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Resolution - 2017-R0417 - Dowtech Specialty Contractors - 11_16_2017 (2)
Resolution No. 2017-RO417 Item No. 6.4 November 16, 2017 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Contract No. 13615 for the construction of a Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation as per RFP 18-13615-TF, by and between the City of Lubbock and Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc., of Baird, Texas, and related documents. Said Contract is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on November 16, 2017 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: — Qi 0 4 e A, Retie ca Garza, City Se" APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Mark Y�earwoog, Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: �& � 4A!�� Ali Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES.Public Works Contract 13615.Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation 10.25.2017 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 loll Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. Complete Nos.1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2017-269335 Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. Baird, TX United States Date Filed: 10/06/2017 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a parry to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Lubbock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identity the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation 4 Name of Interested Parry City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Downing, Gerald Baird, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 A IQAV1T 1 swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. dot nnr p, lo DONNA SUE ALSTON My Commission Expires r December 20, 2018 Signature of authorized agent of contracting b siness entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said 2Q6yVtcic.�u� JlJlc�` Cn" this the day of ©� . 20��_, to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. [ pour "lr\ �f e6 Av txl- Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oa h Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1of1 Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2017-269335 Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. Baird, TX United States Date Filed: 10/06/2017 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Lubbock Date Acknowledged: 10/27/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation 4 Nance of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Downing, Gerald Baird, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said this the day of 20 , to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337 BOND CHECK BEST RATING LICENSED IN TEXAS DATE BY: CONTRACT AWARD DATE: November 16, 2017 CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS FOR Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation RFP 18-13615-TF CONTRACT #: 13615 PROJECT NUMBER: 92444.9242.30000 Plans & Specifications may be obtained fiom Bidsync.com I nd 04 City of ubbock TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK Lubbock, Texas Page Intentionally Left Blank Endurance Assurance Corporation - Company Profile - Best's Credit Rating Center Page 1 of 3 A.M. Best Rating Services Endurance Assurance Corporation c�) A.M. Best #: 012559 NAIC #: 11551 FEIN M 352293075 Administrative Office View Additional Address Information 4 Manhattanville Road Purchase, NY 10577 United States Web: www.endurance.bm Phone: 914-468-8000 Fax:914-997-0331 Flneneud Pan t ts#in� F3EST A+ Superijor a. Assigned to insurance companies that have, in our opinion, a superior ability to j meet their ongoing insurance obligations. View additional news, reports and products for this company. Based on A.M. Best's analysis, 052641 - SOMPO Holdings, Inc is the AMB Ultimate Parent and identifies the topmost entity of the corporate structure. View a list of operating insurance entities in this structure. Best's Credit Ratings Financial Strength Rating View Definition Rating: Affiliation Code: Financial Size Category: Outlook: Action: Effective Date: Initial Rating Date: A+ (Superior) g (Group) XV ($2 Billion or greater) Stable Affirmed July 14, 2017 December 23, 2002 Long -Term Issuer Credit Rating View Definition ......... . __- .......... ........ .... .._............... Long -Term: aa- Outlook: Stable Action: Affirmed Effective Date: July 14, 2017 Initial Rating Date: November 24, 2004 ......... u Denotes Under Review Best's Rating Best's Credit Rating Analyst Rating Issued by: A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc. Financial Analyst: Victoria Ohorodnyk Director: Greg Reisner Disclosure Information Disclosure Information Form i i __....... ............ ............ _................. ..... ... _... ..... _-...._.._ ___..---.-._.-.-- _ ......... View A.M. Best's Rating Disclosure Form Press Release A.M. Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. and Its Subsidiaries July 14, 2017 Rating History A.M. Best has provided ratings & analysis on this company since 2002. Financial Strength Rating j http://ratings.ambest.com/SearchResults.aspx?AltSrc=9 12/14/2017 No Text Endurance Assurance Corporation - Company Profile - Best's Credit Rating Center Page 2 of 3 Effective Date Rating 7/14/2017 A+ 3/28/2017 A+ 10/5/2016 A u 5/12/2016 A 5/28/2015 A 5/6/2014 A 4/10/2013 A Long -Term Issuer Credit Rating Effective Date 7/14/2017 3/28/2017 10/5/2016 5/12/2016 5/28/2015 5/6/2014 4/10/2013 Best's Credit Reports Best's Credit Report - Where applicable, includes Best's Financial Strength Rating and rationale along with comprehensive 4 analytical commentary, detailed business overview and key financial data. Report Revision Date: 7/25/2017 (represents the latest significant change). Historical Reports are available in Best's Credit Report Archive. View additional news, reports and products for this company. 1-ittp:Hratings.ambest.com/SearchResults.aspx?AltSrc=9 12/14/2017 No Text Endurance Assurance Corporation - Company Profile - Best's Credit Rating Center Page 3 of 3 Press Releases Date Title Jul 14, 2017 i A.M. Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc. and Its Subsidiaries Mar 28, 2017 A.M. Best Removes From Under Review and Upgrades Credit Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries Oct 05, 2016 A.M. Best Places Credit Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings, Ltd. and Its Subs. Under Review With Positive Implications May 12, 2016 A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries May 28, 2015 A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries i Mar 31, 2015 A.M. Best Comments on the Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings, Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries May 06, 2014 A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings, Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries Apr 10, 2013 A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings, Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries Mar 05, 2012 i A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings, Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries Feb 25, 2011 A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of Endurance Specialty Holdings, Ltd and Its Subsidiaries 1 2 3 Page size: 10 21 items in 3 pages European Union Disclosures A.M. Best- Europe Rating Services Limited (AMBERS), a subsidiary of A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc., is an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI) in the European Union (EU). Therefore, Credit Ratings issued and endorsed by AMBERS may be used for regulatory purposes in the EU as per Directive 2006/48/EC. Australian Disclosures A.M. Best Asia -Pacific Limited (AMBAP), Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN No.150375287), is a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in Hong Kong. AM BAP is a wholesale Australian Financial Services (AFS) Licence holder (AFS No. 4110 55) under the Corporations Act 2001. Credit Ratings emanating from AM BAP are not intended for and must not be distributed to any person in Australia other than a wholesale client as defined in Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act. AMBAP does not authorize its Credit Ratings to be disseminated by a third -party in a manner that could reasonably be regarded as being intended to influence a retail client in making a decision in relation to a particular product or class of financial product. AMBAP Credit Ratings are intended for wholesale clients only, as defined. Credit Ratings determined and disseminated by AMBAP are the opinion of AMBAP only and not any specific credit analyst. AMBAP Credit Ratings are statements of opinion and not statements of fact. They are not recommendations to buy, hold or sell any securities or any other form of financial product, including insurance policies and are not a recommendation to be used to make investment /purchasing decisions. Important Notice: A.M. Best's Credit Ratings are independent and objecti ve opinions, not statements of fact. A.M. Best is not an Investment Advisor, does not offer investment advice of any kind, nor does the company or its Ratings Analysts offer any form of structuring or financial advice. A.M. Best's credit opinions are not recommendations to buy, sell or hold securities, or to make any other investment decisions. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, as well as the rating process, information requirements and other rating related terms and definitions, please view Understanding Best's Credit Ratings. About A.M. Best I Site Map I Customer Service I Member Center I Contact Info I Careers I Terms of Use I Privacy Policy I Security I Legal & Licensing Regulatory Affairs - Form NRSRO - Code of Conduct - Rating Methodology - Historical Performance Data Copyright © 2017 A.M. Best Company, Inc. and/or its affiliates ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://ratings.ambest.com/SearchResults.aspx?AltSrc=9 12/14/2017 No Text Ell 1113 OWMI-dyl I Page Intentionally Left Blank City Of i Lubbock ADDENDUM 1 Pre -Proposal Meeting Modified RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation DATE ISSUED: September 27, 2017 CLOSE DATE: October 19, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. The following items take precedence over specifications for the above named Request for Proposals (RFP). Where any item called for in the RFP documents is supplemented here, the original requirements, not affected by this addendum, shall remain in effect. Please review, incorporate, and acknowledge the information in this addendum on the proposal submittal form. Pre -Proposal Meeting Modified 1. The pre -proposal meeting has been changed from 10:00AM CST to 3:30PM CST on Thursday, October 5, 2017. The meeting location is City of Lubbock, City Council Conference Room, Suite 201, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, TX 79401. All requests for additional information or clarification must be submitted in writing and directed to: Teofilo Flores, Senior Buyer City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contracts Management Office 1625 13th Street, Room 204 Lubbock, Texas 79401 Questions may be faxed to (806)775-2164 or Email to TKFIores@.Mylubbock.us Questions are preferred to be posted on BidSync: www.bidsync.com THANK YOU, 606 jY~ CITY OF LUBBOCK Teofilo Flores Senior Buyer City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contracts Management Office It is the intent and propose of the City of Lubbock that this request permits competitive proposals. It shall be the offeror's responsibility to advise the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management if any lanniage, requirements, etc., or any combinations thereof. inadvertently restricts or limits the reg uirements stated in this RFP to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management no later than five (5) business days prior to the close date. A review of such notifications will be made. Paee Intentionally Left Blank City of Lubbock Bid RFP 16-13615-TF City of Lubbock, TX Purchasing and Contract Management Contractor Checklist for RFP 18-13615-TF / Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation 1. v/ Carefully read and understand the plans and specifications and properly complete the BID SUBMITTAL FORM. Bid submittal form M 1�' be completed in blue or black ink or by typewriter. Signatures must be original, in blue or black ink, and by hand. The bidder binds himself on acceptance of his bid to execute a contract and any required bonds, according to the accompanying forms, for performing and completing the said work within the time stated and for the prices stated below. Include corporate seal and Secretary's signature. Identify addenda received (if any). Include firm's FEDERAL TAX ID number or Owner's SOCIAL SECURITY number. 2. Include BID BOND or CASHIER'S OR CERTIFIED CHECK as your bid surety. Failure to provide a / bid surety WILL result in automatic rejection of your bid. 1 ✓ Complete and sign the CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT. Contractor's signature must be original. 4. Clearly mark the bid number, title, due date and time and your company name and address on the outside of the envelope or container. 5. Ensure your bid is RECEIVED by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office ,f prior to the deadline. Late bids will not be accepted. 6. t/ Complete and sign the SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE. All "YES" responses must be explained in detail and submitted with Bid. 7. Z Complete and sign the SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION. Mchrde firui's FEDERAL TAX ID number or Owner's SOCL4L SECURITY number. 8. + Complete and submit the CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE. 9. Chapter 2270 Prohibition on Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel 10. Complete and submit the LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WITHIN SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS AFTER CLOSING: 11. t/ Complete and submit the FINAL LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS. NoA� DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BEFORE CONTRACT IS FINALIZED: 12. Please acknowledge and submit the ONLINE DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 within the specified time according to Texas Government Code 2252.908 using the Texas Ethics Commission website. FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY OF THE ABOVE MAY RESULT IN YOUR BID BEING DEEMED NON -RESPONSIVE AND, THEREFORE, NOT FURTHER EVALUATED. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS COMPLETED PAGE AS THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID SUBMMAL. (Type or Print Cofnpany Name) 9125rA17 7:27 AM P. 5 i s Page Intentionally Left Blank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 11. 12. 12. 13. INDEX NOTICE TO OFFERORS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE § 2269-151 THRU 2269-058 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FORM — (must be submitted by published due date & tune) 4-1. LUMP SUM PRICE PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FORM 4-2. CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 4-3. CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT 4-4. SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE 4-5. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION 4-6. PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTS WITH COMPANIES BOYCOTTING ISRAEL VERIFICATION 4-7. PROPOSED LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS POST -CLOSING DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS — (to be submitted no later than seven business days after the close date when proposals are due) 5-1. FINAL LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS PAYMENT BOND PERFORMANCE BOND CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACT CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE CHAPTER 176 CHAPTER 46. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTED PARTIES GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT DAVIS-BACON WAGE DETERMINATIONS SPECIAL CONDITIONS (IF APPLICABLE) SPECIFICATIONS Pam Intentionally Left Blank NOTICE TO OFFERORS Page Intentionally Left Blank Notice to Offerors M'�7�l�F:I� c � 1F►�M�1 Sealed proposals addressed to Marta Alvarez, Director of Purchasing and Contract Management, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received in the office of the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management City Hall, 1625 13th Street, Room 204, Lubbock, Texas, 79401, until 2:00 PM on October 19, 2017, or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to fiunish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction of the following described project: "Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation" After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed proposals will be opened in the office of the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management and publicly read aloud. It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure that his proposal is actually in the office of the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management for the City of Lubbock, before the expiration of the date above first written. I - The Contractor is only required to submit one original copy of every item listed on the Contractor Checklist in the proposal submittal. Proposals are due at 2:00 PM on October 19, 2017, and the City of Lubbock City Council will consider the proposals on November 16, 2017, at the City Hall, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably convenient, subject to the right to reject any or all proposals and waive any formalities. The successful proposer will be required to Punish a performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $100,000 and the successful proposer will be required to Punish a payment bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $50,000. Said statutory bonds shall be issued by a company carrying a current Best Rating of "A" or better. THE BONDS MUST BE IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. NO WORK ON THE CONTRACT SHOULD COMMENCE BEFORE THE BONDS ARE PROVIDED AND APPROVED. Offerors are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a proposal bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the proposal submitted as a guarantee that proposer will enter into a contract and execute all necessary bonds within ten (10) business days after notice of award of the contract to the Offerror. FAILURE OF THE PROPOSER TO INCLUDE PROPOSAL SECURITY WITH THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL SHALL CONSTITUTE A NON -RESPONSIVE PROPOSAL AND RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL. Copies of plans and specifications may be obtained at bidder's expense from the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management office. Plans and specifications can be viewed online and downloaded from htty://www.bidsymc.coin at no cost. In the event of a large file size, please be patient when downloading or viewing. BUSINESSES WITHOUT 0TTERNET ACCESS may use computers available at most public libraries. f. It shall be each proposer's sole responsibility to inspect the site of the work and to inform Offerror regarding t all local conditions under which the work is to be done. It shall be understood and agreed that all such factors have been thoroughly investigated and considered in the preparation of the proposal submitted. There will be a non -mandatory pre -proposal conference on October 5. 2017, at 10:00AM, in the City Council Conference Room, Suite 201,162513fh Street, Lubbock, TX 79401. r_ } I, Attention of each proposer is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the Purchasing and Contract Management Office of the City of Lubbock, which document is specifically referred to in this notice to offerors. Each offerors attention is finther directed to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2258, Prevailing Wage Rates, and the requirements contained therein concerning the above wage scale and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by owner in said wage scale. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all offerors that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to submit proposals in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City of Lubbock does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. City of Lubbock pre - proposal meetings and proposal openings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you require special assistance, please contact the Purchasing and Contract Management Office at (806) 775-2572 write to Post Office Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. CITY OF LUBBOCK, Marta-ACvarez Marta Alvarez DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS Pa,ze Intentionally Left Blank _ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS 1 PROPOSAL DELIVERY TIME & DATE The City of Lubbock is seeking written and sealed competitive proposals to Runish Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation per the attached specifications and contract documents. Sealed proposals will be received no later than 2:00 PM, October 19, 2017, at the office listed below. Any proposal received after the date and hour specified will be rejected and returned unopened to the proposer. Each proposal and supporting documentation must be in a sealed envelope or container plainly labeled in the lower left-hand comer: "RFP 18-13615-TF, Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation" and the proposal opening date and time. Offerors must also include then company name and address on the outside of the envelope or container. Proposals must be addressed to: Marta Alvarez, Director of Purchasing and Contract Management City of Lubbock 1625 13th Street, Room 204 Lubbock, Texas 79401 1.1 Offerors are responsible for making certain proposals are delivered to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Mailing of a proposal does not ensure that it will be delivered on time or delivered at all. If proposer does not hand deliver proposal, we suggest that he/she use some sort of delivery service that provides a receipt. 1.2 Proposals may be delivered in person, by United States Mail, by United Parcel Service, or by private courier service. Only written proposals submitted in conformance with the Instruction to Offerrors will be considered responsive and evaluated or award of a Contract. 1.3 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to postpone the date and time for opening proposals through an addendum. 2 PRE -PROPOSAL MEETING 2.1 For the purpose of familiarizing offerors with the requirements, answering questions, and issuing addenda as needed for the clarification of the Request for Proposals (RFP) documents, a non - mandatory lire -proposal conference will be held at 10:OOAM, October 5, 2017 in the City Council Conference Room, Suite 201, 1625131 Street, Lubbock, TX 79401. All persons attending the meeting will be asked to identify themselves and the prospective proposer they represent. 2.2 It is the proposer's responsibility to attend the pre -proposal meeting though the meeting is not mandatory. The City will not be responsible for providing information discussed at the pre - proposal meeting to offerors who do not attend the pre -proposal meeting. 3 ADDENDA & MODIFICATIONS 3.1 Any changes, additions, or clarifications to the UP are made by ADDENDA information available over the Internet at www.bidsync.com. We strongly suggest that you check for any addenda a minimum of forty-eight hours in advance of the response deadline. BUSINESSES WITHOUT INTERNET ACCESS may use computers available at most public libraries. 3.2 Any proposer in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other documents may request an interpretation thereof from the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management. At the request of the proposer, or in the event the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management deems the interpretation to be substantive, the interpretation will be made by written addendum issued by the Purchasing and Contract Management. Such addenda issued by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office will be available over the Internet at http://www.bidsMc.com and will become part of the proposal package having the same binding effect as provisions of the original RFP. NO VERBAL EXPLANATIONS OR INTERPRETATIONS WILL BE BINDING. In order to have a request for interpretation considered, the request must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office no later than five (5) calendar days before the proposal closing date. 3.3 All addenda, amendments, and interpretations of this solicitation shall be in writing. The City of Lubbock shall not be legally bound by any explanation or interpretation that is not in writing. Only information supplied by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office in writing or in this RFP should be used in preparing proposal responses. All contacts that a proposer may have had before or after receipt of this RFP with any individuals, employees, or representatives of the City and any information that may have been read in any news media or seen or heard in any communication facility regarding this proposal should be disregarded in preparing responses. 3.4 The City does not assume responsibility for the receipt of any addendum sent to offerors. 4 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Each proposer shall carefully examine all RFP documents and thoroughly familiarize itself with all requirements before submitting a proposal to ensure that their proposal meets the intent of these specifications. 4.2 Before submitting a proposal, each proposer shall be responsible for making all investigations and examinations that are necessary to ascertain conditions and requirements affect' ig the requirements of this Request for Proposals. Failure to make such investigations and examinations shall not relieve the proposer from obligation to comply, in every detail, with all provisions and requirements of the Request for Proposals. 4.3 Notices of any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, shall be given to the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management and a clarification obtained before the proposals are received, and if no such notice is received by the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management prior to the opening of proposals, then it shall be deemed that the proposer fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in its proposal to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. If proposer does not notify the Director of Purchasing and Contract Management before offering of any discrepancies or omissions, then it shall be deemed for all purposes that the plans and specifications are sufficient and adequate for completion of the project. It is further agreed that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the opening of proposals. 5 PROPOSAL PREPARATION COSTS 5.1 Issuance of this RFP does not commit the City of Lubbock, in any way, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. 0 r, 7 8 s, 9 10 11 5.2 The issuance of this RFP does not obligate the City of Lubbock to enter into contract for any services or equipment. 5.3 All costs related to the preparation and submission of a proposal shall be paid by the proposer. TRADE SECRETS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND THE TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT 6.1 If you consider any portion of your proposal to be privileged or confidential by statute or judicial decision, including trade secrets and commercial or financial information, clearly identify those portions. 6.2 Proposals will be opened in a manner that avoids disclosure of the contents to competing offerors and keeps the proposals secret during negotiations. All proposals are open for public inspection after the contract is awarded, but trade secrets and confidential information in the proposals are not open for inspection. Tex. Loc. Govt. Code 252.049(a) 6.3 Marking your entire proposal CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY is not in conformance with the Texas Open Records Act. LICENSES PERMITS TAXES The price or prices for the work shall include full compensation for all taxes, permits, etc. that the proposer is or may be required to pay. UTILIZATION OF LOCAL BUSINESS RESOURCES Prospective offerors are strongly encouraged to explore and implement methods for the utilization of local resources, and to outline in their proposal submittal how they would utilize local resources. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 9.1 The proposer shall not offer or accept gifts or anything of value nor enter into any business arrangement with any employee, official or agent of the City of Lubbock. 9.2 By signing and executing this proposal, the proposer certifies and represents to the City the offeror has not offered, conferred or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit or other thing of value for the receipt of special treatment, advantage, information, recipient's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or any other exercise of discretion concerning this proposal. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 10.1 All work covered by the contract shall be done in accordance with contract documents described in the General Conditions. 10.2 All offerors shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the requirements set forth on the contract documents for the construction of this project and shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work contemplated by said contract documents. PLANS FOR USE BY OFFERORS It is the intent of the City of Lubbock that all parties with an interest in submitting a proposal on the project covered by the contract documents be given a reasonable opportunity to examine the documents and prepare a proposal without charge. The contract documents may be examined without charge as noted in the Notice to Offerors. 12 PROPOSER INQUHUES AND CLARIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS 12.1 It is the intent and purpose of the City of Lubbock that this request permits competitive proposals. It shall be the offerors responsibility to advise the Director of Puuchasing and Contract Management if anlanguage, Muirements, etc., or any combinations thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this RFP to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City Purchasing and Contract Management Office no later than five (5) calendar days before the proposal closing date. A review of such notifications will be made. 12.2 NO PROPOSER SHALL REQUEST ANY INFORMATION VERBALLY. ALL REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION CONCERNING THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING NO LATER THAN FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE PROPOSAL CLOSING DATE AND ADDRESSED TO: Teofilo Flores, Senior Buyer City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office 1625 13th Sheet, Room 204 Lubbock, Texas 79401 Fax: 806-775-2164 Email: TKFlores@mylubbock.us mylubbock.us Bidsync: wvvw.bidsync.com 13 TIlVIE AND ORDER FOR COMPLETION fl 13.1 The construction covered by the contract documents shall be substantially completed within 210 Consecutive Calendar Days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed issued by the City of Lubbock to the successfid proposer. 13.2 The Contractor will be permitted to prosecute the work in the order of his own choosing, provided, however, the City reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit a progress schedule of the work contemplated by the contract documents. In the event the City requires a progress schedule to be submitted, and it is determined by the City that the progress of the work is not in accordance with the progress schedule so submitted, the City may direct the Contractor to take such action as the City deems necessary to ensure completion of the project within the time specified. 14 PAYMENT All payments due to Contractor shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the contract documents. 15 AFFIDAVITS OF BILLS PAID The City of Lubbock reserves the right, prior to final acceptance of this project to require the Contractor to execute an affidavit that all bills for labor, materials and incidentals incurred in the construction of the improvements contemplated by the contract documents have been paid in fiill and that there are no claims pending, of which the Contractor has been notified. 4 f" 16 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The intent of these contract documents is that only materials and workmanship of the best quality and grade will be famished. The fact that the specifications may fail to be sufficiently complete in some detail will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for providing materials of high quality and for protecting them adequately until incorporated into the project. The presence or absence of a J representative of the City on the site will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility of complying with this provision. The specifications for materials and methods set forth in the contract documents provide minimum standards of quality, which the Owner believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. 17 GUARANTEES 17.1 All equipment and materials incorporated in the project and all construction shall be guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, a written general guarantee which shall provide that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work, and pay for any and all damages of any nature whatsoever resulting in such defects, when such defects appear within TWO years from date of final acceptance of the work as a result of defective materials or workmanship, at no cost to the Owner (City of Lubbock). 17.2 Notwithstanding any provisions contained in the contractual agreement, the Contractor represents and warrants fault -free performance and fault -free result in the processing date and date -related data (including, but not limited to calculating, comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, software and firmware products delivered and services provided under this Contract, individually or in combination, as the case may be from the effective date of this Contract. Also, the Contractor warrants calculations will be recognized and accommodated and will not, in any way, result in hardware, software or firmware failure. The City of Lubbock, at its sole option, may require the Contractor, at any time, to demonstrate the procedures it intends to follow in order to comply with all the obligations contained herein. 17.3 The obligations contained herein apply to products and services provided by the Contractor, its sub -contractor or any third party involved in the creation or development of the products and services to be delivered to the City of Lubbock under this Contract. Failure to comply with any of the obligations contained herein, may result in the City of Lubbock availing itself of any of its rights tinder the law and under this Contract including, but not limited to, its right pertaining to termination or default. t 17.4 The warranties contained herein are separate and discrete from any other warranties specified in this Contract, and are not subject to any disclaimer of warranty, implied or expressed, or limitation to the Contractor's liability which may be specified in this Contract, its appendices, its schedules, its annexes or any document incorporated in this Contract by reference. 18 PLANS FOR THE CONTRACTOR The contractor will, upon written request, be fiunished up to a maximum of five sets of plans and specifications and related contract documents for use during construction. Plans and specifications for use dining construction will only be fiunished directly to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then distribute copies of plans and specifications to suppliers, subcontractors or others, as required for proper prosecution of the work contemplated by the Contractor. f_ �.3 5 i 19 PROTECTION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, and all means of construction, and any and all parts of the work whether the Contractor has been paid, partially paid, or not paid for such work, until the date the City issues its certificate of completion to Contractor. The City reserves the right, after the proposals have been opened and before the contract has been awarded, to require of a proposer the following information: (a) The experience record of the proposer showing completed jobs of a similar nature to the one { covered by the intended contract and all work in progress with bond amounts and percentage } completed. (b) A sworn statement of the current financial condition of the proposer. (c) Equipment schedule. 20 TEXAS STATE SALES TAX 20.1 This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption provisions pursuant to provisions of Article 20.04 of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. 20.2 The Contractor must obtain a limited sales, excise and use tax permit which shall enable him to buy the materials to be incorporated into the work without paying the tax at the time of purchase. 21 PROTECTION OF SUBSURFACE LINES AND STRUCTURES It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prosecute the work contemplated by the contract documents in such a way as to exercise due care to locate and prevent damage to all underground pipelines, utility lines, conduits or other underground strictures which might or could be damaged by Contractor during the constriction of the project contemplated by these contract documents. The City of Lubbock agrees that it will fiunish Contractor the location of all such underground lines and utilities of which it has knowledge. However, such fact shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities aforementioned. All such underground lines or structures, both known and unknown, cut or damaged by Contractor dining the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract shall be repaired immediately by Contractor to the satisfaction of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and/or the owning utility at the Contractor's expense. 22 BARRICADES AND SAFETY MEASURES The contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the work as may be necessary. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. 23 EXPLOSIVES 23.1 The use of explosives will not be permitted 23.2 Explosive materials shall not be stored or kept at the construction site by the Contractor 24 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The successfiil proposer shall be required to have a responsible local representative available at all times while the work is in progress under this contract. The successful proposer shall be required to furnish i P� �' P� p q the name, address and telephone number where such local representative may be reached during the time that the work contemplated by this contract is in progress. 25 INSURANCE 25.1 The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be firuished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies shall contain an agreement on the part of the insurer waiving the right to subrogation. The Contractor shall procure and carry at his sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specified. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be P �g g submitted before contract execution. 26 LABOR AND WORKING HOURS 26.1 Attention of each proposer is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. The wage rate that must be paid on this project shall not be less than specified in the schedule of general prevailing rates of per diem wages as above mentioned. The proposer' attention is further directed to the requirements of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2258, Prevailing Wage Rates, providing for the payment of the wage schedules above mentioned and the proposer's obligations theretuider. The inclusion of the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the contract documents does not release the Contractor from compliance with any wage law that may be applicable. Constriction work under this contract requiring an inspector will not be performed on Sundays or holidays unless the following conditions exist: 26.1.1 The project being constricted is essential to the City of Lubbock's ability to provide the necessary service to its citizens. 26.1.2 Delays in construction are due to factors outside the control of the Contractor. The Contractor is approaching the penalty provisions of the contract and Contractor can show he has made a diligent effort to complete the contract within the allotted time. 26.2 Before construction work requiring an inspector is to be performed on Sundays or holidays, the Contractor must notify the Owner's Representative not less than three full working days prior to the weekend or holiday he desires to do work and obtain written permission from the Owner's Representative to do such work. The final decision on whether to allow construction work requiring an inspector on Sundays or holidays will be made by the Owner's Representative. 26.3 In any event, if a condition should occur or arise at the site of this project or from the work being done under this contract which is hazardous or dangerous to property or life, the Contractor shall immediately commence work, regardless of the day of the week or the time of day, to correct or alleviate such condition so that it is no longer dangerous to property or life. 27 PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES AND FILING OF PAYROLLS The contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this contract in full (less mandatory legal deductions) in cash, or by check readily cashable without discount, not less often than once each week. The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall keep a record showing the name and occupation of each worker employed by the Contractor or subcontractor in the construction of the public work and the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. This record shall be open at all reasonable hours to inspection by the officers and agents of the City. The Contractor must classify employees according to one of the classifications set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages, which schedule is included in the contract documents. The Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City of Lubbock on whose behalf this contract is made, sixty dollars for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day, or portion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the wages assigned to his particular classification as set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. 28 PROVISIONS CONCERNING ESCALATION CLAUSES Proposals submitted containing any conditions which provide for changes in the stated proposal price due to increases or decreases in the cost of materials, labor or other items required for the project will be rejected and returned to the proposer without being considered. 29 PREPARATION FOR PROPOSAL 29.1 The bidder shall submit his bid on forms furnished by the City, and all blank spaces in the form shall be correctly filled in, stating the price in numerals for which he intends to do the work contemplated or furnish the materials required. Such prices shall be written in ink, distinctly and legibly, or typewritten. In case of discrepancy between the unit price and the extended total for a bid item, the unit price will be taken. A bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. 29.2 If the proposal is submitted by an individual, his narne must be signed by him or his duly authorized agent. If a proposal is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given and the proposal signed by a member of the firm, association or partnership, or person duly authorized. If the proposal is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the proposal signed by an official or duly authorized agent. Powers of attorney authorizing agents or others to sign proposals must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the proposal. The proposal shall be executed in ink. 29.3 Each proposal shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed as specified in the Notice to Offerors, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope in the following manner: 29.3.1 Proposer's name 29.3.2 Proposal "RFP 18-13615-TF SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT 4, CLARIFIER 3 REHABILITATION" 30 31 Proposal submittals may be withdrawn and resubmitted at any time before the time set for opening of the proposals, but no proposal may be withdrawn or altered thereafter. 29.5 Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 252.043(g), a competitive sealed proposal that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the proposal price. THEREFORE, ANY CORRECTIONS TO THE PROPOSAL PRICE MUST BE MADE ON THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FORM PRIOR TO PROPOSAL OPENING. BOUND COPY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Proposer understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by proposer shall be bound and include the following: (a) Notice to Offerors. (b) General Instructions to Offerors. (c) Proposer's Submittal Form. (d) Statutory Bonds (if required). (e) Contract Agreement. (f) General Conditions. (g) Special Conditions (if any). (h) Specifications. (i) Insurance Certificates for Contractor and all Sub -Contractors. (j) All other documents made available to proposer for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Offerors. If Plans and Specifications are too bulky or cumbersome to be physically bound, they are to be considered incorporated by reference into the aforementioned contract documents. QUALIFICATIONS OF OFFERORS The proposer may be required before the award of any contract to show to the complete satisfaction of the City of Lubbock that it has the necessary facilities, ability, and financial resources to provide the service specified therein in a satisfactory manner. The proposer may also be required to give a past history and references in order to satisfy the City of Lubbock about the proposer's qualifications. The City of Lubbock may make reasonable investigations deemed necessary and proper to determine the ability of the proposer to perform the work, and the proposer shall fiunish to the City of Lubbock all information for this purpose that may be requested. The proposer's proposal may be deemed not to meet specifications or the proposal may be rejected if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, the proposer fails to satisfy the City of Lubbock that the proposer is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work described therein. Evaluation of the proposer's qualifications shall include but not be limited to: (a) The ability, capacity, skill, and financial resources to perform the work or provide the service required. (b) The ability of the proposer to perform the work or provide the service promptly or within the time specified, without delay or interference. (c) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the proposer. (d) The quality of performance of previous contracts or services. (e) The safety record of the Contractor and proposed Sub -Contractors (1) The experience and qualifications of key project personnel ' (g) Past experience with the Owner_a Before contract award, the recommended contractor for this project may be required to show that he has experience with similar projects that require the Contractor to plan his work efforts and equipment needs with City of Lubbock specifications in mind. Demonstration of experience shall include a complete list of ALL similar muuiicipal and similar non -municipal current and completed projects for the past five (5) years for review. This list shall include the names of supervisors and type of equipment used to perform work on these projects. In addition, the Contractor may be required to provide the name(s) of supervisor(s) that will be used to perform work on this project in compliance with City of Lubbock specifications herein. 32 BASIS OF PROPOSALS AND SELECTION CRITERIA The City uses the Competitive Sealed Proposals procurement method as authorized by the Texas Legislature and further defined by Texas Government Code Section 2269. The Maximum Point value is equal to 100 points. The weight factor is 60% for Price, 30% for Contractor Qualifications, 5% for Safety Record Questionnaire, and 5% for Construction Time. The selection criteria used to evaluate each proposal includes the following: 32.1 60% PRICE: The quality of Offerors is not judged solely by a low initial cost proposal or, conversely, eliminated solely because of a high initial cost proposal. The following is the formula used when determining price as a factor for construction contract proposals. The lowest proposal price of all the proposals becomes the standard by which all price proposals are evaluated. One at a time, each proposal is evaluated by taking the lowest proposal price and dividing it by the price of the proposal being evaluated. That fiaction is then multiplied by the maximum point value multiplied by the weight of the price factor for the price score. For Example: (Lowest Price/Current Proposal Price) x Maximum Point Value x Weight Factor = Price Score. 32.2 30% CONTRACTOR OUALMCATIONS: When evaluating a contractor's qualifications, the City uses the "Contractor's Statement of Qualifications" attached within and past experience with the contractor. The City may also interview the job superintendent at a time to be named after receipt of proposals. This criterion is subjectively evaluated and the formula is as follows: (Points X Weight = Score) with a maximum of five points allowable. Each evaluator assigns points based upon the responses the contractor provides in the "Contractor's Statement of Qualifications" And any past experience with the contractor. The "Contractor's Statement of Qualifications" is a minimum, and you may provide additional pertinent information relevant to the project for which you are submitting this proposal. t 32.3 5% SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE: This criterion is also more subjectively evaluated and the formula is as follows: (Points X Weight = Score) with a maximum of five points allowable. Each evaluator assigns points based upon the responses you provide in your "Safety Record Questionnaire" and the Contractors Experience Modification Ratio (EMR). Contractors with an EMR greater than 1.0, as well as those Contractors not submitting EMRs, will receive zero points for this portion of the selection criteria. The City may consider any incidence involving worker safety or safety of Lubbock residents, be it related or caused by environmental, mechanical, operational, supervision or any other cause or factor under the ' contractor's control. Evaluators base their rating primarily upon how well you document previous offenses with the date of the offense, location where the offense occurred, type of offense, final disposition of the offense, and any penalty assessed as well as the EMR. 32.4 5% CONSTRUCTION TIME: This criterion is, as with price, objective and evaluators use the following formula when determining construction time as a factor for construction contract proposals. The lowest construction time proposal of all the proposals becomes the standard by which all the construction time proposals are evaluated. One at a time, each proposal is evaluated by taking the lowest construction time and dividing it by the construction time of the proposal being evaluated. That fiaction is then multiplied by the maximum point value multiplied by the weight of the construction time factor for the constriction time score. For example: (Lowest construction time/Current Proposal construction time) x Maximum Point Value x Weight Factor = Construction Time Score 32.5 EVALUATION PROCESS: Evaluators independently review and score each proposal. The Committee meets, during which time the Committee Chairperson totals the individual scores. If the individual scores are similar, the Chairperson averages the scores then ranks offerors accordingly. If the scores are significantly diverse, the Chairperson initiates and moderates discussion to determine the reasons for the differences and ensures that all evaluators are fully knowledgeable of all aspects of the proposals. Scores may then be adjusted by the committee based on committee discussion. Please note that offerors with higher qualifications scores could be ranked higher than offerors with slightly better price scores. 32.6 The estimated budget for the construction phase of this project is $340,000 32.7 Proposals shall be made using the enclosed Proposal Submittal Form. 33 SELECTION 33.1 Selection shall be based on the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the City of Lubbock considering the relative importance of evaluation factors included in this RFP. 33.2 NO INDIVIDUAL OF ANY USING DEPARTMENT (CITY OF LUBBOCK WATER UTILITIES OR OTHER) HAS THE AUTHORITY TO LEGALLY AND/OR FINANCIALLY COMMIT THE CITY TO ANY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PURCHASE ORDER FOR GOODS OR SERVICES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SANCTIONED BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. 11 33.3 The City shall select the offeror that offers the best value for the City based on the published selection criteria and on its ranking evaluation. The City shall first attempt to negotiate a contract with the selected offeror. The City and its engineer or architect may discuss with the selected offeror options for a scope or time modification and any price change associated with the modification. If the City is unable to negotiate a contract with the selected offeror, the City shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations with that offeror and proceed to the next offeror in the order of the selection ranking until a contract is reached or all proposals are rejected. 33.4 In determining best value for the City, the City is not restricted to considering price alone, but may consider any other factor stated in the selection criteria. 33.5 A proposal will be subject to being considered irregular and inay be rejected if it shows omissions, alterations of form, conditional alternate proposals, additions or alternates in lieu of the items specified, if the unit prices are obviously unbalanced (either in excess of or below reasonably expected values), or irregularities of any kind. " 34. ANTI -LOBBYING PROVISION 34.1 DURING THE PERIOD BETWEEN PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DATE AND THE CONTRACT AWARD, PROPOSERS, INCLUDING THEIR AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES, SHALL NOT DISCUSS OR PROMOTE THEIR PROPOSAL WITH ANY MEMBER OF THE LUBBOCK CITY COUNCIL OR CITY STAFF EXCEPT UPON THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK PURCHASING DEPARTMENT IN THE COURSE OF CITY -SPONSORED INQUIRIES, BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, OR PRESENTATIONS. 34.2 This provision is not meant to preclude bidders from discussing other matters with City Council members or City staff. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential bidders, assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the bid process. Violation of this provision may result in rejection of the bidder's bid. 35 PREVAILING WAGE RATES 35.1 Offerors are required to comply with Texas Govenunent Code, Chapter 2258, Prevailing Wage Rates, with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates for the construction of a public work, including a building, highway, road, excavation, and repair work or other project development or improvement, paid for in whole or in part from public fiords, without regard to whether the work is done under public supervision or direction. A worker is employed on a public work if the worker is employed by the contractor or any subcontractor in the execution of the contract for the project. 35.2 A worker employed on a public work by or on behalf of the City of Lubbock shall be paid not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work. 12 35.3 The State of Texas has adopted the Federal Davis -Bacon wage rates for use in Texas pursuant to and in accordance with the Texas Goverment Code, Section 2258.022. Bidders may access the U. S. Department of Labor web site at the following web address to obtain the rates to be used in Lubbock County: hM://wivw.wdol.gov/dba:.M 35.4 It shall be the responsibility of the successful offeror to obtain the proper wage rates from the web site for the type of work defined in the bid specifications. 35.5 A contractor or subcontractor who violates Texas Government Code Section 2258.023 shall pay to the City of Lubbock $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or pant of the day { ' that the worker is paid less than the wage rates stipulated in the contract. 