HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2647 - Grant Application - GO CJD -Assist SPRNTF - 09_24_1987Resolution #2647 September 24, 1987 Agenda Item #23 KJ:da RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a grant application filed by the City of Lubbock to assist South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force to facilitate a region effort to enhance local law enforcement capabilities in curbing narcotics trafficking in a 15 county region of the South Plains, attached herewith, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 24th day of September , 1987. �,� c11� B.C. MCMINN, MAYOR ATTEST: netke Boyd, City Secretary APP 7 TO CONTENT: Thomas J. Nichols, Chief of Police APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ken John , Assistant City Attorney q FED�RAL ASSISTANCE I. TYPE OF ❑ NOTICE OF INTENT (OPTIONAL) SUBMISSION (mark ap. ❑ PREAPPLICATION ptepriate El APPLICATION box) 2. APPLI- B. NUMBER 3. STATE " CANT'S APPLI- APPLI- CATION CATION IDENTI- IDENTI- FIER FIER b. DATE Year month day NOTE TO BE ASSIGNED 19 87 09 01 BY STATE Leave Blank Resolution #2647 a. NUMBER DATE ASSIGNED Year month day 19 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT S. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) a. Applicant Name City of Lubbock 1756000596000 b. Organiubon unit Police Department 6. c. Street/P.O. Box P.O. BOX 2000 PRO- a. NUMBER ' 8 18 I * 10 I 0 1 1 I d. city Lubbock o. Canty Lubbock GRAM f. State Texas 9. ZIP Coda. 79457 (Fran, CFDA) MULTIPLE ❑ b. TITLE Narcotics Traff ickir h.ContactPerson(Name Captain Dale Holton ATelephone Na) (806) 762-6411 ext. 2868 Task Force Program ' 7. TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT (Use section 1V of this form to provide a summary description of the S. TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT aO�g ct*) South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force. To A-aur G-0000 pep". o*&X2 a-.e«wy N-�C w^w.*y Aeon Agw4v s facilitate a region effort to enhance local law enforcementc- t-Ny+ar Ed "W" IPWNA Dn :� J-Wdw TrOs W capabilities in curbing narcotics trafficking in a 15 D�:aray K-Oarr (SpeeiJyA E county region of the South Plains. 0_4crwo1 Enter apprupriatektte►� 9. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Names of cities. counties states etc) 10. ESTIMATED NUMBER 11. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE 15 counties membership Of South Plains OF PERSONS BENEFITING D-WI ce @- Gram claw area governments. 376,000 �`°'" p �rerker(+) ts 12. PROPOSED FUNDING 13. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 14. TYPE OF APPLICATION a. FEDERAL i 00 a. APPLICANT b. PROJECT Senate 28 Senate 28 0 331 b. APPLICANT 6,250.00 House 82,83,84 House , ,$c1,85 c. STATE 262, 571,00 15. PROJECT START 16, PROJECT d. LOCAL .00 DATE Year month das DURATION a. OTHER .00 I--- _. 19 87 11 Ol _ 12 months 18. DATE DUE TO Year month day (__Totalis _2_68 821.001 FEDERAL AGENCY 0- 19. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST Governor's Office A -(law C-PAr0WM E-AuW w"ism Earn app VAan letter 17. TYPE OF CHANGE /For ter or 14e) A-tnvssas Colima F-ouW aperi/y): a-OsuNY ODUM C-4w.w Geawn O-Doss" Qr§wn E-Can Moon Eller aAoro- pore tFtrer(s) EXISTING FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER a. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT (IF APPROPRIATE) b. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT (IF KNOWN) Criminal Justice Division N/A c. ADDRESS 21. REMARKS ADDED P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711 r7l Yes ❑ No 22. To the best o1 my knowledge and belief, a. YES. THIS NOTICE OF INTENT/PREAPPLICATION/APPLr-ATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE STATE THE data in this preapplication/application EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: APPLICANT are true and correct, the document has DATE CERTIFIES been duly authorized by the govern oV o THAT► body of the applicant and the applicant ❑ will compty with the attached assurances b. NO. PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E.O. 12372 if the assistance is approved. OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW ❑ 23. a TYPED NAME AND TITLE b. SIGN URE u CERTIFYING Larry J. Cunningham, City Manager � REPRE• SENTATIVE City of Lubbock 24. APPLICA- Year month day 25. FEDERAL APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION NUMNUM6E0 M. FEDERAL GRANTJOOTIFICATION TK)N RECEIVED 19 27. ACTION TAKEN 28. FUNDING Year month day 30. Year month date STARTING O a. AWARDED 29, ACTION DATE► 19 DATE 19 O b. REJECTED O c. RETURNED FOR a. FEDERAL S .00 31. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA- 32. Year month date j < AMENDMENT TION (Name and telephone number) ENDING DATE 19 b APPLICANT .00 J 1u O d. RETURNED FOR E.O. 12372 SUBMISSION c. STATE 00 33. REMARKS ADDED o. LOCAL .00 BY APPLICANT TO STATE s. OTHER .00 O a. DEFERRED %0 01. WITHDRAWN 1. TOTAL S 00 ❑ ❑ No 1 Yes 46N 7540-01-006-8162 STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 1 (Rev. 4-64) DETACH AND, AS NECESSARY, STAPLE TO ABOVE SHEET. CT10N IV —REMARKS (Please relerance the proper item number from sections 1,11 or I/l, if applicable) Endorsement resolution and signature of certifying representative not included in application. These items require City Council approval which could not be secured prior to scheduled application due date. The project is, however, on Council agenda for review September.24, 1987._ C 111_7 STANDARD FORM 474 PAAF 9 fRFV .i•F ml GENERAL 1NSTRUCiIONS FOR TI4E SF-424 •r�' This is a standard form used by applicants as a required facesheet for preapplications and applications submitted in accorda with OMB Circular A-102. It will be used by Federal agencies to obtain applicant certification that states which have establishe review and comment procedure in response to Executive Order 12372 and have selected the program to be included in ti process have been given an opportunity to review the applicant's submission. APPLICANT PROCEDURES FOR SECTION I Applicant will complete all gems in Section I with the exception of Box 3, "State Application Identifier." If an item is not applicable, write "NA." N lidditlonal sR is needed, insert an asterisk "' •d use Section IV. An explanation follows for each item: Item Item 1. Mark appropriate n and application are described in (a revision or augmentation under item 14). indicate only the amour OMB Circular •ncy program instructions. Use of the change. For decreases, enclose the amount in parentheses. If b this form P 'e option. Federal agencies do basic and supplemental amounts are included, breakout in Section not require . For multiple program funding, use totals and show program breakc 2a. Applicant's ow. in Section 1V. 12a-amount requested from Federal Governmt 12b-amount applicant will contribute. 