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Resolution - 2010-R0421 - Proposed Annual Service Plan Update - Vintage Township Public Improvement Dist. - 09_21_2010
Resolution No. 2010—RO421 September 2, 2010 Item No. 2.7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A PROPOSED ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN UPDATE AND AMENDMENTS TO THE SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN FOR THE VINTAGE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; SETTING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE; AND ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, on January 12, 2007, after notice and a public hearing in the manner required by law, the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas (the "City") approved a resolution authorizing the creation of the Vintage Township Public Improvement District (the "District"); WHEREAS, on June 14, 2007 and June 26, 2007, after notice and a public hearing conducted in the manner require by law, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2007-00058 (the "Assessment Ordinance") approving a Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll and the levy of assessments on property in the District; WHEREAS, on April 24, 2008, the City Council and the Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation issued bonds secured directly and indirectly, respectively, by the assessments levied pursuant to the Assessment Ordinance; WHEREAS, Section 372.013 of the Public Improvement District Assessment Act, Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code (the "PID Act") and the Service and Assessment Plan require that the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll be annually reviewed and updated; WHEREAS, according to the developer of the property within the District there has been a change in the property scheduled to be developed at this time; WHEREAS, in light of such change in the development plans for the District, the City Council has determined that there may be a corresponding change with respect to the property within the District that is benefited by the public improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined, in connection with the review and approval of the Annual Service Plan Update and as permitted by Section 372.015 of the PID Act, to consider amending and updating the Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for the District to reapportion the assessments to reflect the special benefits accruing to property within WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to call a public hearing regarding the amendment of the Service and Assessment Plan to reapportion the assessments as reflected in Exhibit A hereto and pursuant to Section 372.016 of the PID Act; WHEREAS, the City Council desires to authorize that notice of such public hearing be mailed and published pursuant to Section 372.016 of the PID Act in order to provide notice to all interested parties of the City Council's proposed reapportionment of assessments against property in the District; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to file the Amended Service and Assessment Plan and updated Assessment Roll with the City Secretary such that they are available for public inspection pursuant to Section 372.016 of the PID Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The findings and determinations set forth in the preambles hereto are hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes. Section 2. Calling Public Hearing. The City Council hereby calls a public hearing for 9:30 a.m. on September 16, 2010 at the regular meeting place of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas, in the City Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, to consider approving the proposed Annual Service Plan Update and Amendments to Service and Assessment Plan, with such changes and amendments as the City Council deems necessary, and the updated Assessment Roll for the District with such amendments to the assessments on any parcel as the City Council deems necessary. Notice of the hearing setting out the matters required by Section 372.016 of the PID Act shall be given by publication at least eleven (11) days before the date of the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. At least eleven (11) days prior to the hearing, notice of such hearing containing the information required by Section 372.016(b) of the Act shall also be given by mail to those parties required to be mailed such notice. All residents and property owners within the District, and all other persons, are hereby invited to appear in person, or by their attorney, and contend for or contest the Annual Service Plan Update and Amendments to the Service and Assessment Plan and the updated Assessment Roll, and the proposed reapportionment of the assessments and offer testimony pertinent to any issue presented on the amount of the assessments, purpose of the assessments, special benefit of the assessments, and the costs of collection and the penalties and interest on delinquent assessments. At or on the adjournment of the hearing, the City Council must hear and pass on any objection to a proposed reapportionment of the assessments. The City Council may amend a proposed assessment on any parcel. The hear and pass on any objections to the Annual Service Plan Update and Amendments to the Service and Assessment Plan and the updated Assessment Roll (which objections may be written or oral). At or on the adjournment of the hearing, Council may amend a proposed assessment on any parcel. After all objections, if any, have been heard and passed upon, the City may approve and adopt the Annual Service Plan Update and Amendments to the Service and Assessment Plan and the updated Assessment Roll. Section 4. Filing of Plan. This resolution including Exhibit A hereto shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary and be made available to any member of the public who wishes to inspect the same. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of September , 2010. TO MARTIN, Mayor ATTEST: ZQA'<=� 5�' / REB CA GARZA, City Secret [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: By: "Wmne�� ANDY bURCHAM, Chief Financial Officer APPRnvFn e c Tn Fnu XA- Resolution No. 2010-R0421 EXHIBIT A ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN UPDATE AND AMENDMENTS TO THE SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN A-1 529995v.1 LUB200/58000 Preliminary VINTAGE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LUBBOCK, TEXAS ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN UPDATE AND AMENDMENTS TO THE SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN September 2, 2010 VINTAGE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LUBBOCK9 TEXAS ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN UPDATE AND AMENDMENTS TO THE SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN A. Introduction The Vintage Township Public Improvement District (the "PID") was created pursuant to the PID Act and a resolution of the City Council on January 12, 2007 to finance certain public improvement projects for the benefit of the property in the PID. The Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A in the aggregate principal amount of $2,193,000 (the "Series 2008A Bonds") and The Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B in the aggregate principal amount of $1,279,000 (the "Series 2008B Bonds") were issued to finance, refinance, provide or otherwise assist in the acquisition, construction and maintenance of the public improvements provided for the benefit of the property in the PID. A service and assessment plan (the "Service and Assessment Plan") was approved by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 2007-00058, as amended by Ordinance No. 2008-00005, identifying the public improvements (the "Improvement Projects") to be provided by the PID, the costs of the Improvement Projects, the indebtedness to be incurred for the Improvement Projects, and the manner of assessing the property in the PID for the costs of the Improvement Projects. The Service and Assessment Plan is to be reviewed and updated annually. Section 372.015 of the PID Act states that the governing body of the municipality shall apportion the cost of an improvement to be assessed against property in an improvement district, and the apportionment shall be made on the basis of special benefits accruing to the property because of the improvement. Section 372.015(d) provides that the amount of assessment for each property owner may be adjusted following the annual review of the service plan. In light of changes in the development plans for Improvement Areas 1 and 2, amendments to the boundaries and improvement projects for Improvement Areas 1 and 2 and adjustment of the assessments are necessary. This document provides for such amendments and is also the update of the Service and Assessment Plan for 2010. The City had an assessment roll (the "Assessment Roll") prepared identifying the assessments on each parcel, based on the method of assessment identified in the Service and Assessment Plan. This Annual Service Plan also explains the update of the Assessment Roll. The City Council intends for the obligations, covenants and burdens on the owner of the Assessed Property, including without limitation such owner's obligations related to the payment of the Assessments, to constitute a covenant running with the land. The Assessments are binding upon the owners of Assessed Property, and their respective transferees, legal representatives, heirs, devisees, successors and assigns. The Assessments have lien priority as specified in the PID Act. B. Update of the Service Plan and Amendment of the Location of Certain Improvement Projects and Boundaries of the Improvement Areas The Improvement Areas The property within the PID includes approximately 275.5 acres. There are two improvement areas within the PID. "Improvement Area One" (as defined in the Service and Assessment Plan) consists of approximately 60 acres and "Improvement Area Two' (as defined in the Service and Assessment Plan) consists of approximately 33 acres wholly contained within Improvement Area One. "Improvement Project A" (as defined in the Service and Assessment Plan) includes improvements that provide a benefit to the property in Improvement Area One. "Improvement Project B" (as defined in the Service and Assessment Plan) includes improvements that provide a benefit to the property in Improvement Area Two. Improvement Area One and Improvement Area Two are shown in the map attached hereto as Appendix A. The Series 2008A Bonds were issued to finance a portion of Improvement Project A and the Series 2008B Bonds were issued to finance a portion of Improvement Project B. Assessment Part A was levied against the property in Improvement Area One for Improvement Project A. The Series 2008A Bonds are secured by Assessment Part A levied against property in Improvement Area One. Assessment Part B was levied against the property in Improvement Area Two for Improvement Project B. The Series 2008B Bonds are secured by Assessment Part B levied against property in Improvement Area Two in the PID. According to the Developer, there has been a change in the property to be developed and improved within Improvement Areas One and Two. Part of the property in the remaining unsubdivided Tax Parcel R311999, which was originally intended to be developed as part of both Improvement Areas One and Two, is no longer planned to be developed or improved. This part of the Improvement Areas is highlighted in blue in the map of improvement areas attached hereto as Appendix A. The property in Tax Parcel R25696, located to the south of the current improvement areas, is intended to be integrated into the Improvement Area One and Two boundaries to be developed and improved in place of the property no longer intended to be developed at this time. The new property to be developed is shown in yellow in the map of improvement areas attached hereto as Appendix A. This change in the property to be developed has resulted in a change in the property to be improved and benefited from the proceeds of the Series 2008A and 2008B Bonds and a corresponding change in the area within the Improvement Areas. Improvement Project B improvements financed with proceeds of the Series 2008B Bonds, which include site preparation, drainage, streets and alleys, walkways, water and sewer improvements, lighting and street signs, will not be made on the property no longer intended to be developed. Instead, these improvements are being made to the new additional property to be developed. Similarly, the property no longer intended to be developed will not benefit from the Improvement Project A improvements financed with proceeds of the Series 2008A Bonds, which include site preparation, drainage, lighting and street signs, park features, roundabouts, street trees and irrigation. As a result, the new property to be developed benefits from the improvements financed with the proceeds of the Series 2008A and 2008B Bonds and the property no longer planned to be developed will not benefit from the improvements. A diagram of the Improvement Projects is attached hereto as Appendix C. 2 The Assessment Part A and Assessment Part B are being reallocated from the property no longer intended to be developed and improved to the new property planned to be developed and improved. In light of the changes to the development plans for the District described herein, the Service and Assessment Plan is hereby amended to replace in their entirety Exhibits A and C to the Service and Assessment Plan with the attached Appendices A and C, respectively, and all references in the Service and Assessment Plan and all other documents relating to the PID shall be deemed to refer to the replacement Appendices A and C. The land to be excluded from Improvement Areas 1 and 2 pursuant to these amendments is hereby determined and classified to be Non -Benefited Property. The additional