13 Page Intentionally Left Blank TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE 4 2269 SUBCHAPTER D. SELECTING CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES THROUGH COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS Sec. 2269.151. CONTRACTS FOR FACILITIES: COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS. (a) In this chapter, "competitive sealed proposals" is a procurement method by which a governmental entity requests proposals, ranks the offerors, negotiates as prescribed, and then contracts with a general contractor for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a facility. (b) In selecting a contractor through competitive sealed proposals, a governmental entity shall follow the procedures provided by this subchapter. Sec. 2269.152. USE OF ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER. The governmental entity shall select or designate an architect or engineer to prepare construction documents for the project. The selected or designated engineer or architect has fall responsibility for complying with Chapter 1001 or 1051, Occupations Code, as applicable. If the engineer or architect is not a full-time employee of the governmental entity, the governmental entity shall select the engineer or architect on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code. Sec. 2269.153. PREPARATION OF REQUEST. The governmental entity shall prepare a request for competitive sealed proposals that includes construction documents, selection criteria and the weighted value for each criterion, estimated budget, project scope, estimated project completion date, and other information that a contractor may require to respond to the request. The governmental entity shall state in the request for proposals the selection criteria that will be used in selecting the successful offeror. Sec. 2269.154. EVALUATION OF OFFERORS. (a) The governmental entity shall receive, publicly open, and read aloud the names of the offerors and any monetary proposals made by the offerors. (b) Not later than the 45th day after the date on which the proposals are opened, the governmental entity shall evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in relation to the published selection criteria. Sec. 2269.155. SELECTION OF OFFEROR. (a) The governmental entity shall select the offeror that submits the proposal that offers the best value for the governmental entity based on: (1) the selection criteria in the request for proposal and the weighted value for those criteria in the request for proposal; and (2) its ranking evaluation. (b) The governmental entity shall first attempt to negotiate a contract with the selected offeror. The governmental entity and its architect or engineer may discuss with the selected offeror options for a scope or time modification and any price change associated with the modification. (c) If the governmental entity is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the selected offeror, the governmental entity shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations with that offeror and proceed to the next offeror in the order of the selection ranking until a contract is reached or all proposals are rejected. In determining best value for the governmental entity, the governmental entity is not restricted to considering price alone, but may consider any other factor stated in the selection criteria. Page Intentionally Left Blank PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FORM Page Intentionally Left Blank City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FORM LUMP SUM PRICE PROPOSAL CONTRACT DATE: /0 — / 9 -aO 117 PROJECT NUMBER: RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation Proposal of Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. (hereinafter called Offeror) To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lubbock, Texas (hereinafter called Owner) Ladies and Gentlemen: The OtTeror, in compliance with your Request for Proposals for the construction of a Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation having carefully examined the plans, specifications, instructions to offerors, notice to offerors and all other related contract documents and the site of the intended work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the intended project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby intends to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies: and to construct the project in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, within the time set forth therein and at the price stated below. The price to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the contract documents. ITEM 0. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QIJANTrT y UNITS LXTPsTD1-:D AMOUNT I Removal of all clarifier components specified I I'S by project documents and drawings 0 - 0 Installation of new clarifier drive unit and I LS 00 local control panel. 3 New HDG Clarifier components as specified I Ls O'D - of) by contract documents and drawings. � '3.2- q J 0 ID -0 . 0 C) PROPOSED CONcSTRUCTION TIME: 1. Contractors proposed CONTRUCTIONTiME for completion: TOTAL CALENDAR DAYS; '22/0 (to Substantial Completion) TOTAL CALENDAR DAYS: -Q " (to Final Completion) (not to exceed 210 days to Substantial Completion / 240 days to Final Completion). 9/2512017 7,27 AM p. 32 L - City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18- 1 3615-TF Offeror hereby agrees to commence the work on the above project on a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" of the Owner and to substantially complete the project within 210 Consecutive Calendar Days with final completion within 240 Consecutive Calendar Days as stipulated in the specification and other contract documents. Offeror hereby further agrees to pay to Owner as liquidated damages in the sum of $%W for each consecutive calendar day aller substantial completion set forth herein above for completion of this project, all as more fully set forth in the General Conditions of the Agreement. Offeror understands and agrees that this proposal submittal shall be completed and submitted in accordance with instruction number 1-9 of the General Instructions to Offerors. Offer -or understands that the Owner reserves the righ t to reject any or all proposals and to waive any Formality in the proposing. The OtTeror agrees that this proposal shall be good for a period of sixly 160) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving proposals. The undersigned Offeror hereby declares that he has visited the site of the work and has carefully examined the plans, specifications and contract documents pertaining to the work covered by this proposal, and he further agrees to commence work on the date specified in the written notice to proceed, and to substantially complete the work on which he has proposed; as provided in the contract documents. Offerors are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's check or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a proposal bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City or Lubbock in an amount not less than rive percent (5%) of the total amount of the proposal submitted as a guarantee that offeror will enter into a contract, obtain all required insurance policies, and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within ten (10) days after notice of award of the contract to him. 01) Offeror-s Initials 9125/2017 7:27 AM p. 33 City of Lubbock laid FZFP 18-13615-TF Enclosed with this proposal is a Cashier's Check or Certified Check Enclosed with this proposal is a Cashier's Check or Certified Check for Dollars ($ ) or a Proposal Bond in the sum of 6= am- Dollars ($ ), which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in the event the proposal is accepted by the Owner and the undersigned fails to execute the necessary contract documents, insurance certificates, and the required bond (if any) with the Owner within ten (10) business days after the date of receipt of written notification of acceptance of said proposal; otherwise, said check or bond shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand. OtTeror understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by Offeror shall be bound and include all contract documents made available to him for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Offerors. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 242.043(g), a competitive sealed proposal that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the proposal price. THEREFORE, ANV CORRECTIONS TO T11E PROPOSAL PRICE MUST BE MADE ON THE PROPOSAL SUBtii1TTAL FORM PRIOR TO PROPOSAL OPENING. (Seal if Offeror is a Corporation) ATTEST: 141 Offeror acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addenda No. j Date7,= Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date Date: M - l 9 - AP 11 At:�, -k iL) *�'-t,A 1\ Authorized Signature Gerald Downing (Printed or Typed Name) Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. Company 4703 CR 527 Address Baird Callahan City, County Texas 79504 Zip Code State Telephone: 325 - 893-4684 Fax: 325 _ 893-3116 Email: dowtei; @windstream.net FEDERAL TAX Ib or SOCIAL SECURITY No. 752876279 ,NIAVBF firm: Woman Black American Native American Hispanis American Asian Pacific American (7ther (S iN 9/25/2017 727 AM p• 34 Endurance Endurance Assurance Corporation Bid Bond Know all men by these presents: That we, the undersigned Rowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. 1 as Principal (hereinafter the "Principal"), and Endurance Assurance Corporation 4 Manhattanville Road, 3rd Floor, Purchase, NY 10577 , a Delaware corporation (hereinafter the "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto City of Lubbock, Texas (hereinafter the "Obligee") in the penal sum of Five Percent Greatest Amount Bid & No/100, $ 5 % G.A.B. for the payment of which sum the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, as provided herein. T. Whereas, the Principal has submitted a bid for Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation, Lubbock, Texas , Now, therefore, If the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference, not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may reasonably contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain In full force and effect. The liability of the Surety hereunder shall in no event exceed the lesser of: (a) the penalty hereof; or (b) the difference between the amount specified in the Principal's bid and any larger amount for which the Obligee reasonably contracts with another party to perform the work specified in the Principal's bid. Signed and sealed this 6th day of October 2D17 (SEAL) Principal: Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. By: 1 Name & Title: Gerald Downin& President 5urety: E ranc t surance Corporation LeelBy: lift Name: L06 W. Friend (Attorney -in •Fact) Endurance Assurance Corporation Page 1 of 1 5UR 0205 0715 t 1i Policyholder Notice 1- = TEXAS - IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informacion o para someter una You may call the company's telephone number for queja: Information or to make a complaint at: Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono de la compania para informacion o para someter una queja al: 1-877-676-7575 You may write the Company at: Endurance Assurance Corporation h Attention: Surety 750 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800452-3439 You may write the Texas Department of insurance PO Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 FAX# (512) 490-1007 Web: http://www.tdi. texas.Rov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi. texas.Rov 1-877-676-7575 Usted tambien puede escribir a: Endurance Assurance Corporation Attention: Surety 750 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 Puede communicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas para obtener informacion acerca de companias, coberturas, derechos o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Texas PO Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 FAX# (512) 475-1771 Web: httR://www.tdi. texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi. texas.gov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS O RECLAMOS: Si tiene dispute concerning your premium or about a claim una disputa concerniente a su prima o a un you should contact the company first. If the dispute reciamo, debe comunicarse con la compania is not resolved, you may contact the Texas primero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede Department of Insurance. entonces comunicarse con el departamento (TDI). ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este aviso es solo para proposito de informacion y no se convierte en parte o condicion del documento adjunto. ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION POAMOOM17 092 POWER OF ATTORNEY) 2CnM u1I91(en 6yt &M 0Weftt, that ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, a Delaware chorporatkn (the'Corpordion b with h offices at 4 ManfirdtsrMls Road, 3rd 1 1 Floor, Purchase, NY 105T7, has made, oorrstrtutad and appointed and by these presents does male, constitute and appoint CASEY SIMMONS, BARBARA NEWCOMB, SUSAN D. B. MUN17, PAUL G. ADAM, PETER S. BATJER, JOSEPH P. O'CONNOR, LISA W. FRIEND, ANDREA BALE, RHONDA UNDER W ttamey(syhn4aet, al SAN ANGELO in the State d U and each of near to have ka parer to act without the other or other; to make, smuts or co-sursty; bands and undertakigs given for any and all purposes, also Io exeade and deliveron its behalas aforesaid renewals sitenswtis Stipulations relating lo such bonds or undertakings provided however. that no sk4le bond or undertaking so made, executed and del' n of the penal sum thereat fn excess of the sum ofTEN MILLION Dollars ($10,000,000), Suds` and urd nos for �avfnen duly executed by said atlorrney(a}in4ad shall be binding upon the Corporation air fully and In the sane extent as if signed by 1 S the orthe n ,. seal attesled by its Corporate SeMANY. This appItmem Is by r a certain resolutions adopted by the Board of D'uedors of the Corporation by unanimous wrikn conserd on (heft of January, 2014, a copy of under the. W4 $noed'CertificaW i This Pbvrer is sign ladled by tomirnk under and by authority of he fdlowN resdution adopted by the Board of Diredors d the Corporation by unaairnous written consent on Jan4 i6luti6n has not swm been revoked amended of repealed: RESOLVED, that in 99WEny-powers of atmmey pursuant to certain resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by unanimous wriden consent on January 9, 2014, the signours of such doctors and Won and the seal of he Corporation may be afTaed to arty such power of atmmey or any cerbficata re4afnrg thereto by fackniiQ and any such power of atlorney or certificate beahg such facsin* signelure or seal shah be raid and bkdkp upon the Corporation In Ire Wn with respecter any bond or undertakng to which a Is aladted. This Power of Atmmey steal expbe and all a doily hereunder &half rerrninate without notice air midnkM (Standard Time where saM attomey(sFn-kct is authorized to ad) December 7, 2019 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be duly signed and 16 corporals sees b be hereunto albed and alOesYd this f7h day of Oclober, 2016 at Purchase, New York. (Corporate SW ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION ATTEST '�Y� tJ a-araS�- By 4 e���- !C/__ _ __ MkRIANNE L WILBERT, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT SHARON L SIMS, SENIOR VIM PRESIDENT STATE OF NEVJ YOW 1 a , u _ ; Purchase COUNTY r On thRP 44-&a 2 jb"E -rreUy(came SHARON L SIMS. SEMOR VICE PRESIDENT lo me known, who belt by me duly sro % did depose and say tmt s 5'�b SASthat s)he is a SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, IM Corporation described in end which exaft�� (ejthat seat of Bald Corporation; that the teat aimed to said Wrument is such corporals seak that 4 was so affixed by order of this Board (No{ad;�$ee(fsIEW YGAK Cla 1ii11. nad his (herf name nenwo by Ike triter. i7.1A7f7o1! :.r . i�iz,� • •P[/gLt�``�04�� 0 i TF Q F 1��� Nicholas James Ben 4 Notary Public - by Corrvression Expires I MIMI9 CERTIFICATE STATE OF NEW YORK cs Purchase COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER I, CHRISTOPHER DONELAN the PRESIDENT of ENDURANCE ASSURANCE COMWATION, a Delawans Corporation (tlre'Corporation7, h&vby earthy: 1. That the original power of dbM of whkh Ire forogonp Is a copy was duly ouvied on behalf of Ile Corporation and has not since been revoked arne ded or modified; eel the undersigned hoe compared the toreg* copy tiered witty the original power of attorney, and thal the sane Is a true and con rod copy of the original power of okmay and of nor whole hereof; 2. The krDwirp am resotudons which were adoW by the Board of Diromrs of the Corporation by raharimous wrillen consent on Janaary9, 2014 and said resohdions have not since been revoked. amended or modified: •AES;Oi V W, named below is authorized b make, execute, seal and deicer for and on behal of the Corporation any and all bond; undedaidrps or obi'pa G - CHRtSTOPHER DONELAN. SWGN L. SIMS, MARIANNE L. WILBERT And ss RE- dhat each of the is authorized in appoint atlsmeysin-tact for the purpose of making, exoculrrg, sealing end detivaring bards, undertakips or in surey for ai!of the Corporation' 3. The uriderstried Thal the 7 n wfuloris am true and correct Copies of Ire resolutions as so recorded and of he whole barest If vwTNES werr hno my hand and affixed ne corpora seal this 6 i;h ay of October 20 17 tie AftWOV CHRISTOPHER, DONELAN, PRESIDENT Any rgrodx%M are rand. P+Irwy �' d,irr. tiuOrt+Estkrs eom seta Chime liosh+x e774*7vs 1640I g h0w Enduana err* Cam 13eparfrent, 750 Third kow - loth Fbm New York NY 017 City of Lubbock Sid RFP 16-13615-TF f Contractors Statement of Qualifications Individual contractors and joint ventures submitting a bid must complete the following evaluation information for the Project. Joint ventures shall be composed of not more than two firms and each firm must complete separate evaluations. Evaluation information must be submitted at time of bid submittal. Failure to submit the following Bidder Evaluation information may result in the OWNER considering the bid non -responsive and result in rejection of the bid by the OWNER. Bidders are to provide any additional information requested by the OWNER In evaluating a firm's qualifications, the following major factors will be considered: A. FiNANCIAL CAPABILITY: For this project, the CONTRACTOR'S financial capability to undertake the project will be determined by the CONTRACTOR'S ability to secure bonding satisfactory to the OWNER. B. EXPERIENCE: Do the organization and key personnel have appropriate technical experience on similar projects? 4f- C. SAFETY: Does the organization stress and support safety as an important function of the work process? Lit S D. QUALITY OF WORK: (1) Does the organization have a commitment to quality in every facet of their work - the process as well as the product? y e 3 (2) Does the organization have a written quality philosophy and/or principles that exemplifies their work? If so, submit as Attachment "A". A!v (3) Has this organization ever received an award or been recognized for doing "quality" work on a project? If so, give details under Attachment "A". NO E. CONFORMANCE IQ CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: (1) Does the organization have a commitment and philosophy to construct projects as designed and as defined in the Contract Documents? Li 2 $ F; The OWNER reserves the right to waive irregularities in determining the firm's qualifications and reserves the right to require the submission of additional information. The qualifications of a firm shall not deprive the OWNER of the right to accept a bid, which in its judgement is the lowest and best bid, to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities in the bids, or to reject nonconforming, non- responsive, or conditional bids. In addition, the OWNER reserves the right to reject any bid where circumstances and developments have in the opinion of the OWNER changed the qualifications or responsibility of the firm. Material misstatements on the qualifications forms may be grounds for rejection of the firm's bid on this project. Any such misstatement, if discovered after award of the contract to such firm, may be grounds for immediate termination of the contract. Additionally, the firm will be liable to the OWNER for any additional costs or damages to the OWNER resulting from such misstatements, including costs and attorney's fees for collecting such costs and damages. Complete the following information for your organization: W25/2017 727 AM M p. 35 City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF 1, Contractor's General Information Vice President's Name(s) Secretary's Name Date of Organization Name Business Address Average Number of Current Full Time Average Estimate of Revenue for -Employees the Current Year 1,7000d),pa-00 9 W5=17 7:27 AM Cly of Lubbock Dkt RFP 18-13615-TF fContractor's Organizational Experience I� l 1 Organization Doing Business As iD Business Address of Regional Office 41703 .2 xr7a Name of Regional Office Manager Downlaq Telephone Numbers Main Number 3A13., $ 3 . 416TY Fax Number 3M. 191 - 3 S I aka Web Site Address ApAM. List of names that this organization currently, has or anticipates operating under over the history of the organization, including the names of related companies presently doing business: Names of Organization From Date To Date T) 191041 8 tr .. I ^- -A- --1`---1 1121ftl w...� List of companies, firms or organizations that own any part of the organization. Name of companies, firms or organization Percent Ownership 111aNe Years experience in projects similar to the proposed project: As a General Contractor g. t'S I As a Joint Venture Partner Has this or a predecessor organization ever defaulted on a project or failed to complete any work awarded to it? No If yes provide full details in a separate attachment. See attachment No. Has this or a predecessor organization been released from a bid or proposal in the past ten ears? N If yes provide full details in a separate attachment. See attachment No. Has this or a predecessor organization ever been disqualification as a bidder or proposer by any , F local, state or federal agencywithin the last five ears? Iv D If yes provide full details in a separate attachment. See attachment No. Is this organization or your proposed surety currently in any litigation or contemplating litigation? A) 0 If yes provide full details in a separate attachment. See attachment No. Has this or a predecessor organization ever refused to construct or refused to provide materials n� defined in the contract documents? ! V 0 If yes provide full details in a separate attachment. See attachment No. W512017 7:27 AM IQ p. 37 City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF Contractor's Proposed Key Personnel Doing Business As Provide a brief description of the managerial structure of the organization and illustrate with an organizational cart. Include the title and names of key personnel. include this chart at an attachment to this description. See attachment �2 0.-i�ac. hie. d �l. 5 4-�' �'�►+xQ.nt /Vo . l Provide a brief description of the managerial structure proposed for this project and illustrate with an organizational cart. Include the title and names of proposed key personnel and alternates. Include this chart at an attachment to this descrintion. See attachment No. 5o mg- cis &66v*, 4,++06-C. wt.e.4 00. 1 Provide information on the key personnel proposed for this project that will provide the following key functions. Provide information for candidates for each of these positions on the pages for each of these key personnel. Also provide biographical information for each primary and alternate candidate as an attachment. The biographical information must include the following as a minimum: technical experience, managerial experience, education and formal training, work history which describes project experience, including the roles and responsibilities for each assignment, and primary language. Additional information highlighting experience which makes them the best candidate for the assignment should also be included. Role Primary Candidate Alternate Candidate Project Manager tA;+tj' _ j; le ppWrti Project Superintendent h 1f haAlt.00( 1 wA d Dart; a ti Safety Officer Control Mana If key personnel are to fulfill more than one of the roles listed above, provide a written narrative describing how much time will be devoted to each function, their qualifications to fulfill each role and the percentage of their time that will be devoted to each role. If the individual is not to be devoted solely to this project, indicate how time it to be divided between this project and their other assignments. 11 912WO17 7:27 AM P. 38 F� Qowtech Specialty Contractors Corporate Flow Chart Attachment No. 7 The superintendent will be onsite at all times. The project area is not a large area, so the superintendent will also be the project safety officer and the quality control manager 100% of the time. _y kern PO've 35! - PvM %I nI rware TIM3"n flAe ADIC it city of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF Proposed Project Managers �A l.� t_ Title( Position E-mail Id -mail Project Project Candidate role on Candidate role Pro ect on Project t. f W612017 7:27 AM t_ 12 e4i p. 39 City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF �1 Proposed Project Superintendent Business As Name of Individual Ito Years of Experience as Project Superintendent y' Years of Experience with this organization t{- 04-$ Number of similar projects as Superintendent p�p,,� Number of similar projects in other positions Current Project Assignments Name of Assignment Percent of Time Used for Estimated Project this Project Completion Date In E-mail I E-mail Pro ect Project Candidate role on Candidate role Proiect on Proiect Name of Individual V"I d e a Yeats of Experience as Project Superintendent a Years of Experience with this organization Number of similar projects as Superintendent Number of similar projects in other positions Current Project Assignments Name of Assignment Percent of Time Used for this Project Estimated Project Completion Date fi1M1.0 SOVO i Name I So. &44n *kiaA OA. Uv%d d I Name on 13 9/ =017 7.27 AM UY City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF Proposed Project Safety Meer f� S I: Reference Contact Information (listing names indicates approval to contactingthe names individuals as it reference) Name I --See Q ton, Name Title/ Position 4 erm a tO-4V dAh,'&-Lh' S I Title/ Position E-mail I I E-mail Project Project Candidate role on I I Candidate role i Name of Individual M94tLd Years of Experience as Project Safety Officer 14 Years of Experience with this organization tj ears Number of similar projects as Safety Officer !- Number of similar projects in other positions dy,�,r•,� Current Project Assignments Name of Assignment Percent of Time Used for Estimated Project this Project Completion Date most will bt to&RIelid W MID 0Jc Mo Proiect I I Project Candidate role on Candidate role Project on Project 14 �( 9/25/2017 7.27 AM p, 41 City of Lubbock Proposed Project Quality Control Manager BW RFP 111-13815-TF I i t zation Doing Susincss Asof Individual f Experience as Quality Control Managerf Experience with this organization1+ Number of similar projects as Quality Manager 6. v; M Number of similar projects in other positions em Current Project Assignments Name of Assignment Percent of Time Used for Estimated Project t this Project Completion Date wo 1t Inc A K.rk.D10-4-w[x by 4-kto ligA �7ii atfo bn -, pr*^. Reference Contact Information(listing names indicates approval to contacting the names individuals as a reference) Name e- MiyAted p Name Title/ Position t mvwnlv+*_d mt e. a 61-% 1 Title/ Position E-mail I E-mail Project Project Candidate role on . Candidate role on Name of Individual ba"g lzwq�fi!� Years of Experience as Quality Control Manager L4 sat-_5 Years of Experience with this organization igar.5 Number of similar projects as Quality Managers ra t Number of similar projects in other positions ,W4 PCLI Current Project Assignments Name of Assignment Percent of Time Used for Estimated Project this Project Completion Date Mest.aZillito'ti e °7 .t-`.nto +'ka+e 01% Sf-&r4S Name DA hW Name Title/ Position Mj Title/ Position Organization Organization Telephone Telephone E-mail E-mail Pro ect Project Candidate role on Project tf Candidate role on Pm'ect is 9/25/2017 7.27 AM City of Lubbock Hid RFP 16-13615-TF Contractor's Project Experience and Resources 1 912512017 727 AM ILI p. 43 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC. 4703 CR 527 F BAIRD, TEXAS 79504 PHONE: 325-8934684 FAX: 325-893-3116 dowtech(a-)windstream.net -' CONTRACTS ON HAND Attachment A OWNER: REAGAN COUNTY WATER SUUPLY DISTRICT 409 2"D STREET BIG LAKE, TEXAS 76932 PROJECT: CONTRACT B - PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: NIA ENGINEERS PROJECT NO.: 4975 CONTRACT AMOUNT: S547,311.10 START DATE: 8-24-2016 END DATE: 10-31-2017 90% COMPLETE SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: ENPROTEC — HIBBS & TODD SCOTT HAY 325-698-5560 OWNER CITY OF ABILENE 1825 SANDY STREET ABILENE, TX 79601 PROJECT: ELMDALE PUMP STATION RELOCATION CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,648,600.00 START DATE: 5-10-2017 END DATE: l 1-10-2017 L 75% COMPLETE SUPERINTENDENT: NATHAN MACLEOD ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN K1RT HARLE 325-695-1070 - OWNER: TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DIVISION 4200 SMITH SCHOOL ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS 78744 PROJECT: TPWD LOST MAPLES STATE NATURAL AREA BANDERA COUNTY, TX CONTRACT NUMBER: 497903 PROJECT NUMBER: 134239 CONTRACT AMOUNT: S636,600.00 START DATE: 7-20 2017 END DATE: 3-17-2018 35% COMPLETE SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: TPWD MARK URBANOVSKY 512-389-4404 I DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC. 4703 CR 527 BAIRD, TEXAS 79504 PHONE. 325-8934684 FAX: 325-893-3116 dowtecb(@,Aindstream.net CONTRACTS ON HAND (cant) OWNER: COOPER TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 3303 N. INTERSTATE35 PEARSALL, TX 78061 PROJECT: PROCESS WATER TREATMENT FACILITY CONTRACT NUMBER: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: S859,793.71 START DATE: 8-16-2017 END DATE: 4-13-2019 25% COMPLETE SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 OWNER: CITY OF SEMINOLE GENERAL CONTRACTOR: GAINES COUNTY WATER COMPANY 2100 McKINNEY AVENUE, SUITE #1500 DALLAS, TX 752101 PROJECT: LA TIERRA PUMP STATION AND WATER TREATMEMT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NUMBER: NIA CONTRACT AMOUNT: S416,000.00 STATE DATE: 9-27-2017 END DATE: 3-30-2018 5% COMPLETE SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLMG ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN JEREMIAH BIHL (Ell) KIRT HARLE 325-695-1070 OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES BIG SPRING STATE HOSPITAL 1901 NORTH HWY 87 BIG SPRING, TX 79720 CONTRACT NUMBER: 16-008-BSH CONTRACT AMOUNT: S1,312,500.00 START DATE: 9-25-2017 END DATE: 7-22-2018 I S% COMPLETE SUPERINTENDENT: NATHAN MACLEOD ENGINEER: ENPROTEC/HIBBS & TODD JORDAN HIBBS 325-698-5560 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC. 4703 CR 527 BAIRD, TEXAS 79504 PHONE: 325-8934694 FAX: 325-893-31 l6 dowtech windstreammet CONTACT PERSON: GERALD DOWNING COMPLETED PROJECTS Attachment B OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE NAME: NEW GROUND WATER STORAGE TANK — POWLEDGE UNIT 1400 FM 3452 PALESTINE, TX 75803 CONTRACT NO. 696-FD-8-9-00173 CONTRACT AMOUNTS $783,448.69 START DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 END DATE: AUGUST 18, 2009 ENGINEERS: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR: CECILTRANTHAN 903-928-1910 OWNER _ CITY OF HICO, TX NAME —WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS PHASE i PHOSPORUS REDUCTION SYSTEM I20 W. I ST STREET HICO, TX 76457 EQUIPMENT USED: 580 CASE BACKHOE, S-175 BOBCAT, 125 TON CRANE SUPERINTENDENT-R BRICE BOLIN PROJECT NO. --TWDBNO. 21541; PERMIT NO. 10189-001 CONTRACT AMOUNT - $199,550.00 START DATE — JUNE 22, 2009 END DATE -- DECEMBER 2, 2009 ENGINEER _ KSA ENGINEERS STEPHEN DORMAN 512-342-6868 OWNER — CITY OF BAIRD, TEXAS NAME-- RAW WATER PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS 328 MARKET STREET BAIRD, TEXAS 79504 EQUIPMENT USED: 580 CASE BACKHOE SUPERINTENDENT. ROCKY BAKER PROJECT NO. TCDP NO. 729010 CONTRACT AMOUNT- $69,000.00 START DATE - JULY 1, 2009 END DATE — DECEMBER 1, 2009 ENGINEER — JACOB & MARTIN RANDY BEYER 325-695-1070 11 OWNER -- CITY OF BIG SPRINGS TEXAS 1_.I NAME -- WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FINAL CLARIFIER & TRICKLING FILTER 310 NOLAN STREET BIG SPRING, TEXAS 79720 EQUIPMENT USED: 180 TON CRANE, T 300 BOBCAT, S-175 BOBCAT, 580 CASE BACKHOE SUPERINTENDENT: SHELBY WEATHERFORD PSC PROJECT NO. 01033908 CONTRACT AMOUNT - $355,339.19� START DATE — APRIL 20, 2009 END DATE — MARCH 2, 2010 ENGINEER-•- PARKHILL, SMITH & COOPER STEPHEN A. BENNETT 806473-2200 I_, DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: CITY OF RICE, TEXAS NAME: SEWER PLANT IMPROVEMENTS 205 E. CALHOUN RICE, TX 75155 (No address for job site) TX CDBG CONTRACT NO.72831 CONTRACTAMOUNT: S240,967A8 SUPERINTENDENT: BRICE BOLIN START DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 END DATE: FEBRUARY21,2010 ENGINEER: J. F. FONTAINE & ASSOCIATES, INC. J. F. FONTAINE 903-729-6005 OWNER: CITY OF ROCHESTER NAME: CONSTRUCTION OF LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS P.O. BOX 430 ROCHESTER, TX 79544 CONTRACT NO. TXCDBG #729689 SUPERINTENDENT: JAMES DAVIS CONTRACT AMOUNT: $87,700.00 START DATE: SEPTEMBER 20I0 END DATE: FEBRUARY2011 ENGINEER: CARTHEL ENGINEERING SOLUCTIONS CHESTER CARTHEL 806-687-8322 OWNER: TDCJ PACK UNIT NAVASOTA NAME: REPLACE GROUNDWATER STORAGE TANK TWO FINANCIAL PLAZA, SUITE 525 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77340 CONTRACT NO: 696-FD-10-11-C 174 CONTRACT AMOUNT: 5247,532.74 SUPERINTENDENT: SHELBY WEATHERFORD START DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2010 END DATE: MARCH 21, 2011(Completed 3-10-2011) ENGINEER: TDCJ FACILITIES ENGINEERING DENNIS RAYMOND 936-437 7265 OWNER: CITY OF WINTERS NAME: WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 310 S. MAIN STREET WINTERS, TX 79567 PROJECT NO. CWSRF # 72108 AND PROJECTNO.729851 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $492,578.63 SUPERINTENDENT: GERALD DOWNING START DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2010 END DATE: MAY 7, 2011 ENGINEER: HIBBS & TODD SCOTT HAY 325-698-5560 2 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: CITY OF SAN SABA, TEXAS NAME: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS 303 S. CLEAR STREET SAN SABA, TEXAS 76877 CONTRACT NO.: NIA CONTRACT AMOUNT: $293,154.44 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE START DATE. NOVEMBER 19, 2010 END DATE: JUNE 6, 2011 ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN JAMES PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 OWNER: CITY OF CALDWELL NAME: 2009 TxTCDP-R STP ROTOR REHABILITATION 107 S. HILL CALDWELL, TX 77836 CONTRACT NUMBER: R729070 CONTRACT AMOUNT: S 169,900.00 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE START DATE: OCTOBER 2010 END DATE: MAY 2011 ENGINEER: O'MALLEY ENGINEERS, L.L.P. ROBERT SCHMIT 979-836-7937 OWNER: COLEMAN COUNTY SUD I COLEMAN, TEXAS NAME: PHASE VII PUMP STATIONS 214 SANTAANNAAVE. COLEMAN, TEXAS 76834 PROJECT NO.: NONE CONTRACT AMOUNT: $944,793.53 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE START DATE: 4-17-2010 END DATE: APRIL 2011 ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KIRT HARLE 325-695-1070 OWNER: WEST CEDAR CREEK MUD I KEMP, TX NAME:500,000 GAL. BOLTED STEEL CLEARWELL 821 SOUHT TOOL DR. KEMP, TX 78143 CONTRACT NO.: EC CONTRACT NUMBER # 10007.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $565,418.00 SUPERINTENDENT. JAMES DAVIS START DATE: OCTOBER 2010 END DATE: MAY 16, 201 I ENGINEER: ESPEY CONSULTATNTS KENNETH TILLMAN 214-951-0807 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE NAMES: TDCJ TERRELL UNIT / REPLACE GROUND WATEOWNERR STORAGE TANK 1300 FM 655 ROSHARON, TEXAS 77583 CONTRACT NO..696-FD-II-II-CIO3 MWR#02710005 CONTRACTAMOUNT: $151,300.00 SUPERINTENDENT: JERRY YOUNG START DATE: APRIL IS, 2011 END DATE: AUGUST 16, 2011 ENGINNEER: TDCJ DENNIS RAYMOND 936-437-7335 CONTACT: ALLEN TANGLER 281-799-2660 ' OWNER: VALLEY WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION / DICKENS COUNTY, TEXAS N NAME: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TCDP NO. R 729100 CONTRACTAMOUNT: $231,050.00 SUPERINTENDENT: JAMES DAVIS START DATE: JUNE 6, 2011 END DATE: SEPT. 14,21111 ENGINEER: ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD SCOTT HAY 325-698-5560 OWNER: MILLS COUNTY / PRIDDY WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION NAME: WATER WELL, PUMP STATION AND TANK PRIDDY, TEXAS CONTRACT NO.: TDRA #710861 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $206,876.00 SUPERINTENDENT. CLINT CARLILE START DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2011 END DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 2012 ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KEN MARTIN 325.695-1070 OWNER: CITY OF PELICAN BAY / JASON COURT WATER PLANT NAME: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PELICAN BAY, TEXAS CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $182,798.00 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE START DATE: OCT 17, 2011 END DATE: FEBRUARY 22,2012 ENGINEER: MORRIS ENGINEERS TIM MORRIS 903-868-1644 4 I DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: CITY OF BRONTE, TEXAS NAME: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE REMOVAL- BRONTE, TEXAS CONTRACT NO.: TDRA 9710099 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $154,556.00 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE STATE DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2011 END DATE: MARCH 14, 2012 ENGINEER: JACOB AND MARTIN KEN MARTIN 325-695-1070 OWNER: NORTH RUNNELS WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION NAME: PUMP STATION AND TANK IMPROVEMENTS 1020 MAIN STREET WINTERS, TEXAS 79567 CONTRACT NO. N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $989,082.90 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE START DATE: JULY 6, 2011 END DATE: MARCH 30, 2012 ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KEN MARTIN 325-695-1070 OWNER: MONTGOMERY COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILTIY DISTRICT No. 8 NAME: CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER PUMP STATION MONTGOMERY, TEXAS CONTRACT NO.: J&C JOB No.: 00352-070-00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $57,010.00 SUPERINTENDENT: JAMES DAVIS START DATE: 4-16-2012 END DATE: 6-16-2012 ENGINEER: JONES & CARTER, INC. JONATHAN WHITE 281-3634039 OWNER: CITY OF RISING STAR, TEXAS 104 N. MILLER 1 P.O. BOX 35 RISING STAR, TX 76471-0035 254-643-4261 NAME: PROPOSED WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TCDBGP 4710619 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $173,720.00 SUPERINTENDENT: JAMES DAVIS START DATE: JUNE 1, 2012 END DATE: SEPT. 7, 2012 ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE STEVE DENNIS 432-689-8909 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 4200 SMITH SCHOOL ROAD AUSTIN, TX 78744 512-399-8601 CONTRACT MANAGER: JANIE RAMIREZ PROJECT MANAGER: GORDON BOHMFALK NAME: ABILENE STATE PARK TUSCOLA, TAYLOR COUNTY, TEXAS INSTALL BACKUP GENERATORS FOR WASTEWATER PLANT PROJECT NO.: MR5339 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $61,000.00 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE C START DATE: 6-7 2012 END DATE: 8-23-2012 ENGINEER: TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE TWO FINANCIAL PLAZA HUNTSVILLE, TX 77340 936437-7055 TDCJ CLEMENS UNIT 11034 HWY. 36 -- BRAZPROA. TEXAS 77422 NAME: REPLACE SEWER LINES & RAISE ELEVATION OF MAN HOLES PRO1 ECT #: 696-FD-11-130I 7 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $343,172.05 SUPERINTENDENT: JAMES DAVIS START DATE: 6-11-2012 END DATE: 12-11-2012 ENGINEER: TDCJ FACILITIES DIVISION ENGINEERING DENNIS RAYMOND: 936-437-7366 PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR: ALLEN TANGLER 281-799-2660 CONTRACTS & PROCUMENTS: TERESA RHODES 936-437-7055 OWNER: CITY OF GOODLOW, TEXAS 201 STATE HWY 309 KERENS, TX 75144 NAME: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TxCDBG NO.: 711211 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $203,600.50 SUPERINTENDENT: JERRY YOUNG START DATE: 7-13.2012 END DATE: 12-10-20I2 ENGINEER: KSA ENGINEERS LANNY BUCK 903-236-770D OWNER: CITY OF STERLING CITY, TEXAS 618 4TH STREET (HWY 87) STERLING CITY, TX 76951 NAME: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TxCDBG NO.711460 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $157,195.55 ` SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE START DATE: 6-18-2012 COMPLETION DATE: 1-4-2013 ENGINEER: ENPROTECH / HIBBS & TODD JOHN VOLLER / SCOTT HAY 325-698-5560OWNER: DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. WEST CENTRAL TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 410 HICKORY STREET ABILENE, TEXAS 79601 PROJECT: 36-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE REPLACEMENT WCTMWD PROJECT 2012-27 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $52,900.00 CONTRACT DATE: 1-16-2013 COMPLETION DATE: 2-28-2013 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID BATES ENGINEER: WCTMWD / SAM FARE 325-673-8254 OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE TWO FINANCIALPLAZA HUNTSVILLE, TX 77340 936-437-7055_ TDCJ RAMSEY UNIT / ROSHARON, TEXAS NAME. REPLACE GROUND WATER STORAGE TANK CONTRACT NO.696-FD-13-13-0070 CONTRACT AMOUNT: S239,236.50 ' START DATE: 11 - 15-2012 COMPLETION DATE: 3-14-2013 SUPERINTENDENT. JERRY YOUNG PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR: ALLEN TANGLER 291-799-2660 ENGINEER DENNIS RAYMOND 936437-7265 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: TERESA RHODES 936-437-7055 OWNER: WEST CEDAR CREEK MUD / TOLOSA WTP NAME: PRE -SEDIMENTATION BASIN KEMP, TEXAS [HENDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS ED CONTRACT NUMBER # 10007.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $125,100.00 SUPERINTENDENT: EDWARD GONLINDO START DATE: 4-16-2012 END DATE: 10-16-2012 ENGINEER: ESPEY CONSULTANTS, INC KEN TILLMAN: 214-951-0807 OWNER: CITY OF COLEMAN, TEXAS 200 WEST LIVEOAK COLEMAN, TEXAS 76834 NAME: LAKE COLEMAN PUMP OWNER: CITY OF COLEMAN STATION REHAB CONTRACT NUMBER: TWDB PROJECT 461406 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $494.891.61 START DATE: 12-20-2012 END DATE: 10-28-2013 SUPERINTENDENT. DAVID BATES ENGINEER JACOB & MARTIN / KEN MARTIN 325-695-1070 kbm@jacobmartin.com 7 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS Cont. OWNER: LARSON VENTURES, LLC 1525 WEST ELM AVE. MITCHELL, SD 57301 NAME: SNYDER / PREMIERE WORKFORCE LODGING WATER WELL CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $200,997.70 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID BATES START DATE: 5-31 2013 END DATE: 10-30-13 ENGINEER: MEERS ENGINEERING, INC. RANDY BYERS 325-691-1200 OWNER: BITTER CREEK WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION 2803 EAST BROADWAY STREET SWEETWATER, TEXAS 79556 NAME: TANK AND CONTROL BUILDING, SCADA CONTRACT: NO. N/A CONTRACTAMOUNT: $369,236.00 START DATE: 5-1-2013 END DATE: 11-26-2013 SUPERINTENDENT. CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN / KEN MARTIN / 325-695-1070 kbtn@jacubmartin.com OWNER: CITY OF SNYDER, TEXAS 3102 AVE. M SNYDER, TEXAS 79549 NAME: WATER TREATMENT PLANT I PHASE 2 PROJECT 40200571 SUBCONTRACT 4020-03181 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,344,446.00 SUPERINTENDET: CLINT CARLILE GENERAL CONTRACTOR: ESG / ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP 4655 ROSEBUD LANE NEWBURGH, IN 47630 SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT DATE: 94-2012 END DATE: 12-152013 ENEGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KIRT HARLE: 325-965.1070 kirth@jacobmartin.com OWNER: MCCULLUCH COUNTY, TEXAS c/o MILLERSVIEW DOOLE WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION I3841 FM 1929 EAST MILLERSVIEW, TEXAS NAME. SALT GAP TANK REPLACEMENT REBID PROJECT NO.711340 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $157,141.00 95% COMPLETE START DATE: 4-25-2013 END DATE: 12-20-2013 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN / EDDIE AGUILAR 817-594-9880 (WEATHERFORD, TX) r 8 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. ONWER: FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISON / FCi FORT WORTH, TEXAS 3150 HORTON ROAD FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76119 NAME: REPLACE POWERHOUSE GENERATOR CONTRACT NO.: DJBP0509LPZ10003 CONTRACTAMOUNT. $1,852,678.50 SUPERINTENDENT: JERRY YOUNG AND CLINT CARLILE STATE DATE: 8-21-2012 END DATE: I-24-2014 CONTRACTING OFFICER: DOUGLAS PATTON 972-352-4641 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACTING OFFICER: VERONICA KAETHER 817-413-3040 vmkaether@bop.gov CONTRACT MONITOR: RAPHAEL RAMOS r2ramos@bop.gov OWNER: THE MONAHANS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY HALL: 112 WEST 2ND STREET MONAHANS, TEXAS 79756 NAME: PROPOSED WASTEWATER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS MONAHANS INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION NO.5 CONTRACT NUMBER: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $230,289.72 START DATE: 6-3 2013 END DATE: 4-24-2014 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE / STEVE DENNIS 432-689-8909 steve.dennis@burgessniple.com OWNER: LOVING COUNTY, TEXAS 100 BELL STREET MENTONE, TEXAS NAME: PROPOSED WATER WELL NO.5 LOVING COUNTY WATER SYSTEM CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACTAMOUNT: $420,999.70 START DATE: 10-18-2013 END DATE: 7-31-2014 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE / MIDLAND, TEXAS STEVE DENNIS 432-689-8909 steve.dennis@burgessniple.com OWNER: HAHN FAMILY (MONAHANS) I221 EAST BALTIMORE EL PASO, TEXAS 79902 NAME: MONAHANS UTILITY TRENCH (12" SEWER LINE WITH 8 MANHOLES) CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $295,939.62 STATE DATE: 1-15-2014 END DATE: 7-31-2014 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: ALJ LINDSEY / HOUSTON, TEXAS LESTER JONES 713-208-7733 Ijones@aljlindseycom 9 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: MILLERSVIEW-DOOLE WSC 13841 FM 1929 EAST MILLERSVIEW, TEXAS 76862 NAME: FM 1929 GROUND STORAGE TANK CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $250,000.00 START DATE 7-19-2013 END DATE: 7-31-2014 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN I WEATHERFORD, TX GREG WESCOTT 8I7-594-9880 gwescott@jacobmartin.com OWNER: JEFF DAVIS COUNTY FORT DAVIS WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION 113 STATE STREET FORT DAVIS, TEXAS 79734 NAME: PROPOSED STANDBY ELECTRIC GENERATOR CONTRACT NO.: TCDBGP CONTRACT NO.713249 CONTRACTAMOUNT: $106,865.00 START DATE: MAY 2, 2014 END DATE: AUGUST 30, 2014 SUPERINTENDENT. CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE STEVE DENNIS: 432-389-8909 steve.dennis@burgessniple.com OWNER: CITY OF MONAHANS 112 WEST 2ND STREET MONAHANS, TEXAS 79756 NAME: PROPOSED WASTEWATER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS QUAILVIEW LIFT STATION, NORTH CAROL STREET CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACTAMOUNT: $99,697.00 STATE DATE: MAY 12, 2014 END DATE: SEPTEM13ER 26. 2014 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE STEVE DENNIS: 432-389-8909 steve.dennis@burgessniple.com OWNER: U & F WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION 720ARMADILLO LANE SNYDER, TX 79549 NAME: PUMP STATION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO.: TWDB NO.21728 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $433,067.50 START DATE: 5-29-2014 END DATE: 12-5-20I4 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KEN MARTIN 325-695-I070 kbm("'1uiacnbmartin.com 10 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: MILLERSVIEW—DOOLE WSC 13841 FM 1929 EAST MILLERSVIEW, TEXAS 76862 NAME: TANK SITE WORK AND PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: S478,532.83 START DATE: 7-19 2013 END DATE: 12-31-2014 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN / WEATHERFORD, TX EDDIE AGUILAR 817-594-9880 caguilar@jacobmartin.com jacobmartin.com OWNER: CITY OF MERTZON, TEXAS 104 S. PARK VIEW STREET MERTZON, TX 76941 NAME: WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: CDBG NO.712439 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $220,950.00 START DATE: MAY 10,2014 END DATE: JAUNARY 7, 2015 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD SCOTT HAY 325-698-5560 scott.hay@e-ht.cOm OWNER: CITY OF RANGER, TX 400 W, MAIN RANGER, TEXAS 76470 NAME: BLUNDELL STANDPIPE CHLORINATION STATION CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $78,356.00 START DATE: 10-18-2014 END DATE: 1-18-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KEN MARTIN 325-695-1070 kbm@jacobmartin.com OWNER: CITY OF GOLDTHWAITE, TEXAS 1218 FISHER GOLDTHWAITE, TX 76844 NAME: SAN SABA RAW WATER SUPPLY LINE CONTRACT NO.: TWDB NO.62560 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $307,222.00 START DATE: JUNE 10, 2014 END DATE: MARCH 20, 2015 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KIRT HARLE 325-695-1070 kirth@jacobmartin.com DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: HUDSPETH COUNTY WC & ID No.1 201 NORTH FM I I I 1 SIERRA BLANCA, TX 79851 NAME: WATER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 300,000 AND 200,000 GALLON WELDED STEEL GROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $665,203.00 START DATE: 1-5-2015 END DATE: 8-13-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE STEVE DENNIS 432-689-8909 Steve.dennis@burpessniple.com OWNER: CONCHO COUNTY / EOLA WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION 152 NORTH ROBERTS AVE. PAINT ROCK, TX 76866 NAME: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TX CD13G NO.: 713099 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $140,150.00 START DATE: 1-23-2015 END DATE: I 1-25-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: ENPROTECH / HIBBS & TODD, INC. JOHN VOLLER: 325-699-5560 John.vollcr@e-ht.com OWNER: CITY OF COLEMAN, TEXAS 200 WEST LIVE OAK STREET COLEMAN, TX 76834 NAME: LAKE SCARBOROUGH PUMPING FACILITY CONTRACT NO.: TDA 9713089 CONTRACT AMOUNT: S 186,236..00 START DATE: 11-15-2014 END DATE: 7-31-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KEN MARTIN 325-695-1070 kbm@jacobmartin.com OWNER: ZEPHYR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION ]0700 HWY 84-183 EAST ZEPHYR, TEXAS 76890 NAME: PUMP STATION AND TANKS CONTRACT NO.: NIA CONTRACT AMOUNT: S383,500.00 _a STATE DATE: 7-15-2014 END DATE: 8-31-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD R ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN 3 KEN MARTIN 325-695-1070 kbm@acobmartin.com 12 F_ i DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC -, COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: TOM GREEN COUNTY FWD #2 508 ANSON STREET CH RISTOVAL, TX 76935 -j NAME: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS -- PHASE 11 CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $261,568.85 START DATE: 2-28-2015 END DATE: 10-26-2015 1 SUPERINTENDENT: STEVE TAYLOR ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 aphillips@jacobmmlin.com OWNER: LOVING COUNTY WATER SYSTEMS 100 NORTH DALLAS STREET MENTONE, TX 79754 NAME: PROPOSED WATER WELL NO. 6 CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACTAMOUNT: $344,536.16 START DATE: 2 26-2015 END DATE: 8-25-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE STEVE DENNIS 432-689-8909 Steve.dennis@burgessniple.com OWNER: CITY OF RULE, TX 701 UNION AVE. RULE, TX 79547 PROJECT: WATER TREATMENT PLANT / RO EQUIPMENT CONTRACT NO.: TDA #713297 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $152,823.00 START DATE: 3-8-2015 END DATE: 12-10-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 aphillips@jacobmartin.com OWNER: CITY OF ROCHESTER, TX 214 CAROTHERS AVEN. ROCHESTER, TX 79544 PROJECT: RO WATER TREATMENT FACILITY 1 RO EQUIPMENT CONTRACT NO.: TxCDBG No. 713287 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $49,522.00 START DATE: 5-18-2015 END DATE: I-18-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 aphillips@jacobmanin.com U 13 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC COMPLETED PROJECTS CONT. OWNER: CITY OF O'BRIEN, TX 1002 GRAND CENTRAL AVE. O'BRIEN, TX 79539 PROJECT: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TWDB PROJECT NO.62640 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $111,153.00 STATE DATE: 8-31-2015 END DATE: 12-29-2015 SUPERINTENDENT: RAY GONZALES ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325.695-1070 aRhilli s at'aeobmartin.com OWNER: GREATER GARDENDALE WSC PO BOX 322 GARDENDALE, TEXAS 79759-0322 PROJECT: PROPOSED BOOSTER PUMP STATION EXPANSION PROPOSED WATER WELL NOS. 10 & 11 CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACTAMOUNT: $1,254,788.14 START DATE: 5-22-2015 END DATE: 2-19-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE STEVE DENNIS 4432-699-8909 JonKel lihera'liurs'es,gniPle.corn OWNER: EASTLAND COUNTY WATER SUPLY DISTRICT 726 FM 2461 S RANGER, TEXAS 76470 PROJECT: DWSRF WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT C - RAW WATER PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $534,619.23 START DATE: 11-21-2014 END DATE: 3-15-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE ENGINEER: ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD SCOTT HAY 325-698-5560 Scott.Hay.@e-ht.com OWNER: STEPHENS REGIONAL SUD 206 FM 1621 BRECKENRIDGE, TX 76424 PROJECT: PHASE II PUMP STATION AND TANKS CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $1,003,516.24 START DATE: 3-15-2015 END DATE: 3-31-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: CLINT CARLILE i ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN KIRT HARLE 325-695-1070 kirth@'acobmartin.com u 14 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC -- r COMPLETED PROJECTS (CONT.) OWNER: CITY OF ROBY 205 W. SOUTH 1ST f ROBY, TEXAS 79543 PROJECT. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 1 PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS I RO EQUIP. CONTRACT NO.: 7214830 CONTRACT AMOUNT: S217,391.00 START DATE: 9-28-2015 END DATE: 9-15-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: HIBBS & TODD JOHN VOLLER 325-698-5560 J2hn.voiler e-ht.com OWNER: CITY OF MERTZON, TX 104 S. PARK VIEW STREET MERTZON, TX 76941 PROJECT: DISASTER RELIEF PROGRAM / WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: TXCDBG NO. DR 713127 CONTRACT AMOUNT. $294,51 LOO STATE DATE: 9-17-20I5 END DATE: 4-15-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD SCOTr HAY 325-698-5560 Scott.hay@e-ht.com OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE TWO FINANCIAL PLAZA, SUITE 525 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77340 PROJECT NAME: REPLACE GROUNDWATER STORAGE TANK TDCJ HILLTOP UNIT / GATESVILLE, TX CONTRACT AMOUNT: $698,585.03 CONTRACT NO.: 696-FD-16-16-C 112 START DATE: 12-14-20I6 END DATE: 6-28-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: JOHNNY DOWNING ENGINER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE BRIAN CARNEY 936437-7221 Brian.Carney tdc'. g:x s. ov Ric !.Bikxterta tdci.texas,aov Project Manager OWNER: LOVING COUNTY, TEXAS 100 NORTH DALLAS STREET MENTONE, TX 79754 PROJECT: PROPOSED WATER WELL NO. 7 / LOVING COUNTY WATER SYSTEM CONTRACT NO. N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $260,089.69 START DATE: 12-26-2015 END DATE: 8-10-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE JAMES BUSBY 432-689-8909 Junes ,Bursho�.'�t-buressniplc.com ii 15 :E C DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC CONTRACT COMPLETED (CONT.) OWNER: CITY OF WINTERS, TX 301 S. MAIN STREET WINTERS, TX 79567 PROJECT. WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: 7214490 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $224,635.00 STATE DATE: 10-26-2015 END DATE: 9-16-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD SAGE DiLLER 325-698-5560 Sare dil nj&-ht,gom OWNER: CITY OF ROBY, TEXAS 205 W. SOUTH I IT ROBY, TX 19543 PROJECT: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT AMOUNT: $185,455.00 CONTRACT NO.: TxCDBG 7214930 START DATE: 9-28 2015 END DATE: 9-9-20I6 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: ENPROTEC / HIBBS & TODD JOHN VOLLER 325-698-5560 John.vol Icrra,c-hgp.gl OWNER: CITY OF SEYMOUR 301 N. WASHINGTON ST. SEYMOUR, TX 76380 PROJECT: SEWER PLANT REHANG CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $114,635.00 START DATE: 9-19 2016 END DATE: 9-24-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: CITY OF SEYMOUR & JACOB & MARTIN — CHARLES KEITH OWNER: PARKER COUNTY SUD 500 BROCK SPUR } MILLSAP, TX 76066 PROJECT: HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION PRESSURE TANK ADDITION CONTRACT NO: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $91,636.00 START DATE: 8-I-2016 END DATE: 11-1-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING R ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN EDDIE AGUILAR 817-594-9880 ca�;uilarfct'acob in.com 16 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC CONTRACT COMPLETED (CONT.) OWNER: CITY OF CARBON, TEXAS 302 S. MAIN STREET CARBON, TEXAS 76435 PROJECT: PUMP STATION NO. 1 RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AMOUNT: $131,263.40 CONTRACT NO.: TPWD -. DWSRF 62548 START DATE: MARCH 11, 2016 END DATE: 11-29-2016 SUPERINTENDENT: NATHAN MACLEOD ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN EDDIE AUGUILAR 817-594-9880 eaguiIar &acobmanin.S_ojp OWNER: TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 4200 SMITH SCHOOL ROAD AUSTIN, TX 78744 PROJECT: POSSUM KINGDOM FISH HATCHERY/ BROOD STOCK FACILITY CONTRACT AMOUNT: $702,582.00 CONTRACT NO.: 479219 START DATE: 5-9-2016 END DATE: 12-7-20I6 SUPERINTENDENT: NATHAN MACLEOD ENGINEER: TPWD AND EEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS BRANDON HEATON 817-645-3888 (TPWD) Hmndon.Heaton@tpwd.texas.gov MIKE GATH 512-744-4400 mikegath@eeace.com OWNER: TOWN OF BUFFALO GAP 709 L1TEL BUFFALO GAP, TX 79508 PROJECT. SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: NIA CONTRACT PRICE: $49,699.00 START DATE: 11-18-2016 END DATE: 12-2-2016 ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 aphillips(Rjacobmartin.com OWNER: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTIC TDCJ MONTFORD UNIT 8602 PEACH STREET `- LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79404 PROJECT. INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER BETWEEN CITY & UNIT LINE CONTRACT NO: 696-FD-1 6-17-C 148 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $I78,700.00 START DATE: 7-25-2016 END DATE: 2-3-2017 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: TDCJ - JAMES MAURER 936-437-7241 TDCJ PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR— RANDY REYNOLDS 806-745-102I 17 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC CONTRACT COMPLETED (CONT.) OWNER: ACTON MUNICIPAL DISTRICT 6420 LUSK BRANCH CT. GRANBURY, TX 16049 PROJECT: DECORDOVA BEND ESTATES WWTP #I BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $137.160.00 START DATE: 8-29-2016 END DATE: 1-16-2017 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: ENPROTECIHIBBS & TODD COLDEN RICK 325-698-5560 OWNER: CITY OF HASKELL 301 S. I sr STREET HASKELL, TX 79521 PROJECT: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO: TDA PROJECT #7215209 CONTRACT PRICE: $229,547.00 START DATE: 11-25-2016 END DATE: 2-10-2017 SUPERINTENDENT. DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 OWNER: JEFF DAVIS COUNTY 500 MILITARY DRIVE FORT DAVIS, TX 79734 PROJECTNO.: NIA CONTRACT PRICE: $120,588.00 START DATE: 14-2017 END DATE: 2-10-2017 SUPERINTENDENT. DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: BURGESS & NIPLE JASON KELLIHER 432-689-8909 OWNER: CITY OF SWEETWATER, TX 200 E. 4Tn' STREET SWEETWATER, TX 79556 PROJECT: TWDB DWSRF WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT C - WATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS MEMBRANE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO.: NIA CONTRACT AMOUNT: $933,760.00 START DATE: 2-1-2017 END DATE: 3-28-2017 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: ENPROTECH I HIBBS & TODD SAGE DILLER 325-698-5560 18 DOWTECH SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC CONTRACT COMPLETED (CONT-) OWNER: CITY OF MIDLAND 300 N. LORAINE MIDLAND, TEXAS 79702 PROJECT: DeZAVALA LIFT STATION REHABILITATION CONTRACT NO.: 16DO4294 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $179,245.96 STATE DATE: 9-14-2016 END DATE: 3.13 2017 NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: CITY OF MIDLAND 432-685-7233 OWNER: CITY OF RHOME, TX 261 NORTH SCHOOL ROAD RHOME, TX 76078 PROJECT: WEST SIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: S88,101.00 START DATE: 2-20-2017 END DATE: 5.6-2017 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE MACLEOD ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN EDDIE AGUILAR 817-594-9880 OWNER: CITY OF HASKELL 301 S. I ST STREET HASKELL, TX 79521 PROJECT: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO: TDA 7215209 CONTRACT AMOUNT: 229,547.00 START DATE: 11-25-2017 END DATE: 4-28-2017 SUPERINTENDENT: DAVID DARLING ENGINEER: JACOB & MARTIN ALLEN PHILLIPS 325-695-1070 OWNER: CITY OF BIG SPRINGS 310 NOLAN STREET BIG SPRINGS, TX 79720 PROJECT. 2012 BOND PROJECTS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FILTER IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT B CONTRACT NO.: N/A CONTRACT AMOUNT: $999,486.33 STATE DATE: 11-18-2016 END DATE:7-26-2017 SUPERINTENDENT: NATE • MACLEOD A E M CL ENGINEER PARKHILL, SMITH & COOPER, INC. DANIELALBUS 806473-2200 19 1 F This is a very simple project. We will remove the existing clarifier in approximately one week. We reinstall the clarifier and test in approximately 12 working days. There will be no subcontractors and the only supplier will be Hartwell Environmental for the m clarifier. There will be no hubs for this project. FreeY, P"0- y.'j t_; City of Lubbock Contractor's Subcontractors and Vendors lfid RFP 18-13616-TF r Organization Doing Business Asb<&OgLgd444 tS1M1,'�mAg rS Oyu gi Provide a list of subcontractors that will provide more than 10 percent of the work based on contract amounts Name Work to be Provided Est. Percent HUB/MWBE of Contract Firm Unme. Provide information on the proposed key personnel, project experience and a description of past relationship and work e. erience for each subcontractor listed above usin the Project Information Forms. Provide a list of major a ui meet pro sad for use on this project. Attach Additional Information if neces Furnish Furnish HUB/M Vendor Name Equipment / Material Provided and WBE Only Install Firm iccw` a av` 17 9/2512017 7:27 AM p. 44 Gay of Lubbock Current Projects and Project Completed within the last 10 Years B' MDM WTF Project Owner Project Namc General Description of Project Project Cost Date Project Completed Key Project Personnel Project ManogLr Project Superintendent Safety Officer Quality Control r Name Reference Contact Information (listing names indicates approval to cortacting the names individuals as a reference) Name Tide/ Position Organisation Telephone E-mail Owner Designer Construction Manager Project Owner Project Narrre General Description orftject: Project Cost Date Project Completed Key Project Personnel Project Manager Project Superintenderd Safety Omcer Quality Control Manager Nam Reference Contact Informs n (listing names indicates approval to contacting doe names individuals as a reference) Name TitW Position Organization Telephone E-mail Owner Designer Construction Manager Project O Project Name General Description of Project: Project Cost Date Project Completed Key Project Personnel Project Manager Project SuperiMCndeni Safety Officer Quality Control er Name Reference Contact Infannation (listing names indicates approval to contacting the names individuals as a reference) Name Title/ Position Organization Telephone E-mail Owner Designer Construction Manger � " t!1 gr6M17 7.27 AM tx 45 f} Cky of Lubbo& I-M M In1Q1'litatten P l Owner Project Name General Description of Project Schedule Performance l� Bld RFP 18-13015- F 1 I Amount I "- I I Date I Days I Bid Notice to Proceed Change Orders Cornract Substaruial Completion Date at Notice to Proceed Owner Enhancements Contract Final Completion Date at Notice to Proceed Unforeseen Conditloru Change Order Authorized Substargial Completion Date Design Issues Change Order Authorized Final Completion Date Total Actual ! Estimated Substantial Completion Dote final Cost Actual ;' Uirnated Final Completion Date Ir.. 7— Percentage orTimQ Devoted to the Project Proposed for this Project Did Individual Stan and Complete the 1? if not, who started or completed the project in their place. Reason for change, Name Owner Number Resolve) BrIE 17 7.27 AM Title) Positron I Onwization I Telephone I E-mail Number or Pending iJ Ib R46 C f( LJ City of Lubbock Bid RFP 16-13615-TF City of Lubbock, TX Insurance Requirement Affidavit To Be Completed by Offeror Must be submitted with Proposal I, the undersigned Offeror, certify that the insurance requirements contained in this proposal document have been reviewed by me and my Insurance Agent/Broker. If I am awarded this contract by the City of Lubbock, I will be able to, within ten (10) business days after being notified of such award by the City of Lubbock, furnish a valid insurance certificate to the City meeting all of the requirements defined in this proposal. Contractor (Original Signature) Contractor (Print) CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS NAME: _ (Print or Type) CONTRACTOR'S FIRM ADDRESS: lt�0 3 5af7 NOTE TO CONTRACTOR If the time requirement specified above is not met, the City has the right to reject this proposal and award the contract to another contractor. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please contact the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management for the City of Lubbock at (906) 775-2572. RFP 18-13615-TF - Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier Rehabilitation 912512017 7.27 AM p, 47 Page Intentionally Left Blank City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF fa, Safety Record Questionnaire The City of Lubbock City Council desires to avail itself of the benefits of Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, and consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding proposals on City contracts. Pursuant to Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, City of Lubbock has adopted the following written definition and criteria for accurately determining the safety record of a proposer prior to awarding proposals on City contracts. The definition and criteria for determining the safety record of a proposer for this consideration shall be: The City of Lubbock shall consider the safety record of the offerors in determining the responsibility thereof. The City may consider any incidence involving worker safety or safety of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, be it related or caused by environmental, mechanical, operational, supervision or any other cause or factor. Specifically, the City may consider, among other things: a. Complaints to, or final orders entered by, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC), r_ against the proposer for violations of OSHA regulations within the past three (3) years. b. Citations (as defined below) from an Environmental Protection Agency (as defined below) for violations within the past five (5) years. Environmental Protection Agencies include, but are not necessarily limited to, the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (USACOE), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) (predecessor to the TCEQ), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), the Structural Pest Control Hoard (SPCl3), agencies of local governments responsible for enforcing environmental protection or worker safety related laws or regulations, and similar regulatory agencies of other states of the United States. Citations include notices of violation, notices of enforcement, suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses or registrations, fines assessed, pending criminal complaints, indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders, final orders, and judicial final judgments. C. Convictions of a criminal offense within the past ten (10) years, which resulted in bodily harm or death. d. Any other satiety related matter deemed by the City Council to be material in determining the responsibility of the offeror and his or her ability to perform the services or goods required by the proposal documents in a safe environment, both for the workers and other employees of offeror and the citizens of the City of Lubbock. In order to obtain proper information from offerors so that City of Lubbock may consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding proposals on City contracts, City of Lubbock requires that offerors answer the following ( four (4) questions and submit them with their proposals: ' QUESTION ONE Has the offeror, or the firm., corporation, partnership, or institution represented by the offeror, or anyone acting for such Firm, corporation, partnership or institution, received citations for violations of OSHA within the past three (3) years? YES NO _/ if the offeror has indicated YES for question number one above, the offeror must provide to City of Lubbock. with its proposal submission, the following information with respect to each such citation: Date of offense, location of establishment inspected, category of offense, final disposition of offense, if any, and penalty assessed. an OtTeror's Initials 9/25/2017 727 AM p. 49 City of Lubbock laid RFP 18-13615-TF QUESTION TWO f_ Has the offeror, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by the offeror, or anyone acting for such firm, corporation, partnership or institution, received citations for violations of environmental protection laws or regulations, of any land or type, within the past five years? Citations include notice of violation, notice of enforcement, suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses, or registrations, fines assessed, pending criminal complaints, indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders, final orders, and judicial final judgments. YES NO Z If the ofTeror has indicated YES for question number two above, the offeror must provide to City of Lubbock, with its proposal submission, the following information with respect to each such conviction: Date of offense or occurrence, location where offense occurred, type of offense. final disposition of offense, if any. and penalty assessed, QUESTION THREE Has the offeror, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by offeror, or anyone acting for such firm, corporation, partnership, or institution, ever been convicted, within the past ten (10) years, of a criminal offense which resulted in serious bodily injury or death? YES NO If the offeror has indicated YES for question number three above, the offeror must provide to City of Lubbock, with its proposal submission, the following information with respect to each such conviction: Date of offense, location where offense occurred, type of offense, final disposition of offense, in any, and penalty° assessed. QUESTION FOUR Provide your company's Experience Modification Rate and supporting information: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK 1 certify that I have made no willful misrepresentations in this Questionnaire nor have I withheld information in my statements and answers to questions. I am aware that the information given by me in this questionnaire will be investigated, with my full permission, and that any misrepresentations or omissions may cause my proposal to be rejected. Signature ire ss Z &,q Title 7 9125/2017 7:27 AM P. 54 �j City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-13615-TF Suspension and Debarment Certification Federal Law (A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A -I 10) prohibits non -Federal entities Pram contracting with or making sub -awards under covered transactions to parties that are suspended or debarred or whose principals are suspended or debarred. Covered transactions include procurement contracts for goods or services equal to or in excess of $25,000 and all non -procurement transactions (e.g., sub -awards to sub -recipients). Contractors receiving individual awards of $25,000 or more and all sub -recipients must certify that their organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. Before an award of $25,000 or more can be made to your firm, you must certify that your organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. I, the undersigned agent for the firm named below, certify that neither this firm nor its principals are suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. COMPANY NAME: 1Z'3,pLQ4*A, .3,r�n�_L-aljj �na'�8r I.-V , FEDERAL TAX ID or SOCIAL SECURITY No. Signature of Company Official• _L-4.� N Printed name of company official signing above:6e_rcLk d 1Dnwni nT Date Signed: ib • 15- a0Irl 9/25/2017 7.27 AM P. 51 City of Lubbock Bid RFP 18-136154F City of Lubbock, TX Chapter 2270 Prohibition on Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel RFP 18-13615-TF House Bill 89, adopted by the 85' Legislature, created §2270.001, Texas Government Code, Section Subtitle F, Title 10, requires a company entering to a contract with a governmental entity or state agency to verify that the company: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. (Effective September 1, 2017) 1, the undersigned agent for the company named below, certify that the Company does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. COMPANY NAME; Signature of Company Official: Date Signed: 1 b - I 0'20ri Printed name of company official signing above: C�eala 1 6utai n q 9125=17 7'27 AM p. 32 City of Lubbock PROPOSED LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS Company Name Location 5ervic," Provided /Ue NP z.3. N 4. su 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . ; 10. I I. 12. 13. I4. 15. i6. Hid RFP 18-13615-TF Minority Owned Yes No ❑ a a ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ a a a ❑ a a ❑ a a a ❑ ❑ a ❑ a ❑ o a a ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED ALONG WITH Y&R PROPOSAL IF NO SUB -CONTRACTORS WILL BE USED PLEASE INDICATE SO SUBMITTED BY: e icc t . (PRINT NAME OF COMPAMY) RFP 18-136I5-TF - Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation w512017 7:27 AM p. 54 Pate Intentionally Left Blank POST -CLOSING DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS The below -listed document must be received in the Purchasing and Contract Management Office Not Later Than SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS after the close date when proposals are due. FINAL LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS Pate Intentionally Left Blank Company Name 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. FINAL LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS Location Services Provided SUBMITTED BY: (PRINT NAM) OF COMPANY) Minority Owned Yes No ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED NOT LATER THAN SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS AFTER THE CLOSE DATE WHEN PROPOSALS ARE DUE IF NO SUB -CONTRACTORS WILL BE USED PLEASE INDICATE SO RFP 18-13615-TF - Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation Page Intentionally Left Blank PAYMENT BOND Page Intentionally Left Blank Bond #EAcX092000070 STATUTORY PAYMENT BOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 2253.021(a) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (CONTRACTS MORE THAN $50,000) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Aowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc; (hereinafter called the Principal(s), as Princ],p01(s), and Endurance Assurance Corporation (hereinafter called the Surety(s), as Surety(s), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Lubbock (Hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount of Three Hundred and Twenty Four Thousand Dollars $324 000 lawful money of the United States for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and thew heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, fimily by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a. certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the 1611 day of November. 2017, to RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4. Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation I_ and said Principal under the law is required before commencing the work provided for iv said contract to execute a bond in the amount of said contract which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and material to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, then, this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; [ PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2253.021(a) of the Texas Government Code, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the r provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal (s) and Surety (s) have signed and sealed this instrument fthis sth day of December 2017. Endurance Assurance Corporation Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. f Surety (Company Name) *By- By- Gerald Downing f(Tl ) Lisa W. Friend, Attomey-In-Fact (Printed Name) (Signature) President (Title) The undersigned surety company represents that it is duly qualified to do business in Texas, and hereby - designates Kirk Kiilough, Higginbotham Associates, inc. an agent resident in Lubbock County to whom any requisite notices maybe _ '........ delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. Endurance Assurance Corporation -Surety / rf * BZ41. (IqtlC) Lisa W. Friend, Attgmey-in-Fact Approved as to foam: City o k. By:, Ci Attorney - * Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. if signed by an Attorney in Fact, we must have copy of power of attorney for our files. 2 PERFORMANCE BOND Page Intentionally Left Blank Bond #EACX092000070 r� I STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 2253,021(a) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE f ' - (CONTRACTS MORE THAN $100,000) f j KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. (hereinafter called the ' Principal(s), as P inclpal(s), and Endurance Assurance Corporation (hereinafter called the Surety(s), as Surety(s), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Lubbock (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount of Three Hundred and Twenty Four Thousand Dollars 3324 000 lawful yr' money of the United States for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the 16th day of November, 2017 to RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation and said principal under the law is required before commencing the work provided for in said contract to execute a bond in the amount of said contract which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THF,RF,FORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal r-- shall faithfully perfoini the work in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, then this f ` obligation shall be void; -otherwise -to -remain in-firllforce=and-effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2253.021(a) of the Texas Government Code, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal (s) and Surety (s) have signed and sealed this instrument this 6th day of December 2017. Endurance Assurance Corporation Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. Surety (Company Name) *By. By. Gerald Downing ( rtl ) Lisa W. Friend, Attomey-In-Fact (Printed Name) (Signature) President (Title) The undersigned surety company represents that it is duly qualified to do business in Texas, and hereby designates Kirk Kiilough, Higginbotham Associates, Inc. an agent resident in Lubbock County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process maybe had in matters arising out of such suretyship. Endurance Assurance Corporation -' Surety - Approved as to form 3 City ofLubbock By: Ci Attorney L_ B (Ti e) Lisa W. Friend, Attorney -In -Fact *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney in Fact, we must have copy of power of attorney for our files. `A ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION POAA000004624 092 POWER OF ATTORNEY Know aff9Ken 6r these Resent, that ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the 'Corporation', with offices at 4 Manhattanville Road, 3rd Floor, Purchase, NY 10577, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents, does make, constitute and appoint CASEY SIMMONS, BARBARA NEWCOMB, SUSAN D. B. MUNIZ, PAUL G. ADAM, PETER S. BATJER, JOSEPH P. O'CONNOR, LISA W. FRIEND, ANDREA BALE, RHONDA U NDERW ttomey(s)-in-fact, at SAN ANGELO in the State of TX and each of them to have full power to act without the other or others, to make, execute a e' r or co -surety; bonds and undertakings given for any and all purposes, also to execute and deliver on its behalf as aforesaid renewals, extensor + stipulations relating to such bonds or undertakings provided, however, that no single bond or undertaking so made, executed and deliv At n orfion of the penal sum thereof in excess of the sum of TEN MILLION Dollars ($10,000,000). Sucti- s and and akings for sa 4hen duly executed by said attomey(s)-in-fact, shall be binding upon the Corporation as fully and to the same extent as if signed by the ent of the nde Co rate seal attested by its Corporate Secretary. This appointment is nd by aut tyof certain resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by unanimous written consent on the9th of January, 2014, a copy of W ' pp, under the tr mg entitled 'Certificate'. This Power 0 is sign sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by unanimous written wnsent on Jail td'fesolution has not since been revoked, amended or repealed: RESOLVED, that in gfanfing powers of attorney pursuant to certain resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by unanimous written consent on January9, 2014, the signature of such directors and officers and the seal of the Corporation may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile; and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or seal shall be valid and binding upon the Corporation in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. This Power of Attorney shall expire and all authority hereunder shall terminate without notice at midnight (Standard Time where said attomey(s)-in-fact is authorized to act) December 7, 2019 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to be duly signed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested this 17th day of October, 2016 at Purchase, New York. (Corporate Seal) ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION ATTEST '~��Q BY C.O I COF MARIANNE L. WILBERT, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT SHARON L SIMS, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT STATE OF NEIY50fRKf f ; i' , , ss: Purchase COUNTY ( On thkf dy o q e 4 be a personally came SHARON L. SIMS, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT to me known, who being by me duly swam, did depose and say that (s)he*e ' T JAIt9S, (3>a RSEY.that (s)he is a SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, the Corporation described in and which exedut era mat (s)h ows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board oN� of i at a signed his (her) name thereto by like order. T - "$ Nicholas James Benenati, Notary Public - My Commission Expires 12/07/2019 CERTIFICATE STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Purchase COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER I, CHRISTOPHER DONELAN the PRESIDENT of ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation (the °Corporation7, hereby certify: 1. That the original power of attomey of which the foregoing is a copy was duly executed on behalf of the Corporation and has not since been revoked amended or modified; that the undersigned has compared the foregoing copy thereof with the original power of attomey, and that the same is a true and correct copy of the original power of attorney and of the whole thereof; 2. The following are resolutions which were adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by unanimous written consent on January9, 2014 and said resolutions have not since been revoked, amended or modified: 'RESOLVED, f1 Is named below is authorized to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on behalf of the Corporation any and all bonds, undertakings or obligation CHRISTOPHER DONELAN, SHARON L. SIMS, MARIANNE L. WILBERT And tf$i eP REST m, that each of the indivi dbove is authorized to appoint aftomeys•in-fact for the purpose of making, executing, sealing and delivering bonds, undertakings or obiig tin surety for n. allot the Corporation." 3 The undersigned s that the Y resolutions are true and correct copies of the resolutions as so recorded and of the whole thereof IN WITNE§ ERE a hereunto my hand and affixed the corporate seal this 6 th day of December 20 % (Corporate Se ,... .. iyL CHRISTOPHER DONELAN, PRESIDENT Any reproductions are void. Primary Surety Claims Submission: suretybonddaims@enduranceservices.com Surety Clams Hotline: 877-676-7575 Mailing Address: Endurance Surety Clams Department, 750 Third Avenue —10th Floor, Newyork, NY 10017 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Page Intentionally Left Blank 0 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK DATE: P.O. BOX 2000, Room 204 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 TYPE OF PROJECT: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT (Name and Address of Insured) is, at the date of this certificate, insured by this Company with respect to the business operations hereinafter described, for the typed of insurance and in accordance with me provisions or the stanaam poucres usea oy tens company, me ntrmer neremalter aescnoea. rxcepnons to stanaara poucy norea Hereon. TYPE OF INSL"RAINCE POLICY NU-111BER EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE LLNUTS DATE DATE GFNFRAL LIABILITY Commercial General Liability General Aggregate $ 11 Claims Made Products-Comp/Op AGG S 0 Occurrence Personal & Adv. Injury S 0 Owner's & Contractors Protective Each Occurrence $ 0 Fire Damage (Any one Fire) $ Med Exp (Any one Person) $ AUTOMOTTYE LIABL= 0 Any Auto Combined Single Limit $ 0 All Owned Autos Bodily Injury (Per Person) $ 0 Scheduled Autos Bodily Injury (Per Accident) S 0 Hired Autos Property Damage S 0 Non -Owned Autos 0 GARAGE LL4M= 0 Any Auto Auto Only - Each Accident $ 0 Other than Auto Only - Each Accident S Aggregate S 0 BUlLDER'SRHK 0 100% of the Total Contract Price $ 0 INSTALLATTONFLOATER $ EXCESS LIABILITY 0 Umbrella Form Each Occurrence $ Aggregate S 0 Other Than Umbrella Form S WORKERS COMPENSAHONAND EMPLOYERS' LIABIIIYY The Proprietor/ 0 Included Statutory limits Partners(Executive 0 Excluded Each Accident $ Officers are: Disease Policy Limit $ Disease -Each Employee $ O77M The above policies either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement provide that they may not be changed or canceled by the insurer in less than the legal time required after the insured has received written notice of such change or cancellation, or in case there is no legal requirement, in less than five days in advance of cancellation. FIVE COPIES OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (Name of Insurer) MUST BE SENT TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK Title: 3 The Insurance Certificates Furnished shall name the City of Lubbock as Additional Insured on Auto General Liability and provide a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Lubbock. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS. THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT SHALL INCLUDE PRODUCTS AND COMPLETE OPERATIONS. CONTRACTORCHECKLIST A CONTRACTOR SHALL: (1) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements; (2) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; (3) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage _ showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (A) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (B) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends rt& during the duration of the project; (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter, (6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; (7) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed in at least 19-point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ON ATJTO/GENERAL LIABILITY ON A PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY BASIS TO INCLUDE PRODUCTS OF COMPLETE OPERATIONS. PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR COPIES OF THE ENDORSEMENTS ARE REQUIRED. REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment and materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 512-305-7238 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." and contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (A) provide coverage based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (B) provide a certificate of coverage to the contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; (C) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (D) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (ii) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (E) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (F) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within (ten) 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (G) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (A) - (H), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. Page Intentionally Left Blank CONTRACT Page Intentionally Left Blank Contract 13615 ^.t STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 16' day of November, 2017 by and between the City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas, acting by and through the Mayor, City of Lubbock, thereunto authorized to do so, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. of the City of Baird , County of Callahan and the State of Texas hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith (if any) the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with OWNER to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: I" RFP 18-13615-TF Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the contract documents and at his (or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction in accordance with the contract documents as defined in the General Condition of Agreement. Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc.'s proposal dated October 19, 2017, is incorporated into and made a part of this agreement. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to hire and to substantially complete same within the time specified in the contract documents. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current finds for the performance of the contract in accordance with the proposal submitted therefore, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the contract documents and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this agreement in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas in the year and day first above written. CONTRACTOR: ' Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. .. By: PRINTED NAME: ,e(-oAd, C��tun;nQ TITLE: e I� i cly_nt- COMPLETE ADDRESS: Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc. 4703 CR 517 ., Baird, TX 79504 ATTEST: L f Corpor e Secretary l CITY O LUBBO TE (OWNER): By: Daniel M. Pope, Mayor Wr Rebecca Garza, City Secret APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ALj_-r,e,( 94 L, -, Michael Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineering Turpin, Pam. a eering CIP and Design Services Manager 'DOV®E®� STTO FORM: i Leisure, Assistant City Attorney Page Intentionally Left Blank CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE CHAPTER 176 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE CHAPTER 176 FOR VENDOR DOING BUSINESS WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY This questionnaire reflects changes made to law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session Businesses and individuals doing business with the City need to file conflict of interest questionnaires with the Office of the City Secretary's Office. Local government officers are also required to file when a conflict exists. The questionnaire is to be filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001 (1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets the requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the City Secretary's Office of the local governmental entity no later than the 7' business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of the facts that require the statement to be filled. Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code requires the City Manager and Council Members to file a Conflicts Disclosure Statement regarding their relationships with City vendors (including bidders and potential vendors). The law also requires that any vendor who contracts, or seeks to contract, with the City for the sale or purchase of property, goods or services (including a bidder on a City contract) file a "Conflict of Interest Questionnaire" regarding the vendor's business relationships, if any, with Council Members or the City Manager. Compliance is the responsibility of each individual, business or agent who is subject to the law's filing requirement. Questions about compliance should be directed to your legal counsel. Office of the City Secretary 1625 13th Street, Room 206 Lubbock, TX 79401 Questionnaire is available at http_//www.ci.lubbock.tx.us/departmentalwebsites/ departments/purchasing/vendor-information CHAPTER 46. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTED PARTIES Texas Government Code 2252.908 Disclosure of Interested Parties Form 1295 House Bill 1295, adopted by the 84th Legislature, created §2252.908, Texas Government Code. Section 2252.908 requires a business entity entering into certain contracts with a governmental entity or state agency to file with the governmental entity or state agency a disclosure of interested parties at the time the business entity submits the signed contract to the governmental entity or state agency. §2252.908, Texas Government Code requires the commission to adopt rules necessary to implement the new disclosure requirement and to prescribe the disclosure form. Section 2252.908 requires the disclosure form to be signed by the authorized agent of the contracting business entity, acknowledging that the disclosure is made under oath and under penalty of perjury. Section 2252.908 applies only to a contract that requires an action or vote by the governing body of the governmental entity or state agency before the contract may be signed or has a value of at least $1 million. Section 2252.908 provides definitions of certain terms occurring in the section. House Bill 1295 provides that §2252.908 applies only to a contract entered into on or after January 1, 2016. An interested party is defined as a person who has a controlling interest in a business entity with whom a governmental entity or state agency contracts or who actively participates in facilitating the contract or negotiating the terms of the contract, including a broker, intermediary, adviser, or attorney for the business entity. Contractors are required to acquire Form 1295 via the Texas Ethics Commission website. This requires registration, generation of Form 1295 with a unique Certificate Number & filing date, printing the form, notarizing and retuning the form to City of Lubbock Purchasing & Contract Management Department. Once the form is received by the Purchasing and Contract Management Department, the Buyer associated with the project will log -in to the Texas Ethics Commission portal and acknowledge receipt of the form not later than the 30th day after the date the contract for which the form was filed binds all parties to the contract. This will complete the form for the contract with which the form is associated. The completed form will be made available via the Texas Ethics Commission website. Form 1295 can be generated via the Texas Ethics Commission web portal. The website and detailed instructions are located at: https://,,""v.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf info form12951tm GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT Page Intentionally Left Blank /) � GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 1. OWNER Whenever the word Owner, or First Party, are used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to the City of Lubbock, Texas. 2. CONTRACTOR Whenever the word Contractor, or Second Party, is used, it shall be understood to mean the person, persons, co- partnership or corporation, to wit Dowtech Specialty Contractors, Inc., who has agreed to perform the work embraced in this contract, or then legal representative. 3. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Whenever the word Owner's Representative or representative is used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to, City of Lubbock, or its representative, John Turpin, P.E. Chief Water Utilities Engineer, so designated who will inspect constructions; or to such other representatives, supervisors, architects, engineers, or Resident Project Representatives as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular way under this agreement. Engineers, supervisors or Resident Project Representatives will act for the Owner under the direction of Owner's Representative, but shall not directly supervise the Contractor or persons acting on behalf of the Contractor. 4. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The contract's documents shall consist of the Notice to Offerors, General Instructions to Offerors, Proposal, Signed Agreement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Special Conditions of the Agreement (if any), Specifications, Plans, Insurance Certificates, and all other documents made available to Offeror for inspection in accordance with the Notice to Offerors. The above described materials are sometimes referred to herein as the "contract" or "contract documents". S. INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES Whenever the words "Directed," "Permitted," "Designated," "Required," "Considered Necessary," "Prescribed," or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation or prescription of the Owner's Representative is intended; and similarly, the words "Approved," "Acceptable," "Satisfactory," or words of like import shall mean approved by or acceptable or satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 6. SUBCONTRACTOR The term Subcontractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. Owner shall have no responsibility to any Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, but said Subcontractors will look exclusively to Contractor for any payments due Subcontractor. The City reserves the right to approve or disapprove the selection of any subcontractor(s). 7. WRITTEN NOTICE Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent certified mail to the last business address known to the party who gives the notice. 8. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and all water, light, power, fiuel, transportation and all other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract documents. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, fiunish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have well known, technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer such recognized standards. All work shall be done and all materials fiurnished in strict conformity with the contract docuuments. 9. SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED The term "Substantially Completed" is meant that the structure or project contemplated by the contract documents has been made suitable for use or occupancy or, the facility is in a condition to serve its intended purpose, but still may require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. The pipeline must be backfilled, tested, final grading and seeding performed for substantial completion. 10. LAYOUT Except as specifically provided herein, the Contractor shall be responsible for laying out all work and shall accomplish this work in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative will check the Contractor's layout of all major structures and any other layout work done by the Contractor at Contractor's request, but this check does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of correctly locating all work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. 11. KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE The Contractor shall be fin-nished ten copies of all Plans and Specifications without expense to Contractor and Contractor shall keep one copy of same consistently accessible on the job site. 12. RIGHT OF ENTRY The Owner's Representative may make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress or quality of the executed work and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Owner's Representative will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous onsite inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, nor will Owner's Representative be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or the safety precautions incident thereto. Notwithstanding the Owner's Representative's rights of entry hereunder, the Owner's Representative will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 13. LINES AND GRADES The Contractor is responsible for construction layout based on the control provided in the construction documents. All lines and grades shall be fiurnished whenever Owner's Representative (as distinguished from 3 Resident Project Representative(s)) deems said lines and grades are necessary for the commencement of the work contemplated by these contract documents or the completion of the work contemplated by these contract documents. Whenever necessary, Contractor shall suspend its work in order to permit Owner's Representative to comply with this requirement, but such suspension will be as brief as practical and Contractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefore. The Contractor shall give the Owner's Representative ample notice of the time and place where lines and grades will be needed. All stakes, marks, etc., shall be carefirlly preserved by the s� Contractor, and in case of careless destruction or removal by Contractor, its Subcontractors, or its employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be replaced by the Owner's Representative at Contractor's expense. 14. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S AUTHORITY AND DUTY Unless otherwise specified, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the Owner's Representative (as distinguished from Resident Project Representative(s))has the authority to review all work included herein. The Owner's Representative has the authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to ensure the proper execution of the contract_ The Owner's Representative shall, in all cases, determine the amounts and quantities of the several kinds of work which are to be paid for under the contract documents, and shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the constriction thereof, and shall, in all cases, decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of this contract on the part of said Contractor. The decision of the Owner's Representative shall be conclusive in the absence of written objection to same delivered to Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days of any decision or direction by Owner's Representative. In the absence of timely written objection by Contractor, as provided herein, any and all objection or objections shall be deemed waived. 15. SUPERINTENDENCE AND INSPECTION It is agreed by the Contractor that the Owner's Representative shall be and is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time such subordinate engineers, supervisors, or inspectors, as distinguished from Resident Project Representative, as the said Owner's Representative may deem proper to inspect the materials fiunished and the work done under this Agreement, and to see that said material is fin-nished and said work is done in accordance with the specifications therefore. The Contractor shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required by the subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors for the proper inspection and examination of the work. The Contractor shall regard and obey the directions and instructions of any subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors so appointed, when such directions and instructions are consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and accompanying plans and specifications provided, however, should the Contractor object to any orders by any subordinate engineer, supervisor or inspector, the Contractor may within fifteen (15) calendar days make written appeal to the Owner's Representative for its decision. In the absence of timely written objection by Contractor, as provided herein, any and all objection or objections shall be deemed waived. 16. CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE The Contractor shall give personal attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this contract and shall keep on the work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to Owner's Representative. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in its absence and all directions given to superintendent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. It is expressly agreed that adequate supervision by competent and reasonable representatives of the Contractor is essential to the proper performance of the work and lack of such supervision shall be grounds for suspending operations of the Contractor. The work, from its commencement to completion, shall be under the exclusive charge and control of the Contractor and all risk in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. The Owner or Owner's Representatives shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, or any subcontractors, or any of Contractor's agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work. 17. CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied itself as to the nature and location of the work, the confirmation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and dining the prosecution of the work, and the general and local conditions, and all other matters which in any way affect the work under the f. contract documents. No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Owner, or Owner's Representative either before or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Subject to the rights of Owner as set forth in Paragraph 23 hereof all modifications and/or amendments to the contract documents, shall be in writing, and executed by Owner's Y Representative and Contractor. Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss, expense or damage to Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance and the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at its own cost and expense. 18. CHARACTER OF WORKERS The Contractor agrees to employ only orderly and competent workers, skillful in the performance in the type of work required under this contract, to do the work; and agrees that whenever the Owner's Representative shall inform Contractor in writing that any man or men on the work, are, in Owner's Representative's sole opinion, incompetent, unfaithfiil, disorderly, or otherwise unacceptable to Owner or Owner's Representative, such man or men shall be discharged from the work and shall not again be employed on the work without the Owner's Representative's written consent. 19. CONSTRUCTION PLANT The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, machinery and materials necessary in the prosecution and completion of this contract where it is not otherwise specifically provided that Owner shall furnish same, and it is also understood that Owner shall not be held responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, or protection of any materials, tools, equipment or machinery or any part of the work until it is finally completed and accepted. The building of structures for the housing of men or equipment will be permitted only at such places as the Owner's Representative shall consent or direct, and the sanitary conditions of the grounds in or about such stucture shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 20. SANITATION Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work site, properly secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and their use shall be strictly enforced. 21. OBSERVATION AND TESTING The Contractor is responsible for construction quality control testing, cost, and reporting of the type and extent required by the contract documents. The Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right at all times to observe and test the work. Contractor shall make necessary arrangements and provide proper facilities and access for such observation and testing at any location wherever such work is in preparation or progress. Contractor shall ascertain the scope of any observation that may be contemplated by Owner or Owner's Representative and shall give ample notice as to the time each part of the work will be ready for such observation. Owner or Owner's Representative may reject any such work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, regardless of the stage of its completion or the time or place of discovery of such errors and regardless of whether i Owner's Representative has previously accepted the work. If any such work should be covered without approval or consent of the Owner, it must, if requested by Owner or Owners Representative, be uncovered for examination at Contractor's expense. In the event that any part of the work is being fabricated or manufactured at a location where it is not convenient for Owner or Owner's Representative to make observations of such work or require testing of said work, then in such event Owner or Owner's Representative may require Contractor to furnish Owner or Owner's Representative certificates of inspection, testing or approval made by persons competent to perform such tasks at the location where that part of the work is being manufactured or fabricated. All such tests will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials or such other applicable organization as may be required by law or the contract documents. If any such work which is required to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered up without written approval or consent of the Owner or Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by the Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation and testing at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspections, tests and approvals shall be borne by the Contractor unless otherwise provided herein. Any work which fails to meet the requirements of any such tests, inspections or approvals, and any work which meets the requirements of any such tests or approvals but does not meet the requirements of the contract documents shall be considered defective, and shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. Neither observations by the Owner or Owner's Representative, nor inspections, tests, or approvals made by Owner, Owner's Representative, or other persons authorized under the contract documents to make such inspections, tests, or approvals shall relieve the Contractor from its obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. 22. DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES It is expressly agreed that if the work or any part thereof, or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shall be deemed by the Owner or Owner's Representative as unsuitable or not in conformity with plans, specifications and/or contract documents, the Contractor shall, after receipt of written notice thereof from the Owner's Representative, forthwith remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with the contract documents. It is further agreed that any remedial action contemplated as hereinabove set forth shall be at Contractor's expense. 23. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Contractor further agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the Owner may see fit, in the line, grade, form dimensions, plans or materials for the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof, either before or after the beginning of the construction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying bond. If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be dispensed with. If they increase the amount of work, and the increased work can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid according to the quantity actually done and at the unit price established for such work under this contract; otherwise such additional work shall be paid for as provided under Extra Work. In case the Owner shall make such changes or alterations as shall make useless any work already done or material already furnished or used in said work, then the Owner shall recompense the Contractor for any material or labor so used, and for actual expenses incurred in preparation for the work as originally planned. 24. EXTRA WORK The term "extra work" as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the Owner or Owner's Representative to be done by the Contractor to accomplish any change, alteration or addition to the work as shown on the plans and specifications or contract documents and not covered by Contractor's proposal, except as provided under Changes and Alterations in Paragraph 23. --= It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform all extra work under the observation of the Owner's Representative when presented with a written work order signed by the Owner's Representative; subject, however, to the right of the Contractor to require written confirmation of such extra work order by the Owner. It is also agreed that the t.., compensation to be paid to the Contractor for performing said extra work shall be determined by the following methods: ' Method (A) - By agreed unit prices; or Method (B) - By agreed lump sum; or Method (C) - If neither Method (A) or Method (B) be agreed upon before the extra work is commenced, then the Contractor shall be paid the lesser of the following: (1) actual field cost of the extra work, plus fifteen (15%) percent to the firm actually performing the work, and additional higher -tier markups limited to 5% to cover additional overhead and insurance costs; or (2) the amount that would have been charged by a reasonable and prudent Contractor as a reasonable and necessary cost for performance of the extra work, as estimated by the Engineer and approved by the Owner.. In the event said extra work be performed and paid for under Method (C)(1), then the provisions of this paragraph l . shall apply and the "actual field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost of all workmen, such as foremen, timekeepers, mechanics and laborers, materials, supplies, teams, trucks, rentals on machinery and equipment, for VI the time actually employed or used on such extra work, phis actual transportation charges necessarily incurred, together with all expenses incurred directly on account of such extra work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits, Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers' Compensation and all other insurances as may be required by law or ordinances or directed by the Owner or Owner's Representative, or by them agreed to. Owner's Representative may direct the form in which accounts of the actual field cost shall be kept and records of these accounts shall be made available to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative may also specify in writing, before the work commences, the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise, these matters shall be determined by the Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be determined by using 100%, unless otherwise specified, of the latest Schedule of Equipment and Ownership Expenses adopted by the Associated General Contractors of America. Where practical, the terms and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the written extra work order. The fifteen percent (15%) of the actual field cost to be paid to Contractor shall cover and compensate Contractor for its profit, overhead, general superintendence and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the actual field cost as herein defined, save that where the Contractor's Camp or Field Office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra Work, then the cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the "actual field cost." No claim for extra work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing by Owner's Representative. In case any orders or instructions appear to the Contractor to involve extra work for which Contractor should receive compensation or an adjustment in the constriction time, Contractor shall prior to commencement of such extra work, make written request to the Owner's Representative for a written order authorizing such extra work. Should _ a difference of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute extra work or as to the payment therefore, and the Owner's Representative insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep adequate and accurate account of the actual field cost thereof, as provided under Method (C) (1). If Contractor does not notify Owner's Representative before the commencement of any extra work, any claim for payment due to alleged extra work shall be deemed waived. 25. DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS It is fiuther agreed that it is the intent of the contract documents that all work described in the proposal, the specifications, plans and other contract documents, is to be done for the prices quoted by the Contractor and that such price shall include all appurtenances necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of these contract documents as interpreted by Owner's Representative. Notices of any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, shall be given to the Owners' Representative and a clarification obtained before the proposals are received, and if no such notice is received by the Owner's Representative prior to the opening of proposals, then it shall be deemed that the Contractor fully understands the work to he included and has provided sufficient sums in its proposal to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. If Contractor does not notify Owner's Representative before offering of any discrepancies or omissions, then it shall be deemed for all purposes that the plans and specifications are sufficient and adequate for completion of the project. It is further agreed that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the opening of proposals. In the absence of a requested clarification for a conflict in the documents prior to proposals being reviewed, it will be assumed that the Contractor proposes the higher cost alternative on conflicts identified after proposals are reviewed. 26. RIGHT OF OWNER TO MODIFY METHODS AND EOUIPMENT If at any time the methods or equipment used by the Contractor are found to be inadequate to secure the quality of work with the rate of progress required under this contract, the Owner or Owner's Representative may order the Contractor in writing to increase their safety or improve their character and efficiency and the Contractor shall comply with such order. If, at any time, the working force of the Contractor is inadequate for securing the progress herein specified, the Contractor shall, if so ordered in writing, increase its force or equipment, or both, to 27. PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC AND GENERAL INDEMNITY The Contractor shall take out and procure a policy or policies of Workers' Compensation Insurance with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, which policy shall comply with the Workers' Compensation laws of the State of Texas. The Contractor shall at all times exercise reasonable precaution for the safety of employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of Associated General Contractors of America, except where incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. The Contractor, its sureties and insurance carriers shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer and all of its officers, agents and employees against any all losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, claims and/or causes of action, whether known or unknown, fixed, actual, accrued or contingent, liquidated or rmliquidated, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and expenses, in connection with, incident to, related to, or arising out ofy the Contractor's or any subcontractor's, agent's or employee's, in any manner whatsoever, omission, execution and/or supervision of this contract, and the project which is the subject matter of this contract. The safety precautions taken shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, in its sole discretion as an Independent Contractor; inclusion of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well as any notice which may be given by the Owners or the Owner's Representative concerning omissions under this paragraph as the work progresses, are intended as reminders to the Contractor of its duty and shall not be construed as any assumption of duty to supervise safety precautions by either the Contractor or any of its subcontractors. 28. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be fiunished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) calendar days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies of insurance, required herein, including policies of insurance required to be provided by Contractor and its subcontractors, shall contain a waiver of any and all of the insurer's or payor's, in the event of self- insurance, rights to subrogation that any such insurer or payor, in the event of self-insurance, may acquire by virtue of payment of any loss under such insurance or self-insurance. All certificates of insurance submitted to the City in conformity with the provisions hereof shall establish such waiver. The Contractor shall procure and carry at its sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specked. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be submitted prior to contract execution. A. PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ON AUTO/GENERAL LIABILITY ON A PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY BASIS TO INCLUDE PRODUCTS OF COMPLETE OPERATIONS. PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR. COPIES OF THE ENDORSEMENTS ARE REQUIRED. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance (Primary Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation required) The contractor shall have Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit in the aggregate and per occurrence to include: Products & Completed Operations Hazard Contractual Liability Personal Injury & Advertising Injury With Heavy Equipment XCU B. Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance. —NOT REQUIRED C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance (Waiver of Subrogation Required) The Contractor shall have Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of not less than, Bodily Injury/Property Damage, S500,000 Combined Single Limit per occurrence, to include all owned and non -owned cars including: Employers Non -ownership Liability Hired and Non -owned Vehicles. D. Installation Floater Insurance. — The Contractor shall obtain an Installation Floater policy in the amount of 100% of the total contract price (100% of potential loss) naming the City of Lubbock as insured. E. Umbrella Liability Insurance — NOT REQUIRED F. Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Waiver of Subrogation required) Worker's Compensation Insurance covering all employees whether employed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor on the job with Employers Liability of at least $500,000. 1. Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate") - A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC- 82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project - includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in Section 406.096, Texas Labor Code) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner - operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which fiunishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 2. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. 3. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. 4. If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. S. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the governmental entity: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends dining the duration of the project. 6 The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 7. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 8. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 9. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on the project, to (a) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amotmts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the _ project, for the duration of the project; (b) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project, (c) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each other person with whore it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (g) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (a) - (g), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 10. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contactor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self -insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contactor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. 11. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor 'A does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. F. Proof of Coverage Before work on this contract is commenced, each Contractor and subcontractor shall submit to the Owner for approval five Certificates of Insurance covering each insurance policy carried and offered as evidence of compliance with the above insurance requirements, signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company setting forth: (1) The name and address of the insured. (2) The location of the operations to which the insurance applies. (3) The name of the policy and type or types of insurance in force thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. (4) The expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liability thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. (5) A provision that the policy may be canceled only by mailing written notice to the named insured at the address shown in the proposal specifications. (6) A provision that written notice shall be given to the City ten days prior to any change in or cancellation of the policies shown on the certificate. (7) The certificate or certificates shall be on the form (or identical copies thereof) contained in the job specifications. No substitute of nor amendment thereto will be acceptable. (8) If policy limits are paid, new policy must be secured for new coverage to complete project. (9) A Contractor shall: (a) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements; (b) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; (c) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (ii) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; - (g) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other commission riles. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19-point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The laiv requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identify of their employer or status as au employee " "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 800-372-7713 or 512-804- I000 (www tdl state.txus) to receive information of the legal requirements for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage;" and h contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on aproject, () Y q P P' &_2 to: (i) provide coverage based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing t, services on the project, for the duration of the project; (ii) provide a certificate of coverage to the Contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; (iii) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the following language: "By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the person signing this contract is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the person signing this contact who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers' compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reprinting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self -insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contactor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions."; (iv) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends dining the duration of the project: (v) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (vi) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (vii) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (viii) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (i)-(viii), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 29. DISABLED EMPLOYEES Contractors having more than fifteen (15) employees agree to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and agree not to discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terns, conditions, and privileges of employment. 130. PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUBCONTRACTORS LABORERS MATERIALMEN AND -" FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor agrees that it will indemnify and save the Owner and Engineer and all of its officers, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, expenses and causes of action arising out of, in any way, manner or form, the demands of subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, material men and firnishers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, and supplies, incurred in the performance of this contract and the project which is the subject matter of this contract. When Owner so desires, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged or waived. 31. PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENT INVENTION The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees, and shall provide for the use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the Patentee or owner thereof. ., Without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyrights and shall indemnify and save the Owner and Engineer, and all of its officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss on account thereof, except that Owner shall defend all such suits and claims and shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, device, material or process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified or required in these contract documents by Owner; provided, however, if choice of alternate design, device, material or process is allowed to the Contractor, then Contractor shall indemnify and save Owner, and all of its officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss on account thereof. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the material or process specified or required by Owner and/or this contract is an infringement, the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless it gives written notice of such infringement to the Owner's Representative prior to offering. 32. LAWS AND ORDINANCES The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, which in any manner affect the contract or the work, and without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner and Engineer and all of its officers, agents, and employees against any claims arising from the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Contractor, its employees, or subcontractors. If the Contractor observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall notify the Owner's Representative in writing prior to proposing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. In the absence of timely written notification to Owner's Representative of such variance or variances within said time, any objection and/or assertion that the plans and specifications are at variance with any federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations shall be deemed waived. If the Contractor, its employees or subcontractors perform any work contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Owner's Representative, Contractor shall bear all costs arising there from. The Owner is a municipal corporation of the State of Texas and the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the Owner may enter into contracts, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract to the same effect as though embodied herein. 33. SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor agrees that it will retain personal control and will give its personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract. The Contractor further agrees that subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the Contractor from its fidl obligations to the Owner, as provided by the contract documents. 34. TIME FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is hereby understood and mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and time for completion as specified in the Notice to Proceed and contract documents, respectively, of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract shall be commenced as provided in the contract documents. If the Contractor should neglect, fail, or refuse to substantially complete the work within the time herein specified, then the Contractor does hereby agree as part of the consideration for the awarding of this contract, the Owner may withhold permanently from Contractor's total compensation, the sum of $500 PER DAY, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the breach of the contract as herein set forth for each and every working day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated for substantially completing the work. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the substantial completion of the work described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic range and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. The amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because the actual damages the Owner would sustain in such event would be difficult and/or impossible to estimate, however, the amount agreed upon herein is a reasonable forecast of the amount necessary to render just compensation to Owner, and is expressly agreed to be not disproportionate to actual damages as measured at time of breach. IT IS FURTHER AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND OWNER THAT { TRYIE IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 35. TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION It is the meaning and intent of this contract, unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the Contractor shall be allowed to prosecute its work at such time and sessions, in such order of precedence, and in such manner i as shall be most conductive to economy of construction; provided, however, that the order and time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this contract, the plans and specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the proposal; provided, i also, that when the Owner is having other work done, either by contract or by its own force, the Owner's Representative (as distinguished from the Resident Project Representative) may direct the time and manner of constructing work done under this contract so that conflicts will be avoided and the construction of the various r works being done for the Owner shall be harmonized. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Owner's Representative, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor intends to cant' on the work, with dates at which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. 36. THE OF PERFORMANCE is The Contractor agrees that it has submitted its proposal in full recognition of the time required for the completion of this project, taking into consideration the average climatic range and industrial conditions prevailing in this locality, and has considered the liquidated damage provisions of paragraph 34 hereinabove set forth and expressly agrees that it shall not be entitled to, nor will it request, an extension of time on this contract, except when its work has been delayed by an act or neglect of the Owner, Owner's Representative, employees of the Owner or other contractors employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, walkouts, acts of God or the public enemy, fire or flood. Any request for extension shall be in writing with the written request for same setting forth all justifications, in detail, for the request, and submitted to Owner's Representative within twenty (20) calendar days of the occurrence of the event causing said delay. A failure by Owner's Representative to affnmatively grant the extension no later than within twenty (20) calendar days of written submission by Contractor shall be deemed a denial, and final. Further, in the absence of timely written notification of such delay and request for extension, as provided herein, any request for extension by Contractor shall be deemed waived. 37. HINDRANCE AND DELAYS In executing the contract, the Contractor agrees that in undertaking to complete the work within the time herein fixed, Contractor has taken into consideration and made allowances for all hindrances and delays incident to such work, whether growing out of delays due to unusual and unanticipated circumstances, difficulties or delays in securing material or workmen, or any other cause or occurrence. No charge shall be made by the Contractor for hindrance or delays from any cause during the progress of any part of the work embraced in this contract except where the work is stopped by order of the Owner or Owner's Representative for the Owner's convenience, in which event, such expense as in the sole judgment of the Owner's Representative that is caused by such stoppage shall be paid by Owner to Contractor. 38. OUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed, but the actual measured or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be considered, unless otherwise specifically provided. In the event this contract is let on a unit price basis, then Owner and Contractor agree that this contract, including the specifications, plans and other contract documents are intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be furnished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown, and only when same are expressly stated to be estimates, for the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract, they are a approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing their offered for the work. In the event the amount of work to be done and materials to be furnished are proposals expressly stated to be estimated, and only when same are expressly stated to be estimated, it is understood and $--, agreed that the actual amount of work to be done and the materials to be fiu-nished under this contract may differ somewhat from these estimates, and that where the basis for payment under this contract is the unit price method, payment shall be for the actual amount of work done and materials furnished on the project, provided that the over rn or under nn of estimated quantities note exceed 15% of the estimated quantity. 39. PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY The Contractor shall take proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which may be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and Contractor shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage on account of his failure to fully protect all adjacent property. Without limiting, in any way, manner and form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer, and any of its officers, agents and employees, against any and all claims or damages due to any injury to any adjacent or adjoining property, related to, arising from or growing out of the performance of this contract. 40. PRICE FOR WORK In consideration of the furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment and material and the completion of all work by the Contractor, and on the delivery of all materials embraced in this contract in full conformity with the specifications and stipulations herein contained, the Owner agrees to pay the Contractor the price set forth in the proposal attached hereto, which has been made a part of this contract, and the Contractor hereby agrees to receive such price in full for fiunishing all materials and all labor required for the aforesaid work, also, for all expenses incurred by Contractor and for well and truly performing the same and the whole thereof in the manner and according to this agreement, the attached specifications, plans, contract documents and requirements of Owner's Representative. 41. PAYMENTS No payments made or certificates given shall be considered as conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either wholly or in part, nor shall any certificate or payment be considered as acceptance of defective work. Contractor shall at any time requested during the progress of the work furnish the Owner or Owner's Representative with a verifying certificate showing the Contractor's total outstanding indebtedness in connection with the work. Before final payment is made, Contractor shall satisfy Owner, by affidavit or otherwise, that there are no outstanding liens against Owner's premises by reason of any work under the contract. Acceptance by Contractor of final payment of the contract price shall constitute a waiver of all claims against Owner, Owner's agents and employees, which have not theretofore been timely filed as provided in this contract. 42. PARTIAL PAYMENTS On or before the tenth day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representative an application for partial payment. Owner's Representative shall review said application for partial payment if submitted, and the progress of the work made by the Contractor and if found to be in order, shall prepare a certificate for partial payment showing as completely as practical the total value of the work done by the Contractor up to and including the last day of the preceding month. The determination of the partial payment by the Owner's Representative shall be in accordance with Paragraph 14 hereof. The Owner shall then pay the Contractor on or before the fifteenth day of the current month the total amount of the Owner's Representative's Certificate of Partial Payment, less 5% of the amount thereof, which 5% shall be dd t J 1 f.., retained until final payment, and further, less all previous payments and all fiuther sums that may be retained by Owner under the terms of the contract documents. Payment for materials on hand and delivered to the project site will be limited to 100 percent less the 5 percent standard retainage until actually incorporated into the project. Any partial payment made hereunder shall not constitute a waiver by the Owner of any and all other rights to enforce the express terms of the contract documents, and all remedies provided therein, as to any and all work performed, to be performed and/or materials delivered hereunder, including, but limited to, work to which said partial payment is attributable. 43. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative written notice of substantial completion. Within thirty-one (31) working days after the Contractor has given the Owner's Representative written notice that the work has been substantially completed, the Owner's Representative and/or the Owner shall inspect the work and within said time, if the work be found to be substantially completed in accordance with the contract documents, the Owner's Representative shall issue to the Owner and Contractor a certificate of substantial completion. Notwithstanding the issuance of a certificate of substantial completion, Contractor shall proceed with diligence to finally complete the work within the time provided in this contract. 44. FINAL COMPLETION AND PAYMENT The Contractor shall give written notice to Owner's Representative of final completion. Upon written notice of final completion, the Owner's Representative shall proceed to make final measurement to determine whether final completion has occurred. If the Owner's Representative determines final completion has occurred, Owner's Representative shall so certify to the Owner. Upon certification by Owner's Representative of final completion, Owner shall pay to the Contractor on or before the 31 st working day after the date of certification of final completion, the balance due Contractor under the terms of this agreement. Neither the certification of final a completion nor the final payment, nor any provisions in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of the obligation for fiilfillment of any warranty which may be required in the contract documents and/or any warranty ,--, or warranties implied by law or otherwise. a- 45. CORRECTION OF WORK Contractor shall promptly remove from Owner's premises all materials condemned by the Owner's Representative on account of failure to conform to the contract documents, whether actually incorporated in the work or not, and Contractor shall at its own expense promptly replace such condemned materials with other materials conforming to the requirements of the contract documents. Contractor shall also bear the expense of restoring all work of other contractors damaged by any such removal or replacement. If Contractor does not remove and replace any such condemned work within a reasonable time but not to exceed 30 days after a written notice by the Owner or the Owner's Representative, Owner may remove and replace it at Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall pay all claims, cost, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of the engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution cost) arising out of or relating to such correction or removal. Neither the final payment, nor certification of final completion or substantial completion, nor any provision in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and Contractor shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of certification of final completion by Owner's Representative. i 46. PAYMENT WITHHELD The Owner or Owner's Representative may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, withhold or nu ify the whole or part of any certification to such extent as may be necessary to protect itself from loss on account of: (a) Defective work not remedied and/or work not performed, (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating possible filing of claims, (c) Damage to another contractor, (d) Notification to owner of failure to make payments to Subcontractors or Suppliers, (e) Failure to submit up-to-date record documents as required, (f) Failure to submit monthly progress schedule updates or revised scheduled as requested by Owner, (g) Failure to provide Project photographs required by Specifications. When the above grounds are removed, or the Contractor provides a surety bond satisfactory to the Owner, in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them. 47. CLAIM OR DISPUTE It is further agreed by both parties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the Contractor shall be in writing and filed with the Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Owner's Representative has given any direction, order or instruction to which the Contractor desires to take exception. Timely written notice of dispute as provided in this contract of any decision by Owner's Representative or Owner shall be a condition precedent to the bringing and/or assertion of any action or claim by Contractor of any right under this Contract. If the matters set forth in the notice of dispute are not granted or otherwise responded to by Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of dispute by Owner's Representative, said objections shall be deemed denied. Any decision by the Owner's Representative, or deemed denial by the Owner's Representative, shall be final and conclusive in the absence of fraud. It is further agreed that the acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be a bar to any and all claims of the Contractor, and constitute a waiver of the right to assert any claim against Owner, Owner's agents and employees and Owner's Representative, by Contractor. n 48. NON-COMPLIANCE AND/OR ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR In case the Contractor should (1) abandon and fail or refuse to resume work within fifteen (15) calendar days after written notification from the Owner or the Owner's Representative, or (2) if the Contractor fails to comply with the written orders of the Owner's Representative, when such orders are consistent with this contract, then the Surety on the bond shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the work and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the Contractor. In the event a bond is not required by law, or otherwise obtained by the Contractor, no further notice of such non-compliance to Contractor shall be required. After receiving said notice of abandonment or non-compliance , the Contractor shall not remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies then on the job, but the same, together with any materials and equipment under the contract for work, may be held for use on the work by the Owner or the Surety of the Contractor, or another contractor, in completion of the work; and the Contractor shall not receive any rental or credit therefore (except when used in connection with Extra Work, where credit shall be allowed as provided for under paragraph 24 of this contract); it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement. In the event the Contractor, or Surety, whichever is applicable, should fail to commence compliance with the notice hereinbefore provided within ten (10) calendar days after service of such notice, and/or shall fail to proceed with diligence to complete the project as contemplated and in compliance with all terms and provisions of the contract documents, then the Owner may exercise any and all remedies available to it pursuant to law, contract, equity or otherwise, including, but not limited to, providing for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: (a) The Owner may employ such force of men and use of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies as said Owner may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of such labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said Contractor, and the expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the Owner out of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this Agreement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall receive the difference. In case such expense is greater than the stun which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the Owner; or (b) The Owner, under sealed proposals, after notice published as required by law, at least twice in a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of location of the work, may let the contract for the completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case of any increase in cost to the Owner under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under this contract, such increase shall be charged to the Contractor and the Surety shall be and remain bound therefore. Should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than that which would have been the cost to complete the work under this contract, the Contractor or his Surety shall be credited therewith. In the event the Owner's Representative elects to complete the work, as described above, when the work shall have been finally completed, the Contractor and his Surety shall be so notified and certification of completion as provided in paragraph 44 hereinabove set forth, shall be issued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by Owner's Representative as being correct shall then be prepared and delivered to Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, whereon the Contractor or his Surety, or the Owner as the case may be, shall pay the balance due as reflected by said statement within 30 days after the date of certification of completion. In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the Owner had the work been completed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract, or when the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable, shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies left on the site of the work shall be turned over to the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable, fail to pay the amount due the Owner within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials shall be mailed to the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, at the respective addresses designated in this contract; provided, however, that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, subject only to the duty of the Owner to exercise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of said notice the Owner may sell such machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the Owner may elect. The Owner shall release any machinery, equipment, tools, materials, or supplies that remain on the jobsite and belong to persons other than the Contractor or his Surety, if applicable, to their proper owners. The remedies provided to Owner by law, equity, contract, or otherwise, shall be cumulative, to the extent permitted by law. It is expressly agreed and understood that the exercise by Owner of the remedies provided in this paragraph shall not constitute an election of remedies on the part of Owner, and Owner, irrespective of its exercise of remedies hereunder, shall be entitled to exercise concurrently or otherwise, any and all other remedies available to it, by law, equity, contract or otherwise, including but not limited to, liquidated damages, as provided in paragraph 34, hereinabove set forth. 49. LH IITATION ON CONTRACTOR'S REMEDY The remedies of Contractor hereunder shall be limited to, and Owner shall be liable only for, work actually performed by Contractor and/or its subcontractors as set forth in the contract documents, and Owner shall not be liable for any consequential, punitive or indirect loss or damage that Contractor may suffer in connection with the project which is the subject matter of this contract. 50. BONDS The Contractor is required to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $100,000 and the Contractor is required to famish a payment bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $25,000. All bonds shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Owner, and executed by a Surety Company listed on the State Treasury's "Approved" list and authorized to do business in the State of Texas. It is further agreed that this contract shall not be in effect until such bonds are so fin-nished. 51. SPECIAL CONDITIONS In the event special conditions are contained herein as part of the contract documents and said special conditions conflict with any of the general conditions contained in this contract, then in such event the special conditions shall control. 52. LOSS OR EXPENSE DUE TO UNUSUAL OR UNANTICIPATED CIRCUMSTANCES Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss, expense or damage to the Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance or from unusual obstructions or difficulties, naturally occurring, man made or otherwise, which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. 53. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor is, and shall remain, an independent contractor with full, complete and exclusive power and authority to direct, supervise, and control its own employees and to determine the method of the performance of the work covered hereby. The fact that the Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right to observe Contractor's work dining Contractor's performance and to carry out the other prerogatives which are expressly reserved to and vested in the Owner or Owner's Representative hereunder, is not intended to and shall not at any time change or effect the status of the Contractor as an independent contractor with respect to either the Owner or Owner's Representative or to the Contractor's own employees or to any other person, firm, or corporation. 54. CLEANING UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris caused by the work, and at the completion of the work Contractor shall remove all such debris and also its tools, scaffolding, and surplus materials and shall leave the work room clean or its equivalent. The work shall be left in good order and condition. In case of dispute Owner may remove the debris and charge the cost to the Contactor. 55 56. 57 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS Hazardous Substances (herein so called), as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.C.S. §9601(14)) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, as same may be amended from time to time, hydrocarbons or other petroleum, products or byproducts and/or asbestos, in any form, shall not (i) be utilized, in any way, manner or form, in the construction of, or incorporation into, the Project; or (ii) be brought upon, placed, or located, by any party, on the Project site, or any other property of the City, without the written consent of the Owner's Representative. If Contractor believes that the utilization of a Hazardous Substance, hydrocarbons or other petroleum, products or byproducts and/or asbestos is necessary in the construction of the Project, or that it is necessary to place and/or otherwise locate upon the site of the Project or other property of the City, a Hazardous Substance, hydrocarbons or other petroleumn products or byproducts and/or asbestos, Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative, and request consent therefrom, at least twenty (20) days prior to such action. Owner's Representative may grant or deny the request of Contractor and provide whatever requirements such consent, if granted, is conditioned upon, in its sole and absolute discretion. If the request of Contractor is not granted, or otherwise not responded to, by Owner's Representative within five (5) days of the receipt of said request, said request shall be deemed to be denied. In the event Owner's Representative shall consent to the request of Contractor, Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel involved in the Project are (i) trained for the level of expertise required for proper performance of the actions contemplated by this Contract and, in particular, in all aspects of handling, storage, disposal and exposure of Hazardous Substances, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos; and (ii) are provided and utilize all protective equipment, including without limitation, personal protective gear, necessary to provide protection from exposure to Hazardous Substances, hydrocarbons or other petroleum. products or byproducts and/or asbestos. NONAPPROPRIATION All finds for payment by the City under this contract are subject to the availability of an amoral appropriation for this purpose by the City. In the event of non -appropriation of funds by the City Council of the City of Lubbock for the goods or services provided under the contract, the City will terminate the contract, without termination charge or other liability, on the last day of the then -current fiscal year or when the appropriation made for the then -current year for the goods or services covered by this contract is spent, whichever event occurs first. If at any time finds are not appropriated for the continuance of this contract, cancellation shall be accepted by the Seller on thirty (30) days prior written notice, but failure to give such notice shall be of no effect and the City shall not be obligated under this contract beyond the date of termination. THE CITY RIGHT TO AUDIT At any time dining the term of this Contract and for a period of four (4) years thereafter the City or a duly authorized audit representative of the City, or the State of Texas, at its expense and at reasonable times, reserves the right to audit Contractor's records and books relevant to all services provided under this Contract. In the event such an audit by the City reveals any errors/overpayments by the City, Contractor shall refired the City the firll amount of such overpayments within thirty (30) days of such audit findings, or the City, at its option, reserves the right to deduct such amounts owing the City from any payments due Contractor. 58. NON -ARBITRATION The City reserves the right to exercise any right or remedy available to it by law, contract, equity, or otherwise, including without limitation, the right to seek any and all forms of relief in a court of competent jurisdiction. Further, the City shall not be subject to any arbitration process prior to exercising its unrestricted right to seek judicial remedy. The remedies set forth herein are cumulative and not exclusive, and may be exercised concurrently. To the extent of any conflict between this provision and another provision in, or related to, this document, this provision shall control. 59. HOUSE BILL 2015 House Bill 2015 signed by the Governor on June 14, 2013 and effective on January 1, 2014, authorizes a penalty to be imposed on a person who contracts for certain services with a governmental entity and who fails to properly classify their workers. This applies to subcontractors as well. Contractors and subcontractors who fail to properly classify individuals performing work under a governmental contract will be penalized $200 for each individual that has been misclassified (Texas Government Code Section 2155.001). 60. HOUSE BILL 1295: DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTED PARTIES House Bill 1295, adopted by the 84th Legislature, created §2252.908, Texas Government Code. Section 2252.908 requires a business entity entering into certain contracts with a governmental entity or state agency to file with the governmental entity or state agency a disclosure of interested parties at the time the business entity submits the signed contract to the governmental entity or state agency. Section 2252.908 requires the disclosure form to be signed by the authorized agent of the contracting business entity, acknowledging that the disclosure is made Under oath and under penalty of perjury. Section 2252.908 applies only to a contract that requires an action or vote by the governing body of the governmental entity or state agency before the contract may be signed or has a value of at least $1 million. Instructions for completing Form 1295 are available at: http://www.ci.lubbock.tx.us/departmental-websites/deRartments/pi rchasingN"or-information 61. The Contractor warrants that it complies with Chapter 2270, Subtitle F, Title 10 of the Texas Government Code by verifying that: (1) The Contractor does not boycott Israel, and (2) The Contractor will not boycott Israel during the term of the Agreement. 62. SB252 prohibits the City from entering into a contract with a vendor that is identified by The Comptroller as a company known to have contracts with or provide supplies or service with Iran. Sudan or a foreign terrorist organization. I DAVIS-BACON WAGE DETERMINATIONS Page Intentionally Left Blank P EXHIBIT A sGeneral Decision Number: TX170007 01/06/2017 , TX7 LABORER Asphalt Raker ...............$ 12.28 Superseded General Decision Number: TX20160007 Flagger.....................$ 9.30 Laborer, Common ............. $ 10.30 State: Texas Laborer, Utility ............ $ 11.80 Work Zone Barricade Construction Types: Heavy and Highway Servicer....................$ 10.30 Counties: Armstrong, Carson, Crosby, Ector, pion, Lubbock, Midland, Potter, Randall, Taylor and Tom Green Counties in Texas. HEAVY & HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Note: Under Executive Order (EO) 13658, an hourly minimum wage of $10.20 for calendar year 2017 applies to all contracts subject to the Davis -Bacon Act for which the contract is awarded (and any solicitation was issued) on or after January 1, 2015. If this contract is covered by the EO, the contractor must pay all workers in any classification listed on this wage determination at least $10.20 per hour (or the applicable wage rate listed on this wage determination, if it is higher) for all hours spent performing on the contract in calendar year 2017. The EO minimum wage rate will be adjusted annually. Additional information on contractor requirements and worker protections under the EO is available at ,.vww.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts. Modification Number Publication Date 0 01/06/2017 * SUTX2011-002 08/02/2011 Rates Fringes CEMENT MASON/CONCRETE FINISHER (Paving & Structures) ... $ 13.55 ELECTRICIAN ...................... $ 20.96 FORM BUILDER/FORM SETTER Paving & Curb ............... $ 12.36 v.; Structures ..................$ 13.52 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: Asphalt Distributer ......... $ 14.87 Asphalt Paving Machine ...... $ 13.40 Broom and Sweeper ........... $ 11.21 Crane, Lattice Boom 80 Tons or Less ................$ 16.82 Crawler Tractor Operator .... $ 13.96 Excavator, 50,000 lbs or less..$ 13.46 Front End Loader Operator, Over 3 CY...................$ 12.77 Front End Loader, 3CY or less ......... $ 12.28 Loader/Backhoe.............. $ 14.18 Mechanic .................... $ 20.14 Milling Machine .............$ 15.54 Motor Grader, Rough ........ $ 16.15 Motor Grader, Fine .......... $ 17.49 Pavement Marking Machine .... $ 16.42 Reclaimer/Pulverizer........ $ 12.85 Roller, Asphalt .............$ 10.95 Roller, Other ...............$ 10.36 Scraper ..................... $ 10.61 Spreader Box ................ $ 12.60 Servicer $ 13.98 Steel Worker (Reinforcing) ....... $ 13.50 TRUCK DRIVER Lowboy -Float ................ $ 14.46 Single Axle ................. $ 12.74 Single or Tandem Axle Dump..$ 11.33 Tandem Axle Tractor with Semi ........................ $ 12.49 WELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. s' Note: Executive Order (EO) 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors applies to all contracts subject to the Davis -Bacon Act for which the contract is awarded (and any solicitation was issued) on or after January 1, 2017. If this contract is covered by the EO, the contractor must provide employees with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours they work, up to 56 hours of paid sick leave each year. Employees must be permitted to use paid sick leave for their own illness, injury or other health - related needs, including preventive care; to assist a family member (or person who is like family to the employee) who is ill, injured, or has other health - related needs, including preventive care; or for reasons resulting from, or to assist a family member (or person who is like family to the employee) who is a victim of, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Additional information on contractor requirements and worker protections under the EO is available at www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts. Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii)). The body of each wage determination lists the classification and wage rates that have been found to be prevailing for the cited type(s) of construction in the area covered by the wage determination. The classifications are listed in alphabetical order of "identifiers" that indicate whether the particular rate is a union rate (current union negotiated rate for local), a survey rate (weighted average rate) or a union average rate (weighted union average rate). Union Rate Identifiers A four letter classification abbreviation identifier enclosed in dotted lines beginning with characters other than "SU" or "UAVG" denotes that the union classification and rate were prevailing for that classification in the survey. Example: PLLTM0198-005 07/01/2014. PLUM is an abbreviation identifier of the union which prevailed in the survey for this classification, which in this example would be Plumbers. 0198 indicates the local union number or district council number where applicable, i.e., Plumbers Local 0198. The next number, 005 in the example, is an internal number used in processing the wage determination. 07/01/2014 is the effective date of the most current , negotiated rate, which in this example is July 1, 2014. Union prevailing wage rates are updated to reflect all rate changes in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) governing this classification and rate. Survey Rate Identifiers Classifications listed under the "SU" identifier indicate that no one rate prevailed for this classification in the survey and the published rate is derived by computing a weighted average rate based on all the rates reported in the survey for that classification. As this weighted average rate includes all rates reported in the survey, it may include both union and non -union rates. Example: SLTLA2012-007 5/13/2014. SU indicates the rates are survey rates based on a weighted average calculation of rates and are not majority rates. LA indicates the State of Louisiana. 2012 is the year of survey on which these classifications and rates are based. The next number, 007 in the example, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 5/13/2014 indicates the survey completion date for the classifications and rates under that identifier. Survey wage rates are not updated and remain in effect until a new survey is conducted. Union Average Rate Identifiers Classification(s) listed under the UAVG identifier indicate that no single majority rate prevailed for those classifications; however, 100% of the data reported for the classifications was union data. EXAMPLE: UAVG-OH-0010 08/29/2014. UAVG indicates that the rate is a weighted union average rate. OH indicates the state. The next number, 0010 in the example, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 08/29/2014 indicates the survey completion date for the classifications and rates under that identifier. A UAVG rate will be updated once a year, usually in January of each year, to reflect a weighted average of the current negotiated/CBA rate of the union locals from which the rate is based. i l? t. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: * an existing published wage determination * a survey underlying a wage determination * a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter * a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour Regional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis -Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Constriction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: Wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board). Write to: Administrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. END OF GENERAL DECISION _m11 Prevailing Wage Rates Overtime Rate The rate for overtime (in excess of forty hours per week) shall be as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act Prevailing Wage Rates Legal Holiday Rate The rate for legal holidays shall be as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. SPECIFICATIONS Page Intentionally Left Blank Project. Manual TEXAS City of Lubbock, Texas Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4 Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation August 2017 PSC Project # 01330217 5�01E r i* *�+Ij Q'*:......................i.:.J�rn a j DANIEL W. ALBUS �• 117283 40 s� O.r►ti, 8/24/17 III PARKHILLSMITH&COOPER r TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 01— GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work.....................................................................................................................1 01019 Contract Considerations............................................................................................................. 2 01025 Measurement and Payment........................................................................................................1 01039 Coordination and Meetings........................................................................................................ 4 01090 Reference Standards.................................................................................................................. 