HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 3274 - Contract - Mike Klein - Perimeter Fence, TTU Congeneration Site - 12_14_1989Resolution #3274 BID #10425 December 14, 1989 Item #22 HW: js RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract by and between the City of Lubbock and Mike Klein General Contractor, Inc. for the perimeter fence at the cogeneration site, attached herewith, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 14th day of December 1989. E .. McMINN, MAYOR ATTEST: Ranbtte--Boyd, City Secretary -APPROV D AS TO CONTEN Gene Eads, Purch sing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: arold Willard, Assistant City Attorney DGV:dw CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO BID NO. 10425 PERIMETER FENCE FOR 21 MEGAWATT COGENERATION PROJECT WHEREAS, it is desirable to make changes in the contract for this project, being namely the following: Provide additional caliche base material in Texas Tech parking area to match existing pavement system; remove concrete electrical encasement; and additional dirtwork; and WHEREAS, the contract amount will be increased $4,253.00, resulting in a new contract amount of $566,103.00; NOW THEREFORE: The Owner and the Contractor agree to the change made herein. The Contractor agrees to proceed with the installation of additional asphalt paving in accordance with the plans and specifications provided by the Owner. Furthermore, the parties agree that the original contract between the Owner and the Contractor shall be modified to the extent herein indicated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and the Contractor have hereto set their hands this Iq day of ����,,,,�,�,,,, _ 19�/ . CITY OF LUBBOCK (Owner) BY Bbb tas deputy City Manager AP P VED AS TO CONTENT: e Carroll Mc ona Director of Electric Utilities APPROVED AS TO FORM: P�- Dcrhald G. VandiVer, First Assistant City Attorney MIKE KLEIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. (Contractor) BY:. ike Klein, President Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERIMETER FENCE FOR THE 21 MEGAWATT COGENERATION PROJECT CITY OF LUBBOCK LUBBOCK POWER ER LIGHT TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY -. A 48231 'y }iL`r�yyd , rt �\k\�tti..+tiw2` SCHAUER ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTS JOSEPH R. RAPIER, P.E. CO14SUL794G ENGINEERS GRIMES & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEER 09/19/89 SET NO. 110 F 50 I PERIMETER FENCE FOR THE 21 MEGAWATT COGENERATION PROJECT ADDENDUM 10. 1 OCTOBER 16, 1989 The following items shall be incorporated into and becom a part of the work for the above referenced project. Please acknowledge receipt of this addendum op your bid proposal. ITEM 10. 1: DELETE the EQUIPMENT RACK shown rp the detail on meet El. THRU-80LT MOUNT the equipment (PANEL 89A, the new LIGHTING CONTACTOR, and the COMM JUNCTION BOX) directly to the precast concrete tee prior to brick veneer erection. Locate the equipment in the center of the i`i rst precast concrete tee cTear of and west of the open door as shown in the attached REVISED ELECTRICAL PLAN. Mount the equipment az 51-0" above the concrete apron. INTERCEPT the Owner -installed underground CONDUIT and ELBOW -up at base of wail to equipmot. Secure conduit to wall with brackets as required. t- .1 M I I MAI€ED TO VENDOR: 11-27-89 CLOSE: II.-30-89; E:00 p.m, NEW CLOSING DATE: 12-05-89; 2:00 p.m. BID # t04Z5 ADDENDUM "r 2 PLEASE CHANGE THE FOLLOWING: I. Please change the closing date from November 30, 1939 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. to December 5, 1989 at :00 p.m. 2. Please note specifications chan4es attached. THANK YOU, _L ; GENE EARS, C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID PER1h1ETER FENCE FAR THE 21 149GAWATT COGENERATION PROJECT ADDEADUM NO. 2 - NOVE14BER 217, 1989 it 1 1 I The following items small be incorporated into and become a pant of the work for t)i� abova referenced project. Please acknowledge receipt of this a ddMndum on your bid proposal. TE 1 "D. 1; asphaltic paving ;by others M.I.C.} at the location of the substation (from the east side of the utility tunnel westward) will be installed prior to work of this contract. Contractor shall saw -cut asphaltic paving) along the line of the inside fare of the concrete apron and provide an expansion ,joint as shown i r► the attached detail A301A. I-TEM NO. 2: Contractor shall delay pouring of the concrete within the opening of Door B (Bi-parting gate) until all other cunt-rete work has been completed. Coordinate scheduTing of this portion of the work with E=rucon Construction. ITEM NO. 3: On sheet A2 of the drawings 2t the North and South Elevations, t e note Should read: " 2" diam, chilled weep holes,,." in lieu of "V diarn. drilled weep holes...." I10 TEM NO. 4: There shall be oo vehicular traffic or material storage on grade directly above Che utility tunnel traversing the stte. Contractor shall route traffic around or bridge over the tunnel and stare rnat�!rials elsewnere. ITEM U. The concrete sleeve srrown in DetaiI A309 pratectirxg the ' water line which crosses the eastern edge of the site is �a be eliminated. The water line is to be re-routed by others from beneath the foundation. NO. 6: At SecT�ion A305sim, coordinate the location of the eastern most dr,i ed concrete pier with the location of the tire-11ne. The fire -line intersects with work of this contract approximately V east (Verify-}-y.hp- utility tunnel., ITEM N 7: Replace Section A304 arti sheet A3 of the drawings with the at;�a'c ed Sectian A304A elaborrating on mesh fence r_ortstrur-tion. SaIvage and reuse any appiicadle materials from demolished fence work. ITEM NO. 8 : In the specifications, Sect i on 3GI , PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL, page 3G1-5. delete the reference ro Lightweight Aggregate. ITEM NO. 9: In the speci fi car i ons , Section 3G1, F GENERAL, page 351-5, revise the last paragraph to read: A Page 3 of 5 TTUILP&I. Co -Generation Perimeter Fence November 27, 1989 j DOOR A yBI -PARTING GATE) OPENING DEVICES: I. Provide a keypad Actuator (Bahl❑ 32711 or equal) at the pole mounted panel outside door A (see Detail A510). Provide dust -proof and weathertight Installation. Circuit actuator to motor at poor. Provide an inductive loop detector (Saino 032104 or equal) mounted in concrete drive inside Door A. Saw! -cut concrete and seal with ` manufacturers recommended sealant. Circuit actuator to rmitor at door. 3. provide a 3-button station with open, close and stop operation { aira #32112 or equal}. Mount on inside (s wall at 48" Ii gh near door B and not behlod the open leaf of door A. Provide dust -proof and weathertight installation. Circuit actuator to rotor at door. 4. Provide a 3-button station with open, close and stop operation ( aino #32111 or equal). Mount at aad coordinate exact location with power plant operator's panel in control room. Circuit actuator to motor at door. CLOSING DEVICES: 1. In addition to the Lwo 3-button stations described above. Provide an autornatic poor closer with adjustable timer to close the door after remainitig oven for duration of set time. AUTOMATIC REVERSE DEVICE: 1. Provide automatic reversing adge(s) (5aino ?RE001 or equal) to reverse operation of the door orten an obstruction is ancuuntared. INTERCOM: I. Provide an intercom speaker and call button (by Feucan) aL the pole mounted panel outside Door A (see Detail A510). Provitie dust -proof and weathertight installation, intercom to be circuited to and coordinated with irttercorn system in power plant control room. POWER FAILURE DISCONNECT: I. Provide disconnect autamaticaIIy engaged by lass of power. provide +geans of manual door operation by one person in event of power failure. DOOR P (PERSONNEL DOOR) HARDWARE: Provide the following hardware or equal: 1 Page 2 of 5 Audendum 40. � TTUIUP8L co-seneratlon Perimeter Fence November 27, :989 Produce standard -weight concrete consisting of speeifled portlano cement:, aggregates, Mixtures, and water to produce strengths required for designs to resist spyc7fieo dead, live, AM, and erection loads. In the specifications, Section 32, PRECAST CONCRETE. GENERAL. page 3GI-6, delete the first paragraph and the r•eferencs to li ghtwei git concretes. ITEM NO. 10 : In the s peci f i cations , Section 30, PRECAST CONCRETE, GERERAL. page 3GI-5, revise the Sentence >`ollowing Aami tares: to: Use air —antra Wag admixture in concrete, unless otherwise indicated, in compliance with the Section, Concrete. '* ITEM NO. 11: In the speci fi cati ores, Section 3G3, PRECAST PRESTRESSED LONG —VAN dNiTS, page 3G3-2, add the following after We first sentence: Design: Units shall be designed Co resist applicable dead, live, wino and erection loads. A basic wind speed of 100 miles per hour shall he used in calculations of basic, wine pressure, in accordance with the Uniform Building Code - 1988 Edition. Maximum deflect on due co any comoination of the above logs shall be limited to 1f IOG0th of the unsupported iength Q/1000). ITEM NO. ). : In the specifications, Section 7!d>l, PREFORMED METAL AIDING, page 01-3, replace the sentencs fallowing Load Capacity: with the following: A aasi c wind speed of 100 miles per hour shall be used in calculations of basic wind pressure, in accordance with the UrrifOrm Building Code - 1983 Edition. ITEM NO. 1:3: Porcelain enamel shdil be omitted from those portions of all steel panels which are to be welded. These are shown in details A406, A4117, A411 anv 4407A. -ITEM NO. '_4: Provide an exPansiun ;dint in the porcelain enameled 4 steel cap as Won in Mail A407A. Replace Detail A407 err Sheet A4 of We drawing sith the awcheo Detail AM dated November 27, 1989. ITEM NO. lb: For clarification purposes, the operation of doers A and shall o 35 described below: Page 4 of 5 Addendum No. Z TTU/LP&L Co -Generation Perimeter Fence November 27, 1989 1 1/2 pr. Butts 1 Hold -Stag i Elec. Strike I Mortise Lockset 1 Closer OPENING DEVICES: BB1168 4 1/2 x 4 112 1275M 310-Z 3/4 5059-W&As hford KP2B2DB Hager Fri mco Foiger Adam Russwin AUSSWU 1. Provide a keypad actuator (5aina 93 712 or equal) at the wall mounted navel outside door B (see Detail A511). Provide dust - proof and weathertight installation. Circuit actuator to electric strike at door. 2. Provide a push button actuator. Mount at and coordinate exact location with power plant operator's panel fn control room. Circuit actuator to electric strike at door. 3. Coordinate deyiny of lodes with Jay Wadsworth of LPR Praduc ion. INTERCOM: 1. Provide air intercom speaker and call button (by Frucon) at the wall mounted panel outside door B. Provide dust -proof and weathertight installation. Intercom to be circuited to and coordinated with intercom system in power plant control room. i NO. 16: Provide fillmaterial in an even slope from 1 1/2" below e outside != of the concrete apron to the following: 1 1/2" below the hack of curb at the Nasty and Southwest. 20' away from the oo tside face of the concrete apron at the North. 1U' away from the outside face of the concrete apron P the East and 5autheasn. Provide `ill as described in the attached specification titled EXCAVATION AND FILL. Contractor shall scarify from outside face of the concrete apron to the following: Back of the curb ac the West and Southwest. Paint of andistorbed landscape at the North, East and Southeast. Contractor to reseed/sod all scarified areas as described in the attached specification titled DETAIL A CONSTRUCTION. ITEM NO. 17: Add to the Contract Documents the attached draw ng titled TIPPEWNTOSITE PLAN dated November 27, 1989. 1 Page 5 of 5 Addendum No. 2 TTUJLP&L Co -Generation Perimeter Fence November Z7, 1989 ITEM NO. Z8: Replace Details A4a6, A409, A410 and A412 an the drawings aatea 5eptemner 19, 19,99 with the attached ;orresponding details dated November 27, IR89. ITEM W. 19: Add t4 the specifications the attached Section 2P0, ASPHALTCONCRETE PAVING. ITEM W. 20: Add to the Contract Documents the attached drawings titled Section A310 and Detail A310A botli dated November 27, 1989. The Section is cut through the wall at either side of thp- gate opening but within 4"-7 11" of the gate opening. ITEM NO. 1: At no time shall Hartfurd Ave, or the Physical Plant Loop e blocked of traffic. ITEM 40. 1-2 : Selection of f race brick and ptrcelain enamel steel panels are subject to approval by Texas Tech University Orrice of New r Oonstructi oTi- ,�T� NO. 23-.- Owner anticipates that notice to proceed will be issued on or near March 1, 1990. ITEM! NO.-- — fi cati on Section 16E. Rage 16E-Z. paragraph 5.2 , f c ange thclescription of type "ME" lighting fixture �a be 40OW high pressure scdiurn. Lithenia model TWH 4005 481). Also on page 16E-2, paragraph 5.3, change all references or type "MF" lighting fixture to be hign pressure sodium. ITEM 40. 26: On drawing E1, replace the "ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM" shown with the diagram provided with phis addendum, n REPAIR ASP ALJIC ?AVlti G QA+AGED BY CONSTRUCTION ASPHALTIC PAVM SAW --CUT ASNALM PAVING 9v ❑TFERS � . ]lM4VE AS REQUIRED SEALANT AS SrEC 28'_C.. ;,P CONIC. APRON - REINF. AS OET, k 1/2" E.J. MATERIAL 3"sc DET. A301A NOVEMBER 27, 1989 . �iiCE RRTC!� �TRANOS EMBED WIRE PAECASi CdNC. Tim FIFE , PAINT SPLICE INTO EXIST, + PIPE COLLIER, PAINT, TYP, OF.•J 4 ! 1 VIP DIAM, CALV. THREAD EvE 5CL' THRU PIPE wl M 5 WA5HZR. TYP. OF 9 1 "All 57L. PIPE,PAINT � f 5 �lT81i DIAM. GAL_, � . TI-QERI7F i EYE BOLT 41 /WT, WASHEq & LOOSE" 4"x4lrx 1161" GALV � SwL, -L., TYP_ CF J STL, TENSION PAR ATIW-r rQ P W!i TENSION BANDS r I EEP NEW FENCE 2" MAY ,W 1?" r1cow, aPR❑N I. Gad. --�4 ._ ��LV, AJI E TIES 91 h"-0'•t VERIFY EX ST, >E5i FENCE TO REMAIN 5PLICE tKT0 EXIST. FENCE i15ING SPLICING aAq - 'A +, , TYP - _IG ' E}�IB7. WE DELU4 GRADE 1 "r MAX. AFTER TEt SI�NiI �� 6" DIAM. PIPE 4 SETTING 4ATIERIALS CUWLETELY 1/2"sc SEC. A304A NOVEMBER 21, 19B9 � I A41 r T I PRECAST CONC, 6M, REINF, r' ■ BY MFR, * 40 5 T/2" NEOPRE#,E PAD -. F NOTCH CUNC. rE-0 �FG - AS SHOWN AfCL E FRAME a 2'-d" n.c, WELDED 0 TOP & 90TTOM O 31-2 1 /L"" 2"x4"x l /4" ANCHOR PLS 3, ^ SET IN PRECAST CONC. TEE PNrIC. ENAH. STL, PAWL `'ZJ ��C . -' DACE ;RICK AS SPEC. 12"sc SEC. A310 NOVEMBER 27, 198� WeLD PANEL TO STEEL rRkh1E'a 2'-C" O.C. PQRC- M4H. 5TL. PANEL AS SPEC. 2nxgPx 114" ANCHOR � "TE ! 6 GA, PORC. ENAM. �7L. CAP SEALANT �~ T—FACE 6RrCK AS SPEC, PRECAST C;DNC. rEE I"sc DET, A31, NOVEMBER 27, i989 The Contractor shall erect and maintain any shoring necessary for prosecution of the work. Protection of graded areas: Protect flewly graded areas from traffic and erosion, Keep area free of trash and debris. Reuair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded and rutted areas to the speo;fied tolerances, Reconditioning Compacted ,areas: Where completed compacted areas are disturo2 Y su0sequent construction operations or adverse weather conditions, scarify the starface, reshape and compact to the required density prior to further construction. F. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS AND WASTE MATERIAL All waste materials, trash and debris shall be removed from the Qwner's property. I 51`—� 3Jb+• m SLANT M SPEC . LONG WELD WELD PQAC. r14A EEL ANCHOR PL. STL. PANEL r�S a.C'NORL21. & 53'-" ` MtCA$T LONG. � REINF_ AS PER TEE AS SEC. PRECAST CONC. MFGR. 1/2sc DTL A406 NOVEMBER 27, 1989 nr'C+ . EMd W-L STL. -- PANEL AS SPEC. PRECAST CONIC. - u j, TEE AS -SPEC. 6"x4"K 1I2" ANCHM ?LATE '.P .9W.SSION GA5KE7 & ~kALANT AS 5PECb T" 1 b" 3 { %" LONG 16 ga 1 ,� LIME OF PORE, ENfAM. (MINI PORC. ENAM.S% -CA STL. CAP 0 EXP. JT. T R' V o.c. - SEE ll2"� SEMANT A5 S FACE BRICK ASI�EC. t /41, OET. A407A RlEINF, PER MECAST I;ONC. MFR. 3 1/2 sc DES`, A "' NOVEMBER 27, 1989 LINE OF :ACE OF BRICK BELOW BAQXERltCDS k SEA4 AS SPEC. ' ALANT AS SPEC. 7' -11 314 . LD C 16 GA. PWC . ENAH,-_ ,STL .,CAP i!4"" PRECAST LIAIC- TEE �A5 SPEC. 1 59 DIET. NOVEMBER 277 7 '1989 EAICE B9ICx AS } ,2) 1 1/2"" A b" x 1{2M ANCHOR PL. % 81�0" a.c, VP & BOTTOM 41' LCNG X W' X zn � 1'14" ANCLE WELD TO ANCHOR PL 1� TCP, BOTTOM, & al4ll ❑.c. BETWF-EN eA ROD 3 .EALANT AS ItPEC. <L i PRECAST Mc) TEEAS SPEC. RE.INF. AS PER PRECAST raw. MrCR 3 3/8" 1 it 2,1 357sc DTL' A409 NOVEMBER 27, 1989 21, x 41, x 1/4" a3AMP ROD IF PL. - WELD TD SULANT AS SPEC. ANCHOR PLATES --- Y FREE BPrCK AS C- 3 5/8" pll f i 3EINF, AS mER IJI .i ,1RECAST CONC. MFC,R, � 1/2" 1 �-• PpECFST COK. TOR s Borrom BAC R POp & SMART AS SPEC. yysc DTL A" 1 NO VEMBER 27, 1989 1 1 i 1 1 1 4"X3"K3/8" GALV. STL ANGLE 1 48" c . C . FIRECAST XMC. BM, AS SPEC. � kti V. PL . SETT E!ITO NECAST CONC, B1, 60 4B" a.c. TO 14ATCH ANCHOR R- T INTO PRECAST Ca( r- TEE LEC ."z PRECAST CONC. y TEE A5 SPEC. } • 4"x4ilIx 3/8" GALV. ANCNCR PL. SET INTO PRECAST 03NC. TEE LEG — OW Pt— PER EACH OF FIRST FIVE [.ECS to EOTH SIDES OF CPLTE QKNINC 3 sc MM"DTL A412 NOVEMBER 27, 1198; I EXCAVATION AND FILL A. GENERAL This item shall consist of furnishing all raterials, labor, equipment, and incidentals necessary to strip and 4tockpile topsoil suf icterit to meet project requirements and to fill, level and bring to grade areas indicated on the plans. Also included in tMe work is the hauling of subgrade materiaw from the University stockpile located north of Fourth Street, placing, leveling and grading. The Contractor shall remove from the campus any shrubs, stumps, weeds or other miscellaneous debris encountered daring the graoino process. Topsoil or unclassified fill will be declared as "unsuitable" by the University Representative if, in his opinion, any or the following condi- `ians or matter and partFcles are present to a degree that It is judged detrimental to the proposed lase of the material: Moistpre, Decayed or undecayed vegetation, Hardpan clay, heavy clay, or clay bails, Rubbish, Construction rubble, Sand or gravel, Rocks, cobbles or boulders, Cementiaus matter, Foreign matter of any kind. Unsultable materials will be disposed of as waste as specified herein, B. STRNIPING AND PLACMENT OF 09SOIL I. Stripping a, Existing soil surface shall be stripped to a depth of four inches (or deeper where directed by the University Representative) as necessary to remove all vegetation, organic matter, or other c,bjeczJonable material in those areas to be grade . b, On -site topsoil shall consist of an average depth of ten inchtes of native surface soil left in pTace after the ground cover of herbaceous vegetation and after objecti€nable chatter has be-n cleared by bladirig. Topsoil may be greater or less than the upper Len inches in depth. However, it roust be removanle without cfantamination by �r�e subsoil or substr�tum or other {)bjecticnable matter that weuid render it as "unsuitable" as described htere;n. c. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles it) areas shown or where otherwise directed. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storage piles 3s required to prevent windblown dust. 1 11 0 2. Placement Areas to receive topsail shall be scarified to a mtniflium depth of four (4) inches. Topsoil shall be placed in eight (S) iPcn lay�-r�;, Wetted and tharoughly mined to uniform optimum moisture content, and compacted to 95% of maximum density, at optimum moisture, as determined by A.A.S.H.T.0, Method T-49-82, C. SUBGRAGF. 1. Filling a. General. Fills shall be constructed to the grades as shown on the plans or estabirshed by the Universlt,y Representative in approximately horizontal layers. Before placing any fill, existing surfaces on which fill is to be placed shall be scarified to a depth of two (2) to three (3) inches in order to bond the fill with the existing surface. Any materials in the subgrade which are below finished subgrade excavation and, in the opinion of the University Representative, are unsuitable for subgrade material shall be removed and replaced with suitable materials. Materials needed for subgrade will be available from the University borrow located on site. Materials will be obtained from the borrow irea at the direction rrf -- the University Represerrtative, b. Placing and Compacting. After the existing surface has been prepared, acceptable rill .material shah be deposited irr loose layers and then wetted and thoroughly mixed to uniform optimum aroisture content. The inateriai shall then be spread in a uniform layer not exceeding six (6) inch thickness and then compacted with a pneumatic roller, specified in Paragraph d (1). Rolling shall commence at the tides ano proceed to the middle, with each pass of the railer overlapping the preceeding one by one -haler the width of the roller, and small continue until the material is thoroughly compacted to the satisfaction of the University Representative. Additional water shall be added to maintain optimum conditions during the compaction, if regUired. If the material contains excess moisture. from rain or other source, rolling shall be deferred until optimum co-ndltions are reached. Succeeding layers shall be placed in a like mariner. If a "crust" has *ormed on any layer before the succeeding layer is placed, this surface shall be scarified before additiorra.l fill material is placed on it. Material irr sort places which develop under compaction shall be removed and replaced with other acceptable material so that uniform aensity is obtained thrDughout Fhe fill. Areas not accessible to rolling equipment shall be compac*ed by hard Camping or ot# ter approved methods to a density equal to that of the remainder of the work. The material shall be compacted to 95, of maximum density, at optimum mulsture, as determined by the A,A.S.H.T,G. Method T-99-82. c. Sucgrade Firrisbing. subgrade shall be finfshed accurately to grades and crass sectlans as Shown on the plans and e5tablishea in the field, Where subgrade is in cut, the surface shall be brought accurately to grade and crass section by bladiuq or hand Grading where V w. M6 required. The surface shall then be rolled with the pneumatic roller and Then the three wheel roller. specified in Paragraph d (� & ') until it prezerv�s a uniform, thoroughly compacted appearancel. ,areas inaccessible to thre roller shall be given equal compaction by Daher - approved merhuds. Moisture sha>il be maintained in the material by sprinklingas required during this operation. Where 5ubarade is nn rill, the anal rolilrng with prneumatic roller or" the last layer deposited, shall be followed by the blading and rolling with the three wheel roller as described above. Warped sections, valley gutters and ot# er irregularities in section as shown on the plans or established in the field, shall he accurately formed in the subgrade during the finishing operation. Subgrade shall be checked by "teeing" from gutter to gutter an crass section and valley gutters and by means of a straightedge, longitudinally. A satisfactory straightedge shall be furnished by the Contractor, ix required. Variat?ons of more than one-half (1/2) inch from true cross section small be corrected by loosening, adding or removing material, reshaping and recompacting the area affected, d. Rolling Equipment. 1. Pneumatic Roller. Pneumatic roller skull consisz of flat less than nitre pneuroatic-tired wheels, running on two axles in such a manner that the rear group of tires will not follow the tracks of the forward group and sN ll r}e mounted in a rigid frame and provided with a loading platform or body suitable for ballast loading. The Front axle sfiall rotate around a king pin so located that the roller may be turned within a rnirnimum circle. The roller, under working Qenditions, shall have an effective rolling width of approximately sixty (60) inches and shall give a minimum compression of three hundred and twenty-five ( 325 ) pounds per inch of wi,ith of tire ;read. The roller shall be drawn by either a suitable pneumatic -tired tractor or shall be of the self-propelled rype. 2. Three Wheal Roller. This roller shall be a three-whe-el self-propelled type, weighing not less than tern (10) tens and shall provide a compression on the rear wheels of not Tess ttan three hundred and twennty-five (325) pounds per linear inch of tire width. The rear wheels shall be fiat, shall Have a diameter of not less than forty-eight (48) inches and Lnall have a Lire width of not less tharx twenty (20) inches. D. GRADING Uniformly grade areas withirn limits of side, including adjacent transitiorn areas. Smooth finished surfaces within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between pointS where eievatlons are shown, or between such points and existing grades. E, MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall effecr.ively remove all water which accumulates in the areas of excavation prior to and during presecutj an of the work, I 7 DE7AILS OF CONS79UC :0 1. PREPARATION OF SITE he removal of any trees, post, dirt and debris t*, at might exi S L i n construction area will be part of this contr'ac;t. Such material ShBlil �e hauled from this property of tha Owner unless otherwise directed. Sail excavated in excess of that neeced in fill and backf? 11 s:lil i i;e mauled to 4-,r'eas an the Ca. —.,pus designated by the University Representative. 2. PERMITS, FEES, ETC. If appFlicWe, the Contractor under each sect'on of these spec!ficativns shall arrange for a building pemlt from the CfLy ar Lubbock for rocord purposes, Inasmuch as all utilities at the sate are owned by the university, there are no conriection fees. If any rharge� are made by any of the uti 1 ity ccmpanles serving the campus due to work on this aroject, the Contractor shall pay these charges, The Ccintractor Shall pay for any inspection fees, or other fees and charges reeuired 1y Ordinances, law, codes, or these specifications. , 3. MAINTENAMC� OF SITE DURING PROSECUTION OF THE WORK a. Demolish obstructions in such manner as to avoid h2zard to oersor:s and property. b. Promptly remove from Owner's property all rubble, denr�s, and trash. Keep (he premises in a neat and clean condition at all tines. Leave no materials of any kind that fight become rodent harbors. c. Burn no materials or debris an the pre^iaes. d. Preserve ;n operating condition all active utilities :raver5ing ,he project site. Protect all property+ including but not iimi[ea to trees, mains, manholes, catch basins, value boxes, meter poles, guys, and other appurtenances. Repair damage to any such utility due tg work uncier this ccotract to the satisfaci-lon of the Owner. 4. TRENCHING METHODS Trench digging machinery may be used to make zrencn exc�vat,ons except where operation of same would cause damage to existing str4:c:ur:s either above or below ground; in Such instances hand niathadI �e employed. SEE SECTION SPECIAL CONDITIONS - ITEM 5, REGARCiPtG 1ENCH EXCAVATIONS WHICH E CErD A DEPTH D= FIVE FEET. 5. BARRICADES ANO SAFETY PRECAUTIONS To prfltact persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate rigid barricades, cunstru cticn signs, warning lights and guares as required shall be placed and maintaired during progress of Ue construction wcri . All material ► piles, equip-ment, pipe, aid open trenches that may serve as hazards to vehicular or pedestriars traTf"c s2�a i 1 be protected by r+tgid barrica�Vs or =ences ana war�anxrg 1 :gh tr ,�; ;k saurtdina devxc.es for the visually impafired when r%eedad. � r � 1 o. PROTECTION OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING the Contractor shall take precaution to protect ex;stjrcg fact;ities and features within the dentgnated construction limits and along tde access to t"e :onstructfon sate. Ccrnstruc4iort equipment shall be confined zo con- struction limits of areas evolved. Any damage to improved areas such as sprinkler systems, lawns, trees, shrubs, and other architectural or landscaping features, will he paid by the Contractor. Any excavation, filling, backfilling iri areas too small for 1eavy equipment, or -,Ti areas where existing Tarrdscaping will be damaged, will be done �y hand. The Contractor shall protact existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place against compaction of root area by equipment veht Iles, or material storage; trunk damage by moving equipment, material storage, nailing or bolting; strangling by tying ropes or guy wires to tirunks or large branches; poisoning by pouring solvents, gas, paint or other chemicals on or around trees and rants; cutting of roots ny excavating or ditching; drought from failure to water or by cutting or changing normal drainage patterns past roots; changes of sail pH factor by disposal of lime base or acid base materials such as concrete or plaster. 'Zxcavatior -arid earthwork within drip time of trees shall be done by hand. Do not cut roots I to 1-1/2 inches in diameter or larger. The Contractor, shall install barricade protection around trees, constructed of 4x4 pasts and 2x4 str" ngers tap and bottom or as detailed on plans and approved 5y titre llniversily Representative. The Contractor sham grater trees and other vegetation tiOich are to remain wit#tin the limits of the construction area as required to m8inzain their health during the course of construction activities. All damage to existing trees will be evaluated by the Director of Grounds Maintenance using the International Society of Aroorrculture Standards and charges will be assessed the Contractor for damage to trees incurred during the construction process. The formula to be used ;s as follows: Measurement of a cross section of the trunk of the damaged tree will de made at a point two (2) feet above existing grcuria level to determine square inches cf the crass section. Assessment fcri damage wilt be $:.3 per square inch. 7. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES the Contractor shall visit the site and determine the lccAtton of all utility lines. Should the Contractor in the grosecution of the ward damage these utilities, repair must be made unrser the direction of 'hie University Representative at the Contractor's cost and expense. Existing Bites shown on the drawings are not guaranteed as to size and location or for completness. Should the Contractor encounter, during construction operations, other underground utilities, consult immedia We y with the Uriiversity Representative for direction on ;procedure. If :he uti l i ties are to be abandoned, the Contractor shah remove dame with care and deliver to storage area on campus as directed. If utility lines prove to be "live" and cannot be abandoned, the Contractor sna l l cooperate w i try the wner in keeping the respective service in operation until arrangements can ,e made to re-route same. I a. RNUVENr T 10N OF COMPACTED AREAS Where compaction of the soil has occured in turf or tithe- pant U material areas, within the area of consrruction, the areas shall tie rejuvenated by deep cultivatian of the compacte4 501. After camplet0m of the constrvVion, the Coats ctor shall scarify the constrQction Site within the established construction limits, Scarifying MY be to a Minimum depth of eight (8) to ten (10) inches excapt within a thirty "oat radius of trees where scarifying Wail be a maximum of six (6) inches K depth, The surface shall be rototilled to a depth of four (4) to six (6) inches, hand raked to remove any material greater than three-quarter (314) inch in diameter, and reshaped to prepare a suitable seedbed, The Contractor steal' furnish 4nd install either Bermudagrass sad or 3ermudagrass seed to the rejuvenated area, depending upon the season. Seeding will be allowed only between May 1 and August I. Bermudagrass Sol shall be supplied by a reputable turf :rower and placed the same day of cutting by supplier. Sad shall be laid solid and thoroughly rolled with a smooth steei roller of sufficient wet Rt to insure firm, level surface. if necessary, a top dressing of fine, clean, brick sand shall he applied to effect a smooth, even finish, Finished grade of grass snail be flush with existing walkways. Contractor shall thcroughfy water grass NmE diately following installation ind nat less tnan twice per wee; until final acceptance. Bermudagrass seed shall be of 9B purity and 95% germination, apple ea at the rate of two (2) pounds per 1000 square feet. The seedbed shall nr cultivated Sufficiently to reduce the soil to a state where C#e soil ,articles on the surface are small enough and lie closely enough tn,ether to prevent the seed from being covered too deep for optimum gerwina}ioP, The cress -section previously established shall be ma.intaines througaouti the process of cultivation and any necezary reshaping shall be done prior to any planting of seed. The seed shall be unfformiy distributed r,ver the area. If sowing seed is by hand, rather than by mechanical methaoos, the seed shall be sown in two directions or at right angles % each other, IF mechanical equipment is used, the seed stall be apglied at the specified rate. 01stributed grass seed should be coyered lightly by hand rakyg or by draggir q with a brush or mat in two directions. Firm the sesdel area with a light empty roller (30 lb.) i)r cultipacker. 4hen rollting, soil should not be pushed by the roller or scuffed when turning. Seeded areas snouid be kept moist until well established. Once seeds have begun cc jer- minate they must not dry out or they will die. Avoid saturating the so,! Light applications of water should be made se,)eral times daily, i t necessary, to insure that the surface ore-haTr 1/2 00 of Soii is moist at all times, Finished grade of grass shall be flush with existing Vkway5, 3, CLEANUP Within three {3) days after completion~, the Contractor stall clean, remove Rubbish and temporary structures from the streets, reskor-e in an acceptatle manner all property, both private and pubkc, wbizA has Nell damaged during the prosecution of the work, and leave the Sit} -)f the work in a nest and prest!ntable condition throughout, yte cost of the cleanup 5haII be included as par* of the cost of the various 1tvmt of IK w 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 work involved, and no dir8nt compensat,on will be made for whis worK. This work shall be done before final acceptance will be considered. 10. PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A Pre -construction Conference will be arranged immediately after signing of Owner -Contractor Agreement: and Prior to start of any work. The Conference will be attended by the Cantracior and University Representa- tives. The purpose shall be to review procedures related to smooth progress of the work and to review other items that require clarification. Processing and distribution of all documents and correspondence related to the contract will be established. r �r r SECTION 290 APAK C04CRETE ? AV I N GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract. Including General' and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements apply to the work specifies in this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of w halt concrete paying (AsCon-Pvg) warn is shown on the drawings. Preparad aggregate suobasa is specified ire earthwork sections. SUBMITTAM Material Certificates: Provide copies of materials certificates signed by material producer and Contractor, certifying that each material item complies with. Ur exceeds, specified requirements. dOE COADITICN5: Weather Limitations: Apply prime and tack coats oniy when ambient temperature is above 50 degrees E., ,end when t}mperacu re has not been below 35 F. for 12 hours immediately prior to application. Do not apply when base is net or contains an excess of moisture. Construct asphalt concrete surface course only when atmospheric temperature is above 40 F., and when base is dry. Base course may be placed when air temperature is above 30 F. and rising. Grade Cnntrol ! E's+.aal i sh and maintain required lines and elevations. PRODUCT MATERIAM General: Use locally available materials and gradations which exhibit a sac sfactory retard of previous installations. Base Course Aa reciate: Sound, angular crushed stone, crushed gravel, or crushed slag, sand, store or slag screenings. Uncrushed gravel may be used in vase course mixture if required to suit local material availability. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING 1 Surface �"aurse Aggregate: Grusrre(i stone, crushed gravel, crushed slag, and sharp --edged natural —sand. «ineral Ft)ler: Limestone dust. portland cement, or other inert material complying with AASHTO M 17 (AS M 0 242). Asphalt Cement: Comply with AASKTO M 226 (A T14 U 3881). Visocity Grade: ACt10, AR-4000, Prime Coat: Cut -back asphalt type; MC-30, MC-7O or MC-250, Tack Coat: Emulsified asphalt, SS-1, AS-1h, C5S-1, or 1h. diluted with one part water to urge part i mulsifie.d asphalt. E}(MTIDH INSPECTION: Paver mast exarnine areas and conditions under which asphalt concrete paring is to be installed and notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a Manner acceptable to Paver. SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove loose material from compacted subbase surface immediately Before applying prime ooat. Proof roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and areas requirinq additioial compaction. Notify Contractor of unsati5factory conditions. Do not begin paving work until deficient subbase areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. Prime Coat: Apply at rate of 0.20 to 0.50 gal. per sq. Ord., over coinpact�d subgrade. Apply material to penetrate and seal, but not flood, surface. Cure and dry as long as necassary tg 4ttain penetration and evaporation of volatile. Tack Coat: Apply to contact surfaces of Previously constructed asphalt or portland cement concrete and surfaces abutting or pro,jetting into asphalt concrete pavement. aistrib+ute at rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gal. per sq. yd. of Surface. Allow to dry until at proper to+ldit*ion to receive paging* PLACING MIX: ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING 2PO-2 � I I +F General: Place asphalt concrete mixture on prepared surface, spread and strike-atf- Spread mixture at minimum temperature of 225 F. Place inaccessiple and scull areas by hand. Place sack course to required grade, cross-section, and compaved thickness. Paver Placing: Place in strips not less than 10' wide, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. After First strip has been pTaced and rolled, place succeeding straps and extend rolling to overlap previous strips. Complete base course ror a section before placing Surface course. Joints: MaKe joints between old and new pavements. Dr between successive days' work, tc ensure continuous bond between adjoining work. Construct ,joints to have same texture, density 3n d smoothness as other sections of asphalt concrete course. Clean contact surraces and apply lack coat. ROLLING. General: Begin roiling when mixture will bear railer weight without excessive 11spiacement. Compact mixture with hot hand Campers or vihrating plate compactors ire areas inaccessible to rollers. Greakcown Roiling: Accomplish creak wn or initial rolling immediately following roiling of Joints and outside edge. Check surface after breaxdown rolling, and repair displaced areas by loosening a4d filling, 1f required, with hot material. Second polling: Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible, while mixture is hot, Continue secon a rolling unt i l mixture has been thoroughly compacted. Finish Rolling: Perform finiss rolling while mixture is still warm enouji ear removal of roller marVs. Continue rolling unt:l rolTer marks are eliminated and course has attained maximum density. Patching: Remove and replace Raving areas mixed with foreign materials and delant ive areas. Cut-out such areas and 'Fill with fresh, hot asphalt ;oncrete. Compact by rolling to maximum surface density and smooMess . Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement =0 it has coaled and hardened. Erect barri odes to protect paving from traffic until mixture AS coaled enough not to become marked. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL. . ASPHALT CONCRE E PAVING 2PO-3 1 GereraI Test in -place asphalt concrete courses for compliance with requirements for thickness and surface smoothness. Repair or remove and replaci� unacceptable paving as directel by Arch'itect. Thickness: Ire -place compacted thickness will riot be acceptable if axceeding following allowable variation from required thickness: Base Course. 1/", plus or minus, Surface Course: 1/4", plus or ninus. Surface Smoothness: Test finished surface of each asphalt concrete course Tor smoothness, using 10" straightedge applied parallel with, and at r�# t angles to centerline of paved area. 'Jorfaces will not he acceptable if a ceeding the following tolerances for smoothness. Base Course Surface: 1/4". Wearing Course Surface, 3/16". Check surface areas at intervals as directed by Architect, Ella OF SEM011 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING 2PO-4 JUNCTION Box {{ 0041,Zsoca v ��I;r��l� kjll� Ila tiff II,111G111 L 2�V_ III'11111 I j i j j l f'IIIN�II I I I i'r'I�ii� rnn " " 1pt iIIIII I 1„If I I1F�IIC11 II"r11 Ifl�j DOOR --ENTRY KEYPAD ru fEROOmm AKER tMT CALL -IN BUTTON I III r� ICI I a �-- 1111�1 Ilk I -------------- ELECTRICAL RISER NO SCALE CITY GF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS for TITU : P€RIMUER FENCE FOR COGENERAT70N SITE ADDRESS: Sto NUMBER: 10425 PRO,]ECT RUMBER: 2113-554103-9366 CONTRACT PREPARED RY: Purchasing D pBrtment 1 1 INDEX PAM 1. NOTICE TO RIDOERS............................... ..............__-.----.............................------.. GENIRAL INSTRUCTIONS T6 S WER54 ....................... ............................... ............ 4......... SID PROPOSAL - BID FOR LUKP SUN GOMMACTS.................................................................1Q 4. PAThENT 90ND................................................................4. ._..................... . .13 �. PEUDPHARCE BOND ...................................... ..............4...4.1. ........................, ..16 %. CERTIFICA7E OF ENSURANCE............. ._._..__.................. ...... 4...................... ......... .19 7. CONTRACT.........................................................................4........................v 8. GENIkA,L CONDITIONS OF 19E AGREEMEN7 ......................................................................... 4, CURRENT WAGE DETERMINATIONS ............ .................... ..,............................ I ...... .......... 1 10. SPECIFICkTION5............ ..................................... ................ --- ................... 42 11. SPECIAL IDNDiTIONS......................................................................................43 1 N0710E OF ACCEPTANCE.................................................................................. . 45 1 NOTICE i0 BIMER5 .30 MIME TO Blon, Rs 8i1� � 1Qi�s Sealed prapdsats adctressad to Gene Eads, C.P.M., PufGhasirlg M{,nager, City of ✓_ublouck, Texas, will be rectiwcd at the affice of the Purchasing Manager, 1625 13t4 5t., Room L-44, Lubbock, TeAD5. 79401, until 2;1tD a+clack p.m. tin the_Jnth day of Novo!ber. 100, or ea changed by the issuance of forural addenda to all ptanhaLders, to furnfah Di4 labor and materials and perform ail work fOr the 90fttrLJZ1EfOn Of the fn(la+4rig described project- PERTMETER FEwcr: FOR GO -GENE AiIoR SITE: After the expiration of the tirw Arai date above first written, said sealed proposals wikt be Orx ned by the Purchasing Manager, oat 11i5 office and pubiicly react M oW. Ft is the ante responsibility of the bidder tin insure th*# his bid is actually in the office of Gene T;Eds, Purchasing Manager for the City of Lubbock. prior to the expiration of the care above first written. The city Councit will consider ChL bids on the Kth day_af December. 198q, at Fturricipai 431dg., Lubbock, Texas, or as soon theraaftar as may t]e reasonably carwenient, 5ubjecz to the right to reject Any or all bids and waive any fo"mtitie5. The successfuL bidder will. be required to futr.ish a performance band and pay;1ent band in accordance with Article 516D, Verhon+s Ant,, Civil St., in the anount of 1910X of Ehe total contrnrt price in the event that said c mTrart price exceods $25,0100.010_ Said statutory bonds should to irigucd by a cumparhy c$rrying a current ftLI Ratana of 19 or superior, as the rating of the bond company is in �attor t1iat will be considered ih de te rrm i nDt i an of the lowest respar,,ible bidder. if the tontratt price does not exteL+d $25,DOU A the said statutory bonds vill riot 4e required. Bidders are required, whether qr not a payment or performance bared i-i required, to Submit a cashier's or certlffed check issued by o bank satFsfaciory to the city of l.-ubkxk, or a propa5at bond from a ratiable syrety Company, payable xithout recourse to the ordep ixf the City of LubbDrk in an amount not leas than 5X of the tnkal amount of the bid submitted as a guaranies that bidder witl enter into IS contract and e.Kecute ail necmmmly bands (if required) O thln 10 days after notice of award of the contract to him. it shun lei each bidders sole responsibility to inspect the sits of the work and Lo inform himself rcDardinq all Locat conditions under which the work is to be done. It shalt de wndt%rataaod and agreed that Rlt such factors fiewe boerh thotouehly Investi9ossed erd c&nO dvred ire the preparation of the bid t;ubniitted. the plans, Orr cifications, prnpOsal forms sad cwtract doturwrits may he examinod at the offlce of the Purchasim Moroger for t#ie City bf Lubbock, Texas. Attention of each bid4cr is particularly Ea{fact to the achedute of gor5eral prevailing rate of per dish wages inctuded to the contrnet documents an fite in the office of the Purchasing ftiinager of the City of Lubbmk, which docunrant is specifically referred to fn thf:� rrDtioe to bidders. Ench bidder's attention is further directed to proviston of Article 5159ay, Vernon+6 Ann, Civil 5t., and the rewi rementil rronxained therein concerniog the above wage stale and popment by the cantrbctor of the prevailing rate9 of wages as heretafere establisfied by owner in said wage Male. The C1ty of Lubbock hereby notifies a I L bicider 9 that in regard to any €arttract entered into pursuant to this amdvertisement, minority and women business tnterpr1ses will be afforded equa[ opportunities to submit bids in response to this invilatian and will not be discriminated against on the grourvds of race, color, ttm, or natiana{ origin in consideration for an award. There will be a pre -bid Cmference cn 21st day of Noveirber. 1984, at 10-10D of clock a.m., Cum i t t r Roam #103, Nunicfpal Building, 1625 13th Street. CITY 13F WHOCK BT: GLnt Eads, C.P.K. Purcha5iny Manager � I � I AI)VERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BID # 10425 I 9ealL�d proposals addressed to Gene Eads, C.P.M.. Purchasing wanager, City of tukxc);, Texas, will be received at the affic* of the Purchasing Manager, Municlpal Building, 1625 13th 5tredt, R(ioro t-04, Luhbpck, Texas, 79401 until 2:00 o+clock_p_m, on the 30th day of November, 19R9. or as changed by [he isruanre of forma[ addenda to all planholderm, to furnish all tabor and materials and perform ali work for the Construction of the following described protect: PERIMETER FENCE FM CO-GENWTicm SITS After the vxpTratTarl of the time and date above first written, said sealed proposals will be opened by zhc Purchasing Manager at his office and publ,cty read aloud. The plans. specifications, proposal forms and contract doeunents may be examined at the nffict: ❑f the Purrigasit,g Manager for the Cicy of lubbmk, Texas. Attention of each bidder is phrticularlY celled to the 5rhecLeie of General Prevaiting pate of Fer Diem Wages included in the Contract documents on file in ttie office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Lubbock. Tcxms. Each bidder's attention is further dirtcted to the provisions of Article 5159a, Wrrnan0s Ann. Civil St., arxJ the requiremenm containoed thrrein toot erning such wage scales and payment by the contractor of the p,rtvailing fates of wages as heretofore established by the -City of Lubbock. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies ali bidders that In regard to any CvntrgCt entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority End women business enterprises kill be afforded Lqual opportuhfties to submit bids in response to this Invitation and gill not be discriminated against pn the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in ConsTdera[ian for an award. Th,bre Wit be a prebid conference on 21-3t doy of November. 1984, Room 103. Municipai building, 1625 13th srreet. ` af. Gerpe Eads,`C.P.M. P{1RCHASING MA14AUR CDMi t%ee 4 (This page left- b,lank intentionally) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 1 f (This page left blank intentionally) .F LF FA 3. 