HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2567 - Contract - Coopers & Lybrand - Risk Management & Actuarial Services - 04_23_1987Resolution # 2567
April 23, 1987
Agenda Item #24
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and
directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract by
and between Coopers & Lybrand of Atlanta, Georgia and the City of Lubbock
for Risk Management and Actuarial Services, attached herewith, which shall
be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of
this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully
copied herein in detail.
Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of April , 1987.
Ranette Boyd, City Secreta
A-e'� I �� -6-e�
,Robert Massengale, As stant
'City Manager for Financial Services
Do d G. Vandiver, First
Assistant City Attorney
Resolution # 2567
Coopers & Lybrand
March 1987
CO er5
U rand
certified public accountants
actuarial benefits and compertsa bon
consulting division
Mr. Gene Eads, CPM
Purchasing Manager
1625 13th Street, Room L-04
Lubbock, Texas 79401
Dear Mr. Eads:
1200 Equitable Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30043
telephone (404) 6M-1000
cables Colybrand
March 24, 1987
in principal areas of the world
Coopers & Lybrand appreciates this opportunity to
present our qualifications and capabilities for providing risk
management/actuarial consulting services to the City of Lubbock
Coopers & Lybrand is uniquely qualified to assist you
on this important project.
• Coopers & Lybrand is nationally recognized as a pre-
eminent public accounting firm in the delivery of
quality auditing, actuarial, tax, insurance, and
management consulting services.
• Coopers & Lybrand has a large team of casualty actu-
arial/risk management professionals possessing vast
experience and expertise including first hand experi-
ence with governmental entity self-insurance programs.
Coopers & Lybrand will assign Frederick O. Kist, FCAS,
MAAA, Principal, to the project. Mr. Kist will be responsible
for project management including initial meetings, coordinating
activities, data analysis and the completion of of the work
product. This will assure timely completion of the project.
It has been our goal to thoroughly respond to all items
in your Request for Proposals. We believe Coopers & Lybrand can
provide the depth of experience and knowledge of self-insurance
that are best suited for the City. We look forward to demon-
strating that to you.
If you have any questions regarding this proposal,
please call Frederick O. Kist at (404) 658-1000.
Approved as to form:
a0. P<_aVogal oInIy
Approved as to content:
Ranette Boyd, City Secretary
&tla� 0/-
_B. C. _McMinn. Mayor _
We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide the
City of Lubbock with risk management/actuarial services. This
proposal describes our understanding of the project, workplan,
qualifications of the firm and engagement personnel, timing and
fees. In addition, Appendix A specifies our relevant prior
experience and Appendix B contains the proposal team professional
The City of Lubbock wishes to retain risk management/
actuarial consulting services to assist in the transition from a
pooling program for liability exposures to a self-insurance
program. Prior to December 2, 1986 liability coverages were
insured through the Texas Municipal League (TML) pooling program.
Currently, the City is fully self -insured for the following
liability coverages: Public Officials, General Liability, Police
Professional, and Automobile Liability. We understand the City
has established a temporary reserve mechanism to pay claims in
accordance with the coverage previously provided under the TML
program. However, the City wants an actuarial study performed to
determine the proper level of funding required for the self -
insured program. In addition, the City needs a document drafted
to set forth the scope of coverage under the program. The
coverage document will be used by third party claims adjusters/
administrators and/or legal counsels to determine whether
coverage is applicable in loss situations. The coverage document
is to be drafted in a form in compliance with State and Federal
As per the request for proposal, our workplan will be
divided into two areas: preparation of the coverage document and
the actuarial reserving study.
Coverage Document
In order to prepare a coverage document for the City,
we will review the coverages previously purchased from the TXL,
determine the overall exposure to loss, and interview various
City management personnel. It is our understanding that workers'
compensation, airport liability, and property coverages will not
be included in the self -insured program. The main exposures/
lines of coverage to be self -insured are Public Officials
(wrongful acts), General Liability, Police Professional, and
Automobile Liability. If other loss exposures are identified
which should be included under the self -insured program, we will
design the coverage document accordingly. We will develop a
coverage document with our understanding of municipal statutes.
In order to ensure compliance with State and Federal laws, we
will submit the coverage document to the City Attorney. Comments
from the City Attorney will be incorporated into the coverage
Actuarial Study
We will perform an actuarial reserving/funding study
for the self -insured program. It is our understanding that the
City has accumulated some data related to historical loss and
exposure information. We will use such information to the extent
possible in our study and supplement it with insurance industry
data as necessary. It seems all previous coverages with the
Texas Municipal League were insured on an occurrence basis, with
the exception of Public Officials Liability, which was on a
claims -made basis.
