HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 3284 - Contract - B&M Construction - ACM Abatement, LP&L Power Plant #2 - 01_11_1990.Resol:ution # 3284 January 11, 1990 Item #18 Bid #10305 HW:js RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract by and between the City of Lubbock and B & M Construction for ACM abatement LP&L Power Plant #2, attached herewith, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 11th day of January , 1990. B. C. McMINN, MAYOR ATTEST: tte Boyd, City Secret`ar APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ene Ea s, urchasing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: W"'& /� X, & , '0 arold Willard, Assistant City Attorney IPiyclosure_Of Guprant.y__F'und_Nonpalti_ctptttion ")e Texas Property and cas ,a It y Inu srance c,uarant_y Act, At 1. i cal a 21 . 28—C, exempts f ide 1 i ty and sure'Ly l)c)r►(js from the Act. Thus, these c:ontrac=Ls must have the GWititr,ty Fund Nanl,articil�jrl_iorr Notice attached l��''closure of all This regulation c is effetive immediately ,�i,cj �I,l,iies to c�c>r►tl-acts issued after •IdnuarY ], 1990. The c_x�,c.t wc,r(jlny Of t1W Notice is as follows: in the event: the insurer is unable Lo fulfill i is contractual ohl igat io„ under this PC)I ic.y C)r c c,nt:r'act or appl Ica tioI) or certi ficate cy ev i(Ience Of coverage, the Polic-yholder or certificatcjl►c>]cjer- i s nr�t protected !>; an insurance guaranty fcrncj ot- cMher solvency pi ot.ecL ion arrangement. �2 3agy LiiY OF !.itBL:3Ck; SPEC1 F!CA TIONS FIN ACM 3AI ►MEMT LPL POWER PLAJiT NO. Fail # 10.3 0 1 L 0 MAILED TO VENDOR: 10-13-89 CLOSE: 10-26-89; 2:00 p.m. BID # 10305 ADDENDUM # 1 PLEASE MODIFY OR AMEND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Refer to Section 01000, page 4: Delete - Boiler Unit No. 3 Mud Drum Insulation Repair - 50 Sq. Ft. 2. Refer to Section 01000, page: Revised to read: Acid Tanks Body Insulation Remove - 700 Sq. Ft. 3. CONTRACTOR shall remove visible debris from ground. 4. CONTRACTOR shall remove contaminated soil at the acid tanks and in areas where the ACM debris has been weathered into the soil. 5. OWNER will provide a crane lift operator for moving the turbine casings. The operators time shall be scheduled through the OWNER. 6. CONTRACTOR shall submit unit pricing for removal of -thermal insulating materials found inside the No. 6 Boiler Unit. 7. Tentative Contract Award................November 22, 1989 8. Tentative Start Date .....................December 1, 1989 PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID MAILED TO VENDOR: 10-23-89 CLOSE: 10-26-89; 2:00 P.M. NEW CLOSING DATE: 11-17-89; 2:00 P.M. BID # 10305 ADDENDUM # 2 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Please change closing date from October 26, 1989 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. to November 17, 1989 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. ;THAZNK, GENE EADS, C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID MAILED TO VENDOR: 10-31-89 CLOSE: 11-17-89; 2:00 p.m. BID # 10305 ADDENDUM # 3 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Please note specifications changes attached. THANK YOU, GENE EADS, C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID ADDENDCTM NUIMER 3 October 25, 1989 P C-TTY OF JXBBOCR LUBBOCX POWER AND LIGaT Lubbock, Texas Project Number: 1898-o2 To: All bidders and parties who have racaived F3id DQcumenta on the referenced project. Modify or amend Contract Doc=ants as follows: =tam No. 1 - Refer to Section 01000, page 3_ T CONTRACTOR shall provide an "Altarn,ate Price,, for debris removal and encapsulation of existing insulation on the following: Tt:rbina Floor: Turbine No. 3 Body Insulation 120 sq. ft. Turbine No. 4 Casing and Blanket Insulation 250 sq. ft. Turbine No. 5 Casing and Blanket Insulation"- 230 sq. ft. "- Turbine No. 6 Casing and Blanket Insulation 225 sq, ft. Turbine No. 7 -- Casing and Blanket Insulation 225 sq. ft. Item No. 2 - Rtftr to section 01aoo; paga 8; CMMFT-&SBBSTOS BOARD CONTRACTOR shall delete this item from the Base Bid. CONTRACTOR shall provide an ttAlternata Prica" for this work. Item No. 3 •- Ref *r to Section 01100; gage 2; TagLi:,ing I aboXa.tor-y: Delete the fallowing sentence: -- For this project the Testing Laboratory is the EHGIN ?'.R- Item No. 4 - Refer to Section 01100; page 3 Delete in their entirety paragraphs one (1.) and two (2) referencing the deli-n=_tions of the ENGIN: RR. Reference City of Lubbock's General Conditions, page 26, Item 7-414 NOWPMOS R wPREnENT',TIYE' S AI-THQR, TY 3 VVTY't w• CITY OF LUBBOCK LUBBOCK POTTER AND LIGHT PAGE 2 Item No. 5 - Refar to Section 014101 Delete this Section In it'a entirety and replace with Section 01410 - Static PC11 Tasting Methods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- closures: Sanction 01410 -- Static PCX Testing Methods --------------------------------- --------------------------------- MM OF ADD=MUM NO. 3 P- (''1H;Ci('1 Ei.1 FT. 1i111 TH TEL -1u, 1 :1 :� _ 0 t `5 1E;:='s_ F.:1 SECTX09 01410 FINAL CLEARANCE PAGE I ^' FI2rAL CLY-ARAHCE SECTION 01.410 0 Drawings and genera:, provisions of Contract, including General and Supplanantary ConZiti.ons, apply to the Work of this sanction. To determine if tha elevated airbQrne fiber counts encountered during abatement operations have been reducad to the specified level, the EfG:arim will secure samples and analyze them according to the following procedutaa. - General.: The number and volume of air samples taken lard analytical methods used by the MTG .ER will generally b* in accordance with the following schedule. Sample quantities, volumes, and analytical mathodologias given may vary and will be at the discretion of th* ERcINIM. pfflz F$ 00n7��.*-4�z�ST M?r'RC$GORy. f. T,n each homcgeneou work area or az required by the ENGINEER, Pam: samples will ba taken and will be analyzed as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Location Sampled Scheduled Filter Media Number of Sampin� ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Work Area S Cellulose Ester Outside of Work Azaa 3 cal.lulosga Ester ----------------------------------------------------------------- analysis: Fihars on each filter will be measured using the NzosH 7400 procedures, or OSHA Refer*nca Method (ORM) procedures. $eleasa Criteria: Dacontaminati.on of the work nits is conplata when every . Work Area sxampl_e is below 0.01 fibers/cc or the current Base Lina level, whichever is greater. — a r ,r SECTION 01410 .-, FINAiL CLEAPJNCE PAGE 2 If the results of analysis of the Work Area sampler fails to *meet the, ralease critlaria, then the decontamination is incomplete and recleaning per Section 01570 is required. LA843A'T R'Y TESTING; The ENG EM will ba employed by the 0-WRR:R to per-fom laboratory analysis of the air samples. �J= 2 - I!PODTJ('. 'S (Not Applicable) P, XRT 3 - EX=L1r-T'T.rQN (Not APPlicable) xirYtk: ,kic4r�e�esir* fx .V-,ID oi' SEC -,ION CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS for TITLE: ACM ABATEMENT LP&L POWER PLANT NO. 2 ADDRESS: 600 MUNICIPAL DR. BID NUMBER: 10305 PROJECT NUMBER: 2111-541101-7313 CONTRACT PREPARED BY: Purchasing Department ®v -1- (This page left blank intentionally) u eQ n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. P-. INDEX PAGE NOTICETO BIDDERS..........................................................................................3 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS......... .......4 . ........................................................... BID PROPOSAL - BID FOR LUMP SUM CONTRACTS.................................................................10 PAYMENTBOND..............................................................................................13 PERFORMANCE BOND..........................................................................................16 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE..................................................................................19 CONTRACT..................................................................................................21 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT.......................................................................23 CURRENT WAGE DETERMINATIONS...............................................................................41 SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................42 SPECIALCONDITIONS........................................................................................43 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE......................................................................................45 -2- (This page left blank intentionally) NOTICE TO BIDDERS er. —3— (This page left blank intentionally) MAILED TO VENDOR: 10-13-89 CLOSE: 10-26-89; 2:00 p.m. BID # 10305 ADDENDUM # 1 PLEASE MODIFY OR AMEND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Refer to Section 01000, page 4: Delete - Boiler Unit No. 3 Mud Drum Insulation Repair - 50 Sq. Ft. 2. Refer to Section 01000, page: Revised to read: Acid Tanks Body Insulation Remove - 700 Sq. Ft. 3. CONTRACTOR shall remove visible debris from ground. 4. CONTRACTOR shall remove contaminated soil at the acid tanks and in areas where the ACM debris has been weathered into the soil. 5. OWNER will provide a crane lift operator for moving the turbine casings. The operators time shall be scheduled through the OWNER. 6. CONTRACTOR shall submit unit pricing for removal of -thermal insulating materials found inside the No. 6 Boiler Unit. �.�. 7. Tentative Contract Award................November 22, 1989 8. Tentative Start Date .....................December 1, 1989 TH Auf Ron &d Buyer PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID MAILED TO VENDOR: 10-23-89 CLOSE: 10-26-89; 2:00 p.m. NEW CLOSING DATE: 11-17-89; 2:00 P.M. BID # 10305 ADDENDUM # 2 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Please change closing date from October 26, 1989 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. to November 17, 1989 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. :TZHANK, GENE EADS, C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID MAILED TO VENDOR: 10-31-89 CLOSE: 11-17-89; 2:00 p.m. BID # 10305 ADDENDUM # 3 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Please note specifications changes attached. THANK YOU, GENE FADS, C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH YOUR BID October 25, 1989 C TY OF LMBOCK LUBBOCK POWER AND LIGUT -- Lubbock, Texas Pro j ect Number: 1898-oz To: All bidders and partiss who have racalved Bid DQcuments on the referenced project. Modify or amend Contract pdcumante as follows. - Item No. 1 - Refer to Section 01000, pago 3--_ CONTRACTOR shall provides an "Altearn•atea Price" for debris removal and encapsulation of ex;.sting insulation on the following: Turbine Floor: Turbine No. 3 Body Insulation 120 sq. ft. Turbine No. 4 Casing and Blanket Insulation 250 sq. ft. Turbine No. 5 caning and Blanket insulatio'h 250 sq. ft. Turbine No. 6 Casing and Blanket Insulation 225 sq. ft. Turbine No, 7 Casing and Blanket Insulation 225 sq. ft, Item No. 2 -- Relfer to section 01000; page 8; CEMrT-b.BBESTOS BOAl2D -CONTRACTOR shall delete this; item from the Base Bid. CONTRACTOR shall provide an "Alternate Price" for this work.. item No. 3 Refer to Section 01100; pages 2; wing I g t_o-Kv: Delete the following sentence: For this project the Testing Laboratory is the MIGINRER. Ite3m No. l - Refer to Section 01100; pages 3 Delete in their entirety paragraphs one (1) and two (2) referencinq the dofL--i'tions of the ENGINP-ER. Retarence city of Lubbock's General Conditions, page 26, Item #14 "eaHm' S 2I SEN'I'&TIY41 S amolu= um_DYJTY'# i A 1.D . r- U in 1 h CITY 01i' LUBBOCK LUBBOCK POWER AND LIGHT PACE 2 Item Na. 5 Refer to Section 014101 Delete this Section in it's entirety and replace with Section 01410 - Static PQK Testing Methods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Xnclogaure= Section 01410 - Static PCH Testing Methods ---------------------------- 4 --------------------------------- END OF ADD=MUM NO. 3 �1HtIh1 EHC,. FT. IJORTH TEL Nc SE :TYUN 01410 FINAL CLEARANCE PAGE I FINAL CLEARANCE SECTION 03.410 GE ME Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplamentary Can&itions, apply to the Work of this section. To determine if the elevated airborne fiber counts encountered during abatement operations have been reduead to the specified level, the ENGXRMM will secure samples and analyze them -. according to the following procedures. A y�cPQ;" : Tne nu=er anc va..ume or ear camp.Les Magt+n and analytical methods used by the ENGMER will generally ba in accordance with the following schedule. Sample quantities, volumes, and analytical mathcdologias given may vary and will bo at the discsrdtion of the ENGMMM. HA E 5 OMMS`1' MjCEQgg0R f =0 In ca h hamoggneoug wor3t Area or as required by the ENGIN'ER, PCM samples will be taken and will be analyzed as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sampled Scheduled Filter Media Number of ._—...—rr----------------------------..--r—r---a.----- ---- Work Area S Cellulose Ester Outside of Work Area 'S Cellulose Ester ---------------------------------------------------------------------- �,. alysis: Fibers on each filter will be measured using the NIosH 7400 procedures, or OSHA Reference Method (ORM) procedures. Release Criteria: Dacontamination of the Work sita is conpl.ate when every .Wark Area sarpla is below 0_01 fibers/cc or the currant Base Line level., whichever is greater. SECTION 01410 FINAL CLFJU>hNCE PAGE 2 -Tf the results of anal.yais of the Work Area samples fails to *&eat the release criteria, then the dacont=ination is incomplete and recleaning per Section 01570 is required. LA RaTY RY TEST NG: The ENGLNEXR will be employed by the CWb9M to perform laboratory analysis of the air Samples. RAU 2 - PPo ucm (Not Applicable) _ PART- 3 - EXEQ-TTIQH (Not Applicable) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID # 10305 Sealed proposals addressed to Gene Eads, C.P.M., Purchasing Manager, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received at the office of the Purchasing Manager, 1625 13th St., Room L-04, Lubbock, Texas, 79401, until 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the 26th day of October. 1989, or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction of the following described project: ACM ABATEMENT LP&L POWER PLANT NO. 2 .., After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed proposals will be opened by the Purchasing Manager at his office and publicly read aloud. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to insure that his bid is actually in the office of Gene Eads, Purchasing Manager for the City of Lubbock, prior to the expiration of the date above first written. The City Council will consider the bids on the 9th day of November, 1989, at Municipal Bldg., Lubbock, Texas, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably convenient, subject to the right to reject any or all bids and waive any formalities. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and payment bond in accordance with Article 5160, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $25,000.00. Said statutory bonds should be issued by a company carrying a current Best Rating of B or superior, as the rating of the bond company is a factor that will be considered in determination of the lowest responsible bidder. If the contract price does not exceed $25,000.00 the said statutory bonds will not be required. Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a proposal bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within 10 days after notice of award of the contract to him. It shall be each bidders sole responsibility to inspect the site of the work and to inform himself regarding all local conditions under which the work is to be done. It shall be understood and agreed that all such factors have been thoroughly investigated and considered in the preparation of the bid submitted. The plans, specifications, proposal forms and contract documents may be examined at the office of the Purchasing Manager for the City of Lubbock, Texas. Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Lubbock, which document is specifically referred to in this notice to bidders. Each bidder's attention is further directed to provision of Article 5159a, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., and the requirements contained therein concerning the above wage scale and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by owner in said wage scale. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in for an award. There will be a pre -bid conference on _11_th day of October, 1989, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., Committee Room #103, Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street. CITY OF LUBBOCK V G BY: Gene Eads, C.P.M. Purchasing Manager ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BID # 10305 Sealed proposals addressed to Gene Eads, C.P.M., Purchasing Manager, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received at the office of the Purchasing Manager, Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street, Room L-04, Lubbock, Texas, 79401 until 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the 26th day of October, 1989, or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction of the following described project: ACM ABATEMENT LP&L POWER PLANT NO. 2 After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed proposals will be opened by the Purchasing Manager at his office and publicly read aloud. The plans, specifications, proposal forms and contract documents may be examined at the office of the Purchasing Manager for the City of Lubbock, Texas. Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the Schedule of General Prevailing Rate of Per Diem Wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Lubbock, Texas. Each bidder's attention is further directed to the provisions of Article 5159a, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., and the requirements contained therein concerning such wage scales and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by the City of Lubbock. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. There will be a prebid conference on 11th day of October, 1989, Room 103, Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street. BY:�Gene Eads, C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER v-� , Committee (This page left blank intentionally) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -4- (This page left blank intentionally) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done under the contract documents shall consist of the following: ACM Abatement removal at LP&L power plant No. 2. The contractor shall furnish all labor, superintendence, machinery, equipment and all materials necessary to complete this project in accordance with contract documents. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS All work covered by this contract shall be done in accordance with contract documents described in the Gen- eral Conditions. r. All bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the requirements set forth on the contract documents for the construction of this project and shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work contemplated by said contract documents. 3. PLANS FOR USE BY BIDDERS It is the intent of the City of Lubbock that all parties with an interest in submitting a bid on the project covered by the contract documents be given a reasonable opportunity to examine the documents and prepare a bid without charge of forfeiture of deposit. The contract documents, may be examined without charge as noted in the Notice to Bidders. 4. TIME AND ORDER FOR COMPLETION The construction covered by the contract documents shall be fully completed within 120 CONE HUNDRED TWENTY) calendar days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed issued by the City of Lubbock to the successful bidder. The Contractor will be permitted to prosecute the work in the order of his own choosing, provided, however, the City reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit a progress schedule of the work contemplated by the contract documents. In the event the City requires a progress schedule to be submitted, and it is determined by the City that the progress of the work is not in accordance with the progress schedule so sub- mitted, the City may direct the Contractor to take such action as the City deems necessary to insure comple- tion of the project within the time specified. 5. PAYMENT All payments due to Contractor shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the contract documents. b. AFFIDAVITS OF BILLS PAID The City of Lubbock reserves the right, prior to final acceptance of this project to require the Contractor to execute an affidavit that all bills for labor, materials and incidentals incurred in the construction of �— the improvements contemplated by the contract documents have been paid in full and that there are no claims pending, of which the Contractor has been notified. -5- 7. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The intent of these contract documents is that only materials and workmanship of the best quality and grade will be furnished. The fact that the specifications may fail to be sufficiently complete in some detail will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for providing materials of high quality and for pro- tecting them adequately until incorporated into the project. The presence or absence of a representative of the City on the site will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility of complying with this provi- sion. The specifications for materials and methods set forth in the contract documents provide minimum standards of quality which the Owner believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. 8. GUARANTEES All equipment and materials incorporated in the project and all construction shall be guaranteed against de- fective materials and workmanship. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the owner, a written general guarantee which shall provide that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work, and pay for any and all damages of any nature whatsoever resulting in such defects, when such defects appear within ONE year from date of final acceptance of the work as a result of defective materials or workmanship, at no cost to the Owner (City of Lubbock). 9. PLANS FOR THE CONTRACTOR The contractor will be furnished one set of plans and specifications, and related contract documents for his use during construction. Plans and specifications for use during construction will only be furnished di- rectly to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then distribute copies of plans and specifications to sup- pliers, subcontractors or others, as required for proper prosecution of the work contemplated by the Con- tractor. 10. PROTECTION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materi- als, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, and all means of construc- tion, and any and all parts of the work whether the Contractor has been paid, partially paid, or not paid for such work, until the date the City issues its certificate of completion to Contractor. The City re- serves the right, after the bids have been opened and before the contract has been awarded, to require of a bidder the following information: (a) The experience record of the bidder showing completed jobs of a similar nature to the one covered by the proposed contract and all work in progress with bond amounts and percentage completed. (b) A sworn statement of the current financial condition of the bidder. (c) Equipment schedule. 11. TEXAS STATE SALES TAX This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption provisions pursuant to provisions of Article 20.04 of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. The Contractor must obtain a limited sales, excise and use tax permit which shall enable him to buy the ma- terials to be incorporated into the work without paying the tax at the time of purchase. -6- 12. PROTECTION OF SUBSURFACE LINES AND STRUCTURES i It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prosecute the work contemplated by the contract documents in such a way as to exercise due care to locate and prevent damage to all underground pipelines, utility lines, conduits or other underground structures which might or could be damaged by Contractor during the construc- tion of the project contemplated by these contract documents. The City of Lubbock agrees that it will fur- nish Contractor the location of all such underground lines and utilities of which it has knowledge. How- ever, such fact shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities aforementioned. All such under- ground lines or structures cut or damaged by Contractor during the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract shall be repaired immediately by Contractor to the satisfaction of the City of Lubbock, Texas, at Contractor's expense. 13. BARRICADES AND SAFETY MEASURES The contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger sig- nals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the work as may be necessary. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and Lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and re- placed by Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barri- cades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. 14. EXPLOSIVES o-- The use of explosives will not be permitted unless written permission to do so is obtained by the Contractor from the City. In all cases where written permission is obtained for the use of explosives, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all damage which may occur as a direct or indirect result of the blast- ing. In addition, in all cases where explosives are authorized to be used, the Contractor shall use utmost care so as not to endanger life or property and the Contractor shall further use only such methods as are currently utilized by persons, firms, or corporations engaged in similar type of construction activity. Explosive materials shall not be stored or kept at the construction site by the Contractor. In all cases where explosives are to be used during the construction of the project contemplated by this contract, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify each utility company having structures (above or below the ground) in proximity to the site of the work of Contractor's intention to use explosives, and such notice shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable the companies to take such steps as they may deg necessary to protect their property from injury. Such notice, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any damage resulting from his blasting operations. 15. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The successful bidder shall be required to have a responsible local representative available at all times while the work is in progress under this contract. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish the name, address and telephone number where such local representative may be reached during the time that the work contemplated by this contract is in progress. 16. INSURANCE The -Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be furnished to the City and written -7- notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies shall contain an agreement on the part of the insurer waiving the right to subroga- tion. The insurance certificates furnished shall name the City as an additional insured and shall further state that all subcontractors are named as additional insureds, or in the alternative, shall be accompanied by a statement from the Contractor to the effect that no work on this particular project shall be subcontracted. 17. LABOR AND WORKING HOURS Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. The wage rate which must be paid on this project shall not be less than specified in the schedule of general prevailing rates of per diem wages as above mentioned. The bidders' attention is further directed to the requirements of Article 5159a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes providing for the payment of the wage schedules above mentioned and the bidder's obligations there- under. The inclusion of the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages in these contract docu- ments does not release the Contractor from compliance with any wage law that may be applicable. Construc- tion work under this contract requiring an inspector will not be performed on weekends or holidays unless the following conditions exist: (1) The project being constructed is essential to the City of Lubbock's ability to provide the necessary service to its citizens. (2) Delays in construction are due to factors outside the control of the Contractor. The Contractor is approaching the penalty provisions of the contract and Contractor can show he has made a diligent effort to complete the contract within the allotted time. Before construction work requiring an inspector is to be performed on weekends or holidays, the Contractor must notify the Owner's Representative not less than three full working days prior to the weekend or holiday he desires to do work and obtain written permission from the Owner's Representative to do such work. The final decision on whether to allow construction work requiring an inspector on weekends or holidays will be made by the Owner's Representative. In any event, if a condition should occur or arise at the site of this project or from the work being done under this contract which is hazardous or dangerous to property or Life, the Contractor shall immediately commence work, regardless of the day of the week or the time of day, to correct or alleviate such condition so that it is no longer dangerous to property or life. 18. PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES AND FILING OF PAYROLLS The contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this contract in full (less mandatory legal deductions) in Cash, or by check readily cashable without discount, not less often than once each week. The Contractor and each of his subcontractors engaged at the site of the work shall not later than the seventh day following the payment of wages, file with the Owner's Representative, or Engineer, a certified, sworn, Legible copy of such payroll. This shall contain the name of each employee, his classification, the number of hours worked on each day, rate of pay, and net pay. The affidavit shall state that the copy is a true and correct copy of such payroll, that no rebates or deduc- tions (except as shown) have been made, or will in the future be made from the wages paid as shown thereon. The Contractor must classify employees according to one of the classifications set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages, which schedule is included in the contract documents. -8- The Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City of Lubbock on whose behalf this contract is made, ten dollars for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day, or portion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the wages assigned to his particular classification as set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. 19. PROVISIONS CONCERNING ESCALATOR CLAUSES Proposals submitted containing any conditions which provide for changes in the stated bid price due to in- creases or decreases in the cost of materials, labor or other items required for the project will be re- jected and returned to the bidder without being considered. 20. PREPARATION FOR PROPOSAL The bidder shall submit his proposal on forms furnished by the City. All blank spaces in the form shall be correctly filled in and the bidder shall state the price both in words and numerals, for which he proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish the materials required. Such prices shall be written in ink, dis- tinctly and legibly, or typewritten. In case of discrepancy between the price written in words and the price written in figures, the price written in words shall govern. If the proposal is submitted by an indi- vidual, his name must be signed by him or his duly authorized agent. If a proposal is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given and the proposal signed by a member of the firm, association or partnership, or person duly authorized. If the proposal is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the proposal signed by an official or duly authorized agent. Powers of attorney authorizing agents or others to sign proposals must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the proposal. The proposal shall be executed in ink. Each proposal shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed as specified in the Notice to Bidders, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope in the following manner: (a) Bidder's name (b) Proposal for (description of the project). Bid proposals may be withdrawn and resubmitted at any time prior to the time set for opening of the bids, but no proposal may be withdrawn or altered thereafter. 21. BOUND COPY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by bidder shall be bound and include the fol- lowing: (a) Notice to Bidders. (b) General Instructions to Bidders. ... (c) Bidder's Proposal. (d) Statutory Bond (if required). (e) Contract Agreement. (f) General Conditions. (g) Special Conditions (if any). (h) Specifications. (i) Insurance Certificates. (j) All other documents made available to bidder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. If Plans and Specifications are too bulky or cumbersome to be physically bound, they are to be considered incorporated by reference into the aforementioned contract documents. -9- (This page left blank intentionally) -10- (This page left blank intentionally) PLACE Houston, Texas DATE November 16, 1989 ' PROJECT N0. 10305 Proposal of BMC ^ BID PROPOSAL BID FOR LUMP SUM CONTRACTS 't '�`y 17 j �c. r (hereinafter called Bidder) To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lubbock, Texas (hereinafter called Owner) Gentlemen: The Bidder, in compliance with your invitation for bids for the construction of a an asbestos abatement of LP & L Power Plant #2 having carefully examined the plans, specifications, instructions to bidders, notice to bidders and all other re- lated contract documents and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surround- ing the construction of the proposed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies; and to construct the project in accordance with the plans, specifica- tions and contract documents, within the time set forth therein and at the price stated below. The price to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the contract documents, of which this proposal in to be a part, is -as follows: BID: Two hundred and ninety nine thousand dollars ($299,000.00 ) Amount shall be shown in both words and figures. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govern.) Bidder hereby agrees to commence the work on the above project on or before a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" of the Owner and to fully complete the project within 120 (ONE HUNDRED TWENTY) consecutive calendar days thereafter as stipulated in the specifications and other contract documents. Bidder hereby further agrees to pay to Owner as liquidated damages the sum of $50.00 (Fifty dollars) for each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time set forth hereinabove for completion of this project, all as more fully set forth in the general conditions of the contract documents. Bidder understands and agrees that this bid proposal shall be completed and submitted in accordance with in- struction number 20 of the General Instructions to Bidders. ' ^ Bidder understands that the owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formality in s the bidding. �— The Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. `.- The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site of the work and has carefully examined the plans, specifications and contract documents p p pertaining to the work covered by this bid, and he further agrees to commence work on or before the date specified in the written notice to proceed, and to substantially complete the work on which he has bid; as provided in the contract documents. Enclosed with this proposal is a Cashier's Check or Certified Che k for Dollars (S ) or a Proposal Bond in the sum of ixteen eight 111ty Dollars (s ' , which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in the event the proposal is accepted by the Owner and the undersigned fails to execute the necessary contract documents and the required bond (if any) with the Owner within ten (10) days after the date of receipt of written notification of acceptance of said proposal; otherwise, said check or bond shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand. Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by Bidder shall be bound and include all con- tract documents made available to him for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. BMC Contractor BY: Bill Bowlin President (Se-aI if Bidder i's'a.Corporation) TTE;,ST: c y,, ,/ Secrerary�. / Item #1 Alternate Price .................. $25,000.00 Item #2 '.Alternate Price ............•••••• $ 5,000.00 -12- Q TO c J F.0 ,64 Qb 2WO EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY 14607 San Pedro San Antonio, Texas 78232 Bond tab! BB-1237 B I D B 0 N D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE5ENTS: 'That we, B & M CONSTRUCTION, 830 MAJESTIC, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77020 as Principal (hereinafter called the "Pri.ncxpal") and EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a company organized in Texas, as Surety, (thereinafter called the "Surety") , are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF LUBBOCK, 1625 13TH STREET, LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 as Obligee, (hereinafter called the "Obligee`), in the sum Of 'THIRTY-SEVEN 'MOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND N0/100 DOLLARS ( $37,500.00 ), for the payment of u'tich sum well and truly be made, the said Principal and the said Surety bind ourselves, our heirs, our executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for #10305; LUBBOCK POWER PLANT 42, ASBESTOS ABATMENi OF BOILER, EXHAUST DUMPS AND OTHER MISC. AREAS, NOW, THEREFORE, if the obligee shall accept tbee Did of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid and give su:h bond or bonds as sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in the prosecution thereof or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract aftd give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty heravf between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed the 167H day B & M COti STP.UCI' ON (Signature of Principal) {'ai the s ) of NOVEIIA ER (Seal) (Title) 19 89 EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY (Surety) Title Attorney -in -fact 0 PA-1553 ' Indiana Lumbermens Mutual iAwance J cwyvany , POWER OF ATTORNEY PRINCIPAL B & M Construction Company EFFECTIVE DATE April , 1990 830 Majestic Houston, Texas 77020 (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) CONTRACT AMOUNT 304,000.00 AMOUNT OF BOND $ __304, 000, 00 POWER NO. SBP-2081 90J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana, with its principal office in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Steve Deal State of Texas as its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority herby conferred to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof for and on its behalf as follows: The obligation of the Company shall not exceed four million ($4,000,000.00) dollars. And to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contract of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed b the President, sealed and duly attested by the Secretary of the Corporation, hereby rati{�mg and confirming all that the said Attorneys in -Fact may do in the premises. This Power of Attorney is executed and may be revoked pursuant to and by authority granted by �rticle IV, Section 2-A (1) and (2) of the By -Laws of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, which reads as follows: (1) The President or any Vice President shall have the power and authority, by and with the concurrence with the Secretary of the Corporation, to appoint Attorneys -in -Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting to Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and at any time to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact and to revoke the power and authority given to him. (2) Attorneys -in -Fact when so appointed shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the Powers of Attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation any and all Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Corporation as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and �., attested by the Secretary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President, attested by its Secretary and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed this FIRST day of JUNE 19 8g ATTEST: Indiana Lumbermens to t Insurance Company By w By��� Secretary Vice President STATE OF INDIANA ' COUNTY OF MARION SS: On this FIRST -day of JUNE 19 89 , before me personally came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged the execution of the above instrument and did depose and say; that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. My Commission Expires Notary Public STATE INDIANA SS ; ,,NoiAN?..' COUNT OF MARION I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, which is still in force and effect. This Certificate may be signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of June 1973, "RESOLVED: That the use of printed facsimile of the Corporate Seal of the Company and of the signature of the Secretary on any certification of the correctness of a copy of an instrument executed by the President or a Vice President pursuant to Article IV, Section 2-A (1) and (2) of the By -Laws appointing and authorizing Attorney -in -Fact to sign in the -name and on behalf of the Company Bonds and unddertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings ,.obligatory in the nature thereof t with like effect as if such seal and such signature had been manually affixed and made, hereby' is authorized and approved.' ' •J In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Corporation, this 25th day of Apri 1 19 90 (SEAL) . — Form 253 Secretary 1-1 PAYMENT BOND -13- (This page left blank intentionally) °~ k BOND SBP 12081905 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS '^ BOND CHECK ,g BEST RATING t ;cs NS�ED �N TEXAS B AIA Document A312 Payment Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business): B & M Construction Company Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company 830 Majestic 5550 West Touhy Avenue Houston, Texas 77020 Skokie, Illinois 60077 OWNER (Name and Address): ^- City of Lubbock P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: January 23, 1990 Amount: $304, 000.00 Description (Name and Location): LP&L Power Plant No. 2, Asbestos Abatement, Our Project BOND #225 City of Lubbock Project #10305 Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): Apri 1 25, 1990 Amount: $304,000.00 Modifications to this Bond: ❑ None ❑ See Page 6 .� CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company:, "''',, (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) 8 & M Cons + ucti n Compan Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company Signature: Signature:4 2 Name and Title: gill Bowlin -- President Name and Title: Steve Deal Attorney -in -Fact JAny,additional sigriatures appear on page 6) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY —Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or IOL.EY-FEATHERSTON INSURANCE other party): 701 LAMAR WICHITA FALLS, TX 7=1 AIA DOCUMENT A312 • PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND - DECEMBER 1984 ED. • AIA 0 7HE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W.. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A312-1984 4. THIRD PRINTING • MARCH 1987 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner to pay for. labor, materials and equipment furnished for use in the perfor- mance of the Construction Contract, which is incorpo- rated herein by reference. 2 With respect to the Owner, this obligation shall be null and void if the Contractor: 2.1 Promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due Claimants, and 2.2 Defends, indemnifies and holds harmless the Owner from claims, demands, liens or suits by any person or entity whose claim, demand, lien or suit is for the payment for labor, materials or equipment fur- nished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract, provided the Owner has promptly notified the Contractor and the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) of any claims, demands, liens or suits and tendered defense of such claims, demands, liens or suits to the Contractor and the Surety, and provided there is no Owner Default. 3 With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be null and void if the_ Contractor promptly makes pay- ment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due. 4 The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Bond until: 4.1 Claimants who are employed by or have a direct contract with the Contractor have given notice to the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim. 4.2 Claimants who do not have a direct contract with the Contractor: .1 Have furnished written notice to the Con- tractor and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, within 90 days after having last . performed labor or last, furnished materials or equipment included in the claim stating, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed; and 2 Have either received a rejection in whole or in part from the Contractor, or not received within 30 days of furnishing the aboye no- tice any communication from the Contractor by which the Contractor has indicated the claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and .3 Not having been paid within the above 30 days, have sent a written notice to the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and enclosing a copy of the previous written notice furnished to the Contractor. 5 If a notice required by Paragraph 4 is given by the Owner to the Contractor or to the Surety, that is suffi- cient compliance. 6 When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 4, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take the following actions: 6.1 Send an answer to the Claimant, with a copy to the Owner, within 45 days after receipt or the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and the basis for challenging any amounts that are disputed. 