4. S. b. GENERAL INSTRUCTFOkS TO HJDDERS SCOPE OF WMN ThE work to bL� done under "o contract documents 001-1 COnSist of the following: perimeter Ferree far the 21 Osagawatt Cogeneration Project sire. the Contractor shall. furnisfi ail labor, superinten erwe, rmchirrery, equipment and ell riaterlaLs rreressary to complete ttiis project in Bccordance with contract docunents. CCWTRACT DOCUMENTS All work covered by thfit contract shall be clone fn acoardance i+1th Contreat documents de$sritted In tht Gen- erat tgnditiws. W bidders shall. be thoroughl.y #amitfar with Mil of the requiraffientr set forth an the rnntratt documents for the construction of this project and shalt be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all. work contemplated by said contract documents, PLAID FOR USE BY BIDDERS It is the intent of the City of Lubback that 81t parties with an intererit fn s0xnitting a #id on the project covered by the contr4rt documents be given a real-onnbte opportunity to exami" the docurnents and prepare a bid withcwt charge of forfeiture of deposit. The contract 4acunents, iroy be examined without rhi�rge as noted in the Notice to Bidders. TiME AND CAMd MQ tOKPLETION The Construction covered by the contract documents shall be fully competed within 120 JOKE HDNGRE;) TWENTi) calerxlar days from fie dare speci#ied in the Notice to Prcered issued by the City of LiAbbock to the suczussful bidder. Ttie tontractar will be permftted to prosecute the ,cork in the order of his owe, chottsing, providad, however, tfie City reserves the right to requira the Contractor to stkmit a progress Schedele of t.ha ,cork conten ptated by the eontraet documents- in the event the City rewires a progress schedule to be submitted, and it is determined by the City that the progress of the watk is not in arcardari" wfth the progress schedute tin Sub- mitted, the City may direct the Contractor to take such action as the city deems necessary to insure compte- tion of the project within the tint specified. RAYMENT Atil payments due to tDmtri3rtor shall be mode in accordance pith the prtiVlsions of the {,erreral Ctmditidrls of the contract documents. AFF10AVitS OF KILLS PAID The City of Lubbock reserves the right, prior to final accoptance of this project to require the Contractor to execute an affidavit that all bilks for tabor, materiats and irecjdentats incurred in the construction of the improvements Captewpleted by the contract documents have hero paid Tn futt and that there are na etaims pending, of which the CorkTra for hus been notified. a. 4 10. LU MATERIALS RWD WORKMANSHIP The intent of these iontract docunwerlm Ts that only materials and workmanship of the hest c�mlity and grade mitt t9e furnished. The fact that the specifications may fail to be sufficientty ooTLete in sioprt detail will not reH eve the Contractor of full responsibility for providing materials of high quality " for pra- tectfng them adequately until incorporated into the prefect. The presence a aik5ence of A rapresenLative 4f the City on the site wilt nvt retieve the Con.traotor of full responsfbility of comptying with t1li4 provi- sTon. The specifications for materials and methods set forth in the contract daciownts provide miriTimn g[arviards of quality which the Owner betieves necessary to procure a satisfactory project- Aki tgjipment and materials incarparared 1n xhe project and all construction she tt k-c guaranteed ogle InSY d6- fer-tive materials and workmanship. Prior to finat acceptance, the, Contractor shatt #urni5h to the Owner. a i3Orten general guarantee which shall pro0 di~ that the Contractor shall reniedy any defeet!i fro the Work, Ard pay for any and all da!m9er, of any nature whistsoever rieswlting in such defects, when such defects appear uitilih ONE year from date of first acceptance of the work a$ a resukr of defective materIDts or workmanship, of no Bost tq the Owner [City of Lubbock) - PLANS FOR TNT CONTRACTOR The contractor brill. be Furnished one ut of plans and specifications, And rctaC,-d eontrect dneumtnts for hfa u.e during construction. Plans and �p cifiEll tiorra for use during corns truetion uiLt only be- furnished di- rertty to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then distribute- copies of ptanin and specifications to sup - pliara, subcontractors or orhero, as required for proper Wom-Ution of the work conLemplaLad by the Can - tractor. EPOIEC.TION OF CHE WRK The Contractor 64$Lt be responsibLe far the care, prescrvetion, canst:mition, and protection of all MaIari- MR. Supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparntu:, accessories, facilities, and ati Pearls of evnstruc- tiion , aW any and all parts of the �rark whether the Contractor has been paid, partially fie fd. or not pafd for such work, tmri[ the date the City issuer- itei certificate of coWtetion to Carttractor, The O ty re- serves the right, after the bids have t),cun opened and before the contract fins been awardod, to requirp- of a bidder the Following informatTQr}; tfl} Vie, experience record of the biWer sNowirrg etopLeted jabs of a similar nature to the one cowered by the prnp�sed contract and all work in progress with bond amounts and vertehtage cm pleted. tb1 A Sworn StBtoroont of the current financial condition of the bidder. (c) Equipment schedute TEXAS STATE SACE8 TAX This contract is is9ued by an arganixation which qualifies for exemption provisions pursuant to proviotons of Article 20.04- of the Texas Limited Sales, Exr-ise and Use Nx Act. The Contractor mart obt7in U timited salffs, excise and use tax perm e whloi shall enoble trim to bW tale ma- terlals to be irLtorpurated into the wpri; }rltilout paying the tox at the time al puxrcha4e. - G- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROTI:CTIOW OF SU8SURFACE LINES AND 5TRUCTUB 5 I shafL be the Contraccarfs responsihIJIty tb prosecute the work conterp rated by the eon tract clacsynents in TwXh a bay as to exercise due care to lucbte and prevent damage to all underground pipelines, utility tirhes, canduliK or ather underground 5trueturei; which in4aht or could be darmged by Contractor during tha construc- tion of OL project canteW ated by those contract documents. The City of i_ubboek agriees that it will. fur- nish Contractor tba location of ell Such undergrQund lines and wtititiea of which it has knowledga. How - aver, such fact shFatt not relieve the Contractor of his respansibititieii aforementioned. All such under- ground lines or struccures tux or damaged by Contractor during the prasecaition of the work contemplateo kty this contract shall be repaired imnetliatety by Contractor t4 the satisfaction of the City of Lutbnxk, texas, at ContraCtOrfs axperuse. BARUME5 AND SAFETY MEA5URt=5 The contractor shaft, at his own expense. Furnish and erect such barritatles, fences, lights and danger sig- nal1, and shaft take such other precautionary measures for the protcctian of persons, proper Ty and the work os may be rw5ces5ary, The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and {fights to protect it, and irhen damage 15 incurred, the damaged port+on shad be tomediat¢lY removed and re- plared by Contractor at his own cost and expense. the concractorts rersponsibitity for minttnonca of barri- cadoo, signs, and ight2 rhaii not ceare until the date of issuanre to [ontrpctor of GiIyIs ctrtfticate of acceptance of the project. Fho use of 4!x1Jlanive� w i I L fiat he permitted unless written permission to do 5o is obtained by the Contractor from the City. irk oil caeca where written pernission is obtained for true u5$ gf explosiYe-9, ttie f=Qntroctor shall assume full respons.ibl Lity for oli dammge which may Occur es a direct or indirect resul.t of the blasE- ing. in addition, in aLL cages where explosives are authorized to be used, the Contractor shall use utmosE care so 6nr not to endangor life or property and the Contractor lihal.i. further use oni)r stash mathnds as are r-UrrentLy utiLized Jry persons, firms, or corporations erigage€i in similar type of construction activity. Ex.plosave rmterisis shoLl nit be stored or ieat at the construction site by the Comraetor_ In all cases 1l41er8 enplosiYes. Or t0 be used during the construction of the project centehoiAtL+d by th1s contract, it shall b# the duty of the Contractor to notify eaali utility company having v ructures {stave or ba{vw the ground} in proximity to the site of the work of Cantrntorl% intention to use expLosivcs, and such notice -.hail use given SwffltitrhLly in advance to erhahle -the companies to take Stich steps as trey may deem ncC"sary to protect their property frole injury. Such notice, however, shafi not reiioye the rorytractor of responsibility for any damage resulting from his blasting operation&. 15. CONTRACTOVS REPRESENrA?1Vrt The sucte9sful Bidder shall be rewired to have a responsibie beak representative ovaflable at all times O lte the work is in progress under this Contract. The sucvegrf{at bidder shalt t.e required to furriNh the hare, address and telephone number where such total representative may be reached during the time that the Mork canteotplated by ttrig contract S& �n progress. 1a5. INSURANCE The Contractor .shell not trnmnce work under this contract until he has obtained all. insurance as regkpired in the General Conditions of the contract documents. from an underMriLer authorized to do business in the State Of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Prom of toverage shawl be furnished to the City and smitten 17_ 1A. noxiea of eancstIation pr any ma teriat Change will krt provided ten (TO) deVs I advance of can+cellarIufi or Charige. Ati pa1ici4s shaft contain mn agreement an the part of the insurer wraivinq the right to subrog�.- t i or,, The icis uranee €ert:ifitotes furnished shall r,arw the City a: an &WitiOno ( inslAred and Frhaii further statfi that all subcontractors are named as additional insuredecr or in the alternative, shall bie aveompanied by t statcnknt: fTM the Contractor to the effect chat no work an this particular project shall be 5ubcontra4-ted, Lf9GI� ANp 4IRK11M HOUR5 Attentio" of each tridder it+ p+articulhrty Called to tic schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem Vb4" included in these contract doeimrnts, Me wage rate which to %F. be paid On this project shalt. not ke tes& than specified in the srherJJle of general prevailing ret" of per diem wages as above nwentioned, The biddersr attention is further directed to the requirements of Artirte 5159a, V*MDri's Annotated Civic Statures providing for the payrpc,At of the wage schedruit-s obove imrn#waned ,grit rile bidders obligations there, under. The incluaion of the 9cPi*dulr 4f q&i0rs4 prevailing rate of per diem wrages in these contract docu- ment% does not releoi4e the Contractor from cangtianre with any wage taw that may be 'W�ptic;lbta. Canstrw- tion work w,der this contract: requiring an inspector 0111 not be performed on weekends or halidays unlesz the following conditi❑ns Vxilt. (1) Ftle praxect being constructed is esaentiaL to the City of Lubb ckIa abTt icy to prDvitir: the neccasary service to Its citizens. (2) Decays in ronstrucTinn era due to factors outside the control of the Contractor. The LantraCtor is approaching the penaLLy provisions of tha contract And Contmme can %how he has rmde a ditigrnt effort to coirplaie th6 Contract wfthin the allotted time. &afore conrxn+ction work requiring an ir,spactor is tq be performed on weekends or 11611days, the Contractor MS't notify the ONherfs RePrr:sentntive not tess Khan three lull working dj3ys prior to the weekiz d eye hcliiday 1,e desires to do work and abtaira written permi%sian from the Dwner's RepreRen#aiiva to do such +lark_ The Final decision an wftt:ther to allow con3truction work requiring an inspertor on weekendz or hoiidays wilt be =de by the Owner's Repre_cenrgr iYe. in any event, if a condi0an should occur or arise at the site of thf� project ear from t#ie wort being dame urodler this rant ract whfchw is hazardous or dangerous to property or life. the Contractor sheet( immediaLety commence work. regardless of the clay of tftie weep or xhe xi me of day, to carrort or aii0Viafe SUCK C4nditran sin that it is rw longer dangerous to property or life, PAVMERT OF ENPLOVpB AWE) FILING OF PAYROLLS the contractor and each of his subcontractors OBI L pay each of his emptoyets engaged in work an tiin project ruder this centvacr fn NU (less mandatory t"ul deductions) In rash, or by chock readily cashable without discount. not Less often than once each week. Me Contractor 4nd each of hia subcontrattors engaged at the site of the work shall oat Tatar than the seventh day fallowing the paymerFt bf wages, file With the Owner+a Representative, or Engirkter, a ccrtifitd, sworn, tegible cnpy of s+xch payroll. This shall contain the name of each eVtoy , hie ctassification, Ihie riwrber of Maur% worked an each day, rate Pf pay, and met pay. The aff1davTt Ah43tt crane that the Copy i% w [rue and correct copy of such pay roil, that no rebates a dedur- tions texcept as shown) have bmn made, or will in rite future be oracle from the wages paid as shown thereon. 1hi! Contractor must: classify emlayees occordfog to one of the Ctassifications set forth in the schedule of general prevarling rate of per ctlem wagr,s, Which schiduLL is Inctuded In the contract documents. a. the Contractor chalk forfeit as a penalty to the O ty of LLAkock on whose behalf this oontrout is made, ten dollars for each Isbnrer, workrmn, yr Mechanic oplvyrd for each calendar flay, or particle thereof, such t*3orer, W❑rkman or mechanic Ir' puld fern ttian the wages assigned to his psrtiEular claaslfication as set forth in the schedule of general prtyailing rate a# per diem wages inckuded in these ronTract documcn#i. 1'i, ROYJ lbFl $_ bNCE R�IIH& ESCALATOR CIALISiS Proposals submitted containing any ctknditions ,*,uric#, provide for Changer, irk the stated bid price due to in- rressbs nr decresses fn the Cost of materials, labor or 42ther items required fir the prajLcT wikl he re- jacted and returned to the bidder withtut being considered, 4. PREPARATI4H FOR PROPOSAL The bidder shalt submit his proposal an forms furnished by the City. All blank spaces. in The farm shad be correctty filled in and the bidder ohalL state the price both in wards and me erals, f❑r which he props,&es to do the work contemptated or furnish the rnateriaLm required, Such prices ehai.t hb written lm ink, dia- Onc tly elld kegfbly, or typewritten. In case of ciigcrepartcy between the price written in word-, and the price written in figures, the price written in words shall govern. It the proposak IN submitted by an irrdi- Vi'dual, his nanke +n-i5[ be O g►ked by him or hie duly authorized agent. If a proposal is submitted by a firm, aS34Cidtfion, or partnership, the rmme and addreas of each nke,rtp�r suet: be givE!n and the proposat biSned by a menkber of the firm, as%cwiation or partnership, or person duly authorised. It the proposal is submitted Ine a ro"FiV or eorpora[i❑n, the cogNwq or corporate name and Was ness addFe9a must be given, and the gropos.al signed by -an afffc{al or Ckrly authijrixed agent. Rower# at attorney Auihorlting agents Or fathers to sign proposals mast be property certified and musE bt� in writing and submitted with the prnpasat. The pruprsal shall be executed in ink. Each proposal shall be enCtosed in a seaLed pnvatape, addressed a5 specified in the Notice to eiddors, -arid endorsed on the outside of the envelope in the following mannbr: (a) Rldder+S name (b) Pr,4w.%al far (description of the proiect). Bid proposals may be withdrawn and rresvlrniT.tea at any [Ime prior to the time set for uponirg pf thtIxids, brat m proposal Fkay be withdrawn or aLter ed thereafter, 22_ f3oUHD COPY ❑F CO"11Mr aIICIIM ors Bidder urkder:SarodS and o2JFcea that the Goritract to be executed try bidder shalt 4e b❑uhd and include the tot- 1ONir19: (c Notice to 9idder5. (b) Gcnerak Inetructiarm to 9iddors. tO Ridder+s Proposal. #d) 5testurbry ODr,d €if required). 10 Contract Agreement. tf GmeraL Conditions, (g1 Special GDnd tldrm (if gxgy + ?r ) Spec( f icet i ens. (� .Insuranc* 1:ertlflEate$ fJ) All other documents made aYaiRab40 10 bidder for hi:a in9pettIon in Accordance with the L4otice to Bidders, If VtOrts and Spec ificut ion$ are too bulky or cumbersome to W phy9ii;atly bound, they are to be considered Incorporated by referent¢ into the aforc4Wntioned Con[raa' documents. 1 (This page left blank intentionally) m i= m m m o m m m= m m m = � m m m (This page left flank intentionally) BID rROP05AL SID FOR L01P F; W CONIRACfii FILACE- Liablynck, Texas DATE December St 19139 PROJECT wo.2113-55 1C3-4366 Promsot of IjI&e_Kig n General CO era 'rr4 3u _ (here}nafter cal{edd 9iddcrl io the tlanarshle Mayor and City Council. City of Lubbock, texas fhercinbfter called Owner) flrntiemen: The Bidder, in canpLiance bride your invitation for bids for the consrrucrion of a Fprimeter Fpucp fnr rhj- 2l Megawatt Cogeaeratlom FToject having carefully exaomned the puns, specifications, instructions to bidders, notiat Co bidders and atk other re- lated tantract dncrnkerlrs and the silt of the proposed +nark, and bong fame Hmir with ati of the Conditions surround- ing the construction of the propnect project includtng the aveiIab Lity of miter iats ano labor, herey+ prmaresL to furnish all laWr, materih45, erxi $LopLlips, and to construct the protect in aCCardarpce with the p(ans, spec ifica- tions anti COntrsct cl=uments, within the time set forte therein and at the price stated beiow. The price to caner ■tt expenses incurred in pePforming the work hequiired uWar tilt contract daeunents, of wish this proposal. is to be a part, is as follows: JNxKmt shBll be shown in bDth wor& mid ftpurem„ In case of discrepancy, the am mitt shavn in words shaLl lRovern,) Bidder herbeby agrel8 to Cam* ct tkn nark an the above projeci an or before a dElie to be spetifiiad in a written '%Otice to proceed" of the pwAwr and m fully cmvlete the project within 1U {ONE KNI)FIEG TVENTY) consecutive caLerider days Thereafter a5 stlpwtim ed in the specifications and other Contract docurmnts. Bidder hereby ;Further sereea to pay to Owner Bs kiquidatod dnrna9ex toe sun of 3100,0D (One hwwdred doltars) for emch cansacutivc caitr+dar day irk excess of the time set forth h2r2inabove for ca[piction of this projeetr all as inure fully sat forth if, the general condirions of the contract docLunnts. 9idder understands and agrees that thiw bid or000sal shaLl be conpletad ann submitted in actardance with in- mtrueLiDn rimer 2D of the General tricrrucrions to Bidoers. Bidder understands that r0m Ownsr reserves the rigpt to reject any or ail bias and to weivi, any fo"latity in the bidding- POP hThe BlWer agrees that this bid shatt be good eW may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) catemiar days after the scheduked Cloting tie* for rtCeiVing bids. The undersigned Bidder hereby dectares rhh# he has visited the site of the work and t►aE carefully enanirrecf the plan„ specifications any ConLraet documents pertaining to the work covered by ails bid, drid ha further agrees to coem"ence work on or before the date specified in the written MOtiCe to pri}ceed, and t0 subst ntial.l.y complete tree Work an which he nes bid; as providm ir, the contract documents. -rt Enrlused with thin proposal is a Cashier's ChecW or Certified Check for Dollars (S_ ) or a Propvsat Bond in Vie sun of 5Z Greatest AmounC Bid doLLars CS`}, which it is agreed enett be aoLkocrud and retained bry the owner as liquidated damages in the event the proposal is accepted by the owner and the undersigned faits to execute the necessary contract documents and the required bond (if any) with the Owner within ten (10) days alter the care of receipt of written notification of acceptance of Said proposat; otherwise, said Check or board 6hall be reutrned to the undersigned upon demmnt. - BiddLit understands and agrees that the eant ract to be executed by Bidder sfiall be bu w and inctWe all ccn- tract documents made availaablc to him for his inspection Tn accordanr-e with the motire to Bidders. _ Mike Mein General Coutructors, Inc. CcntraCxor ify- Mike KIP-iu President [Seat if Bidder is a Corporation) MUST Secretary -12- 1 AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NY NEW YORK, NEW YORK SONU NO, 611) BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, MIKE KLEIN GAL CONTR1MRS, INC. as principal, and the American National Fife Insurance Company. a corporation existing under the laws of lire SiRte of Ni w fork, having its principal place of business at 560 Walnut SireQi, Liacinrtmi, ()"or fls surety, are held and firrIlly hound unto, CITY OF LUBBOCK as obligee, in the penal sure of 5% OF GREATEST AMOUNT BID DOLLARS (S 5% GABL lawful money of the United States of America, for the pa}ment of which, well and truly to be made, win bind autselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors grid asEiiAns, Foinsiy and severally, firmly by these presents, ISIGNED, sealed, and dated this 5th day of December 1989 WHEREAS, the said pfincipal is hercwirh submitting a proposal for PARAMETER FFNCE FOR THE 21 MEGAWATT CO —GENERATION PROJECT NOW, THEREFORE, the condirion of this obligation is such that, if the said principal shall be awarded the said contracr, and skull within THIKIY ( 30 ) days after receiving notice of such award enrer inro a contract and give bond for the faithful pefformance of the ctirwtracr, rhen this obligation shall be null and void otherwise the principal and surety will gay unto The obligee the dif- ference in money bcmten the amount of the principal's bid and rho amount for which the obligee may icgally concract with another party to perform the work, if the larrer amount be in excess of the former; but in no evear shall the liability hereunder exceed the penal sum hereof. MIKE is EIN GENERAL (XMACMRS i INC. PFinEipal AMERICAN NATIONAL F3RF INSURANCE COMPANY Y{ By F.973E 4179 GENE HOLT �tiorrieY-in-Fact No Text i %kW1"?d4#NJRL,4FQjLC44NY1j MoET LC N NATIONAL FARE INSURANCE COMPANY The rturriber of penum uttrhoriLed New York, New York by t#trs power Of atrurney if, nQt Nij. ()14766 more RI•tan CM POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE lNSLIRANCE COMPANY. n corporation orguni7ed and existing under a.nd by vertne of div laws of the State of New York. does hereby rtutninate, COMM Litt anal appami the person nr persons mined below its true and lawful aTtorncyin-feet. Far it atnd in its game, place and stetkd I e+ioqute in baha1r(5f Ilsq saki Company. m surety, Any and all borids. undertakings and cuntmis of 3ure%yship or ether written obliptkam in the nature rherecsf-, provIdt d that the Uabdlty of the Wd Company rin any such b-ond, undertaking or contrart of3umtyship exaeutt:d under th15 aLiLhodty t,halI nvt rkcrad the linAi 'Itated below. Narnm Address Lirrtit or I't}wer = EI }I T PLANO, T= r NLIM nr+ r3 Thsa Ptswer of Attorney revs;kes sii pmviauz powars N3sued in behalf of the lit torrmey[g)•in-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the AM RICAN NATIONAL FIRE i SURANC E COMPANY has cause,! these presen is iqi he 6Egtwd jnd attested by its appro Pdate Officers and its cni-pornte seal hereunto rii'fixed this 15th day or J=m , 19 $$ Attest- AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE SNSLI ANCE COMPANY 04h Aviv" STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF KkMl LTON ss: on this 15th day r)f Jul, I999 before nw personally appeared ROBERT M.SCHUDE R, [u rat known, being d>.ily sworn, deposes and says than he reside+! in C'imianati. Ohio, c11:11 he is the Vice President ofihe American Kvi{rrkal Fire hisurarice Company, the Company described to and which executed the abovcW0rumen ta that ire knows the wal,that it wassDaffixed hvuuthririIy ht3oRice uudet the BY -Laws o r ia id Company, and ih-it he signed his came thereto by like Auihority- This Fbwer of Attamey is pauted by authority of the fallowing resuiutions adopted by the Iwurd of Directors of American National Fire Insurance Company by unanimous written i!armnt dated Augt,tat 210, 1979- RES'OL VED., That the Prrsrdeni, the setvml Vice Prcsrdents and Asaisranr Vice Apesidents, or any one of them. he and herekv ii amthariaed, f om tilde I? time, so appluinr urn, or more A r1Q1n L-ys-jn-Fucr rt, etrrcurr it, behalf of rirr Compgilr. uY .vurevfIF, aqv and aft honda. undertakings ❑,7d eorrmrt ets of sumtyship. or tither written obi*adons in The nature thereof- to prescrthr their I-viperfive duties and Me respeFc liue tim4irff of rhea authority,- and ra retroke any such appoint mmf of ant+ HMO RESOL FED FURTftU- riw the Cttr►tmtty seat and the sfgimwe of a+tv of the aformid nJffctrm rrra.v hu irff Aed b v Jaesimde ro a,ry poturr of nttamey or certifkate of evrijer open f«r the execution of arny hard, vnderhrking, c-oatrucr tyfi xirrywhip. or o 0ter K, Itlert nbtigatirrn in the harut•g thereof, such sigrnaitore and seal when so risen being herekv adopted by rite Campam- as the onginai stgnirture of Stich offroer and the orrginaf seal of ehe conwot},, re he >sAd and binding sport the Camrpstty will) The same fan-e arW effevi = thmAgh manually affixed. CERTIFTCATION I, RONALD C. HAYES. Assistant Socretery of the American rational Fire Insurance Company, do hrreby cent!)- That the foregoing Power of Attorney and the Resoluiions of the Board of Di rectory, of August 20, 1979 have not been revoked and are n-Ow in fki foroc aiid effect. r.�-•mot signed-4nd sealed this 5tb okay of December 19 B9 s aaanG LUB7i i �j • I (This page left blank intentionally) w BOND CHECK BEST RATING LICENSED JN � D"TE4! Bond No- 0374742 TlEXA S STATUTORY PAYMENT RON1) (PUB LIC WORK KNOW ALA. M#LN by THESE PRESLN1S, tlial MTKE KLEIN GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC"- iheteikOlet called the P&Lcipaliaj ). ¢s Principal(sj, and American Natiunal Fire tmiuratwv Ctpmparty, a corporutfori, urganioed xnd existing udder the laws of the State of Now `fork, with itr principal ofiice iro rlio City of CirIcinnati, OMu (liere.inufter e:ailed the Surety). us Surety, are held and firmly bvtind unto CITY OF LUBBOCK Ihereiuuflet Called [he 0hlig'e}, i11 Ehc amount of FIVE HUNDRED & FIFTY—SEVEN 'THOUSAND Dollars{$ 557, 000. 00 } I'oT I by paymeijt wlkemiF, Ilse said Principal and Surety hind Lhvmwlves, Atid their heirs, admini;amIt,r9, ixaeutors, succassurs and assigns, in Ily :end sevtr4ty, lrmly by t11M presents. WIiERLAS, the FrincirmI has entered in u, j cer[a written i uon( uct with the ON Tee, da0d the 14 th tlx)r nl' DECEMBER . 19 134 , to PARAMETER FENCE FOR THE 21 MEGAWA,rr CO —GENERATION PROXECT whsch uontrat.I is hare by refelred Eu wi€l mLido a part hetr,of im fully and e41 Elie same exLen l A3 if wopiod al lemigth harem. NOW, TH FRFF0RE. TILL CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION 1S SUCH, that iF the said Principal Shall pity all clnitymnIs supplying labor wid. rn aevW to him or a subcontractor is Ilie prosecution of tlto work provided for in sa,d wriiracl, Ilie ii, ifiis ohligation sh:►!I be void; otherwise to remain in Fall fo= and LiINct. PROVIDED. BOWL-Vl: , that This bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Ariide 5160 of Itae Revised ('evil Sly wles of Texas as amended by Acts of the 56th legislature. Regolsr Session, 1959, acid Lill liabiIiii" on tlkix bared ihA11 lie dcIormined in ucccitdanse with the pTovksions of said Article to the same oxteiit its if iI were copied a length heroin, I-N 11-MESS WHEREOF, the said Prirteipal(s) and Sarciy have signed and w4led this tnatnimum this 14th duy u1, DEC.EMBER . l9 #ig - MIKE KLEIN GENERAL CO 'TMACTOR , It►fC. 1TY � CGitNTEASIGNED: AMERICAN NATIQNAi. FIRE INSURANCE EQMPAN Y BY dt�orTee�-r,t ANY S i11'S (ANF) 4(78 No Text LN160 . A42FlurJr.1 11f74F k4fkalANi: F The number ❑f persons uuthurized New York, New York by this povmf of attorney rs not No. it 14766 morn than CM POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. I C.orporatLon organized an+# axlsting under and by virtue asf the laws of the Slate of New York, dies bete hy nominate, cunmkuto and appoi nI the pe-oon jwx persons married below its true and lawful attorney -in -fact. for 11 and in Its namu.pllice and stead toiai=uto in behulfal'thesaid Company, a-5 surety, ony nod o11 hands, undertakings and comer 4 Of surt:tysitip Est o#her written nbligaeoons in the nature thErcof-, prkaMidetl ihul the Ubility o f tho said Company on any such bond. undcFlaking OFi;Untrack of suretyihtp oxeculed under Chic dLit ltority ;hall n1)1 exctrrd the lirMI Ma Led hclrw. Marne Address Lemur ref €'ewer = HOLT PIM, TEMS =TED Thu Power of ALTornery revoke€ all previous powers imuod in behalf of the artorney{s)-rn-Fart named aOove, I% WITNESS WHERED P Iltm AMERICAN NATIONAL F1RF INSURANCE COMPANY has caused ehtW Pfr:WrlIS t{rhe ggne<4l and attested by iIlt 4PPrapriate ofAi�ers ana lls carp❑rate seal here unta ornxed this 15tt day of June .19 $! Attest; AMERIC'AN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF OH1O, COUNTY OF KkMI LTON — ss: On then 15th day of June, 1989 bdforC me petsanally appegrckk KOBERTll+l. SCHUDEll.LO Me nown. being duly sworn. deposes mn❑ says chat he resided in Crrtcrnriati, Ohio. Thai he if the Vice Presidertr of the American Nalannstl Vim I4P4urtMT10 Company r The Company deKTibed in kind whittle executed the ahove instrument that he knows the seal: that it was so ufllxed by authority of hisofticc undef the By-Lawsor said Company, arid that lie signed his name thereto by like author! ty- This Power of Attorney is granwd by ;iathertty of Cho following resolutiogs adopted by the lira d of UlreCIWS 4 Amrk an Nitlionai Fire insurance Company by unanimous written ransent dared August :0, T979. RE`SOL ICED,• That the Presidertrr the several like Pre0dents and Assistarm Vire PrrsldvA M, (fir W V one ter rhrvtt, br and hcrrhl' is amikorized. from time 1.0 1rme, ra mpainr nee or more 4rlameys-In-Fact to ervecure in hMalf of the C"ompanY. 4.i se�refip, o,r}' afire! all bonA andertakhogs and can rmem of sumtyxhip. err rather written obligexrrntrs in the na urre thereof: era prescribe them rApei'fi.Pe dtudeg and the mgertrve limits of their authoru),, and ro revoke any such apporntmerrr at unr time_ RESOLVED FUR7'HER. That the Company seal and the uguature of any of the aforesard tFff ern titer fit- allbred i,k �. f"0mile ro irgv power of arrtorftey nr rerrrfkate of either given for the e-vecuHan of on)- bond, tlrtderlakfnx. coulrewf fPr strret-vsh#p, or outer wr#ten obtiptlon in the rtrtrure thereof such s4nature aced sM when so nixed being herebY udopred t .v the Copripim v as the origr'rtal sr`gnatu'T Or such oJft;er and the Original zeal of the Company, !.7 he ralld and hfoding upon the Crympagv K-Jfh the 5aine fl+wa and elfert as though nwnually afreced. CERTIFICATION 1, RONALD C. HAYES, Assistant Secretary ii the A=ricari Watioml Dire Insarancc Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney and tht KcsoIunons of the Baard of Directors 4f August 20, 1979 have not been rcvkeked and are now i ri Fu11 force and effect. Signed and waled ihis 14th n dad ,)f DECEMBER 19 P9 k 103OG46fwlF r 0 } A = w� m m m m� m m m m memo .M �� m m I (This page left blank intentionally) BOND CHECK { BEST RATING UCEMED IN TES RATS AR060N Ih 6WWN L FIRE LI ISU RMICE MMPA NEW YOAX. N.Y. y Bond No, 0374742 -rEXAS STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND i (PUBLIC WORK) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. stray MIKE KLFTN GENERAL CONTRAS'' ORS, INC. (hereinafter called the Princirpal(s), as Principal(a), and Americaa National Fire Insurance Company (hereinaftet called ncc Surety), as Suzety, are held and Firmly bound unrc CITY OF LUBBOCK (hereinafter called the Obligee), is the amount of FIVE HUNDRED & rIF'T'Y SEVEN THOUSAND Dollars (557,000.O0 j for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety hind themselves, and their heirs, administrarors, execrztors, successors and assigns, jointly and severallyT firmly by these �resenrs. WHEREASp the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with theObtigee, d#ced the tot-b day of DECEMBER . 1989 , to PARMETER PENCE FOR THE 21 MEGAWATT CO -GENERATION PROJECT which contract is hereby referred to and made a parr fivreof as fully and co the same extent as if copied jar IerLgth herein, NOT, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the .said Prin- cipid shall faithfully perfntm the work in accurdance with the plans, specificaricmx and contracr docu- ments, then this obligarioo shall be void; otherwise ter remain in Full force and effect, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, than this band is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amtnded by Picts of the 56th L-egislature, RcSiAlar Session, 1959. nad all liabilities on this bard shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article ro the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. fN W[TN ESS IN H EILEUF, the said Principals} and Surety have signed and sealed this instru- ment this 1 4th day of DECEM BER 19 69 11 11 11 COUNTERSIGNED: MIKE KLEIN GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. f �r�wrip¢1� By - -- - r7nr - ri,.ClJ- AMERI AN NATIONAL FIRE IN5VRANCE COMPANY By $esrdesr Agent c .,-A A", r 7a 1=3y A ��ov�weq-#�rwF�cl No Text 1 1 I CERTIFICATE Of INSURAKJ �Thzs page left blank intentionally) W. mv Im JOU PO 64 - 2SUE DATE SMMA:iL7rYVI 12 14 89 PJ+IOOER THiS CERTIFICATE M LSMUEp AS A MATTER OF JNFOR ATION oN4Y AND CONFERS NO RFONTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HoLOSR- THIS CEgTiFICATE PCES NOT AJ41ERD. THE S ANFOR D AGENCY EXTEPtD OR ALTCA, Tki COVERAOrm AFPQRDED BY THE POUCrES BELOW 6393 YNDIANA AVE. P.O. BOX 64790 COMPANIES AFFORIANO COVERAGE LUBBOC r TX 79454 COMP N S E'F" a COMPANY 15 INJ3LORF-D LE-rFr=n NATIONAL STANDARD INS. CO. COMPAN, c MIKE KLEIN LEiTFFa AMER-I AN GENERAL INS, CO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. ODMPAWe � 4402 QUIRT AVENUE LETTER NORTH RIVER INS. CO. LUBBOCK, TX 79404 COMPANY LETtER FIDELITY & CA UALT Y CO. (MOAC) r T34iS [E TO CZATIFI' THAT POLICIES OF IN9UPANGIE LI9TEO BELOW MOXVE BIREN JSI' MED TO THE INWREO NAMED ABQ1+7- rpR THE PauCY 1121 R1?*D INUCATED, NOTwrTWSTAN01NQ ANY Rp♦; UPAEMENT, -r AV OR G0NDFTf0P; OF ANY CONTAAt-T OR OTHER DMUMENT WrTH RESPECT TO WHICH T11M Ct TMCATE MAY BE ISSUED Of! MAY PERTAW, TAE MSUAANCE A Fr-OAOED BY THE POUCIE& DESC9I8EI] HEBEI N iS SI.JSJECT TO ALL THE T ERMS, EXtLuSlOWs. AND COMOi. n N8 OE SUCFI PaucrE5. LC TY4yE OF Ir-JF.�_lRlNr,E POI ley I�LII,tEER 4TR 'n.} f MEOW Ail LIM' i 5 IN 7FIO�JSA4NDS Diq 144IV--X 'rV: VTr iMrd.TI[ -- [�ENERA4LLAillil,ITY khi4h_Ati$GwTF $ 13 fiD MEXLAL UNEIIAL LIAifll.- V 2-P 7 3 8 3 8 5 0 9 4 3 0 8 0 4 3 0 9 e X -i s rjC�EOMNQN rpEGa I_ 10 0 ia I'lUM5 MAUF �tlLL318FliNCF •IH5,r)Hki I A&fATI5!10 -NdUmy $ 0 RiRJFS 5 �, c6piT AL MAS PpJ7jTViv c 4L M U-L r{i IMLE t1 r0�0y 1 0 +0 0 FTG LIA4kZ .AW LNP. FINPI 50 WDCALL DPP 6C Wi'7 M-114:9N, y 5 ALITQ iZIINLE LIABILITY— C ANYAUTQ MABB3 54912 04 30 $ 04/30/9Q s1Hfdo X ALL t .Vr-1 AIlF7r 5 4 51:413ULE) aUFCl6 dcLo ' PEI -FE7L9a4s ' HIFiEE1 AIM35 VolV' �iL}�i�w4'M1r � �LffC WO d { {CUC£NP. dF UDgAG-E LbbAIL IVY ■pp�}psw OVA��c - DICE EXCEELS L AEF4LPTV S'-5 }� �� 0�RJSR 3000 TIER $RAN -M-19RELLA FEW STaTurb�tx WORKERS' COMPENSATiON r=d�rl x{O �I AND 10bEA5E GY ulMrl EMPI.OYEA19' IJALiIWT4' iD! +SSECASHEhFI_aVH- OTHER E BLDRS RISK IMM782355 24 13 8 04/13 J 30009 ANY I JOBSITE OF DPRATIORSILOCATIONS? YF-ftHECLE5r i4dXM EPECLALITEM �. TliE LI�lIrr9 5H6WN M AY FAVEi 13.EUN-1 REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. WORKERS' COMP. THROUGH TEXAS WORKERS' COMP. ASSTGNEO RTSK POOL. RE; PROJECT # 113-554103-93{6 PERIMETER FFNCE FOR THE 21 MEGA WATT COGENERATION PROJECT m2mz= • SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE L}ESCRIDED I?Wr.IE5lie CANCELLED 13EFOR THE Fx- PIRATION DATE TKEREOr-. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL. eNO€AVOR TO CITY {) ' LUBBOCK MAIL OAFS WRITTEN# NUT" TO TkfE CeRTJFII~ATE HOLDER F#A+AEL} TO ThIE P*O. BOX 2000 LEFY, SU7 FAILURE TO MAJL SUCH NM1Zr' 3ALL it E i4O-b@ {3AkTiON OR LUB13OCK, TX 7 }408 eLLiTV OF AkY KIND N THE CO ANY. ITS AG L7R fIEgR EM7aafi11+E5. ALri�G AE�F{ES&E rti F r "— � 14. 1r.ir. INSURAN E BINDER ��UE 12-14489�DD 1�41 THIS BINDER IS A TEMil Y GNSURANl CONTRACT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDMONS SHOWS+! ON THE REVERSE 1DE OF THIS FORM PRODUCER col 91MDER MG. The Sanford Agency Amel General Cos 9-348-3 p 0 Box 64790 EFFECTIVE EXl Luhbol Texas 79454 DATE TIME 1F.O1 X AM DATE TIME X I�:oiAIV 1 -14- 69 13m 1-14-90 l THIS $lRl}EH 1.9 ISBUEI) TO Wil GOVERAGI= lal THE C0MpAA4* P£R E]SF'1RIN{i F011 l Al NlJAEQ CODE SUB -CODE DESi IIPTdUrF OF OPERATI0NSNEFi1[:LEWPIROPERTY 3l l Project 4 113-554103-93Gb Perimeter FEnce for the 21 Mega Watt City of Lubbl Cogeneration Project P 0 Box 2000 $557,000 51 LuVbock, texas 79408 COVERAGES TYPE OF IHSl PPo4PfRiY CAUSES OF LOSS E1451C l SAC COV£RAGEIFORl -'. 43ENViAL 41AEILlTY 4w COMMEl GENERAL LhAElILFTY Cl MADE OCCUR 0WNER-9 R Q"TR.tCT4R'S 41l jTETl uAtla l CL ll mADF: AUTONOWLE. &L VENDS SCHw11l VEHICIll LIAjjll,liY rvor,uowr;Ed H+TIED C,�4,gGE itl PHYSICAL DANAI3E ALL VE# LES iX7L1.15doN Rk�. 0 C DEG: EXCl umll l U44HAf_LLA �'4pM Crl THAN UMESRELLh l l GATE FOR Cl MADE. wQflKl=R-S G41NPEm5AT1ar4 Al kl EMPLOYEF'S LIXEULrry -- — — CONDITIONS511ESTRFCT16NaiOT1fER COVERAGES SCHEDULED wr-- 1.6a ALL LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS AMOUNT OEDLICTI9LE {'013{5UH. &ENEl Al r5 9 `CjI[��r�u l— 2 T)T) 'CP$ Al,GFiE$ATE S 5010 PERSONAL & AlIMJURY 5 500 EACH =UR7RENCE 8 5GO PURE bAA4AGE CAny anF We) % 50 MEQ. F P6l ikv on* Pel;cml i F3 mp- S BI PEN&ACCIU S P-D S MED. PAY 3 FOP E Url 6 ACM WATEDAMOflIJT b - EACH ASORE3l SELF-IN61iPiE Q P:Ftl E RETENTION STATUTORY 5 q lw w-loF,rgif S IOLSEASE-POLICY LIOAIT� 410WEASEZAC-H r2l NAME & ADDRESS iAQl AfiOITILiNAL Il LOSS F'Av£F i4htk k Al 0115M ll ATM T a'rt o Agt y AC ll 6 $ . Val � ACOFIIO C�]IA� CONDITIONS This Company binds the kind(s) of insurance stipulated on the reverse side. The Insurance is i`rk subject to the turns. conditions and Umitations of the pollcy(ies) in current use by the Company. This binder may be cancelled by the insured by surrender of this binder or by written notice to F the Comp.arsy stating when cancelialiorn will be effective. This binder may be cancelled by the ho Cornpany by notice to the insured In accordance with the policy conditions. This binder is nanoelTed when replaced by a policy. It this binder Ts not replaced by a policy, the Company is entitled to charge s premium for the binder according to the Ruffles and Rates In use by the Company. APPLICABLE IN NEVADA Any person who refmses to accepl a binder wh1ch provides coverage of less than $1,000,00040 when proof is required: (A) Shall be fined not more than 500_00, and {5j is liable to the party presenting the binduir as proof of insurance for actual damages sus - twined therefrom. P i16_ ACORD 759 (MT I mnford 'MAKING INSURANCE WORK FOR YOU THE SAf FORD AGENCY�1i�1C� rts�s., December 14, 1989 Mr. Gene Pads City of Lubbock P 0 Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 19408 Re: Mike Klein General Contractor, Inc. Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company Policy '�71 WZ PN 5460 Dear Mr. Fads: This is to verify that Mr. Klein's workers' compensation insurance is written on the above policy through the Texas Workers' Compens- ation Assigned Risk Pool. His employers" liability limits are 500 f 50Df 50D. We have today ordered a certificate issued to the City of Lubbock as per the attached copy of our letter. The certificate should come directly to the City in approximately seven (7) days. ok you, Joann Stewart is enclosure cc: Mike Klein General Contractor, Ir1r_. 4402 Quirt Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79404 63103 1ND1ANA 4 P,O. B0X 647% & LUBBOCK. 71EXAS 79464-4M & Mofl 792-5564 0 FACSIMILE MOO 792-$34.1 No Text sanford INSURANCE WORK Ikon You - December 14, 1989 Hartford Accident $ Indemnity Company P 0 Box 927 Dallas, Texas 75221 Pe: Mike Klein General Contractor, Inc. #71 WZ EH 5460 Gentlemen: Please issue a certificate of insurance on the above policy to: The City of Lubbock P 0 Box, 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79408 Pe: Project # 113-554103-9366 Perimeter Fence for the 21 Mega Watt Cogeneration Project Please forward as soon as possible. Thank you, Joann Stewart is cc: dike Klein Dpneral Contractor, Inc. 4402 Quirt Ave. Lubbock, Texas 79404 City of Lubbock P 0 Box 7000 Lubbock, Texas 79408 11 11 THE SANFORC] AGENCY 6303 INDIANA P_O_ BOX 64790 LUBBOCK. TEXAS 79464 {306) 792-5564 1.1 No Text w m= we m ►m m�= m m4w No m m M� M� IN 1w �IIY Irl_ r 16 (This page left 171ank intentionally) n CONTRACT 5rATE OF TEXAS I a COUNlY OF LUB$GCK 7:lIS AGREEMENT, made and enter4:d into this 14th day orf December, 1989, by and beIWLen the City of �ut?bock, County of Lub4aci~, State Af Texas, acting by and throu!@h B,C, McMinn, Mayor, thereunto autisarizad to do so, hereinafter referred to as DAER, and Flfke K4ein Cenerst [ontractorg Inc. of the City of I_USBbCK, County of LLrf190CK and the State of 75MAs4 herelraFter termed CONTRACTOR, WITWEtMTH; That for and in consideration of the payments anti agreement9 hereinafter mentioned, to be made arq performed by the OWNER and under the a wditions expressed in the bond brarfng even hate herevith (if ary) ti,e CON- TRRCTGR hereby agrees with OWNER to commence and complete the corstrvctian of certain improvements described as ful- 1 ores : BID # 10425 - RENIMETER FENCE FOR T14E COGENERATION SiTE FOR THIE AMOUNT OF %557,000.000 and all extra work In Connectfon. therewith, under the terms as stated in+ the contract documnts and at 41s {of their) own proper cast and expense to furnish all materials, supplies, machinery, oqulpflent, toots, superintandence, labor, inruranre and other ac-cessories and strv-sees necessary ra Corplete tfxe said carosiructiGn in accordance with the cant ract documents ns deffnod fn the CenerqL Condition of A9reeMML . The MOITRAOTOR hereby agrees to coftMenre work within ten days afttr the date written notice io do so shall have been given to him and Co substantially carp vte same withln the time specified in the contract dacsaoents. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current fu►ds for the performance of the can#ract in arrordanre whit the proposal submitted therefore, subject to additioM end de-duotionS, 08 provide fn the contract documents and to Peke parrot an account thereof as provided thfirein. TN 4:TTNESS WNEREdf-, the parties to the4e presents have executed this agraoment fn Lubback, 4-ubimpk County, Texas in the year and day first above written. ATTESTi- SeCr yyL�a-�y AR�ROWcU AS TO C04TENT: ti APPROVED AS TO FORM; AT7�ST; Secrt+tary CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS CUWNIFR) 4@ ' MAYOR Mike ►:lain Gen. Cmtractors Inc. CONTRACTOR TITLE: f y CCRPLETE AnOkESS! 4402 Oui rt WbboCk, TX 7941J4 -22- (This page left blank intentionally) 1 1 IGENERAL CONDITTONS OF iif AGR€EHFNt 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 Z3 - it N (This page left" blank intentionally) r GFNER L EMD1TINS OF TfIE ArRVf!MFNT NNER Whenever the word iklndr, or the expression Party of the First Part, or First Party, are usLd in this con- tract, it shad tree wlderstood as referring to the City of Lubbmk, Texas. CUIITRACTOR Whenever the word Contractor, ar the exlaresaion Party of the secord Part, or Second Party, Is Used, it shall be understood to mean the person, persons, co-partrievship or corporal{on, to -wit; Mike Mein teen_ Conir Inc-, who hat, agreed to perform the war ePbrated in this Contract. or to has or their legal representative. O"ER;S REPRESENTATTVk uhCrgaVer the WUrd IoWneT+s RepresentarIvca or reprementative is used in this cant car t, it shad be irderatood as rfifrrrirvq tv JAY WA0FLWRTnd PRODUCTION SupRTNTi WVENt, LUMCK PCr4+FR $ LIGRI PROLtUVI N, City of Lubbock, under chase 3uperv1y.1an these contract docu ants, including the plans and specifications, were prepared, and wbo will inspCCt cDrstrurtion-. or to Such other rz'rPresentatiwe, supervisor, ur ln5peetor pis may ie authorized by said Owner to act lr, any particular under thin} agraomnt, 1=ngfrieerS, �upeeyisor at insprrtors will nct for tilt: owner under the direction of ❑wner"s ALeprer;enCative, bmt shall not directly supervise the toot ruter or meta acting in behalf of the Contractor. CONTRACT DOMMENTS The cnntraer documents small Consirft PP the kotice to 8iddacs, General frmtru[tlons to Eiidders, Prop'Dral, Signed Agreement, statutory Eland& {if requirpdi, General Conditions of the Agreement, 5,ncial CaMitians of the Agreemmt (if arty), Specifications, Plans, InsWrance Certificate, 9nd ell other doctmenta mndL available to Ridder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidder!�- INiCRPR5TATICr I,iF PHRASES Whenever the words "Df rected," "Pei mi tted,0c OOP-sigwad," ,izequired,lk "Cormidered Necessary," "Prezcribed,l{ or words of like impart art weed, it shalt be understood that the direction,, rccpiremLtnr. pemis.51gn, order, designation or prescription of the owner's Representative Is intended; and simit-3rly, tiie wordf. oAppr6vi-d,1' NAr.ceptable,OF {Fsatfst$ctpry,l{ or Lords u# like import :iPmU mean approved by or nt:vptq#le or satisfactory to the Owner's Reprerientetive. 4Mehewer in the 5pecificativm or dreirings accompanying chi-5 agreement, the rerrm of description of various qualities relative to finish, workraamh ip, or other qualities of similar kTrld ►Ihfth cannot, from their rnm- turc, be spetlficatly and cxearly described and speelffed, but are necessarily aericritwd in gant+ral terns, the fulfillment of which must dopcnd an iMlvidual Judgment, then, in all such cose!L, any question of the fulfillment of Adid Specifications shalt be decided by the Owner's Representative, and -aafd work -ihatt be dnrke in accordance with hls flttarpretaxions of the meaning of the words, terms, or clauses defining thu character of the *ark. PURCONTRAC;OR The term 5ubcontrisKtor, as employed herein, tnclucles ants+ those havini a direct Contrtick with the Contrr-wtor for perfarmarace of work on the project conteVipted try these cantract documents. owner shalt have ha re- sponsibilfty to oar Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the.project contemplated by th"e contract documents, Nit said Subcontractors wiLL look exrl05ivety to Contractor for arty payments duo �u ontractor. -24- i, WRITTEN kOTjC6E a. V. III 12. Written notice shaLL be deem to havc6 Ewen duty sL-rved if delivered is person to the individual or to e fflofr+r of the firm or to an officer of the carporation for wham it is Intended, or if dekivered at 6r sent iw certified mafl to the last business address known to him who giv n the notice. "K UnLeea otherulse stipulated, the Contractor sholk provide and pay for at m$terial%, �uppties, machinery, equipment, tools, superintende„te, tabor, irisurar,ee, and all water, tight, ppw,�r, fuek, tror,sportaIiDn and iall other faciIitias necessary fDr the exnut ion and cpmpterion pf The WorIt €weared by the contract docu- ments, unless otherwise sperified, all materials shnti be new and bath wPrkmanship and ma ter iB44 sha d be of s good quality. The Contractor shaLL, if required, furnish satksfactnry evidence aR to the kind and quality of Ipat,�Eiais. Materiels or work described in words whirls so applied hove welt known, technical ur trade meaning Shakk be hetd to refer ouch rnognfu d standards. AL work shake be done and all materials furnished in strict conformity wirh the contract documerFts. SUBSTANTIAREY COWPLMO the terih aI5ubstantially Conptetedll is meant that the itr=ture or project ccmtempkattcd fay the contract rioctr- Ments has been made suitnblc fnr use or ocr:upanGy or the facility Ia Try a condition to serve its intended pUrpa%e, bUt slitt mny require mirkr miscellaneous work and adjustment, LAYOUT Except as speriftce4ly provided herewn, the Contractor (hail tye responsible for kayiM out ail years; ai,d shalt accomplish this uorit In a Pmriner arro4ptabLe to the Owner's Represem ative. The Owner's Representative iA Lt check the Contrffctorxs layout of all major structures w%d rny other layout wart done by the Zchntrartar mt Lantraetorfs request, but this check does not relieve the {Dntractcr of the responsibility of cnrrerxky locating akl work in accordance with the Flans and npaciffcatigns. KEEPING OF Pi.ANS AND SREGIFICATTOHS ACCE5SIK E the Umtractor shall be furnished with one copies of ail Plana, profiles and Specifications without expense to him gird #ht shall keep one copy of Dania Colts]*kentty AvMl ibie on the job site, 41UHT DF ENTRY The Owner's ReproAentative may make periodic visTts to the %itc tar observe tl,e p�ragresa of quality of thV executed work and to detarmine, fn gi!rreraL, if the warn is proceeding in accordance With the Cont pi�ct dotu- menits. He wikk not be required to make exhaustive or Continuous on -site irspectiorm to Chock the gi_+nlity or quantity of the work, nor uTiL hr be responsible for the con"truction means, methods, teetintquos, sequencti5 or procedures, or this safety proteutimr, incident thereto. His efforts wit{ be dTrected towards providing asxurDnCF_Ls for the Owner that the Comp Irted project 6riil CanfoPrn t0 9te requirements of the contract docu- ments, but he dill nut bt responsible for the Conlraetar's failure to perform the Mark in accordance with the CDntract Dvc.ffrkenta. on she hasls of fits vn-sfee nbservat tins, he will keep the D ncr informed of the pri}gress of the work and uikl erV*aYVr td guard the i]wner 9gi3inst defects and doflCYpncfr,e in the work of the Contrar:tar_ .25- 13, r 14 16 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LHIiS flfip. GRADES A I t Imes and yr p� i;'hall be furnished by the tlwner'a 9apr*sentat;ve whenever necessary for t17e ra,... ryce- Arent of the *ork contemptibted by these Contract documents or the conpietiQn of the war It contemplated by these Contract doctmentm. Whenever necessary, Iontractor 4halE suspend his cork in arder to permit Owner{s ReprealuitatfVe to comply xiih this requirEfwnt, but such suspenslon wfil be as t)rsef as precticni and Con- tractor €fish be atlowod " extra cogpensation therefore. fhe Contractor rhatt give the OwAeroa Repre- sentative enpie notice of the time aind ptoce whore Imes and yrnde5 will. be needed. Ali stakem, marks, etc., shall be tarefuily preserved by the Cantracrar, and in cost of torele4S destr4iotfoo or remval by fiim, firs Subcontractors, qr his ewloyees, such stakes, Marks, etc., sheEl be reptaced by the o,mer'& ketsrEsenu- tiYtl tit G0rrtr6Cr0r+s expense. oulrER`S RE'.F'NESEWATIVICeS A THORITV AND OUtx Unless atherwise smr ified, it is mutuatfy agreed between the parties to 0119 hgreimkent that the Owner's Representative shall review all work inctuded he refn, Ne has the authority to vtop the work whencwr=r guth stoppage nary be necessary to insure tAe proper execution of the contract. in order to permit detays and disputes and to di;;ourager Eitlgatian, TV is further agreed t1hat the dwrwr's Representative shall, in all cages, determirnt the amq.etit5 and quamlitieo of the several kinds of work which are to be paid tor under this canttaca- ire shalt datermine ati questions ire relation to said work and the construction tfiereaf, and shalt, 1A all cesen, decide every question which may arise rotative to the execution of this cuntrnct on the part of raid ConkfaEaQr. 1ha bwner"9 Representutive's estimates ar,H findings shall be epn0itiens precedent to tie figilt of the partfes hereto to arbitratic-n or tea any action on the etmtrect, and to aAY ri}hta at the COntraC for to receive any money Lrder thin contract; provided, h&oa%ver, that shoutd Owner's. Revrrsental<ive re,frdcr any decision or give any direction, which In the opinion of either party hereto, is not in acpardence with tf1C moaning and intent of this contrast, P-ither party may fist with said Owner's Repreuntiltive within 30 days his written objection to the decision or direction so rendered, and by such action may reserve the right to submit the questions nis rinsed to arbitration es hereinafter provided_ it is the intent of Chia Agreepwcit that there shall be na delay in the execution r,f Lhe worts• therefore, written decisian+a or d1rec- 1ian of the E]wt*r's Rein easntative as rendered sham{ be prenptLy carried out, a?4 soy Claim arisTng there- frsm shalt be thereafter adjusted t4 arbitratfon as hereiiiafter provided. The Owner's iEepresonzative shalt, within a reasonable time, render and deiiyer to both the owner and the Contractor a written decision an nit ctaiim; of the parties hereto and on ail c�.eGtitans uhich may art-ke retu- live to the execution of the work or the interpratation of the oontrart, and Cloonan. Should the 0wnor's Representative fail tD make such decision within a reasonable time. an appeat to nrbitratyori40V be taken an if #air« decision had been rQrgererl ,gainst the party appealing, SUPERtNt�J0EMCE AND lNSPECTIO4 It is agreed' by thK Contrar-tor that the tlwner'g Reprosentot ve shall be and i� hereby authsrited to appoint from tiff to time such subordinate engineers, sLWrvisar%, or inspectors as thL� sPId Owner's Representative rwy deem proper is irmpect the make*fats furnieMd and the work done Ur4or this ARrr2ment, and to see that said mmtsriat is furnished aM siscl Harr fg� done in accordmnce with the specification% therefore, the Csr.