It is our understanding that the City expects a
normal range of losses each year; however, an occasional large or
catastrophic loss might occur which can cause sizeable fluctua-
tion in yearly losses. Further, the City is particularly inte-
rested in building up a "bank" or reserve to protect against the
catastrophic claim potential. Our report will include analyses
in the following areas:
o Projection of ultimate loss;
o Cash flow projection;
o Determination of margin for adverse development;
o Credits for investment income.
Coopers & Lybrand is one of the world's largest
accounting firms - a position which has been achieved by provid-
ing a full range of services to both audit and non -audit clients.
In the U.S. we now have 97 offices with 1,060 partners and over
11,000 total staff. Worldwide we have offices in 518 cities in
98 countries, with more than 2,600 partners and 34,000 staff.
Coopers & Lybrand has long been regarded as a leading
firm in the area of insurance auditing and consulting. Casualty
actuarial/risk management consulting services are provided
through personnel in seven regional offices. We are the second
largest provider of casualty actuarial services nationwide,
employing 34 members of the Casualty Actuarial Society, six of
whom are located in our Atlanta office. We have extensive
experience working on self-insurance projects for political
subdivisions and commercial concerns. Information on references
and other relevant experience is included in Appendix A.
For this project Coopers & Lybrand will subcontract
with Advanced Risk Management Techniques (ARM Tech) to develop
the coverage document. ARM Tech is an independent risk manage-
ment and employee benefits consulting firm with its main office
located in Laguna Hills, California. They are one of the largest
independent risk management consulting firms in the country,
specializing in providing consulting services to municipalities.
The firm conducts risk management studies only for the purchasers
of risk management and related services, not for insurance
companies or insurance agents. This ensures completely objective
consulting advice to clients.
The professionals who will complete the engagement are:
o Frederick O. Kist, FCAS, MAAA, Principal, Casualty
Actuarial and Risk Management Consulting
o Terry J. Biscoglia, FCAS, MAAA, Senior Consultant,
Casualty Actuarial and Risk Management Consulting
o Michael M. Kaddatz, CPCU, ARM, Principal, Advanced
Risk Management Techniques
Mr. Kist's fourteen years experience includes seven
years with CNA Insurance Companies which included responsibility
for underwriting and pricing insurance programs for large
national accounts. Over his seven years of experience in
consulting he has provided services for many insured and self -
insured programs. Mr. Kist is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial
Society and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Mr.
Kist will be responsible for quality control/peer review and
overall project management.
Mr. Biscoglia has over ten years experience providing
risk management/casualty actuarial consulting services. His
experience includes evaluating costs of specific risk management
programs for public entities, numerous associations, and corpora-
tions. Mr. Biscoglia is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial
Society and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Mr.
Biscoglia will have primary responsibility for the actuarial
study portion of the engagement.
Mr. Kaddatz has fifteen years experience in the
insurance industry, the last nine as an independent consultant to
governmental entities. In 1986, Mr. Kaddatz was a frequent
speaker at governmental risk financing events sponsored by PRIMA,
NIMLO, NACO and MFOA. He is past National Director of the
Society of Risk Management Consultants and in 1985 completed a
term as National Chairman of the Society of CPCU's
Please refer to the attached resumes of the persons
involved for more detail.
We are prepared to begin this project at the City's
earliest convenience. The first step in our analysis will be to
meet with appropriate personnel to gather loss/exposure informa-
tion and general operational information. We anticipate complet-
ing the assignment approximately four to six weeks after the
initial data gathering process, provided there are no problems
with the data.
Coopers & Lybrand will handle all billing arrangements
under the engagement. Coopers & Lybrand and ARM Tech are
compensated on a fee for services performed basis, and our
charges for a project are based on professional time actually
spent, billing rates of staff assigned to the project, and out-
of-pocket expenses (travel expenses, postage, phone, etc.). Our
maximum fee to prepare the coverage document and complete the
actuarial study will be $10,000. Out-of-pocket expenses (travel
expenses, postage, phone, etc.) are billed in addition to the
professional fees. We anticipate out-of-pocket -expenses of
approximately $1,500.