6.2 Pay or arrange for payment of any undisputed amounts. 7 The Surety's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of this Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for any payments made in good faith by the Surety. 8 Amounts owed by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract shall be used for the perfor- mance of the Construction Contract and to satisfy claims, if any, under any Construction Performance Bond. By the Contractor furnishing and the Owner accepting this Bond, they agree that all funds earned by the Contractor in the performance of the Construction Contract are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the Contractor and the Surety tinder this Bond, subject to the Owner's prior- ity to use the funds for the completion of the work. 9 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner, Claimants or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelat- ed to the Construction Contract. The Owner shall not be liable for payment of any costs or expenses of any Claim- ant under this Bond, and shall have underthis- Bond no obli- gations to make payments to, give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have obligations to Claimants under, this Bond. 10 The Surety . hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. 11 No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under this Bond other than in a court of competent juris- diction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located or after the expiration of one year from the date (1) on wvhich the Claimant gave the notice required by Subparagraph 4.1 or Clause 4.2.3. or (2) on which the last labor or service was performed by anyone or the last mate- rials or egttipment were furnished by anyone under the Con- struction Contract, whichever of (1) or (2) first occurs. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 12 Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or,delivered to the address shown on the signature page. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, the Owner or the Contractor, however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of the date received at the address shown on, the signature, page,, 13 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions con- forming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this r-- AIA DOCUMENT A312 • PERIOR:.IANCE BOND AND PANNIENT 60ND • DECEMBER 1954 ED • MA• THE AMER ICAN INSTITUTE Or ARCIIIIECIS. 1735 Nlwv NOR %1 E . N WASHING ION. uc :0txl6 A312-1984 5 TIIIRO PRI`.11;.G • mAK(Al 1987 ;Fono :Hell �;A co let z; ;, e;tinnon 'aw bc.rlc. 14 Upon request by any persdn cr entityaPgearing to be a potential beneficiary of this Bond, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy to be made. 1S DEFINITIONS tSA Claimant: An Individual or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor orwith a subcontractor of the Contractor to furnlsh labor, materials or equip- ment for use In the performance of the Contract. The intent of this Bond shall be to Include without Ilmita- lion in the terms "labor, materials or equipment" that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental equipment used in the MODIFICATIONS TO THiS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: in jE6V Z.; .equ,reo for penormance of the worK of the Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors, and all other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction where the labor, materials or equipment were furnished. i3.2 Construction Contract: The agreement oetween the Owner and the Contractor identified on the sig- nature pag$e, Including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 1S.3 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Con- ' tractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Address: Signature: Name and Title: Address: AIA oOCUMENf A3t2 . PER►ORM^NCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND • DECEMBER 19M ED. • AIA A Ttit AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVi;., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A312-1984 6 1HIRo PRINTING - MARCH I"? e Bond No. SBP 120,91905 RIDER TO BOND INVOLVING TOXIC MATERIAL This bond is being issued subject to the following express conditions which shall survive the release and discharge Surety from any further liability of its performance and payment obligations required under its bond: FIRST:. The bond issued by Surety shall not be considered to be a substitute for or in any other way satisfy the requirement for any type of insurance that may be contained in the contract documents between the Principal, Obligee and/or Owner. SECOND: No suit shall be commenced against the Principal or Surety for any default in performance or for labor performed or material supplied, after two years from the date of the contract between the Principal and Obligee, or one year after substantial completion, whichever occurs last. THIRD: No right of action against Surety shall inure to the benefit of any person, firm or corporation other than the Obligee, or for the use or benefit of the Obligee. FOURTH: Notwithstanding any provision contained to the contrary in the contract documents between the Principal, Obligee and/or Owner. Surety shall not be held liable or in any other respect be responsible to the Obligee or to any other person, firm or corporation for any act(s) of negligence by the Principal, its agents, servants or employees or by any contractor employed by Surety to complete the contract in the event of the Principal's default, while performing the contract, which results in personal injuries or property damage. Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company Attorney in Fact Steve Deal. Page 1 of 8 e ' Indiana Luingermens Mulyal Insurance .company POWER OF ATTORNEY PRINCIPAL B & M Construction Company EFFECTIVE DATE April 25, 1990 830 Majestic Houston, Texas 77020 (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) CONTRACT AMOUNT 304,000.00 AMOUNT OF BOND $ 304, 000.00 POWER NO. SBr 1-2081905 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana, with its principal office in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Steve Deal State of Texas as its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact,, with full power and authority herby conferred to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof for and on its behalf as follows: .., The obligation of the Company shall not exceed four million ($4,000,000.00) dollars. And to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contract of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed b the President, sealed and duly attested by the Secretary of the Corporation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Aftorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. This Power of Attorney Is executed and may be revoked pursuant to and by authority granted by Article IV, Section 2-A (1) and (2) of the By -Laws of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, which reads as follows: (1) The President or any Vice President shall have the power and authority, by and with the concurrence with the Secretary of the Corporation, to appoint Attorneys -in -Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting to Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and at any time to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact and to revoke the power and authority given to him. (2) Attorneys -in -Fact when so appointed shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the Powers of Attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation any and all Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Corporation as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and �^ attested by the Secretary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President, attested by its Secretary and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed this FIRST day of JUNE 19 89 ATTEST. Indiana Lumbermens to I I snura�nce Company By- By- r, Secretary Vice President STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF MARION SS: 0 ^^ On this FIRST day of JUNE 19 89 , before me personally came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged the execution of the above instrument and did depose and say; that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. o -- My Commission Expires 2`= Notary Public # et STATE INDIANA SS: COUNT OF MARION 1, the undersigned, Secretary of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, which is still in force and effect. This Certificate may be signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of June 1973. "RESOLVED: That the use of printed facsimile of the Corporate Seal of the Company and of the signature of the Secretary on any certification of the correctness of a copy of an instrument executed by the President or a Vice President pursuant to Article IV, Section 2-A (1) and (2� of the By -Laws appointing and authorizing Attorney -in -Fact to sign in the name and on behalf of the Company Bonds and un ertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings -obligatory in the nature thereof with like effect as if such seal and such signature had been manually affixed and made, hereby) is authorized and approved." In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Corporation, this 25th day of Apri 1 19 90. (SEAL) Form 253 0 Secretary PERFORMANCE BOND -16- (This page left blank intentionally) i BOND SBP 12081905 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS BoNf) CHECK Vh M i t AlA Document A312 Performance Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business): B & M Construction Company Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company 830 Majestic 5550 West Touhy Avenue Houston, Texas 77020 Skokie, Illinois 60077 OWNER (Name and Address): City of Lubbock P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: January 23, 1990 Amount: $304, 000.00 Description (Name and Location): LP&L Power Plant No. 2, Asbestos Abatement, Our Project #225 City of Lubbock. Project #10305 BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): Amount: I Modifications to this Bond: ❑ None ❑ See Page 3 rye— CQNTI�A71 0R.AS PRINCIPAL SURETY :'I• (Corporate Seal) Co m n (Corporate Seal) BC�r ' 1c�nstruction Company Indianz'`�Lbermens Mutual Insurance Company Signature: Signature: 4&&4e, h1ame and Title: Bill Bowlin -- President Name and Title - Steve Deal Attorney -in -Fact . ;(Any additional signatures appear on page 3) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY—Name,.Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or BOLEY-FEATHERSTON INSURANCE other party): 701 LAMAR W HITA FN LS, TX 7M1 AIA DOCUMENT A312 - PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAY,1AENT BOND - DECEMBER 1984 ED. - AIA .THE. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE.. N. V., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A312-1984 1 THIRD PRINTING - MARCH 1987 r- 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2 If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1. 3 If there is no Owner Default, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1 The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at its address described in Paragraph 10 below that the Owner is considering declaring a Contractor Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the Contractor and the Surety to be held not later than fifteen days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construc- tion Contract. If the Owner, the Contractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be allowed a reason- able time to perform the Construction Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right, if any, subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; and 3.2 The Owner has declared a Contractor Default and formally terminated the Contractor's right to complete the contract. Such Contractor Default shall not be de- clared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety have received notice as provided in Sub- paragraph 3.1; and 3.3 The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in accor- dance with the terms of the contract with the Owner. 4 When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Para. graph 3, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's ex• pense take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Construc- tion Contract itself, through its agents or through inde- pendent contractors; or 4.3 Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for performance and completion of the Con- struction Contract, arrange for a contract to be pre- pared for execution by the Owner and the contractor selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 6 in ex- cess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's default; or 4.4 Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: .1 After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the Owner and, as soon as practicable after the amount is deter- mined, tender payment therefor to the Owner; or .2 Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner citing reasons therefor. 5 If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4 with reasonable promptness; the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce.any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4, and the Owner refuses the payment tendered or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. 6 After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Construction.Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction Contract, the Sure- ty is obligated without duplication for: 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correc- tion of defective work and completion of the Construc- tion Contract; 6.2 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and re- , sulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and 6.3 Liquidated damages, or if nd liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual dam- ages caused by delayed performance or non-perfor- mance of the Contractor. 7 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Con- struction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators or successors. 8 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, includ- ing changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obliga- tions. 9 Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after Contractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond, whichever oc- curs first, if the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation avail- AIA DOCUMENT A312 - PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND - DECEMBER 1W ED. - AIA THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 A312-1984 2 THIRD PRINTING • MARCH 1987 able to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 10 Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the sig- nature page. 11 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions con- forming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 12 DEFINITIONS 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allowance to the Con - MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: tractor of any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, re- duced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Con- tract. 12.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the sig- nature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 . Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to per- form or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Con- tractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Address: Signature: Name and Title: Address: AIA 0001411FNr A312 - 1'( R1 f W-A \NI'I MIND \NI) 1'.\1.1.11 NN 114 M!I) . III 11.\1111 R I'll" 11) AIA o IIit \MI RI( .\N IN,,IIIIIIf (11 \R( 11111( I'�. 17 1' N1\C )1 )RA A\I , N %V , WAY fIN(.IIIN 1) 2111MMr A312-1984 3 11 ill111- •I— . 1. 1,111 1'111` 'Indiana Lumbermens Mutwal Insurance -Company f POWER OF ATTORNEY PRINCIPAL B & M Construction Company EFFECTIVE DATE April 25, 1990 830 Majestic Houston, Texas 77020 (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) CONTRACT AMOUNT 304, 000. 00 AMOUNT OF BOND $ 304, 000, 00 POWER NO. SBr 1.2081_905 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana, with its principal office in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Steve Deal State of Texas -- as its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority herby conferred to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof for and on its behalf as follows: The obligation of the Company shall not exceed four million ($4,000,000.00) dollars. And to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contract of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed b the President, sealed and duly attested by the Secretary of the Corporation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney( •in -Fact may do in the premises. This Power of Attorney is executed and may be revoked pursuant to and by authority granted by �rticle IV, Section 2-A (1) and (2) of the By -Laws of the ^� Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, which reads as follows: (1) The President or any Vice President shall have the power and authority, by and with the concurrence with the Secretary of the Corporation, to appoint Attorneys -in -Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting to Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and at any time to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact and to revoke the power and authority given to him. (2) Attorneys -in -Fact when so appointed shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the Powers of Attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation any and all Bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Corporation as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by the Secretary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President, attested by its Secretary and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed this FIRST day of JUNE 1 g 89. ATTEST: Indiana Lumbermens to 1 1 sura�nce Company Secretary Vice President STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF MARION SS: On this FIRST day of JUNE 19 89 before me personally came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged the execution of the above instrument and did depose and say; that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. My Commission Expires Notary Public s# . -- STATE INDIANA SS: ,�NoiANo,,.• COUNT OF MARION I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, which is still in force and effect. This Certificate may be signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of June 1973, �- "RESOLVED: That the use of printed facsimile of the Corporate Seal of the Company and of the signature of the Secretary on any certification of the correctness of a copy of an instrument executed by the President or a Vice President pursuant to Article IV, Section 2-A (1) and (2 of the By -Laws appointing and authorizing Attorney -in -Fact to sign in the name and on behalf of the Company Bonds and un ertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings .obligatory in the nature thereof with like effect as if such seal and such signature had been manually affixed and made, hereby` is authorized and approved.' In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Corporation, this 25th day of Apri 1 19 90 (SEAL) Form 253 0 Secretary -19- (This page left blank intentionally) �- CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Wausau Insurance Companies This is to certify that the insurance policies (described below by a policy number) written on forms in use by the company have been issued. This certificate is not a policy or a binder of insurance and does not in any way alter, amend or extend the coverage afforded by any policy referred to herein. Name and Mailing Address of Insured B & M Construction Producer No.: 0907 MO Majestic Office: Dallas Houston TX 77020 Date: 4-09-90 I Region: DAL J Type of Insurance CO. NO. Policy Number - Policy Effective Date (MO/DA/YR) Policy Expiration Date (MO/DA/YR) = = Unless otherwise indicated, this policy affords full coverage under the Workers Compensation laws of all states (except states where coverage can be provided only by State Funds, and Canada) and as designated in the policy and endorsements for Part Two (Employers Liability). Workers Compensation = * 2 1610-00-112779 6-7-89 6-7-90 - Liability Limits In Thousands (000 Omitted) .Comprehensive General Liability ,- Special Multi -Peril or Trademark (Section II only) Contractual -All Written Contracts ( )Included ( )Excluded Products - Completed Operations: ( ) Included ( ) Excluded - Bodily Injury - Each Occurrence - Aggregate - $ $ Property Damage -Each Occurrence Aggregate $ $ Single Limit - Each Occurrence -Aggregate $ $ Owners; Landlords and Tenants Liability - Bodily Injury - Each Occurrence $ Property Damage - Each Occurrence - Aggregate $ $ Owners 8 Contractors Protective Aggregate $ Each Occurrence $ Auto Liability ( ) All Owned Autos ( ) Specified Autos Only �( )Hired Autos ( ! ) Nonowned Autos - Single Limit Each Accident $ Bodily Injury Each Person $ Each Accident $ Property Damage Each Accident $ Umbrella Liability . Each Occurrence $ Aggregate Products - Completed Operations $ Retention $ special Provisions/ Locations/ speCnieO Autos: Texas J W Francis *Special Provisions PO Box 9970 $500,000 each accident Houston TX 77213 $500,000 disease — each employee $500,000 disease policy limit 'Includes USL&H Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policy (policies) described r^ above is subject to all of the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policy (policies) during the term(s) thereof.' The entry of a number in this column means that the coverage is afforded by the company designated by the same number. Issued to: * Issuing Company No. 02. EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU A Mutual Company .- City of Lubbock 03. WAUSAU UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE COMPANY 1625 13th St Room L04 07. ILLINOIS EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU Lubbock TX 79404 01. WAUSAU LLOYDS Signed - Au orized Representative 1288 (S)15-5736 EE INSURANCE AGENCY P.O. BOX 9970 HOUSTON, TX 77213 ( 713 )450-2012 4-2-90 F_%?LOYE.RS INSURANCE CCr:nANY OF WAUSAU �— P. 0. BOX 152800 IRVING, TEXAS 75015 RE: B & M CONSTRUCTION WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY #1610--00-1I2779 GENTLEMEN: PLEASE ISSUE A CERTIFICATE OF 7NSU&EuNCE ON THZ ABOVE CAPTIONED TO THE FOLLOWING: SHEI,1 DEVELOP:ENT CO. CITY OF LUBBOCK ATTN: DAVID LAUHON 1625 13TH STREET �.- 3737 BELLAIRE BLVD ROOM L04 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79404 S _VEN FRANCIS LEE INSURANCE AGENCY CC: B & M CONSTRUCTION 830 MAJESTIC HOUSTON-; -. TEXAS 77020 SHELL DEVELOPMENT ATTN: DAVID LAUHON 3737 BELLAIRE BLVD. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 CITY OF LUBBOCK 1625 13TH STREET ROOM L04 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79404 CONTRACT -21- (This page left blank intentionally) CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 11th day of January, 1990, by and between the City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas, acting by and through B.C. McMinn, Mayor, thereunto authorized to do so, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and B & M Construction of the City of HOUSTON, County of HARRIS and the State of TEXAS, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith (if any) the CON- TRACTOR hereby agrees with OWNER to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as foL- lows: BID # 10305 - ACM ABATEMENT LP&L POWER PLANT #2 FOR THE AMOUNT OF $329,000.000 and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the contract documents and at his (or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction in accordance with the contract documents as defined in the General Condition of Agreement. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him and to substantially complete same within the time specified in the contract documents. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the performance of the contract in accordance with the proposal submitted therefore, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the contract documents and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this agreement in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas in the year and day first above written. CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS (OWNER) By. Se etary MAYOR APPROVED AST CONTEN APPROVED AS TO FORM: B & M Construction 4 CONTRACTOR OM� By: TITLE: P es O',e � COMPLETE ADDRESS: ATTEST: 830 Maiestic Houston, Texas 77020 Secretary -22- (This page left blank intentionally) GENERAL CONDITIONS Of THE AGREEMENT -23- (This page left blank intentionally) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 1. OWNER Whenever the word Owner, or the expression Party of the First Part, or First Party, are used in this con- tract, it shall be understood as referring to the City of Lubbock, Texas. 2. CONTRACTOR Whenever the word Contractor, or the expression Party of the Second Part, or Second Party, is used, it shall be understood to mean the person, persons, copartnership or corporation, to -wit: B & M Construction , who has agreed to perform the work embraced in this contract, or to his or their legal representative. 3. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Whenever the word Owner's Representative or representative is used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to JAY WADSWORTH, PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT, LUBBOCK POWER & LIGHT, City of Lubbock, under whose supervision these contract documents, including the plans and specifications, were prepared, and who ^ will inspect constructions; or to such other representative, supervisor, or inspector as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular under this agreement. Engineers, supervisor or inspectors will act for the Owner under the direction of Owner's Representative, but shall not directly supervise the Contractor or men acting in behalf of the Contractor. 4. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ^ The contract documents shall consist of the Notice to Bidders, General Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Signed Agreement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Special Conditions of the Agreement (if any), Specifications, Plans, Insurance Certificate, and all other documents made available to Bidder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. 5. INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES Whenever the words "Directed," "Permitted," "Designated," "Required," "Considered Necessary," "Prescribed," or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation or prescription of the Owner's Representative is intended; and similarly, the words "Approved," "Acceptable," "Satisfactory," or words of like import shall mean approved by or acceptable or satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. Whenever in the Specifications or drawings accompanying this agreement, the terms of description of various qualities relative to finish, workmanship, or other qualities of similar kind which cannot, from their na- ture, be specifically and clearly described and specified, but are necessarily described in general terms, the fulfillment of which must depend on individual judgment, then, in all such cases, any question of the fulfillment of said Specifications shall be decided by the Owner's Representative, and said work shall be done in accordance with his interpretations of the meaning of the words, terms, or clauses defining the character of the work. 6. SUBCONTRACTOR ^—^ The term Subcontractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. Owner shall have no re- sponsibility to any Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, but said Subcontractors will look exclusively to Contractor for any payments due Subcontractor. -24- 7. WRITTEN NOTICE Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent certified mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. 8. WORK Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and all water, light, power, fuel, transportation and all other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract docu- ments. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have well known, technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer such recognized standards. All work shall be done and all materials furnished in strict conformity with the contract documents. 9. SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED The term "Substantially Completed" is meant that the structure or project contemplated by the contract docu- ments has been made suitable for use or occupancy or the facility is in a condition to serve its intended purpose, but still may require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. 10. LAYOUT Except as specifically provided herein, the Contractor shall be responsible for laying out all work and shall accomplish this work in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative will check the Contractor's layout of all major structures and any other layout work done by the Contractor at Contractor's request, but this check does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of correctly Locating all work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. 11. KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE The Contractor shall be furnished with one copies of all Plans, Profiles and Specifications without expense to him and he shall keep one copy of same consistently accessible on the job site. 12. RIGHT OF ENTRY The Owner's Representative may make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress of quality of the executed work and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract docu- ments. He will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, nor will he be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or the safety precautions incident thereto. His efforts will be directed towards providing assurances for the Owner that the completed project will conform to the requirements of the contract docu- ments, but he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on -site observations, he will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the work and will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor. -25- 13. LINES AND GRADES All lines and grades shall be furnished by the Owner's Representative whenever necessary for the commence- ment of the work contemplated by these contract documents or the completion of the work contemplated by these contract documents. Whenever necessary, Contractor shall suspend his work in order to permit Owner's Representative to comply with this requirement, but such suspension will be as brief as practical and Con- tractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefore. The Contractor shall give the Owner's Repre- sentative amplenoticeof the time and place where lines and grades will be needed. All stakes, marks, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor, and.in case of careless destruction or removal by him, his Subcontractors, or his employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be replaced by the Owner's Representa- tive at Contractor's expense. 14. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S AUTHORITY AND DUTY Unless otherwise specified, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the Owner's Representative shall review all work included herein. He has the authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. In order to permit delays and disputes and to discourage litigation, it is further agreed that the Owner's Representative shall, in all cases, determine the amounts and quantities of the several kinds of work which are to be paid for under this contract. He shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof, and shall, in all cases, decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of this contract on the part of said Contractor. The Owner's Representative's estimates and findings shall be conditions precedent to the right of the parties hereto to arbitration or to any action on the contract, and to any rights of the Contractor to receive any money under this contract; provided, however, that should Owner's Representative render any decision or give any direction, which in the opinion of either party hereto, is not in accordance with the meaning and intent of this contract, either party may file with said Owner's Representative within 30 days his written objection to the decision or direction so rendered, and by such action may reserve the right to submit the questions so raised to arbitration as hereinafter provided. It is the intent of this Agreement that there shall be no delay in the execution of the work, therefore, written decisions or direc- tion of the Owner's Representative as rendered shall be promptly carried out, and any claim arising there- from shall be thereafter adjusted to arbitration as hereinafter provided. The Owner's Representative shall, within a reasonable time, render and deliver to both the Owner and the Contractor a written decision on all claims of the parties hereto and on all questions which may arise rela- tive to the execution of the work or the interpretation of the contract, specifications and plans. Should the Owner's Representative fail to make such decision within a reasonable time, an appeal to arbitration may be taken as if his decision had been rendered against the party appealing. 15. SUPERINTENDENCE AND INSPECTION It is agreed by the Contractor that the Owner's Representative shall be and is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time such subordinate engineers, supervisors, or inspectors as the said Owner's Representative may deem proper to inspect the materials furnished and the work done under this Agreement, and to see that said material is furnished and said work is done in accordance with the specifications therefore. The Con- tractor shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required by the subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors for the proper inspection and examination of the work. The Contractor shall regard and obey "— the directions and instructions of any subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors so appointed, when such directions and instructions are consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and accompanying plans and specifications provided, however, should the Contractor object to any orders by any subordinate engineer, supervisor or inspector, the Contractor may within six (6) days make written appeal to the Owner's Representative for his decision. -26- 16. CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE The Contractor shall give personal attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this contract and shall keep on the work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to Owner's Representative. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. Adequate supervision by competent and reasonable representatives of the Contractor is essential to the proper performance of the work and lack of such supervision shall be grounds for suspending operations of the Contractor. The work, from its commencement to completion, shall be under the exclusive charge and control of the Con- tractor and all risk in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. The Owner or Owner's Representatives will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, or any subcontractors, or any of his agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work. 17. CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied himself as to the na- ture and location of the work, the confirmation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of mate- rials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, and the general and local conditions, and all other matters which in any way effect the work under this contract. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Owner, either before or after the execution of this contract, shall effect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. 18. CHARACTER OF WORKMEN The Contractor agrees to employ only orderly and competent men, skillful in the performance in the type of work required under this contract, to do the work; and agrees that whenever the Owner's Representative shall inform him in writing that any man or men on the work, are, in his opinion, incompetent, unfaithful, or dis- orderly, such man or men shall be discharged from the work and shall not again be employed on the work with- out the Owner's Representative's written consent. 19. CONSTRUCTION PLANT The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, machinery and materials necessary in the prosecu- tion and completion of this contract where it is not otherwise specifically provided that owner shall fur- nish same, and it is also understood that Owner shall not be held responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, or protection of any materials, tools, equipment or machinery or any part of the Work until it is finally completed and accepted. The building of structures for the housing of men or equipment will be permitted only at such places as the Owner's Representative shall direct, and the sanitary conditions of the grounds in or about such structure shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 20. SANITATION Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work site, properly secluded from public ob- servation, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and their use shall be strictly enforced. -27- 21. OBSERVATION AND TESTING The Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right at all reasonable times to observe and test the work. Contractor shaLL make necessary arrangements and provide proper facilities and access for such obser- vation and testing at any Location wherever work is in preparation or progress. Contractor shall ascertain the scope of any observation which may be contemplated by Owner or Owner's Representative and shall give am- ple notice as to the time each part of the work wiLL be ready for such observation. Owner or Owner's Rep- resentative may reject any work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, re- gardless of the stage of its completion or the time or place of discovery of such errors and regardless of `^ whether Owner's Observer has previously accepted the work through oversight or otherwise. If any work should be covered without approval or consent of the Owner, it must, if requested by Owner or Owner's Repre- sentative, be uncovered for examination at Contractor's expense. In the event that any part of the work is being fabricated or manufactured at a Location where it is not convenient for Owner or Owner's Representa- tive to make observations of such work or require testing of said work, then in such event Owner or Owner's Representative may require Contractor to furnish Owner or Owner's Representative certificates of inspection, testing or approval made by persons competent to perform such tasks at the Location where that part of the work is being manufactured or fabricated. ALL such tests wiLL be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials or such other applicable organization as may be required by Law or the contract documents. If any work which is required to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered up without written approval or consent of the Owner or Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by the Owner or Owner's Representa- tive, be uncovered for observation and testing at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspec- tions, tests and approvals shaLL be borne by the Contractor unless otherwise provided herein. Any work which fails to meet the requirements of any such tests, inspections or approval, and any work which meets the requirements of any such tests or approval but does not meet the requirements of the contract documents shall be considered defective. Such defective work shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. Neither observations by the Owner or Owner's Representative, nor inspections, tests, or approvals made by Owner, Owner's Representative, or other persons authorized under this agreement to make such inspections, tests, or approvals shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. 22. DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES It is further agreed that if the work or any part thereof, or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shaLL be deemed by the Owner or Owners' Representative as un- suitable or not in conformity with plans, specification and contract documents, the Contractor shall, after receipt of written notice thereof from the Owner's Representative, forthwith remove such material and re -build or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with this contract. It is fur- ther agreed that any remedial action contemplated as hereinabove set forth shaLL be at Contractor's expense. 23. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Contractor further agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the Owner may see fit, in the Line, grade, form dimensions, plans or or materials for the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof, either before or after the beginning of the construction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying bond. If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be dispensed with. If they in- crease the amount of work, and the increased work can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid according to the quantity actuaLLy done and at the unit price established for such work under this contract; otherwise such additional work shall be paid for as provided under Extra Work. In -28- case the owner shall make such changes or alterations as shall make useless any work already done or mate- rial already furnished or used in said work, then the owner shall recompense the Contractor for any material or labor so used, and for any actual loss occasioned by such change, due to actual expenses incurred in preparation for the work as originally planned. 24. EXTRA WORK The term "extra work" as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the owner or Owner's Representative to be done by the Contractor to accomplish any change, al- teration or addition to the work as shown on the plans and specifications or contract documents and not cov- ered by Contractor's proposal, except as provided under Changes and Alterations herein. It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform all extra work under the direction of the Owner's Representa- tive when presented with a written work order signed by the Owner's Representative; subject, however, to the right of the Contractor to require written confirmation of such extra work order by the Owner. it is also agreed that the compensation to be paid to the Contractor for performing said extra work shall be determined by the following methods: Method (A) - By agreed unit prices; or Method (B) - By agreed lump sum; or Method (C) - If neither Method (A) or Method (B) be agreed upon before the extra work is com- menced, then the Contractor shall be paid the actual field cost of the work, plus fifteen (15%) per cent. In the event said extra work be performed and paid for under Method (C), then the provisions of this para- graph shall apply and the "actual field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost of all workmen, such as foremen, timekeepers, mechanics and laborers, materials, supplies, teams, trucks, rentals on machinery and equipment, for the time actually employed or used on such extra work, plus actual transportation charges necessarily incurred, together with all expenses incurred directly on account of such extra work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits, Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workmen's Compensation and all other insurances as may be required by law or ordinances or directed by the Owner or Owner's Representative, or by them agreed to. Owner's Representative may direct the form in which accounts of the actual field cost shall be kept and records of these accounts shall be made available to the owner's Representative. The owner's Representative may also specify in writing, before the work commences, the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise, these mat- ters shall be determined by the Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the use of machin- ery and equipment shall be determined by using 100%, unless otherwise specified, of the latest Schedule of Equipment and Ownership Expenses adopted by the Associated General Contractors of America. Where practical, the terms and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the written extra work order. The fifteen percent (15%) of the actual field cost to be paid to Contractor shall cover and com- pensate him for his profit, overhead, general superintendence and field office expense, and all other ele- ments of cost and expense not embraced within the actual field cost as herein defined, save that where the Contractor's Camp or Field Office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra work, then the cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the "actual field cost." No claim for extra work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing by Owner's Representative. In case any orders or instructions appear to the Contractor to involve extra work for which he should receive compensation or an adjustment in the construction time, he shall make written request to the Owner's Repre- sentative for a written order authorizing such extra work. Should a difference of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute extra work or as to the payment therefore, and the Owner's Representative in- sists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep adequate and accurate account of the actual field cost thereof, as provided under Method (C). The Contractor will thereby preserve the right to submit the matter of payment to arbi- tration as herein below provided. -29- 25. DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS It is further agreed that it is the intent of this contract that all work described in the proposal, the specifications, plans and other contract documents, is to be done for the prices quoted by the Contractor and that such price shall include all appurtenances necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of these contract documents as interpreted by Owner's Representative. If the Contractor finds any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, he should notify the Owners' Representative and obtain a clarification before the bids are received, and if no such request is received by the Owner's Representative prior to the opening of bids, then it shall be considered that the Contractor fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in his proposal to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. It is further understood that any re- quest for clarification must be submitted no later than five days prior to the opening of bids. 26. RIGHT OF OWNER TO MODIFY METHODS AND EQUIPMENT If at any time the methods or equipment used by the Contractor are found to be inadequate to secure the quality of work with the rate of progress required under this contract, the Owner or Owner's Representative may order the Contractor in writing to increase their safety or improve their character and efficiency and the Contractor shall comply with such order. If, at any time, the working force of the Contractor is inadequate for securing the progress herein speci- fied, the Contractor shall, if so ordered in writing, increase his force or equipment, or both, to such an extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of progress. 27. PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC The Contractor shall take out and procure a policy or policies of Workmen's Compensation Insurance with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, which policy shall comply with the Workmen's Compensation laws of the State of Texas. The Contractor shall at all times exercise reasonable precaution for the safety of employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of Associated General Contractors of America, except where incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. The Contractor, his sureties and insurance carriers shall defend, indem- nify and save harmless the Owner and all of its officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character whatsoever, brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sus- tained by any person or persons or property, on account of any negligent act or fault of the Contractor or any subcontractor, their agents or employees, in the execution and supervision of said contract, and the project which is the subject matter of this contract, on account of the failure of Contractor or any subr-on- tractor to provide necessary barricades, warning lights, or signs and will be required to pay any judgment with costs which may be obtained against the Owner or any of its officers, agents, or employees including attorney's fees. The safety precautions taken shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, in his sole discretion as an Independent Contractor; inclusion of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well as any notice which may be given by the owners or the Owner's Representative concerning omissions under this paragraph as the work pro- gresses, are intended as reminders to the Contractor of his duty and shall not be construed as any assump- tion of duty to supervise safety precautions by either the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. -30- 28. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall procure and carry at his sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, in- surance protection as hereinafter specified. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company au- thorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance The contractor shall have Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of $300,000 Bodily Injury and $300,000 Property Damage per occurrence to include: Premises and Operations Explosion & Collapse Hazard Underground Damage Hazard Products & Completed operations Hazard Contractual Liability Independent Contractors Coverage Personal Injury (with exclusion "c" waived) The City is to be named as an additional insured on this policy for this specific job, and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. B. Owner's Protective or Contingent Public Liability insurance and Property Damage Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall obtain an Owner's Protective or Contingent Public Liability Insurance policy naming the City of Lubbock as insured and the amount of such policy shall be as follows For bodily injuries, including accidental death, $500,000 per occurrence, and $100,000 for Property Damage. C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance The Contractor shall have Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of not less than; Bodily Injury $250/500,000 Property Damage $100,000 to include all owned and non -owned cars including: Employers Non -ownership Liability Hired and Non - owned vehicles. The City is to be named as an additional insured on this policy for this specific job and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. D. Builder's Risk Insurance The Contractor shall obtain a Builder's Risk policy in the amount of (100% of poten- tial loss) naming the City of Lubbock as insured. -31- E. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance The Contractor shall have Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance in the amount of ($1,000,000 minimum) with coverage to correspond with Comprehensive General Liability and Comprehen- sive Automobile Liability coverages. The City is to be named as an additional insured on this policy for this specific job and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. F. Worker's Compensation"and Employers Liability Insurance As required by State statute covering all employees whether employed by the Contrac or or any Sub- ^ -- _.c9ntractor on the job with Employers Liability of at least $100,000 limit. - G. Proof of Coverage Before work on this contract is commenced, each Contractor and subcontractor shall submit to the owner for approval five Certificates of Insurance covering each insurance policy carried and offered as evidence of compliance with the above insurance requirements, signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company setting forth: (1) The name and address of the insured. (2) The location of the operations to which the insurance applies. .r. (3) The name of the policy and type or types of insurance in force thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. (4) The expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liability thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. (5) A provision that the policy may be canceled only by mailing written notice to the named in- sured at the address shown in the bid specifications. (6) A provision that written notice shall be given to the City ten days prior to any change in or cancellation of the policies shown on the certificate. (7) The certificate or certificates shall be on the form (or identical copies thereof) con- tained in the job specifications. No substitute of nor amendment thereto will be accept- able. 29. PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUBCONTRACTORS LABORERS MATERIALMEN AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY EQUIPMENT ,., AND SUPPLIES The Contractor agrees that he will indemnify and save the owner harmless from all claims growing out of any demands of subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen and furnishers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, all suppliers, including commissary, incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this contract. When owner so desires, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged or waived. If during the progress of the work, Contractor shall allow any indebtedness to accrue for work furnished by any of those designated in the preceding paragraph and shall fail to pay and discharge any such indebtedness within five (5) days after demand is made, then Owner may, during the period for which such indebtedness -32- shall remain unpaid, withhold from the unpaid portion of this contract, a sum equal to the amount of such unpaid indebtedness or may apply the sum so withheld to discharge any such indebtedness. Any and all communications between any party under this paragraph must be in writing. 30. PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENT INVENTION The contractor -shall pay all royalties and license fees, and shall provide for the use of any design, de- vice, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the Paten- tee or Owner thereof. The Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyrights and shall indemnify and save the Owner harmless from any loss on account thereof, except that owner shall defend all such suits and claims and shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, device, material or process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is speci- fied or required in these contract documents by Owner; provided, however, if choice of alternate design, de- vice, material or process is allowed to the Contractor, then Contractor shall indemnify and save Owner harm- less from any loss on account thereof. If the material or process specified or required by Owner is an in- fringement, the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives written notice to the Owner of such infringement. 31. LAWS AND ORDINANCES The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, which in any manner effect the contract or the work, and shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any claims arising from the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Contractor or his employees. If the Contractor observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the owners' Representative in writing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Owner's Representative, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. The Owner is a municipal corporation of the State of Texas and the law from which it derives its powers, in- sofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the Owner may enter into contracts, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract to the same effect as though embodied herein. 32. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING The Contractor further agrees that he will retain personal control and will give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract. The Contractor further agrees that subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the Contractor from his full obligations to the Owner, as provided by this contractual agreement. 33. TIME FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is hereby understood and mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and time for completion as specified in the contract of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed. If the Contractor should neglect, fail, or refuse to complete the work within the time herein specified, or any proper extension thereof granted by the Owner, then the Contractor does hereby agree as part of the con- sideration for the awarding of this contract, the Owner may withhold permanently from Contractor's total compensation, the sum of $50.00 (DOLLARS) PER DAY, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the -33- breach of the contract as herein set forth for each and every calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated for completing the work. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the owner, that the time for the com- pletion of the work described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consid- eration the average climatic change and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this Local- ity. The amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because of the impractica- bility and extreme difficulty in fixing and ascertaining actual damages the Owner would in such event sus- tain, and the amount is agreed to be damages the Owner would sustain and shall be retained by the Owner from current periodical estimates for payments or from final payment. It is further agreed and understood between the Contractor and Owner that time is of the essence of this contract. 34. TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION ._, It is the meaning and intent of this contract, unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the Con- tractor shall be allowed to prosecute his work at such time and sessions, in such order of precedence, and in such manner as shall be most conductive to economy of construction; provided, however, that the order and time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this contact, the plans and specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the proposals; provided, also, that when the Owner is having other work done, either by contract or by his own force, the Owner's Representative may direct the time and manner of constructing work done under this _ contract so that conflicts will be avoided and the construction of the various works being done for the Owner shall be harmonized. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Owner's Representative, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, with dates at which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the sev- eral parts. 35. EXTENSION OF TIME The Contractor agrees that he has submitted his proposal in full recognition of the time required for the completion of this project, taking into consideration the average climatic range and industrial conditions prevailing in this locality, and has considered the liquidated damage provisions of paragraph 33 hereinabove set forth and that he shall not be entitled to, nor will he request, an extension of time on this contrar except when his work has been delayed by an act or neglect of the Owner, Owner's Representative, employees of the Owner or other contractors employed by the owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, walk -outs, acts of God or the public enemy, fire or flood. The Contractor may apply in writing for an ex- tension of time, submitting therewith all written justification as may be required by Owner's Representative for such an extension as requested by Contractor. The Owner's Representative within ten (10) days after re- ceipt of a written request for an extension of time by the Contractor supported by all requested docu- mentation shall then submit such written request to the City Council of the City of Lubbock for their con- sideration. Should the Contractor disagree with the action of City Council on granting an extension of time, such disagreement shall be settled by arbitration as hereinafter provided. 36. HINDRANCE AND DELAYS In executing the contract agreement, the Contractor agrees that in undertaking to complete the work within the time herein fixed, he has taken into consideration and made allowances for all hindrances and delays in- cident to such work, whether growing out of delays in securing material or workmen or otherwise. No charge s. -34- shall be made by the Contractor for hindrance or delays from any cause during the progress of any part of the work embraced in this contract except where the work is stopped by order of the Owner or Owner's Representative for the Owner's convenience, in which event, such expense as in the judgment of the Owner's Representative that is caused by such stoppage shall be paid by Owner to Contractor. 37. QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed, but the actual measured or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be considered, unless otherwise specifically provided. In the event this contract is let on a unit price basis, then owner and Contractor agree that this contract, including the specifications, plans and other contract documents are intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be furnished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown for the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract, they are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing their proposals of- fered for the work. It is understood and agreed that the actual amount of work to be done and the materials to be furnished under this contract may differ somewhat from these estimates, and that where the basis for payment under this contract is the unit price method, payment shall be for the actual amount of work done and materials furnished on the project. 38. PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY The Contractor shall take proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which may be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and he shall be Liable for any and all claims for such damage on account of his failure to fully protect all adjacent property. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Owner against any claim or claims for damages due to any injury to any adjacent or adjoining property, arising or growing out of the perfor- mance of this contract, but such indemnity shall not apply to any claim of any kind arising out of the exis- tence or character of the work. 39. PRICE FOR WORK In consideration of the furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment and material and the completion of all work by the Contractor, and on the delivery of all materials embraced in this contract in full conformity with the specifications and stipulations herein contained, the owner agrees to pay the Contractor the price set forth in the proposal attached hereto, which has been made a part of this contract, and the Contractor hereby agrees to receive such price in full for furnishing all materials and all labor required for the aforesaid work, also, for all expenses incurred by him and for well and truly performing the same and tL-- whole thereof in the manner and according to this agreement, the attached specifications, plans, contract documents and requirements of Owner's Representative. 40. PAYMENTS No payments made or certificates given shall be considered as conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either wholly or in part, nor shall any certificate or payment be considered as acceptance of de- fective work. Contractor shall at any time requested during the progress of the work furnish the Owner or Owner's Representative with a verifying certificate showing the Contractor's total outstanding indebtedness in connection with the work. Before final payment is made, Contractor shall satisfy Owner, by affidavit or otherwise, that there are no outstanding liens against Owner's premises by reason of any work under the con- tract. Acceptance by Contractor of final payment of the contract price shall constitute a waiver of all claims against Owner which have not theretofore been timely filed as provided in this contract. -35- 41. PARTIAL PAYMENTS On or before the tenth day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representative an applica- tion for partial payment. Owner's Representative shall review said application for partial payment and the progress of the work made by the Contractor and if found to be in order shall prepare a certificate for par-tial payment showing as completely as practical the total value of the work done by the Contractor up to and including the last day of the preceding month; said statement shall also include the value of all sound ma- terials delivered on site of the work that are to be fabricated into the work. The Owner shall then pay the Contractor on or before the fifteenth day of the current month the total amount of the Owner's Representative's Certificate of Partial Payment, less 5% of the amount thereof, which 5% shall be retained until final payment, and further, less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by Owner under the terms of this agreement. It is understood, however, that in case the whole work be near to completion, and this fact is certified to by Owner's Representative and some unexpected and some unusual delay occurs due to no fault or negligence on the part of the Contractor, the Owner may upon �— written recommendation of Owner's Representative pay a reasonable and equitable portion of the retained per- centage due Contractor. 42. FINAL COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Within thirty-one (31) days after the Contractor has given the Owner's Representative written notice that the work has been completed or substantially completed, the Owner's Representative and the Owner shall in- spect the work and within said time, if the work be found to be completed or substantially completed in ac- cordance with the contract documents, the Owner's Representative shall issue to the Owner and Contractor his certificate of completion, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Owner within thirty-one (31) days to issue a certificate of acceptance of the work to the Contractor. 43. FINAL PAYMENT Upon the issuance of the certificate of completion, the Owner's Representative shall proceed to make final measurement and prepare a final statement of the value of all work performed and materials furnished under the terms of the agreement, and shall certify same to the Owner, who shall pay to the Contractor on or be- fore the 31st day after the date of certificate of completion, the balance due Contractor under the terms of this agreement, provided he has fully performed his contractual obligations under the terms of this con- tract; and said payment shall become due in any event upon said performance by the Contractor. Neither the certificate of acceptance nor the final payment, nor any provisions in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of the obligation for fulfillment of any warranty which may be required in the special condi- tions (if any) of this contract or required in the specifications made a part of this contract. 44. CORRECTION OF WORK BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT FOR WORK Contractor shall promptly remove from Owners' premises all materials condemned by the Owner's Representative p— on account of failure to conform to the contract, whether actually incorporated in the work or not, and Con- tractor shall at his own expense promptly replace such condemned materials with other materials conforming to the requirements of the contract. Contractor shall also bear the expense of restoring all work of other contractors damaged by any such removal or replacement. If Contractor does not remove and replace any such condemned work within a reasonable time after a written notice by the Owner or the Owner's Representative, Owner may remove and replace it at Contractor's expense. 45. CORRECTION OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT Neither the final payment nor certificate nor any provision in this contract shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the -36- date of substantial completion. The Owner or the Owner's Representative shall give notice of observed de- fects with reasonable promptness. 46. PAYMENT WITHHELD The Owner may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, withhold or nullify the whole or part of any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to protect himself from loss on account of: (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating possible filing of claims. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments promptly to subcontractors or for materials or labor. (d) Damage to another contractor. When the above grounds are removed, or the Contractor provides a surety bond satisfactory to the Owner, which will protect the Owner in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them. 47. TIME OF FILING CLAIMS It is further agreed by both parties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the Contractor shall be in writing and filed with the Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) days after the Owner's Representative has given any directions, order or instruction to which the Contractor desires to take exception. The Owners' Representative shall reply to such written exceptions by the Contractor and render his final decision in writing. In case the Contractor should appeal from the decision of the Owner's Representative, any demand for arbitration shall be filed with the Owner's Representative and the Owner in writing within ten (10) days after the date of delivery to Contractor of the final decision of the Owner's Representative. It is further agreed that final acceptance of the work by the Owner and the acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be a bar to any claim by either party, except where noted other- wise in the contract documents. 48. ARBITRATION All questions of dispute under this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration at the request of either party to the dispute. The parties may agree upon one arbitrator, otherwise, there shall be three; one named in writing by each party and the third chosen by the two arbiters selected; or if the arbiters fail to se- lect a third within ten (10) days, he shall be chosen by the District Judge, 72nd Judicial District of Texas. Each arbiter shall be a resident of the City of Lubbock. Should the party demanding arbitration fail to name an arbiter within ten (10) days of the demand, his right to arbitrate shall lapse, and the de- cision of the Owner's Representative shall be final and binding on him. Should the other party fail to choose an arbiter within ten (10) days, the Owner's Representative shall appoint such arbiter. Should ei- ther party refuse or neglect to supply the arbiters with any papers or information demanded in writing, the arbiters are empowered by both parties to take Ex Parte Proceedings. The arbiters shall act with promptness. The decision of any two shall be binding on both parties to the contract, unless either or both parties shall appeal within ten (10) days from date of the award by the ar- biters, and it is hereby agreed that each party shall have the right of appeal and all proceedings shall be according to and governed by Arbitration Statutes of Texas, being Article 224, et seq., Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. THE DECISION OF THE ARBITERS UPON ANY QUESTION SUBMITTED TO ARBITRATION UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO ANY RIGHT OF LEGAL ACTION. -37- The arbiters, if they deem the case demands it, are authorized to award the party whose contention is sus- tained, such sums as they deem proper for the time, expense and trouble incident to the appeal, and if the appeal was taken without reasonable cause, they may award damages for any delay occasioned thereby. The ar- biters shall fix their own compensation, unless otherwise provided by agreement, and shall assess the costs and charges of the arbitration upon either or both parties. The award of the arbiters must be made in writ- ing and shall not be open to objection on account of the form of proceedings or award. 49. ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR In case the Contractor should abandon and fail or refuse to resume work within ten (10) days after written notification from the Owner or the Owner's Representative, or if the Contractor fails to comply with the or- ders of the Owner's Representative, when such orders are consistent with this contract, this Agreement, or the Specifications hereto attached, then the Surety on the bond shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the work and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the Contractor. �. After receiving said notice of abandonment, the Contractor shall not remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies then on the job, but the same, together with any materials and equipment under the contract for work, may be held for use on the work by the Owner or the Surety of the Contractor, or another contractor, in completion of the work; and the Contractor shall not receive any rental or credit therefore (except when used in connection with Extra work, where credit shall be allowed as provided for under paragraph 24 of this contract); it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement. In case the Surety should fail to commence compliance with the notice for completion hereinbefore provided for within ten (10) days after service of such notice, then the Owner may provide for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: (a) The Owner may employ such force of men and use of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and sup- plies as said Owner may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of such labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said Contractor, and the expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the Owner out of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this Agreement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been com- pleted by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall receive the difference. In case such expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been com- pleted by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or his Surety shall pay the amount of such excess �.. to the Owner; or (b) The Owner, under sealed bids, after notice published as required by law, at least twice in a newspa- per having a general circulation in the County of location of the work, may fet the contract for the completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case of any increase in cost to the Owner under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under this contract, such increase shall be charged to the Contractor and the Surety shall be and remain bound therefore. However, should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than that which would have been the cost to complete the work under this contract, the Contractor or his Surety shall be credited therewith. When the work shall have been substantially completed, the Contractor and his Surety shall be so notified and certificates of completion and acceptance, as provided in paragraph 42 hereinabove set forth, shall be issued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by Owner's Representative as being correct shall then be prepared and delivered to Contractor and his Surety, whereon the Contractor or his -Surety, or the Owner as the case may be, shall pay the balance due as reflected by said statement within 30 days after the date of certificate of completion. -38- In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the Owner had the work been completed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract, or when the Contractor and/or his Surety shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies left on the site of the work shall be turned over to the Contractor and/or his Surety. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the Contractor and/or his Surety fail to pay the amount due the Owner within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials shall be mailed to the Contractor and his Surety at the respective addresses designated in this contract; provided, however, that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety subject only to the duty of the Owner to exercise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) days from the date of said notice the Owner may sell such machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the Contractor and his Surety. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the Owner may elect. The Owner shall release any machin- ery, equipment, tools, materials, or supplies which remain on the *jobsite and belong to persons other than the Contractor or his Surety, to their proper owners. 50. ABANDONMENT BY OWNER In case the Owner shall fail to comply with the terms of this contract, and should fail or refuse to comply with said terms within ten (10) days after written notification by the Contractor, then the Contractor may suspend or wholly abandon the work, and may remove therefrom all machinery, tools, and equipment, and all materials on the ground that have not been included in payments to the Contractor and have not been incorpo- rated into the work. Thereupon, the Owner's Representative shall make an estimate of the total amount earned by the Contractor, which estimate shall include the value of all work actually completed by said Con- tractor at the prices stated in the the attached proposal, the value of all partially completed work at a fair and equitable price, and the amount of all Extra Work performed at the prices agreed upon, or provided for by the terms of this contract, and a reasonable sum to cover the cost of any provisions made by the Con- tractor to carry the whole work to completion, and which cannot be utilized. The Owner's Representative shall then make a final statement of the balance due the Contractor by deducting from the above estimate all previous payments by the Owner and all other sums that may be retained by the Owner under the terms of this Agreement, and shall certify same to the Owner who shall pay to the Contractor on or before thirty (30) days after the date of the notification by the Contractor the balance shown by said final statement as due the Contractor, under the terms of this Agreement. 51. BONDS The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a performance bond and payment bond in accordance with Article 5160, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes in the amount of 100% of the total contract price, in the event said contract price exceeds $25,000.00. If the contract price does not exceed $25,000.00, the statu- tory bonds will not be required. All bonds, if required, shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Owner, and executed by an approved Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Texas. And it is fur- ther agreed that this contract shall not be in effect until such bonds are so furnished. 52. SPECIAL CONDITIONS In the event special conditions are contained herein as part of the contract documents and said special con- ditions conflict with any of the general conditions contained in this contract, then in such event the special conditions shall control. -39- 53. LOSSES FROM NATURAL CAUSES Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss or damage to the Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance and the prosecution of the same, or from unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. 54. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor is, and shall remain, an independent contractor with full, complete and exclusive power and au- thority to direct, supervise, and control his own employees and to determine the method of the performance of the work covered hereby. The fact that the Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right to ob- serve Contractor's work during his performance and to carry out the other prerogatives which are expressly reserved to and vested in the Owner or Owner's Representative hereunder, is not intended to and shall not at any time change or effect the status of the Contractor as an independent contractor with respect to either the Owner or Owner's Representative or to the Contractor's own employees or to any other person, firm, or corporation. 55. CLEANING UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris caused by the work, and at the completion of the work he shall remove all such debris and also his tools, scaffolding, and surplus materials and shall leave the work room clean or its equivalent. The work shall be left in good order and condition. In case of dispute Owner may remove the debris and charge the cost to the Contractor. -40- (This page left blank intentionally) CURRENT WAGE DETERMINATIONS -41- (This page left blank intentionally) v DGV:da 0FC01 IITTnhl Resolution �2502 January 8, 1987 Agenda Item 718 WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore established the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workmen or mechanics needed to execute public works contracts for the City of Lubbock in accordance with the provisions of Vernon's Ann.Civ.St., Art. 5159a; and WHEREAS, such wage rates were established by Resolution No. 719 enacted February 12, 1981, updated by Resolution No. 1590 enacted February 23, 1984; and WHEREAS, such rates need to be updated at the present time in order to reflect the current prevailing rate of per diem wages; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for public works contracts shall be as set forth in the following named exhibits, which exhibits shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents —^ and purposes: Exhibit A: Building Construction Trades Exhibit B: Paving and Highway Construction Trades Exhibit C: Electrical Trades Exhibit D: Overtime Rate Exhibit E: Weekend and Holiday Rate Such wage rates are hereby found and declared to be the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in all localities where public works are undertaken -- on behalf of the City of Lubbock and such wage rates shall be included in all public works contracts as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 8th day of January w 1987. B.C. McMINN, MAYOR �., ATTE Ranette,-Boyd, City Secretary APPROVED TO ONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 04 ti P Bi 1 P yne, D rector of Building DoZrA d G. Vandiver, First Services Assistant City Attorney EXHIBIT A City of Lubbock Building Construction Trades Prevailing Rates Craft Acoustical Ceiling Installer Air Conditioner Installer Air Conditioner Installer -Helper Bricklayer Bricklayer -Helper Carpenter Carpenter -Helper Cement Finisher Drywall Hanger Electrician Electrician -Helper Equipment Operator - Heavy Light Floor Installer Glazier Insulator, Piping/Boiler Insulator -Helper Iron Worker Laborer, General Mortar Mixer Painter _ Plumber Plumber -Helper Roofer Roofer -Helper Sheet Metal Worker Sheet Metal Worker -Helper Welder - Certified Hourly Rate $11.60 8.35 5.50 10.50 5.00 11.00 5.50 7.35 8.70 10.50 5.25 8.00 5.70 8.00 7.50 9.50 5.00 7.30 4.75 5.60 __ 8.75 9.25 6.00 7.65 4.75 8.75 5.50 8.00 ow EXHIBIT B Paving and Highway Construction Prevailing Wage Rates -- Craft Hourly Rate Asphalt Heaterman $5.25 Asphalt Shoveler 4.75 Concrete Finisher 7.35 Concrete Finisher -Helper 4.75 Electrician 10.50 Flagger 4.75 Form Setter 6.50 Form Setter -Helper 5.50 ... Laborer, General 4.75 Laborer, Utility 5.80 Mechanic 6.50 Mechanic -Helper - 6.00 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Asphalt Paving Machine 6.00 Bulldozer 5.25 Concrete Paving Machinist 6.50 �. Front End Loader 5.85 Heavy Equipment Operator 6.40 Light Equipment Operator 6.40 Motor Grade Operator 8.00 Roller 5.25 Scraper 5.25 Tractor 5.50 -- Truck Driver - Light 5.25 Heavy 5.25 EXHIBIT C Electric Construction Trades Prevailing Wage Rates Craft Power Line Foreman Lineman Journeyman Lineman Apprentice Series Groundman Series EXHIBIT D Prevailing Wage Rates Overtime Rate Hourly Rate $11.00 10.45 8.90 7.25 The rate for overtime (in excess of forty hours per week) is 1 1/2 times base rate. EXHIBIT E Prevailing Wage Rates Weekend and Holiday Rate The rate for weekend and holiday is 1 1/2 times base rate. opccIrzmnzowo ~° (This page left blank intentionally) PROJECT MANUAL For Abatement of Asbestos -Containing Materials: LPL POWER PLANT NO. 2 Lubbock, Texas Project Number: 1898-02 Prepared for: CITY OF LUBBOCK Lubbock, Texas Prepared by: MAXIM ENGINEERS, INC. Engineering and Environmental Consultants Ft. Worth, Texas August 18, 1989 INDEX NUMBER OF PAGES PROJECT INFORMATION SECTION 00010 PROJECT DIRECTORY ............................. 1 SECTION 00500 PROJECT SUBMITTALS 1 SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS ...................... 7 SECTION01000 SUMMARY OF WORK ............................... 12 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES SECTION 01050 PROJECT COORDINATION 2 SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS ...................... 11 SECTION 01200 CODES AND REGULATIONS ......................... 5 SECTION 01300 SCHEDULES, REPORTS, PAYMENTS .................. 4 SECTION 01350 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES .......... 4 SECTION 01360 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS ............. 2 SECTION 01370 PRODUCT HANDLING .............................. 2 SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES .......................... 6 SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 6 AIR MONITORING / INSPECTION / LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 7 SECTION 01410 FINAL CLEARANCE ............................... 2 FULL CONTAINMENT ABATEMENT PROCEDURES SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT ......................... 6 SECTION 01510 PRE -CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES ... 4 SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS ......................... 9 SECTION 01530 NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM ...................... 5 SECTION 01540 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS ...... 5 SECTION 01550 REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS (GLOVEBAG METHOD).. 5 SECTION 01560 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAMINATED SOIL ......... 1 SECTION 01570 ENCAPSULATION PROCEDURES ...................... 3 SECTION 01580 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION ....................... 5 SECTION 01590 DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING WASTE MATERIALS .......................... 2 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SECTION 01600 LOCAL AREA PROTECTION ......................... 3 SECTION 01610 ENTRY INTO CONTROLLED AREAS ................... 3 SECTION 01620 WORKER PROTECTION (REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE) .... 10 PERSONNEL -PROTECTION (,ASBESTOS ABATEMENT) SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION ............................. 9 SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ........................ 6 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION -- SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION ................. 8 SECTION 15200 REPAIR OF INSULATION AND LAGGING .............. 3 SECTION 00010 PROJECT DIRECTORY PAGE 1 PROJECT DIRECTORY SECTION 00010 PROJECT: LPL POWER PLANT NO. 2 3500 East Slaton Hwy. Lubbock, Texas 79401 (806) 763-7881 Ext. 2305 Contact: Mr. Jay Wadsworth Project Number: 1898-02 OWNER: CITY OF LUBBOCK Municipal Building 1625 13th Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 (806) 762-6411 Ext. 2165 Mr. Gene Eads ENGINEER: (Owner's Representative/Testing Laboratory/ Project Administrator) MAXIM ENGINEERS, INC. 7600 Sand Street Ft. Worth, Texas 76118 (817) 595-2288 FAX (214) 484-5804 Y Gary D. Evans Senior Project Manager Abatement Project Designer: Ron A. Marrs, AIA 461-72-6091 EPA Accredited Course (Contractors, Supervisors) University of Texas at Arlington, April , 1989 *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 1 SUMMARY OF WORK SECTION 01000 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS• Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents, as prepared by the ENGINEER, indicate the Work of the Contract and related requirements and conditions that have an impact on the Project. Related requirements and conditions include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: - Applicable codes and regulations. -, - Notices, permits, license fees, taxes. - Existing site conditions and restrictions on use of site. - Work performed prior to work under this Contract. - Alterations and coordination with existing work. - Work to be performed concurrently by the OWNER. - Work to be performed concurrently by separate contractors. - Work to be performed subsequent to work under this Contract. - Requirements for partial OWNER occupancy prior to substantial completion of the Contract Work. - Allowances. SUMMARY BY REFERENCES: Work of the Contract can be summarized by references to the Contract, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Specification Sections, Drawings, addenda and modifications to the Contract Documents issued subsequent to the initial printing of this Project Manual and including, but not necessarily limited to, printed material referenced by any of the above. Work of the Contract is also unavoidably affected or influenced by governing regulations, natural phenomenon including weather conditions and other forces outside Contract Documents. SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 2 CONTRACT TIME• The OWNER intends to award the Contract by the Tentative Contract Award date; however, is under no obligation to do so. If the Contract is awarded on the Tentative Contract Award date, the Contractor shall commence work on the Project Start date, and shall fully complete all work by the Project Completion date. If a different Project Start date is selected by the OWNER and the Contractor agrees to the revised start date, the Work shall be completed within the Maximum Project Duration, being the number of consecutive calendar days from the revised Project Start date to the revised Project Completion date. Tentative Contract Award.................Month 0, 1989 Project Start............................Month 0, 1989 Project Completion .......................Month 0, 1989 Maximum Project Duration: Maximum consecutive calendar days........ 00 days Maximum work hours...... twenty-four hours per day seven days per week ABBREVIATED WRITTEN SUMMARY: Briefly and without force and effect upon the Contract Documents, the Work of the Contract can be summarized as including removal and disposal of asbestos -containing materials associated with: - boiler, chiller, tank and flue insulation - piping and fittings insulation - cement -asbestos board - vinyl -asbestos floor tiles - thermal insulation debris in the following approximate quantities*: * Quantities listed are estimates only. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for verifying quantity estimates prior to submission of bid. The CONTRACTOR shall perform work for materials and locations indicated, regardless of actual quantities, and no increase in Contract amount will be allowed for quantity adjustment. SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 3 BOILER CHILLER TANK AND FLUE SURFACES �- These areas shall be abated under full containment utilizing guidelines as set forth in these specifications. Turbine Floor: Turbine No. 3 �y �h Body Insulation Remove 120 sq. ft. ,-Turbine No. 4 Casing and Blanket Remove 250 sq. ft. w. Insulation Turbine No. 5 Casing and Blanket Remove 250 sq. ft. Insulation / Turbine No. 6 �^ Casing and Blanket Remove 225 sq. ft. Insulation Turbine No. 7 Casing and Blanket Remove 225 sq. ft. Insulation Steam Boiler No. 4 Mud Drum Insulation Remove 40 sq. ft. Steam Drum Insulation Remove 25 sq. ft. De -Aerator Body Insulation Repair 10 sq. ft. (2 each) Steam Boiler No. 3' Mud Drum Insulation Remove 40 sq. ft. Steam Drum Insulation Remove 25 sq. ft. Basement: Unit No. 5 Evaporator Body Repair 10 sq. ft. Insulation Unit No. 4 Evaporator Body Repair 10 sq. ft. Insulation SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 4 Exterior of Main Building (East Side): Boiler Unit No. 7 ---Pre-Heater Body Repair 200 sq. ft. Insulation Mud Drum Insulation Repair 50 sq. ft. Boiler Unit No. 6 Body and Pre -Heater Remove 2850 sq. ft. Insulation Boiler Unit No. 5 Pre -heater Body Remove 510 sq. ft. Insulation Mud Drum Insulation Remove 40 sq. ft. Steam Drum Insulation Remove 25 sq. ft. Pre -Heater Body Repair 880 sq. ft. Insulation Boiler Unit No. 4 Pre -Heater Body Repair 160 sq. ft. Insulation Pre -Heater Body Remove 60 sq. ft. Insulation Mud Drum Insulation Remove 50 sq. ft. Steam Drum Insulation Repair 50 sq: ft. Induced Air Duct Repair 80 sq. ft.