7 01300 Submittals.................................................................................................................................. 2 01400 Quality Control.......................................................................................................................... 2 01500 Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls....................................................................... 3 01600 Material and Equipment............................................................................................................ 2 01650 Starting Systems........................................................................................................................ I Equipment Installation Report (EIR)......................................................................................... I DIVISION 02 — SITE WORK 02050 Removal, Demolition, and Salvage............................................................................................ 3 02110 Jobsite Safety............................................................................................................................. 2 DIVISIONS 3 —10 (Not Used) DIVISION 11— EQUIPMENT 11336 Clarifier Equipment.................................................................................................................12 DIVISIONS 12 —15 (Not Used) DIVISION 16 — ELECTRICAL 16000 Electrical General Provisions..................................................................................................... 4 16111 Conduit...................................................................................................................................... 3 16123 Wire and Cable.......................................................................................................................... 3 16130 Boxes......................................................................................................................................... 2 16140 Wiring Devices.......................................................................................................................... 3 16170 Grounding and Bonding............................................................................................................ 2 16190 Supporting Devices..........................................................................................•......................... 2 16195 Electrical Identification..............................................................................................................2 16990 Electrical System Testing and Start-Up..................................................................................... 2 DIVISION 17 — INSTRUMENTATION (Not Used) APPENDICES APPENDIX A - OSHA 1926 SUBPART P 1� 01330217 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE - 1 ° 08/17 I �E DESIGN PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY The specification sections authenticated by my seal and signature are limited to the following: DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL 16000 Electrical General Provisions 16111 Conduit 16123 Wire and Cable 16130 Boxes 16140 Wiring Devices 16170 Grounding and Bonding 16190 Supporting Devices 16195 Electrical Identification 16990 Electrical System Testing and Start -Up E OFa7- Q�i�irrarrrrrrr..rrr.....rirr*rr,% 01 a % SHAUN R. TIDWELL rrarrn.rrrruu.rruuurxrr; 4 A , 106911 _ A , 8/24/ 17 01330217 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY SRT - 1 08/17 SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Work covered by Contract Documents 2. Contractor use of site. 3. Owner occupancy. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Identification: City of Lubbock Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation. B. Location: Lubbock, Texas. Verbal Sum maiy: Without force or effect on requirements of Contract Documents, a brief description of the Project: Wastewater treatment plant clarifier replacement includes, but not limited to, replacing the clarifier's underwater steel components, including the center pier, rake arms, upper and lower cage, feedwell, scum port baffle, corner braces, influent column, dispersion well, skimming mechanism, local control panel, and drive unit. 1.3 CONTRACTOR USE OF SITE A. Limit use of site to allow Owner occupancy. B. Construction Operations: Limited to areas adjacent to construction site. C. Utility Outages and Shutdown: Coordinate with Owner, 48 hours in advance. D. Clarifier shutdown shall be coordinated 3 weeks in advance. E. Clarifier downtime shall not exceed 90 calendar days. 1.4 OWNER OCCUPANCY A. Owner will occupy existing plant site during construction to conduct normal operations. B. Cooperate with Owner to minimize conflict and facilitate Owner operations. C. Schedule Work to accommodate requirement. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 SUMMARY OF WORK 01010 - 1 ` 08/17 E; t SECTION 01019 - CONTRACT CONSIDERATIONS PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes Schedule of Values and change procedures. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Submit typed schedule on Contractor's standard form. B. Submit Schedule of Values with bid submission. C. Format: Utilize Table of Contents of Project Manual. Identify each line item with number and title of major specification Section. Identify site mobilization, bonds, and insurance. D. Include within each line item, a directly proportional amount of Contractor's overhead and profit. E. Revise schedule to list approved Change Orders, with each Application for Payment. 1.3 CHANGE PROCEDURES A. Engineer will advise minor changes in Work not involving an adjustment to Contract Sum/Price or Contract Time. B. Engineer may issue a Proposal Request including detailed description of proposed change with supplementary or revised Drawings and specifications and change in Contract Time for executing change. Contractor will prepare and submit an estimate within seven days. C. Contractor may propose change by submitting request for change to Engineer, describing proposed change and fiill effect on Work. Include statement describing reason(s) for change and effect on Contract Sum/Price and Contract Time, with fill documentation and statement describing effect on Work by other contractors. Document any requested substitutions in accordance with Section 01600 —Material and Equipment. D. Stipulated Sum/Price Change Order: Based on Proposal Request and Contractor's fixed price quotation or Contractor request for Change Order as approved by Engineer. E. Construction Change Authorization: Engineer may issue Work Directive Change, signed by Owner, instructing Contractor to proceed with change in Work, for subsequent inclusion in Change Order. Document will describe changes in Work and designate method of determining change in Contract Stm /Price or Contract Time. Promptly execute change. F. Time and Material Change Order: Submit itemized account and supporting data after completion of change, within time limits indicated in Conditions of the Contract. Engineer will determine change allowable in Contract Stun/Price and Contract Time as provided in Contract Documents. G. Maintain detailed records of work done on Time and Material basis. Provide full information required for evaluation of proposed changes and to substantiate costs for changes in Work. H. Execution of Change Orders: Engineer will issue Change Orders for signatures of parties as provided in General Conditions of the Contract. 01330217 CONTRACT CONSIDERATIONS 01019 - 1 . 08/17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION f . 01330217 CONTRACT CONSIDERATIONS 01019 - 2 08/17 �a SECTION 01025 - MEASURElbIENT AND PAYMENT PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Unit or lump sum price bid on each item, as stated in proposal, includes furnishing all labor, superintendence, machinery, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to complete the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4, Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation per plans and specifications. Payment for each item will be made for actual field measured quantities. Cost of work or materials shown on plans or called for in specifications and for which no separate payment is made, shall be included in bid price with most applicable item(s). 1.2 UNIT COST ITEMS A. Unit cost items not otherwise included in this section to be paid for at a unit cost per unit, includes all work and materials involved in installation within limits designated on plans. Measurement shall be made in units shown on Bid Sheet. All work so included shall be installed, constructed, or performed as shown on drawings and/or specified. 1.3 LUMP SUM ITEMS A. Lump stun items to be paid for at a lump stun price per job, includes all work and materials involved in installation within limits designated on plans. No measurement of work or material included in such items will be made. All work so included shall be installed, constructed, or performed as shown on drawings and specified herein. 1.4 FINAL CLEANUP A. Contractor shall make a final cleanup of all parts of work before final acceptance of work by the City. This cleanup includes, among other things, removing all pieces of concrete, pipe, and other construction materials and generally preparing sites of work in an orderly manner. B. Cost of cleanup shall be included as a part of the cost of the various items of work involved and no direct compensation will be made for this work. 1.5 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS A. Contractor is reminded he must fully comply with OSHA requirement in all cases and no separate payment will be made for such compliance other than that specifically indicated in specifications and bid items included in proposal. 1.6 SURVEYING A. No direct compensation will be made for construction surveying. Cost of surveying shall be included as part of cost of various items of work PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 08/17 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 01025 - 1 SECTION 01039 - COORDINATION AND 1VIEETINGS PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Coordination, field engineering, and alteration project procedures. 2. Cutting and patching. 3. Preconstnrction and preinstallation conferences. 4. Progress meetings. B. Related Sections: Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 COORDINATION A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and Work of various specification Sections to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements, with provisions for accommodating items installed later. Coordinate any interruptions in existing plant operation with Owner; however, in no instance shall flow be interrupted to any area of the plant beyond the extents of the rehabilitated clarifier. B. Verify utility requirement characteristics of operating equipment are compatible with building utilities. Coordinate work of various Sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment. C. Coordinate space requirements and installation of mechanical and elect -cal work indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts, and conduit, as closely as practicable. Pace nuns parallel with line of building. Utilize spaces efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, maintenance, and repairs. D. In finished areas, except as otherwise indicated, conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring within construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements. E. Large Apparatus: Any large device to be installed in any building space, too large to permit access through windows, doorways, or shafts, shall be brought to job by Contractor and placed in space before enclosing structure completed. F. Items which require electrical connections shall be coordinated with Division 16 for: 1. Voltage. 2. Phase. 3. Amperage. 4. Number and size of woes. 5. Wiring diagrams. 6. Starter size, details and location. 7. Control devices and details. G. Coordinate completion and clean-up of Work of separate Sections in preparation for Substantial Completion and portions of Work designated for Owner occupancy. H. After Owner occupancy of premises, coordinate access to site for correction of defective Work and Work not per Contract Documents, to minimize disruption of Owner's activities. 1.3 FIELD ENGINEERING A. Provide field engineering services. Establish elevations, lines, and levels, utilizing recognized engineering survey practices. �x 01330217 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01039 - 1 08/17 t �f 1.4 ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES A. Materials are specified in product Sections. Match existing products and work for patching and extending work. B. Close openings in exterior surfaces to protect existing work from weather and extremes of temperature and humidity. C. Remove, cut, and patch work to minimize damage and provide means of restoring products and finishes to original condition unless otherwise specified. D. Refinish visible existing surfaces to remain in renovated rooms and spaces, to specified condition for each material, with neat transition to adjacent finishes. E. Where new work abuts or aligns with existing, perform smooth and even transition. Patched work to match existing adjacent work in texture and appearance. F. When finished surfaces are cut so smooth transition with new work not possible, terminate existing surface along straight line at natural line of division and make recommendation to Engineer. G. Where change of plane of 1/4 inch or more occurs, submit recommendation for providing smooth transition for Engineer review request instructions from Engineer. H. Patch or replace portions of existing surfaces damaged, lifted, discolored, or showing other imperfections. I. Finish surfaces as specified in individual product Sections. 1.5 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Employ skilled and experienced installer to perform cutting and patching. B. Submit written request in advance of cutting or altering elements which affects: 1. Structural integrity of element. 2. Integrity of weather-exposedor moisture -resistant elements. 3. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety of element. 4. Visual qualities of sight -exposed elements. C. Cut, fit, and patch including excavation and fill, to complete Work, and: 1. Fit several parts together to integrate with other Work. 2. Uncover Work to install or correct ill-timed Work. 3. Remove and replace defective and non -conforming Work. 4. Remove samples of installed Work for testing. 5. Provide openings in elements of Work for penetrations of mechanical and electrical Work. D. Execute work by methods to avoid damage to other Work and provide proper surfaces to receive patching and finishing. E. Cut rigid materials using masonry saw or core drill. F. Restore Work with new products per requirements of Contract Documents. G. Fit Work tight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit, and other penetrations through surfaces. H. Maintain integrity of wall, ceiling, or floor construction; completely seal voids. I. Refinish surfaces to match adjacent finishes. For continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection. For assembly, refinish entire unit. J. Identify any hazardous substance or condition exposed during Work to Engineer for decision or remedy. 01330217 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01039 - 2 08/ 17 1.6 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Engineer will schedule a conference after Notice to Proceed. B. Attendance Required: Owner, Engineer, and Contractor. C. Agenda: 1. Execution of Owner -Contractor Agreement. 2. Submission of executed bonds and insurance certificates. 3. Distribution of Contract Documents. 4. Submit lists of subcontractors and products, Schedule of Values, and progress schedule. 5. Designation of personnel representing parties in Contract and the Engineer. 6. Procedures and processing of field decisions, submittals, substitutions, applications for payments, proposal request, Change Orders and Contract closeout procedures. 7. Scheduling. 8. Use of premises by Owner and Contractor. 9. Temporary utilities provided by Owner. 1.7 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Schedule and administer monthly meetings throughout progress of Work, maximum. B. Arrange meetings, prepare agenda with copies for participants, preside at meetings, record minutes, and distribute copies within two days to Engineer, participants, and those affected by decisions. C. Attendance Required: Job superintendent, major subcontractors, suppliers, Engineer, as appropriate to agenda topics for each meeting. D. Agenda: 1. Review minutes of previous meetings. 2. Review of Work progress. 3. Field observations, problems, and decisions. 4. Identification of problems which impede planned progress. 5. Review of submittals schedule and status of submittals. 6. Review of off -site fabrication and delivery schedules. 7. Maintenance of progress schedule. 8. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules. 9. Procedures for testing. 10. Requirements for starting tip equipment. 11. Inspection and acceptance of equipment put into service during construction period. 12. Planned progress during succeeding work period. 13. Coordination of projected progress. 14. Maintenance of quality and work standards. 15. Effect of proposed changes on progress schedule and coordination. 16. Other business relating to Work. 1.8 PREINSTALLATION CONFERENCES A. When required in individual specification Section, convene a preinstallation conference at work site prior to commencing Section work. B. Require attendance of parties directly affecting, or affected by, work of specific Section. C. Notify Engineer four days in advance of meeting date.__? 01330217 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01039 - 3 ` 08/17 D. Prepare agenda, preside at conference, record minutes, and distribute copies within two days after conference to participants, with three copies to Engineer. E. Review conditions of installation, preparation and installation procedures, and I coordination with related work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01039 - 4 08/17 SECTION 01090 - REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes quality assurance and schedule of references. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of standard, except when more rigid requirements specified or required by applicable codes. B. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date for receiving bids. C. Obtain copies of standards when required by Contract Documents. D. Should specified reference standards conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Engineer before proceeding. E. Contractual relationship ofparties to Contract shall not be altered from Contract Documents by mention or inference otherwise in any reference document. 1.3 SCHEDULE OF REFERENCES AA Aluminum Association 818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 AABC Associated Air Balance Council 1000 Vermont Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 North Capitol Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001 ACI American Concrete Institute Box 19150, Reford Station Detroit, NH 48219 ADC Air Diffusion Council 230 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 AGA American Gas Association 1515 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209 AGC Associated General Contractors of America 1957 E Street, N.W. 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 1 08/17 Washington, DC 20006 AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association 1500 King Street, Saute 201 Alexandria, VA 22314 AI Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute Building College Park, MD 20740 A.I.A. American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 400 North Michigan Avenue Eighth Floor Chicago, lL 60611 AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 1000 16th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 AMCA Air Movement and Control Association 30 West University Drive Arlington Heights, hL 60004 ANSI American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018 APA American Plywood Association Box 11700 Tacoma, WA 98411 ARI Air -Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 1501 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22209 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refiigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 2 08/17 AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute 2310 South Walter Reed Drive Arlington, VA 22206 AWPA American Wood -Preservers' Association 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, MD 20014 AWS American Welding Society 550 LeJeune Road, N.W. Miami, FL 33135 AWWA American Water Works Association 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235 BHMA Builders' Hardware Manufacturer Association 60 East 42nd Street, Room 511 New York, NY 10165 BIA Brick Institute of America 11490 Commerce Park Drive Reston, VA 22091 CDA Copper Development Association 57th Floor, Chrysler Building 405 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10174 CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute 1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission 1111 Eighteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20207 CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 933 Phun Grove Road Schaumburg, IL 60195 DHI Door and Hardware Institute 7711 Old Springhouse Road McLean, VA 22102 EJCDC Engineers` Joint. Contract Documents Committee American Consulting Engineers Council 1015 15th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 3 08/17 EJMA Expansion Joint Manufactureis Association 25 North Broadway Tarrytown, NY 10591 FGMA Flat Glass Marketing Association 3310 Harrison White Lakes Professional Building Topeka, KS 66611 FM Factory Mutual System 1151 Boston -Providence Turnpike P.O. Box 688 Norwood, MA 02062 FS Federal Specification General Services Administration Specifications and Consumer Information Distribution Section (WFSIS) Washington Navy Yard, Bldg. 197 Washington, DC 20407 GA Gypsum Association 1603 Orrington Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 ICBO International Conference of Building Officials 5360 S. Workman Mill Road Whittier, CA 90601 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 IES Illumination Engineering Society of North America 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 1MIAC International Masonry Industry All -Weather Council International Masonry Institute 815 15th Street; N.W. Washington, DC 20005 MIL Military Specification Naval Publications and Forms Center 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19120 ML/SFA Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association 221 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60601 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 4 08/17 NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 221 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60601 NBS National Bureau of Standards (U.S. Department of Commerce) Gaithersburg, MD 20234 NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association P.O. Box 781 Herndon, VA 22070 NEBB National Environmental Balancing Bureau 8224 Old Courthouse Road Vienna, VA 22180 NEC National Electrical Code (by NFPA) NECA National Electrical Contractors Association 7315 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 2101 V Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 NFPA National Fire Protection Association Battery March Park Quincy, MA 02269 NFPA National Forest Products Association 1619 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 NPCA National Paint and Coating Association 1500 Rhode Island Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association 8600 Bryn Mawr Avenue Chicago, IL 60631 NSF National Sanitation Foundation 3475 Plymouth Road P.O. Box 1468 Ann Arbor, MI 47106 NSWMA National Solid Wastes Management Association 1730 Rhode Island Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 5 08/17 NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association 205 W. Touhy Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor) Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 PCA Portland Cement Association 5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie, IL 60077 PS Product Standard U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, DC 20203 RIS Redwood Inspection Service One Lombard Street San Francisco, CA 94111 RMA Rubber Manufacturer's Association 1400 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 SDI Steel Deck Institute P.O. Box 9506 Canton, OH 44711 S.D.I. Steel Door Institute 712 Lakewood Center North 14600 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, OH 44107 SGCC Safety Glazing Certification Council Route 11, Industrial Park Cortland, NY 13045 SIGMA Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association I I I East Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601 SJI Steel Joist Institute 1205 48th Avenue North, Suite A Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association 8224 Old Court House Road Vienna, VA 22180 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 6 08/17 SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council 4400 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 TCA Tile Council of America, Inc. Box 326 Princeton, NJ 08540 UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. 333 Pfingston Road Northbrook, IL 60062 WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau 6980 S.W. Varns Road Box 23145 Portland, OR 97223 WRI Wire Reinforcement Institute 8361 A Greensboro Drive McLean, VA 22102 WWPA Western Wood Products Association 1500 Yeon Building Portland, OR 97204 W.W.P.A. Woven Wire Products Association 2515 N. Nordica Avenue Chicago, IL 60635 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Tot Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 7 08/17 SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS PART 1- GENERAL MlilitilltW05 •r . . A. Section Includes: 1. Submittal procedures, shop drawings, and product data. 2. Manufacturers' instructions and certificates. 3. Deviation fiom contract documents. 4. Requirement for complete shop drawings. B. Related Sections: Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. ALL submittals and resubmittals shall be transmitted electronically through NewForma. B. Engineer will sequentially number Submittals. C. Identify Project, Contractor, subcontractor, or supplier as appropriate. D. Contractor responsible for accuracy and completeness of information contained in each submittal and insure values, materials, equipment, or method of work are as described in submittal. E. Apply Contractor's stamp, signed or initialed, certifying review, verification of Products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction work, and coordination of information are per requirements of Work and Contract Documents. If Contractor's stamp, signature, or initials are not on submittals, they will be returned without review. F. Indicate on submittals any deviation or equivalent to project requirements. G. Revise and resubmit submittals as required, identifying all changes made since previous submittal. H. Format 1. Submit all submittals digitally using PDF file extension. Each submittal shall be a single PDF file including transmittal letter. Multiple files for same submittal, not accepted. 2. Submittals in any other format, including ZIP files, will be rejected. 3. Hard copies not accepted. 4. To ensure each page is legible, PDF pages of drawings shall be same size/scale as hard copy. Where applicable, provide scale symbols to indicate scale. Illegible submittals will be rejected. 5. Submittals will be uploaded to Engineer's Info Exchange website. I. Submittal procedures described in this Article applies to Construction Progress Schedule, Products List, Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples (actual samples submitted, not digital files), Design Data, Test Reports, Certificates, Manufacturer's Instructions and Field Reports, Erection Drawings, and any other type of submittal submitted to Engineer. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit number of copies Contractor requires. B. Shop drawings required for all materials, equipment, and accessories required under this contract. 01330217 SUBMITTALS 01300 - 1 08/17 1.4 PRODUCT DATA " A. Submit number of copies Contractor requires. B. Mark each copy to identify applicable products, models, options, and other data. Supplement manufacturers' standard data to provide information unique to this Project. 1.5 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When specified in individual specification Sections, submit manufacta eis' printed instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, start-up, adjusting, and finishing, in quantities specified for Product Data. 1.6 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES A. When specified in individual specification Sections, submit manufacturers' certificate to Engineer for review, in quantities specified for Product Data. B. Certificates may be recent or previous test results on material or Product, but must be acceptable to Engineer. A. Contractor request to deviate from Contract Documents, provided in writing to fiilly identify and describe deviation(s) and state reason(s) change is requested. Any savings in cost related to substitution, is to be stated in request for consideration. Owner may require Contractor to fiunish, at Contractor's expense, special performance bond or other surety with respect to substitute. 1.8 REQUIREMENT FOR COMPLETE SHOP DRAWINGS A. Material in shop drawings shall be in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with all requirements of Contract Drawings. Shop drawings shall address material and/or methods of constriction, design criteria, performance characteristics, and special provisions of Specifications. B. Shop drawings for systems and related equipment shall include information including electrical, mechanical, and any other information required to indicate how various components of system function, and shall be included in same submittal. C. Where statements of certification, written guarantees, extended service agreements, or extended warranties required, they will be provided with shop drawing. Effective date of guarantee and service agreements, however, shall not be until date of final acceptance of project. D. Shop drawings without all information required for evaluation, will be retuned without benefit of review and comment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION �t 01330217 SUBMITTALS 01300 - 2 08/17 SECTION 01400 - QUALITY CONTROL PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Quality assurance and control of installation. 2. Field samples and mock-up. 3. Inspection and testing laboratory services. 4. Manufacturers' field services and reports. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, Products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce Work of specified quality. B. Comply fully with manufacturers' instructions, including each step, in sequence. C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Engineer before proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as minimrlln quality for Work except when more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. F. Secure Products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration, physical distortion, or disfigurement. 1.3 FIELD SAMPLES A. Install field samples at site as required by individual specifications Sections for review. B. Acceptable samples represent a quality level for Work. C. Where field sample specified in individual Sections to remove, clear area after Engineer accepts field sample. 1.4 MOCK-UP A. Tests will be performed under provisions identified in this section. B. Assemble and erect specified items, with specified attachment and anchorage devices, flashings, seals, and finishes. C. Where mock-up is specified in individual Sections to be removed, clear area after mock-up is accepted by Engineer. 1.5 INSPECTION AND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. Owner will appoint, employ, and pay for services of an independent firm to perform inspection and testing. B. Independent firm will perform inspections, tests, and other services specified in individual specification Sections and as required by Engineer. 01330217 QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 1 08/17 C. Reports will be submitted by independent firm to Engineer, in triplicate, indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non-compliance with Contract Documents. D. Cooperate with independent firm; furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage and assistance as requested. 1. Notify Engineer and independent firm 48 hours before expected time for operations requiring services. 2. Arrange with independent firm and pay for additional samples and tests required for Contractor use. E. Retesting required because of non-conformance to specified requirements performed by same independent firm. on instructions by Engineer. Contractor billed directly for failed tests by the testing laboratory. 1.6 MANUFACTURERS` FIELD SERVICES AND REPORTS A. Submit qualifications of observer to Engineer 30 days in advance of required observations. Observer subject to approval of Engineer. B. When specified in individual specification Sections, require material or Product suppliers or manufacturers to provide qualified staff personnel to observe site conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation, quality of workmanship, start-up equipment, test, adjust, and balance of equipment as applicable, and initiate instructions when necessary. C. Individuals to report observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions. D. Submit report in triplicate within 30 days of observation to Engineer for review. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 2 08/17 SECTION 01500 - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Temporary Utilities: Electricity, lighting, heat, ventilation, telephone service, water, and sanitary facilities. 2. Temporary Controls: Barriers, enclosures and fencing, protection of Work, and water control. 3. Construction Facilities: Access roads, parking, progress cleaning, project signage, and temporary buildings. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE A. Connect to existing water source for construction operations. B. Owner will pay cost of water used. Exercise measures to conserve water. C. Extend branch piping with outlets located so water is available by hoses with threaded connections. Provide temporary pipe insulation to prevent freezing. 1.3 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide and maintain required facilities and enclosures. B. Permanent building facilities shall not be used during construction operations. Maintain daily in clean and sanitary condition. 1.4 BARRIERS A. Provide barriers to prevent unauthorized entry to construction areas to allow for Owner's use of site, and protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage from construction operations and demolition. B. Provide protection for plant life designated to remain. Replace damaged plant life. C. Protect non -owned vehicular traffic, stored materials, site, and structures from damage. 1.5 WATER CONTROL A. Grade site to drain. Maintain excavations free of water. Provide, operate, and maintain pumping equipment. B. Protect site from puddling or awning water. Provide water barriers as required to protect site from soil erosion. 1.6 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURES A. Provide temporary insulated weather -tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate acceptable working conditions and protection for Products, allow for temporary heating and maintenance of required ambient temperatures identified in individual specification Sections, and prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access doors with self -closing hardware and locks. 01330217 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 1 08/17 1.7 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protect installed Work and provide special protection where specified in individual specification Sections. B. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed Products. Control activity in immediate work area to minimize damage. C. Provide protective coverings at walls, projections, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings. D. Protect finished floors, stairs, and other surfaces from traffic, dia, wear, damage, or movement of heavy objects, by protecting with durable sheet materials. E. Prohibit traffic or storage upon waterproofed or roofed surfaces. If traffic or activity necessary, obtain recommendations for protection from waterproofing or roofing material manufacturer. F. Prohibit traffic from landscaped areas. 1.8 SECURITY A. Provide security/facilities to protect Work from unauthorized entry, vandalism, or theft. 1.9 ACCESS ROADS A. Construct and maintain temporary roads accessing public thoroughfares to serve construction area. B. Extend and relocate as Work progress requires. Provide detours necessary for unimpeded traffic flow. C. Provide and maintain access to fie hydrants, free of obstructions. D. Designated existing on -site roads may be used for construction traffic. A. Provide temporary gravel surface parking areas to accommodate construction personnel. B. Designate three parking spaces for Owner, Engineer, and visitors. 1.11 PROGRESS CLEANING A. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. Maintain a clean and orderly site. B. Remove debris and rubbish from pipe chases, plenums, attics, crawl spaces, and other closed or remote spaces, prior to enclosing the space. C. Broom and vacuum clean interior areas before starting surface finishing and continue cleaning to eliminate dust. D. Remove waste materials, debris, and rubbish from site and dispose off -site as required to maintain clean site. 1.12 REMOVAL OF UTILITIES, FACILITIES, AND CONTROLS A. Remove temporary above grade or buried utilities, equipment, facilities and materials as soon as permanent facilities can be utilized. B. Remove underground installations to minimum 2-foot depth. Grade site as indicated. C. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. j D. Restore existing facilities used dining constriction to original condition. Restore -- permanent facilities used during constriction to specified condition. 01330217 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 2 O8/17 PART 2 -PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 3 01330217 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01500 - 3 08/17 4` SECTION 01600 - MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT r"'I PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Products and product options. 2. Product delivery, storage, and handling. 3. Substitution equipment. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 PRODUCTS A. Products: New clarifiers, material, machinery, components, equipment, and systems forming Work as well as existing materials or components required for reuse. Does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication, conveying and erection of Work B. Do not use materials and equipment removed from existing premises, except as specifically permitted by Contract Documents. C. Provide interchangeable components of same manufacturer, for similar components. 1.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Delivery 1. Deliver materials, products, and equipment to project site, undamaged, in manufacturer's original, unopened containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. 2. Promptly inspect shipments to assure products comply with requirements, quantities correct, and products undamaged. 3. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage. 4. Arrange deliveries per construction schedule and in time to facilitate inspection prior to installation to avoid unnecessary delays in construction process. B. Storage 1. Store and protect products per manufacturer instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather -tight, climate -controlled enclosures. 2. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports, above ground. 3. Provide off -site storage and protection when site does not permit such onsite. 4. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering. Provide ventilation to avoid condensation. 5. Store loose granular materials on solid flat surfaces in well -drained area. Provide mixing with foreign matter. 6. Provide equipment and personnel to store products to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage. 7. Arrange storage of products to permit access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and maintained under specified conditions. 8. Materials, products, and equipment may be stored off site in bonded and insured warehouse approved by Engineer and Owner. Pay all costs incurred for off -site 01330217 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01600 -1..._ 08/17 storage facilities. Products properly stored in off -site storage facilities may be included in progress pay requests with written approval of Owner. C. Handle materials, products, and equipment as prescribed by manufacturer or specified to protect from damage during storage and installation. 1.4 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description Only: Any product meeting those standards or description. B. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers: Products of manufacturers named and meeting specifications, no options or substitutions allowed. C. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers with a Provision for Substitutions: Submit a request for substitution for any manufacturer not named. 1.5 SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT A. Material and equipment specked herein selected by Engineer and Owner to best fulfill design requirements for project. Bidder's price shall include all items as specified and detailed on plans to permit an equal evaluation of all bids for awarding contract to lowest responsible bidder. B. Equipment and materials are not identical and cannot be offered interchangeably for same function or price. Equipment or materials may be available well- or better -suited for intended application than those specified. C. Bidder must base bid on manufacturer's equipment specified completed cost amount noted in the proposal form. For Engineer to determine if any proposed substitute equipment is satisfactory alternative to equipment specified, proposal containing the following sections as they relate to project, shall be submitted to Engineer within two working days after bid opening for alternate equipment proposed: 1. Section 1: Bidding Contractor's assessment of construction changes resulting from substitution. 2. Section 2: One set of drawings and specifications. 3. Section 3: Full descriptive materials. 4. Section 4: List of equipment installations within three years of operation. D. Failure to provide information requested in specified format, could result in disqualification of substitute equipment proposal. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 2 08/17 SECTION 01650 - STARTING SYSTEMS PART 1- GENERAL f 91111st"UMIZ � `I A. Section includes starting systems, demonstration, and instructions. B. Related Sections: 1. Other Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 STARTING SYSTEMS A. Coordinate schedule for start-up of various equipment and systems. B. Notify Engineer seven days before start -tip of each item. C. Verify each piece of equipment or system is checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, control sequence, or other conditions which may cause damage. D. Verify tests, meter readings, and specified electrical characteristics agree with those required by equipment or system manufacturer. E. Verify wiring and support components for equipment are complete and tested. F. Execute start-up under supervision of responsible manufacturer's representative and Contractors' personnel per manufacturers' instructions. G. When specified in individual specification Sections, require manufacturer to provide authorized representative present at site to inspect, check, and approve equipment or system installation before start-up, and supervise placing equipment or system in operation. H. Submit written report per Section 01400 — Quality Control, equipment or system is properly installed and functioning correctly. 1.3 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Demonstrate operation and maintenance of Products to Owner's personnel two weeks before date of final inspection. B. For equipment or systems requiring seasonal operation, perform demonstration for another season. C. Utilize operation and maintenance manuals as basis for instruction. Review contents of manual with Owners' personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operation and maintenance. D. Demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble -shooting, servicing, maintenance, and shutdown of each item of equipment at agreed -upon tunes, at equipment location. E. Prepare and insert additional data in operations and maintenance manuals when need for additional data becomes apparent during instruction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01330217 STARTING SYSTEMS 01650 -1 08/17 OWNER: City of Lubbock PROJECT: Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 4 Clarifier 3 Rehabilitation CONTRACTOR - ENGINEER: Parkhill. Smith & Cooper Inc. REFERENCE DATA: Specification Section No. Sheet No. Detail Designation Entitled EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION REPORT (EIR) PROJECT NO. OWNER CONTRACTOR: ENGINEER: 01.3302.17 EIR NO.: Page No. Para. No. Drawing Attached (Yes/No) EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION: Naive (from drawings) Identification No. Unit No. Manufacturer Capacity Model No. Serial No. EQUIPMENT LOCATION: structure N/S Coord. E/W Coord. Station Elevation OPERATOR TRAINING HAS BEEN CONDUCTED ON: ❑ Operation of Equipment ❑ Routine Maintenance ❑ Trouble Shooting ❑ Emergency Procedures ❑ Lubrication Procedures ❑ Start-up and Shut -down OPERATOR TRALNE4iG CONDUCTED: Dates: Number of Hours: EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN CHECKED FOR: ❑ Installation ❑ Lubrication ❑ Stress imposed by piping and/or anchor bolts ❑ Other conditions as specified ❑ Alignment ❑ Operation under fiill load conditions I HEREBY CERTIFY I WAS PRESENT WHEN DESCRIBED EQUIPMENT WAS PLACED INTO OPERATION AND INSPECTED, CHECKED, AND ADJUSTED EQUIPMENT AS NECESSARY FOR PROPER OPERATION. AS AN AUTHORIZED TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE OF EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER, I APPROVE INSTALLATION AND AUTHORIZE OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT. BY: DATE: REPRESENTING: Section 01300 Attachment SECTION 02050 - REMOVAL, DEMOLITION AND SALVAGE PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes removing existing equipment as shown on plans. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 JOINT INSPECTION A. Before demolition, Owner, Engineer, and Contractor will make a joint inspection to determine condition of existing structures adjacent to items demolished. Restore adjacent strictures damaged by demolition operations satisfactorily at no expense to Owner. 1.3 QUALIFICATIONS A. Experience in performing Work of this Section. 1.4 DISPOSITION OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Ownership of Material and Equipment 1. Certain materials and equipment designated for reuse or salvage will remain Owner property. If designated items damaged during demolition. handling, or storage, restore satisfactorily at no expense to Owner. Materials and equipment to salvage include: a. Drive unit. b. Bottom and top gear box. C. Skimmer arm. d. Skimmer control panel. e. Scum pipe actuator. 2. Materials/equipment not Owner designated for reuse or salvage, are Contractor property. B. Contractor disposes all materials and equipment not designated for reuse or salvage, at no expense to Owner. C. Other items designated for reuse as directed by Owner representative. 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable code for demolishing structures, safe adjacent structures, dust control, runoff control, and disposal. B. Obtain required permits from authorities. C. DO NOT close or obstruct roadways, sidewalks, or hydrants without permits. D. Conform to applicable regulatory procedures when discovering hazardous or contaminated materials. 1.6 SCHEDULING A. Schedule work per Section 01300 — Submittals, to coincide with new construction. B. Describe demolition removal procedures and schedule. f 01330217 REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, AND SALVAGE 02050 - 1 J 08/17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Provide, erect, and maintain temporary barriers and security devices. B. Protect existing landscaping materials, appurtenances, and strictures not demolished. C. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring. D. Mark location of utilities. 3.2 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY A. Contractor responsible to protect persons and property, including safe working conditions throughout work progress. B. Minimize spread of dust and flying particles. Execute demolition to prevent damage from falling debris or other sources to Owner or adjacent property. C. Do not interfere with adjacent structures. Maintain free and safe access all times. Guard against moving or settling adjacent structures. Contractor responsible for safety and integrity of adjacent structures and, consequently, liable for movement, settlement, and resulting injuries or damage. Provide proper bracing and shoring necessary for support. If safety of adjacent buildings appears endangered, cease operations. DO NOT resume demolition until proper protective measures are taken. 3.3 DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS A. Conduct demolition to minimize interference with adjacent structures. B. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear in danger. Notify Engineer. DO NOT resume operations until directed. 3.4 BLASTING AND FIRE A. Blasting nor fires permitted on project. 3.5 DEMOLITION A. Remove materials re -installed or retained to prevent damage. Store and protect per Section 01600 — Material and Equipment. B. DO NOT burn or bury materials onsite. Leave site clean. C. Remove all temporary work. 3.6 GENERAL WORK ITEMS A. Contractor may use equipment and materials necessary to properly complete demolition. Operational procedures at Contractor option but not interfere with executing other work. Carefully remove, transport, and store materials or equipment designated for reuse or salvage in approved storage areas. B. Keep Work areas free of accumulated debris. Daily remove materials and equipment not for reuse or salvage, unless otherwise approved. 01330217 REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, AND SALVAGE 02050 - 2 08/17 3.7 SCHEDULES A. DO NOT reuse salvage material or equipment on project unless specifically provided for in Specifications or noted on drawings. END OF SECTION 01330217 REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, AND SALVAGE 02050 - 3 O8/17 w. SECTION 02110 - JOBSITE SAFETY PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes jobsite safety issues related to project construction. Specific items listed in this section are for reference only and not intended to address all possible construction issues. Jobsite safety is full responsibility of Contractor. Contractor holds responsibility to meet all local, state, and federal requirements related to jobsite safety. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. "WAEED _100�T1— A. Excavations deeper than 5 feet in all types of earth must be protected fiom cave-in and collapse per OSHA 1926.652. (See Appendix for OSHA 1926 Subpart P.) B. Contractor shall determine if excavations less than 5 feet require protection. € A. Contractor shall disclose dangers of chemicals used on project as required by OSHA 1910.1200. B. Make available MSDS sheets to communicate hazards associated with products used onsite. 1.4 POWER LINE HAZARDS A. Contractor is responsible for examining site for any power line hazards. B. Refer to OSHA 1926.550 for minimum safe operating distances. 1.5 FALL AND IMPACT PROTECTION A. Install barricades, fencing, or other safety devices as necessary to protect employees and the public. B. Safety harness required on all steel erection and for work 6 feet above group, per OSHA requirements. C. Workers shall wear hard hats and steel -toed shoes at all times, per OSHA requirements. D. Use of safety glasses required per OSHA requirements. 1.6 TRAFFIC CONTROL A. All barricades, signs and other devices shall conform to details shown in Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). All traffic control devices shall be crashworthy per guidelines set forth in National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350. 1.7 DUST AND DEBRIS CONTROL A. Utilize water trucks or other means to control blowing dust. Prevent nuisance or hazard to surrounding facilities. 01330217 08/17 JOBSTTE SAFETY 02110 - 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Implement, maintain, and enforce all applicable requirements to ensure a safe jobsite for employees and the public. END OF SECTION 01330217 JOBSITE SAFETY 02110 - 2 08/17 y.. SECTION 11336 - CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT :: AILW0 31 W,» 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes furnishing and installing new drive units with underwater steel components detailed to fit existing circular concrete clarifier basins shown on contract drawings. Clarifier equipment shall be one manufactured by Walker Process Equipment. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM A36 - Structural Steel Specifications. B. ASTM A48 - Cast Iron Specifications. C. ASTM A123 - Hot -Dip Galvanized Coatings. D. ASTM A153 - Hot -Dip Galvanized Bolts. E. ASTM A283C - Steel Plate Specifications. F. ASTM A325 - Fastener Specifications. G. ASTM A536 - Ductile Iron Specifications. H. ASTM A992 — Structural Steel Specifications. I. ASTM B271— Copper Base Allow Casings. J. ASTM 304 - Bolt Specifications. K. AISI 4142 - Heat Treated Steel Specifications. L. AGMA - Gear Ratings. M. AWS - Current Standards. N. AFBMA - Bearing Life Specifications. O. NEMA - Motor Design Standards and Standards for Control Enclosures. 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements 1. Specifically design and construct equipment to be furnished under this section for project application. 2. Equipment presented as manufacturer's standard product are not necessarily acceptable for project use. 3. Construct equipment furnished per detailed requirements of specification sections. 4. Equipment supplier frrnished under this section must be established manufacturer of wastewater process equipment with at least 15 years' successful experience constructing high -quality clarifier units. 5. Products furnished under this section will be the product of one manufacturer. Furnish final clarifier equipment as single unit with one manufacturer. 6. Requirements are minimum acceptable requirements. 7. Fabrication of structural design components are Contractor's sole responsibility and governed by requirements specified herein. 8. One clarifier mechanism furnished, suitable for installation in concrete basin as shown on contract drawings. 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 1 08/17 9. Each mechanism shall be center column supported center feed unit with peripheral effluent collection. Center -drive mechanism provided for rotation of two rake arms with spiral type rake blades. 10. Equipment designed to effectively settle mixed liquor suspended solids and scrape ^ A. settled solids from basin floor to sludge withdrawal drum as shown on drawings. Clarified effluent collected uniformly by hand -operated ducting skimmer. Surface scum collected by scion -skimming equipment and discharged through scum - withdrawal pipe. 11. Equipment fiurnished for each clarifier mechanism include but not be limited to a complete assembly including center -drive assembly, center pier, influent well, drive cage, sludge -collector arms, skimmer/scu n trough, new drive unit, and necessary l anchorage parts. 12. Except where specifically indicated otherwise, all plates and structural members designated for submerged service shall have a minimuun thickness of 1/4 inch. All structural steel will conform to ASTM A36 requirements and steel plate conform to ASTM A283C requirements. All anchor bolts used to secure mechanism to tank shall be 316 stainless steel. All fasteners shall be 316 stainless steel. 13. Each collector designed for installation in existing tank 110-foot, 0-inch-diameter x 13-foot, 11-inch-SWD with floor slope 1 to 12 inches. B. Performance Requirements 1. Drive continuous torque 24,000 feet per pound 2. Drive momentary peak torque 200 percent of continuous 3. Mechanism rotation Clockwise 4. Rake arm rip speed 10 feet per minute 5. Basin diameter 110 feet 6. Side water depth 13 feet, 11 inches 7. Tank freeboard 24 inches 8. Floor slope 1:12 9. Center column diameter 48 inches 10. Feedwell diameter 30 feet 11. Feedwell submerged depth 5 feet, 7 inches 12. Energy dissipating inlet (EDI) diameter 10 feet 13. EDI submerged depth 3 feet 14. Number of baffled EDI openings 8 15. Cage minimum size 5 feet, 8 1/4 inches square 16. Rake arm minimum size 4 feet square 17. Spiral blade height at tank wall 6 inches 18. Spiral blade height near tank center 34 inches 1.4 SUBMITTALS PER SHOP DRAWING A. Product Data 1. Supply new equipment and materials specially designed or selected for function and service specified. 2. No equipment or materials may be used in project not approved by Engineer. 3. Approval for incorporation into project made only after review of shop drawings, specifications, and data. 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 2 08/17 B. Shop Drawings 1. Provide shop drawings complete with all dimensions, anchor locations, material descriptions, openings required in structures, details of connecting piping, and size and location of any required electrical conduits and conduit openings. 2. Provide specifications for main spur gear drive, torque monitor, all mechanical and electrical components, and complete wiring diagrams for all electrical equipment. Torque monitor shall have high -torque alarm contact and another for shutdown. 3. Provide details of major fabricated components showing arrangement of devices and labels with member sizes and materials of construction. 4. Provide AGMA torque and strength calculations for main spur gear drive, gears, and pinions. 5. Provide manufacturer -recommended procedures for jobsite storage of equipment, handling, and erection. 6. Calculations shall clearly specify values used for the following design parameters for surface durability and strength ratings: a. Worm and Worm Gear Diameters. b. Number of Pinions. C. Actual Face Width. d. Tooth Geometry Factor (I and J factors). e. Load Distribution Factor. f. Allowable Contact Stress. g. Allowable Bending Stress. h. Pinion Pitch Diameter. i. Tooth Diametral Pitch. j. Hardness Ratio Factor. L. t k. Elastic Coefficient. 1. Life Factor. 7. Calculate load distribution factors per AGMA 2001 as defined, but in no case shall values be less than 1.5, and substantiated. Net face width for surface durability calculations shall not exceed actual face width of narrowest parameters, material dependent, such as allowable contact stress, calculations include Rill description of materials and heat treatment used. 8. Manufacturer shall submit design graphs or calculations substantiating minimuun deflections and torques of combined cage and rake arms as listed under center cage and rake arm section of specification. C. Quality Control Submittals 1. Certificates: Only equipment of manufacturer type described in specifications, in actual service at least five years, considered. 2. Manufacturer's Field Reports a. Carefully inspect all fabrication at site of fabrication by factory inspectors. b. Use inspection means necessary to assure proper fit of all field connections -a and compliance with all material and fabrication specification requirements. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing and Shipping t 1. Deliver all pieces in largest pieces practical for field assembly by Contractor. 2. Permanently tag individual pieces with welded erection marks or stainless steel tags to cross reference with information on manufacturer erection/assembly drawings. 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 3 08/17 1 f- 3. Protect gear boxes, mechanical, and electrical components from weather and package suitably to facilitate handling and storage. 4. Provide special -lubricating and rust -preventative oils to prevent internal corrosion of gear assemblies. m. 5. Keep all mechanical equipment thoroughly dry all times and store indoors. B. Storage and Protection 1. Protect/maintain all equipment stored on job per manufacturer recommendations. 2. Store electrical equipment in weatherproof, ventilated enclosures. 3. Structural materials may be stored outdoors on pallets or other wooden supports providing for proper support and drainage. 4. Do not allow equipment to directly contact the ground. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standardization: All mechanisms, drive units, and underwater steel components to be product of one manufacturing organization. B. Coordination 1. Contract documents provide details of complete equipment installation for specified purpose. 2. Contractor has responsibility of coordinating all details required for complete operating system including but not limited to protective coatings, electrical requirements, and all work needed to properly install, adjust, and place in operation a complete working system. C. Manufacturer shall modify standard equipment to meet minimum values specified for dimension, design, and intent of specifications. D. Complete machine shall be sufficient strength to sweep in 2-inch grout on tank bottom under own power. Such grouting shall be per manufacturer instruction. E. Give suppliers consideration who have in operation at least 20 similar clarifiers and supplied similar clarifier equipment for 15 years. Installation lists available upon request. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Walker Process Equipment. B. Other manufacturers not accepted. 2.2 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Hot -dipped galvanized clarifier equipment. 2.3 CENTER DRIVE MECHANISM A. Center Drive Summary 1. Includes motor -driven primary gear reduction unit, steel chain roller drive, shear pin coupling, intermediate worrngear reduction unit, enclosed final gear reduction unit, and overload system_ 2. Intermediate woimgear reduction unit and final gear reduction unit shall be product of Equipment Manufacturer. Units purchased from third -party manufacturer not acceptable. 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 4 08/17 B. Gear Design 1. Continuous output torque rating and allowable stress values used in designing intermediate wormgear reduction unit and final gear reduction unit, shall be per latest revision of the following standards: a_ Worm and Wormgearing: ANSFAGMA 6022-C93, "Design Manual for Cylindrical Wormgearing;" ANSI/AGMA 6034-B92, "Practice for Enclosed Cylindrical Wormgear Speed Reducers and Gearmotors;" and ANSI/AGMA 2011-A98, "Cylindrical Wormgearing Tolerance and Inspection Methods." b. Spur and Pinion Gearing: ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04, "Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth;" ANSI/AGMA 2004-008, "Gear Materials and Heat Treatment Manual;" and ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01, "Accuracy Classification System — Tangential Measurement for Cylindrical Gears." 2. Continuous output torque rating of spur and pinion gearing based on smaller of rating values determined from noted ANSI/AGMA standards and design life of 20 years. Drive designed and rated to develop the following torque values at an of 0.029 rpm (10 Win arm Continuous 24,000 At 1.0 Service Factor Alarm; 24,000 100% of Continuous Motor Cut -Off 30,000 125% of Continuous Moiii Peak 48,000 200% of Continuous Shear Pin 40,000 Less than 200% of Continuous 3. Equipment manufacturer shall be American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) member and submit calculations to Engineer for approval substantiating continuous output torque rating and design life. Calculations include spur gear, pinion, wormgear set, and all bearings used in intermediate wormgear reduction unit and final gear reduction unit. 4. Spur gear and pinion calculations shall clearly specify values used for the following design parameters for surface durabilitv and bendine strenath ratings: Number of Pinions Tooth Diametrical Pitch Actual Face Width Hardness Ratio Factor Tooth Geometry Factors and J Factors Elastic' Coefficient Load Distilbution Factor Life Factor Aspect Ratio' Application Factor Allowable Contact Stress Rim Thickness Factor Allowable Bending Stress Worm & Worm ear Grade Pinion Pitch Diameter Pinion & Gear Quality Number 5. Load distribution factors used in calculations shall not exceed 1.28. For material -dependent parameters like allowable contact stress, calculations include full description of materials, quality grade, and heat treatment used. Momentary peak torque calculations shall use a maximum 75-percent yield strength. 6. Final spur gear set and intermediate wormgear set calculations shall be certified and stamped by Licensed Professional Engineer and reviewed and certified by an AGMA member. All intermediate wormgear and final spur gear reduction unit bearing calculations shall be certified and stamped by Licensed Professional Engineer. C. Primary Gear Reduction Unit shall consist of totally -enclosed, horizontal -type gearmotor or gear reducer with C-face-mounted drive motor, mounted atop intermediate wormgear 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 5 08/17 P... y housing. Primary gear reduction unit shall be heavy-duty parallel shaft helical type. Gearmotors shall conform to ANSI/AGMA 6013-A06, "Standard for Industrial Enclosed Gear Drives," with service factor of 1.4, based upon specified continuous running torque. Gear reducers with C-face-mounted drive motor shall conform to ANSI/AGMA 6013-A06, rt ,,Standard for Industrial Enclosed Gear Drives," with service factor of 1.25. All gearbox bearings shall be anti -friction type and running in oil in cast iron or steel housing. Totally enclosed primary reduction wit shall operate on 3-phase, 60-hertz, 230/460-volt power source and at least 3/4 HP. Motor shall conform to NEMA specifications for AC motors and be inverter duty, designed for continuous operating in humid outdoor condition. D. Chain Drive: Power transmission between primary gear reduction unit and intermediate i wormgear reduction unit, shall be through steel -roller chain and steel -sprocket assembly. Driven sprocket shall include shear -pin overload providing overload protection to drive train. Chain drive shall be enclosed with fiberglass chain guard meeting OSHA requirements. Shear -pin overload shall be easily accessible by removing chain guard. t- Direct drives in lieu of chain drive, not acceptable. E. Intermediate Wormgear Reduction Unit 1. Consists of wormgear driven by integral straddle -mounted worm and shaft,__ supported by heavy-duty rolling element bearings running in oil bath, and cast iron housing. Shell worms not acceptable. Plain or sleeve type bearings not acceptable. All bearings shall have minimum L10 life of 20 years, based on continuous torque rating. 2. Integral worm and shaft shall be single piece made from AISI 8620 alloy steel, carburized and ground; with minimum case hardness of 58 Rc. Wormgear shall be centrifirgally cast, per ASTM B271, SAE 430B, and ANSI/AGMA 2004-008, high strength, manganese bronze. Wormgear shall have nunimtun 200-BHN hardness. Wormgear hub shall be keyed to pinion shaft. Intermediate wormgear housing shall be ASTM A48 Class 40 cast iron, complete with seals, oil fill, oil level sight gauge, and drain plugs. Intermediate wormgear housing shall have Rill 360-degree contact and support from final gear housing. Fabricated housings not acceptable. 3. Lubrication of wormgear teeth, worm thread mesh, wormgear bearings, and worm shaft bearings, shall be by oil bath. Designs requiring auxiliary oil pumps or circulating systems for lubrication, not acceptable. Grease lubrication, unacceptable. F. Final Gear Reduction Unit consists of pinion, internal split spur gear, anti -friction ball bearing assembly, and housing. 1. Pinion shall be AISI 4150 steel, AGMA Grade 2 minimum, heat treated to minimum 321 hardness, per ANSI/AGMA 2004-008. Pinion shall be single piece, extending from wormgear to spur gear, straddle mounted between anti -friction ball or roller bearings to maintain accurate pinion to spur gear alignment and contact. All bearings shall have miniinunn 20-year L10 life based on continuous torque. Overhung/cantilevered pinions not acceptable. Pinion manufactured for minimum AGMA Quality Class 8, per ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88, "Gear Classification and Inspection Handbook," or Accuracy Level 9, per ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01. 2. Internal spur gear shall be ductile iron, Austenized, quenched, and tempered, per ASTM A536, Grade 80-55-06 ductile cast iron, with micro -structure of fine tempered pearlite, heat -treated to minimum 220-BHN hardness. Internal spur gear manufactured for minimum AGMA Quality Class 6, per ANSI/AGMA 2000 A88 or Accuracy Level 11, per ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01. Spur gear shall have 60-inch minimum pitch diameter with 5.5-inch minitnurm face width. Internal spur gear shall be split construction to provide replacement of main bearing balls and wire race 1� 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 6 08/ 17 d _C ' inserts without removing access walkway or other parts of clarifier mechanism. Internal spur gears lacking split construction, not acceptable. 3. Internal spur gear shall be mounted on large, full -compliment, rolling element, (, ball -bearing assembly designed to support entire rotating clarifier mechanism. Ballbearing assembly consists of 1 1/2-inch minimum diameter, Grade 50, AISI E52100 chrome -alloy, steel -bearing balls, hardness 60-64 Rc, per ANSI/ABMA/ISO 3290 (R2000), Rolling Bearings - Balls - Dimensions and Tolerances, running in oil bath protected from contamination by lower industrial felt seal and upper stainless steel labyrinth dust shield. Spacer balls, not acceptable. Balls shall bear horizontally and vertically on four renewable hardened alloy steel wire race inserts with minimum dimension of 0.5 inches wide by 0.25 inches thick, pressed into housing and internal spur gear. Minimum ball race diameter shall be 65 inches to assure stability. Wire race inserts shall be heat -treated to hardness no greater than 43-48 Rc to avoid fatigue or stress cracking. Race -wire inserts and bearing balls designed for a minimum L101ife of 20 years. Bearing life calculations shall statistically combine all horizontal and vertical loads applied to bearing assembly. Foie -point angular contact or Gothic Arch type bearings, not acceptable. 4. Bearing race wear shall be measured without disassembly of bearing or drive and Y without dewatering collector basin. Bearing designs, where bearing wear cannot be measured, requires disassembly of bearing, final gear reduction or dewatering collector basin to measure bearing wear, not acceptable. 5. Ball -bearing assembly shall be mounted in ASTM A48, Class 40 cast-iron housing. Housing shall be cast as single piece to provide leak -proof enclosure. Fabricated housings, not acceptable. Seals or gaskets located below oil level, not acceptable. Base of housing shall be mounted atop flange of stationary center column and designed to support internal spur gear, rotating clarifier mechanism, and one end of access walkway. Housing complete with seals, oil level dipstick, oil fill, valve oil, and condensation drains. 6. Upper dust and rain seal between internal spur gear and housing, consists of labyrinth seal fabricated form AISI 316 stainless steel, with stainless steel seal clamps and EPDM rubber trim seal. Lower seal between bottom of internal spur gear and housing, shall be industrial felt seal. 7. Provide positive means of removing condensation and contaminant from lower pinion bearing pocket. 8. Condensate removal system shall automatically drain condensate from lowest points of housing as condensate accumulates without operator attendance. System shall accommodate changes of lubricant specific gravity through slip coupling in discharge portion of system to maintain system in equilibrium. System not adversely — affected by evaporation of water from system and shall have positive means to prevent loss of water from system due to evaporation of condensate fiom system discharge by positive sealing system discharge when condensate not drained. Walker Process Equipment condensate removal system is described in US Patent Number US 6,926,022 B2. 9. Contractor shall furnish heat -trace tape and insulation for exposed portions of condensate system. Operation of heat -trace tape, controlled by thermostatic switch set to energy heat -trace tape when ambient temperature falls below 38 degrees F. 10. Condensate removal systems affected by evaporation, differences in lubricant specific gravities, or require manual operation, not acceptable. I 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 7 08/17 11. Gear -teeth lubrication accomplished by oil dam and meshing action of pinion and internal gear teeth that force lubricant up face of teeth. Designs requiring auxiliary oil pumps or circulating systems for lubrication, not acceptable. G. Overload Alarm 1. Overload protection system includes totally -enclosed actuator and visual -load indicator plainly showing overload points. Non -enclosed actuator systems, not acceptable. Overload alarm and shut-off system consists of two SPDT micro switches, one to close alarm circuit when load reaches alarm -running torque of drive assembly, and one to cut off motor when load reaches cut-off running torque of drive assembly. Micro switches mounted in watertight NEMA 4X Type 316 stainless -steel housing and actuated by movement of worm shaft in intermediate wormgear speed reducer. Plexiglas window mounts on overload housing for observance of dial position. 2. Shear -pin overload device provides additional protection above cut-off point. H. Motor Characteristics: Motors shall be NEMA Design B, totally enclosed with Class B insulation, including sealed conduit box. Motors designed for inverter duty, 3-phase, 60-hertz, 230/ 460-volt power supply. 2.4 CLARIFIER FABRICATED EQUIPMENT A. Access Walkway/Drive Platform: Contractor to reuse existing walkway and platform. B. Drive Cage: Suspend steel drive cage from internal spur gear, at least 5-foot, 8 1/4-inch- square, constricted of 1/4-inch-minimum structural steel members designed to support and rotate sludge collector arms. Connection to interval spur gear adjustable for proper alignment and allow structural tolerances. Drive cage fabricated from rolled structural angles or sections with 1/4-inch-minimum thickness, designed to meet AISC specifications when twice continuous torque of drive unit applied. C. Sludge Collector Arms 1. Each collector has two, rigidly -braced, structural -steel arms supported by drive cage. Arms are rectangular truss construction with dimensions not less than 4 feet, 0 inches high x 3 feet, 6 inches wide. Arms connect to drive cage with adjustable clevis rods. 2. Each arm supports one steel, spiral -shaped, scraper blade fitted with vertically adjustable squeegees constructed from 20 ga Type 316 stainless steel. Scraper blade depth varies from 6-inch-minimum at tank periphery to 34-inch-maximum at sludge hopper. Maximum depth of flight determined by sludge transport calculations supplied by manufacturer. Spiral scraper blades have 30-degree attack angle, positioned to effectively transport sludge to centrally -located hopper. 3. Collector arms fabricated from rolled -structural angles or sections with minimum 1/4-inch thickness, designed to meet AISC specifications when twice continuous torque of drive unit applied as uniform load to both arms. D. Center Pier: Cylindrical steel center pier provided to support main gear and serve as influent pipe inside tank. Pier diameter not less than 48 inches and fabricated not less than 1/2-inch-thick steel plate suitably reinforced where necessary, designed to withstand twice continuous torque of drive mechanism. Pier anchored with minimum 12, 1-inch-diameter, 304 stainless steel anchor bolts. Reuse existing bolts if satisfactory. E. Influent Well: Each collector furnished with Walker Process® C1ariFlowTM Energy Dissipating Inlet (WPE-EDI) designed to provide efficient adjustable hydraulic control and distribution of flow entering tank. Energy -dissipating inlet consists of internal distribution box and outer well. Centrally -located distribution box fabricated from 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 8 08/ 17 minimum 3/164nch carbon -steel plate, supported by and rotate with drive cage. Distribution box has multiple ports with adjustable tangentially opposing diffusion gates to provide balanced inlet diffusion. Outer well not less than 30-foot, 0-inch diameter x 5-foot, 6-inch side depth, fabricated from minimum 3/16-inch steel plate. Outer well supported from access walkway. WPE-EDI described in US Patent Number US 7,549,441 B2. F. Ducking Skimmer Assembly 1. Each basin equipped with baffles and devices to collect floating scum and discharge into rotating scum pipe for removal. Skimming system consists of skimmer assemblies, rotating scum pipe assembly, and additional devices specified and required for proper operation. Skinuning equipment operates with circumferential scum baffle indicated on Drawings. Sludge collector arms support skimmer assemblies. Designs relying on scum baffle for support, not acceptable. Scum pipe supported from walkway. Each skimmer assembly furnished with pivot supports allowing skimmer blade to pass under scum pipe without interfering with scum -pipe operation. Scum pipe discharges scum by gravity flow into drop box attached to scum pipe located near basin perimeter. 2. Each basin equipped with two skimmer assemblies. Each skimmer assembly collects floating scum full distance between scum baffle and influent well. Each skimmer assembly consists of skimmer blade, blade supports, support pivot bearings, wiper, g and return mechanism. Skimmer blade is 316 stainless steel. Skimmer blade sections not to exceed 10 feet in length and be approximately 12 inches high with 4 inches extending above maximum water elevation for basin. Skimmer blade is sealed between sections with adequate supports attached to sludge -collector arms. Pivot bearings are suitable for underwater service, water- or self-lubricating type not requiring additional lubrication. Wiper provided on outer skimmer blade to collect scum between end of skimmer blade and scum baffle. Wiper is neoprene or other suitable flexible corrosion -resistant material. Positive return mechanism actuated by counterweight provided to rotate skimmer blade to vertical position after passing under scum pipe. a. Cable or float mechanisms not acceptable. Each skimmer assembly provided with additional supports or stops as required to prevent damage to equipment when basin is dewatered or collector operated in dry basin. € 3. Rotating scum pipe assembly consists of steel pipe with rectangular weir openings, support bearings, and manually -operated handwheel to control dipping cycle. Scum pipe has nominal 14-inch-diameter and wall thickness not less than 0.25 inch. a. Supports for rotating scum pipe lined with nylon or equal material to provide low -friction contact surface and prevent wear between scum pipe and e supports. Each support provided with skimmer -blade guide to provide gradual return of blade to water surface after docking under scum pipe. To facilitate this, bearing/guide support located and centered on each skimmer blade section. Supports (attached to bridge) are fully adjustable for leveling scum pipe. Blades provided with replaceable wearing shoes to contact guides. G. Pipe Skimmer 1. Finnish and install as shown on plans, one manually -operated skimmer as .,., manufactured by Walker Process Equipment, Division of McNish Corporation, Aurora, Illinois. Skimmer installed in one tank, 110 feet wide. a. Equipment supplier must be regularly engaged in application, design, and supply of specified equipment for use in water and wastewater plants. To demonstrate capability, equipment supplier submits docti uentation to demonstrate production and supply of specified equipment at least 15 years, 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 9 08/17 and minimtun 25 similarly -sized and designed -successfully operating tuiits in service. 2. Each skimmer is 14-inch steel pipe with wall thickness not less than 0.25 inch, complete with accurately -cut open slot, forming 60-degree angle in top of pipe, to receive skimmings. 3. Open end of skimmer pipe supported by wall bearings made of high-grade cast iron with recess receiving compression sleeve and O-ring seal and flat surface for attaching to tank wall. Wall bearings to have slotted holes to permit vertical alignment and grease fitting for proper lubrication. Cast iron compression sleeve attached to wall bearings, adjusted to compress 9/16-inch-diameter Buna "N" O-ring seal to make watertight connection with skimming pipe. 1/4-inch-thick Neoprene f-a gasket provided as wall seal for bearings. 4. Closed end of skimmer pipe supported with pair of end brackets. End brackets made ' of high-grade cast iron or fabricated steel with slotted holes permitting vertical alignment. 5. Wormgear made of high-grade cast iron and secured to 1 1/2-inch-diameter operating shaft supported by two babbitted-lined solid journal bearings fitted with grease fittings. a. Wormgear made of high-grade cast iron, bolted to steel adjustment band B secured to skimmer pipe at final assembly. b. Steel ring and retainer provided to ensure proper alignment of gearing. 6. Operating handwheel is 18 inches diameter and made of cast iron. Handwheel is keyed to wormgear operating shaft and located approximately 36 inches above operating floor. 7. Pipe wall thimbles of same diameter as skimming pipe extends through walls, where required, to permit flow between adjacent skimmers and discharge of skimmings from tanks. Contractor furnishes thimbles. H. Painting 1. All ferrous surfaces delivered to jobsite hot -dip galvanized. 2. Field touch-tipscratches marks and bruises to shop -applied rimer or coatings, and P g 3. all finish painting furnished and applied by Contractor. Submerged fabricated ¢, and non -submerged steel receive surface preparation and hot -dip galvanizing per ASTM A123. - 4. Spur gear drive assembly to be shop -prime painted with one coat clarifier manufacture -standard epoxy pruner ready for final coating in field. Factory finish of motor and primary gear reducer will not require additional shop or field top coating. L Anchorage 1. Equipment manufacturer firnishes all Type 316 stainless steel, anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and gaskets necessary for equipment he furnishes. _ 2. Contractor to place anchorage per certified prints supplied by equipment manufacturer. 3. Equipment manufacturer responsible to provide bolts not promoting corrosion between dissimilar metals. J. Equipment drawings and submittal shall clearly identify areas and connections to require ? double nutting or specialized anchorage equipment. 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 10 -g 08/17 t 1 2.5 GROUT MATERIALS A. Sand -Cement Grout: Portland cement, ASTM C150, Type I, and clean, natural sand, ASTM C144 or C404. Mix at ratio of one part cement to 2-1/2 parts sand, by volume, with minirmun water required for placement and hydration. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify items provided by other Sections of work are properly sized and located. B. Verify built-in items are in proper location and ready for roughing -in to work 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Welding 1. Equipment manufacturer's shop -welding procedures, welders, and welding operators shall be qualified and ceitified per requirement of AWS D1.1 "Welding in Building Construction," of American Welding Society. 2. Equipment manufacturer's installation drawings to clearly show complete information regarding location, type, size, and length of all welds per "Standard Welding Symbols," AWS A2.0 of American Welding Society. Special conditions fully explained by notes or details. 3. Contractor welding procedures, welders, and welding operators qualified and certified per requirements of AWS D1.1 "Welding in Building Construction," of American Welding Society. 4. Contractor performs all field welding per information shown on equipment manufacturer drawings regarding location, type, size, and length of all welds per "Standard Welding Symbols," AWS A2.0 of American Welding Society, and special conditions as shown by notes and details. 3.3 SERVICE/WARRANTY A. Equipment manufacturer provides serviceman/field service representative for one trip including maximum two working days for startup, properly trained in inspection and operation of mechanism, approve installation, certify torque, run test, and instruct Owner personnel on maintenance and operation. Any additional service provided by Contractor at his expense for improper installation or delayed check-out of operator training. B. Guarantee: Equipment manufacturer shall guarantee equipment against defect in design, material, and workmanship 12 months after initial operation of equipment. C. Manufacturer will firnish name, address, phone number, and email for personnel responsible for warranty work. 3.4 TESTS A. Test verifies structural integrity of mechanism and drive. Manufacturer provides qualified serviceman to supervise tests. B. Clarifier mechanism field -torque tested. Test under supervision of equipment manufacturer before mechanisms approved and placed into operation. 01330217 CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 11 09/17 C. Torque test secures rake aims by cables to anchor bolts installed by Contractor in tank floor at locations recommended by manufacturer and Engineer. Torque load applied to scraper aim by ratchet lever and cylinder connected to cable assembly. D. Magnitude of applied load measured by calculating torque fiom distance of line of action of each cable to center line of mechanism. Take readings 40, 85, and 100 percent of design torque value. Test load applied and noted on torque overload device. E. Manufacturer serviceman shall certify alarm and motor cut-out torque of drives as calibrated in manufacturer shop, are in proper operation to shut down units as specified. F. All equipment required for test provided by manufacturer. After successful test, equipment shall be returned to equipment manufacturer. G. Contractor shall immediately repair any equipment that breaks or fails during test under direction of equipment manufacturer at no expense to Contractor or Owner, and test shall be repeated until approved by Owner or Contractor. 3.5 DRIVE TEST REPORTS A. Upon delivery, clarifier manufacturer to provide independent design evaluation of proposed drive unit. AGMA certification shall be sent to Owner with warranty information. Manufacturer shall provide AGMA Engineer with: 1. Drive assembly drawing. 2. All drive components details including machining, housings, gears, pinion, shafting. 3. Make and model of all gears and housing. 4. Any additional information needed to completely evaluate proposed drive assembly. B. Recommended AGMA Engineer: 1. GEARTECH Incorporated 1017 Pomona Avenue Albany California 94706 3.6 SPARE PARTS A. This specification provides six -year, non -interrupted, continuous operation. Manufacturer shall supply any spare parts with expected service life less than this time frame. At minimum, furnish the following parts: 1. One sight glass or dipstick for each main drive housing containing oil. 2. One set of neoprene skimmer wipers for each mechanism. 01330217 08/17 3. 10 shear pins. 4. Replacement seals for torque box and gear box. 5. Spare fuses. 6. Replacement breather caps. 7. Programming for clarifier controls. END OF SECTION CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT 11336 - 12 SECTION 16000 - ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Related Sections: Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION A. Requirements of the General Conditions, Special Conditions, and General Requirements of these Specifications are applicable and part of every section in Division 16 - Electrical. Contractor shall fiurnish all labor, material, service, equipment, and appliances, and shall perform all operations in connection with the installation and testing of Electrical Work in accordance with Contract Drawings and Specifications. Engineerwill reject anymaterial found defective and Contractor shall remove such defective material from the site of the work. B. Contractor is responsible for all such material finYuished by him and shall replace, at his own expense, all such materials found defective in manufacture or damaged after delivery. C. Interconnections between various items of electrical equipment and control system will require coordination and in some cases interface devices such as, but not limited to, couplings, flanges, reducers, converters, conduit, relays, contacts, wiring, etc., whether or not these items are shown on the Drawings. General Contractor has the responsibility to provide necessary coordination and interface devices at no additional cost to Owner. 1.3 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES AND STANDARDS A. Regulatory Agencies: Installation, materials, equipment and workmanship shall conform to the applicable provisions of the following: 1. National Electrical Code (NEC) 2. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 3. Terms and conditions of the electrical utility and other authorities having lawful jurisdiction pertaining to the work required. B. All modifications required by these applicable codes, rules, regulations and authorities shall be made by the Contractor without additional charge to the Owner. 1. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): All materials, appliances, equipment or devices shall conform to the applicable standards of UL, Inc. UL label or listing is required. 2. Standards: Where referenced in these specifications or on the Drawings, the publications and standards of the following organization shall apply: a. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). b. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). C. Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA). d. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). e. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). f. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). g. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). 01330217 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 16000 - 1 08/17 1.4 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. Should this Contractor observe any conflict or variation in the Plans and Specifications, he shall notify Engineer in writing not later than 10 days prior to date of bid opening. Failure to clarify such variations will result in the Electrical Contractor bearing all costs arising from electrical work done contrary to either the Specifications or Drawings. B. Electrical Contractor shall coordinate all conduit rims, control wiring, and electrical connections to equipment items finnished by Mechanical Contractor, General Contractor, Instrumentation Contractor, Owner, and other contactors under other specification sections. iR.� IJI3uINNKTI A. Materials List: Within 15 days after award of Contract, Contractor shall submit to Engineer, a list of all equipment to be furnished. Where substitutions are proposed, complete data must be furnished showing performance, quality and dimensions. Written approval of Engineer must be obtained before purchasing any substitute equipment. B. Shop Drawings: Submit for approval shop drawings after material list has been approved and prior to ordering. Show complete outlines, dimensions, electrical services, control diagrams, electrical characteristics of a special nature or critical to the installation and pertinent data required for installation. All descriptive and technical data and shop drawings shall bear signed certification to the effect they have been carefiilly examined and found correct with respect to dimension, space available, non-interference with other trades and equipment complies with all requirements of these specifications. Where catalog data are submitted, proposed items shall be clearly "flagged" or otherwise identified, so no confusion exists. In addition to specific references or requests, submit Shop Drawings for motor starters, switches, control devices, control systems, and sensing equipment. C. Substitutions: Submit proposed substitutions of electrical equipment, control devices, and other equipment with other submittal data. Accompany this request with complete descriptions of substitutes offered, including catalog cuts. The entire burden of proof of equality shall be placed on the Contractor, and decision of the Engineer shall be final. D. Test Data: Provide four copies of all data obtained dining tests required in Specifications. Data shall be organized, typed, and indicate result of each test. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 REQUIREMENTS A. Electrical requirements for equipment specified or indicated on the Drawings are based on information available at the time of design. If equipment fuurnished for installation has electrical requirements other than indicated on Electrical Drawings, Contractor shall make any required changes to wire and conduit size, controls, over -current protection, and installation as required, accommodating equipment supplied, without additional charge to Owner. The complete responsibility and costs for such adjustments shall be assigned to the respective section of this specification under which the equipment is finnished. A. All similar materials and equipment shall be the product of the same manufacturer unless specified otherwise. Where no specific material, apparatus, or appliance is mentioned, any first-class product, with Engineer approval, maybe used. Materials and equipment shall be the 01330217 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 16000 - 2 08/17 E� standard products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of such material and manufacturer's current and standard design. Equipment affected by altitude shall perform satisfactorily for the function intended at the altitude of the project site. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Fabrication, erection, and installation of the complete electrical system shall be done in accordance with accepted good practice by qualified personnel experienced in such work and shall proceed orderly so as not to impede project progress. Electrical Contractor shall check all areas and surfaces where electrical equipment material is to be installed, removed, or relocated and report any unsatisfactory conditions before starting work. Commencement of work signifies Conti -actor acceptance of existing conditions. In acceptance or rejection of the finished installation, no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of workmen. 3.2 TEMPORARY POWER AND LIGHTING A. Furnish and install temporary electrical facilities, if required, for construction and safety operations. No part of the permanent electrical systems or the existing electrical system may be used for temporary service unless Engineer approved. Provide separate electrical metering for temporary power. 3.3 PERFORMANCE TESTS A. Thoroughly test all control circuits, fixtures, services, and all circuits for proper operating condition and freedom from grounds and short circuits before acceptance is requested. Operate all equipment, appliances, and devices under load conditions. After the interior wiring system installation is complete and when Engineer may direct, conduct operating tests for approval. When requested, test all the wire, cable, devices, and equipment after installation, to asstue all material continues to possess all the original characteristics as required by governing codes and standards listed in these specifications. B. Perform tests as required by other Specification Sections or as requested to prove acceptability. Finnish all instruments and labor for testing. 3.4 RECORD DRAWINGS A. During work progress, maintain a clean, full set of project plans used to record accurate red -lined changes to system installation. Upon completion of the installation, submit full set of red -lined drawings with all record data to Engineer. 3.5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND MANUALS A. Without additional charge to the Owner, finnish complete instruction to Owner in the care, adjustment, and operation of all parts ofthe electrical equipment and systems. Upon completion of the work, prepare and deliver to Owner, two sets of complete O&M manuals for systems and major equipment installed. Include catalog data, shop drawings, wiring diagrams, performance curves and rating data, spare parts lists, and manufacturer's operating maintenance data. Provide one electronic version to Owner. 01330217 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 16000 - 3 08/17 B. These requirements are in addition to specific insti actions and manuals specified for individual { systems or equipment. 3.6 DRAWINGS A. General: Electrical drawings show the general arrangement of all conduit, equipment, etc. and shall be followed as closely as actual building constriction and the work of other trades will permit. Structural drawings shall be considered part of the work insofar as these Drawings firmish the Contractor with information relating to the design and construction of the building. Because of the small scale of the Electrical Drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, and accessories required. Contractor shall investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting the work and arrange work accordingly, providing such fittings, elbows, pull boxes, and accessories as required to meet such conditions. B. Field Measurements: Contractor shall verify dimensions governing the electrical work at the facility. No extra compensation shall be claimed or allowed on account of differences between actual dimensions and those indicated on the drawings. C. Coordination Drawings: In locations where several trades' work must be sequenced and positioned with precision to fit into the available space, prepare coordination drawings (shop drawings) showing actual physical dimensions (at accurate scale) required for the installation if deemed necessary by Engineer. Prepare and submit these coordination drawings, if required, prior to purchase -fabrication -installation of any of these elements involved in the coordination. 3.7 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND OUTLETS A. Approximate locations of cabinets, conduits, controllers, power outlets, etc., are indicated on the Drawings; however, they are not intended to give complete and detailed information. Determine exact location after thoroughly examining general building plans and by actual measurements during construction, subject to Engineer approval. 3.8 EXISTING ELECTRICAL A. Existing electrical system information has been obtained from the most up-to-date source and documents, but accuracy is not guaranteed. Contractor shall familiarize himself with the existing conditions prior to preparing his bid. B. Only the existing electrical affected by this Contract is shown on the Drawings. Existing electrical not shown in the Drawings, is to remain in place and in operation. All existing electrical damaged during construction shall be repaired or replaced. C. Contractor is responsible for damage to existing walls or ceilings due to the electrical construction. Repairing of damage to the existing building shall be done by the proper trades involved. END OF SECTION f. 4 I t 01330217 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 16000 - 4 08/17 SECTION 16111- CONDUIT PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Metal and nonmetal conduit. 2. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit. 3. PVC -coated rigid metallic conduit. 4. Fittings and conduit bodies. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 2. Section 16130 - Boxes. 3. Section 16190 — Supporting Devices. 1.2 DESCRIPTION A. Inspect conduit, fittings, conduit bodies, and accessories upon delivery and during progress of the work. Engineer shall reject any material found defective and Contractor shall remove such defective material from the site of the work. B. Contractor shall be responsible for all materials furnished by him and shall replace, at his own expense, all such materials found defective in manufacture or damaged after delivery. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI C80.1 - Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated. B. ANSI C80.3 - Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc Coated. C. ANSI/NEMA FB 1 - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable assemblies. D. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. E. NECA - Standard of Installation. F. NEMA RN 1 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit. G. NEMA TC 3 - PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. 1.4 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. Accurately record actual routing of all conduits. 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for pin -pose specified and shown. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of General Conditions. Accept conduit onsite and inspect for damage. Protect conduit from corrosion and entrance of debris by storing above grade and providing appropriate covering. Protect PVC conduit from sunlight. 01330217 CONDUIT 16111 - 1 08/17 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify field measurements are as shown on Drawings. Verify routing and termination locations of conduit, prior to rough -in. Conduit routing is shown on Drawings in approximate locations unless dimensioned. Route as required to complete wiring system. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS A. Conduit Minimum, Size: 3/4 inch unless othei wise specified. B. Rigid Metallic Conduit (RMC): Hot -Dipped Galvanized Rigid Steel, ANSI C80.1. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB 1; material to match conduit. C. Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit: Interlocked steel construction with PVC jacket. Flexible conduit shall be used only for connection to devices and structures subject to vibration. Maximum, length of flexible conduit shall be 3 feet. D. PVC -Coated RMC: 40 mil gay PVC exterior coating over galvanized rigid conduit, clear urethane coating over hot galvanized threads, UL Listed with PVC as the primary corrosion protection for the steal conduit with an underlying zinc coating as a supplemental corrosion protection coating. Fittings and Conduit Bodies shall be by the same manufacturer as the conduit. UL Listed Standard 514B, material and coatings to match conduit E. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit: NEMA TC 2; Schedule 80 PVC. PVC Fittings and Conduit Bodies: NEMA TC 2.2 UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS A. At 18 inches below grade and lower, utilize Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit. If underground conduit run is not encased in concrete, place 4 inches of sand below and above conduit, and install a red plastic ribbon 6 inches above the top of the conduit for the entire length of the undergouud run. B. Any conduit located less than 18 inches below grade shall PVC -coated Rigid Metallic Conduit, or Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit encased in concrete. C. When transferring from below grade to above grade, use PVC -coated Rigid Metallic Conduit Ells. 2.3 ABOVEGROUND INSTALLATIONS A. Wet and Damp Locations: Use Rigid Metallic Conduit. B. Dry Locations: Use Rigid Metallic Conduit. 2.4 OUTDOOR VAULTS / OTHER HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS A. All conduits and fittings located in outdoor vaults, including conduits encased in the walls and floors of the vaults, shall be PVC -Coated RMC. B. In areas classified as hazardous locations by NFPA or other applicable codes, all material shall be rated for the area. where installed. 01330217 CONDUIT 16111 - 2 08/17 s PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install conduit in accordance with NECA - Standard of Installation. Install nonmetallic conduit and PVC -Coated RMC in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Arrange supports to prevent misalignment during wiring installation. Support conduit using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay -in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, and splint hangers. Group related conduits; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel channel; provide space on each for 25 percent additional conduits. Fasten conduit supports to building structure and surfaces under provisions of Section 16190 — Supporting Devices. Do not support conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove wire used for temporary supports. B. Arrange conduit to maintain headroom and present neat appearance. Route exposed conduit parallel and perpendicular to walls. Maintain adequate clearance between conduit and piping. Maintain 12-inch clearance between conduit and surfaces with temperatures exceeding 104 degrees F. All sharp edges shall be removed from ends after cutting. Pipe cutters shall not be used for cutting conduit. Bring conduit to shoulder of fittings. Fasten securely. C. Join nonmetallic conduit using cement as recommended by manufacturer. Wipe nonmetallic conduit dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of cement to entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum. D. Use conduit hubs to fasten conduit to sheet metal boxes in damp and wet locations and to cast boxes. Install no more than equivalent of three 90-degree bends between boxes. Use conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Conduit bends shall be made so as not to alter the cross -sectional area of the conduit. E. On PVC -Coated RMC, touch up compound must be used on all field cut threads and internal reams. Touch up compound shall be as recommended by the PVC Coated RMC manufacturer. F. Clamping, cutting threading, bending, and assembly of PVC -Coated RMC shall be done in strict accordance with manufacturer -recommended installation guide. If the manufacturer does not provide a detailed installation guide, Contractor shall follow the Perma-Cote Installation Guide, 2005 Perma-Cote Order Item 10 PC-2002. G. Use suitable caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture. Avoid moisture traps. Provide junction box with drain fitting at low points in conduit system. Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where conduit crosses, control, and expansion joints. Provide suitable pull string in each empty conduit except sleeves and nipples. H. All conduits identified on a conduit schedule shall be tagged at each end, and where wall or floor penetrations are made, with metal tags engraved or stamped to identify the conduit according to the identification on the "schedule." END OF SECTION 01330217 CONDUIT 16111 - 3 08/17 SECTION 16123 - WIRE AND CABLE PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUN04ARY A. Section Includes: 1. Power wire and cable. 2. VFD, service entrance, and control cables. 3. Underground feeder and branch circuit cable. 4. Wiring connectors and connections. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 2. Section 16111 - Conduit. 3. Section 16130 - Boxes. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of General Conditions. B. Product Data: Provide for each cable assembly type. C. Test Reports: Indicate procedures and values obtained. 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and shown. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify field measurements are as shown on Drawings. B. Wire and cable routing shown on Drawings is approximate unless dimensioned. Route wires and cables as required meeting Project Conditions. C. Where wire and cable routing is not shown, and destination only is indicated, determine exact routing and lengths required. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work with other trades. B. Determine required separation between cable and other work. C. Determine cable routing to avoid interference with other work. 01330217 WIRE AND CABLE 16123 - 1 08/17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Power Wire and Cable: Cable to be as manufactured by Carol Cable, Triangle PWC, Inc., Capital Wire & Cable Corp, or equal. B. VFD Cable: Draka USA, or equal C. Control Cable: Belden, or equal 2.2 POWER WIRE AND CABLE A. Description: Tray Cable Rated, multi -conductor, insulated wire. B. Conductor: Copper. C. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 volts. D. Insulation: ANSI/NFPA 70; Type THHHN/THWN-2, 90 degrees C insulation for service entrance, feeders and branch circuits. 2.3 VFD CABLE A. Description: Shielded motor supply cable for variable frequency drives. Materials used are designed to hold up to the non -linear power distortions associated with VFD drives. B. Constriction: Finely stranded tinned copper conductors; composite insulation; barrier tape; 100 percent shielding with foil tape and tinned copper braid, PVC black jacket, TC-rated. C. Nominal Voltage: 600V-UL, 1000V-UL AWM. D. Color Code: Three black conductors with white numbers, plus green ground. E. Temperature Rating: -25 to +90 degrees C. F. Cable termination kits shall be supplied from cable manufacturer. 2.4 CONTROL CABLE A. Analog 1/0 wiring shall be 16 AWG, twisted pair shielded, Belden 8719 or equal. B. Discrete VO wiring shall be 16AWG, 600V, stranded copper, THWN. Use multi -conductor cable when possible. PART 3 - EXECUTION: 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify interior of building has been protected from weather. B. Verify mechanical work likely to damage wire has been completed. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer instructions. B. Use copper conductor not smaller than 12 AWG for power and lighting circuits. C. Use copper conductor not smaller than 16 AWG for control circuits. D. Use 10 AWG copper conductors for 20 ampere, 120 volt branch circuits longer than 75 feet. E. Use 10 AWG copper conductors for 20 ampere, 277 volt branch circuits longer than 200 feet. F. Pull all conductors into raceway at same time. G. Use suitable wire pulling lubricant for building wire 8 AWG and larger or runs longer than 50 feet. 01330217 WIRE AND CABLE 16123 - 2 08/17 H. Use suitable cable fittings and connectors. I. Neatly train and lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panelboards. J. Clean conductor surfaces before installing lugs and connectors. K. Make splices, taps, and terminations to carry full ampacity of conductors with no perceptible temperature rise. L. Use split bolt connectors for copper conductor splices and taps, 8 AWG and larger. Tape uninsulated conductors and connector with electrical tape to 150 percent of insulation rating of conductor. -, M. Use solderless pressure connectors with insulating covers or spring wire connectors for copper conductor splices and taps, 10 AWG and smaller. [ N. Terminations for VFD cable shall be performed in accordance with cable manufacturer .s recommendations. Any required termination kits shall be provided by cable manufacturer. 3.3 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Identify each conductor with its destination terminal block. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection and testing under provisions of General Conditions. B. Inspect wire for physical damage and proper connection. C. Measure tightness of bolted connections. D. Utilize accurate torque wrench to tighten bolts and nuts on MCC. E. Verify continuity of each branch circuit conductor. F. Verify all non -grounded conductors have an open circuit to ground. 3.5 PAYMENT A. Payment will be made for all work covered in this section at the contract unit price per unit or will be included in the hump sure price per job for items, as shown on the proposal. Either such payment shall be complete compensation for the complete performance of work in accordance with the drawings and the provisions of these specifications. 01330217 08/17 END OF SECTION WIRE AND CABLE 16123 - 3 SECTION 16130 - BOXES PART 1- GENERA 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Wall and ceiling outlet boxes. 2. Pull and junction boxes. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 2. Section 16140 - Wiring Devices: Wall plates in finished areas. 3. Section 16160 — Industrial Control Panel. 1.2 REFERENCES A. NECA: Standard of Installation. B. NEMA FB 1: Fittings and Supports for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. C. NEMA OS 1: Sheet -steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers, and Box Supports. D. NEMA 250: Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). E. NFPA 70: National Electrical Code. 1.3 SUBMITTALS FOR CLOSEOUT A. General Conditions: Contract Closeout: Submittals for Project closeout. B. Record actual locations and mounting heights of outlet, pull, and junction boxes on project record documents. 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Provide Products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OUTLET BOXES A. Farralloy Outlet Boxes: NEMA OS 1, galvanized. 1. Lununaire and Equipment Supporting Boxes: Rated for weight of equipment supported; include 1/2-inch male fixture studs where required. 2. Concrete Ceiling Boxes: Concrete type. B. Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes: NEMA OS 2. C. Cast Boxes: NEMA FB 1, Type FD, and ahuninum cast ferroalloy. Provide gasketed cover by box manufacturer. D. Boxes and covers in outdoor vault locations shall be Cast Boxes with 40 mil gray PVC exterior coating, and 2 mil urethane interior coating. E. Wall Plates for Finished Areas: As specified in Section 16140 — Wiring Devices. 01330217 BOXES 16130 - 1 08/17 I e 2.2 PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES �s A. Surface Mounted Cast Metal Box: NEMA 250, Type 4 flat -flanged, surface -mounted junction box, or as specified on drawings. 1. Material: Galvanized cast iron, Cast aluminum. 2. Cover: Furnish with ground flange, neoprene gasket, and stainless steel cover screws. B. Boxes and covers in Wet Well Locations shall be Cast Boxes with 40 mil gray PVC exterior coating, and 2 mil urethane interior coating. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install boxes in accordance with NECA - Standard of Installation. B. Install in locations as shown on Drawings, and as required for splices, taps, wire pulling, equipment connections and compliance with regulatory requirements. C. Set wall mounted boxes at elevations to accommodate mounting heights indicated. D. Electrical boxes are shown on Drawings in approximate locations dimensioned. Adjust box location up to 10 feet if required to accommodate intended purpose. E. Orient boxes to accommodate wiring devices as specified in Section 16140 — Wiring Devices. F. Maintain headroom and present neat mechanical appearance. G. Install boxes to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements. H. Locate outlet boxes to allow luminaires positioned as shown on plans. I. Align adjacent wall mounted outlet boxes for switches, thermostats, and similar devices. J. Use adjustable steel channel fasteners for hung ceiling outlet box. K. Support boxes independently of conduit. L. Use gang box where more than one device is mounted together. Do not use sectional box. M. Use cast aluminum outlet box in exterior locations and wet locations. N. Large Pull Boxes: Use NEMA 4 enclosure. 3.2 INTERFACE V= OTHER PRODUCTS A. Coordinate installation of outlet box for equipment to be connected. 3.3 ADJUSTING A. General Conditions - Contract Closeout: Adjusting installed work. B. Install knockout closures in unused box openings. 3.4 CLEANING A. General Conditions - Conti -act Closeout: Cleaning installed work. B. Clean interior of boxes to remove dust, debris, and other material. C. Clean exposed surfaces and restore finish. END OF SECTION 01330217 BOXES 16130 - 2 08/17 SECTION 16140 - AVHtING DEVICES PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Wall switches, receptacles, and device plates. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 2. Section 16130 —Boxes. 1.2 REFERENCES A. NECA — Standard of Installation B. NEMA WD 1— General Requirements for Wiring Devices C. NEMA WD 6 — Wiring Device — Dimensional Requirements D. NFPA 70 — National Electric Code 1.3 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years' documented experience. 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Provide Products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WALL SWITCHES A. Manufacturers: 1. General Electric Model 5951-2G. 2. Hubbell Model 1221-I. 3. P&S Model 20-AC-1-1. 4. Or approved equal. B. Description: NEMA WD 1, Specification Grade, AC only general -use snap switch. C. Body and Handle: Ivory plastic with toggle handle. D. Ratings: 1. Voltage 120/277 volts, AC 2. Current: 20 amperes. 2.2 RECEPTACLES A. Manufacturers: 1. General Electric Model 5362-2. 2. Hubbel Model 5362-1. 3. P&S Model 5362-1. 01330217 WIRING DEVICES 16140-1 08/17 4. Or approved equal. B. Description: NEMA WD 1, Specification Grade general -use receptacle C. Device Body: Ivory plastic. D. Configuration: NEMA WD 6, type as specified and indicated. $. E. Convenience Receptacle: Type 5-20. F. GFCI Receptacle: 20 amp rated convenience receptacle with integral ground fault circuit interrupter to meet regulatory requirements. G. Outdoor receptacles shall have an enclosure that is weatherproof whether or not the attachment plug cap is inserted. 2.3 WALL PLATES A. General: Provide plates for each switch and receptacle device. Provide plates to match material of box to which it is attached. B. Exposed: Plates for exposed screw jointed fittings shall match the fittings with edges of plates flush with edges of fittings. Plates for cast type boxes shall be of the cast, vapor tight type. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. General Conditions — Instructions to Bidders: Verification of existing conditions prior to beginning work. B. Verify outlet boxes are installed at proper height. C. Verify wall openings, if required, are neatly cut and completely covered by wall plates. D. Verify branch circuit wiring installation is completed, tested, and ready for connection to wiring devices. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean debris from outlet boxes. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with NECA - Standard of Installation. B. Install devices plumb and level. C. Install switches with OFF position down. D. Install receptacles with grounding pole on bottom. E. Connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. F. Connect wiring devices by wrapping conductor around screw terminal. G. Install galvanized steel plates on outlet boxes and junction boxes in unfinished areas, above accessible ceilings, and on surface mounted outlets. 3.4 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS ! _ j A. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 16130 — Boxes, to obtain mounting heights specified and indicated on drawings. B. Install wall switch 44 inches above finished floor. �a 01330217 WRING DEVICES 16140-2 [Al 08/17 C. Install convenience receptacle 18 inches above finished floor. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL " A. Inspect each wiring device for defects. B. Operate each wall switch with circuit energized and verify proper operation. C. Verify that each receptacle device is energized. D. Test each receptacle device for proper polarity. E. Test each GFCI receptacle device for proper operation. 3.6 ADJUSTING A. General Conditions — Contract Closeout: Adjusting installed wolic. A B. Adjust devices and wall plates to be flush and level. 3.7 CLEANING A. General Conditions — Contract Closeout: Cleaning installed work B. Clean exposed surfaces to remove splatters and restore finish. IUSTI M] A. Payment will be made for all work covered in this section at the contract unit price per runt or will be included in the hump sum price per job for items, as shown on the proposal. Either such payment shall be complete compensation for the complete performance of work in accordance with the drawings and the provisions of these specifications. END OF SECTION 01330217 WIRING DEVICES 16140-3 08/17 SECTION 16170 - GROUNDING AND BONDING PART 1- GENERA 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Grounding electrodes and conductors. 2. Equipment grounding conductors and bonding. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70: National Electrical Code. 1.3 GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM A. Metal underground water pipe if available. B. Metal frame of the building if available. C. Concrete -encased electrode. D. Rod electrode. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Grounding System Resistance: 1 ohm. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Instructions: Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of exothermic connectors. 1.6 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Submit under provisions of General Conditions. B. Accurately record actual locations of grounding electrodes. 1.7 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this Section with minimum three years' documented experience. 1.8 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and shown. I� 01330217 GROUNDING AND BONDING 16170 - 1 08/17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ROD ELECTRODE A. Material: Copper or Copper -clad steel. B. Diameter: 3/4 inch. C. Length: 10 feet. 2.2 EXOTHERMIC CONNECTIONS AND RELATED MATERIAL A. Exothermic connectors, rod electrodes and other grounding related equipment shall be supplied by a manufacturer with 10 years' experience in manufacturing 2.3 IRREVERSIBLE COMPRESSION SYSTEM A. BURNDY® HYGROUND® Compression Grounding Solutions, or equal. L b' 2.4 WIRE A. Material: Stranded copper. B. Foundation Electrodes: 2 AWG X 20 feet long. C. Grounding Electrode Conductor: Size to meet NFPA 70 requirements or as indicated on drawings or in specifications if larger. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAIVIINATION A. Verify final backfill and compaction has been completed before driving rod electrodes. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install Products according to manufacturer instructions. Exothermically -weld connections. B. Install rod electrodes at locations indicated. Install additional rod electrodes as required to achieve specified resistance to ground. C. Provide grounding electrode conductor and connect to reinforcing steel at two locations in foundation footing. Bond steel together. D. Provide foundation electrodes for all blowers, pumps and other skid mounted equipment with #4 CU ground wire from electrode to base. Exothermic weld at all connections. E. Provide bonding to meet Regulatory Requirements. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect grounding and bonding system conductors and connections for tightness and proper installation. B. Use suitable test instrument to measure resistance to ground of system. Perform testing in accordance with test instrument manufacturer's recommendations using the fall -of -potential method. END OF SECTION L01330217 GROUNDING AND BONDING 16170 - 2 08/ 17 SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Conduit and equipment supports. 2. Anchors and fasteners. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 REFERENCES A. NECA: National Electrical Contractors Association. B. ANSI/NFPA 70: National Electrical Code. 1.3 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Finnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and shown. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS A. Materials and Finishes: Support devices located in outdoor vault locations shall have 20 mil gray PVC exterior coating. Support devices in all other areas shall be hot -dipped galvanized for adequate corrosion resistance. B. Provide materials, sizes, and types of anchors, fasteners and supports to carry the loads of equipment and conduit. Consider weight of wire in conduit when selecting products. C. Anchors and Fasteners: 1. Concrete Structural Elements: Use expansion anchors, powder actuated anchors and preset inserts. 2. Steel Structural Elements: Use beam clamps, spring steel clips and steel ramset fasteners. 3. Concrete Suufaces: Use self -drilling anchors and expansion anchors. 4. Sheet Metal: Use sheet metal screws. 5. Wood Elements: Use wood screws. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufactureras instructions. B. Provide anchors, fasteners, and supports according to NECA Standard of Installation. C. Do not fasten supports to pipes, ducts, mechanical equipment, and conduit. D. Obtain permission from Architect/Engineer before drilling or cutting structural members. s� 01330217 SUPPORTING DEVICES 16190 - 1 08/17 E. Fabricate supports from structural steel as indicated on drawings. Rigidly weld members or use hexagon head bolts to present -neat appearance with adequate strength and rigidity. Use lock washers under all nuts. F. Install surface -mounted cabinets and panelboards with minimum of four anchors. G. In wet and damp locations use steel channel supports to stand cabinets and panelboards one inch off wall. H. Install conduit supports a maximum spacing specified in the NEC. END OF SECTION 01330217 08/17 SUPPORTING DEVICES 16190 - 2 SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION i PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Nameplates and labels. 2. Wire and cable markers. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70: National Electrical Code. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 NAMEPLATES AND LABELS A. Nameplates and Labels: Engraved three -layer laminated plastic, white letters on black background. B. Locations: Each electrical distribution and control equipment enclosure. Communication cabinets. SPD Unit. C. Letter Size: Use 1/2-inch letters for identifying individual equipment and loads. Use 1/2-inch letters for identifying grouped equipment and loads. Use 1/2-inch letters for identifying Main Disconnect and SPD equipment. D. Contractor shall provide any other labels required by National Electric Code. 2.2 WIRE MARKERS A. Description: Cloth, tape, split sleeve, or tubing type wire markers. Locations: Each conductor at wireway, MCC, pull boxes, outlet and junction boxes, and each load connection. B. Legend: Power and Lighting Circuits: Branch circuit or feeder number indicated on Drawings. Control Circuits: Control wire number indicated on as -built Drawings. 2.3 BURIED CONDUIT LOCATION MARKING A. Description: Underground hazard tape shall be aluminum foil polyethylene laminate. Tape shall be detectable and indicate "CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BURIED BELOW." Hazard tape shall be Type HTDU as manufactured by the Panduit Corporation or equivalent approved by Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive nameplates and labels. 01330217 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 16195 - 1 08/17 3.2 APPLICATION A. Install nameplate and label parallel to equipment lines. Secure nameplate to equipment front using screws or rivets. 3.3 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT LOCATION IDENTIFICATION A. Install hazard warning tape as specified in Article 2.3, to identify the location of all buried conduits. Install one nun of hazard warning tape at 6 inches below finished grade above conduit as shown on detail drawing. END OF SECTION I' 01330217 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 16195 - 2 08/17 SECTION 16990 - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TESTING AND START-UP I " PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Testing procedures and methods required prior to acceptance of electrical systems by Owner. Electrical system start-up procedures. B. Related Sections 1. Division 01 Specification Sections apply to Work of this Section. 2. Section 16000 - Electrical General Provisions. 3. Section 16123 - Building Wine and Cable. 4. Section 16170 - Grounding and Bonding. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI: American National Standards Institute. B. ANSI C2: National Electrical Safety Code. C. ANSI Z244-1: American National Standard for Protection. D. ASTM. E. ICEA: Insulated Cable Engineers Association. F. IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. G. Manufacturer's instruction manuals applicable to each particular apparatus. H. NEC: National Electrical Code. I. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer's Association. 1.3 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300 - Submittals. Calibration of all equipment utilized in electrical system tests must be documented and capable of being verified. Accuracy of test instruments shall be directly traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Analog field instruments shall be calibrated within 6 months of use. Digital field instruments shall be calibrated within 12 months of use. Leased instruments shall be calibrated within 12 months of use where the accuracy is guaranteed by the lessor. Accurately record field data obtained during tests in a manner acceptable to Owner. Provide three copies of tests summary to Owner in a form acceptable to Owner. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 CABLE TESTS A. Power Cable, 600V and Below: 1. All power cables shall meet or exceed the applicable ICEA test requirements for the type of insulation used and the application. Verification shall be provided by the manufacturer in the form of published literature or by submittal. 2. After installation and before rated voltage is applied to anypower cable #8 AWG or larger, a DC insulation check shall be made for each cable with a megohmmeter. Applied potential shall be 1000 Volts DC for 1 minute. Terminations shall be properly corona suppressed by 01330217 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TESTING AND START-UP 16990 -1 `_ 08/17 ( guard ring, field reduction sphere, or other suitable method. For any reading less than 100 megohms the cause of the low reading shall be corrected or the cable replaced. 2.2 GROUNDING SYSTEMS A. Inspect ground system for compliance with plans and specifications. Perform three point fall -of - potential test per IEEE Standard No. 81, Section 9.04 on the main grounding electrode, Resistance to ground shall be no greater than one ohm. Contractor shall be responsible for installing additional electrodes as required to lower resistance to 1 ohm, if greater, at no additional expense to Owner. 2.3 FIELD DEVICE TESTS A. Visually inspect all electrical equipment for physical damage and proper installation. Calibrate devices per manufacturer's recommendations. Verify proper operation of all field devices prior to Start -Up. 2.4 ELECTRICAL READINGS AND SETTINGS A. After motor operation has been verified, voltage readings shall be taken at all panelboards and starters. Based on these readings, make final adjustments ofprimary taps on all transformers in the building as needed or coordinate with the electric utility for proper building voltage. B. With all motors fully loaded and running at 100 percent speed, fully loaded and running at 85 percent speed, and with the motor drives off, the following readings shall be recorded on each phase of the load side of the service entrance main breaker and submitted to Engineer. 1. Voltage (phase to phase, and phase to neutral). 2. Amperage. 3. Power Factor. 4. Frequency. 5. Total harmonic current distortion. 6. Total harmonic voltage distortion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The purpose of the start-up procedures is to assure that the equipment and systems utilized are ready for operation and use. Start-up will be performed by the Contractor with the Engineer and Owner representative (if desired) present. 3.2 PROCEDURE A. Field devices and other equipment utilized will be operated as required for efficient system operation. Contractor shall demonstrate that the field devices work as specified. Upon effectively demonstrating the satisfactory operation of all electrical systems, the contractor will energize all equipment that will not be adversely effected for seven days. Any controls or other equipment found to be defective shall be replaced prior to acceptance by Owner. Contractor shall provide "Certification of Proper Operation" to Engineer upon completion of Start -Up. END OF SECTION 01330217 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TESTING AND START-UP 16990 - 2 08/17 APPENDIX A OSHA 1926 SUBPART P F., I w WA a-li OSHA 1926 SUBPART P § 1926.606 If it is necessary to stand at the out- board or inboard edge of the deckload where less than 24 inches of bulwark, rail, coaming, or other protection ex- ists, all employees shall be provided with a suitable means of protection against falling from the deckload. (d) First -aid and lifesaving equipment. (1) Provisions for rendering first aid and medical assistance shall be in ac- cordance with subpart D of this part. (2) The employer shall ensure that there is in the vicinity of each barge in use at least one U.S. Coast Guard -ap- proved 30-inch lifering with not less than 90 feet of line attached, and at least one portable or permanent ladder which will reach the top of the apron to the surface of the water. If the above equipment is not available at the pier, the employer shall furnish it during the time that he is working the barge. (3) Employees walking or working on the unguarded decks of barges shall be protected with U.S. Coast Guard -ap- proved work vests or buoyant vests. (e) Commercial diving operations. Com- mercial diving operations shall be sub- ject to subpart T of part 1910, §§ 1910.401-1910.441, of this chapter. (39 FR 22801, June 24, 1974, as amended at 42 FR 37674, July 22, 19771 § 1926.606 Definitions applicable to this subpart. (a) Apron —The area along the water- front edge of the pier or wharf. (b) Bulwark —The side of a ship above the upper deck. (c) Coaming—The raised frame, as around a hatchway in the deck, to keep out water. (d) Jacob's ladder —A marine ladder of rope or chain with wooden or metal rungs. (e) Rail, for the purpose of § 1926.605, means a light structure serving as a guard at the outer edge of a ship's deck. Subpart P—Excavations AUTHORITY; Sec. 107, Contract Worker Hours and Safety Standards Act (Construc- tion Safety Act) (40 U.S.C. 333); Secs. 4, 6, 8, Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor's Order No. 12-71 (36 FR 8764). 8-76 (41 FR 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 EdMon) 25059), or 9-3 (48 FR 35736)„ as applicable, and 29 CPR part 1911. SOURCE: 54 FR 45959, Oct. 31, 1989. unless otherwise noted. § 1926.650 Scope, application, and defi- nitions applicable to this subpart. (a) .Scope and application. This sub- part applies to all open excavations made in the earth's surface. Exca- vations are defined to include trenches. (b) Definitions applicable to this sub- part. Accepted engineering practices means those requirements which are compat- ible with standards of practice required by a registered professional engineer. Aluminum Hydraulic .Shoring means a pre-engineered shoring system com- prised of aluminum hydraulic cylinders (crossbraces) used in conjunction with vertical rails (uprights) or horizontal rails (walers). Such system is designed, specifically to support the sidewalls of an excavation and prevent cave-ins. Bell-bottom pier hole means a type of shaft or footing excavation, the bottom of which is made larger than the cross section above to form a belled shape. Benching (Benching system) means a method of protecting employees from cave-ins by excavating the sides of an excavation to form one or a series of horizontal levels or steps, usually with vertical or near -vertical surfaces be- tween levels. Cave-in means the separation of a mass of soil or rock material from the side of an excavation, or the loss of soil from under a trench shield or support system, and its sudden movement into the excavation, either by falling or sliding, in sufficient quantity so that it could entrap, bury, or otherwise injure and immobilize a person. Competent person means one who is capable of identifying existing and pre- dictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsan- itary, hazardous, or dangerous to em- ployees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. Cross braces mean the horizontal members of a shoring system installed perpendicular to the sides of the exca- vation, the ends of which bear against either uprights or wales. 366 Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Excavation means any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by earth re- moval. Faces or sides means the vertical or inclined earth surfaces formed as a re- sult of excavation work. Failure means the breakage, displace- ment, or permanent deformation of a structural member or connection so as to reduce its structural integrity and its supportive capabilities. Hazardous atmosphere means an at- mosphere which by reason of being ex- plosive, flammable, poisonous, corro- sive, oxidizing, irritating, oxygen defi- cient, toxic, or otherwise harmful, may cause death, illness, or injury. Kickout means the accidental release or failure of a cross brace. Protective system means a method of protecting employees from cave-ins, from material that could fall or roll from an excavation face or into an ex- cavation, or from the collapse of adja- cent structures. Protective systems in- clude support systems, sloping and benching systems, shield systems, and other systems that provide the nec- essary protection. Ramp means an inclined walking or working surface that is used to gain ac- cess to one point from another, and is constructed from earth or from struc- tural materials such as steel or wood. Registered Professional Engineer means a person who is registered as a profes- sional engineer in the state where the work is to be performed. However, a professional engineer, registered in any state is deemed to be a "registered pro- fessional engineer" within the meaning of this standard when approving de- signs for "manufactured protective systems" or "tabulated data" to be used in interstate commerce. Sheeting means the members of a shoring system that retain the earth in position and in turn are supported by other members of the shoring system. Shield (Shield system) means a struc- ture that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and thereby protect employees within the structure. Shields can be permanent structures or can be designed to be portable and moved along as work pro- gresses. Additionally, shields can be ei- ther premanufactured or job -built in § 1926.650 accordance with § 1926.652 (c)(3) or (c)(4). Shields used in trenches are usu- ally referred to as "trench boxes" or "trench shields." Shoring (Shoring system) means a structure such as a metal hydraulic, mechanical or timber shoring system that supports the sides of an exca- vation and which is designed to prevent cave-ins. Sides. See "Faces." Sloping (Sloping system) means a method of protecting employees from cave-ins by excavating to form sides of an excavation that are inclined away from the excavation so as to prevent cave-ins. The angle of incline required to prevent a cave-in varies with dif- ferences in such factors as the soil type, environmental conditions of ex- posure, and application of surcharge loads. Stable rock means natural solid min- eral material that can be excavated with vertical sides and will remain in- tact while exposed. Unstable rock is considered to be stable when the rock material on the side or sides of the ex- cavation is secured against caving -in or movement by rock bolts or by an- other protective system that has been designed by a registered professional engineer. Structural ramp means a ramp built of steel or wood, usually used for vehicle access. Ramps made of soil or rock are not considered structural ramps. Support system means a structure such as underpinning, bracing, or shor- ing, which provides support to an adja- cent structure, underground installa- tion, or the sides of an excavation. Tabulated data means tables and charts approved by a registered profes- sional engineer and used to design and construct a protective system. Trench (Trench excavation) means a narrow excavation (in relation to its length) made below the surface of the ground. In general, the depth is greater than the width, but the width of a trench (measured at the bottom) is not greater than 15 feet (4.6 m). If forms or other structures are installed or con- structed in an excavation so as to re- duce the dimension measured from the forms or structure to the side of the ex- cavation to 15 feet (4.6 m) or less 367 § 1926.651 (measured at the bottom of the exca- vation), the excavation is also consid- ered to be a trench. Trench box. See "Shield." Trench shield. See "Shield." Uprights means the vertical members of a trench shoring system placed in contact with the earth and usually po- sitioned so that individual members do not contact each other. Uprights placed so that individual members are closely spaced, in contact with or interconnected to each other, are often called "sheeting." Wales means horizontal members of a shoring system placed parallel to the excavation face whose sides bear against the vertical members of the shoring system or earth. § 1926.651 Specific excavation require- ments. (a) Surface encumbrances. All surface encumbrances that are located so as to create a hazard to employees shall be removed or supported, as necessary, to safeguard employees. (b) Underground installations. (1) The estimated location of utility installa- tions, such as sewer, telephone, fuel, electric, water lines, or any other un- derground installations that reason- ably may be expected to be encoun- tered during excavation work, shall be determined prior to opening an exca- vation. (2) Utility companies or owners shall be contacted within established or cus- tomary local response times, advised of the proposed work, and asked to estab- lish the location of the utility under- ground installations prior to the start of actual excavation. When utility companies or owners cannot respond to a request to locate underground utility installations within 24 hours (unless a longer period is required by state or local law), or cannot establish the exact location of these installations, the employer may proceed, provided the employer does so with caution, and provided detection equipment or other acceptable means to locate utility in- stallations are used, (3) When excavation operations ap- proach the estimated location of under- ground installations, the exact loca- tion of the installations shall be deter- mined by safe and acceptable means. 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edition) (4) While the excavation is open, un- derground installations shall be pro- tected, supported or removed as nec- essary to safeguard employees. (c) Access and egres"l) Structural ramps. (i) Structural ramps that are used solely by employees as a means of access or egress from excavations shall be designed by a competent person. Structural ramps used for access or egress of equipment shall be designed by a competent person qualified in structural design, and shall be con- structed in accordance with the design. (fi) Ramps and runways constructed of two or more structural members shall have the structural members con- nected together to prevent displace- ment. (iii) Structural members used for ramps and runways shall be of uniform thickness. (iv) Cleats or other appropriate means used to connect runway struc- tural members shall be attached to the bottom of the runway or shall be at- tached in a manner to prevent tripping. (v) Structural ramps used in lieu of steps shall be provided with cleats or other surface treatments on the top surface to prevent slipping. (2) Means of egress from trench exca- vations. A stairway, ladder, ramp or other safe means of egress shall be lo- cated in trench excavations that are 4 feet (1.22 m) or more in depth so as to require no more than 25 feet (7.62 m) of lateral travel for employees. (d) Exposure to vehicular traffic. Em- ployees exposed to public vehicular traffic shall be provided with, and shall wear, warning vests or other suitable garments marked with or made of reAectorized or high -visibility mate- rial. (e) Exposure to falling loads. No em- ployee shall be permitted underneath loads handled by lifting or digging equipment. Employees shall be re- quired to stand away from any vehicle being loaded or unloaded to avoid being struck by any spillage or falling mate- rials, Operators may remain in the cabs of vehicles being loaded or un- loaded when the vehicles are equipped, in accordance with §1926.601(b)(6), to provide adequate protection for the op- erator during loading and unloading operations. 368 Occupational Safety and Health Admin., labor (f) Warning system for mobile equip- ment. When mobile equipment is oper- ated adjacent to an excavation, or when such equipment is required to ap- proach the edge of an excavation, and the operator does not have a clear and direct view of the edge of the exca- vation, a warning system shall be uti- lized such as barricades, hand or me- chanical signals, or stop logs. If pos- sible, the grade should be away from the excavation. (g) Hazardous atmospheres--(1) Testing and controls. In addition to the require- ments set forth in subparts D and E of this part (29 CFR 1926.50--1926.107) to prevent exposure to harmful levels of atmospheric contaminants and to as- sure acceptable atmospheric condi- tions, the following requirements shall apply: (i) Where oxygen deficiency (atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen) or a hazardous atmos- phere exists or could reasonably be ex- pected to exist, such as in excavations in landfill areas or excavations in areas where hazardous substances are stored nearby, the atmospheres in the exca- vation shall be tested before employees enter excavations greater than 4 feet (1,22 m) in depth. (ii) Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent employee exposure to atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen and other hazardous atmospheres. These precautions in- clude providing proper respiratory pro- tection or ventilation in accordance with subparts D and E of this part re- spectively. (iii) Adequate precaution shall be taken such as providing ventilation, to prevent employee exposure to an at- mosphere containing a concentration of a flammable gas in excess of 20 per- cent of the lower flammable limit of the gas. (iv) When controls are used that are intended to reduce the level of atmos- pheric contaminants to acceptable lev- els, testing shall be conducted as often as necessary to ensure that the atmos- phere remains We. (2) Emergency rescue equipment. (1) Emergency rescue equipment, such as breathing apparatus, a safety harness and line, or a basket stretcher, shall be readily available where hazardous at- § 1926.651 mospheric conditions exist or may rea- sonably be expected to develop during work in an excavation. This equipment shall be attended when in use. (ii) Employees entering bell-bottom pier holes, or other similar deep and confined footing excavations, shall wear a harness with a life -line securely attached to it. The lifeline shall be sep- arate from any line used to handle ma- terials, and shall be individually at- tended at all times while the employee wearing the lifeline is in the exca- vation. (h) Protection from hazards associated with water accumulation. (1) Employees shall not work in excavations in which there is accumulated water, or in exca- vations in which water is accumu- lating, unless adequate precautions have been taken to protect employees against the hazards posed by water ac- cumulation. The precautions necessary to protect employees adequately vary with each situation, but could include special support or shield systems to protect from cave-ins, water removal to control the level of accumulating water, or use of a safety harness and lifeline. (2) If water is controlled or prevented from accumulating by the use of water removal equipment, the water removal equipment and operations shall be monitored by a competent person to ensure proper operation. (3) If excavation work interrupts the natural drainage of surface water (such as streams), diversion ditches, dikes, or other suitable means shall be used to prevent surface water from entering the excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the area adjacent to the ex- cavation. Excavations subject to runoff from heavy rains will require an in- spection by a competent person and compliance with paragraphs (h)(1) and (h)(2) of this section. (i) Stability of adjacent structures. (1) Where the stability of adjoining build- ings, walls, or other structures is en- dangered by excavation operations, support systems such as shoring, brac- ing, or underpinning shall be provided to ensure the stability of such struc- tures for the protection of employees. (2) Excavation below the level of the base or footing of any foundation or re- taining wall that could be reasonably 369 § 1926.652 expected to pose a hazard to employees shall not be permitted except when: (1) A support system, such as under- pinning, is provided to ensure the safe- ty of employees and the stability of the structure;or (ii) The excavation is in stable rock; or (iii) A registered professional engi- neer has approved the determination that the structure is sufficently re- moved from the excavation so as to be unaffected by the excavation activity; or (iv) A registered professional engi- neer has approved the determination that such excavation work will not pose a hazard to employees. (3) Sidewalks, pavements, and appur- tenant structure shall not be under- mined unless a support system or an- other method of protection is provided to protect employees from the possible collapse of such structures. (j) Protection of employees from loose rock or soil. (1) Adequate protection shall be provided to protect employees from loose rock or soil that could pose a hazard by falling or rolling from an excavation face. Such protection shall consist of scaling to remove loose ma- terial; installation of protective barri- cades at intervals as necessary on the face to stop and contain falling mate- rial; or other means that provide equiv- alent protection. (2) Employees shall be protected from excavated or other materials or equip- ment that could pose a hazard by fall- ing or rolling into excavations. Protec- tion shall be provided by placing and keeping such materials or equipment at least 2 feet (.61 m) from the edge of excavations, or by the use of retaining devices that are sufficient to prevent materials or equipment from falling or rolling into excavations, or by a com- bination of both if necessary. (k) Inspections. (1) Daily inspections of excavations, the adjacent areas, and protective systems shall be made by a competent person for evidence of a sit- uation that could result in possible cave-ins, indications of failure of pro- tective systems, hazardous atmospheres, or other hazardous condi- tions. An inspection shall be conducted by the competent person prior to the start of work and as needed throughout 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edition) the shift. Inspections shall also be made after every rainstorm or other hazard increasing occurrence. These in- spections are only required when em- ployee exposure can be reasonably an- ticipated. (2) Where the competent person finds evidence of a situation that could re- sult in a possible cave-in, indications of failure of protective systems, haz- ardous atmospheres, or other haz- ardous conditions, exposed employees shall be removed from the hazardous area until the necessary precautions have been taken to ensure their safety. (1) Walkways shall be provided where employees or equipment are required or permitted to cross over excavations. Guardrails which comply with § 1926.502(b) shall be provided where walkways are 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower levels. [54 FR 45959, Oct. 31, 1989, as amended by 59 FR 40730. Aug. 9, 1994] § 1926.652 Requirements for protective systems. (a) Protection of employees in exca- vations. (1) Each employee in an exca- vation shall be protected from cave-ins by an adequate protective system de- signed in accordance with paragraph (b) or (c) of this section except when: (1) Excavations are made entirely in stable rock; or (ii) Excavations are less than 5 feet (1.52m) in depth and examination of the ground by a competent person provides no indication of a potential cave-in. (2) Protective systems shall have the capacity to resist without failure all loads that are intended or could rea- sonably be expected to be applied or transmitted to the system. (b) Design of sloping and benching sys- tems. The slopes and configurations of sloping and benching systems shall be selected and constructed by the em- ployer or his designee and shall be in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (b)(1); or, in the alternative, paragraph (b)(2); or, in the alternative, paragraph (b)(3), or, in the alternative, paragraph (b)(4), as follows: (1) Option (I) —Allowable configurations and slopes. (1) Excavations shall be sloped at an angle not steeper than one and one-half horizontal to one vertical 370 Occupational Satety and Health Admin., Labor (34 degrees measured from the hori- zontal), unless the employer uses one of the other options listed below. (ii) Slopes specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, shall be exca- vated to form configurations that are in accordance with the slopes shown for Type C soil in Appendix B to this subpart. (2) Option (2)—Determination of slopes and configurations using Appendices A and B. Maximum allowable slopes, and allowable configurations for sloping and benching systems, shall be deter- mined in accordance with the condi- tions and requirements set forth in ap- pendices A and B to this subpart. (3) Option (3)—Designs using other tab- ulated data. (i) Designs of sloping or benching systems shall be selected from and be in accordance with tab- ulated data, such as tables and charts. (ii) The tabulated data shall be in written form and shall include all of the following: (A) Identification of the parameters that affect the selection of a sloping or benching system drawn from such data; (B) Identification of the limits of use of the data, to include the magnitude and configuration of slopes determined to be safe; (C) Explanatory information as may be necessary to aid the user in making a correct selection of a protective sys- tem from the data. (iii) At least one copy of the tab- ulated data which identifies the reg- istered professional engineer who ap- proved the data, shall be maintained at the jobsite during construction of the protective system. After that time the data may be stored off the jobsite, but a copy of the data shall be made avail- able to the Secretary upon request. (4) Option (4)—Design by a registered professional engineer. (i) Sloping and benching systems not utilizing Option (1) or Option (2) or Option (3) under paragraph (b) of this section shall be approved by a registered professional engineer. (ii) Designs shall be in written form and shall include at least the following: (A) The magnitude of the slopes that were determined to be safe for the par- ticular project; § 1926.652 (B) The configurations that were de- termined to be safe for the particular project; and (C) The identity of the registered pro- fessional engineer approving the de- sign. (iii) At least one copy of the design shall be maintained at the jobsite while the slope is being constructed. After that time the design need not be at the jobsite, but a copy shall be made available to the Secretary upon re- quest. (c) Design of support systems, shield systems, and other protective systems. De- signs of support systems shield sys- tems, and other protective systems shall be selected and constructed by the employer or his designee and shall be in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c)(1); or, in the alter- native, paragraph (c)(2); or, in the al- ternative, paragraph (c)(3); or, in the alternative, paragraph (c)(4) as follows: (1) Option (1)—Designs using appen- dices A, C and D. Designs for timber shoring in trenches shall be determined in accordance with the conditions and requirements set forth in appendices A and C to this subpart. Designs for alu- minum hydraulic shoring shall be in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section, but if manufacturer's tab- ulated data cannot be utilized, designs shall be in accordance with appendix D. (2) Option (2)—Designs Using Manufac- turer's Tabulated Data. (i) Design of sup- port systems, shield systems, or other protective systems that are drawn from manufacturer's tabulated data shall be in accordance with all speci- fications, recommendations, and limi- tations issued or made by the manufac- turer. (ii) Deviation from the specifications, recommendations, and limitations issued or made by the manufacturer shall only be allowed after the manu- facturer issues specific written ap- proval. (iii) Manufacturer's specifications, recommendations, and limitations, and manufacturer's approval to deviate from the specifications, recommenda- tions, and limitations shall be in writ- ten form at the jobsite during con- struction of the protective system. After that time this data may be stored off the jobsite, but a copy shall 371 § 1926.652 be made available to the Secretary upon request. (3) Option (3)--Designs using other tab- ulated data. (i) Designs of support sys- tems, shield systems, or other protec- tive systems shall be selected from and be in accordance with tabulated data, such as tables and charts. (ii) The tabulated data shall be in written form and include all of the fol- lowing: (A) Identification of the parameters that affect the selection of a protective system drawn from such data; (B) Identification of the limits of use of the data; (C) Explanatory information as may be necessary to aid the user in making a correct selection of a protective sys- tem from the data. (iii) At least one copy of the tab- ulated data, which identifies the reg- istered professional engineer who ap- proved the data, shall be maintained at the jobsite during construction of the protective system. After that time the data may be stored off the jobsite, but a copy of the data shall be made avail- able to the Secretary upon request. (4) Option (4)—Design by a registered professional engineer. (i) Support sys- tems, shield systems, and other protec- tive systems not utilizing Option 1, Op- tion 2 or Option 3, above, shall be ap- proved by a registered professional en- gineer. (ii) Designs shall be in written form and shall include the following: (A) A plan indicating the sizes, types, and configurations of the materials to be used in the protective system; and (B) The identity of the registered professional engineer approving the de- sign. (iii) At least one copy of the design shall be maintained at the jobsite dur- ing construction of the protective sys- tem. After that time, the design may be stored off the jobsite, but a copy of the design shall be made available to the Secretary upon request. (d) Materials and equipment. (1) Mate- rials and equipment used for protective systems shall be free from damage or defects that might impair their proper function. (2) Manufactured materials and equipment used for protective systems shall be used and maintained in a man- 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edfflon) ner that is consistent with the rec- ommendations of the manufacturer, and in a manner that will prevent em- ployee exposure to hazards. (3) When material or equipment that is used for protective systems is dam- aged, a competent person shall exam- ine the material or equipment and evaluate its suitability for continued use. If the competent person cannot as- sure the material or equipment is able to support the intended loads or is oth- erwise suitable for safe use, then such material or equipment shall be re- moved from service, and shall be evalu- ated and approved by a registered pro- fessional engineer before being re- turned to service. (e) Installation and removal of sup- port--(1) General. (i) Members of sup- port systems shall be securely con- nected together to prevent sliding, fall- ing, kickouts, or other predictable fail- ure. (ii) Support systems shall be in- stalled and removed in a manner that protects employees from cave-ins, structural collapses, or from being struck by members of the support sys- tem. (iii) Individual members of support systems shall not be subjected to loads exceeding those which those members were designed to withstand. (iv) Before temporary removal of in- dividual members begins, additional precautions shall be taken to ensure the safety of employees, such as in- stalling other structural members to carry the loads imposed on the support system. (v) Removal shall begin at, and progress from, the bottom of the exca- vation. Members shall be released slow- ly so as to note any indication of pos- sible failure of the remaining members of the structure or possible cave-in of the sides of the excavation. (vi) Backfilling shall progress to- gether with the removal of support sys- tems from excavations. (2) Additional requirements for support systems for trench excavations. (i) Exca- vation of material to a level no greater than 2 feet (.61 m) below the bottom of the members of a support system shall be permitted, but only if the system is designed to resist the forces calculated for the full depth of the trench, and 372 Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. A there are no indications while the trench is open of a possible loss of soil from behind or below the bottom of the support system. (ii) Installation of a support system shall be closely coordinated with the excavation of trenches. (f) Sloping and benching systems. Em- ployees shall not be permitted to work on the faces of sloped or benched exca- vations at levels above other employ- ees except when employees at the lower levels are adequately protected from the hazard of falling, rolling, or sliding material or equipment. (g) Shield systems —(I) General. (i) Shield systems shall not be subjected to loads exceeding those which the sys- tem was designed to withstand. (ii) Shields shall be installed in a manner to restrict lateral or other haz- ardous movement of the shield in the event of the application of sudden lat- eral loads. (iii) Employees shall be protected from the hazard of cave-ins when enter- ing or exiting the areas protected by shields. (iv) Employees shall not be allowed in shields when shields are being in- stalled, removed, or moved vertically. (2) Additional requirement for shield systems used in trench excavations. Exca- vations of earth material to a level not greater than 2 feet (.61 m) below the bottom of a shield shall be permitted, but only if the shield is designed to re- sist the forces calculated for the full depth of the trench, and there are no indications while the trench is open of a possible loss of soil from behind or below the bottom of the shield. APPENDIX A To SUBPART P OF PART 1926—SOIL CLASSIFICATION (a) Scope and application-l) Scope. This appendix describes a method of classifying soil and rock deposits based on site and envi- ronmental conditions, and on the structure and composition of the earth deposits. The appendix contains definitions, sets forth re- quirements, and describes acceptable visual and manual tests for use in classifying soils. (2) Application. This appendix applies when a sloping or benching system is designed in accordance with the requirements set forth in §1926.652(b)(2) as a method of protection for employees from cave-ins. This appendix also applies when timber shoring for exca- vations is designed as a method of protection from cave-ins in accordance with appendix C to subpart P of part 1926, and when alu- minum hydraulic shoring is designed in ac- cordance with appendix D. This Appendix also applies if other protective systems are designed and selected for use from data pre- pared in accordance with the requirements set forth in §1926.652(c), and the use of the data is predicated on the use of the soil clas- sification system set forth in this appendix. (b) Definitions. The definitions and exam- ples given below are based on, in whole or in part, the following: American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Standards D65345 and D2488; The Unified Soils Classification System, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Textural Classification Scheme; and The National Bureau of Standards Report BSS-121. Cemented soil means a soil in which the par- ticles are held together by a chemical went, such as calcium carbonate, such that a hand - size sample cannot be crushed into powder or individual soil particles by finger pressure. Cohesive soil means clay (fine grained soil), or soil with a high clay content, which has cohesive strength. Cohesive soil does not crumble, can be excavated with vertical sideslopes, and is plastic when moist. Cohe- sive soil is hard to break up when dry, and exhibits significant cohesion when Bub - merged. Cohesive soils include clayey silt, sandy clay, silty clay, clay and organic clay. Dry soil means soil that does not exhibit visible signs of moisture content. Fissured means a soil material that has a tendency to break along definite planes of fracture with little resistance, or a material that exhibits open cracks, such as tension cracks, in an exposed surface. Granular soil means gravel, sand, or silt, (coarse grained soil) with little or no clay content. Granular soil has no cohesive strength. Some moist granular soils exhibit apparent cohesion. Granular soil cannot be molded when moist and crumbles easily when dry. Layered system means two or more dis- tinctly different soil or rock types arranged in layers. Micaceous seams or weakened planes in rock or shale are considered lay- ered. Moist soil means a condition in which a soil looks and feels damp. Moist cohesive soil can easily be shaped into a ball and rolled into small diameter threads before crumbling. Moist granular soil that contains some cohe- sive material will exhibit signs of cohesion between particles. Plastic means a property of a soil which al- lows the soil to be deformed or molded with- out cracking, or appreciable volume change. Saturated soil means a soil in which the voids are tilled with water. Saturation does not require flow. Saturation, or near satura- tion, is necessary for the proper use of in- struments such as a pocket penetrometer or sheer vane. 373 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. A Soil classification system means, for the pur- pose of this subpart, a method of catego- rizing soil and rock deposits in a hierarchy of Stable Rock, Type A, Type B, and Type C, in decreasing order of stability. The cat- egories are determined based on an analysis of the properties and performance character- istics of the deposits and the environmental conditions of exposure. Stable rock means natural solid mineral matter that can be excavated with vertical sides and remain intact while exposed. Submerged soil means soil which is under- water or is free seeping. Type A means cohesive soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 ton per square foot (tsf) (144 kPa) or greater. Ex- amples of cohesive soils are: clay, silty clay, sandy clay, clay loam and, in some cases, silty clay loam and sandy clay loam. Ce- mented soils such as caliche and hardpan are also considered Type A. however, no soil is Type A if: (i) The soil is fissured; or (ii) The soil is subject to vibration from heavy traffic, pile driving, or similar effects; or (iii) The soil has been previously disturbed; or (iv) The soil is part of a sloped, layered system where the layers dip into the exca- vation on a slope of four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V) or greater; or (v) The material is subject to other factors that would require it to be classified as a less stable material. Type B means: (i) Cohesive soil with an unconfined com- pressive strength greater than 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) but less than 1.5 tsf (144 kPa); or (ii) Granular cohesionless soils including: angular gravel (similar to crushed rock), silt, silt loam, sandy loam and, in some cases, silty clay loam and sandy clay loam. (iii) Previously disturbed soils except those which would otherwise be classed as Type C soil. (iv) Soil that meets the unconfined com- pressive strength or cementation require- ments for Type A, but is fissured or subject to vibration; or (v) Dry rock that is not stable; or (vi) Material that is part of a sloped, lay- ered system where the layers dip into the ex- cavation on a slope less steep than four hori- zontal to one vertical (4H;1V), but only if the material would otherwise be classified as Type B. Type C means: (i) Cohesive soil with an unconfined com- pressive strength of 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) or less; or (it) Granular soils including gravel, sand, and loamy sand; or (iii) Submerged soil or soil from which water is freely seeping; or (iv) Submerged rock that is not stable, or 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 EdBion) (v) Material in a sloped, layered system where the layers dip into the excavation or a slope of four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V) or steeper. Unconfined compressive strength means the load per unit area at which a soil will fail in compression. It can be determined by labora- tory testing, or estimated in the field using a pocket penetrometer, by thumb penetra- tion tests, and other methods. Wet soil means soil that contains signifi- cantly more moisture than moist soil, but in such a range of values that cohesive material will slump or begin to flow when vibrated. Granular material that would exhibit cohe- sive properties when moist will lose those co- hesive properties when wet. (c) Requirements—(1) Classification of soil and rock deposits. Each soil and rock deposit shall be classified by a competent person as Stable Rock, Type A, Type B, or Type C in accordance with the definitions set forth in paragraph (b) of this appendix. (2) Basis of classification. The classification of the deposits shall be made based on the re- sults of at least one visual and at least one manual analysis. Such analyses shall be con- ducted by a competent person using tests de- scribed in paragraph (d) below, or in other recognized methods of soil classification and testing such as those adopted by the Amer- ica Society for Testing Materials, or the U.S. Department of Agriculture textural classi- fication system. (3) Visual and manual analyses. The visual and manual analyses, such as those noted as being acceptable in paragraph (d) of this ap- pendix, shall be designed and conducted to provide sufficient quantitative and quali- tative information as may be necessary to identify properly the properties, factors, and conditions affecting the classification of the deposits. (4) Layered systems. In a layered system, the system shall be classified in accordance with its weakest layer. However, each layer may be classified individually where a more stable layer lies under a less stable layer. (5) Reclassification. If, after classifying a de- posit, the properties, factors, or conditions affecting its classification change in any way, the changes shall be evaluated by a competent person. The deposit shall be re- classified as necessary to reflect the changed circumstances. (d) Acceptable visual and manual tests-l) Visual tests. Visual analysis is conducted to determine qualitative information regarding the excavation site in general, the soil adja- cent to the excavation, the soil forming the sides of the open excavation, and the soil taken as samples from excavated material. (i) Observe samples of soil that are exca- vated and soil in the sides of the excavation. Estimate the range of particle sizes and the relative amounts of the particle sizes. Soil that is primarily composed of fine-grained 374 k 4• Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B material is cohesive material. Soil composed primarily of coarse -grained sand or gravel is granular material. (ii) Observe soil as it is excavated. Soil that remains in clumps when excavated is cohesive. Soil that breaks up easily and does not stay in clumps is granular. (lit) Observe the side of the opened exca- vation and the surface area adjacent to the excavation. Crack -like openings such as ten- sion cracks could indicate fissured material, If chunks of soil spall off a vertical side, the soil could be fissured. Small spalls are evi- dence of moving ground and are indications of potentially hazardous situations. (Iv) Observe the area adjacent to the exca- vation and the excavation itself for evidence of existing utility and other underground structures, and to identify previously dis- turbed soil. (v) Observe the opened side of the exca- vation to identify layered systems. Examine layered systems to identify if the layers slope toward the excavation. Estimate the degree of slope of the layers. (vi) Observe the area adjacent to the exca- vation and the sides of the opened exca- vation for evidence of surface water, water seeping from the sides of the excavation, or the location of the level of the water table. (vii) Observe the area adjacent to the exca- vation and the area within the excavation for sources of vibration that may affect the stability of the excavation face. (2) ManuaI tests. Manual analysis of soil samples is conducted to determine quan- titative as well as qualitative properties of soil and to provide more information in order to classify soil properly. (i) Plasticity. Mold a moist or wet sample of soil Into a ball and attempt to roll it Into threads as thin as %-inch In diameter. Cohe- sive material can be successfully rolled into threads without crumbling. For example, if at least a two Inch (50 mm) length of %-Inch thread can be held on one end without tear- ing, the soil is cohesive. (it) Dry strength. If the soil is dry and crumbles on its own or with moderate pres- sure into individual grains or fine powder, it is granular (any combination of gravel, sand, or silt). If the soil is dry and falls Into clumps which break up into smaller clumps, but the smaller clumps can only be broken up with difficulty, it may be clay In any combination with gravel, sand or silt. If the dry soil breaks into clumps which do not break up into small clumps and which can only be broken with difficulty, and there is no visual indication the soil is fissured, the soil may be considered unfissured. (ill) Thumb penetration. The thumb penetra- tion test can be used to estimate the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soils. (This test is based on the thumb pene- tration test described in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard designation D2488--••Standard Recommended Practice for Description of Soils (Visual — Manual Procedure).") Type A soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 tsf can be readily indented by the thumb; how- ever, they can be penetrated by the thumb only with very great effort. Type C soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tsf can be easily penetrated several inches by the thumb, and can be molded by light finger pressure. This test should be conducted on an undisturbed soil sample, such as a large clump of spoil, as soon as practicable after excavation to keep to a miminum the effects of exposure to drying influences. If the exca- vation is later exposed to wetting influences (rain, flooding), the classification of the soil must be changed accordingly. (iv) Other strength tests. Estimates of unconfined compressive strength of soils can also be obtained by use of a pocket pene- trometer or by using a hand -operated shearvane. (v) Drying test. The basic purpose of the drying test is to differentiate between cohe- sive material with fissures, unfissured cohe- sive material, and granular material. The procedure for the drying test Involves drying a sample of soil that is approximately one Inch thick (2.54 cm) and six Inches (15.24 cm) In diameter until it is thoroughly dry: (A) If the sample develops cracks as it dries, significant fissures are indicated. (B) Samples that dry without cracking are to be broken by hand. If considerable force is necessary to break a sample, the soil has sig- nificant cohesive material content. The soil can be classified as a unfissured cohesive ma- terial and the unconfined compressive strength should be determined. (C) If a sample breaks easily by hand, it is either a fissured cohesive material or a granular material. To distinguish between the two, pulverize the dried clumps of the sample by hand or by stepping on them. If the clumps do not pulverize easily, the mate- rial is cohesive with fissures. If they pul- verize easily into very small fragments, the material is granular. APPENDIX B TO SUBPART P OF PART 1926---SLOPING AND BENCHING (a) Scope and application. This appendix contains specifications for sloping and benching when used as methods of protecting employees working In excavations from cave-ins. The requirements of this appendix apply when the design of sloping and bench- Ing protective systems is to be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Q1926.652(b)(2). (b) Definitions. Actual slope means the slope to which an excavation face is excavated, Distress means that the soil is in a condi- tion where a cave-in is imminent or is likely 375 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B to occur. Distress is evidenced by such phe- nomena as the development of fissures in the face of or adjacent to an open excavation; the subsidence of the edge of an excavation, the slumping of material from the face or the bulging or heaving of material from the bottom of an excavation; the spalling of ma- terial from the face of an excavation; and ravelling, i.e., small amounts of material such as pebbles or little clumps of material suddenly separating from the face of an exca- vation and trickling or rolling down into the excavation. Maximum allowable slope means the steep- est incline of an excavation face that is ac- ceptable for the most favorable site condi- tions as protection against cave-ins, and is expressed as the ratio of horizontal distance to vertical rise (H:V). Short term exposure means a period of time less than or equal to 24 hours that an exca- vation is open. (c) Requirements—{1) Soil classification. Soil and rock deposits shall be classified in ac- cordance with appendix A to subpart P of part 1926. 