Mr. Jay O. Icrtt, Director
Broward Cxamty Risk Management
115 South Andrews Avenue
Goven rental Center Suite 210
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301
(305) 357-7200
Mr. Donald C. Dunlap
Assistant Finance Director
City of Miami
65 S.W. lst Street
Miami, Florida 33131
(305) 579-6058
Mr. David M. F% ddleston
Director of Finance
City of Delray Beach
100 N.W. lst Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33444
(305) 278-2841
Ms. Kathy B. Tines
Office of Risk Management
Lake County, Florida
315 West Main Street
Tavares, Florida 32778-3887
(904) 343-9805
Mr. Curtis Grogan
Director of Insurance
North Carolina State Board of
114 West Edenton Street
Roan 345
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
(919) 733-3745
Mt. William Springer
Risk Manager
City of Cheyerne
Wycming Association for Risk
Cheyenne, Wyoming
(307) 637-6305
Work Description
Coopers & Lybrand has performed a
funding study for Broward County,
Florida for self -insured liability
coverage including Auto Liability,
General Liability, Mass Transit
Liability and Workers' CmVensation.
Coopers & Lybrand performed a loss
reserve analysis for the City's
self-insurance program including
General Liability, Auto Liability,
Workers' Compensation, and Police
Professional Liability.
Coopers & Lybrand performed funding
studies for self -insured -retentions
under the City's ply and
liability insurance program.
Coopers & Lybrand performed a
funding study for the CounYty's
liability self-insurance program.
Coopers & Lybrand and ARK Tech
performed a management study of the
Board's property insurance program.
Participating Members included
apprtely 120 state school
districts. This project was
am pl.eted in 1986.
AR4 Tech ccupleted a pooling
feasibility study for this group of
Wycmft g public entities and assisted
with program implementation. Zhe
program became effective July 1,
1986. Uiis group is entirely self -
funded without liability
insurance and did not seek outside
Ms. Sharon Yang ARM Tech assisted the association
Alaska Association of Boards with the design and implementaticn
Juneau,97)Alaska of a program to provide property
( to school districts in
Alaska. 'This included development
of rates, policy forms, proforma
financial statement, claims adjust-
ing methods and other issues. We
worked with the Association to form
a "captive" insurance cogDany
located in Vermont as the vehicle
for operating the pooling program.
This included preparation of all
materials necessary to become a
licensed insurer in Vermont.
Ms. Cheryl Delio
Risk Management Coordinator
Office of the Los Angeles
County Superinctendent of Schools
Downey, California
(213) 922-6111
Ms. Margot D. Massey
State of Texas Transportation
Planning Division
Austin, Texas
ARM Tech assisted with the feasibil-
ity study and implementation of a
property and liability pooling
program for this group of 46 school
districts in Southern California.
Annual premiums are about $11
million. ARM Tech has provided
ongoing assistance to this group
ewer the last several years.
Coopers & Lybrand has provided
actuarial support. They also
developed ccaputer software to
provide loss reports to program
Coopers & Lybrand and ARM Tech are
currently working with the planning
division in reoc�ndin3 risk
financing alternatives for the non-
urbanized,/elderly and i�arx3icapped
transportation industry.
Mr. Rom Guilfoile ARM Tech performed a risk management
Risk & IIrplcyee Benefits Manager and employee benefit study for this
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota firm in 1983 and has continued to
(612) 292-7017 provide oonsulting assistance to the
present time.
Mr. Tim Hanson ARM Tech performed a risk management
Finance Director and employee benefit study for this
City of Visalia, California California City. This study
(209) 625-6309 resulted in the City self -insuring
their liability exposure.
Mr. Bob Gordan ARM Tech performed a risk management
Director, Support Services Dept. audit including a self-insurance
City of Colorado Springs analysis of liability and workers'
Colorado Springs, Colorado oo mnsaticn exposures. This
(303) 578-6181 resulted in the self-insuranoe of
the City's liability program.