12c-amount from State 2b. Date Section 1 is p. applicant is not a State. 12d---amount from local govemment 3a. Number assigned by . applicant is not a local government. 12e--amount from any oti .p sources, explain in Section IV. 3b. Date assigned by State. i 13b. The district(s) where most of action work will be accomplished. If c 4a-4h. Legal name of applicant, nan. T 4 which will wide or State-wide, covering several districts, write "city-wide" undertake the assistance active. F -ant, and "State-wide." name and telephone number of .Q further information about this request. 14. A. New. A submittal for project not previously funded. 5. Employer Identification Number (EIN) a. B. Renewal. An extension for an additional funding/budget period to Internal Revenue Service. O project having no projected completion date, but for which Fede O support must be renewed each year. 6a. Use Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance � h to program under which assistance is reques. G C. Revision. A modification to project nature or scope which may res program (e.g.. pint funding), check "multiple" at. S� A in funding change (increase or decrease). IV. If unknown, cite Public Law or U.S. Code. Q .O D. Continuation. An extension for an additional funding/budget petir 6b. Program title from CFDA. Abbreviate if necessary. �� for a project with a projected completion date. 7. Use Section IV to provide a summary description of the S �4;1 'ugmentation. A requirement for additional funds for a proje appropriate, i.e., of project affects particular sites as, for i F •riously awarded funds in the same funding/budget perio construction or real properly projects, attach a map showin._ 1 nature and scope unchanged. project location. X date project expected to begin (usually associated wi S. "City" includes town, township or other municipality. / of availability of funding). 9. List only largest unit or units affected, such as State, county, or city. Dy < of months to complete project after Federal fun4 10. Estimated number of persons directly 4enelrtrng from project. S 11. Check the type(s) of assistance requested. 17. / ti -is (item 14c), or augmentations (item 14e). A. Basic Grant --an original request for Federal funds. 18. S -in must be submitted to Federal agen B. Supplemental Grant -a request to increase a basic grant in certain if. consideration. 'Q cases where the eligible applicant cannot supply the required 19. Namt. �G agency to which this request // matching share of the basic Federal program (e.g., grants awarded address ^sible the name of the office by the Appalachian Regional Commission to provide the applicant which the . a matching share). 20. Existing Feder. � '� this is not a new reque E. Other. Explain in Section IV P and directly rel, 0 ^:tion. Otherwise, wri 12. Amount requested of to be contributed during the first funding/budget "NA." ti period by each contributor Value of in -kind contributions should be 21. Check appropriate b. S of form contain included. If the action is a change in dollar amount of an existing grant remarks and/or addition. APPLICANT PROCEDURES FOR SECTION 11 Applicants will always complete either item 22a or 22b and items 23a and 23b. 22a. Complete if application is subject to Executive Order 12372 (State 22b. Check if application is not subject to E.(-. .2. review and comment). 23a Name and title of authorized representative if legal applicant. FEDERAL AGENCY PROCEDURES FOR SECTION III Applicant compfetes only Sections I and 11. Section III is completed by Federal agencies. 26. Use to identify award actions. will contribute. 28c-amount from State, if applicant is not a Stal 27. Use Section IV to amplify where appropriate. 28d-amount from local government, if applicant is not a local gover 28. Amount to be contributed during the first funding/budget period by 29. ment. 26e-amount from any other sources, explain in Section IV. Date action was taken on this request. each contributor. Value of in -kind contributions will be included. If the 30. Date funds will become available. action is a change in dollar amount Of an existing grant (a revision Or augmentation under item 14). indicate only the amount of change. For 31. Name and telephone number of agency person who can provide mo decreases. enclose the amount in parentheses. If both basic and 'information regarding this assistance. supplemental amounts are included, breakout in Section IV. For multiple 32. Date after which funds will no longer be available for obligation. program funding, use totals and show program breakouts in Section IV. 33. Check appropriate box as to whether Section IV of form contair 28a-amount awarrinri by FpriPra1 nnvPrr,mone nn. PART II ore ro. ebno gas PROJECT APPROVAL INFORMATION ' Item 1. S PAG Does this assistance request require State, local, Nome of Governing Body regional, or other priority rating? X Priority Rating Yat No Item 2. Does this assistance request require State, or local Nome of Agency at SPAG advisory, educational or health clearances? Board �X _Yes_. No (Attach Documentation) Item 3. Does this