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edition) (2) Maximum allowable slope. The maximum allowable slope for a soil or rock deposit shall be determined from Table B-1 of this appendix. (3) Actual slope. (1) The actual slope shall not be steeper than the maximum allowable slope. (ii) The actual slope shall be less steep than the maximum allowable slope, when there are signs of distress. If that situation occurs, the slope shall be cut back to an ac- tual slope which is at least 1h horizontal to one vertical (%H:1V) less steep than the maximum allowable slope. (III) When surcharge loads from stored ma- terial or equipment, operating equipment, or traffic are present, a competent person shall determine the degree to which the actual slope must be reduced below the maximum allowable slope, and shall assure that such reduction is achieved. Surcharge loads from adjacent structures shall be evaluated in ac- cordance with § 1926.651(1). (4) Configurations. Configurations of slop- ing and benching systems shall be in accord- ance with Figure B-1. TABLE B-1 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPES SOIL OR ROCK TYPE MA11MUM ALLOWABLE SLOPES(H:V)C" FOR EXCAVATIONS LESS THAN 20 FEET STABLE ROCK TYPE A 121 TYPE B TYPE C 3VERTICAL (5� 1:1 (45 1h:1 (3 NOTES: 1. Numbers shown in parentheses next to maximum allowable slopes are angles expressed in degrees from the horizontal. Angles have been rounded off. !. A short-term maximum allocable slope of 1/2H:ly (63°) is allowed in excavations in Type A soil that are 12 feet (3.67 m) or less in depth. Short-term maximum allowable slopes for excavations greater than 12 feet (3.67 m) in depth shall be 3/4H:1y (53°). 3. Sloping or benching for excavations greater than 20 feet deep shall be designed by a registered professional engineer. 376 i? Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B Figure B-1 Slope Configurations (All slopes stated below are in the horizontal to vertical ratio) B-1.1 Excavations made in Type A soil. 1. All simple slope excavation 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 9Yo:1. 20' Sfax. A 1 3/4 SIMPLE SLOPE GENERAL Exception: Simple slope excavations which are open 24 hours or less (short term) and which are 12 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1h:l. iz' Max. 4 i I -\-/ 1/2 SIMPLE SLOPE —SHORT TERM 2. All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 3/1 to 1 and maximum bench dimensions as follows: 377 L Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B SIMPLE BENCH 20' Max. 5' Max. 4' Max. 29 GFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Editlon) i MULTIPLE BENCH S. All excavations 8 feet or less in depth which have unsupported vertically sided lower por- tions shall have a maximum vertical side of 3% feet. I A 1 8' Max. 3/4 (A'ax. UNSUPPORTED VERTICALLY SIDED LOWER PORTION —MAXIMUM 8 FEET IN DEPTH All excavations more than 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in depth which unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1 and a maximum vertical side of 3�6 feet. 378 I Occupational Safety and Health Admin., labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B UNSUPPORTED VERTICALLY SIDED LOWER PORTION —MAXIMUM 12 FEET IN DEPTH All excavations 20feetor less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions that are supported or shielded shall have a maximum allowable slope of 3'e:1. The support or shield sys- tem must extend at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. u ort or shield system 1 20' Max. 3/4 18" Min. Total height of vertical side SUPPORTED OR SHIELDED VERTICALLY SIDED LOWER PORTION 4. All other simple slope, compound slope, and vertically sided lower portion excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted under §1926.652(b). B-1,2 Excavations Made in Type B Soil 1. All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1. SIMPLE SLOPE 2. All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1 and maximum bench dimensions as follows: 379 Pt. 1926, SubpL P, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edition) This bench allowed in cohesive soil only. 20' Max 1 t 4' Max. .— j SINGLE BENCH i This bench allowed in cohesive soil only i / i i 20' Max. i i 4' � l 4' Max. i i MULTIPLE BENCH 3. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions shall be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. All such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1. Support or shield system 20 Max. E-"\� 1 S" Min. Total height of vertical side VERTICALLY SIDED LOWER PORTION 4. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in §1926.652(b). B-1.3 Excavations Made in Type C Soil 1. All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1%:l. 380 s i_ i Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B 20' Max. I ty SIMPLE SLOPE 2. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically aided lower portions shall be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical aide. All such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 11h:1. Support or shield system r 20' Max. l� 18" Min. Total height of vertical side VERTICAL SIDED LOwER PORTION 3. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in §1926.652(b). B—I.4 Excavations Made in layered Soils 1. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth made in layered soils shall have a maximum al- lowable slope for each layer as set forth below. 381 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B a OVER A C OVER A C OVBR a 382 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edition) B 1 C , r< ,_ Occupational Safely and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. C A OVER B A OVER C ....A 41 f C .G 1 1 $ .� 1 C 1� B OVER C 2. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in §1926.652(b). APPENDIX C TO SUBPART P OF PART (b) Soil Classification. In order to use the 1926—TIMBER SHORING FOR TRENCHES data presented in this appendix, the soil type or types in which the excavation is made (a) Scope. This appendix contains informa- must first be determined using the soil clas- tion that can be used timber shoring is pro- sification method set forth in appendix A of vided as a method of protection from cave- subpart P of this part, ins in trenches that do not exceed 20 feet (6.1 (c) Presentation of Information. Information m) in depth. This appendix must be used is presented in several forms as follows: when design of timber shoring protective (1) Information is presented in tabular systems is to be performed in accordance form in Tables C4.1, C-1.2, and C4.3, and Ta- with §1926.652(c)(1). Other timber shoring bles C-2,1, C-2.2 and C-2.3 following para- ,_ configurations; other systems of support graph (g) of the appendix. Each table pre - such as hydraulic and pneumatic systems; sents the minimum sizes of timber members and other protective systems such as slop- to use in a shoring system, and each table ing, benching, shielding, and freezing sys- contains data only for the particular soil tems must be designed in accordance with 9 type in which the excavation or portion of the requirements set forth in §1926.652(b) and §1926.652(c). 383 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. C the excavation is made. The data are ar- ranged to allow the user the flexibility to se- lect from among several acceptable configu- rations of members based on varying the horizontal spacing of the crossbraces, Stable rock is exempt from shoring requirements and therefore, no data are presented for this condition. (2) Information concerning the basis of the tabular data and the limitations of the data is presented in paragraph (d) of this appen- dix, and on the tables themselves. (3) Information explaining the use of the tabular data is presented in paragraph (e) of this appendix. (4) Information illustrating the use of the tabular data is presented in paragraph (f) of this appendix. (6) Miscellaneous notations regarding Ta- bles C-1.1 through C-1.3 and Tables C-2.1 through C-2.3 are presented in paragraph (g) of this Appendix. (d) Basis and limitations of the data—(1) Di- mensions of timber members. (i) The sizes of the timber members listed in Tables C-1.1 through C-1.3 are taken from the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) report, "Rec- ommended Technical Provisions for Con- struction Practice in Shoring and Sloping of Trenches and Excavations." In addition, where NBS did not recommend specific sizes of members, member sizes are based on an analysis of the sizes required for use by ex- isting codes and on empirical practice. (ii) The required dimensions of the mem- bers listed in Tables C-1.1 through C-1.3 refer to actual dimensions and not nominal di- mensions of the timber. Employers wanting to use nominal size shoring are directed to Tables C-2.1 through C-2.3, or have this choice under §1926.652(c)(3), and are referred to The Corps of Engineers, The Bureau of Reclamation or data from other acceptable sources. (2) Limitation of application. (i) It is not in- tended that the timber shoring specification apply to every situation that may be experi- enced in the field. These data were developed to apply to the situations that are most commonly experienced in current trenching practice. Shoring systems for use in situa- tions that are not covered by the data in this appendix must be designed as specified in § 1926.652(c). (ii) When any of the following conditions are present, the members specified in the ta- bles are not considered adequate. Either an alternate timber shoring system must be de- signed or another type of protective system designed in accordance with § 1926.652. (A) When loads imposed by structures or by stored material adjacent to the trench weigh in excess of the load imposed by a two - foot soil surcharge. The term "adjacent" as used here means the area within a horizontal distance from the edge of the trench equal to the depth of the trench. 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 EdMon) (B) When vertical loads imposed on cross braces exceed a 240-pound gravity load dis- tributed on a one -foot section of the center of the crossbrace. (C) When surcharge loads are present from equipment weighing in excess of 20,000 pounds. (D) When only the lower portion of a trench is shored and the remaining portion of the trench is sloped or benched unless: The sloped portion is sloped at an angle less steep than three horizontal to one vertical; or the members are selected from the tables for use at a depth which is determined from the top of the overall trench, and not from the toe of the sloped portion. (e) Use of Tables. The members of the shor- ing system that are to be selected using this information are the cross braces, the uprights, and the wales, where wales are re- quired. Minimum sizes of members are speci- fied for use in different types of soil. There are six tables of information, two for each soil type. The soil type must first be deter- mined in accordance with the soil classifica- tion system described in appendix A to sub- part P of part 1926. Using the appropriate table, the selection of the size and spacing of the members is then made. The selection is based on the depth and width of the trench where the members are to be installed and, in most instances, the selection is also based on the horizontal spacing of the crossbraces. Instances where a choice of horizontal spac- ing of crossbracing is available, the hori- zontal spacing of the crossbraces must be chosen by the user before the size of any member can be determined. When the soil type, the width and depth of the trench, and the horizontal spacing of the crossbraces are known, the size and vertical spacing of the crossbraces, the size and vertical spacing of the wales, and the size and horizontal spac- ing of the uprights can be read from the ap- propriate table. (f) Examples to Illustrate the Use of Tables C- 1.1 through C-1.3. (1) Example 1. A trench dug in Type A soil is 13 feet deep and five feet wide. From Table C-1.1, for acceptable arrange- ments of timber can be used. Arrangement #Bl Space 4x4 crossbraces at six feet hori- zontally and four feet vertically. Wales are not required. Space 3x8 uprights at six feet horizontally. This arrangement is commonly called "skip shoring." Arrangement #B2 Space 4x6 crossbraces at eight feet hori- zontally and four feet vertically. Space 8x8 wales at four feet vertically. 384 t_ Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. C Space 2x6 uprights at four feet hori- zontally. Arrangement #B3 Space 6x6 crossbraces at 10 feet hori- zontally and four feet vertically. Space 840 wales at four feet vertically. Space 24 uprights at live feet hori- zontally. Arrangement #B4 Space 6x6 crossbraces at 12 feet hori- zontally and four feet vertically. Space l0x10 wales at four feet vertically. Spaces 3x8 uprights at six feet hori- zontally. (2) Example 2. A trench dug in Type B soil in 13 feet deep and five feet wide. From Table C-1.2 three acceptable arrangements of members are listed. Arrangement #Bi Space 6x6 crossbraces at six feet hori- zontally and five feet vertically. Space 8x8 wales at five feet vertically. Space 24 uprights at two feet hori- zontally. Arrangement #B2 Space 6x8 crossbraces at eight feet hori- zontally and five feet vertically. Space 10x10 wales at five feet vertically. Space 24 uprights at two feet hori- zontally. Arrangement #B3 Space 8x8 crossbraces at 10 feet hori- zontally and five feet vertically. Space lOxl2 wales at five feet vertically. Space 2x6 uprights at two feet vertically. (3) Example 3. A trench dug in Type C soil is 13 feet deep and five feet wide. From Table C-1.3 two acceptable arrange- ments of members can be used. Arrangement #Bi Space 8x8 crossbraces at six feet hori- zontally and five feet vertically. Space l0x12 wales at five feet vertically. Position 2x6 uprights as closely together as possible. If water must be retained use special tongue and groove uprights to form tight sheeting. Arrangement #B2 Space 840 crossbraces at eight feet hori- zontally and five feet vertically. Space 1242 wales at five feet vertically. Position 2x6 uprights in a close sheeting configuration unless water pressure must be resisted. Tight sheeting must be used where water must be retained. (4) Example 4. A trench dug in Type C soil is 20 feet deep and 11 feet wide. The size and spacing of members for the section of trench that is over 15 feet in depth is determined using Table C-1.3. Only one arrangement of mem- bers is provided. Space 8x10 crossbraces at six feet hori- zontally and five feet vertically. Space 12x12 wales at five feet vertically. Use 3x6 tight sheeting. Use of Tables C-2.1 through C-2.3 would fol- low the same procedures. (g) Notes for all Tables. 1. Member sizes at spacings other than in- dicated are to be determined as specified in §1926.652(c), "Design of Protective Systems." 2. When conditions are saturated or sub- merged use Tight Sheeting. Tight Sheeting refers to the use of specially -edged timber planks (e.g., tongue and groove) at least three inches thick, steel sheet piling, or similar construction that when driven or placed in position provide a tight wall to re- sist the lateral pressure of water and to pre- vent the loss of baakfill material. Close Sheeting refers to the placement of planks side -by -side allowing as little space as pos- sible between them. 3. All spacing indicated is measured center to center. 9. Wales to be installed with greater di- mension horizontal. 5. If the vertical distance from the center of the lowest crossbrace to the bottom of the trench exceeds two and one-half feet, uprights shall be firmly embedded or a mudsill shall be used. Where uprights are embedded, the vertical distance from the center of the lowest crossbrace to the bot- tom of the trench shall not exceed 36 inches. When mudsills are used, the vertical dis- tance shall not exceed 42 inches. Mudsills are wales that are installed at the toe of the trench side. 6. Trench jacks may be used in lieu of or in combination with timber crossbraces. 7. Placement cf crossbraces. When the vertical spacing of crossbraces is four feet, place the top crossbrace no more than two feet below the top of the trench. When the vertical spacing of crossbraces is five feet, place the top crossbrace no more than 2.5 feet below the top of the trench. 385 W TABLE C-1.1 TIMBER TRENCH SHORING -- MINIMUM TIMBER REQUIREMENTS SOIL TYPE A Pa ' 25 X H + 72 psf (2 ft Surcharge) ** DEPTH CROSS BRAC S WALES UPRIGHTS OF TRENCH HORIZ. WIDTH OF TRENCH FEET VERT. VERT. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HORIZONTAL SPACING UP TO UP TO UP TO UP TO UP TO (FEET) SPACING SPACING SIZE SPACING FEET (FEET) 4 (FEET) (IN) (FEET) UP TO Not 5 4 X X 4 2X6 UP TO Not TO 8 4X4 4X4 4X6 6X6 6X6 4 Re 'd --- 2X8 UP TO 10 10 4X6 4X6 4X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 2X6 UP TO 12 4X6 4X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 2X6 UP TO Not 10 6 4X 4 4 X 4 R- TO 6X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 15 2X6 6X6 6X8 6X8 4 OX10 415 N12X8 106 6X6 6X8 6X8 4 6X8 4 3X6 TO6X6 6X8 6X8 4 8X8 4 3X6 20 8X8 XS 8X10 4 14X10 4 3X6 OVER 20 SEE NOTE 1 * Mixed oak or equivalent with a bending strength not less than 850 psi. ** Manufactured members of equivalent strength may by substituted for wood. 9 v TABLE C-1.2 TIMBER TRENCH SHORING -- MINIMUM TIMBER REQUIREMENTS SOIL TYPE B P a . 45 X H * 72 psf (2 ft. Surcharge) DEPTHSIZE AND** CROSS BRACE WALES UPRIGHTS OF TRENCH HORIZ. WIDTH F VERT. �rE ggT MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HORIZONTAL SPACING UP TO UP TO UP TO UP TO (FEET) SPACING SPACING SIZE SPACING FEET) (FEET) 4 6 9 12 15 (FEET) (IN) (FEET) CLOSE 2 3 5 UP 6 4X6 4X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 5 6X8 5 2X6 TO UP TO 60 6X6 6X6 6X8 6X8 5 8X10 5 2X6 UP TO 10 10 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X8 6X8 5 1OX10 5 2X6 See UP TO 10 6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X8 6X8 5 8X8 5 2X6 UP TO 8 6X8 6X8 6X8 8X8 8X8 5 1OX10 5 2X6 TO UP TO 15 5 1OX12 5 ZX6 See Note 1 UP TO 6 6X8 6X8 6X8 8X8 8X8 5 8X10 5 3X6 15 UP TO TO 8 8X8 8X8 8X8 8X8 8X1O 5 1OX12 5 3X6 UP TO 10 8X10 8XIC 8X10 8X10 10X10 5 12X12 5 3X6 20 See Note 1 OVER 20 SEE NOTE 1 * Mixed oak or equivalent with a bending strength not less than 850 psi. ** Manufactured members of equivalent strength may by substituted for wood. iZ co 00 00 TABLE C-1.3 TIMBER TRENCH SNORING -- MINIMUM TIMBER REQUIREMENTS SOIL TYPE C P - 80 X H + 72 psf (2 ft. Surcharge) a DEPTH ** OF CROSS BRACES UPRIGHTS TRENCH HORIZ. WIDTH OF TRENCH (FEET) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HORIZONTAL SPACING UP TO UP TO UP TO UP TO UP TO (FEET) SPACING VE SPACINRT. G SIZE VERT. SPACING FEET See Not 2 CLOSE (FEET) 4 6 9 12 15 FEET IN. FEET UP TO 5 6 6X8 6X8 6X8 8X8 8X8 5 8X10 5 2X6 UP TO TO 8 8X8 8X8 8X8 8X8 8X10 5 1 1OX12 5 2X6 UP TO 10 10 8X1O 8X1O BXIO 8XI0 10X10 5 12X12 5 2X6 See Note I UP TO 10 6 8X8 8X8 8X8 8X8 8X10 5 IOX12 5 2X6 UP TO TO 8 8X1O 8XI0 8X10 8X10 1OX10 5 12X12 5 2X6 See 15 Note I See Note 1 UP TO 15 6 8X10 8XI0 8X10 8X10 IOX10 5 12X12 5 3X6 See TO Note I See 20 Note 1 See Note I OVER 20 SEE NOTE 1 * Mixed Oak or equivalent with a bending strength not less than 850 psi. ** Manufactured members of equivalent strength may be substituted for wood. n ..... ..... ..., r..,......-._.__,..+, «._. ,.......,m, m,�.,......---• .,«�%, s-,,, o,�-,.-,.—a +e..*ro.-�9 e..W i 3 s i ^.,....�...-.,..,: v.,r,.._..., .., w...................w +�.,..., w,-.a.»+ �n�, .-.,.m„�.�wa �W,�,....�,».ww,e1 �„..��,�....w' w,a....,....,.,m� � .,... . ,._..+. .. ._..✓ ' . __ ....a __..: W co W TABLE C-2.! TIMBER TRENCH SHORING -- MINIMUM TIMBER REQUIREMENTS SOIL TYPE A P - 25 X H t 72 psf (2 ft. Surcharge) a NTAL SPACING FEET (FEET) 4 6 FEE CLOSE d 5 6 8 UP TO Not Not 5 6 4X4 4R4 4X4 4X4 4X6 4 Req'd Req'd 4R6 UP 8 TO 4X4 4X4 4X4 4X6 4X6 4 RNoVd Req d 4X8 UP TO 10 4X6 4X6 4X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 4X6 UP12TO 4X6 4X6 4X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 4X6 10 UP TO 6 4X4 4X4 4R4 6X6 6X6 4 Nod Req d No4 Req d 4X10 UP TO TO 8 4X6 4X6 4X6 6X6 6X6 4 6X8 4 4X6 P TO 15 YO 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 4X8 P TO 12 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X10 4 4X6 4X10 P TO 15 6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 4 6X8 4 3X6 TO TO 8 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 4 8X8 4 3X6 4X12 JP TO 20 10 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X8 4 8X10 4 3X6 Lip TO6X6 I 12 6X6 6X6 6X8 6X8 4 8X12 4 3X6 4X12 OVER SEE NOTE 1 20 * Douglas fir or equivalent with a bending strength not less than 1500 psi. ** Manufactured members of equivalent strength may be substituted for wood. O Q 3 CL a a 3 iZ Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, AM. D first he determined using the soil classifica- tion method set forth in appendix A of sub- part P of part 1926. (c) Presentation of Information. Information is presented in several forms as follows: (1) Information is presented in tabular form in Tables D-1.1, D-1.2, D-1.3 and E-1.4. Each table presents the maximum vertical and horizontal spacings that may be used with various aluminum member sizes and various hydraulic cylinder sizes. Each table contains data only for the particular soil type in which the excavation or portion of the excavation is made. Tables D-1.1 and D- 1.2 are for vertical shores in Types A and B soil. Tables D-1.3 and D1.4 are for horizontal waler systems in Types B and C soil. (2) Information concerning the basis of the tabular data and the limitations of the data is presented in paragraph (d) of this appen- dix. (3) Information explalninthe use of the tabular data is presented in paragraph (a) of this appendix. (4) Information illustrating the use of the tabular data is presented in paragraph (f) of this appendix. (5) Miscellaneous notations (footnotes) re- garding Table D-1.1 through D-1.4 are pre- sented in paragraph (g) of this appendix. (6) Figures, illustrating typical Installa- tions of hydraulic shoring, are included just prior to the Tables. The illustrations page is entitled "Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring; Typical Installations." (d) Basis and limitations of the data. (1) Vertical shore rails and horizontal wales are those that meet the Section Modulus re- qulrements in the D-1 Tables. Aluminum material is 6061-96 or material of equivalent strength and properties. (2) Hydraulic cylinders specifications. (1) 2- inch cylinders shall be a minimum 2-inch in- side diameter with a minimum safe working capacity of no less than 13,000 pounds axial compressive load at maximum extension. Maximum extension is to include full range of cylinder extensions as recommended by product manufaturer. (11) 3-inch cylinders shall be a minimum 3- inch inside diameter with a safe working ca- pacity of not less then 30,000 pounds axial compressive load at extensions as rec- ommended by product manufacturer. (3) Limitation of application. (i) It is not intended that the aluminum hydraulic specification apply to every situa- tion that may be experienced in the field. These data were developed to apply to the situations that are most commonly experi- enced in current trenching practice. Shoring systems for use in situations that are not covered by the data in this appendix must be otherwise designed as specifled in § 1926.652(c). (11) When any of the following conditions are present, the members specified in the Ta- 29 CFR Ch. XV11 (7-1 i bles are not considered adeq 36is case, an alternative aluminuml olio shoring system or other type of'� , ' "Alve system must be designed in arz With ¢ 1926.652. (A) When vertical loads im ; cross braces exceed a 100 Pound gravl dis- tributed on a one foot section of liter of the hydraulic cylinder. (B) When surcharge loads are from equipment weighing in ex 20,000 pounds. (C) When only the lower po or a trench is shored and the remal rtion of the trench is sloped or ben less: The sloped portion Is sloped at a less steep than three horizontal 0 b' 1cal; or the members are selected from tables for use at a depth which is dete from the top of the overall trench, €tat from the toe of the sloped portion. (a) Use of Tables D-1.1, D-1.1, D and B- 1.4. The members of the ah0 that are to be selected using this on are the hydraulic cylinders, And r the vertical shores or the horizOnted ' When a waler system is used the ve --timber sheeting to be used is also from these tables. The Tables D-1.1 .2 for vertical shores are used in and B soils that do not require shoe 'ype B soils that may require sheetft,.- 'ype C soils that always require shoe found in the horizontal wale Tables D-1.4. The soil type must first be de.F, >_ in ac- cordance with the soil clasolficat3)3 system described in appendix A to subpart of part 1926. Using the appropriate table, r A o selec- tion of the size and spacing of embers is made. The selection is based depth and width of the trench are - ambers are to be installed. In these the vertical spacing is held constant ur feet on center. The tables sh011 thA mum horizontal spacing of cylinders ad for each size of wale in the waler a tables, and in the vertical shore tables,ydrau- Ile cylinder horizontal spaoing U me as the vertical shore spacing, (f) Example to Illustrate the Us# ofe�;: Tables: (1) Example 1: A trench dug in Type A soil is - t deep and 3 feet wide. From Table 1: Find vertical shores and 2 inch diameter.'llnders spaced 3 feet on center (o.o.) ho . lly and 4 feet on center (o.c.) verticallq. ( Figures 1 & 3 for typical installations.) (2) Example 2: A trench is dug in Type B soil'that does not require sheeting, 13 feet deep and 5 feet wide. From Table D-1.2: Find vertW shores and 2 inch diameter cylinders spaW 6.5 feet o.c. horizontally and 4 feet 0.0. lcally. (See Figures 1 & 3 for typical ins tions.) (3) A trench is dug in Type B soil That floes not require sheeting, but does { yerience some minor raveling of the trench hoe. The 392 Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D trench is 16 feet deep and 9 feet wide. From Table D-1.2: Find vertical shores and 2 inch diameter cylinder (with special oversleeves as designated by footnote #B2) spaced 5.5 feet o.c, horizontally and 4 feet o.c, vertically, plywood (per footnote (g)(7) to the D-1 Table) should be used behind the shores. (See Fig- ures 2 & 3 for typical installations.) (4) Example 4: A trench is dug in pre- viously disturbed Type B soil, with charac- teristics of a Type C soil, and will require sheeting. The trench is 18 feet deep and 12 feet wide. 8 foot horizontal spacing between cylinders is desired for working space. From Table D-1.3: Find horizontal wale with a sec- tion modulus of 14.0 spaced at 4 feet o.c. vertically and 3 inch diameter cylinder spaced at 9 feet maximum o,c, horizontally. 3x12 timber sheeting is required at close spacing vertically. (See Figure 4 for typical Installation.) (5) Example 5: A trench is dug in Type C soil, 9 feet deep and 4 feet wide. Horizontal cylinder spacing in excess of 6 feet is desired for working space. From Table D-1.4: Find horizontal wale with a section modulus of 7.0 and 2 inch diameter cylinders spaced at 6.5 feet o.c. horizontally. Or, find horizontal wale with a 14.0 section modulus and 3 inch diameter cylinder spaced at 10 feet o.c. hori- zontally. Both wales are spaced 4 feet o.c. vertically. 3x12 timber sheeting is required at close spacing vertically. (See Figure 4 for typical installation.) (g) Footnotes, and general notes, for Tables D-l.l, D-1.2, D-1.3, and D-1.4. (1) For applications other than those listed in the tables, refer to §1926.652(c)(2) for use of manufacturer's tabulated data. For trench depths in excess of 20 feet, refer to §1926.652(c)(2) and §1926.652(c)(3). (2) 2 inch diameter cylinders, at this width, shall have structural steel tube (3.54.5x0.1875) oversleeves, or structural oversleeves of manufacturer's specification, extending the full, collapsed length. (3) Hydraulic cylinders capacities. (1) 2 inch cylinders shall be a minimum 2-inch in- side diameter with a safe working capacity of not less than 18,000 pounds axial compres- sive load at maximum extension. Maximum extension is to include full range of cylinder extensions as recommended by product man- ufacturer. (11) 3-inch cylinders shall be a minimum 3- inch inside diameter with a safe work capac- ity of not less than 30,000 pounds axial com- pressive load at maximum extension. Max- imum extension is to include full range of cylinder extensions as recommended by product manufacturer. (4) All spacing indicated is measured cen- ter to center. (5) Vertical shoring rails shall have a min- imum section modulus of 0.40 inch. (6) When vertical shores are used, there must be a minimum of three shores spaced equally, horizontally, in a group. (7) Plywood shall be 1.125 in. thick softwood or 0.75 inch. thick, 14 ply, arctic white birch (Finland form). Please note that plywood is not intended as a structural member, but only for prevention of local rav- eling (sloughing of the trench face) between shores. (8) See appendix C for timber specifica- tions. (9) Wales are calculated for simple span conditions. (10) See appendix D, item (d), for basis and limitations of the data. 393 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edf on) ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHORING TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS FIGURE NO. 1 FrAME NO. 2 VILATCAL LUNOW xwroRk O rA YdmDu AauwA( IAfOY G1IACIURI HYDRA" IMOORING PAAN KYw0Do1 ./!/ NOR[ZONiAI / M ORlIONiAI SPACING tPAC1NG „f 10" MAX. VERTICAL f PACING A' MAX. '� 2' MAX. FIGURE NO. 3 VIA TICAL ALUMOM NYDAAULC RNOIIMID +6 v� y ry ti0 4� VERTICAL f PACING A' MAX. 2- MAX. VERTICAL RAIL VERTICAL RAIL 7 HYDRAULIC CYLINDER Is- VAX. ( V IRTICAL SPACING A' MAX. 2' MAX. FIGURE NO. 4 u uAr wyo..u,c Y�OMq ..'" vvvT (TYPCALI HORIZONTAL .PACING VERTICAL RAIL 2' MAX. NYORAULIC cYL(RDER VERTICAL .PACING HYDRAULIC CYLINDER PLYWOOD UPRIGHT .NEE TIXG W to CT TABLE D - 1. I ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHORING VERTICAL SHORES FOR SOIL TYPE A HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS WIDTH OF TRENCH (FEET) DEPTH. MAXIMUM MAXIMUM OF HORIZONTAL VERTICAL TRENCH SPACING SPACING UP TO 8 OVER 8 UP OVER 12 UP TO 12 TO 15 (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) OVER 5 UP TO 8 10 OVER 10 8 4 2INCH 2INCH 3INCH tip TO DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER 15 NOTE (2) OVER 15 7 UP TO 20 OVER 20 NOTE (1) Footnotes to tables, and general notes on hydraulic shoring, are found in Appendix D, Item (g) Note (1): See Appendix D, Item (g) (I) Note (2): See Appendix D, Item (g) (2) IM co cc TABLE D - 1.2 ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHORING VERTICAL SHORES FOR SOIL TYPE B HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS WIDTH OF TRENCH (FEET) DEPTH MAXIMUM MAXIMUM OF HORIZONTAL VERTICAL TRENCH SPACING SPACING UP TO 8 OVER 8 UP OVER 12 UP TO 12 TO 15 (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) OVER 5 UP TO 8 10 OVER 10 6.5 4 2INCH 2INCH 3INCH UP TO DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER 15 NOTE (2) OVER 15 5.5 UP TO 20 OVER 20 NOTE (1) Footnotes to tables, and general notes on hydraulic shoring, are found in Appendix D, Item (g) Note (1): See Appendix D, Item (g) (1) Note (2): See Appendix D, Item (g) (2) w m TABLED - 1.3 ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHORING WALER SYSTEMS FOR SOIL TYPE B WALES HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS TIMBER UPRIGHTS WIDTH OF TRENCH (FEET) MAX.HORIZ.SPACING DEPTH , (ON CENTER) UP TO 8 OVER 8 UP TO 12 OVER 12 UP T015 SOLID 2 Fr, 3 Fr. OF TRENCH VERTICAL SPACING SECTION MODULUS HORS CYLINDER HOR1Z. CYLINDER HORIZ CYLINDER SHEEF (FEET] (FEET) (IM) SPACING PIAMETER SPACING DIAMETER SPACING DIAMETER OVER 3.5 8.0 21N 8,0 NOTE y 8.0 3 IN 2 IN 5 4 7.0 9.0 21N 9.0 NOTE(2) 9.0 31N 3x12 - - UP TO 14.0 12.0 31N 12.0 3IN 12.0 31N 10 2 IN OVER 3.5 6.0 21N 6.0 NOTE(2) 6.0 3 IN 7.0 8.0 3IN 8.0 3IN 8.0 3IN 10 4 3x12 - UP TO 14.0 10.0 3IN 10.0 3IN 10.0 31N 15 21N OVER 3.5 5.5 2 IN 5.5 NOTE 2 5.5 3IN 7.0 6.0 3IN 6.0 31N 6.0 3IN 15 UP TO 4 3x12 - 14.0 9.0 31N 9.0 3IN 9.0 3IN 20 OVER 20 NOTE (1) Footnotes to tables, and general rotes on hydraulic shoring, are found in Appendix D, Item (g) Notes (1): See Appendix D, item (g) (1) Notes (2): See Appendix D. Item (g) (2) ' Consult product manufacturer and/or qualified engineer for Section Modulus of available wales. .gypp N a CIO CD co TABLE D - 1.4 ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHORING WALER SYSTEMS FOR SOIL TYPE C WALES HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS TIMBER UPRIGHTS WIDTH OF TRENCH (PEEP) MAX.HORIZ SPACING DEPTH ON CENTER UP TO 8 OVER 8 UP TO 12 OVER 12 UP TO 15 2 ET. 3 FT. OF TRENCH VERTICAL SPACING SECTION MODULUS HORM CYLINDER HORIZ CYLINDER HORIZ CYLINDER SHM (FEET) (FEET) (INS) SPACING DIAMETER SPACING DIAMETER SPACING DIAMMU OVER 3.5 6.0 21N 6.0 NOTEE y 6.0 3IN 21N 5 4 7.0 6.5 21N 1 6.5 NOTE(2)1 6.5 3IN 3x12 UP TO 14.0 10.0 31N 10.0 31N 10.0 31N 10 21N OVER 3.5 4.0 2 IN 4.0 N OTF(2)4.0 3 IN 7.0 5.5 31N 5.5 31N 5.5 3IN 10 4 3x12 __._ - UP TO 14.0 8.0 3IN 8.0 3IN 8.0 3IN 15 OVER 3.5 3.5 2 IN 3.5 NOTE y 3.5 3 IN 7.0 5.0 3IN 5.0 3IN 5.0 31N 15 UP TO 4 3x12 - - 14.0 6.0 31N 6.0 31N 6.0 31N 20 OVER 20 NOTE (1) Footnotes to tables, and general notes on hydraulic shoring, are found in Appendix D, Item (g) Notes (1): See Appendix D, item (g) (1) Notes (2): See Appendix D, Item (g) (2) Consult product manufacturer and/or qualified engineer for Section Modulus of available wales. u Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. E APPENDIX E TO SUBPART P OF PART 1926-ALTMNATIVES TO TIMBER SHORING Figure 1. Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring 18" 0 VER1 SPA( 4' MA :RTICAL RAIL YDRAULIC CYLINDER Figure 2. Pneumatic/hydraulic Shoring 11 0 00 00 399 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Edition) L Figure 3. Trench Jacks (Screw Jacks) C? Figure 4. Trench Shields APPENDIX F TO SUBPART P OF PART part P for excavations 20 feet or leas in 1926—SELECTION OF PROTECTIVE depth. Protective systems for use in exca- SYST MS vations more than 20 feet in depth must be designed by a registered professional engi- The following figures are a graphic sum- neer in accordance with §1926.652 (b) and (c). mary of the requirements contained in sub- 400 1 _. Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Is there potential for cave-in? Is the excavation more than 5 feet in depth? Excavation may be made with vertical sides. Excavation must be sloped, shored, or shielded. Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F Is the excavation entirely in stable rock? Sloping Shoring or shielding selected. selected. Go to Figure 2 Go to Figure 3 FIGURE 1 - PRELIMINARY DECISIONS 401 Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-07 Mon) Sloping selected as the method of protection Will soil classification be made in accordance with S1926.652 (b)? Excavation must comply with one of the following three options: Option 1: S1926.652 (b)(2) which requires Appendices A and B to be followed Option 2: S1926.652 (b)(3) which requires other tabulated data (see definition) to be followed. Option 3: ,f1926.652 (b)(4) which requires the excavation to be designed by a registered professional engineer. 402 Excavations must comply withf1926.652 (b)(1) which requires a slope of lkH:1V (30). FIGURE 2 — SLOPING OPTIONS Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F Shoring or shielding selected as the method of protection. Soil classification is required when shoring or shielding is used. The excavation must comply with one of the following four options; Option 1 §1926.652 (c)(1) which requires Appendices A and C to be followed (e.g. timber shoring). Option 2 §1926.652 (c)(2) which requires manufacturers data to be followed (e.g. hydraulic shoring,trench jacks, air shores, shields). Option 3 .S1926.652 (c)(3) which requires tabulated data (see definition) to be followed (e.g. any system as per the tabulated data). Option 4 S1926.652 (c)(4) which requires the excavation to be designed by a registered professional engineer (e.g. any designed system). FIGURE 3 - SHORING AND SHIELDING OPTIONS 403 elm A■ 3■ ■ City of 4Lubbo6k TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT PLANT 4 - CLARIFIER NO., 3 REHABILITATION AUGUST 2017 PMWHIU SMITH & COOPER .MOft >,M l0M?3.ZW CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Lubbock SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NQ 3 REHAB UTATION G-001 �^ '_—�—`, r.,��., r.�-.,, ram^_._.. .------.� r•-----�, '`�--. r—�.� �—�... r^—�r^� �"� ; �---•�. �--. F------^,� �y •—� '----�•—z CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT bbock Lu 1 Eil5 SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARFER NO.3 REHAB WATION 99W OUWAAWD" UmBDm Tmm 79w4 MR 775-= M n gbIR01 Y1NY0�1LOCATION -V1il{ wqR, - s MMp�1T SHUT AIR/ SHU IM G-002 7■ :10 d■ GENERAL NOTES A eaa-QA Ig—vwMPlMiaMoer9 . PIOlBBae111BaeBRA MTa w=l, B, Auemlwa ulLmao�Mor MBerv�rxaaeraeaawM agNiQ 71alaWldR mM7MlCadaO T1! w�aFr eawlwocroa a ae evomelA Poa vao7ttmn Anew 7P�B VNt11e1 P11O,1 WMDe 7B AaBttT� OmRf14CTOa ACTMiRB O. PgORTO aFOdVa�O mMMVGTON.O'YOMAROR RNLL LoWomorWlTIC1TY CR II�OCaPpgONaL TOVpMY tmMONOf eaBlllgi7MAT1lL e, 1M�80TE0.wDlBB:IMIBG ALLla9TPq aNCwM! il0lMUO.NOBLPPAC80AAOBe /RBCT®BTO"iaTlllJCaON A01M7�SaWLL t reaTav®Tooarooaw OplAl18U1A10 COWM CM 04MMACTOR L. w ftA CPO9MtL1t4!'PI1u0eMgAFOBIm.OVfOFT14wM pcNmkcOPB0ai1Ve. P, etMaA TODETDMWM OMle'M'm ow CLA$MR ttlBOpS P@tlaM WARl TBgIR!6iW11aBGA1tl1EaCWOIB:li18 TOBB aBThtla P/N PAR18. O. pmc^mN47RtIC cAGat" enima Man R*DRIE OLWAaWM TOapTM1MM4! T+ICeaBT/4 BRgUTa,00R eWIACl.. Wawtil TOOa�YJfAQOa01WLa[aOMItlpCA7 WA11aACTORB eBEl1l. SCOPE OF WORK A aearvAfABaseM0a001tVAYaAwnuaa,amMaeMt nvwcao avw ova wse„aoTMBU ecwvea!,Bn,ert wai eewro®vwTPoweuwme GOelJillea PMI, maw AawB avMA wa�eAar oucarn eMaart Araaeaaut ROAM wiBe c"YoeLmocKoomo avo ae"% oawnulrewmmRcooseaawem-vpYro eneaw! etIBMA RAaala00APOlFMIBTOeeaB7POa BPAPE PARR. �aee7BGlQAADGtpa. &, MRSTMDA67wBxw mmoLv.omAC03Prla3WBCW eO[ awl eTunAReeMa�ABaaiar. Bee sanew7Aoaros. a nos7AurewaA�,eaearPa�nB.Paww®uaowl om1l. BiueM wai eeaaralmMTMBreu aavecAae CeMet alR, TBBBAIBe,HOaPaW.aAVal MAA. TWO aTYLNIC]aIMAIAtMaelel®,aCW B9t.11O a. CORNLPAe4 aeae mwcww=7 RA1P lBee LEGEND - .®aoaa�.oaec7ac �— U'ee 0 ceuru7ePAw7ren -.0 w W a llfl § S� i � J r 117333 d 0 2e17 CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT 4 City of Lubbock S E.ibs SEWRP PLAINT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABILITATION 3M GUAVA AVENUE LUBBOCK. TEI(AB 79BOB (a0B} 776.EB3B iRr w — -Mow-sew w a.reM rauPna i®veaivtwam Rroerno. am EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS C-101 GENERAL NOTES w egarw aANRaeueownauwrPURx�w{r wunq PR]C�f EWg1FMA1QNfTM.I®W fR1 s. Aueq{mouwnm asfrora�r weewrorReww+w efgv�rn gaea�onrttoNnmienagor Tl! ewaecT camaeTaq ro gea.assu aq vgoacm+Q Au � xa Ulalq® IR4ADW10@ M A1®4tT? Wi6lRtG1PDN Acr�aa 4 PRORTOleORf{M OOMfOfICTW,CONIRfCi0q 9NLL LOWWNI WIR1GTiummt QfPOroONtia 1ONlCFr l.00ATONOP FARnfQ VfU'IIEa Q, UfafOTllRWAlfO011lQ MLl11f1P1DR(Yd/M! fl®W WQ.AIp fLIRAQ OiNQ1AARlC'1®aYCOY1RUGpi cTRTnea awu of Rcam� roowowa cacrgva we EIlW1TO ODI9IMCTOR !., COIIRACT0IBNLLK®PALLOlBI0AlO9Pf$O{IfQMWRI ?PLYROPlMTtrro. P. CRIIINCIVt M41000R01N]E'MM OTY QLf�OOK P�ME]00l�aE@® 6KroflgtlAgReROO101NRIQaB KEPI PORRN@ MM6 O.. OGf10 � �CTMMIOONIRC]Oq aWtl TA13 PIf AMDA]ONOTWM®Mft6"L FdPM A f1RKl.. OFMUX TO Ptdll ROORaNYA! R!!MID A7 ODYIPAGT/tf FRRMBE N. ®M®I WRBIVJl1afALag81P10 M1D1Ol a0<T IIfVMMR. AKJU+NglM[AA4.ON PO1 fNMNIA MOORQlRNO?T1! CfMW 14R M lfOLBa�Rrl011AWalIR? RIUm A1pb Al0 M~AC® TOOPMRwRN1? WPNI@OpNlMDeON MNMAC1113R. CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT 4 Lubbock E% S SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABILITATION 3M OUAVAAVENUE LusawK, TEKaa 7340.E (303} rx-o 20 EXISTING CLARIFIER DEMOLITION C-102 7■ am �, , SCUM WELL PIPING SECTION �, , SCUM WELL AND VALVE VAULT SECTION v 1 a is w Aq !' EXISTING CLARIFIER DEMOLITION PROFILE GENERAL NOTES A !RlfNp ON@R®tlEC/MN@MWr@PIR!@1®e1'MN®R vwcr@ eaa�r run @dTlLL®M Sa a @. ALLeReano lmtrlm oma[.@a @alerexeeuArlewuRw leenee a1laannvrcorslR�cl9aaaP 1/! ma�T. OONIMCT7! � � mQBBtE P01t PROI@GMn ALLlA@ 1@n {IMITd PlnNMlM� M AIaOLLi OPCQMI@CTON ACTM@@0. C. PRORTOIloNoo OilolR{4TpR,03ViMRORBlN{L 090P4a11 tACrvw11r OPLLa®optP9gONK TOV90IY CATgR OI' Bt18a V l0 %1@lltl@0. 0. li4E@@Oi1CIPM@@UtACAi@tl ALL@Ja4leKa00/o'NAi0. Acvwms.xnsasnc@auaro rlRCT®@r COR9aRUCTp1 #W1 TelVCCN 1✓B@TOR®i00PpNYLCalalneaNn !alaRAORs+tW9lr[Tat e.. w+mACTaeew.u@!@vAu.oeew@ArnevarovroPnewAv �I v. °Pa��.u�.ocoRarur@a+aHott cPLLa9onc ii PBIUOM VT ftm @%18@HGCtA1M16R C.illP06lMRTOBB j RePTPoIa APNA.MR18 O Otioo tAlMaRVCTWAClIN11@0.00N1RlGTOR1PtLTAF� '. P1@WiIOM TOanTaaaalh0@M@R@1eo WO4lfKOCR '... iWhk WAMO@iO GIlAlIft00Rl1VLL!@RISr@tl9DAT ',,. CON,RACtda'! IXPlR! '. M. ClMBI PIeR9N0.PIA11@@N@Tlo riA'M]R WCT/MMo®.1@rt. w W CL rl ey,.r. • oat tl1 117393 Y away q 17 CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT 4 Lubbock 4fSAS SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABLITATION NN OWVA AVENUE UMBOCK, TEXAS 7904 (M}>7a ago EXISTING CLARIFIER DEMOLITION C-1 03 a u 1 im ro { TR11q/ �/ GENERAL NOTES A 1> wo: sNWo mwrnwam®wr . PlatBfa eawmew AMOSTA AD w 201, a. INOilM1TB pJla1[Ntlr waEAR sow= l M MO vAaRRMwiN1 eaRx naeauaxAnuwTAucnoNOPTNs eeT. eanMOTaR a RaaPONaeuc POR vam�allo Au.lra ma UaUrIB FRd1.fM/A1Q N ARalKTO WMMl.TON A TlB C. ORTOaW OMRCC wETO=PowokRmvv tl Lot"pNOPotww0JLLmR a uatbaoneRwaenaa�laAu.euamaRa�owima aixwMAa.Aro 91E VASE moPn ARECt®ar COIgTRKTgN AclMmsaNRtm icaTawToowoaw.wNonw+no E!EW CTer*44LXMPAL !. Cp/MACfd1SMLLNQPAK04W4$MDaPgtOVECPTRwAr 0/tlNTCPeMINM P. ORfRU4'7ARl1MUC00PWNTlwAN01r RCCWC P®NOIMG TOOETBWR! 81PleNOCUMlR[plONENfa TDa! R®TPORaPMa MRIa. O. ORPIN9 Cgi6114VCilpiACTNl1®LOgiM/GTORaWtITAIq! P1EW11gNA TONDT DNM94 TNleNeTaO OROUTPlO]It atwvae. oAAraeToaan aooRawu r PffiRR�AT Catt1AACTiAH eaeeNa<. N. CENreRReRl41LLRMea]tlTPq R1aiw aotTllWMpEMHR. Moumrq xwAaow POR.anR1a Roaaurogo. TNe aMNt{BR M NeDAsuw PORAMOR[Nf DORANe AgfDAIO K~ACR ra oPONRWRMI/YpVAa RlOgAIENRD f1 NMiIACMR.. a If a i T tt73p a a a DONVIT CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Lubli*66k SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABILITATION 3M WJAVA AVENUE WBBOM TEMB 7"N lam! ne 2w NN wP/ Mwooio.uaaou NEW CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT Cr'-104 2 3 4 5 GENERAL NOTES Sawa �wm,a„W,oR-wlpojwv UTKAM��MMTOR ARMMTW�RWGTNOALLe ft ACTMES, LODR LOW Mcrotwwl4vwmt k04.mximwaAtt x0i D ACW'Ms ewwllmw�m co-PACIM KOPA"0410SANDSPOLOMMTHEWAY 0"LAwoperAloW KIP-ONPM2MP%C�RCNOMMC8 MIND AClMM&carmiemR GV" TAM Im— $*MMN �AeyVlx c NEW SCUM BOX PIPING SECTION cl NEW SCUM WELL PIPING SECTION (M�A' J B L 1 11 v 11 it 1 11 11 1 A NEW CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT PROFILE Al _ 2 A PSG CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PUNT 4 City of Lubbock [$A$ SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO. 3 REHABILITATION 3M GUAVA AVENUE womacm ma 794" NEW CLARIFIER EQUIPMENT C-1 05 L'—t� Il^.�--•^", �—'1 f'—�i�.., -�• •--1 �'� ��' Imo--• j ,i..--�� •--�� .i ~~ �. ��' c� ■ ELECTRICALKkZAF0OUSCLASSFIC XM- CLAARER AID AERATOR IDTE& a oarprtw rrtaNwrao NKcaio+Na rn.w000rar arm Mnwa�nor wc.N�w�woq a. uacwe�l.oJrrert aunoeN� NRAIpM/1N MIPtIIOQJa WUOYft MINI N MIOrOnMM�tIG1lwMl N4Q1MYMr MRNtlm. a. urvoaowanMrnwrsa Mi�aDO:rgaipNr NaaLLM rve CCY1lNINNII.r/WC. Im■ aa.gaa��_ .. o {d arlYroNalNalw ear■aaf RSR11Kil r1- wtOrr �" VIWATvnnw /d11100fO1M 1R'lIMn1101 f � y f SECONDARY CLARIa ERN . 3 . M1N0 MNYrI COII�IINY11 A w�Nworuv wwr�r eo.N�o�rrae.m N -�! IrMWt)No1rYCOMnolr,va AN MiNtID. L �Y �,, ElECTRICALSfTEPIlW n� 2 CdrN1CRN IOIOUY.IfO :r�r�.uw+naacarur wo�oaw.r��ora oNr wotu:vr COlfltltrwa ■ Muw awawcwnarr. owa�cwallowrraw .rvo.�o rcw r.r 'wmcaaxr WarNaw 111rA11SR MD CC�{L`aUi NiGLII�ND ■ rw ti:-'.owiwroar r� ■ ELECTf*M SYMBOLS LEGEND w.rn oua�nw w w�.Noar � WWNw NpOr IrGRMeMaVMAtwaaio. QgY�INiGIYDOINaNOI,UtNIMKYD�Q�NAIaT/LLMIR. l9 Nr¢nw ennw O JU11CeoM.an w.t�u fR� rQa rq Nwgl�Vr¢ WwIMl1]NI —OM— ovrNNOWeANJttl1tlR —w— raanwvowa�awu�uaa.rurwaMaaaraMw. —ooe— cwausworrwanoaarur,arwrw NIONWOI -- awroorian onarrww N�SMg01rNIWMY 1 o.N.Rw,.o ..1., naurrorrn ansiwcwmwwm�e�NpW®. romnMnww.rin:n � Nararowwat GENERAL NOTES w MMf/r+oiarwowiwnawa oNrrM wMT0lacaaaoinw:. W�nK�w Na4MN�NIrrlrwrn0lE/rlOrr1101!•r J)f/100Yaa aw .. ownu�nanau ri ir�csrN. w�cnr.wn...a«nNo.rcna. rr M000ar+oowa, c, owmrnan aawa000iaM+.rnN>arwaaau:uwoua uarwr ww1MYAtO0nllIfOAI1�Y�NVr VMrL Y.-CwIRKIpINRlC000MRanMf)IIBlilwi.'w G/NAI�IWK 0.]IRW.dlIIalrR. MwN.NnwO MaM W1a1MrR. M1wM11010 mnwoia wo.0 ewwarnw a.oufarNr. l nLLOtR11Y�.Ort aC110r AN1MLLN10t/IIMMNIrON rW�D]nN aMnLL ri COO�MiMMOMw1AlONa{a Y1RIa) LwIrIHM11TN lY 1HlRlet M MQNR f. GOMAACTOI aaM{afMl{YIIf3 M11�W�MNOMIrRa IOwaUClrOgn' NIOCtp/r. MO N W 0001011Nf! MM 011M11 r1YC11 TD Of M/1YLIO N11' CNWII.. o. wnwana'wunmvwnorwnoiNovrwanuacwua� w.anNoawaaamr�nwnw. X, OIIOUIOIIOG.rqu N01rM R1AwrtMOfar MONeMeI l euwctiuiwswcwiowrs eMLL<Ml.p NatgMI101awIVAON r. 1 NIG�UWCOD I/�lYnM1P1lT1rq Mr lACJf.apWIQM1011.DO1 rRlOe)r YILR MlrprLT.Ur[. YrTm1llMMaE1101rr rrfaelallSL +NKMw' vamravnaa.aw •'M�rawR nutuwr •rMN�cwiwraw:>we�• +wrr awaieu nur wwe'rm• ante xzioc iooar n, MYCIYa1N.M lIH10Vlri1rva 01rawrMLLNINai'I.DN GNnllwl � NIG�nICIM'rIRNt®taN.{NwQ:O1W11�WMIC1aaq r_ uaeNrrawnwr�ar N:wcr NnwM anowrfarvow atMINN eMIN 11��IMMl1, W.IMIVCYCr N C0111MC1011NMapDKMNr.RNCK.0111Mffp WfN001aa1rON0 nua Eli CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Lubbock TLT„ SeNW PLANT 4 CIARFM NO.3 R84ABLffATION 3W GUAVA AVEPM WBNNOM T! M TMO. N — — wrraw w Mi ELECTRICAL SffE PLAN E-101 D Imm B1 PERIPHERAL FEED CLARIFIER PLAN PERIPHERAL FEED CLARIFIER PROFILE ----�---- NOTES i. CON11..L,tlR awuiMs M FWID w aTO awcuclaPx MCE nnRFiti R PYC caaTEo RqP EfFALO01OUR oaua c IpEDYTMIX TXE EYf Wp a TIE wva1NOKIEOW� auw a. Mnut T.rrosRerwlereo a,RurEn raRroRLIwoR aYEPTOR W e ReuaR IX eueT@ra aaaulT, x Me,u.a-Ruuwanx ano P4W CLaapR vaEna,oRPorca Pap2! LfJPPfAY Paws m iCC OMO.RT 0. 0EW VCIOR@ uYUL EE MmraLte mRTraaus ATrX rq lrLY:E6 a OpM1fUCldIMLLeE Rf•A1biE [OR PPO.Ch61ffR'W:WIf B8Yf1Y9 PIXtALL CPQ�" EXIER4Y0 GFbrE0. 6, mnMCIaP MLLRE PEEPO49IKEPOP REEeT48tiBNRIO ai TXYIIRYI Ab COYYxd�aTpi9ATG/ftlFvmmo YT k Tlpp IXTO raw GbafROL sYalf+t OOORdtUT@ T1le N7M pL•[R. 0. Ca<YrMC,OR"InC RLRW!LYKE M. PERPMHOl11 T@W —IO apnfJAm YRR,1 bmra 1MTL ), CJM9m CWYRERORME m eE REP.AO@G p MTED f-0R,XP, YLL FF1YINsipAMP+IDEAORTKWrLap ARE-C ADWE n SUP^ f W.RPEOOORMPORYA=NAVAP~,*TrRE YRm Or nECN:R, Tr& Mf,i YpE04 NOmR&WL E8 NO W1Wt IWW 9. XP. NYv NBLtiBapLW@q@0 6Y TE WRIRpCIdI BMLL EE BP W nxr m 1NE xrTFMEN CP TE ERUNFER MMEGI�IeLY. @, CWTMOIpITPERURel SI LEERf]OYID,PROIeC[ - R&"TAA MRTALL411WWWP COATEDMM MEL CGWR WRX xI,IAYrGxYA@CW EOR3ARINELbRI1Yi, IbMNO C W 6RP n W LL H M V LCpR®aT NNCIIOR MD{ LOGrm d(RALL OJ[HRE GM V ER 0. R@£T,ro LpXiMO PpRiREMGWRROWWAIMErEVT , IM P]OSTIXR R.«q!1rtaxE PALL REREYOV@O ap R@�:OTM.LEC. ooXrRAc,a ro a;.Rea LVEnwoacwraacaalclae Re�aoRRcePrAae. RereP ToaXeere.pr oer4 Ar PaR av„oxuwwPURrcw ,,, wnuwT¢naR SPaa: maurts 81V1LL ee evr•4o, Ib OOXTRPLrOR MW1=O TE EMTM QADUWC04EL"-TP= cw.nLR:raR. CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT City of 4Lubbock SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABILITATION 3W5 GUAVA AVENUE LUBBOCK. TEIEAB ?"Od -- r�w4cor •omen aav ELECTRICAL SRE PLAN IS lum u2:4 L.C./sNo++cmYe. mRAaeR,ecN P«,M.r cc«cee+e b IlWCTW Y6LLMWB. T,+e1.1RAlPC Mrm VtR1MYMRID'd1QRCeD• { PACTCRYMIP111Nf®eV IMNJNCI{N19t + pleQRWceMMPRCV®eYBK/R9Bl- 1 CG+xCT VAxae5bTi1MIC fA', ®C09{eR `� P�IaNDRlCOEAe.. CVD4ROIR10 RCD rl '� naeNARveexoe i va�sAuan®. aw. oRasocAeu -+ D� GROUND ROD INSPECTION WELL N,T.S. �NOY�aR C.e+erooRWRDRcoeAnDOA,c y+Duro YewnoAovo eoiAseTroxeAO YlI.D m,nraoReosra 0141+1011W CCRgReONO eTeesNAleMRari^,+r C i NT.a HOR¢ONTAL CABLE TERMINAL TO GROUND ROD orom+onmq rD! c�sD TOD.ROVCTMA'AR ePAgleeB 8Te6Rl W ANCNd M® � x11D11RA. �r,,�(" emucMu -uo+r Rcae �- eRmm MR e1RYf.TIp xumNw Axurycw exxa A IGHT LING FIXTURE DETAIL +eAte NW8 F� COMMCTWpiP rMRY covrcTroaexoP MAL ®Mem � / 4 nY Rm LOCAroRTAR- b r _PZ W.VIRB 01DVIa„D ALOProo®Tx w+D eArnrooe,Nw, rpe YrAAtoren GODRlle ncrplfJt w ror+mcNPRee __ nruro NW e®1MCe r.- PYccarcur D2 BURIED CONDUIT DETAIL _ NT B. �uwtro`o� e,onsA+N: wnDneo oRaeocvaeaoxcAorre�a J m.xn oR cuA� �-orow Rcoco+ve+eoMo mmLAYweM+maW, HORIZONTAL CABLE TO GROUND ROD C2 NIS,------- OMIMLeT1Vf RIe:N A3 ELECTRICAL RACK DETAIL NTA zRec 000uTroee msRaRieo, a MCA~ eY1ECMTbrl�naox oPC1AT SVW �ceaT +a,s•eRw�rAxoo+ YNRT IeCogr _ 4 DorauT,J Y 4 wtAnenu► l-creras.aTwrt Ini1 CONDUITSUPPORT DETAIL �'' suLE NONE Wl Te WT M.W +]W,x PO+A.M sQasTAru rose evaueo d610rJ 041 P4RGll1d D}RP1I Ld4R t vuTero ee pile® \ j L 1 � oxaRn>\AK+e � FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW NCfE. Au exvoe®coMoRr ewu ee nc cav®Amo a�ee� TYPICAL WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLE MOUNTING DETAIL A4 wAR-0 a � 8 U eIl 0467 r�+p osai�' CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT 4 Lubbock T[%AS SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABILITATION WS OUAA AVENINE LUMWM TEXAS 7ft" {S06} 770- m NN NAM NN�R- ELECTRICAL DETAILS E-501 rccaaeiiniEw.aew°. e.a. e�Enmai — K I ni I ro---- I ro---- I * I � I m I . I I r �- -r -- r -- r------r--a---�- - - - IaaWo,.7 J ter' I L I I I I I I I I I I I I L----1— ---L---------L---------L---------L— —— — — — — — — — — — —1------1-- Fill J J J amp Q » ca fla » w fb » w ns 8ICC 2000NE-LINE DIAGRAM scam rcwE —1-----a-----i-----a — — — — — — — — — --————--r---- ----r-- ,� ---r---------p ------T——T—M-T---� 1 —I—---------I I — I r-------- I— ----- ,—-- r I ------I ---------r I T-----�—----------T— I I I I —T— —T---� I I s' S uM i ,. t +raa I v ' � ( w � aow I w 1 Ew I oP' ` as I y' `. �, I I a • mJ s ' mJ I 1---1— ---------1— --------J—L--------- --L- ---------L1------L ---J— ---- -----1— 1-1---J 1 1 r--I—T r' .1----T-1—T f I I I�. MIWVEEX9t114FID f I I �- meaaeio.� Aiacac �E MCG2000NE-LINE DIAGRAM w w a g U Nnl t - if�Pil�T� " CL CITY OF LUBBOCK SOUTHEAST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Lubbock MAS SEWRP PLANT 4 CLARIFIER NO.3 REHABILITATION 3M GUAVA AVENUE LUBSOM 7EICA6 73/G (bOB} 7764=0 in aae �aunoRE�wEaM � wnse*.a am+r ELECTRICAL ONE -LINE E-601 '.....,_�.,.R.....a+ l.,_... ...ra u.�......._....� i.,...,,-......w» iw.«............o-� �»�x.�.�.r+d� ��.�— emJ Etv