land to be included in Improvement Areas 1 and 2 is hereby determined and classified to be Assessed Property, specially benefited by the Improvements in Improvement Areas 1 and 2, and the Assessment described in this Annual Service Plan Update for such land is hereby apportioned and allocated to and levied upon such property. The amendments described herein and the adjustment and reapportionment of assessments have been requested by and agreed to by the sole owner of the additional land to be assessed. The total number of units proposed and corresponding total Equivalent Units (EU) included in the original Service and Assessment Plan are shown in Table A below. Table A Original Proposed Residential Use Im rovement Area 1 Im rovement Area 2 No. Equivalent Total No. Equivalent Total Land Use Class of Units Equivalent of Units Equivalent Units Units Units Units Land Use Class 1 125 1.00 125.00 69 1.00 69.00 Land Use Class 2 83 1.66 137.78 47 1.66 78.02 Land Use Class 3 34 1 2.29 1 77.86 1 21 1 2.29 1 48.09 Total 242 1 1 340.64 1 137 1 1 195.11 The total number of units proposed and corresponding total Equivalent Units based on the new development plan are shown in Table B below. Table B New Proposed Residential Use Im rovement Area 1 Im rovement Area 2 No. of Equivalent Total No. of Equivalent Total Land Use Class Equivalent Equivalent Units Units Units Units Units Units Land Use Class 1 162 1.00 162.00 106 1.00 106.00 Land Use Class 2 80 1.66 132.80 44 1.66 73.04 Land Use Class 3 21 1 2.29 1 48.09 1 8 1 2.29 1 18.32 Total 1263.001 1 342.89 1 158.001 1 197.36 The outstanding Assessment Part A is $2,114,041 after the prepayment of Assessment Part A on nine residential units representing 12.27 Equivalent Units. As a result, the corresponding Equivalent Units is 330.62 (i.e. 342.89 — 12.27 = 330.62). The original Assessment per Equivalent Unit, the revised Assessment per Equivalent Unit based on the new development plan and the percentage changes in the Assessment per Equivalent Units is shown in the Table below. Table C Original and Revised Assessment per Equivalent Units Original Assessment Revised Assessment Percent Total Total Assessment Total Total I Assessment Assessment Change Assessment EU per EU Assessment EU per EU Assessment Part A $2,193,000 340.64 $6,438 $2,114,041 330.62 $6,394 -0.68% Assessment Part B 1 $1,279,000 195.11 $6,555 1 $1,279,000 197.36 $6,481 -1.14% As shown in Tables A, B and C above, the increase in the total EUs from 340.64 to 342.89 as a result of the increase in the newly proposed number of units to be developed in Improvement Area One results in a reduction of the Assessment Part A per EU from the original amount of $6,438 to $6,394, which represents 0.68 percent reduction in Assessment Part A per EU. Similarly, the increase in the total EUs from 195.11 to 197.36 as a result of the increase in the newly proposed number of units to be developed in Improvement Area Two results in a reduction of the Assessment Part B per EU from the original amount of $6,555 to $6,481, which represents 1.14 percent reduction in Assessment Part B per EU. Accordingly, the reallocation of assessments results in a reduction in the assessments on all parcels previously assessed. The original and revised Assessment Part A and Assessment Part B for each of the parcels within the Improvement Areas are shown in Appendix B. The boundaries for Parcel R311999 have been changed to correspond to the change in the areas to be developed. Additionally, the unit mix has also changed. The original and revised number of units to be developed, the Equivalent Units and the Total Equivalent Units for Parcel R311999 after the parcel boundary adjustment is completed will be as follows. Table D Original and Revised Units to be developed Parcel R311999 Original Revised Total Total planned planned Equivalent Original Revised Land Use Class No. of No. of Units Equivalent Equivalent units units Units Units Land Use Class 1 32 69 1.00 32.00 69.00 Land Use Class 2 20 17 1.66 33.20 28.22 Land Use Class 3 1 17 1 4 1 2.29 1 38.93 1 9.16 Total 1 69 1 90 1 1 104.13 1106.38 4 The total Assessments Part A and Part B applicable to Parcel R311999 as a result of the change in the development plan are shown in Table E below. Table E Total Assessments Parcel R311999 Improvement Assessment Total EU Assessment Total Area Per EU Assessments One Assessment Part A 106.38 $6,394 $680,212 Two Assessment Part B 106.38 $6,481 $689,400 These assessments are shown in Appendix B. Annual Budget for the Public Improvements The actual total cost of the Improvement Project A is $2,920,808, which represents a reduction in the budget for Improvement Project A included in the Service and Assessment Plan. The estimated total cost of Improvement Project B is equal to $2,655,769, which remains the same as the budget estimate included in the Service and Assessment Plan. There are some budget line item amount revisions for Improvement Project A as reported by the Developer. The original and revised budgets for the Improvement Projects are included in Appendix D. The budget includes Improvement Project A and Improvement Project B. As shown by Table F, the PID has incurred indebtedness in the total amount of $3,472,000 in the form of the Series 2008A and Series 2008B Bonds, which are to be repaid from Assessments, and the Developer is to fund the balance of the costs of the Improvement Projects as shown below. Table F Sources and Uses of Funds Public Improvements Sources of Funds: Improvement Project A Improvement Project B Total Series A Bonds Series B Bonds Bond proceeds $2,193,000 $1,279,000 $3,472,000 Developer's contribution to $219,300 Reserve Account $219,300 $0 Developer's contribution to $64,798 Prepayment Reserve Account $40,928 $23,870 Other private funds $804,366 $1,660,589 $2,464,955 Total Sources of Funds $3,257,594 $2,963,459 $6,221,053 Uses of Funds: $0 Improvement project: $2,920,808 $2,655,769 $5,576,577 apitalized Interest Account $61,644 $128,695 $190,338 Collection Costs Account $14,914 $27,226 $42,140 Reserve Account $219,300 $127,900 $347,200 Prepayment Reserve Account $40,928 $0 $40,928 Developer Sub -Account of the Prepayment Reserve Account $0 $23,870 $23,870 Total Uses of Funds $3,257,594 $2,963,459 $6,221,053 A service plan must cover a period of five years. All of the Improvement Projects are expected to be provided within a period of five years. The anticipated budget for the Improvement Projects over a period of five years and the indebtedness expected to be incurred for these costs is shown by Tables G-1 and G-2. The developer has confirmed that the new proposed changes to the development plan will not affect the budget for the Improvement Projects. Con Table G-1 Improvement Project A PID Sources and Uses of Funds 2008 — 2012 Sources of Funds: Improvement Project A Total Year 2008-2010 Year 2011-2012 Bond proceeds $2,193,000 $0 $2,193,000 Developer's contribution to Reserve Account $219,300 $0 $219,300 Developer's contribution to Prepayment $40,928 $0 $40,928 Reserve Account Other private funds $804,366 $0 $804,366 ID - Sources of Funds $3,257,594 $0 $3,257,594 Uses of Funds: Improvement project: $2,920,808 $0 $2,920,808 Capitalized Interest Account $61,644 $0 $61,644 Collection Costs Account $14,914 $0 $14,914 Reserve Account $219,300 $0 $219,300 Prepayment Reserve Account $40,928 $0 $40,928 ID - Uses of Funds $3,257,594 $0 $3,257,59 Table G-2 Improvement Project B PID Sources and Uses of Funds 2009 — 2013 Sources of Funds: Improvement Project B Total Year 2008-2010 Year 2011-2012 Bond proceeds $283,820 $995,180 $1,279,000 Developer's contribution to Prepayment Reserve Account $23,870 $0 $23,870 Other private funds $1,518,600 $141,989 $1,660,589 ID - Sources of Funds $1,826,290 $1,137,169 $2,963,459 Uses of Funds: $0 Improvement project: $1,518,600 $1,137,169 $2,655,769 Capitalized Interest Account $128,695 $0 $128,695 Collection Costs Account $27,226 $0 $27,226 Reserve Account $127,900 $0 $127,900 Developer Sub -Account of the Prepayment Reserve Account $23,870 $0 $23,870 ID - Uses of Funds $1,826,290 $1,137,169 $2,963,459 Debt Service and Collection Costs The Annual Installments The Assessment imposed on any parcel may be paid in full at any time. If not paid in full, the Assessment shall be payable in thirty annual installments of principal and interest beginning with the tax year following the issuance of the Bonds. Pursuant to the Service and Assessment Plan, each Assessment shall bear interest at the rate on the Bonds with a maximum of nine percent per annum commencing with the issuance of the Bonds. The interest rate on the Bonds is 7.375 percent per annum. Accordingly, the interest rate on the Bonds is used to calculate the interest on the Assessments. These payments, the "Annual Installments" of the Assessments, shall be billed by the City in 2010 and will be delinquent on February 1, 2011. Pursuant to the Service and Assessment Plan, the Annual Service Plan Update shall show the remaining balance of the Assessments, the Annual Installment and the Annual Collection Costs to be collected from each Parcel. Annual Collection Costs shall be allocated to each Parcel pro rata based upon the amount the Annual Installment on a Parcel bears to the amount of Annual Installments in the PID as a whole that are payable at the time of such allocation. Each Annual Installment shall be reduced by any credits applied under an applicable Bond Ordinance, such as capitalized interest and interest earnings on any account balances and by any other funds available to the PID. Annual Budget for the Repayment of Indebtedness Debt service is to be paid on the Bonds from the collection of the Annual Installments. The interest rate to be paid on the Bonds is 7.375%. In addition, "Collection Costs" are to be collected with the Annual Installments to pay expenses related to the collection of the Annual Installments. The budget for the PID to be paid from the collection of Annual Installments for 2010 is shown by Table H. Table H Budget for the Annual Installments To be collected for 2010 Improvement Project A Improvement Project B Total Series 2008A Bonds Series 2008B Bonds Interest payment on April 1, 2011 $77,991 $47,163 $125,154 Interest payment on October 1, 2011 $77,991 $47,163 $125,154 Principal payment on October 1, 2011 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 Subtotal Debt Service on Bonds $156,981 $95,326 $252,308 Annual Collection Costs $15,792 $14,071 $29,863 Subtotal Expenses $172,773 $109,397 $282,170 Available Capitalized Interest Account $0 $0 $0 Available Collection Costs Account' $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Funds Available $0 $0 $0 Annual Installment to be Collected $172,773 $109,397 $282,170 Available Collection Costs Account balances as of July 31, 2010 are not included co the calculation of the annual costa ment to e collected as the balance is expected to be used for the payment of collection costs for the remainder of the current assessment year and any remaining balance will be used as contingency for unexpected collection costs. As explained above, the interest rate on the Series 2008A Bonds is 7.375 percent per annum, which is used to calculate the interest on the Assessment Part A. The Assessment Part A per Equivalent Unit is calculated as $6,394 based on the revised number of units to be developed. The Assessment Part A applicable for each Land Use Class, which is calculated by multiplying the Assessment Part A per Equivalent Units by the Equivalent Units of each Land Use Class, and the interest on the Assessment due to be collected for 2010 are shown in Table I below. Table I Interest Due on Assessment Part A To be collected for 2010 Assessment Assessment Interest Land Use Class Assessment EU Part A Interest Due per EU per unit Rate per Unit Land Use Class 1 $6,394 1 $6,394 7.375% $471.57 Land Use Class 2 $6,394 1.66 $10,614 7.375% $782.81 Land Use Class 3 $6,394 2.29 $14,643 7.375% $1,079.90 The Assessment Part A due for 2010 is $1,000, which represents the principal amount due on the Series 2008A Bonds on October 1, 2011. The Total Assessment Part A outstanding is shown as $2,114,041 in Appendix B. Accordingly, the Assessment Part A due for 2010 is 0.047 percent of the outstanding Assessment Part A (i.e. $1,000 _ $2,114,041 = 0.047%). 6 The Assessment Part A due to be collected from each Land Use Class for 2010 is shown in Table J below. Table J Assessment Part A Due To be collected for 2010 Assessment Assessment Land Use Class Part A Percentage Part A Due per unit Per Unit Land Use Class 1 $63394 0.047% $3.02 Land Use Class 2 $103614 0.047% $5.02 Land Use Class 3 $14,643 1 0.047% $6.93 The Annual Collection Costs for the collection of Assessment Part A are estimated to be $15,792. The total outstanding Assessment Part A is shown as $2,114,041 in Appendix B. Accordingly, the Annual Collection Costs due for 2010 is 0.747 percent of the outstanding Assessment Part A (i.e. $15,792 _ $2,114,041 = 0.747%). The Annual Collection Costs to be collected for 2010 is shown in Table K below. Table K Annual Collection Costs for Assessment Part A To be collected for 2010 Assessment Annual Land Use Class Part A Percentage Collection per unit Costs per Unit Land Use Class 1 $6,394 0.747% $47.77 Land Use Class 2 $10,614 0.747% $79.29 Land Use Class 3 $14,643 0.747% $109.38 In summary, the Annual Installment Part A to be collected for 2010, which included the interest due, Assessment Part A due and Annual Collection Costs is shown Table L on the following page. 10 Table L Annual Installment Part A To be collected for 2010 Interest Assessment Annual Annual Land Use Class due per Part A due Collection Installment Unit per Unit Costs Part A Per Unit per Unit Land Use Class 1 $471.57 $3.02 $47.77 $522.36 Land Use Class 2 $782.81 $5.02 $79.29 $867.12 Land Use Class 3 $1,079.90 $6.93 $109.38 $1,196.20 As explained above, the interest rate on the Series 2008B Bonds is 7.375 percent per annum, which is used to calculate the interest on the Assessment Part B. The Assessment Part B per Equivalent Unit is calculated as $6,481 based on the revised number of units to be developed. The Assessment Part B applicable for each Land Use Class, which is calculated by multiplying the Assessment Part B per Equivalent Units by the Equivalent Units of each Land Use Class, and the interest on the Assessment due to be collected for 2010 are shown in Table M below. Table M Interest Due on Assessment Part B To be collected for 2010 Assessment Assessment Assessment Interest due Land Use Class per EU EU Part B Interest per Unit per unit Rate Land Use Class 1 $6,481 1.00 $6,481 7.375% $477.94 Land Use Class 2 $6,481 1.66 $10,758 7.375% $793.38 Land Use Class 3 1 $6,481 1 2.29 1 $14,840 7.375% $1,094.48 The Assessment Part B due for 2010 is $1,000, which represents the principal amount due on the Series 2008B Bonds on October 1, 2011. The Total Assessment Part B outstanding is shown as $1,279,000 in Appendix B. Accordingly, the Assessment Part B due for 2010 is 0.078 percent of the outstanding Assessment Part A (i.e. $1,000 _ $1,279,000 = 0.078%). The Assessment Part B due to be collected from each Land Use Class for 2010 is shown in Table N below. 11 Table N Assessment Part B Due To be collected for 2010 Assessment Assessment Land Use Class Part B Percentage Part B due per Unitper Unit Land Use Class 1 $6,481 0.078% $5.07 Land Use Class 2 $10,758 0.078% $8.41 Land Use Class 3 1 $14,8401 0.078% 1 $11.60 The Annual Collection Costs for the collection o f Table O Annual Collection Costs for Assessment Part B To be collected for 2010 Assessment Annual Land Use Class Part B Percentage Collection per unit Costs per Unit Land Use Class 1 $6,481 1.1 % $71.29 Land Use Class 2 $10,758 1.1% $118.35 Land Use Class 3 $14,840 1.1 % $163.26 In summary, the Annual Installment Part B to be collected for 2010, which included the interest due, Assessment Part B due and Annual Collection Costs is shown Table P below. Table P Annual Collection Costs for Assessment Part B To be collected for 2010 Interest Assessment Annual Annual Land Use Class due per Part A due Collection Installment Unit per Unit Costs Part A Per Unit per Unit Land Use Class 1 $477.94 $5.07 $71.29 $554.30 Land Use Class 2 $793.38 $8.41 $118.35 $920.14 Land Use Class 3 $1,094.48 $11.60 $163.26 $1,269.35 12 C. Update of the Assessment Plan The Service and Assessment Plan provided for the "Assessed Property" to be classified into one of three categories for purpose of allocating the Assessments, as follows: (i) Land Use Class 1, (ii) Land Use Class 2, and (iii) Land Use Class 3. Land Use Class 1 consists of residential dwelling units of 2,100 square feet of living area or less. Land Use Class 2 consists of residential dwelling units with between 2,100 and 3,000 square feet of living area. Land Use Class 3 consists of residential dwelling units with greater than 3,000 square feet of living area. The Service and Assessment Plan identified Equivalent Units for each lot in each land use class as follows: Land Use Class 1 Lots Land Use Class 2 Lots Land Use Class 2 Lots 1.00 per dwelling unit 1.66 per dwelling unit 2.29 per dwelling unit The equivalent unit factors are the ratio of the Assessments as allocated to each lot in each property class. These equivalent unit factors were based on the relative size of the average unit in each class. This method of assessing property has not been changed and Assessed Property will continue to be assessed as provided for in the Service and Assessment Plan. D. Update of the Assessment Roll The Assessment Roll is to be updated each year to reflect: The identification of each Assessed Parcel in the PID (including, if available, the tax parcel identification number for such Parcel), (ii) the Assessments, including any adjustments as provided for in this Service and Assessment Plan; (iii) the Annual Installment for the relevant year (if such Assessment is payable) for each Parcel; (iv) prepayments of the Assessments as provided for in this Service and Assessment Plan and (B) any other changes helpful to the administration of the PID and permitted by law. The Assessment Roll and a summary of the Assessment Roll are shown in Appendix E. Each parcel in the PID is identified, along with the Assessment on each Parcel and the Annual Installment to be collected from each parcel in each Improvement Area. Assessments are to be reallocated for the subdivision of any parcels. According to the Service and Assessment Plan, upon the subdivision of any Parcel, the Administrator shall reallocate the Assessment for the Parcel prior to the subdivision among the new subdivided Parcels according to the following formula: 13 A=Bx(C=D) Where the terms have the following meanings: A = the Assessment for each new subdivided Parcel. B = the Assessment for the Parcel prior to subdivision. C = the Equivalent Units allocated to each newly subdivided Parcel D = the sum of the Equivalent Units for all of the new subdivided Parcels There have been no additional parcel subdivisions within the PID applicable to the Annual Installments to be collected for 2010. Assessment Part A has been prepaid for nine lots through July 31, 2010. Table Q below shows a summary of these prepaid lots. According to the trustee for the Bonds, Series 2008A Bonds in the total amount of $78,000 have been redeemed with the prepayment proceeds as of July 31, 2010. Table Assessment Part A Prepayments As of July 31, 2010 Tax ID No Lot No. Land Use Class Equivalent Total Assessment Unit Part A Prepaid 310605 47 1 1 $6,438 R310607 49 3 2.29 $14,743 310628 65 1 1 $6,438 310629 66 1 1 $6,438 R310634 71 1 1 $6,438 310635 72 1 1 $6,438 310637 74 2 1.66 $10,687 R310658 95 2 1.66 $10,687 R310672 109 2 1.66 $10,687 Total 12.27 $78,994 The complete Assessment Roll updated as described herein is available at the City of Lubbock, Municipal Complex, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79401. E. Updates of Miscellaneous Provisions There are no additional updates to be included in the Annual Service Plan update for 2010. 14 Resolution No. 2010-RO421 Appendix A Revised Boundary Maps 15 Resolution No. 2010-RO421 — -- — ----- — ----- -- - ------- - -- - -- . . . ............. THE VINTAGE TOWNSHIP: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT MAPS OF THE IMPROVEMENT AREAS N L IL- 7 1 I - 11 - I I \ \ x 0 ---------- -------- - ........ % - ----- ------- -------- - ----- ... . ..... - --------- --------- 114th STREET ------ ----------- L................ . ........ IypRpyEyENf AREA, —==Doo SERIES FRASTRU(.'TURE) PORTION OF CONSTRUCTION WITH NO MOUtEMT ASSESSMENTS PORTION OF%eRaV9AENTAREAS AND NOT TO - DEVELOPED Aug� 01, M10 LAND Appendix B Summary of Original and Revised Assessments per Parcel 16 Resolution No. 2010-RO421 Appendix B Original and Revised Assessments Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Original Assessments Revised Assessments Tax Reference No. Lot No. Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total R310559 1 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R310560 2 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310561 3 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310562 4 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310563 5 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310564 6 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310565 7 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310566 8 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310567 9 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310568 10 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310569 11 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310570 12 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310571 13 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310572 14 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 l $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310573 15 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310574 16 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310575 17 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310576 18 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310577 19 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310578 20 I $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310579 21 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310580 22 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310581 23 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310582 24 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310583 25 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310584 26 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310585 27 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310586 28 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310587 29 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310588 30 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310589 31 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R310590 32 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310591 33 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310592 34 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310593 35 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310594 36 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310595 37 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310596 38 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310597 39 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310598 40 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310599 41 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310600 42 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310601 43 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310602 44 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310603 45 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310604 46 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310605 47 1 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1 Prepaid $0 $0 R310606 48 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R310607 49 2.29 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 2.29 Prepaid $0 $0 R310608 50 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310609 51 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310610 52 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310611 53 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310612 54 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 B - 1 Appendix B Original and Revised Assessments Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Tax Reference Original Assessments Revised Assessments No. Lot No. Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total R310613 55 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310614 56 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310615 57 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310616 58 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R310622 59 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R310623 60 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310624 61 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310625 62 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310626 63 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310627 64 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310628 65 1 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1 Prepaid $0 $0 R310629 66 1 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1 Prepaid $0 $0 R310630 67 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310631 68 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310632 69 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 L66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310633 70 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310634 71 1 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1 Prepaid $0 $0 R310635 72 1 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1 Prepaid $0 $0 R310636 73 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310637 74 1.66 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1.66 Prepaid $0 $0 R310638 75 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310639 76 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310640 77 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310641 78 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310642 79 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310643 80 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310644 81 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310645 82 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310646 83 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310647 84 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310648 85 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310649 86 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310650 87 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310651 88 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R310652 89 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310653 90 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310654 91 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310655 92 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310656 93 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310657 94 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310658 95 1.66 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1.66 Prepaid $0 $0 R310659 96 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310660 97 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310661 98 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310662 99 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310663 100 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310664 101 2.29 $14,743 $0 $14,743 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 R310665 102 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310666 103 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310667 104 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310668 105 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310669 106 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310670 107 1 $6,438 $0 $6,438 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 R310671 108 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 B-2 Appendix B Original and Revised Assessments Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Tax Reference Original Assessments Revised Assessments No. Lot No. Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total R310672 109 1.66 Prepaid $0 Prepaid 1.66 Prepaid $0 $0 R310673 110 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R310674 111 1.66 $10,687 $0 $10,687 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 R314854 112 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314855 113 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314856 114 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314857 115 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314858 116 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314859 117 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314860 118 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314861 119 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314862 120 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314863 121 1 $6,438 $6,555 $21,569 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314864 122 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314865 123 2.29 $14,743 $15,012 $29,755 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 R314866 124 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314867 125 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314868 126 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314869 127 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314870 128 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314871 129 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314872 130 2.29 $14,743 $15,012 $29,755 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 R314873 131 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R314874 132 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R314875 133 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R314876 134 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R314877 135 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314878 136 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314879 137 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314880 138 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314881 139 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314882 140 2.29 $14,743 $15,012 $29,755 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 R314883 141 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314884 142 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314885 143 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314886 144 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314887 145 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314888 146 2.29 $14,743 $15,012 $29,755 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 R314889 147 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314890 148 l $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314891 149 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314892 150 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314893 151 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314924 152 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314894 153 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314895 154 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314896 155 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314897 156 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314898 157 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314899 158 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314900 159 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 l $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314901 160 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314902 161 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 R314903 162 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 B-3 Appendix B Original and Revised Assessments Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Original Assessments Revised Assessments Tax Reference No. Lot No. Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total Equivalent Units Part A Part B Total R314904 163 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314905 164 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314906 165 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314907 166 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314908 167 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314909 168 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314910 169 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314911 170 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314912 171 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314913 172 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314914 173 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314925 174 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314915 175 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314916 176 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314917 177 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314918 178 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314919 179 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314926 180 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314920 181 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R314921 182 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314922 183 1 $6,438 $6,555 $12,993 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 R314923 184 1.66 $10,687 $10,882 $21,569 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 R311999 104.13 $670,389 $682,603 $1,344,386 106.38 $680,212 $689,400 $1,369,612 Total 340.64 $2,114,041 $1,279,000 $3,393,041 342.89 $2,114,041 $1,279,000 $3,393,041 B-4 Appendix C Diagram of the Improvement Proiect 17 Improvement Area 1 O Land provided for public improvements O Site Work O Founders Park ♦ Landscape (site preparation, plant materials, etc.) ♦ Handscape (Sidewalks, accessories, lighting, etc.) ♦ Other. Playground ♦ Other. Monument & Related ♦ Other. Patio & Outdoor Fireplace ♦ Irrigation O The Commons ♦ Landscape (sle preparation, plant materials, etc.) ♦ Handscape (Sidewalks, accessories, etc.) ♦ Other. Playground & Picnic Area ♦ Other: Garden Plaza ♦ irrigation O Market Square ♦ Landscape (site preparation, plant materials, etc.) ♦ Hardscape (Sidewalks, accessories, etc.) ♦ Irrigation O Townhome Park ♦ Landscape (site preparation, plant materials, etc.) ♦ Handscape (Sidewaks, accessories, etc.) ♦ Irrigation O Roundabouts (2) ♦ Landscape (site preparation, plant materials, etc.) ♦ Handscape (rollover pavers, planters, etc.) ♦ Other. Pubic Art or vertical stricture ♦ Irrigation O Parkway along 114th Street ♦ Landscape (site preparation, plant materials, etc.) ♦ Handscape (Sidewalks, 8ft fence) ♦ Irrigation O Master Irrigation System ♦ Well, Pump & Pump -house O Street Trees O Street Lighting & Signage O Community Signage O Relatted Soft Costs Exhibit Resolution No. 2010—R0421 Diagram of the Improvement Project Improvement Areas 1 & 2 Improvement Area 1 = Improvement Area 2= Improvement Area 2 O Land provided for public improvements O Site Work O Streets, Curbs and Gutters O Water Services O Sewer Services O Stormwater Sewer Services Resolution No. 2010-R0421 Appendix D The Improvement Proiect Improvement Project A Improvement Project B Original Budget Revised Original Budget Revised Budget Changes' Budget Budget Changes Budget Land $0 $0 $ $390,000 $0 $390,00 Site Preparation $288,511 $355,780 $644,291 $79,906 $0 $79,90 Drainage $136,232 ($136,232) $ $136,232 $0 $136,23 Streets and alleys $0 $0 $ $706,430 $0 $706,43 Walkways $0 $0 $ $59,523 $0 $59,523 Water and sewer $0 $0 $ $752,265 $0 $752,265 Lighting and street signs $154,683 ($25,693) $128,990 $4,107 $0 $4,10 Signage and monumentation $9,795 ($9,475) $32 $0 $0 $ Park features $1,081,340 ($7,593) $1,073,74 $0 $0 $ Roundabouts $67,795 $19,517 $87,31 $0 $0 $ Street trees and irrigation $412,091 ($213,590) $198,501 $0 $0 $ Sub -total hard costs $2,150,447 ($17,286) $2,133,161 $2,128,463 $0 $2,128,46 Project administration $84,884 $529 $85,413 $11,577 $0 $11,57 Master planning $67,012 $199,424 $266,43 $0 $0 $ Architectural design $102,862 ($102,862) $ $130 $0 $13 Engineering (civil) $239,216 $169,311 $408,527 $235,905 $0 $235,905 Engineering (other) $4,210 $3,464 $7,674 $8,952 $0 $8,95 Legal fees $7,720 $5,640 $13,360 $1,278 $0 $1,27 Regulatory and impact fees $8,032 ($5,902) $2,130 $20,563 $0 $20,563 Insurance and bonding $0 $4,107 $4,10 $0 $0 $ Sub -total soft costs $513,936 $273,711 $787,64 $278,405 $0 $278,40 Contingency $266,439 ($266,439) $ $248,901 $0 $248,901 Total $2,930,822 ($10,014) $2,920,804 $2,655,769 $0 $2,655,76 I the budget changes are shown in the most recent developer-s payment request submitted to the trustee. These costs are estimated and the actual costs may be different than estimates. Costs in one line item may be reallocated to another line item to reflect the actual costs incurred. 18 Appendix Resolution No. 2010-RO421 ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Summary Annual Installment Part A Annual Installment Part B Total Equivalent Assessments Collection Collection Collection Tax Reference No. Lot No. Units Part A Part B Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total R310559 1 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R310560 2 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310561 3 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310562 4 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310563 5 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310564 6 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310565 7 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310566 8 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310567 9 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310568 10 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310569 11 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310570 12 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310571 13 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310572 14 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310573 15 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310574 16 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310575 17 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310576 18 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310577 19 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310578 20 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310579 21 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310580 22 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310581 23 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310582 24 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310583 25 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310584 26 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310585 27 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310586 28 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310587 29 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310588 30 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310589 31 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R310590 32 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310591 33 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310592 34 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310593 35 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310594 36 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310595 37 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310596 38 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310597 39 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310598 40 1 1 $6,394 1 $0 1 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 E - 1 Appendix E ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Summary Annual Installment Part A Annual Installment Part B Total Equivalent Assessments Collection Collection Collection Tax Reference No. Lot No. Units Part A Part B Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total R310599 41 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310600 42 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310601 43 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310602 44 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310603 45 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310604 46 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310605 47 1 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310606 48 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R310607 49 2.29 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310608 50 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310609 51 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310610 52 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310611 53 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310612 54 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310613 55 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310614 56 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310615 57 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310616 58 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R310622 59 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R310623 60 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310624 61 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310625 62 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310626 63 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310627 64 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310628 65 1 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310629 66 1 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310630 