assistance.requesi require clearinghouse (Attach Comments) review in accordance with OMB Circular A-93? X Yes -----No Concurrent review with C.J.D. Item 4. SPAG Does this assistance request require State, local, Name of Approving Agency regional or other planning approval? X Dots Yes No Item S. Is the proposed project covered by on approved compre- Check one: State rX. hensive pion? Local ` r X Regional (� Yes No Location of Plan Item 6. Will the assistance requested serve a Federal X Name of Federal Installation installation? Yes No Federal Population benefiting from Protect Item 7. Will the assistance requested be on Federal land or Nome of Federal Installation installation? X Location of Federal Lend Yes No Percent of Protect Item 6. Will the assistance requested have on impact or effect See instructions for additional information to be on the environment? X provided. Yes No Item 9. Number of: Will the assistance requested cause the displotamont Individuals of individuals, families, businesses, or forms? Families X Businesses Yes No Forms Item 10 Is there other related assistance on this project previous. See instructions for additional information to be pending, or anticipated? provided Yes No Item 11 I. - w the project in a designated flood hazard area? See instructions for additional information to X be provided. fir as No INSTRUCTIONS PART 11 scope of the plan. Give the location where the approved plan is available for examination and state whether this 4 -sire an explanation unless the project is in conformance with the plan. f•. F formation at a later date. ProveA, "Yes" answers in the Item 6 — Show the population residing or working on the space pace a F '•• following instnic• Federal installation who will benefit from this project. s tions: X Item 7 — Show the percentage of the project work that will Item 1 — Provit, 0 dy establish- be conducted on federally -owned or leased land. Give the ing the priority s-, S •signed to name of the Federal installation and its location. this project. (/ Item B — Describe briefly the possible beneficial and harm- Ite•n 2 — Provide the nan. A '-h ful impact on the environment of the proposed project. If issued the clearznce and attat.. f '� an adverse environmental impact is anticipated, explain or approval. what action will be taken to minimize the impact. Federal Item 3 —Attach the clearinghouse t. agencies will provide separate instructions if additional data cation in accordance with the instructtt. A fit` is needed. fist? of Manzgement and Budget Circular h •9 ti m 9 —State the number of individuals, families, busi- ments were submitted previously with a prea�. op �` or farms this project will displace. Federal agencies no submit them again but any additional con. T '9 •ide separate instructions if additional data is cei+ed from the clearinghouse should be submittt thii application. Item 4 — Furnish the name of the approving agency and the approval date. Item 5 — Show whether the approved comprehensive plan is citate, local or regional, or if none of these, explain the ti the Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog S' • name, the type of assistance, the sta- each project where there is related G -oated assistance. Use additional O ti S CJD-5 OXS Approval No. 80-10186 PART III — BUDGET INFORMATION SECTION A — BUDGET SUMMARY (i.•.r f.•�u• f •.rerlN w 4r••M, f•I••d N C•r•4� • - a Hu.•.M Um%,- fw d F.-W. .. _ - f•1•••I N • . a, R. • ...•• f $ • f f e - N•.►f•1•••I —� TM.I _ _ f•Nr•1 __�_ N•w.f •�M•1 1. IS s S s 2. 3. S. TOTALS S S S S S SECTION B — BUDGET CATEGORIES • 6. Object I:Iass Catetorits _ 0-9- f.•f •.•, F•e�r.••• w A....... �-- -�— (u CJD (aCASH/MATCH (31 Tv.r sr a. Ptn 1 s 106,578 s —0— S S is 106,578 S. Fringe BeWits 63,661 —0— 63,661 c. Travel 2,507 —0- _ 2,507 e. Earvment 54,000 —0— 54,000 t. supplies 31,250 6,250 37,500 I. Centrattual g. M. Oft i. Total Direct Charfes 257,996 _— 2649246 1. InOuect Chaff" 4,575 —0— ' 4,575 k. TOTALS __ S 262,571 $ 6,250 s S S 268,821 1. Protram Income s None s None s s s None. INSTRUCTIONS PART III General Instructions This form designed so that application can be made for funds tr • or more grant programs. In preparing the budge' any existing Federal grantor agency Buie •scribe how and whether budgeted a• •rely shown for different functions +am For some programs, grant. •s to be seaarately shown by fu. •ograms, grantor agencies may . •coon or activity. Sec. tions A, -rdget estimates for the whole ,Q • for assistance which requue� -,al or other funding period on, T *ions A. B, C. and D should pi. budget period (usually a year) the need for Federal assistant. �. ods. All applications should . 0 obi t class cat ones shown in L the grantor agency. Enter in Columns (c) and (d) the esti- mated amounts of funds which will remain unobligated at the end of the grant funding period only if the Federal grantor agency instructions provide for this. Otherwise, leave these columns blank. Enter in columns le) and Mthe amounts of funds needed for the upcoming period. The amount(s) in Column (g) should be the sum of amounts in Columns Mand (f ). For supplemental grants and chinges to existing grants, do not use Columns (c) and (d). Enter in Column (e) the amount of the increase or decrease of Federal funds and enter in Column Mthe amount of the increase or decrease of non -Federal funds. In Column (g) enter the new total budgeted amount (Federal and non-Federall which includes the total previous authorized budgeted amounts plus or minus, as appropriate, the amounts shown in Columns (e) and It). The amount(s) in Column (g) should not equal the sum of amounts in Columns (e) and M. Line 5 — Show the totals for all columns used. I I's %S1 Section B. Budget Categories Section A. Budget Summary (/ In the column headings I I I through 14). enter the titles of Lines 1.4. Columns (a) and (b). -he same programs, functions, and activities shown on Lines A For applications pertaining t0 a single Fe. A,Column (a), Section A. When additional sheets were gram (Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog n, 0 4�. •d for Section A, provide similar column headings on not requiring a functional or activity breakdown, /f' •• For each program, function or activity, fill in Line 1 under Column (al the catalog program title at F •uirements for funds (both Federal and non - catalog number in Column (b) •ct class categories. For applications pertaining to a single program requiring budget amounts by multiple functions or activities, enter 'Q .9 'tie estimated amount for each direct the name of each activity or function on each line in Col. < %) category for each column with umn (a), and enter the catalog number in Column (b). For applications pertaining to multiple programs where none of the programs require a breakdown by function Or activity, enter the catalog program title on each line in Column (a) and the respective catalog number on each line in Column (b). For applications pertaining to multiple programs where one or more programs require a breakdown by function or activity, prepare a separate sheet for each program requiring the breakdown. Additional sheets should be used when one form does not provide adequate space for all breakdown of data required. However, when more than one sheet is used, the first page should provide the summary totals by pro. grams. Lines 1-4. Columns (cl through (g). For new opplicairions, leave Columns (c) and (dl blank, For each line entry in Columns (a) and (b). enter in Col. umns M. M. and (g) the appropriate amounts of funds needed to support the project for the first funding period (usually a yearl. For continuing grant program applications, submit these forms before the end of each funding period as required by /// / v heading ' S n 6a to 6h in each column. Line %• •ect cost. Refer to FMC 74- �Q Line 6k — Er. G ines 6i and 6j. For all applicat., C ;tion grants the total amount / A be the same as the total amo, 0 •n (g), Line 5. For supplements. 'he total amount of the incresa S umns (11•(41, Line 6k should C, amounts in Section A, Columns It. additional sheets were prepared, the . ply only to the first page with summary . Line 7 — Enter the estimated amount of im any, expected to be generated from this project. Do . add or subtract this amount from the total project amount. Show under the program narrative statement the nature and source of income. The estimated amount of program in come may be considered by the Federal grantor agency in determining the toll amount of the grant. CJD-7 am A►Freeel b. 6D-RA146 SECTION C — NON-FEDERAL RESOURCES (a) Grant Pre*ew (►) APPLICANT (a) STATE (41 OTHER SOURCES (e) TOTALS s. 001 - : 250 s 2_2,571 s s , 10. 12. TOTALS 3 6,250 , S S , SECTION D — FORECASTED CASH NEEDS 12 - FeMrel Terel far lot Yee. lal Ourrer Val Ours 7r/ Durre, 4th Ourter i S _ S S S 11 N«.fele.d IS. TOTAL S S S S S SECTION E — BUDGET ESTIMATES OF FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED FOR BALANCE OF THE PROJECT (a)GreatPreeree. FUTURE FUNDING PERIODS (YEARS) (b) FIRST (a) SECOND (4) THIRD (e) FOURTH 16. 17. 1{. 1V 20. TOTALS S Is S SECTION F — OTHER BUDGET INFORMATION (Attack ddir.enel Sl.eera 11 Neceaary) 21 Dbec. Cl..,ee: 22 wieelClw.9ea: 23. Reartwhe: CJD 257,996 4,575 City of C I TY 6,250 Lubbock — $6,250 PART IV PROGRAM NARRATIVE (Attach per instruction) INSTRUCTIONS PART III 'continued) Section C .*rat Resources Liner ".Federal resources that will 1 contributions are in. dui %eparate sheet. (See Attacr. Column F -al to Col• umn la). Secuo- 'r� •Uvity is not necessary. Column lb) - Ente. tributrons to be made by J" A. (Set also Attachment F. O O h Column Ic) - Enter the State i A S cant is not a State or State agency A, '9 G.O State or State agencies should leave this C. 'p T ,p Column Id) - Enter the amount of cash ai. tributions to be made from all other sources. / Column (a) - Enter totals of Columns (b). (c). a Line 12 - Enter the total for each of Columns Ib) le) amount in Column (et should be equal to the amount or. Line 5, Column If). Section A Section D. Forecasted Cash Needs Line 13 - Enter the amount of cash needed by quarter from the grantor agency during the first year. Line 14 - Enter the amount of cash from all other sources Line 15 - Enter the totals of amounts on Lines 13 and 14. Section E. Budget Estimates of Federal Funds Needed for Balance of the Project Lines 16-19 - Enter in Column la) the same grant program titles shown in Column (a), Section A. A breakdown by function or activity is not necessary. For new applications and continuing grant applications. enter in the proper col- umns amounts of Federal funds which will be needed to complete the program or project over the succeeding fund- ing periods (usually in years). This Section need not be completed for amendments. changes, or supplements to funds for the current year of existing grants. If more than four lines are needed to list the program titles submit additional schedules as necessary. Line 20 - Enter the total for each of the Columns Ib)•le). When additional schedules are prepared for this Section, rotate accordingly and show the overall totals on this - Other Budget Information. 41 this space to explain amounts for individual F •t categories that may appear to be out of ti X explain the details as required by the s �'C of indirect rate (provisional, pre- .X at will be in effect during the / viount of the base to which 'erect expense. Line �S+ %` ins required herein needed by quarter during the first year. or any . �Q C' G Od'q 0X. O ti S CJD-9 Suggested Format Other Budget Information Part III Governor's Criminal Justice Division Section F Line 21 BUDGET NARRATIVE Begin below and add as many continuation pages following each schedule (Al, B1, etc.) as may be needed to explain each item of the project budget. Narrative should include explanation of the basis for arriving at the cost of each item including Grantee Local Cash Contribution items. All amounts should be shown in whole dollars. SCHEDULE A PERSONNEL 1. Direct Salaries TITLE OR POSITIONI % OF TIME TO THIS PROJECT2 J REQUEST CONTRIBUTION TOTAL3 (A) Police Sergeant. Step C 100% $ 29,702 $ -0- $ 29,702 (B) Police Corporal Step C 100% $ 26,790 $ -0- $ 26,790 (C) Police Officer Step D 100% $ 25,043 $ -0- $ :25,043 (D) Police Officer Step D 100% $ 25,043 $ -0-. $ 25,043 (E) $ $ $ (F) $ $ $ (G) $ $ $ (H) $ $ $ TOTAL DIRECT SALARIES $ 106,578 $ -0- $ 106,578 2. Fringe Benefits % or S Rate FICA @ 7.51% $ 8,004 $ -0- $ 8,004 RETIREMENT @ 7.91% $ 8,430 $ -0- $ 8,430 INSURANCE @ 117.58/month. , $ 1,411 $ -0- $ 1,411 OTHER (EXPLAIN) @ Longevity/stabiI ity$ 2,800 $ -0- $ 2,800 PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SHEET. TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS % $ 63,661 $ -0- $ 63,661 TOTAL PERSONNEL BUDGET $ 170,239 $ -0- $ 170,239 1. Include only one position per line. Briefly describe the duties or responsibilities of each position. 2. Express as a percent of total time (2080 hrs. per year). 3. Should reflect employee's gross salary attributable to the project. CJD-10 2. FRINGE BENEFITS % OR $ RATE CJD LOCAL WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 4. 3% 4,583 -0- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE $ 600 2,400 -0- EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY $1,320 5,280 -0- * OVERTIME 25% 30,753 -0- TOTAL FOR PERSONNEL BUDGET IS SHOWN ON CJD-10. *OVERTIME FIGURES INCLUDE APPLICABLE FICA AND RETIREMENT. TOTAL 4,583 2,400 5, 280 30,753 JOB DESCRIPTION The task of organizing and implementing the South Plains Regional Narcotic Trafficking Task Force will be accomplished by four full time police officers devoting 100% of their time to the project. The projected accomplishment of the project can be reviewed by referring to CJD-16, "Project Goal Achievements". Intelligence information collected from law enforcement agencies and disseminated to affected jurisdictions will stabilize a coordinated effort to curb narcotic trafficking in the 15 county region. The task force will work in close contact with the Lubbock office of the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of.Public Safety, in addition.to county and local law enforcement agencies. Further, the supervisor of the unit will be responsible for coordinating enforcement priorities and utilization of confidential funds and equipment that will enhance investigative support. Suggested Format Part III Other Budget Information Section F Governor's Criminal Justice Division Line 21 SCHEDULE B PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CJ LOCAL CASH DESCRIPTION OF:SERVICE REQUEST CONTRIBUTION TOTAL (A) $ $ $ (B) $ $ $ (C) $ $ $ (D) $ $ $ (E) $ $ $ (F) $ $ $ (G) $ $ _ $ (H) $ $ $ TOTAL PROFESSIONAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUDGET $ $ $ REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Briefly describe any anticipated products expected. Describe the each line item. contractual arrangement and work basis for arriving at the cost of Suggested Format Part III Other Budget Information Section F Governor's Criminal Justice Division Line 21 SCHEDULE C TRAVEL 1. Local Travel MILES TRAVELED $ POSITION/TITLE ANNUALLY RATE CJ REQUEST LOCAL CASH CONTRIBUTION TOTAL (A) $ $ $ (B) $ $ $ (C) -, $ $ $ (D) $ $ $ (E) $ $ $ (F) _ $ $ $ (G) $ $ $ (H) _ $ $ $ LOCAL TRAVEL TOTAL $ $ $ 2. In -State Travel (Specify Clearly) PURPOSE DESTINATION Basic Narcotic School Austin, TX $ 2,507. $ -0 $.2,507. S S S S S S S S $ IN -STATE TRAVEL TOTAL $ $ $ 3. Out -of -State Travel (Specify Clearly) $ $ $ S S S S S S OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL TOTAL $ $ $ TOTAL TRAVEL BUDGET $ $ - $ NOTE: If personally owned vehicles are to be used, transportation costs should be shown on Schedule C; if agency or leased vehicles are to be used, the vehicle operation/main- tenance costs should be shown on Schedule F, "Supplies and Direct Operating Expense." REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Briefly describe the applicant's travel policy (i.e., mileage rates and per diem rates). Specify purposes for each item of travel. Break out costs of each in -state and each out-of-state trip to separately show the specific costs of transportation and'of per diem. SEE ATTACHMENT CJD-12 760 miles round trip to Austin at $.22 per mile = 167.00 Lodging at $50/day x 13 days x 4 officers = 1,300.00 Per diem at $20/day x 13 days x 4 officers 1,040.00 Total 2.507.00 The Drug Enforcement Administration sponsors narcotics schools at various times throughout Texas. Mileage was calculated to Austin although the location may vary. The City of Lubbock approves actual expenses for adequate lodging and $20 per day for meals. City vehicles are provided for transportation at $.22-per mile. CJD-12A Suggested Format Other Budget Information Governor's Criminal Justice Division SCHEDULE D EQUIPMENT PURCHASES Part III Section F Line 21 EQUIPMENT NAME OR DESCRIPTION AND QUANTITY CJ REQUEST, LOCAL CASH CONTRIBUTION 1 TOTAL (A) 2 covert audio TX/RX $ 18,000 $ -0- $ 18,000 (B) 4 G.E. portable police radios $ 12,000 $ -0- $ 12,000 (C) 2 vehicles $ 24,000 $ -0- $ 24,000 (D) $ $ $ (E) $ $ $ (F) $ $ $ (G) $ $ $ (H) $ $ $ M $ $ $ (J) $ $ $ TOTAL EQUIPMENT BUDGET $ 54,000 $ -0- $ 54,000 1. Minimum of 50`Yo local cash contribution required for all purchases. E '-!, U I R E D NARRATIVE: Describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item. Items A and B are based on prices from vendor. catalogs. Item C is based on City of Lubbock Budget Manual figures. SCHEDULE E CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 1 FACILITY CJ REQUEST LOCAL CASH CONTRIBUTION TOTAL (A) $ $ $ (B) $ $ $ (C) $ $ $ (D) $ $ $ (E) $ $ $ -r�•rI_L CO'.:STRUCTIUN BUDGET $ $ $ i. State whether request is for construction or renovation. Renovation of $5,000 or less should be shown on Schedule F, "Supplies and Direct Operating Expense." REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item. CJD-13 ' Suggested Format `J� Part III Other Budget Information Section F Governor's Criminal Justice Division Line 21 SCHEDULE F SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSE DIRECTLY CliARGED SUPPLIES & OTHER OPERATING COSTS CJ REQUEST LOCAL CASH CONTRIBUTION TOTAL Vehicle maintenance and (A) _operating expenses 1 $ 10 560 $ $ 10,560 (B) Narcotics buy money $ 18,750 $ 6,250 $ 25,000 (C) Pager rental $ 1,440 $ -0- $ 1,440 (D) Office supplies $ 500 $ -0- $ 500 (E) $ $ $ (F) $ $ $ (G) $ $ $ (H) $ $ $ (I ) $ $ $ (7) $ $ $ TOTAL SUPPLIES & DIRECT OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET $ 31,250 $ 6,250 $ 37,500 REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Describe the basis for arriving at the cost of each line item. A. Based on 24,000 miles per year at $.22/mile x 2 vehicles. B. Based on anticipated need:. 