- traetor 3hatt furnish ate roaunabie aid and iyssTstance required by the subwrdinate rngineerg, 3upervisorit or inspector% for the proper irtispartion and examinatisrp of the work, The Contractor sh.HIL regard and obey the directions and instructions of any subgrd;nu a engineers, supervisors or inspectors oo appointed, when such directions and inn-Eructians are i:onsiatent with the obligation$ of this +agreement and accompanying pini,s and vpecificatione, pruvided, however, ab ouid the Contractor object to any orders try .9ny subordinate er*gineer, s„pervisor ar lnspeetor, the Contractor may 01hin six {b} days make written appeal to the Owner's ReprevanLatiye for his decision. -216- �e 17 Is, 14- M CON TRACTOR +S IYUTT AND SUP ER3kTEFrpENLE Tj,e Contractor shaIL give persona attentaori 10 the tafthful prosecution and completion of this cont reot and rhaII keep on the work, during its progress, a vwpetemt nWperihter,dent afid orry nece6ssry assiisZmnts, a t t satisfactory to OWner'e Repre5entatiye. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and a L L directions given 10 him shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. Adequate supervision by convett=ht and rem PnebLe represant ativr9 of the Contractor 19 "5entiat to the proper performance of the work aM lack of such 9upervigion shall be grounds for suspending operations of thin contractor. The work, from its caw enc&wnt to cnnpLetion, xhatl pe under the exctusive charge and control of the Con- tractor and all rink in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. The Owner or Owr►er+a ftepre%entativLs will not be raspGnBibie for tho acts or omissions of the Contractor, or drpf subs antrectors, or any of hls agenC9 Qr enptoyees, or any other persons performing tinny of the work. COMIRACTOi4'S UNDFR$TANdiIIC It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied himself as to the na- ture arrd location of tfip work, the cflnTtrvnatTon of the ground, tho character, quaLity and quantity of mate- rials I be encountered, the character of equipment and facitit1ea needed pre Iirninary to and during the prosecution of the nark, and the general and local ca ditiohs, and Att ether matters whic#i in ony way effect the uurk Under Lhg6 eantract. No vtrbai. agreemnt or Convermatian with +lny officer, agimt, or emptayee of the Owner, either before bF after tfie execution of this contract, ahatt affect or modify Rny of the terms or obligations herein rvntained. rHMACTER OF WORKMEN the Contractor agrees to employ anLy orderly and comps -Lunt men, akillful in the p4�rformgticet in the tyM of wvrk required under this contract, to do the work; and 43sgr2e5 t#uat whenever tole owrlerIG Representative shall Worm #rim in writing that any man ar man on the work, arc, in hlx opit,im, Incoipotudtit, unfaithfut, or dis- orderly, such men or rnen shad erne disc+uarged From the work ind shalt oat again be empLoyed Qn the work with- out the Owner'.5 ReprggantatTVe.r& wrlttan Cj5rl9enn. t0h�TRUCtrQN 13LANT The Contractor shall provide eli tabor, tools, equTprnent, w0driery arm$ materials necessary in the prosetu- tibn And t Wpletian of thi6 eontroct there it is not otherwise specificatly provided trot Owner shall fur- nish same, and it 18 also understood that Dwner shall not tot help rC-sponsiiblo for the Core, preservation, oQnrervation, or protection of any materials, toots, equipment ar machinery or any part of the work until it It, finally compteted and accepted. The buitdinr; of $truCturex for the housing of men or equipment will be permitted only st such places as the Owner's Kapresentative shall direct, and the sanitary corkditiaos of the grounds in or bttaut such stnictUre shall at all times be maintnin.'d in n mamer satisfactory to the owner's RepresentatiMa, SANtTAI1ON PfccessarysanItary catwunienC4S for the us of laborers on the ,cork sits, properly Sec IWW from pubtIr ob- servation, shell be constructed and nwintained by the Contractor in such iMl3rvier and at such points as shall be epprweed by the Owner's RepraYehtative and thoir use that( t5e FLrictly enforced. -27- 21- 495ERVATIOt( kt{D iE�ifN6 The Owner or 4wnerrp Roprmg"tatiwe shall hive t?re right at att reasonobte time to alagarye gnd teit the work. Contractor chat{ makta necessary orrangmm nts and provide proper facilities and actass for spuch olrser- VDtiOh nfxi kestfng ar sny tocAtion ,Aerever work is tar preparation or progress. Contractor shall atsertain the scope of any observation utilr, nmy he conteVi aced by owner or Owner+a Representative and %hail give mm pLe natite as to the time each part of the work wilt be reaetF+ for %Wfi o+baervatian. Owner or Owner;t Rcp- resantative may reject any work found to be defective or not ire accordance with the cpntrar-t documents{ re- gilydtess of the ntage df fts uwptetion or the time or place of discovery of ouch errors and regardte-is of whether Owner's Obseryer has prev icRisIy accepted tale work through oversight or othtrwim*, If any wark should be ooyered without approval or corrfent of the owner, it m,1sr, if regtxsted by Owner or ❑wnerI& Repre- .sent ativt. he (uncovered for eAamiMil [iOn at Cont raator0s expense. Tr) the event ti+at Any part of Via work is tieing feOricatab or rnanufartured at a location whore it is not c4nVenEent for Owner or 0%m erlm Represen,a- [ivc to make nbrervntip% of such work or require testing of said work, then in such event owner ar ownrr't RepresenTaTiva my require Contrauzor, to furrrrsh OwheC OF 4wher's RepresentatiV* oartificatrs of inspeckion, testing or approvat made by persons co"tent ro perforin such tasks at the location where Vint part of the work is being mmnutactured or fabricated. All auGh teats wilt bt I accordance With the methods prrsrribed by the American Society for Testin!; and ktateriaLr ar such other appIicatxle organt;atian as cony be rr:quired by law or the contract doc►mentc. if any work which is required to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered up without uriiten mpprOva l or conserlt of the Owner or Owner's Represent atiwe, it mutt, if requested tq the owner or Owmar'S Repreeenta- tivit, he uncovered for observation and testing et the Ganirar_torrs eApernpe. The cost of alt such inspec- tions+ tests and spprovaRs shah to borne by the Contrartor unkess otherwise provided herein. Any work which faits to meet the reWi remartts of ,any swh tests, in5pertfurm, or, approval, Find any work which meets the requirmKLNtA of any kuch tests or approvat but does not moat the requlrvrL-nts of t112 contract docunants sf,all t)r, Congl dered defrctive. Such defective Wier[ shall be Corrected nt the Contractor+% expense. Nelther Cbs2rvRti0+5s by the Owner ar Clwnet"S Reprfisentetiwe, nor inspections, teEtS, or approvals grade tty Dwner, Nner'% koprtsentaflVe, or other persons authnr7zcC under xhis agreement to make -juch inspections, tests, or approvals shalt relieve the ronCr$ctor From his obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirementa of the contract documents. 22_ OEFECV5 AND THE1k REML:DIES It ire turther agreed that if the .Turk or Any part tfi ereof, or any material brought on the state of the work for use in the wank Or oelected for the fame, shalt tie deemed L:y the owner or owners' Reprer'entative as un- surtnbLe or riot in ranfofmlty with puns, sperifivption i5nd tOnKract documenC6, the Contractor shod, after receipt; of wrlttrr, notice thereof from the OMner'ri Representative, forthwith remove su[M material and re- build Or otherwise remedy ouch work so that it shall ba in full accordance with this tontraGt_ it to fur- ther agreed that any rem-4�iat action can templated m hareinsbove set forth shalt be at Cant rat! I or Or expm%r, 23. CHANriB A#ib ALTERATIONS The COM reCtar further agrees tfiat the Owner spy make such Changeg and siteratians as the GwnL-r may %ee fit, in the itne, gfiade, Iorrm dimRnsians, plahs ar or +tbterials For tore wprY hereto contemplated, or any part lrhareof, either before or after trio begimirig of the construction, Without affecting the vatidity of thlo contract and the accompanyirtg bond. if such changes or alrerations diminishi the quantity of the wort€ to be dmie, they %lied not camititute the Laois fir a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be dispenve-J with. 1# they im- Grease the ammmt of work, and the increased wpr� can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid according to the quantity acttaaLLy done art# at the unit price established for Rurh Work under this cahtrnct; otherwise Such aWi tional work shalt be paEd for as provided under Fxtra Work_ In 1 28. 24. case the Owner shalt make such changes or alterations as ahali make Gkrelens any work aIrrady done or hate- r ia{ already furnished or used in EtAid work, then the owner she!! rero"nra the Contractor iar any materiat or labor so used, and for any sctua! loss o[ca5ioned t3y siii change, due tD mctual expenses incurred in prepar4tioA fge the work as #rl!Pinalty planned. The term "extra Marlow aS used In this eentrect shalt lac urdcrstood to h,ebn and irwSude all work that may � required by 00 ❑Wrier Ur Owner's. R epresen t a t i yi2 to he cimne try the Contractor to accoWlish -shy cfiangn, .0 terayion or addition to the .fork em Shawn on the plans and ter c*ntreet documents and not cov- ered by Contrettor's prapoF54il, except as pra+rtded urLaer Changes and Alterations herein, It is agreeq that the Contractor oral! perfrrm ail extra work under the direttiora at the Owner'.% Repr.QsenCa- rive when prast~nte4 with a written 4#ark order signed tv the oknerrs Representative; subject, however{ to the fight of the Contractor to require written confirmarion of r"cri pntre work order by the Ow4e1'. It iis al5o agreed that the compensarfen to toe {said to t#e• Corltrtkctor for perfarmirig tafd tKtr.0 wark shah be determined by the fottowing methods: Nvihod (Aj By agreed unit prices; or 1letnvid (63 - Ry agreed loop Sufis Or MetJtoq {C) If neither Kvrhod (A) or method {gj tic oyrErLd upon before~ the extra work 1s can- rencs:#, than the fiontferxor shall be paid the actwal field cost of the work, plus fifteen (15%) per rent, In the event Said extra work be performed ood paid for under Method (0, then the proyispione of this para- graph stroll apply ar+d the 'tactual f1Cld Co-r+t1' is hereGy deFined to include the cost of a!i workman, such as foremen, timekaopers, merhanics and taborer9, materiats, supplies, teams, truck:, rentals an wrfi emery and egL41prier%t, for the time actualty emptayed or used On such extra work, plus actual tronaportation charges rit're95arily Incurree, together wlth stt expW1se5 inrurrcd directly on atcrsun[ of such extra work. inctudirng !Svc iai Sorurityi 1310 Age 9Lntfits, Maintenance 9onds, public Liability and Proparty hauuhge and 14orkuh!!n'�2 Conpensation and ati other insurances. as h,ay be required by law or ordinances Qr dire0ted by the Owner nr owner's Fepresentatiwe, or by them agreed to. owncr'a Representative may direct the form {n uhicf+ accounts of the oc.tuni. field Cast shali be kept end records of these atcounts shall be made available qa the Owner's kt•presentatiwe. The Owner'S Representative nay 41mo specify irF Writing, gefpre tho work cormtiences, the m thcd of doinU the work and ttue type amd kind at machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise, these mat- tem &hat{ be delLarmined by the Contractor. ilniaaa otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the u.sc of nordiln- ery and equipment shalt be deterrninrd by ufiny Idfi%, u+,less ot•herwfse specified, of the latest Schedule bf Equipurent and Qwrnership Expenaes adopted ay the Associstcd Generet Carrtrmctors bf America. }there prraCtIraf, the terms arvi prices for the +,sa of machinery and equipment shalt be imcrpofated in the w6 tten axtra work order. The fifteen percent (15%) t?f the actual field cost to he patd to Cwtraetor ♦hall cower and u m- porrsate hfm for #1t5 profit, ovtrh had, general superintendents and field off ire experx'9e, and all other ele- ments of cost a*rd e.4)enge not ertrbraced within tha actual field cost as herein defirpLcd, %ove that where the LontraiCtcr's Camp or Field Office mvs�T be +rwintaincd primarily on account of such "a ro korkt them trye Cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included fn the "actual field cast_" No ctsim for extra work of any kirk# will the attowed unless ordered in writing by owner's Representative. to case any cedars or instructions appear to the Contractor to involve extra work fvr which he should receive coopmsation or an ediustroenr in the tomtrwtion time, he �haii make written rtqueat to the Ownerts< k pre- $er.tetive for a written order authorizing such omtra work. Should a difference of tpinion arise as to what does or doea nut constitute extra work or ns to iho payment therefore, and the Owner's Representative in- sists upan its perforrvance, the Contrarr*r shall proceed with the ~fork after making written repuese for wrttterr order and shaft kaep adequate end accurattr account tf tha octuisk field Cost thtrpar, as provided under Hetluod CC), The Contractor Will thereby presorve the right to subrall the miter of payment to orbl- tration $s herein hetow provided. F9- P1BCREPAKTES ANO C•+ISSION5 It is further agreed that it fa the Intent of rtii9 contract that all work described in the proposal, the spe-Cificatiom. plans and other contract doruoents, is to be done fnr the pries quoted by the Con ti'aCtor artd that sucfi price shalt TMclude ali appurtenemes ner.errs Dry to complete the weir Ir+ uccordarice with the intent of these contract damirerhts as Joterprett-d by Owner's Representative. If the Contractor finds any discrepancies or missions in these planar :peciflcations, ar contract docuitmilp, he should rlGxify the Owners RepreSentotfVe and obtain a et ari f itat ion before the bids are receive!4, And if r,a awch request is receive-d trf th# owner+ Representative prior to the apeniag of Lxids, then it riiaLI be ctir,eidcred that the Cant rpctar fully wnderstarck the w8rk to be iriCiuded and has provided sufficient rirrns in his proposat to CovIete the work in accardance with these plarks and specifications. It is further understood that any re- quest for clarification m 5i be submitted no latar than five days prior to the apenirrg of bids- iV GWT ¢F MNER TO MODI ry METNpa*S AWD EOUIRMENT If of any !:Me the methotls ar equipment used by the Contractor are Fail to be inadequate to secure rfe cWL ity of work with t#re rate of progress required under this contract, Zhe Umper or Owner's Representative may order the i;antravtar In writing to iPic rease heir safety or iaeprove their J-haracter and cfIicIency acid the Contractar shall caelply With rur-h order. If. at any rime. the working force of the Gontfiietor is inadequate fat securing the progress herein 54w i- fied, the CorrtFaCtor shalt, if co ordered in writing, increago his torte or equipment, or both, t13 such an excerpt as to give reasonable assurance of EWPkii)Me with the schedule of progress. i3OTECt ON AGALIN51 ACC]DENT TO EVRLQVEE5 AND THE Pi)RLJC The Contractor shall take out and procure a potieq or pGticiry of Wockmen's Conpensarion Insurance witil an insurance coral ticernsed to Tra"!3act business in the Mate of Texaa, *hich policy shell Comply wl#fi the UorlrwWs rrAT-engatfon laws of thL State of Texas- The Contractor shalt at aft times exsrcise resaonnhlLL precaution far the safety of employees and otherF. on or near the work and shall comply kith alI appLlraW e provisions of federal, slate and rTMrnicipal laws tired building and con€truclion codc!S. Ali mathinenry ar,d equlprnent and other physical hazards shall t7e guarded in accordance with the "Knnual of Accident Prevcntioa In Construction" of A3sotiated General Iontr rt[Nr-i oK America, except where tneonpattble with federof, state or muni-ipal taws or reputations, the Contractor, hi; suratiea and insurance carriers ahati defend, iadcm- nify and save harmless the Owner end iiLl of its afficrrs, agents and employees free ail SUlTSr aetionsp or efairns of any character whatsoever, brought for or on ecc4unt of any injuries or damges received i3r sus- tained by any parson or perAon5 or pro#rerty, on account of any rKgllgent aGe a{ taukt of the Conntractor ur any subc-antracta,, their agentp or employees. IM tha rxrcutian and stdpervision of said rantracc, and the project which i5 the subiect matter of thin contract, on account of Die failure of Contractor or a+rf subcon- tractor ro provide necessary barricades, warning lights, or sfgrm and uiil be rewired to pay any judgmEvhr with casts Oi0irosy be obtained against the. owner or any of fts officer~, agents, or e,raployeos imroding attarnayps fCeK. Thin saf-aty precautions taken shall be the sale resPxnsibitity of the [Dntrattor, il) his sale di5�retian as an Tridependent Contractor; inClusior, of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well aq any notice which may be giyeDt y the owners or Vie Owner's Representative concerning omissions under [his paragraph as the work pro- gresses, are lnterded as reninders to the Contractor of kia duty and shish not be construed as any a6sutrp- x an of duty to supervist safety precautions by eFther the Contractor or ar,y of hiM subcpntraCtoris. � I 28. CGNTRACTOR'S I115URANCE PU Tha CDAttact of- shell procure and carry at hiv sole cost and expense through tile life of t1iis contract, in- surance protection a9 IhereInaftef spec ifJecL Such Insurance i3hati be carried with an imurance company au- thorizod to transact busirm" in the state of Texas and shaiL corer all operations in corr,eetign with this cantract, whether performed by the Cantraeltor or a aubeantractor, ar separata pviicies shsii be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A. Comprehensive Sunermt Liability tnauran+ce The contractor shall have Comprehensive General Liability IMurance with limits of s300,U1)0 Bodily Injury and SM0,000 Property Oamage per occurr€me to include: ?remises and operEt i mn% £xpiosfon $ Collapse Hazard LWWLd rground Damage Hazard Product6 S CaGpleted oprratiorm HEIzard ContrGetuat Liability Independent Contractors Coverage Perr.onai Injury (with exclusion Ftc" waived) The C: ty fs to be named as an additivnaL insured an this policy for this specific jab, and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. g. Owner's Protective or Contingent Public Liabiilty Insurance and Property Garnagr Liability Inrurarice. The Contractor shall abtsin an Owner's Protective or Contingent Public Liability insurance policy niaming tine City of Lubbock as insured and the hrmunt of such policy shali be as follows For bodiiy injuries, including accidentat death, s500,a44 per acturrence, and $100,O00 for Property nmm9e. C. Comprehensive Autwobile Liability Insurance The Contractor shalt have Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance with limits of not less than. Rodi1y Injury �250/54q,Ij00 Property lbwmge $100,000 to include all owned and non-awrwd cars including., EW oyews Non-ownersfiip Liability Hired and Non- awnee Vehi[Les. The City is to be named as an additional insured on this policy for this specific job and copy of the endorsement daireg so is to be attached to ttiv Certificate of lnsurencc, d- l2luilider•s Risk Insurance The Contractor shall obtain a Duilder`s Risk policy in the amount of � (100% of poten- tial logs) naming the City of Lubbock as insured. -31- 1 1. Excess or unbreita Liability Insurance The Contractor shall have Excess nr ttnbrell.a Lfabitfry Ermuronce in the amount of (51,000,000 m4n?MLU) with covcragi� to E:Drrespond with Co prehensive General Liahility and C- m rehen- sive Automobita Liability coverages. the- city i�, to be named as an additionEll insured on this paticy for this specific jolt and copy of the endorseoent doing so is to be attached to the Gerti#ieate of Insurance, F. Work ar-1s CompenFation and Emptoyer$ Liability insurance An Vequired by State stature covering act a pIQyees whether emptayeij by the; Contrartor or any Sub- contractor on the job with Evptoyers Liability of at teast $1Q0d0QQ Limit_ G, Proof of Coverage Before work on this contract is ccomenced, each Cunt ractffr and gubcantractor shai( submIt to the Owner for approvat five Certificates of Insurance ravering each insurance policy carried and offered as evidence of cwpliafree with Vie above insurance rE+quirement.!i, signed by an authoriged representative of the insurance car+pany setting forth; (1) The bane And address of the insured. (2) The location of the operations to which the insurance sppties. (31 The name of the potTcy and type or types of insurance in force thereunder an the date borne by such cprtif{rate.. (4) The expiration crate Of the poticy and tht limit or timitr. of liability thereunder on the date Larne by iturh per#fffcate. 01 * provision that the policy may be canceted only by naltTn9 vritten notice to the nomad fn- cured at the addres& shoon In the bid specifications. CG) A provision that: written notice shall be given to the City ten days prior to any rbange in or cancettation of the policies shown on the rertiti;-ate. L7} The ct*rtlficate or cortificatas shaft be on the form (or 9dem ical copies thereof) cen- toined in the job specifications. No substitute of nor amendment thcrcro ktitt be accept- able. . PROTECTION AGAINST CtAIMS OF 5UGEONTRACTOR5, LABORERS. MATERIALMEM, AND FLIRNTSHFRS OF MAtHWE=RY. EnUtPMENT AND %PPLIFS The Contractor agree: that he will indeonify end save the avtwr hartatpsr. from ati claims growing out of any demands of &ubcontrarkors, (aborers, workmen, mechdrrics, materialmen and furrrisbrers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power toots, all suppliers, includfng rowissary, incurred in the furtherance of the perfurmanre of this conktact, When Owner so desit•e5, the Contractor shall furnlSh satisfactory evidence Lhat alt obtigatlorFL of the nature hereinabgve designated have been paid, discharged or waived. If during the progress of tlxe work, Contractor shell dttow any indebteJnms to accrue for work fvrnished by any of thcase designated in the preceding paragraph and shDtl fait to pay and dl%charge any such indebtedness within freer (5) days after demnd is math, then owner mmy, during the period for which such fndebtadnrss 1 .32- JD- 31_ 32. 33. shall remain trwpaid, withhold Trom the unpaid portion of this contract, a sun equal to the UMQUnt 4f 5ucil unpaid indebtedness or may apply the Sum 5o Nithhekd I discharge any SIi1Ch indebtedness_ +lay Fmd all cc mpnrvations between any party under this paragraph amuse be in writing. KOTEUION AIM NST ROYALTIES OR PATENT INVENTION T'ne contractor shaL1 pay att royalties and License fees, And shall provide for the use of any &rI gn, de- Ylt:e, marerfat or prviceris cavered by ILtter3 patent pr copyright by suitable te-gal agreement with the Paten- tee Pr Owner thereof. The Contractor ofm6LL defend at( suits or claims For infringrnwnt of any patent or copvrigiitc and shuLi 4idemtlify and save the Owner hormlesa from arrk loss ore account thereof, except that Owner shall defend aLL such suits er,d claims and shalt be re►spansibLtw for at[ such toss khan o particular disign, deVfce, m4terint of process Dr the product of a particular manufacturer or Inanuf4eturerr. is 43peri- fied ar required in th.ege ccwFtract ducl.rnenta by Owner; prosrlded, however, if chalet of aLtefinate de-gign, de- viCe, material or process is oitowed to the Contractor, thin tontractor shall indemnify and save Dwner harm- less from any IOSM On j�cCOwFxt thereof. If the mRaterioi or procesa specified oirtecluired by Owner i5 an in- fringement, tht fontractnr shali he responsible for such {ass unless he prarfiptly gtiwes written notice to the owner of such infringement. l Au5 AND ORO I kANCES ne Contractor ookk at all times obae4wve and canpty win all federat. state and (" aL laws, ordirkonces arld regulations, which in arty Mnner effect the rantrsrt or ttla Work, and shall indemnify and yawe haronLen& the Owner against any claims orisit,g from the vfotati*n of ai)yF such Law%, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Ccrltractot- or Mia employeeu, #f thv Contractor obsrrrves that the pLan5 and 5pecifkatian% are ar variance theradith, he shall pronlptty gratify the Ownerri' Represtntetrve ,n wrftfrFg and any necessary thangee shall by adjurted as provFow:d in the.. contract for changes in the woork. If tha Contractor perforrfls any work, knowing it to be contrary to 9ticts taws, ordinanceq, ruLeS and requistifww, and withowt such notice to the Owner's Representative, he shaLL bear at( costs arising Lfierre#ran_ t}me Owner if a municipal corporation of the State of Tega:s armd the taw from which it deriVer. its powers, in- sa#ar ar. the smx requtates the objects for which, or the namier in which, ar the conditions tnddcr which the Owner may enter Into contracts, %hall be controlling, and shalt br considered a5 part of this contract to Vie! sallwC effect as though embodied herein. AS51GNAw 91 AND SLIKETTM the Contractor fur ner egret-q that he Witt retain personal contfat and wilt give tis personDL attention,' to the fulfillment of this contract. the contractor filriher agreefi that subletting of any portion or 4eatw,rie of the wank, Or malerTals required in the performnanre vi this carFtrnct, shalt not relieve the Cfintraetor frpn his foie{ obligationf to the Owner, as provided by thin reintractual agtromot. TIME EQR C13MRIETION AW LiQUIWED 4'AMAGES It is keteby Understood and rmrutuatly agreed by and faetwee-n the Contractor and the Owner. ttipt Via date of beginning and trove for camplctian as specified in the contract of work to be darwe hereu"n&r aria easentiaL conditIons of this cont rout; and it if, further nut watky w4arstoo ard agreed that the work nbrared in thin contract hhall be commenced an in date to be specified in the Poo tice to Proceed. If the [ontrPvror ghoutd foe-gLect, fait, or refuse to complete the work within the rinse herein 3perifi-td, or bny proper elitens ton thereof 9rantrd by tha toner, thLori the Eontrntor tines hereby agree as part in the con- siderotion for the awarding Df this contract, the Owner may withhold permaniantLy #roam cont rarler+s total camperlse0on, the swm of 3100,4(3 (ONE tOUNDRE) DOLLARS) PER DAY, not F#s a pens{ty, but as kiquitlated damages -33- i I for the breach of the C{intracE as herein set forth for 04ch find every cpsendar dsy that the Contractot shall tse in defauit eftrr the time r-tiputated for comp siting the W&-* . Ts is eApressty unkrstood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the cGer ptetiora of the work dncribod herein is reasonable ti4ac for the completion of the same, taking Tnto conhid- eretiOn the average clirmt is chnag c and cV ditIons and weuat industriai c3nditiorps prewaiting in this iocek- �#Y. The amount as fixed and agreed upon t3y and faeiwetn that Contractor and the Qilher b"ausa of th t impractica- bility and extreww di"icukty in fixi+ry and osrertaining Factual damages the Owner yOu(d fn $w}i event 9ug- tain, and the amount is ooh ed to be damages the ouircr wouLd sustain and shatt be retained by the fawner from aurri�nt periodical estimates for payments or fr&R final payment. It is further agreed and understood between the Contractor and owner that time rg of tit essence of xhrs contract. 34. TIME ANI) DRf}ER OF C Lf=T IOR It is thb meaning and intent of this contVaut, unless otherwise herein specifir-ally provided, that the Con- tractor &hail qe altowed to prosecute Or, work at such tine tied sessions, in such order p# precedence{ and In such mriner as shall to most conductive to eGOnm9 r of construction; provided, however, that the nraer and time bf prosecLi0on shalt Lc awh that the work shall be s4 siantr$Lly 4tmpleted as is whote and in part, in aer-ordance with this tantact, the plans and spe[ifieatiork-. and within the time of cbnaptetian desiUnatetl in the proposaL5; provided, atso, that open tfi a Owner is having othar .fork done, either by contract or iy his owM force, tho awr,er's Ropresentativi may direct the time and manner of Constructing work dbno under this contract so that con Flirts wilt be av WLd d and the construction of the various wrke i>i,-ing done for the Owner shall bo hnrwKnftbd. The Contractor shall submit, all such times as may ressanably be requested by the OwnOrrs RLVteyentative, schedules which small Nhaw the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, With dates at which the Contractor ioill start the st±verai pirts of the work and estimated dates of COMIetirn of the 5eV- erai parts. 35, EXTENSION of TIME Tile Contractor agrees that he fias submittal hiR proposat in full recognitibri of the time recluirtd tar The completion of this projett, taking. into considuratign the average climaxic range and in&Ustrial corxfitiona prevaftlnq in this tocatlty, and has conridCred the Liquidated damage provigioniL of paragraph 33 herainatwve get forth and that he shatL not be &itltLed rD, nor wi44 he regoest, an rtxte-nsion of timo bn thin myltr&tx, ew pt when hiu work has been detlayed by on art or negLact of the owner, 13wner'x Represrentaeive, emptayeab of the ow,or- or other Contractors tflvtoyQq by the owner, nr by changea3 ordered in the work, or t}y strike, %ratio -outs, acts of Gott or the public mnrty, fire or flood. The Contractor may apply in writing for an eA- tension of time, submitting therewith Ili written justi#icakioh as may be required by OwnerPs Representotive Dior such an extension aw requested by Contractor. The Owner'n kepresi!ntative w1 thin ten JID) days a►ser re- ceipt of a written request #ot an extension of time lay tfiai C4ntfartor fupported by all requested cfocu- tnrntetion shall than stitmit such wfiitten request to the -city Councit of the City of hock tot #heir con- sideration. Should the Contractor disagree with the action of City Council on i�r3nting an ekttmian of time, Such d4rtaSreoment shall be settled by arbitration es fiere9naftar provided, 36. J41NDRANCF AND DELAYS In ex"wtiog the Contract agrkemerrt, the CoAtrac2ar agrees thot it% urtiditrtakinq to Cbmptctc the work within the time herein Fixed, he has taken into t&Y&iderativn and made alLorwELncea for all hindrances nrA dclayg fn- aident 14D suds work, whether grawiN out of delays in eecuring matcrisL or workm�-r+ or okherwl se. No charge 1 -34- 3T. 38 N. 40 shaLk be made by the cant rafftrar fur hindrance or delmea frcw any c$use during the pro ress of any part of the work embraced in this tinn tfACt except „t143re the work 15 5tOPy±d by order of the 4oner or Owner's 4epre9entittive for the Owner +& convenience, in which event, Such expense dS in rho juc&jmor p! the owner "a RepresemtatIve that is roused by such stoppaV iihall ltie paid by Owner to Contractor. QUANTTTTES nw0 "EA5UREMENTS lla extra or customary measurement:. 0f any kind gill be allowed, buE the acruai measured or conputed length, area, solid contents, nurber and weight only {Mall be ctmr idorrd, Untt:9S orharNise 3peri#icat !y pr9vi d. In the event ttiis contract is let on i� unit price basis, then owner and Contractor ngrrtt chat this t0ntr8ct, including the Spar. ificstiom , ptims and other contract dorurrents are kmended to spay N early ail work to be done and material t4 be furnished hereunder- where the estimated quantities are shown for the vmribur. cta�sa% of ,pork to to done and material to be furnished un46r thin contract, they rare approxinule and are to be used only as a basis for estimting the probable cost of the work and for cohrp'arirr� their pr"sa aks of fired for the dark. It is undtr-stood and agreed that the actuok amount of work x0 be done and the materials to be furnished under thts cantrocx may differ sparewhat frorA these estimates, and that where the basis for payawnt under thir, ContraC[ 4 the unit price rrwethod, aayrnent shall be for the actual ;tm wnt of work done and materials furnished on the prolect. PRGTECTiON OF ADjOIN[Wtii PROPERTY The Coot rartor snalL take proper means to protect the adjacent nr adialn.im property or properties in any way amountered, which may be injured or serioUsky affected by -3ny protuas• of cumstruction to be undertaken Lvmkr Wis agreement, Fro% any damage or injury by reason of said praceas of conaATkirtioin, end he shall be tidble for imy and alL claimer for sc&" dxmaje on account bf hig failure to fully protect all atilacent property. The Contractor agrees to im"I fy, aave and hold hornless the owner against any claim or claims for dameles due to any injury to any adjacent or adjolning property, arising ar growing out of the perfar- ihBrrEe of this eontrnct, but such indermity shakL not apply to any claim of array kind arising out of the voxix- tence or fharaeter of tfre work. PR tl C E FOR W99 1n consideration a the furnT0ino of a I I ncces6ory tabor, equipm nr and material and the z!wpletion of frIl work by the Contractor, end on the delivery of elk materials embraced in this contract in full imlormity with the $Poo ificatlorrs and stipulations iler0 n tontalned, the Caner agrees to pay the Contractor the price oaf forth in the proposal ariisrhed hereto. Ai4;h tlaa been made a part of ferns tonsratt, arrd the Contractor hereby agrees to tmeelve raudi price In futt for furnishing At nmieriole ail atl lal?ar required for the 0foreriaId Work, aksop for oIl expenses incurred by trim ar5d for wet and truty per Ior+ning tht same and the whale thereof in the traft"r and aeeording Co this RFgrem*nt, the atfor:lied 5potiticatioms, plans, (_pnETaCt dac%ewnts and requirements of Owner's Representative. PAYMENTS No payments made tsr certificates given shali bee considered as conrtusfva evidence of the petformance of the t wtract, either wholly or in part, nor shalt any certificato Pr payment be considered an acceptance of de- fective work. Contractor shall at any time requested during the prugrefs of the work furntzh the owner or pwderfs Repfesenntative With a verifying cerliffrate showing t#e Cnntractor's total outstanding 1ndubtedhess In Connection witfr the work. Before final payment is mca e. Contractor shall satisfy bwnr+r. by affidavit or otherwise, that their are no outstanding liens Against ❑wner'a premises by reason of any work under the coh- trbct. Acceptam a by Contractor of final payment of the Contract price shall constitute a waiver of alL clsims against Dowr trtiich have not theretofore been timely filed as provided in this contract. -35- 0. PARTIAL RAYMENTE On or before Ehe tenth day at each north, the CAmtrartor ahall aL6101 is tkmer"s 11t=pr2sentatixe an appIIra- tion for partial payment. OwncrIs Representative Shall review said application for partial payment and ttte progress of the work made by the Contractor wed if found to be 1n order, shall pr"re is Certificate for par- tial payment showing as [olMPletely as or-mtticisl the total value of the *ark done by the conimclor up to ard locludane the last day of the preceding mwrfi; said gtaCement shall al$o include the value of all sound ma- terials delivered on site of the work that art to be fabrirared into thti work. the Owner shall Q%en paq the Cant ractar on or before the fi#teen th day of the current npanth the taiat wFouni of C h e owner s Representative's certificate of Partial Payment, leer. 5% of the emoynt thereat, which 5% shall be ret a ined until final payment, and further. leas all previous pavwwnts and all further aura that may be reteirwd by Dwr�ar under the terra of this agreement. It is urwdlerrctoad, however, t#1ai in case tht whota work tie near to completion, and this Fact Is certified la by ❑wr.err9 Representative Rnd some W1M%pect(!d and sc.ne unusual 4etav occurs due to no fault or rwgligem a on the part of the Contractor, the awr4F ffoy upon written reconi*rdatioh of Owner's Representative pay D reafianabls and equitable portion of the retairwd per- i.entgge due Contractor. 4z, FINAL COMPLETION Aild ACCEPTANCE Vith3n thirty-one 01) days after the Contractor has given the gwner's RepresiL�ntgtjva w1•itterL notice that tht work has been completed or substantially carrpieted, the owner's 1�epreaentaiiwL- and the Owner shall in- spect the work and within Bald rime, if the warts be fc," to be completed or eubstantiatly corrpiried Ire ac- eordanc a with the contract documents, the CKiMr's Representative shall issue t4 the Owner and C'ontraCior hilt certific-uta of completion, and thereupon it shaft be the duty of the owner ,within thirty-one (31) days to IN-;Lw a certificate of acceptance of the cork to the Contractor, 43. F[PLAL PRIME T Upon the is]-.uancrx of the certificate of carrptetten. the Owner's Rtlrra3aotitotive shall proceed to make final measurement anti prcpart a finot statement of the value of all work parforpwd and imm eriai s furniihed under the term% of the egrL[emgent, and shall terrify 4gme to the Owner, who shall pay to the Contractor on or be - fare the 315t day after the date of certificate of completion, the balance due Cantractor under- the term of this agreer,ent, provided he has fully performed his vvntractuak obligations w%der the terra oT Ois tort. tract; and said payment shakk become due in any event upw iiaid Wfarmame by the Contractor. Meirhef the cartifiicatc of acceptance nor the Final payment. nor any prowisione. in the contract doctrw-n16 $hall r-elieve the Contractor of the obligataan *of- fultillment of any warranty which may be FegUired in the special candi- tiorLl (if anyj of this eontr&CT or rGquirod in the spac i f i cot I ohm nnadt a part v# thig contratt. 44. CORPECTION OF woRlf REFnRE FINAL PAViAEI+T tOR unRK Contractor shall Iprarptty remove from Owners+ premises all rmateriats Carxievned t)yr M! Owner'& Repr%er,tetive on account of failure to conform to the con#ratt, Whether actualty Tr7torpgrared in the wars or not, and Clon- trorxo{ ;hull at his awn expense promptly replace such condemned materialM with athtr iroterfais conforming to the requirements of the contract. Contractor shall also bear the eitpense of restoring all wQrk. of other cu,ntraCtor'c damaged by any such removal. or repkacement, If Contractor does not rwbov@ and replace any Such eavdermed work within o reasenabte time after a written notice by the awner or the flwrierts Representative. Owner may remove and replace it at tontractorra expense. 45. CURRi�CT_KN OF 1rORi4 AFTER FINAL PAYMENT neither thEm ffnak payment nor certificate nor any provision in t#is Lohtract shaik relfeve the ConrrAotor of responsibility for faulty rvterials or worku m5hip, and he chsil remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any deeoge to other work resulting therefr&n, whicti shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the W date of substantial copletian. The 0whrr or the Owner's Representative shah give notice of abzze reed de - facts with reasonabte promptness. r, db. PAYMENT WITHRELD The owner may, on acc"t of subsequently discov6tad evIil&we, wfkhhotd or nullTfy t#e whole or part of any " certificate tq f,ch extent os may b� necessary to protect bItwetf frpm fuss on accouit oF: (a) Defective work not remedied, M Claims flied or reasonabx@ evidence indicat iN passible (fling of G W UR. W Failure of the Cantr3ictor io make payment& PrWotIV to awhcontrsctors or for note rials or labor. (d) Damage to another Contratti�t, M. W1en ehe above grounds are re-nuved, or the Contractor provides 0 surety bard satisfactory [o the 00-Mer, which will protect the tlwner in the emqunt withheld, paymnt shalt be nade far awtarts withheld ter Duse of them. . 47, 71ME OF FILIJiG CLAIMS It ig further agreed by bath parties hereto that ell questions of dispute a bdjustment prraentud by the Contractor &frail be in writing and filed wMi the Owner+b Representative within fjIteen f155 days after thr Owner05 kepreaL-nLatiVe has given any dirc�ttiona, order or Tnstructlon to which the Contractor desires to tako& 4�Rception. The Owners' Representative ghat- reply to such written exceptions by the Contractor 13nd render his final decision in writing. Tn cast the Contractor should appeal from the decTsian of the awnerrs Representative, sny demand far arbitration slaaIt be filed with the 0wherIs Representative and the Owner ire writing within ten 00i days after the dabu of delivery to Contractor of the final decision of the Own W s RepresentarlVe. It fs further agreed that final acceptance of the work by tke Owwr and the acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shalt be a bar to any claim by either party, except where noted ather- wise in the contract docurrcrrtc. $- ARBITRATIM At I questions of dispute under this agreement shall tee submitted to arbitration at the request of -liner party to the dispute. the parties may agree upon one arbitrntpr, otherwise, there shall be Spree; one named In writing by eatil party` and the third chosen by the two arbiters .yelectt=d; or if the arbiterm fail to se- tect a third uithMp ten 001 days, he shalt be rhosen by the DIstric[ Judge, 72nd Judiclat District of .. Texas. -ach orbiter matt bra resident of the efty of i.ubbatk. Should tha Party demanding arbitration fart to mama an Arbiter within ten €10} days of the daaand, his right to arbitrate snail iapse, and Cho de- cision of tlrr awner'S Rep-eaenrarive snail he #ihai and trinding on him. should the other Party fail to choose an arbiter within ten (1q) days, thin owner's Representative shalt appoint such arbiter. 5houtd 0- Cher party refuse or neniact to supply The arbitars with any paperi qr informatitn domandecl in wrltTng, the arbiters are ampowered by both parties to take Ex FFarte Proceedings. The arbiters shall act wi0 promptness. The aacitsioi of any twin rho lI be binding an bath partier. to the contract, unless either ar bath parties shall apvmi within teri (10) days frpm date of the auord by the ar- biters, snd It is hereby ci�roed that each party snail have the right of eppeak and jolt protecdings shalt be according to and g4Verned by Arbitration Statutes of te,sas, being Artirie 2214, et seq., Vernan's Annotated CiVii Statutes. THE DECI5oJUN OF THE ARBIT.ERS UPON! ANY WU STION SUELMTTTED TQ JkR61T9ATI0R URdE0. "IS CONTRACT "Al_L BE h MNW10N PRECEDENT TO ANY MOT OF LEGAL AMIX -37- tfte sriaftera, if they deem the ease dpwnds it, ore authorized ra aware! the p5rty whasa Bant a-ntlon is 5u6- tsifoed, such auas 4a they xteem proper for the time, expense and trouble incident to the arVeat, and if t1ie appoaL Was taken without reasonable cbus4. they? may award drmges fur any 4tov occasiorgdd tfatrebay?. T" ar- bitvirg rLhall fix #heir own coapensation. wiles ottiarwise provided ky agreement, OM 51�e1L i$sSE -.S tilF tQStr. and charges of the arbitration upon either or bath parties, The award of the arbiters must be made in writ- ing arwd ShaLL net be open la objt:c[icin on acGomt of the form of proceedings or award. 49. ARMDONMENT 6Y EQNTFACTCR In case the Contractor chautd etrandop and fait or refuse to resume work b6 thirl ten (10) pays after written ' r,atifI-cation from the Owner nr the Owner's Representative, or if the Contractor fails to comply with the or- ders of tha Owner's Representative, when such orders are consistent with this cantraot, thIN Agreewrit, or the 5pecffiGationn hereto ottached, then the Surety on the tond shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the ,?ark are a copy of said notice ishyalt be delivered to the Contractor. After receiving said notice at t%l',,1r'dor.,kant, the Con rr4gFtoP shall not remove from the w6rk *ny machinery, equipmwnt, tootd, materiels or supplies then on the jab. but the same, together with any matoriala and equipment under the contract for *ark, may be held for use on the work by 0e ow►+er or the Surety of the Contractor, or anathar contrartar, irk cwqp[etion of the work; and the Contractor shall oat receiVt- arty rental or credit therefore €oxcopt when used In cnnnecrionkith Extra dark, whurrt cretflt shall be attowed as provided far under paragraph 24 of beta cwcract); it being understvpd that the use of sucn equipment and material:F will ulti'matety reduce the cast to zomplete the work and tie reflected in the final settlement. Jr+ rase the Surety should felt to ramre+nea coWliance with the notice for coapletion herelnbefore prpvlded #pr within ten (10) day- after Service of sLA0i natTce, then the Owner may proVida! foo, tarptotiun of the wOrk In either of the fallowing ctective laar+rers: fa? The Owner may &Vkny such farce of man send use of machinery, equipment. tool%. materials and -iup- plies as said Owner may decir, a1tca&2fry to cCuiptete the wor} and r.harge the expense of such lobo►, machinery, equipment, tools, materiels and supplies to said Contractor, and the eXpensa So thergca shall be deducted and paid by the Ownar out of such aauncy5 as may be due, or that nay thgreatter at ony r1me be -cm c due to the contractor under and by virtue of this agreement. In cane such uxpensu is less than the Run which would have been payable under thiii contract, if t#re %Lvw had been cam- ptEtPd by the Cantractord then said} Contractor shall fecenve the difference. In case such cxpunse is greater Vian tiie suer which wouttl hove 4een payable under this contract, if the -" had been com- pteteO by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or his Surety shall ,pay the omaunt of swch excess to the Nner; or lb) the Owner, under seabed bids, after notice± pubtished as required 4 taw. at least tirice in a new.pa- per having a ger►erat uircuLaticn in khe Cqunty of location of the work, milt let the contrast for the completion of the work ur4er sukLbtor,tiaLty the same terms and condirivna which are- provided in this contract- in Cast of arvy imreasL% in eggt to the Owner Under the nckr Contract as compared to what would have been the coat rimer thin contract, such increase shalh t>L- charged to the Cantrocter and the Surety shalt be and renwit+ bound therefore, However, should the cast eta tomptete 4NY such Hew crotrect prove Lo he less thin trot oitfl would have been t11ft cast to complete the work under thin contract, the Contractor br his Surety shalt be credited therrwfth. Wien the work shall have been substantially depleted, the Cantrnctar wd his Sufet:y sha d be so notified and cartificotes of completion and acceptance, as provided in paragraph Q hereinabove set forth, shall be Issued, A c waplete itemized statwmnt of the contract arrounts, ttrtifletl to by Owner's Representative as Being correct shall then be prepared and delivered to Contractor and h I s Surety, whereon the Contractor or hIq Surety, or tISt- Gwner as the case may be, shaLL pay tha batanee dt,e as reFte-ctad by said statcmrant wf#141ri 30 days after the bate of cerrificate of caepietion, .3a. �0. SR Ili the event the statermnt of accounts shows Vim the cast to eowptote thie work is tesrr than that which ycutd have been the coat to the -Owner had the Work been crrrpketed by the Contractor Lu+der the terms of this nontraet, ar when the-CUntracto.r and/or his Surety shaky pay the balance ,hown to be due by them xa the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, motrriaLs or suppliers left w the Site of the work sisal{ be turned over to the Contractor and}or his Surety. ShouLd the cast to eompLere the nark aAmped the rontract price, peed the Contractor and/ or h f s Surety fail to pay the amount flue the fawner witfiin they t1rr dus,anared hereinmhove, and there reaaina any machIr*ry. equipment, taxis, motarials or supptien an the site -of the work, notkcr thie rcnf, toghther with an iremized list of such equipment and materfa19 9lralk be wiled to the Contractor and hip Surety at the respective addren`ses degionated in this contract; provided, however, that actuat wrirmn notice given in any Partner Witt satisfy Pais condfHan. After maitlt4, br dther giving of such notice, such property ,boll be h1t(d at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety aubjiect nr+1y to the duty of the Owmr to exercier ordinary care to protect such property. sheer tffteen (15) days from the date of aoid' natici� the dwrrer may sell such machinery, eWi p-fle,t, toots, rmeterioks or supplies and eppty the net sun derived from such salt to the cfedit of the Contractor and h{!N eaurety. Such sale may be made at either publ or private sake, with or without notice. as the Owner may etect. fia owner si,akk teieaSe any Mathlirt- ary, equiPhLLkt, taatS, materials, ar Supplies which rempin on the *jobsite and beIon5p #ta pe�rstjns alht:r than the Contractor or hfs Surety, to their proper owner$, AMWDON14ENI BY 0AER In Case! the Owner shad fait to comply with the terms of this contract, and should fait or refuge to carply wttb said terms within ten (id) days after Written rwtificotion by the Contractor, there the Carrtn6Ctor may suspend or wholly abandon !the ;cork, and may rr-Rnve therefrom ate machinery, tools* and equipment, and all neaterists an the ground that have not boon Included ire payments to the Contractor and hove not been lncarptr- rgted into the work. rfkercupon, the Owner's Repr"tntot.iYe shalt nuke an estimate of Vie Carat amount carnod by the Dwitrautor, Which eatimote ahatl irictude the value of att irk Beruativ torpletnd by said Can- traGter at the prices stored in the the attached proposal, the vaEue a# all partTally compketcd work at a fair and acquirable price, rand thin aaniiunt of all Extra Nark per formad dt the prices egrr,Lod upon, in provided for tff the terms of thla contract, and in rerasonahte Emk to coxpr the coat of any prayitians Trade Lay t#ae Corr tractor to r-arry the whole work to rvaptetIon, and which cannot be utIII¢ ed. O e Owner's Representative :ihakk then make a final statement of tfie balance due the Contractor by deductimq from the at]ave estimate atl previaus payments by the owner and all ottler 9tus that roy the retained by the owner urxter the terns of tills Agreement, and Shall certify sarm to the awneer who shall pay to tfie toniraetor atin or befDre thirty (30) days after the date of the notification by thi9 tcrntraator the balance shown by said final statement as due Me Contractor, under the terms of this Agreement. ep11pS The iiuceessfuL bidder shell Lo regvIred to furnish a performance band and pavTwnt bond In accordance witi, Article 5160, Vernon's Annutated Clime statutes In the ammunir of 100% of the total controct price, In the event said contract price exceeds S25,13110.10b- IF the contract pricer dear trot easceed 325t000.44, the statu- tory bands witL fiat be required. Alt bands, if required, shalt be subrnietM on forms supplied by the uwner, and e,aecuted by an approved Surety Company authorized to do busihadss irk the state of texas. And it i3 fur- ther agreed thAt this contract shall not be In effect tu,til such bands are sp furnished. SPECIAL CONGITMNg In the avant sp;mlal conditions are contained her -On as part of the contract dorurents and said speciak con- ditions Conflict with any of the general conditions contained in thin tontract, then in !auch event the apcciaL conditions shall contras. aS1aD � I 53. LOSSES WN NATURAL CAUSES unless atherufse specified herein, atl loss or dsmege to the Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the ctmwnts, or from anY twforesaen circumstance ard the proteculIon of the same, a frpm unusuel abstructions or difficuttiCR Which may be encountered in the prariccu.tfinn of the work, shaLk be sustained and borne by the Contractor at his awn cast and expense. $4. INDtFENDENT CONiRACTOR Eontractor is, and shalt remain, an independent contractor with fvld, ccnplete and cxcluriYe power and au- thority to direct, supefvise, and control his own enipLayeer. and to determine the method of the per#ormance of the work covered hereby. The fact that the Owner or Owner's Representative Oinll have the right to ob- ssrve t;ontractor+s work during hfs performance and to carry our. the other prerogatives which ore expressly reserved to and vested in the Owner a ❑wnerIs Representative hereunder, is mt intended to and shall riot a[ any time change ar effect [he status of the Contractor as an independent contractor with respect to either the Owner or Owner's Representative or to the Contractor's awn e+nployees or to any other person, firm, or corporation. 