-- Insulation Boiler Unit No. 3 Pre -Heater and Gas Remove 1000 sq. ft. Outlet Body Insulation Mud Drum Insulation Repair 50 sq. ft. Acid Tanks Body Insulation Remove 2700 sq. ft. SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 5 PIPING AND FITTINGS INSULATION These areas shall be abated with the Glove Bag Method utilizing guidelines as set forth in these specifications. Turbine Floor: Diesel No. 1 Exhaust Pipe Remove - 7 lin. ft., 1 fitting Insulation Turbine No. 4 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Remove - 7 lin. ft., 3 fittings > 6" diameter Remove -10 lin. ft., 5 fittings < 6" diameter Remove -30 lin. ft., 10 fittings Air Ejector No. 4 Pipe Insulation < 6" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 4 fittings Turbine No. 5 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Remove - 7 lin. ft., 3 fittings > 6" diameter Remove -10 lin. ft., 5 fittings < 6" diameter Remove -30 lin. ft., 10 fittings Turbine No. 6 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Remove - 7 lin. ft., 3 fittings > 6" diameter Remove -10 lin. ft., 5 fittings < 6" diameter Remove -30 lin. ft., 10 fittings Air Ejector No. 6 Piping Insulation > 6" diameter Repair 4 lin. ft., 8 fittings Turbine No. 7 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Remove - 5 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 6" diameter Remove -10 lin. ft., 5 fittings < 6" diameter Remove -20 lin. ft., 7 fittings Air Ejector No. 7 Piping Insulation > 6" diameter Repair - 4 lin. ft., 14 fittings SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 6 Steam Boiler No. 7 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 12" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 4 fittings < 6" diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting Steam Boiler No. 6 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting Steam Boiler No. 5 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 6" diameter Repair - 4 lin. ft., 0 fittings De -Aerator Piping Insulation < 6" diameter Repair - 6 lin. ft., 0 fittings Steam Boiler No. 4 Piping Insulation > 12" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 6" diameter Repair - 4 lin. ft., 0 fittings < 6" diameter Repair -55 lin. ft., 11 fittings Steam Boiler No. 3 Piping Insulation < 6" diameter Repair - 2 lin. ft., 0 fittings Basement: Turbine No. 7 Piping Insulation > 24" diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 12" diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 6" diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 24" diameter Repair - 1 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 12" diameter Repair -15 lin. ft., 8 fittings > 6" diameter Repair -13 lin. ft., 19 fittings < 6" diameter Repair - 3 lin. ft., 0 fittings Turbine No. 6 Piping Insulation > 24" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 12" diameter Repair - O din. ft., 4 fittings > 6" diameter Repair - 6 lin. ft., 9 fittings < 6" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 2 fittings SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 7 Turbine No. 5 Piping Insulation ,.� < 6" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 3 fittings Unit No. 5 Evaporator " Piping Insulation > 6" diameter Repair - 3 lin. ft., 0 fittings < 6" diameter Repair - 4 lin. ft., 0 fittings Turbine No. 4 Piping Insulation > 24" diameter Repair - 4 lin. ft., 0 fittings < 6" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 5 fittings Exterior of Main Building (East Side): Boiler Unit No. 7 Piping Insulation ... > 18" diameter Repair -25 lin. ft., 2 fittings. > 12" diameter Repair - 2 lin. ft., 0 fittings > 6" diameter Repair -50 lin. ft., 11 fittings < 6" diameter Repair -15 lin. ft., 4 fittings Boiler Unit No. 6 Piping Insulation -� > 18" diameter Remove -35 lin. ft., 2 fittings > 12" diameter Remove -25 lin. ft., 6 fittings > 6" diameter Remove -20 lin. ft., 5 fittings < 6" diameter Remove -60 lin. ft., 12 fittings Boiler Unit No. 5 Piping Insulation > 121, diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., i`fitting > 6" diameter Remove - 5 lin. ft., 10 fittings < 6" diameter Remove - 3 lin. ft., 0 fittings > 18" diameter Repair - 5 lin. ft., 5 fittings > 12" diameter Repair -40 lin.- ft., 5 fittings > 6" diameter Repair - 5 lin. ft., 5 fittings < 6" diameter Repair -25 lin. ft., 7 fittings Boiler Unit No. 4 Piping Insulation > 6" diameter Remove - 1 lin. ft., 2 fittings > 18" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 1 fitting > 6" diameter Repair - 0 lin. ft., 4 fittings < 6" diameter Repair -10 lin. ft., 2 fittings SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 8 Boiler Unit No. 3 Piping Insulation > 6" diameter Repair -60 lin. ft., 6 fittings Cooling Tower for Boiler Units No. 6 and No. 7 Piping Insulation > 6" diameter Remove - 0 lin. ft., 8 fittings CEMENT -ASBESTOS BOARD These areas shall be abated as non -friable asbestos -containing materials utilizing .guidelines as set forth in these specifications. Unit No. 6 and No. 7 Cooling Tower: Cement Asbestos Board Debris - 4000 sq. ft. VINYL -ASBESTOS FLOOR TILES These areas shall be abated as non -friable asbestos -containing materials utilizing guidelines as set forth in these specifications. Turbine Floor: Boiler Control Room - 60 sq. ft. THERMAL INSULATION DEBRIS These areas shall be abated under full containment utilizing guidelines as set forth in these specifications. Turbine Floor: Diesel No. 1 - 40 sq. ft. Turbine No. 3 - 20 sq. ft. Turbine No. 5 20 sq. ft. Turbine No. 6 - 20 sq. ft. Turbine No. 7 - 20 sq. ft. Steam Boiler No. 4 - 140 sq. ft. Steam Boiler No. 3 - 140 sq. ft. SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 9 Basement: Turbine No. 7 - 70 sq. ft. Turbine No. 6 - 110 sq. ft. Turbine No. 4 - 20 sq. ft. Outside Main Building (East Side): ^— Boiler and Pipe Insulation Debris - 5250 sq. ft. Acid Tanks - 400 sq. ft. Warehouse: Interior - 3600 sq. ft. GENERAL NOTES: The Contractor has the option of removing and reinsulating all materials defined in this specification as "REPAIR". SUMMARY BY SPECIFICATION SECTION: The Work includes removal of asbestos -containing materials (ACM) according to the requirements of the following specification sections in the sequence indicated: PROJECT INFORMATION: Section 00700 - General Conditions of the Contract Section 00800 - Supplementary Conditions Section 00850 - Allowances Section 01000 - Summary"of the Work ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: ._ Section 01050 - Project Coordination Section 01100 - Definitions and Standards Section 01200 - Codes and Regulations Section 01300 - Schedules, Reports, Payments Section 01350 - Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples Section 01360 - Substitutions and Product Options Section 01370 - Product Handling -- Section 01380 - Temporary Facilities Section 01390 - Project Closeout SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 10 AIR MONITORING j INSPECTION / LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES: Section 01400 - Air Monitoring and Inspection: Testing Laboratory Services describes air monitoring procedures that will be followed by the ENGINEER for the purpose of maintaining building spaces beyond the Work Area in an uncontaminated condition. Air monitoring to determine required respiratory protection is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Section 01410 - Final Clearance describes the analytical methods used to determine if the work area has been successfully cleaned of contamination. FULL CONTAINMENT ABATEMENT PROCEDURES: Section 01500 - Temporary Containment details the requirements for the sheet plastic barriers isolating the work area from the balance of the building. Section 01510 - Pre -cleaning and Decontamination Procedures sets forth procedures to be used on contaminated objects and rooms prior to containment,and contaminated objects and rooms which are not part of an abatement containment area. Section 01520 - Decontamination Units details the requirements for the setup and operation of the personnel and material decontaminations units. Section 01530 - Negative Pressure System sets forth the procedures to set up the negative air machines and ventilation of the work area. Section 01540 - Removal of Asbestos -Containing Materials Section 01550 - Removal of Pipe Insulations (Glove Bag Method) Section 01560 - Removal of Asbestos -Contaminated Soil Section 01570 - Encapsulation Procedures Section 01580 - Project Decontamination describes the sequence of cleaning and decontamination procedures to be followed during removal of the sheet plastic barriers isolating a Work Area. Section 01590 - Disposal of Asbestos -Containing Waste Material SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 11 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: Section 01600 - Local Area Protection Section 01610 - Entry Into Controlled Areas Section 01620 - Worker Protection (Repair and Maintenance) PERSONNEL PROTECTION (ASBESTOS ABATEMENT): Section 01700 - Worker Protection: Asbestos Abatement describes the equipment and procedures for protecting -. workers against asbestos contamination and other workplace hazards, except for respiratory protection. Section 01710 - Respiratory Protection sets forth the procedures and equipment required for adequate protection against inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: Section 02000 - Demolition Work (Non -ACM) Section 07200 - Sprayed -on Fireproofing Section 07900 - Sealants Section 09100 - Acoustical Finish Section 09500 - Acoustical Ceiling Systems Section 09900 - Painting Section 15100 - Pipe and Equipment Insulation Section 15200 - Repair of Insulation and Lagging PLAN OF ACTION• Submit a detailed plan of the procedures proposed for use in complying with the requirements of this specification. Include in the plan the location and layout of decontamination areas and negative pressure system, the sequencing of asbestos work, the interface of trades involved in the performance of abatement work and other construction work that may be occurring on the site, methods to be used to assure the safety of building occupants and visitors to the site, disposal plan for removing ACM from the site. The plan must be approved by the ENGINEER prior to commencement of work. In the event of time restraints, the ENGINEER may approve verbal discussion of the plan of action. In such event, the CONTRACTOR shall submit written summary of the discussion as documentation. SECTION 01000 SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 12 SEPARATE CONTRACTS: Separate contracts are being issued for bid to perform other work at the site which will follow the work of this Contract. Separate contract work can be summarized as follows: General Remodel Construction Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* PROJECT COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01050 PROJECT COORDINATION PAGE 1 SECTION 01050 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. SUMMARY• Minimum administrative and supervisory requirements necessary for coordination of work on the project include but are not necessarily limited to the following: Administrative and supervisory personnel. Special reports. Notifications to other entities at jobsite. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL: Provide a full-time on -site General Superintendent who is experienced in administration and supervision of asbestos abatement projects including work practices, protective measures for building and personnel, disposal procedures, etc. This person is the Competent Person as required by OSHA in 29 CFR 1926 for the CONTRACTOR and is the CONTRACTOR's representative responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations, particularly those relating to asbestos -containing materials. This person must have completed a course at an EPA Training Center or equivalent certificate course in supervision of asbestos abatement projects, have -had a minimum of one (1) year on-the-job training and meet any additional requirements set forth in 29 CFR 1926 for a Competent Person. This person will be accredited to conduct abatement response actions in accordance with 40 CFR Part 763. The General Superintendent shall be licensed in accordance with state law. SPECIAL REPORTS: �^ General• Except as otherwise indicated, submit special reports directly to OWNER within one day of occurrence requiring special report, with copy to ENGINEER and others affected by occurrence. �_ SECTION 01050 PROJECT COORDINATION PAGE 2 Reoortina Unusual Events: When an event of unusual and significant nature occurs at site (examples:- failure of negative pressure system, rupture of temporary enclosures), prepare and submit a special report, or daily log sheet, listing chain of events, persons participating, response by CONTRACTOR's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. When such events are known or predictable in advance, advise OWNER and ENGINEER in advance at earliest possible date. Reporting Accidents: Prepare and submit reports, or daily log sheet, to the OWNER and ENGINEER of significant accidents, at site and anywhere.else work is in progress. Record and document data and actions; comply with industry standards. For this purpose, a significant accident is defined to include events where personal injury is sustained, or property loss of substance is sustained, or where the event posed a significant threat of loss or personal injury. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS -- PAGE 1 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01100 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DEFINITIONS• General Explanation: A substantial amount of specification P- language constitutes definitions for terms found in other Contract Documeterms prior to bid submittal. The ENGINEER's interpretation of the specification and definitions will be final and binding. General Requirements: The provisions or requirements of "00 --- " and "01 --- " sections apply to entire work of Contract and, where so indicated, to other elements which are included in project. Indicated: The term "Indicated" is a cross-reference to graphic representations, notes or schedules on drawings, to other pares cr sdml les in the amc ifii-urs, c-nd to sinri? � prim to bid s1mrdzL 'The ENGINEER's interpretation of the specification and definitions will be final and binding. General Requirements: The provisions or requirements of "00 --- " and 1101---" sections apply to entire work of Contract and, where so indicated, to other elements which are included -in project. ® Indicated: The term "Indicated" is a cross-reference to graphic representations, notes or schedules on drawings, to other paragraphs or schedules in the specifications, and to similar means of recording requirements in Contract Documents. Directed, Requested, etc.: Where not otherwise explained, terms ._ such as "directed," "requested," "authorized," "selected," "approved," "required," "accepted," and "permitted" mean "directed by ENGINEER," "requested by ENGINEER," and similar phrases. However, no such implied meaning will be interpreted to extend ENGINEER's responsibility into CONTRACTOR's responsibility for construction supervision. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 2 Approve: Where used in conjunction with ENGINEER's response to submittals, requests, applications, inquiries, reports and claims by CONTRACTOR, the meaning of term "approved" will be held to limitations of ENGINEER's responsibilities and duties as specified in General and Supplementary Conditions. In no case will "approval" by ENGINEER be interpreted as a release of CONTRACTOR from responsibilities to fulfill requirements of Contract Documents. Project Site: The term "project site" is defined as the space available to CONTRACTOR for performance of the work, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing other work as part of the project. The extent of project site may be shown on the drawings, and may or may not be identical with the actual area in which the project occurs. Furnish: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, the term "furnish" is used to mean supply and deliver to project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, etc., as applicable in each instance. Install: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, the term "install" is used to describe operations at the project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing protecting, cleaning and similar operations, as applicable in each instance. Provide: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "provide" means furnish and install, complete and ready for intended use, as applicable in each instance. Installer: defined as the entity (person or firm) engaged by CONTRACTOR, or its subcontractor or sub -subcontractor for performance of a particular unit of work at project site, including installation, erection, application and similar required operations. Such entities (Installers) shall be expert in operations they are engaged to perform. Testing Laboratory: is defined as an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests of the work, either at project site or elsewhere; and to report and (if required) interpret results of those inspections or tests. For this project the Testing Laboratory is the ENGINEER. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 3 ENGINEER: is the entity described as the "Architect" in AIA Document A201 "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction". All references to Architect or Engineer in the Contract --Documents shall in all cases refer to the ENGINEER and visa versa. The ENGINEER will represent the OWNER during construction and until final payment is due. The ENGINEER will advise and consult with the OWNER. The OWNER's instructions to the CONTRACTOR will be forwarded through the ENGINEER; the CONTRACTOR's correspondence with the OWNER shall be forwarded through the ENGINEER. ENGINEER: is also- the entity described as the "Project Representative" in AIA Document A201 "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction". The ENGINEER is a full-time representative of the OWNER at the jobsite with authority to stop the work upon verbal order if requirements of the Contract Documents are not met, or if in the sole judgement of the -- ENGINEER or OWNER, the interests of the OWNER, safety of any person or the OWNER's property are jeopardized by the work. General Superintendent: is the CONTRACTOR's representative at the work site. This person shall be the Competent Person required by OSHA in 29 CFR 1926. DEFINITIONS RELATIVE TO ASBESTOS ABATEMENT: Abatement: Activities designed to control asbestos hazards, including preparatory work, removal operations, encapsulation, enclosure, and associated activities. Aerosol: A system consisting of particles, solid or liquid, suspended in air. Air Cell: Insulation normally used on pipes and duct work that is comprised or corrugated cardboard which is frequently .. comprised of asbestos combined with cellulose or refractory binders. Air Monitoring: The process of measuring the fiber content of a specific volume of air. Amended Water: Water to which a surfactant has been added. 0 SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 4 Asbestos: The asbestiform varieties of serpentinite (chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite (amosite), anthopyllite, and actinolite-tremolite. For purposes of determining respiratory and worker protection both the asbestiform and non-asbestiform varieties of the above minerals and any of these materials that have been chemically treated and/or altered shall be considered as asbestos. Asbestos -Containing Material (ACM): Any material containing more than 1% by weight of asbestos of any type or mixture of types. Asbestos -Containing Waste Material: Any material which is or is suspected of being or any material contaminated with an asbestos -containing material which is to be removed from a work area for disposal. Authorized Visitor: The OWNER, the ENGINEER, testing lab personnel, or a representative of any federal, state and local regulatory or other agency having authority over the Project. Any other visitor to the site must be authorized by the OWNER prior to site access. Barrier: Any surface that seals off the work area to inhibit the movement of fibers. Breathing Zone: A hemisphere forward of and even with the shoulders with a radius of approximately 6 to 9 inches. Ceiling Concentration: The concentration of an airborne substance that shall not be exceeded. Certified Industrial Hygienist (C.I.H.): An industrial hygienist certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. Containment: (see Enclosure) Critical Barriers: Primary barriers installed,to seal openings to the work area such as vents, gills, di€ussers, electrical openings, etc. Critical barriers remain in place until final clearance. Demolition: The wrecking or taking out of any building component, system, finish or assembly of a facility together with any related handling operations. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 5 Disposal Bag: 6 mil thick leak -tight plastic bags used for transporting asbestos waste from work and to disposal site. Each is labeled as follows: DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS. AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD Encapsulant: A material that surrounds or embeds asbestos fibers in an adhesive matrix, to prevent release of fibers. Bridging encapsulant: an encapsulant that forms a discrete layer on the surface of an in situ asbestos matrix. Penetrating encapsulant: an encapsulant that is absorbed by the in situ asbestos matrix without leaving a discrete surface layer. Removal encapsulant: a penetrating encapsulant specifically designed for removal of asbestos -containing materials rather than for in situ encapsulation. Encapsulation: The coating of asbestos -containing materials with a bonding or sealing agent to prevent the release of airborne fibers. Enclosure (Containment): The construction of an air -tight, impermeable, permanent barrier around asbestos -containing material to control the release of asbestos fibers into the air. Filter: A media component used in respirators to remove solid or liquid particles from the inspired air. Friable Asbestos Material: Material that contains more than 1.0% asbestos by weight, and that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry. Glovebact: A sack (typically constructed of 6 mil transparent polyethylene or polyvinylchloride plastic) with two inward projecting longsleeve gloves, which are designed to enclose an object from which an asbestos -containing material is to be removed. All glovebag work will be conducted within a negative pressure containment. HEPA Filter: A High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter capable of trapping and retaining 99.97% of asbestos fibers greater than 0.3 microns in length. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 6 HEPA Filter Vacuum Collection Equipment (or vacuum cleaner): High efficiency particulate air (absolute) filtered vacuum collection equipment with a filter system capable of collecting and retaining asbestos fibers. Filters should be of 99.97% efficiency for retaining fibers of 0.3 microns or larger. High -Efficiency Filter: A filter which removes from air 99.97% or more of monodisperse dioctyl phthalate (DOP) particles having a mean particle diameter of 0.3 microns. Negative Pressure Respirator: A respirator in which the air pressure inside the respiratory -inlet covering is positive during exhalation in relation to the air pressure of the outside atmosphere and negative during inhalation in relation to the air pressure of the outside atmosphere. Negative Pressure Ventilation System: A local exhaust system, utilizing HEPA filtration capable of maintaining a negative pressure inside the work area and a constant air flow from adjacent areas into the work area and exhausting that air outside the work area. Negative Pressure: Air pressure lower than surrounding areas, generally caused by exhausting air from a sealed space (work area). Personal Monitoring: Sampling of the asbestos fiber concentrations within the breathing zone of an employee. Protection Factor: The ratio of the ambient concentration of an airborne substance to the concentration of the substance inside the respirator at the breathing zone of the wearer. The protection factor is a measure of the degree of protection provided by a respirator to the wearer. Removal (Remove): The removal of all visible "or detectable asbestos -containing material or waste from the removal surface and work area as inspected and approved by the ENGINEER followed by encapsulation of the cleaned removal surface. Removal of a material includes complete removal of overspray on vents, light fixture receptacles, adjacent surfaces, etc. for spray -applied treatments. Removal also includes clean-up of asbestos - containing debris in the designated work area. Respirator: A device designed to protect the wearer from the inhalation of harmful atmospheres. Surfactant: A chemical wetting agent added to water to improve penetration, thus reducing the quantity of water required for a given operation or area. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS �^ PAGE 7 Time Weighted Average (TWA): The average concentration of a contaminant in air during a specific time period. Visible Emissions: Any emissions containing particulate asbestos material that are visually detectable without the aid of instruments. This does not include condensed uncombined water vapor. Visual Inspection (Final): The process of visual confirmation of completion of the removal and decontamination process prior to aggressive Final Clearance air testing. Visually clean means that all visually detectable dust and debris has been removed from the work area as confirmed by visual inspection, wipe tests or other methods to detect optically visible particles as determined by the ENGINEER. Wet Cleaning: The process of eliminating asbestos contamination from building surfaces and objects by using cloths, mops, or other cleaning utensils which have been dampened with amended water or diluted removal encapsulant and afterwards thoroughly decontaminated or disposed of an asbestos contaminated waste. Work Area: The area where asbestos related work or removal operations are performed which is defined and/or isolated to prevent the spread of asbestos dust, fibers or debris, and entry �- by unauthorized personnel. Work area is a Regulated Area as defined by 29 CFR 1926. FORMAL AND SPECIFICATION EXPLANATIONS: Imperative language is used generally in specifications. Except as otherwise indicated, requirements expressed imperatively are to be performed by CONTRACTOR. For clarity of reading at certain locations, contrasting subjective language is used to describe responsibilities which must be fulfilled indirectly by CONTRACTOR, or when so noted, by others. Section _numbering is used to facilitate cross-references in the Contract Documents. Sections are placed in Project Manual in numeric sequence; however, numbering sequence is not complete, and listing of sections at beginning of Project Manual must be consulted to determine numbers and names of specification sections in Contract Documents. Overlapping and Conflicting Requirements: Where compliance with two (2) or more industry standards or sets of requirements is specified, and overlapping of those different standards or requirements establishes different or conflicting minimums or levels or quality, the most stringent requirement is intended and =, SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 8 will be enforced, unless specifically detailed language written into Contract Documents clearly indicates that a less stringent requirements is to be fulfilled. Refer apparently -equal -but - different -requirements, and uncertainties as to which level of quality is more stringent, to ENGINEER for a decision before proceeding. Abbreviations: The language of specifications and other Contract Documents is of abbreviated type in certain instances, implying words and meanings which will be appropriately interpreted. Actual work abbreviations of a self-explanatory nature have been included in the texts. Specific abbreviations have been established, principally for lengthy technical terminology and primarily in conjunction with coordination of specification requirements with notations on drawings and in schedules. These are frequently defined in the section at first instance of use. Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Singular words will be interpreted as plural and plural words will be interpreted as singular where applicable and where full context of the Contract Documents so indicates. INDUSTRY STANDARDS: General Applicability of Standards: Except to the extent that more explicit or more stringent requirements are written directly into the Contract Documents, applicable standards of the construction industry have the same force and effect (and are made a part of Contract Documents by reference) as if copied directly into Contract Documents, or as if published copies were bound herewith. Refer to the other Contract Documents for resolution of overlapping and conflicting requirements which result from the application of several different industry standards to the same unit of work. Refer to individual unit — of work sections for indications of which specialized codes and standards the CONTRACTOR must keep at the project site, available for reference. Publication Dates: Except as otherwise indicated, where compliance with an industry standard is required, comply with standard in effect as of date of Contract Documents. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 9 Abbreviations and Names: The following acronyms or abbreviations .� as referenced in Contract Documents are defined to mean the associated names. Both names and addresses are subject to change, and are believed to be, but are not assured to be, accurate and up-to-date as of date of Contract Documents: AIA American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 202/626-7474 ANSI American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 212/354-3300 ASHRAE American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329 404/636-8400 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 215/299-5400 CFR Code of Federal Regulations Available from Government Printing Office, °-- Washington, D.C. 20402 (usually first published in Federal Register) CGA Compressed Gas Association 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202 703/979-0900 CS Commercial Standard of NBS (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 EPA Environmental Protection Agency 401 M. Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460 202/382-3949 FS Federal Specification (General Services Admin.) Obtain from your Regional GSA Office, or purchase from GSA Specifications Unit (SFSIS), Seventh and D Streets, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20406 202/472-2205 or 2140 SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 10 GA Gypsum Association 1603 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201 312/491-1744 GSA General Services Administration F St. and 18th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20405 202/655/4000 MIL Military Standardization Documents (U.S. Dept. of Defense) Naval Publications and Forms Center 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120 NBS National Bureau of Standards (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) Gaithersburg, MD 20234 301/921-1000 NEC National Electrical Code (by NFPA) NFPA National Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 617/770-3000 OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration (U.S. Dept. of Labor) Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 PS Product Standard of NBS (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 UL Underwriters Laboratories 333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062 " 312/272/8800 Trade Union Jurisdictions: It is a procedural requirement that the CONTRACTOR maintain, and require prime subcontractors to maintain, complete current information on jurisdictional matters, regulations actions and pending actions, as applicable to the work. Discuss new developments at appropriate project meetings at the earliest feasible dates, and record information of relevance along with the action agreed upon. The manner in which Contract Documents have been organized and subdivided is not intended to be an indication of jurisdictional or trade union agreements. SECTION 01100 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PAGE 11 Assign and subcontract the work, and employ tradesmen and laborers, in a manner which will not unduly risk jurisdictional disputes of a kind which could result in conflicts, delays, claims and losses in the performance of the work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* CODES AND REGULATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01200 CODES AND REGULATIONS PAGE 1 SECTION 01200 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: This section sets forth governmental regulations and industry standards which are included and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the specification. This section also sets forth those notices and permits which are known to the OWNER and which either must be applied for and received, or which must be given to governmental agencies before start of work. CODES AND REGULATIONS: General Applicability of Codes, Regulations, and Standards: Except to the extent that more explicit or more stringent requirements are written directly into the Contract Documents, all applicable codes, regulations, and standards have the same force and effect (and are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference) as if copied directly into the Contract Documents, or as if published copies are bound herewith. CONTRACTOR Responsibility: The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility and liability for the compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations pertaining —to work practices, hauling, disposal, and protection of workers, visitors to the site, and persons occupying areas adjacent to the site. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing medical examinations and maintaining medical records of personnel as required by the applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall hold the OWNER and ENGINEER harmless for failure to comply with any applicable work, hauling, disposal, safety, health or other regulation on the part of himself, his employees, or his subcontractors and will bear all costs associated therewith. Federal Requirements: which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials include but are not limited to the following: U.S. Department -., Administration, SECTION 01200 CODES AND REGULATIONS PAGE 2 of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), including but not limited to: Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite; Final Rules Title 29, Part 1910, Section 1001 and Part 1926, Section 58 of the Code of Federal Regulations Respiratory Protection Title 29, Part 1910, Section 134 of the Code of Federal Regulations Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records Title 29, Part 1910, Section 2 of the °- Code of Federal Regulations Hazard Communication Title 29, Part 1910, Section 1200 of the Code of Federal Regulations Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags Title 29, Part 1910, Section 145 of the Code of Federal Regulations -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) including but not limited to: Regulation for Asbestos Title 40, Part 61, Sub -part A of the Code of Federal Regulations National Emission Standard for Asbestos Title 40, Part 61, Sub -part M of the Code of Federal Regulations Asbestos Abatement Projects; Worker Protection; Final Rule Title 40, Part 763 of the Code of Federal Regulations State Requirements: Abide by all State requirements which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials including, but not limited to: Texas Department of Health Title 25 Health Services Part I 25 TAC 289.141 - 289.156 SECTION 01200 CODES AND REGULATIONS PAGE 3 Local Requirements: Abide by all local requirements which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials. STANDARDS: Standards: which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials include but are not limited to the following: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1430 Broadway New York, New York 10018 (212) 354-3300 Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems Publication Z9.2-79 Practices for Respiratory Protection Publication Z288.2-80 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1916 Race street Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 299-5400 Specification for Encapsulants for Friable Asbestos -Containing Building Materials Proposal P-189 Safety and Health Requirements Relating to Occupational Exposure to Asbestos E 849-82 WA SECTION 01200 CODES AND REGULATIONS PAGE 4 NOTICES: U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Send Written Notification as required by USEPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) Asbestos Regulations (40 CFR 61, Subpart M) to the regional Asbestos NESHAPS Contact. Include information and send in timely fashion as required for regulatory compliance. Send notification to the following address: NESHAPS US EPA 4 First Interstate Bank Tower 1445 Ross Avenue 13th Floor, 6T-ET Dallas, Texas 75202 Attn: Mr. Martin Brittain (214) 655-7229 Notification: Include the following information in the notification to the NESHAPS Contact: Name and address of owner or operator. Description of the facility being demolished or renovated, including the size, age, and prior use of the facility. Estimate of the approximate amount of friable asbestos material present in the facility in terms of linear feet of pipe, and surface area on other facility components. For facilities in which the amount of friable asbestos materials ._ less than 80 linear meters (260 linear feet) on pipes and less than 15 square meters (160 square feet) on other facility components, explain techniques of estimation. Location of the facility being demolished or renovated. Scheduled start and completion dates of demolition or renovation. Nature of planned demolition or renovation and method(s) to be used. Procedures to be used to comply with the requirements of USEPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) Asbestos Regulations (40 CFR 61, Subpart M). Name and location of the waste disposal site where the friable asbestos waste material will be deposited. SECTION 01200 CODES AND REGULATIONS PAGE 5 For facilities being demolished under an order of a State or local governmental agency, issued because the facility is structurally unsound and in danger of imminent collapse, the name, title, and authority of the State or local governmental representative who has ordered the demolition. STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES: Send Written Notification as required by state and local regulations prior to beginning any work on asbestos -containing materials. PERMITS: Obtain as required by regulatory agencies. Licenses: Maintain current licenses as required by applicable state �or local jurisdictions for the removal, transporting, disposal or other regulated activity relative to the work of this Contract. Posting and filing of Regulations: Maintain two (2) copies of applicable federal, state and local regulations above. Post one copy of each at the jobsite. Keep on file in CONTRACTOR's office one copy of each. SUBMITTALS• Before start of Work submit the following to the ENGINEER for review: Notices: Submit notices required by federal, state and local regulations together with proof of timely transmittal to agency requiring the notice. Permits: Submit copies of current valid permits required by state and local regulations. Licenses: Submit copies of State and Local licenses and permits necessary to carry out the work of this Contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION SECTION 01300 SCHEDULES, REPORTS, PAYMENTS PAGE 1 SCHEDULES, REPORTS, PAYMENTS SECTION 01300 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. COORDINATION: Coordinate both the listing and timing of reports and activities required by provisions of this section and other sections, so as to provide consistency and logical coordination between the reports. Maintain coordination and correlation between separate reports by updating at monthly or shorter time intervals. Make appropriate distribution of each report and updated report to parties involved in the Work including the ENGINEER and OWNER. In particular, provide close coordination of the progress schedule, schedule of values, listing of subcontracts, schedule of submittals, progress reports, and payment requests. SCHEDULES: Provide proposed detailed schedule including work dates, work shift time, number of employees, dates of start and completion including dates of preparation work, removals and final inspection dates. PROGRESS MEETINGS: General: In'addition to specific coordination -and other regular project meetings held for other purposes, the ENGINEER will hold general progress meetings as required, scheduled, where possible, with preparation of payment request. Require each entity then involved in planning, coordination or performance of Work to be properly represented at each meeting. PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE: Schedule an initial progress meeting, recognized as "Pre - Construction Conference". z SECTION 01300 SCHEDULES, REPORTS, PAYMENTS PAGE 2 Prior to start of any work, meet at project site, with CONTRACTOR's Superintendent, OWNER, ENGINEER, and other entities concerned with Asbestos Abatement Work. Record discussions and agreements and furnish copy to each. Daily Log: Maintain within the Decontamination Unit a daily log documenting the dates and time of but not limited to, the following items: - Meetings; purpose, attendees, discussion (brief) - Visitations; authorized and unauthorized - Personnel, by name, social security number, entering and leaving the work area - Air monitoring tests and test results - Documentation of the following: - Inspection of work area preparation prior to start of removal and daily thereafter. - Removal of any polyethylene barriers - CONTRACTOR's inspections prior to encapsulation - Removal of waste materials from work area - Decontamination of equipment (list items) - CONTRACTOR's final inspection/final air test analysis Provide one (1) copy of this log at final closeout of project for use by the OWNER. SCHEDULE OF VALUES: General: Prepare the schedule of values, as required by the General Conditions, in conjunction with the preparation of the progress schedule. Correlate preparation of schedule of values and progress schedule. Correlate line items with other administrative schedules and forms required for the work, including the progress schedule, payment request form, listing of subcontractors, schedule of allowances, and schedule of alternates. Provide breakdown of the Contract Sum in sufficient detail to facilitate continued evaluation of payment requests and progress reports. Break down principal subcontract amounts into several line items. Round off to nearest whole dollar, but with the total equal to Contract Sum. Sub -Schedules: Where the work is separated into phases which require separately phased payments to the CONTRACTOR, provide sub -schedules showing values correlated with each phase of payment. s, SECTION 01300 SCHEDULES, REPORTS, PAYMENTS PAGE 3 Time Coordination: In coordination of initial submittals and �- other administrative "start up" activities, submit the schedule of values to the ENGINEER at the earliest feasible date, in no case later than seven (7) days before initial payment request is to be submitted. Listing: Arrange the schedule with columns to indicate the generic name of item, related specification sections, subcontractor, the supplier, manufacturer or fabricator, change orders (numbers) which have affected the value, the dollar value of the item, and the percentage of the Contract Sum to the nearest one -hundredth percent and adjusted to total 100 percent. PAYMENT REQUESTS: General: Except, as otherwise indicated, the progress payment cycle is to be regular. Each application must be consistent with previous applications and payments. Certain applications for payment, such as the initial application, the application at substantial completion, and the final payment application involve additional requirements. Waivers of Lien: For each payment application, submit waivers of lien from every entity (including CONTRACTOR) who could lawfully and possibly file a lien arising out of the Contract and related to work covered by the payment. Submit partial waivers for the amount requested prior to deduction or retainage on each item. When the application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers. OWNER reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the work must submit waivers. Waiver Delays: Each progress payment must be submitted with CONTRACTOR's waiver for period of construction covered by application. At the CONTRACTOR's option, each progress payment may be submitted with waivers from the subcontractors or supplier for the previous period of construction covered by previous application. The final payment application must be submitted together with or preceded by final or complete waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the payment request. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers on forms, and executed in a manner, acceptable to OWNER. Payment Application Times: The "date" for each progress payment is as indicated on OWNER -CONTRACTOR Agreement or, if none is indicated therein, it is the 15th day of each month. SECTION 01300 SCHEDULES, REPORTS, PAYMENTS PAGE 4 The period of construction work covered by each payment request is period indicated in OWNER -CONTRACTOR Agreement or, if none is indicated therein, it is period ending 15 days prior to date for each progress payment, with the starting day following end of preceding period. Payment Application Forms: AIA Document G702 and Continuation sheets; available from "Publications, a Division of the AIA Service Corporation", 1735 New York Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20006 (also available at most local AIA chapter offices). Application Preparation: Except as otherwise indicated, complete every entry provided for on the form, including notarization and execution by authorized persons. Incomplete applications will be returned by ENGINEER without action. Entries must match current data of schedule of values and progress schedule and report. Listing must include amounts of change orders issued prior to last day of the "period of construction" covered by application. Final Payment Application: The administrative actions and submittals which must precede or coincide with submittal of CONTRACTOR's final payment application can be summarized as follows, but not necessarily by way of limitation: Completion of project closeout requirements. Transmittal of required project construction records to ENGINEER. Landfill receipts for asbestos -containing material. Consent of surety (if any) for final payment. Application Transmittal: Submit three (3) executed copies of payment applications, one copy of which is completed with waivers of lien and similar attachments. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing those attachments, and recording appropriate information related to application in a manner acceptable to ENGINEER. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01350 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES PAGE 1 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES SECTION 01350 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DRAWINGS• Present in clear and thorough manner. Identify details by reference to sheet and detail numbers or room number shown on Drawings. Maximum Sheet Size: 30" x 42". PRODUCT DATA: Preparation: Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products or models. Show performance characteristics and capacities. Show dimensions and clearances required. Show wiring or piping diagrams and controls. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings and diagrams: Modify drawings and diagrams to delete information ,--ot applicable to Work. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to Work. SAMPLES: Sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: Functional characteristics of product, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. Full range of color, texture and pattern. SECTION 01350 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES PAGE 2 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Submit shop drawings, product data and samples sufficiently in advance of time returned copies are required to allow review by ENGINEER and resubmittal, if required. Number of Copies Required: Shop Drawings: Three (3) direct diazo prints each, plus additional copies as CONTRACTOR needs. Product Data: Three (3) copies for ENGINEER's use plus additional copies as CONTRACTOR needs. Samples: As required in each specification section. Submittals shall contain: Date of submission (including previous submissions). Project title and number. Names of CONTRACTOR, supplier and manufacturer. Identification of product, with specification section number where applicable. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. Relation to adjacent or critical features of work or materials. Applicable reference standards. Identification of deviations from requirements of Contract Documents. Identification of revisions on resubmittals. RESUBMISSION• Revise submittals as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal. Indicate any changes which have been made other than those requested by ENGINEER. SECTION 01350 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES PAGE 3 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Schedule submittals according to general flow of Work and so as to allow- for adequate and timely review of submittals by ENGINEER. Review submittals prior to submission and submit to ENGINEER in accordance with provisions herein. Verify field measurements, construction criteria, catalog numbers and similar data. Coordinate submittals with requirements of Work and Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR's responsibility for errors or omissions is not relieved by ENGINEER's review. CONTRACTOR's responsibility for deviations from requirements of Contract Documents is not relieved by ENGINEER's review, unless ENGINEER is notified of deviations in writing at time of submittal and gives written review of specific deviations. Do not begin work which requires submittals until reviewed submittals have been received from ENGINEER. Reproduce and distribute copies after ENGINEER's review. ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: Review submittals within ten days or indicate in writing reasons for reviews which require additional time. Review for conformance with design concept of project and information given in Contract Documents. Indicate results of review and return submittals to CONTRACTOR for distribution. ENGINEER is not responsible for verification of field measurements, construction criteria, catalog numbers and other similar data. Review of separate item does not constitute review of an assembly in which item functions. DISTRIBUTION• Distribute reviewed and sub -contractor, required. SECTION 01350 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES PAGE 4 copies to CONTRACTOR's file, job -site file, supplier, manufacturer, and other parties as PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) ************************ END OF SECTION ************************ SECTION 01360 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PAGE 1 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS SECTION 01360 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. CONTRACTOR'S OPTIONS: For products specified only by reference standards, select any product meeting standard. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, select any named. For products specified by naming products, provide product specifically named. SUBSTITUTIONS• Until three (3) days prior to bid date, ENGINEER will consider formal requests for substitution of products in place of those .- specified. SUBMITTALS• Submit three copies, plus copies as needed for return, of each request for substitution, including: Complete data substantiating compliance 'of proposed substitution with Contract Documents. For products: Product identification, including name and address of manufacturer. Product description, performance and test data, and reference standards. r.. z SECTION 01360 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PAGE 2 For construction methods: Detailed description of proposed method. Illustrative drawings. In making request for substitution, CONTRACTOR represents that: He has investigated proposed substitution and determined that it is equal or superior to that specified for the intended use. He will provide same warranty as for product or method specified. He will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, making changes as may be required to complete Work. He waives claims for additional costs related to substitution which may subsequently become apparent. Cost data is complete and includes related costs under Contract, excluding ENGINEER's redesign. Substitutions will not be considered if: They are indicated or implied on shop drawings or data submittals without formal request. Acceptance will require substantial revision of Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR alone shall be responsible for substantiating acceptability of proposed substitutions. ENGINEER's decision --,in acceptance or non -acceptance of substitutions will be final. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) ************************ END OF SECTION ************************ PRODUCT HANDLING „ PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01370 PRODUCT HANDLING PAGE 1 SECTION 01370 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. OUALITY ASSURANCE: Include within the CONTRACTOR's quality assurance program such procedures as are required to assure full protection of Work and materials. MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONS: Except as otherwise approved by the ENGINEER, determine and comply with manufacturers' recommendations on product handling, storage, and protection. PACKAGING• Deliver products to the jobsite in their manufacturer's original container, with labels intact and legible. Maintain packaged materials with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Promptly remove damaged material and unsuitable items from the jobsite, and promptly replace with material meeting the specified requirements, at no additional cost to the OWNER. The ENGINEER may reject as non -complying such material and products that do not bear identification satisfactory to the ENGINEER as to manufacturer, grade, quality, and other pertinent information. PROTECTION: Protect finished surfaces, including jambs and soffits of openings used as passageways, through which equipment and �, materials are handled. SECTION 01370 PRODUCT HANDLING PAGE 2 Provide protection for finished floor surfaces in traffic areas prior to allowing equipment or materials to be moved over such surfaces. Maintain finished surfaces clean, unmarred, and suitably protected until accepted by the ENGINEER. REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS: In event of damage, promptly make replacements and repairs to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and at no additional cost to the OWNER. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION ************************ SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PAGE 1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES SECTION 01380 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: General: Provide temporary connection to existing building utilities or provide temporary facilities as required herein or as necessary to carry out the work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: General: Provide new or used materials and equipment that are undamaged and in serviceable condition. Provide only materials and equipment that are recognized as being suitable for the intended use, by compliance with appropriate standards. SCAFFOLDING• Provide scaffolding, ladders and/or staging, etc. as necessary to -" accomplish the work of this contract. Scaffolding may be of suspension type; or standing type such as metal tube and coupler, tubular welded frame, pole or outrigger type or cantilever type. The type, erection and use of scaffolding shall comply with applicable OSHA regulations and other applicable regulations. Equip rungs of metal ladders, etc. with an abrasive non -slip surface. Provide a nonskid surface on scaffold surfaces subject to foot traffic. WATER SERVICE• Temporary Water Service Connection: Connections to the OWNER'S water system shall include backflow protection. SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PAGE 2 Valves shall be temperature and pressure rated for operation of the temperatures and pressures encountered. After completion of use, connections and fittings shall be removed without damage or alteration to existing water piping and equipment. Leaking or dripping valves shall be piped to the nearest drain or located over an existing sink or grade where water will not damage existing finishes or equipment. Water Hoses: Employ heavy-duty abrasion -resistant hoses with a pressure rating greater than the maximum pressure of the water distribution system to provide water into each work area and to each Decontamination Unit. Provide fittings as required to allow for connection to existing wall hydrants or spouts, as well as temporary water heating equipment, branch piping, showers, shut-off nozzles and equipment. Hot -Water Heater: The CONTRACTOR shall provide UL rated electric hot-water heater to supply hot water for the Decontamination Unit shower. Activate from appropriate amp circuit breaker located within the Decontamination Unit subpanel. Provide with relief valve compatible with water heater operation; pipe relief valve down to drip pan on floor with type L copper. Wiring and installation of the hot-water heater shall be in compliance with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards. Hot Water: May be secured from the building hot water system, provided backflow protection is installed at point of connection as described in this section under Temporary Water Service connection, and if authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. ELECTRICAL SERVICE: General: Comply with applicable NEMA, NECA and UL standards and governing regulations for materials and layout' of temporary electric service. Temporary Power: Provide service to subpanel with appropriate amp, two (2) pole circuit breaker or fused disconnect sized and equipped to accommodate electrical equipment required for completion of the work. Voltage Differences: Provide identification warning signs at power outlets which are other than 110-120 volt power. Provide polarized outlets for plug-in type outlets, to prevent insertion of 110-120 volt plugs into higher voltage outlets. Dry type transformers shall be provided where required to provide voltages necessary for work operations. SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PAGE 3 Ground Fault Protection: Provide receptacle outlets equipped with ground -fault circuit interrupters, reset button and pilot light, for plug-in connection or power tools and equipment. Electrical Power Cords: The CONTRACTOR shall use only grounded extension cords in serviceable condition (no frayed or worn cords); use "hard -service" cords where exposed to abrasion and traffic. Use single lengths or use waterproof connectors to connect separate lengths of electric cords, if single lengths will not reach areas of work. ... Lamps and Light Fixtures: The CONTRACTOR shall provide general service incandescent lamps of wattage required for adequate illumination. Protect lamps with guard cages or tempered glass enclosures, where fixtures are exposed to breakage by construction operations. Provide exterior fixtures where fixtures are exposed to the weather or moisture. TEMPORARY HEAT: .. Heating Units: If required, the CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary heating units that have been tested and labeled by UL, FM or another recognized trade association related to the fuel being consumed. Use steam or hot water radiant heat where available, and where not available use electric resistant fin radiation supplied from a branch circuit with ground fault circuit interrupter. Under no circumstances shall forced air or fan type units be utilized inside a work area. SELF CONTAINED TOILETS: Self Contained Toilet* Units: The CONTRACTOR shall provide single -occupant self-contained toilet units of the chemical tyQe, properly vented and fully enclosed with a glass fiber reinforced polyester shell or similar non -absorbent material. These self-contained toilets shall be made available if no other - agreements are made with the OWNER. FIRST AID• First Aid Supplies: Comply with governing regulations and recognized recommendations within the construction industry. Im SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PAGE 4 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Fire Extinguishers: The CONTRACTOR shall provide Type "A" fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces where there is minimal danger of electrical or grease -oil -flammable liquid fires. In other locations, including inside of the containment (one per 2,000 SF of area), provide type "ABC" dry chemical extinguishers, or a combination of several extinguishers of NFPA recommended types for the exposures in each case. PART 3 - EXECUTION SCAFFOLDING• During the erection and/or moving of scaffolding, care must be exercised so that the polyethylene floor covering is not damaged. If damage occurs, it must be repaired immediately by appropriate means. Clean as necessary debris from non -slip surfaces. At the completion of abatement work, clean construction aids within the work area, wrapping one (1) layer of 6 mil polyethylene sheet and seal before removal from the work area. INSTALLATION, GENERAL: General: Use qualified tradesmen for installation of temporary services and facilities. Locate temporary services and facilities where they will serve the entire project adequately and result in minimum interference with the performance of the Work. Relocate, modify and extend services and -facilities �as required during the course of work so as to accommodate the entire work of the project. WATER SERVICE• General: Water connection (without charge) to OWNER's existing potable water system is limited to one 3/4" pipe -size connection, and a maximum flow of 10 gpm each to hot and cold water supply. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 100°F. Supply hot and cold water to the Decontamination Unit. Maintain hose connections and outlet valves in leakproof condition. SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PAGE 5 Where finish work below an outset might be damaged by spillage or leakage, provide a drip pan of suitable size to minimize the possibility of water damage. Drain water promptly from pans as it accumulates. ELECTRICAL SERVICE: �^ General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide a weatherproof, grounded temporary electric power service and distribution system of sufficient size, capacity, and power characteristics to accommodate performance of work during the construction period. Install temporary lighting adequate to provide sufficient illumination for safe work and traffic conditions in every area of work, if no other agreements exist between the CONTRACTOR and OWNER. Power Distribution stem: The CONTRACTOR shall provide circuits of adequate size and proper characteristics for each use. In general, run wiring overhead and rise vertically where wiring will be at least exposed to water and to damage from construction operations. Temporary Wiring: The CONTRACTOR shall provide in the work area a type OF non-metallic sheathed cable located overhead and exposed for surveillance. Do not wire temporary lighting with plain, exposed (insulated) electrical conductors. Provide liquid tight enclosures or boxes for wiring devices. Provide overload -protected disconnect switch for each temporary circuit located at the power distribution center. For power hand tools 'and task lighting, provide a temporary 4-gang outlet. Provide a separate 110-120 Volt, 20 Amp circuit for each 4-gang outlet (four (4) outlets per circuit). TEMPORARY LIGHTING: The CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate illumination. TEMPORARY HEAT• General: The CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary heat where indicated or needed for performance of the Work. Maintain a minimum temperature of 70°F where finished work has been installed. Maintain a minimum temperature Decontamination Unit. SECTION 01380 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PAGE 6 of 750F in the shower of the Maintain a minimum temperature of 70°F in the work area at all times that work is going on. At other times and at completion of removal work, but before start of reconstruction work, maintain a minimum temperature of 50°F. SANITARY FACILITIES: Toilets: Use of the OWNER's existing toilet facilities, as indicated, will be permitted, so long as these facilities are properly cleaned and maintained in a condition acceptable to the OWNER. At substantial completion, restore these facilities to the condition prevalent at the time of initial use. Written permission from the OWNER must be obtained, and provisions of these specifications regarding leaving the work area are met. Toilets (Optional): To avoid excessive travel in and out of the work area; provide one chemical toilet unit in the work area for each 30 workers. Facilities shall be maintained throughout the Work. At the end of the job, facilities shall be decontaminated in accordance with these specifications. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Fire Extinguishers: Comply with the applicable recommendations of NFPA Standard 10 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers". Locate fire extinguishers where they are most convenient and effective for their intended purpose, but provide not less than one (1) extinguisher per 2,000 square feet of Work Area, one (1) in Equipment Room and one (1) outside Work Area in Clean Room. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAGE 1 SECTION 01390 -^ Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: Definitions: Project closeout is the term used to describe certain collective project requirements, indicating completion of the Work, that are to be fulfilled near the end of the Contract Time in preparation for final acceptance and occupancy of the Work by the OWNER, as well as final payment to the CONTRACTOR and the normal termination of the Contract. Specific requirements for individual units of work. are included in appropriate Sections. Time of closeout is directly related to "Substantial Completion"; therefore, the time of closeout may be either a single time period for the entire Work or a series of time periods for individual elements of the Work that have been ..� certified as substantially complete at different dates. This time variation, if any, shall be applicable to the other provisions of this section. PREREQUISITES TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: General: Complete the following before requesting the ENGINEER to inspect for substantial completion, either for the entire Work or for portions of the Work. Include list of known exceptions. In the progress payment request that coincides with, or is the first request following, the date substantial completion is claimed, show either 100% completion for the portion of the Work claimed as "substantially complete" or list incomplete items, the value of incomplete work, and reasons for the Work being incomplete. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in these Contract Documents. SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAGE 2 Submit a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. Advise OWNER of pending insurance change -over requirements. Submit specific warranties, workmanship/maintenance bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar documents. Obtain and submit releases enabling OWNER's full, unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Where required, include occupancy permits, operating certificates and similar releases. Complete final cleaning requirements. Touch-up, repair, restore and/or replace marred exposed finishes affected by the work when such damaged or marred finishes are in excess of anticipated results of normal abatement operations. Degree of excessive damage and necessary repair procedures will be as determined by the ENGINEER. Inspection Procedures: Upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's request for inspection, the ENGINEER will either proceed with inspection or advise CONTRACTOR of unfulfilled prerequisites. Following initial inspection, the ENGINEER will advise CONTRACTOR of Work which is incomplete. The ENGINEER will repeat the inspection when requested and when assured that the Work has been substantially completed. Results of the completed inspection will dorm the "punch -list" for final acceptance. PREREQUISITES TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE: General: Complete the following before requesting the ENGINEER's final inspection for final acceptance, and final payment as required by the General Conditions. List known exceptions, if any, in request: Submit the final payment request with final releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include certificates of insurance for products and completed operations where required. Submit CONTRACTOR's Certificate of Completion enclosed at the end of this section. 0 SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAGE 3 Submit consent of surety. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement, acceptable to OWNER. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. Reinspection Procedure: The ENGINEER will reinspect the Work upon receipt of the CONTRACTOR's notice that -the work, including punch -list items resulting from earlier inspections, has been ,,. completed, except for these items whose completion has been delayed because of circumstances that are acceptable to the ENGINEER. Upon completion of reinspection, the ENGINEER will either prepare final acceptance documents, or will advise the CONTRACTOR of work that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled, but are required for final acceptance. If necessary, the reinspection procedure will be repeated. MODIFICATION OF PROCEDURES: The OWNER and ENGINEER may modify, waive, and/or combine all procedures, submittals and requirements of the project documents as may be deemed in the OWNER's best interest and as may be suitable to the size and scope of the Project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION " FINAL CLEANING: General: Special cleaning requirements for specific units of Work are included in the appropriate Sections. General Cleaning during the regular progress of the Work is required by the General Conditions and is included under Section 1380. Cleaning: Provide final cleaning of the Work at the time indicated. Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit of work to the condition expected from a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAGE 4 Comply with the manufacturer's instructions for operations. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting the ENGINEER inspection for certification of substantial completion: Remove exposed labels in finished spaces which are not required as permanent labels on materials supplied as part of the work, except for "Asbestos", "Asbestos Free", or Thermal Insulation Labels specified elsewhere. Clean transparent materials affected by the work, including mirrors and window/door glass, to a polished condition, removing substances which are noticeably vision -obscuring materials. Wax and polish hard surfaced floors affected by the work, using materials supplied by the OWNER. Clean exposed hard -surfaced finishes affected by the work, to a dirt -free condition, free of dust, stains, films and similar distracting substances. Except as otherwise indicated, avoid disturbance of natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to original reflective condition .prior to work. Vacuum clean with HEPA vacuum carpeted surfaces and similar soft surfaces and/or professionally clean to remove staining caused by Work of this contract. Clean plumbing fixtures affected by the work to a sanitary condition, free of stains including those resulting from water exposure. Replace disposable type HVAC Filters affected by the Work Area using materials supplied by OWNER. Clean permanent type filters after minimum of 48 hours of operation of HVAC equipment after Final Clearance. Clean light fixtures and lamps which have been affected by the work. Clean project site (yard and grounds), including landscaped areas, of litter and foreign substances left during the course of the Work. Sweep paved areas which have been affected by the Work to a broom -clean condition; remove stains, petrochemical spills and other foreign deposits left by the Work. SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAGE 5 Rake unplanted grounds which have been disturbed by the Work, to a smooth, even -textured surface . Removal _of Protection: Except as otherwise indicated or requested by the ENGINEER's, remove temporary protection devices and facilities which were installed during the course of the Work to protect previously completed work during the remainder of the construction period. Compliances: Comply with safety standards and governing regulations for cleaning operations. Do not burn waste materials .� at the site. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the OWNER's property. Do not discharge volatile or other harmful or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of in a lawful manner. Where extra materials of value remaining after completion of associated Work have become the OWNER's property, store materials as directed by the OWNER. *************** END OF SECTION ************************ IM SECTION 01390 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAGE 6 CONTRACTOR'S C E R T I F I C A T E O F C O M P L E T I O N ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- TO: Owner/Manager PROJECT: BUILDING NAME: LOCATION WITHIN BUILDING: The work for the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with applicable requirements of the United States Environmental. Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and state, county, and local agencies. The work has also been performed in accordance with the Project Manual as prepared by the ENGINEER. SIGNED: Authorized Representative TITLE: DATE: SEAL: SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 1 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES SECTION 01400 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: This section describes air monitoring and inspection services to be carried out by the ENGINEER to verify that the Work performed is in compliance and that the building areas beyond the Work Area and the outside environment remain uncontaminated. This section also sets forth airborne fiber levels both inside and outside the Work Area as action levels, and describes the action required by the CONTRACTOR if an action level is met or exceeded. AIR MONITORING• The ENGINEER will be conducting air monitoring throughout the course of the project. Base Line Fiber Counts: The ENGINEER will monitor airborne fiber counts prior to start of Work. The purpose of this air monitoring will be to establish existing airborne fiber counts prior to beginning abatement operations. Work Area Isolation: The ENGINEER will monitor airborne fiber counts outside the Work Area. The purpose of this air monitoring will be to detect faults in the Work Area isolation including, but not limited to, contamination of the building outside of the Work Area with airborne asbestos fibers, failure of filtration or rupture in the negative pressure system, or contamination of the exterior of the building with airborne asbestos fibers. Should any of the above occur, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately cease asbestos abatement activities until the fault is corrected. Work shall not recommence until authorized by the ENGINEER. Work Area Airborne Fiber Count: The ENGINEER will monitor airborne fiber counts in the Work Area. SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 2 The purpose of this air monitoring will be to detect airborne fiber counts which may significantly challenge the integrity of the Work Area isolation procedures to protect the balance of the building or outside of the building from contamination by airborne fibers. Containment Clearance: The ENGINEER will monitor airborne fiber counts in the Work Area at completion of gross removal operations. The purpose of this air monitoring will be to determine if the elevated airborne fiber counts encountered during abatement operations have been reduced to an acceptable level prior to removal of the primary containment barriers and prior to Final Clearance testing. Final Clearance: The ENGINEER will conduct Final Clearance air sampling per Section 01410. AIRBORNE FIBER COUNTS: Inside Work Area: Maintain an average airborne count in the Work Area of less than 0.2 fibers per cubic centimeter. If the fiber counts rise above this figure for any sample taken, revise work procedures to lower fiber counts. If the Time Weighted Average (TWA) fiber count for any Work shift or eight (8) hour period exceeds 0.2 fibers per cubic centimeter, stop Work and leave negative air system in operation. Do not recommence Work until authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. Outside Work Area: Maintain an average airborne count outside the Work Area of less than or equal to Base Line as established below. If any air sample taken outside the Work Area exceeds the Base Line, immediately and automatically stop Work until" the source of the high fiber readings can be determined by the ENGINEER. If no outside non -asbestos source can be located by the ENGINEER and if this air sample was taken inside the building and outside of Critical Barriers around the Work Area, immediately erect new Critical Barriers as set forth in Section 01500 to isolate the affected area from the balance of the building or as instructed by the ENGINEER. Erect Critical Barriers at the next existing structural isolation of the involved space (e.g. wall, ceiling, floor). Decontaminate the affected area in accordance with Section 01510. SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 3 .� Respiratory protection as set forth in Section 01710 shall be worn in affected area until area is cleared for reoccupancy in accordance with Section 01410. Leave Critical Barriers in place until completion of Work and insure that the operation of the negative pressure system in the Work Area results in a flow of air from the balance of the building into the affected area. If the exit from the clean room of the personnel decontamination unit enters the affected area, establish a new decontamination facility. After visual inspection in the extended work area, remove Critical Barriers separating the work area from the affected area. Final Clearance air samples will be taken within the entire area as set forth in Section 01410. Fiber Type Disputes: The following procedure will be used to resolve any disputes regarding fiber types when the Project has been stopped due to excessive airborne fiber counts: Air samples will be secured in the same area by the ENGINEER for analysis by Scanning or Transmission Electron Microscopy at the option of the ENGINEER and classified as retests and backcharged to the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the procedures in this specification. ANALYTICAL METHODS: The following methods will be utilized at the discretion of the ENGINEER in collecting and analyzing air samples: -` Phase Contrast Microscopy (NIOSH 7400 Method A or OSHA Reference Method). " Scanning Electron Microscopy Transmission Electron Microscopy (NIOSH 7402, Yamate, or 40 CFR Part 763). SAMPLE PROTOCOLS: General: The number and volume of air samples taken by the ENGINEER will generally be in accordance with the following schedule. Sample quantities, locations, volumes and methodologies may vary depending upon the analytical method and project layout used and at the discretion of the ENGINEER. SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 4 SCHEDULE OF AIR SAMPLES: Base Line Sample Schedule: The ENGINEER will secure the following air samples to establish a Base Line before start of Work. The number of samples may vary according to site plan and on authorization of ENGINEER. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sampled Minimum Planned Number of Analytical Samples Method ----------------------------------------------------------------- Each Work Area 1 PCM Outside Each Work Area 1 Outside Building 1 --------------------------------------------------- PCM PCM Base Line Fiber Level: is an action level expressed in fibers per cubic centimeter which is the larger of the following: Average of the samples collected outside each work area. 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter. Daily Sample Schedule (per 8-hour work period): From start of Work of Section 01500 through the Work of Section 01570, the ENGINEER will generally take the following samples on a daily (8- hour work period) basis. The number of samples may vary according to site plan and on authorization of the ENGINEER. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sampled Number of Planned_ per 8-hour shift Samples Analytical Method ----------------------------------------------------------------- Each Work Area 2 PCM Outside Each Work Area 3 PCM Outside Building 1 PCM Output Negative Pressure 1 PCM System SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 5 If airborne fiber counts exceed baseline limits, additional samples will be taken (and classified as retests) as necessary to monitor fiber levels and confirm sources. Containment Clearance Sample Schedule: The ENGINEER will secure the following air samples to establish Containment Clearance. The number of samples may vary according to site plan and on authorization of ENGINEER. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Location Sampled Minimum Planned Number of Analytical Samples Method ----------------------------------------------------------------- Work Area 1 PCM ----------------------------------------------------------------- Release Criteria: Gross decontamination is complete when every Work Area sample is below 0.01 fibers/cc or the Base Line outside the Work Area, whichever is greater. If any sample is above the limit indicated, then the gross decontamination is incomplete and recleaning by decontamination procedures and/or negative air system cycling is required and primary containment barriers cannot be removed. LABORATORY TESTING: The ENGINEER will perform laboratory analysis of the air samples. A microscope and technician will be set up at the jobsite, at the option of the ENGINEER, so that verbal reports on air samples can be obtained promptly after collection. Daily reports to the OWNER by the ENGINEER will include air monitoring data and pertinent information on work being conducted such as: work hours, number of workers, procedures used, contractor discrepancies and corrective measures, containment methods and construction, and amount of ACM removed. INSPECTIONS: The ENGINEER, in addition to providing air monitoring services, will provide ,full-time, on -site inspection of Work activities. Work shall not proceed without prior notice to the ENGINEER and presence of the ENGINEER on the Work site (requires 48 hours advance notice of Work). SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 6 The ENGINEER will conduct the following key Project inspections and no work by the CONTRACTOR will proceed beyond these points until all discrepancies noted during the inspection have been corrected. The ENGINEER's inspections do not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his Contract obligations and are not designed to locate all project discrepancies. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for project quality. First Rey Inspection: Inspection of Work Area and Containments Prior to Start of Removal: Removal operations shall not proceed until the ENGINEER has completed inspection of the Work Area preparations and until all discrepancies noted have been corrected. Second Rey Inspections: Inspection During Removal: Removal Work shall not be conducted unless the ENGINEER is on the Project site. Inspection of the Work Area and Work practices will be conducted; upon discovery and report of a discrepancy the CONTRACTOR shall immediately stop Work and correct the discrepancy. Third Rey Inspections: Inspection of Work Area or Containment After Completion of Removal Work, but Prior to Encapsulation of Surfaces: A visual inspection of the Work site and/or Containment areas and removal surfaces will be conducted at this point by the ENGINEER and lockdown encapsulation shall not proceed until discrepancies noted have been corrected. Fourth Rey Inspection: Work Area or Containment Clearance, After Encapsulation but Prior to Work Area or Containment Disassembly: Air Clearance tests shall be conducted after visual inspection of the encapsulation, but not until the encapsulant is fully dry (minimum 4 hours). Fifth Rey Inspection: Final Clearance: After final clean-up of the Work Area, but prior to removal of Critical Barriers, the ENGINEER will conduct a visual inspection followed by final air tests. Final air sampling for full containment areas will be conducted in accordance with Section 01410. SECTION 01400 AIR MONITORING AND INSPECTION TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 7 Final Rey Inspections: Project Closeout Inspection: Will be conducted by the ENGINEER after the CONTRACTOR has removed Critical Barriers, equipment, and supplies. A Project "Punch List" will be provided of any items requiring correction or completion. Punch List items shall be completed prior to issuance of final completion notice by the - ENGINEER. Discrepancies or needed corrective measures observed by the ENGINEER will be reported to the CONTRACTOR's Superintendent on - site and shall be immediately corrected. The above inspections are not necessarily single events. Failed inspections will be re -conducted and time classified as retests and charged back to the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the project documents. Inspections will require 48 hours advance notice to the ENGINEER. PERSONAL MONITORING: The CONTRACTOR shall perform air monitoring as required to meet OSHA Requirements for maintenance of Time Weighted Average (TWA) and excursion limit fiber counts for types of respiratory protection provided. The OWNER will not be providing air ®, monitoring services to meet these OSHA requirements. The sample collection method and laboratory providing analysis of these samples must be acceptable to the OWNER. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01410 FINAL CLEARANCE PAGE 1 FINAL CLEARANCE (AGGRESSIVE TEN) SECTION 01410 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. AIR MONITORING• To determine if the elevated airborne fiber counts encountered during abatement operations have been reduced to the specified level, the ENGINEER will secure samples and analyze them according to the following procedures. AGGRESSIVE SAMPLING: Air Samples from work areas will be collected using aggressive sampling techniques at locations determined by the ENGINEER as follows: Before sampling pumps are started, the exhaust from forced air equipment (leaf blower with electric motor) will be swept against walls, ceilings, floors, ledges and other surfaces in the room. If required, 20 inch diameter fans will be mounted in central locations directed toward ceilings and operated at low speed for the period of sample collection to maintain fiber suspension. After air sampling pumps have been shut off, fans (if used) will be shut off. SCHEDULE OF AIR SAMPLES: General: The number and volume of air samples taken and analytical methods used by the ENGINEER will generally be in accordance with the following schedule. Sample quantities, volumes, and analytical methodologies given may vary and will be at the discretion of the ENGINEER. SECTION 01410 FINAL CLEARANCE PAGE 2 TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (TEM): In each homogeneous work area or as required by the ENGINEER, TEM samples will be taken and will be analyzed as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sampled Scheduled Filter Media Number of Samples ----------------------------------------------------------------- Each Work Area 5 Cellulose Ester Outside Work Area 5 Cellulose Ester Field Blank 2 Cellulose Ester Lab 1 Cellulose Ester Analysis: Asbestos fibers on each filter will be measured using analysis per AHERA rules (40 CFR 763, appendix A and B). Release Criteria: Decontamination of the Work site is complete as determined by the analytical protocol if the average fiber concentration of the Work Area samples is below seventy (70) structures per square millimeter in accordance with 40 CFR 763.90(4). The ENGINEER may elect at his option to utilize the Z-test clearance alternative described in 40 CFR Part 763 in lieu of the above Method. If the results of analysis of the work area samples fails to meet the release criteria, then the decontamination is incomplete and recleaning per Section 01570 is required. LABORATORY TESTING: TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (TEM Samples will be sent by overnight courier for analysis by Transmission Electron Microscopy to the ENGINEER's laboratory in Dallas, Texas. Verbal results will generally be available within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of samples by the laboratory. The OWNER and ENGINEER will, however, not bear any responsibility for delays in availability of laboratory results for whatever reason. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PAGE 1 SECTION 01500 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Polyethylene Sheet: A single polyethylene film in the largest sheet size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick as indicated, clear, frosted, or black as indicated. When working near hot equipment or in fire potential area, provide flame resistant polyethylene film that conforms to requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association Standard 701, Small Scale Fire Test for Flame -resistant Textiles and Films. Reinforced Polyethylene Sheet: Where a plastic sheet is the only separation between the work area and building exterior and stressing of the sheeting is likely, provide nylon, reinforced, laminated, flame resistant, polyethylene film that conforms to requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association Standard 701, Small Scale Fire Test for Flame -resistant Textiles and Films. Provide largest size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick, as indicated, opaque. Spray Plastic: Provide spray plastic in aerosol cans or premixed for spray application which is formulated to adhere gently to surfaces and remove cleanly by peeling off at the completion of the work. Use of spray plastic must be approved in advance by the ENGINEER. Adhesive Tape: Provide adhesive tape in 2" or 3" widths as indicated, with an adhesive which is formulated to aggressively stick to sheet polyethylene and other surfaces in a wet, humid, hot environment. Any adhesive residue remaining after clean-up must be removed and surfaces restored to prior -work condition. Spray Cement: Provide spray adhesive in aerosol cans which is specifically formulated to stick tenaciously to sheet polyethylene, and other surfaces in a wet, humid, hot environment. SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PAGE 2 Any adhesive residue remaining after clean-up must be removed and surfaces restored to prior -work condition. Window: Provide 1/4" thick, 18" x 24" minimum clear plastic window(s) to be located to provide view into the Containment Area as indicated and required by the ENGINEER. PART 3 - EXECUTION -- SEQUENCE OF WORK: Carry out work of this section sequentially. Complete each activity before proceeding to the next. GENERAL• Work Area: Is the location where asbestos -abatement work occurs. It is a variable of the extent of work of the Contract. It may be a portion of a room, a single room, or a complex of rooms. A "work area" is considered contaminated during the work, and must be isolated from the balance of the building, and decontaminated at the completion of the asbestos -control work. Provide Warning Signs meeting regulatory requirements at each visual and physical barriers reading as generally follows: Legend DANGER ASBESTOS CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA BREATHING ASBESTOS DUST MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH Signage is to be placed at approaches to the work area at such positions that personnel will have adequate time to take precautions. Post signage so as to not be in view of the general public inside or outside of the building. SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PAGE 3 If necessary, post preliminary signs in public areas reading similar to "CAUTION -- CONSTRUCTION AREA". Signage posting plan must meet the requirement of and be approved by the ENGINEER. ALTERNATE METHODS OF CONTAINMENT: Alternate methods of containing the work area may be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval in accordance with procedures set forth in Section 01360. Do not proceed with any such method(s) without prior approval of the ENGINEER. RESPIRATORY AND WORKER PROTECTION: Before proceeding beyond this point in providing Temporary containments: Provide Worker Protection per Section 01700 Provide Respiratory Protection per Section 01710 CRITICAL BARRIERS: Completely Separate the work area from other portions of the building, and the outside by sheet plastic barriers at least 4 mil in thickness, sealing with adhesive tape. Clean surfaces per Section 01510 procedures with HEPA filtered vacuum and/or wet wiping prior to installation of critical barriers. Individually seal ventilation openings in walls (supply and exhaust), wall mounted fixtures, doorways, windows, convectors, and other wall and floor openings into the work area with adhesive tape alone or with polyethylene sheeting at least 4 mil thickness, taped securely in place with adhesive tape. Maintain seal until Work including Final Clearance is completed. Exercise care in sealing active lighting and other fixtures to avoid melting or burning of sheeting. Clean contaminated furniture, carpeting, equipment, and/or supplies with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner or by wet cleaning, as specified in Section 01510, prior to being moved or covered. Equipment, furniture, etc. is to be deemed contaminated unless specifically declared as uncontaminated on the Contract Documents or by the ENGINEER. SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PAGE 4 Clean housings and ducts of overspray materials prior to erection of the Critical Barrier polyethylene sheeting. Cover Carpeting (where occurs) with a minimum of one (1) additional layer of 10-mil polyethylene sheeting or additional layers as required to protect carpeting as critical barrier if carpeting is to remain in place during and after abatement of area. Provide Sheet Plastic barriers at least 4 mil in thickness as required to completely seal openings from the work area into adjacent areas. Seal the perimeter of sheet plastic barriers with adhesive tape. Completely seal seams with adhesive tape stripping. Mechanically Support sheet plastic independently of adhesive tape or spray cement seals so that seals do not support the weight of the plastic. Support methods must be approved of by the ENGINEER. Provide Decontamination Units per Section 01520. Provide Negative Pressure System per Section 01530. PRIMARY CONTAINMENT BARRIERS: Clean Surfaces In Work Area with a HEPA filtered vacuum or by wet wiping prior to the installation of any sheet plastic. Contain Work Areas with two (2) layers of 6 mil plastic sheeting on floor and one (1) layer of 4 mil on walls as follows, or as otherwise directed in the Contract Documents or in writing by the ENGINEER. Cover floor of work area with a minimum of two `(2) individual layers of clear polyethylene sheeting, each at least 6 mil in thickness, turned up walls at least 12 inches. Form a sharp right angle bend at junction of floor and wall so that there is no radius which could be stepped on causing the wall attachment to be pulled loose. Both spray -glue and adhesive tape seams in floor covering. Locate seams in top layer at a minimum of six (6) feet from, or at right angles to, seams in bottom layer. Install sheeting so that top layer can be removed independently of bottom layer. As required to protect floor plastic, cover sheet plastic in areas where scaffolding is to be used with a plywood or hardboard of sufficient thickness to protect plastic from punctures and tears. SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PAGE 5 Wrap edges and corners of each sheet with adhesive tape. At completion of abatement work, wrap plywood or hardboard with two (2) layers of 6 mil polyethylene and move to next work area or dispose of as asbestos -contaminated waste materials in accordance with Section 01590. Remove electrical and mechanical items, such as lighting fixtures, clocks, diffusers, registers, escutcheon plates, etc., which cover any part of the surface involved with the work. Remove general construction items such as cabinets, casework, doors and window trim, moldings, ceilings, trim, etc., which cover any part of the surface involved with the work,or as required to prevent interference with the work. Clean, decontaminate and reinstall such materials, upon completion of removal work with materials, finishes, and workmanship to match existing installations prior to start of work to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. Cover walls in work area including "Critical Barrier" sheet plastic barriers with a minimum of one (1) layer of polyethylene sheeting, at least 4 mil in thickness, mechanically supported, if required, and sealed with adhesive tape or spray -glue in the same manner as "Critical Barrier" sheet plastic barriers. Tape joints including the joining with the floor covering with adhesive tape or as otherwise indicated or approved by the ENGINEER. Elevator: Cover walls, floor and ceiling of elevator, if used, with two (2) layers of 6 mil polyethylene. Arrange entry to work area so that elevator door is in a positively pressurized space outside the clean room of the decontamination unit. At completion of the work, elevator shall be cleaned as set forth in Section 01570. Refer to Section 01000 Summary of the`Work for additional requirements for protection of elevator. Stairs and Ramps: Do not cover stairs or ramps with unsecured sheet plastic. Where stairs or ramps are covered with plastic, provide treads securely held in place, over plastic. Do not cover rungs or rails with any type of protective materials. Windows: Provide window or windows into Containment Area to allow view to full extent possible. Locate as required by the ENGINEER. SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT PAGE 6 EXTENSION OF WORK AREA: If the containment barrier is breached in any manner that could allow the passage of asbestos debris or airborne fibers, then add affected area to the work area, contain it as required by this section of the specification and decontaminate it as described in Section 01570. SECONDARY BARRIERS: Secondary layers of plastic as a drop cloth to protect the primary layer from debris generated by the asbestos abatement work is specified in the appropriate work sections. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01510 PRE -CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES PAGE 1 PRE -CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES SECTION 01510 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: The work includes decontamination of areas prior to containment construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL• Complete the following before start of work of this section: Section 01600 - Local Area Protection Section 01620 - Worker Protection (Repair and Maintenance) Section 01710 - Respiratory Protection WET CLEANING• Accomplish wet cleaning during decontamination with paper towels or disposable rags: r Immerse paper towel or rag in bucket of water with surfactant or diluted removal encapsulant. If a removal encapsulant is used, test first to insure that it will not either leave a residue that will impede visual inspection or become gummy during cleaning. Wring out, Fold into quarters, Wipe surface once and refold to a fresh face of cloth. Proceed in this manner until all available faces of paper towel or rag have been used. SECTION 01510 PRE -CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES PAGE 2 Dispose of paper towel or rag. Do not place rag back in bucket to rinse out or for any other purpose. If a used towel or rag comes in contact with ® water, empty bucket and refill. Material adhered to a surface with removal encapsulant may require the application of additional removal encapsulant to facilitate cleaning. REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING DEBRIS: Work of this section is limited to the cleanup of a small quantity of amassed debris which has fallen from an architectural finish, fireproofing, or thermal insulation on pipes, boilers and other thermal equipment. Remove asbestos -containing debris and decontaminate the area involved using the following sequence: Shut down all ventilation into room. Seal entry to work area with 6 mil polyethylene. Slit polyethylene for entry. Install a flap to automatically cover the slit; tape slit closed after entry. Start HEPA vacuum before entering the area. Use the HEPA vacuum to clean a path at least six (6) feet wide from the entry point of the work area to the site of the fallen material. Remove all small debris with the HEPA vacuum. HEPA vacuum surfaces of all pieces too large -to be removed by the suction of the HEPA vacuum. Pick up such pieces and place in the bottom of a 6 mil polyethylene disposal bag conforming to the requirements of Section 01590 of these specifications. Place pieces in the bag without dropping and avoiding unnecessary disturbance and release of material. Remove all remaining visible debris with HEPA vacuum. HEPA vacuum an area three (3) feet beyond the location in which any visible debris was found in two directions each at right angles to the other. SECTION 01510 PRE -CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES PAGE 3 Place a 6 mil polyethylene drop cloth in accordance with Section 01600 immediately on top of the HEPA vacuumed area before performing any repair work on site from which fall -out occurred. HEPA vacuum the site from which material fell removing all loose material which can be removed by the vacuum's suction. Repair or remove remaining material. HEPA vacuum ladder and/or any tools used and pass out of the work area. For Heavily Contaminated Areas: HEPA vacuum all surfaces in the room starting at the top of wall and working downward to the floor. Then start at corner of floor farthest from work area entrance and work towards entrance. HEPA vacuum the floor using a floor attachment with rubber floor seals and adjustable floor to attachment height. Adjust the height so that the rubber seals just touch the. floor if carpeted and are within 1/16" of hard surface floors. Vacuum the floor in parallel passes with each pass overlapping the previous by one half the width of the floor attachment. At the completion of one cleaning, vacuum the floor a second time at right angles to the first. Secure area from occupancy until air monitoring results per Section 01410 indicate that area is safe for reoccupancy, if required by the ENGINEER. CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATING OBJECTS: Following is a procedure for cleaning contaminated objects. Perform all work of decontaminating objects wherever possible on a plastic drop sheet installed in conformance with Section 01600. HEPA vacuum all surfaces of object and immediate area before moving the object. Pick up object, if possible, and HEPA vacuum all surfaces. Hand to off -sheet worker who will wet -clean object, if possible, and place in storage location. Decontaminate area where object was located by HEPA vacuuming twice, in two perpendicular directions. I— SECTION 01510 PRE -CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES PAGE 4 Wet clean if necessary to remove any debris. Return object to its original location. DECONTAMINATION OF ROOMS: Procedures for cleaning spaces adjacent to a work area which have been contaminated by fiber migration or which have been contaminated by gross debris. Shut down all ventilation into space. Seal entry to work area with 6 mil polyethylene. Slit polyethylene for entry. Install a flap to automatically cover the slit; tape slit closed after entry. Install Negative air system in accordance with �- Section 01530. If, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, it is infeasible to exhaust the negative air machine, use the following: Short Cycle Negative Air Machine in space by operating so that discharge from machine is into space. Use one negative air machine for each 2,500 cubic feet. HEPA vacuum all surfaces in the room starting at the ceiling, then top of wall and working downward to the floor. HEPA vacuum the floor using a floor attachment with rubber floor seals and adjustable floor to attachment height. Adjust the height so that the rubber seals just touch the floor if carpeted' and are within 1/16" of hard surface floors. Vacuum the floor in parallel passes with each pass overlapping the previous by one half the width of the floor attachment. At the completion of one cleaning, vacuum the floor a second time at right angles to the first. Operate Negative Air Machine in space for 24 hours minimum. At completion of decontamination work, workers shall decontaminate in accordance with Section 01620. Secure area from occupancy until air monitoring results, per Section 01410 indicate area is safe for reoccupancy, if required by ENGINEER. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* DECONTAMINATION UNITS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 1 SECTION 01520 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Provide personnel and equipment decontamination facilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS PLASTIC SHEETING: Use specified as applicable for performance of the work. Polyethylene Sheet: In non -fire hazard areas, a single polyethylene film in the largest sheet size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick as indicated, clear, frosted, or black as indicated. Polyethylene Sheet: In fire hazard areas, provide flame resistant polyethylene film that conforms to requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association Standard 701, Small Scale Fire Test for Flame -resistant Textiles and Films. Provide largest size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick as indicated, frosted or black as indicated. Reinforced Polyethylene Sheet: Where plastic sheet is the only separation between the work area and building exterior, provide translucent, nylon reinforced, laminated, flame resistant, polyethylene film that conforms to requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association Standard 701, Small Scale Fire Test for Flame -resistant Textiles and Films. Provide largest size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick as indicated, frosted or black as indicated. Adhesive Tape: Provide adhesive tape in 2" or 3" widths as indicated, with an adhesive which is formulated to aggressively stick to sheet polyethylene. SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 2 Spray Cement: Provide spray adhesive in aerosol cans which is specifically formulated to stick tenaciously to sheet polyethylene. Shower Pan: Provide one piece waterproof shower pan fabricated from seamless fiberglass, stainless steel with welded seams, or other system acceptable to the ENGINEER. Shower Walls and Roof: Provide walls and roof fabricated from impervious, waterproof material. Structurally support as necessary for stability. Shower Head and Controls: Provide a factory made, personal use, commercial shower head producing a spray of water which can be adjusted for spray size and intensity. Feed shower with water "-' mixed from hot and cold supply lines. Arrange so that control of water temperature, flow rate, and shut off is from inside shower without outside aid. Filters: Provide cascaded filter units on drain lines from showers or any other water source carrying asbestos contaminated water from the work area. Provide units with disposable filter elements as indicated below. Connect so that discharged water passes primary filter and output of primary filter passes through secondary filter. Primary Filter - Pass particles 20 microns and smaller Secondary Filter - Pass particles 5 microns and smaller Shower Stall: For Wash Down Station, provide leak tight shower enclosure with drain pan fabricated from fiberglass or other durable waterproof material, approximately 3' x 3' square with minimum 6' high sides and back. Structurally support as necessary for stability: Provide drain platform in drain pan for occupant to stand out of the drain water. Connect drain to. --a reservoir, pump water from reservoir through filters to a drain. Lumber: Provide kiln dried lumber of any grade or species. Sump Pump: Provide totally submersible waterproof sump pump with integral float switch. Provide unit sized to pump two (2) times the flow capacity of all showers or hoses supplying water to the sump, through the filters specified herein when they are loaded to the extent that replacement is required. Provide unit capable of pumping debris, sand, plaster or other materials washed off during decontamination procedures without damage to mechanism of pump. Adjust float switch so that a minimum of 3" remains between top of liquid and top of sump pan. SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: PERSONNEL DECONTAMINATION UNIT: Provide a Personnel Decontamination Unit consisting of a serial arrangement of connected rooms or spaces, with a minimum of a Changing room, Shower Room, and Equipment Room. Require all persons without exception to pass through this decontamination unit for entry into and exiting from the work area for any purpose. Do not allow parallel routes for entry or exit. Provide temporary lighting within decontamination units as necessary. Changing Room (clean room): Provide a room that is physically and visually separated from the rest of the building for the purpose of changing into protective clothing. Construct using opaque polyethylene sheeting, at least 6 mil in thickness, between the Changing room and the rest of the building. Locate so that access to Work Area from Changing Room is through Shower Room. Separate Changing Room from the building by a sheet polyethylene curtained doorway. Require workers to remove all street clothes in this room, dress in clean disposable coveralls, and don respiratory protection equipment. Do not allow asbestos contaminated items to enter this room. Require Workers to enter this room either from outside the structure dressed in street clothes, or naked from the showers. An existing room may be utilized as the Changing Room if it is suitably located and of a configuration whereby workmen may enter the Changing Room directly from the Shower Room. Protect surfaces of room with sheet plastic as set forth -,in Section 01500. Authorization for this configuration must be obtained from the ENGINEER prior to start of construction. Maintain floor of Changing Room dry and clean at all times. Do not allow overflow water from shower to wet floor in Changing Room. Damp wipe all surfaces after each shift change with a disinfectant solution. Provide a continuously adequate supply of disposable bath towels. Provide one (1) clothes hanger or storage locker per employee and visitor. a ^ SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 4 Emergency Numbers: Post clearly in changing room (clean room) the telephone numbers and locations of emergency services including but not limited to fire, ambulance, doctor, hospital, police, power company, telephone company. Shower Room: Provide a completely water tight operational shower to be used for transit by cleanly dressed workers heading for the Work Area from the Changing Room, or for showering by workers headed out of Work Area after undressing in the Equipment Room. Construct room by providing a shower pan and shower walls in a configuration that will cause water running down walls to drip into pan. Install a freely draining floor in shower pan at minimum one (1) inch from top of pan. Separate this room from the rest of the building with air tight walls fabricated of 6 mil polyethylene. Separate this room from the Changing and Equipment Rooms with air tight walls fabricated of 6 mil polyethylene. Provide splashproof entrances to Changing and Equipment Rooms with two (2) curtained doorways. Provide temporary extensions of existing hot and cold water and drainage, as necessary for a complete and operable shower. Provide a soap and shampoo dish and a continuously adequate supply of soap and shampoo, and maintain in sanitary condition. Arrange so that water from showering does not splash into the Changing or Equipment Rooms. Arrange water shut off and drain pump operation controls so that a single individual can shower without assistance from either inside or outside of the work area. Provide flexible hose shower head. Pump waste water to drain, providing 20 micron and 5 micron waste water filters in line to drain. Change filters as necessary to maintain efficiency. Provide other items indicated and as required for an effective system. Equipment Room (contaminated area) footwear and additional contaminated here. This is a change and transit this room - from the work area by a 6 doorway. SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 5 Require work equipment, work clothing to be left area for workers. Separate mil polyethylene curtained Separate this room from the rest of the building with air tight walls fabricated of 6 mil polyethylene. Separate this room from the Shower Room and Work Area with air tight walls fabricated of 6 mil polyethylene. Work Area: Separate work area from polyethylene barriers. Damp wipe clean shift change. Provide one additional polyethylene per shift change and remove each shift. Construction• the Equipment Room by all surfaces after each floor layer of 6-mil contaminated layer after Walls and Ceiling: Construct air tight walls and ceiling using polyethylene sheeting, at least 6 mil in thickness. Attach to existing building components or a temporary framework. Floors: Use a minimum of two (2) layers of 6 mil polyethylene sheeting to cover floors in the Equipment, Shower (underneath shower pan), and Changing Rooms. Provide an additional layer in the Equipment Room for every shift change expected. Provide a minimum of two (2) layers of plastic at all times. Use only clear plastic to cover floors. Curtained Doorways: Fabricated from two (2) overlapping polyethylene sheets with openings a minimum of three feet (31) wide. Configure so that sheeting overlaps adjacent surfaces. Weight sheets at bottoms so that they quickly close after being released. Put arrows on sheets to indicate direction of overlap and/or travel. Provide a minimum of four feet (41) between entrance and exit of any room. Attach top and right side of outer sheet to doorway frame. Attach top and left side of inner sheet to doorway frame. If the decontamination area is located within an area containing friable asbestos on overhead ceilings, ducts, piping, etc., provide the area with a minimum 1/4 inch hardboard or 1/2 inch plywood "ceiling" with polyethylene sheeting, at least 4 mil in thickness covering the top of the "ceiling". SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 6 Visual Barrier: Where the decontamination area is immediately M- adjacent to and within view of occupied areas, provide a visual barrier of opaque polyethylene sheeting at least 4 mil in thickness so that worker privacy is maintained and work procedures are not visible to building occupants. Where the area adjacent to the decontamination area is accessible to the public, construct a solid barrier on the public side of the sheeting to protect the sheeting. Construct barrier with wood or metal studs covered with minimum 1/4 inch thick hardboard or 1/2 inch plywood. Where the solid barrier is provided, sheeting need not be opaque. Alternate methods of providing decontamination facilities may be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval. Do not proceed with any such method(s) without authorization of the ENGINEER. Electrical: Provide subpanel at Changing room or other outside location to accommodate removal equipment. Power subpanel directly from a building electrical panel. Connect electrical branch circuits in decontamination unit and any pumps in shower room to a ground -fault circuit protection device, and in accordance with applicable regulations. DECONTAMINATION SEQUENCE: Entering Work Area: Worker enters Changing room and removes street clothing, puts on clean disposable overalls and respirator, and passes through the Shower Room into the Equipment Room. Any additional clothing and equipment left in Equipment Room needed by the worker are put on in the Equipment Room. Worker proceeds to Work Area. Exitina Work Area: Before leaving the work area, require the worker to remove all gross contamination and debris from overalls and feet. The worker then proceeds to the Equipment Room and removes all clothing except respiratory protection equipment. Extra work clothing may be stored in contaminated end of the Equipment Room. Disposable coveralls are placed in a bag for disposal with other material. Decontamination procedures found in Section 01700 shall be followed by all individuals leaving the work area. SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 7 After showering, the worker moves to the changing room and dresses in either new coveralls for another entry or street clothes if leaving. EQUIPMENT AND BAG -OUT DECONTAMINATION UNITS: The CONTRACTOR may provide an Equipment and Bag -out Decontamination Unit consisting of a serial arrangement of rooms, Clean Room, Holding Room, Wash Room for removal of equipment and material from work area. Do not allow personnel to enter or exit work area through Equipment Decontamination Unit. Wash Down Station: Provide an enclosed shower unit located in work area just outside Wash Room as an equipment, bag and container cleaning station. Wash Room: Provide wash room for cleaning of bagged or containerized asbestos -containing waste materials passed from the work area. Construct wash room of 2 X 4 wood framing and polyethylene sheeting, at least 6 mil in thickness and located so that packaged materials, after being wiped clean can be passed to the Holding Room. Separate this room from the work area by a curtained doorway of 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. Holding Room: Provide Holding Room as a drop location for bagged asbestos -containing materials passed from the Wash Room. Construct Holding room of 2 X 4 wood framing and polyethylene sheeting at least 6 mil in thickness and located so that bagged materials cannot be passed from the Wash Room through the Holding Room to the Clean Room. Separate this room from the adjacent rooms by alcurtained doorway of 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. Clean Room: Provide Clean Room to isolate the Holding Room from the building exterior. Construct Clean room of 2 X 4 wood framing and polyethylene sheeting, at least 6 mil in thickness and locate to provide access to the Holding Room from the building exterior. Separate this room from the exterior by a curtained doorway of 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. Equipment or Material: Take all equipment or material from the work area through the Equipment Decontamination Unit according to the following procedure: At wash down station, thoroughly wet -clean contaminated equipment or sealed polyethylene bags and pass into Wash Room. ,. SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 8 When passing equipment or containers into the Wash Room, close all doorways of the Equipment Decontamination Unit, other than the doorway between the Wash down Station and the Wash Room. Keep all outside personnel clear of the Equipment Decontamination Unit. Once inside the washroom, wet -clean the bags and/or equipment. When cleaning is complete, pass items into Holding Room. Close all doorways except the doorway between the Holding Room and the Clean Room. Workers from the building exterior enter Holding Area and remove decontaminated equipment and/or containers for disposal. Require these workers to wear full protective clothing and appropriate respiratory protection. ^. At no time is a worker from an uncontaminated area to enter the enclosure when a removal worker is inside. CLEANING OF DECONTAMINATION UNITS: Clean debris and residue from inside of Decontamination Units on a daily basis. Damp wipe or hose down all surfaces after each shift change. Clean debris from shower pans on a daily basis. If the Changing Room of the Personnel Decontamination Unit becomes contaminated with ACM, abandon the entire decontamination unit and erect a new' decontamination unit. Use the former Changing Room as an inner section of the new Equipment Room. �Sc"i RF Post an approximately 20 inch by 14 inch manufactured danger sign at each entrance to the work area displaying the following general legend with letter sizes and styles of a visibility required by 29 CFR 1926: SECTION 01520 DECONTAMINATION UNITS PAGE 9 LEGEND: DANGER ASBESTOS CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01530 NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM PAGE 1 SECTION 01530 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NEGATIVE AIR MACHINES: General: Supply the required number of asbestos air filtration units to the site in accordance with these specifications. Each unit shall include the following: Cabinet: Constructed of steel or other durable materials able to withstand damage from rough handling and transportation. The width of the cabinet should be less than 30 inches to fit through standard -size doorways. Cabinet shall be factory sealed to prevent asbestos -containing dust from being released during use, transport, or maintenance. Access to and replacement of all air filters shall be from intake end. Unit shall be mounted on casters or wheels. Fans: Rate capacity of fan according to usable air -moving capacity under actual operating conditions. Use centrifugal -type fan. HEPA Filters: The final filter shall be the HEPA type. The filter media (folded into closely pleated panels) must be completely sealed on all edges with a structurally rigid frame. A continuous rubber gasket shall be located between the filter and the filter housing to form a tight seal. Each filter shall be individually tested and certified by the manufacturer to have an efficiency of not less than 99.97 % when challenged with 0.3 um dioctyl phthalate (DOP) particles. Testing shall be in accordance with Military Standard Number 282 and Army Instruction Manual 136-300-175A. Each filter shall bear a UL586 label to indicate ability to perform under specified �.. conditions. SECTION 01530 NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM PAGE 2 Each filter shall be marked with: the name of the manufacturer, serial number, air flow rating, efficiency and resistance, and the direction of the air flow. NOTE: Filters with 99.99% efficiency are becoming available. The CONTRACTOR may use if available. Prefilters, which protect the final filter by removing the larger particles, are required to prolong the operating life of the HEPA filter. Two stages of prefiltration are required. The first -stage prefilter shall be a low -efficiency type (e.g., for particles 10 um and larger). The second -stage (or intermediate) filter shall have a medium efficiency (e.g., effective for particles down to 5 um). Prefilters and intermediate filters shall be installed either on or in the intake grid of the unit and held in place with special housings or clamps. Instrumentation: Each unit shall be equipped with a Magnehelic gauge or manometer to measure the pressure drop across filters and indicate when filters have become loaded and need to be changed. A table indicating the usable air -handling capacity for various static pressure readings on the Magnehelic gauge shall be affixed near the gauge for reference, or the Magnehelic reading indicating at what point the filters should be changed, noting Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) air delivery at the point. Provide units equipped with an elapsed time meter to show the total accumulated hours of operation. Safety and Warning Devices: The unit shall have an electrical (or mechanical) lockout to prevent fan from operating without a HEPA filter. Units shall be equipped with an automatic shutdown system to stop fan in the event of a major rupture in the HEPA filter or blocked air discharge. Warning lights are required to indicate normal operation, too high a pressure drop across the filters (i.e., filter overloading) and too low a pressure drop (i.e., major rupture in HEPA filter or obstructed discharge). Electrical components shall be approved by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and Underwriter's Laboratories (UL). Each unit shall be equipped with overload protection sized for the equipment. The motor, fan, fan housing, and cabinet shall be grounded. PART 3 - EXECUTION The following requirement is intended to provide a satisfactory negative pressure and ventilation rate in the work area. SECTION 01530 NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM PAGE 3 PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL: Provide a fully operational negative air system within the work area maintaining continuously a pressure differential across work area containment of 0.02 inches of H2O. PREPARATION OF THE WORK AREA: Determining the Ventilation Reuuirements: Provide a sufficient number of fully operational negative pressure systems to provide the equivalent of a minimum of one air change every 12 minutes, within the contained work area. Determine the volume in cubic feet of the work area by multiplying floor area by ceiling (or roof) height as applicable. Determine total ventilation requirement in cubic feet per minute (cfm) for the work area by dividing this volume by the air change -- rate. Ventilation Requirement (CFM) = Volume of work area(cu.ft.) 12 (min) Determine Number of Units needed to achieve 12 minute change rate by dividing the ventilation requirement (CFM) above by capacity �-° of exhaust unit(s) used. Capacity of a unit for purposes of this section is the capacity in cubic feet per minute with fully loaded filters (pressure differential which caused loaded filter warning lights to come on) in the machines labeled operating characteristics. Number of Units = Ventilation Requirement (CFM) Capacity of Unit with Loaded Filters (`CFM) Location of Exhaust Units: Locate exhaust unit(s) so that makeup air enters work area primarily through decontamination facilities and traverses work area as much as possible. This may be accomplished by positioning the exhaust unit(s) at a maximum ® distance from the worker access opening or other makeup air sources. Place End of Unit or its exhaust duct through an opening in the plastic barrier or wall covering. Thoroughly seal the plastic around the unit. �- Vent to Outside of Building, unless authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. This may involve the use of additional lengths of flexible or rigid duct connected to the air outlet and routed to the nearest outside opening. At the completion of the work, reinstall window panes which have to be removed temporarily. ;a. SECTION 01530 NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM PAGE 4 Supplemental Makeup Air Inlets: Provide where required for proper air flow through the work space in location approved by the ENGINEER by making opening in the plastic sheeting that allows air from outside the building into the work area. Locate auxiliary makeup air inlets as far as possible from the exhaust unit(s) (e.g., on an opposite wall), off the floor (preferably near the ceiling), and away from barriers that separate the work area from occupied clean areas. Cover with flaps to reseal automatically if the negative pressure system should shut down for any reason. Spray flap and around opening with spray adhesive so that flap seals if it closes. If makeup air is coming from a contaminated or potentially contaminated source, then it should pass through a HEPA filter before entering work area. The arrangement must be approved in advance by the ENGINEER. Provide supply air fans to overcome the resistance of the HEPA filter. Use of a negative air machine may be a practical means of accomplishing this. Caution must be used to insure that work area remains under negative pressure. USE OF THE NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM: General: Each unit shall be serviced by a dedicated minimum 115V-20A circuit with overload device tied into an existing building electrical panel which has sufficient spare capacity to accommodate the load of all negative pressure units connected. Dedication of an existing circuit may be accomplished by shutting down existing loads on the circuit. This arrangement must be approved in advance by the ENGINEER. Testing the System: Test negative pressure system before any asbestos -containing material is wetted or removed. After the work area has been prepared, the decontamination facility set up, and the exhaust unit(s) installed, start the unit(s) (one at a time). Demonstrate operation of negative pressure system to ENGINEER. Demonstration of the Operation of the negative pressure system to the ENGINEER shall include, but not to be limited to, the following: Plastic barriers, sheeting move lightly in toward work area. Curtain of decontamination units move lightly in toward work area. There is a noticeable decontamination unit. SECTION 01530 NEGATIVE PRESSURE SYSTEM PAGE 5 movement of air through the Measurement of the negative air pressure. Modify the Negative Pressure System as necessary to successfully demonstrate the above to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. Use of System During Abatement Operations: Start exhaust units before beginning work (before any asbestos - containing material is disturbed). After abatement work has �. begun, run units continuously to maintain a constant negative pressure until decontamination of the work area is complete. Do not turn off units at the end of the work shift or when abatement operations temporarily stop. Provide full-time, 24 hr/day monitoring of the work area to assure security, continuous operation of the negative air system, and five safe safety. Do not shut down negative air system during encapsulating procedures, unless authorized by the ENGINEER. ® Start abatement work at a location farthest from the exhaust units and proceed toward them. If an electric power failure occurs, immediately stop all abatement work and do not resume until power is restored and exhaust units are operating again. At completion of abatement work, allow exhaust units to run to remove airborne fibers that may have been generated during abatement work and cleanup and to purge the work area with clean makeup air. The units may be required by the ENGINEER to run for a longer time after decontamination, if dry or only partially wetted asbestos material was encountered during any abatement work. Dismantling the System: When a final inspection and the results of final air tests indicate that the area has been decontaminated, exhaust units may be removed from the work area. Before removal from the work area, remove and properly dispose of pre -filter, and seal intake to the machine with 6 mil polyethylene to prevent environmental contamination from the filters. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01540 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS PAGE 1 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS SECTION 01540 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Wetting Materials: For wetting prior to disturbance of ACM, use either amended water or a removal encapsulant: Amended Water: Provide water to which a surfactant has been added. Use a mixture of surfactant and water which results in wetting of the ACM and retardation of fiber release during disturbance of the material equal to or greater than that provided by the use of one ounce of a surfactant consisting of 50% polyoxyethylene ester and 50% polyoxyethylene ether mixed with five gallons of water. Removal Encapsulant: Provide a penetrating type encapsulant designed specifically for removal of ACM. Use a material which results in wetting of the ACM and retardation of fiber release during disturbance of the material equal to or greater than that provided by water amended with a surfactant consisting of 50% polyoxyethylene ester and 50% polyoxyethylene ether mixed with five gallons of water. Polyethylene Sheet: A single polyethylene film in the largest sheet size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick as indicated, clear, frosted, or black as indicated. Polyethylene Sheet: Provide flame resistant polyethylene film that conforms to requirements set forth by the National Fire Protection Association Standard 701, Small Scale Fire Test for Flame -resistant Textiles and Films. Provide largest size possible to minimize seams, 4 or 6 mils thick as indicated, frosted or black as indicated. Adhesive Tape: Provide adhesive tape in 2" or 3" widths as indicated, with an adhesive which is formulated to aggressively stick to sheet polyethylene. SECTION 01540 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS PAGE 2 Spray Cement: Provide spray adhesive in aerosol cans which is specifically formulated to stick tenaciously to sheet polyethylene. Disposal Bags: Provide 6 mil thick leak -tight polyethylene bags labeled in accordance with regulatory requirements generally as follows: DANGER Contains Asbestos Fibers Avoid Opening or Breaking Container Breathing Asbestos is Hazardous to Your Health and: DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD BREATHING AIRBORNE ASBESTOS, TREMOLITE, ANTHOPHYLLITE, OR. ACTINOLITE FIBERS IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH PART 3 - EXECUTION SECONDARY BARRIER: Secondary Barrier: Over the Primary Barrier, install as a drop cloth a clear 6 mil sheet plastic in all areas wherd"asbestos removal work is to be carried out. Completely cover floor with sheet plastic. Where the work is within 10' of a wall, extend �^ the Secondary Barrier up wall. Support sheet plastic on wall with duct tape, seal top of Secondary plastic to Primary Barrier with duct tape so that debris is unable to get behind it. Provide cross strips of duct tape at wall support as necessary to support sheet plastic and prevent its falling during removal operations. Install Secondary Barrier at the beginning of each work shift. Install only sufficient plastic for work of that shift. Remove Secondary Barrier at end of each work shift or as work in an area is completed. Fold plastic toward center of sheet and pack in disposal bags. Keep material on sheet continuously wet until bagged. Install Walkways of and decontamination material. Install the end of each wor] WORKER PROTECTION: SECTION 01540 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS PAGE 3 6 mil plastic between active removal areas units to protect Primary Layer from tracked walkways at the beginning of, and remove at shift. Before beginning work with any material, provide workers with the required protective equipment. Require that appropriate protective equipment be used at all times. WET REMOVAL• Thoroughly wet to satisfaction of ENGINEER, ACM to be removed prior to stripping and/or tooling to reduce fiber dispersal into the air. Accomplish wetting by a fine spray (mist) of amended water or removal encapsulant applied with airless spray equipment. Saturate material sufficiently to wet to the substrate without causing excess dripping. Allow time for water or removal encapsulant to penetrate material thoroughly. Spray material repeatedly during the work process to maintain a continuously wet condition. If a removal encapsulant is used, apply in strict accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Perforate outer covering of any installation which has been painted and/or jacketed in order to allow penetration of amended water or removal encapsulant, or where necessary, carefully strip away which simultaneously spraying amended water or removal encapsulant on the installation to minimize dispersal of asbestos fibers into the air. Mist work area continuously with amended water whenever necessary to reduce airborne fiber levels. Apply mist with airless spray equipment. The use of compressed air or other non -airless type equipment to wet ACM will not be permitted. Remove saturated ACM in small sections from all areas. Do not allow material to dry out. As it is removed, simultaneously pack material while still wet into disposal bags. Twist neck of bags, bend over and seal with minimum three wraps of duct tape. Clean outside and move to washdown station adjacent to material decontamination unit. Evacuate air from disposal bags with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner before sealing. SECTION 01540 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS PAGE 4 Fireproofinct or Architectural Finish on Scratch Coat: Spray p- asbestos -containing fireproofing or architectural acoustic finish with a fine mist of amended water or removal encapsulant. Allow time for -amended water or removal encapsulant to saturate materials to substrate. Do not over saturate to cause excess dripping. Scrape materials from substrate. Remove materials in manageable quantities and control the descent to staging or floor below, if over 20' use drop chute to contain material through descent. Spray mist surface continuously during work process. If using removal encapsulant, follow manufacturer's written instructions. Remove residue remaining on scratch coat after scraping using stiff bristled hand brush, or high pressure washer. If a removal encapsulant is used, remove residue completely before encapsulant dries. If substrate dries before complete removal of residue, re -wet with amended water or removal encapsulant. Fireproofing or Architectural Finish on Wire Lath: Spray asbes- tos -containing fireproofing or architectural acoustic finish with a fine mist of amended water or removal encapsulant. Allow time for amended water or removal encapsulant to completely saturate material. Do not over saturate to cause excess dripping. If surface of material has been painted or otherwise coated, cut small holes as required and apply amended water or removal encapsulant from above. Cut wire lath into manageable sections and _cut hanger wires. Roll up complete with ACM and place in disposal drum (metal or fiberglass). Do not drop on floor. After removal of lath and ACM, remove any overspray on decking and structure above using stiff bristled brush, or high pressure washer. Hold the nozzle from an operating HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner in the immediate vicinity'of an below the work while cutting the wire lath or otherwise disturbing the ACM. Use a two worker crew for cutting, with one worker cutting and one worker holding the HEPA vacuum nozzle. Pipe Insulation: Spray with a mist of amended water or removal encapsulant. Allow amended water or removal encapsulant to saturate material to substrate. If a removal encapsulant is used, use in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Cut bands holding preformed pipe insulation, slit jackets at seams, remove and hand -place in a disposal bag. Remove job molded fitting insulation in chunks and hand place in a disposal °^ bag. Do not drop to floor. Remove any residue on pipe or fitting with stiff bristle hand brush. SECTION 01540 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING MATERIALS PAGE 5 In locations where pipe fitting insulation is removed from pipe with straight runs insulated with fibrous glass or other non -asbestos -containing fibrous material, remove fibrous material 6" from the point where it contacts the asbestos -containing insulation and seal exposed. AIRBORNE FIBER COUNTS: General: Use work procedures that result in an 8-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA) airborne fiber count less than that indicated'in Section 01400. If airborne fiber counts exceed this level, immediately mist the area with amended water to lower fiber counts and revise work procedures to maintain airborne fiber levels within the required limit. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* v 01.J r- REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS (GLOVE BAG METHOD) PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: SECTION 01550 (GLOVE BAG METHOD) PAGE 1 SECTION 01550 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Removal of asbestos -containing piping insulations within mini - containments by the glovebag method. PART 2 - PRODUCTS: ^, Provide local exhaust ventilation systems that comply with ANSI 29.2-1971. Wetting Materials: For wetting prior to disturbance of asbestos -containing materials, use either amended water or a removal encapsulant: Amended Water: Provide water to which a surfactant has been added. Use a mixture of surfactant and water which results in wetting of the asbestos -containing material and retardation of fiber release during disturbance of the material equal to or greater than that provided by the use of one ounce of a surfactant consisting of 50% polyoxyethylene ester and 50% polyoxyethylene ether minced with five gallons of water. Removal Encapsulant: Provide a penetrating type encapsulant designed specifically for removal of asbestos -containing material. Use a material which results in wetting of the asbestos -containing material and retardation of fiber release during disturbance of the material equal to or greater than that provided by water amended with a surfactant consisting of 50% polyoxyethylene ester and 50% polyoxyethylene ether mixed with five gallons of water. SECTION 01550 REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS (GLOVE BAG METHOD) PAGE 2 Glove bast: Provide minimum 6 mil polyethylene, or equivalent plastic sack, with two sealed inward projecting long-sleeved gloves or mittens, pre-printed with same warning notice as a disposal bag, equipped with a pouch for storage of tools, with designated location for wand or HEPA vacuum wand, and sufficient capacity to hold removed materials and permit sealing as specified. Sprayer: Provide a hand pump type pressure -can garden sprayer fabricated out of either metal or plastic, equipped with a metal wand at the end of a hose that can deliver a stream or spray of liquid under pressure. PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: Complete the following before start of work of this section: Section 01500 - Temporary Containment Section 01600 - Local Area Protection Section 01700 - Worker Protection Section 01710 - Respiratory Protection WORKER PROTECTION: Before beginning work with any material, provide workers with the required protective equipment. Require that appropriate protective equipment be used at all times. WORK PROCEDURES: REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATION (GLOVEBAG METHOD: Erect critical barriers per Section 01500. Thoroughly wet with amended water or removal encapsulant and allow to soak in. Wet adequately to penetrate and soak material through to substrate. After material is saturated, remove inside a glove bag within mini -containment according to the following procedure: Check pipe where the work will be performed. Wrap damaged (broken lagging, hanging, etc.), pipe in 6 mil plastic and "candy -stripe" with adhesive tape. r- SECTION 01550 REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS (GLOVE BAG METHOD) PAGE 3 Place one layer of adhesive tape around undamaged pipe at each end where the glovebag will be attached. Slit top of the glovebag open (if necessary) and cut down the sides to accommodate the size of the pipe (about two inches longer than the pipe diameter). Place necessary tools into pouch located inside glovebag. This will usually include: bone saw, utility knife, rags, scrub brush, wire cutters, tin snips and pre -wetted cloth. - Place one strip of adhesive tape along the edge of the open top slit of glove bag for reinforcement. Place the glovebag around section of pipe to be worked on, then staple top together through reinforcing adhesive tape. Next, adhesive tape the ends of glovebag to pipe itself, where previously covered with plastic or adhesive tape. Use smoke tube and aspirator bulb to test seal. Place tube into water sleeve (two-inch opening to glovebag) squeezing bulb and filling bag with visible smoke. Remove smoke tube and twist water sleeve closed. While holding the water sleeve tightly, gently squeeze glovebag and look for smoke leaking out (especially at top and ends of the glovebag). If leaks are found, tape close using adhesive tape and re -test. Insert wand from garden sprayer through water sleeve. Adhesive tape water sleeve tightly around the wand to prevent leakage. One person places' his hands into the long-sleeved gloves while the second person directs garden sprayer at the work. Use bone saw, if required, to cut insulation at each end of the section to be removed. A bone saw is a serrated heavy gauge wire with ring -type handles at each end. Throughout this process, spray amended water or removal encapsulant on the cutting area to keep dust to a minimum. Remove insulation using putty knives or other tools. Place pieces in bottom of bag without dropping. Rinse all tools with water inside the bag and place back into pouch. SECTION 01550 REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS (GLOVE BAG METHOD) PAGE 4 Using scrub brush, rags and water, scrub and wipe down the exposed pipe. (Inexpensive horse rub -down mittens work well for this.) Remove water wand from water sleeve and attach the small nozzle from HEPA-filtered vacuum. Turn on the vacuum only briefly to collapse the bag. Remove the vacuum nozzle, twist water sleeve closed and seal with adhesive tape. From outside the bag, pull the tool pouch away from the bag. Place adhesive tape over twisted portion and then cut the tool bag from the glovebag, cutting through the twisted - taped section. Contaminated tools may then be placed directly into next glovebag without cleaning. Alternatively, tool pouch with the tools can be placed in a bucket of water, opened underwater, and tools cleaned and dried. Discard rags and scrub brush with asbestos waste. If more than one adjacent section of pipe is to be removed, glovebag may be loosened at each end and slid along the pipe to the next section. In this case, the tools may remain in the bag for continued use. Bag can be moved only if bag is twisted off and sealed prior to moving to next piping section. With removed insulation in the bottom of the bag, twist the bag several times and tape it to keep the material in the bottom during removal of the glovebag from the pipe. Slip a 6 mil disposal bag over the glovebag (still attached to the pipe). Remove tape or cut bag and open the top of the glovebag and fold it down into disposal bag. Clean all surfaces in the work area using disposable cloths wetted with water with surfactant or removal encapsulant added. When these surfaces have dried clean with a HEPA filtered vacuum. Material adhered to a surface with removal encapsulant may require the application of additional removal encapsulant to facilitate cleaning. If a removal encapsulant is used, test to insure it will neither leave a residue that will impede visual inspection nor become gummy during cleaning. Seal exposed ends of remaining pipe insulation. Remove disposable suits and place these into bag with waste. SECTION 01550 REMOVAL OF PIPE INSULATIONS (GLOVE BAG METHOD) PAGE 5 Collapse the bag with a HEPA vacuum, twist top of bag, seal with at least three (3) wraps of adhesive tape, bend over and seal again with at least three (3) wraps of adhesive tape Conduct final Clearance Testing per Section 01410. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01560 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAMINATED SOIL PAGE 1 REMOVAL, OF ASBESTOS -CONTAMINATED SOIL SECTION 01560 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Refer to Section 01540 for Amended Water and Removal Encapsulant PART 3 - EXECUTION Wet Soils: After removal of the Secondary Barrier and floor layer of Primary Barrier, remove the top one inch (111) of soils which are damp or wet and place in disposal bags. Start removal at the point of work farthest from the entrance to the soil floor area and proceed toward the entrance. Do not permit traffic into the fresh soil surface. Arrange negative air system so that air flow is the starting point of work toward the entrance. After the entire first layer of soil is removed, completely change coveralls and at the entrance to the soil removal area don clean boot covers. Remove the second one inch (111) of soil in the same manner as the first. Carry out the decontamination procedures set forth in Section 01570 at this time. At the end of the project decontamination, remove the third one inch (111J, of soil in the same manner as the previous two inches (211). Dry Soils: Use the same procedure for dry soils, except satura-te soil with amended water or a removal encapsulant as specified in Section 01540. If a removal encapsulant is used, use in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Saturate soil beyond the inch of soil currently being removed. If amended water is used, keep the surface of the soil continuously wet throughout removal and decontamination. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* ENCAPSULATION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL SECTION 01570 ENCAPSULATION PROCEDURES PAGE 1 SECTION 01570 RELATED DOCUMENTS• Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Encapsulation of surfaces and treatments shall consist of one (1) coat of penetrating encapsulant followed by one (1) coat of a bridging encapsulant or as otherwise noted in this specification. DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Deliver materials to the job site in original, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and following information: Name or title of material Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture Thinning Instructions Application instructions Deliver materials together with a copy of the OSHA Material Safety Data Sheet for the material. JOB CONDITIONS• Apply encapsulating materials only when environmental conditions in the work area are as required by the manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Encapsulants: Provide penetrating or bridging type encapsulants specifically designed for application to asbestos -containing material. SECTION 01570 ENCAPSULATION PROCEDURES PAGE 2 Provide encapsulant suitable to receive painted or acoustical finishes. Indicate clearly on submittals other finishes or coatings (if any) which may be incompatible with proposed encapsulant. Fire Safety: Use only materials that have a flame spread index of less than 25, when dry, when tested in accordance with ASTM E-84. PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: Prior to applying any encapsulating material, ensure that application of the sealer will not cause the base material to fail and allow the sealed material to fall of its own weight or separate from the substrate. Should CONTRACTOR doubt the ability of the installation to support the sealant, request direction from ENGINEER before proceeding with the encapsulating work. Do Not Commence Application of encapsulating materials until all removal work within the work area has been completed. Do Not Commence Application until a visual inspection has been carried out by ENGINEER and notification is given as approval. WORKER PROTECTION: Before beginning work with any material for which a Material Safety Data Sheet has been submitted, provide workers-rwith the required protective equipment. Require that appropriate protective equipment be used at all times. _ In addition to protective breathing equipment -required by OSHA requirements or by this specification, use painting pre -filters on respirators to protect the dust filters when organic solvent based encapsulants are in use. SCRATCH COAT PLASTER: Apply two (2) coats of encapsulant to the scratch coat plaster after asbestos -containing material has been removed. Apply in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions for use of the encapsulant as an asbestos coating. Any deviations from such printed instructions must be approved by the ENGINEER prior to commencing work. �_ SECTION 01570 ENCAPSULATION PROCEDURES PAGE 3 Apply encapsulant with an airless spray gun with air pressure and nozzle orifice as recommended by the encapsulant manufacturer. Apply the first coat encapsulant while the scratch coat is still damp from the asbestos removal procedures. If the surface has been permitted to dry, vacuum surface with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner prior to spraying with the encapsulant. Apply second coat over first coat in strict conformance with manufacturer's instructions. SEALING EXPOSED EDGES: Seal edges of asbestos -containing material exposed by removals up to an inaccessible spot such as a sleeve, wall penetration, etc. with two (2) coats of encapsulant. Prior to sealing, permit the exposed edges to dry completely to permit penetration of the sealer. ARCHITECTURAL FINISH: Examine Existing Conditions: Determine if the friable asbestos material to be encapsulated remains sufficiently bonded to receive the encapsulation process and if process will effectively prevent release of asbestos fibers from the material. If the existing asbestos material is loose and deteriorated, the CONTRACTOR must immediately notify the ENGINEER that removal of friable asbestos material must be accomplished before encapsulation. Provide worker protection and respiratory protection as indicated elsewhere in this specification. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for particular conditions of installation in each case. Consult with manufacturer's technical representative for conditions not covered. Encapsulate surfaces in full compliance with manufacturer's procedures. END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01580 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION PAGE 1 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION SECTION 01580 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: General: Decontamination of the Work Area following asbestos abatement requires cleaning of the primary barrier plastic prior to its removal and cleaning of the room surfaces to remove any new or existing contamination. Operation of the negative pressure system is used to remove airborne fibers generated by the abatement work and multiple cleaning stages may be necessary to achieve Work Area Clearance. Work Area Clearance: Air testing and other requirements which must be met before release of CONTRACTOR and reoccupancy of the work area are specified in Section 01410. DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Deliver materials to the job site in original, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and following information: Name or title of material Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture Thinning Instructions Application instructions Deliver materials together with a copy of the OSHA Material Safety Data Sheet for the material. JOB CONDITIONS• Apply encapsulating (lockdown) materials only when environmental conditions in the work area are as required by the manufacturer's instructions. SECTION 01580 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION PAGE 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS Lockdown Encapsulants: Provide penetrating or bridging type encapsulants specifically designed for application to asbestos -containing material. Provide encapsulant suitable to receive painted or acoustical finishes. Indicate clearly on, submittals other finishes or �- coatings (if any) which may be incompatible with proposed encapsulant. Fire Safety: Use only materials that have a flame spread index of less than 25, when dry, when tested in accordance with ASTM E-84. PART 3 - EXECUTION Work of This Section: Includes the decontamination of air in the Work Area which has been, or may have been contaminated by the elevated airborne asbestos fiber levels generated during abatement activities, or which may previously have had elevated fiber levels due to friable asbestos -containing materials in the space. Includes the cleaning, decontamination, and removal of temporary facilities installed prior to abatement work, including: Primary and Critical barriers erected under Section 01500. Decontamination Unit erected under Section 01520. Negative pressure System installed under Section 01530. Includes the cleaning, and decontamination of surfaces (ceiling, walls, floor, etc.) of the Work Area, and furniture or equipment in the Work Area. START OF WORK• Previous Work: During completion of the ,asbestos abatement work specified in other sections, the Secondary Barrier of polyethylene sheeting will have been removed and disposed of al-ong with any gross debris generated by the asbestos abatement work (as asbestos -contaminated waste). z SECTION 01580 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION PAGE 3 Start of Work: Work of this section begins with the cleaning of the Primary Barrier and follows sequentially. At start of work, the following will be in place: Primary Barrier: Two (2) layers of polyethylene sheeting on floor and one layer on walls. Critical Barrier which forms the sole barrier between the work area and other portions of the building or the outside. Critical Barrier Sheeting over lighting fixtures and clocks, ventilation openings, doorways, convectors, speakers and other openings. Decontamination Units: for personnel and equipment in operating condition. Negative Pressure System: in operation. Carry out a cleaning of surfaces of the work area including items of remaining sheeting, tools, scaffolding and/or staging by use of damp -cleaning and mopping, and/or a wet/dry High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtered vacuum. Do not perform dry dusting or dry sweeping. Use each surface of a cleaning cloth one time only and then dispose of as contaminated waste. Continue this cleaning until there is no visible debris from removed materials or residue on plastic sheeting or other surfaces. Wait a sufficient time period to allow negative air machines to clean air of airborne asbestos fibers. Maintain negative pressure system in operation for the entire period. ENGINEER will conduct inspection of the Work Area at this point per Section 01400 to confirm the completeness of removal and initial cleaning prior to lockdown encapsulation. Encapsulation of Substrate: Perform encapsulation of substrate and lockdown of Primary Barrier plastic where required at this time. Use Encapsulant to which a light tinted coloring agent has been added to assist in inspection. Maintain negative air system in operation during encapsulation work. ENGINEER will conduct inspection of the Work Area after the encapsulant is fully dry (minimum 4 hours drying time) per Section 01400 and will collect static (non -aggressive) PCM containment clearance air samples to confirm that fiber levels have been reduced to below the baseline level before work proceeds beyond this point. �_ SECTION 01580 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION PAGE 4 Remove Primary Barrier sheeting and Material Decontamination Unit, if there is one, leaving only: Critical Barrier: which forms the sole barrier between the work area and other portions of the building or the outside. Critical Barrier Sheeting: over lighting fixtures and clocks, ventilation openings, doorways, convectors, speakers and other openings. Decontamination Unit: for personnel in operating condition. Negative Pressure System: maintain in continuous operation. Carry out cleaning of surfaces in the work area in the same manner as the previous cleaning immediately after removal of primary plastic. This cleaning is being applied to existing room surfaces. Take care to avoid water marks or other damage to surfaces. Wait a sufficient time period to allow negative air machines to clean air of airborne asbestos fibers. Maintain negative pressure system in operation for the entire period. Carry out a f inal cleaning of surfaces in the work area in the same manner as the previous cleaning. Wait a sufficient time period to allow negative air machines to clean air of airborne asbestos fibers. Maintain negative pressure system in operation for the entire period. Repeat the above process until visible dust and debris has been removed. VISUAL INSPECTION: After a sufficient time period as determined by the ENGINEER. .. perform a Complete Visual Inspection of the entire work area including: decontamination unit, plastic sheeting, seals over vent openings, doorways, and other openings; look for visible debris from any sources, residue on surfaces, dust or other matter. If any such debris, residue, dust or other matter is found, -^ repeat cleaning and continue decontamination procedure from that point. Visual inspection is not complete until discrepancies reported by the ENGINEER have been corrected. SECTION 01580 PROJECT DECONTAMINATION PAGE 5 FINAL CLEARANCE AIR SAMPLING: After the work area is found to be visually clean, air samples will be taken and analyzed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 01410: If Release Criteria are not met, repeat cleaning and continue decontamination procedure from that point. If Release Criteria is met, remove the interior of the decontamination unit leaving in place only the Critical Barriers separating the work area from the rest of the building and the operating negative pressure system. Any small quantities of residual material found upon removal of the plastic sheeting shall be removed with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner and local area protection. If significant quantities, as determined by the ENGINEER, are found then the entire area affected shall be decontaminated as specified herein. COMPLETION OF ABATEMENT WORK: Seal negative air machines with 6 mil polyethylene sheet and duct tape to form a tight seal at intake end before being moved from work area. Remove remaining critical barriers using local area procedures. Asbestos Abatement Work is Complete upon meeting the work area clearance criteria and fulfilling the following: Remove equipment, materials, debris from the work site. Dispose of asbestos -containing waste material as specified in Section 01590. Repair or replace interior finishes damaged during the course of asbestos abatement work. Fulfill Project Closeout Requirements of Section 01390. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 01590 DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING WASTE MATERIAL PAGE 1 DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING WASTE MATERIAL SECTION 01590 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DISPOSAL• Friable and non -friable asbestos -containing waste material shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this Specification and in accordance with Federal, State, and Local disposal regulations in a permitted landfill. Disposal site -- (landfill) must be approved of in advance by the OWNER. SUBMITTALS: Submit copies of all manifests and landfill receipts to ENGINEER on a weekly basis. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: Carefully load containerized waste on sealed trucks or otJier appropriate sealed vehicles for transport. ' Exercise care before and during transport, to insure that no unauthorized persons have access to the material. Do not store disposal bagged material outside of the work area. Take bags from the work area directly to a sealed polyethylene lined truck or dumpster. Do not transport disposal bagged materials on open trucks. Double -bagged material may be transported on open trucks if they are first loaded in sealed drums. Label drums with same warning labels as bags. SECTION 01590 DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS -CONTAINING WASTE MATERIAL PAGE 2 Uncontaminated drums may be reused. Treat drums that have been contaminated as asbestos -containing waste and dispose of in accordance with this specification. Advise the ENGINEER and landfill operator, at least twenty-four hours in advance of transport, of the quantity of material to be delivered. At the burial site, sealed plastic bags may be carefully offloaded from the truck. If bags are broken or damaged, leave in the truck and clean entire truck and contents using procedures set forth in Section 01570. Retain receipts from landfill for disposed materials. Provide copies of all disposal manifests to ENGINEER. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* '%V SECTION 01600 LOCAL AREA PROTECTION PAGE 1 LOCAL AREA PROTECTION SECTION 01600 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: ^^ Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Work of this section consists of preparing a work area for Work as described in the Contract. Do not use procedures set forth in this section in connection with any other Work, including asbestos abatement. Use procedures of this section only where historic airborne fiber data demonstrates that airborne fiber counts in the work area can be continuously maintained at less than 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter. PART 2 - EQUIPMENT PLASTIC SHEET: Polyethylene film in the largest sheet size possible to minimize seams, 6 mils thick as indicated, clear, frosted, or black as indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION SECURING WORK AREA: Secure work area from access by occupants, staff or users of the building. Accomplish this where possible, by locking doors, windows, or other means of access to the area, or by constructing temporary wood stud and plywood barriers. Post warning signs that carry the following general legend and meeting regulatory requirements. LEGEND First Sian• KEEP OUT - CONSTRUCTION AREA 0 SECTION 01600 LOCAL AREA PROTECTION PAGE 2 Second Sian• DANGER ASBESTOS CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA Where the work area is in a large area such as on part of a boiler room or open office area, demarcate area with 3 inch wide polyethylene ribbon with the printed warning, "CAUTION ASBESTOS HAZARD". Install this ribbon between 3 and 4 feet above the floor. SCHEDULING• Work may be carried out during normal working hours in those areas which can be completely secured by lockable doors from access by building occupants and staff and areas where HVAC equipment can be shut down. Otherwise, work is to be carried out after building occupants and cleaning staff have left. Coordinate work schedule with the approval of the ENGINEER. GENERAL PROCEDURES: The following precautions and procedures have application to work of this section. Workers must exercise caution to avoid excessive release of asbestos fibers into the air: Before start of Work, comply with requirements of Section 01620. Shut down any air handling equipment bringing air into or out of the work area. Clean any existing dust or debris from the floor and walls, and other surfaces in the immediate location of the work prior to commencing work by damp -mopping or by use of a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtered vacuum. Cover floor in vicinity of work area and six (6) feet beyond with a minimum of one (1) layer of 6 mil polyethylene drop sheet. Where work is adjacent to wall, extend drop sheet up wall 12 inches minimum and secure with duct tape. Seal openings, supply and exhaust vents, and convectors within ten (10) feet of the work area with 6 mil polyethylene sheeting secured and completely sealed with duct tape. 0 0 SECTION 01600 LOCAL AREA PROTECTION PAGE 3 Perform the Work per the appropriate specification section while on plastic drop sheet. Immediately remove any asbestos -containing debris which collects on the drop sheet either by using a HEPA vacuum or by spraying with amended water or removal encapsulant, collecting with wet paper towels, placing in a disposal bag while still wet, and cleaning surface of plastic sheet with wet paper towels. Complete the following at completion of Work in an area before stepping off drop sheet. While standing on plastic sheet thoroughly HEPA vacuum ladder and any tools used and pass to worker standing off sheet. Worker standing off the sheet, HEPA vacuum thoroughly the worker standing on the sheet. Worker on the sheet, thoroughly HEPA vacuum surfaces of the plastic sheet, bags, and any other items on the sheet including his own feet. If moving to the next work area in the same secured area: Worker on the drop sheet don clean foot covers, placing each foot, in turn, off the sheet as the foot cover is put on. Remove clean foot covers at the next work area while standing on the sheet. Dispose of the used foot covers along with the plastic sheet at completion of work in that area. Do not reuse foot covers to move off the sheet. If work day is complete or if next work area is in another secured area: workers remove tyvek suits turning them inside out while doing so. The person on the sheet steps with eacff'foot off the sheet as the foot covers are removed. Fold sheet and contents toward the center. Place the sheet in a properly labeled 6 mil polyethylene disposal bag. ... Neck down the bag and collapse it with the HEPA vacuum. Twist the bag shut, bend over and seal with duct tape by wrapping around bag neck at least three (3) times. Clean all surfaces of the work area by use of HEPA filter vacuum or wet wiping until no visible residue or dust remains. At completion of work decontaminate workers in accordance with Section 01620. *********************** END OF SECTION SECTION 01610 ENTRY INTO CONTROLLED AREAS PAGE 1 ENTRY INTO CONTROLLED AREAS SECTION 01610 PART 1 - GENERAL Related Documents: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. Description of Work: The provisions of this section apply when entry is required into an area where such entry could cause contamination of portions of the building and/or where respiratory or other worker protection measures are required and fiber levels are and remain below 0.01 fibers/cc. Unless authorized by the ENGINEER, the provisions of this section apply to only the following situations: The requirements of this section shall be used as a means to allow access for repair and maintenance only. Removal of ceilings as part of the work of an abatement project are beyond the scope of the procedures specified in this section. The following items apply to this section: Entry into the space above a suspended ceiling where there is asbestos -containing fireproofing or other friable asbestos -containing material. Entry through sealed access (access door, hatchwaji, locked door) into an area with friable asbestos -containing materials. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION Access Through Suspended Ceilings: Remove acoustical panels from ceiling suspension system using the following sequence: Follow worker protection procedures including disposable coveralls and respirators required by Section 01620 and Section 01710. �, SECTION 01610 ENTRY INTO CONTROLLED AREAS PAGE 2 Follow local area protection procedures of Section 01600. Spread layer of 6 mil polyethylene sheet on floor six (6) feet further in extent than the size of the ceiling opening to be made. HEPA vacuum around edges of panels to be removed during removal. While holding nozzle of HEPA vacuum in vicinity, slowly lift one edge of center ceiling panel. Immediately HEPA vacuum space at lifted edge. Lift entire panel straight up and HEPA vacuum sides. Place panel on top of adjacent ceiling. Place intake duct to Negative Air Machine per Section 01530 in space above ceiling and fasten in place. Operate machine continuously while ceiling is open. Note that the operation of the HEPA vacuum is intended to clean T- the air in the location of the work. As such, the nozzle should be kept above the ceiling as much as possible and the canister on the floor. Climb to a position which permits access to the top of the ceiling adjacent to the removed panel. Working in the space above the ceiling, HEPA vacuum both sides of the ceiling panel first removed and hand it down into a 6 mil polyethylene bag for storage if required. Remove loose material hanging from the friable asbestos - containing material with the suction from the HEPA vacuum. Procedures should always work from high to low so that settling fibers are collected. Pass wand of operating HEPA vacuum through air between asbestos - containing material and top of ceiling. HEPA vacuum the tops of ceiling panels which are in reach. Carefully HEPA vacuum the crack between the suspension system and ceiling panels from the top of for ceiling panels within reach. Remove ceiling panels as required while constantly HEPA vacuuming '- edges of panel and suspension system. Working in space above ceiling, HEPA vacuum both sides on each panel removed and hand each down into a 6 mil polyethylene bag which is labeled as set forth is Section 01590. SECTION 01.610 ENTRY INTO CONTROLLED AREAS PAGE 3 Maintain HEPA vacuum in operation with nozzle above ceiling and exhaust at floor for the entire time that the ceiling is open and work is being done above the ceiling. When above -ceiling work is complete, replace ceiling panels. HEPA vacuum head, arm, and shoulders before climbing down from ceiling. HEPA vacuum ladder while climbing down. While standing on plastic sheet, thoroughly HEPA vacuum ladder and pass it to person standing off sheet. Complete dry decontamination procedures set forth in Section 01620. Entry Into Controlled Areas: Use same procedure as above except that ceiling tiles do not need to be removed. If access is through a wall hatch or door, duct tape floor sheet to wall or threshold. If access is into large area such as crawl tunnel, comply with worker protection requirements but use HEPA vacuum only for work procedures in the area. Place intake duct of Negative Air Machine per Section 01530 in space scheduled for work. Operate machine continuously once work is started. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* WORKER PROTECTION, REPAIR WORKER PROTECTION: REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SECTION 01620 AND MAINTENANCE PAGE 1 SECTION 01620 This section is intended for maintenance and repair work and for enclosure projects that leave the ACM relatively undisturbed where fibers levels are and remain less than 0.01 fibers/cc. Any work which results in considerable disturbance of the ACM must be handled by specific abatement techniques. .- PART 1 - GENERAL Related Documents: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. ^- Description of Work: This section describes the equipment and procedures for ,., protecting workers against asbestos contamination and other workplace hazards except for respiratory protection, where asbestos fibers are collected at the point of generation so that contamination of workers is unlikely. This section applies only where the airborne fiber counts as measured in accordance with 29 CFR 1926 are below 0.01 fibers per -- cubic centimeter for an 8-hour time weighted average (TWA). Requirements of this section apply only when work is being performed in accordance with the limitations and requirements of the following sections of this specification. - Section 01600 - Local Area Protection Section 01610 - Entry Into Controlled Areas Section 01510 - Pre -cleaning and Decontamination Procedures Description of Requirements: Worker protection requirements of this section are appropriate for asbestos maintenance and repair work. This differs from asbestos abatement in that the work is not performed in an asbestos fiber contaminated area. As such, the worker decontamination procedures are carried out with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner rather than a shower facility. SECTION 01620 WORKER PROTECTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PAGE 2 Work Trainin Train: In accordance with 29 CFR 1926, all workers in the dangers inherent in handling asbestos and breathing asbestos dust and in proper work procedures and personal and area protective measures. Include but do not limit the topics covered in the course to the following: Methods of recognizing asbestos. Health effects associated with asbestos exposure. Relationship between smoking and asbestos in producing lung cancer. Nature of operations that could result in exposure to asbestos. Importance of and instruction in the use of necessary protective controls, practices and procedures to minimize exposure including: Engineering Controls Work Practices Respirators Housekeeping Procedures Hygiene Facilities Protective Clothing Decontamination Procedures Emergency Procedures Waste Disposal Procedures Purpose, proper use, fitting, instructions, and limitations of respirators as required by 29 CFR 1910.134 Appropriate work practices for the work Requirements of medical surveillance program Review of 29 CFR 1926 Negative air systems Work practices including hands-on or on -job training Personal decontamination procedures Air monitoring, personal and area SECTION 01620 WORKER PROTECTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PAGE 3 MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS: Provide medical examinations for all workers who will enter the work area ---for any reason. Examination shall, as a minimum, meet OSHA requirements as set forth in 29 CFR 1926. In addition, provide an evaluation of the individual's ability to work in environments capable of producing heat stress in the worker. SUBMITTALS: Before Start of Work: Submit the following to the ENGINEER for review. Certificate Worker Acknowledgement: Submit an original signed copy of the Certificate of Worker's Acknowledgment found at the end of this section, for each worker who is to be at the jobsite or enter the work area. Report from Medical Examination: Conducted within last 12 months as part of compliance with OSHA medical surveillance requirements for each worker who is to enter the work area. Submit, at a minimum, for each worker the following: Name and Social Security Number. Physicians Written Opinion from examining physician including at a minimum the following: Whether worker has any detected medical conditions that would place the worker at an increased risk of material health impairment from exposure to asbestos. Any recommended limitations on the worker or on the use of personal protective equipment such as respirators`. Statement that the worker has been informed by the physician of the results of the medical examination and of any medical conditions that may result from asbestos exposure. Statement that worker is able to wear and use the type "^ of respiratory protection proposed for the project, and is able to work safely in an environment capable of producing heat stress in the worker. Notarized Certifications: Submit certification signed by an officer of the abatement contracting firm and notarized that exposure measurements, medical surveillance, and worker training records are being kept in conformance with 29 CFR 1926. �- SECTION 01620 WORKER PROTECTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PAGE 4 PART 2 - EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Requirements for special clothing such as coveralls or similar whole body clothing, head coverings, gloves, and foot coverings and other protective clothing are delineated in OSHA regulations. Coveralls: Provide disposable full -body coveralls, footwear, and disposable head covers of "Tyvek" polyolefin or polypropylene, and require that they be worn by all workers in the work area. Provide a sufficient number for all required changes, for all workers and visitors in the work area. Boot Covers: Provide disposable foot covers with non-skid soles for all workers. Foot covers shall not be worn out of the work area or off the sheet plastic drop layer for any reason. Hard Hats: Provide head protectives (hard hats) as required by OSHA for all workers, and provide four (4) spares for use by ENGINEER and OWNER. Label hats with same warning labels as used on disposal bags. Require hard hats to be worn at all times that work is in progress that may potentially cause head injury. Provide hard hats of type with plastic strap type suspension. Hats shall be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated before being worn from one work area to another. At the end of the Work, clean and decontaminate hats and bag for storage in a properly labeled asbestos disposal bag. Goggles: Provide eye protectives (goggles) as required by OSHA for all workers involved in scraping, spraying, or any other activity which may potentially cause eye injury. Gloves: Provide waterproof work gloves to all workers and require that they be worn at all times in the work area. Do not remove gloves from work area; dispose of as asbestos contaminated waste at the end of the work. Tape gloves to the sleeves of coveralls. PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: Work and decontamination procedures involves a person in the work area on the plastic sheet and one off the sheet. The person on the sheet carries out the work and never leaves the sheet until the work is complete and dry decontamination procedures are completed. ,f- SECTION 01620 WORKER PROTECTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PAGE 5 The person off the sheet supplies materials to and accepts material from the on -sheet person. The off sheet person never enters the work area. If the work involves more than one person then the team shall consist of two (or more) on -sheet persons and one off -sheet person. DO NOT eat, drink, smoke, chew gum or tobacco in the work area. To eat, drink, chew or smoke, workers shall follow the procedures described below and leave the work area. RESPIRATORS: Instruct and train each worker in proper respirator use and require that each worker always wear a respirator, properly fitted on the face, in the work area. COVERALLS: At the Start of Each Work Shift: Over street clothes, put on new disposable coveralls, new head covers, new footwear covers and a clean respirator (straps inside of hood). All workers shall wear disposable, full -body coveralls and disposable head and footwear covers in the work area. Follow the procedures under "Dry Decontamination" whenever leaving a work area. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Maintain at the work site two (2) complete sets of protective equipment including respirators, disposable coveralls, head covers, and footwear covers for use by the ENGINEER or the OWNER. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES: Require all Workers to adhere to the following personal decontamination procedures whenever they leave the work area: Dry Decontamination: Complete the following at completion of Work or at end of work shift: ... Each person HEPA vacuum thoroughly the other person. Use brush attachment on the HEPA vacuum. SECTION 01620 WORKER PROTECTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PAGE 6 While still wearing respirator, each person remove their paper suit, turning it inside out while removing it. Roll up suit and pack in hood. Place suits in a disposable bag. Suck air out of bag with HEPA vacuum. Twist the bag shut, bend over and seal with duct tape by wrapping around bag neck at least three (3) times. Each person HEPA vacuum hands, hair, face and respirator. Each person HEPA vacuum area of respirator seal to face on the other person. Remove respirator and, HEPA vacuum face at respirator seal and all surfaces of the respirator. HEPA vacuum any parts of hair or head covered by respirator straps. If using PAPR: Shut down in the following sequence, first cap inlets to filter cartridges, then turn off blower unit (this sequence will help keep debris which has collected on the inlet side of filter from dislodging and contaminating the outside of the unit). Thoroughly wash blower unit and hoses. Carefully wash battery pack with wet rag. Be extremely cautious of getting water in battery pack as this will short out and destroy battery. Wash respirator face -piece inside and outside. At completion of above, thoroughly wash face and hands with soap and water. CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Following this section is a Certificate of Worker's Acknowledgment. After each worker has been included in the CONTRACTOR's Respiratory Protection Program, completed the training program, and medical examination, secure a fully executed copy of this form. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT PROJECT NAME Date PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR WORKING WITH ASBESTOS CAN BE DANGEROUS. INHALING ASBESTOS FIBERS HAS BEEN -LINKED WITH VARIOUS TYPES OF CANCER. IF YOU SMOKE AND INHALE ASBESTOS FIBERS, THE CHANCE THAT YOU WILL DEVELOP LUNG CANCER IS GREATER THAN THAT OF THE NON-SMOKING PUBLIC. Your employer's Contract with the OWNER for the above project requires that: You be supplied with the proper respirator and be trained in its use. You be trained in safe work practices and in the use of the equipment found on the job. You receive a medical examination. These things are to have been done at no cost to you. By signing this certification you are assuring the OWNER that your employer has met these obligations to you. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: I have been trained in the proper use of respirators, and informed of the type respirator to be used on the above referenced project. I have a copy of the written respiratory protection manual issued by my employer. I have been equipped at no cost with the respirator to be used on the above project. TRAINING COURSE: I have been trained in the dangers inherent in handling asbestos and breathing asbestos dust and in proper work procedures and personal and area protective measures. The topics covered in the course included the following: Physical characteristics of asbestos Health hazards associated with asbestos Respiratory protection Use of protective equipment Negative air systems. Work practices including hands-on or on -job training Personal decontamination procedures Air monitoring, personal and area MEDICAL EXAMINATION: I have had a medical examination within the last 12 months which was paid for by my employer. This examination included: health history, pulmonary function tests and may have included an evaluation of a chest X-ray. I further agree to hold the OWNER and the OWNER's Consultants harmless from any and all claims for asbestos or other claims I may have. Signature Printed Name ,., Social Security Number Witness CERTIFICADO DE CONOCIMIENTO DEL TRABAJADOR: (CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Spanish Version) NOMBRE DEL PROJECTO DOMICILIO DEL PROJECTO NOMBRE DEL CONTRATISTA FECHA TRABAJAR CON ASBESTOS PUEDE SER PELIGROSO. EL RESPIRAR FIBRAS DE ASBESTOS A SIDO ASOCIADO CON VARIOS TIPOS DE CANCER. SI TU FUMAS Y RESPIRAS FIBRAS DE ASBESTOS, LAS POSIBILIDADES DE DESARROLLAR CANCER EN LOS PULMONES SON MAYORES QUE EN LAS PERSONAS QUE NO FUMAN. El contrato de trabajo de to patron con el dueno de este projecto requiere que: se to debe proporcionar un respirador apropiado y se to ensene como usarlo. Tu debes ser entrenado para trabajar con medidas de seguridad y se to ensene a usar el equipo y herramienta que se requiere para trabajar. Que seas examinado por un medico. Estas cosas deben ser hechas sin costo alguno para ti. Al firmar este certificado to estas asegurando al dueno del projecto que tus patrones ya cumplieron con estas obligaciones (de proporcionarte equipo adecuado, entrenarte en practical de seguridad y pasar por un chequeo medico). Por to que se esta de acuerdo en mantener al dueno del projecto, sus consejeros, laboratorio de analisis y sus representantes fuera de responsabilidad en todas y cada una de las quejas que puedan resultar de, o relacionadas con este projecto. PROTECCION RESPIRATORIA: Yo he sido entrenado en el use apropiado de respiradores, y he sido informado del tipo de respirador que debe ser usado en este projecto. Yo tengo una copia escrita del manual de proteccion respiratoria proporcionado por mis patrones. Yo he sido equipado sin costo alguno para me con el respirador que debe ser usado en este projecto. CURSO DE ENTRENAMIENTO:' Yo he sido entrenado en los peligros relacionados con el manejo de asbestos y con el respirar polvo.„de asbestos y he sido entrenado en los procedimientos de trabajo adecuados y medidas de proteccion personales en el area de trabajo. Los temas vistos en el curso incluyen los siguientes: Caracteristicas fisicas de asbestos Peligros de salud asociado con asbestos Uso de equipo de proteccion Sistemas de aire negativos Practicas de trabajo mientras se trabaja o se entrena Procedimientos de descontaminacion personal Muestreo del aire, personal y del area EXAMEN MEDICO: Yo he sido examinado dentro de los ultimos 12 meses el cual fue pagado por mis patrones. Esta examinacion incluye: historia de salud, pruebas de funcion pulmonares y podria tener incluida una evaluacion de rayos x del torax. Firma: Nombre Escrito: Numero Del Seguro Social: Testigo: WORKER PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS• SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION PAGE 1 SECTION 01700 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: This section describes the equipment and procedures required for protecting workers against asbestos contamination and other workplace hazards except for respiratory protection. WORKER TRAINING• Train, in accordance with applicable regulations, all workers in the dangers inherent in handling asbestos and breathing asbestos dust and in proper work procedures and personal and area protective measures. Include but do not limit the topics covered in the course to the following: Methods of recognizing asbestos. Health effects associated with asbestos. Relationship between smoking and asbestos in producing lung cancer. Nature of operations that could result in exposure to asbestos. Importance of and instruction in the use of necessary protective controls, practices and procedures to minimize exposure including: Engineering controls Work Practices Respirators Housekeeping procedures Hygiene facilities Protective clothing Decontamination procedures Emergency procedures Waste disposal procedures Purpose, proper use, fitting, instructions, and limitations of respirators. SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION PAGE 2 Appropriate work practices for the work. Requirements of medical surveillance program. Review of applicable regulations. Negative air systems. Work practices including hands-on or on -job training. Personal decontamination procedures. Air monitoring, personal and area. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS: Provide medical examinations for all workers on the project. Examination will, as a minimum, meet OSHA requirements as set forth in 29 CFR 1926. SUBMITTALS: Before Start of Work: Submit the following to the ENGINEER for review. List of Workers and other of CONTRACTOR's personnel for the ,.. project. Only persons on this list will be permitted on the project site. Post a copy of the list at the entry to the Work Area. The list shall be updated if any additional workers are to be working on the project. Certificate Worker Acknowledgement: Submit an original signed copy of the Certificate of Worker's Acknowledgement found at -the end of this section, for each worker who is to be yat the jobsite or enter the work area. Submit a true coAv of the results of the Medical Examination conducted within last 12 months as part of compliance with OSHA medical surveillance requirements for each worker who is to be on the project site. Submit, at a minimum, for each worker the following: Physicians Written Opinion from examining physician -- including at a minimum the following: Whether worker has any detected medical conditions that would place the worker at an increased risk of material health impairment from exposure to asbestos. ,�, SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION PAGE 3 Any recommended limitations on the worker or on the use of personal protective equipment such as respirators. ---Statement that the worker has been informed by the physician of the results of the medical examination and of any medical conditions that may result from asbestos exposure. Statement that worker is of respiratory protection is able to work safely producing heat stress in PART 2 - EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: able to wear and use the type proposed for the project, and in an environment capable of the worker. Coveralls: Provide disposable full -body coveralls, footwear, and disposable head covers of polyolefin or polypropylene, and require that they be worn by all workers in the work area. Provide a sufficient number for all required changes, for all workers and visitors in the work area. Non -disposable or cloth protectives will not be permitted unless authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. Boots and Shoes: Waterproof boots or shoes will be used in the work area. They shall have non-skid soles and hard toes as required by applicable regulations. Hard Hats: Provide head protectives (hard hats) for all workers, and provide four (4) spares for use by ENGINEER and OWNER. Label hats with same warning labels as used on disposal bags. Require hard hats to be worn at all times that work is in progress. Provide hard hats of type with plastic strap type suspension. Require hats to remain in the work area throughout the work. Thoroughly clean, decontaminate and bag hats before removing them from work area at the end of the work or dispose of as contaminated waste. Goggles: Provide eye protectives (goggles) for all workers involved in scraping, spraying, or any other activity which may potentially cause eye injury. Gloves: Provide durable waterproof work gloves to all workers and require that they be worn at all times in the work area. Do not remove gloves from work area; dispose of as asbestos contaminated waste at the end of the work. Tape gloves to the sleeves of coveralls. SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION PAGE 4 Provide additional protectives as required by applicable regulations. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Respirators, disposable coveralls, head covers, and footwear covers shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER, ENGINEER, and other authorized representatives who may inspect the jobsite. PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: Provide worker protection as required by the most stringent �- standards applicable to the work. The following procedures are minimums to be adhered to regardless of fiber count in the work area. Require that protective clothing be worn at all times in work area. Replace damaged or torn items immediately. Each time work area is entered, remove all street clothes in the Changing Room of the Personnel Decontamination Unit and put on new disposable coverall, new head cover, and a clean respirator. Proceed through shower room to equipment room (put on work boots in equipment room). DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES: Re quire all workers to adhere to the following perso-nal decontamination procedures whenever they leave the work area: Type C Supplied Air or Powered Air -Purifying Respirators: Require that all workers use the following decontamination procedure as a minimum requirement whenever leaving the work area: �. When exiting area, remove disposable coveralls, disposable head covers, and boots in the equipment room. Still wearing respirators, proceed to showers. Showering is mandatory. Care must be taken to follow reasonable procedures in removing the respirator to avoid asbestos ^„ fibers while showering. The following procedure is required as a minimum: _, SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION PAGE 5 Thoroughly wet body including hair and face. If using a Powered Air -Purifying Respirator (PAPR), hold blower unit above head to keep canisters dry. With respirator still in place, thoroughly wash body, hair, respirator facepiece, and all parts of the respirator except the blower unit and battery pack on a PAPR with soap/shampoo. Pay particular attention to seal between face and respirator and under straps. Take a deep breath, hold it and/or exhale slowly, completely wet hair, face, and respirator. While still holding breath, remove respirator and hold it away from face before starting to breath. Carefully wash facepiece of respirator inside and out. If using PAPR: shut down in the following sequence, first cap inlets to filter cartridges, then turn off blower unit (this sequence will help keep debris which has collected on the inlet side of filter from dislodging and contaminating the outside of the unit). Thoroughly wash blower unit and hoses. Carefully wash battery pack with wet rag. Be extremely cautious of getting water in battery pack as this will short out and destroy battery. Shower completely with soap/shampoo, and water. Rinse thoroughly. Rinse shower room walls and floor prior to exit. Proceed from shower to Changing Room and change into street clothes or into new disposable work items. Air Purifying -Negative Pressure Respirators: Require that all workers use the following decontamination procedure as a minimum requirement whenever leaving the work area with a half or full face cartridge type respirator (non -powered): When exiting area, remove disposable coveralls, disposable head covers, and disposable footwear covers or boots in the equipment room. Still wearing respirators, proceed to showers. Showering is mandatory. Care must be taken to follow reasonable procedures in removing the respirator and filters to avoid asbestos fibers while showering. The following procedure is required as a minimum: SECTION 01700 WORKER PROTECTION PAGE 6 Thoroughly wet body from neck down. Wet hair as thoroughly as possible without wetting the -.respirator filter if using an air purifying type respirator. Take a deep breath, hold it and/or exhale slowly, complete wetting of hair, thoroughly wetting face, respirator and filter (air purifying respirator). While still holding breath, remove respirator and hold it away from face before starting to breath. Dispose of wet filters from air purifying respirator. Carefully wash facepiece of respirator inside and out. Shower completely with soap/shampoo, and water. Rinse thoroughly. Rinse shower room walls and floor prior to exit. Proceed from shower to Changing Room and change into street clothes or into new disposable work items. WITHIN WORK AREA: Require that workers NOT eat, drink, smoke, chew gum or tobacco in the work area. To eat, chew, drink or smoke, workers shall follow the procedure described above, then dress in street clothes before entering the non -work areas of the building. CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Following this section is a Certificate of Worker's Acknowledgement. After each worker has been included in the CONTRACTOR's Respiratory Protection Program, completed the training program, and medical examination, secure a fully executed copy of this form. This form must be provided for each employee on the site before work commences. ********************** END OF SECTION ************************* CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT: PROJECT NAME DATE PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S NAME WORKING WITH ASBESTOS CAN BE DANGEROUS. INHALING ASBESTOS FIBERS HAS BEEN LINKED WITH VARIOUS TYPES OF CANCER. IF YOU SMOKE AND INHALE ASBESTOS FIBERS, THE CHANCE THAT YOU WILL DEVELOP LUNG CANCER IS GREATER THAN THAT OF THE NON-SMOKING PUBLIC. Your employer's contract with the Owner for the above project requires that: You be supplied with the proper respirator and be trained in its use. You be trained in safe work practices and in the use of the equipment found on the job. You receive a medical examination. These things are to have been done at no cost to you. By signing this certification you are assuring the Owner that your employer has met these obligations to you and are agreeing to hold the Owner, his Consultant, Testing Laboratory, and representative harmless in any and all claims arising from or related to this project. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: I have been trained in the proper use of respirators, and informed of the type respirator to be used on the above referenced project. I have a copy of the written respiratory protection manual issued by my employer. I have been equipped at no cost with the respirator to be used on the above project. TRAINING COURSE: I have been trained in the dangers inherent in handling asbestos and breathing asbestos dust and in proper work procedures and personal and area protective measures. The topics covered in the course included the following: Physical characteristics of asbestos Health hazards associated with asbestos Respiratory protection Use of protective equipment Negative air systems Work practices including hand -on or on -job training Personal decontamination procedures Air monitoring, personal and area MEDICAL EXAMINATION: I have had a medical examination within the past 12 months which was paid for by my employer. This examination included: health history, pulmonary function tests and may have included an evaluation of a chest x-ray and I have been approved by the Physician to work on asbestos abatement projects without limitations. Signature Printed Name Social Security Number Witness CERTIFICADO DE CONOCIMIENTO DEL TRABAJADOR: (CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Spanish Version) NOMBRE DEL PROJECTO DOMICILIO DEL PROJECTO NOMBRE DEL CONTRATISTA FECHA TRABAJAR CON ASBESTOS PUEDE SER PELIGROSO. EL RESPIRAR FIBRAS DE ASBESTOS A SIDO ASOCIADO CON VARIOS TIPOS DE CANCER. SI TU FUMAS Y RESPIRAS FIBRAS DE ASBESTOS, LAS POSIBILIDADES DE DESARROLLAR CANCER EN LOS PULMONES SON MAYORES QUE EN LAS PERSONAS QUE NO FUMAN. E1 contrato de trabajo de to patron con el dueno de este projecto requiere que: se to debe proporcionar un respirador apropiado y se to ensene como usarlo. Tu debes ser entrenado para trabajar con medidas de seguridad y se to ensene a usar el equipo y herramienta que se requiere para trabajar. Que seas examinado por un medico. Estas cosas deben ser hechas sin costo alguno para ti. Al firmar este certificado to estas asegurando al dueno �~ del projecto que tus patrones ya cumplieron con estas obligaciones (de proporcionarte equipo adecuado, entrenarte en practicas de seguridad y pasar por un chequeo medico). Por to que se esta de acuerdo en mantener al dueno del projecto, sus consejeros, laboratorio de analisis y sus representantes fuera de responsabilidad en todas y cada una de las quejas que puedan resultar de, o relacionadas con este projecto. PROTECCION RESPIRATORIA: Yo he sido entrenado en el use apropiado de respiradores, y he sido informado del tipo de -- respirador que debe ser usado en este projecto. Yo tengo una copia escrita del manual de proteccion respiratoria proporcionado por mis patrones. Yo he sido equipado sin costo alguno para me ^, con el respirador que debe ser usado en este projecto. .w CURSO DE ENTRENAMIENTO: Yo he sido entrenado en los peligros relacionados con el manejo de asbestos y con el respirar polvo`-de asbestos y he sido entrenado en los procedimientos de trabajo adecuados y medidas de proteccion personales en el area de trabajo. Los temas vistos en el curso incluyen los siguientes: Caracteristicas fisicas de asbestos Peligros de salud asociado con asbestos Uso de equipo de proteccion Sistemas de aire negativos Practicas de trabajo mientras se trabaja o se entrena Procedimientos de descontaminacion personal Muestreo del aire, personal y del area EXAMEN MEDICO: Yo he sido examinado dentro de los ultimos 12 meses el cual fue pagado por mis patrones. Esta examinacion incluye: historia de salud, pruebas de funcion pulmonares y podria tener incluida una evaluation de rayos.x del torax. Firma: Nombre Escrito: Numero Del Seguro Social: Testigo: z RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL Related Documents: SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PAGE 1 SECTION 01710 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. Description of Work: Instruct and train each worker involved in asbestos abatement or maintenance and repair of friable asbestos -containing materials in proper respiratory use and require that each worker always wear a respirator, properly fitted on the face in the work area from the start of any operation which may cause airborne asbestos fibers until the work area is completely decontaminated. Use respiratory protection appropriate for the fiber level encountered in the work place or as required for other toxic or oxygen -deficient situations encountered. Standards: Except to the extent that more stringent requirements are written directly into the Contract Documents, the following regulations and standards have the same force and effect (and are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference) as if copied directly into the Contract Documents, or as if published copies were bound herewith. Where there is a conflict in requirements set forth in these regulations and standards, meet the more stringent requirement. OSHA U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Safety and Health Standards 29 CFR 1910, Section 1001 and Section 1910.134 29 CFR 1926. CGA Compressed Gas Association, Inc., New York, Pamphlet G-71 "Compressed Air for Human Respiration", and Specification G-7.1 "Commodity Specification for Air". CSA Canadian Standard Association, Rexdal, Ontario, Standard Z180.1-1978, "Compressed Breathing Air". ANSI American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection, ANSI Z88.2-1980. NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PAGE 2 PART 2 - EQUIPMENT AIR PURIFYING RESPIRATORS: Respirator Bodies: Provide half -face or full -face type respirators. Equip full -face respirators with a nose cup or other anti -fogging device as would be appropriate for use in air temperatures less than 32 degrees fahrenheit. Filter Cartridges: Provide, at a minimum, HEPA type filters labeled with NIOSH and MSHA Certification for "Radionuclides, Radon Daughters, Dust, Fumes, Mists including Asbestos -Containing Dusts and Mists" and color coded in accordance with ANSI Z228.2 (1980). In addition, a chemical cartridge section may be added, if required, for solvents, etc., in use. In this case, provide cartridges that have each section of the combination canister labeled with the appropriate color code and NIOSH/MSHA Certification Non -Permitted Respirators: Do not use single use, disposable or quarter face respirators. EPA and NIOSH recommend the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full facepiece operating in pressure -demand mode or the use of a Type C supplied air respirator with a SCBA emergency backup. SUPPLIED AIR RESPIRATOR SYSTEMS: Provide equipment capable of producing air of the quality and volume required by the above reference standards applied to the job site conditions and crew size. Comply with provisions of this specification if more stringent than the governing standard. Air Ouality For Supplied Air Respiratory Systems: Provide air used for breathing in Type "C" supplied air respiratory systems that meets or exceeds standards set for C.G.A. type 1 (Gaseous Air) Grade D. Facepiece and Hose: Provide full facepiece and hose by same manufacturer that has been certified by NIOSH/MSHA as an approved Type "C" respirator assembly operating in pressure demand mode with a positive pressure facepiece. Auxiliary Backup System: In atmospheres which contain sufficient oxygen (greater than or equal to 19.5% oxygen), provide a pressure -demand full facepiece supplied air respirator equipped with an emergency backup HEPA filter. SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PAGE 3 Escape Air Supply: In atmospheres which are oxygen deficient - (less than 19.5% oxygen), provide a pressure -demand full facepiece supplied air respirator incorporating an auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) which automatically maintains an uninterrupted air supply in pressure demand mode with a positive pressure facepiece. Backup Air Supply: Provide a reservoir of compressed air located outside the work area which will automatically maintain a continuous uninterruptable source of air automatically available to each connected facepiece and hose assembly in the event of -, compressor shut -down, contamination of air delivered by compressor, power loss or other failure. Provide sufficient capacity in the backup air supply to allow a minimum escape time of one-half hour times the number of connections available to the work area. Air requirement at each connection is the air requirement of the respirators in use plus the air requirement of an average sized adult male engaged in moderately strenuous activity. Warning Device: Provide a warning device that will operate independently of the building's power supply. Locate so that alarm is clearly audible above the noise level produced by equipment and work procedures in use, in all parts of the work area and at the compressor. Connect alarm to warn of: Compressor shut -down or other fault requiring use of backup air supply, Carbon Monoxide (CO) levels in excess of 5 PPM/V. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitor: Continuously monitor and record on a strip chart recorder Carbon Monoxide (CO) levels. Place monitors in the air line between compressor and backup air supply and between backup air supply and workers. Connect monitors --so that they also sound an alarm as specified under "Warning Devices". Compressor Shut -Down: Interconnect monitors, alarms and compressor so that compressor is automatically shut down and the alarms sounded if any of the following occur: Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentrations exceed 5 PPM/V in the air line between the filter bank and backup air supply, Compressor temperature exceed normal operating range. SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PAGE 4 Compressor Motor: Provide a compressor driven by an electric motor. Do not use gas or diesel engines to drive compressor. Insure that electrical supply available at the work site is adequate to energize motor. If a gasoline or diesel compressor motor is made necessary by an inadequate building power supply or other factors, the location for this equipment will be outside of the building. In this instance the following shall apply: Compressor Location: Locate compressor outside of building in location that will not impede access to the building, and that will not cause a nuisance by virtue of noise or fumes to occupied portions of the building. Air Intake: Locate air intake remotely from any source or automobile exhaust or any exhaust from motors, or buildings. After Cooler: Provide an after cooler at entry to filter system which is capable of reducing temperatures to outside ambient air temperatures. Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Configure system to permit the recharging of 1/2 hour 2260 PSI SCBA cylinders. PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL: Respiratory Protection Program: Comply with ANSI Z88.2 - 1980 "Practices for Respiratory Protection" and OSHA 29 CFRW'1910 and 1926, and other applicable regulations. Require that respiratory protection be used at all times that there is any possibility of disturbance of asbestos -containing materials whether intentional or accidental. Require that a respirator be worn by anyone in a work area at all times, regardless of activity, during a period that starts with any operation which could cause airborne fibers until the area has been cleared for re -occupancy. Regardless of Airborne Fiber Levels: Require that the minimum level of respiratory protection used be half -face air -purifying respirators with high efficiency filters. Do not allow the use of single -use, disposable, or quarter -face respirators for any purpose. SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PAGE 5 TYPE OF RESPIRATORY PROTECTION REQUIRED: Provide respiratory protection to consist of Type "C" Supplied Air or Powered Air Purifying (Full Face Mask) Respirators as specified. Negative Pressure (Half or Full Face Mask) Respirators shall only be utilized for pregaratory and glove bag work, and shall not be utilized during full containment removal work. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION FACTOR: Respirator Type Protection Factor Air purifying: 10 Negative pressure respirator High efficiency filter Half facepiece Air purifying: 50 Negative pressure respirator High efficiency filter Full facepiece Powered -air purifying (PAPR): 100 Positive pressure respirator High efficiency filter Half or Full facepiece Type C supplied air: 100 Positive pressure respirator Continuous -flow Half or Full facepiece Type C supplied air: 1000 Positive pressure respirator Pressure demand -" Full facepiece Type C supplied air: Over 1000 Positive pressure respirator Pressure demand Full facepiece Equipped with an auxiliary positive pressure Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA): Over 1000 .- Positive pressure respirator Pressure demand Full facepiece SECTION 01710 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PAGE 6 TYPE "C" SUPPLIED -AIR RESPIRATORS: Type C "supplied air" respirators can present a hazard for workers on scaffolding due to the difficulty of handling the attached hoses. If a supplied air system is improperly set up or it is not continuously monitored, it can present a very real life safety hazard for workers. Air Systems Monitor: Continuously monitor the air system operation including compressor operation, filter system operation, backup air capacity and all warning and monitoring devices at all times that system is in operation. AIR PURIFYING RESPIRATORS: Negative Pressure - Half or Full Face Mask: Supply a sufficient quantity of respirator filters approved for asbestos, so that workers can change filters during the work day. Require that respirators be wet -rinsed, and filters discarded, each time a worker leaves the work area. Require that new filters be installed each time a worker re-enters the work area. Store respirators and filters at the jobsite in the changing room in individual, clean plastic bags and protect totally from exposure to asbestos prior to their use. Powered Air Purifying - Half or Full Face Mask: Supply a sufficient quantity of high efficiency respirator filters approved for asbestos so that workers can change filters at any time that flow through the face -piece decreases to the level at which the manufacturer recommends filter replacement. Require that regardless of flow, filter cartridges be replaced after 40 hours of use. Require that HEPA elements in filter cartridges be protected from wetting during showering. Require entire exterior housing of respirator including blower unit, filter cartridges, hoses, battery pack, face mask, belt, and cords to be washed each time a worker leaves the work area. Caution should be used to avoid shorting battery pack during washing. Provide an extra battery pack for each respirator so that one can be charging while one is in use. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 1 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION SECTION 15100 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. QUALITY ASSURANCE Certify that all materials used are 100 per cent asbestos -free. SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturer's literature including but not limited to the following: Manufacturer's Literature: Thickness of Insulation Density Maximum Temperature Limit Fire and Smoke Hazard Rating Thermal Conductivity Permeability of Insulation and Finishes Moisture Absorption Data ,^ Covering Type Description of: Adhesives Mechanical Fastening System Application, Finishing and Flashing Materials and Methods DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Division of the specifications, the following definitions shall apply: "Exposed Areas" shall be interpreted as piping exposed to view within the building. "Concealed Areas" shall be interpreted as areas above finished ceilings or in pipe chases where pipe and equipment are not visible from the floor. �- SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 2 "Outside Areas" shall be interpreted as areas outside the building which are exposed to weather above grade. For underground insulated piping see Mechanical Section of Specifications. LIMITATIONS Materials specified shall be applied subject to their temperature limits. Methods of application of insulating materials or finishes not specified in detail herein shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published recommendations. FIRE RESISTANCE Insulation, adhesive, sealer, vapor -barrier coatings and vapor - barrier materials shall be noncombustible as defined in Section 200 of National Building Code; shall have a flame -spread rating of not more than 25 and a smoke developed rating of not more than 50. Materials that are factory applied shall be tested as assembled and certified by manufacturer to meet standards. Materials which are field applied may be tested individually. No fugitive or corrosion treatments shall be employed to impart flame resistance. Flame Spread and Smoke Developed Ratings: Shall be determined by Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, NFPA No. 255, ASTM E84; Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Building Materials List under heading "Hazard Classification (Fire)". The following materials are exempt from Fire Resistant Rating: Exterior insulation on outside of buildings. PART II -MATERIALS PRODUCTS Class I Insulation shall be for application to air handler units, chiller units and flues, condensate drain and refrigerant piping run above ground. Type Insulation: Fire Retardant Armaflex by the Armstrong Cork Company. _, SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 3 Density: 6 lb./cu. ft. Thermal conductivity at 750F 0.27 BTU/hr./sq. ft./degrees F./inch. Permeability: 0.26 perm -in. Nominal Wall Thickness: 3/811. Flame Spread Rating: 25. Smoke Developed Rating: 50. Water Absorption (by volume): negligible. Class II Insulation shall be applied to chilled water, potable water and roof drain conductor piping. Type insulation: Preformed thermosetting resin bonded fiberglass with service jacket insulation by Certainteed Corporation Model 500 Snap-On. Density: 7 lb./cu. ft. Thermal conductivity at 750F 0.21 BTU/hr./sq. ft./degree F./inch. Permeability: 0.02 perm -in. Absorption of moisture: .2 percent by volume. Combustibility: Not combustible. Sealer: Benjamin Foster 35-00 Vapor -Barrier adhesive - sealer. Finish: Interior Exposed Piping: Two coats of Benjamin Foster 35-00 applied to overlap seam, butt joints and staples. Lap on longitudinal seams shall be stapled on 3 inch centers. Exterior Piping: Two coats of Benjamin Foster 35- 00 applied to overlap seam, butt joints and staples. Lap on longitudinal seams shall be stapled on 3 inch centers. Cover with 0.016 inch aluminum jacket. Fittings: Provide preformed PVC joint cover at Tees and Elbows. SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 4 Class III Insulation shall be applied to hot water,potable hot water and potable hot water return piping. Type -Insulation: Same as Class II insulation except that no joint sealer shall be required. Class IV Insulation shall be applied to boilers and hot water tanks, and associated flues. Type insulation: Calcium Silicate Insulation shall be formed hydrous calcium silicate, with mineral fiber reinforcing, consisting entirely of inorganic materials and shall conform to the following: Maximum Temperature Limit, OF: 1200 Density, lbs/cf: 10-16 Alakalinity, pH: 8-12.5 Combustibility: Noncombustible Compressive Strength, psi at 5% deformation: 100-165 Hygroscopicity, # Volume: 1.5-2.3 Linear Shrinkage, Max. % at Max. Temp.: 1.0-2.0 Specific Heat, BTU/lb/OF: 0.20-0.21 Capillarity: Negligible Water Absorption, % Vol. 24hrs. after submersion: 90.0 Thermal Conductivity, BTU/hr./sq.ft./oF/in. at 200OF: 0.34-0.40 at 400OF: 0.45-0.48 at 600OF: 0.56-0.57 Corrosion: Will not corrode steel or stainless steel PART III -EXECUTION INSPECTION Make detailed inspection of Work area and adjoining construction prior to beginning installation. Verify governing dimensions and other permissible dimensional tolerances. Report in writing unsatisfactory conditions encountered; do not begin installation until conditions are correct. Beginning installation signifies acceptance of conditions. SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 5 INSTALLATION A competent, well -qualified superintendent shall supervise the application of insulation materials, and the work shall be performed by mechanics skilled in the trade. Insulation and finishes shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations and workmanship shall be first class in every respect. Joints shall be tightly butted and the insulation materials securely attached to the pipe. Pipe shall be clean and dry before insulation is applied. The insulation shall be cut and fitted around irregular surfaces, and the covering applied tight and smooth. Adhesives, sealers, vapor barrier coatings, etc., shall be compatible with the materials to which they are applied, and shall not corrode, soften or otherwise attack such material in either the wet or dry state. Insulation shall be neatly finished at pipe hangers. Pipe insulation shall be continuous through walls, floors, ceiling openings, hangers, supports and sleeves. APPLICATION Class I Insulation: Slit the insulation and apply it to the pipe. Seal longitudinal and butt joints with adhesive in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Install rigid insulation at pipe hanger equal to", the adjacent material. Insulate fittings with miter -cut pieces -of pipe insulation in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Neatly wrap each transverse joint with one layer of insulation tape at least 2" wide by 1/8" thick. Tape shall include a coating of pressure sensitive adhesive and shall be equal to Armaflex tape. Class II Insulation: Apply insulation by the staggered joint method. Seal each longitudinal and butt joint with sealer in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. ;,G, SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 6 Keeping joint gaps to a minimum apply insulation to the pipes and secure with outward -clinch staples 3 inch centers. Insulate valves and fittings with factory fabricated covers of the same thickness as the adjacent insulation. Application of these fitting covers shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendations. Fill all cracks or voids in the pipe covering with slivers of insulation material. Smooth all high places and feather to the adjacent surface. All protruding metal parts such as valve stems shall be thoroughly sealed with caulking compound as recommended by theinsulationmanufacturer. Exterior Piping: Apply insulation to pipe and staple the over -lap to the insulation. Apply two coats of vapor -barrier adhesive - sealer to the lap on longitudinal seams, butt joints and staples per manufacturers recommendations. Provide 0.016" (minimum) aluminum jacket with attached vapor barrier and having an interlocking longitudinal joint warranted to provide a positive seal without screws, rivets or staples. Provide butt straps of 0.016" aluminum. Lap adjacent jacket sections at least 1." on each jacket,. and seal with weatherproof mastic seal. Interior Concealed and Exposed Piping: Apply insulation to pipe and staple the over -lap to the insulation. Apply two coats of vapor -barrier adhesive - sealer to the lap on longitudinal seams, butt joints and staples per manufacturers recommendations. Class III Insulation: Apply in the same manner as Class II except: Joint sealer shall not be applied to joints in the insulating material. Class IV Insulation: Calcium Silicate Equipment Insulation, curved segments or flat blocks, secured with galvanized 14 gauge steel wire, followed by 1/2" of hydraulic -setting insulating and finishing cement trowelled on. SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 7 After the first coating is dry, install a layer of 20 gauge - galvanized wire mesh, 1" hexagonal, followed by 1/2" trowel coat of hard finish insulating cement. When dry, apply a flooding coat of mildew -resistant, fungus -resistant, weather -resistant resin mastic, in which embed 8 oz. canvas, after which, apply a finish coat of mastic to make a smooth outer surface. THICKNESS Replace removed insulation with equivalent thickness to that which was removed, but in no case less than the following schedule: INSULATION SCHEDULE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Insulation Insulation Service ---------------------------------------------------------------- Class Pipe Size Thickness ----------------------------------------------------------------- Heating Water, III 2-1/2" and below 1" Domestic Hot Water 3" and above 2" . ---------------------------------------------------------------- Steam Piping III 2-1/2" and below 1" °'. 3" and above 2" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Domestic Cold II All sizes 1" Water .-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chilled Water II 1-1/2" and below 1" Piping 2" and above 2" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Refrigerant I All sizes 3/4" Piping ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chiller Units, I 3/41, Chiller Flues ---------------------------------------------------------------- -, Boiler Units, Hot IV 1-1/2" Water Tanks, Flues ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chilled Water II l" Expansion Tank ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Water III 1" Expansion Tank ---------------------------------------------------------------- Air Handler I 3/4" Body Insulation ---------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 15100 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION PAGE 8 CLEANING Dispose of excess materials and debris away from site. PROTECTION Protect Work against damage until Final Acceptance. Replace, or repair to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER, Work that becomes damaged prior to Final Acceptance. WARRANTIES Furnish written ONE (1) year warranty covering defects in materials and workmanship beginning upon Final Acceptance. Warranty shall include repair and replacement, including labor, of any component part of the Work found defective during the warranty period at no cost to the OWNER. ************************ END OF SECTION ************************ d,� SECTION 15200 REPAIR OF INSULATION AND LAGGING PAGE 1 REPAIR OF INSULATION AND LAGGING SECTION 15200 PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: ^- Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, apply to the Work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Repair of insulation on piping upon which asbestos -containing insulation is to remain. Repair of laggings on boilers, breechings and equipment upon which asbestos -containing lagging and/or insulation is to remain. Labeling of repaired asbestos -containing materials. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Mineral Wool Insulating Cement: Provide job mixed insulating plaster manufactured for use on plumbing equipment. Waterproof Cement: Provide premixed or job mixed cement manufactured for coating of thermal insulation laggings. Nonwoven Fibrous Glass Mat: Provide felt approximately 3/32" thick fabricated from glass fibers. -^ Open Weave Glass Fiber Mat: Provide cloth with- approximately 1/4" openings in weave, fabricated from glass fibers twisted or braided into strands approximately 1/128" in diameter. Products of different materials, other than specified, may be submitted to the ENGINEER for approval. PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL• Piping: Remove any loose material with HEPA vacuum. No existing jacket material is to be removed. SECTION 15200 REPAIR OF INSULATION AND LAGGING PAGE 2 Fill holes with mineral wool insulating cement and cover damaged areas with nonwoven fibrous glass mat completely saturated with bridging type encapsulant. Wrap open joints with nonwoven fibrous glass mat embedded in bridging type encapsulant Smooth mat to a wrinkle -free condition. Allow to dry and coat entire surface of mat with an additional coat of bridging type encapsulant and brush to a smooth uniform appearance. Fittings: Patch damaged fittings as required, using mineral wool insulating cement. Smooth insulation to a uniform appearance, continuous with and not overlapping adjacent straight insulation runs. Cover entire surface of fitting with nonwoven fibrous glass mat embedded in bridging type encapsulant. Stretch to conform to shape of fitting and smooth to a uniform appearance without wrinkles. Overlap jackets of adjacent straight insulation sections by 311. Allow to dry and coat entire surface of mat with bridging type encapsulant and brush to a smooth finished appearance. Equipment Laggings: (Hot Water Tanks, Converters, Etc.) Fill damaged portion of lagging as required with mineral wool insulating cement and cover with nonwoven fibrous glass mat completely embedded in bridging type encapsulant. Coat area of repair and six inches on all sides with bridging type encapsulant, brush out to a uniform appearance. Completely coat laggings which do not possess a canvas jacket with two (2) coats of bridging type encapsulant. Boiler and Smoke Hoods Breeching Laggings: Fill damaged portions of laggings, as required, with mineral wool insulating cement. Coat entire surface or lagging with 1/4" minimum thickness of mineral wool insulating cement reinforced with openweave glass fiber mat. Trowel surface smooth finish. Labeling: Label repaired asbestos -containing piping insulation, fitting insulation laggings, etc. In unoccupied areas label with a 3" x 5" yellow sticker containing the words: "DANGER - CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS - AVOID BREATHING DUST - BREATHING ASBESTOS MAY CAUSE SERIOUS BODILY HARM." In occupied areas, provide labels shaped like stop signs approximately 3" across with text reading: "STOP - Before Doing Work In This Area, See Custodian". SECTION 15200 REPAIR OF INSULATION AND LAGGING PAGE 3 Apply labels minimum two (2) per side of maximum of five feet (51) apart on boilers, breeching and equipment and a minimum of one per section and maximum of eight feet (81) apart on pipe runs. Apply labels to both sides of pipe runs which are accessible from both sides. *********************** END OF SECTION ************************* (This page left blank intentionally) SPECIAL CONDITIONS -43- (This page left blank intentionally) TO: NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE The City of Lubbock, having considered the proposals submitted and opened on the _day of 198_, for work to be done and materials to be furnished in and for: as set forth in detail in the Specifications, Plans, and Contract Documents for such work for the City of Lubbock; it appearing that your proposal is fair, equitable and to the best interest of said City, please take notice that said proposal was accepted by the City Council of the City of Lubbock on the day of 198_ at the bid price contained therein, subject to the execution of and furnishing of all contract documents, bonds, cer- tificates of insurance, and all other documents specified and required to be executed and furnished under the con- tract documents. It will be necessary for you to execute and furnish to the City of Lubbock all such documents within ten (10) days from your receipt of this Notice. The five percent (5%) bid security, submitted with your proposal, will be returned upon the execution.of such contract documents and bonds within the above specified ten (10) day period. In the event you should fail to execute and furnish such contract documents and bonds within the time Limit specified, said bid security will be re- tained by the City of Lubbock. CITY OF LUBBOCK Owner's Representative IM -44- (This page left blank intentionally)