Mr. Donald West
Risk Manager
City of Palo Alto
Authority for California
Excess Liability
Palo Alto, California
(415) 329-2294
Wayne Sherwood
Executive Director
Council of Large Public
Boston, MX
(617) 742-0820
Coopers & Lybrand
and ARM Tech
assisted this group
of California
cities design and
implant a
cities liability pooling program. This
included developing
loss projec-
tions, policy forms, interlocal
agreements and other
aspects of the
program. This
pool provides
coverage limits of
$10 million to
its members with
no outside
AM Tech and Coopers & Lybrand are
presently completing an assigrment
Housing to determine the feasibility of
forming a liability insurance
cmVany under the Risk Retention law
and a property insurance ccgany for
30 large housing authorities. This
includes analysis of funding and
budgetary requirenents, contractual
services requirements, and assist-
ance with coverages, retention
levels, and reinsurance require-
Mr. James Beckwith
Chief -Public Transit Section
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Madison, Wisconsin
(608) 267-7350
ARM Tech worked with the Wisconsin
Municipal Transit Insurance Cmmnis-
sion to establish a pooling program
for public transit systems in
Wisconsin. Actuarial work on this
project was ccmpleted by Coopers &
!Lybrand. ARM Tech assisted this
group frcm a mutual insurance
cmTpW licensed in the State of
Wisconsin. This included developing
policy forms, rating plans, proforma
financial state zits and other
material required to obtain approval
from the Wisconsin Deparbnenit of
Mr. Bab Gordon
Director, Support Services Dept.
City of Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colorado
(303) 578-6181
ARM Tech performed a risk management
audit including a self-insurance
analysis of liability and workers'
cagmnsation exposures. This
resulted in the self-insurance of
the City's liability program.
Coopers & Lybrand and ARM Tech are active nationwide with self -insuranr
funding projects for associations and pools, cities, counties, 'arid states.
Following is a list of such entities servioed by Coopers & Lybrand, ARM Tech
or both Firms jointly.
AC KN-Joint Powers Insurance
Associations and Pools
Michigan State Automobile
Association of Bay Area Gavenments North Coast Schools Insurance Grp
Authoriy for California City Excess
BCP Workers' Compensation Agency
BLP Schools' Self -Insurance
California Contract Cities
California Municipal Insurance
CSAC -Excess Insurance Authority
Centinela-South Bay Schools Insur-
ance Authority
Central San Joaquin Valley Risk
MananagemexYt Authority
Coachella Valley Joint F wers
Coin mity College/College
Desert Schools Self-Insurancie
Program for Employees
?rx%penc%nt Cities Risk Management
Kings County Self -insured Schools
Marin County Risk Management
North Valley Schools Insurance Group
Northern Orange County Self -Funded
Workers' Cmg3easation Agency
Peace Officers Researti-.h Association. of
Public schools Insurance Authority
Redwood Eripire Municipal Insurance Fund
Redwood Empire Schools Insurance Group
Regional Liability Excess Fund
San Bernardino O m aunity College
San Bernardion County School Districts
San Mateo County Schools Insurance
Santa Clara Schools Insurance Group
Schools Linked for Insurance Management .
Self -Insured Risk Management Authority
Self -Insurance Program of Imperial
Solaro County Schools Insurance Group
Southern California Joint Powers
Insurance Authority
Texas Municipal League
Merced County Schools Insurance
Group Ventura County Associatiaah of
Ventura County Schools Self -Funding
West San Gabriel Valley Schools
Self-Inmranae Authority
Western Riverside Schools Self -
Insurance Program for Employees
Wisconconsin DOT
Wisconsin Municipal Transit
Insurance Comunission
Yolo County Public Agency IMA
Citf es
Aurora, Colorado
Long Beach, California
Austin, Texas
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Beloit, Wisomisin
Iauisville, Kenbic}cy
Beaverton, Oregon
Mesa, Arizona
Cleveland, Chio
Fort Hueneme, California
Corvallis, Oregon
Redding, California
Culver City, California
Renton, Washington
Dallas, Texas
Roseville California
Delray Beach, Florida
Santa Ana, California
Fullerton, California
Simi Valley, California
Henderson, Nevada
St. Paul, Minnesota
Hm olulu, Hawaii
Tucson, Arizona
Industry, Califbn- a
Janesville, Wisomwin
Valdez, Alaska
Visalia, California '
Juneau, Alaska
West Covina, California
L gpoc, California
Whittier, California
Alameda, California
Santa Cruz, California
Amador, California
Butte, California
Shasta, California
Siskiyou, California
Calaveras, California
Solano, California
Del Norte, California
Fresno, California
H mboldt, California
Inyo, California
Jackscn, California
Kern, California
King, Washington
Kings, California
Lake, California
Ines Alamos, New Mexico
Madera, California
Karin, California
Medocino, California
Merced, California
Mom, California
Monterey, California
Napa, California
Nevada, California
Orange, California
Pinellas, Florida
Placer, California
San Bernardino, California
San Joaquin, California
San Luis Obispo, California
Santa Barbara, California
Ooamties tcmtinued)
Tehama, California
Tulare, California
Yuba., California
• � �. s:
Frederick O. Kist is a Principal and responsible for the
Casualty Actuarial/Risk Mananagement Group of Coopers & Lybrand's
Southeastern Actuarial, Benefits and Compensation Consulting
Practice. Mr. Kist is responsible for providing casualty
actuarial consulting to governmental entities, large self -insured
commercial concerns, association -endorsed insurance programs, and
property/casualty insurance companies. His fourteen years of
experience include seven years of consulting in the Southeast and
seven years with the CNA insurance companies.
During his career Mr. Kist has had the opportunity to work
on a wide variety of assignments. The following provides a brief
summary of the nature of these projects:
o Loss and Loss Expense Reserve Analysis
Medical Professional Liability
Lawyers Professional Liability
Workers' Compensation
General Liability
Personal Lines
o Product Pricing and Evaluation
- Medical Professional Liability
- Lawyers Professional Liability
- OL&T Liability
- Personal Lines
o Evaluation of Self -Insurance Programs
Municipality Programs
Large Commercial Programs
o Evaluation of Reinsurance Treaties
Reinsurance Program of Primary Company
Assumed Reinsurance by Reinsurer
o Evaluation of Association -Endorsed Programs
Reasonableness of Rate Structure
Feasibility of Sponsoring a Program
Establishing an Insurance Company
o Determination of Self -Insured Hospital Trust Fund
Mr. Kist has provided instruction in the preparation and
understanding of the property/casualty annual statement in
various nationally recognized educational programs. He has
served on the Casualty Actuarial Society's Examination Committee
and published a review in the CAS 1982 Call Paper Program.
Mr. Kist is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and
member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He holds a BA in
Mathematics from Northwestern University.
Mr. Biscoglia is a Senior Actuarial Consultant with Coopers &
Lybrand's Southeastern Actuarial, Benefits and Compensation
Consulting Practice. Mr. Biscoglia has ten years experience in
the field of actuarial consulting. He provides casualty actua-
rial consulting services for property/casualty insurance com-
panies, self -insured commercial programs and association -endorsed
insurance operations.
During his career Mr. Biscoglia has worked on a variety of
technical assignments. A representative list of the nature of
these assignments is as follows:
o Loss and Loss Expense Reserve Analysis
- Medical Professional Liability
- Workers' Compensation
- General Liability
- Products Liability
- Personal Lines
o Insurance Company Ratemaking
- Medical Professional Liability
- Lawyers Professional Liability
- General Liability
- Products Liability
- Personal Lines
o Evaluation of Self -Insurance Programs
Commercial Programs
Municipality Programs
o Valuation of Property/Casualty Insurance Companies
o Development of Pricing and Experience Rating Programs
for Insurance Companies and Self -Insured Entities
o Self -Insurance Feasibility Studies for Professional
o Actuarial Valuations of Non -insurance Commercial
o Pro -forma Financial Projections of Insurance Operations
Mr. Biscoglia is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a
member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He holds a BBA
degree in Actuarial Science from Georgia State University and was.
the recipient of a National Merit. scholarship and a scholarship
from the Atlanta Actuarial Club.
Mr. Michael M. Kaddatz is a Partner for Advanced Risk
Management Techniques. He is a consultant to businesses, public
agencies and associations on risk management, property/casualty
insurance, self-insurance, cash -flow, risk pooling and other risk
treatment programs.
From 1977 to 1982 Mr. Kaddatz was a Principal Consul-
tant for Warren, McVeigh & Griffin, Inc. There he provided a
full range of risk management services similar to services now
provided by Advanced Risk Management Techniques.
Mr. Kaddatz was an Insurance Analyst for Southern
California Edison from 1975 to 1977 where he administered owner -
controlled property/casualty insurance program for construction
projects. He was also responsible for a casualty insurance
portfolio including nuclear and marine programs. Mr. Kaddatz
also reviewed contracts and negotiated insurance -related contrac-
tual provisions with vendors.
Mr. Kaddatz was a Regional Casualty Underwriter for
Wausau Insurance Company from 1972 to 1975 where he underwrote
liability, crime and workers' compensation insurance for large
commercial accounts. He specialized in retrospective and other
loss -responsive rating plans.
Mr. Kaddatz holds the CPCU Designation from the
American Institute for Property and Casualty Underwriters; and
ARM Designation from the American Insurance Institute.
Mr. Kaddatz received a BS degree in Business Admini-
stration and Economics from the University of Wisconsin and has
graduate studies in Finance from California State University.