55. CLE4HilEC UP The Contractor sha d at all times keep the premises free from atttmula[ian of debris caused by the wprk, and aL the campketian of the work he shall remove all such debris Bnd also his tools, scaffolding, and surplus materiats and shall leave the work roan c Lean ar its equivalent, the work shall be left in goad order and Condition. in ease of dispute Owner may remove tha debris and charge the cost to the Contractor. *40- (Thj�; page left blank intentianall ) 19%r 1 1 1 1 11 it 1� 1 1 CURRENT WAGE I�ETEF2MINATIONS 1 -41- (This page le w b.1ank intentionally) w F r', . N ,y DGV da► RESOLUTION kesciution T-V50 January 8, 1987 Aq,'nda Item #Is WiiEREAS, the City Council has heretofore established the general prevailing rate of per them wages for each craft or typo of workmen or mechanics needed to execute public works contracts for the City of Lubbock in accordance with the provisions of Vernon's Ann.Civ.St., Art. 5159a; and WHEREAS, such wage rates were established by Resolution No. 719 enacted February 12, 1981, updated by Resolution No. 1590 enacted February 23, 1984; and WHEREAS. such rates need to be updated at the present time in order to reflect the current prevailing rate of per then wages; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL DE THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the aneral prevailing rate of per diem wages for public works contracts shall be as set forth in the following named exhibits, which exhibits shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes: Exhibit A: Building CorLstruetion Trades Exhibit B: Paving and Highway Construction Trades Exhibit C; Electrical Trades Exhibit D: Overtime Rate Exhibit E: Weekend and Holiday Rate w Such wage rates are hereby found and declared to be the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in all localities where public works art undertaken on behalf of the City of Lubbock and such wage rates shall be included in all public works contracts as provided by law. Passed by th-u City Council this 9th day of January .. F 1987. Ranexmayd, City Secretary APPROVED?Orrector ONTENT- Bi 1 Paynof Building Services B.C. McMINN, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dorrald G. Vandiver, First Assistant City Attorney EXHIBIT A City of Lubbock Building Construction Trades Prevailing Rates Craft Acoustical Ceiling Installer Air Conditioner Installer Air- Conditioner Installer -Helper Bricklayer Brick] aver-Hel per Carpenter Carpenter -Helper Cement Finisher Drywall Hanger Electrician Electrician -Helper Equipment Operator - Heavy Light Floor Installer Glazier Insulator, Piping/Boiler Insulator -Helper Iron Worker Laborer, General Mortar Mixer Painter Plumber Pl umber-Nel peer Roofer Roofer -Helper Sheet Metal Worker Sheet Meta] Worker -Helper Welder - Certified 11 Hourly Rate $11.60 8.35 5.50 10.50 5.00 11.00 5.50 7.35 8.70 20.50 5.25 8.00 5.70 8.00 7.50 9.50 5.00 7.30 4.7 5.60 8.75' 9.25 6.00 7.65 4.75 6.75 5.50 8.00 EXHIBIT 8 Paving and Highway Construction Prevailing Wage Rates Craft Asphalt Heaterman Asphalt Shoveler Concrete Finisher Concrete Finisher -Helper Electrician Fl agg�r Farm Setter Form Setter -Helper Laborer, General Laborer, Utility Mechanic Mechanic -Helper POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Asphalt Paving Machine Bulldozer Concrete Paving Machinist Front End Loader Heavy Equipment Operator Light Egg ipment Operator Motor Grade Operator Roller Scraper Tractor Truck Driver - Light Heavy ft Hourly. Rate $5.25 4.75 7.35 4.75 I0.50 4.75 .5O 5.50 4.75 5.80 6.50 6.00 6.00 5.25 6.50 5.85 6.40 .4O 8.00 5.25 5.25 5.50 5.25 5.25 EXHIBIT C Electric Construction Trades Prevailing Wage Rates Craft Hourly Rate Power Line Foreman $11.00 Lineman Journeyman 10.45 Lineman Apprentice Series 8.90 Groundman Series 7.25 EXHIBIT D Prevailing Wage Elates Overtire Rate The rate for overtime (in excess oi• forty hours per week) is 1 112 times base rate. EXHIBIT E= ` Prevailing Wage Rates Weekend and Holiday Rate The rate for weekend and holiday is,1 12 times base rate. I I 1 1 1 1 1 UFsxloks -42- fThzs page left blank intentionally) 1* PERIMETER FENCE FOR THE 1 MEGAWATT COGENERATION PROJECT ADDENDUM NO. 1 OCTOBER 16, 1989 The following items shall be incorporated into and become a part of the work for the above referenced project. Please acknowledge receipt of this addendum an ,your bid proposal. ITEM NO. 1: DELETE the EQUIPMENT RACK shown in the detail on Sheet E1. THRU-BULT 0OUNT the equipment (PANEL 89A, the new LIGHTING CONTACTOR, and the COMM JUNCTION SC) directly to the precast concrete tee prior to brick veneer erection. Locate the equipment in the center of the first precast concrete tee clear of and west of the open door as shown in the attached REVISED ELECTRICAL PLAN. Mount the equipment at 5"-0" above the concrete apron. INTERCEPT the Owner -installed underground CONDUIT and ELBOW -up at prase of wall to equipment. Secure conduit to ` wall with brackets as required. III 0 ('his pate left blank intentionally) 99 , ELECTRICAL PLAN (This page blank intentionally) a i i ps w Ok � I SECTION 1A0 SUMMARY OF THE W GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other General Requirements sections► apply to the work specified in this section. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: General: The Finds of provisions which corrtrol or influence the description and performance of the work (and of the Project) include the following (in summary of information shown on drawings and specified in other specification sections and elsewhere in the contract documents): Owner pre -purchased subcontracts. Other work, prior to work of this Contract. Coordination with existing work. Alterations to existing work. Mandatory sequences of phases for the work. Other work, concurrently by Owner. Other work, concurrently by separate contractors. Other work, subsequent to the work of this Contract. Overall performance requirements of the project. Summary by Reference: The work can be surmarized by reference to the regui remeri s or t e vari ous contract documents, whi rh in turn make Werence to the ri tqui rerrents of other applicable provisions which control or influence the work; and these references can be summarized but are not necessarily limited to the fallowing: The Executed Owner -Contractor Agreement (sample copy bound herewith). The General grid Supplementary Conditions, which are bound herewith {in this Project Manua]). ThE Drawings, which are titled and dated the same as these contract documents, and bound separately. SUMMARY OF THE WORK IAO-1 V4 L 0 The Specification Sections, which are bound herewith and are L listed in Lhe "Index of Specification Sections" bound herewith. The Addenda and #codifications to the contract documents, which have been either bourrd herewith or distributed by tra,rismitta) subsequent to the binding hereof. The documentation of separate contracts, which include project work which is not work of this Contract, and are available for reference at the Architect's or Engineer's office. Work by the Owner`, which is in connection with the project and is described hierein to the extent it is believed to have a significant relation with the work of this Contract. Governing regulations, which have a hearing on the performance of the work; copies tarn be obtained from or reviewed at the local. State or Federal Agency responsible for the regulation in each case, Submittals (of every kind), copies of which are retained by the Contractor at the site. Miscellaneous elements of inforruatian having a bearing on the performance of the work. surfs as weather forecasts and reports of general T-rade union negotiations, copies must be obtained by the Contractor through normal channels of information. Verbal (Written) Summary: Briefly and without force and effect nrt the requirements or t e contract docurncnts, the project and ttre work of the Contract can be described in sumrnary as follows: The wor+ includes the constrL;aion of a new fence or screen arouTId a co-gener-ation power plan. The work includes normal concrete work, fabrication and erection of precast concrete units, brick veneer parcel ai rT enamel -steel facia panels and accessories, doors, and hardware. The work also includes certain items of equipment, including lighting, communication, and door actuation s,ysterri�r. Sepa rate contracts ha ve been or Wi 1 I be issued to various contractors to perforni work in addition to the work of this Contract. That separate -contract work can be summarized as follows: Asphaltic paving. Equipment and buii[ditTg5 relaEting to the cogeneration plant. Removal find or relocation of underground utilities aC the site. SUMMARY OF THE WOO IAO-2 1 I E I I I I � I Erection of temporary construction feflce. OTHER WORK, BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS: General: In addition to the work or this Contract, other work will be performed either by the Owner's employees or by engaged separate Contractors. All work of this Contract shall be coordinated with work performed by others preceding, during, or following the work of this Contract. Cooperate with those performing other work to .avoid conflicts. SITE USE RESTRICTIONS - The portion of the Owner's property within the boundaries of the temporary construction fence define the usable area for completion of work under this contract. Areas outside of this fence are not available for use by the Contractor. EID OF SECTION SUMMARY OF THE WORK IAO- I I SECTION 1CG GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of tie Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other General Requirements sections, apply to the work specified ifl this sectian. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS Definition. "Gutting -and -patching" is hereby defined to include but is not necessarily limited to the cutting and pitching of nominally completed and previously existing work, in order to accorrmodatrs the coordination of work, or the installation of other work, or to uncover other work for access or inspection, or to obtain samples for testing, or fear similar purposes, and is defined to exclude integral cutting - and -patching during the mfg. fabricating, erecting and installing process for individual units of work. Drilling the work to install fasteners and similar operations are excluded from the definition of cutting -arid -patching. Excavat ingi and the associated operations of boulder rermoval, dewatering, bracing, removal of underground debris, penetration of rack and other barriers, backfillirrg, aqd similar woras specified in the 2B-Seri es sections and in other contract documents, may be required ds a special for of cutting -and -patching, but is recognized pr1marily as an example of a related -but -separate category of work. Restoring or remDving and replacing non -complying work is specified separately from cutting -and -patching, but may require cutting -and - patching aperations as specified herein. Refer tQ other sectsores of these specifications for specific cutting - and -patching regQ!rements and Iimitations applicable to individual units of work. QUALITY ASSURANCE: ! Requirements for Structural Work.. General: Do not cut -and -patch structural work in a manner resuitiflg in a reduction of load-car'ryir7g capacity or load/deflection ratio. Prior to cutting-and-paEtching the following categories of work, obtain the Architect's/Engineer's approval to proceed with cutting -and -patching as proposed in the submittal by the Contractor: Structural steel, I CUTTING AND PATCHING 1cU-? I is 06 hiiscellawous structural metals, including lintels, equipment supports, stair systems a0d similar categories of work. Structural concrete. Foundation construction, Bearinrg and retaining wails. Structural decking, Exterior curtain wall construction. Pressurized piping, vessels and equipment. Operational and Safety Limitation: General: Do net cut -and -patch operational elerients and safety -related cpmpanen s in a manner resulting in a reduction of capacities to perform in the manner intended or resulting in decreased operational life, increased maintenance, or decreased safety. Prior to cutting -and -patching the following categories of the work, and similar categories where directed, obtain the Architect's/Engineer's approval to proceed with cutting-and- PatcNing as proposed in the Submittal by the Contractor: aheetirxg, shoring and cross -lot bracing. Primary operational systems and equipment. Wate rJmoisture/vapor/air/smoke barriers, membranes and flashim s. Noise and vibration coflt rol elements and systems. Control, communication, conveying, and electrical wiring systems. I ■ Visual Requirements: General : Do not cut -and -patch work which is exposed on the exterior or exposed in occupied spaces of the building, in a mariner resulting in a reduction? of visual qualities or resulting in substantial evidence of the cut -and -patch work, bothr as judged Removal and replace work ,judged by the Architect solely by to be the Architect. cut -arid -patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. Engage the original Installer/Fabricator to perform cuitting-and- patrhing of the following categories of exposed work or, where original installer/Fabricator is not available (e.g. for work of a prior time), engage recognized expert entities to perform cud. -and -patch work. CUTTING AND PATCHING 1CO- 1 1 PRODUCTS MATFRihl ;- General: Except as otherwise indicated or approved by the rc itect/Engineer, provide materials far cutting -and -patching which will result in equal -or -better work than the work being cut -and - patched, in terms of performance characteristics and including visual effects where applicable. Comply with the requirements, and use materials identical with the original materia)s where feasible and where recognized that satisfactory results can be produced thereky. EXECUTION PREPARATION: Temporary Support, Provide adequate temporary support for work to be cut, to prevent failure. Do not endanger other work. Protection: Provide adequate protection of other work during cutting- ar7 -pate 7ng, to prevent damage; and provide protection of the work from adverse weather exposure, CUTTINCI AND PATCHING! General: Employ skilled tradesmen to perform cutting -and -patching. xcep otherwise indicated or approved by the Architect./Engineer, }proceed with cutting -and -patching at the earliest Feasible time, in each instance, and perform the work promptly. CiA work by Methods least Mely to damage work to be retained and work ad jai ni ng. Rev'I ewr proposed procedure with original Installer where possible, and comply with his recommendations. In general, where physical cutting action is required, cut wOrk with sawing and grinding tools, not with hammering arld chopping tools. Gore drill openings through concrete work, Comply with the requirements of applicable sections of Division where cutting -and -patching required excavating and backfilling. Patch with seams which are durable and as invisible as possible. Comply with specified tolerances for the work. Where feasible, inspect and test patched areas to demonstrate integrity of work. Restore expasi-d finishes of patched areas; and, where necessary extend finish restoration onto retained work adjoining, in a mariner which will eliminate evidence of patching. Where patch occurs in a smooth prli nt,Ld surface, extend final paint coat over the entire unbroken surface containing the patch, after patched area has received prime and base coats. END OF -SECTION CUTTING AND PATCHING ICG-3 SECTION 2130 EXCAVATING, TIELING ANQ GRADING GENERAL RELATED OQCOMEN TS: The general pravisipns of the Contract, including General and Sub .lementary Conditions and General Requirements (if any) apply to the worspecified irr Lhis section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK' The extent of excavation, filling and grading is shown on the drawings. Preparation of subgrade for walks, and pavements is included as part of this work. Backfilling of trench lines is included as part of this work. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Testing and Inspection Service: Owner will engage soil te5tin g and inspection service for quality control testing during earthwork operations. JOB CON111TiUNS: Site Information: Data on indicates subsurface conditions are riot in en a as representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity baweerr soli borings. It is expressly understood that Owner will not be responsibTe for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom by Contractor. Data are made available for the convenience of Contractor. Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may he made by Contractor at no cost to Owner. Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities ire the areas of work. utiMies are to remain in placa, provide adequate means of protection during earthwork operations. Should Linchartt?d, or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult the Owner's Rep r-esPntat1Va immediately for di reet i ons. Cooperate with Owner, the University and utility companies in keeping respective services ar)d facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of Owner. Der not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied and used by Owner or others, except when permitted in writing by Architect arrd then only after acceptable termporary utility services have been provided. EXCAVATING, FILLING ANO GRADING BD--1 Use of Explosives: The use of explosives is not permitted. Protection of Persons and Property: Barricades open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights. Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having ju risdiction. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavesment.s, and other facilities f rom damage caused by settlement, l ateral movement, undermining, washout and other hazards created by earthwork operations. PRODUCTS SOIL MATERIALS nmf i nib' i nne, "_ Sat isfact ary soil materials are def ned as those complying with American Association of State Highway and TransportatiQn Officials (AASHTO) M145 , soil classification Groups A- I , A-2-4, A-2-5, and A-3. Unsatisfactory soz 1 materials are those def i ned i n AASHTU M144 soi 1 classification Grekjps AR2-6, A-2-7, A-4., A-5, A-5, and A-7; also, peat and other highly organic soils, Subbase Manorial: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone., crushed slag, natural or crushed sand, as acceptable to the Architect~. Drainage Fill: Washed, uniformly graded mixture of crushed st❑ne, or crushed or uncrushed gravel, with I000hF passing a 1-112" sieve and not mare than 5 passivig as Nn. 4 sieve. Backfill and Frll Materials- Satisfactory soil materials free of clay, roc or gravel jarger tan 2" in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetable and ether deleterious matter. EXECUTION INSPECTION: Examines the areas and conditions under which excavating, filling, and grading are to be performed and notify the Contractor, in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper- afnd timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected irr are acceptable manner. EXCAVATING, FILLING AND GRADING 250-Z J3JW47 7MffijM Excavation consists of ri moval and disposal of material encountered when establishing required grade elevaeions. Excavation Classifications: The following classifications of excavation will be made when unanticipated rock excavation is encountered in the work. Do not, perform such work until material to be excavated has been cross -sectioned and classified by Architect. Such excavation will be paid on basis of contract conditions relative to charMges in work. Earth excavationi includes removal and disposal of pavements and other Obstructions visible on ground surface, underground structures and utilities indicated to be demolished and removed, material of any ` classification indicated in data on subsurface conditions, and other _ materials encountered that are riot classified as rock excavationw or unauthorized excavation. Rock excavation consists of renooval and disposal of materials encountered that cannot be excavated with a 3/4 cubic yard capacity Power shovel without drilling and blasting, or continuous use of a ripper or other special equipmeDt, except such materials that are classified as earth excavation. Typical of materials classified as rock are boulders 1/2 cu. yd. or more in volume, salid rock, rock ire ledges, and rock -hard cementitious aggregate deposits. Intermittent dri11ing performed to increase productiohs and not necessary to permit excavations of material encountered will be classified as earth excavation. Rock payment lines are limited to the following: Two feet mtside of concrete work for which forms are required, except 1=oot.ing5. One foot outside the perimeter of footings. in pipe trenches, 6" below invert elevation of pipe and 2 ft. wider than the inside diameter of pipe, but not less than 3 ft. minimum trench width. Neat outside di merisiofls of concrete work where no forms are required. Under slabs on grade, 6" below the bottom of concrete slab. EXCAVATING, FILLING AND GRADING 230-3 Unauthorized excavat! onr consists of removaI of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific direction of Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by the Architect, shall be at the Contractor's expense. Under footings, foundation bases, or retaining walls, fill urnauthorited excavation by extending the i ndi cared bottom elevation of the footing or WSe to the excavation bottom. withourt altering required top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position, U+hen acceptable to Architect. Elsewhere, backflll and compact Onauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations of same classification. unless otherwise directed by Architect. Additional Exr<avation: When excavation I as reacted required subgrade e TZ57vat ions , notify the Architect who will make an inspection of conditions. If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at the required subgrade elevations, carry excavations deeper and replace the excavated material as directed by the Architect. Removal of unsuitable material and its replacement as directed will be paid on the basis of contract conditions relative to changes in work. stabllit)of Excavatiorxs: Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes and ordinances having jurisdir<tiort. Shore and brace where sleping is not possibly becaue of spate restrictions or stability of material excavated. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe c:onditioti until completion of backfilling. 5horing and Bracing: Provide materials for shoring and brad ny, such as Me -et p ling, uprights, stringers and cross -braces, in good serviceable cundition. Establish requirements for trench sharing and bracing to comply with Federal, State, and Local codes and authorities having jurisdiction. Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations regardl ass of time period excavations will be open. Carry dawn shoring and bracing as excavation progr€-sses. Dewatering: prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from owing into excavations and from flooding project site and surrounding area. EXCAVATING, FILLING AND GRADING ZBU-4 Do nor, al law water to accumu1 ate in excavations. 1�emove water to Prevent wter7inq of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, and sail chant es detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain pumps. well points, sumps, su�:t1on and discharge lifles, and other dowaterincg system components necessary to convey water away from exca vats ons . Convey water removed from excavations and rain water to coTlecting or run-off areas. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions outside excavation limits for each structure. Do not use tri�ficii excavations as temporary drainage ditches. Material Storage, Stockpile satisfactory excavated materials where recte , until regO red for backfill or fill. Place, grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage, Locata and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. pispose of excess sail material and waste materials as herein specified. Excavation for Structures; Conform to elevations and dimensions shown Within a tolerance bf pus or minus 0.10', and extending a suffic-ient distance from footings and foundations to permit placing and removal of concrete formwork, installation of services, Wier construction, and for inspection. In excavating for footifl4s and foundations. take care riot to disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by viand to final grade just hefore concrete reinforcement is placed. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave sal i d base to receive concrete. Cold Weather Protection: Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atimsp eric temperature is less than 3b degrees F. COMPAC71ON: General, Control soil contipa ct i afl during construction providing mi ni rmi m percentage of density specified for each area classification. Percentage of Maximum Derisit,y Requirements: Compact sail to not less than the following percentages of maximum 7ry density for sails which exhibit a well-defined moisture density relationship determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557; and not less than the following percentages of relative density, determined in accordance with ASTM p 2049, for soils which will not exhibit a well-defined moisture -density relationship. Structures: Compact top 1" of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fall material at 95% rnaxlRim dry density or 90% reldti ve dry gensity. EXCAVATING. FILLING AND GRAMNG 80-5 Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Compact top 6" of subgrade and each layer o ac or till material at 90% maximum dry density. Walkways- Compact top b" of subgrade and each layer of backfill or 1 material at 95; maximum dry density or 90% relative dry density. M0sture Control: Where subgrade or layer of soil material most be TO t ure can ationed before compaction} uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade, or layer of sail material, to prevent free water appearing on surface during or subseyuept to compactiorti operations. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material that is too Wet to permit compaction to specified density. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled nr spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by discing, harrowing or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory vaILie , BACKFILL AND FILL: General: Place acceptable soil material in layers to required subgrade e o�fi`vations, for each area classification listed below. In excavations, use satisfactory excavated or borrow material. Under grassed areas, use satisfactory excavated or barrow material. Under walks and pavements. use subbase material, or satisfactory excavated or borrow material, or combinatlon of both. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits, but not until completion of the following: Inspection, testing}, approval, and recording locations of underground utilities. Removal of concrete forrawork. Removal or trash and debris. Permanent or temporary horizontal bracing is in place on horizontally supported walls. Ground Surface Preparation: Remove vegetation, debris. unsatisfactory soil materials, o struttions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placement of filis. Plow strip, or break-up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so that fill material will bond with existing surface, EXCAVATING, FILLING AID GRADING 2BO--6 _ When existing ground surface has a density less than that specified urkder "Compaction" for the particular area classification, break up the ground surface, pulverize, moisture -condition to the optimum moisture content, and compact to required depth aDd percentage of maximum density, placement and Compaction: Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 7�'— n louse depth for material compacted by bea vy compaction equipment, and not more than 4" in loose depth for material cowrpacted by (nand -operated tampers. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to ,provide the optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to required Percentage of maximum dry density or relative dry density fur each area classification. Do nat place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy. frozen, or contain frost or ice. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures, to required elevations. Take care to prevent wedging action of backfill against structures by carrying the material uniformly around structure to approximately same elevation in each lift. GRADI#C: General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this sectsec on, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished stlrface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between poi nt5 where elevations are shown, or between such poi rrts and existing grades. Grading Outside Fence Lines: Grade areas adjacent to fence lines to rain away from structures and to prevent podding. Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes, and as follows: Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil' to within not more t arr p' above or below the required subgrade elevations. Talks: Shupe surface of areas under walks to line, grade and scarily upon completion cross -section, with P1rii5h surface not more than 0.10" above or below the required subgrade elevation. Compaction - After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and percentage of maximum density for each area classification. FIELD QUALM i`Y CON TRUL EXCAVATING, FILLING AND GRADING 80-7 Id Quality Control TestingDurin�Construction: Allow testing service to Inspect an apprao+e subgrades and till layers before further construction work is performLad. If in opinion of Architect, based on testing service reports and inspection, subgrade or fills which have been placed a re below specified density, provide additional compaction and testing at no _ additional expense. 11AINTENANGE: Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic a nJ e rb—si-on Keep free of- trash and debris. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted area to specified tolerances. Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are i stu rb4d by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, re -shape, and compact to required density pri or to further construction, � DISPOSAL OF EXCESS AND TASTE MATERIALS: Removal to Designated Areas on Owner's Property: Transport accLiptable excess excavated material to designated soil storage areas on the Owner's property. Stockpile soil or spread as directed by Architect. Removal from Owner's Property: Remove waste materials, including unacceptabTe excavated material, trash and debris, and dispose of it off the Owner's property. EXCAVATING, FILLING AND GRADING ZBO-8 CO 0 I NORTH 40' 50' #4 #2 100' # 3 7.5 80, #5 34' 15' 78° 7 45' 501 40' Figure 1. Approximate Boring Location Plan No Text BORNG LOG - TEST HOLE NO. I PROJECT LPL-Ccxperieration Plant LOCATION Lubbock, Texas BORING vETHOO._Aysec _DEPTH OF HOLE 30' 19AIAETER OF HOLE-6"- DATE DRILLED 5`9-89 SURrACE ELEVATION Unknown CLIENT Mt. S.D. Keeney, Fcu-Cort, Callwia, Missouri. 63011 DESCRIPTION ATTERBER NO0 OFi- OF LIMITS c�I BLOWS/FOOT REMARKS Z SOILS F e+7 00 I COMPRESSION LL PL Pk Ise 2NP. 3RA O b fi TS CAL z Us E SC 8.3 31 23 2.5 SANDY LEAN CLAY, strong brown CL 12.8 5 6 6 SILTY CLAYEY SAND, yellowish ;C- 9.5 21 15 6 41.3 5 6 7 red w/traces of caliche SM 1Q. SANDY LEAN CLAD', pinkish white CL 15.3 10 18 20 15' SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish yellow CL 12.4 26 16 10 51.3 12 28 w%ralithe *3" penetration 20 SANDY LEAN"CLAY, pinkish unite CL, 12.7 55 SJ with caliche 4 5. SANDY L1;AN CLAY, yellowish zed C1. 15.9 27 70 BORING LOG - TEST HOLE NO. I (coat.) PROJECT LPL -Cogeneration Plant LOCATION Lubbock, Texas BORM WETK00_ Au er DEPTH OF HOLE 3Q� DIAMETER OF HOLEDATE DRILLED 5- -89 SURFACE ELEVATION Unknown CLIENT Mr. S.D. Keeney, Fru -Con, Ballwin, Missouri 63011 LU DESCRIPTION C ATTERBERG NO. OF � F -' a urto""Ell BL04 lF007 REMARKS UL ingCOMPRESSION o0 LLnz PL Pi IsI- 2NIP 3Rp 4 6 6 6 25.0 SANDY LEAN CLAY, yellowish CL. 15.9 27 70 red w caliche 3 SANDY LEAN CLAY, yellowish red CL 1El. 43 75 w traces of caliche M ' -I1111W -� AM = M M r . � r— = _A= �� M M a .I _an _im BORING LOG - TESL" HOLE NO. 2- PROJECT LPL-CogeneraLion Plant L(ICATIOX LubboCkr TeXas - BORING METHOD Auger DEPTH OF HOLE 3C� CKAMETER OF HOLE 611 DATE DRILLED 5-E-69 SURFACE ELEVATION Unknown CLIENT Mr. S.D. Kglylev, Fru-Con, Ballwin, Missouri 63011 --- +W DE ORiPTION ATTERBER NCO. OF a-ku OF (n � � LIMIT �,, uW�or��I�I�� BL WS/FOOT REMARKS SOILSo COMPRESSION LLFPL Pt s. rA s' TS CALICHE BASE Sc 7.6 2.5 SANDY LEAN CLAYr strong bcuwn CL 14.1 6 6 7 5. CL SILTY CLAYEY -SAND, yellowish Sc- 11.5 5 5 7 red w calicne sm 1 SANDY SILTY CLAY, pinkish white CL 2.3 21 14 7 64.1 7 7 6 w/caliehe ML 15. SANDY LEAN CLAY, pinkish white CL 11.7 11 14 19 w/caliche .SAVlY LEA+"CLAY, pinkish white CL 13.3 33 �1 1� 64.7 �1 41 5� 3" Penetration w/caliche *3 1/2" penetration 5 I LEAN CLAY WISAN-D. yellowish red ;g--tle CG 1 15.2 34 20 I 14 77.E 132 1 44 1 50 i BORING LOG - TEST HOLE NO. 2 (cant.) PROJECT LPL eneration Plant LOCATION 1.11h „ ck, -Teva, BORING METHOD Auger - OEPTH OF HOLE 30'DIAMETER OF HOLE 611 GATE DRILLED 5-54,a SURFACE ELEYATION Unknown CLIENT Mr. S.D. Keeney, Fru-Coll, Ballwin, Missouri, 63411 = i DESCRIPTION ATTERBERC NO. OF C OF , 2�2 LIMITS +�r��or�Fl"L" BLOW /FOOT REMARK cuj SOILS H cry ZmQ kM� ass IOH LL pL PI I , 2H,�]. 3P g o 6 6 6 LEAN CLAY W/SAND, yellowish red CL 15.2 34 20 14 77.2 32 44 50 *3 1 2" penetration wfcaliche 30. LEAN CLAY W SAND, yellowish eed Y CL 15.E 9$ 5(1 � :if4'" peneCCaCicxn w ichQ r Ln CD BORING LOG -TEST HOLE NO. 3 PROTECT_ LPL -Cogeneration Plant LOCATION Lubbock, Texas BORING METHOD_ wfcompre:9s(3d air DEPTH OF HOLE '��1 DiAMETER Or HOLE 3DATE DRILLED 5-11-09 SURFACE ELEYATiOH "k""6' GLIEN-r Mr. S.D. Keeney, Fco-Cats, Ballwin, Missouri. 53D11 zw DESCRIPTION! ATTERBERG NO, OF C OF Q 0' � W L, WT IIHtONI-�N D $LO�h+ FOOT REMARKS W C'Z SOILS � F� to z z o o I COMPRESWN LL PL PE I al. P NR 3 Rp 4 6 TS CALICHE BASS $C 5.6 2.5 SANDY SILTY CLAYo Stcong brown CL- 15.0 23 16 7 55.5 4 6 8 ML 5. SANDY SILTY CLAY, reddish CL- 12.1 3 3 2 yellow w/traces of caliche ML �Q. SANDY SILTY CLAY, Ceddi5h CL- 12.8 24 17 r 68.0 10 14 17 yellow u/caliche ML 15' LEAN CUY W SAND, yellowz-sh red CG 13.9 3 6 10 w/traces of oalic-he 2C' LF-AN CLAY WSAND, yellowish rod CL 13.0 37 IC:) k, penetration , w/cal i the 25. SANDY SILTY CLAY, reddish yell ICL- 13.9 17 60 IDO 4 p BORING LOG - TEST HOLE NO. 3 (cant.) PROZCT _ LPE.-Cogenecatjotj Plant LOOATi�M Lubbock, Texas - IBOAIN4 METHOD u cornPV1` 3-9ed air DEPTH Of HOtE 30' CIAMETER OF HOLE 3" DATE DRILLED SURFACE ELEVATION Unknown _ _CLIENT Ydr-- S.D. Keeney, Fru-Con, Ballwin, 63011 w DESCRIPTION cc ti ATTEI BERG NO, OF W OF ' LIMITS ur,ICR r�r �rl�R BLOWS/FOOT, ARFCS REMARKS u] oZ SOILS 3 D 00 l.L PL Pi R � R;R}MP#2E55�N e 6 6 6 25.0 SANDY SILTY CLAY, reddish yellow CL- 13.9 17 60 100 ESL 0. ANr)Y SILT, reddish yejlow ML 19.2 42 30 12 60.3 25 54 72 PRODUCTS: MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS: I-leta] Surfaces, General: For fabrication of miscellaneous metal work wriis wi I I bi? expose to view, use onT,y materials which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, roiled trade names and roughness. Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars: ASTM A 36. Steel Plates to be Dent or Gold Formed: ASTM A 283, Grade C. Steel Tubing: Mot -formed, welded or searniess, ASTM A 501. Steel Darr and Bar -Size Shapes. ASTM A 386, Grade 65, or ASTM A 36. Cote -Finished Steel Ears: ASTifi A 108, grade as selected by fabricator. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53; type as selected; Grade A; black finish unless galvanizing aaniTg is required; standard weight (schedule 40)., unless otherwise indicated, Concrete Iriserts: Threaded or wedge type, galvanized ferrous castings, ei er malleable iron ASTM A 47 or cast steel ASTM A 27. Provide bolts, washers and shims as required, hot -dip galvanized, ASTM A 153. Nonshri nk Nonferrous Grout: CE CRU C588. FASTENERS: General: Provide zinc -coated fasteners for exterior use or where built into exterior walls. Select fasteners for the type, grade and class required. Bolts arrd Nuts: Regular hexagon head type, ASTM A 3{17, Grade A. Mach!Do Screws: Cadmi+Am plated Steel, F5 FF- -92. Plain Washers: Round, carbon steel, FS FF-W-g . Masonry Anchorage Devices: Expansion shields, FS FF-5-M. Lock Washers: Helical spring type carbon steel, F5 FF-W-84. PA NT: Galvanizing Repair Paint: High zinc dust content paint for rega vanizinq welds in galvanized steel. complying with Military Specifications MIL-P-21835 (Ships). METAL FABRICATIONS 5JO-2 IV 10 V Lo SECTION SJI] METAL 4 r J GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (if arty), apply to the work specified to this sections. ULSCRIPFION OF WORK, The extent of metal fabrications work is shown on drawings and includes items fabricated from iron and steel shapes, dates, bars, strips, tubes, pipes and castings which are not a part of structural steel or, other metal systems in other sections of these specifications. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Field Measurements: Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop rawings and fabrication, where possible. Do riot delay jvb progress; allow for t,rimmIng and fitting wherever taking field measurements before fabrication night delay work,. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to m$;1 rrnzo field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. SUBMITTALS: Manufacturer's Data, Metal Fabrications; For information only, submit codes o manu acturer 5 speci=i cati ons , anchor details and installation i rist ructi ons for products to be used in the fabrication of miscellaneous metal work, incl+.iding paint products. indicate by transmittal that cosy of instructions has been distributed to Installer. Shop brawi rigs . Metal Fabrications: Submi t shop drawings for a ricatiori and erection of mince aneous metal fabrications. Include plans, elevations, and details of sections and connectioris. Show anchorage and accessory items. Provide templates for arir-hor and bolt installation by others. Samples; Metal Fabrications: Submit 2 sets of representative samples o ma t e-Ci -al s art d r anis Ft3d products as may be requested by the Architect. AncJiitect `s review will be for color, texture, style, and finish only. All other requirements for fhL- work are the Contractor's responsibility. IMETAL FABRICATIONS 5JOa1 Remove and replace masonry units which are loose, chipped, broken, stained or otherwise damaged, or if units do not match adjoining units as intended. Provide new units to match adjoining units and install in fresh mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evi deuce of replacement. Pointing: During the tooling of ,points, enlarge any voids or holes, except weep holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point -up all joints at corners, openings aqd adjacent work to provide a neat, uniform appearance, properly prepared for application of caulking or sealant compounds. Clean exposed brick masonry surfaces by the bucket and brush hand cleaning rkethad or by high pressure water method. Use commercial cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer's i nstructions. ENO OF SECTION I UNIT MASONRY WORK 4AO-9 I I ANCkGRING MASONRY WORK. Provide anchoring devices of the type shown as specified. If not shown or specified, provide standard type for facing and back-up involved, Anchor single wythe mason ry+ veneer to backing with metal ties as fo1 lows +anchor veneer to structural members with metal dTi0ars embedded in masonry joints and �ttac�ed to structure. Provide anchors with flexible tie section, unless otherwise indicated. Space veneer anchors as shown, or if not shown, space not more than 24" o.c. vertically and horizontally. Provide additional anchors within 1"-0" of openings and space not more than 3'-0" around perimeter. LINTELS: Install loose lintels of steel and other materials where sbowri. CONTROL AND EXPANSION jOINTS: Provide vertical expansion. control and isolation joints iri masonry wiher•e shown. Built# -in related masonry accessory items as the masonry work progresses. See 7T-Series sections for "Sealants and Caulking". FLASHING OF MASONRY WORK: Provide concealed Flashings in masonry work at, or above, all shelf angles, lintels, ledges and other obstructions to the downward flow of water i n the wal l so as to di vert such water to the exteri or. prepare masonry surfaces smooth anij Free from projections whi(-h could puncture flashing. Place through -wall flashing on bed of mortar and cover with mortar. Sea] penetrations in flashing with mastic before covering with mortar. Extend flashings the Full length of lintels and shelf angles and minimum of 4" into masonry each end. Extend flashing from a line if " in frow exterior face of outer w�the of msonry, through the outer wythe, turned up a minimum of 4'. Provide weephol es in the head joints of the sane course of masonry bedded in the flashing mortar. Interlock end joirTts of deformed metal flashings by overlapping deformations not less than 4" saki seal lap with elastic sealant, REPAIR, POINTING AND CLEANING: UNIT MASONRY WORK 40-s r I Mix mortar ingredients for a miniftm of 3 minutes in a mechanical batch mixer. Use water clean and free of deleterious materials which watild impair the work. Do not use mortar which bias begun to set, or if more than 2-1/2 hours has elapsed since initial nixing. Retemper mortar during -112 hr. period as requlred to restore workability. Lay brick and other solid masonry units with completely fiiled bed, head and collar joints; butter ends with sufficient inortdr to fill head ,]cants aria shove into place. Uo not slush head joints. Joints: hlalntairr joint wid0is Showri, except for minor variations required to maintain bond al i gnn*nt . If riot otherwise indicated, lay walls with 3/8" joints. Tool exposed joints lightly concave. Rake out mortar in preparation for application of caulking or sealants where shown. Remove wasonry units disturbed after laying, clL}ari and relay in fresh mortar, Do not pound corners at jambs to fit stretcher units which have been set in position. If adjvstm nts are required, remove units, clean off mortar, and reset in freer mnortar. CAVITY WALLS - Keep cavity clean of mortar droppings and other materials during construction. Strike joints facing cavity, flush. Provide weepholes ire exterior wythe of cavity, composite and veneer walls located immediately above ledges and flashing, spaced 2'-D" o.c., artless otherwise indicated. HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCING: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcing as shown and Specified. Fully ernbed longitudinal side rods in mortar for their entire length with a minimum cover of 5/5" on exterior side of walls and 1/2" at other locations. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 6" at ends of units. Do riot bridge control and expans i on ,points with rei nFefr=i rig, as otherwise indicated. Provide continuity at corners and Walt intersections by use of prefabricated "L" and "T" sections. Cut and bend units as di react d by manufacturer for corttinuity at returns, offsets, ccIurnn fireproofing, pipe enclDsures and other special conditions. Space continuous horizontal reinforcing as follows: For single-wythe walls, space reinforcing at 16" o.c. vertically, unless otherwise indicated. Reinforce masonry openings greater than 1"-0" wide, with horizontal joint reinforcing placed in 2 hofi zomltal joints approximately 8" apart, immediately above the Ti ntel . Extend rei n1i orti ng a rni ni mum of 2' -O" beyond jambs of the opening, bridging control joints where Provided. UNIT MASONRY WORK QAi}- I Do not lower the freezing point of mortar by use of adrmixtures or antifreeze agents. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. Pattern Bond: Matcih Coursing. bonding, color, and texture of new masonry work with existing work. Layout walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns, with uniform joint widths and to properly locate openings, movement - type joints, returns and offsets. Avoid the use of less -than -half-size units at corners, jambs and wberever possible at other locations. Lay-up walls plumb and true and with courses level. accurately spaced and coordinated with other work. Stopping and Resuming fork, Rack back 1/2-masonry unit length in each course, do not tooth. Clean exposed Surfaces of set masonry, wet writs ligWy (if specified to be wetted), and remove loose masonry units and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. Built -In Work: As the work progresses, build -in items specified winder this and other sections of these specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. 'Fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with rno r-t a r . MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING: Mortar Mixes: ASTM C 270, Proportion Specifications, and of the 0 owrng types. Use type S mortar for masonry. One part Portland Cement, 1/4 to 1/2 part hydrated limie, 2 3/4 to 4 1/2 parts damp loose sand or 1/Z part Portland Cen*nt, I part masonry cement, 3 3/8 to 4 1/2 parts damp loose sand. Batch Control: Measure and batch materials either by volume or weight, such that the required proportions for mortar can be accurately controlled and maintained. Measurement by shovel will not be permitted. Mix mortars with the minimum amount of water consistent with workability of the mortar. UNIT MASONRY WORK 4AO-6 For devices which extend into exterior wythe, fabricate from steel with hot -dip galvanized coating, ASTM A 153, Class B1, 132, or B3. Flasnings for Masonry: Provide concealed fleshings, shQwra to be built into masonry. Provide concealed flashings as follow: Copper -Paper Laminae: Copper bonded to waterproof creped Kraft paper both sides. fabricate with 3 oz. capper, unless otherwise indicated. Miscellarieotis Masonry Accessories: Non -Metallic Expansion Joint Strips (NMExpat}: Provide premolded, tompressib p, elastic ers o PVC or cellular rubber width of masoinry wall and thickness approximately 250?, greater than joint to be filled. Plastic Weepholes: Unless otherwise indicated, provide 1f4° round x 4° an} medium density polyethylene plastic tubes to fora weepholes. EXECUTION INSPECT1flN: Masonry Installer must examine the areas and conditions under which masonry is to be installed and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a wanner acceptable to wasonry lwaller. INSTALLATION, GENERAL. I Thickness; Build masonry cortstr4ctiorr to the full thickness shown, using units of nominal thickness shown or specified. Cut masonry units with motor -driven saw designed to cut masonry witf4 clean sham, onchipped edges. Cut units as required to provide pattern shown and to fit adjoining work neatly. Use full units without cut-cirig wherever possible. Wet clay brick having ASTMS G 57 absorption rates greater than 0.025 oz. per sq. in. per minute in clean water for 24 hours prior to placement. Units shall be surface dry when laid. Frozen Materials and Work: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. For masonry which is specified to be wetted, comply with the BIA recommendations. Do not build on frozen wort;. Remuve and replace masonry work damaged by frost or freezing. UNIT MASONRY WORK 4AO-5 I IType FBS Texture and Color: Texture and color to match existing brick an ,e eating and Gaoling Plant Building and to be approved by Texas Tech University. MORTAR MATERIALS: Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1, except Type 11 may be used for ca west er construction. Provide color cement as required to produce the matching mortar color. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91. Hydrated lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. Sand: ASTM C 144. Water: Clean, drinkable. MASONRY ACCESSGRIES; Continuous Aire Reinforcing and Ties for Masonry: Provide welded wire +snits pr0abricated iri straig t lengths of Frnt less than 10", with matching corner and tee units. Fabricate from cold -drawn steel wire complying with ASTM A 82-76, with deformed continuous side rods and plain crass -rods, and a unit width of 2" less then thickness of waTl or partition. Provide units fabricated as Follows at Contractor's option: Ladder type fabricated with single pair of 9 ga. side rods and g ga. perpendicular cross -rods spaced not more than 16" o.c. Truss type fabricated with single pair of 9 ga. side rods and 9 ga, continuous diagonal cross -rods spaced not more than 16" Q.c. For exterior walls, hot -dip galvanize after fabrication with 1.5 oz. zinc coating, ASTM A 153, Glass 82. 14fr's offering products to comply with the requirements for horizontal ,point reinl:orcement include the following: AA Wire Products Co., Dur- O-Wal l , or Lox -All. Anchors arid Ties: Flexible Anchors: Where masonry is indicated to be anchored to strur-tqjral framework with flexible anchors, provide -piece anchors which wi T l permit horizontal and vertical movement of masonry but will provide lateral restraint. UNIT MASONRY WORK 4AO-4 When mean daily air temperature is f rom 25F to 2OP, completely carer masonry with insulating blankets or similar protection for at least 24 hours. When man daily temperature is 20 I= and below, maintain masonry temperature above 32 F for 24 hours using enclosures and supplementary heat, electric heating blankets, infrared lamps, or other acceptable metheds. At Contractor's option to the above protections the following may be invoked when acceptable to the Architect: Change to a higher type of mortar required in A.STM C 270 (if Type N mortar is specified for normal temperature, change to Type S or Type M). Increase the protection time to 48 hours with no change made in the type of mortar. Without changi ng the mortar type and maintaining 24-hour protection, replace Type I Portland cement in the mortar to Type III. PRODUCTS MASONRY UNITS, GENERAL: Manufacturer- Obtain masonry units from one manufacturer, of +uniform texture and color. BRICK: Size: Unless otherwise indicated, provide nominal standard modular (4" x 7-2/3" x 8") size brick. For 3/8" joints. 3-5/8" x 2-114" x 7-5/8" manufactured size. Provide special molded shapes where shown and for applications which cannot be sawn from standard brick sizes. Coring: At Contractor's option, provide solid rick, cored or uncrlred, o� vertical brickwork. Do not use carers brick with net cross - sectional area less than 75; of gross area ii the same plane or with care holes closer than 3/41' from any odge. Facing Brick (fcg8rk): Quality Standard: ASTM O 216. Grade SW for exterior exposures permeated with water when frozen or where in contact, with earth, and Grade 5W or MW for other exposures. UNIT MASONRY WORK 4AO-3 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Protection of Work: During erettinn, cover top of wall with heavy waterproof sheeting at end of each days` work. cover partially completed structures when work 1s oat in progress. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover securely in glace. Staining. Prevent grout or mortar from staining the face of masonry to i exposed or painted. Remove immediately grout or mortar in contact with such masonry. Protect sills, ledges and projections from droppings of mortar. Cold Weather Protection: Remove any ice or snow formed on masonry bed y care y app Yjfl9 eat anti 1 top surface is dry to Ue touch. Remove all masonry determined to be frozen or daccoged by freezing conditions. Perform the following construction procedures while the work is progressing. When air temperature is from 40F to 32F, heat sand or mixing water to prodlice mortar temperatures between 4OF and 12€1F. When ai r temperature is from 32F to 25F, heat sand or water to groduci� mortar temperatures between 40F and 1 UF; maintain temperature of mortar on boards above freezing. When air temperature is from 25F to 20F, Beat sand and mixing water to produce mortar temperatures between 40F and 120F; maintain temperature of nort.ar on boards above freezing; tine salamanders or other heat sources on both sides of walls under construction; use wind breaks when wind is in excess of 15 mph. When air temperature is 2UF and below, heat sand and mixing water to produce mortar temperatures betweerp 40F and 120F; provide enclosures and auxiliary heat to maintain air temperature above 32F, do not lay units which have a surface temperature of 20F. Perform the following protections for completed masonry and masonry not being worked on; When the mean daily air temperature is from 4OF to 32F, protect masonry from rain or snow for at least 24 hours by covering with weather -resistive membrane, When mein daily air temperature is from 32F to 25F, completely cover masonry with weather -resistive membrane for at least 24 hours. UNI x MASONRY WORK 4AO-2 SECTION 4AO UNIT MASONRY WO GENERAL RELATED 04CO MENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, incluiJing General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 4ESCRIPTI01 OF WORK: The extent of each type of unit masonry work is shown pan the drawings and in schedules. Job Muck -Up: Prior to installation of masonry work, erect sample wall panel mock -tip using materials, bond and joint tooling required for final warn. Provide special features as directed for caulking and contigLIous work. Build mock -up at the site, where directed, of full thickness and approximately 4' x 4', indicating the proposed rarnge of color, texture and workmanship to be expected in the completed work. Obtain Architect's acceptance of visual qualities of the mock-up before start of masonry work. Retain mock -tip during construction as a standard for judging completed masonry work. Do not aliE�r, move or destroy mock-up until work is completed. Use sample panels to test proposed cleaning procedures. Provide separate mock-up panel for the following: Typical exterior fare back wall. WherE masonry is to match existing, erect panels parallel to existing stirs:ace. S119MITTAI S ManLifacturer's Data; Unit Masonry: Submit manufacturer's sper-i f scat one a-P-d other ata or each type of masonry unit and accessory required including certification that each type complles with the specified requirements. include instructions for handling, storage, installation and protection. Transmit a copy of each instruction to the Installer. Samples; Unit Masonry: Submit 5 samples of each type of exposed brick required. 10uK In each set the full raDge of exposed color and texture to be expected ire the completed work. Architect's review will be for color and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. JOB CONDITIONS: UNIT MASONRY WORK 4A0-I 0 .o INSTALLATION In addition to requirements of Section "Precast Concrete, General" comply with the following: Lifit, place, and secrJri� precast structural framing ,grits in accordance 1N! with mfr"s instructioris and final shop drawings, keeping units level, plumb and aligned. Follow erection procedures and sequernce of erection, as recornrnended by prer-ast structural framing unit mfr. and as acceptable to the Architect. Install units to comply with installation tolerances unless more Stringent requirements are indicated. Align and level by methods, procedu res, and equipment as recommended by precast structural framing unit mfr. w Do not cut holes or install sleeves larger than size permitted by precast unit mfr. for pipe, conduits, duct or other penetrations after e fabrication. Do not cut reinforcing or Prestressing strands without approval of mfr. and as acceptable to Architect. Field cut holes for openings ttat do not disturb prestressing strands in accordance with precast unit mfr"s instructions. Where structural grout is required for connection, provide materi4l which will have a strength of at least 5000 psi at time of ser-viee. Perform welding as required to suit connection design ar,d structural requirements, complying with AWS codes. Repair damaged exposed surfaces as specified. acceptable condition to receive subsequent work. END OF SECTION Lea ve units in PRECAST PRESTRESSED STRUCTURAL FRAMING UNITS 3G5-3 1 1 Furnish units which are free of voids or honeycomb, with straight true edges and surfaces. Provide "Standard Finish" gnats as specified. Where ends of strands will not be enclosed or covered, cut flush and cover with high strength mortar bonded to unit with epoxy bonding agent. Fabri cation : Mfr. units of concrete materials which will provide a minimum MO psi compressive strength at time of initial prestress and a 28-day strerigtai of 5000 psi, Adequately" reinforce units to resist transporting and handling stresses. Include cast -in weld plates where required for anchorage or lateral bracing to structural steel and adjacent precast members. Cooperate with other trades for installation of items to be cast in the long -span units. Notify+ Contractor of Items not received in arnple time so as to not delay work. FABRICATED DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES: Provide precast structural framing members a ricate o the a ow ng tolerances unless otherwise shown. Length; plus or miners :3/4". Width (overall); plus or minus 1/4". Depth; plus or minus 1/4". Hari zontaI alignment (deviation from straight lime parallel to centerline of member); 1/4" up to 40 ft. lengths, 1/ " for 4U ft. to 60 ft. lengths, 5/8" greater than 60 ft. lengths. Camber deviation from design camber; plus or minus 1/8" per 10 ft. but not greater than plus or mirxus 1/2". Pos-ition of tendons; plus or minus 1/8". Position of handling devices; plus or minus 6". Position of deflection points for deflecz�!d strands; plus or minus 5% Position of weld plates; plus or minus 1/2". Squareness of ends (vertical and horizontal alignment); p1tis or minus 1/". EXECUTION INSPECTION - Erector must examine areas and conditions under whi& precast structural framing units are to be installed and notify the Eontractor in writing of coriditiorrs detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. D❑ not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a fanner acceptable to precast structural framing erector. PRECAST PRESTRESSED STRUCTURAL FRAMING UNITS 3G5- SECTION 3G5 PRE CA PRE R C7M GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to work specified in this Section. The requirements of Section "Precast Concrete, General" apply to the work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WU RK: T-he extent ot precast prestressed structural framing is shown an drawings. i QUALITY ASSURANCE: Standards and Codes: Design units in accordance with requirements of ACI , ana as herein specified. Comply with local bui l di rig cede requi ri2m2nts where more stringent than ACI 318. Fabricator Qualifications. Fabricated; by a firm regularly engaged in e m r. of precast prestressed structural framing units. SUBMITTALS: Shop Drawings: In addition to the rLlqulri�ments of 5etftlon "Precast Concrete, eneral" include mfr"s data for span and load conditions required. Include mfr's setting plans and anchorage details. Submit computations by a registered professional engineer to verify structional adequacy of members and connections, for review with shop drawings. PRODUCTS See applicable articles of Section "Precast Concrete, General". DESIGN AND FABRICATION: In addition to the requirements of Section '"precast concrete, General„ comply with the following. TypL,: Precast prestressed concrete units, produced undor rigid, ai`cEory-inspected process acceptable to Architect. PRECAST PRESTRESSED STRUCTURAL FRAMING UNITS 3G5-1 EXECUTION ru9PFr_TTDM: Erector must examine areas and conditions under which long -span units are to be installed and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to precast unit erector. INSTALLATION: In addition to requirements of Section "Precast Concrete, General" comply with the following: Lift, place, and secure long -span units ire accordance with mi'r's instructions and final shop drawings, keeping units tight and perpendicular to bearing supports. Do not install long --span units until supporting member are in plar-e and secured. Follow erection procedures and sequence of erection as recommended by long -span unit mfr. and as acceptable to the Architect. Install units to comply with installation tolerances unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Level units accurately or set in uniform slope as indicated. Shore members during erection where necessary to minimize camber ber-ween adjacent units. Align and level by methods, procedu res, and equipment as rec=tended by long -span unit mfr. Du not cut holes or install sleeves larger Lhan size permitted by lorrg- span ixnit mfr. for pipe, conduits, duct or other penetrations after fabri cation. Do not cut reinforcing or prestressing strands without approval of mfr. and as acceptable to Architect. Field cut hales for openings that do not disturb prestressing strands in accurdafice with long -span unit mfr's instructions. Perform welding as required to suit connection design and structural requirements, complying with AWS codes. END OF SECTION PRECAST PRESTRESSED LONG -SPAN UNITS 3G3-3 rn ■ 1 1 In addition to the requirements of Section "Precast concrete, General" comply wits the following. Type: Plant fabric4ted, precast prestressed concrete units, produced under rigid, factory -inspected process acceptable to Arcflit.ect. Furnish units which are free of voids or honeycomb, with straight true edges and surfaces. Provide "Arcliitectural Grade R Finish" units as specified. Where ends of strands wi l) not be enclosed or covered, cut flash and cover with high strength mortar bonded to unit with epoy}+ bonding agent. Adequately reinforce units to resist transporting and handling stresses. Include cast -in geld plates where required for ancrorage or lateral bracing to structural steel and adjacent precast members. Cooperate with other trades for installation of items to be cast in the long -span units. Notify Contractor of items not received in ample time so as to not delay work. Provide block -outs for openings ir) accordance with design dralwip9s or precast unit mfr"s recommendations. FARR 1 CATEb D IMEAS i ONAL TOLERANCES: Double Tee Units Length; plus or minus 1/2". Width (overall ); plus or minus 1/4". Depth; plus or minus 1/4". Stem width; plus or minus 1 f 8". Flange thickness; plus 1/4", minus 1/8". Position of block -out; plus or minus 112". Horizontal alignment {deviation from straight line parallel to centerline of member}; 1/4" up to 40 ft. length, 3/e" in 40 ft. to fro ft. lerxgth, 112" greater than 60 ft. length. Camber deviation from design camber; plus or minus 1/4" per 10 ft. but not greater than plus or miiius 3/4". Differential camber between adjacent members of the same de -sign; 1/4" per 10 ft. but not rare than 3/4". Position of tendons; plus or minus 1/8". Position of handling devices; plus or minus 6". Position of deflection points for deflected strands: plus or minus 6". Stem to edge of top flange; plus or minus 1/8". Distance between sums; plus er min;us 1/8". position of weld plates; plus or minus 1". Squareness of ends (vertical and horizontal alignment); plus or minus 1/4" . PRECAST PRESTRESSED LONG -SPAN UNITS 3C3- 1 SECTION 3G3 PRECAST PRESTRESSED LON�-PAX UNITS GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to work Specified irr this Section. The requirements of Section "Precast Concrete, General" apply to the work of this Section, DESCRIPTION OF WORK! e extent of precast prestressed long -span units is shown on drawings. precast prestressed long -span units include the following: Double Tee Units. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Standards and Codes. Design units in accordance with requirements of , 4na a5 her n specified. Comply with local building code requirements where more stringent than ACI 318. Fabricator Qualifications: Fabricated by a firm regularly engaged in e m r. o precast prestressed long -span units for similar and comparable work. CV MVrhi WriiE4M Shop Drawings: In addition to the requirements of Section "Precast Concrete, eneral" include mfr's setting plans and anchorage details. Show conditions at openings and block -outs. Submit computations by a registered professional engineer to verify st ructi oral adequacy of members and cannecti ons, for review with shop drawings. PRODUCTS MATERIALS: See applicable articles of Section "Precast Concrete, General". DESIGN AND FABRICATION: PRECAST PRESTRESSED LONG -SPAN UNITS 3G3-1 Pat&ing: Where core test results in satisfactory and precast writs are acceptable for use in work, fill core holes solid with patching nortar, and finish to match adjacent concrete surfaces. Defective Work: Precast c ncrece units which do not conform to specified requirements, including strength, tolerances, and finishes, shall be replaced with precast concrete units that meet requirements of this section. The Contractor shall also be respo►rsible for the cost of corrections to any other work affected by or resulting from corrections to precast concrete work. 1 1 END OF SECTION PRECAST CONCRETE 3G1-11 1 1 Precast units having dimensions greater than required will be rejected if appearance or function of the structure is adversely affected, or if larger dimensions interfere with other construction. Repair, or remove and replace rejected units as required to meet construction conditions. Strength of Units: The strength of precast concrete units will he considered po Yntially deficient if the manuTacturi+ig processes fail Lo comply with any of the requirements which may affect the strength of thr3 precast units, including the following conditions. rai lu re to meet compressive strength trysts requirements. Reinforcement, and pretensioni ng and det ens Toni ng of tendons of prestresses concrete, not conforming to specified Fabrication requirements. Concrete curing, and protection of precast units against extremes in temperature, not as specified. Precast units damaged during handling and erection. Testing Precast Units: When there is evidence that strength of precast concrete units Foe s not meet specification requirements, the concrete testing service shall take cores drilled from hardened concrete for compressive strength determination, cernplying with ASTM C 42 and as follows: rake at least 3 representative cons from precast units of suspect strength, from ]ovations directed by Architect. Test cores in a saturated-s+irface-dry condition per ACi 318 if concrete will be wet during use of completed structure. Tryst cores in an air-dry condition per ACI 318 if concrete will be dry during use of completed structure. Strength of concrete for each series of cares will be considered sztisi'avtory if their average compressive strength is at least 85% of B -day design comp ressivu strength. Test; results will be rude in writing on same day Lhat tests are wde, with copies to Architect, Contractor, and precast FnanWfar_tuer. Include in test reports the project identification narrie and number, date, name of precast concrete maniufacturer, name of concrrete testing service, identification letter, number. and type of member of members represented by tore tests, design compressive strength, compression breaking strength and type of break (corrected for length -diameter ratio) , direction of applied load to core with respect to horizontal plan of concrete as placod, and misture condition of care at time of testing. PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 3G1_10 EXECUTION INSPEOTIO,t: Erector must examine all parts of the supporting structure and the conditions under wM—h the precast concrete work is to be erected, and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of work. Do net proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a runner acceptable to the Erector. I MSTALLAT I ON, GENERAL. - Refer to hither 3G-Series sections for instaTiation requirements for particular precast units. Bearinq Pads: Install flexible bearing pads where indicated, as precast units arcs being erected. Set pads on level, uniform beam ng surfaces dnd maintain in correct position until precast units are placed. Welding: Perform} welding in compliaTice with AWS D 1.0 and D 12.1, in' ding qualification of welders. Praect uflits from damage by field welding or cutting Gperations anLl provide non-combustible shield as required. ERepair damaged metal surfaces by cleaning and applying a chat of H quld gal vaniZirtg repair- compound to galvanized surfaces and compatible primer to pairited surfaces. Powder -Actuated Fasteners; Do not use powder -actuated fasteners for surface attachment of accessary items in precast, prestressed unit unless otherwise accepted by precast manufacturer. PLANT QUALITY COUROL EVALUATIONS: The Owner way employ a separate testing laboratory to evaluate precast manufacturer's quality control and testing methods. The precast manufacturer shall allow Owner's testing facility access to materials storage areas, concrete production equipment, aEnd concrete placement and curing facilities. Cooperate with Owner's testing laboratory afld provide samples of raaterials and concrete mixes as may be requested for additional testing and evaliation. Dimensional Tolerances; Units having dimensions smaller* or greater t an required, and out0 de specified tolerance limits, will be subject to additional testing as herein specified. 1 PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 3G1-9 1 1 supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into corlrrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. Pretensioniny of tendons for prestressed concrete may be accomplished either by single strand tensioning method or [m< ltiple-strand teri5ioning method. Comply with PCI MNL-116 requirements. Place concrete in a contifluous operation to prevent formation of scams or planes of weakness in precast units. complying with requiremilts of ACI 304. Thoroughly consolidate placed concrete by internal and external vibration without dislocation or damage to reinferceinent and built-in items. Identification: Provide permanent markings to identify pick-up points ina orientation in structure, complying with mark iflys indicated on final shop drawings. Imprint date of casting on each precast unit ofl a surface which will not show in finished structure. Caring by low-pressure steam. by steam vapor, by rad1ant heat and moisture, or other similar process may be employed to accelerate concrete hardening and to reduce curing time. Delay detensioning of prestressed units until concrete has attained at least 70% of design s C ress, as established by test cylinders. If concrete has been heat -cured, perform detensioning while cancr•ete is still warm arid Roist, to avoi d di-ensi oral changes which may cause cracking or undesirable stresses in concrete. Uetensioning of pr-etensiorred tendons may be atcconplished either by gradual release of tensioning jacks or by heat cutting tendons. Wna a sequence and pattern to prevent shock or unbalanced loading. Finish of Farmed Surfaces: Provide finishes for formed surfaces of precast concrete as indicated for ea 0 type of unit, and as follows: Standard Finish: Normal plant run finish produced rn foams that n`i WF a srrorFt fir1ish t0 corlcr'ete. Small surface hales caused by air bubbles, normal form joint marks, and minfir chips and spalls will be tolerated, but no major or unsightly imperfections, honeycomb, or structural defects will be permitted. Architectural Grade 8 Finish: Air holes and pockets over 1/4" iarretcr ri led with sand -cement paste, with farm offsets or fins ovrir 1/8" ground smooth. Finish Of Unfor'inedSurfaces: Apply trowel finish to unformed surfaces un ess otherwise in icated. Consolida;.e concrete, bring to proper level with a straightedge, float, and trowel to a smooth. uniform finish. PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL �GI_s #1 .. after ingredients are In mixer, before any part of batch is released. For mixers of capacity larger than one cu. ,yd.. increase minimum 1-1/2 w minutes of mixing time by 15 seconds for each additional cu. ,yd., or fraction thereof. Provide a batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in work, 40 indicating project identification name and number, date, mix type, mi x time, quantity, and amount of water introduced. tl Rea U -kTOx Can crete. Copp ly with requirements of A5TM C94, and as herein sped f iWe `.— i Delete references for allowing additional water to be added to batch for material with insufficient slump. Addition of water to bated will not be permitted. • i]uring hot weather, or under conditions contributing to rapid setting # of concrete, a shorter- mixing time than specified in ASTM C 94 may be required. Phen the air teWerature is between 85F. (30C) and 9OF (32C), reduce mixing and delivery Lime from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes, and when air temperature is above JOF {32C), reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 Minutes. Built-in Anchorages: Accurately position built-in anchorage devices and secure to form- rk. Locate anchorages where they do not affect position of main reinforcement or placing of concrete. Do net re]ocate bearing plates in units unless acceptable to Architect. Cast -in hales for openings larger than 10" diameter or 10" square in accordance with final sl,iop drawings. Other smaller holes will be field cut by trades requiring them, as acceptable to Architect. Coat surfaces of forms with bond -breaking campaund before reinforcement is placed. Provide comrRrercial formOaLion form -coating compounds that will not bond with, stain nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and wi l T not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces requiring bDnd or adhiesion. Apply to compliance with manufacturer's instructions. Clear, reinforcement of Noose rust and mill scale, earth and ether materials which reduce or destroy bond with concrete. Accurately position, Support and secure rainforcernent against displacement by formwork, construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support r-ei nforci ng by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. Place reinforcement to obtain at least Che minimum coverages for concrete protection. Arrange, space and securely tie bars and bar IPRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 3G1-7 Compressive strength; 5000 psi mininam at 28 days. Release strength for prestressed units: 3500 psi. Produce lightweight concrete consisting of specified Portland cement, aggregates, admixtures, and water to produce the following properties: Compressive strength: 5000 psi minimum at 29 days. Air-dry density; not less than 90 rear more than 115 lbs. per CUM ft. Release strength for prestressed units; 3500 psi. Cure compression test cylinders using the same methods as will be used for the precast concrete work, Submit written reports to Architect of proposed mix for each type O concrete at least 15 days prior to start of precast unit production. Do not begin concrete production until mixes and evaluations have been reviewed by Architect, Adjustment, to Concrete Mites: fix design adjustments Ray be requested when c aracterTstics o materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warranC.. Laboratory test data for revised mix designs and strength results must be submitted to arrrl accepted by Architect before using in the work. Admi wt a rps : Use air -entraining admixture in concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Use water-redusiug admixtures in strict compliance with manufacturer's directions. Admixtures to increase cement dispersion, or provide increased workability for low -slump concrete, may be used subject to Architect "s acceptance, Use amounts as recommended by admixture manufacturer for climatic conditions prevailing at t1me of placing. Adjust quantities of admixtures as required to maintain quality control. FABRICAT104. General: Fabricate precast concrete units complying with manufacturing and testing procedures, quality control recommendations, and dimensional tolerances of POI MNL-116, and as specified for types of units required. Job -Site Mixing: Mix materials for concrete in an acceptable dram type batch- mac i ne mi xer. For mixers of one cu. Yd., or smaller capacity, continue mixing at least 1-1/2 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 301-6 1 Lightweight Aggregate: ASTM C 330. Water: Portable or free from foreign materials in amoijnts harmful to concrete and embedded steel. Ai r-Ent rai rain g Admixture., ASTM C 26G. ap -� rater -Reducing Admixture. ASTM C 494. Type A. T Calcium Chloride: Do not use calcium Chloride in precast prestressed concrete. CONNECTION MATERIALS: Steel Plates- Structural qual i try, hot -rolled carbon steel, ASTM A 283, ra e Steel Shapes: ASTM A 36. ., Anchor Bolts: ASTM A 307, low -carbon steel bolts, regular hexagon Yuts and car on steel washers. Finish of Steel Units: Exposed units galvanized per ASTM A } others painted with rust -inhibitive prlmer. Bearing Pads: Provide bearing pads for precast concrete units as Indicated on drawings. Elastonmerl c Pads: VLiI cani zed, chl oroprene etas tomerl c compound, molded to size or cut from a molded sheet, 5€ -60 shore A durometer. Accessories: Provide clips, hangers, and other accessories required Tor instdTlatian of project units and for support of subsNui rnt construction or finishes. PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES: Prepare design mixes for each type of concrete regoired. Design mixes may be prepared by an independent testing facility or by qualified precast rrranufactrrring plant personnel, at precast nranufacturer's option. Pr-oportiort mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on the project for each type of concrete required, complying with ACE 211.1 ar AC I 211.2. Produce standard weight concrete consisting of specified portlarrd cement, aggregates, admixtures, and water to produce the follows n properties. PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 3G) -5 1 REINFORCING MATERIAL: Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615. Grade 60, unless otherwise indicated. Law -Alloy Steel Reinforcing Bars : ASTM A 706. Galvanized Reinforcing Bars- ASTM A 515 bars, hot -dip galvanized after &H catian and bending, complying with ASTM A 153. Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, plain, cold -drawn, steel. Welded Wire Fabric: ATM A 185. Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A 497. Supports for Reinforcement: Provide supports for reinforcement i nc udi ng bolsters. chai rs, spacers and uther devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing, complying With CRSI recommendations. For exposed -to -view concrete surfaces, where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with legs which are hot - dip galvanized, plastic protected or stainless steel protected. PRESTRESSING TENDONS: Uncoated, 7-wire stress -relieved strand complying with ASTM A 416. Use Grade 250 unless Grade 270 required or shown on drawings. Strand similar to above, but 1 aving size and ultimate strength of wires iF1creas€d so that ultimate strength of the strand is increased approximately 15%, or strand with increased strength but with fewer number of wires per strand, may he used at rnanufactur-er-'s option. CONCRETE MATERIALS: Portland Cement: ATM C 15U, Type I or Type III. Use only one brand and type of cement throughout the project, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. Aggregates: ASTM C 33, and as herein specified. Provide aggregates rorgle source for exposed concrete. Local aggregates trot complying with ASTM C 33, but which have shown by special test or actual service to produce concrete or adequate stren 5th and durability, may be used when acceptable to Architect. PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL. 32-4 Provi de location arrd detai is of anchorage devi ces that are to be e,ubedded in other canstructiorr. Furnish templates if required for accurate placement. Provide mankifacturer`s complete design calculations prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas. DELIVERY, STORAGt AND HANDLING: Delfver precast concrete units to project site in sucil quantities and at such times to assure continuity of installation. Store units at project site to ensure against cracking, distortion, -Staining, or other physical damage, and so that markings are visible. Lift and support Units at designated lift points. FIELD CDNI}1TION : Design modifications may be made as necessary to meet field carp di t i ons and to ensure proper fitting or work, and as acceptable to Architect. Maiiitain general design, concept as shown without appreciably increasing or decreasing sizes of members or altering profiles and alignment, as acceptable to ,architect. Provide coinplete design caIculations and drawings prepared by a registered professional engineer if design modifications are anticipated. Deliver anchorage items which are to be embedded in other constrt,ction before start of such work. Provide setting diagrams, templates, instructions and directions as required for installation. PRODUCTS FORMWORK: Provide forms and, where required, form facinq materials of metal, plastic. wood, or other acceptable material that is non -reactive with concreto and will produce required finish surfaces. Ac-curately construct form, mortar -tight, and of sufficient strength to withstand pressures due to concrete placing operations, temperature changes, and when prestressed, pretensianing arnd detensioning operations. Maintain formwork to provide completed precast concrete units of shapes, lines, and dimensions indicated, within specified fabrication Colerances. Unless forms for plant -manufactured prestressed coricretn units are stripped prior to detensionirig, design, forms so that stresses are riot induced in precast units due to deformation of concrete under prestress or to movement during detensi&ning. IPRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 32-3 Fatri cater Qua k r i cations : Firms which have from 2 to 5 years successful experience in fabrication of precast concrete units similar to units required for this project will he acceptable. Pabr1cater must have sufficient productlan capacity to produce required units without causing delay in work. Fabrication Qualifications: Produce precast concrete unfits at fabricating plant engaged primarily in manufacturing of similar units, unless plant fabrication or delivery to project site is impractical. If units are produced at locations other than precast concrete fabricating plants, maintain procedures and conditions for quality control which are equivalent to plant production. Comply with PCI MNL-115 for production of precast concrete units. Installation Tolerances: Install precast units without exceeding Allowing Go erance units: Variations from PluMb: 1/4" in any 20' ruR or story height; 112" oea I in any or longer rurr. Variations from Level or Elevation: 1/4" in any Q" run; 1/2" in any run; total plus or minus 1/2" at any location. Variation from PoSition in Flan: Plus or minus 1/2" maximum at Ty location. Offsets in Alignment of Adjacent Members at any Joint: 1/16" in any run; maximum. URN ITTAL5: Product data: Submit manufacturer's specificatlons and instructions or manu aciured materials and products. Include ma nu facturer4 certifications a Iaboratogy test reports as required. Include erection procedure for precast units, sequence of erection, and required handling equipment. Shop drawings: Submit shop drawings slowing complete information for fabrication and installation of precast concrete units. Indicate member dimensions and cross-section; location, size, and type of reinforcement, including special reinforcement and lifting devicas necessary for handling and erection. Provide layout. dimensions acd identification of each precast unit corresponding to sequence and procedure in instaEllatiun. Indicate welded connections by AWS standard symbols. Detail inserts, connections, and joints, including accessories and construction at openings in precast units. PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 3G1- I I u n 1 SECTION 3G1 PRECAST CUNCRETE GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to work specified in this section. Requirements of this section apply to work specified ifl the following sections. - Precast Prestressed Long -Span Units, Precast Prestressed Structural Framing. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of precast concrete work (PC -Cone) is shown on drawings and in schedules. This section establishes general criteria for materials, ,sixes, and evaluations of precast concrete as required for other related sections of these specificatior)s. 011ACITY ASSURANCE: Codes and Standards: Comply with the provisions of the following co es, sgeci f ications and standards, except as otherwise indicated: ACI 3G1 "Specifications for Structural Corcrete for Buildings ACI 311 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection". ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete". ACI 347 "Recowierided Practice for Concrete Form work"", ACI 304 "Reconended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete % Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, "Manual of Standard practi ce". Prestressed Concrete Institute MKL 116 "Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast. Concrete Products". Comply with building code requirements which are more stringent than above. PRECAST CONCRETE, GENERAL 3G1-1 1 Cornp rE!ss i on Test Specimen: ASTM C 31; one set of G standard cyl i nders for each compressive strengt# test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specimens except when field -cure test specimens are required, Compressive Strength Tests: ASIM C 39; one set for each 100 cry. ,y�or tr•act i on�tnereof, of each concrete class plar-ed in any one day or for each 5,000 sq. ft. of surface area placed; 2 specimens tested at. 7 days, 3 specimens tested at 8-days, and one sper<iflien retained in reserve for later testing if required. When the frequency of testing will provide less than 5 strength tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from at least 5 randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than a are used. When the total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cu. yds. , the strength test may be waived by the Architect t f, ifl his judgement, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. When the strength of field -cured cylinders is less than 85Z of compdni on laboratory-cu m d cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing Lhe in -place concrete. Test results will be reported in writing to the Architect and the Contractor on: t1le same day that test are made. Reports of compressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placernent, name of concrete testing service, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in the structure, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials; compressive breaking strength arld type of break for both 7- day tests and 28-day tests. Additional Tests: The testing service will male additional tests of in -place cancrete when test results indicate the specified concrete strein gths and other characteristics have not been attalged in the structure, as directed by the Architect. The tescing service may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying w+ith ASTi4 C 42, or by other methods as directed. Contractor skull pay for such tests conducted, and arry other additional testing as may be required, when unacceptable concrete is verified, END OF SECTION CONCRETE WORK 3A0-17 Repair defective areas, except random cracks and s0gle holes not exceeding W diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fresh concrete. Re we defectiae areas to sound concrete with clean, square cuts and expose reinforcing steel with at least 314" clearance all -- around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete, and brush with a neat cement: grout coating ar concrete bonding agent. '1 Mix patching concrete of same materials to provide concrete of the same . Lype or class as original concrete. Place, compact and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure In the sane rnatirirsr as adjacent ., concrete. Repair isolated random tracks and single holes oot over I" in diameter by dry -pack method. Groove sop of cracks and cut-out holes to sound ' concrete and clean of dust, dirt and loose particles. Uarpen cleaned concrete surfaces and brush with neat cement grout coating or coocrate bonding agent. Mix dry -pack, consisting of one part Portland cement to Z-112 parts fine aggregate passing a NG, 16 mesh sieve, using only i enough water as required for handling and placing. Compact dry -pack mixture in plate and finish to match adjacent, concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. Use epoxy -based mortar for structural repairs. where directed by Architect. + Repair methods not specified above may be used, subject to acceptance of Architect. QUALITY CONTROL TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION: The Owner will employ a testing laboratory to perform all other tests and to submit test repeats. Sampling and testing for quality control during the placement of concrete may include the following, as directed by the Architect, Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply Wit947 Sim; ASTM C 143; one test for each concrete load at point of TTEUrrge; apd one test For each set of compressive strength test specimens. Air Content: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight concrete; ASTM G 231 pressure for normal weight concrete; one for each set of compressive strength test specimens. Concrete Temperat ore: Test hourly when air temperature is 40 degrees F , and when 80 dygroes F. and above; and each time a set of compression test specimens made. CONCRETE WORD 3AO-16 1 Cut out honeycomb, rock packets, voids over if 4" In any dimension, and holes loft by tie rods and bolts, dowry to solid concrete but, in no case to a depth of less than 1". Mare edges of cuts perpendicular to the concrete surface. Before placing cement mortar or proprietary patching compound, thoroughly clean, dampen with water and brush -coat the area to be patched with neat cement grout, or proprietary bonding agent. For exposed -to -view surfaces, blend white Portland cement and standard portland remvnt so that, whefl dry, patching mortar will match color surrounding. Provide test areas at inconspicuous location to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and strike -off slightly higher than sarrouhding surface. Repair of Formed Surfaces: Remove and replace concrete having MOVE surfaces if defects Cannot be repaired to satisfaction of Architect. Surface defects, as such, include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbTes, honeycomb, rock pocksts; fins and other projections on surface; and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. Flush cNt form tie holes, fill with dry pack mortar, or precast cement core plugs secured W plane with banding 4gent. Repair concealed formed surfaces, where passible, that contain defects that adversely affect the durability of the concrete. If defects cannot be repaired, remove and replace the concrete. Repair of Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed .surfaces, such a5 MOMENT Via Vials, or smoothness and to verify surface plane to toleraflces speciNed for each surface and finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to brain for trueness of slope, in addition to smoothness. using a template having required slopo. Repair finished unformed surfaces that contain defects which adversely affect durability of concrety. Surface defects, as such, include crazing, cracks in excess of 0.01" wide or which penetrate to reWorcement or completaiy through non-reinforctd sections regardless of width, spalling, pop -outs, honeycomb, rock packets, and other objectionable conditions. Correct high areas its unformed surfaces by grinding, after concrete has cured at least 14 days. Correct low areas in unformed surfaces during, or fivediately after completion of surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with fresh concrete. Finish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete, Proprietary patching compounds may be used whefl acceptable to Architect. CONCRETE WORK 3AO-15 REMOVAL OF rORM5: Forinwork not, supporting weight of concrete, such as sides of beams, walls, columns, and similar parts of the work, may be removed after cumulatively curing dt not less than 5O degrees F for 24 hours after placing concrete, provided concrete is sufficienMy hard to not be damaged by form removal operations, and provided curing and protection operations are maintained. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as beam soffits, joints, slams and other structural' elements, may not be removed in loss than 14 days and unt11 concrete has attained design minimum compressive strength at 28-days. Determine potential compressive strength of inplacs concrete try testing field -cured specimens representative of concrete location or members. Farm facing material may be removed 4 days after placement, only if shores anti utter vertical' supports have been arranged to permit removal of form facing material without loosening or disturbing shores and supports. RE -USE OF FORMS: Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be re -used ire the work. Split, frayed, delaminated ar otherwise damaged form facing material will not be acceptable. Apply new form coating compound material to concrete contact form surfaces as specified for new formwork. When form are extended for successive concrete {placement, thoroughly clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close ,joints. Align and secure joint to avoid offsets. Do nat use "patched" forms for oxposed concrete surfaces, except as acceptable to Architect. MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS Filling -In. Fill -ire holes and openings left in concrete structures for passage of work by other trades, unless otherwise shown or directed, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place and cure concrete as herein specified, to bland with in -place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrets filling shown or required Lo complete work. Curbs: Provide Pw- nolithic finish to interior curbs by stripping forms ORTS concrete is still green and steel -troweling surfaces to a hard, dense finish with corners, intersectians and terminations slightly rounded. C04CRETE SURFACE REPAIRS: Patching defective Areas; Repair and patch defective areas with cement mortar irnme l ate y a ter removal of forms, but only when acceptable to Architect. CONCRETE WORK 3AU-14 Curing Met rods: Perform curing of concrete by moist curing, by moisture -retaining cover curi nig, by rliembrane curi ng, and by combinations thereof, as herein specified. Provide moisture curing by following rwthods : Keep concrete surface continuously wet by covering witli water. Continuous water -fog spray. Covering concrete surface with specified absorptive cover, Viaroughl,y saturating cover with water and keeping continL;uusly wet. Place absorptive cover to provide coverage of concrete surfaces and edges, with 4" lap over adjacent absorptive covers. Provide moisture -cover curing as follows, Cover concrete surfaces with moisture -retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover ntat,�rial and waterproof tape. Provide membrane curing to slabs as follows: Apply membrane -forming curing compound to concrete surfaces as soon as final flnishing operations are complete (within Z hours). Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power -spray or roller in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Recoar areas which are subjected to heavy raiiifa11 within 3 hours after initisl application. Mai ntair} continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. Do not use membrane curirig compounds on surfaces which are to be covered with a coating material applied directly to concrete, liquid moor hardener, waterproofing, dampproofir}g, membrane roofing, flooring, painting, and other coatings and finish materials, unless otherwise acceptable to the Architect. Curing Formc-d Surfaces: Cure funned cancrute surfaces, including undersides of earns, supported slabs and other similar surfar-es by moist curing with forms fn place for frill curing period or until forms are r•einoved. If forms are removed, continue caring by methods specified above, 95 app}iGable, Curing Informed Surfaces: Cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other fTat surfaces by application of the approprl ate curing coapound. Final cure concrete surfaces to receive liquid floor hardener or finish flooring by use of moisture -retaining cover, unless otherwise directed. ONCRETE WORK 3AO-13 After screeding and cansolidating concrete Slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concrete has stiffened sufficiently to permit operation of power -driven floats, or both. Consolidate surface with power -driven floats or by hand -floating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Check and level surface plane to a tolerance not exceeding 1/4" in 10' when tested with a 10' straight edge. Cut dowry high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. } Trowel Finish (Tr-Fn): Apply trowel finish w monolithic slab surfaces ,t are ;.o oe exposed -to -view' +finless ether -wise shown, and slab surfaces that are to be covered with resilient flooring, pairit or other thin-film finish coating systern. After floatiiiq, begin first trowel finish operation using a power - driven trowel. Begin final troweling when surface produces a ringing soLind as trowel is neoved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final head -troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture 4nd appearance, and with a surface plane tolerance not exr-ending 1/8" in 1U' when tested with a 10' straightedge. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering system. Mon -Slip arooirk Finish {NSBrrn-Fn): Apply non -slip broom firiish to exterior concrete p at orrns, steps afld ramps, and elsewhere as shown on drawings or in schedules. Immediately ately after trowel finishing, slightly roughen concrete surface by broomi rig with fiber bristle broom perpendicular to main traffic route. Coordinate required final finish with the Arcbitect before application. CONCRETE CURING AND PROTECTIOA General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying ario excessive cold or hot, temperature, and maintain without drying at a relatively constant temperatr,re for a period of time necessary for ny dratin of cement and proper hardening. Start initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared frouM concrete surface 4fter placing and finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. Begin final erring procedures immediately following initial curing and before concrete has dried. Continue final curing for at least 7 days in accordance with A 1301 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at end of final curing period. L� CONCRETE WORK 3AU-12 1 FINIS11 OF FORMED SURFACES: Rough Form Finish (RfFm}Fn): For foamed to-v7ew in trie rinish Work or by other indicated. This is the concrete surface the form facing material used, with repaired acid patched and fins and other hel"t rubbed down or chipped off. concrete surfaces not exposed - construction, unless otherwise having the texture imparted by tie holes and defective areas projections exceeding 1/4" in Smooth Form Finish (Smfm-Fn): For formed concrete surfaces exposed -to -- view, or that are to be covered with a coating material applied directly to the concrete, or a covering material applied directly to the concrete, sucli as waterproofing, dampproofing, painting or other similar system. This is the as -cast concrete surface as obtained with selected form facing material, arranged orderly and symrwtrically with a minimum of seams. Repair and patch defective areas with all fires or other projections compli�_fely removed and smoothed. Smooth Rubbed Finish (SimPb i'-Frr) : Provide smooth rubbed finish (SMRbd- ri to S ch edu ed concrete surfaces, which have received smooth form finish (Sm m-Fn) treatment, not later than the day after form removal. Moisten concrete surface and rub with carhorundum brick or other abrasive until a uniform color and texture is produced, Do not apply cement grout other than that created by the robbing process. Related Uniformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, #orizontal offsets and similar unformed surfaces occurring adjacent to formed surfaces, strike -off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent ui7fori-,ted surfaces, unless otherwise shown. MONOLITHIC SLAB FINISKE:S; Scratch Finishi (Scr-Fn): APply scratch finish to monollt�ic slab space traat are to receive -voncrete floor topping or Palomar setting beds for tile, Portland cemnt terrazzo, and other banded applied ci rmentitiovs finish flooring material, and as otherwise shown on drawings. After placing slabs, plans surface to a tolerance not exceeding 1/4" In 2' when tested with a 2' straightedge. Slope Surfaces uni ftr rliily to drains where required. After leveling, roughen sourfare before final set, with stiff Inrushes, brooms or rakes. Fleat Finish �F1t ;Fn): Apply float firiishi to monolithic slab surfaces tiat are to receive trowel finish and other finishes as hereinafter specified, and slab surfaces which are to be covered with membrane or elastic waterproofing, membrane or elastir, roofing, or sand -bed terrazzo, and as otherwise shown on drawings or in schi2dules. CONCRETE WORK 340-1I Placing concrete Slabs: Deposit and nonsolidate concrete slabs in a continuous operatic within the limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is completed. Consolidate concrete during placing operations so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. Bring slab surfaces to the correct level with a straightedge and strikeoff. An bull floats or darbies to smooth the surface, leaving it free of humps or halkws. Do not, sprinkle water on the plastic surface. Do not disturb the slab surfaces prior to beginning finishing operations. Maintain reinforcing in the proper position during concrete placement operations. Cold MOW P dOng: Protect concrete work from physical darrQge or reduced strength w ich could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures, in compliance with ACi 306 and as herein specified. When oar temperature has fallen to or is expected to fail below 40 degrees F., uniformly heat all water and aggregates before mixing as required to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50 degrees F., and not more than 80 degrees F. at point of placement. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Oo not place Coocr'ete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. Do not use calcium chloride, salt and other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators, unless otherwise accepted in mix designs. Hat Weather Placing: When hot weather candations exist that would serio"s y inpair the quality and strength of concrete, place concrete in compliance with ICI 305 and as herein specified. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature at time of placement below 90 degrees F. Mining water may be chilled, or chopped Re may be used to control the concrete temperature provided the water equivalent of the ice is cariculated to the total amount of mixing. Cover reinforcing steel with water -soaked burlap if it becomes too hot, so that the steel temperature will not exceed the ambieot air temperature immediately before embedment in concrete. Wet forms thoroughly before placing concrete. ba not use retarding admixtures unless otherwise accepted in mix designs. CONCRETE WORK 3AO-10 Thin form -coating compounds only with thinning agent of type, and in amount, and under conditions of the form -coating compound aRnufacturer"s directions. Do not allow excess form -coating material to accumulate in the forms or to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. Apply in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. Coat steel forms with a non -staining, rust -preventative fora ofT or otherwise }protect against rusting. Rust --stained steel fornwork is not acceptable. CONCRETE PLACEMENT: 'replacement Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and camplet� the TAKEN instalTaITY, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast-tr~. Notify other crafts to permit the installation of their work; cooperate with other trades in setting such work, as required. Thoroughly wet good forms immediately before placing concrete, as required wherry form coatings are not. used. Coordinate the installation of joint materials and moisture barriers with placement of forms and reinforcing steel. general : Conply with AN 304, and as herein specified. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no concrete will he placed on ca=rete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section, If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide c❑nstroction joints as herein specified. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable to its final location to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. Placing Concrete in Earmm Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal Ayers not deeper than 24" and in a manner to avoid inclined construction ,points. 4lhere placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. Consolidate placed concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand-speding, Padding or tamping. Use egglpmenc and procedure, for consolidation of concrete in accordance with the recomoended practices of ACI 309, to snit the type of concrete and project conditions. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside of farms . Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations not farther than the visible effectiveness of the machine. Place vibrator's to rapidly penet.rats the placed Dyer of concrete and at least d" into the preceding layer. Do not insert vibr'atQrs into lower layers of coicrVe that have begun to set. At each insertion limit the duration of vibration to the time necessary to consolidate the concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded itaMs without causing segregation of the mist. GONCREA WORK 3Ag-9 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 J 01 NTS Construction Joints: Locate and install construction joirrts, which are not shown on the drawi ogs, 50 as not to impair the strength and appearance of the structure, as acceptable to the Architect Provide keyways at least 1-1/ " deep in all construction ,joints in walls, slabs and between walls and footings; accepted bulkheads designed for this purpose may be used for slabs. Place constructiofl ,points perpendicular to the main reinforcement. Continue all reinforcement across construction ,joints. isolation Jai nts i n Slabs -on-Ground: Construct isolation joints In s'l a s on- ground at a 11 poiiTts o contact between slabs on ground and vertical surfaces, such as column. pedestals, foundation wails, grade beams and elsewhere as indicated. Joint filler and sealant materials are specified in the 7T-Seri es sections of these specifications. Control Joints in Slabs -on -Ground* Construct control joints in sldbs- on-ground to forsEt panels of patterns as shown. Use inserts 1/4" wide x 1/5 to 114 of the slab depth, unless otherwise shown. Farm control joints by inserting a premolded hardboard or Fiberboard strip into the fresh concrete until the top surface of the strip is flush with the slab surface. After the concrete has cured, remove inserts and clean groove of loose debris. Joint sealant material is specified in the 7T-Series section of these specifications. IN TALLATION OF EMBEDDED ITEMS: General: Set and build into the work apchorage devices and other 2 We Td-e-d items required for other work that is attached to, or supported by, cast-irr-place concrete. Use setting drawings, diagraws, i rtstrua i errs and directions provided by suppliers of the items to be attached thereto. Edge Farms and Screed Strips for Slabs. Set edge forms or bulkheads and 1 n erme i ate screed st ri ps or s abs to obtain the required elevations and contours in the finished slab surface. Provide and Secure units sufficiently strong to support the types of screed strips by the use of strike -off templates or accepted compacting type screeds. PREPARATION OF FURH SURFACES: Coat the contact surfaces of forms with a font. -coating compound before reinforcement is placed. CONCREFE WORK 3A0-8 Chamfer exposed corners and edges as shown, using wood, metal, PVC or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce oniforin smooth lines and tight edge joints. Fora Ties: Factory -fabricated, adjustable -length, removable or snapoff met` l torm ties, designed to prevent form deflection, and to prevent spalling concrete surfaces upon removal. Unless otherwise shown, provide ties so portion remaining withal concrete after removal is at least 3-1j" inside concrete. Unless otherwise shown, provide form ties which will not leave holes larger than I" diameter in concrete s4rfare. provisions for Uther trades: Provide openings in concrete formwork to accornmo date wqr - o 0t er trades. Determine size and location of openings, recesses and Chases from trades providing such items. Accurately plate and securely support items built into forms. Cleaning and Ti2htenini: Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to rece ve concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt or other debris ,just before concrate is pldced. Retight8n forms after concrete placement if required to e1S1ninate mortar leaks. PLACING REINFORCEMENT: Comply with the specified nodes and standards. and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institutes recommended practice for "Placing Reinforcing Bars". for details aDd methods of reinforcement placement, and supports, and as herein specified. Clean reinforcerent of louse rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials which reduce or destroy boric# with concrete. Accurately position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacer's, and hangers, as required. Plane reinforcement to obtain at least the ri-inimum coverages for concrete protection. Arrange, space and securely tie bars afid bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placemenL operations, Set wire ties so ends a re directed into concrete, not towar+# exposed concrete surfaces. Do not place reinforcing bars more than 2" beyornd the last leg of continuous bar support. Do not use supports as bases for r41nwVs For concrete conveying equipment and similar constrijctiari loads. Install welded wire rabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and lace splices with wire. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to Prevent continuous laps in either direction. C04CR£TE WORK 3AD-7 1 u I 1 u Ready -Mix Concrete: Comely with the rQguirements of ASTM C 94, and as ereirn speci ied. Delete the references for allowing additional water to be added to the batch for material with insufficient slump. Addition of water to the batch will not be permitted. During hot weather, or under conditions contributing to rapid setting Of concrete, a Shorter Mi xI ng ti rrLA than speri f i ed in ASTM C 94 may be required. When the air temperature is between 85 degrees F. and +ill degrees F., reduce the mixing and delivery time From 1-112 hours to 75 minutes, and wilen the air temperature is above 90 degrees F., reduce the mixing and delivery time to Cp minutes. EXECUTION FORMS: Design, erect, support, brace and rnainta3n formwork to support vertical and lateral loacis that might be applied until such loads can be supported by the concrete structure. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of correct size, sh4pe, alignment, elevation and position, Design formwork to be readily removable without impact, shock or damage to cast -in -place concrete surfaces and adjacent materials. Construct farms complying with ACi 347, to sizes shiapt-s. lines and dimensions shown, and to obtain accurate alignment, location- grades, level and plumb work in finished structures. Provide for openings, offsets, linkages, keyways, recesses, molding, rusticatl", reglets, chamfers, blocking, screeds, bulkheads. anchorages and inserts, and other features required ifl work. Use selected materials to obtain required finishes. Solidly butt joints and provide back-up at joints to prevent leakage of cemerii pasi*P. rari sate forms for easy removal without hamsm.,ri Fig or prying against the concrete surfaces. Provide crush plates or wrecking }dates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces where slope is too steep to place concrete with bottom farms only. Kerf wood inserts For forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent swelling and for easy removal. provide tenv orary opemn9s where interior area of formwork is inaccessibTe for cleanaut, for inspection before concrete placement. and for placement of concrete. Securely brace temporary openings and set tightly to forms to prevent loss of concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings on forms at inconspicuous locations. CONCRETE WORK 3AO-6 1 3000 psi 23-day compressive strength; 480 lbs. cement per cu. yd. minimum; WJC ratio, 0.58 maximum. Adjustment to Concrete Mi xes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by the Contractor when. characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant, at not additional cost to the Owner and as accepted by 0e Architect. Laboratory test data for revised itlix design and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by the Architect before using in the work. ArlMi Ytitf Pq' Use air -entraining admixture in exterior exposed corFcrete, unlass otherwise indicated. Add air -entraining admixture at the manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at the }point of placement having air content within the following limits: Concrete structures and slabs exposed to freezing ar}d thawing or subjected to hydraulic pressure: 4% for max. " aggregate. 6% for max. 3/4" aggregate. 7% for max. 1 f 2" aggregate. Other Concrete: 2% to 4A air. Sl uiV Limits: Proportion and design mixes to result in concrete slump at the point of placement as follows -- Ramps and Sloping Surfaces: Not more than 3". Reinforced Foundation Systems: Not less than 1" and not more than All Other Concrete: Not less than I" and not more than 4" CONCRETE MIXING ,Job -Site Mixing. Mix materials for concrete in an acceptable drum type ntch machine m xer. For mixers of one cu. yd., or Smaller capacity, continue mi xi ng at least 1-1/2 minutes, but riot more than 5 minutes after all ingredients are in the mi xet, before any part of the batch is released. For mixers of capacity larger than one cu. yd., increase the minimum 1-112 minutes of mixing time by 15 seconds for each additional cu. yd., or fraction thereof. Provide a batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in the work, indicating the project identification name and number, date, mix type, mix time. quantity, and amount of water introduced. CONCRETE WORD{ 3AO-5 I Normal W4eight Aggregates, ASTM C 33, and as herein 5peclfiE!d. Provide aggregates from a single source for all exposed concrete, Fine Aggregate: Clean, sharp, natural sand free from loam, clay, urrT i or a er deleterious substances. Oune sand, bank -run sand and manrifactured sand are not acceptable. Coarse Aggregate: Clean, uncoated, processed aggregate contair}ing no a,y, mu loam oar foreign matter, as follows. Crushed store, processed from natural rock or stone. Washed gravel, either natural or crushE!d. Use of pit or bankrun gravel is not permitted. 1•1aximu: rri Aggregate Size: Not larger than one -fifth of the narrowesr, dirnerision be tween sides of forms, one-third of the depth of slabs, nor throe -fourths of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or bundles of bans. These limitations may be waived if, in the judgement of the Architect, workability and methods of consolidation are such that concrete can be placed without honeycomb or voids. Water. Cleary, fresh, drinkable. Air-Entrai rOnq Admixture. ASTM C Z60. Calcium chloride will not be permitted in concrete, unless otherwise authorized in writing by Architect. RELATED MATERIALS: Membrane -Forming Curi flg Cornpourid: ASTM C 309, Type l unless other type accept8 a to tale fc Ztecr. PRUPORTIDNINE AND DESIGN OF MIXES: Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of concrete 1 n accordani-.e with applicable Provisions of ASTM C 94. Use are i rtdepLandf2nt, testing facility acceptable to the Architect for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs. The testing facility shall not he the sarne as used for field quality control testing unless otherwise acteptable to the Architect. Submit written reports to class of concrete at least the Architect of each proposed mix 15 days prior to start of week. for each Do not began concrete production until mixes have been reviewed by the Architect. 3 Design rrri xes to provide normal weight concrete wit.h the fol lowing properties, as indicated on drawings and schedules; CONCRETE WORD 3AU-4 Forms for, Exposed Finish Concrete: Unless otherwise shown or specified, construct formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywraod, metal, metal -framed plywood faced or other acceptable panel - type materials, to provide Conti nuous, straight, smooth, exposed Surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints and to conform to joint system shown on drawip9s. Provide form material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressure of newly - placed concrete without bows or deflection. Forms for Unexp Iced Finish Concrete: Form concrete surfaces which will e unexposed in fiflished structure with plywood, lumber, metal on other acceptable maternal. Provide lumber dressed on at least 2 edges and one side for tight fit. Form Coatings: Provide commercial formulation form -coating compaunds that will not bond with, stain nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not ienpai r subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces to be cured with water or curing Compound. REINNRCSNG MATERIALS: Reinforcing Bar (ReBar): ASTM A 615, and as follows: Provide Grade 40, except where otherwise shown, for bars No. 3, ties and stirrups. Provide Grade 60, except where otherwise shown, for bars No. 4 to 18. IWelded Wire Fabric (WWF) ; ASTM A 185, welded steel wire fabric. Supports for Rei nfor, cem+-nt: Provi de supports for re nforceiw�flt 1 nc udi ng bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, � supporting and fastening re7 nforci rig bars and welded wire fabric in place. Use wire bar type supports complying with CR51 recommendations, unless otherwise i ndi sated. Wood. brick and other devices will not be acceptable. For slabs -on -grade, use supports with sand plates or horizontal runn -rs where wetted base material will not 5upPUPt Chair legs. 00NCRFTE MATERIALS: Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1, unless otherwise acceptable to Arch i test . Use only one brae of cement throughout the project, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. CONCRETE WORK 3AG-3 I including the retesting of rejected materials anti installed work, shall be clone at the Contractor is expense. Tests for Concrete Materials: Test aggregates by rret,hod of sampling and testing of ASTM C 33. For portland cement, sample the cement and determine the properties by the methods of test of ASTM C150. Submit written reports to tree Architect, for each material sampled and tested, prior Co the start of work. Provide the project identification name and number, date of report, name of contractor, nacre of concrete testing services, source of concrete aggregates, material manufacturer and brand name for rmtanufactured materials, values specified in the referenced specification for each material, and test results. Indicate whether or not material is acceptable for intended use. Certificates of material properties and compliance with specified ` requiremerms may be submitted in lien of testfiq, when acceptable to the Architect. Certificates of rompIia[ice m, st be signs?d by the materials producer and the Contractor. 49 SUBMITTALS: Manufacturer's Data; Concrete Work: Submit manufacturer's product data with application and installation i rest ructi ons for proprietary materials and items, i ncludi rig reinforcement and f=orrnirrg accessories, admixtures, patching compounds, wraterstops, joint systems, chemical floor hardeners, dry -shake finish materials, and others as requested by the Architect, Shop_ Drawings; Concrete Reinforcement: Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending, and placement of concrete reinForcanrent. Comply with the ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailinq reinforced Concrete Structures" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams of bent bars, arrangement of concrete reinforcement. include special re1ni'orr-erment required and openings throtrgb concrete structures. Laboratory Test Reports; Coacr'ete Work: Submit 2 copies of laboratory test reports of concrete materials aril mix design test a5 speciFied. + PRODUCTS FORM MATERIALS: CONCRETE WORK 3AO-2 1 SECTION FAO C014CRE E WORK' GENERAL RELATED QOC{1fiENTS: The general provislons of the Contract, including General Supplementary Conditions and General Requirewents (if any}, apply to the work specified in this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of concrete work shown on the drawings. QUALITY ASSURANCE Cones and Standards: Comply with the provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified. ACI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings". ACI 311 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection". ACI 31S "Bui 1 di ng Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete". ACI 347 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork". ACI 3{]4 "Recommended Practice for Measurifrg, Mixing, Transporting and Placing C4ricrete". Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, "Manual of Standard Practice". Workmanship: The Contractor is respt)n�,ible for correction of concrete wore which does not conform to the specified requirements, including strength, tnlerancos and finishes. Correct deficient concrete as directed by the Architect. Concrete Testing Service: Employ, at Contractor's expense a testing a and ory accep a e o rchitect to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes. Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting, as directed by the Architect. at anytir:re during the progress of the work. Allow free access to material stockpiles and facilities at all times. Tests, not specifically indicated to be done at the Owner's expense. COICRETE WORK 3AD-1. a a 1 1 Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of work. Exdudi� traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When constrixtion traffic is permlt.ted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. Sweep concrete pavemernt and wash free of stains, discoloratl ons, dirt and other foreign material just prior to final inspection. END OF SECTIUN CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS N3-6 Fillers and Sealants: Comply with the requirements of the 7T Series of eye specifications for preparation of joints, materials, - installation, and performance, and as herein specified. CONCRETE FINISHIAG: After Strikiflg-off and consolidating concrete, smooth the surface by screeding and floating. Adjust the floating to compact the surface and produce a uniform texture. After floating, test surface For trueness with a IW straightedge. Distribute concrete as required to remove srrrrace irregularities. and refloat repaired areas to provide a continuous smooth finish. WorL edges of gutters, back top edge of curb, and transverse ,points and weakened -plane joints (except saw gut) with an edging to❑l, and round to 1/4" radius, unless otherwise indicated. Eliminate any tool marks on concrete surface. After completion of floating and when excess moisture or surface sheen has disappeared, complete surface finisMng, as follows. Trowel finish, smooth and free of trowel marks, uniform in texU re and appearance. Do not remove forms foc 24 hours after concrete has been placed. After form removal, clean eirr#s of joints and point -up any minor honeycornbed areas. Remove and replace areas or sections with major defects, as directed by Architect. CURING: protect and cure finished Concrete paving, complying with applicable requirements of Division 3 sect r ans . Use moist -cu ri n g methods for initial curing whenever- possible. Do not use liquid membrane -forming materials where anti-spalling treatment will he applied. Anti:5p0111flg Treatnie lt Apply compound to concrete surfaces no saaner than 23 days after placement. Apply to clean, dry concrete free of oil, dirt, and other foreign materials, in 2 sprayed applications. First application at rate of 40 sq. ,ids. per gal.; second application, 60 sq. yds. per gal. Allow complete drying between applications, REPAIRS AND PROTECTIONS: Repair Qr replace broken or defecti ve concrete, as di rested by Architect. CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS 2N3-5 1 General: Construct expansiort, weakened -plane (contractian), and construction ,points true -to -line with farce perpendicular to surface of the concrete, unless otheerwise indicated. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the centerline, unless otherwise indicated. When joining eyisting structures, palace transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless otherwise indicated. Weakened -Plane Contraction) Joints (Wk-Pldt). Provide weakened --plane rrontractlon rats at d a,o., un.es ^' other~wise sho4wn on the � �J drawings. Construct weakened -plane joints as one of the fallowing (Contractor's option)' Tooled ,Joints: Form wi�,a,kened-plane joints in fresh concrete by grooving top portion with a recommended cutting tool and finishing edges with a ,jointer. Sawed Joints: Form weakened -plane joints using powered saws equipped wi- shatterproof abrasive or diamond=rimmed blades. Cut joints into 11ar deried concrete as soon as surface will not be tarn, abraded, or ot�erwise damaged by cutting action. Inserts: Use embedded strips of metal or sealed wood to form weakened -plane joints. Set strips into the plastic concrete and Garefull,y remove strips after concrete teas hardened. Construction Joints (CnsJt): Place canstructiun .joints at the end of a - -pours an at locations were placement operations are stopped for a period of more than 112 hoar, except where such paL;rs terminate at eXpansion ,}pints. Construct ,joints as Down or, if not shown, use standard metal keyway -section Forms. Expansion Joints {Expdt}: Provide premolded ,joint filler for expansion join s aTuEF ntl cenrrete curbs, catch has! ns, mar+holi�s, inlets, structures, walks and other fixed objects, urrless otherwrise indicated. Locate expansion ,joints at 30' o.c. for each pavement lane, unless otherwise indicated. Extend joint fillers N1 1 -width and depth of joitit, and not less than 1/2" or more than V below finished surface where ,point sealer is indicated. If no joint sealer, place top of ,joint filler flush with finished concrete surface. Furnish joint fillers irx cne-piece lengths for the Roll width being placed, whtr-ever possibte, Protect the top edge of the joint filler during concrete placement with a metal cap or tither temporary material. Remove protection after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. CONCRETE CURBS ANU GUTTCAS 2N3-4 Set farms Go the required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. Install sufflcient quantity of forms to allow cor}tinuous progress of the work and su that form can remain in place at least 24 hours after roncrete placeme pt. Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to the fallowing tolerances: I Top of forms not more than 1/8" in 10'. Vertical face on longitudinal axis, not more than 1/4" in 10'. Clean forms after each use, and coat with form release agent as often as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. REINFORCEMENT: Locate, place and support reinforcement as specified in Division 3 section, unless otherwise indicated. CONCRETE PLACEMENT: General: Comply with the require»erits of Division 3 sections for mixing and placing concrete, and as hierein specified. � Do tlet place concrete until subbase and forms have been checked for line and grade. MOiSteTr subbase if required to provide a uniform dampened contrition at the time concrete is placed. Do not puce concrete around manholes or other structures until they are at required finish elevation and alignment. Place concrete using methods which prevent segregation of the mix. Consolidate concrete alcnj the face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator- away from ,point assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square -faced shovels for hand -spreading and �onsolidatiorr. Consolidate with care to prevent dislucati on of reinforcing, dowels, and joint devices. Deposit and spread cancz�ete in a continuous operation hecween transverse joints, as far as possible. If interrupted for more than if -hour, place a construction joint. Autumatit machine may be used for curb and gutter placement at Contractor's option, if acceptable to the Architect. If machine placement 1S to be used, submit revised mix design and laboratory test results which meet or exceed the minimums herein specified. Machine placement Must produce curbs and gutters to the required cross-section, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove and replace with formed concrete as specii~ied. JOINTS: CONCRETE CURBS AND GLITTERS ZN3-3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Joint dowel Bars: Plain billet steel bars for load transfer. expansion ,joints and transverse contraction joints, ASTM A 615, Grade 40, unless otherwise indicated. Cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. Concrete Materials: Comply with requirements of applicable division 3 Sections for concrete materials, admixtures, bonding materials, curing materials, and others as required. Expansion Joint Materials. Comply with requirements of applicable 7T- eries sections for preformed expansion joint fillers and sealers. Anti-Spalling. Campoufl d: 50% (by volume) boiled linseed oft and 50 (by vo ume commercial grade kerosene or mineral spirits. CONCRETE MIX, DESIGN AND TESTING: Comply with requirements of applicable Division 3 sections for concrete mix design, same l i rig and testing, and quality control, and as herein specified. Design the max to produce Standard -weight concrete consisting of portland cement, aggregate, air -entraining admixture and water to produce the following properties: Compressive Strength: 3000 psi, minimurn at 28 days. Slump Range: 2" to 4°. Air Content: 5A" to 8 . EXECUTION INSPECTION: Examine the areas and conditions under which concrete curbs anil gutterr* are to he installed .and notify the Contractor in writing of condition detrimental to the proper and timly completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove loose material from the compacted subbase surface immediately before placing concrete. Proof -roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and the need for additional compaction. Do not begin paving work until such conditions have been corrected and are ready to receive concrete. FORM CONSTRUCTION: CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS 2NJ- SECTIUN 2N3 CQNCR � � S A GENERAL �r RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and GeneraI Requirements (if any) apply to the work specified in this Section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of concrete curbs and gutters is shown on the drawings. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Cartes and Standards: Comply with local governing regulations it mare s rin�ent than herein specified. SUBMITTALS* Furnish samples, manufacturer's product data, test reports, and materials a certifications as requi rid in the referenced sect i o;is for concrete and ,joint fillers and sealers. JOB CONDITIONS - Traffic Control: Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required toFother construction activities. Provide barricades, warning signs and warning lights for the movement of traffic and to cause the least iflterruption of the work. PRODUCTS MATERIALS: Forms: Steel, wood, or other sui;abli� material of size and strength to resist movement during concrete placement and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use straight forms, free of distortion and defects. Use flexible spring steel farms or laminated boards to form radius bends as required. Coat forms with a non -staining form release agent that will not discolor or deface O e surface of the concrete. Reinforcing Bars: Deformied steel bars, ASTM A 615, Grade 40, unless otherwise indicated. CUNCRETF CURBS AND GUTTERS N3-1 Afton completion of frloat,illq and when excess moisture or surface sheen has disappeared, complete surface finishing, as follows: Broom finish, by drawing a fine -hair broom across concrete surface, perpendicular to lime of traffic. Repeat operation if required to provide a fine line texture acceptable to Architect. Burlap finish, by dragging a seamless strip of damp burlap across the concrete* perpendicular to line of traffic. Repeat operation to provide a gritty texture acceptable to Architect. D❑ fiot remove forms for 24 hours after concrete has been placed. After form removal, clean ends of joints and poirm -up any minor honeycombed areas. Remove and replace areas or sections wltfi major defects, as directed by Architect. CURL NG : Protect and cure finished concrete paving, complying with applicable requirements of Divislon 3 sections. Use moist -curing methods for initial curing whenever possible. Do not use liquid membrane -forming materials where anti-spalling t rent ffent will be applied. Anti-5pallin g Treatment. Apply compound to concrete surfaces no sooner than 28 days after placement. Apply to clean, dry concrete free of oil, dirt, and other foreign materials, in 2 sprayed applications. First application at rate of 40 sq. yds. per gal.; second application, 60 sq. ,yds. per gal. Allow complete drying between applications. REPAIRS AM pRu'rECTiON : Repair or replac-e broken or defective concrete, as directed by Architect. Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of work. Exclude traffic from Pavement for at least 14 days after placement. Wen construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. Sweep concrete pavervnt and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirk and other foreign material just prior to final inspection. END OF SECTION CONCRETE WALK 2NI-5 Tooled Joints: Form weakened --plane joints in fresh concrete by grooving tap portion with a recommended cutting tool and finishing edges with a jointer. Construction Joints {CnsJt). Place construction ,points at the end of a pours and at 14cations where placement operations are stopped for a period of more than 112 Moor, except where such pours terminate at expansion ,joints. Construct joints as shown or, if not shown, use standard metal keyway -section forms. Expansion. and Isolation Joints provide pr'amolded joint filler for expansion joints an iso atMori joints abutting concrete paving and curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks and other fined objects, unless otherwise indicated. Locate expansion joints at 50' o.c. for eac# pavement lane, unless otherwise indicated. Exteild ,point fillers full' -width and depth of ,point, and not less t4an It2" or more than I" below finished surface when joint sealer is indicated. Furnish jui nt fi l Ters in one-piece lengths for the full width being placed, wherever possible. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint filler 5�,ction together. Protect the top odge of the joint filler during concrete placenent with a metal cap or other temporary waterial. remove protection after concrete has been placed or) botil sides of joint. FiTlers and Sealants: Comply with the requirements of the 77 Series of t ese sped ications for preparation of joints, mater�als,installation. and performance, and as herein specified. CONCRETE FINISHING: Perform concriste finishing5 using machine or hand rnethadJ; as required. After striking -off and consolidating concrete, smooth the surface by sc,reeding and flv41:ing, Use hand methods only where mechanical floating is not passible. Adjust the floating to compact the surface and produce a uniform texture. After floating, test surface for trueness with a 10' straightedge. Distribute co+icrete as required to remove surfac8 irregularities, and refloat repaired areas to provide a continuous Smooth finish. Work edges of slabs, gutters, back top edge of curb, and formed ,joints with are edgir}g tool, and round to 1/8" radius, unless otherwise indicated. CONCRETE WALKS NI-4 �I #� Vertical face on longitudinal axis. not more than 1/4", in 10". Clean forms after each use, and Eoat with fora release agent as often as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. RE1<N DRCEMENT: ap Locate, place and support reinforcement as specified l ri Division 3 section, unless otherwise Adicated. CONCRETE PLACEMENT: General: CumpTy with the requirements of Division 3 sections for y mrtxx g rNd placing concrete, and as herein sp20fled. Do not place concrete uqtil subbase and forms have been checked for We and grade. McistQn subbase if required to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete 1s placed, Do not place concrete around mapholes or other structures until they are at required finish elevation and alignment. Place concrete using methods which prevent segregation of the mix. Consolidate concrete along the face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal v 040r. Keep vibrator away from join assemblies, reWorcement, or side forms. Use only square -faced shovels for hand -spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislucation of reinforcing, dowels, and ,faint devices. Spread concrete as soon as it is deposited on the subbase, using methods which prevent segregation of the mix. Consolidate concrete 04 along the face of forms and adjacent to transverse joiks with an ,J internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint asse"Ties, reinforcement, or Side forms. Use only square -faced shovels for hand - 10 spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation or reinforcing and joint materials. fm JOINTS: General: Construct expansion, isolation (construction) and weakened - plane (control), and construction joints true -to -lime with face * perpendicular to surface of the concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the pavement centerline, unless otherwise indicated. When walkway is abutting existing walks, place transverse joints to align with previously paved joRts, Wess otherwise indicatel. 1 Weakened -Plane Control Joints: Pruvide weakened -plane QoLrol) joints, sectioning concrete into areas as showm err the drawings. Construct weakened -plane joints for a depth equal to at least 1/4 concrete thickness, as follows: CONCRETE WALKS Q91m] 1 Expaosi on Joint Materials: Comply with requi remeflts of applicable 7T- eries sections for prrned expansion ,joint fillers and sealers. Anti-Spallin Compound: 50% (bar volume) boiled linseed oil and 0% (by Va ume) commor0 al grade kerosene or mineral spirits. CONCRETE MIX, DESIGN AND TESTING: Comply with requirements of applicable Division 3 sections for concrete mix design, sampling and testing., and quality control, and as herein specified. Design the mix to produce standard -weight concretL, consisting of portlaod cement, aggregate, air -entraining admixture and water to produce the foTlowing properties: Compressive Strength: 3000 psi, minimum at 28 days. Slump Range: 2" to 4". Air Content: 5% to 8%. EXECUTION INSPECTTON: Examine the areas and conditions under which concrete walks are to he installed and notify the Contractor in writing of condition detrimerital to the proper- and timely completion of the work. Do flat proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable maflner. 6. SURFACE PREPARATION: Rernove loose material from the compacted subbase slirface immediatr=l, before placing concrete. Proof -roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and the need for additional compaction. Do not begin paving work until such conditlofls have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. FORM CONSTRUCTION: set forms to tie required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. Install sufficient quantity of forms to allow continuous progress of the work and so that forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement. Check completed formwork for grade and aligninent to the following tolerances Top of farms not more than 1/8" in 10'. COKR£TE I1Al,K5 N1- SECTION 2K ON-CRET 4r(S 09 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (if any) apply to the work specified in this Section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of concrete walks is shown on the drawings. QUALITY ASSURANCE: � I Codes and Standards: Comply with local governing regulations if more stringent than herein specified. SUBMITTALS: Furnish samples, maflu factu rer's product data, test reports, and materials' cemifications as required in the referenced sections for concrete acid joint fillers and sealers. Ml CONDITIONS: Traffic Control: Maintaiji access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required foFatfier construction activities. Provide flagmen, barricades, warning signs and warning lights for the movemeflt of traffic and to cause the least interruption of the work. PRODUCTS MATERIALS Forms: Steel, wood, or other suitable material of size and strength to resist movernent during concrete placement and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use straight forms, free of distortion and defects, extending the full depth of the concrete. Use flexible spring steel forms or laminated boards to foam radius hends as required. Coat forms with a non -staining fork release agent that will not discolor or deface the surface of the concrete. Concrete Materials: Comply with requirements of applicable Division 3 sections for concrete materials, admixtures, bonding materials, curing materials, and others as required. CONCRETE WALKS 2N1-1 � I When strength of field -cured cylinders is less than 85% of companion laboratory -cared cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in -place concrete. Report test results in writing to Architect and Contractor on the Same day that tests are made. include in reports project identification name and number, date of Concrete placement, name of contractor, name of concrete supplier and truck number, name of concrete testing service, concrete type, location of drilled pier, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials; Compressive breaking strength and type of break for both 7-day tests and U day tests. Additional Concrete Tests: The testing service may take core samples o in -place concrete when test results are such that there 9s reasonable doubt that specified concrete strengths and other Characteristics have not been attained. Complete continuous coring of drilled piers may be required, at Contractor's expense, where time for removal of temporary casings exceeded specified limits, or where observations of placement Operations indicated cause for suspicion of quality of concrete, presence of voids, segregation or other possible defects. END OF SECTION DRILLED PIERS 201-7 I Ca01 ingredients before rni king to maintain concrete temperature A time of placement below 90 deg. F (32 deg. C). Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to control concrete teruperature provided water equivalent of ice is calcuiated to the total amclurit of mixirty water. Place concrete i inmedi ately upon delivery. Keep exposed concrete surfaces, and formed shaft: extensions, rneist by fog sprays, %vet, burlap or, other effective means. Do not use retarding admixtures without acceptance of Arcftitect. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Quality Control Testing During Construction: Sample and test: concrete T-0—rquality-control bArirrg placement, as fo ows; Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except nodified for slump to comply with . Slump: ASTM C 143; one test for each concrete load at: poirLt of ischarge; and one for each set of conpressive strength Lest specimens. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method: one for each set of compress ve strength test specimens. Compression TesL Specimens: ASTM C 31; one set of 6 standard cylinders for each compress i ve Strength test, unless otherwise directed, fold and store cylinders for 1abaratory cured test specimens except when field -cure test specimarts are requif-ed. Concrete Temperature: Test hourly when air temp. is 40 deg. F (4 deg. and 6eTow,-and when 80 deg. F (21 deg G) and above; and each time a set of compression test specimens riode. Compressive Strength Tests: ASTM C 39; one set for each 100 cu. yds. or tractiGn t erea , of each conr-reti� �1ass placed in one day. 2 specimens tested .at 7 days, 3 specimens tested at 23 days, and one specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. When frequency of testing will provide less than 5 strength tests For a given class of concrete, conduct testing from at least 5 randomly selected batches or frorn Bach hatch 1f fewer than 5 are used. When total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cu. yds., strength tests may he waived by Architect if, in his judgment, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. DRILLED PIERS 21)1-5 t Place concrete continuously without interruption and in a smooth flow without segregating the mixed materials. Provide mechanical vibration for consolidation of each shaft. Place concrete by means of a bottom discharge bracket. or flexible drop chute, elephant trunk hopper, or tremie. Use chutes or tremies ror placing concrete where a drop of more than 10' is required, or punp concrete into place. Place concrete in -the -dry unless placing underwater is acceptable tQ Archit.ec:t.. if water occurs, arid it is impracticable to dewater drilled drier excavation, and reasendble attempts to seal off water flaw have failed, allow water level to attain its normal level and place concrete by tremie method. Control placement operations to ensure that, tremie is not brO.en during continuous placing from bottom to top. Other methods of depositing concrete underwater may be used, if acceptable to Arcbi sect, Maintain a sufficient head of concrete to prevent reduction in diameter of drilled pier Shaft by earth pressure and to prevent extraneous material from mixing with fresh concreta. Coordinate withdrawal of temporary casings with concrete placement operations to maintain a head of concrete approximately 5' above casing bottom. Step concrete placement at cut-off elevation shown, screed level, and apply a scoured, rough finish. There cut-off elevation is above ground elevation, farm top section above grade and extend shaft to required elevations. Cold Weather Placing: protect cort�rete work from ph sical damage or reduced strength _Wlfif[h could be caused by frost, freezing actfons, or low temperature. in compliance with ACT .306 and as herein specified. When air temp. has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 de{lrees F (4 DP9. C), uniforinl,y heat water and aggregates before mixing to obt4in a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 5O deg. F (10 deg. C), and not more than 30 deg. F (V deg. C) at point of placement. Do not use frozen materials or material containing ice or srlow. do not place concrete an frozen subgrade or are subgrade containing frozen materials. Do not use calcium chloride, salt and other mineral cuntainjilg anti- freeze agents or cheoj cal accelerators, unless otherwise accepted by the Architect, Hot Weather Placing: When hot weather conditions exist thf;t would seriously impair qua y and strength of concrete. place concrete in compliance with ACI 305 and as herein specified. DRILLED PIERS E91-5 Bel 1 s : Excavate drilled piers to provide shape of belied -out portions, Thiciness of base of bells, and angle of the slope for conical por0on of tells as shown on drawings. inspection: Each drilled pier must be inspected before placing concrete. Provide facilities as required to assist inspection of excavations, and cooperate with inspecting personnel to expedite work. Notify Ar'chiteCt at least b hours prior to time excavations will be ready for inspection. Depth of Bearing Strata: If indicated depth of shaft excavation is bac a w Uout developing required strata bearing capacity, icnediately suspend excavation operations and QfDrm Architect. Architect will determine procedures to be followed in each instance. Where changes in i ndi Gaged depth or dimensions are requi red. Or additional soil borings are required, proceed with such work when directed in writing by Architect. Dverexcavat ion: No payment will he made For extra length, when drilled pier shafts are excavated to a greater depth than required or authorized by Architect. due to overfilling by Contractor. Complete drilled pier and fill extra depth dith concrete, if other conditi❑ns are satisfactory. Uverexcavated shafts will be measured and pall for to original design or authorized depth. Excavated Material: deposit, and spread excavated material on site at locations as dirmed. REINFORCING STEEL AND DOWELS: Fabricate and erect reinforcing cages in s a is as one contiThs unit using inner ring resteel. Plato reinforcement accurately and symmetrically about axis of bole and hold securely in position during concrete placement. Use templates to set anchor bolts, leveling plates and other aooessortes furnished under work of other sections. Provide blocking and holding devices to maintain required position during concrete placement. Protect exposed ends of dowels and anchor bolts from mechanical damage and exposure to weather. CONCRETE PLACEMENT: General: Fill drilled piers with concrete imnediatel,y after inspection and joproval. Use protection sheets (cut out to receive concrete) over excavation openings, extending at least 12" beyond edge in all directions. DRILLED PIERS 91-4 I Drilled pier design dimensions shown are minimums. The design *F drilled piers is based on assumed strata bearing capacity. If bearing strata is Trot capable of maintaining bearing capacity assurned, foundation system will be revised as directed by Architect, Ovisiocrs will be paid for in accordance with contract conditions relative to changes In work. Provide belled drilled pier bases of diameter and shape indicated. Tolerances-. Locate centerline of drilled piers to he on centerline of caring construction, unless otherwise indicated. Do not exceed following tolerances: Shaft Centerline Location; V max, variation for shafts up to 13" diameter. 