100% $ 28,272.00 (7) Investigator Lubbock County D.A. Investigator 100% $ 31,700.00 (8) Investigator Gaines Co. S.O. Deputy 100% $ 32,192.00 (9) $ (10) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ DIRECT SALARIES $ 331,107.00 FRINGE BENEFITS $ 116,064.00 PERSONNEL BUDGET $ 447,171.00 page _0A texas :oarcoacs Lontrot rroerani Resolution No. 2002-R0009 PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - SCHEDULE "B" APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 i 11". �, '' - r v 4' , DESCRIP ION © .SERVICE r �� f w ' U, b,�� , 3"-ae ,"3�?F z Bill m "fi`„��n, H.k1't�:. '3� '{ Y r : t „�, F � '�° < <': �?.;`�"' -.` „� r TOTAL t2 s S� :,,> , s.'�a�a, = S i S (1) Drug Analysis $ 800.00 (2) Drug Testing $ 420.00 (3) $ (4) $ (5) $ (6) $ (7) $ (8) $ (9) $ (10) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ TOTAL PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 1,220.00 page 2I l CNUh .4 111 WLIL;b L. UIILCUI 1'IY)gum Resolution No. 2002-R0009 TRAVEL SUMMARY - SCHEDULE locos APPLICANT AGENCY: .......... Ci of Lubbock . PROJECT TITLE: South "Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1 2002 id,rin*rr: - LOCAL pERSONbL `I/EHCL'EtItLEAGE CCS7S' +?L7n' "T*' ✓.,TivY&ArF.-sd'3V1bmr.,s. _ > mn' »�� 'A ":. .1f"ly 3 wlYb .%e - ...5'.. SF si�-Fib A`�i... Arg_., "6M '_,'. St A R1li�TELI 1lEAGE k� €: E� �xPC1R "0�0 d1) $ (2) $ (3) $ TOTAL COST FOR LOCAL PERSONAL VEHICLE TRAVEL Is - TR�►1JEL '" QNEC�EGE Oft SC�DOL NAME DEBT NAT( N (CI TA�`E) A U AL { . (1) T.N.C.P. Annual Conference T.B.A. $ 7,530.00 (2) Leadership Conference T.B.A. $ 990.00 (3) Regional Commander's Meeting T.B.A. $ 520.00 (4) Basic Narcotic Inv. School T.B.A. $ 2,560.00 (5) $ (6) $ (7) $ (8) i$ (9) $ ;v) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18} $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ NON -LOCAL TOTAL Is 11,600.00 TOTAL TRAVEL BUDGET $ 11,600.00 p:1c 22 I eXas NarCO[1C5 Uomrol Program Resolution No. 2002-R0009 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES - SCHEDULE "D" APPLICANT AGENCY: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 �; Q�I' M E�I�(T1�1M DR EEC P O �QU�NttTY`�� Iao NoT LIST NA,ER I�dS TC� A (1) $ (2) $ (3) $ (4) $ (5) $ (6) $ (7) $ (8) $ (9) S (10) $ (11) $ (12) $ (13) $ (14) $ (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ [TOTAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASES $ - Page 23 r ChaJ lNUICOLICS l,Unlrol rrogram Resolution No_ 2002-R0009 SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES - SCHEDULE 171 APPLICANT AGENCY: City Of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force GRANT START DATE: June 1, 2002 �a DlRECTL�(CHRG'D'SUPPLl�Srw �. xe�� d'$ >:r.i„xN% _'".z9'E">".,C3 .,i`„ .4 ."'ai's.;•.aY 'S'.iM. :'f ikl ... b".d.,�. ..'EY e t ,t.,. ,ti^F.��: (1) Audio/Video Cassette Tapes $ 1,600.00 (2) Batteries $ 2,000.00 (3) CeIIuIar Service Charge $ 840.00 (4) C.L.E.R.I.S. $ 8,000.00 (5) Clothing Allowance $ 5,000.00 (6) Communication Cost $ 10,860.00 (7) Confidential Funds $ 60,000.00 (8) Copier Rental $ 1,644.00 (9) Costs for Space $ 16,800.00 (10) Drug Trak Software Maintenance $ 400.00 (11) Narcotic Test hits $ 1,000.00 (12) Office Supplies $ 2,800.00 (13) Vehicle Fuel and Maintenance $ 17,450.00 (14) Vehicle Lease $ 60,000.00 (15) $ (16) $ (17) $ (18) $ (19) $ (20) $ (21) $ (22) $ (23) $ (24) $ (25) $ (26) $ TOTAL SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSES $ 188,394.00 page 24 Budget Detail Descriptions and Justifications PERSONNEL Total — $447,171 Salaries — $331,107 Sergeant Lubbock P.D. $53,304 x 100% of time = $53,304 Corporal Lubbock P.D. $48,791 x 100% of time = $48,791 Investigator Lubbock P.D. $45,616 x 100% of time = $45,616 Investigator Lubbock P.D. $45,616 x 100% of time = $45,616 Investigator Lubbock P.D. $45,616 x 100% of time = $45,616 Investigator Lamesa P.D. $28,272 x 100% of time = $28,272 Investigator Lubbock County D.A. $31,700 x 100% of time = $31,700 Investigator Gaines County S.O. $32,192 x 100% of time = $32,192 Full time employees will provide the following services: administrative and supervisory duties, law enforcement activities, asset seizure investigation and program development. The Project is anticipating a five percent (5%) across the board increase in salaries for project personnel in the upcoming fiscal year. Therefore, current salary schedules do not reflect this projected increase. Fringe Benefits — $116,064 $116,064 in fringe benefits based on $331,107 in salaries PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Total - $1,220 Drug Analysis, $800 The project maintains a quantity of cocaine to be utilized in "reverse operations". After completion of such operations, the substance must be analyzed for quality and quantity. The project estimates conducting four of these operations per year. Cost is based on $200 per analysis. Drug Testing, $420 The project is required to test 25% of grant -funded and assigned personnel. Those assigned to the project will be randomly tested quarterly for illegal narcotics. Cost is based on $30 per test. TRAVEL AND TRAINING Total - $11,600 In -state travel and training costs, $11,600 Costs will be used to send project staff to training conferences and schools within Texas that teach skills related to narcotics enforcement and administration. Costs will be expended using the grantee agencies' travel policies for per diem and lodging. Additional costs may include fees and tuition, parking fees, and ground transportation. �iTPPi,iFS Total - $188,394 Audio/Video Cassette Tapes, $1,600 Utilized by project to record narcotic transactions conducted by agents and utilized as evidence in court. Batteries, $2,000 All covert audio equipment uses batteries. Batteries are replaced after each use to ensure quality reception, for officer safety and corroborative testimony. Cellular Service Charge, $840 Service charge for cellular phone, audio recording/monitoring device, used by project staff while conducting undercover investigations. C.L.E.R.I.S., $8,000 Service line charge for required participation in system. Clothing Allowance, $5,000 Lubbock Police Department personnel receive a $1,000 per year clothing/equipment allowance to purchase duty related uniform/clothing items. Communication Cost, $10,860 Telephone service for five lines, long distance costs, pager and cellular phone service for eight project personnel. Confidential Funds, $60,000 Provide funds for the purchase of evidence, information and services. This amount is based on expenditures from previous years. Copier Rental, $1,644 Used daily for photocopying confidential funds used in purchasing evidence, case reports, search warrants, and other documents. Costs for Space, $16,800 Rental of warehouse, 6,500 sq. ft., for the secure storage of seized vehicles pending forfeiture. Drug Trak Software Maintenance, $400 Project maintains case file information, intelligence, expenditure, and seizure information utilizing this program. Cost provides support and service advice, supplies new versions of software when available. Narcotic Test Kits, $1,000 Used to field test substances seized or purchased by the project. Office Supplies, $2,800 Costs will include postage, copy paper, envelopes, computer diskettes, paper clips, pens pencils, writing pads, calendars, folders, binders, and other basic consumable supplies used in the administrative functions of the project. Vehicle Fuel and Maintenance, $17,450 To provide costs needed for utilizing project lease vehicles during project operations, surveillance, travel, etc. Vehicle Lease, $60,000 Provide reliable vehicles for project personnel. Name Sgt Van Roy Pierce Corp Jimmy Pachall Officer Hutson Officer Reyna Officer Gerber NARCOTICS GRANT INFORMATION Salary FICA TMRS Life Medical Dental 53,304 4,078 7,616 27 4,190 368 48,791 3,732 6,879 27 4,190 368 45,616 3,490 6,432 27 4,190 368 45,616 3,490 6,432 27 4,190 368 45,616 3,490 6,432 27 4,190 368 FICA - Salary x 7.65% TMRS - Salary x 14.10% Life/Medical/Dental - FY 01-02 rate LTD - Salary x .0035 - Long - FY 01-02 rate Wrkrs Comp - Budgeted $137,268 for year/# of FTE's in cost center (89) Education Incentive Pay - Verified with Payroll (Currently 57.69 a pay period) LTD Stab/Long Wrkes Comp 187 1,012.00 1,542.34 171 528.18 1,542.34 160 720.45 1,542.34 160 528.18 1,542.34 160 532.00 1,542.34 AIEP 0.00 0.00 1,499.94 0.00 0.00 CITY OF LUBBOCK POLICE PAY SCHEDULE Eff. 10/6/01 GRADE TITLE D STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D CS6 (680} l Police Chief Asst. (H) 36.108 39.055 42.193 ❑�� (B} 2,888.64 3,124.40 3,375.44 D� �DD� (M) 6,258.72 6,769.53 7,313.45 CD❑� (A) 75,104.64 81,234.40 87,761.44 DDD��D��DD�D� CS5 (660) Police Captain � 31,72B 33.440 34.115 ❑��❑ 2,538.08 2,675.20 2,729.20 D��D 5,499.17 5,796.27 5,913.27 ��❑�❑ 65,990.08 69,555.20 70,959.20 C� c�DODooDDo CS4 (650) ❑ Veutenant ja 10 28.369 2,269.52 29.629 2,370.32 30.216 2,417.28 D� C� D_D❑�❑ 4,917.29 5,135.69 5,237.44 ��D�D 59,007.52 61,628.32 62,849.28 DD CDCD�DDODDD�D� CS3 (640} Sergeant ❑ 25.143 25.62T 26.139 ❑��� 2,011,44 2,050.16 2,091.12 DDD�D 4,358.12 4,442.01 4,530.76 DD❑��❑ 52,297.44 53,304.16 54.369.12 �� C�F7 CS2 (630) Police Corporal F-1 a 23.028 23.457 23.925 C�❑��❑ 1,842.24 1,876.56 1,914.00 C�❑�❑ 3,991.52 4,065.88 4.147.00 C�❑��❑ 47,898.24 48,790.56 49,764.00 �� DDF-1 CS1 (620) Police Officer El ❑ 18,208 DD�O 19.367 20.583 21.931 �D D 1,456.64 1,549.36 1,646.64 1.754.48 Prob. Police NCSP (610) Officer (non- ❑ 16.331 �� Civil Service) Progression in each pay grade is based on seniority in that pay grade. Seniority is defined as the last continuous period of service. Employees who successfully complete one (1) year as Probationary Police Officer move to grade CS1. Police Officers then progress through steps in CS1 annually. Progress from Step A to Step C in the other grades requires two continuous years of employment in each step. However, if the anniversary date occurs during the last half of the pay period, the increase does not become effective until the beginning of the next pay period. Biweekly rate = Hourly • 80. Annual rate = Biweekly' 26. Monthly rate = AnnuaU12. POLICE DEPARTMENT ; PROPOSED MODIFIED PAY PLAN - CERTIFIED; POLICE OFFICERS FISCAL YEAR 2001 - 2002' PAY PLAN BY GRADES: ay Job Grade i Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Group Category Base -Merit ase Merit Base. Merit -Base Merit f3ase Patrol Officer Basic no experience) Entry 1,844 1,899 1,964 2,022, 2,175 2,240 2,351 2,422 2,536 II Patrol Officer Basic min 1 yr Basic + min 1 yr Int.!,' rein 1 yr Acv, min 1 yr Master .(with experience Base in base + Z yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 1,964 2,022 2,084 2,147 2,205 2,271 2,384 2,455 2,567 f J� (Corporal) Basic min 1 yr Int min I yr km + min 1 yr Aw. min 1 yr Master (inactive) + 2 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 1,964 2,022 2,120w 2,183 2,356 2,426 2,547 2,623 2,777 i I I Cetective Basic min i yr - Basic + min 1 yr Int. min 1 yr Aov. min 1 yr Master + 1 r in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 2,058 2,120 2,239 2,306 2.541 2,617 2,748 2,830 3,022 IV Sergeant Basic+ min 1 yr Int. r min 1 yr Int. + min 1 yr ACy. min 1 yr Master + 2 yrs in base + 2 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 2,266 2,334 2,493 2,568 2,681 2.762 2.900 2,987 3,153 V Lieutenant Int. min 1 yr Int. + min 1 yr Adv. min 1 yr Adv. + min i yr Master + 2 yrs in base + 2 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base + 3 yrs in base 2,386 2,457 2,836 2,921 2,978 3,067 3,191 3,286 3,364 Vi Captain Int. min 1 yr Adv, min 1 yr Adv, min 1 yr Adv min 1 yr Master + 5 yrs in base I I in base I in base in base INC&MVE PAY: EduecFoncl Incentive Pay. $ 1.00 per college Credit hour earned per month, up to a maximum of 3 120.00. Addffionof Cerfffieaffon Pay. TCLEOSE Intermediate Certificate $ 50.00 per -nonth TCLEOSE Advanced Certificate $ 100.00 per month TC1 ECSE Master Peace Officer Certificate 3 150.00 per month TCLEQSE instructor's Certificate $ 25.00 per month Emergency Care Attendant Certification $ 25.00 per month d.A.R.E. Certification & assignment $ 50.00 per month Specid Duty Pay. E. R T. Certification & Duty $ 25.00 per month Intoxiiyzer Operator Certification & Duty $ 50.00 per month CITY OF LAMESA POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY $28,272.00 F.I.C.A. 6.20% MEDICARE 1.45% T.M.R.S. 10.85% LIFE INSURANCE $0 HEALTH $275.00 DENTAL $18.00 LONGEVITY 14.76 INCENTIVE PAY $203.00 WORK. COMP. $69.54 WILLIAM C. SOWDER CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY P.O. BOX 10536 LUBBOCK. TEXAS 79408-3536 Office of the Criminal District Attorney October 11, 2001 CDA Memo From: George White To: Randy Franklin Re: Brent Rose Salary FY02 Brent Rose is presently classified as a PSO4 Salary and benefits $43,014.00 Salary $31,700 FICA $1,965 Medicare $460 Insurance Health $4,446 Insurance Dental $312 Insurance, Life $42 Unemployment $63 Workmen's Comp $1,173 Retirement $2,853 Lubbock County Courthouse 904 Broadway Second Floor Lubbock, Texas 79401 (806)775-1100 Fax(806)775-1154 GRADE PAY RANG9 CLERICA . DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX CLO1 +.5 300 22.695 Clerk or receptionist. Non-exempt. CL02 18 3600 29.39E .Advarce_ : erk and cc- rnuricattdn specialist Non-exempt CL00 _ -20 31340 Admirosir3: eassistar-.-6C%of•work=superrisiomor courtccorcinator Non-exempt rL04 234501 33 502 3ffce:narager (super.ismg 2.318014 of wcrt=supervisioni Exemct CLO5 28 560 38.905 Office manag_r{superv:smg 4118005 of werk=supervislcn). Exempt TRADES GRADE PgY RANGE DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX TRO1 .5 300 22 695 Me-^aric.ma-tenance. tecrrc:ars & equipment operators Nor. exemct TRO2 18.360 28 098 Advanced mechanic, mamterahce. techroaans & equipment operators Non-exempt TRO3 21.42^ 31.340 Credentialed censed trade &technical specialists(>80% of •eicrk=supervision). Non-exempt TR04 23 4EC - 33.502 Tea^ !eaders.advanced licensed trade specialists. (>80% of work=supervision) . Non-exempt. TROS 28 56C 38.905 Foreman (supervising 4-/80% et .vcrx=supervislcn). Exempt. GBA-01 PAY RANGE PUBLIC SAFETY DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX PS01 i5.20^_ 22.695 Security, caseworker. corrections, law enforcement officers Non-exempt. PSJ2 18 36C 28.098 .Advanced security, advanced casew :rker. advanced corrections :'aw enforcement officers. Nen-exemct. as'). 21.420 31 3-0 Investigators. credentiaied :crrecscrai & law enforcement officers and caseworkers Nen-exempt PSO4 23 460 33.°G2 Advanced credentlaled correCttonat & law enforcement officers. specialized caseworkers l>80°1, of mark=surer sion) Nen-exemct PSOS 28 560 38 905 Sergeants correctional & law enfcrcame(lt supervisors (4./80% of work=supervision) Exempt. PS06 34 :•� ; 45.389 t euterants. advanced correctional i ,aw ertercemem supernscrs .80% of work=supervision) Exempt GRADE PAY RANGE PROFESSIONAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES MIN MAX PRO1 26 `_7 36 744 ;udltcrs network seecialists and =rselors Nen-exemct ?R02 3= r .. 43 22e _a'w i-rcc. graduates. entry level vcr.^.eys advanced auditors. re.^sdrx acmtnistrators risk marager Lc.:n=d^.—s and !.fasters e•.e PRO, 47.551 u:censec experienced attorneys and Masters Ievei preaertialea counselors Exempt PRO4 36 - 03 49.71E Licensee advanced attomeys (>80>5 of worx=supervisicnl Exemct PROS 4^ 34C 56.196 cleansed senior attorneys (4•/80%otwork--supennsion) Exempt PROS 46. __o 62.041 L cersa _ ;nai and appelate chief attorneys i4./a0 % of •work=supervision.) Exempt. GRAO_E PAY RANGE ADMINISTRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES ' MIN MAX AD01 28 560 36.744 Cepanmental supervisors. Exempt A002 31.620 45,389 First assistant department directors Exempt. A003 33 360 49.7 12 First assistant directors -large dept. department directors(>3 years supervisory expenenca) Exempt A004 - 36 -'20 4.1874. department directors (3 - 5 yrs department administration or direct supervision experience) Exempt. A005 .id 920 62. C41 Department directors iany combiraeon of 5c yrs governmental acministration and supervisicni Exempt A006 55.080 66 126 Ceoarmentdirectors (any combination of a* yrs governmental administration and supervisiem Exempt. ,Icte t Yon -exempt status requires overtme comcensaton. Exempt status does nct allow compensation for overtime (<40 worked) vote ; Supervision of staff includes traning• aisc:pline. evaluations. leave schedulirg. suspensions, etc. for FTE's. 1 PTE = 1/2 FTE ` otv 3 Aaministfatlan includes supervision as well as hiring, termination, buCget preparation/management. etc. $1291200110 Oa AM A ppendia 0 Pendmq I Court Aoo l CERTIFIED COUNTY TREASURER P. O. Box 847 Seminole, Texas 79360 October 29, 2001 Jon, These are only estimates for Joplin salary for June 2002 thru May 2003. Includes no Holiday pay. Holidays have not been set for 2002! Estimates for Caroline Joplin: Salary 32,192.40 S.S. 2,462.72 Ret. 3,331.92 Health Ins. 4,200.00 Dental Ins. 185.28 Life Ins. 78.00 Unemployment 225.40 W. Comp, 188.50 42, 864.22 Linda Clark Gaines County Treasurer SALARY' SCHEDULE AND OTHER COMPENSATION POLICY--GAINES COUNTY TEXAS (Adopted with 2002 Budget) 2001 2002 Elected Officials (Annual) County Judge 42,180.36 43,867.56 County Commissioners 39,312.00 40,884.48 District Clerk 39,312.00 40,884.48 County Clerk_ 39,312.00 40,884.48 Tax Assessor -Collector 39,312.00 40,884.48 County Attorney 39,312.00 40,884.48 County Treasurer 39,312.00 40,884.48 Justice of the Peace --Precinct 1 37,698.49 39,206.40 Justice of the Peace --Precinct 2 29,400.00 30,576.00 Sheriff 39,312.00 40,884.48 Employees & Appointees (Monthly) (*indicates eligibility occurs during year for one-year service raise] County Judge Secretary (Pipkin) 2,208.76 2,297.11 District Clerk, Chief Deputy (Phillips) 2,208.76 2,297.11 Deputy (Johnson) 1,999.42 2,079.40 County Clerk Chief Deputy (Reyes) 2,208.76 2,297.11 Deputies (Curtis, Cain, Elias) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Tax Assessor -Deputies (Rosson, Archer, Peddy, Alvarado) 1,999.42 2,079.40 County Attorney Secretary (Macharigui) 1,999.42 2,079.40 (Smith) 1,799.42 *2,079.40 County Treasurer Deputy (Aten—also IHC Clerk 2,208.76 2,297.11 County Auditor & Staff (Salaries As Per Order By District Judge @ 1/1/00) Probation/Chief Juvenile Probabiton Officer (Glass) 828.94 862.10 Juvenile Probation Officer (Dill) (State Reimbursed) 2,643.75 2,749.50 Secretary (Alarcon) 253.83 263.98 Rehabilitation Director (Shackelford) 2,433.35 *2,738.68 Justice of the Peace (Pct 1) Chief Clerk (Clark) 2,208.76 2,297.11 Assistant(Shaw) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Sheriff Secretary (Purcell) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Deputies (Galvan, Haynes, Stansell, Shaw, Rodriquez, Sumrow, Joplin) 2,579.52 2,682.70 Dispatchers (Todd, Scott, Bagwell, James, Wiebe, 2,075.69 2,156.72 Martinez, Smith, Gonzales, Pena) (Espinoza) 1,875.69 *2,158.72 Department of Public Safety Secretary (Vacant) 1,799.42 *2,079.40 Librarian (Molinar) 2,545.81 2,647.64 Assistant (Lambreth, Rodriques, Vasquez) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Assistant (Parker) 1,999.42 *2,079.40 Park Caretaker (Soto) 2,348.88 2,442.84 Golf Course Caretaker (Hammersley) 2,348.88 2,442.84 Livestock & Agriculture County Agent 1,484.31 1,543.68 Home Demonstration Agent 1,147.02 1,192.90 Assistant County Agent 766.23 796.68 Secretary (Kinnison) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Veteran's Service (Opeil) 2,357.78 2,452.09 Seminole Cemetery ( Espinoza, Davila) 2,559.96 2,662.36 Seagraves Cemetery (Bagwell) 2,559.96 2,662.36 Seminole Museum (Thornbury) 1,240.17 1,289.78 Seagraves Museum (Thompson) 1,240.17 1,289.78 Seminole Senior Citizens (Long) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Seagraves Senior Citizens (Martin ($1408 reimbursed)) 1,999.42 2,079.40 Buildings Carpenter (Gressett, Adam, Giesbrecht) 2,692.57 2,800.27 Janitor (Tamez) 2,348.88 2,442.84 **Janitors (Hibbitts) 2,302.76 2,394.87 (WnnHq. Martinez. Flores) 1.7RA.70 PROJECT NARRATIVE Section 1: Problem Statement and Data The problem to be addressed by the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force is the inability of this area's primarily rural towns and counties' law enforcement agencies to effectively conduct covert narcotics investigations. Of the law enforcement agencies represented in the fourteen county area served by the Task Force, only four agencies have personnel assigned solely to narcotics investigation. Lubbock County Sheriff Office — 2 Plainview Police Department — 1 (Currently vacant) Lamesa Police Department — 1 (Funded through this Grant) Gaines County Sheriff Office — 1 (Funded through this Grant) The remaining agencies' personnel investigate narcotics complaints along with their other assigned criminal cases. Section 2: Goal Statement The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will assist area law enforcement agencies in arresting, and successfully prosecuting those individuals and organizations illegally trafficking in controlled substances, and attempt to identify assets from these offenders for seizure proceedings. Section 3: Target Group The target group for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will include the counties of Bailey, 7,064, Crosby 7,304, Dawson 16,000, Dickens 2,571, Floyd 8,497, Gaines 14,600, Hale 37,300, Kent 354, Lubbock 222,626, Lynn 6,842, Motley 1,532, Terry 12,761. The target group will also include the cities of Levelland 13,986, Littlefield 6,489, Olton 2,116, Sudan 983. Section 4: Project Activities The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force, in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Public Safety Narcotics Service, will target those individuals and groups identified as narcotics traffickers in the South Plains region of the State. The Task Force will infiltrate these organizations through the use of informants, and by utilizing officers in an undercover capacity. Officers will attempt to make undercover purchases of controlled substances from targeted individuals where possible, or officers may use the informant for a controlled purchase. Once a purchase has been made, the PROJECT NARRATIVE (Continued) officer is responsible for the preservation, and lab submission, of any controlled substance evidence. The officer will also prepare necessary reports for documentation of the offense and presentation to prosecutors for the filing of charges, as well as court testimony. In the event of a monetary or property seizure, the officer is also responsible for completing appropriate seizure forms and their submission to prosecutors. Officers will also utilize other investigative means to interrupt narcotics trafficking, such as buy/bust operations, search warrants and knock and talks. In cases initiated in the outlying areas, the Task Force involves the requesting agency in case initiation and development, the targeting of offenders, the recruitment and use of informants, use of surveillance tactics and monitoring equipment, and all other aspects of a narcotics investigation. This provides the requesting agency an active role in the investigation as well as learning narcotic investigation techniques, while the Task Force supplies necessary manpower, technical capabilities and fiscal needs of the investigation. Supervisors are required to be present during any enforcement operation that is undertaken by the Task Force, and assist other officers with surveillance during these activities. Supervisors are responsible for issuing and approving expenditure of confidential funds, approval of reports, approval of operations to be conducted, coordination of Task Force activities, intelligence coordinator, and liaison with outside agencies. The Task Force's K-9 officer will also conduct highway interdiction in another attempt at interrupting the narcotics flow into this region. He coordinates his activities with the activities of the Task Force and outside law enforcement agencies. He is also responsible for maintaining a training regimen and related reports on training, interdiction efforts, and any related offense reports. This officer will also conduct various demonstrations, as well as presentations to this area's schools to assist in demand reduction attempts. Officers of the Task Force are frequently called upon to instruct classes in narcotics law enforcement at the Lubbock Police Department Academy and the South Plains Association of Government's Academy. These classes are for new hires as well as for in-service training. PROJECT NARRATIVE (Continued) Section 5: Project Objectives • Output Measures The measures to be utilized by the Task Force for tracking our activity levels will be the following: Cases Initiated by the Task Force Drug Seizures/Purchases Arrests made by the Task Force Asset Seizures/Asset Forfeitures K-9 Demonstrations/School Presentations Narcotics Law Enforcement training conducted • Outcome Measures To measure Task Force success in meeting our goals, a quarterly review will be conducted of project activity to determine the amount of work product expended in assisting area law enforcement agencies in the above listed areas. • Current Data — June 1, 2000 — May 31, 2001 Output Measures Cases Initiated 228 Arrests Felony 172 Misdemeanor 20 Drug Seizures/Purchases Amphetamine/Methamphetamine 734.52g Cocaine 9,254.32g Crack 2,104.87g Marijuana 13,774.69g Asset Seizures Currency $131,248.00 Vehicles 2 Asset Forfeitures Currency $150,129.00 Vehicles 4 K-9 Demo/ School Presentation 3 Training Conducted 2 PROJECT NARRATIVE (Continued) Outcome Measures Cases Initiated 65 Arrests Felony 45 Misdemeanor 1 Drug Seizures/Purchases Amphetamine/Methamphetamine 72.14g Cocaine 12998.85g Crack 47.41 Cr Marijuana 740.04g Asset Seizures Currency $4,686.00 Vehicles 0 Asset Forfeitures Currency $577.00 Vehicles 0 K-9 Demo/School Presentation 1 Training Conducted 0 • Tar2et Levels Output Measures — The project has established a target level of a five percent (5%) increase in the areas of Cases Initiated, Felony Arrests, Drug Seizures/Purchases, and Asset Seizures/Forfeitures. The project also set a target level of conducting one K-9 Demo/School Presentation per quarter, and two training sessions conducted for the grant year. Outcome Measures — The project has established a target level of the Cases Initiated, Felony Arrests, and Drug Seizures/Purchases, through assisting area law enforcement agencies, at fifteen percent (15%) of the project's total work product. PROJECT SUMMARY The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will continue a regional effort among Federal, State, rural and urban law enforcement agencies to enhance area law enforcement capabilities in curbing the narcotics trafficking on the South Plains region of Texas which the Task Force serves. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will provide assistance in narcotics law enforcement to those area law enforcement agencies which are without the fiscal means, manpower, expertise or technical ability to conduct these types of investigations, thereby serving the residents of these counties whose lives are effected by drug traffickers. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will respond to requests for assistance from area law enforcement agencies by devoting manpower and resources toward the interdiction of narcotics trafficking in this region. The Task Force will assist the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of Public Safety Narcotics Service in joint investigations and coordinate our efforts with both agencies for optimum drug enforcement in this area of the state. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force's effectiveness will be determined by our ability to respond to each agency's request for our service, where our assistance would aid area law enforcement agencies in arresting the drug problem each faces, without regard to the level of trafficker being targeted. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS: On the 10`t' day of December 2001, the Lubbock County Commissioners Court met and unanimously adopted the following resolution: THAT the County Judge of Lubbock County, Texas be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of Lubbock County, Texas a joint application with the City of Lubbock, Texas for grant funding and related documents for the State of Texas, Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for State and Federal assistance for the operation of the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force to combat narcotics and illegal substance trafficking. Lubbock County, Texas has agreed, subject to available funds, to provide a cash match of thirteen thousand, five hundred and twenty five dollars ($13,525.00) to fund 25 percent of Lubbock County's portion of the Project, as required by the State of Texas in order to be eligible to receive such State and Federal funding. RESOLVED THIS 10' day of December 2001. i lbert Flores, Precinct 3 REVIEWED: y B.J. Hemmeline, Civil Chief Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney's Office Az t Tom Head, Lubbock County Judge ATTEST: James iitten, Precinct 2 P,0,,S�9� Patti Jones, Precinct Doris Ruff, Lubbock County Clerk RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GAINES COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING AN INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF GAINES AND THE CITY OF LUBBOCK WITH RESPECT TO A JOINT GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION OF THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR FOR THE SOUTH PLAINS REGIONAL NARCOTICS TASK FORCE AND HEREBY AUTHORIZES THE SHERIFF OF GAINES COUNTY TO ACT AS THE COUNTIES AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE COUNTIES PARTICIPATION IN THE GRANT PROJECT. On this the 26th day of November, 2001 there came on and was held at the regular meeting place, the Gaines County Courthouse, an open meeting of the Commissioners Court of Gaines County, Texas, held pursuant to the provisions of the Texas open Meetings Act; (Local Govt. Code, chapter 551), there being a quorum present and acting throughout the meeting, the following resolution was formally submitted by motion and duly seconded for consideration and action of the meeting, to wit: WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court of Gaines County, Texas, wishes to approve an interagency agreement between the County of Gaines and the city of Lubbock with respect to a joint grant application with the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force and hereby authorizes the Sheriff of Gaines County Texas, to act as the Counties authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the Counties participation in the grant project; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest and welfare that said resolution be passed; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF GAINES COUNTY, TEXAS, that the Commissioners Court of Gaines County, Texas, approves an interagency agreement between the County of Gaines and the City of Lubbock with respect to a joint grant application with the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor for the South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force to combat narcotics and illegal substances trafficking and hereby authorizes the Sheriff of Gaines County to act as the representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in the grant project. Be it further resolved, Gaines County agrees to their matching fund of 13,487. Upon being put to a vote, the resolution was Passed, Approved, and Adopted this 26th day of 7%or,2001. J' ai o J ge u y , Ray7Grett, Commissioner Robert Wood, Commissioner Terry JQWe�,tommissioner COMPREHENSIVE CERTIFICATION (page 1 of 2) This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed with the agency determined to award the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, the agency, in addition to any other remedies available to the federal government, may take available action. If this application is for federal funds in excess of $100,000, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. no federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 2. if any non-federal funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall check here and contact CJD or your local council of governments for the "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," and 3. the undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub - awards at all tiers and that all sub -recipients shall certify accordingly. If this application is for federal funds, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. The applicant certifies that it will provide a drug -free workplace by: A. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition. B. Establishing a drug -free awareness program to inform employees about: 1. the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2. the applicant's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; 3. any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and 4. the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. C. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (A). D. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (A) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will: 1. abide by the terms of the statement, and 2. notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace not later than five days after such conviction. E. Notifying the agency within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (D)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. F. Taking one of the following actions with respect to any employee who is so convicted: 1. taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or 2. requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency. G. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through the implementation of paragraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 4 CJD Application Kit COMPREHENSIVE CERTIFICATION (This form must be re -submitted each year.) (page 2 of 2) Please read carefully; initial in appropriate spaces. AUDIT CERTIFICATION — ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT Federal I this pplication is for federal fiends, I certify (initial the appropriate choice): The applicant agency currently expends combined federal funding of S300,000 or more and, therefore, is required to submit an annual single audit by an endent auditor made in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133. The applicant agency currently expends combined federal funding of less than $300,000 and therefore is exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a CJD grant. I understand, however, that CJD may require a limited scope audit as defined in OMB Circular A-133. State If this application is for state funds, I certify (initial the appropriate choice): The applicant agency currently expends combined state funding of $300,000 or more and, therefore is required to submit an annual single audit by an independent auditor made in accordance with the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS). The applicant agency currently expends combined state funding of less than S300,000 and therefore is exempt from the Single Audit Act and cannot charge audit costs to a CJD grant. I understand, however, that CJD may require a limited scope audit as defined in OMB Circular A-133, adopted by reference in Texas Administrative Code section 3.19 (see also UGMS State Single Audit). EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PLAN (EEOP) CERTIFICATION — ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT Definitions: Tvpe I Entitv Educational/medical/non-profit institution/Native American Tribe — certification required (initial below); EEOP NOT required; Tvpe II Entitv All other recipients receiving more than $25,000, but not more than $500,000 — certification required (initial below); organizations must maintain EEOP on file for possible audit if the organization has more than 50 employees; and Type III Entitv For -profit entities and state and local governments receiving $500,000 or more — certification required (initial below); the organization must submit an EEOP to Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for approval. 1 vour organization is a Type I. II, or X entity, please initial one of the following; I certify this organization is a Tvne I Entity. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in any program or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), is not required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, but will comply with equal employment opportunity program guidelines of the Department of Health and Human Services (28 CFR 42.302). rI, certify this organization is a Tvne H Entity that employs less than 50 people. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in am or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), but is not required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (28 CFR 42.301 et seq.). certify this organization is a Type II Entity that emplovs 50 or more people. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in an,, YY program or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), and has formulated an equal employment opportunity program (28 CFR 42.301 et seq.), that is on file in the office of HuMaa�iSouZCtS I certify this organization is a Tvpe III Entity. This entity will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination in any program or activity (28 CFR § 42.203), and has formulated an equal employment opportunity program (28 CFR 42.301 et seq.), that will be submitted to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, for approval upon award of a grant. DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION — ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT ipplication is for federal funds in excess of $25,000, I certify that (initial the appropriate choice): By submission of this proposal, that neither the applicant agency nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. If I am unable to certify: I am unable to certify the above statement and have attached an explanation to this application. City of Lubbock South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official Project Title 1 /10 /02 Signature of the Aut rized Official Date ATTEST: -Q rrrl �c ^D C i — Reb cca Garza, City Secretary Page 5 CJD Application Kit ERTIFIED ASSURANCES (page 1 of 3)Applicants must complete this form before they will receive state and/or federal funds. Recipients of state and/or federal funds must fully understand and comply with these requirements. Failure to comply may result in the withholding of funds, termination of the award, or other sanctions. FEDERAL ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies compliance with all federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, including OMB Circulars No. A-21, A-110, A-122, A-128, A-87; Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Regulations; Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR); E.O. 12372 and Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements — 28 CFR, Part 66, Common Rule, that govern the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this project. Also, the Applicant assures and certifies that: 1. LEGAL AUTHORITY — It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including alL under -standings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. 2. DISPLACED PERSONS — It will comply with requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions (42 USC §§ 4601 - 4655) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and Federally assisted programs. 3. POLITICAL ACTIVITY — it will comply with provisions of Federal law which limit certain political activities of employees of a State or local unit of government whose principal employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by Federal grants. (5 USC § 1501, et seq.) 4. FAiR LABOR STANDARDS ACT -- it will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (29 USC §§ 201 - 219) if applicable. 5. CONFLICT OF INTEREST — It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is, or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. 6. EXAMiNATiON OF RECORDS — It will give the sponsoring agency or the Comptroller General, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH REOUIREMENTS — It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Federal sponsoring agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. 8. EPA VIOLATING FACILITIES — It will ensure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the project are not listed in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPAs) list of Violating Facilities, and that it will notify the Federal grantor agency of the receipt of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA. 9. FLOOD INSURANCE — It will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act (Ch. 50 USC § 4001). This section requires, on and after March 2, 1975, the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition purposes for use in any area that had been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. The phrase "Federal financial assistance" includes any form of loan, grant, guaranty, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster assistance loan or grant, or any other form of direct or indirect Federal assistance. 10. HISTORIC PRESERVATION - It will assist the federal grantor agency in its compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of t966, as amended (16 USC § 470), Executive Order 11593, and the Archeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1966, (16 USC § 569a-1, et seq.) by (a) consulting with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) on the conduct of investigations, as necessary, to identify properties listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places that are subject to adverse effects (see 36 CFR Part 800.8) by the activity, and notifying the Federal grantor agency of the existence of any such properties, and by (b) complying with all requirements established by the Federal grantor agency to avoid or mitigate adverse effects upon such properties. 11. COMPLIANCE WiTH LAWS AND GUIDES — It will comply, and assure the compliance of all its subgrantees and contractors, with the applicable provisions of Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, or the Victims of Crime Act, as appropriate; the provisions of the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants, M7100.1; and all other applicable Federal laws, orders, circulars, or regulations. Page 6 CJD Application Kit CERTIFIED ASSURANCES (page 2 of 3) 12. COMPLIANCE WITH CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS — It will comply with the provisions of 28 CFR applicable to grants and cooperative agreements including Part 18, Administrative Review Procedure; Part 20, Criminal Justice information Systems; Part 22. Confidentiality of Identifiable Research and Statistical Information; Part 23, Criminal intelligence Systems Operating Policies; Part 30, Intergovernmental Review of Department of Justice Programs and Activities; Part 42, Nondiscrimination/ Equal Employment Opportunity Policies and Procedures: Part 61, Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act; Part 63, Floodplain Management and Wetland Protection Procedures: and Federal laws or regulations applicable to Federal Assistance Programs. 13. NONDISCRIMINATION — A. It will comply, and all its contractors will comply, with the nondiscrimination requirements of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, (42 USC § 3789(d)), or Victims of Crime Act (as appropriate): Tide VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Subtitle A, Title 11 of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Department of Justice Non -Discrimination Regulations, 28 CFR Part 42, Subparts C, D, E, and G; and Department of Justice regulations on disability discrimination, 28 CFR Part 35 and Part 39. B. In the event a federal or state court or federal or state administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability against a recipient of funds, the recipient will forward a copy of the finding to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs. C. It will provide an Equal Employment Opportunity Program (ESOP) if required to maintain one, where the application is for S500,000 or more. 14. COASTAL BARRIERS — It will comply with the provisions of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 USC § 3501, et seq.) which prohibits the expenditure of most new Federal funds within the units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System. 15. SUPPLANTING PROHIBITION — It will use funds to supplement existing funds for program activities and may not replace (supplant) non -Federal funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. The Applicant understands that potential supplanting will be the subject of monitoring and audit. Violations can result in a range of penalties, including suspension of future funds under this Program, suspension or debarment from Federal grants, recoupment of monies provided under this grant, and civil and/or criminal penalties. STATE ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies compliance with all state statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements including the Title 1, Chapter 3, of the Texas Administrative Code, and the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of funds for this project. Also, the applicant assures and certifies that: 1. LEGAL AUTHORITY — It possesses legal authority in the State of Texas to apply foe the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. 2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST — It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or give the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. 3. NONDISCRIMINATION — It will comply with all State and Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. 4. TAXES — It will comply with all State and Federal tax laws and are solely responsible for filing all required State and Federal tax forms. 5. GRANT ADMINISTRATION — It will maintain an appropriate grant administration system to ensure that all terms, conditions and specifications of the grant, including these standard assurances, are met. 6. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS — It will give the sponsoring agency or the Office of the Govemor, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. 7. PUBLIC INFORMATION — It will ensure that all information collected, assembled or maintained by the applicant relative to a project will be available to the public during normal business hours in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by law. 8. CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS — It will comply with Section 231.006, Texas Family Code, which prohibits payments to a person who is in arrears on child support payments. Page 7 CJD Application Kit CERTIFIED ASSURANCES (page 3 of 3) 9. SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE —It will comply with the Texas Family Code, Section 261.101 which requires reporting of all suspected cases of child abuse to local law enforcement authorities and to the Texas Department of Child Protective and Regulatory Services. Grantees shall also ensure that all program personnel are properly trained and aware of this requirement. 10. RELATIVES — It will comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 573, by ensuring that no officer, employee, or member of the applicant's governing body or of the applicant's contractor shall vote or confirm the employment of any person related within the second degree of affinity or the third degree of consanguinity to any member of the governing body or to any other officer or employee authorized to employ or supervise such person. This prohibition shall not prohibit the employment of a person who shall have been continuously employed for a period of two years, or such other period stipulated by local law, prior to the election or appointment of the officer, employee, or governing body member related to such person in the prohibited degree. 11. OPEN MEETINGS— If the applicant is a governmental entity, [twill comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, which requires all regular, special or called meeting of governmental bodies to be open to the public, except as otherwise provided by law or specifically permitted in the Texas Constitution. 12. HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY — If the applicant is health and human services agency or public safety or law enforcement agency, it will not contract with or issue a license, certificate or permit to the owner, operator or administrator of a facility if the license, permit or certificate has been revoked by another health and human services agency or public safety or law enforcement agency. 12. LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY —If the applicant is a law enforcement agency regulated by Texas Government Code, Chapter 415, it will comply with all rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 415, or it must provide the Criminal Justice Division with a certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education that the agency is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Project Title 1 no / oz Signature of the Othorized Official Date ATTEST: kl Rebecca Garza, City Secrelary Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read and agree to comply with all rules regarding the control and use of confidential funds found in the Office of Justice Programs, Financial Guide, and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 3.717. City of Lubbock South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Applicant's Organization Proje Title 1i 1 Windy Sitton, Mayor 1 /10 / 02 Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official Signature of the Kuthorized Official Date ATTEST: Rebecca Garza, City Secrets y Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 9 CJD Application Kit CERTIFICATION OF DRUG TESTING The applicant assures that 25% of grant funded personnel and those assigned to the project will be randomly tested at least quarterly for illegal narcotics according to applicant policies. This criteria is designed to further provide a drug - free work environment and maintain the integrity of the project. City of Lubbock South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Applicant's Organization Project Title a i Windy Sitton, Mayor i 1 /10 / 02 Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official Signature of the uthorized Official Date ATTEST Rebecca Garza, City Secreta-ry Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 37 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (NEPA) COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION In accordance with NEPA requirements, select all items below that apply by initialing in the space provided next to the respective activity. 1. New construction. 2. Minor renovation or remodeling of a property (not including repairs to existing structures) that either is listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or is located within a 100-year flood plain. 3. A renovation, lease, or any other proposed use of a building or facility that will result in a change in its basic prior use or significantly change its size. 4. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or educational environments. In the event that any of items one through four above are selected, the grantee agency agrees to contact the Texas Narcotics Control Program office immediately for further specific requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act and project eligibility. City of Lubbock Applicant's Organization Windy Sitton, Mayor Printed Name and Title of Authorized Official South Plains Reaional Narcotics Task Force Project Title b " 1 /10 /02 Signature of the AuilorizedL Official Date ATTEST: Q�� 9��, Rebecca Garza, City Sec tart' Texas Narcotics Control Program (TNCP) — Page 11 Mitigation. of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks Certification for Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories The grantee agrees to comply with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) relating to clandestine methamphetamine laboratory operations, including the identification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories. The grantee also agrees to comply with any additional federal, state or local environmental, health and safety laws, and regulations applicable to meth lab operations to include the disposal of the chemicals, equipment and wastes resulting from those operations. In addition, the grantee agrees to comply with the following: 1. Provide medical screening of personnel assigned or to be assigned by the grantee to the seizure or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories: 2. Provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required initial and refresher training for law enforcement officials and other personnel assigned by the grantee to either the seizure or the closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories; 3. As determined by their specific duties, equip personnel assigned to the program with OSHA required protective wear and other required safety equipment; 4. Assign properly trained personnel to prepare a comprehensive contamination report on each seized/closed laboratory; 5. Utilize qualified disposal contractors to remove all chemicals and associated glassware, equipment, and contaminated materials and wastes removed from the site(s) of each seized clandestine laboratory; 6. Dispose of the chemicals, equipment and contaminated materials and wastes at properly licensed disposal facilities or, when allowable, at properly licensed recycling facilities; 7. Monitor the transport, disposal, and recycling components of subparagraphs numbered 5 and 6 (immediately above) in order to ensure proper compliance; s. Develop and/or implement any required written agreements with the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services regarding the safety of any minors located at the clandestine laboratory site. the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, and other entities deemed necessary by the State Administrative Agency. Grantee Acceptance of Special Conditions Applicant's Organization City of Lubbock Project Title South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Name & Titl of hofi74d Off ci indy Sitton, Mayor Signature: l ) %yl g 0 Date: January 10, 2002 ATTEST: Revised 12-13-2001 A��-Q .r a� Rebecca Garza, City Secr ary