67 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310631 68 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310632 69 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310633 70 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310634 71 1 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310635 72 1 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310636 73 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310637 74 1.66 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310638 75 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310639 76 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310640 77 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310641 78 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310642 79 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310643 80 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 E-2 Appendix E ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Summary Annual Installment Part A Annual Installment Part B Total Equivalent Assessments Collection Collection Collection Tax Reference No. Lot No. Units Part A Part B Total P&1 Costs Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total R310644 81 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310645 82 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310646 83 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310647 84 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310648 85 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310649 86 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310650 87 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310651 88 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R310652 89 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310653 90 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310654 91 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310655 92 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310656 93 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310657 94 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $86TI2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310658 95 1.66 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310659 96 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310660 97 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310661 98 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310662 99 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310663 100 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310664 101 2.29 $14,643 $0 $14,643 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 R310665 102 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310666 103 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310667 104 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310668 105 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310669 106 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310670 107 1 $6,394 $0 $6,394 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 R310671 108 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310672 109 1.66 Prepaid $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid R310673 110 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R310674 111 1.66 $10,614 $0 $10,614 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 R314854 112 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314855 113 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314856 114 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314857 115 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314858 116 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314859 117 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314860 118 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314861 119 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314862 120 1 1 $6,394 1 $6,481 1 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 E-3 Appendix E ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Summary Annual Installment Part A Annual Installment Part B Total Equivalent Assessments Collection Collection Collection Tax Reference No. Lot No. Units Part A Part B Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total R314863 121 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314864 122 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314865 123 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $1,106.09 $163.26 $1,269.35 $2,192.91 $272.64 $2,465.55 R314866 124 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314867 125 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314868 126 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314869 127 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314870 128 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314871 129 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314872 130 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $1,106.09 $163.26 $1,269.35 $2,192.91 $272.64 $2,465.55 R314873 131 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R314874 132 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R314875 133 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R314876 134 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R314877 135 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314878 136 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314879 137 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314880 138 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314881 139 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314882 140 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $1,106.09 $163.26 $1,269.35 $2,192.91 $272.64 $2,465.55 R314883 141 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314884 142 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314885 143 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314886 144 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314887 145 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314888 146 2.29 $14,643 $14,840 $29,483 $1,086.82 $109.38 $1,196.20 $1,106.09 $163.26 $1,269.35 $2,192.91 $272.64 $2,465.55 R314889 147 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314890 148 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314891 149 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314892 150 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314893 151 1.66 $1.0,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314924 152 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314894 153 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314895 154 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314896 155 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314897 156 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314898 157 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314899 158 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314900 159 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314901 160 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 E-4 Appendix E ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District 2010 Summary Annual Installment Part A Annual Installment Part B Total Equivalent Assessments Collection Collection Collection Tax Reference No. Lot No. Units Part A Part B Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total P&I Costs Total R314902 161 0 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 R314903 162 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314904 163 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314905 164 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314906 165 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314907 166 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314908 167 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314909 168 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314910 169 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314911 170 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314912 171 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314913 172 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957,60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314914 173 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314925 174 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314915 175 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314916 176 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314917 177 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314918 178 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314919 179 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314926 180 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314920 181 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R314921 182 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314922 183 1 $6,394 $6,481 $12,875 $474.59 $47.77 $522.36 $483.01 $71.29 $554.30 $957.60 $119.06 $1,076.66 R314923 184 1.66 $10,614 $10,758 $21,372 $787.83 $79.29 $867.12 $801.79 $118.35 $920.14 $1,589.62 $197.64 $1,787.26 R311999 106.38 $680,212 1 $689,400 1 $1,369,612 $50,487.39 $5,081.26 $55,568.65 $51,382.28 $7,584.2I $58,966.49 $101,869.67 $12,665.47 $114,535.13 342.89 $2,114,041 1 $1,279,000 1 $3,393,041 $156,910.52 $15,792.11 $172,702.63 $95,326.25 $14,070.50 $109,396.75 $252,236.77 $29,862.61 $282,099.38 Total E-5 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310559 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 1 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 16 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 18 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 20 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 21 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 22 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 23 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 24 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 25 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 26 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 27 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 28 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 29 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310560 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 2 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 S482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 S497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $59. $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 $62 $701 23 $649 $62 $712 $0 $0 $0 $649 $62 $712 24 $659 $63 $723 $0 $0 $0 $659 $63 $723 25 $669 $64 $733 $0 $0 $0 $669 $64 $733 26 $679 $65 $744 $0 $0 $0 $679 $65 $744 27 $689 $66 $756 $0 $0 $0 $689 $66 $756 28 $700 $67 $767 $0 $0 $0 $700 $67 $767 29 $710 $68 $778 $0 $0 $0 $710 $68 $778 30 $721 $69 $790 $0 $0 $0 $721 $69 $790 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R310561 1 3 1 Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 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Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 S497 S48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 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District Tax Reference ID No. R310565 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 7 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 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Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Total Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $523 $0 $0 $0 $477 $46 $523 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $484 $46 $531 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $491 $47 $539 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $499 $48 $547 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $506 $48 $555 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $514 $49 $563 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $522 $50 $572 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $529 $51 $580 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $537 $51 $589 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $545 $52 $598 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $554 $53 $607 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $562 $54 $616 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $570 $55 $625 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $579 $55 $634 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $588 $56 $644 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $596 $57 $654 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $605 $58 $663 I9 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $614 $59 $673 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $624 $60 $683 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $633 $61 $694 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 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Reference ID No. R310570 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 12 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 S46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 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Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 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ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: R310575 1 17 1 Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Year Calendar Principal Year and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Total Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 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Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 S489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 S48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 S48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 S49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 $62 $701 23 $649 $62 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ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R310580 1 22 1 Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Total Year Calendar Principal Year and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 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$0 $700 $67 $767 29 $710 $68 $778 $0 $0 $0 $710 $68 $778 30 $721 $69 $790 $0 $0 $0 $721 $69 $790 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310582 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 24 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part S Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 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Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 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$778 30 $721 $69 $790 $0 $0 $0 $721 $69 $790 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R310585 1 27 1 Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Total Year Calendar Principal Year and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 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Interest Total Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 S482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 S489 $47 $536 5 $497 S48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 $62 $701 23 $649 $62 $712 $0 $0 $0 $649 $62 $712 24 $659 $63 $723 $0 $0 $0 $659 $63 $723 25 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Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 S41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 S46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 S497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 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Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 $62 $701 23 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Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R310592 1 34 1 Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 S41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 S46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 S48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 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$767 $0 $0 $0 $700 $67 $767 29 $710 $68 $778 $0 $0 $0 $710 $68 $778 30 $721 $69 $790 $0 $0 $0 $721 $69 $790 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R310594 1 36 1 Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 S46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 S48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 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Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 S41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 S46 $521 3 $482 S46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 S489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 S497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 $62 $701 23 $649 $62 $712 $0 $0 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1 Lot No. 39 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 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$767 29 $710 $68 $778 $0 $0 $0 $710 $68 $778 30 $721 $69 $790 $0 $0 $0 $721 $69 $790 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310599 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 41 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 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Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 $671 $0 $0 $0 $612 $59 $671 20 $621 $60 $681 $0 $0 $0 $621 $60 $681 21 $630 $61 $691 $0 $0 $0 $630 $61 $691 22 $640 $62 $701 $0 $0 $0 $640 $62 $701 23 $649 $62 $712 $0 $0 $0 $649 $62 $712 24 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Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 $641 $0 $0 $0 $585 $56 $641 17 $594 $57 $651 $0 $0 $0 $594 $57 $651 18 $603 $58 $661 $0 $0 $0 $603 $58 $661 19 $612 $59 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Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 2 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 3 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 4 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 5 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 6 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 7 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 8 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 9 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 10 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 11 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 12 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 13 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 14 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 15 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 16 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid 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Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 58 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 16 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 20 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 21 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 22 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 23 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 24 $0 $0 $0 $0 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ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310625 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 62 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $0.00 $10,614.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 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Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 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$68 $778 $0 $0 $0 $710 $68 $778 30 $721 $69 $790 $0 $0 $0 $721 $69 $790 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310628 Improvement Area I Lot No. 65 Phase I Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: Prepaid $0.00 Prepaid Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 2 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 3 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 4 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 5 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 6 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 7 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 8 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 9 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid 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Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 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Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310634 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 71 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: Prepaid $0.00 Prepaid Part, A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 2 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 3 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 4 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 5 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 6 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 7 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 8 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 9 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 10 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 11 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ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R310637 l 74 l Part A Part B Total Prepaid $0.00 Prepaid Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 2 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 3 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 4 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 5 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 6 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 7 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 8 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 9 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 10 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid $0 $0 $0 Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid 11 Prepaid Prepaid 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Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Part A Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District R310640 1 77 1 Part A Part B Total $14,643.00 $0.00 $14,643.00 Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $1,088 $94 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,088 $94 $1,182 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $0 $0 $0 $1,088 $105 $1,192 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $0 $0 $0 $1,104 $106 $1,210 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $0 $0 $0 $1,121 $108 $1,228 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $0 $0 $0 $1,137 $109 $1,247 6 $1,155 $111 $1,266 $0 $0 $0 $1,155 $111 $1,266 7 $1,172 $113 $1,285 $0 $0 $0 $1,172 $113 $1,285 8 $1,189 $114 $1,304 $0 $0 $0 $1,189 $114 $1,304 9 $1,207 $116 $1,323 $0 $0 $0 $1,207 $116 $1,323 10 $1,225 $118 $1,343 $0 $0 $0 $1,225 $118 $1,343 11 $1,244 $120 $1,363 $0 $0 $0 $1,244 $120 $1,363 12 $1,262 $121 $1,384 $0 $0 $0 $1,262 $121 $1,384 13 $1,281 $123 $1,405 $0 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R310641 1 78 1 Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $0.00 $10,614.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,078 $104 $1,182 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $0 $0 $0 $1,094 $105 $1,199 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $0 $0 $0 $1,111 $107 $1,217 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $0 $0 $0 $1,127 $108 $1,236 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $0 $0 $0 $1,144 $110 $1,254 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $0 $0 $0 $1,161 $112 $1,273 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $0 $0 $0 $1,179 $113 $1,292 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 $115 $1,311 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310642 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 79 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $0.00 $10,614.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $10I $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 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Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $0.00 $10,614.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,078 $104 $1,182 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $0 $0 $0 $1,094 $105 $1,199 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $0 $0 $0 $1,111 $107 $1,217 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $0 $0 $0 $1,127 $108 $1,236 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $0 $0 $0 $1,144 $110 $1,254 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $0 $0 $0 $1,161 $112 $1,273 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $0 $0 $0 $1,179 $113 $1,292 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 $115 $1,311 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Calendar Year Year Principal and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Part A $10,614.00 Principal and Interest Part B $0.00 Total Annual Collection Costs R310646 1 83 1 Total $10,614.00 Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931, $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,078 $104 $1,182 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $0 $0 $0 $1,094 $105 $1,199 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $0 $0 $0 $1,111 $107 $1,217 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $0 $0 $0 $1,127 $108 $1,236 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $0 $0 $0 $1,144 $110 $1,254 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $0 $0 $0 $1,161 $112 $1,273 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $0 $0 $0 $1,179 $113 $1,292 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 $115 $1,311 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310647 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 84 Phase I Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $14,643.00 $0.00 $14,643.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $1,088 $94 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,088 $94 $1,182 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $0 $0 $0 $1,088 $105 $1,192 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $0 $0 $0 $1,104 $106 $1,210 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $0 $0 $0 $1,121 $108 $1,228 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $0 $0 $0 $1,137 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Improvement Area i Lot No. 87 Phase I Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $14,643.00 $0.00 $14,643.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $1,088 $94 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,088 $94 $1,182 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $0 $0 $0 $1,088 $105 $1,192 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $0 $0 $0 $1,104 $106 $1,210 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $0 $0 $0 $1,121 $108 $1,228 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $0 $0 $0 $1,137 $109 $1,247 6 $1,155 $111 $1,266 $0 $0 $0 $1,155 $111 $1,266 7 $1,172 $113 $1,285 $0 $0 $0 $1,172 $113 $1,285 8 $1,189 $114 $1,304 $0 $0 $0 $1,189 $114 $1,304 9 $1,207 $116 $1,323 $0 $0 $0 $1,207 $116 $1,323 10 $1,225 $118 $1,343 $0 $0 $0 $1,225 $118 $1,343 11 $1,244 $120 $1,363 $0 $0 $0 $1,244 $120 $1,363 12 $1,262 $121 $1,384 $0 $0 $0 $1,262 $121 $1,384 13 $1,281 $123 $1,405 $0 $0 $0 $1,281 $123 $1,405 14 $1,301 $125 $1,426 $0 $0 $0 $1,301 $125 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Year and Interest Annual Collection Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Part B Annual Principal Collection and Interest Costs Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 R310651 1 88 1 Part A $0.00 Part B $0.00 Total Total $0.00 Annual Principal Collection and Interest Costs Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 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ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R310653 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 90 Phase 1 Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $0.00 $6,394.