3" max. variation for shafts up to 4S" diameter. Shaft Variation to Plugrb: I" in 10', for full dopth. If above tolerances are exceeded, provide additional or corrective construction to compensate Or the excessive eccentricity. Submit proposed corrective construction methods to Architect for review before proceed! rtg. Obstructions: If rock, boulders, or other unforseerw obstructions are encountered which cannot be removed by standard drilled pier excavation fnethods. and if such obstructions are not indicated by available subsurface data, removal of such obstructions will be paid for in accorddnce with terns of contract relative to "angel in work. Remove such obstructions by hand labor using air -powered tooTs, or by uther safe met#1nds recognized in construction industry. Standard drilled pier excavation methods include the use of care barrels with drilled pier drilling equipment. ` The work of this section includes demolition and reinoval of rack, boulders} concrete, masonry, and other subsurface obstructions which are indicated by contract documents, or by available subsurface exploration data (if any), and such work will not be considered a change in work. Dewatering: Provide and maintain pumping equipment to keep excavations Tee of water before placing concrete. If excessive water is encour}tered acid drilling operat ioris mAst be halted, consult with Architect before using alternate methods of constructio5. r Conduct water to general site run-off ditches and disposal areas with discharge lines. Provide additional ditching as required to connect water to site drainage facilities, DRILLED PIERS 2D1-3 Site InformatzLin ; Data on 'indicated subsurt•ace condiTions are not intended as representations or warranties of cor)tinuity of such conditions. It is expressly understood that Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or con r<lusionS drawn therefrem by Contractor. Data are made avai fable for convenience of Contractor and are not guaranteed to represent conditions Lhat may be encountered. Arlditi anal test bori o9s and other expl oratory operati ons may be made by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. Existing Utilities; Locate existing underground utilities by careful hand excavation a ore starting drilled pier excavation operations. If utilities are t❑ remain in place, provide protection from damage during drilled pier ❑perations. Should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encortnt:ered during excavation, consult Architect irnmediate 1y for directions as to procedure. C ooperat a with Owner, and public or p ri vat.e utility companies i rr keeping 03ei r respective service and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of utility owner. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied and used by Owner or others, except when permitted in writing by Architect and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provi ded. PRODUCTS CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS. Concrete and related materials are specified in Division 3. EXECU71ON INSPECTIQN: Drilled Pier Installer must examine areas and conditions under which drilled piers are to be installed and notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and Limely completion of the work. Do not prareed with worm until satisfactory condiLions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to Drilled Pier lrrstaller. DRILLED PIER EXCAVATION: General : Excavate holes for drilled p i ers to required bearing strata or elevation as shown on drawings. Excavate holes for closely spaced drilled piers, and those occurring in fragile ❑r sand strat:as, only after adjacent holes are filled with concrete and allowed to set. DRILLED PIERS 2DI-2 SECTION 201 _ DRILLED PIERS GENERAL RELATED OOCUMEATS: The ge-renal provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to work Specified in this section. OESCHIPTION OF WORK - The extend of drilled piers is shown on drawings, including locations, diameters of shafts, diameters of hells where required, estimated bottom elevations, top elevations, and details of construction. QUALITY ASSURANCE Drilled Pier Installer Qualifications: Not less than three success u y comp eted contracrs with similar soil conditions, shaft sizes, aepths and volumes of work contained in this project. Submit satisfactory proof of cornpl i arice to the Architect. Concrete Testing Service; Employ a testing laboratory to perform m4terial eva uatlon tests and to design concrete mutes. The Owner will employ a separate testing laboratory to perform failed quality control tests. Materials and installed work way require testing and retesting at any time during progress of work. Allow free access to material stockpiles and facilities. Tests, not specifically indicated to be done at the Owner's expense, including retesting of rejected materials and iirstalled work, shall be done at Contractor's expense. Certificates of mate rial properties and compliance with specified requirements may be submitted in lieu of testing, when acceptable to Architect.. Certificates of compliance must be signed by materials producer and Contractor. SUOMITTALS Reports: Submit following reports directly to Architect, with copy to wr1lT er'`s--�epresentative and all c)thers as designated, Concrete Materials Test Reports as proposed for use in concrete mixes. JOB CONDITIONS: DRILLED PIERS t- z rrr Q � BORING LOG -TEST HOLE NO. 7 PROJECT LPL Cogeneration Plant LOCATIONLubbock, Texas BORING METH00 Auger OEMOF HOLE 25, DIAMETER OF 14OLE 6" DATE DRILLED 5-5--89 Unknrnm M S.D. Keeney, Fru-Con, Ballwin, Miari� SURFACE ELEVATION DECENT— — ' ,5ou 1� . . $3011 DESCRIPTION 'ATTERBERG NO. OF OF 0 V} aC � W 7 F� F- LIIS+��� [v UNCOHFIr�ED DIsO /SOOT REMARKS Uj O Z SOILS COMPRESSION LL PL Pi � 51. 2 HP. 3 A a 6, s TS CALICHE BASE sC 6.3 2.5 SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark brown CL 14.0 21 15 b 59.E lD 9 15 w/cal fiche ML 5 SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark bmwri CL 12.2 22 16 6 50.0 5 6 3 u caliche ML CL 12.8 14 . SANDY SILTY CLAD`, reddish 10 17 yellow u/Caliche ML 15. SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish CL 13.0 26 16 10 59.4 4 9 15 yellow w/caliche 0. SANDY LEAN CLAY, r- ish CL 14.0 12 26 34 yellow wlcclltche � 5.01SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish CL 10 48 100 *5" penetratiorn BORING LOG -- TEST HOLE 1. 6 (cont.) PROJECT LPL -Cogeneration Plant LOCATION Lubbock, Texas BORING METHOO Auger DEPTH Of HOLE 301 _ DIAMETER Of HOLIE-61' - DATE DRILLED 5-4-89 ELEVATION! Unknowro CLIENT Mr. S.D. Keeney, Fru-Can, Ballwin, Missourxe 63011 La DESCRIPTION ao'c ATTERBERG NO. OF Ld OF c or a LIMITS ev u cor�F�>M a BLOWS/FOOT REMARK u� c SOILSLL h I COMPRESSION P� PI i s1. z x,P- 3 RA a> 6 IS 6 25.0 SANDY LEANT CLAD', reddish C1, 17.8 15 38 84 yellow vfcaliche 0. CqCE.AYEY SAND, ceddish yellow sc 17.7 37 26 11 37.9 21 37 44 f— r— r.s x_A G BORING L -TEST HOLE NO. � PROJECT LPLTC eneratian Pla;iL LOCATION Lubbock, Texan BORING METHOD_Auger DEPTH (If .4OL �Q_' 0IA1AET£R OF HALE — _€ATE DRILLED 5-4-B9 BURFAGE ELEVATION Unknown CLIENT Mr. S.D. Keenp Fi:o Cun, Ballwiel, Missouri, 63011 - -- s DESCRIPTION .9 c� ATTFRBFRG NO, OF CLOF ° W LIMITS cv UNCONFINED BLOWS/FOOT REMARKS ui O Z SOILS F_ [n 0 COMPRESSION LL P� PI I SI_ 2 N.P. 3 PL `. SC m 10.9 � s TS CALICHE BASE 2.5 SILTY CLAYEY SAND, reddish SC- 8.0 22 15 7 48.3 13 15 14 c SANDY LEAN CLAM, Yellowish, red CL 9.4 7 7 8 w caliche . SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish yellow CL 10.6 28 16 12 62.4 8 14 13 . SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish yellow CL 11.3 6 13 17 wf ca liche ' SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish yellow CL 17.1 24 49 74 •: wcalicheff 5 SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish yellow CL 17.8 1. 38 84 I r/caliche . —ti BORING LOG —TEST HOLE NO. 5 (coat.) FROJECT LAL-Cogeneration Plant LOCATION Lubbock,, Texas DOWNG METHOD camp s5ed ale DEPTH OF HOLE 50, O�AMETER Of HOLE 3d' DATE DRILLED 5-9-89 SURFACE ELEVATION UriknOwrn CLIENT Mc. S.D. Keeney, Frv--Con, Ballwin, mi5SuUE-i,' 63021 _LU DESCRIPTION ATTERBERG W. OF uj OF � ' LIMITS ar UI�4COT�FII Eo BLOW$/FOOT REMARK — OIL cn Z o o C4�.IPiiSS�ON LL PL P1 I31, 2�RP 25.D SANDY LEAN CLAD{, pinkish white CL 2.a 50* * 1 1/2" penetration white wfcaliche -30 CL SANDY LEAN C4AY, pinkish white CL 13.5 17 30 34 wf caliche 5` cr- CLAYEY SAND, yelloui.�h red Sc 13.5 L PEA 'TIC 15.7 35 50* * peneteati-.rt wcaliche *3„ penetration 0. SILTY CLAYEY SAND, yellowish SC- 29.5 46 100* red SM 5. SILTY CLAYEY SAND, yellowish Sc- 25.0 LC14ti PL IC 23.5 red sm 0. 51LTY CLAYEY SAND, yellowish Sc- 28.2 12 18 27 =/ _LA -- F 1 L Na cu 1 BORING LOG - TEST HOLE NO. 5 PFIO,ItcT —LPL-cWeneration Plant LOCATION - _LQb ckr jsxas 150RIN0 METHOD- WZCQ+M:Qg red air DEPTH Of HOLE 1 ' DIAMETER Of NGL,E DATE DRILLED 5-q-Aq SURFACE ELEVATION Unknown_ CLIENT Mr. S.O. XeeneV, Fonr 3a lwin, MI-9.1ollri� E�011 DESCRIPTION a"c� ATTEREIERG NO, OF a� OF F ,MIT c,� IlNCONFIF{EL7 BLOWS /FOOT REMARKS W BLS F C+ 'Ls COMPRESSION LL. PL PI PST. z rtp� z � • 6' S % fi TS CALICHE SASE S+2 7.9 2.5 SANDY CLAY, dark brovn w/Cracu5 CL 10.5 5 6 7 5' SILTY CLAY W SAND, yellowish red CL 12.4 5 6 6 w/caliche ML, 11.E SANDY LEAN CLAY, reddish CL 19.2 23 15 e 57.1 5 7 14 yellow W/calfiche SANDY LEM CLAY, reddish yellow CL 1018 9 15 16 c�I't�1 icho 0. SILTY C[ AYEY SAND, reddish SC 10.3 20 15 5 45.1 4 5 9 yellow w caliche SIX 5. * 1 1/2" penetration SANDY LEAN CLAY, pinkish CL 2-11 50 " white wcaliche 0 BORING LOG —TEST HOLE No. 4 (conL.) PROJECT LPL -Cogeneration P1a.nL LOCATION Lub ck, Texas BORING IdETHOD w com eessed air DEPTH OF HOLE 50' .0iAMETER OF kOLE " DATE DRILLED-12-69_ SURFACE ELEVATION Un Own CLIENT Mr. S.D. Kagney, F'ru-Con W DESCRIPTION ATTERSERG NO. OF � OF ' LIMIT LOWS/FOOT ]BLOWS/FOOT REMARKS SOILS z z OkONtCdPbRNEFSIN(L SIQ L LPIa Is T. ►�, , z20 A 4 25.0 SILTY SAND, yello.,wi,5h red M 16.E -PLA 'TIC 19.5 1 37 70 W/traces of Gauche 0' EMDY SILTY CLAY, yellowish CL- 17.0 32 60 93 red wftraces of caliche ML 5. SANDY SILTY CLAY, yellowish CL- 10.7 1W * 5 if " penel:ratian red w traces of caliche ML 0' SANDY SILTY CLAY, yellowish CL- 15.E 100 *3 1 /2 " penetsation red w traces of caliche ML + ILTY SANDI" yellowish red Sm 65.0 17 1 *5K penetration , 0. SILTY SAND, yellowish red SM 6V_6 NOTPL2TIC 20.6 24 1 penetration BORING LOG - TEST HOLE NO. 4 PR00CT LPL-CNeaeration Plant BORING METHOD . w/coa'ptessed air SURFACE ELEVATION Uriknown LOCATION Lubbock, Texas DEPTH OF BOLE 50, DIAMETER Of HOLE 3p. DATE DRILLED_ 5--12-89 CLIENT Mr_ S.D. Keeney, Fru-Can, Ballwin, Missouri, 63011 LU DESCRIPTION ATTERBERG NO. OF � OF '-3 v�c�rFi�Ea� CO#�iPRIrSSIOH BLO /FOOT REMARKS Ld SOILS }- 0 Z 5 I ITT,4 3 R LL PL PI TS CALICHE BASE SC 2.5 SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown CL 15.0 4 b 7 w/specks of call he 5.0 SILTY CLAY W/SAND, red wfcaliche CL- 14.4 23 17 G 59.5 4 4 4 ML 11 - SPT SANDY SILTY CLAY, pirikiah white CL- 12.8 7 8 12 wfcalfiche ML SANDY SILTY CLAD, yellowish reed CL- 15.8 3 6 9 wf traces of caliche ML C' SANDY SILW CLAY, pinkish white CL- 12.9 41 54 w// caliche ML r S , oyxth rid 0 SM 16.E Na-PL fiiC 1.5 I 37 70 tace No Text No Text {This page left blank intentionally} ', wa t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TC: NW K CJ� OF ACCEFITANCE The City of LubWrk, hayiiN considered the proposals submitted and opened on the _clay of 198�, #ar war?€ to be dm+e and materials to be furmished in Find for. as sit forth in detaiL in the Spec 11iam ions, plans, and Contract DorumerrtS for such work #or t h a City of Lubbock; it appearing that your proposal is fair, equitable and to the best interest of said City, pLeast take notice that said proposal was accepted by th¢ City Coum it of the City of Lutbock on the day of __ 198 BL the bid price contairFed therein, subject to the executiarl of and furn!shing of all contract cocuments, bonds, cer- tificates of insurance, and all other dwumcnt& specified and reWired to be executed and furnished under the con- tract doGunents. It will he necessary for you to execute and furnish to the City of Lubbock alt suet, docunenes Within ten (10) days from your receipt of this Notice. The fivLk percent (5%) bid security, submitted with your proposal, will be returned upon the execution of such contract locum ms; and bond-; within the aUowe specified ten (10) day period. In the event you should fail. to execute and furnish such contract dDr6mnts and bares within the time limit specified, said bid security will be re- tained by the City of Lubbock.. -44- CITY OF LUaROU owner's Representative (This page left h.jank intentionally) a SPECIAL CONDITIONS .4;3. (This page left blank intsnienally) #. 6.6 Control all outdoor lights from a single photocell. Route all associated circuits through apprapiate contactor. y ADJUST AND CLEAN: 7.1 Glean lighting fixtures of dirt and debris upon compietion of installation. a 7.2 Protect installed fixtures from damage during remainder of construction period. S. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: .,A 8.1 Upon completion of installation of lighting fixtures, and after building circuitry has been energized, apply electrical energy to w demonstrate operation. Where possible, correct malfunctioniag units at site, then retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, remove and replace with new units, and proceed with retesting. 9. PROJECT CLOSEOUT., 9.1 At the time of Substantial Compl at i on, replace lamps in interior lighting fixtures which are observed to be noticeably dimmed after Contractor's use and testing, as judged by Architect/Engineer. 9.2 Furnish stock or replacement lamps amounting to 15% (but not less than two lamps in each case) of each type and size lamp used in each type fixture. Deliver replacement stock as directed to Owner's storage space. 10. GROUNDING: NG: 10.1 Provide tight equipment grounding conriecti ens for each interior lighting fixture installation where indicated. END OF SECTION 16E LIGHTING 15E-3 removable power module; ,yoke -type movnting bracket; cast aluminum - Magnesium alloy slipfitter; UL listed for wet locations. Provide with wall pipe bracket. Provide with integral fuses on each phase. Manufacturer: Lithonia Catalog Number; TF 1000 M-TA2-480-IS Watts: 1uu0W Lamps: 100OWMH Mounting: Wall 5.2 "ME" 480V 440W metal halide wall pack, Provide die cast aluminum housing, baked -on enamel bronze finish; surface MOUnt on 4" outlet box; specular aluminum reflector; prismatic borosilicate glass refractor; adjustable socket; UL listed for wet location. Provide with integral fuses an each phase. Manufacturer: Lithopia Catalog Number: TW-400-480 Watts: +40OW Lamps: 40OWMH Moans ing: wall 5.3 "MF" 277V 175W metal halide lensed recessed can light. provide die cast aluminum housing; specu1ar aluminum reflector; glass lens in regressed door; UL listed for damp location. Provide with integral fuses on each phase. Manufacturer: Llthonia Catalog Number; LG12-175H-AWF Watts: 175W Lamps: 175WMH Mounting: Recessed PART 3 - EXECUTIGN 6. INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES: 1 6.1 Install liuhtifl0 fixtures at locations as indicated, in accordance with fixture manufacturer "s wrltten i nstruc.ti ons, applicable requirements of NEC, NECA's "Standard of Install'ation", KEMA standards, and with recognized industry practices to ensure that lighting fixtures fulfill requirements. 1P 6.2 Install all wall -pack fixtures V -0" below top of wall. 6.3 Install all adjustable flood lights on support bracket, see architectural. Adjust fixtures prior to final inspection. Include in bid price the cost associated with making a second aiming adjustment sometime during tyre one ,year warranty period, 6,4 Coordinate with other electrical work as appropriate to properly interface installation of anterior lighting fixtures with other work. 6.5 Fasten fixtures securely, ensure that all fixtures are plumb. a, LIGHTING 16E-2 N, .,. SECTION 15E PART I - GENERAL 1. DESCRIPTION GF WORK 1.1 Types of lighting fixtures in the section include the following: High-irrLelSity-diSCharge (ilID) Z. QUALITY ASSURANCE! 2.1 NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to installation and construction of bi i l di nq l i ghti nq fixtures. 2.2 NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NEMA Std Pub dos. LE I and LE 2 pertaining to lighting equipment, Z.3 ANSI/IES Compliance: Comply with ANSI 132.1 pertaining to Iighting fixtures. 2.4 UL Compliance: Provide interior lighting fixtures which have beer« UL-listed and labeled. 3. SUBMITTALS: 3.1 product Data: Submit manufacturer's data on lighting fixtures. 3.2 Shop Drawings: Submit fixture shop drawings in booklet form with separate sheet for each fixture, assembled in luminaire "type` alphabetical' order, with proposed fixture and accessories clearly indicated on each sheet. PART PRODUCTS 4. LIGHTING FIXTURES; 4.1 General: Provide lighting fixtures, of sizes, types and ratings indicated; complete with. but not necessarily limited to, housings, lamps, lamp holders, reflectors, ballasts, starters and wiring. 4.2 High -Intensity -Discharge -Lamp Ballasts: Provide KID lamp ballasts, of ratings, types and makes as recommended by lamp manufacturer, which properly matches lamps to power line by providing appropriate voltages and impedences for which lamps are designed. 5. LIGHTING FIXTURES: 5.1 4'MD" Industrial grade adjustable metal halide flood light. Provide NEMA heavy-duty die-cast aluminum Dousing, tempered heavy- duy glass leas, "twin beam" optical system, hinged front bezel for lamp access, bronze finish; all electrical components mounted on ILIGHTING 16 -1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 6. INSTALLATION OF 0I5CONNECT SWITCHES: 6.1 Install disconnect switches where indicated, complying with manufacturer's written instructions, applicable requirements of NEC, NEMA and NECA's "Standard of Installation", and in accordance watti rer-ognized industry practices to ensure that products fulfill requi rements . 6.2 Coordinate motor and circuit disconnect switch installation work with E�Tectrical raceway and cable work, as necessary for proper interface. 6.3 Install disconnect switches used with motor -driven appliances, and motors and controllers w+ithirr sight of controller position unless otherwise indicated. 6,4 Provide 30Al2P fused disconnect to protect feeder from transformer secondary and mount on framework adjacent the transformer. .5 Provide 30Af2P disconnect for isolatjon of gate operator, Mount on wall adjacent operator. 7. INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING CONTACTORS: 7.1 Install contactors where shown or in electrical equipment room, if location not desigyrated. Provide label on time clock, contactor. and manual switch4!?s to clearly indicate the title and function of the device. 7.2 Provide with NEMA 1 or 3R cover, as apprapiate. 7.3 Locate so as to be convenient for maintenance. Coordinate location of contactor, time clock, manual switches. and photocell with Owner's Repersentative prior to installation. 7.4 Wire manual swatch, photocell and time clock all in parallel. Provide switch with green "ran" light and label switch positions as "OV and "OFF". 7.5 Coordinate photocell and timeclock with lightirtig contactor to ensure compatibility. 7.6 Mount on framework adjacent panelboard. END OF SECTION 16D DISCONNECTS/CONTACTORS 160-2 SECTION 16D MOTOR AND CIRCUIT aiSCONN E 4 PART 1 - GENERAL 1. DESCRIPTION GF WORK: 1.1 Types of motor and circuit disconnect devices specified in this section include the following: Disconnect Switches. Lighting Contacters. 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.1 UL Compliance and Labeling: Provide devices which have been OL- listed and labeled. ■ 3. SUBMITTALS: 3.1 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including specifications, installation inst,ructions and general recommendations, For each device required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 4. DISCONNECT SWITCHES: 4.1 General -duty Disconnect Switches: Provide surface -mounted, general -duty types sheet -steel enclosed switches, of types, sizes, and electrical characteristics ifldicaEted; rated 240 volts, 60 hertz, with number of poles and blades and amp rating as specified for each application; incorporating spring assisted, quack -make, quick -break switches which are s❑ constructed that switch blades are visible in OFF position with door open. EgLuip with operating handle which is integral part of enclosure base and whose position is easily recognizable, and is capable of being padlocked in OFF position. Construct current carrying parts of high -conductivity coppa r, with Silver -tungsten type switch contacts, and stamped enclosure knockouts. Provide 1EMA 1 or 3R type enclosure as regL�ired for eacfl application. 5. LIGHTING CDNTACTORS: 5.1 Lighting Contactor-: Provide remote control electrically -held magnetic lighting contactor equal to Square D type "LO" or approved equal. Provide with 8 switched poles and NEMA 1 enclosure. Also provide, time clock, photocell, and single -pole, single -throw switch adjacent to contactor for manual control. Provide wich optional indicating Hght. UiSCOHNFCTS/CONTACTORS 16D-1 9. INSTALLATIUN OF OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES: 9.1 Install overcurrent protective devices as indicated, in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and with recognized industry practices to ensure that protective devices comply with requirements. Comply with NEC and NEMA standards for installation of overcurrent protective devices. 9.? Coordinate with other work, including electrical wiring work, as necessary to interface, installation of overcurrent protective devices with other work. 9.3 Fasten circuit breakers without mechanical stresses, twisting tir. misalignment being exerted by clamps, supports, or cabling. 10. TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION: 10.1 Mount transformer on framework with panelboard. Connect so that output of transformer is directed to the irndicated disconnect switch, which also is to be mounted on the framework.. 11. GROUNDING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: 11.1 Install electrical grounding systems in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions arid with recognized industry practices. Comply with requirements of NEC, NECA and NEMA standards for installation of grounding and iground-fauIt protection systems and devices, 11.2 Install clamp -on connectors only on thoroughly cleaned metal contact surfaces, to ensure electrical conductivity and circuit integrity. END OF SECTION 16C POWER DISTRIBUTION 16C-5 I I 11 1 6. TRANSFORMER: 6.1 Provide 3 KVA 48OV(single phase) to 240V/1UV(sir1gle phase) dry - type transformer, Square 0 3 4UF or approved equal. 7. GROUND14G SYSTEMS: 7.1 General: Provide each electrical grounding system indicated, with assembly of materia;s including, but not necessarily limited to, cables /wires, cofl nectars , terminals (sol de rl es s legs), grounding rods/electrodes and plate needed for complete installation. 7.2 Provide electrical grounding conductors for grounding cannections matching power supply wiring materials and sized according to NEC. 7.3 Grourid step down transformer at Owner•Installed grounding grid (approximately Soft from location of transformer. Route grogndin# Conductor to location of grounding grid and connect. Coordinate exact location with Owner/Engineer prior to installation. Provide UL4 7 listed heavy duty Compression terminal for making connection. Provide prefi l led with Penetrox compodzid apd strip sealed. Provide Burndy Hylug or approved egiAal. Coordinate exact style with Owner/Engineer prior to ordering terminal. PART 3 - EXECUTION S. INSTALLATION OF PANEI_BOARDS= 8.1 General: Install panelboards and enclosures where indicated ipt accordance with Martufacturer`s written instructions, applicable requirements of NEC and NECA's "Standard of Installation", and in compliance with recognized industry practices to ensure that Products fulfill requirements. 8.Z Coordinate installation of parrelboards and enclosures with cable and raceway installation work, 8.3 Anchor enclosures firmly to walls and structural surfaces, ensuring that they ar•e permanently and rnechanically secure. 8.4 Proyidc- electrical connections within enclosures. 8.5 Fill out parfelboards' circuit airectory cards upon completion of installation work. Only type -written circuit directories will be accepted. 8.6 Connect circuitry within panelboard in the sane order as shown n the paflel schedule. 8.7 Mount panelboard on fabricated framework as showfl. POWER DISTRIBUTION 16C-4 anelboard switching devices with individual dead front doors -iall be acceptable in lieu of standard door in trim design. Panelboar•d trim clamps 5ha1T be of the indicating type. 4.5.1 poor hinges shall his concealed. All lacks shall be keyed alike; directory frame and card having a transparent cover shall be furnished with each door, 4.5. The parrelboard front shall provide door -and -door construction consisting of hinged inner dead -front shield and a farmed door over tyre entire panelboard. The front shall be tamper resistant and shall not be removable with the door locked, 4.5.3 All exterior and interior steel surfaces or the trim shall be properly cleaned, primed with a rust inhiblting phosphatized coating, and finished with a gray ANSI 61 paint. After installation, trim clamps shall not be accessible when the panel door is closed and locked. 4.6 Conductors; 4..6.1 All main bus bars shall be topper or aluminum, sized in accordance with UL standards Co limit the temperature rise on any current carrying part to a maximum of 50 deg. C above an ambient temperature of 40 deg. C maximum. 4.7 Lighting and Appliance Panelboards: 4.7.1 Panels where shown for use at 480 volts maximum shall be UL listed with integrated assembly rating of 22K A.I.C. and shall be Square D, type NEH3 or approvad equal. B. OVERCORRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES: 5.1 Molded -Case Circuit Breakers: 5.1.1 General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide circuit breakers and ancillary components, of types, sizes, ratings and electrical characteristics indicated. which comply with manufacturer's standard design, materials, components, and construction in accordance with published product information, and as required for a complete installation. 6.1.2 Provide factory -assembled, molded -case circuit breakers ampere ratings as specified, 250-volts, 60 HZ . Provide breakers with permanent thermal and instantaneous magnetic trips in each pale. Construct with overcenter, trip -free, toggle type operating mechanisms with quick -make, quick -break action and positive handle trip indication. Construct breakers fer mounting and operating in any physical position and in an ambient temperature of 40 deg. C. provide breakers with mechanical screw type removable connector lugs. AL/GU rated. POWER DISTRIBUTION 1bC-3 I ner,essarily limited to, circuit breakers, fusible switches, fuses, ground -fault circuit interrupters, and accessories. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 4__CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEEBOAROS: 4.1 General: Exc.e?t as otherwise indicated. provide panelboards, enclosures and ar3cillary components, of types, sizes, and ratings indicated, Which comply with manufacturer's standard materials, design and construction in accordance with published product information; equip with number of unit panelboard devices as required for camplete installation. There types, sizes, or ratings are not indicated, comply with NEC, UE and established industry standards for applications indicated. 4.2 Interiors 4.2.1 All interiors shall be completely factory assembled. They shall be so designed that switching and protective devices can be replaced without disturbing adjacent units and without removing the maim bars connectors, so that circuits may be changed without machining, drilling or tapping. 4. .2 Branch circuits shall be arranged using double row Construction except when narrow column panels are indicated. A nameplate shall be provided listing panel type and ratings, 4.2.3 Unless otherwise r)oted, full size insulated neutral bars shall be included. Bus bar taps for panels with single prole branches shall be arranged for sequence phasing of the branch circuit devices. Neutral bussing shall have a suitable lug for each outgoing feeder requiririg a neutral connection. A ground bus will be included in all panels. 4.3 Bo E!5: 4.3.1 Boxes shall be at least 20 inches wide rude from galvanized steel. Provide minimum gutter space in accordance with National Electric- Code. Where feeder cables supplying the mains of a panel are carried through its box to supply other electrical equipment, the box shall be sized to include the additional required wiring space. At least four interior mounting studs with adjustable, nuts shall he provided. A. No "load centers" will be accepted. 4.4 Trim: 4.4.1 Switching device handles shall be accessible. Doors and ppanelboard trims shall not uncover any live parts, floors shall 1�ave flush type cylinder lack and catch except doors over 48 iriches in height shall have auxiliary fasteners top and bottom 9f door in addition to the flush type cylinder lock and catch. POWER DISTRIBUTION 1 C-2 SECTION 16C POWER DiSTRIBUTION - FART I - GENERAL - 1. DESCRIPT1014 OF WORK. 1.1 Types of power distribution components specified in this section include the following: Panelboards. . QUALITY A5SURANCE: 2.1 Special Use -Markings: Provide panelboards, constructed for special use, with UL marks indicating that special type usage. 2.2 UL Compliance: CompTy with applicable UL safety standards pertaining to panelboards and accessories, acid erclosures; provide units which have been UL-listed and labeled. .3 NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to installation of panelboards, cabinets, and cutout boxes. 2.4 NEMA Compliance: Comply with NEMA Std. Pub. No. 250, '"Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 volt maximum)". Pub. No. 1, "Panelboards", and installation portian of Pub. No. PB 1.1, "Instructions for Safe Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 Volts or Less" 2.5 UL Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of UL 489, "Molded -Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit -Breaker Enclosures". Provide overcurrent protective devices which are UL-listed and labeled. 2.6 NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NEMA Std Pub Nos. AB 1, AR 2 and SG 3 pertaining to molded -case and low - voltage power type circuit brewers. .7 IEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to electrical grounding and ground -fault protection systems. 3. SUBMITTALS: .1 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including specifications, installation instructions and general recommendations, for each type of panelboard required. 3.2 S-hop Drawings: Submit dimensioned drawings of panelboards and enclosures showing accurately scaled layouts of enclosures and required individual panelboard devices, including but not POWER UISTRIBUT101 15C-1 Provi de "Wet P a i nt " si gn5 as requy red to protect newly -pai rued finishes. Remove tempordry protective wrappings provided by others for protection of their work, after completion of painting operations. At the completion of work of other trades, tooth -up and restore all damaged or defaced painted surfaces. END OF SECTIOA PAINTING 9TO-7 � I � I Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and side edges the same as the exterior faces, unless otherwise indicated, Sand lighLly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. omit the first coat (primer) en metal surfaces which have been shop - primed and touch-up painted, unless otherwise indicated. Scheduling Painting: Apply the first -coat material to surfaces that ave been cleaned, pretreated or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. Allow sufficient time between successive coatings to permit proper dryiflg. Do not recoat until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and the application of another coat of pai rtt does na cause 1 i fti rlg or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply each material at not less than the m r s recommended spreading rate, to establish a total dry fi Ian thlckness as indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by coating - mfr. to provide a 25 year life. Priute Coats: Apply a prime coat of material which is required to he painted or finished, and which has not been prime coated by othars. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where there is evidence of suction .. spots or unsealed areas in first coat, to assure a finish coat with no burn -through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. #. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover to provide an opaque, s�mo oIT s u rf ace of una Grffl finish, color, appearance and coverage. CIOU#irless, spatting, Mlldays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. F GLEAM UP AND PROTECTION - dean -up: During the progre55 of the work, remove from the site of all TFF_c_ar_d_eiT paint materials, rubbish, cans and rays at the end c)f each work day. Upon completion of painting work clean winnow glass and other paint - spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by proper methDds of washing arrd scraping, using care not to scratch or otherwise damage finishers surfaces. Protection: protect work of other trades, whether to be painted or nat. against damage by painting and finisling work. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as acceptable to _ the Architect. ft PAINTING 9TO-6 Remove all hardware, hardware accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures, and similar ltam5 in place anti riot to be firkisti- painted. or provide surface-appliLas protection prior to surface preparation and painting operatiorrs. Remove, if nQcessary, for the complete painting of the items and adjacent surfaces. Following completion of painting of each ,pace or area, reinstali the removed items by workmen skilled in the trades involved. Clean surfaces to be painted before applying paint or surface treatmeflts. Remove oil and grease prior to mechanical cleaning. Program the cleaning and painting so that contaminants froin the cleaning process will not fail onto wet, newly -painted surfaces. Ferrous metals: dean ferrous surfaces, which are not galvanized or s op-coate a oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale and other foreign substances by sol vent or weclianical cleaning. Touch --up shop-,ipplfed prime coats wherever damaged or bare, where required by other- sections of these specifications. Glean and touch-up with the same type shop primer. Galvanized Surfaces: Cleary free of all and 5urfar:e centamirxants with an accepts p- norl-petroleLlm based solvent. MATERIALS PREPARATION: Mix and prepare painting materials in accordance with Or's directions. Store mat4�rials not ir) actual use in tlghtl,y euvered containers. Maintain containers used in storage, mixing and application of paint in a clean candition, free of foreign materials and residue. Stir materials before application to produce a mixture of uniform density, and stir as required during the application of the materials. Do not stir surface film into the matE!ri al . Remove the film and if necessary, strain the material before using. APPLICATION: General. Apply Paint in accordance with the mfr's directions. Use apla�ic2tors and tf2chniques best suited for the substrate and type of material being applied. Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains or ether conditions show through th# final coat of paint, until the paint film is of unifurra finish, color arrd appearance. Give special attention to insure that all surfaces, including edges, corners, crevices, welds, f3nd exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. Paint the back sides of access panels, and removable car hinged covers to match the exposed surfaces. PAINTING 9TO-5 i i � I 1 MATERIAL QUALITY: Provide best quality grade of the various types of coatings as regularly malufact.ured by acceptable paint materials mfr's. Materials not displaying the Or's identification as a standard, best -grade product will not be acceptable. Federal Specifications establish the minimum acceptable quality for paint materials. Provide a written certification from the paint mfr. that materials provided meet or exceed these minimums. Provide undercoat paint produced by the same Or. as the finish coats. Use only thinners app ruved by the paint Or, and use only within recommended limits. EXTERIOR FAINT SYSTEMS: Provide following paint systems for the various substrates, as indicated, Ferrous Metal: f:P5-Fb: 1st Coat - Red lead pigmented primer (TT-P-86, Type — - --- III). 2nd Coat - High gloss alkyd enamel (TT-E-489, Class A 3rd Chat - High glass alkyd enamel (TT-E-489, Class A First Coat no required on items delivered shop primed, EXECUTION INSPECTION: Applicator must examine the areas and conditions render which painting work is to be applied and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and tinely completion of the work. 00 not proceed Frith the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected 'in a manner acceptable to the Applicator. Starting of painting owrk will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of the surfaces and conditions wrthing any particular area. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moister, scuffed surfaces, or conditions otherwise detrimental to the formation of a durable paint film. SURFACE PREPARATION5: General: Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in strict acc"-arFan`ce with the paint mfr's instructions and as herein specSfied, for each particular substrate conditions. PAINTING 9TO-4 JOB CONDITIONS: Apply water -base paints only when the cemper•atum of surfaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures are between 50 degrees F. and 90 degrees F. unless otherwise permitted by the palm. rrrfr's printed instructions. Apply solvent -thinned paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures are between 45 degrees F. and 45 degrees F. runless otherwise pemlilV;i�-d by the paint mfr's printed instructions. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog or mist; or when the relative humidity exceeds 85%; or to damp or wet surfaces; unless otherwise permitted by the paint mfr`s printed instructions, lil Painting may be continued during incTemerit weather only if the areas and surfaces to he painted are enclosed and heated within the temperature limits specified by the paint infr. dUPing applleatiorl and drying periods. PRODUCT'S: COLORS AND FINISHES. - Prior to beginni+nq work. the Architea will furnish color chips for surfaces �e be painted. Use representative colors when preparing samples for review. Final acceptance of colors will be from samples applied on the job. Color pigments; Pure, non -fading, applicable types to suit tale sU strates arid service indicated. Lead content in the pigment, if any, is limited to contain not more than D.5% lead, as lead metial based on the total non-volatile (dry -film) of the paint by %4ei ght. This limitartion is extended to all interior surfaces and those exterior- surfaces, such doors w hich are readi ly ar-cessi hle ko children trader $evert years of ace. Paint Coordination* Provide finish coats which are campati ble with pri me paints used, Review other sect i on5 of these specifications in which prime paints are to be provided to ensure compatibility of total coatings system For various substrates. Upon request from other trades, fi rnish i nformati can on characteristi cs of finish materi dls }proposed for +age, to ensure compatible prime coats are used. Provide barrier coats over incompatible pHmers or reprove and reprime as required. Notify the Architect in writing of any anticipated problems Qsinq specified coating systems with substrates prirnpd by others. PAiNTINO 9TU-3 1 Concealed Surfaces: Unless otherwwise indicated, painting is not requ red an surfaces such as walls or ceilings in concealed areas and generally inaccessible areas, foundation spaces, furred areas, utility tunnels, pipe spaces, ducc shafts and elevator shafts. Finished Metal Surfaces: Metal surfaces of anodized aluminum. stainless steel Ch romium plate, capper, hronze and similar finished materials will not reoloire finish painting, unless otherwise indicated. Operating Parts and Labels; Wing parts of operating units, mecT�anical and electrical parts. such as valve and dawper operators, linkages, sinkage:, sensing devices, motor and fan shafts will not require Finish painting, unless otherwise indicated. Da not paint over any code - required labels, such as Underwriters' Laboratories and Factory Mutual, or any equipment identification, performance rating, name, or nomenclature plates. SUBMITTALS! Manufacturer's Data: For information only, submit Z copies of W is techuical information Including paint label analysis and application instructions for each material proposed For use. Transmit a copy of each mfr's instruction to the pains~ Applicator. Samples: Submit samples for Architect's review of color and Wture onnrly. Frovide a listing of the material and application for each coat of each finish sample. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. Un WAS" hardboard, provide two samples of each color and material, with texture to simulate actual conditions. Resubmit each sample as requested until acceptable seen, color, and texture is achieved. DELIVERY AND SPORAGE: Deliver- all materials to the job site in original, new and unopened packages and containers bearing Or's name and label. and the following information. Nana or title of material. Fed. Spec. number, if applicable. Mfr's stock number and date of mfr. Mfr's name. Contents by volume, for major pigment and vehicle. Constituents. Thinning instructions. Application instructions. Color name and ugmber. PAINTING 9TO-2 SECTION 9TO MUM GENERAL RELATED DOCOMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (if any), apply to the work specified in this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Extent of painting work is shown on the drawings and schedules, and as herein specified. The work included painting and finishing of interior and exterior exposed items and surfaces throughout the project'., except as otherwise indi rated. Surface preparation, priming and coats of paint specified are in addition to shop -priming and surface treatment specified under other sections of the work. "Paint" as used herein means all coating systems materials. including primers, emulsions, enamels, stains, sealers and tillers, and other applied materials whether sised as prime, intermediate or finish coats. Paint exposed surfaces whether or not colors are designated in "schedules", except where the naturai finish of the material is specifically noted as a surface not to be painted. Where items or surfaces are not specifically mentioned, paint thrsse the same as adjacent Similar materials or areas. if color or finish is not designated, tie Architect will select these from standard colors available for the materials systems specified. PAINTING NOT INCLUDED: The following categories of work are not included as part of the field - applied finish work, or are inc1tjded in ether sections of these specifications. Shop Priming: Unless otherwise specified, shop priming of ferr'otis metal items is included under the various sections for miscellaneous metal. hollow metal work, and similar items. Also, shop -fabricated or factory -built electrical eguiprro,-r,t or accessories. Mechanical and Electrical Work: The painting of mechanical and e ectrical viork is specifiled irr Divisiefl 15 A lb, respectively. PAINTING 9TO-1 1 1/2 Pr Butts 13B1168 4 112 x 4 112 Hager I Ho Id. St op 1275M Trimco 1 Elec, Strike 210 2 4 Fold r Adam l Mortise Lockiet Furnish by Owner 1 Keypad Actuator Sliding Dr. Mfr END OF SECTION BUILDERS HARDWARE 8 .§ EM Install each hardware item in compliance with the rnfr's instructions and recommendations. Wherever cutting and fitting is required to install hardware onto or into surfaces whic1 are later to be painted or f i of shed in another 'way, coordinate removal, storage and reinstal latioc or application of surface protections with finishing work specified in the Division-9 sections. Do r7ot install suri`aca-rnoiinted items antil finisha5 have been completed on the substrate. Set units level, plumb and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce the attachment, substrate as nEcessary for proper installation and aperatioii. Drill and countersink units which are not fact cry _prepared for anchorage fastpr}ers. Space fasteners and anchors in accordance with industry 5t4n lards. ADJUST AND CLEAN. Adjust and check each operating item of hardware and each door, to ensure proper operation or function of every unit. Replace units which can;iat bi� adusted to aperat,e freely and smoothly as intended for the application made. rinol Adjustartnt: WhLarLt-ye hardware installation fs made more than one mnt prior to accptancc or occupancy of a space or are, return to the work during the week prior to arviceptance or occupancy, and makE! final check and adjustment of all hardware itp»>s its such space or area. CTean operating items as necessary to restore proper function and finish of hardware and doors. Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation of heating and ventilating equipment. Instruct Owner's Personnel in proper adjustment and maintenance of hardware and hardwa r-e f i ni she5, during the final ad justmPnt, of hardware, Continued Mainteslance Service, Approx. six months after the acceptance o rar &are in eac F area, tilt- Installer, aer;or.9anied by the representative of the latch and lock mfr., shall return to the project and re -adjust every item of hardware to restore proper function of 1 doers and hardware. Consult with aria instruct Owner's persortnel in A r8comrw► nded additions to the maintenance procedures. Replace hardware items which have detiroated or failed dae to faulty design, materials or installatiop of hardware units. Prepare a written report of ctir-rent and prdir~table problams (of substantial Rature) in the performance of the hardware. BUILDERS HARDWARE SCHEDULE: Heading 1: door - B Each to have, BUILDERS HARQIJARE 8S4-5 Tools for Maincenancc: Furnish a complete set of specialized tools as ne ded`f pr wner s c0ntinued adjustment, maintenance, and removal and replacement of builders hardware. HINGES, BUTTS AND PIVOTS: Templates and Screws: Except for hinges and pivots to be irrstailed ent i ce 1 y (both I ea ves ) into wood doors and f raRrres , provi d2 only template -produced units. Binge Pins: Except as otherwise indicated, provide hinge pins as 0 ows: Steel Hinges. Steel pins, err- errouS Hingest Stainless steel pins. xt er1 or Doors:Non -removable pins. lips- at otton and matching plug, finished to match leaves, except where hosiptal tip (HT) indicated. LUCKS, DITCHES AW BOLTS: Strikes., Provide mfr's standard wrought box strike for4 each latch or aol oTt, with carved lip extt rnded to protect frame, finished to match hardware set. HARDWARE FINISHES: Provide matching finishes for hardware units at each door or opening, to the greatest extent possible, and PXr-2pt as otherwise indicated. Reduce differences in color and textures as much as commercially possible where the base metal or metal forming process is different for individual units of hardware exposed at the same door or opening. In gerkeral, match it(,ms to the mfr's standard finish for the larch and lock set (or push-pull units if no latch -lock sets) for color and texture. Provide graality of finish, including thickness of plating or coating (if any), composition, hardness and other qualities complying with mfr's standards, but in no case less than specified for the applicable units of hardware by F5 Ff-H-106, FS FF-H-111, FS FF-H-116, FS FF-H- 121, FXE UTION 1NSTALLAT101- Mount, hardware +Anits at heights indicated in "Recommended Locations for Builders Hardware for Standard Steel doors and Frames" by the Door and Hardware Institute, except as specifically indicated or required to comply with governing regulations, and except as may be otherwise directed by Architect. BUILDERS HARDWARE d50-4 Templates: Furnish hardware templates to each fabricator of doors. rarnes and other work to be factory -prepared for the installation of hardware. Upon request, check the shop drawings of such other work, to confirm that aa"Liate provisions are made for the proper installation of hardware. PRODUCTS MATERIALS AND FABRICATIUNLL General: Hand of Door: The drawings show the direction of slide, swing or hand o each �oor leaf. Furnish each item of hardware for proper installation and operation of the door movement as shown. Mfr's Nara Plate: Do Trot use nfr's products which have mfr's name or t r a a narri,2 displayed in a visible location (emit removable nameplates), except in conjunction with required UL labels and as otherwise acceptable to the Architect. Mfr's identification will be permitted on rim of loch cylinders only. Base Metals: Produce hardware units of the basic metal and forming metes in cated, using the Or's Standard metal alloy, composition, temper and hardness, but in rho case of lesser (comrrereially recocgrrized) duality than specified for the applicable hardware units by FS FF-fl- 106, F5 FF-G-111, FS FF-11-116 and F5 FF-H-1 1. Do not Furnish "optional" materials or forming methods for Those indicated, except as otherwise specifietl. Easterners: Manufacture hardware to conform to published templates, generally prepared for machine screw installation. lie TIM provide hardware which has been prepared for self -tapping sheet metal screws, except as specifically indicated. Furnish screws for installation, Atli each hardware item. Provide Phillips flat-�ead screws except as otherwise indicated. Finish exposed (exposed under any condition) screws to match the hardware finish or, if exposed in surfaces of otlier work, to match the finish of such other work as closely as possible, including "prepared for paint" in surfaces to receive painted f i ri i 5h. Provide concealed fasteners For liardwere units which are exposed when the door is closed, except to the extent no standard units of the type specified are available with concealed fasteners. Do not +use through bol t5 for installation where the bolt head or the rtiut on the opposite face is exposed in. other work. except where it is not feasible to adequately rel nforce the work. BUILDERS HARDWARE 8SA-3 1 Product Data: Submit mf r "s technical information for each item of ar ware. include whatever information may be necessary to show compliance with requirements, and include instructions for installation and for maintenance of operating parts and finish. Wherever needed, furnish templates to fabricators of other work which is to recieve finish hardware. Transmit copy of applicable data to the Installer. Samples: Prior to Submittal of tree final hardware schedule and prior o Fe livery of hardware,- submit one sample of each: expos ed hardware unit, finished as requred, and tagged with full description for coordination with the schedule. Sample will be reviewed by the Architect for design, color and teture only. Compliance with other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Oontractar. Samples will be reWrned to the Supplier. Units which are acceptable and remain undamaged threugh submittal, review and field comparison procedures may, after final check of operation. be used in the work, within limitatiorrs of keying coordination requirements. PRODUCT HANDLING_ I Packaging of hardware, on a set by set basis, is the responsibility of the supplier. As material is received by the hardware supplier form the various Ors, sort and repackage in containers marked with the hardware set number. Two or more identical sets may be packed in the same container. Inventory hardware ,jointly with representatives of the hardware supplier and the hardware installer until each is satisfied that the count is correct. Provide secure lack -up for hardware delivered tO Lhe project, but riot .a yet installed. Control the handling aridinstallation of hardware items which are not immediately replaceable, so that the completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware losses, both before and after installation. JOB COND MONS : 0 Coordination: Coordinate hardware with other work. Tag each item or package separately, with identification related to the final hardware schedule, arrd include basic installation instruction in the package. Furnish hardware items of proper design for use on Moors and frames of the thicknesses, profile, swing, security and similar requirements indicated, a.s necessary for proper installation ane function. Deliver individually pacAaged hardware items at the proper times to the proper locations (shop or project site) for installation. RU ILUERS HARDWARE SIl- SECIi 101 SSO GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplement ary Conditions and Oivisio:1-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. DESCRIP rION OF WORK: Defirdtior: "Builders hardware" includes items known commercially as boliders hardware which are required for swing, sliding and folding doors, except special types of bnique and non -snatching hardware specified in the same section as the door and door frame. The required types of builders hardware include (but are not necessarily limited to) the followirig- butts and hinges Lock cylinders and keys Push/gull units Closers QUALITY ASSURANCE: Acceptable Mfrs: The last article of this section indicaites acceptable mf—sor t e prirrrary items of builders hardware. Mfrs products which comply with the indicated requirements are acceptable for other items. Supplier: A recognized builders hardware supplier who has been urn` h r►g hardware in the project's vicinity for a period of not less than 2 ,years, and who is, or employs an experienced hardware consultant who is available, at reasonable tirreEs during ttre course of the work, for consultation about project's hardware requirements, to Owfier, Architect and Contractor. Dr?partures Fr-om SCeduled Designations: Except as otherwise indicated, the use of onP- na r s nurneric des ignarion system in schedules does not imply that another Or's products will not be acceptable, unless they are not acceptaOe in design, or not equal in size, weight, flaish, function, or other quality of significance. However, do not change the selection after Architect's acceptance of hardware supplier's completed hardware schedifle. IU MiTTALS. 1 BUILDERS HARDWARE 8O--1 1 Provide hot -dip galvanized hardware. Motorized � erdtor: Provide UL approved high starting torque, reversTnq moor operator, with thermal overload protection which will open or close the door at a rate of not less than 1 ft. per second. Provide a 3-button control: station with push buttons labeled "open", „close", and "stop", for key operation at each location shown. Design operator for the current characteristics of the electrical service supplied. Provide a fully sealed, rubberized access control keypad at each location shown. Provide an inductive loop detector flush mounted into paving at each location shown. Equip door unit for completely automatic operation with centrifugal clutch, worm gear speed reducer, magnetic brake, limit switches, brackets, bolts and release for manual operation. FXFi'OMIN, INSPECTION: Installer ayust examine the substrates and conditions under which the sliding doors are to be installed and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and tirpely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. INSTALLATION: Install sliding doors in accordance with rrrfr's instructions for the type of door operation indicated. For installation in masonry, drill holes sharp and clean with no broken areas or spalls. Remove and replace damaged masonry as directed. ADJUST AND CLEAN: Upon completion, test operate each installation to ensure satisfactory operat lorp. Cher-k moving parts for proper lubrication and rRake adjustments for smooth, easy operation. Clean surfaces, and reprime abraded or damaged primed surfaces to match factory finish. END OF SECTION SLIDING DOORS 8Q6-2 SECTION 8Q6 SLID GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general prGvisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (if any), apply to the work specified iri this section. DESCRIPTION OF 14ORK: The extent of sliding doors is shown on drawings. The types of sTidirrg doors required include the following: Hollow -metal type -sliding doors. DUALITY ASSURANCE: Provide each slidirig door as a complete urlit produced by one mfr., including hardware, accessories, mounting and installation components. Mfr: Provide sliding 1joar as produced by the following or approved equal: Sai nG Mfg. Co. SUBMITTALS: Mfr's Data: Submit mfrs. product data for materials and Fabrication and insta ation instructions for sliding door units. Transmit copy of instructions to the Instailer. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for sliding door assemblies not u y detai ed in mfr's data, when requested by the Architect. PRODUCTS - MATERIALS AND FABRICATIONS: follow -foetal Type Doors: Mfr's Standard flush design with not less an 13 gage stee aces over steel stiffeners or honeycomb core materials. Door Finish: Mfr's standard factory applied primer paint. Operating Hardware: Mfrs standard, automatic -closing type sliding oor asseriblies complete with adjustable roller guides, binders, floor stops, cables, sheaves, and counterweight. Furnish necessary hangers, fittings arrd fasteners required for attaching hardware to door and for door STiding operation including latch or handle for manual operation. ISLIDING DOORS $Q6-1 � I Reinforce the work as necessary for performance requirements, and for - support to the structure. Separate dissimilar r�etals with bituminous paint or preformed separators which will prevent corrosion. Separate metal surfaces at moving joints with no -metallic separators to prevent "freeze -ups" of joints. provide glazing system for frames to receive lights or panels. Design system for replacament of glass. ALUMINUM FINISHES: General. Preparation: After fabrication of frames, but before lamination of panels, prepare the aluininujn surfaces for finishing in accordance with the aluminum praducer's recommendations and standards of the finisher or processor. process all components of each assembly simultaneously to attain complete uniformity of color. Anodized Finishes Natural Anodized Finish: NAAKM AA-MLMA41, (minimum thickness of 0.7 mils —Hal—oral-Hal—ural aluminum. Provide protective lacquer coating of not less than U.5 mils dry film thickness over anodized finishes, applied promptly after immersion of anodized units inboiling-water bath to seal anodization (and after surfaces are dry). EXECUTION INSTALLATION: Comply with mfr's specifications and recommendations for the installation of aluminum frames. Set units plumb, level and true to line, without warp or rack of frames. Anchor securely in place. Separate aluminum and other corrodible metal surfaces from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action at paints of contact with other materials. Glean aluminum surfaces promptly after installation of fraures and exercising care to avoid damage of the protective coating (if arEy). Remove excess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt and other s0stances. Where protective coating has beery damaged, r'emQy� coating completely as soon as the completion of construction ar-tivities no longer regtlires its retention. Advise Contractor of protective treatmerit and otter precautions required through the remainder of the construction period, to ensure that frames will be without damage or deterioration (other than normal weathering) at the time of acceptance. ENO OF SECTION ALUMINU14 FRAMES BL3-4 .. Bit.uminous Coatings: Cold -applied asphalt mastic coMplying with S PC- , compounded for 30 mil thickness per coat. Protective Lac un Mfr"s standard, clear, non -yellowing lacquer, compounded specP icilly for protection of anodic coatings during coast ructi on. Sealants and Gaskets: Provide sealants and gaskets in the fabrication, assembly-aK installation of the work, which are recommended and guaranteed by the mfr. to remain permanently elastic, non -shrinking, non -emigrating and weatherproof for the life of the building, FABRICATION: General: Sizes and Profiled The required sizes for frame units, and the profile requirements are shoe are the drawings. Variable dimension (if apy) are indicated along with maximum and minimum dimensions as requird to achieve design requirements and coordination with other work. Die details shown are based upon standard details by one or more Ors. It is intended that similar details by other wArs will be acceptable, provided they comply with the size requirements, and with minimum/maximum profile requirements as shown. Coordination of Fabrication: Where ever possible, check the actual rame openings in the construction work by accurate field ineasurensent before fabrication, and show recorded measurements on final shop drawings. However, coordinate fabricatton schedule with construction progress as directed by Contractor and avoid delays of the work. Where necessary, proceed with fabrication without field measurements, and coordinate installation tolerances to ensure proper fit of frame units. Provide O r`s standard glazing gasket or sealant system for preglazed workor the type indicated. Complete the cutting, fitting, farming, drilling and grinding of all metal work prior to cleaning, finishing, treatment and application of coatings. Remove arrises from cut edges and ease edges and corners to a radius of approx. I/64". Weld by Pethcds recommended by the Jr. and AWS to avoid discoloration at welds. Grind exposed welds smooth and restore mechanical finish. Conceal fasteners, wherever possible, except as otherwise shown. Maintain continuity of line and accurate relation of planes and angles. provide secure attachment and support at mechanical joints, with hairline fit of contacting members. ALUMINUM NAMES BL3-3 Uncontrolled penetration of air is defined as the infiltration of air, at a rate in excess of 0.5 cu. ft. of air per minute per 1 i 8n. ftof operable door perimeter, during direct exposure to a wind velocity Of 25 mph, 5UB14I TTALS : Marnufatturer's Data: For information only, submit 2 copies of mfr's a aq re�ommen ations and standard deta1is for aluminum frames, including fabrication, finishing, accessories and other components of the work. Transmit a copy to the Installer. Shop Drra-winnos: Submit shop drawings for the fabrication and n___f_al i3tIo^ rl aluminum frames, and associated components of the work. Include wall elevations at 11Z" scale, and half-size detail sections of every typical cornposlte member. 5hovr anchors, Joint system, expansion provisions and other components not included in mfr's standard data, Include glazing details. Guararrt.ee, Aluminum Frances: Submlt z copies of written guarantee signud by t e r., nsta er, and Contractor, agreeing to replace aluminum frames whia fail in materials or workmanship within 3 years of the date of acceptance. Failure of materials or werk,manship shall include (but not be limited to) excessive leakage or air infiltration, excessive deflections, deterioration of finish or metal in excess of normal weathering, and defects in Accessories, weatherstripping, and other components of the work. PRODUCTS MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES: Aluminum Extrusions: Provide allay and temper as recommended by rnfr. orstrength, corrosion resistance, application of required finish and control of color. but not less than 22,000 psi ultimate tensile strength. ProvidL, main extrusions of not less than 0.125" wall thickness, except as otherwise indicated. Fasteners: Aluminum, non-magnetic stainless steel or other non- corrosive metal fasteners guaranteed by the mfr. to be Compatible with the doors, frames, stops, panels, hardware, anchors and other items being fastened. For exposed fasteners (if any), provide Phillips flat- head screws w1th finish matching the item fastened. Do not use exposed fasteners except where unavoidable for the assembly of units, and unavoidable for the application of hardware. Provide only concealed screws in glazing stops. Steel rei nforceimrit and Brackets: Mf i s standard formed er fabricated Steel units, of 5 apeates or bars; with 2.0 oz. hot -dip Zinc coating complylnq with ASTM A123, applied after fatirication. ALUMINUM FRAMES 81-3-2 SECTION BL3 UM NUM GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements (if any), apply to the work specified in this section, DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of each type of aluminum frama is shown on the drawings and in schedules. The following types of aluminum frames are required. Frances for exterior glazed panels. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Standards: Comply with the regairements and recommendat i ofi s in app ica a specifications and standards by NAAMM, ARMA AND AA. including the terminology definitions, and specifically including the "Entrance Manual" by NAAMM. except to the extent of more stringent requirements are indicated, Manufacturer: Provide units produced by a firm with not less than 5 years of successful experience in the fabrication of aluminum entrance doors and frames, of the type required for this project, Manufacturer: One of the following: Amarlite/Anaconda Alum. Div. Cronstroms Mfg., Inc. Ellison Bronze Co., Inc. Kawneer Co., Inc. Northrop Arch. Systems. PPG Industries, Inc. Tubelite - Div. of Conalco United States Metals & Mfg. Corp, Weather Resistance: Fabricate exterior frame units, including weatherstripping and thresholds (if any), to prevent the uncontrolled penetration of air and water under normal severe weather con litions. Uncontrolled penetration of water is defined as the interior accii[nulation in any one hour of more gran 0.01 gas. of water per lin. ft. of operable door perimeter, during heavy rain (I gal /s.f./hr.) with wind velocity of 25 raph, ALUMINUM FRAMES 8L3-1 ADJUST AND CLEAN: Final Adjustments. Check and readjust operating finish hardware items in hollow meta work just prior to final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective _ work, including doers or frames which are warped, bowed or otherwise iinacceptabie. Prime Coat Touch -Up: Immediately after erection, sand smooth any rusted or a�ago areas of prime coat and apply touch-up of compatible air --drying Primer. 9 END GF SECTION CUSTOM HOLLOW METAL WORK 8JI-7 I Installer must examine substrate and r-anditions under which hollow metal worn is to be installed and must notify Contractor in writing of any cnriditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do Pat proceed with work i4nt i l unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. IN5TALLATIOhl: Install hollow cwtal units and accessories in accordan.Ge with final shop drawings, mf r "s data, and as herein specified. Setting Mas or, ry Anchorage Devices: Provide cnasonry anchorage devices where required for Securing hallow metal frames to in -place concrete or masonry construction. Set anchorage devices opposite each anchor location, in accordance with details on final shop drawings and anchorage device mfr's instructions. Leave drilled holes rough, not reamed, and free from dust and debris. Placing Frames: Set frarruei.; accurately in Volition, plumbed, aligned, and brace_d­securaly until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remove temporary braces and spreaders leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. Protective Coating: Ire plaster of masonry +galls constructed with antitree7e additives, protect inside (concealed) faces of door frames using fiberL%d asphalt emulsion coating. Apply approximately 1/8" thick over strop primer and allow to dry before handling. At in -plate coricrete or masonry canstr1iction, Set frames and Secure i ri place with machine screws and rn2s onry anchorage devices. Make field splices iri raves as detailed on final shop drawings, welded and finished to inatch factory work. Remove spreader bars only after frames or brttks have been properly set and secured. Doerr Installation: Fit hollow metal doors accurately in their respective frarrees, wjl?h the foilbwifig cleararii�es. Jambi and Head: 3132 ". Bottom: 3/3", where no threshold or carpet. Finish hardware installation is specified under Division 8 hardware sections. CUSTOM HOLLOW METAL WORD 8OI-6 Hinges and Pivots: Steel plate 3/16" thick x 1-1/2" wide x 6" anger t an Inge, secured by not less than 6 spot-welds. Strike Plate Clips; Steel plate 3/16" thick x 1-1/2" wide x 3"" TO—F g i--- Surface -Applied Closers: 12 gage steel sheet, secured with not lest than 6 spat -welds. Concealed Closers: Removable steel access plate, 12 gage internal rein orcEn size and spape required, and enclosing housing to keep closer pocket free of mortar or other materials. Bead Rei o orci ng: Inhere instal led i n masonry, leave vertical mullions 7 rames open at top for grouting. Jamie Anchors: Furnish jamb anchors as required to secure frames to Nice, construction, formed of not less than 18 gage galvanized steel. In Place Concrete or Masonry: Anchor frame jambs, with min. 3%8" concealed o is into expansion shields or inserts at 6" from top and bottom and 26" o,c., unless otherwise showfl. Reinforce frames at anchor locations. ripply removable stop to cover~ anchor bolts unless otherwise indicated. Floor Anchors: Provide floor anchors for each jamb and oullion which extends to floor, formed of not less than 14 gage galvanized steel sheet, as follgws: Molithic Concrete Slabs: Glib type anchors, with 2 holes to recei �+e asteners, welded F o bottom of jambs and mullions. Spreader Bars: Provide removable spreader bar across bottom of frames, taCk Welded to jambs and uml 1 i ens. Rubber Door Silencers: Drill stop to receive 3 silencers on single - door frapes. Insta11 plastic plugs to keep hales clear during construction, Plaster Guards: Provide 26 gage steel plaster guards or dust cover axes, we de to frame, at bank of finish hardware cutouts Were mortar or other materials might obstruct hardware installation. STOPS AND MOLDINGS: Farm fixed stops and molding integral with frame, unless otherwise indicated. EXECUTION T NSPVTT nN { CUSI`UM HOLLOW METAL WORK BJ1-5 painted Exterior Doors: F`4hrlcate exterior doors of 2 fluter, 9a y-ani2ed, stretc er- e+reled steel sheets not less than 16 gage. Constrtact doors with smooth, flush surfaces without visible joints or seams on exposed faces or stile edges, except around glazed or louvered parcel inserts. provide weep hole openings in the bottom of doors to permit escape of entrapped moisture. Reinforce inside of doors with vertical galvanized sheet steel sections not less than 22 gage. Space vertical reinforcing 6" o.c. and extents full door height. Spat -weld at not more than 5" o.c. to both face sheets. Continuous truss -form inner care of 28 gage galvanized sheet steel re rtforcing may be provided as inner rei nf orceme nrt, in lieu of above. Spot-weld truss -form reinforcement 3" o.c. vertically and horizontally over entire sut'tace of both sides. Reinforce tops and bottoms of doors with 16 gage horizontal steel channels welded continuously to outer sheets. dose top and bottom edges to provide weather seal, as integral part of door- construction or by addition of inverted steel channels. Finish Hardware Reinforcement; Reinforce doors for required finish hardware, as follows: Hinges: Steel plate 3/16" thick x 1-1/ " wide x 6" longer khan T"ne, secured by not less than 6 spot-welds. Mortise Eocksets and Dead Bolts: 14 gage steel sheet, secured with riot less than spet-we s. Surface -applied Closers: 12 gage steel sheet. sect+red with not less than 6 sprat -we s. FRAMES. Provide hollow rr tal Frames for doors of size and profile as 1 nditated, Fabricate frames of full -welded unit construction, with corners mitered, reinforced, continuously welded full depth and width of frame, unless otherwise indicated. Knock -down type frames are not acceptable. Form frarrbes of galvanized steel sheets, Gage: Not less than 14, openings up to and including V-0" wide. Finish hardware Reinforcement: Reinforce frames for required finish ar ware, as o ovrs : CUSTOM HOLLOW METAL FORK 8J1-4 Finish Hardware Preparation: Prepare hallow metal units to receive mortised and conceal a �nis hardware, including GUt0ut5, reinforcing, d'r-illing and capping in accordance with final Finish Hardware Schedule and templates provide by hardware supplier. Comply with applicat)Te requirements of ANSI A 115 series specifications for door and Frame preparation For hardware. Reinforce hollow metal units to receive surface -applied hardware. Drilling and tapping for surface -applied finish hardware may be done at project site. Locate finish hardware as shown on final shop drawings, or if not shown, in accordance with "Recommended Locations for Builder's Hardware", published by Door and Hardware Institutes. Shop Painting: Clean, treat, and paint exposed surfaces of Fabricated hollow metal units, including galvanized surfaces, but excluding stainless stei3l surfaces. Clean steel surfaces of mill scale, rust. oil, grease, dirt, and other Foreign materials before application of paint. Apply pretreatment to cleaned metal surfaces, using cold phosphate solution (SSPO-PT2) , hot phosphate solution (SSFC-PT4) ar basic zinc chromate-viriyl buty ral solution (SSPC-PT3). Apply shop coat of prime paint within tame limits recommended by pretreatment mfr. Apply a smooth coat of even consistency to provide a ur0form dry film thickness of not less than 2.0 mitts. DOORS _- General. Provide flush design doors, 1-3/4" thick, seamless hollow construction, unless other -rise irkdicated. For single -acting swing doors, bevel both vertical edges 1/8" in 214. Uflless otherwise requirod for acoLrstical or thermal assemblies, provide fillor of fiberboard, mineral -wool board, asbestos, or other insulating material solidly packed full door height to fill voids between inner core reinforcing members. Reinforce doors with rigid tubular frame where stiles arrd mils are less than a" wide. Form tubular frame with 15 gage steel, welded to outer sheets. CUSTOM HOLLOW METAL WORK 8J 1-3 Inspect, hollow metal work upon delivery for damage. Minor damages may be repaired provided the finish Hens are equal in all respects to new work and acceptable to the Architect; otherwise remove and replace damaged items as directed. Store doors and frames at the building site under cover. Place units on at least 4" high wood si 1 is or an floors in a maflner that will prevent rust and damage. Avoid the use of non -vented plastic or canvas shelters which could create a humidity chamber. If the cardboard wrappers on doors become wet, remove cartons immediately. provide 1/4' spaces between stacked doors to promote atr circulation. PRODUCTS MATERIALS= Not -Rolled Steel Sheets and 5tri s•_ Commercial quality carbon steel, pickles dnd of ed, corgiplying with ASTM A569 and A5TM A668. Cold -Rolled Steel sheets! Commercial quality carbon steel, complying with ASTM 4366 an_ STEM& Galvanized Steel Sheets: Zinc -coated carbon steel sheets of cofmmrcial quality, complying iklith ASTM A526, with ASTM A525, G90 zinc coating, mill phosphatized. Supports and Anchors: Fabricate of not less than 16 gage sheet metal. a van ze a ter a rication units to be built into exterior walls, complying with ASTM A153, Class B. Inserts, Bolts and Fasteners: Mfr's standard units, except Moot -dip galvanize items to be Wit into exterior walls, complying with ASTM A153, Class C or 0 as applicable. Shop -Applied Pafnt: Rust -inhibitive enamel of paint, either air -drying or ATIng, sultam t as base for specified finish paints on steel surfaces. FABRICATION: Fabricate hollow metal snits to be rigid, neat ire appearance, and free from defects, warp, or buckle. Accurately form metal to required sizes and profiles. Wherever practicable, fit and assemble units in the W 's plant. Clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory - assembled before shipment, to assure proper assembly at the project site. Weld exposed joints continuously; grind, dress. and make smooth, flush, and invisible. Metallic filler to conceal manufacturing defects is not acceptable. Exposed Fasteners: Unless otherwise indicated, provide countersunk ti-al-i I 17Ts—or-Mckson heads for exposed screws and baits. CUSTOM HOLLOW METAL WORK 80- SECTION 8J1 CUSTOM GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including Gerteral and upplemenl�ary CondiUions and General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. DESCRIPTION GE WORK: The extent of custom hollow metal work i5 shown on the drawings and schedules. This section includes custom (follow metal doors, custom pressed steel frames for doors and. related openings. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Provide custom Hollow metal work manufactured by a sITigle firm specializing in the production of this type of work, unless otherwise acceptable to the Architect. Mfr: Provide custom hollow metal work by one of the following: Allied Steel products; Eenestra Div., Marmon Group, Inc.; Overly Mfg. Co.; Pioneer Iridustries; Trussbilt Inc.; Williamsburgh Steel Products Co. v%lIR 1TTTAt 5I Product Data: Submit mfr's sperificat .ions for fabrication and ins a azaon, including data so bstantiating that products comply with requirements. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for the fabrication and installation of custom hollows metal work. Include details of each frame type, elevations of door design types, conditions at openings, details of construction, location 4nd installation requirements of finish hardware and reinforcemnts, and details of joints and connections. Provide a schedule of doors and frames using same rL-ference nun, be for details and opening$ as those on the contract drawings. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAIDLING: Deliver hollow metal work cartoned or crated to provide protection during transit and ,fob storage. CUSTOM HOLLOW METAL WORK 831-1 Recess exposed edges of gaskets and ,faint fillers slightly behind adjoining surfaces, unless otherwise shown, so that compressed units will not protrude from joints. Bond ends of gaskets together with adhesive or "weld" by other means as recommended by mfr. to ensure conti nuous watertight and airtight performance. Miter -cut and boiid ends at corners unless molded cor+ler units are provided. CURE AND PROTECTION: Cure sealants and caulking compounds in. compliance with mf is instructions and recomrnendati ms, to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability. Advise Contractor of procedures required for cure and protection of ,point sealers during construction period, so that they will be without deterioration or damage (other than iiarmal wear and weathering) at time of Owner's acceptance. END OF SECTION JOINT SEALERS 7TO-5 Prime or seal ,joint surfaces where shown or recommended by sealant mfr. 0o not allows primer/sealer to spill or migrate onto adjoining surfaces. 14STALLATI ors: Set .joint filler tints at proper depth or position in ,joint to coordinate with other work, including installation of band breakers, backer reds and sealants. Do not leave voids or gaps between ends of joint filler- units. Install sealant backer rod for liquid elastomeric sealants, except where shown to be omitted or recommended to he omitted by sealant mfr. for applications shown. Install band breaker tape where shown and where required by mfr's recommendations to ensrtre that elastorreric sealants will perform properly. Employ only proven installation techniques, which will ensure that sealants will be deposited in uniform, continuous ribbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete "wetting" of joint bond surfaces equally on opposite sides. Except as otherwise indicated, fill sealant rabbet to a slightly concave surface, slightly below adjoining surfaces. There horizontal joints are between a horizontal surface and vertical surface, fill ,joint to form a slight cove, so that joint will not trap moisture afld dirt. Install sealant tD depths as drown or, if not shown, as recommended by sealant Or. but within the Following general limit,at.ions, measured at center (thin) section of bead: For sidewalks, pavements and similar joints sealed with elastomeric sealants and subject to traffic and other abrasion and ipdentatian exposures, fill joints to a depth egtjaI to 751'3 of joint width, hot neither more than 5/8" deep nor less than 3/8" deep. For normal moving ,points sealed with elastomeric sealants but not subject to traffic, fill ,joints to a depth equal to 50% of joint width, but neither mare than 1j2" deep nor less thaf7 1/4" deep. For joints sealed with non ReIastomeric sealants and caulking Compo4rnds, fill joints to a depth in range of 754 to 1 5% of joint wi dth. Spillaqi�: Do not allow sealants or comp aunds to overflow of spill onto a ffTG1g surfaces, or to migrate into voids of adjoining surfaces. Clean adjoining surfaces by whatever means may be necessary to elimirnate evidence of spillage, JOINT SEALERS 770-4 Ydf 1 BITUMINOUS SEALANTS AND CALKING COMPOUNDS: Rubberized Rituminous Compound, Hi ghwdy Use, Cold: Cold applied 1i turni noun compound with rubberizing Substances, comb ,yi ng with ASTM D 1850, recommended by mfr. for service indicated. JOINT FELLERS, PAVEMENT TYPES: Biturni pous and Fiber Joint Filler. Provide resilient and non-extrudl rig tyre premolded b itrrminous impregnated fiberboard units complying with ASTM SJ 1751, >'S HH-F-341, Type I and AASHTO M 213. CASKETS: Molded Neoprene Gasket: Provide extruded neoprene ar E?DM gaskets comp ying with AST. 0 2000, Des ignat ian ZBC 415 to 3BC 620, black (40 to 60 Shore A durameter hardness); of the profile shown or, if not shown, as required by joint shape, size and ruvement characteristics to maintain a watertight and airtight seal. MISCELt-ANEOUS MATERIALS: Joint Primer/Sealer: Provide type of ,point primer%sealer recommr�-nded y sea ant mfr. or joint surfaces to be primed or sealed. Bond Breaker Tape: PolyethylLine tape or other plastic tape as recommended by sea ant mfr. to be applied to sealant -contact surfaces where bond to substrate of ,point Filler must be avoided for proper performance of sealant. Provide self-adhesive tape wherever applicable. Sealant Backer Rod! Compressible rod stock of polyethylene foam po yet ,y e-ne ,lac eted polyurathane foam, butyl robber' foam, neoprene foam or other flexible, permanent, durable non -absorptive material as recommended for compatibility with sealant by sealant rnfr. EXECUTION MFR'S INSTRUCTIONS: Comply wit+ mfr's printed instructions except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified, and except where mfr's technical representative directs otherwise. JOINT PREPARATION: Clean joint surfaces immediately before installation of sealant or caulking cowpound. Remove dirt, insecure coatings, moisture afld other substances which weld interfere with bond of sealant: or caulking compound. Etch concrete and masonry joint surfaces as recommeoded by sealant mfr; Roughen Vitreous or glazed jofint surfaces as recommended by sealant mfr. JOINT SEALERS 7TO-3 Weather Conditions: Do nqt proceed with installV ion of sealants under adverse weather conditions, or when temperatures are below or above mfr's recommended temperature range for installation. proceed with the work only when forecasted weather conditions are favorable for proper cure and development of high early band strength. Whers joint width is affected by ambient temperature Variations, install elastomeric sealants only when temperatures are in lower third of mfr's recommended installation temperature range. PRODUCTS MATERIALY Colors: For exposed materiels provide color as indicated or, if not Twicatad, as selected by Archttect from mfr's standard colors. For concealed materials, provide natural color which has best overall performance characteristics. Hardness: As recommended by mfr. for application shown, runless a s ildicated. Modules of Elasticity- Provide he lowest available modules of e asticlty w1i0 is consistent with exposure to weathering, indentation, vandalism, abrasion, support of loading, and other requirements. Compatibiiity: Before purchase of each required material, confirm its compatibility with each other material it will be exposed to in joint system. Size and Shape: As shown or, if not shown, as reCQI11Inended by mfr. for type and condition of join, and for indicated ,joint performance or movement. Grade of sealant: For each application, provide grade of sealant (non - sag, self -leveling, oo-track, knife grade, prefori ed, etc.) as recommended by W. far particular condition of installation (location. joint shape, ambient temperature, and similar condition), to achieve best possible overall performance. Grades specified herein are for normal condition of installation. Foot Traffic Exposures: In sealant locations subject to foot traffic, prov e m r s noon-tcac ing variation of specified sealarwt, capable of withstandiog stiletto heel traffic without damaging indentation. ELASTOME I? I C SEALANTS One -Component Polysulfide Sealant: polysulN& based, one -part e ast merit sea an , comp yinf wit FS U-S-00230, Class A. Type II (non -sag) artless Type I recommended ty mfr. for application shown. CASKETS: JOINT SEALERS ?TQ-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTIOR 71'0 _J0fNT SEALERS GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the contract, including gerieral and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to the work Specified in Lhis section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK' The extent of each type of joint sealer is indicated on drawings and by provisions of this section. The required applications include, but are not oecessaril,y limited to, the following: Pavement and sidewalk ,points subjected to foot traffic - rubberized bi tumi oous compound. All other joints not subjected to foot traffic - 1-Component Polysulfide Sealant. Casketing for assembly of components. SUBMITTALS: Mfr's Data: Submit mfr's specificat iofls, recommendations and irnsta atian instructions for each type of material requited. lRr_Nde mfr's published data, or letter of certification, or certified test laboratory report indicating that each material complies with sped f 1 ed standards and other requirements, and is intended generally For appl i cati ors shown, Samples: Submit 3, IV long samples of each color required (except ace) for each type of joint sealer exposed to view. install sample between 2 strips of material simliar to or representative of typical surfaces where sealer will be used, held apart to represent typical joint widths. JOB GONDITIM: Installer must examine joint surfaces and baking, and their anc orage to the structure, and conditions under which joint sealer work is to be performed, and notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrin2ntal to proper completion of the work and performance of sealers. Do not proceed with joint sealer work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acc:pptable to Installer. JOINT SEALERS 7TO-1 Tolerances: Erect the wont plumb, level and true to line with tolerances not exceeding 1f 4" in runs of D' -0". Fasteners: Provide a concealed -fastener installation system, w1th no fasteners exposed on either interior or exterior face of the work. " Sealants: Install sealants for preformed metal siding work as 1 nUf_ca_t_e'U and as required for perFormance. Comply with sealant mfr's instruction for installation and curing. Sealants between metal siding system and other work are specified in "Sealants" section; not work of this section. Damaged Material: Remove and replace panels and component parts of the work which have betsri damaged (including finish) beyond successful repair. Repair minor damage. PERFORMANCE: General: Provide preformed metal siding which complies with the followi minimum performance characteristics, as proven by recognized laboratory test methods acceptable to Architect. Load Capacity: Normal uniform loading of 20 psf inward and 15 psf au war wi out failure. Deflection: Maximum of 1f 180 for simple spars, loaded to indicated load capacity. Water Penetration: No evidence of uncontrolled leakage under S gal/hr. per 5F spray test'arid 4 psf air pressure differential. CLEANING AfJD PROTECTION: Clean exposed surfaces of preformed metal siding work promptly a ter completion of installation, including removal of strippable protection (if any). Comply with recommendations of both panel and coating mart. Protection. Installer of preformed metal siding shall advise ontractor in writing of protection and Surveillance procedures needed to ensure that the work will be without d,amagi� or deterioration at time of substantial completion for entire project. e END OF SECTION PREFORMED METAL SIDING 7MI-3 Steel fur Porcelain Enameling: ASTM A424; type, Composition and u,� ity as recommended by panemfr. for optimum irerformance of work. METAL PANEL COMINGS: Porcelain Enamel on Steel: Cnmpl,y with PEI standards and recornmenat!ons. ter proper cleaning, pretreatment and coflversion coating, apply ground coat of porcelain enamel on bath faces of steel sheet; fire at approx. 1 b00F (816C). Apply colored cover coat on exposed faces by automatic spray i2quipment to ensure uniformity of color; fire at approx. 150OF (816C) to achieve Type "A" acid resistance (PEI standards). Provide total thickness of porcelain enamel one exposed faces or 4.0 mils. Protective Cr)at7ng: Immediately upon completion of metal panel finish, apP Y a transparent, color -coded, strippable -film not less than M mil thickness, suitable for prat8ction of finish through completion of erect Ton, and capable of being easily hand -stripped from surface at that time. PANEL FABRICATION: general: Comply with dimensions, profile limitations. gages a:ld a cation details shown and,to the extent not shown, provide mfr's standard product fabrication. Prefabricate and preassemble panels, trim and aCCessar'ies to greatest extent possible at the factory, so that field erection and assembly work will be minimized. Fin7shin : Apply specified finishes in accordance with mfr's standards, and in accordance with coating mfr's instructions. Col or: Provide custom color, matchi rig existi rxg panels. EXECUTION INSTALLATION: General: Comply with parcel mfr's instructions for asserbly, iristallation and erection of preformed metal siding. Met d I Separations: AppTy a coat of bittiminijus paint, concealed, on one or botil surfaces where dissimilar metals would otherwise be in contract. Use gaskekted fasteners where needed to eliminate possibility of corrosive or electrolytic action between r*tels Anchor component parts of preformed metal siding securely in place, providing for necessary thermal and structural movement. � I IPREFORMED METAL SIDING 7MI- � I SECTION 7MI RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General aid Supplementary Conditions and Gertieral Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section, DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Tne extent of preformed uetal siding work is shown on the drawings and indicated by provisions of this section and is hereby defined to include exterior wall panels of types which are capable of structurally spanning between support gi its (corkt l nuous substrate not required), and associated trim and a.ccessQries. The types of panels required include the following: Flat panels. QUALITY ASSURANCE Field measurements: Where possible, take field measurements prior to completion o sop fabrication and finishing of preformed metal siding. Do not delay job progress; allow for trimming where final dimensions cannot be established hefore fabrication. Performance Test Standards: Provide p ref ormd metal siding systems whRb meet indicated {per ormances as proven by NAAMM Standard Test TM- 1, Static and dynamic methods; and which comply with other test standards as indicated. SUBMITTALS: Product Data, Metal Siding: Submit specifications, standard detail drawings and installation instructions for preformed metal siding. Include mfr's certification or other data substantiating that materials and finishes comply with requirements. Samples, Metal Sidiflg: Submit Z' long x full width samples of each yp�e ofpretvrmed metal siding, complete w1th factory -applied finish to be approved by Texas Tech University. Shop Drawings, Metal Siding: Submit shop drawings showing profiles of pro orme Meta sidzrig s, and details of forming, .joining, gaskets (if arrky), internal supports, anchorages, trim, flashing and accessories. Show details of weathi�rproof ing at edges, terminations and pengetratioris of the metal siding work. Show small-scale layout and elevations of entire work. P RUOU CTS EXTERIOR PANEL MATERIALS: PREFORMED METAL SIDING 7M1-1 I I i EXECUTION INSPECTION. Install must examine the areas and conditions under which miscellaneous - metal ite% are to be installed and notify Ue Curactor~ ire writing of Conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. ' Do not proceed with the a+ork until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. PREPARATION* Furnish setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of artchor'ages, s+jch as concrete i nserts, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors, which are to be embedded i n concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to project site. INSTALLATION: Fastening,to In -Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and asteners where necessary for securing miscellaneous metal fabrications to in -place construction; including, threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, tMrough-bolts, lag bolts, wood screws and other connectors as required. Cutting, Fitting and Nateitient: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting require or installation of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Set work accurately in location, alignment, and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in forrrrwork for items which are to he built into concrete, masonry or similar construction. Fit exposed connections accurately together- to form tight hairline ,joints. Weld co"nec:ti ores which are not to be left as exposed ,points, but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size lirrritations. GO rid exposed ,joints smooth and touch-up shop paint coat. Do not weld, cut or abrade the surfaces of exterior units which have been hot -dip galvanized after fabrication, and are intended for bolted or screwed field connections. Field Welding. Comply with AWS Code for procedures of manual Shielded metal -arc welding, appearance and quality of welds used 1r1 correcting welding work. made, and methods Touch -Up Painting: Immediately after erection, cleari field welds, o Le connections, and abraded areas of shop {Taint, and paint exposed areas with same material as used for shop painting. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils. END OF SECTION METAL FABRICATIONS 5UD-5 Remove oil, grease and similar Contaminants in aceordaflce with S5PC SP- 1 "Solvent Ol can i ng" . Immediately after surface preparation, brash or spay on primer in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, and at a rate to provide uniform dry film thickeess of Z.0 roils for each coat. Use painting methods which will result~ in N11 coverage of joints, corners, edges, and exposed surfaces. Apply one shop coat to fabricated metal items, except apply 2 coats of paint to surfaces T ridccess i bl a after assembly or erection. Change color of second coat to distinguish it from the first. MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS: Loose Steel Lintels Provide loose structural steel lintels for openings and recesses in masonry walls and partitions as shown. Weld ad,joioing members together to form a single unit where indicated. Provide not less than B" bearing at each side of openings, unless otherwise shown. Galvanize loose steel lintels to be installed in exterior walls. Miscellaneous Framing and Supports: Provide miscellaneous steel framing and supports which are not a pant of structural steel framework, as required to complete work. Fabricate miscellaneous units to sizes, shapes and profiles shown or if rot shown, of required dimensions to receive adjacent other ward to he retained by frarni rig. Except as otherwise shown, fabricate from structural steel shapes and plates afld steel bars, of welded construction using mitered ,joints for field connection. Out, drill and tap units to receive hardware and similar~ items. Equip units with integrally welded anchors for casting into concrete or building into masonry. Furnish inserts if units must be installed after concrete is placed. Except as otherwise shown, space anchors 24" o.c. and provide minimum anchor units of 1 1/4" x 1/4" x V steel straps. Galvanize exterior miscellaneous frams and supports. Shelf Angles: Provide structural steel shelf angles of sizes shown for attachment to coflc:rete framing. Galvanize shelf angles to be installed an exterior concrete framing. METAL FABRICATIONS 5JO-4 ■ is i FABRICATION, GENERAL: Work manship: Use materials of size and thickness shown or, if not shown, of required size and thickness to produce strength and duraWity in finished product. Work to dimensions shown or accepted an shop drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use type of materials shown or specified for various components of work. Foam exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32" unless otherwise shown. Form bent -metal corners to smallest radius passible without, causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. Weld corners and seams continuously, complying with AW S recommendations. At exposed connection, grind exposed welds Smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of type shown ar, if not shown, Phillips flat -tread (countersunk) screws or bolts. Provide for anchorage of type shown, coordinated with supporting structure. Fa bri oaEte and space anchoring davi cas to provide adequate support for intended use. Cut, reinforce, drill and tap miscellaneous metal work as indicated to receive finish hardware arld similar items. Galvanizing: Provide d zinc coating far- those items shown or specified to be ga vanized, as follows: ASTM A 153 for galvanizing iron and steel 4ardware. ASTM A 123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed and forgEd steel shapes, p rites, bars and strip 1184' thick and h42avier. ASTN A 386 for galvanizing assembled steel products. Shop Painting. Shop paint miscellaneous metal work, except members or Portions o members to be embedded in concrete or masonry, surfaces and Idges to 1e field welded, and galvani,ed surfaces, unless otherwise specified. Remove scale, rust and other deleterious materials hefore applying shop coat. Clean off heaver r«st and loose mills scale In accordance with 5SPC SP-2 "Hand Tool Cleaning", or 55PC 3P-3 "power Tool Cleaning", or SSPC SIB-7 "Brush-off Blast Cleaning". METAL FABRICATIONS 5JO-3 Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR.