HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 158 - Grant Application - TDHR - Summer Food Service Program For Children - 05_10_1979LGB:hw RESO #158 5/10/79 a� �•`� RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an Application for participation in the Summer Food Service Program for Children and docu- ments related to said grant application to the Texas Department of Human Resources, attached herewith which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 10th day of May ,1979. - DIRK WEST, MAYOR -ATTEST: or Evelyn fga, City retary-Tr sur APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: LawrLInce Banks, Community Facilities APPROVED AS TO FORM: Leon G. Bean, Asst. City Attorney TIED TO RESO #158 - 5/10/79 luxnf I)efwrtnnvrl ot"'lunwn Re.,uut I es �3aJ APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION s//, (Summer Food Service Program for Children) INSTRUCTIONS: complcte in duplicate Submit (original with an original horn 1507, Sit,- Information Sheet, for each feeding site and for each %ession (if more than one is offered) which will be administered by the Applicant. If more space is needed, continue on a plain sheet of paper, numbering each item" Type or print clearly all information. a FOR TDHR Agreement Number USE ONLY TX 152-103 Vender ID # 1-756-005906-008 Name Ot Applicant Phone No. Onclsrde area code) City of Lubbock Parks and Recreation Department 1 (806) 762-6411 Ext. 2661 Mailing Address P.O.- -Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 Name of Adrninrstrator (Autbarized Sponsor representative who will sign the Agreement, Form 1 S08) John A. Alford Title of Administrator 1. Is applicant a public entity? Ld Yes • 0 No If NO, attach a copy of the letter from IRS documenting tax exempt status. 2. Does applicant participate in any other programs funded by tho Food and Nutrition Service? EX Yes El No If YES, specify. Title V I I Nutrition Program 3 Does applicant participate in any otho► programs DqYes [:.]No If YES, specify. Title III and V I I ; Revenue Sharingg funtled by thu Federal government ? Community Development; Summer Youth Recreatic 4. Are you planning to utilize school food service Ex Yes 0No If NO, describe your efforts to utilize such facilities. facilities for the preparation of rtrealO 5. Is the fond t j be prepared at a location other than If YES, list location of food preparation site(t). the food vuvice sites? Yes [_J No Estacado High School 1504 E. Itasca 6. Are you planning to contract with a food service If YES, and the contract will exceed $10,000. attach a copy of the wording manayevicnt company for the preparation of to be used in the synopsis of your invitation to bid, the planned date and unitized meals? L Yes kANo place of publication, and the planned date and place of opening of the bids 7. If progtam payments under your agreement will exceed $50 000, attach a copy of; A. Letter of Engagement from a certified public accountant. B. Service Institution organization chart including officers and directors with names. (identity the administrator named above.) 8. Did the applicant participate in any prior. year's UYes ONo If YES, give agreement number from prior year. summer food service program? TX 152-103 9. Did any of the applicant's personnel or officers G�Vies No It YES, give name and addres$ of sponsor or vendor. named m Itern 12 (next page) work for a summer City of Lubbock Parks and Recreation food service program sponsor or vendor in any P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, TX 79451 prior y""`� Lubbock Independent School District 10. Does the applicant provide, an ongoing year-round _ ICilyes No H YES — service to th-• community that would be served by Describe the nature of the service: the surnmcer food service program? The Parks and Recreation Department conducts a variety of year-round recreation programs that will be enhanced by the Summer Food • Service Program Date Service Instituted: Average number of paid and volunteer workers during the six months preceding 40 this application ........................................ __. It List sponsor level personnel who will be involved in administering the summer food program. (Site nemonnel should be listed on Form 1 5n7 Site Infnrmatinn Sheet 1 Fgrrn 150E Page i Number of ,Numberot Hrs. Title of Posit+on Personnel I per Day Spent in that on Food Position Service Wages per Hr. (indicate Volunteers with V) Total Wages for Program Source of Funds (Reimbursement, CETA- etc.) i Specific Food Service Duties Ddte of Emnlovment in tnis Program Rec. Specialist 1 I 8 Ass't Rec. Su v. 1 j 4 12.55 $5.24 I1 305.60 1,446.24 Reimbursement Reimbursement Supervision of food site monitors 5-28-79 Bookkeeping, scheduling, supervis'on - -8,24-7� _ '�_31-79 Rec. Supervisor 1 2 1$7.13 i 983.94 Reimbursement Administration of Program 5_28_79 — - 8-31-79 j 12. Training Sessions Name of Person Responsible for Conducting Training Sessions Number of Sponsor Person- Number of Site Personnel Dates of Training Sessions nel to Receive Training to Receive Training Kav Stiner 2 18 5-31-79 Outline of Topics to Be Covered 1. Read and discuss all information in the Site Supervisor's Guide 2. Explain the proper procedure to make meal adjustments 3. Describe persons to contact and the line of communication. 13.Outline your schedule for visiting all sites listed on Form 1507, Site Information Sheet, during the first week of operation, and for reviewing all sites during the first four weeks of operation. if more space is needed, attach additional sheet. All sites will be visited daily. Prompt action will be taken to correct any deficiencies found. The food service operation will be observed at least once during the duration of the program. L - 14. Dates of Operrtion 15. No, of Days of 16. Number of Sites 17. Average Daily Participation June 4 to August 17, 1979 operation 54 16 825 ` r ' Form 9 Pr + 14L Proposed Summer Feeding Administrative Budget: Estimate all costs for which you plan to claim reimbursement by TDHR. All such costs must ba elocunv A. Estimated Operational B. Estimated Administrative s Costs: _ Montldy Cost Total Cost Costs: Monthly Cost Total Cost Food s101,150 2,000 40 s 30,450 5,872 120 Labor Non-food Supplies Utili�;e. Rent New d of Equipment Equwlo%n: Use Fee Other (specify) TOTAL (A) s 36.442 Management Salaries s 810 s 24X Monitoring Salaries 435 1306 Clerical Salaries Rental of Office Space Utilities Office Supplies 84 250 Office Building Maintenance Use Allowance of Furniture and Fixtures ----__.-- ---- M! 15 at — ---__^.. Audit Fees Legal Fees — -- — Other Ispecify) —for 711QTT .150,ger mil e TOTAL IB) 4031 C. Estimated Grand Total (Total Program Cost = Sum of Total A + Total 8) .......................... S 40,473 jj �� Q. L— ; The applicant requests advance payments for El Net Program Operational Cost U Administrative Cost L� The, applicant does not request advance payments for Net Program Operational Cost or Administrative Cost. 19.Show projected income'for all sources other then TDHR. Identify exactly what costs this income will be used for. (Attach additional sheets it necessary) Income Source Income Amount Describe the Costs for Which This Income Will Be Used ` !6 FQfI•.� ,. !� O. Define your procedure for collect' 3 yo W u+g information on the daily number of meals sorted to the children, the daily number of meab satised lo'tadull alto �(jR nel, and the number of hours worked by site personnel (if labor costs will be claimed) from each site. Include (AI the frequaricy pf informatlbq'aIW faq'I (13) the method used to collect information from the sites The program monitor will visit each site to collect all i nformai ton 'during daily vi sits the sites. 21: Specify your lime limits for correcting problems after which food service to a site or to the program would be terminated and method of fatlowillg iut�46.9 sure problems have been corrected: s z, Problems wi11 be corrected immediately. The 'program administrator and program monitor':wJ.1.-1' ensure correction of all problems.10. 22. Attach copy of your letter to the local Health Department notifying them of your intention to operate a food service at lime sites fisted on 110 attached, Site Information Sheets 23. When apd how will public statement on nondiscrimination be Issued? (Attach copy of 4tatement.) The statement Will be included on the News,.Release on May 289 1979 t: 24 • mane ement.f lan: Identify by Name and Title the ierson(s): ' Name Title . A. Authorized to approve purchases or rentals. '(Specify dollar limitations. a$ applicable.) Kay. Stiner Recreation Super.O.sor Name Title Vti Authorized to approve the number of hours Of regular and overtime pay. Kay Stiner Recreation Supervisor, ¢: Responsible for receiving participation, cost apd, fq*nue data, +nd for prepering glaimt Nettle' �a� . " Sit ;; . j-(let Title Recreai:iQn ,� - l�perv� b�^ + for rairrtbunement. i Jd�h Al ford ` Park and Recreatlort R..,i reotl 'Jl Q Reipgnsible..for scheduling and: supervising Name ' Title mon)tors, reviewin4site reports of defician Kay Stiner. Recreation Supervipor pes;,restricting or terminating food service ' it.'necesaary and affecting corrective action ri vl1e Fox Recreoi,6n r Speri al:'f sti ;.. NBrtte Title .E, Responsible for coordirwting with officials • t4 wlsom ute•supervisors report, II applicable, Ka Stiner Recreation - .Supervi�or'. 