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $475 $41 $516 $0 $0 $0 $475 $41 $516 2 $475 $46 $521 $0 $0 $0 $475 $46 $521 3 $482 $46 $529 $0 $0 $0 $482 $46 $529 4 $489 $47 $536 $0 $0 $0 $489 $47 $536 5 $497 $48 $544 $0 $0 $0 $497 $48 $544 6 $504 $48 $553 $0 $0 $0 $504 $48 $553 7 $512 $49 $561 $0 $0 $0 $512 $49 $561 8 $519 $50 $569 $0 $0 $0 $519 $50 $569 9 $527 $51 $578 $0 $0 $0 $527 $51 $578 10 $535 $51 $587 $0 $0 $0 $535 $51 $587 11 $543 $52 $595 $0 $0 $0 $543 $52 $595 12 $551 $53 $604 $0 $0 $0 $551 $53 $604 13 $560 $54 $613 $0 $0 $0 $560 $54 $613 14 $568 $55 $623 $0 $0 $0 $568 $55 $623 15 $576 $55 $632 $0 $0 $0 $576 $55 $632 16 $585 $56 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$68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,078 $104 $1,182 24 $1,094 $105 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Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 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1 96 1 Total $10,614.00 Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 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Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $0.00 $10,614.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 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and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 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Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 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Costs Total 1 $789 $68 $857 $0 $0 $0 $789 $68 $857 2 $789 $76 $864 $0 $0 $0 $789 $76 $864 3 $800 $77 $877 $0 $0 $0 $800 $77 $877 4 $812 $78 $890 $0 $0 $0 $812 $78 $890 5 $825 $79 $904 $0 $0 $0 $825 $79 $904 6 $837 $80 $917 $0 $0 $0 $837 $80 $917 7 $849 $82 $931 $0 $0 $0 $849 $82 $931 8 $862 $83 $945 $0 $0 $0 $862 $83 $945 9 $875 $84 $959 $0 $0 $0 $875 $84 $959 10 $888 $85 $974 $0 $0 $0 $888 $85 $974 11 $902 $87 $988 $0 $0 $0 $902 $87 $988 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $0 $0 $0 $915 $88 $1,003 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $0 $0 $0 $929 $89 $1,018 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $0 $0 $0 $943 $91 $1,033 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $0 $0 $0 $957 $92 $1,049 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $0 $0 $0 $971 $93 $1,065 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 $986 $95 $1,081 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $0 $0 $0 $1,001 $96 $1,097 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $1,016 $98 $1,113 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $1,031 $99 $1,130 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $0 $0 $0 $1,046 $101 $1,147 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $0 $0 $0 $1,062 $102 $1,164 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $0 $0 $0 $1,078 $104 $1,182 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$1,196 $115 $1,311 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 $115 $1,311 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314854 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 112 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314855 113 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314856 1 114 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314857 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 115 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $I,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314858 1 116 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314859 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 117 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 S491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314860 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 118 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314861 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 119 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314862 1 120 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314863 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 121 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314864 1 122 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314865 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 123 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $14,643.00 $14,840.00 $29,483.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $1,107 $163 $1,270 $2,195 $267 $2,462 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $1,124 $165 $1,289 $2,228 $271 $2,499 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $1,141 $167 $1,308 $2,261 $275 $2,536 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $1,158 $170 $1,328 $2,295 $279 $2,575 6 $1,155 $111 $1,266 $1,175 $173 $1,348 $2,330 $284 $2,613 7 $1,172 $113 $1,285 $1,193 $175 $1,368 $2,365 $288 $2,652 8 $1,189 $114 $1,304 $1,211 $178 $1,388 $2,400 $292 $2,692 9 $1,207 $116 $1,323 $1,229 $180 $1,409 $2,436 $297 $2,733 10 $1,225 $118 $1,343 $1,247 $183 $1,430 $2,473 $301 $2,773 11 $1,244 $120 $1,363 $1,266 $186 $1,452 $2,510 $305 $2,815 12 $1,262 $121 $1,384 $1,285 $189 $1,473 $2,547 $310 $2,857 13 $1,281 $123 $1,405 $1,304 $191 $1,496 $2,585 $315 $2,900 14 $1,301 $125 $1,426 $1,324 $194 $1,518 $2,624 $319 $2,944 15 $1,320 $127 $1,447 $1,344 $197 $1,541 $2,664 $324 $2,988 16 $1,340 $129 $1,469 $1,364 $200 $1,564 $2,704 $329 $3,033 17 $1,360 $131 $1,491 $1,384 $203 $1,587 $2,744 $334 $3,078 18 $1,380 $133 $1,513 $1,405 $206 $1,611 $2,785 $339 $3,124 19 $1,401 $135 $1,536 $1,426 $209 $1,635 $2,827 $344 $3,171 20 $1,422 $137 $1,559 $1,447 $213 $1,660 $2,869 $349 $3,219 21 $1,443 $139 $1,582 $1,469 $216 $1,685 $2,913 $355 $3,267 22 $1,465 $141 $1,606 $1,491 $219 $1,710 $2,956 $360 $3,316 23 $1,487 $143 $1,630 $1,513 $222 $1,736 $3,001 $365 $3,366 24 $1,509 $145 $1,655 $1,536 $226 $1,762 $3,046 $371 $3,416 25 $1,532 $147 $1,679 $1,559 $229 $1,788 $3,091 $376 $3,468 26 $1,555 $150 $1,705 $1,583 $232 $1,815 $3,138 $382 $3,520 27 $1,578 $152 $1,730 $1,606 $236 $1,842 $3,185 $388 $3,572 28 $1,602 $154 $1,756 $1,630 $239 $1,870 $3,232 $393 $3,626 29 $1,626 $156 $1,782 $1,655 $243 $1,898 $3,281 $399 $3,680 30 $1,650 $159 $1,809 $1,680 $247 $1,926 $3,330 $405 $3,735 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference 1D No. R314866 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 124 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314867 Improvement Area 1 Lot No, 125 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 1.8 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314868 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 126 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Calendar Year Year Principal and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Part A $10,614.00 Principal and Interest Part B $10,758.00 Total Annual Collection Costs R314869 1 127 2A Total $21,372.00 Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Calendar Year Year Principal and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Part A $6,394.00 Principal and Interest Part B $6,481.00 Total Annual Collection Costs R314870 I 128 2A Total $12,875.00 Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314871 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 129 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314872 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 130 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $14,643.00 $14,840.00 $29,483.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $1,107 $163 $1,270 $2,195 $267 $2,462 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $1,124 $165 $1,289 $2,228 $271 $2,499 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $1,141 $167 $1,308 $2,261 $275 $2,536 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $1,158 $170 $1,328 $2,295 $279 $2,575 6 $1,155 $111 $1,266 $1,175 $173 $1,348 $2,330 $284 $2,613 7 $1,172 $113 $1,285 $1,193 $175 $1,368 $2,365 $288 $2,652 8 $1,189 $114 $1,304 $1,211 $178 $1,388 $2,400 $292 $2,692 9 $1,207 $116 $1,323 $1,229 $180 $1,409 $2,436 $297 $2,733 10 $1,225 $118 $1,343 $1,247 $183 $1,430 $2,473 $301 $2,773 11 $1,244 $120 $1,363 $1,266 $186 $1,452 $2,510 $305 $2,815 12 $1,262 $121 $1,384 $1,285 $189 $1,473 $2,547 $310 $2,857 13 $1,281 $123 $1,405 $1,304 $191 $1,496 $2,585 $315 $2,900 14 $1,301 $125 $1,426 $1,324 $194 $1,518 $2,624 $319 $2,944 15 $1,320 $127 $1,447 $1,344 $197 $1,541 $2,664 $324 $2,988 16 $1,340 $129 $1,469 $1,364 $200 $1,564 $2,704 $329 $3,033 17 $1,360 $131 $1,491 $1,384 $203 $1,587 $2,744 $334 $3,078 18 $1,380 $133 $1,513 $1,405 $206 $1,611 $2,785 $339 $3,124 19 $1,401 $135 $1,536 $1,426 $209 $1,635 $2,827 $344 $3,171 20 $1,422 $137 $1,559 $1,447 $213 $1,660 $2,869 $349 $3,219 21 $1,443 $139 $1,582 $1,469 $216 $1,685 $2,913 $355 $3,267 22 $1,465 $141 $1,606 $1,491 $219 $1,710 $2,956 $360 $3,316 23 $1,487 $143 $1,630 $1,513 $222 $1,736 $3,001 $365 $3,366 24 $1,509 $145 $1,655 $1,536 $226 $1,762 $3,046 $371 $3,416 25 $1,532 $147 $1,679 $1,559 $229 $1,788 $3,091 $376 $3,468 26 $1,555 $150 $1,705 $1,583 $232 $1,815 $3,138 $382 $3,520 27 $1,578 $152 $1,730 $1,606 $236 $1,842 $3,185 S388 $3,572 28 $1,602 $154 $1,756 $1,630 $239 $1,870 $3,232 $393 $3,626 29 $1,626 $156 $1,782 $1,655 $243 $1,898 $3,281 $399 $3,680 30 $1,650 $159 $1,809 $1,680 $247 $1,926 $3,330 $405 $3,735 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Calendar Year Year Principal and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Part A $0.00 Principal and Interest Part B $0.00 Total Annual Collection Costs R314873 1 131 2A Total $0.00 Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 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Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 16 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 18 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 20 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 21 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 22 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 23 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 24 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 25 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 26 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 27 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 28 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 29 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314876 Improvement Area 1 Lot No, 134 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 16 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 18 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 20 $0 $0 $0 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$206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 1.8 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 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$1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314880 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 138 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No, Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314881 1 139 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $I,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Tax Reference ID No, Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314882 1 140 2A Part A Part B Total $14,643.00 $14,840.00 $29,483.00 Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $1,107 $163 $1,270 $2,195 $267 $2,462 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $1,124 $165 $1,289 $2,228 $271 $2,499 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $1,141 $167 $1,308 $2,261 $275 $2,536 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $1,158 $170 $1,328 $2,295 $279 $2,575 6 $1,155 $111 $1,266 $1,175 $173 $1,348 $2,330 $284 $2,613 7 $1,172 $113 $1,285 $1,193 $175 $1,368 $2,365 $288 $2,652 8 $1,189 $114 $1,304 $1,211 $178 $1,388 $2,400 $292 $2,692 9 $1,207 $116 $1,323 $1,229 $180 $1,409 $2,436 $297 $2,733 10 $1,225 $118 $1,343 $1,247 $183 $1,430 $2,473 $301 $2,773 11 $1,244 $120 $1,363 $1,266 $186 $1,452 $2,510 $305 $2,815 12 $1,262 $121 $1,384 $1,285 $189 $1,473 $2,547 $310 $2,857 13 $1,281 $123 $1,405 $1,304 $191 $1,496 $2,585 $315 $2,900 14 $1,301 $125 $1,426 $1,324 $194 $1,518 $2,624 $319 $2,944 15 $1,320 $127 $1,447 $1,344 $197 $1,541 $2,664 $324 $2,988 16 $1,340 $129 $1,469 $1,364 $200 $1,564 $2,704 $329 $3,033 17 $1,360 $131 $1,491 $1,384 $203 $1,587 $2,744 $334 $3,078 I8 $1,380 $133 $1,513 $I,405 $206 $1,611 $2,785 $339 $3,124 I9 $1,401 $135 $1,536 $1,426 $209 $1,635 $2,827 $344 $3,171 20 $1,422 $137 $1,559 $1,447 $213 $1,660 $2,869 $349 $3,219 21 $1,443 $139 $1,582 $1,469 $216 $1,685 $2,913 $355 $3,267 22 $1,465 $141 $1,606 $1,491 $219 $1,710 $2,956 $360 $3,316 23 $1,487 $143 $1,630 $1,513 $222 $1,736 $3,001 $365 $3,366 24 $1,509 $145 $1,655 $1,536 $226 $1,762 $3,046 $371 $3,416 25 $1,532 $147 $1,679 $1,559 $229 $1,788 $3,091 $376 $3,468 26 $1,555 $150 $1,705 $1,583 $232 $1,815 $3,138 $382 $3,520 27 $1,578 $152 $1,730 $1,606 $236 $1,842 $3,185 $388 $3,572 28 $1,602 $154 $1,756 $1,630 $239 $1,870 $3,232 $393 $3,626 29 $1,626 $156 $1,782 $1,655 $243 $1,898 $3,281 $399 $3,680 30 $1,650 $159 $1,809 $1,680 $247 $1,926 $3,330 $405 $3,735 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314883 1 141 2A Part A Part B Total $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Total Year Calendar Principal Year and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314884 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 142 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $5l $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314885 1 143 2A Part A Part B Total $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 I5 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314886 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 144 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314887 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 145 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314888 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 146 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $14,643.00 $14,840.00 $29,483.