75% CJD funds, 25% local. C. Based on vendor quote. D. Based on anticipated need. INDIRECT COSTS SCHEDULE G CJ LOCAL CASH REQUEST CONTRIBUTION TOTAL (A) Indirect Costs Per Approved Cost Allocation Plan $ $ $ (B) Indirect Costs Per CJD Computation Table $ 4,575 $XXXXXXXXX $ 4,575 NOTE: Indirect costs are authorized in an amount not to exceed the computation table in Ap- pendix B, 1987 Criminal Justice Plan for Texas, or as authorized per the applicant's cost allocation plan. REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Ii method (A) is used, specify the rate and attach a copy of the docu- ment by which the current cost allocation plan was approved. WD-14 INSTRUCTIONS PART IV c. Identify the kinds of data to be collectea and main - PROGRAM PROGRAM NARRATIVE tained and discuss the criteria to be used to evaluate the results and successes of the project. Explain the Prepare the P wsm narrative statement in accordance with methodology that will be used to determine if the the follow vctions for all new grant programs. Re- Reeds identified and discussed are being met and if quests ;on or refunding and changes on an the results and benefits identified in item 2 are being aPPr� ' respond to item 5b only; Requests achieved. in • should respond to question 6c d. List organizations, cooperators, consultants, or other key individuals who will work on the project along 1. 7R THIS ASSISTANCE. with a short description of the nature of their effort or contribution. Pinpo. •ribs, social, financial, 4. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION. institutk •q a solution. Dem- onstrate th. `fie principal and Give a precise location of the project or area to be servaa subordinate t. 'Q ling documen- by the proposed project. Maps or other graphic aids may be tation or other F •rests other attached. than the applicant. �` hosed on 5. IF APPLICABLE, PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING IN - planning studies shou. F FORMATION: Z. RESULTS OR BENEF a. For research or demonstration assistance requests, Identify results and benefits T present a biographical sketch of the program director when applying for a grant W O with the following information; name, address, phone health center provide a description. number, background, and other qualifying experience facility, how the facility will be user,, GA for the project. Also, list the name, training and back - will benefit the general public. ground for other key personnel engaged in the project. i APPROACH. .O � discuss accomplishments to date and list in ehrono- < a. Outline a plan of action pertaining to thi 0 -al order a schedule of accomplishments, progress detail of how the proposed work will be /, 'estones anticipated with the new funding re- ' plished for each grant program, function or aL there have been significant changes in the A provided in the budget. Cite factors which might F actives, location approach. or time delays, eelerate or decelerate the work and your reason to. �+ ti stify. For other requests for changes or taking this approach as opposed to others. Describe 'Q % +lain the reason for the change(s). If any unusual features of the project such as design or X -9 ;ves have changed or an extension technological innovations, reductions in cost or time, /G ( explain the circurnsunces and or extraordinary social and community involvement. / -et has been exceeded, or if b. Provide for each grant program, function or activity, -e changed more than the quantitative monthly or quarterly projections of the Attachment K to Of - S accomplishments to be achieved in such terms as the s. Circular No. A•102, number of jobs created; the number of people served; axp ' its effect on the and the number of patients treated. When accom- pro^ G plishments cannot be quantified by activity or funs- t For supp,, 'tin the rea- tion, list them in chronological order to show the - son for the r Cl Iditional schedule of accomplishments and their target dates. funding. 0 CJD-15 Eg_QQRApt _N 9Ffff311-iE OBJECTIVES AND NEED FOR THIS _A_SSISTANCE. The 5e iew enforcement agencies represented in the South Plains region cover some 13,000 square miles and are responsible to approximately 376,000 people located in 15 counties. There is a lack of concerted effort to curb the narcotic trafficking in this area. Narcotic trafficking on the South Plains should be considered multi -jurisdictional with the success of each individual law enforcement agency in its operation having a direct effect on criminal activity in neighboring jurisdictions. Illegal narcotic trafficking is a regional problem requiring regional coordination. RESULTS A14D BENEFITS EXPECTED. The citizens of the 15 county region would greatly benefit from this program. Dy identifying transient narcotic dealers and coordinating efforts to monitor their activities, the program will facilitate an effective impact on the narcotic problem in the 15 county region. APPROACH. Four Lubbock Police Department officers will be responsible for gathering, evaluating, collating, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence information on narcotic trafficking within the 15 county region. Further, they will maintain an effective communication network with local jurisdictions concerning criminal violator activity. This approach will be promoted by an effective coordination of enforcement priorities and efficient violator apprehension program working closely with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Public Safety, and county and. city law enforcement agencies. The unit would also be able to lend indirect investigative support to local jurisdictions. The South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force will work under the direction of the Lubbock Police Department Special Investigations Division Commander. This commander is also the coordinator of the Lubbock Police Department/Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force. In this unique position, this coordination will maximize the narcotic law enforcement activities throughout the South Plains region. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION. As stated, the program will be responsible for the 15 member counties of the South Plains covering some 13,000 miles. RESEARCH ON DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. N/A EXISTING PROJEc'r SERVICES. N/A CJD-15 SECTION 1 FOR CJD USE ONLY PROGRESS REPORT - PROJECT GOAL ACHIEVEMENTS 6. HO1: Texas Narcotics Control Program PROJECT DIRECTOR 1. Grant Number 2. Report Time Period 11 01 87 to 10 31 88 Dale Holton NO DAY YEAR NO DAY YEAR GRANTEE NAME Project Title South Plains Regional 3. Date Submitted 18 87- NOMO DAY YEAR City of Lubbock Narcotics Task Force 4. Report Required Quarterly Final (Circle One /) 1 2 3 4 5. Grant Start Date 11 01 87 MO DAY YEAR PHONE (806) 762-6411 _ INDICATORS 2/ Annual Projected ACHIEVEMENT TOTALS BY QUARTERS - DO NOT REPORT CUMULATIVELY 1/ Level at Level At (Record previous quarter totals for each report) Project Project Project Project Project Project Project 3/ Start Completion Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Totals Reauired Indicators (Information must he Drovided for every indicator Record WA if indicator is not ann(irahlw_1 1. Number of Investigators assigned 0 4 2. Number of felony arrests effected 0 80 3. Number of misdemeanor arrests effected 0 40 4. Number of cases Investigated 0 160 1/ Quarters refer to project quarters, not calendar quarters; e.g., Quarter i refers to the first quarter of the project, not to the first quarter of the calendar year or fiscal year. 2/*If exact figures are unavailable for quarter totals, provide best estimates. 3/ Report cumulative totals for the final report in this column. C-7 i i c u Grant Number -- -- — -- -- -- — -- -- Date Submitted 02 18 87 No Dar Yr SECTION I PROGRESS REPORT - PROJECT GOAL ACHIEVEMENTS HO1: Texas Narcotics Control Program Page 2 INDICATORS 2/ Annual Projected ACHIEVEMENT TOTALS BY QUARTERS - 00 NOT REPORT CUMULATIVELY 1/ Level at Level At (Record previous quarter totals for each report) , Project Project Project Project Project Project Project 3/ Start Completion Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Totals Pt nulrad Indicators (information mwist he nrovided for every indicator- Record N/A If indicator Is not aonlirahle_) 5. Number of defendants adjudicated N/A N/A ' 6. Number of defendants indicted N/A N/A 7. Number of defendants receiving probation N/A N/A 8. Number of defendants receiving prison terms at TDC or federal prison N/A N/A 9. Number of asset seizures or forfeitures - 0- 40 10. Number of eradication efforts N/A N/A. II. Number of drug delivery cases filed - 0- 40 12. Number of aggravatedpossession cases filed N/A N/A 13. Number of U.S. Border Interdiction arrests N/A N/A 1/ Quarters refer to project quarters, not calendar quarters; e.g., Quarter 1 refers to the first quarter of the project, not to the first quarter of the calendar year or fiscal year. 2/.If exact figures are unavailable for quarter totals, provide best estimates. 3/ Report cumulative totals for the final repot in this column. • C-8 i 0 U . , ! t'.. , .. .. , .•awry' � � � � � � - Grant Number -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Date Subm I tted Q91 � 8-7 PROGRESS REPORT - PROJECT GOAL ACHIEVEMENTS Page 3 H01: Texas Narcotics Control Program INDICATORS Z/ Annual Projected ACHIEVEMENT TOTALS BY QUARTERS - DO NOT REPORT CUMULATIVELY 1/ Level at Level At (Record previous quarter totals for each report) Project Project Project Project Project Project Project 3/ Start Completion Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Totals Re..Iro./ Inrlirntnr� /InF.vwatiM wct hn n nv[A—i f.v- avow lnrlirat— Ror d N/A 1F inrllra+t to not nnnlirwhla_1 14. Number of clandesting labs seized -o- 4 15. Amount of stolen property recovered -0- $ 2 000 00 16. Number of non -narcotics cases cleared and filed due to program investigations - �- 2 1/ Quarters refer to project quarters, not calendar quarters; e.g., Quarter 1 refers to the first quarter of the project, not to the first quarter of the calendar year or fiscal year. ' 2/ If exact figures are unavailablefor quarter totals, provide best estimates. 3/*Report cumulative totals for the final repot In this column. C-9 T— PART V ASSURANCES The Applicant hereby assures and certifies that he will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines and re— quirea»nts, including OMB Circulars No. A-95, A.-102 and No 4437 , as they relate to the application, accept — coca and use of Federal funds for this federally —assisted proiect. Also the Applicant assures and certifies to the grant that: 1. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identi- fied as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. 2. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. M352) and in aoaordance with Title VI of that Act. no person in the United States than, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, ,be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any pro- gram or activity tot which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will immediately take any mea- sures necessary to effectuate this agreement. 3. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000dl prohibiting employment discrimi• nation where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide employment or (2) discriminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should be benefiting from the grant aided activity. 4. It will comply with requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-6461 which provides for fair end equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally assisted programs. 5. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. 6. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as they apply to hospital and educational innitu- tion employees of State and local governments. 7. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions fora purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated -by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particulltrly those with whom they have fatuity, business, or other ties. B. It will give the sponsoring agency or the Comptroller General through any authorized representative the access to and the right to examine all records, books. papers, or documents related to the grant. 9. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Federal sponsoring agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. 10.It will insure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the project are not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) list of Violating Facilities and that it will notify the Federal grantor agency of the receipt of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that A facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA. 11.It will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234, 87 Stat. 975, approved December 31, 1976. Section 102(a) requires, on and after March 2, 1975, the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assfstance for construction or acquisition purposes for use in any area that has been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. CJD-17 PART V (Continued) The phrase "Federal financial assistance• includes any form of loan, grant, guaranty, insurance payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster assistance loan or grant, or any other form of direct or indirect'Federal assistance. 12. It will assist the Federal grantor agency in its compliance with `Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), Executive Order 11593,,` and the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.),by (a) consulting with the State Historic Preservation Officer on the conduct of investigations, as necessary, to identify properties listed in or eligible'for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places thatare subject to adverse'effects(see 36_CFR Part 800.8)`by the activity, and notifying the Federal grantor agency of the existence of any such properties, and by (b) complying with all requirements established by the Federal grantor agency to avoid or mitigate adverse effects upop such properties. 13. It will comply with the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards (UGCMS) developed under the directive of the Uniform Grant and°Contract Management Act of 1981, Texas Civil' Statutes, Article 4413(32g). CJD-18 CIVIL RIGHTS LIAISON As required by Federal Guidelines and Criminal Justice Division Rules and Guidelines governing the Texas Narcotics Control Program under the Anti -Drug Abuse Act of 1986, the following person is named as the civil rights contact person who has lead responsibility for insuring that all applicable civil rights requirements are met and who shall act as liaison in civil rights matters with the Criminal Justice Division and with the office of Justice Programs (U.S. Departtnent of Justice) . Thomas J. Nichols (Name, typed or printed Chief of Police Position or Title P.O. Box 2000 MailingAddress) Lubbock, Texas 79457 (806) 762-6411 (Telephone Number CJD-20 DESIGNATION OF GRANT OFFICIALS In compliance with CJD rules relatinq to Eligible Applicants and Application Processing, Subsection 3.833, applicants must provide the full names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers for the auth- orized official, financial officer, and project director for each grant submitted for consideration by the governor. APPLICANT: City of Lubbock PROJECT TITLE: South Plains Regional Narcotics Task Force Dale Holton Project Director Type or Print Captain, Special Investigations Title P.O. Box 2000 Address Street or P. 0. Box Lubbock, 79457 City Zip (806) 762-6411 Telephone Number Robert Massengale Financial Officer (Type or Print Assistant City Manager Title P.O. Box 2000 Address (Street or P. 0. Box Lubbock, 79457 City Zip (806) 762-6411 Telephone Number Larry J. Cunningham Authorized Official (Type or Print City Manager Title P.O. Box 2000 Address Street or P. 0. Box Lubbock, Texas 79457 City Zip (806) 762-6411 Telephone Number y CITY OF LUBBOCK FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT EXPENDITURES 1987 1988 1989 Personnel $ 170, 239 $ 174, 495 $ 178, 857 Equipment 54,000 40,000 23,000 Supplies 40,007 40,007 40,007 Indirect Cost eta 575 unknown unknown. Total $268,821 unknown unknown SOURCES OF FUNDS 1987 1988 1989 Federal $262,571 unknown unknown State -0- -O- -0- Local 6,250 unknown unknown Other -0- -O- -0- Total $268,821 unknown unknown The source of these funds is an award to the State of Texas by the Bureau of Justice Assistance pursuant to the Anti -Drug Abuse Act of 1986. The State has been required to provide a 25% cash match which was acquired by reducing the Criminal Justice Division's grant awards to Regional Councils of Government. The BJA and CJD emphasize that programs funded through the Anti -Drug Abuse Act of 1986 must be considered one year programs as the availability of funds is not guaranteed beyond that time.