1 certify that the,information, on this application and in the attached Site , Information Sheets (Form 15071 is true to the best of my knowledge; that , reimbursement will be claimed only for meals served to eligible children at approved food service sites, and that these sites have been visited and hero the ceppbility and facilities for the meal service planned for the numt Signature —Authorized Repro;entat children anticipated to be served. 1 understand that this information is being M von of the C i t Of Lubbock' given in, connection with the receipt of Federal funds, and that deliberate #4 --t — misrepresentation may subject me to prosecution under applicable state and Title Federal criminal statutes. The program must be made available to all eligible April 30, 1979 t ,. _ �... children regardless of taco, color, or national origin. Approved as to lon: n•' i . Va a- ,,. Aisistwg City AttemYf • Tezd! Jeltjrtrt'ie Nt af-Nuriten R.rcr.•u r Aa TIED TO RESO #158 — 5/10/79 Furrnl e April 197E 9lLplr4.,e No. —'--1 806/762-6411 ext.266 his Is to certify that TEXASDEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES COMMODITIES DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY FOR SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Agreement No. _ Parks and Recreation Director Srgranue-Pe sun Authorized f — fitl< i� designareci .:i the authorir.cd reptcsentarive t,i the City of Lubbock Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas, 79457 - -' S1;.;; , mtsg Agency —� --_- -� - - Address (Street, City, State, ZIP Code) .vhich is the governing body of the Summer Food Program Natrje of Summer Food Service Program - ,•catvdat Amherst and Guava, 23rd and Ave. L, 27th and Ivory, 323 Ave. F., 6th and Ave.T., loth and Guava, 35th and Ave. L, 22nd and 5. Ave. C „ Vth a d ?81s�L ber Dr_-.- � 4, ih-and-Ave B 'and O an Oak, Lubbock,t and s. is an ni verse ty, t Address (&aet, City, State, "LIP Code) and Oxford -bboTexas Authority is hereby given the above designated representative to enter into written agree- ments on behalf of the Sponsoring Agency kith Texas Department of Human Resources, C-;,;mrnaditi�� Division, for the operation of a Summer Food Service Program, and to present Lla tas for reirnbursemertts and sign fur the -)ponsorink Agency any other documents or reports rclaring thereto. - A;Prn,ed as to torrn: Citv of Lubbock Name of Sponsoring Agency i3 y; Signature --Official of Sponsoring Agency Mayor "Title of Official ( Assistant City Alwr-y ;Apojvd as co tent: i i . of Community Facilities ij 5/10/79 Date i) I gve..W; Ers ki n , 79457 .i Pyas Department c f N&-.Lan rw tu•r.es TIED TO RESO # 158 - 5/ 10/79 Form 1 April 1976 eiepnr rx No. 806/762-6411 ext.267 -,'-his is to certify that TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES COMMODITIES DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY FOR SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Recreation Supervisor Signature -Person Authorized Title is designated zs the authorized representative of the Agreement No. City of Lubbock Parks adn'Recreation, P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 Sponsoring Agency Address (Street, City, State, ZIP Code) hich is the governing body of the Summer Food Program I' Name of Summer Food Service Program 'catedat Amherst and Guava, 23rd and Ave. L, 27th and Ivory, 323 Ave. F., 6th and Ave. T., 10th and Guava, 35th and Ave. L 22nd and E. Ave. C., 24th and Ave. W, 28th -and Weber Drive, 3200 Amherst. 40th and AvP. R, 23rd and flak, 7tnith and N. Erskine, 41st and University, 30thAddress (stre.E, City, state, ZIP Co e) and Oxford - Lubbock, Texas 79457 -. Authority is hereby given the above designated representative to enter into written agree- ments on behalf of the Sponsoring Agency with Texas Department of Human Resources, Commodities Division, for the operation of a Summer Food Service Program, and to present claims for reimbursements and sign for the Sponsoring Agency any other documents or reports relating thereto. Apprcved as to form: Assistant City AtlarW City of Lubbock Name of Sponsoring Agency By: ature-Official of Sponsoring Agency Mayor Title of Official A pro ed as t cont nt: CPWr_ of Community Facilities 5/10/79 Date