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $1,088 $105 $1,192 $1,107 $163 $1,270 $2,195 $267 $2,462 3 $1,104 $106 $1,210 $1,124 $165 $1,289 $2,228 $271 $2,499 4 $1,121 $108 $1,228 $1,141 $167 $1,308 $2,261 $275 $2,536 5 $1,137 $109 $1,247 $1,158 $170 $1,328 $2,295 $279 $2,575 6 $1,155 $111 $1,266 $1,175 $173 $1,348 $2,330 $284 $2,613 7 $1,172 $113 $1,285 $1,193 $175 $1,368 $2,365 $288 $2,652 8 $1,189 $114 $1,304 $1,211 $178 $1,388 $2,400 $292 $2,692 9 $1,207 $116 $1,323 $1,229 $180 $1,409 $2,436 $297 $2,733 10 $1,225 $118 $1,343 $1,247 $183 $1,430 $2,473 $301 $2,773 11 $1,244 $120 $1,363 $1,266 $186 $1,452 $2,510 $305 $2,815 12 $1,262 $121 $1,384 $1,285 $189 $1,473 $2,547 $31.0 $2,857 13 $1,281 $123 $1,405 $1,304 $191 $1,496 $2,585 $315 $2,900 14 $1,301 $125 $1,426 $1,324 $194 $1,51.8 $2,624 $319 $2,944 15 $1,320 $127 $1,447 $1,344 $197 $1,541 $2,664 $324 $2,988 16 $1,340 $129 $1,469 $1,364 $200 $1,564 $2,704 $329 $3,033 17 $1,360 $131 $1,491 $1,384 $203 $1,587 $2,744 $334 $3,078 18 $1,380 $133 $1,513 $1,405 $206 $1,611 $2,785 $339 $3,124 19 $1,401 $135 $1,536 $1,426 $209 $1,635 $2,827 $344 $3,171 20 $1,422 $137 $1,559 $1,447 $213 $1,660 $2,869 $349 $3,219 21 $1,443 $139 $1,582 $1,469 $216 $1,685 $2,913 $355 $3,267 22 $1,465 $141 $1,606 $1,491 $219 $1,710 $2,956 $360 $3,316 23 $1,487 $143 $1,630 $1,513 $222 $1,736 $3,001 $365 $3,366 24 $1,509 $145 $1,655 $1,536 $226 $1,762 $3,046 $371 $3,416 25 $1,532 $147 $1,679 $1,559 $229 $1,788 $3,091 $376 $3,468 26 $1,555 $150 $1,705 $1,583 $232 $1,815 $3,138 $382 $3,520 27 $1,578 $152 $1,730 $1,606 $236 $1,842 $3,185 $388 $3,572 28 $1,602 $154 $1,756 $1,630 $239 $1,870 $3,232 $393 $3,626 29 $1,626 $156 $1,782 $1,655 $243 $1,898 $3,281 $399 $3,680 30 $1,650 $159 $1,809 $1,680 $247 $1,926 $3,330 $405 $3,735 Tax Reference 1D No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314889 1 147 2A Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314890 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 148 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 I7 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314891 1 149 2A Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 1.4 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314892 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 150 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,1.76 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314893 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 151 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Calendar Year Year Principal and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Part A $6,394.00 Principal and Interest Part B $6,481.00 Total Annual Collection Costs 11314924 1 152 2A Total $12,875.00 Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314894 1 153 2A Part A Part B Total $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141. 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 I2 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314895 1 154 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $1.57 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314896 1 155 2A Part A Part B Total $10,61.4.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,1.47 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $11.3 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Part A Part B R314897 1 156 2A Part A Part B Total $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Total Year Calendar Principal Year and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Annual Collection Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314898 1 157 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference 1D No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314899 1 158 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314900 1 159 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 I3 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314901 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 160 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1313 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $11.0 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314902 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 161 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 15 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 16 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 18 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 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$852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference 1D No. R314904 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 163 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,946 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $Ll13 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314905 1 164 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: Calendar Year Year Principal and Interest Part A Annual Collection Costs Total Principal and Interest Part B Annual Collection Costs Total Part A $6,394.00 Principal and Interest Part B $6,481.00 Total Annual Collection Costs R314906 1 165 2A Total $12,875.00 Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 I1 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 I7 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314907 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 166 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 1.6 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314908 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 167 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No, R314909 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 168 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314910 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 169 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $I27 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $I,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314911 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 170 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $67I $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314912 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 171 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 1.4 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314913 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 172 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 S46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314914 1 173 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,1.12 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314925 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 174 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314915 175 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,1.64 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314916 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 176 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314917 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 177 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875,00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,01.7 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314918 Improvement Area I Lot No. 178 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314919 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 179 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314926 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 180 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314920 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 181 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $84 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 16 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314921 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 182 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 S46 $521 $483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 S497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. R314922 Improvement Area 1 Lot No. 183 Phase 2A Assessment Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $6,394.00 $6,481.00 $12,875.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $475 $46 $521 S483 $71 $554 $958 $117 $1,075 3 $482 $46 $529 $491 $72 $563 $973 $118 $1,091 4 $489 $47 $536 $498 $73 $571 $987 $120 $1,108 5 $497 $48 $544 $506 $74 $580 $1,002 $122 $1,124 6 $504 $48 $553 $513 $75 $588 $1,017 $124 $1,141 7 $512 $49 $561 $521 $76 $597 $1,033 $126 $1,158 8 $519 $50 $569 $529 $78 $606 $1,048 $128 $1,176 9 $527 $51 $578 $537 $79 $615 $1,064 $129 $1,193 10 $535 $51 $587 $545 $80 $625 $1,080 $131 $1,211 11 $543 $52 $595 $553 $81 $634 $1,096 $133 $1,229 12 $551 $53 $604 $561 $82 $643 $1,112 $135 $1,248 13 $560 $54 $613 $569 $84 $653 $1,129 $137 $1,266 14 $568 $55 $623 $578 $85 $663 $1,146 $139 $1,285 15 $576 $55 $632 $587 $86 $673 $1,163 $142 $1,305 16 $585 $56 $641 $595 $87 $683 $1,181 $144 $1,324 17 $594 $57 $651 $604 $89 $693 $1,198 $146 $1,344 18 $603 $58 $661 $613 $90 $704 $1,216 $148 $1,364 19 $612 $59 $671 $623 $91 $714 $1,235 $150 $1,385 20 $621 $60 $681 $632 $93 $725 $1,253 $153 $1,406 21 $630 $61 $691 $642 $94 $736 $1,272 $155 $1,427 22 $640 $62 $701 $651 $96 $747 $1,291 $157 $1,448 23 $649 $62 $712 $661 $97 $758 $1,310 $159 $1,470 24 $659 $63 $723 $671 $99 $769 $1,330 $162 $1,492 25 $669 $64 $733 $681 $100 $781 $1,350 $164 $1,514 26 $679 $65 $744 $691 $101 $793 $1,370 $167 $1,537 27 $689 $66 $756 $701 $103 $804 $1,391 $169 $1,560 28 $700 $67 $767 $712 $105 $817 $1,412 $172 $1,583 29 $710 $68 $778 $723 $106 $829 $1,433 $174 $1,607 30 $721 $69 $790 $734 $108 $841 $1,454 $177 $1,631 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment R314923 1 184 2A Part A Part B Total Annual Installment: $10,614.00 $10,758.00 $21,372.00 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 $789 $76 $864 $803 $118 $920 $1,591 $194 $1,785 3 $800 $77 $877 $815 $120 $934 $1,615 $197 $1,812 4 $812 $78 $890 $827 $121 $948 $1,639 $200 $1,839 5 $825 $79 $904 $839 $123 $962 $1,664 $203 $1,866 6 $837 $80 $917 $852 $125 $977 $1,689 $206 $1,894 7 $849 $82 $931 $865 $127 $991 $1,714 $209 $1,923 8 $862 $83 $945 $878 $129 $1,006 $1,740 $212 $1,952 9 $875 $94 $959 $891 $131 $1,021 $1,766 $215 $1,981 10 $888 $85 $974 $904 $133 $1,037 $1,792 $218 $2,010 11 $902 $87 $988 $918 $135 $1,052 $1,819 $221 $2,041 12 $915 $88 $1,003 $931 $137 $1,068 $1,846 $225 $2,071 13 $929 $89 $1,018 $945 $139 $1,084 $1,874 $228 $2,102 14 $943 $91 $1,033 $960 $141 $1,100 $1,902 $232 $2,134 15 $957 $92 $1,049 $974 $143 $1,117 $1,931 $235 $2,166 1.6 $971 $93 $1,065 $989 $145 $1,134 $1,960 $239 $2,198 17 $986 $95 $1,081 $1,003 $147 $1,151 $1,989 $242 $2,231 18 $1,001 $96 $1,097 $1,018 $150 $1,168 $2,019 $246 $2,265 19 $1,016 $98 $1,113 $1,034 $152 $1,185 $2,049 $249 $2,299 20 $1,031 $99 $1,130 $1,049 $154 $1,203 $2,080 $253 $2,333 21 $1,046 $101 $1,147 $1,065 $156 $1,221 $2,111 $257 $2,368 22 $1,062 $102 $1,164 $1,081 $159 $1,240 $2,143 $261 $2,404 23 $1,078 $104 $1,182 $1,097 $161 $1,258 $2,175 $265 $2,440 24 $1,094 $105 $1,199 $1,114 $164 $1,277 $2,208 $269 $2,476 25 $1,111 $107 $1,217 $1,130 $166 $1,296 $2,241 $273 $2,514 26 $1,127 $108 $1,236 $1,147 $168 $1,316 $2,274 $277 $2,551 27 $1,144 $110 $1,254 $1,164 $171 $1,335 $2,309 $281 $2,590 28 $1,161 $112 $1,273 $1,182 $174 $1,355 $2,343 $285 $2,628 29 $1,179 $113 $1,292 $1,200 $176 $1,376 $2,378 $289 $2,668 30 $1,196 $115 $1,311 $1,218 $179 $1,396 $2,414 $294 $2,708 Exhibit D ASSESSMENT ROLL Vintage Public Improvement District Tax Reference ID No. Improvement Area Lot No. Phase Assessment Annual Installment: R311999 1 185 - 255 2 Part A Part B Total $680,211.80 $689,400.18 $1,369,611.99 Part A Part B Total Annual Annual Annual Calendar Principal Collection Principal Collection Principal Collection Year Year and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total and Interest Costs Total 1 $92,681 $8,021 $100,702 $0 $0 $0 $92,681 $8,021 $100,702 2 $49,150 $4,727 $53,877 $50,023 $7,345 $57,368 $99,173 $12,071 $111,244 3 $50,487 $5,081 $55,569 $51,382 $7,584 $58,966 $101,870 $12,665 $114,535 4 $51,245 $5,157 $56,402 $52,153 $7,698 $59,851 $103,398 $12,855 $116,253 5 $52,013 $5,235 $57,248 $52,935 $7,813 $60,749 $104,949 $13,048 $117,997 6 $52,794 $5,313 $58,107 $53,729 $7,931 $61,660 $106,523 $13,244 $119,767 7 $53,585 $5,393 $58,979 $54,535 $8,050 $62,585 $108,121 $13,443 $121,563 8 $54,389 $5,474 $59,863 $55,353 $8,170 $63,524 $109,743 $13,644 $123,387 9 $55,205 $5,556 $60,761 $56,184 $8,293 $64,477 $111,389 $13,849 $125,238 10 $56,033 $5,639 $61,673 $57,026 $8,417 $65,444 $113,060 $14,057 $127,116 11 $56,874 $5,724 $62,598 $57,882 $8,544 $66,425 $114,755 $14,268 $129,023 12 $57,727 $5,810 $63,537 $58,750 $8,672 $67,422 $116,477 $14,482 $130,958 13 $58,593 $5,897 $64,490 $59,631 $8,802 $68,433 $118,224 $14,699 $132,923 14 $59,472 $5,985 $65,457 $60,526 $8,934 $69,460 $119,997 $14,919 $134,917 15 $60,364 $6,075 $66,439 $61,434 $9,068 $70,501 $121,797 $15,143 $136,940 16 $61,269 $6,166 $67,435 $62,355 $9,204 $71,559 $123,624 $15,370 $138,994 17 $62,188 $6,259 $68,447 $63,290 $9,342 $72,632 $125,479 $15,601 $141,079 18 $63,121 $6,353 $69,474 $64,240 $9,482 $73,722 $127,361 $15,835 $143,196 19 $64,068 $6,448 $70,516 $65,203 $9,624 $74,828 $129,271 $16,072 $145,343 20 $65,029 $6,545 $71,574 $66,181 $9,769 $75,950 $131,210 $16,313 $147,524 21 $66,004 $6,643 $72,647 $67,174 $9,915 $77,089 $133,178 $16,558 $149,736 22 $66,994 $6,743 $73,737 $68,182 $10,064 $78,246 $135,176 $16,806 $151,982 23 $67,999 $6,844 $74,843 $69,204 $10,215 $79,419 $137,204 $17,059 $154,262 24 $69,019 $6,946 $75,966 $70,243 $10,368 $80,611 $139,262 $17,314 $156,576 25 $70,054 $7,051 $77,105 $71,296 $10,524 $81,820 $141,351 $17,574 $158,925 26 $71,105 $7,156 $78,262 $72,366 $10,681 $83,047 $143,471 $17,838 $161,309 27 $72,172 $7,264 $79,436 $73,451 $10,842 $84,293 $145,623 $18,105 $163,728 28 $73,254 $7,373 $80,627 $74,553 $11,004 $85,557 $147,807 $18,377 $166,184 29 $74,353 $7,483 $81,836 $75,671 $11,169 $86,841 $150,024 $18,653 $168,677 30 $75,469 $7,595 $83,064 $76,806 $11,337 $88,143 $152,275 $18,932 $171,207